1 00:00:07,007 --> 00:00:12,012 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 2 00:00:13,138 --> 00:00:15,474 - So pretty good- run through, I thought. - Yeah. 3 00:00:15,474 --> 00:00:18,894 - Um, we just need a new line for Cody here. 4 00:00:18,894 --> 00:00:20,938 - What you talking about? That got a great laugh. 5 00:00:20,938 --> 00:00:23,440 - From you, the guy who wrote it. 6 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:25,817 - Yeah, that's true that was me. I forgot. 7 00:00:25,817 --> 00:00:28,403 You know, they never talk about the perks of dementia. - Hmm. 8 00:00:28,403 --> 00:00:32,031 - Ah, alright. So one of us needs to break the Josie Lawrence story. 9 00:00:32,031 --> 00:00:34,201 The other needs to cover Clay's recording session. 10 00:00:34,201 --> 00:00:35,077 Who does what? 11 00:00:35,702 --> 00:00:37,829 - You can do the Clay thing. 12 00:00:37,829 --> 00:00:38,997 Probably gonna be more fun. 13 00:00:38,997 --> 00:00:40,582 - Ah, doesn't matter to me. 14 00:00:40,582 --> 00:00:42,292 You seem to have a pretty good handle on that story though. 15 00:00:42,292 --> 00:00:43,293 - So I'll do that and you do that. 16 00:00:43,293 --> 00:00:44,419 - Okay. - All right. 17 00:00:48,257 --> 00:00:50,175 I don't feel good about what I just did. 18 00:00:50,175 --> 00:00:51,260 - What are you talking about? 19 00:00:51,260 --> 00:00:52,553 Everybody laughs at their own jokes. 20 00:00:52,553 --> 00:00:55,389 - No, I just kind of tricked Hannah 21 00:00:55,389 --> 00:00:57,641 into covering the looping session with Clay. 22 00:00:57,641 --> 00:01:00,519 He's like the Michael Jordan of being terrible at looping. 23 00:01:00,978 --> 00:01:03,188 - You know, I've really gotten into voiceover work myself. 24 00:01:03,188 --> 00:01:05,107 It's a great source of ancillary income. 25 00:01:05,107 --> 00:01:06,233 - Really? 26 00:01:06,233 --> 00:01:08,026 - "Ladies and gentlemen, watch your step, 27 00:01:08,026 --> 00:01:10,737 and welcome to Raleigh Durham International Airport." 28 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:12,906 750 bucks. 29 00:01:12,906 --> 00:01:14,992 - Get the fuck outta here. - No shit. 30 00:01:15,576 --> 00:01:16,785 [door clanks] 31 00:01:18,203 --> 00:01:21,999 - Dennis, I'm not proud of what I just did to Gordon. 32 00:01:21,999 --> 00:01:23,500 - What did you do? 33 00:01:24,376 --> 00:01:27,880 - What if Jake doesn't know-- - Knock, knock! 34 00:01:27,880 --> 00:01:29,131 Hi everyone. 35 00:01:29,131 --> 00:01:30,257 - Bree, hi. 36 00:01:30,257 --> 00:01:32,718 Well, to what do we owe the pleasure? 37 00:01:32,718 --> 00:01:34,970 - Oh, she didn't...? 38 00:01:35,220 --> 00:01:37,514 Oh, this morning Hannah said that I could spend the afternoon 39 00:01:37,514 --> 00:01:39,516 in the writer's room. Didn't she tell you? 40 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:41,560 - No. That's-- 41 00:01:41,560 --> 00:01:42,769 What do you know? 42 00:01:42,769 --> 00:01:44,813 She did not mention that. No, she did not. 43 00:01:44,813 --> 00:01:46,690 - Okay. I don't wanna interrupt. 44 00:01:46,690 --> 00:01:49,985 I am just here to listen and learn so I will be very quiet. 