1 00:00:13,125 --> 00:00:15,916 Oh, my God. Baby. It's okay. 2 00:00:18,791 --> 00:00:20,916 You have to get away from her. 3 00:00:21,708 --> 00:00:24,875 You and our baby. Promise me. 4 00:00:26,708 --> 00:00:29,416 No. No! 5 00:00:36,125 --> 00:00:38,208 Dr. Navarro… 6 00:00:42,291 --> 00:00:43,291 Who is here? 7 00:00:51,291 --> 00:00:52,458 My baby? 8 00:00:53,916 --> 00:00:55,666 I'll get the doctor for you. 9 00:00:56,500 --> 00:00:57,625 Tell me now. 10 00:01:00,458 --> 00:01:01,458 I'm sorry. 11 00:01:08,041 --> 00:01:11,791 We thought you were the girl that went missing. So we called your family. 12 00:01:13,041 --> 00:01:14,833 They told us it was your sister. 13 00:01:14,916 --> 00:01:17,416 But the good news is they're coming. 14 00:01:17,500 --> 00:01:20,333 So you just rest, love. Till they get here. 15 00:01:41,291 --> 00:01:46,041 Dr. Navarro call 312. Dr. Navarro, 312. 16 00:01:52,458 --> 00:01:55,500 Leni, they're after me, Towers and Payne. 17 00:01:56,250 --> 00:01:58,416 They got Dylan and now they want me. 18 00:01:58,500 --> 00:02:01,166 Are you sure it's them? Do you have proof? 19 00:02:01,250 --> 00:02:02,750 Yes, I have proof. 20 00:02:02,833 --> 00:02:04,750 Jesus. Crap. Where you at? 21 00:02:04,833 --> 00:02:06,750 I'm on the move, it's not safe for me. 22 00:02:06,833 --> 00:02:09,916 I need your help, sis. Can you come and get me? 23 00:02:29,500 --> 00:02:30,500 Oh, my God. 24 00:02:31,250 --> 00:02:32,125 Georgia! 25 00:03:01,916 --> 00:03:04,666 That was found under the front seat of your car. 26 00:03:04,750 --> 00:03:05,666 What? 27 00:03:29,333 --> 00:03:32,291 You say Gina framed you. 28 00:03:33,416 --> 00:03:34,250 Yes. 29 00:03:34,333 --> 00:03:37,458 Why would she do something like that? 30 00:03:37,541 --> 00:03:39,250 She's unstable. 31 00:03:39,958 --> 00:03:43,208 I mean, she has been for a long time. 32 00:03:43,291 --> 00:03:48,750 Yeah, I'm gonna need a stronger motive than "she's prone to mood swings." 33 00:03:49,541 --> 00:03:51,000 Don't you think it's strange 34 00:03:51,083 --> 00:03:56,541 that this, uh… this photo arrived in your inbox from an unknown source 35 00:03:56,625 --> 00:03:59,750 and an anonymous caller alerted you 36 00:03:59,833 --> 00:04:03,208 to the fact that I might have incriminating evidence in my car? 37 00:04:03,291 --> 00:04:08,291 I mean, was the voice who called you male or female? 38 00:04:09,791 --> 00:04:11,375 You know Mount Echo. 39 00:04:11,458 --> 00:04:13,000 People hold grudges for generations. 40 00:04:13,083 --> 00:04:16,458 They get bent out of shape if you raise a fence line two inches. 41 00:04:16,541 --> 00:04:18,916 Most of the crimes I solve, 42 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:23,625 they get done 'cause of a neighbor or a business partner… 43 00:04:24,208 --> 00:04:25,333 …or a sister 44 00:04:27,291 --> 00:04:28,500 turns someone in. 45 00:04:28,583 --> 00:04:29,416 Yeah. 46 00:04:31,166 --> 00:04:33,458 So if it was Gina, she's been a big help. 47 00:04:33,541 --> 00:04:34,833 Yeah. Big help. 48 00:04:34,916 --> 00:04:40,500 And it would have also mean that she probably has more information 49 00:04:40,583 --> 00:04:41,958 than she is sharing. 50 00:04:56,916 --> 00:04:59,000 Gina McCleary, you're under arrest. 51 00:05:00,333 --> 00:05:01,625 What? What did she tell you? 52 00:05:01,708 --> 00:05:03,625 She hasn't told me anything. Yet. 53 00:05:03,708 --> 00:05:05,416 She's trying to pin this on me, isn't she? 54 00:05:05,500 --> 00:05:06,875 No, this isn't about Dylan. 55 00:05:06,958 --> 00:05:09,166 This is about Robert Craghorne, 56 00:05:09,250 --> 00:05:12,958 who died in a fire in an abandoned church 25 years ago. 57 00:05:13,041 --> 00:05:14,583 You remember that, yes? 58 00:05:15,375 --> 00:05:18,458 -You're under arrest for murder. -What? 59 00:05:32,708 --> 00:05:38,041 Now, why do you think that Leni would cook up a whopper like that? 60 00:05:38,125 --> 00:05:39,708 You two having trouble? 61 00:05:40,750 --> 00:05:41,625 Not really. 62 00:05:41,708 --> 00:05:45,166 Hmm. Even though she was having an affair with your former boyfriend. 63 00:05:45,250 --> 00:05:46,875 That might get my dander up. 64 00:05:46,958 --> 00:05:50,333 Leni didn't share with me that she was having an affair with Dylan. 65 00:05:51,041 --> 00:05:56,416 And I have a wonderful life in Los Angeles with a husband I love very much. 66 00:05:57,291 --> 00:05:59,666 -You know, Leni's problems are her own. -Mmm. 67 00:06:00,333 --> 00:06:01,541 Yeah, that's the way I see it. 68 00:06:01,625 --> 00:06:04,708 You lack motive, because you couldn't care less 69 00:06:04,791 --> 00:06:06,958 about some sketchy criminal. 