1 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:08,916 [dogs screaming] 2 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:10,916 [ship crashes] 3 00:00:15,666 --> 00:00:18,541 ♪ Dig this We're the last hope for the human race ♪ 4 00:00:19,333 --> 00:00:20,875 ♪ Embark on a journey ♪ 5 00:00:20,958 --> 00:00:22,416 ♪ Into outer space ♪ 6 00:00:23,041 --> 00:00:26,083 ♪ Blast off, there's no going back We're on our way ♪ 7 00:00:29,750 --> 00:00:31,541 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 8 00:00:33,625 --> 00:00:36,833 ♪ Woo! ♪ 9 00:00:36,916 --> 00:00:39,458 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 10 00:00:48,250 --> 00:00:49,708 Everyone get to the ship! 11 00:00:53,083 --> 00:00:54,416 [whirring] 12 00:01:02,583 --> 00:01:03,833 [beeping] 13 00:01:05,750 --> 00:01:09,125 Uh! This is bad! How did I not realize they could pass through metal? 14 00:01:09,208 --> 00:01:10,833 I should have done more research. 15 00:01:10,916 --> 00:01:13,583 Oh, it's okay, Captain. Everyone makes mistakes. 16 00:01:13,750 --> 00:01:16,583 Hey, remember when Garbage left the Pluto unlocked? 17 00:01:16,666 --> 00:01:18,125 Pfft. Which time? 18 00:01:18,208 --> 00:01:20,125 Nope. This isn't that kind of mistake. 19 00:01:20,708 --> 00:01:22,333 [sighs] I can undo this. 20 00:01:23,583 --> 00:01:26,333 Chonies, can you hack the Pluto's controls through here? 21 00:01:26,416 --> 00:01:27,750 -Yes, Captain. -Good. 22 00:01:27,833 --> 00:01:29,416 Ed, create a distraction. 23 00:01:29,500 --> 00:01:32,000 Nomi, when I give the signal, you go for the ship. 24 00:01:32,083 --> 00:01:35,791 And, what would you like our "Tactical Officer" to do? 25 00:01:35,875 --> 00:01:37,250 Because, uh... 26 00:01:37,666 --> 00:01:39,041 [wind blowing] 27 00:01:42,041 --> 00:01:44,208 [growling] 28 00:01:44,291 --> 00:01:45,291 [whimpers] 29 00:01:46,583 --> 00:01:48,833 For the Pluto! 30 00:01:55,291 --> 00:01:57,541 [screams] 31 00:01:57,625 --> 00:02:01,625 Okay, new plan. Save Loaf! Again! 32 00:02:01,708 --> 00:02:03,000 [screams] 33 00:02:03,083 --> 00:02:04,666 [growling] 34 00:02:04,750 --> 00:02:05,958 Yeah! 35 00:02:06,333 --> 00:02:07,375 [chuckles] 36 00:02:09,083 --> 00:02:10,500 [grunts] 37 00:02:10,833 --> 00:02:12,333 [screams] 38 00:02:12,416 --> 00:02:15,000 [grunts, chuckles] 39 00:02:15,291 --> 00:02:16,708 [laughs] 40 00:02:18,666 --> 00:02:21,125 -[grunts] -[screams] 41 00:02:21,208 --> 00:02:22,916 [growling] 42 00:02:26,958 --> 00:02:28,708 [grunts] 43 00:02:30,500 --> 00:02:32,083 [muffled growling] 44 00:02:35,750 --> 00:02:36,791 [pants] 45 00:02:36,875 --> 00:02:38,708 -[growling] -Argh! 46 00:02:39,125 --> 00:02:40,208 [screams] 47 00:02:43,125 --> 00:02:44,208 [whirring] 48 00:02:47,875 --> 00:02:49,125 [shuddering] 49 00:02:50,541 --> 00:02:54,291 I screwed up. I really screwed up, didn't I? I'm so sorry, team. 50 00:02:54,375 --> 00:02:55,875 Don't beat yourself up. 51 00:02:55,958 --> 00:03:00,916 This is the first time in 12 missions we had a near-death experience. 52 00:03:01,000 --> 00:03:03,375 Yeah. That's a new record for the Pluto. 