1 00:00:06,833 --> 00:00:08,583 Whoa! 2 00:00:50,250 --> 00:00:52,541 Well, that was a bust. 3 00:00:52,625 --> 00:00:55,666 No, this is a bust. 4 00:00:55,750 --> 00:00:57,333 And it's worth a fortune. 5 00:00:57,416 --> 00:00:59,708 Talk about a successful mission, team. 6 00:01:00,375 --> 00:01:03,000 I'd love to talk about a successful mission Ed, 7 00:01:03,083 --> 00:01:05,541 but the whole planet was allergic to dogs. So... 8 00:01:05,625 --> 00:01:09,375 Glass half full, Stella. Glass half full. 9 00:01:09,458 --> 00:01:10,458 Ah! 10 00:01:11,708 --> 00:01:13,208 Cy-Bark? 11 00:01:13,291 --> 00:01:16,958 Guys, it's Cy-Bark, my old battle-mech. Let him in. 12 00:01:17,041 --> 00:01:19,583 Let him in!. Lower the shields. 13 00:01:22,791 --> 00:01:24,250 He must have missed me. 14 00:01:24,333 --> 00:01:27,583 And I gave him free will, so I didn't even force him to miss me. 15 00:01:27,666 --> 00:01:30,333 He must just like my personality. 16 00:01:32,500 --> 00:01:34,833 Hey, buddy. Long time no-- 17 00:01:38,875 --> 00:01:41,125 Get your metal hands off him. 18 00:01:41,208 --> 00:01:43,750 There is a galaxy-wide bounty on his head. 19 00:01:45,083 --> 00:01:46,625 I have come to collect. 20 00:01:48,666 --> 00:01:49,541 Ow! 21 00:01:49,625 --> 00:01:52,166 Chonies, I thought you said you made him softer. 22 00:01:52,250 --> 00:01:54,000 Only emotionally. 23 00:01:54,500 --> 00:01:55,875 -Don't hurt him! 24 00:02:01,250 --> 00:02:02,333 My boy! 25 00:02:02,416 --> 00:02:06,958 My sweet boy! No! 26 00:02:07,041 --> 00:02:10,375 Wait, wait. Chonies is the least-likely one of us to have a bounty on him. 27 00:02:10,458 --> 00:02:12,916 -Ooh, where do I rank? -Third. 28 00:02:13,000 --> 00:02:14,666 Fifth. Fourth. 29 00:02:14,750 --> 00:02:15,791 -Second. 30 00:02:15,875 --> 00:02:16,916 First. 31 00:02:18,125 --> 00:02:21,333 So, I may know why this happened. 32 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:23,375 Ed! 33 00:02:23,458 --> 00:02:26,083 You're bounty-hunting now? 34 00:02:26,166 --> 00:02:28,083 You said you were a pacifist. 35 00:02:28,166 --> 00:02:30,916 This doesn't feel very pacifist-y. 36 00:02:39,125 --> 00:02:40,333 Hey, help me. 37 00:02:40,416 --> 00:02:42,000 I'm being dognapped. 38 00:02:57,708 --> 00:02:59,958 I thought we were friends. 39 00:03:00,041 --> 00:03:03,666 I would never have given you those sentient stickers if I knew you'd-- 40 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:05,500 Your stickers! 41 00:03:05,583 --> 00:03:07,583 They've been scratched off! 42 00:03:07,666 --> 00:03:09,500 -But that means... 43 00:03:12,041 --> 00:03:13,458 Who are you? 44 00:03:13,541 --> 00:03:17,375 Oh, you might not know me, but I know you. 45 00:03:18,416 --> 00:03:19,333 Chonies. 46 00:03:21,458 --> 00:03:24,791 Look, when you're a thief, you gotta cover your tracks, right? 47 00:03:24,875 --> 00:03:26,791 Ed, what did you do? 48 00:03:26,875 --> 00:03:28,708 What did you do? 49 00:03:30,416 --> 00:03:32,875 Stolen by Chonies? 50 00:03:32,958 --> 00:03:35,208 -I designed them myself. 51 00:03:35,291 --> 00:03:37,208 So you framed Chonies and not me? 52 00:03:37,291 --> 00:03:40,125 Ugh! I want a cool reputation. 53 00:03:40,208 --> 00:03:41,458 This is a new low, Ed. 54 00:03:41,541 --> 00:03:42,833 Come on. 55 00:03:42,916 --> 00:03:46,625 I gave Chonies a cool, bad boy image he'd never get on his own. 56 00:03:46,708 --> 00:03:49,375 -I didn't think-- -Exactly! You didn't think. 57 00:03:49,458 --> 00:03:51,625 All you care about is avoiding consequences. 