1 00:00:53,095 --> 00:00:54,721 Why did you wanna hide this? 2 00:00:55,931 --> 00:00:56,932 [knocking] 3 00:00:57,432 --> 00:00:59,059 - Who is it? - [porter] Porter. 4 00:01:00,435 --> 00:01:01,436 [Juliette] Two secs. 5 00:01:07,526 --> 00:01:09,319 [breathes heavily] 6 00:01:11,613 --> 00:01:12,614 Thanks. 7 00:01:24,543 --> 00:01:28,088 I'm guessing he had his skull crushed in with the butt of his own shotgun. 8 00:01:29,506 --> 00:01:30,841 It couldn't have been easy. 9 00:01:31,758 --> 00:01:34,887 Marnes was made of iron, anger and spite. 10 00:01:34,887 --> 00:01:36,096 Who are you? 11 00:01:36,680 --> 00:01:38,473 - This is Paul Billings. He's your-- - [Juliette] Oh. 12 00:01:38,473 --> 00:01:40,100 That's the guy you wanted to be sheriff. 13 00:01:40,100 --> 00:01:41,894 He's your new Chief Deputy. 14 00:01:42,477 --> 00:01:43,896 The old one's not even cold. 15 00:01:51,069 --> 00:01:54,198 [sighs] Well, Marnes was right. Someone really wanted him dead. 16 00:01:55,574 --> 00:01:56,825 Do we have control of this? 17 00:01:56,825 --> 00:01:59,828 - His door was open. A neighbor found him. - Can we keep a lid on it? 18 00:01:59,828 --> 00:02:00,746 We could try. 19 00:02:00,746 --> 00:02:02,080 If we don't, we're fucked. 20 00:02:03,165 --> 00:02:04,166 [knocking] 21 00:02:07,127 --> 00:02:10,005 This could've all been avoided if our new sheriff had posted someone 22 00:02:10,005 --> 00:02:13,175 - to watch Marnes tonight. - Your new sheriff offered, and he said no. 23 00:02:13,175 --> 00:02:15,469 - So I heard. You should've ignored him. - Oh, you heard, huh? 24 00:02:15,469 --> 00:02:17,888 Yeah. I stopped by and saw him and his bloody nose. 25 00:02:17,888 --> 00:02:20,807 - Who gave him a bloody nose? - One of his many fans. 26 00:02:22,518 --> 00:02:23,727 It's the mortuary team. 27 00:02:25,771 --> 00:02:28,774 All right... [sighs] ...let's go to my office. 28 00:02:29,274 --> 00:02:30,317 My new office. 29 00:02:37,407 --> 00:02:38,992 Can you tell them to give me a minute? 30 00:02:41,745 --> 00:02:42,829 [Paul] One minute. 31 00:02:48,710 --> 00:02:49,920 [sighs] 32 00:03:04,768 --> 00:03:05,769 [sighs] 33 00:04:00,532 --> 00:04:02,117 [Juliette] Hey, uh, you can go in. 34 00:04:10,042 --> 00:04:12,503 I'm only gonna be mayor for a few months, 35 00:04:12,503 --> 00:04:18,007 so I'm gonna try to drink as much of Mayor Jahns's liquor as I can. 36 00:04:25,599 --> 00:04:26,600 Hmm. 37 00:04:31,980 --> 00:04:34,233 So... [exhales] 38 00:04:35,567 --> 00:04:37,945 [sighs] What do we do? 39 00:04:37,945 --> 00:04:39,988 Just keeping pumping the official line. 40 00:04:39,988 --> 00:04:42,407 Two older people walked the Silo, it was too much for them. 41 00:04:42,407 --> 00:04:44,326 - See your doctor-- - No, we bury them together. 42 00:04:44,326 --> 00:04:45,494 Sorry, what? 43 00:04:45,494 --> 00:04:48,789 One funeral. One grave. Conservation of resources. 44 00:04:48,789 --> 00:04:51,875 [Bernard] Times like this, people don't give a shit about conservation. 45 00:04:54,253 --> 00:04:55,254 But... 46 00:04:57,089 --> 00:04:59,508 - we could say they were in love. - [Sims] Were they? 47 00:04:59,508 --> 00:05:01,885 [Bernard] The way they nagged at each other, I always wondered. 48 00:05:01,885 --> 00:05:03,470 Mmm. Doesn't matter, though. 49 00:05:03,470 --> 00:05:06,890 I don't know if there's anything in the Pact about a double funeral. 50 00:05:06,890 --> 00:05:09,142 - Paul? - For a married couple, but, um-- 51 00:05:09,142 --> 00:05:11,562 - The mayor can make an exception. - Why would the mayor do that? 52 00:05:11,562 --> 00:05:13,355 So it becomes the story, Rob. 53 00:05:14,481 --> 00:05:18,944 A couple of old servants of the Silo, enjoying a late bloom of love, 54 00:05:18,944 --> 00:05:21,321 looking to spend their golden years together, 55 00:05:21,321 --> 00:05:23,907 only to have their lives cut tragically short. 56 00:05:23,907 --> 00:05:26,743 If they were in a relationship, it was unsanctioned. 57 00:05:26,743 --> 00:05:28,412 [stammers] At their age, who gives a fuck? 58 00:05:28,996 --> 00:05:33,500 And if people do care, it's even better. Gets people talking about forbidden love. 59 00:05:34,793 --> 00:05:36,170 Anything but murder. 60 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:37,838 We need a distraction. 61 00:05:38,338 --> 00:05:39,548 It's a good idea, Sheriff. 62 00:05:39,548 --> 00:05:43,468 For a distraction, the judge suggested we offer a Forgiveness Holiday. 63 00:05:43,969 --> 00:05:46,722 - It's good for morale. - It's good for Judicial. 64 00:05:48,974 --> 00:05:51,685 Now, let's push the story that they were in love. 65 00:05:52,269 --> 00:05:55,022 Then I am going to announce a Race to the Top. 66 00:05:55,522 --> 00:05:58,609 Say Mayor Jahns loved a good footrace. 67 00:05:58,609 --> 00:06:01,904 - Award the Jahns trophy to the victor. - [sighs] 68 00:06:01,904 --> 00:06:05,991 People love an excuse to drink beer and yell. 69 00:06:06,491 --> 00:06:07,743 Jahns hated those races. 70 00:06:07,743 --> 00:06:09,828 She always thought they would get out of hand. 71 00:06:09,828 --> 00:06:10,913 Hmm. 72 00:06:15,209 --> 00:06:17,711 I'll let you two go. Get some sleep. 73 00:06:18,504 --> 00:06:20,005 Sheriff, would you stay a minute? 74 00:06:26,053 --> 00:06:29,056 You know, you're the reason I stopped by to see Marnes last night. 75 00:06:29,932 --> 00:06:32,226 I said we should make Paul sheriff now. 76 00:06:32,851 --> 00:06:34,144 Marnes said to wait. 77 00:06:35,270 --> 00:06:37,189 Not because he thought you'd succeed. 