53 00:03:03,500 --> 00:03:05,833 Garbage's record was zero. [chuckles] 54 00:03:05,916 --> 00:03:07,708 [sighs] He was so consistent. 55 00:03:08,833 --> 00:03:11,291 Stella. I don't wanna be Tactical Officer anymore! 56 00:03:11,375 --> 00:03:13,791 I beg you, relieve me from duty! 57 00:03:14,666 --> 00:03:16,041 Pfft. What? 58 00:03:16,125 --> 00:03:19,666 No. You were so good at it. 59 00:03:19,750 --> 00:03:23,791 I gotta say buddy, it's a real shame to see you go back to Comms. 60 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:25,125 You thought I was good? 61 00:03:25,333 --> 00:03:28,083 [chuckles] No. But your Comms replacement was amazing! 62 00:03:28,166 --> 00:03:31,083 Hey Rover. We're home lil' buddy. Missed ya. 63 00:03:31,166 --> 00:03:32,958 Ed, hmm, you're back. 64 00:03:33,041 --> 00:03:37,208 And if you don't mind me saying so, more dashing than ever. 65 00:03:37,291 --> 00:03:40,166 I don't mind you saying so at all. 66 00:03:40,250 --> 00:03:43,541 [scoffs] You did your best, Loaf. And it's fine. 67 00:03:43,666 --> 00:03:47,375 I am actually really close to choosing our new Tactical Officer. 68 00:03:47,666 --> 00:03:51,166 I have narrowed it down to 67 candidates. 69 00:03:51,666 --> 00:03:54,750 Uh, at this rate, by the time you make your choice, 70 00:03:54,833 --> 00:03:56,916 there might not be an Earth left to save. 71 00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:00,166 This is my first big decision as Captain. It has to be perf-- 72 00:04:00,250 --> 00:04:01,333 Whoa! 73 00:04:01,958 --> 00:04:04,541 Hey! There you go, your top five. 74 00:04:04,625 --> 00:04:07,416 I mean, I suppose we could interview. 75 00:04:12,541 --> 00:04:14,083 [coughs] So, tell me, 76 00:04:14,166 --> 00:04:17,500 what skills do you have that would make you a good Tactical Officer? 77 00:04:17,583 --> 00:04:19,791 I've concocted this toughen-up tonic. 78 00:04:19,875 --> 00:04:23,250 With me, your crew will be too muscle-y to ever be defeated. 79 00:04:23,333 --> 00:04:24,333 Ooh! 80 00:04:24,416 --> 00:04:25,666 [gulps] 81 00:04:26,000 --> 00:04:27,708 Ooh! [growls] 82 00:04:27,791 --> 00:04:28,791 [chuckles] 83 00:04:28,916 --> 00:04:31,333 Nice. I feel amazing! 84 00:04:32,458 --> 00:04:34,708 Uh, guys, lil' help. 85 00:04:34,791 --> 00:04:37,041 -Whoa! -Ahh! 86 00:04:38,791 --> 00:04:40,333 I don't trust anyone. 87 00:04:42,916 --> 00:04:46,500 And if you made me your Tactical Officer, I wouldn't even trust you. 88 00:04:48,416 --> 00:04:52,375 Yeah. I don't think you're the right fit for our team. 89 00:04:53,041 --> 00:04:55,125 Great. When do I start? 90 00:04:55,208 --> 00:04:56,875 [pants, slurps] 91 00:04:59,250 --> 00:05:01,000 Is anybody else really weirded out 92 00:05:01,083 --> 00:05:03,250 that he didn't wanna go back to normal after the whole-- 93 00:05:03,333 --> 00:05:04,708 I vote "yes" to Jerry. 94 00:05:05,583 --> 00:05:07,166 Hello, I am uh... 95 00:05:07,250 --> 00:05:08,958 Garbage, please leave. 96 00:05:09,041 --> 00:05:10,375 What? Garbage? 97 00:05:10,458 --> 00:05:14,291 No, I am General Basura, scourge of baddies everywhere. 