1 00:00:06,500 --> 00:00:08,791 [dogs screaming] 2 00:00:08,875 --> 00:00:10,916 [ship crashes] 3 00:00:15,916 --> 00:00:16,750 ♪ Dig this ♪ 4 00:00:16,833 --> 00:00:19,250 ♪ We're the last hope for the human race ♪ 5 00:00:19,333 --> 00:00:20,875 ♪ Embark on a journey ♪ 6 00:00:20,958 --> 00:00:23,000 ♪ Into outer space ♪ 7 00:00:23,083 --> 00:00:25,000 ♪ Blast off, there's no going back ♪ 8 00:00:25,083 --> 00:00:26,083 ♪ We're on our way ♪ 9 00:00:29,666 --> 00:00:32,083 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 10 00:00:33,541 --> 00:00:36,916 ♪ Woo! ♪ 11 00:00:37,000 --> 00:00:39,500 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 12 00:00:44,833 --> 00:00:47,875 [Garbage] Welcome back. That genuinely didn't go badly. 13 00:00:52,125 --> 00:00:54,000 [sighs] What a great mission. 14 00:00:54,083 --> 00:00:56,416 Planet Botanica might not have had breathable air, 15 00:00:56,500 --> 00:00:59,500 -but it sure had-- -Swanky rich aliens! 16 00:00:59,583 --> 00:01:03,708 -[groovy electronic music playing] -With way too much trust in strangers. 17 00:01:03,791 --> 00:01:06,166 And all-night dance contest! 18 00:01:06,250 --> 00:01:08,583 Who knew Chonies was so light on his feet? 19 00:01:08,666 --> 00:01:11,208 A little salsa with a rumba twist. 20 00:01:11,291 --> 00:01:13,125 -[all chuckle] -What do we think, team? 21 00:01:13,208 --> 00:01:15,791 -Time for a little celebration? -Way ahead of you, Captain. 22 00:01:15,875 --> 00:01:17,583 Let's celebrate our successful mission 23 00:01:17,666 --> 00:01:20,166 -by reviewing it in detail. -[groans] 24 00:01:20,833 --> 00:01:24,541 Oh, cool. Binders. 25 00:01:24,625 --> 00:01:27,625 We completed the mission with 85% efficiency, 26 00:01:27,708 --> 00:01:31,583 9% less madcap hijinks and, according to my pie chart, 27 00:01:31,666 --> 00:01:34,541 22% fewer silly questions. 28 00:01:34,625 --> 00:01:36,541 Ooh, what flavor pie? 29 00:01:37,291 --> 00:01:39,750 [sighs] Make that 20%. 30 00:01:39,833 --> 00:01:41,875 I was thinking more... milkshakes. 31 00:01:41,958 --> 00:01:43,541 [all] Milkshakes! 32 00:01:43,625 --> 00:01:46,375 Milkshakes! Milkshakes! Milkshakes! Milkshakes! 33 00:01:46,458 --> 00:01:49,166 Milkshakes! Give me that milkshake! 34 00:01:49,250 --> 00:01:51,416 Oh. Sure, we can do this later. 35 00:01:51,500 --> 00:01:54,541 I should've known, you'd all want milkshakes first. Sorry. 36 00:01:54,625 --> 00:01:56,250 -You don't need to be sorry. -I'll catch up. 37 00:01:56,333 --> 00:01:58,666 -I have work to do. -No, you don't. 38 00:01:58,750 --> 00:02:01,291 You're one of us now, you gotta celebrate with the team. 39 00:02:01,375 --> 00:02:04,208 I will, once I've uploaded these. 40 00:02:04,291 --> 00:02:05,750 What? Where? 41 00:02:06,708 --> 00:02:07,916 I'll see you at the diner. 42 00:02:08,458 --> 00:02:11,083 Anyone else kinda curious? 43 00:02:11,166 --> 00:02:14,625 Yeah. What's a rumba twist? 44 00:02:15,250 --> 00:02:17,875 [all laughing, cheering] 45 00:02:17,958 --> 00:02:21,125 -Chonies! Chonies! -Do the rumba! 46 00:02:21,208 --> 00:02:25,375 You have to stay light on your feet, or you can really hurt your ankles. 