70 00:06:07,041 --> 00:06:08,708 -No offense, Dylan. -Yeah. 71 00:06:09,333 --> 00:06:10,916 No. I mean, I care. 72 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:12,666 I loved him when we were teenagers. 73 00:06:13,250 --> 00:06:15,875 But now I'm being charged with the murder of someone, 74 00:06:15,958 --> 00:06:18,666 that I don't even know, who died in a fire decades ago. 75 00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:22,458 I mean, I'd like to know why you're bringing that up now and why me? 76 00:06:22,541 --> 00:06:26,333 You see, a lot of things have gotten stirred up lately. 77 00:06:26,416 --> 00:06:28,958 It got me thinking. 78 00:06:30,375 --> 00:06:33,875 You all were questioned the night of the fire. 79 00:06:34,750 --> 00:06:37,541 But then Dylan skipped town and I had to let it drop. 80 00:06:37,625 --> 00:06:43,083 I didn't have enough to file charges or even pursue him, but it was suspicious. 81 00:06:43,750 --> 00:06:47,416 And then, more recently, your sister disappears. 82 00:06:47,500 --> 00:06:49,416 So now, as you can imagine, 83 00:06:49,500 --> 00:06:56,083 I'm very, very curious as to how all these things tie together. 84 00:06:56,166 --> 00:07:00,125 And Dylan always seems to be at the center of these things. 85 00:07:00,833 --> 00:07:03,500 Along with you and your sister. 86 00:07:04,666 --> 00:07:06,666 Maybe you want to help me out with that. 87 00:07:08,041 --> 00:07:11,125 Like I told you when I was a teenager, I didn't set that fire. 88 00:07:14,333 --> 00:07:16,041 I was at a Halloween party. 89 00:07:55,208 --> 00:07:56,041 Who's that? 90 00:07:56,708 --> 00:07:58,375 -Want me to check? -Please. 91 00:07:58,458 --> 00:07:59,291 Sure. 92 00:08:11,166 --> 00:08:13,166 Fire! Shit! There's a fire! 93 00:08:13,250 --> 00:08:15,791 -Shit. There's a fire! We gotta get out! 94 00:08:18,875 --> 00:08:21,458 -Hey! Hey, there's fire! 95 00:08:21,541 --> 00:08:22,916 Go! I'll get him. 96 00:08:23,541 --> 00:08:25,125 There's a fire! Fire! 97 00:08:26,875 --> 00:08:28,333 -Go! -Dylan! 98 00:08:28,416 --> 00:08:29,958 Go! I'll get him! 99 00:08:40,916 --> 00:08:41,875 Dylan! 100 00:08:43,833 --> 00:08:45,875 -Dylan! -Gina! 101 00:08:45,958 --> 00:08:47,916 Dylan's still in there with someone else. 102 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:50,041 He's going to be fine. Let's go! 103 00:09:04,875 --> 00:09:08,708 Gina! You have to switch with me. You have to switch with me now. 104 00:09:08,791 --> 00:09:10,166 But why? 105 00:09:10,250 --> 00:09:12,000 So the cops can't put you with Dylan. 106 00:09:12,083 --> 00:09:13,416 I was at the party all this time. 107 00:09:13,500 --> 00:09:16,916 Whoever was in that church is going to get in so much trouble. 108 00:09:17,625 --> 00:09:18,500 Okay? 109 00:09:19,041 --> 00:09:20,791 I'm gonna protect you, Gina. 110 00:09:32,416 --> 00:09:36,791 You can see why I might be a little suspicious of your story, 111 00:09:36,875 --> 00:09:38,875 that Leni set the fire. 112 00:09:38,958 --> 00:09:42,375 'Cause the only person who can corroborate that is dead. 113 00:09:42,458 --> 00:09:46,333 And I guess you have someone who can back your theory? 114 00:09:47,375 --> 00:09:49,541 Let me guess. That person is Leni. 115 00:09:49,625 --> 00:09:52,708 Well, Leni said she never went inside the church. So, no. 116 00:09:52,791 --> 00:09:54,708 And you believe her. 117 00:09:54,791 --> 00:09:56,916 I questioned you both that night 118 00:09:57,000 --> 00:10:01,083 and you both claimed to be at the party the entire time. 119 00:10:01,166 --> 00:10:04,000 And no kid could say, for sure, otherwise. 120 00:10:06,208 --> 00:10:09,416 Yeah, that works nicely for Leni. Don't you think? 121 00:10:09,500 --> 00:10:13,125 What I think is that the two of you have been doing this for a long time. 122 00:10:13,208 --> 00:10:15,833 You cause trouble and then you get out of it, 123 00:10:15,916 --> 00:10:18,375 using your twinship to confuse people. 124 00:10:18,458 --> 00:10:22,666 You deceive people on a regular basis for your own purposes, isn't that right? 125 00:10:25,916 --> 00:10:26,750 Maybe. 126 00:10:28,166 --> 00:10:29,083 As kids. 127 00:10:29,666 --> 00:10:33,750 But we haven't done that in a long time. Except… 128 00:10:35,208 --> 00:10:37,958 You might want to ask Leni how she came into possession 129 00:10:38,041 --> 00:10:40,791 of a check for $60,000 130 00:10:40,875 --> 00:10:43,083 that came directly from my bank account. 131 00:10:56,541 --> 00:10:57,708 So… 132 00:10:58,916 --> 00:11:03,916 I gave Eric from the bank a call about this. 133 00:11:04,541 --> 00:11:06,625 And let me tell you something, he was cranky. 