1 00:00:51,916 --> 00:00:54,500 I'm here with Captain Stella 2 00:00:54,583 --> 00:00:58,708 who dove into the belly of a gross, glowing space worm 3 00:00:58,791 --> 00:01:00,291 to save her crew. 4 00:01:00,375 --> 00:01:04,166 Captain, is it true your team was asleep during the attack 5 00:01:04,250 --> 00:01:06,791 -Yes, the worm's glow lulls anyone... 6 00:01:06,875 --> 00:01:09,041 ...that looks directly at it to sleep. 7 00:01:09,125 --> 00:01:11,791 Really? So why weren't you asleep? 8 00:01:11,875 --> 00:01:16,333 Because Fran, I closed my eyes. 9 00:01:16,416 --> 00:01:19,166 -Wow! You piloted the Pluto... 10 00:01:19,250 --> 00:01:21,291 ...and destroyed the worm blind? 11 00:01:21,375 --> 00:01:25,333 You all must feel so lucky to work with Captain Stella! 12 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:28,916 -Absolutely. Yes. -Uh, can you turn off those cameras? 13 00:01:29,708 --> 00:01:33,250 You know, when I was captain, I too defeated a... 14 00:01:33,333 --> 00:01:37,500 Anything you'd like to say to the dogs of the M-Bark, Captain Stella? 15 00:01:38,208 --> 00:01:42,083 Only that dogs look out for each other, no matter what. 16 00:01:42,166 --> 00:01:44,916 Doesn't matter if you're a captain or a slime shoveler. 17 00:01:45,000 --> 00:01:46,583 If we have each other's backs, 18 00:01:46,666 --> 00:01:49,625 it'll bring us a step closer to finding our new home. 19 00:01:49,708 --> 00:01:51,083 And cut! 20 00:01:53,625 --> 00:01:56,833 Phew! Being on camera is stressful! 21 00:01:56,916 --> 00:01:58,875 Time to relax with a lavender bath. 22 00:02:00,541 --> 00:02:02,666 Or I could just... 23 00:02:02,750 --> 00:02:04,916 No, Loaf! We have a mission to-- 24 00:02:13,416 --> 00:02:16,250 Nachos. 25 00:02:16,333 --> 00:02:17,958 You sure this is gonna wake him? 26 00:02:18,041 --> 00:02:19,625 Good workout always wakes me up. 27 00:02:19,708 --> 00:02:21,541 Well, technically it makes me sleepy, 28 00:02:21,625 --> 00:02:24,708 but my post-workout snack routine is a huge sugar rush. 29 00:02:24,791 --> 00:02:29,166 Right. Okay. I have to go meet with Pistachio Soup. 30 00:02:29,250 --> 00:02:33,833 Ooh, check out the bigshot hanging out with the Head of the Council. Ha. 31 00:02:35,333 --> 00:02:36,791 You saved us! 32 00:02:36,875 --> 00:02:38,916 You deserve to be interviewed as the hero 33 00:02:39,000 --> 00:02:44,250 and have it broadcast into every room on the M-Bark. 34 00:02:46,916 --> 00:02:48,416 You ready to wake up, Loaf? 35 00:02:48,500 --> 00:02:51,666 Oh, I, I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm awake. 36 00:03:00,208 --> 00:03:06,000 Welcome to the "Bounce Like A Bouncer: An Exercise Video" with me, Jerry. 37 00:03:06,791 --> 00:03:10,166 Let's do our first move: The Check Your Perimeter For Punks. 38 00:03:10,250 --> 00:03:14,416 And here we go. Left! And right! And left! And right! And left! 39 00:03:14,500 --> 00:03:16,875 -And right! And left! And right! 40 00:03:16,958 --> 00:03:19,958 And left! And right! And left! And right! 