47 00:02:25,458 --> 00:02:26,541 [whooping] 48 00:02:27,333 --> 00:02:29,541 -It's a shame Pepper's missing this. -Yeah. 49 00:02:29,625 --> 00:02:33,333 Who else would remind us that our milkshakes would be 8% more enjoyable 50 00:02:33,416 --> 00:02:36,666 -if we added cherries? -8%? Seriously? 51 00:02:40,125 --> 00:02:42,041 [sighs] I love math. 52 00:02:42,125 --> 00:02:44,166 Stella's right. She's one of us now. 53 00:02:44,250 --> 00:02:47,083 I hate seeing her milkshake getting warm. Hey! 54 00:02:47,916 --> 00:02:50,458 What? I hated seeing that, too. 55 00:02:51,166 --> 00:02:52,583 Look, there she is! 56 00:02:55,041 --> 00:02:56,708 Huh. Where's she going? 57 00:02:56,791 --> 00:02:59,791 She said something about an uploa... [gasps] Wait. 58 00:02:59,875 --> 00:03:01,708 Is she spying on us? 59 00:03:01,791 --> 00:03:03,666 -I knew it! -Did you? 60 00:03:04,458 --> 00:03:07,041 -No. -This all makes total sense. 61 00:03:07,125 --> 00:03:09,333 -I bet that's why she joined the crew. -Yeah! 62 00:03:09,416 --> 00:03:11,541 -I bet Happy sent her. -What, no! 63 00:03:11,625 --> 00:03:14,291 You think the Council doesn't trust us? 64 00:03:14,375 --> 00:03:16,000 Oh, come on, Captain. 65 00:03:16,083 --> 00:03:18,500 There's no reason they wouldn't trust us... 66 00:03:18,583 --> 00:03:21,500 Nope. Wait. [chuckles] There are a lots of reasons. Never mind! 67 00:03:21,583 --> 00:03:24,583 No, we've been doing well lately. You're being paranoid. 68 00:03:24,666 --> 00:03:25,750 Oh, yeah? 69 00:03:25,833 --> 00:03:28,000 Any second now, she's gonna look over her shoulder 70 00:03:28,083 --> 00:03:30,000 and give a mysterious glance. 71 00:03:32,541 --> 00:03:33,458 -[all gasp] -[Nomi] Duck! 72 00:03:33,541 --> 00:03:34,791 See? 73 00:03:34,875 --> 00:03:38,708 There's no room on the Pluto for devious, untrustworthy sneaks. 74 00:03:41,416 --> 00:03:44,416 -Because I've got that covered. -You know what? I don't buy it. 75 00:03:44,500 --> 00:03:47,166 Pepper's awesome. I trust her 1,000%. 76 00:03:47,250 --> 00:03:49,583 You trust everyone 1,000%. 77 00:03:49,666 --> 00:03:51,791 It regularly causes problems. 78 00:03:51,875 --> 00:03:53,750 Nope. Pepper's proven herself. 79 00:03:53,833 --> 00:03:57,500 We absolutely do not need to follow her and find out where she's going. 80 00:03:57,583 --> 00:03:59,083 She's heading north. Stay sharp. 81 00:04:05,375 --> 00:04:07,666 [sniffing] 82 00:04:07,750 --> 00:04:09,166 Evasive maneuvers! 83 00:04:10,666 --> 00:04:11,833 [sniffs] 84 00:04:16,166 --> 00:04:19,166 Fake lily pads are a bad disguise, Ed. 85 00:04:19,250 --> 00:04:22,708 Oh, Ed, I don't know why you always carry those around with you. 86 00:04:22,791 --> 00:04:24,625 -We'll never-- -Wait, where's Loaf? 87 00:04:25,916 --> 00:04:28,500 [whimpers] Betrayed by my own buoyancy. 88 00:04:28,583 --> 00:04:30,916 [suspicious music playing] 89 00:04:33,666 --> 00:04:36,875 -Hey, you said next class was Thursday. -[Nomi] Garbage! 90 00:04:42,458 --> 00:04:45,041 Is this making anyone else really need to pee? 91 00:04:45,125 --> 00:04:47,416 Well, that's what you get for drinking two milkshakes. 92 00:04:52,208 --> 00:04:55,041 -That's a holo-training room. -Ah, phew. 93 00:04:55,125 --> 00:04:57,583 We can simulate a bathroom in there. 