134 00:11:06,708 --> 00:11:08,166 I guess it is a little late. 135 00:11:08,250 --> 00:11:12,166 But even at this late hour, his memory's pretty good. 136 00:11:12,250 --> 00:11:16,541 It seems like there was some confusion around a missing ID, 137 00:11:16,625 --> 00:11:19,000 which then suddenly appeared, and surprise, surprise, 138 00:11:19,083 --> 00:11:21,625 Dylan was involved. 139 00:11:22,208 --> 00:11:26,333 The part that confuses me is, if Gina picked up the check, 140 00:11:26,416 --> 00:11:30,750 then how did you get it to hand to Towers? 141 00:11:31,333 --> 00:11:35,291 Uh, she gave me the check at the party. 142 00:11:35,375 --> 00:11:37,250 -Oh. Right. -Yeah. 143 00:11:37,333 --> 00:11:40,583 As a gift, 'cause she knows Jack and I are struggling with the farm. 144 00:11:40,666 --> 00:11:41,500 Mmm-hmm. 145 00:11:41,583 --> 00:11:43,208 So the tension that you'd witnessed, 146 00:11:43,291 --> 00:11:46,166 you know, that a lot of people at the party had witnessed, 147 00:11:46,250 --> 00:11:47,458 was around this money. 148 00:11:48,458 --> 00:11:50,083 I mean, I think she's jealous. 149 00:11:51,250 --> 00:11:55,416 You know, resentful of this wonderful life that Jack and I have. 150 00:11:55,500 --> 00:12:00,458 If your life is so wonderful, why have an affair with Dylan? 151 00:12:00,541 --> 00:12:03,625 I didn't have an affair with Dylan. 152 00:12:03,708 --> 00:12:06,000 I was trying to help him get back on his feet. 153 00:12:06,083 --> 00:12:10,083 And that involved stealing ketamine from Jack's office 154 00:12:10,166 --> 00:12:11,416 to sell on the street? 155 00:12:12,791 --> 00:12:13,916 I never did that. 156 00:12:17,791 --> 00:12:19,041 That's funny. 157 00:12:21,833 --> 00:12:24,416 Wait here for just a minute, okay? 158 00:12:37,125 --> 00:12:38,625 -What's going on? -Dad. 159 00:12:38,708 --> 00:12:40,125 Why'd she bring you in here? 160 00:12:40,208 --> 00:12:43,125 She's playing me. Playing both of us. 161 00:12:43,208 --> 00:12:45,958 You didn't say anything? You didn't say anything about-- 162 00:12:46,041 --> 00:12:47,541 Leni, baby. 163 00:12:48,333 --> 00:12:52,000 Floss thinks that Gina set that fire back in the day that killed that man. 164 00:12:52,583 --> 00:12:55,291 And you're in here because of Dylan's murder? 165 00:12:55,875 --> 00:12:59,583 That's not my family. That's not the girls I raised. 166 00:13:00,625 --> 00:13:02,083 Daddy, I'm gonna fix it. 167 00:13:03,083 --> 00:13:04,000 Okay? 168 00:13:11,333 --> 00:13:12,875 I'll love you no matter what. 169 00:13:15,083 --> 00:13:17,208 -No matter what. -I know. 170 00:13:32,833 --> 00:13:34,333 -Hey. -Hey. 171 00:13:36,666 --> 00:13:37,541 All right. 172 00:13:39,291 --> 00:13:41,208 Uh, you let Victor in there? 173 00:13:41,291 --> 00:13:43,625 Hell yeah, I put him in there. He runs that place. 174 00:13:43,708 --> 00:13:45,125 He knows about the ketamine. 175 00:13:45,708 --> 00:13:47,541 She's keeping him very quiet though. 176 00:13:48,083 --> 00:13:50,708 Uh, well, the test came back from the cabin. 177 00:13:50,791 --> 00:13:54,208 Not only have we got both sisters' prints, but we have both of their DNA. 178 00:13:54,291 --> 00:13:56,166 Of course. Why would it be simple? 179 00:13:56,250 --> 00:13:58,166 Here's the thing, though. Uh… 180 00:13:58,250 --> 00:14:01,375 They ran DNA on the dishes in the cabinets, 181 00:14:01,458 --> 00:14:04,500 the towels in the hamper… Everything that'd been around for a while. 182 00:14:04,583 --> 00:14:08,833 And it's all Dylan and Gina. 183 00:14:08,916 --> 00:14:10,541 No, you mean Leni. 184 00:14:11,375 --> 00:14:12,375 I mean Gina. 185 00:14:23,291 --> 00:14:28,416 Paula, you ever finish sifting through that CCTV footage? 186 00:14:28,500 --> 00:14:30,875 Uh, no. We've been a little distracted. 187 00:14:30,958 --> 00:14:33,291 -Yeah, I'mma need you to do that now. -Why? 188 00:14:33,875 --> 00:14:35,041 I got an idea. 189 00:14:41,375 --> 00:14:44,916 -Were you sharing him? -What? Who? 190 00:14:45,625 --> 00:14:48,208 Dylan. Were you sharing him? 191 00:14:48,291 --> 00:14:49,500 Jesus. 192 00:14:49,583 --> 00:14:52,125 First thing that gets said about the McCleary sisters 193 00:14:52,208 --> 00:14:53,416 is that they share everything. 194 00:14:53,500 --> 00:14:54,833 You don't know us. 195 00:14:56,000 --> 00:14:59,250 You have no idea what we're like. Nobody does. 196 00:14:59,333 --> 00:15:01,041 Then help me understand why I have 197 00:15:01,125 --> 00:15:02,833 both sets of fingerprints in the cabin. 