98 00:05:14,500 --> 00:05:17,458 And-- I miss you guys. 99 00:05:17,541 --> 00:05:19,166 [all] Aw. 100 00:05:19,250 --> 00:05:22,625 Garbage, you know the Council won't let you join a crew. 101 00:05:22,708 --> 00:05:26,708 [barks] General Basura will have his revenge for this. 102 00:05:28,500 --> 00:05:31,250 See you later, Gar-- Basura. 103 00:05:31,333 --> 00:05:33,583 Miss you too, not that we've met before. 104 00:05:34,750 --> 00:05:38,750 Well, uh, four down, sixty-three to go. 105 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:40,333 [all groaning] 106 00:05:40,416 --> 00:05:43,625 Captain Stella, congrats on the promotion. Long time coming. 107 00:05:43,708 --> 00:05:45,416 Pepper, hi! Uh... 108 00:05:45,791 --> 00:05:49,583 Team, this is Pepper. She's Tactical Officer of the Neptune. 109 00:05:49,791 --> 00:05:50,791 We trained together. 110 00:05:51,416 --> 00:05:53,625 The Neptune. Yuck! 111 00:05:53,916 --> 00:05:58,166 I heard your crew have a perfect mission record. So dull! 112 00:05:58,250 --> 00:06:00,708 I actually requested a transfer from the Neptune. 113 00:06:00,791 --> 00:06:03,458 You "requested a transfer," huh? 114 00:06:03,541 --> 00:06:06,333 Sounds more like they found out you faked your identity 115 00:06:06,416 --> 00:06:09,583 and got caught pretending to be the real ambassador of the Pluto 116 00:06:09,666 --> 00:06:10,750 and you got fired. 117 00:06:11,333 --> 00:06:12,333 What? 118 00:06:12,416 --> 00:06:14,500 You abandoned your team? 119 00:06:14,625 --> 00:06:16,541 Not the kinda thing we're looking for. 120 00:06:16,625 --> 00:06:18,541 Can we circle back to General Basura? 121 00:06:18,625 --> 00:06:23,250 Pepper, why would you leave the Neptune for, well, us? 122 00:06:23,333 --> 00:06:25,166 -Because of you. -[sighs] 123 00:06:25,250 --> 00:06:28,375 Even back when we were training, it was obvious you should be a captain. 124 00:06:28,458 --> 00:06:31,625 Really? Oh, I don't... I don't know about-- 125 00:06:31,708 --> 00:06:34,625 Plus, I've read commendable mission reports about the rest of your crew. 126 00:06:34,708 --> 00:06:38,583 Mm-hmm, well, that's thanks to me forging Stella's reports. 127 00:06:38,666 --> 00:06:41,208 Just one of the many benefits of being on the Pluto. 128 00:06:41,291 --> 00:06:42,375 -What?! -What? 129 00:06:42,458 --> 00:06:44,458 Regardless, with you at the helm, 130 00:06:44,541 --> 00:06:48,000 I believe your past inefficiencies can be made up for. 131 00:06:48,083 --> 00:06:49,291 -Hey! -I never. 132 00:06:49,375 --> 00:06:52,541 Whoa, whoa, whoa! Inefficiencies! 133 00:06:52,625 --> 00:06:56,791 Your previous captain allowed his savior complex to compromise your success. 134 00:06:57,000 --> 00:07:01,041 The seed heist, defying suspension, mandatory Captain Appreciation Day. 135 00:07:01,125 --> 00:07:02,500 [sighs] 136 00:07:02,583 --> 00:07:06,750 Captain Appreciation Day was the best day of the dog year. 137 00:07:06,833 --> 00:07:08,083 [party horn blowing] 138 00:07:10,208 --> 00:07:14,625 Sure. But, former Captain Garbage lets impulsive emotions dictate his behavior. 