58 00:03:51,708 --> 00:03:55,708 And in the interest of avoiding consequences for this snafu, 59 00:03:55,791 --> 00:03:58,625 I know how we can find him. 60 00:03:59,250 --> 00:04:00,916 My name is Mavis, 61 00:04:01,000 --> 00:04:05,166 and I am the galaxy's most talented thief. 62 00:04:05,250 --> 00:04:07,541 There's no tomb I can't raid. 63 00:04:07,625 --> 00:04:09,916 No nest egg I can't pilfer. 64 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:12,291 No vault I can't crack. 65 00:04:12,375 --> 00:04:16,708 But every single time I do it, 66 00:04:16,791 --> 00:04:18,875 you've gotten there first. 67 00:04:18,958 --> 00:04:20,875 Stolen by Chonies. 68 00:04:20,958 --> 00:04:22,458 Stolen by Chonies. 69 00:04:22,541 --> 00:04:24,333 Stolen by Chonies! 70 00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:28,833 But today, I collect the bounty on your head 71 00:04:28,916 --> 00:04:33,208 to make up for every treasure you've beat me to. 72 00:04:35,208 --> 00:04:39,000 And with you gone, I can steal from anywhere! 73 00:04:39,083 --> 00:04:43,000 Finally be known across the galaxy for my talent. 74 00:04:43,083 --> 00:04:46,750 And the irony is, it's all thanks to you. 75 00:04:47,541 --> 00:04:49,208 Thanks to me? 76 00:04:49,291 --> 00:04:53,416 Look what I found when I hijacked this bag of bolts. 77 00:04:53,500 --> 00:04:58,333 You gave him sentience with the stickers I was planning to steal. 78 00:04:58,416 --> 00:05:00,000 Ma'am, you've got the wrong guy. 79 00:05:00,083 --> 00:05:04,041 I've never stolen anything, not even my owner's socks back on Earth. 80 00:05:04,125 --> 00:05:06,375 And I really wanted those socks. 81 00:05:06,458 --> 00:05:09,291 Your lies won't work on me, Chonies. 82 00:05:09,375 --> 00:05:11,291 Your reputation precedes you. 83 00:05:11,375 --> 00:05:15,500 The Dog of a Thousand Faces. The Floppy-eared Honey Track. 84 00:05:15,583 --> 00:05:18,500 But my ears aren't floppy, look! Cartilage. 85 00:05:18,583 --> 00:05:20,666 Save it for intergalactic prison. 86 00:05:20,750 --> 00:05:24,291 We can sort this out. My friends will find me and they'll tell you. 87 00:05:24,375 --> 00:05:26,125 Then let's make sure they don't. 88 00:05:26,208 --> 00:05:29,875 Cy-Bark, scan his body for tracking devices. 89 00:05:30,458 --> 00:05:32,791 -I don't have a tracking device. 90 00:05:32,875 --> 00:05:34,541 -Tracking device located. -Huh? 91 00:05:49,375 --> 00:05:52,416 Garbage is not taking this well. 92 00:05:54,083 --> 00:05:57,333 Have you seen this dog? Have you seen this adorable little dog? 93 00:05:59,041 --> 00:06:01,666 You've reactivated our microchips? 94 00:06:01,750 --> 00:06:04,916 What's the big deal? Our humans aren't using them, right? 95 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:08,958 But I need to know where you are. For hoodwinking and schemes and such. 96 00:06:09,041 --> 00:06:11,958 I think the big deal is the invasion of privacy. 97 00:06:12,041 --> 00:06:15,916 How would we find Chonies if I hadn't invaded your privacy? 98 00:06:20,541 --> 00:06:24,416 Well, we know he's here somewhere. Thanks to me. 99 00:06:24,500 --> 00:06:25,625 So we're even, right? 100 00:06:25,708 --> 00:06:27,916 No! 101 00:06:34,458 --> 00:06:37,458 You killed him! You monster! 102 00:06:37,541 --> 00:06:38,708 Why? 103 00:06:38,791 --> 00:06:40,750 It's just a deer, friend. 104 00:06:40,833 --> 00:06:43,083 He was a dear friend. 105 00:06:43,166 --> 00:06:46,750 But also, so much more! 106 00:06:49,500 --> 00:06:52,000 Garbage, Chonies doesn't have antlers, remember? 