198 00:15:02,916 --> 00:15:04,750 That's a great question for Gina. 199 00:15:04,833 --> 00:15:06,791 Who says she didn't know you were fucking him? 200 00:15:06,875 --> 00:15:08,875 Pardon my French, but you know what? 201 00:15:08,958 --> 00:15:12,125 I think she did and it was the last straw. 202 00:15:12,208 --> 00:15:15,625 It was the one thing that she just could not share with you. 203 00:15:16,708 --> 00:15:19,833 Or maybe you couldn't share with her. Which one was it, Leni? 204 00:15:19,916 --> 00:15:20,750 You're reaching. 205 00:15:20,833 --> 00:15:24,750 Jealous sisters with a proven history of violent outbursts. 206 00:15:24,833 --> 00:15:25,875 Yeah, like what? 207 00:15:25,958 --> 00:15:29,708 Like Claudia. Like the church fire. And now this. 208 00:15:29,791 --> 00:15:31,041 Oh, my God. 209 00:15:31,125 --> 00:15:34,583 Fighting over an old flame and somehow he ends up dead 210 00:15:34,666 --> 00:15:37,541 after a botched robbery attempt that you were involved in. 211 00:15:37,625 --> 00:15:39,791 Yeah, I think I'm ready for my lawyer now. 212 00:15:39,875 --> 00:15:41,125 I bet you are. 213 00:15:43,125 --> 00:15:45,583 Sheriff, I need you for a minute. 214 00:16:04,875 --> 00:16:05,875 Good work. 215 00:16:06,708 --> 00:16:08,208 You know what, Gina? 216 00:16:08,291 --> 00:16:11,875 I am a people person. I really am. 217 00:16:11,958 --> 00:16:16,125 And you want to know why? It's because they're made up of patterns. 218 00:16:17,000 --> 00:16:22,125 Things that they do over and over again, that reveal who they really are. 219 00:16:22,208 --> 00:16:27,000 So when things don't add up, when they're not part of the pattern, 220 00:16:27,083 --> 00:16:29,125 then I pay attention. 221 00:16:30,083 --> 00:16:34,875 So here's a pattern that I laid out for Leni, which she did not like hearing. 222 00:16:34,958 --> 00:16:40,416 But I thought that maybe you might have a different take on. Um… 223 00:16:43,750 --> 00:16:46,583 The two of you have been confusing outsiders 224 00:16:46,666 --> 00:16:48,791 for as long as you've been alive. 225 00:16:48,875 --> 00:16:51,208 Whenever there's trouble, you just muddy the waters 226 00:16:51,291 --> 00:16:53,041 about who is who. 227 00:16:53,583 --> 00:16:57,291 But when it comes to matters of the heart, 228 00:16:57,375 --> 00:16:59,333 the emotional side of things, 229 00:17:00,416 --> 00:17:02,458 it always seems to point to you. 230 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:06,666 Victor told me that's how your mother could tell you apart. 231 00:17:08,000 --> 00:17:12,291 Gina is the one who feels things a little more. 232 00:17:34,750 --> 00:17:38,916 The hospital admits a Jane Doe suffering a miscarriage. 233 00:17:40,875 --> 00:17:44,541 They thought it was Leni, but it wasn't, it was you. 234 00:17:44,625 --> 00:17:46,375 And that baby was Dylan's. 235 00:17:47,416 --> 00:17:49,708 Am I right about that? I think I am. 236 00:17:50,333 --> 00:17:55,125 He was your one great love and that baby was a gift. 237 00:17:55,208 --> 00:17:57,875 It's romantic. It's your pattern. 238 00:17:59,833 --> 00:18:02,416 But here's where the pattern doesn't hold. 239 00:18:03,208 --> 00:18:06,250 The part that I now have to pay attention to. 240 00:18:08,125 --> 00:18:09,708 The timeline doesn't work. 241 00:18:11,208 --> 00:18:13,541 'Cause you only came to town a few days ago. 242 00:18:14,666 --> 00:18:20,250 So, I am going to need you to tell me the truth, Gina. 243 00:18:20,791 --> 00:18:25,291 What would Dylan want you to do at this moment to honor him? 244 00:18:40,708 --> 00:18:41,958 He wanted me to go. 245 00:18:44,916 --> 00:18:46,166 And never look back. 246 00:18:48,208 --> 00:18:50,708 So, yeah, there's a pattern. 247 00:18:52,708 --> 00:18:53,625 And here it is. 248 00:18:55,250 --> 00:18:57,291 Every year since Mattie was born, 249 00:18:58,375 --> 00:19:03,083 Leni and I switched lives on our birthday. 250 00:19:10,750 --> 00:19:12,375 You're screwing with me again. 251 00:19:13,666 --> 00:19:16,333 I've been working on this for 25 years. 252 00:19:16,916 --> 00:19:19,875 Putting it together piece by piece. 253 00:19:19,958 --> 00:19:23,458 You honestly think that I am that stupid? 254 00:19:24,166 --> 00:19:26,750 I'm just some Black country bumpkin, 255 00:19:26,833 --> 00:19:28,750 don't know her ass from a hole in the ground. 256 00:19:28,833 --> 00:19:31,541 Come on, Gina! Cut the shit! 257 00:20:02,125 --> 00:20:04,583 Well, I'll tell you what, Sheriff, 258 00:20:04,666 --> 00:20:07,916 you can't believe a thing that Gina says. 259 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:12,500 I mean, she's a troubled soul, right? 