139 00:07:14,708 --> 00:07:19,291 I, General Basura, don't like how she talks about your ex-captain. 140 00:07:19,375 --> 00:07:20,833 Garbage, please! 141 00:07:21,166 --> 00:07:22,875 [sighs] Later, buddy. 142 00:07:22,958 --> 00:07:25,166 -We still on for later? -[Nomi] Bye, Garbage. 143 00:07:26,458 --> 00:07:27,791 -Anyway-- -[thud] 144 00:07:31,208 --> 00:07:33,750 I take a more... data-driven approach. 145 00:07:33,833 --> 00:07:35,916 Analyze the environment, anticipate risks, 146 00:07:36,000 --> 00:07:38,750 and provide my crew with accurate tactical advice. 147 00:07:38,833 --> 00:07:41,250 Can you give an example? 148 00:07:41,333 --> 00:07:44,500 Yes. Everyone should duck under the table in five seconds time. 149 00:07:44,583 --> 00:07:46,500 -What, why? -Now! 150 00:07:47,875 --> 00:07:49,166 [gasping] 151 00:07:49,250 --> 00:07:50,541 [groans] 152 00:07:51,583 --> 00:07:54,291 [whimpers] I'm afraid of the undersides of tables. 153 00:07:55,583 --> 00:07:57,041 There's nothing-- [gasps] 154 00:07:58,458 --> 00:08:00,750 How did-- Did you rig this? 155 00:08:00,833 --> 00:08:02,750 And if so, I'm impressed. 156 00:08:02,833 --> 00:08:06,125 No. Like I said, risk analysis. 157 00:08:07,708 --> 00:08:09,791 The waiter was carrying a stack of nachos. 158 00:08:09,875 --> 00:08:12,541 Ninety seconds ago he took an order from that table. 159 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:15,375 Ninety seconds, optimum nacho-cheese melting time. 160 00:08:15,458 --> 00:08:17,166 [chuckles] Everyone knows that. 161 00:08:17,791 --> 00:08:20,791 Garbage's mustache landed between the counter and the tables. 162 00:08:25,208 --> 00:08:26,666 Based on the trajectory of his fall, 163 00:08:26,750 --> 00:08:30,083 I was 81% certain the nachos would hit one of us in the face. 164 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:37,500 In short, with me you could avoid mistakes before you make them. 165 00:08:37,583 --> 00:08:40,125 Captaining with no mistakes? 166 00:08:40,208 --> 00:08:42,083 I wouldn't say this was a mistake. 167 00:08:44,750 --> 00:08:46,041 How 'bout a trial mission? 168 00:08:47,458 --> 00:08:48,458 [gasps] 169 00:08:49,125 --> 00:08:50,125 [sighs] 170 00:08:50,208 --> 00:08:51,250 Who am I kidding? 171 00:08:51,416 --> 00:08:54,166 I won't get back on the Pluto with a stupid disguise. 172 00:08:54,250 --> 00:08:55,291 [barks] 173 00:08:58,250 --> 00:09:01,166 I'll get back on the Pluto with a clever disguise! 174 00:09:01,250 --> 00:09:02,666 [laughs] 175 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:03,875 [whirring] 176 00:09:04,375 --> 00:09:05,958 Did you miss me, old girl? 177 00:09:10,666 --> 00:09:12,625 [grunts] What's wrong with my chair? 178 00:09:13,208 --> 00:09:15,416 Oh, my butt-print's gone! 179 00:09:15,833 --> 00:09:17,541 [grunts] 180 00:09:17,625 --> 00:09:19,333 [sighs] There you go. 181 00:09:21,875 --> 00:09:24,250 Ugh. What have you done, Stella? 182 00:09:24,458 --> 00:09:27,166 The feng shui is completely ruined. 