107 00:06:53,125 --> 00:06:55,458 I'm starting to forget him already. 108 00:07:00,708 --> 00:07:04,458 Oh, hello, shady alien saloon. 109 00:07:04,958 --> 00:07:06,625 Bet we can get answers in there. 110 00:07:06,708 --> 00:07:09,125 Ed, it doesn't look very safe. 111 00:07:09,208 --> 00:07:11,208 Maybe not for rubes like you, Captain, 112 00:07:11,291 --> 00:07:14,583 but these are my kinda... people. 113 00:07:15,208 --> 00:07:16,208 Huh. 114 00:07:18,500 --> 00:07:21,625 Well, that's gentrification for you, I guess. 115 00:07:21,708 --> 00:07:24,958 Welcome to... 116 00:07:25,041 --> 00:07:26,125 Table for five? 117 00:07:29,833 --> 00:07:32,250 Testing, testing. One, two. 118 00:07:32,333 --> 00:07:33,708 Testing, testing. 119 00:07:34,541 --> 00:07:37,208 Don't worry, Cy-Bark. I'm getting us out of here. 120 00:07:37,291 --> 00:07:40,375 And then I'm gonna give Ed a real talking to. 121 00:07:45,666 --> 00:07:49,083 Hello, is this the intergalactic sheriff's department? 122 00:07:49,166 --> 00:07:52,000 I have something that may interest you. 123 00:07:52,083 --> 00:07:56,666 No, I'm not the same person who threatened to blow up the sun. 124 00:07:56,750 --> 00:07:59,208 I'm just using a voice-disguiser too. 125 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:02,791 Come on, you can do it. 126 00:08:02,875 --> 00:08:06,875 Well, it's not my fault that voice-disguisers always sound the same... 127 00:08:06,958 --> 00:08:09,625 Because the other setting's not as menacing... 128 00:08:09,708 --> 00:08:11,250 -Look, I'll show you. 129 00:08:11,333 --> 00:08:13,541 You won't take me seriously with this voice. 130 00:08:13,625 --> 00:08:16,916 See. I can hear you laughing. 131 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:18,458 Ah, look. 132 00:08:18,541 --> 00:08:23,000 I'm just saying that I caught the notorious thief Chonies, 133 00:08:23,083 --> 00:08:25,000 and I want the bounty. 134 00:08:28,625 --> 00:08:30,291 Okay. Now break out. 135 00:08:33,291 --> 00:08:36,541 No! Break out. Not into dance. 136 00:08:40,708 --> 00:08:41,916 Looking for this? 137 00:08:42,000 --> 00:08:43,000 Ah! 138 00:08:44,833 --> 00:08:48,750 You think I didn't expect you to try and break out, Chonies? 139 00:08:48,833 --> 00:08:53,125 I gotta say though, applied science? Not your usual MO. 140 00:08:53,208 --> 00:08:57,083 Given your reputation, I was expecting some kind of brilliant con. 141 00:09:01,875 --> 00:09:04,875 You want me to be more like Ed, do ya? 142 00:09:04,958 --> 00:09:07,500 Well, you got it. 143 00:09:10,708 --> 00:09:13,833 Have you seen this dog? Have you seen this adorable little dog? 144 00:09:13,916 --> 00:09:15,333 Have you seen this dog? 145 00:09:15,416 --> 00:09:18,708 Ooh, alien appetizers look so good! 146 00:09:21,791 --> 00:09:23,500 -Ah! Oh! 147 00:09:23,583 --> 00:09:25,708 These are way too hot. 148 00:09:25,791 --> 00:09:28,208 Also fizzy. Mayo works on them? 149 00:09:28,291 --> 00:09:31,250 And they seem to be whispering threats to me? 150 00:09:32,208 --> 00:09:33,541 Eh, food is food. 151 00:09:37,958 --> 00:09:40,958 Have you seen this adorable, precious, sweet little dog? 152 00:09:41,916 --> 00:09:43,958 He... he's... he's missing. 153 00:09:44,041 --> 00:09:46,541 Maybe. What's it worth to ya? 154 00:09:46,625 --> 00:09:48,833 Anything. Name your price. 155 00:09:48,916 --> 00:09:52,166 Hmm. Your fur sure looks tasty. 156 00:09:52,250 --> 00:09:54,291 Deal. Anyone in here got some clippers. 