260 00:20:14,250 --> 00:20:15,541 We all know that. 261 00:20:16,750 --> 00:20:22,166 I mean, she will manipulate you and make you believe things that are not true. 262 00:20:22,750 --> 00:20:24,541 And get you chasing your tail. 263 00:20:24,625 --> 00:20:27,375 I mean, she has done it before. 264 00:20:28,583 --> 00:20:30,708 She will do it again. 265 00:20:39,416 --> 00:20:40,833 See? 266 00:20:40,916 --> 00:20:42,833 Oh, God. 267 00:20:46,458 --> 00:20:47,583 It's not that hard. 268 00:20:48,458 --> 00:20:50,250 We live inside each other's lives. 269 00:20:50,333 --> 00:20:54,333 We fool everyone flawlessly. 270 00:20:55,708 --> 00:20:58,375 So you can't be really sure who that is on that video. 271 00:20:58,458 --> 00:21:02,875 You can't be really sure who escaped into the woods with the horses, 272 00:21:02,958 --> 00:21:04,791 or who set a fire, or pushed Claudia 273 00:21:04,875 --> 00:21:06,958 or killed Dylan. 274 00:21:09,416 --> 00:21:12,875 Because nobody knows us. 275 00:21:15,916 --> 00:21:16,958 Except us. 276 00:21:20,666 --> 00:21:22,541 If what you say is true, 277 00:21:24,291 --> 00:21:29,875 then you've been committing identity theft, bank fraud, polygamy… 278 00:21:29,958 --> 00:21:32,375 And I am just getting started. 279 00:21:33,583 --> 00:21:35,875 When you say "you," 280 00:21:37,375 --> 00:21:39,166 who exactly do you mean? 281 00:21:40,208 --> 00:21:42,750 'Cause I'm not sure I even know anymore. 282 00:21:54,416 --> 00:21:55,541 You're free to go. 283 00:21:57,583 --> 00:21:59,708 I can't charge either of you 284 00:21:59,791 --> 00:22:03,666 if I don't know which one of you actually did it. 285 00:22:04,416 --> 00:22:07,583 In both cases. Dylan and the fire. 286 00:22:08,833 --> 00:22:11,458 Yeah, Gina told me about the switching. 287 00:22:12,083 --> 00:22:15,500 How you assume each other's lives on your birthday. 288 00:22:16,958 --> 00:22:19,583 Makes my life here considerably harder. 289 00:22:19,666 --> 00:22:23,583 And yours too, I imagine, now that everyone knows. 290 00:22:27,666 --> 00:22:28,541 Can I go? 291 00:22:29,833 --> 00:22:31,000 For now. 292 00:22:32,166 --> 00:22:34,416 You'll be required to turn over your passports 293 00:22:34,500 --> 00:22:37,250 and remain in town until further notice. 294 00:22:38,708 --> 00:22:40,916 Somewhere along the way 295 00:22:42,375 --> 00:22:44,458 one of you made a mistake. 296 00:22:45,041 --> 00:22:46,541 I'm going to find it. 297 00:22:46,625 --> 00:22:52,375 I don't care how long it takes, what I have to do, I'mma get you. 298 00:22:59,541 --> 00:23:01,750 Best of luck finding a lawyer. 299 00:23:20,666 --> 00:23:22,375 Sheriff Floss, how much longer? 300 00:23:22,458 --> 00:23:24,375 We're done. I'm releasing them both. 301 00:23:24,458 --> 00:23:25,666 Wait, what happened? 302 00:23:25,750 --> 00:23:28,083 Why don't you ask them, Victor? 303 00:23:37,500 --> 00:23:39,375 It must be a burden lifted. 304 00:23:40,375 --> 00:23:41,708 Finally telling the truth. 305 00:23:43,666 --> 00:23:44,750 It is. 306 00:23:45,750 --> 00:23:47,125 I read your notes. 307 00:23:48,250 --> 00:23:49,375 I gathered. 308 00:23:50,750 --> 00:23:53,625 Why did you go along with it all these years? 309 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:57,916 Well, it took a bit of time for me to be sure 310 00:23:58,000 --> 00:24:03,416 and then I… I just sensed that it was what you needed. 311 00:24:03,500 --> 00:24:05,375 And if that meant sharing you… 312 00:24:05,458 --> 00:24:09,416 Well, I set aside my… my hurt feelings, 313 00:24:09,500 --> 00:24:11,708 so I could better understand how to love you. 314 00:24:12,875 --> 00:24:14,083 How to love both of you. 315 00:24:16,583 --> 00:24:18,041 You loved her, too? 316 00:24:20,208 --> 00:24:21,375 Does that upset you? 317 00:24:21,958 --> 00:24:22,791 No. 318 00:24:25,083 --> 00:24:27,208 -Always the therapist. -No. 319 00:24:28,625 --> 00:24:31,166 Always someone who cares for you. 320 00:24:31,791 --> 00:24:34,833 And always someone who truly wants to see you find your way 321 00:24:34,916 --> 00:24:38,500 to becoming your own, fully realized person. 322 00:24:38,583 --> 00:24:42,125 And I believe you're closer now than you've ever been before, aren't you? 323 00:24:43,125 --> 00:24:46,416 Or you were, with, um… with Dylan. 324 00:24:49,583 --> 00:24:51,833 I truly never meant to hurt you. 325 00:24:51,916 --> 00:24:54,166 I know. 326 00:24:55,875 --> 00:24:58,125 But I'd be lying if I told you it didn't hurt. 327 00:25:10,250 --> 00:25:11,500 What's done is done. 328 00:25:16,416 --> 00:25:17,250 Yeah. 329 00:25:35,208 --> 00:25:37,208 What the hell are you doing here? 330 00:25:39,458 --> 00:25:41,958 You can't really think it's okay. 331 00:25:42,041 --> 00:25:43,125 Jack, if you just let me-- 332 00:25:43,208 --> 00:25:45,250 Floss is getting a search warrant. 