41 00:03:20,041 --> 00:03:23,333 And left! And right! And pat down! And pat down! 42 00:03:23,416 --> 00:03:26,708 And pat down! And pat down! And pat down! 43 00:03:26,791 --> 00:03:30,041 And pat down! And pat down! And pat down! 44 00:03:31,708 --> 00:03:35,083 -Boo! -Stardust? 45 00:03:35,166 --> 00:03:37,125 Heh, heh, did you miss me, Garbage? 46 00:03:37,208 --> 00:03:41,458 How are you, what are you, I never thought, ah! 47 00:03:41,541 --> 00:03:44,208 I missed you too. Bring it in! 48 00:03:45,083 --> 00:03:47,083 -Oh. 49 00:03:47,166 --> 00:03:49,708 Sorry, can't resist a little prank. 50 00:03:49,791 --> 00:03:52,125 Loaf! Loaf! Look! 51 00:03:52,875 --> 00:03:55,000 Yeah! You're doing great! 52 00:03:55,083 --> 00:03:57,583 Why can't Loaf see you? Are you a ghost? 53 00:03:57,666 --> 00:04:01,458 Did they kill you? I'll avenge you, I promise! 54 00:04:01,541 --> 00:04:05,541 No, no, no. I've never been more alive. 55 00:04:05,625 --> 00:04:08,500 -I'm just astral projecting. 56 00:04:09,083 --> 00:04:12,416 Loaf can't see or hear me unless I want him to. 57 00:04:12,916 --> 00:04:16,458 Astral pr-, it, it worked? You have powers now? 58 00:04:16,541 --> 00:04:20,583 Of course. Don't tell me you became like the rest of the M-Bark cynics, 59 00:04:20,666 --> 00:04:24,625 thinking I was mad to believe in the true power of the zodiac. 60 00:04:24,708 --> 00:04:27,083 What? No! 61 00:04:27,166 --> 00:04:31,541 I never thought the whole idea of zodiac magic was nonsense. 62 00:04:31,625 --> 00:04:33,333 Wait, if you're back, 63 00:04:33,416 --> 00:04:38,125 that means you found a planet for us! Woohoo! 64 00:04:39,708 --> 00:04:42,291 Uh, I, I'm working on it, working on that. 65 00:04:42,375 --> 00:04:44,000 Work in progress. 66 00:04:44,083 --> 00:04:47,875 Uh, I'm actually here because I read your horoscope. 67 00:04:48,791 --> 00:04:50,250 Whoa! 68 00:04:51,041 --> 00:04:53,625 Oh, silly me, you don’t speak star sign language. 69 00:04:53,708 --> 00:04:58,375 Let me translate it. "An old friend will come to your aid." 70 00:04:58,458 --> 00:05:03,416 That's clearly me! I'm old and friendly. So, what do you need, Captain? 71 00:05:03,500 --> 00:05:06,500 Is the soda in the captain's lounge still lukewarm? 72 00:05:06,583 --> 00:05:08,166 I bet I can fix that for you. 73 00:05:08,250 --> 00:05:12,750 Or, oh, I know, where's my old captain's jacket? 74 00:05:12,833 --> 00:05:16,375 Uh c-, c-, captain stuff is boring compared to your adventures. 75 00:05:16,458 --> 00:05:18,458 Tell me how you got your astral powers. 76 00:05:18,541 --> 00:05:21,208 How about I show you? 77 00:05:22,875 --> 00:05:25,166 Whoa. 78 00:05:28,250 --> 00:05:30,250 How are we back here? 79 00:05:30,333 --> 00:05:35,166 -We're not. Well, you're not. See? 80 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:49,458 Remember this? The day I made you a captain, 81 00:05:49,541 --> 00:05:53,083 the thing you yearned for since the very moment we met 82 00:05:53,166 --> 00:05:54,833 finally yours. 83 00:05:54,916 --> 00:05:57,333 Uh-huh, yeah, that, that was great. 84 00:05:57,791 --> 00:06:01,875 Not impressed? Fine. I know what'll knock your socks off. 85 00:06:03,250 --> 00:06:05,833 You can make a theme park ride anywhere? 