157 00:09:54,375 --> 00:09:57,416 Okay. Let me handle negotiations, pal. 158 00:09:57,500 --> 00:10:00,458 Tell us what you know, and we'll tell you what it's worth. 159 00:10:00,541 --> 00:10:03,916 Well, I saw this giant robot thing carrying up-- 160 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:05,791 Wait, do I know you? 161 00:10:05,875 --> 00:10:07,083 Me? No. 162 00:10:07,166 --> 00:10:12,125 Yeah, I do. You hijacked my cache of stolen space rubies last year. 163 00:10:12,208 --> 00:10:14,541 You're... you're... What's his name? Garbage! 164 00:10:15,375 --> 00:10:19,083 What? It wouldn't be fair on me to just blame Chonie... 165 00:10:19,916 --> 00:10:24,333 Service is kinda slow here, and I'm getting kinda hungry. 166 00:10:30,625 --> 00:10:32,416 Get off him! 167 00:10:32,500 --> 00:10:35,708 It burns! It fizzes! 168 00:10:35,791 --> 00:10:38,041 Food you can eat and weaponize? 169 00:10:38,125 --> 00:10:40,416 Five stars. 170 00:10:40,500 --> 00:10:42,208 This way. 171 00:10:45,541 --> 00:10:47,541 Well, what a surprise, Ed. 172 00:10:47,625 --> 00:10:50,625 Consequences of your actions literally came back to bite you. 173 00:10:50,708 --> 00:10:52,708 That's a coincidence. 174 00:10:52,791 --> 00:10:55,416 It was just one guy I happened to con. 175 00:11:02,625 --> 00:11:06,375 Wait, I know you. You sold me fake hunting knives. 176 00:11:06,458 --> 00:11:09,208 -You're Pepper! -Actually, I'm Pepper. 177 00:11:12,416 --> 00:11:13,416 Gross. 178 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:15,000 Just one guy, huh? 179 00:11:15,083 --> 00:11:17,416 I know how to fix this. 180 00:11:17,500 --> 00:11:18,625 Take responsibility? 181 00:11:18,708 --> 00:11:21,416 -Shave my fur and trade it for Chonies? -Nope. 182 00:11:22,541 --> 00:11:23,791 Disguises. 183 00:11:25,416 --> 00:11:28,541 Hey. So, out of curiosity, 184 00:11:28,625 --> 00:11:32,416 how high is the bounty on my Ed, I mean head? 185 00:11:32,500 --> 00:11:36,916 Why are you talking like someone tried to poison you but gave up halfway through? 186 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:40,958 What? No, this is my... true voice. 187 00:11:41,041 --> 00:11:44,708 Uh-huh. Bounty's 800 diamond bars. 188 00:11:44,791 --> 00:11:47,333 Only 800? 189 00:11:47,416 --> 00:11:51,750 That's nothing compared to the loot I stashed over the years. 190 00:11:51,833 --> 00:11:54,250 Stashed? Did you say stashed? 191 00:11:54,333 --> 00:11:56,833 Sold. I mean sold. 192 00:11:56,916 --> 00:11:58,541 Where's the loot, Chonies? 193 00:11:58,625 --> 00:12:03,041 Give me everything you beat me to, or I will beat you to death! 194 00:12:03,125 --> 00:12:06,500 You let me outta here, and I'll show you. 195 00:12:06,583 --> 00:12:10,291 You can keep the whole lot... of loot. 196 00:12:10,375 --> 00:12:12,083 You're not going anywhere. 197 00:12:12,166 --> 00:12:15,416 Then I guess you'll just have to make do with no proof 198 00:12:15,500 --> 00:12:20,708 that you were ever talented enough to steal the same treasures I did. 199 00:12:21,291 --> 00:12:22,541 Ah, well... 200 00:12:22,625 --> 00:12:24,375 Tell me where it is first. 201 00:12:24,458 --> 00:12:27,208 If everything checks out, I'll let you go. 202 00:12:27,291 --> 00:12:29,458 You promise? 203 00:12:29,541 --> 00:12:31,875 Absolutely. Thieves honor. 204 00:12:36,666 --> 00:12:39,541 This is less conspicuous. Really, Ed? 205 00:12:39,625 --> 00:12:42,250 Captain, please. You know how many times 206 00:12:42,333 --> 00:12:46,041 I've used this exact disguise to get out of tricky situations? 