333 00:25:45,333 --> 00:25:47,583 She seems very interested in the dress you were wearing 334 00:25:47,666 --> 00:25:49,208 the night of Dylan's murder. 335 00:25:50,208 --> 00:25:52,875 You don't actually think I could have done that? 336 00:25:52,958 --> 00:25:55,875 Not the Leni I knew before. But now? 337 00:25:58,041 --> 00:25:59,291 How long, Leni? 338 00:26:00,708 --> 00:26:03,041 -How many times did you switch? -Does it matter now? 339 00:26:03,833 --> 00:26:06,916 I mean, I did it for Gina. I didn't expect it to go on for that long. 340 00:26:07,000 --> 00:26:07,833 For Gina? 341 00:26:09,375 --> 00:26:10,833 Who gives a shit about Gina? 342 00:26:12,125 --> 00:26:13,166 What about me? 343 00:26:14,208 --> 00:26:15,458 What about your daughter? 344 00:26:15,541 --> 00:26:18,916 How could you leave her for a year at a time with your sister of all people? 345 00:26:19,000 --> 00:26:20,083 No, she loves Mattie. 346 00:26:20,166 --> 00:26:22,083 You have betrayed everything, Leni, 347 00:26:22,166 --> 00:26:23,791 and you destroyed our lives here 348 00:26:23,875 --> 00:26:26,041 without a single thought about the consequences. 349 00:26:26,750 --> 00:26:30,208 My family's whole history is tied to Mount Echo. 350 00:26:30,291 --> 00:26:34,583 How will I ever walk through the town where I grew up without folks whispering, 351 00:26:34,666 --> 00:26:37,666 "There goes poor Jack. You really think he didn't know?" 352 00:26:37,750 --> 00:26:39,333 "I bet he did and he liked it." 353 00:26:40,541 --> 00:26:42,083 You ruined my reputation, 354 00:26:42,166 --> 00:26:45,166 my family's business, our daughter's future. Forever! 355 00:26:45,750 --> 00:26:46,666 And for what? 356 00:26:47,416 --> 00:26:48,291 Daddy. 357 00:26:51,666 --> 00:26:53,875 -What's wrong? -Mattie. Baby. 358 00:26:53,958 --> 00:26:55,041 No. Don't. 359 00:26:55,958 --> 00:26:57,958 -Don't you dare. -Mommy? 360 00:26:58,041 --> 00:27:00,291 Go back to bed, all right? Mom and Dad are talking. 361 00:27:01,000 --> 00:27:01,958 Fighting. 362 00:27:02,041 --> 00:27:03,291 No, baby. 363 00:27:03,375 --> 00:27:06,375 Go on back up to bed. I'm going to see you in the morning. 364 00:27:07,833 --> 00:27:09,041 Go on now. 365 00:27:09,666 --> 00:27:10,541 Go on. 366 00:27:19,541 --> 00:27:21,541 That's the last memory she'll have of you. 367 00:27:22,500 --> 00:27:24,458 -Jack. -I want it clear in your mind. 368 00:27:25,041 --> 00:27:27,375 Clear. That you are not welcome here. 369 00:27:28,333 --> 00:27:30,000 And you never will be again. 370 00:27:31,166 --> 00:27:33,458 You cannot keep me away from her. 371 00:27:34,416 --> 00:27:35,375 Watch me. 372 00:27:39,458 --> 00:27:40,750 I need you to leave. 373 00:28:17,041 --> 00:28:19,666 You've gotta be kidding me. What is this? 374 00:28:21,250 --> 00:28:22,250 It's grocery day. 375 00:28:23,250 --> 00:28:25,208 Thought I'd save you the trouble. 376 00:28:25,291 --> 00:28:27,916 Don't try to make things normal, get on my good side. 377 00:28:28,000 --> 00:28:29,166 It's too late for that. 378 00:28:29,250 --> 00:28:32,541 Look, whatever you think of me, Clauds, what I've done… 379 00:28:33,791 --> 00:28:36,500 You need to know, I didn't kill Dylan. I loved him. 380 00:28:37,458 --> 00:28:39,208 We were going to start a life together. 381 00:28:39,291 --> 00:28:41,791 Leaving behind me, Dad and everybody else? 382 00:28:41,875 --> 00:28:44,583 I'm glad you felt so moved to clear that up for me. 383 00:28:50,208 --> 00:28:51,041 Look. 384 00:28:52,625 --> 00:28:55,250 I admit I made mistakes, all right? 385 00:28:55,333 --> 00:28:57,250 I've made a big mess of this, 386 00:28:57,333 --> 00:28:59,708 but Claudia, I am asking you to listen to me. 387 00:28:59,791 --> 00:29:05,000 This whole year has been my goodbye to you. 388 00:29:06,166 --> 00:29:09,500 All right? I wanted to know that you could have a life of your own, 389 00:29:09,583 --> 00:29:13,916 apart from us, apart from Dad, and everything that has happened. 390 00:29:14,000 --> 00:29:15,250 So, in my own way, 391 00:29:15,958 --> 00:29:19,875 I tried to be a little bit softer, kinder. 392 00:29:21,958 --> 00:29:27,041 It was you who encouraged me to pursue Beau, wasn't it? And not Leni? 393 00:29:28,083 --> 00:29:28,916 Yeah. 394 00:29:29,458 --> 00:29:31,291 Why should I believe you now? 395 00:29:31,375 --> 00:29:33,125 You've been lying for years. 