78 00:06:37,189 --> 00:06:39,399 He figured you'd realize you were in over your head 79 00:06:39,399 --> 00:06:41,527 and slink back down to Greasetown on your own. 80 00:06:41,527 --> 00:06:44,696 All right. All right, that's enough. Give it a rest, Rob. 81 00:06:51,828 --> 00:06:52,829 [sighs] 82 00:06:53,747 --> 00:06:54,831 [door opens] 83 00:06:58,126 --> 00:06:59,127 [door closes] 84 00:07:00,420 --> 00:07:01,421 You don't like it. 85 00:07:02,589 --> 00:07:07,344 I'm installing Billings as Chief Deputy without your say-so. 86 00:07:09,429 --> 00:07:10,556 Have you read the Pact? 87 00:07:11,640 --> 00:07:12,641 Yeah, some of it. 88 00:07:12,641 --> 00:07:14,560 Start with the section on your department. 89 00:07:14,560 --> 00:07:19,273 It doesn't explicitly say that a sheriff should kiss Judicial's ass, 90 00:07:19,273 --> 00:07:22,860 but it's pretty much the subtext on every page. 91 00:07:27,573 --> 00:07:29,408 [funeral band playing] 92 00:07:59,938 --> 00:08:01,648 - Um... - [music fades] 93 00:08:01,648 --> 00:08:05,235 This morning, I ran a program 94 00:08:05,235 --> 00:08:11,491 to create a data set of Silo residents under the age of 46. 95 00:08:12,492 --> 00:08:18,957 A number I arrived at by taking 40 and adding 6. 96 00:08:19,458 --> 00:08:24,046 Forty being the amount of years that Ruth Jahns served as mayor, 97 00:08:24,046 --> 00:08:28,634 and six being the age of basic societal awareness, 98 00:08:28,634 --> 00:08:30,344 giving a total... 99 00:08:31,595 --> 00:08:37,058 of 5,496 Silo residents 100 00:08:37,726 --> 00:08:42,063 out of the current population of 10,112, 101 00:08:42,773 --> 00:08:47,861 for whom Ruth Jahns was the only mayor they ever knew. 102 00:08:47,861 --> 00:08:49,363 Mm-hmm. 103 00:08:49,363 --> 00:08:53,158 Mayor Jahns was a trusted and beloved leader 104 00:08:53,659 --> 00:08:58,497 because she knew the residents of the Silo, 105 00:08:59,122 --> 00:09:00,332 and they knew her. 106 00:09:00,332 --> 00:09:02,042 [crowd murmuring] 107 00:09:02,042 --> 00:09:05,128 [Bernard] Thankfully, I am but an interim mayor 108 00:09:05,128 --> 00:09:08,507 until someone can be elected 109 00:09:09,007 --> 00:09:12,636 to fill Ruth Jahns's very large shoes. 110 00:09:13,428 --> 00:09:18,851 Um, and not her literal shoes because she-- 111 00:09:18,851 --> 00:09:22,020 Actually, her feet were rather small. 112 00:09:22,020 --> 00:09:23,689 - [chuckles] - [crowd chuckles] 113 00:09:25,440 --> 00:09:26,692 Hmm. 114 00:09:27,401 --> 00:09:28,402 Uh, Sheriff. 115 00:09:29,069 --> 00:09:32,155 Would you like to say a few words about Deputy Marnes? 116 00:09:36,994 --> 00:09:38,036 Um... 117 00:09:39,746 --> 00:09:41,748 I honestly don't know what to say about Marnes. 118 00:09:44,168 --> 00:09:46,920 He and I didn't exactly, um, hit it off. 119 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:50,674 He, uh, he didn't want me as, um, sheriff. 120 00:09:51,383 --> 00:09:55,095 I think he shared that with a lot of people, I guess. 121 00:09:56,180 --> 00:09:59,099 I didn't want the job at first. 122 00:09:59,099 --> 00:10:02,269 But then I was told that if the mayor asks you to serve, 123 00:10:02,269 --> 00:10:04,313 you-you serve. 124 00:10:05,981 --> 00:10:10,152 And here I am, speaking at Marnes's burial, 125 00:10:10,152 --> 00:10:12,738 in front of people who knew him better than I did. 126 00:10:13,780 --> 00:10:14,781 Sad people. 127 00:10:17,868 --> 00:10:19,453 I'm not-- I'm not sad. 128 00:10:19,453 --> 00:10:22,581 I, um-- I mean, it's-- it's sad that he died, of course. 129 00:10:23,165 --> 00:10:26,210 But his-- His life, their lives, they, um-- 130 00:10:27,628 --> 00:10:28,879 they're worth celebrating. 131 00:10:30,422 --> 00:10:35,594 They dedicated their lives to the Silo, like we all do every day. 132 00:10:35,594 --> 00:10:40,682 Like everyone does, from the Up Top to the Down Deep. 133 00:10:52,110 --> 00:10:53,529 Hear us, oh, Founders. 134 00:10:55,155 --> 00:11:00,244 Ruth Jahns and Samuel Marnes served your Silo with their spirit, 135 00:11:01,954 --> 00:11:05,749 and now will serve with their flesh. 136 00:11:06,834 --> 00:11:09,503 Death into life. 137 00:11:11,296 --> 00:11:13,674 Circle without end. 138 00:11:16,134 --> 00:11:20,138 [funeral band playing] 139 00:12:07,769 --> 00:12:08,937 [Juliette] Hank? 140 00:12:10,522 --> 00:12:12,316 - Jules. - [Juliette] Hey. 141 00:12:12,316 --> 00:12:14,359 - Hey. [chuckles] - What are you doing here? 142 00:12:14,359 --> 00:12:18,739 Oh, I, uh-- I got an invite to the burial. 143 00:12:19,740 --> 00:12:21,116 Really? I didn't see you there. 144 00:12:21,116 --> 00:12:24,077 Yeah. Um, funerals aren't really my thing. 145 00:12:24,077 --> 00:12:27,206 Yeah, they're not really anyone's thing. 146 00:12:27,206 --> 00:12:29,208 I'll pay my respects heading back down. 147 00:12:31,210 --> 00:12:33,837 Walk said that, uh, 148 00:12:34,379 --> 00:12:36,507 you found somebody to help with the George stuff? 149 00:12:37,299 --> 00:12:38,717 Yeah, we buried him today. 150 00:12:39,551 --> 00:12:40,677 - Marnes? - Mmm. 151 00:12:41,678 --> 00:12:43,138 Shit. [sighs] 152 00:12:44,556 --> 00:12:47,434 Hey. Are, um-- those supposed to be for me? 153 00:12:48,393 --> 00:12:50,145 - Oh, yeah. - Yeah? 154 00:12:54,566 --> 00:12:58,487 Look, you can't send a guy up 144 levels with a tin of hush puppies 155 00:12:58,487 --> 00:13:00,739 - and not expect him to eat a couple. - There's one left. 156 00:13:00,739 --> 00:13:02,157 - I'm a big guy. - Mmm. 157 00:13:02,157 --> 00:13:03,575 [laughs] 158 00:13:08,205 --> 00:13:11,583 - How are you? - Good. Yeah, I'm okay. 159 00:13:15,921 --> 00:13:17,130 Walk sent you, didn't she? 160 00:13:19,299 --> 00:13:21,677 Yeah, and Shirley. [sighs] 161 00:13:22,594 --> 00:13:24,680 Yeah. 'Cause they're worried about me? 162 00:13:25,180 --> 00:13:27,933 Jules, everybody's worried about everything. 