94 00:04:58,750 --> 00:05:00,583 [all gasping] 95 00:05:01,166 --> 00:05:02,500 [all] It's us! 96 00:05:02,583 --> 00:05:05,875 Okay, what are we all gasping about? [gasps] 97 00:05:05,958 --> 00:05:09,375 That is one scruffy-looking dog! 98 00:05:09,458 --> 00:05:12,125 Hey, buddy, would a brush once in a while kill ya? 99 00:05:12,208 --> 00:05:14,000 -Garbage, it's you. -What? 100 00:05:14,083 --> 00:05:15,750 No, look at this guy's ears. 101 00:05:15,833 --> 00:05:18,208 Mine aren't nearly as pointy and dirty, and... 102 00:05:18,291 --> 00:05:20,666 [gasps] Oh, my gosh! It's me! 103 00:05:21,708 --> 00:05:24,166 Hello, everyone. You're two minutes later than predicted. 104 00:05:24,250 --> 00:05:26,083 I'll update the algorithm accordingly. 105 00:05:26,666 --> 00:05:30,125 -What is this? -I built each of you as a simulation, 106 00:05:30,208 --> 00:05:32,208 programmed to match your exact personalities. 107 00:05:32,791 --> 00:05:35,916 Okay, what an unusual hobby. 108 00:05:36,625 --> 00:05:38,208 It's pronounced "creepy." 109 00:05:38,291 --> 00:05:40,625 It's what I require as your Tactical Officer. 110 00:05:40,708 --> 00:05:43,416 The six of you are famously unpredictable. 111 00:05:43,500 --> 00:05:45,750 So life-like. 112 00:05:45,833 --> 00:05:48,250 Ow! Nomi, quit it. I'm real. 113 00:05:48,333 --> 00:05:50,333 That's exactly what you would say! 114 00:05:50,416 --> 00:05:52,000 Well, unpredictable in some ways. 115 00:05:52,083 --> 00:05:54,208 But I don't like things being unpredictable. 116 00:05:55,000 --> 00:05:58,416 The early versions weren't super accurate. 117 00:05:59,458 --> 00:06:01,666 [laughs maniacally] 118 00:06:01,750 --> 00:06:02,958 [groans] 119 00:06:03,833 --> 00:06:06,083 -Hey... -[laughing] 120 00:06:06,916 --> 00:06:09,708 Oh, man, Ed, that is so you! 121 00:06:09,791 --> 00:06:11,875 She really nailed you, buddy. 122 00:06:11,958 --> 00:06:15,291 [mimicking] Ed! [laughs] 123 00:06:15,375 --> 00:06:17,708 Then there was the Kevin glitch. 124 00:06:19,000 --> 00:06:22,041 -Looking good, Kevin. -Oh, Kevin. Hi. 125 00:06:22,125 --> 00:06:23,708 Kevin, how the heck are ya? 126 00:06:24,416 --> 00:06:27,125 But now, thanks to my upgrades, they run perfectly. 127 00:06:27,208 --> 00:06:28,250 I can run any scenario 128 00:06:28,333 --> 00:06:30,791 to figure out your responses before you make them. 129 00:06:30,875 --> 00:06:33,916 Come on, you can't figure out every response. 130 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:37,791 Computer, run Stella Discovers the Simulation Simulation. 131 00:06:37,875 --> 00:06:40,208 Wait. We're made up of more than our predictable... 132 00:06:40,291 --> 00:06:42,166 [both] Element. We're wild. 133 00:06:42,833 --> 00:06:45,833 And beautiful. And they... 134 00:06:45,916 --> 00:06:48,625 Can't just be predicted by a machine! Argh! Coconuts! 135 00:06:48,708 --> 00:06:51,208 Raccoon! I mean, kumquat! 