45 00:01:50,944 --> 00:01:52,029 [chair creaks] - Okay. 46 00:01:52,029 --> 00:01:54,740 We're just working on story. - Fun. 47 00:01:56,116 --> 00:01:58,827 - Ah, general idea, uh, is 48 00:01:58,827 --> 00:02:00,996 Lawrence and Josie's favorite neighborhood restaurant 49 00:02:00,996 --> 00:02:02,581 is losing its lease. - Okay. 50 00:02:02,581 --> 00:02:07,669 Yes, and they hire a private chef, 51 00:02:07,669 --> 00:02:09,755 but he shakes a lot. 52 00:02:09,755 --> 00:02:11,632 So the food flies everywhere. 53 00:02:11,632 --> 00:02:12,716 Now you go! 54 00:02:13,217 --> 00:02:15,010 - I think they did that on The Muppets. 55 00:02:15,010 --> 00:02:16,553 - That's not yes and... 56 00:02:16,553 --> 00:02:18,805 - What if the private chef is making soup? 57 00:02:19,181 --> 00:02:21,725 - Okay, she's my new favorite. 58 00:02:21,725 --> 00:02:22,476 [giggles] 59 00:02:23,894 --> 00:02:25,312 ♪ theme music playing ♪ 60 00:02:25,312 --> 00:02:27,314 ♪ ♪ 61 00:02:31,068 --> 00:02:32,319 - Uh, oh! 62 00:02:32,319 --> 00:02:34,947 Oh, We got a baller on the premises. 63 00:02:34,947 --> 00:02:36,990 - Yeah, I'm in a regular game with my boys. 64 00:02:36,990 --> 00:02:38,492 - Nice. - Wait, do you play? 65 00:02:38,992 --> 00:02:41,578 - Uh, you know actually, uh, I've been known to hoop it up. 66 00:02:41,578 --> 00:02:43,664 You know, hit that tre. [laughs] 67 00:02:43,664 --> 00:02:46,166 Slam it down with a 40! 68 00:02:46,458 --> 00:02:49,169 Never actually slam dunked the ball but, uh, yeah, I do play. 69 00:02:49,169 --> 00:02:51,004 - We're down a guy today. Do you want in? 70 00:02:51,672 --> 00:02:53,340 - Uh, I was actually about to go to the gym, 71 00:02:53,340 --> 00:02:54,758 but hell yeah, I'm in. [laughs] 72 00:02:54,758 --> 00:02:56,593 - Dope. Game's at four. 73 00:02:56,593 --> 00:02:58,220 I'll text you the address. You'll be on my team. 74 00:02:58,220 --> 00:02:59,429 - Alright. [ball thumps] 75 00:03:02,474 --> 00:03:04,518 - Or maybe we'll just pick teams when we get there. 76 00:03:04,518 --> 00:03:05,519 - Yep. 77 00:03:05,519 --> 00:03:06,603 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 78 00:03:06,603 --> 00:03:08,355 - Okay, take seven. 79 00:03:10,107 --> 00:03:11,650 [beep, beep, beep] 80 00:03:11,650 --> 00:03:13,318 - I didn't know you guys were here. 81 00:03:13,318 --> 00:03:14,486 I would've worn my pants. 82 00:03:14,486 --> 00:03:15,612 - Ah, that was perfect. 83 00:03:15,612 --> 00:03:17,197 Except you threw the word "my" in there. 84 00:03:17,197 --> 00:03:19,199 - I know, I heard it as soon as I said it. - Yeah, all good, 85 00:03:19,199 --> 00:03:21,243 Let's do it again. [beep, beep, beep] 86 00:03:21,243 --> 00:03:22,619 - I knew you guys weren't here. 87 00:03:22,619 --> 00:03:24,079 Ah, nope. Run it back. Sorry. 88 00:03:24,079 --> 00:03:25,539 - Yeah. We're having fun. [beep] 89 00:03:25,539 --> 00:03:26,748 - I didn't know you guys. 90 00:03:26,748 --> 00:03:28,333 I wore all my pants, ah! [beep] 91 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:29,960 I didn't know guys wore pants. [beep] 92 00:03:29,960 --> 00:03:31,795 I didn't know my pants were here, you guys. 93 00:03:31,795 --> 00:03:34,923 Ah! ♪ light-hearted music ♪ 94 00:03:34,923 --> 00:03:36,758 I need water. - Yeah. 95 00:03:36,758 --> 00:03:39,011 - Okay, still having fun? 96 00:03:40,929 --> 00:03:42,556 - Okay, what the hell is going on? 97 00:03:42,556 --> 00:03:43,724 - He's terrible at this. 98 00:03:43,724 --> 00:03:44,975 Always has been. 99 00:03:44,975 --> 00:03:47,269 I think it's some sort of mental block. 