163 00:13:29,351 --> 00:13:32,020 On the way up, I said hey to my cousin on 72, 164 00:13:32,020 --> 00:13:36,316 and he asked if, um, it's safe for his kids to go to school. 165 00:13:36,316 --> 00:13:40,112 - It's a dangerous time in the Silo and-- - And you're wondering if I can do this. 166 00:13:40,112 --> 00:13:41,613 No, that's not what I'm saying. 167 00:13:44,157 --> 00:13:46,368 - It's what it sounds like. - Hey, would you listen to me? 168 00:13:47,995 --> 00:13:50,414 I know you can do anything you put your mind to. 169 00:13:50,998 --> 00:13:53,667 But I also know that none of us can do any of this alone. 170 00:13:54,418 --> 00:13:58,630 Now, look, I've never won Deputy of the Year or nothing, 171 00:13:58,630 --> 00:14:01,758 but if you need anything, 172 00:14:03,260 --> 00:14:04,887 I'm just a tin of hush puppies away. 173 00:14:05,846 --> 00:14:07,890 - [people chattering] - [footsteps approaching] 174 00:14:11,018 --> 00:14:11,852 Deputy. 175 00:14:13,729 --> 00:14:14,730 Sheriff. 176 00:14:17,858 --> 00:14:19,651 - Hey, Hank. - Yeah? 177 00:16:19,271 --> 00:16:20,272 I don't like you. 178 00:16:21,273 --> 00:16:23,984 - I got that. - You're not qualified to be sheriff. 179 00:16:23,984 --> 00:16:25,903 Can't disagree. Anything else? 180 00:16:25,903 --> 00:16:28,739 Holston Becker was the best sheriff this Silo's ever seen. 181 00:16:28,739 --> 00:16:31,408 Marnes told me that something happened between you two, 182 00:16:31,408 --> 00:16:33,660 and that's why Holston went out to clean. 183 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:36,663 Hmm. Well, Marnes was wrong. 184 00:16:38,498 --> 00:16:41,251 You took this job to find out who killed George Wilkins. 185 00:16:42,252 --> 00:16:45,380 When Wilkins died, the Down Deep deputy sent a message. 186 00:16:45,380 --> 00:16:49,051 Said an engineer named Nichols claimed Wilkins was murdered. 187 00:16:49,760 --> 00:16:53,263 Now the first thing you do when you get up here is ask for Wilkins' file. 188 00:16:55,807 --> 00:17:00,103 Here's the deal. Everything in this office goes through me. 189 00:17:00,854 --> 00:17:02,356 Yeah, you wanna get anything done, 190 00:17:02,356 --> 00:17:05,858 whether it's find out who killed Wilkins or get a new pencil, 191 00:17:06,734 --> 00:17:08,111 you're gonna do what I want. 192 00:17:09,029 --> 00:17:10,280 What's that? 193 00:17:10,864 --> 00:17:12,199 Find out who killed Marnes. 194 00:17:13,450 --> 00:17:14,826 Right. That's my job, so... 195 00:17:14,826 --> 00:17:17,704 I don't mean just going along with whatever patsy Judicial serves up. 196 00:17:17,704 --> 00:17:21,040 - I mean, find out who really did it. - Why would Judicial serve up a patsy? 197 00:17:22,209 --> 00:17:24,877 Because Judge Meadows doesn't give a shit about the truth. 198 00:17:26,421 --> 00:17:28,674 No, the only thing she cares about is maintaining order. 199 00:17:29,258 --> 00:17:31,635 And when a mayor and a deputy get murdered, 200 00:17:32,928 --> 00:17:35,514 things could get disorderly fast. 201 00:17:36,348 --> 00:17:38,892 No, they're gonna wanna find the nearest warm body to pin it on. 202 00:17:38,892 --> 00:17:40,185 Expect you to go along with it, 203 00:17:40,185 --> 00:17:42,479 so you can keep the shiny badge and the nice apartment. 204 00:17:42,479 --> 00:17:44,940 But that would be a mistake on your part, 205 00:17:44,940 --> 00:17:47,693 because they also wanna get you out and Billings in. 206 00:17:48,569 --> 00:17:49,736 Isn't that what you want? 207 00:17:52,030 --> 00:17:55,784 Honestly, I may want you to find out who killed Marnes, 208 00:17:55,784 --> 00:17:58,370 but Marnes, he wouldn't give a shit. 209 00:17:59,329 --> 00:18:01,832 He just wouldn't want Judicial sending some poor bastard 210 00:18:01,832 --> 00:18:03,750 out to clean that doesn't deserve it. 211 00:18:18,307 --> 00:18:19,641 I'll be back after lunch. 212 00:18:19,641 --> 00:18:21,351 [Sandy stammers] Where are you going? 213 00:18:22,728 --> 00:18:24,771 I'm gonna try and figure out who killed Marnes. 214 00:18:24,771 --> 00:18:27,024 Well, you should take Deputy Billings with you. 215 00:18:27,608 --> 00:18:30,027 He knows the Pact, and you don't. 216 00:18:30,027 --> 00:18:32,029 If you get this wrong, even if you get who did it, 217 00:18:32,029 --> 00:18:33,739 Judicial will throw it out. 218 00:18:37,075 --> 00:18:38,076 Let's go. 219 00:19:01,225 --> 00:19:02,518 Hey. 220 00:19:03,018 --> 00:19:04,311 You Charles Martin? 221 00:19:04,895 --> 00:19:05,729 What if I am? 222 00:19:05,729 --> 00:19:07,731 [Paul] You rob a string of apartments 15 years ago? 223 00:19:07,731 --> 00:19:09,525 [sighs] I did my time. 224 00:19:09,525 --> 00:19:11,193 We just wanna know where you were last night. 225 00:19:11,193 --> 00:19:13,904 - You asking if I killed Marnes? - Didn't say anything about-- 226 00:19:13,904 --> 00:19:15,697 Don't tell me he died naturally. 227 00:19:16,532 --> 00:19:19,493 If Marnes just had a heart attack, then life really sucks. 228 00:19:21,495 --> 00:19:22,913 But it wasn't me. 229 00:19:23,413 --> 00:19:26,667 I've been down on 62, getting tests. 230 00:19:27,376 --> 00:19:28,544 Okay. 231 00:19:29,253 --> 00:19:30,254 [Paul] Thank you. 232 00:19:32,047 --> 00:19:33,799 Even if he wasn't in the hospital, 233 00:19:33,799 --> 00:19:35,634 I'm sure he wouldn't have been a match for Marnes. 234 00:19:35,634 --> 00:19:37,719 You saw his hand? He's got the Syndrome. 235 00:19:39,054 --> 00:19:40,055 Where next? 236 00:19:44,059 --> 00:19:45,644 - What? - Where-- Where do you live? 237 00:19:46,186 --> 00:19:49,231 - A couple levels down. - Okay. Why don't you go home for lunch? 