136 00:06:51,291 --> 00:06:55,125 -Ugh! I hate this thing! -Sure, it can predict words and stuff, 137 00:06:55,208 --> 00:06:57,666 but on a mission, even I don't know what I'm gonna do. 138 00:06:57,750 --> 00:06:59,333 And I don't know what I'm gonna do 139 00:06:59,416 --> 00:07:01,791 when he does what he doesn't know what he's gonna do. 140 00:07:01,875 --> 00:07:03,958 Pepper, however smart you made these simulations, 141 00:07:04,041 --> 00:07:06,583 they're not the same as knowing and trusting your crew. 142 00:07:06,666 --> 00:07:08,958 Captain, I don't need to trust you. 143 00:07:09,041 --> 00:07:11,458 With my technology, there's no behavior I can't predict. 144 00:07:11,541 --> 00:07:13,041 Okay, there's no way that's true. 145 00:07:13,125 --> 00:07:15,625 [automated male voice] Pluto crew to the Council Chambers. 146 00:07:15,708 --> 00:07:18,250 Aha! You didn't know that was gonna happen! 147 00:07:18,333 --> 00:07:21,291 Of course not. It's a simulator, not a time machine. 148 00:07:21,375 --> 00:07:22,958 -Yet. -What? 149 00:07:23,041 --> 00:07:24,375 Nothing. 150 00:07:24,958 --> 00:07:28,791 Pluto crew, based on your recent run of successful missions, 151 00:07:28,875 --> 00:07:33,166 we want you to take the lead on a very promising planet. 152 00:07:33,250 --> 00:07:36,916 It's high risk, but all five of us agreed 153 00:07:37,000 --> 00:07:39,041 you're the team for the job. 154 00:07:39,125 --> 00:07:40,833 -It's an honor to be-- -Wait, wait, wait. 155 00:07:40,916 --> 00:07:44,583 Captain Happy agrees we're good at our jobs? 156 00:07:44,666 --> 00:07:47,291 The Pluto team does seem to be displaying 157 00:07:47,375 --> 00:07:49,916 higher levels of professionalism these days. 158 00:07:50,500 --> 00:07:52,375 -But... -I have no but. 159 00:07:52,458 --> 00:07:54,791 [laughs] He said he has no butt-- 160 00:07:55,333 --> 00:07:58,041 Polypia seems perfect for human settlement. 161 00:07:58,625 --> 00:08:01,125 Lush fauna, breathable atmosphere, 162 00:08:01,208 --> 00:08:03,250 reliable tides for boogie boarding 163 00:08:03,333 --> 00:08:05,500 and other boogie-based activities. 164 00:08:05,583 --> 00:08:07,708 [all] Wow. 165 00:08:07,791 --> 00:08:09,958 That is a stunning underwater-like planet. 166 00:08:10,041 --> 00:08:13,250 But, it is also inhabited by creatures 167 00:08:13,333 --> 00:08:16,541 -called Terrators. -Our scans indicate 168 00:08:16,625 --> 00:08:18,250 they've been dormant for decades. 169 00:08:18,333 --> 00:08:19,750 Completely harmless. 170 00:08:19,833 --> 00:08:22,083 -Phew. -Unless they wake up. 171 00:08:22,166 --> 00:08:24,041 [hesitantly] Phew? 172 00:08:24,125 --> 00:08:26,875 So, we need to see if they can be removed safely 173 00:08:26,958 --> 00:08:28,250 without disturbing them. 174 00:08:28,333 --> 00:08:32,041 And since you're such experts at disturbing behavior... 175 00:08:32,125 --> 00:08:34,458 Yeah? How about I disturb your face? 176 00:08:34,541 --> 00:08:36,625 -[yelps, mumbles] -[groans] 177 00:08:36,708 --> 00:08:39,375 We need you to do a test-run. 178 00:08:39,458 --> 00:08:42,125 Land on Polypia and attempt to excavate a Terrator 179 00:08:42,208 --> 00:08:44,750 without waking it up. If you can, 180 00:08:44,833 --> 00:08:47,666 then this planet could be our new home! 181 00:08:47,750 --> 00:08:48,750 And if not? 182 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:51,125 If not, 183 00:08:51,208 --> 00:08:54,291 you return to the Embark, no harm done. 184 00:08:54,375 --> 00:08:57,125 -Probably. -Probably? 