86 00:06:06,500 --> 00:06:07,875 I want that power! 87 00:06:07,958 --> 00:06:10,250 Ha! You think you're jealous now? 88 00:06:10,333 --> 00:06:12,833 Get a load of what else I can do. Hah! 89 00:06:12,916 --> 00:06:19,125 Ah! Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Woo! 90 00:06:19,208 --> 00:06:24,875 Whoa! Whoa! Woohoo! Hoo! Hoo! 91 00:06:24,958 --> 00:06:29,958 Ha-ha! Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Woohoo! 92 00:06:39,125 --> 00:06:41,208 Back on Earth, all they did 93 00:06:41,291 --> 00:06:44,791 was use the position of stars to try to predict feelings. 94 00:06:44,875 --> 00:06:46,333 It's basic, boring. 95 00:06:47,083 --> 00:06:51,625 But if you control the stars, you control feelings. 96 00:06:51,708 --> 00:06:56,791 Of course to master others' emotions, you must master your own. 97 00:07:00,250 --> 00:07:04,208 I wept for 400 hours, drinking only my tears. 98 00:07:04,291 --> 00:07:08,166 All I ate were the bugs that flew into my sobbing mouth. 99 00:07:08,250 --> 00:07:11,375 They offered me lunch. I said no! 100 00:07:11,458 --> 00:07:14,875 Whoa! I could never turn down lunch. 101 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:25,916 Is that you? You look awesome! 102 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:29,875 No, that's, uh, Susan. I'm, uh, on a different peak. 103 00:07:29,958 --> 00:07:33,666 But look, you see those floaty marbly things? 104 00:07:33,750 --> 00:07:35,375 Those are star fragments. 105 00:07:35,458 --> 00:07:39,208 The more you amass, the more power you have. 106 00:07:39,291 --> 00:07:43,833 With these, you can play anyone's emotions like a fine-tuned piano, 107 00:07:44,416 --> 00:07:47,291 make your enemies love you, your friends hate you, 108 00:07:47,375 --> 00:07:50,666 even make an entire species want to share their planet with you. 109 00:07:50,750 --> 00:07:53,750 You found a species to share a planet with us? 110 00:07:53,833 --> 00:07:55,500 Well, uh, well, not yet. 111 00:07:55,583 --> 00:08:00,041 But I did, uh, convince a planet of tiny frogs to worship me. 112 00:08:00,125 --> 00:08:01,500 Wanna see? 113 00:08:01,583 --> 00:08:04,708 Sh-, yeah! But wait, show me your peak. 114 00:08:04,791 --> 00:08:09,833 You're projecting, right? So where's your real body right now? 115 00:08:09,916 --> 00:08:12,916 Woohoo! Ah-ha-ha! 116 00:08:17,375 --> 00:08:22,375 I know, I know. Seeing my journey must have overwhelmed you 117 00:08:22,458 --> 00:08:24,708 with ideas of what you want. 118 00:08:24,791 --> 00:08:28,833 Not to worry. Let's brainstorm at your captain's quarters. 119 00:08:28,916 --> 00:08:30,166 Race ya! 120 00:08:30,250 --> 00:08:32,291 Wait, what? No! Stardust! 121 00:08:35,000 --> 00:08:41,750 Garbage? Ha! He couldn't handle my level of fitness! 122 00:08:42,916 --> 00:08:46,916 -Hmm. -Ha! So yeah, funny story, 123 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:49,583 but it'd take like three hours to tell. 124 00:08:49,666 --> 00:08:52,916 So short version is, I lost my captaincy. 125 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:55,791 -But-- -You lost my captaincy? 