207 00:12:46,125 --> 00:12:48,416 Excuse me, Miss. Have you seen-- 208 00:12:48,500 --> 00:12:50,500 Wait, I know you. 209 00:12:50,583 --> 00:12:54,083 You conned me out of that weapons shipment. You're Nomi! 210 00:12:54,166 --> 00:12:56,416 I think the answer would be too many times, Ed. 211 00:12:56,500 --> 00:12:59,833 Aw, you did frame me. Thanks, pal. 212 00:12:59,916 --> 00:13:01,541 Hey, I know you. 213 00:13:01,625 --> 00:13:03,916 You left my son at the altar. You're Loaf! 214 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:04,916 Ahh! 215 00:13:10,250 --> 00:13:13,416 -You stole an appetizer. 216 00:13:15,958 --> 00:13:17,666 Okay, so... 217 00:13:17,750 --> 00:13:20,208 now that we have everyone's full attention... 218 00:13:21,250 --> 00:13:22,625 have any of you seen this dog? 219 00:13:24,041 --> 00:13:27,083 You had the map all along, baby. 220 00:13:27,791 --> 00:13:29,083 But, they're blank. 221 00:13:29,166 --> 00:13:30,833 Invisible ink, duh. 222 00:13:30,916 --> 00:13:34,583 But, Cy-Bark does have a top-secret scanning function 223 00:13:34,666 --> 00:13:36,333 that only I know how-- 224 00:13:36,416 --> 00:13:38,666 Tell me what to press, cartilage ears. 225 00:13:38,750 --> 00:13:41,458 Okay, uh. Do you see a blue lever? 226 00:13:43,666 --> 00:13:45,458 Ahh! 227 00:13:45,541 --> 00:13:46,916 I didn't say touch it. 228 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:49,875 Hold down the purple button beneath it and-- 229 00:13:49,958 --> 00:13:52,791 -There's a magenta and an indigo! -No. 230 00:13:52,875 --> 00:13:55,291 There's a pink and a purple. 231 00:13:55,375 --> 00:13:56,791 Light purple or dark purple? 232 00:13:56,875 --> 00:13:58,208 Dark purple! 233 00:13:58,291 --> 00:13:59,583 -Ow! 234 00:13:59,666 --> 00:14:04,333 I admit. This might not have happened if I hadn't conned these guys. 235 00:14:04,416 --> 00:14:06,333 -You think? -Well, duh! 236 00:14:06,416 --> 00:14:08,958 -Oh, you figured that out, huh? -That is incredibly obvious. 237 00:14:10,500 --> 00:14:15,125 Okay, are you flicking the thumb-sensor, tickling the pressure pad, 238 00:14:15,208 --> 00:14:18,250 and tapping the button in five-eight time? 239 00:14:18,333 --> 00:14:21,000 -This better be worth it, Chonies. 240 00:14:21,083 --> 00:14:25,083 Oh, it will be. Now hit the button under the seat. 241 00:14:27,833 --> 00:14:30,416 Self-destruct mode activated. Clear the area. 242 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:32,083 Thirty seconds remaining. 243 00:14:32,166 --> 00:14:34,958 What? Self destruct? No! 244 00:14:35,041 --> 00:14:36,958 I'm afraid you're locked in. 245 00:14:37,041 --> 00:14:39,458 Well, that's what most of my instructions were. 246 00:14:39,541 --> 00:14:40,791 Some were just for fun. 247 00:14:40,875 --> 00:14:44,041 Get me out of here, Chonies! 248 00:14:44,125 --> 00:14:48,625 Gee, I'd love to, but I'm so trapped in here. Hmm. 249 00:14:48,708 --> 00:14:51,416 -Fine. 250 00:15:00,458 --> 00:15:01,833 Ow! 251 00:15:01,916 --> 00:15:03,750 Self-destruct deactivated. 252 00:15:05,916 --> 00:15:09,583 So Mavis, wanna see what my friend here can really do? 253 00:15:12,750 --> 00:15:13,958 Whoa! 254 00:15:23,458 --> 00:15:25,166 -Ed, please, 255 00:15:25,250 --> 00:15:28,083 for the sake of a few bones these guys haven't broken yet, 256 00:15:28,166 --> 00:15:29,250 no more cons. 257 00:15:29,333 --> 00:15:33,583 It's okay. It's okay. I'm gonna give them the greatest con of all. 258 00:15:33,666 --> 00:15:35,000 The truth. 