183 00:09:27,750 --> 00:09:30,291 -[beeps] -Chelsea, its me. 184 00:09:31,875 --> 00:09:32,875 [grunts] 185 00:09:33,541 --> 00:09:37,333 Captain Garbage, here in what's definitely still my room. 186 00:09:37,500 --> 00:09:41,041 Sorry it's been a few weeks. I've been super-busy captaining. 187 00:09:41,208 --> 00:09:43,750 Plus, everyone's still thanking me for saving the M-Bark. 188 00:09:43,833 --> 00:09:45,333 And, I'm like, enough already. 189 00:09:45,416 --> 00:09:47,416 [chuckles] I know I'm a hero. 190 00:09:47,500 --> 00:09:48,500 -[rumbling] -Whoa! 191 00:09:48,583 --> 00:09:49,833 [whirring] 192 00:09:50,916 --> 00:09:52,583 They're here? Now? 193 00:09:52,666 --> 00:09:56,208 I mean, of course they are. We are. Okay, bye. Love ya. 194 00:09:56,291 --> 00:09:57,458 [beeps] 195 00:10:06,916 --> 00:10:10,541 The aliens here are known as The Bombus and they are hostile. 196 00:10:10,750 --> 00:10:12,916 We set one paw wrong and we're toast. 197 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:16,875 But, one glob of their honey could power the whole M-Bark for six months. 198 00:10:16,958 --> 00:10:18,458 So, worth the risk. 199 00:10:22,541 --> 00:10:24,583 [snoring] 200 00:10:24,666 --> 00:10:26,750 Let's sizzle these buzzkill. 201 00:10:26,833 --> 00:10:30,333 Nomi, don't fire. If you shoot one, you'll wake the others. 202 00:10:30,416 --> 00:10:32,666 But, I'll shoot real quiet. 203 00:10:33,375 --> 00:10:34,375 [groans] 204 00:10:34,916 --> 00:10:36,250 [screams] 205 00:10:37,666 --> 00:10:41,291 We should sneak past. But, if they wake up and follow us... 206 00:10:41,708 --> 00:10:43,916 Good point, Captain. I have an idea. 207 00:10:44,000 --> 00:10:45,833 [snoring continues] 208 00:10:52,083 --> 00:10:53,625 Pepper's a good choice, right? 209 00:10:53,708 --> 00:10:55,458 [groaning] 210 00:10:55,541 --> 00:10:59,083 General Basura would have let us risk our lives unnecessarily. 211 00:11:01,166 --> 00:11:03,500 Darn right, that's exactly what I'd do. 212 00:11:04,291 --> 00:11:06,375 Garbage? Are you on the Pluto? 213 00:11:08,125 --> 00:11:10,250 Uh, no. 214 00:11:10,333 --> 00:11:13,375 This is General Basura. Wrong number. Bye. 215 00:11:13,458 --> 00:11:14,750 General Basura? 216 00:11:17,833 --> 00:11:19,541 Okay team, this way. 217 00:11:19,666 --> 00:11:21,666 Captain, Bombus will be patrolling the canyon. 218 00:11:21,750 --> 00:11:22,916 If they trap us between the cliffs, 219 00:11:23,000 --> 00:11:25,458 there's a 92% chance we'll be ambushed and killed. 220 00:11:25,541 --> 00:11:26,833 May I suggest this way? 221 00:11:27,083 --> 00:11:29,375 [chirping, hissing, roaring] 222 00:11:29,458 --> 00:11:31,875 That path doesn't seem very safe. 223 00:11:31,958 --> 00:11:33,625 Well, the forest is riddled with 224 00:11:33,708 --> 00:11:35,666 carnivorous, giant 20-legged spiders 225 00:11:35,750 --> 00:11:37,083 -with poisonous breath. -[gasping] 226 00:11:37,166 --> 00:11:39,625 But, according to my research, they're very fussy eaters. 227 00:11:39,708 --> 00:11:41,541 They only eat the local deer. 228 00:11:41,625 --> 00:11:43,583 -[gasps] -[chuckles] Yum. 229 00:11:43,666 --> 00:11:47,625 Uh, Pepper, the deer look a lot like Chonies. 