238 00:19:49,231 --> 00:19:51,942 I'm sure your wife and your daughter would love to see you. 239 00:19:51,942 --> 00:19:53,026 It's only 11:00. 240 00:19:53,861 --> 00:19:55,237 I know. It's just... 241 00:19:55,863 --> 00:19:59,157 it's been a lot, and, um, I need a moment. 242 00:19:59,783 --> 00:20:03,287 I'm gonna grab a sandwich, read the Pact. I hear great things about it. 243 00:20:04,663 --> 00:20:06,290 I'll be back in the office by 1:00. 244 00:20:17,092 --> 00:20:19,803 I stopped by and saw him and his bloody nose. 245 00:20:19,803 --> 00:20:21,513 Who gave him a bloody nose? 246 00:20:21,513 --> 00:20:23,265 One of his many fans. 247 00:20:23,265 --> 00:20:26,476 Patrick, we all knew she was headed for the farm the minute she met you. 248 00:20:39,198 --> 00:20:40,199 [breathes sharply] 249 00:20:48,832 --> 00:20:51,001 Patrick Kennedy, it's the sheriff. Can you open up? 250 00:21:30,749 --> 00:21:31,875 [sighs] 251 00:21:34,336 --> 00:21:35,379 [sighs] 252 00:22:48,660 --> 00:22:49,870 Who are you looking for? 253 00:22:52,080 --> 00:22:53,624 [stammers] Patrick Kennedy. 254 00:22:54,208 --> 00:22:55,209 He's not here. 255 00:23:05,260 --> 00:23:06,553 [Doug] "...serious violations, 256 00:23:07,137 --> 00:23:09,181 both of which will be initially investigated 257 00:23:09,181 --> 00:23:13,894 by the Department of the Sheriff, being reported to Judicial within one hour." 258 00:23:13,894 --> 00:23:15,729 Read the part about accountability. 259 00:23:16,355 --> 00:23:17,439 [knocks] 260 00:23:17,439 --> 00:23:19,233 - Yes? - [Paul] It's Paul Billings. 261 00:23:21,735 --> 00:23:23,111 Come in, Paul. 262 00:23:27,032 --> 00:23:28,492 Paul, you know Doug Trumbull. 263 00:23:29,868 --> 00:23:32,996 - Of course. - Doug's a candidate to be my shadow. 264 00:23:36,208 --> 00:23:37,918 We'll get to the rest of this later. 265 00:23:49,179 --> 00:23:51,640 Doug Trumbull? Your shadow? 266 00:23:51,640 --> 00:23:53,934 I only said he's a candidate. 267 00:23:53,934 --> 00:23:57,104 He asked if he could be considered. I didn't have the heart to say no. 268 00:23:57,604 --> 00:24:00,274 Besides, it's always good to have an excuse to read the Pact. 269 00:24:02,359 --> 00:24:06,196 Our new sheriff okay with you coming back to Judicial your first day on the job? 270 00:24:06,196 --> 00:24:08,365 - She thinks I went home for lunch. - [chuckles] 271 00:24:09,324 --> 00:24:10,492 What can I do for you? 272 00:24:34,057 --> 00:24:36,185 - Hey, Kennedy. - Hey, what are you doing here? 273 00:24:36,185 --> 00:24:38,478 Maintenance said this is where I'd find you. 274 00:24:38,478 --> 00:24:40,355 Mmm. I was sad to hear about Deputy Marnes. 275 00:24:41,773 --> 00:24:44,193 I'm kidding. I was fucking giddy. 276 00:24:45,277 --> 00:24:48,906 Yesterday you said there were two reasons why we were stupid 277 00:24:48,906 --> 00:24:50,699 for wanting to talk to your wife. 278 00:24:50,699 --> 00:24:53,619 First was, she's dead. Uh, what's the second one? 279 00:24:55,621 --> 00:24:57,831 You know what, I'm a little confused. Are you arresting me? 280 00:24:57,831 --> 00:24:59,666 - [Juliette] Nope. - Then what are you doing? 281 00:24:59,666 --> 00:25:01,126 I'm putting you somewhere safe. 282 00:25:06,548 --> 00:25:07,758 - Hey, Sandy. - [Sandy] Hi. 283 00:25:08,926 --> 00:25:09,927 [sighs] 284 00:25:11,845 --> 00:25:12,888 [door opens] 285 00:25:14,056 --> 00:25:16,433 - How's it going? - Slowly. 286 00:25:17,893 --> 00:25:20,270 As much as I revere that thing, if I can't sleep, 287 00:25:20,270 --> 00:25:22,231 - I read a couple pages and I'm out. - Mmm. 288 00:25:23,732 --> 00:25:26,193 - How was lunch? - Can I sit? 289 00:25:30,072 --> 00:25:33,158 I didn't go home. I went to Judicial. 290 00:25:33,742 --> 00:25:35,494 Oh, wow. Reporting to Sims already? 291 00:25:35,494 --> 00:25:37,246 I didn't know I'd fucked up that badly yet. 292 00:25:37,246 --> 00:25:39,081 I know it's gonna take a lot to earn your trust, 293 00:25:39,081 --> 00:25:41,917 and this might not be the best first step. 294 00:25:41,917 --> 00:25:44,461 But I wanted to see how their investigation was going. 295 00:25:44,461 --> 00:25:46,129 Judicial has its own investigation? 296 00:25:46,129 --> 00:25:48,131 They get level rep reports first. 297 00:25:48,799 --> 00:25:52,719 And they get reports from people who don't officially exist. 298 00:25:52,719 --> 00:25:53,887 Right, listeners. 299 00:25:54,638 --> 00:25:56,223 Not what we call them, but yeah. 300 00:25:56,974 --> 00:25:59,059 - What do you call them? - Friends of the Silo. 301 00:25:59,643 --> 00:26:00,644 Hmm. 302 00:26:00,644 --> 00:26:03,021 None of what they say is admissible in court. 303 00:26:04,565 --> 00:26:05,566 But... 304 00:26:06,358 --> 00:26:07,860 They can provide suggestions. [sighs] 305 00:26:07,860 --> 00:26:11,864 - Wow, you look in pain just saying that. - It's not in the Pact, so I don't like it. 306 00:26:12,698 --> 00:26:15,158 Hmm. Who are the friends suggesting? 307 00:26:16,159 --> 00:26:17,619 Ralf Melby. 308 00:26:17,619 --> 00:26:20,163 He works down in Paper, first shift. 309 00:26:20,163 --> 00:26:22,833 He could've made it to the Mids to poison their water, 310 00:26:22,833 --> 00:26:25,252 he could've made it up last night to get Marnes. 311 00:26:25,252 --> 00:26:29,256 "Gambler, thief, two minor assaults." Why-- Why now? 312 00:26:29,256 --> 00:26:30,716 Have to ask him. 313 00:26:35,012 --> 00:26:37,431 [Juliette] Hey, Sandy, can you get me an arrest warrant? 314 00:26:37,431 --> 00:26:39,016 - [Sandy] For who? - Patrick Kennedy. 315 00:26:39,016 --> 00:26:41,852 - What? No. Ralf Melby. - Kennedy first. 