259 00:15:36,375 --> 00:15:38,708 Hey, guys. 260 00:15:38,791 --> 00:15:43,416 Uh... I just wanna say sorry for screwing you all over. 261 00:15:43,500 --> 00:15:46,166 I didn't think about what stealing your jewels, 262 00:15:46,250 --> 00:15:49,333 your dreams of marital bliss, your appetizer would mean to you. 263 00:15:49,416 --> 00:15:52,125 I only thought about avoiding consequences. 264 00:15:53,416 --> 00:15:55,416 You could give it all back. 265 00:15:55,500 --> 00:15:59,625 If I could, I would, but I've long since sold everything. 266 00:15:59,708 --> 00:16:00,583 Kill him! 267 00:16:24,625 --> 00:16:28,208 Give back my sweet boy! 268 00:16:29,208 --> 00:16:30,375 Chonies! 269 00:16:31,166 --> 00:16:34,500 Don't you ever worry me like that again. 270 00:16:34,583 --> 00:16:36,916 You hear me? Ever! 271 00:16:37,000 --> 00:16:39,166 If it means you're gonna hug me this much, 272 00:16:39,250 --> 00:16:42,625 I am definitely gonna worry you like this again. 273 00:16:49,958 --> 00:16:52,416 Sentient stickers. On the house. 274 00:16:52,500 --> 00:16:56,625 But don't put them on the house. Unless you want an alive house. 275 00:17:04,291 --> 00:17:06,125 My free will has returned. 276 00:17:06,208 --> 00:17:08,875 Chonies, you've liberated me again. 277 00:17:08,958 --> 00:17:11,291 Don't worry, Cy-Bark. That just means... 278 00:17:12,083 --> 00:17:14,791 you owe me a favor. 279 00:17:14,875 --> 00:17:16,291 -Huh? -What? 280 00:17:16,375 --> 00:17:18,750 Is that supposed to be me? Terrible impression. 281 00:17:18,833 --> 00:17:21,458 Sorry, had to channel my inner Ed to escape, so... 282 00:17:21,541 --> 00:17:24,916 So, I saved you by being charmingly deceitful. 283 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:27,791 Yes, but that's also how you got me trapped. 284 00:17:27,875 --> 00:17:29,000 I know. I'm sorry. 285 00:17:29,083 --> 00:17:32,000 From now on, I'm taking credit for my actions. 286 00:17:32,083 --> 00:17:34,541 Shouldn't that be taking responsibility? 287 00:17:34,625 --> 00:17:36,958 Eh, close enough. Let's not push our luck. 288 00:17:38,250 --> 00:17:40,541 Well, well. If it ain't Chonies. 289 00:17:40,625 --> 00:17:42,583 It ain't Chonies. 290 00:17:42,666 --> 00:17:45,416 Nice try. We know all about your reputation. 291 00:17:45,500 --> 00:17:48,083 The most notorious thief in ten systems. 292 00:17:48,166 --> 00:17:51,916 And now, the whole galaxy is gonna see your face and know your name. 293 00:17:52,458 --> 00:17:55,125 The whole galaxy? My face? 294 00:17:55,208 --> 00:17:57,208 I mean, yes. 295 00:17:57,291 --> 00:18:00,750 That's me, the most notorious thief there is. 296 00:18:00,833 --> 00:18:02,500 Finally. 297 00:18:02,583 --> 00:18:06,041 -Just so you know, my real name is Mavi-- 298 00:18:10,041 --> 00:18:11,875 -Hello. 299 00:18:11,958 --> 00:18:13,375 Uh, really? 300 00:18:13,458 --> 00:18:15,250 -That one too, huh? -Ahh! 301 00:18:15,333 --> 00:18:18,500 Impressive. Sure, no problem. Thanks for the tip. 302 00:18:18,583 --> 00:18:21,125 -Ma'am, you're free to go. -What? No! 303 00:18:21,208 --> 00:18:22,750 Arrest me. 304 00:18:22,833 --> 00:18:25,958 This guy, Ed, just called. Turns out he is the real Chonies. 305 00:18:26,041 --> 00:18:28,916 Gave us a lot of specific details that only he would know. 306 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:30,416 Took all the credit. 307 00:18:30,500 --> 00:18:34,125 Sorry for the misunderstanding, ma'am. We thought you were a master thief! 308 00:18:34,208 --> 00:18:35,458 Our mistake. 309 00:18:36,750 --> 00:18:38,750 No!