126 00:08:55,875 --> 00:08:58,666 Garbage, who did this to you? Was it what's-his-face? 127 00:08:58,750 --> 00:09:00,833 That old Cheery, Jolly, Gladdy? 128 00:09:00,916 --> 00:09:03,458 No! It wasn't Happy! It was my fault. 129 00:09:03,541 --> 00:09:06,875 Please don't be mad. I'm gonna earn back a ship of my own one day. 130 00:09:06,958 --> 00:09:09,875 You don't need to earn it. I already gave it to ya. 131 00:09:09,958 --> 00:09:13,250 Hmm. So Stella's Captain of the Pluto? 132 00:09:13,333 --> 00:09:16,833 What do you even call her? Captain Stella? That sounds weird. 133 00:09:16,916 --> 00:09:20,125 She's a great captain! And I still play a vital role. 134 00:09:20,208 --> 00:09:23,875 I'll prove it. Come talk to the crew and you'll see how important I am. 135 00:09:23,958 --> 00:09:25,041 Hmm. 136 00:09:26,333 --> 00:09:29,875 Nomi! Pepper! Just the teammates to talk me up. 137 00:09:29,958 --> 00:09:33,291 You guys remember the globby alien mission when I heroically saved-- 138 00:09:33,375 --> 00:09:36,958 Yup! Stella was all, "Not today, glob jerks!" 139 00:09:37,041 --> 00:09:39,958 Then took 'em down like surprise! Flame-thrower! 140 00:09:40,041 --> 00:09:43,333 Ah! Flame-thrower! Flame-thrower! Flame-thrower! 141 00:09:46,583 --> 00:09:49,708 I agree. Captain Stella's expert moves deserve recognition. 142 00:09:49,791 --> 00:09:52,875 -Hmm. -But what about when I-- 143 00:09:52,958 --> 00:09:56,083 Wait! You were there? Huh. I thought you were off sick that day. 144 00:09:56,166 --> 00:09:58,875 -Nomi, Garbage was definitely there. -Thank you. 145 00:09:58,958 --> 00:10:00,708 He made packed lunches, remember? 146 00:10:00,791 --> 00:10:04,666 That's not what I... I did more than... 147 00:10:04,750 --> 00:10:08,625 Hmm, an important role? Sounds like more of a bread roll to me. 148 00:10:08,708 --> 00:10:10,833 You still carry pastries in your pocket? 149 00:10:15,250 --> 00:10:20,125 Chonies! I'm here to help in my usual very heroic way. 150 00:10:20,208 --> 00:10:21,583 Um, we're good. 151 00:10:21,666 --> 00:10:25,166 But we could really use some of those delicious sandwiches! 152 00:10:25,250 --> 00:10:26,416 Ugh! 153 00:10:26,500 --> 00:10:29,583 Yo Garbage! Wanna help me out? 154 00:10:29,666 --> 00:10:33,541 Sure! I take it there's something only I can help with? 155 00:10:33,625 --> 00:10:38,166 Yup! I want to sell you some super rare tech I... found. 156 00:10:38,250 --> 00:10:41,041 I'll give you a discount because you're the Pluto's best, 157 00:10:41,125 --> 00:10:44,250 uh, , wait, do you even have a title anymore? 158 00:10:44,333 --> 00:10:48,583 Of course Garbage has a title! He's my best friend! 159 00:10:52,166 --> 00:10:56,166 -Hmm. -Uh, they're a bit busy, but come with me. 160 00:10:56,250 --> 00:10:59,291 I'll show you something that'll blow your astral mind! 161 00:11:00,416 --> 00:11:03,791 Ta-da! See? I got a reputation. 162 00:11:03,875 --> 00:11:06,083 As a tea slinger? 163 00:11:07,750 --> 00:11:10,250 Dogs look out for each other, no matter what. 164 00:11:10,333 --> 00:11:13,041 Doesn't matter if you're a captain or a slime shoveler. 