396 00:29:33,208 --> 00:29:35,500 You've been trouble since we were little kids. 397 00:29:36,541 --> 00:29:39,791 You did this to me. You did! 398 00:29:47,833 --> 00:29:49,125 That's not true. 399 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:52,166 It wasn't me. 400 00:29:54,583 --> 00:29:55,500 It was Leni. 401 00:29:58,166 --> 00:30:00,375 This one's mine! 402 00:30:00,458 --> 00:30:05,041 No, mine has a different button Mama sewed on it. Yours doesn't! 403 00:30:05,125 --> 00:30:06,625 Stop it, you two! 404 00:30:06,708 --> 00:30:09,791 This is why I wanted to write your names on them. Stop, this one is… 405 00:30:16,666 --> 00:30:19,166 She's gonna think it was you, Gina. 406 00:30:20,375 --> 00:30:21,791 But it was you, Leni. 407 00:30:22,375 --> 00:30:24,166 No one's gonna believe that. 408 00:30:24,875 --> 00:30:27,708 I'll have to keep being you for a while. 409 00:30:31,208 --> 00:30:33,916 We didn't want people to know we switched. 410 00:30:34,708 --> 00:30:37,125 I thought Leni was doing it to protect me. 411 00:30:37,666 --> 00:30:40,041 What I didn't understand at the time 412 00:30:40,125 --> 00:30:42,583 was that for the rest of our life that lie 413 00:30:44,125 --> 00:30:47,041 would put a wall between you and I. 414 00:30:47,541 --> 00:30:51,208 So fucking what? Who cares which one of you pushed me? 415 00:30:52,125 --> 00:30:53,916 You deserve the truth. 416 00:30:54,000 --> 00:30:56,291 You've been sitting on that secret for our entire lives 417 00:30:56,375 --> 00:30:58,791 and now, only now, when you're about to go to prison, 418 00:30:58,875 --> 00:31:00,333 you decide to tell the truth. 419 00:31:00,416 --> 00:31:02,666 Fuck you, Gina! Fuck you! 420 00:31:11,875 --> 00:31:12,750 You're right. 421 00:31:15,666 --> 00:31:18,666 And you can't really blame that one on Leni, now, can you? 422 00:31:54,041 --> 00:31:55,125 Hey. 423 00:31:59,000 --> 00:31:59,833 Look… 424 00:32:00,666 --> 00:32:01,708 Thanks for coming. 425 00:32:02,583 --> 00:32:03,958 So which one are you, then? 426 00:32:04,500 --> 00:32:07,208 Look, I know. The hair, the clothes, the name. 427 00:32:07,291 --> 00:32:09,666 None of that matters. All right? 428 00:32:09,750 --> 00:32:12,166 It was the person inside and that was me. 429 00:32:12,916 --> 00:32:16,958 Paula, I didn't set that fire and I didn't kill Dylan 430 00:32:17,041 --> 00:32:18,875 and I need you to believe me. 431 00:32:19,500 --> 00:32:23,500 Well, I want to believe you. I do, but… 432 00:32:24,125 --> 00:32:27,041 I could tell you everything. 433 00:32:28,250 --> 00:32:31,750 You know, admit to all the terrible lies that I've told over the years. 434 00:32:31,833 --> 00:32:34,041 The little deceptions that have led to bigger ones. 435 00:32:34,125 --> 00:32:36,125 I could tell everybody. 436 00:32:37,375 --> 00:32:39,541 But that wouldn't help, right? 437 00:32:39,625 --> 00:32:41,750 It'd just give people more reason to stare. 438 00:32:44,291 --> 00:32:45,666 And I won't give them that. 439 00:32:47,875 --> 00:32:48,833 I can't. 440 00:32:51,791 --> 00:32:52,750 So… 441 00:32:55,500 --> 00:32:56,958 the secret stays secret. 442 00:32:57,041 --> 00:32:59,416 I didn't kill anyone. 443 00:32:59,500 --> 00:33:00,875 Well, for what it's worth, 444 00:33:02,333 --> 00:33:03,791 I don't think you did. 445 00:33:05,250 --> 00:33:08,333 But I don't know how I can help you. 446 00:33:10,041 --> 00:33:11,583 I don't think anybody can. 447 00:33:19,291 --> 00:33:20,791 I hope you don't disappear 448 00:33:22,583 --> 00:33:24,333 because that never solves anything. 449 00:33:42,083 --> 00:33:42,958 Dad. 450 00:33:45,166 --> 00:33:46,333 Yeah. I'll be right there. 451 00:34:03,791 --> 00:34:04,750 Dad? 452 00:34:06,125 --> 00:34:08,041 Oh, my God. Dad! 453 00:34:09,166 --> 00:34:11,000 Dad, what happened? Are you okay? 454 00:34:11,083 --> 00:34:11,916 Gina… 455 00:34:12,000 --> 00:34:14,833 -Oh, my God. Dad, talk to me. -I can't. 456 00:34:14,916 --> 00:34:16,625 -I can't. -Talk to me, please. 457 00:34:16,708 --> 00:34:18,666 -Here. I got you. -Is that you? 458 00:34:18,750 --> 00:34:23,000 Yeah, I got you. Sit up. All right. Hey. I got you. Okay? 459 00:34:24,125 --> 00:34:25,916 I'm gonna grab my phone to call 911. 460 00:34:26,000 --> 00:34:26,958 No, wait. Wait. 461 00:34:27,583 --> 00:34:30,500 I need to say this. I need you to hear me. 462 00:34:30,583 --> 00:34:32,500 Okay. What is it? 463 00:34:33,083 --> 00:34:37,083 -I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. -What? 464 00:34:37,166 --> 00:34:39,500 It's all right, Dad. It's gonna be all right. 