230 00:11:47,708 --> 00:11:51,833 Mm-hmm, I know. Chonies is 98% likely to have his face eaten this way. 231 00:11:51,916 --> 00:11:55,500 -At least there's a two percent chance-- -The other two percent is death. 232 00:11:57,250 --> 00:12:01,541 Picking us off one by one? Uh, is murder why the Neptune fired you? 233 00:12:01,625 --> 00:12:04,000 If we're taking a risk, we're sharing the risk. 234 00:12:04,625 --> 00:12:05,791 Canyon, it is. 235 00:12:06,541 --> 00:12:07,833 Yes, Captain. 236 00:12:10,250 --> 00:12:12,333 [Stella] Please let this be the right call. 237 00:12:14,541 --> 00:12:16,500 [gasps] I gotta make sure they're okay. 238 00:12:16,583 --> 00:12:19,791 And also, I gotta check out these Chonies deer. 239 00:12:33,250 --> 00:12:34,250 [sighs] 240 00:12:34,333 --> 00:12:37,791 We did it, we're through. Yes I-- [gasps] 241 00:12:38,875 --> 00:12:40,375 [screeching] 242 00:12:45,375 --> 00:12:46,375 Oh! 243 00:12:48,958 --> 00:12:50,291 [grunts] 244 00:12:52,541 --> 00:12:53,833 [screeching] 245 00:12:54,541 --> 00:12:55,583 [screams] 246 00:12:56,708 --> 00:12:57,833 [grunts] 247 00:13:00,166 --> 00:13:01,666 You saved my life. 248 00:13:01,750 --> 00:13:04,333 Letting you die is no longer a good tactical choice. 249 00:13:04,416 --> 00:13:05,458 Yay? 250 00:13:07,958 --> 00:13:11,625 Hey Pepper, I take it back. The mushrooms were life-saving-- 251 00:13:11,708 --> 00:13:12,958 [groaning] 252 00:13:14,291 --> 00:13:16,458 [grunts] 253 00:13:17,250 --> 00:13:18,833 This is all my fault. I-- 254 00:13:18,916 --> 00:13:21,416 [screeching] 255 00:13:21,500 --> 00:13:23,416 Huh. Where'd they go? 256 00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:25,916 [screeching continues] 257 00:13:29,625 --> 00:13:32,166 [grunts] I have missed this. 258 00:13:34,083 --> 00:13:36,375 Ow! That really hurt. 259 00:13:36,458 --> 00:13:37,875 [screams] 260 00:13:43,500 --> 00:13:45,458 [rumbling] 261 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:50,541 Whoa! 262 00:14:00,416 --> 00:14:01,458 [laughs] 263 00:14:01,541 --> 00:14:02,541 Ow! 264 00:14:07,333 --> 00:14:08,583 [gasps] 265 00:14:09,541 --> 00:14:13,958 Um, I was thinking maybe or perhaps potentially, 266 00:14:14,041 --> 00:14:16,833 we could uh, possibly-- [gasps] 267 00:14:16,916 --> 00:14:18,041 [screeching] 268 00:14:21,708 --> 00:14:24,125 [grunting] 269 00:14:24,208 --> 00:14:25,666 I have an idea. 270 00:14:31,458 --> 00:14:32,916 [whirring] 271 00:14:40,750 --> 00:14:42,916 I wish I hadn't seen that. 272 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:52,416 [grunting] 273 00:14:57,208 --> 00:14:58,333 [screeching] 274 00:14:59,708 --> 00:15:00,916 [screeches] 275 00:15:05,375 --> 00:15:06,375 Dive! 276 00:15:11,416 --> 00:15:13,333 Uh-oh. That sounds bad. 277 00:15:17,333 --> 00:15:21,208 Well, at least we have the fuel. And their stingers can't-- Uh-oh. 278 00:15:27,083 --> 00:15:28,291 Captain, if we surrender 279 00:15:28,375 --> 00:15:30,958 there's a four percent chance they would... not kill us. 280 00:15:31,041 --> 00:15:32,041 There has to be a-- 281 00:15:32,250 --> 00:15:35,958 Wait, this stuff is basically rocket fuel, right? And they're drinking it. 282 00:15:36,041 --> 00:15:39,125 Yes, but if you shoot them, it'll cause an explosive chain reaction. 