165 00:11:13,125 --> 00:11:14,708 If we have each other's backs, 166 00:11:14,791 --> 00:11:17,625 it'll bring us a step closer to finding our new home. 167 00:11:17,708 --> 00:11:20,333 You're a true hero, Captain Stella. 168 00:11:20,416 --> 00:11:23,791 Keep all this up, and you may have a seat on the Council one day. 169 00:11:23,875 --> 00:11:28,083 -Congrats! 170 00:11:28,166 --> 00:11:31,000 -Garbage, I'm glad you're here. 171 00:11:31,083 --> 00:11:32,625 Can you make me a new matcha? 172 00:11:32,708 --> 00:11:36,083 Barclay can't seem to get my cheekbones right in the foam art. 173 00:11:40,250 --> 00:11:44,166 Oh, uh, ha-ha, you know I don't work here, right? 174 00:11:44,250 --> 00:11:45,833 Of course. Of course. 175 00:11:47,125 --> 00:11:50,625 Pistachio? If I may, Garbage is a vital crew member. 176 00:11:51,083 --> 00:11:55,166 Whoa! Uh, I just realized I forgot to do my cooldown stretches. 177 00:11:55,250 --> 00:11:58,208 Don't want to cramp! Oh! 178 00:12:01,041 --> 00:12:02,041 Bye! 179 00:12:02,625 --> 00:12:04,583 Uh, okay. 180 00:12:04,666 --> 00:12:07,791 Well, I have more ideas on how captains can improve crew safety. 181 00:12:23,291 --> 00:12:26,916 Maybe my ideas are not good enough. I mean I'd like to re-re-revise them. 182 00:12:27,041 --> 00:12:29,791 I'll- I'll catch up with you. Yeah. 183 00:12:29,875 --> 00:12:32,375 Okay. But don't take too long. 184 00:12:33,666 --> 00:12:36,583 Looks like someone can't handle their oolong. 185 00:12:41,041 --> 00:12:44,458 Ugh! Hmm. 186 00:12:44,541 --> 00:12:47,000 God, what was that? Get it together, Stella! 187 00:12:51,250 --> 00:12:52,875 Stardust, I... 188 00:12:52,958 --> 00:12:56,916 Do you remember why I put you on my crew, hmm? 189 00:12:57,000 --> 00:13:01,958 I saw a dog who let nothing stand between him and what he wanted. 190 00:13:02,041 --> 00:13:03,416 What happened to that dog? 191 00:13:03,541 --> 00:13:07,375 Where's the dog who looked up to me and wanted to be a hero? 192 00:13:07,458 --> 00:13:09,125 I do still want to be a hero! 193 00:13:09,208 --> 00:13:12,291 And I'll make captain again. I just... 194 00:13:12,375 --> 00:13:15,208 You're lucky I'm here. I have the power to fix this, 195 00:13:15,291 --> 00:13:18,333 but only if you truly want to be a captain. 196 00:13:18,416 --> 00:13:20,208 Well, yeah, of course. 197 00:13:20,291 --> 00:13:24,458 I mean when a position becomes available, I would love to be a captain again. 198 00:13:25,125 --> 00:13:26,958 You don’t mean it. 199 00:13:27,041 --> 00:13:29,291 If I'd a known you were happy being a lap dog, 200 00:13:29,375 --> 00:13:32,875 -I'd never have given you-- -No! I do! When I'm ready, uh-- 201 00:13:32,958 --> 00:13:35,791 Make me believe you. 202 00:13:35,875 --> 00:13:38,791 Yes! Fine! Of course, I want to be a captain! 203 00:13:38,875 --> 00:13:43,000 I miss my chair and the captain's discount and calling the shots! 204 00:13:43,083 --> 00:13:44,625 And being looked up to! 205 00:13:45,833 --> 00:13:48,041 I just think I blew my shot. 206 00:13:48,125 --> 00:13:54,125 Nonsense. All you need is the right opportunity to prove yourself, right? 