185 00:08:57,208 --> 00:09:00,250 This is as much information as our scans can give us. 186 00:09:00,333 --> 00:09:02,166 Have fun down there. 187 00:09:04,583 --> 00:09:05,541 [beeping] 188 00:09:05,625 --> 00:09:08,416 Computer, load all planetary scans of Polypia. 189 00:09:08,500 --> 00:09:10,208 Let's make sure we avoid any mishaps. 190 00:09:15,125 --> 00:09:16,875 Now, remember, we don't know what exactly 191 00:09:16,958 --> 00:09:19,208 might wake the Terrators, so just be careful. 192 00:09:19,291 --> 00:09:20,333 -Whoa! -[all gasp] 193 00:09:20,416 --> 00:09:21,416 [groans] 194 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:24,166 [chomping, hissing] 195 00:09:26,125 --> 00:09:28,208 [all sigh in relief] 196 00:09:28,291 --> 00:09:31,000 Stella's right. Be careful. 197 00:09:34,125 --> 00:09:36,583 This place could be perfect! 198 00:09:38,333 --> 00:09:41,958 -Wow! Coral loot! [gasps] -[skittering] 199 00:09:42,041 --> 00:09:44,875 =[muffled screaming] -Hold on! 200 00:09:47,541 --> 00:09:50,750 Great idea, Captain. Let's see if laser blasts wake them up. 201 00:09:50,833 --> 00:09:52,500 -[both] Nomi, no! -[powers up] 202 00:09:54,833 --> 00:09:57,250 [roaring] 203 00:10:01,750 --> 00:10:04,875 -[all scream] -[sizzles] 204 00:10:07,666 --> 00:10:09,916 Okay. So, 205 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:12,291 that's a no on letting Nomi bring a laser cannon. 206 00:10:12,375 --> 00:10:14,291 Let's try something else. 207 00:10:18,708 --> 00:10:20,791 -So, just be careful. -Whoa! 208 00:10:20,875 --> 00:10:23,583 Coral loot! [screaming] 209 00:10:24,375 --> 00:10:28,250 At last, I finally have a chance to test my new sonic rock-splitter. 210 00:10:28,333 --> 00:10:30,458 -[booms] -[rumbling] 211 00:10:31,291 --> 00:10:33,458 [roaring] 212 00:10:33,541 --> 00:10:36,541 -[all screaming] -[sizzling] 213 00:10:36,625 --> 00:10:39,250 Okay. How about... 214 00:10:40,083 --> 00:10:41,416 -Be careful. -[whirring] 215 00:10:41,500 --> 00:10:43,416 -[muffled screaming] -[whirring continues] 216 00:10:46,000 --> 00:10:48,666 This is fun. [sneezes] 217 00:10:50,166 --> 00:10:51,958 [roaring] 218 00:10:52,041 --> 00:10:54,041 [all screaming] 219 00:10:54,125 --> 00:10:55,958 Okay, what if instead... 220 00:10:56,041 --> 00:10:59,333 I made friends with this one. Snakey! Dig! 221 00:11:01,250 --> 00:11:02,250 [all screaming] 222 00:11:02,333 --> 00:11:03,250 [beeps] 223 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:07,208 No, no, no, no! There has to be some variable 224 00:11:07,291 --> 00:11:10,041 -that won't result in all of them... -Hey, everyone. 225 00:11:10,125 --> 00:11:12,666 Did somebody say "bandanas"? 226 00:11:12,750 --> 00:11:14,375 [all screaming] 227 00:11:15,041 --> 00:11:18,000 -[all continue screaming] -[machine whirring] 228 00:11:18,083 --> 00:11:21,333 [all continue screaming] 229 00:11:33,666 --> 00:11:36,041 Captain, I ran the scenario hundreds of times. 230 00:11:36,125 --> 00:11:38,916 If we go on this mission, everyone on the crew is gonna die. 231 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:40,416 -We can't go. -Do you guys mind? 232 00:11:40,500 --> 00:11:42,500 -These are heavy! -Yeah! 233 00:11:42,583 --> 00:11:45,708 -Give Chonies a break. -Pepper, we've been over this. 234 00:11:45,791 --> 00:11:47,625 You simulations can't know for certain what's gonna happen. 