283 00:15:39,208 --> 00:15:41,750 Our chance of survival of that is also four percent. 284 00:15:44,250 --> 00:15:47,250 Don't know. What to do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? 285 00:15:47,333 --> 00:15:49,083 [Garbage] Trust yourself, Stella. 286 00:15:49,166 --> 00:15:51,708 Garbage, are you here? 287 00:15:52,291 --> 00:15:57,416 No, I'm, uh, you know, your brain voice. Mind ghost. Subconscious. 288 00:15:57,500 --> 00:16:00,000 Oh, great. Just the voice I'd want my subconscious to have. 289 00:16:00,083 --> 00:16:05,000 Well, you just insulted yourself, 'cause I am your brain. 290 00:16:05,083 --> 00:16:08,666 Anyway, you gotta trust your gut. That's why you're captain. 291 00:16:08,750 --> 00:16:12,458 Oh, Garbage trusted his gut and now he's-- you're not a captain. 292 00:16:12,541 --> 00:16:16,708 I'm not saying trust my gut. I'm saying trust yours. 293 00:16:16,958 --> 00:16:18,250 I believe in you. 294 00:16:18,333 --> 00:16:21,083 And so does the crew. We always have. 295 00:16:26,791 --> 00:16:28,166 Captain, what do we do? 296 00:16:28,250 --> 00:16:29,583 [screeching] 297 00:16:32,708 --> 00:16:34,416 [screams] 298 00:16:34,500 --> 00:16:35,583 -Ed! -Whoa! 299 00:16:38,625 --> 00:16:40,208 -[gasps] -[panting] 300 00:16:45,458 --> 00:16:46,625 [screeching] 301 00:16:49,125 --> 00:16:50,375 [rumbling] 302 00:17:00,208 --> 00:17:01,208 [gasps] 303 00:17:04,375 --> 00:17:05,458 Huh? 304 00:17:14,375 --> 00:17:16,041 [grunting] 305 00:17:18,833 --> 00:17:19,833 [groans] 306 00:17:22,708 --> 00:17:25,375 Okay team, back to the ship. 307 00:17:26,458 --> 00:17:27,458 [gasps] 308 00:17:30,666 --> 00:17:31,750 [Nomi] Hey, Pep. 309 00:17:31,833 --> 00:17:34,291 We just wanna say sorry we didn't trust you before. 310 00:17:34,375 --> 00:17:39,791 Uh, yeah, not that I ever trust anyone, but I'll not trust you less. 311 00:17:39,875 --> 00:17:44,541 And to be fair, you did suggest we let spiders eat my face off. 312 00:17:44,625 --> 00:17:46,666 But, then you also saved my life. So... 313 00:17:46,750 --> 00:17:48,625 You made the right call, Captain. 314 00:17:48,708 --> 00:17:50,125 -[Chonies] Uh-huh. -[Ed] Indeed. 315 00:17:53,000 --> 00:17:54,833 Welcome to the team, Pepper. 316 00:18:07,625 --> 00:18:09,875 -Hey, brain voice. -Stella. 317 00:18:10,125 --> 00:18:14,000 Hi. I was just, uh, looking for the bathroom. 318 00:18:14,083 --> 00:18:15,416 Don't you miss the old days 319 00:18:15,500 --> 00:18:17,791 where you could do it anywhere, as long as it was outside? 320 00:18:17,875 --> 00:18:18,875 Not really. 321 00:18:20,250 --> 00:18:22,833 Thank you, for believing in me. 322 00:18:23,625 --> 00:18:27,416 You wanna join us at the diner? It's taco night. 323 00:18:27,500 --> 00:18:28,541 -[gasps] -[ringing] 324 00:18:28,625 --> 00:18:32,833 I'd love to but I'm two days late for work. Gotta run. 325 00:18:33,666 --> 00:18:34,875 You have a job? 326 00:18:36,458 --> 00:18:37,791 [outro theme music playing]