207 00:13:54,208 --> 00:13:56,291 Then leave it to me, boy. 208 00:14:00,208 --> 00:14:03,458 What? I was just having a heart-to-heart with my invisible friend. 209 00:14:09,708 --> 00:14:12,375 -Okay team, let's start by testing the-- 210 00:14:12,458 --> 00:14:14,416 Hey crew? I just want to say 211 00:14:14,500 --> 00:14:17,750 temporarily being a non-captain with you has been super humbling. 212 00:14:17,833 --> 00:14:21,291 I have learned a lot. And someday soon, thanks to you, 213 00:14:21,375 --> 00:14:25,291 I'll be a better captain of, let's face it, probably the Saturn. 214 00:14:25,375 --> 00:14:27,416 Wrinkles is way past retirement. 215 00:14:27,500 --> 00:14:30,916 I admire the optimism, Garbage. 216 00:14:31,000 --> 00:14:33,291 But if you want to make captain again, focus on the mission. 217 00:14:33,375 --> 00:14:35,250 We don't want to get back late for Loaf's potluck. 218 00:14:35,333 --> 00:14:36,666 I made quiche. 219 00:14:39,833 --> 00:14:43,500 Chonies, when I make captain again, 220 00:14:43,583 --> 00:14:47,291 I want my most loyal friend by my side. What do you say-- 221 00:14:47,375 --> 00:14:50,125 -Huh? 222 00:14:51,708 --> 00:14:54,375 What's wrong, Chonies? Why are you growling at me? 223 00:14:54,458 --> 00:14:56,041 Stay away from Garbage! 224 00:14:56,125 --> 00:14:59,875 He's my best friend, not yours! Back off! 225 00:15:01,916 --> 00:15:04,083 Let's get Chonies to the ship. 226 00:15:06,291 --> 00:15:09,250 And team, be careful. Something's not right. 227 00:15:12,625 --> 00:15:14,916 -Ah! 228 00:15:17,875 --> 00:15:20,625 -Ah! 229 00:15:31,333 --> 00:15:34,541 -Ed! We have to help Nomi! -That's not Nomi. 230 00:15:34,625 --> 00:15:37,541 That's Fillarula Bankswap, disguised as Nomi, 231 00:15:37,625 --> 00:15:39,583 here to turn me in for a bounty. 232 00:15:39,666 --> 00:15:43,250 -Huh? -You're not Garbage. Who are you? 233 00:15:43,333 --> 00:15:45,333 -That's not a real face, is it? 234 00:15:45,416 --> 00:15:46,750 Take off that mask! 235 00:15:49,166 --> 00:15:51,458 -Garbage is not a liar! -What is ha-, happening? 236 00:15:53,666 --> 00:15:56,083 They're okay, they're okay, they're okay, they're okay. 237 00:15:56,166 --> 00:15:59,375 I'm okay. They're okay, they're okay. I'm okay, I'm okay. 238 00:15:59,458 --> 00:16:01,833 They're okay, they're okay, they're okay, they're okay... 239 00:16:04,041 --> 00:16:08,458 -Nice flame-thrower! -Oh great! Flammable sand! 240 00:16:10,291 --> 00:16:12,750 The best tactical option is to eliminate you. 241 00:16:12,833 --> 00:16:14,166 All of you. 242 00:16:14,250 --> 00:16:16,833 -Ah! 243 00:16:19,250 --> 00:16:21,416 -Get off me! 244 00:16:23,125 --> 00:16:26,833 Crew. I don’t know w-what to do. 245 00:16:26,916 --> 00:16:31,416 -How-how do I fix this? Uh, I don't know. 246 00:16:37,416 --> 00:16:39,708 Stella, listen. I need you. 247 00:16:41,041 --> 00:16:43,041 We need you. You're our captain. 248 00:16:45,333 --> 00:16:47,083 Oh no. 249 00:16:53,250 --> 00:16:54,250 Ugh! 250 00:16:56,833 --> 00:16:59,791 Stop! Stop! This isn't what I want! 251 00:17:03,041 --> 00:17:05,166 What are you talkin' about? 