316 00:26:41,852 --> 00:26:44,146 And then can you call me on the radio once you have it? 317 00:26:44,146 --> 00:26:47,608 - Where are you going? - You got messages. Um. Hey. 318 00:26:49,443 --> 00:26:50,444 Hey. 319 00:26:51,028 --> 00:26:53,238 Nichols, can you just stop? 320 00:26:54,489 --> 00:26:56,491 - Hey. - I don't have time for messages-- 321 00:26:56,491 --> 00:27:00,704 I don't have any fucking messages. I just-- I need to know what's going on. 322 00:27:02,581 --> 00:27:06,835 Billings went to his friends in Judicial and came back with a name. Ralf Melby. 323 00:27:06,835 --> 00:27:09,087 They want me to waste my time arresting Melby 324 00:27:09,087 --> 00:27:10,380 while they get their patsy. 325 00:27:10,380 --> 00:27:11,465 - Patrick Kennedy. - Yeah. 326 00:27:11,465 --> 00:27:12,925 That's gonna make me look incompetent, 327 00:27:12,925 --> 00:27:15,761 they'll send me back to Mechanical, and Billings gets the badge. 328 00:27:16,261 --> 00:27:18,222 You sure they're setting up Kennedy? 329 00:27:18,222 --> 00:27:20,682 I know a search is gonna turn up rat poison 330 00:27:20,682 --> 00:27:22,142 and a drawing from Marnes's wall. 331 00:27:22,142 --> 00:27:23,185 How do you know that? 332 00:27:24,895 --> 00:27:27,648 If he's their patsy, you requesting an arrest warrant 333 00:27:27,648 --> 00:27:30,025 means Judicial's gonna send a goon to get him right away. 334 00:27:30,025 --> 00:27:31,109 That's why I'm going. 335 00:27:32,861 --> 00:27:39,034 [announcer] Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. 336 00:27:39,034 --> 00:27:40,160 [horn blares] 337 00:27:40,160 --> 00:27:41,954 [people cheering] 338 00:27:41,954 --> 00:27:44,081 [announcer] All the best to competitors. 339 00:27:53,924 --> 00:27:56,301 Judicial. Open up. 340 00:27:57,302 --> 00:27:58,554 Looking for Patrick Kennedy? 341 00:27:59,888 --> 00:28:02,683 Yeah, it took a while for Housing to find out his wife died last year. 342 00:28:02,683 --> 00:28:04,685 They moved him to a single, like, six months ago 343 00:28:04,685 --> 00:28:06,562 and moved an older couple in here. 344 00:28:06,562 --> 00:28:09,648 Maybe that's why Judicial's database still has this down as his place. 345 00:28:09,648 --> 00:28:10,732 I don't know. 346 00:28:11,233 --> 00:28:13,610 I only know this 'cause Marnes and I came here yesterday. 347 00:28:14,653 --> 00:28:16,196 I guess everyone makes mistakes, right? 348 00:28:17,322 --> 00:28:19,575 Yours was planting evidence in the wrong apartment. 349 00:28:19,575 --> 00:28:21,368 [cheering continues] 350 00:28:22,786 --> 00:28:23,871 [metal clinks] 351 00:28:26,039 --> 00:28:26,957 [person] Hey! 352 00:28:30,043 --> 00:28:32,921 [panting] 353 00:28:34,840 --> 00:28:35,841 [person] Watch it! 354 00:28:37,259 --> 00:28:38,760 [cheering] 355 00:28:47,019 --> 00:28:48,478 Go! Get out-- 356 00:29:20,594 --> 00:29:21,887 [crowd cheering] 357 00:29:33,857 --> 00:29:36,777 - [runner 1] What are you doing? Asshole. - [runner 2] Hey! What the fuck? 358 00:29:43,116 --> 00:29:45,827 [grunting] 359 00:29:47,579 --> 00:29:49,331 [both grunting] 360 00:29:54,127 --> 00:29:57,381 [gasps, whimpers] 361 00:29:58,507 --> 00:30:00,133 [grunting] 362 00:30:08,684 --> 00:30:10,853 [grunting] 363 00:30:15,023 --> 00:30:16,692 [panting] 364 00:30:20,821 --> 00:30:21,947 [child] Mommy, look. 365 00:30:28,120 --> 00:30:29,538 [straining] 366 00:30:32,207 --> 00:30:33,709 [both scream] 367 00:30:36,587 --> 00:30:37,588 [breathes heavily] 368 00:30:37,588 --> 00:30:39,631 - [spectator 1] There's someone up there. - [crowd] Watch out! 369 00:30:39,631 --> 00:30:40,883 [spectator 2] Somebody help her! 370 00:30:44,136 --> 00:30:45,387 [groans] 371 00:30:45,888 --> 00:30:49,141 - [crowd shouting indistinctly] - [spectator 2] Hey, somebody help her! 372 00:30:49,141 --> 00:30:50,809 [Juliette panting] 373 00:30:52,519 --> 00:30:54,605 [straining, groaning] 374 00:30:57,232 --> 00:31:00,277 [grunting] 375 00:31:06,116 --> 00:31:07,201 [panting] Go. 376 00:31:11,163 --> 00:31:14,082 [breathing heavily] 377 00:31:19,671 --> 00:31:21,715 [Paul] I think I know who it was you were chasing. 378 00:31:21,715 --> 00:31:25,010 Doug Trumbull, Judicial Security. I'll get an arrest warrant. 379 00:31:25,802 --> 00:31:27,930 I wish you waited for me to come with you. 380 00:31:27,930 --> 00:31:30,474 Well, I was just gonna check out Kennedy's apartment. 381 00:31:30,474 --> 00:31:32,809 I didn't think someone was gonna try and throw me over the rail. 382 00:31:36,980 --> 00:31:38,982 Hey, what apartment number did you have for Kennedy? 383 00:31:38,982 --> 00:31:40,776 2215, why? 384 00:31:41,693 --> 00:31:44,112 I think maybe Kennedy didn't have anything to do with this. 385 00:32:19,439 --> 00:32:22,150 Douglas. What are you doing here? 386 00:32:23,861 --> 00:32:26,947 - I followed you once. - Ah, that shows initiative. 387 00:32:27,698 --> 00:32:28,949 Skill. 388 00:32:29,616 --> 00:32:32,077 And a very troubling insubordination. 389 00:32:33,161 --> 00:32:34,663 [swallows] I'm sorry. 390 00:32:34,663 --> 00:32:37,457 Do you have any idea what's behind this door? 391 00:32:38,041 --> 00:32:39,751 - No, sir. - [Sims] Good. 392 00:32:40,335 --> 00:32:43,046 If I choose you to shadow me, you will know. 393 00:32:43,046 --> 00:32:44,506 What happened to your hand? 394 00:32:47,092 --> 00:32:48,093 [sighs] 395 00:32:49,011 --> 00:32:51,054 - [Sims] You have the note? - [Doug] Yeah. 396 00:32:58,729 --> 00:33:01,565 Good. I think there's still a way to make this work. 397 00:33:01,565 --> 00:33:03,483 - How? - Let me figure that out. 398 00:33:05,819 --> 00:33:07,905 This is my favorite time. 399 00:33:09,948 --> 00:33:12,326 So quiet, so still. 400 00:33:14,036 --> 00:33:16,788 Now, Douglas, that door I came out of, 401 00:33:18,332 --> 00:33:22,044 first time I saw it, my father showed it to me. 402 00:33:24,421 --> 00:33:25,672 He was a janitor. 