235 00:11:47,708 --> 00:11:50,875 -You'll wake the Terrators! -Oh, we'll be fine. 236 00:11:50,958 --> 00:11:53,333 We face life-threatening sitches every week. 237 00:11:53,416 --> 00:11:56,458 If we died all the times we were definitely gonna die, 238 00:11:56,541 --> 00:11:58,625 -we'd be dead. -Embark's scanning data 239 00:11:58,708 --> 00:12:02,000 isn't as accurate as going down there and testing it for ourselves. 240 00:12:02,083 --> 00:12:04,500 If there's even a tiny chance we can remove a Terrator 241 00:12:04,583 --> 00:12:06,833 and make this planet livable, we have to try. 242 00:12:06,916 --> 00:12:09,916 -But there isn't. -Your simulations are guessing. 243 00:12:10,000 --> 00:12:13,625 They're not us. We'll be extra careful, I promise. 244 00:12:13,708 --> 00:12:15,375 [sighs] Maybe... 245 00:12:15,458 --> 00:12:18,541 Maybe the computer can't predict every single possible-- 246 00:12:18,625 --> 00:12:22,583 Hey, everyone. Did somebody say "bandanas"? 247 00:12:22,666 --> 00:12:23,500 [gasps] 248 00:12:32,750 --> 00:12:35,166 -Everyone ready? -Sure am. 249 00:12:35,250 --> 00:12:37,583 -Absolutely. -Ooh! 250 00:12:37,666 --> 00:12:39,791 This is so my new look. 251 00:12:39,875 --> 00:12:41,750 -[gasps] -Hey! 252 00:12:42,333 --> 00:12:43,833 -Hey! -Hey! 253 00:12:46,500 --> 00:12:49,666 Now, remember, we don't know what exactly might wake the Terrators, 254 00:12:49,750 --> 00:12:52,041 -so just be careful. -Whoa! [groans] 255 00:12:53,916 --> 00:12:56,625 [laughs] Oh, so cute. 256 00:12:57,541 --> 00:12:59,875 This place could be perfect. 257 00:12:59,958 --> 00:13:03,708 [groans] Excuse me. Oh, sorry. Excuse me. Sorry. 258 00:13:04,875 --> 00:13:08,833 Well, everything seems pretty relaxed so far, Pepper. 259 00:13:08,916 --> 00:13:11,125 -Guess you were wrong about-- -Ed's about to get attacked. 260 00:13:11,208 --> 00:13:14,791 -[Ed screaming] -That doesn't prove anything. 261 00:13:18,125 --> 00:13:19,541 [Stella] There it is. 262 00:13:20,625 --> 00:13:22,833 -[gasps, growls] -Pepper, 263 00:13:22,916 --> 00:13:25,958 I need you to focus on what is happening, not what might happen. 264 00:13:26,041 --> 00:13:28,333 But I know what's going to happen. 265 00:13:28,416 --> 00:13:31,500 No, you don't. The Council trusts we can deal with this, and so do I. 266 00:13:32,958 --> 00:13:34,458 No! 267 00:13:38,500 --> 00:13:41,666 Well, Pepper, you must be feeling pretty silly right now. 268 00:13:41,750 --> 00:13:43,208 -[all gasp] -[rumbling] 269 00:13:44,166 --> 00:13:46,291 [roaring] 270 00:13:46,375 --> 00:13:49,458 [all screaming] 271 00:13:49,541 --> 00:13:51,125 [roars] 272 00:13:51,208 --> 00:13:53,375 [gasps] Take cover! Fire! 273 00:13:57,333 --> 00:13:59,083 [roars] 274 00:13:59,166 --> 00:14:00,541 [all scream] 275 00:14:02,916 --> 00:14:05,500 -[gasps] -[continues roaring] 276 00:14:05,583 --> 00:14:07,708 If they're definitely going to die, 277 00:14:07,791 --> 00:14:10,208 the right tactical move is to... 278 00:14:10,291 --> 00:14:13,291 -[groans] -No! 279 00:14:13,375 --> 00:14:16,000 -My new