252 00:17:05,250 --> 00:17:08,458 This is exactly what you asked me for. 253 00:17:08,541 --> 00:17:11,041 An opportunity to prove yourself. 254 00:17:11,125 --> 00:17:13,375 Not by taking it from Stella! 255 00:17:13,458 --> 00:17:16,208 You can't get what you want without taking it. 256 00:17:16,291 --> 00:17:18,708 Go on boy, save your crew, be a hero. 257 00:17:18,791 --> 00:17:22,875 Then thank me later. 258 00:17:23,791 --> 00:17:27,166 Ugh! I'm not doing this for me! 259 00:17:27,250 --> 00:17:31,041 -Chonies! Buddy! You want a hug? 260 00:17:31,125 --> 00:17:33,875 Garbage! Garbage! Garbage! 261 00:17:35,791 --> 00:17:37,166 Garbage! Garbage! 262 00:17:38,833 --> 00:17:42,666 Oh! 263 00:17:46,625 --> 00:17:48,958 You're blowing my cover, fake face! 264 00:17:51,625 --> 00:17:54,041 -Hey, Pepper. Whatcha doin'? 265 00:17:54,125 --> 00:17:57,833 Oh, cool, cool. Well... 266 00:18:01,625 --> 00:18:04,375 -Ah! 267 00:18:09,083 --> 00:18:10,208 Sorry. 268 00:18:15,666 --> 00:18:18,208 Eh, is the cr-crew okay? 269 00:18:18,291 --> 00:18:20,708 Yes. Now come on. I got you. 270 00:18:28,541 --> 00:18:30,541 Stella! You okay? 271 00:18:30,625 --> 00:18:33,125 You've been in there for hours. I need to tell you. 272 00:18:36,375 --> 00:18:39,250 Oh, team, I am so sorry. 273 00:18:39,333 --> 00:18:41,583 Wait, Loaf, why are you on crutches? 274 00:18:41,666 --> 00:18:45,166 I fell in surprise when I saw how hurt everyone was. 275 00:18:45,250 --> 00:18:47,416 Hey, Pepper looks okay! 276 00:18:47,500 --> 00:18:49,583 I dislocated both my shoulders. 277 00:18:49,666 --> 00:18:52,791 -Ugh. -Stell, we're fine. 278 00:18:52,875 --> 00:18:55,666 This look is totally upping my fake ID game. 279 00:18:55,750 --> 00:18:58,791 I let you all down. I didn't lead, I didn't look out for you. 280 00:18:58,875 --> 00:19:01,791 I don't know why it happens, but I know that I froze. 281 00:19:01,875 --> 00:19:04,875 I didn't do my job. And you all got hurt. 282 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:09,625 I won't let that happen again. 283 00:19:09,708 --> 00:19:12,583 Wait, Stella. Can we talk? 284 00:19:12,666 --> 00:19:14,750 Garbage, if it weren't for you... 285 00:19:17,916 --> 00:19:21,041 Everyone, next mission's tomorrow morning. Be there on time. 286 00:19:26,583 --> 00:19:28,250 She said be here on time, right? 287 00:19:28,333 --> 00:19:30,833 And we're here, on time. Did we get the wrong time? 288 00:19:30,916 --> 00:19:32,875 -Hmm. -Council dog. 289 00:19:32,958 --> 00:19:34,625 Why are you... where's Stella? 290 00:19:34,708 --> 00:19:38,208 She's okay. But, um, she told us what happened. 291 00:19:38,291 --> 00:19:40,083 -She decided to step down... 292 00:19:40,166 --> 00:19:42,666 -...and recommended you to replace her. 293 00:19:42,750 --> 00:19:45,125 What? No! This is a mistake! 294 00:19:45,208 --> 00:19:47,000 I understand this feels sudden. 295 00:19:47,083 --> 00:19:50,000 But from what she told me of how you saved the day, 296 00:19:50,083 --> 00:19:53,000 it seems I might have been wrong about you. 297 00:19:53,083 --> 00:19:57,166 Now chop, chop, you have a mission to get to, Captain. 298 00:19:57,250 --> 00:19:59,291 What?