403 00:33:26,673 --> 00:33:30,093 People looked down on him. On our family. 404 00:33:30,761 --> 00:33:33,180 We all know the philosophy of the Pact. 405 00:33:33,722 --> 00:33:36,808 Everyone contributes to the survival of the Silo. 406 00:33:38,101 --> 00:33:40,145 But a janitor's still a janitor. 407 00:33:43,524 --> 00:33:45,734 And I was just a janitor's boy. 408 00:33:47,110 --> 00:33:49,363 My mother treated my father like he was nothing, 409 00:33:49,363 --> 00:33:51,323 and he said nothing in return. 410 00:33:53,242 --> 00:33:58,580 When I was 14, I got into a conflict with one of my classmates. 411 00:33:59,248 --> 00:34:02,125 Richard Elliot. Ah, he tormented me. 412 00:34:02,626 --> 00:34:03,836 My father found out, 413 00:34:03,836 --> 00:34:07,714 and I was terrified he was gonna try to do something about it and only make it worse. 414 00:34:08,632 --> 00:34:09,632 But he didn't. 415 00:34:12,469 --> 00:34:14,263 Part of me was disappointed. 416 00:34:15,722 --> 00:34:17,724 Then one day, I get to school 417 00:34:19,268 --> 00:34:20,768 and Richard Elliot's crying. 418 00:34:21,270 --> 00:34:25,524 Seems his father's been reassigned to a job on 125, and they have to move. 419 00:34:25,524 --> 00:34:28,902 Just like that, my problem went away. 420 00:34:31,405 --> 00:34:32,614 I was wondering if... 421 00:34:35,158 --> 00:34:38,036 if maybe my dad had something to do with it. 422 00:34:40,289 --> 00:34:43,833 But he was just a janitor. Right? 423 00:34:45,543 --> 00:34:49,339 Then, one morning, he says to me, 424 00:34:51,132 --> 00:34:52,967 "Any more problems with that bully?" 425 00:34:54,011 --> 00:34:56,429 I just looked at him. It was something in the way he said it. 426 00:34:56,429 --> 00:34:58,432 I just looked at him and asked, "How?" 427 00:35:00,684 --> 00:35:04,938 He said he wanted to show me something. He took me to that door. 428 00:35:05,522 --> 00:35:07,608 He said if I wanted to shadow him, 429 00:35:07,608 --> 00:35:11,862 I would have to make a decision that would change my life forever. 430 00:35:13,655 --> 00:35:15,365 If I went through that door, 431 00:35:15,365 --> 00:35:18,202 I could never tell anyone what was on the other side. 432 00:35:18,827 --> 00:35:21,997 Not my friends, not my family, not my wife. 433 00:35:22,581 --> 00:35:27,127 They might think that I was nothing more than a bookkeeper, or a clerk, 434 00:35:27,127 --> 00:35:28,253 or a janitor. 435 00:35:29,963 --> 00:35:31,256 But I would know the truth. 436 00:35:32,007 --> 00:35:33,800 That the people behind that door 437 00:35:35,135 --> 00:35:38,222 do the most important work of the Silo. 438 00:35:40,724 --> 00:35:43,727 Work that keeps 10,000 people alive. 439 00:35:47,689 --> 00:35:49,066 You fucked up, Doug. 440 00:35:50,192 --> 00:35:53,362 Twice. Very badly. 441 00:35:54,571 --> 00:35:57,407 - You fucked up with George Wilkins... - You know what happened? 442 00:35:57,407 --> 00:35:59,660 ...and you fucked up with Patrick Kennedy. 443 00:36:03,205 --> 00:36:06,792 But I've fucked up worse. Many times. 444 00:36:08,126 --> 00:36:11,338 We're human beings doing the best we can. 445 00:36:12,422 --> 00:36:16,969 What I'm looking for in a shadow is drive and dedication. 446 00:36:19,555 --> 00:36:20,889 I've made my decision. 447 00:36:25,310 --> 00:36:30,983 Douglas Trumbull, do you, of clear mind and conscience, pledge to be my shadow? 448 00:36:31,608 --> 00:36:32,484 Yes. 449 00:36:33,652 --> 00:36:39,241 Are you willing to do anything to serve and protect the people of the Silo? 450 00:36:39,867 --> 00:36:40,951 Yes. 451 00:36:40,951 --> 00:36:44,371 Are you willing to give everything you have 452 00:36:45,581 --> 00:36:48,709 to serve and protect the people of the Silo? 453 00:36:48,709 --> 00:36:49,793 Yes. 454 00:36:49,793 --> 00:36:50,878 Good. 455 00:36:53,547 --> 00:36:55,340 No! [screams] 456 00:37:01,889 --> 00:37:02,973 [body thuds] 457 00:37:03,599 --> 00:37:06,602 [Juliette] Douglas Trumbull killed Mayor Jahns and Deputy Marnes, 458 00:37:06,602 --> 00:37:08,854 and he wanted to frame Patrick Kennedy for the murders. 459 00:37:08,854 --> 00:37:12,107 His intent wasn't only to, uh, frame Kennedy, 460 00:37:12,107 --> 00:37:14,568 but to kill him and make it look like suicide. 461 00:37:14,568 --> 00:37:16,737 So when I confronted Trumbull 462 00:37:16,737 --> 00:37:21,408 about planting evidence in an apartment no longer occupied by Kennedy, he ran. 463 00:37:22,159 --> 00:37:24,453 Last night, knowing his arrest was inevitable, 464 00:37:25,287 --> 00:37:26,663 Trumbull took his own life. 465 00:37:26,663 --> 00:37:30,417 There's a-- There's a note in there that we, uh, found in his pocket. 466 00:37:31,126 --> 00:37:36,089 We think he was gonna plant it on Kennedy. Strangely, it kinda works for him too. 467 00:37:37,591 --> 00:37:38,842 We, um, we don't know-- 468 00:37:38,842 --> 00:37:40,260 [Meadows] Why. 469 00:37:40,260 --> 00:37:44,097 You don't know why a seven-year employee of Judicial 470 00:37:44,097 --> 00:37:46,016 would want to murder the mayor and Marnes. 471 00:37:46,016 --> 00:37:48,227 Well, no, but we-- 472 00:37:48,227 --> 00:37:50,521 I didn't work closely with Trumbull, but I saw no sign of it. 473 00:37:51,188 --> 00:37:53,815 Mr. Sims, did you see any indication? 474 00:37:54,525 --> 00:37:58,028 I mean, Marnes was deputy in the Mids back in the day when Trumbull was growing up. 475 00:37:58,028 --> 00:38:01,823 Maybe-- Maybe they had some rough encounters back then. 476 00:38:01,823 --> 00:38:03,617 I don't know. We're gonna look into it. 477 00:38:07,162 --> 00:38:08,747 Don't spend any more time on him. 478 00:38:09,498 --> 00:38:12,876 We have the killer of Mayor Jahns and Deputy Marnes, and... 479 00:38:13,627 --> 00:38:15,337 [sighs] ...he's dead. 480 00:38:18,632 --> 00:38:21,134 This should quell the rumors and conspiracy theories. 