100 00:03:47,269 --> 00:03:48,353 He's so complex. 101 00:03:48,353 --> 00:03:49,855 - And does Gordon know this? 102 00:03:49,855 --> 00:03:51,023 - Everyone knows it. 103 00:03:51,023 --> 00:03:52,357 - Oh, well, I didn't, Dennis. 104 00:03:53,400 --> 00:03:56,778 - Let's fucking do this. - You're the fucking man, Clay! 105 00:03:58,030 --> 00:04:00,282 - Okay, here we go. [beep, beep, beep] 106 00:04:00,282 --> 00:04:01,325 - I didn't know you guys. 107 00:04:01,325 --> 00:04:03,577 Wait, no. I didn't know. 108 00:04:03,577 --> 00:04:04,578 No, you guys. 109 00:04:04,578 --> 00:04:07,164 Oh, shit, fuck, shit. 110 00:04:07,623 --> 00:04:10,751 - Um, yeah. Clay, you, you can relax. Okay? 111 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:13,170 We got a lot of time and we only need a few lines. 112 00:04:13,170 --> 00:04:15,005 - I could use a few lines. 113 00:04:15,005 --> 00:04:16,715 - There's that darkness. 114 00:04:17,007 --> 00:04:18,300 [Clay yells] 115 00:04:20,802 --> 00:04:22,304 [marker squeaking] 116 00:04:22,304 --> 00:04:25,015 - And then the whole entire neighborhood comes together 117 00:04:25,015 --> 00:04:27,809 at the end to watch me sing Santa Baby. 118 00:04:29,353 --> 00:04:32,022 - Yes, and I thought, 119 00:04:32,022 --> 00:04:34,149 I thought you said Josie is stuck in the chimney. 120 00:04:34,149 --> 00:04:36,109 - Well, this is after that. 121 00:04:36,109 --> 00:04:37,110 You'll figure it out. 122 00:04:37,528 --> 00:04:38,862 - Yeah, alright. Well, 123 00:04:38,862 --> 00:04:41,073 it'll either be that or something else. 124 00:04:41,073 --> 00:04:42,616 Probably something else. - Well, let's see 125 00:04:42,616 --> 00:04:43,951 how could we get me from being stuck 126 00:04:43,951 --> 00:04:46,161 in a chimney to singing a song? 127 00:04:46,161 --> 00:04:47,955 - You're too skinny to get stuck in a chimney. 128 00:04:47,955 --> 00:04:49,122 - I'm obsessed with you. 129 00:04:49,122 --> 00:04:51,375 - Can I sit down? My arm is dead. 130 00:04:51,375 --> 00:04:52,960 - Oh, how I envy your arm. 131 00:04:52,960 --> 00:04:55,462 - Okay, I get it. I get it! 132 00:04:55,462 --> 00:04:57,923 I will stop pitching Josie stories. 133 00:04:57,923 --> 00:04:59,633 - Thank you. Great, okay. 134 00:04:59,633 --> 00:05:00,717 So the restaurant. 135 00:05:00,717 --> 00:05:03,178 - I like your bracelet. - It's from my grandkids. 136 00:05:03,178 --> 00:05:04,137 - Oh. - No, wait. 137 00:05:04,137 --> 00:05:05,514 That's a different one. - Oh. 138 00:05:05,514 --> 00:05:07,349 - This was a gift from my third husband 139 00:05:07,349 --> 00:05:09,601 when I caught him balls deep in his secretary. 140 00:05:09,601 --> 00:05:11,353 - Selma, please. We have company. 141 00:05:11,353 --> 00:05:13,897 - Pardon me. Balls deep in his assistant. 