465 00:34:39,583 --> 00:34:40,875 I know it was you. 466 00:34:42,875 --> 00:34:44,250 All those years ago. 467 00:34:45,791 --> 00:34:47,791 -What? -I should've got you help. 468 00:34:47,875 --> 00:34:50,625 I should've sent you to someone. 469 00:34:50,708 --> 00:34:53,083 What? What are you trying to say? 470 00:34:53,166 --> 00:34:55,958 No child should have to see that. 471 00:34:57,583 --> 00:35:00,750 You weren't supposed to be there. 472 00:35:00,833 --> 00:35:02,916 -I didn't know what to do. -Dad. 473 00:35:03,000 --> 00:35:05,375 -And it ruined your life. -What did? It… 474 00:35:05,458 --> 00:35:07,583 Dad, nothing ruined my life. 475 00:35:08,500 --> 00:35:10,250 To see your mother that way. 476 00:35:12,041 --> 00:35:14,208 It's what she wanted, you understand? 477 00:35:15,291 --> 00:35:18,083 She was in so much pain. That's why… 478 00:35:19,791 --> 00:35:21,125 What was? Dad? 479 00:35:28,541 --> 00:35:29,875 Apple blossoms. 480 00:35:32,333 --> 00:35:36,666 You remember there were apple blossoms everywhere, right? 481 00:35:36,750 --> 00:35:37,750 Dad. 482 00:35:37,833 --> 00:35:40,875 That spring, all of us… 483 00:35:43,000 --> 00:35:44,041 together. 484 00:35:46,916 --> 00:35:48,208 -Dad. -Blossoms falling. 485 00:35:48,791 --> 00:35:50,083 Dad, I don't understand. 486 00:35:55,125 --> 00:35:56,000 Dad? 487 00:36:04,125 --> 00:36:05,375 Please, Dad. 488 00:36:09,500 --> 00:36:10,541 Daddy. 489 00:36:22,833 --> 00:36:24,750 Daddy. 490 00:37:03,916 --> 00:37:04,791 Gina. 491 00:37:09,708 --> 00:37:10,583 What? 492 00:37:21,583 --> 00:37:26,666 You're supposed to wait for me to finish and then you start. 493 00:37:29,041 --> 00:37:31,708 -What're my silly girls up to? 494 00:37:31,791 --> 00:37:35,291 Gina, hop on off your sister's lap and y'all come on inside for dinner. 495 00:37:35,375 --> 00:37:38,000 Victor! Claudia! It's time to eat, y'all! 496 00:37:38,666 --> 00:37:40,791 Dessert first and it has to be carrot cake. 497 00:37:40,875 --> 00:37:44,166 Oh, yeah? Dessert first? I don't think so, missy. 498 00:37:44,250 --> 00:37:46,833 -What do you think, honey? -It's my number one rule. 499 00:38:08,583 --> 00:38:09,500 He's dead. 500 00:38:14,791 --> 00:38:15,833 He's gone, Leni. 501 00:38:17,375 --> 00:38:18,291 What? 502 00:38:23,291 --> 00:38:24,291 Dad. 503 00:38:24,375 --> 00:38:25,958 Did you call 911? 504 00:38:26,541 --> 00:38:28,000 -No. -What? 505 00:38:28,583 --> 00:38:29,958 There may still be time. 506 00:38:30,041 --> 00:38:33,125 No, it's… it's done. 507 00:38:34,333 --> 00:38:35,791 No. I… 508 00:38:40,750 --> 00:38:42,333 I didn't get to say goodbye. 509 00:38:43,041 --> 00:38:44,250 There was no goodbye. 510 00:38:44,958 --> 00:38:48,250 He was talking about something that he thought I understood, but I didn't. 511 00:38:51,541 --> 00:38:52,416 Okay… 512 00:38:52,958 --> 00:38:53,791 Um… 513 00:38:55,375 --> 00:38:59,083 We need to call the ambulance, get our story straight. 514 00:38:59,666 --> 00:39:00,708 But… 515 00:39:00,791 --> 00:39:01,833 What story? 516 00:39:01,916 --> 00:39:04,666 There's too many eyes on us to explain another body. 517 00:39:04,750 --> 00:39:06,458 Let's make a plan to save ourselves. 518 00:39:06,541 --> 00:39:07,583 -No! -You and me. 519 00:39:07,666 --> 00:39:10,583 -Enough! -We have done it before, Gina. 520 00:39:10,666 --> 00:39:12,375 -We can do it again. -Leni, stop! 521 00:39:15,000 --> 00:39:19,458 Right. I don't want to be a part of anything you do! 522 00:39:21,041 --> 00:39:22,375 You killed Dylan. 523 00:39:25,291 --> 00:39:26,458 You wouldn't. 524 00:39:27,500 --> 00:39:29,041 -Try me! 525 00:39:31,625 --> 00:39:32,958 Why did you kill him? 526 00:39:33,541 --> 00:39:34,583 I would never. 527 00:39:34,666 --> 00:39:38,250 Stop! I was with him. He told me. 528 00:39:40,250 --> 00:39:41,875 What did he ever do to you? 529 00:39:41,958 --> 00:39:44,625 He attacked me. Okay? 530 00:39:45,500 --> 00:39:49,166 It was self-defense. He was violent, Gina. 531 00:39:49,250 --> 00:39:51,250 I loved him. 532 00:39:55,333 --> 00:39:56,708 He was so good to me. 533 00:39:58,958 --> 00:40:03,791 And you couldn't stand that I had happiness apart from you, so you-- 534 00:40:29,666 --> 00:40:30,875 Oh, fuck! 535 00:40:36,250 --> 00:40:37,583 -No. -Oh, shit. 536 00:40:39,583 --> 00:40:42,291 This place is going up. Help me get Dad and get out of here. 537 00:40:42,375 --> 00:40:45,625 No, this is it. We stick together just like always. 538 00:40:47,083 --> 00:40:48,416 I'm not letting you go. 539 00:40:48,500 --> 00:40:49,333 Leni! 540 00:40:49,416 --> 00:40:51,416 Why can't people understand? 541 00:40:51,500 --> 00:40:55,333 Why won't you understand that I love you more than anything?