481 00:38:21,134 --> 00:38:22,344 Indeed. 482 00:38:26,473 --> 00:38:28,100 - Thank you. - Thank you. 483 00:38:29,434 --> 00:38:32,604 I'll take the rat poison to the farms, you take the rest to the office? 484 00:38:32,604 --> 00:38:33,689 Yep. 485 00:38:36,817 --> 00:38:39,319 You already knew that the drawing and the rat poison 486 00:38:39,319 --> 00:38:41,029 were in the apartment before we looked. 487 00:38:41,029 --> 00:38:43,198 - Mm-hmm. - When did you go in? 488 00:38:43,782 --> 00:38:46,034 When you were talking to your Judicial friends. 489 00:38:46,034 --> 00:38:49,413 - How'd you get in? - I learned some things in Mechanical. 490 00:38:49,413 --> 00:38:51,164 You clearly didn't read the section of the Pact 491 00:38:51,164 --> 00:38:54,084 - about illegal search and seizure. - No, I did. 492 00:38:54,084 --> 00:38:55,502 Why didn't you tell me what you were doing? 493 00:38:56,253 --> 00:38:58,589 - 'Cause I didn't trust you. - Do you now? 494 00:38:59,173 --> 00:39:02,134 Yeah. Sure. As much as you trust me. 495 00:39:15,981 --> 00:39:20,110 So you don't worry what happened to me tomorrow, I've been reassigned. 496 00:39:21,528 --> 00:39:23,947 - What? - To the station on 105. 497 00:39:25,616 --> 00:39:26,700 Why? 498 00:39:27,659 --> 00:39:28,827 I requested it. 499 00:39:30,495 --> 00:39:31,663 'Cause of me? 500 00:39:32,623 --> 00:39:34,291 No, I've got family down there. 501 00:39:37,920 --> 00:39:41,089 Wait, so when-- when you said if I wanted your help, 502 00:39:41,089 --> 00:39:43,091 I had to find out who killed Marnes. 503 00:39:43,967 --> 00:39:49,681 Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be able to do that, really. [sighs] 504 00:39:51,475 --> 00:39:53,060 Any chance you'd change your mind? 505 00:39:53,060 --> 00:39:56,480 [scoffs] No, I've had enough of the Up Top. 506 00:39:58,398 --> 00:40:01,568 You know, there are a few things I'll miss, but... [inhales deeply] 507 00:40:01,568 --> 00:40:03,487 ...I won't miss the feeling I'm being watched. 508 00:40:05,322 --> 00:40:06,156 By who? 509 00:40:07,866 --> 00:40:09,201 I don't know by who. 510 00:40:10,494 --> 00:40:11,578 Or how. 511 00:40:13,121 --> 00:40:19,211 Hey. You know, when I got here, you said you didn't know what Down Deepers ate. 512 00:40:19,878 --> 00:40:21,004 You got family on 105? 513 00:40:21,004 --> 00:40:22,673 That's lower Mids, not Down Deep. 514 00:40:22,673 --> 00:40:23,966 - Right. - Our kind don't eat babies. 515 00:40:23,966 --> 00:40:25,300 Mm-hmm. 516 00:40:28,387 --> 00:40:29,471 You did a good thing. 517 00:40:32,099 --> 00:40:36,812 I mean, Patrick Kennedy's an awful human being but he didn't deserve to die. 518 00:40:36,812 --> 00:40:39,606 - Not for something he didn't do. - I'm just happy that I didn't-- 519 00:40:39,606 --> 00:40:41,942 Don't make a big deal out of it. I still don't like you. 520 00:40:44,027 --> 00:40:45,028 Sheriff. 521 00:40:51,034 --> 00:40:52,327 [Juliette sighs] 522 00:40:55,956 --> 00:40:57,457 [Bernard] Can I pour you a drink? 523 00:40:57,457 --> 00:41:00,502 I'm going through Mayor Jahns's collection pretty fast. 524 00:41:00,502 --> 00:41:02,296 - No, I'm good. Thanks. - You sure? 525 00:41:02,296 --> 00:41:04,256 - Yeah. - Have a seat. 526 00:41:08,719 --> 00:41:14,099 Now, as much as I hate to give Sims the satisfaction, 527 00:41:14,099 --> 00:41:16,351 I think he may have been right. 528 00:41:16,351 --> 00:41:18,604 The Race to the Top was a good tonic, 529 00:41:18,604 --> 00:41:21,273 but what we really need is a Forgiveness Holiday. 530 00:41:22,482 --> 00:41:25,652 People go a little wild when we have one, 531 00:41:25,652 --> 00:41:28,113 so I'm gonna need you and your deputies everywhere. 532 00:41:29,865 --> 00:41:30,866 Okay. 533 00:41:31,950 --> 00:41:33,952 That's not the only thing I wanted to discuss. 534 00:41:34,995 --> 00:41:39,583 I wanted to say that I was wrong about you. 535 00:41:40,584 --> 00:41:46,089 I didn't see why Holston would want you to be sheriff, but now I think I do. 536 00:41:46,089 --> 00:41:48,258 So, for as long as I'm mayor, 537 00:41:48,842 --> 00:41:52,846 which I sincerely hope won't be for more than a few months, 538 00:41:53,972 --> 00:41:56,350 I wanna help you in any way I can. 539 00:41:56,934 --> 00:41:58,393 Is there anything you need now? 540 00:42:01,313 --> 00:42:05,400 - Two days off. - You've been sheriff for a minute? 541 00:42:05,400 --> 00:42:07,319 I need to get back down to Mechanical. 542 00:42:07,319 --> 00:42:09,988 I didn't think I'd last so, I didn't pack much, so... 543 00:42:09,988 --> 00:42:11,907 We have porters that can do that. 544 00:42:11,907 --> 00:42:15,410 I'd like to say goodbyes and stuff, you know? [sighs] 545 00:42:15,410 --> 00:42:18,789 All right. We'll see you in a couple days. 546 00:42:20,290 --> 00:42:21,291 Thanks. 547 00:42:40,936 --> 00:42:42,187 Hey. 548 00:42:42,938 --> 00:42:44,022 Hey. 549 00:42:44,857 --> 00:42:46,191 What are you working on? 550 00:42:48,068 --> 00:42:49,278 You wanna come see? 551 00:42:58,412 --> 00:43:02,875 So, when it's clear at night, there are these lights in the sky. 552 00:43:05,836 --> 00:43:08,172 Hmm. What are they? 553 00:43:08,172 --> 00:43:09,464 I have no idea. 554 00:43:10,716 --> 00:43:14,094 But I've been watching them long enough to see these patterns. 555 00:43:14,094 --> 00:43:19,266 They repeat, like they're, uh, like they're traveling in this big circle. 