142 00:05:13,897 --> 00:05:15,190 - No, I get it. 143 00:05:15,190 --> 00:05:18,360 My soon-to-be ex-husband, the duke? 144 00:05:18,360 --> 00:05:20,571 He also cheated with his assistant, which is gross 145 00:05:20,571 --> 00:05:23,073 because she smelled like herring, no offense. 146 00:05:23,073 --> 00:05:25,534 - No, sorry. It's the supplements I'm taking. 147 00:05:25,909 --> 00:05:27,244 Yeah, a little advice. 148 00:05:27,244 --> 00:05:28,871 Don't buy fish oil on eBay. 149 00:05:28,871 --> 00:05:30,539 - You know what else? Um, 150 00:05:30,539 --> 00:05:34,751 what if Josie has an affair with someone like, 151 00:05:34,751 --> 00:05:36,170 I don't know, Chris Pine? 152 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:37,629 That would be funny. 153 00:05:37,629 --> 00:05:41,133 - Maybe he could be a chimney sweep with a British accent. 154 00:05:41,133 --> 00:05:43,927 - Okay, where have you been hiding, superstar? 155 00:05:43,927 --> 00:05:47,973 - Um, chim-chimery, I like to rumpy-bumpy with Josie, I do. 156 00:05:47,973 --> 00:05:49,850 [cast laughs] - What? 157 00:05:49,850 --> 00:05:51,894 - I need to be liked, so sue me. 158 00:05:52,436 --> 00:05:54,897 - Okay, you know what? Let's take a break. 159 00:05:55,272 --> 00:05:56,607 I gotta go yell at Hannah 160 00:05:56,607 --> 00:05:58,650 about something entirely different. 161 00:05:58,650 --> 00:06:01,028 There's some macaroons in the kitchen, courtesy of the woman 162 00:06:01,028 --> 00:06:03,197 from last week's episode who played mom number four. 163 00:06:08,035 --> 00:06:10,412 ♪ inspirational music playing ♪ 164 00:06:18,337 --> 00:06:20,297 ♪ 165 00:06:30,849 --> 00:06:33,352 - What's up! - Aye, there he is. 166 00:06:33,352 --> 00:06:34,728 You're on my team. - Ha, ha! 167 00:06:34,728 --> 00:06:36,188 All right. - Whoo, whoo! 168 00:06:36,188 --> 00:06:37,481 - Okay, Yep. Alright. 169 00:06:37,481 --> 00:06:38,440 Good to not rehearse that. 170 00:06:38,440 --> 00:06:40,067 ZACK: Hey, guys. This is Reed. 171 00:06:41,318 --> 00:06:43,362 This is Yonatan, Daniel, Joshy. 172 00:06:43,362 --> 00:06:46,490 That's big Moshe, Yosef, Uri, little Moshe, and Etan. 173 00:06:46,782 --> 00:06:49,409 - Etan, got it. Very cool, very cool. 174 00:06:49,409 --> 00:06:51,078 Zack, can I talk to you for a second? 175 00:06:51,078 --> 00:06:52,162 - Yeah. - Yeah. 176 00:06:52,162 --> 00:06:55,123 Um, this is your game. 177 00:06:55,415 --> 00:06:57,167 But when you said "your boys," 178 00:06:57,167 --> 00:06:59,378 I didn't know you meant they were actual boys. 179 00:06:59,378 --> 00:07:01,672 - Um, they're actually men. 180 00:07:01,672 --> 00:07:03,924 Uri's the only one who hasn't been Bar Mitzvahed yet. 181 00:07:05,092 --> 00:07:06,718 - Oh, God. Let me guess. 182 00:07:06,718 --> 00:07:08,887 Uri is the one with the wheelie backpack. 183 00:07:08,887 --> 00:07:10,097 - Yeah, he plays point guard. 184 00:07:10,097 --> 00:07:12,391 - Listen, no offense, 185 00:07:12,391 --> 00:07:14,518 but I don't think this is gonna be a fair fight. 186 00:07:14,518 --> 00:07:15,978 - They're better than you think. 187 00:07:15,978 --> 00:07:19,231 Daniel is 15 and he is already on varsity. 188 00:07:19,231 --> 00:07:21,984 And that's not 'cause the school only has 40 kids. 189 00:07:22,568 --> 00:07:25,153 - Zack, he's wearing khakis. 