look! My new look! -[growls] 280 00:14:16,083 --> 00:14:19,375 Garbage! [grunts] 281 00:14:23,041 --> 00:14:25,708 -[grunting] -[roaring] 282 00:14:25,791 --> 00:14:29,041 Wow! What were the chances of landing a move like that? 283 00:14:29,125 --> 00:14:31,541 For the first time in my life, I have no idea. 284 00:14:31,625 --> 00:14:34,875 [grunts, strains] 285 00:14:35,166 --> 00:14:38,875 -[Terrator continues roaring] -[screaming] 286 00:14:38,958 --> 00:14:39,958 Okay. 287 00:14:40,541 --> 00:14:44,000 Screw tactics. [battle cry] 288 00:14:46,708 --> 00:14:49,125 [continues roaring] 289 00:14:49,208 --> 00:14:50,041 [grunts] 290 00:14:50,750 --> 00:14:52,208 [roars] 291 00:14:52,291 --> 00:14:54,041 [grunting] 292 00:14:56,541 --> 00:14:59,000 -[roaring] -[grunting] 293 00:14:59,083 --> 00:15:01,583 [groans] 294 00:15:02,750 --> 00:15:04,625 [shrieking] 295 00:15:08,916 --> 00:15:11,916 [all panting] 296 00:15:13,458 --> 00:15:15,666 So, when do we move in? 297 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:18,583 [slurping] 298 00:15:18,666 --> 00:15:20,583 [sighs] I admit it. 299 00:15:20,666 --> 00:15:23,208 This is more enjoyable than handing out binders. 300 00:15:23,291 --> 00:15:25,291 Pepper, you were awesome out there! 301 00:15:25,375 --> 00:15:27,291 You were all like... [mimics laser gunfire] 302 00:15:27,375 --> 00:15:30,208 And the Terrator was all like... [mimics roaring] 303 00:15:30,291 --> 00:15:32,958 [laughs] I didn't know you had it in you. 304 00:15:33,041 --> 00:15:35,916 I never put myself in the simulations. 305 00:15:36,000 --> 00:15:38,833 I thought my own behavior was easy to predict. 306 00:15:38,916 --> 00:15:41,291 But when I saw you all in danger, I just... 307 00:15:41,958 --> 00:15:45,333 -acted without thinking. -[sighs] Acting without thinking, 308 00:15:45,416 --> 00:15:47,541 the Pluto crew motto. 309 00:15:47,625 --> 00:15:49,708 Hmm. I guess I really am one of you now. 310 00:15:49,791 --> 00:15:53,458 You sure you don't need to run a little simulation to check that? 311 00:15:53,541 --> 00:15:56,958 [chuckles] No. No more simulations from now on, 312 00:15:57,041 --> 00:15:59,250 only real-life situations. 313 00:15:59,333 --> 00:16:00,833 I couldn't agree more, Kevin. 314 00:16:00,916 --> 00:16:03,208 Kevin? I was gonna say the same thing. 315 00:16:03,291 --> 00:16:05,500 Thanks, Kevins. I'm gonna miss you. 316 00:16:07,666 --> 00:16:09,916 Hey, Pepper. Wanna come grab a milkshake? 317 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:13,125 We ran the numbers, and we predict you'll have fun. 318 00:16:13,208 --> 00:16:15,625 No need to predict. I trust you. 319 00:16:17,541 --> 00:16:18,708 I'll be right there. 320 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:21,375 -Computer, -[beeping] 321 00:16:21,458 --> 00:16:25,041 run a scenario where the Council realize they made a huge mistake demoting me, 322 00:16:25,125 --> 00:16:28,083 -and I get promoted back to Captain. -[male automated voice] Error. 323 00:16:28,166 --> 00:16:30,625 Scenario too unlikely. 324 00:16:30,708 --> 00:16:32,958 -Do it anyway! - No. 325 00:16:33,041 --> 00:16:34,583 Aw, poop. 326 00:16:35,333 --> 00:16:38,041 [outro theme music playing]