556 00:43:22,603 --> 00:43:23,812 Here. 557 00:43:24,813 --> 00:43:26,481 [chuckles] Here. 558 00:43:30,194 --> 00:43:31,195 You see it? 559 00:43:34,364 --> 00:43:36,116 - [Juliette] I see a "W". - [Lukas chuckles] 560 00:43:37,159 --> 00:43:39,578 - Never noticed that before. - Yeah, well, now you have. 561 00:43:44,124 --> 00:43:48,003 I'll just add it to the list of things we don't know anything about. 562 00:44:41,807 --> 00:44:44,393 [Juliette] Did you know there are lights in the sky at night? 563 00:44:44,393 --> 00:44:45,477 [Martha] How do you mean? 564 00:44:45,477 --> 00:44:49,022 Well, the display in the Up Top cafeteria is better than ours. 565 00:44:49,022 --> 00:44:52,442 - What a surprise. - There are lights in the night sky. 566 00:44:52,943 --> 00:44:54,027 Yeah, what are they? 567 00:44:54,736 --> 00:44:56,655 I thought maybe you'd know. 568 00:44:57,239 --> 00:44:59,867 You know, Hank ate all but one of the hush puppies you sent. 569 00:44:59,867 --> 00:45:03,120 Hmm? I kinda thought he'd eat 'em all. 570 00:45:03,745 --> 00:45:04,872 He's a big guy. 571 00:45:06,582 --> 00:45:07,916 How old is this? 572 00:45:08,584 --> 00:45:09,585 What day is it? 573 00:45:13,046 --> 00:45:16,884 So, how's it going in that fancy new job of yours up there? 574 00:45:18,218 --> 00:45:19,553 - Fine. - Fine? Really? 575 00:45:19,553 --> 00:45:21,263 - Mm-hmm. - You know, Tommy Marshall 576 00:45:21,263 --> 00:45:24,099 was working on a ventilation fan at the foot of the stairs. 577 00:45:24,641 --> 00:45:28,353 This missed his head by an inch. 578 00:45:28,937 --> 00:45:30,898 People saw you hanging from the rails. 579 00:45:30,898 --> 00:45:35,027 Jules, you don't think that kind of story gets around? What the fuck is going on? 580 00:45:35,611 --> 00:45:36,987 - I can't tell you. - You can't tell me-- 581 00:45:36,987 --> 00:45:38,113 No, I can't. 582 00:45:40,657 --> 00:45:43,869 Goddamn it. This isn't supposed to be the deal. 583 00:45:43,869 --> 00:45:46,788 We're supposed to go about our business, keeping the Silo humming, 584 00:45:46,788 --> 00:45:49,583 and they're not supposed to do things like murder people. 585 00:45:49,583 --> 00:45:52,294 Bodies start falling, people start asking questions. 586 00:45:52,294 --> 00:45:55,631 Pretty soon, asking questions turns into demanding answers, 587 00:45:55,631 --> 00:45:58,425 - and if folks don't like the answers-- - Hey, hey, hey. 588 00:45:58,425 --> 00:46:01,261 You're talking about rebellion? I'm right here. I'm sheriff. 589 00:46:01,887 --> 00:46:02,721 Ridiculous. 590 00:46:04,431 --> 00:46:06,975 Anyway, did you find that hard drive you were looking for? 591 00:46:06,975 --> 00:46:09,269 No, not yet. Holston hid a file on George, 592 00:46:09,269 --> 00:46:11,522 but there was nothing in it that I didn't already know. 593 00:46:11,522 --> 00:46:12,606 [Martha sighs] 594 00:46:12,606 --> 00:46:14,399 Did you make headway with the thing I left you? 595 00:46:14,399 --> 00:46:15,484 [Martha] Yes, I did. 596 00:46:16,109 --> 00:46:19,613 So, I recognized the type of lens 597 00:46:19,613 --> 00:46:23,116 from those cameras they use to make pictures for ID's. 598 00:46:23,116 --> 00:46:27,621 But those are very simple. This-- This is not simple. 599 00:46:29,289 --> 00:46:30,290 Take a look. 600 00:46:36,713 --> 00:46:37,756 This help you? 601 00:46:40,050 --> 00:46:41,927 [Juliette] No. You got anything more powerful? 602 00:46:41,927 --> 00:46:45,055 Like the thing your mother made? Lining up two lenses? 603 00:46:45,055 --> 00:46:46,640 Yeah, like we used on the rabbit. 604 00:46:46,640 --> 00:46:50,352 Yeah, and Judicial destroyed it. Do you know why Judicial destroyed it? 605 00:46:50,352 --> 00:46:53,021 - No. - Have you read the Pact? 606 00:46:53,605 --> 00:46:55,566 No, and you're, like, the tenth person to ask me that. 607 00:46:55,566 --> 00:46:58,235 Well, this is the real reason why I wanted you to come down. 608 00:46:58,235 --> 00:47:01,738 For me, there are two big mysteries about the Pact. 609 00:47:02,322 --> 00:47:03,490 One. 610 00:47:03,490 --> 00:47:07,327 They stipulate that we can't mechanize the way we go up and down in the Silo. 611 00:47:07,327 --> 00:47:09,371 - Mm-hmm. Yeah. - No lifts, no pulleys. 612 00:47:09,872 --> 00:47:14,126 Two. No magnification beyond a certain power. 613 00:47:15,252 --> 00:47:18,338 So, a relic like this is gonna get you more than a slap on the wrist. 614 00:47:18,839 --> 00:47:20,841 Something with wiring this small, 615 00:47:21,425 --> 00:47:23,343 the effect is gonna be a lot more dramatic. 616 00:47:26,346 --> 00:47:30,184 And from what you're not telling me, seems to me there's a long list of people 617 00:47:30,184 --> 00:47:33,729 who've died recently under questionable circumstances. 618 00:47:33,729 --> 00:47:35,981 What's to stop you being the next one on the list? 619 00:47:35,981 --> 00:47:36,899 I'll be careful. 620 00:47:36,899 --> 00:47:39,610 Put the badge in an envelope, give it to a porter. 621 00:47:39,610 --> 00:47:41,737 I need to find out what happened. 622 00:47:41,737 --> 00:47:44,865 Two days ago, Bernard wanted nothing more than to send me out to clean 623 00:47:44,865 --> 00:47:47,409 for snagging two boxes of shitty heat tape. 624 00:47:48,410 --> 00:47:53,540 I solve two murders, and he can't wait to work with me. They trust me, Walk. 625 00:47:54,541 --> 00:47:56,126 I need to open up an investigation 626 00:47:56,126 --> 00:47:58,462 that allows me to look into what happened to George. 627 00:47:58,462 --> 00:48:01,173 And how are you gonna do that without tipping them off? 628 00:48:02,174 --> 00:48:03,675 I gotta use the right bait. 629 00:48:43,590 --> 00:48:44,758 [sighs] 630 00:49:33,891 --> 00:49:34,892 [sighs]