190 00:07:25,153 --> 00:07:26,780 - That's how he balls, dude. 191 00:07:26,780 --> 00:07:28,073 - I think I'm probably just gonna go. 192 00:07:28,073 --> 00:07:29,741 - No, I already told them you'd play. 193 00:07:30,117 --> 00:07:33,036 Listen, I am the worst player here. 194 00:07:33,704 --> 00:07:36,748 I grew up on sets and I didn't have a lot of friends around. 195 00:07:37,207 --> 00:07:38,876 These guys still really look up to me. 196 00:07:38,876 --> 00:07:41,128 - Because you're a foot and a half taller than them? 197 00:07:41,128 --> 00:07:43,422 - No, because I played the goy best friend 198 00:07:43,422 --> 00:07:45,465 in the teen movie Sabbath Night Fever. 199 00:07:45,465 --> 00:07:47,426 - Hey, what's the big holdup? 200 00:07:47,426 --> 00:07:49,761 - You know what? I-I-I think I'm not gonna play. 201 00:07:49,761 --> 00:07:52,472 It just feels a little mismatched. 202 00:07:52,472 --> 00:07:53,974 - Oh, because we go to Yeshiva. 203 00:07:53,974 --> 00:07:55,475 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 204 00:07:55,475 --> 00:07:56,602 It has nothing to do with that at all. 205 00:07:56,602 --> 00:07:57,895 It's just a size thing. 206 00:07:57,895 --> 00:08:00,147 - That's what Goliath said about David. 207 00:08:00,147 --> 00:08:01,773 - Please, you can't bail. 208 00:08:01,773 --> 00:08:03,025 You're our 10th guy, man. 209 00:08:03,025 --> 00:08:04,693 All right, we can't ball without a minyan. 210 00:08:04,693 --> 00:08:06,695 ♪ 211 00:08:08,530 --> 00:08:10,657 - Okay. All right, okay. 212 00:08:10,657 --> 00:08:11,867 Here we go. Alright, let's do it. 213 00:08:11,867 --> 00:08:12,784 - Let's play ball. PLAYER: Let's go! 214 00:08:12,784 --> 00:08:14,369 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 215 00:08:14,369 --> 00:08:15,412 - Here! 216 00:08:18,832 --> 00:08:20,042 - Aw. - I'm sorry. 217 00:08:20,042 --> 00:08:20,959 Sorry! 218 00:08:20,959 --> 00:08:22,461 This is ridiculous. 219 00:08:24,213 --> 00:08:26,256 - Okay, okay, Clay. Listen to me. 220 00:08:26,256 --> 00:08:28,258 Listen, you're an incredible performer. 221 00:08:28,258 --> 00:08:30,761 All right? You got this. This is nothing. 222 00:08:30,761 --> 00:08:32,471 So just give it your best shot, Tiger. 223 00:08:32,888 --> 00:08:34,973 Tiger, what the fuck? 224 00:08:36,475 --> 00:08:37,559 [sighs] 225 00:08:38,977 --> 00:08:40,646 [beep, beep, beep] Whew. 226 00:08:40,646 --> 00:08:42,105 - I didn't know you guys were here. 227 00:08:42,105 --> 00:08:43,565 I would've worn pants. 228 00:08:43,565 --> 00:08:44,650 - Dah! 229 00:08:44,650 --> 00:08:47,194 Beautiful, beautiful. - Ah! 230 00:08:47,194 --> 00:08:48,237 - Killing it! 231 00:08:48,237 --> 00:08:49,821 Okay, let's keep it going, one more. 232 00:08:49,821 --> 00:08:51,490 Whenever you're ready. 233 00:08:51,490 --> 00:08:53,200 [beep, beep, beep] 234 00:08:53,200 --> 00:08:55,285 - Oh, can you make one without onions? 235 00:08:55,285 --> 00:08:56,620 I have a date later. 236 00:08:56,870 --> 00:08:58,997 - What? Look at this guy. 237 00:08:58,997 --> 00:09:01,500 Okay, honestly, one more then we're done. 238 00:09:01,500 --> 00:09:03,377 - Okay. - Uh-oh... 239 00:09:03,377 --> 00:09:04,878 [beep, beep, beep] 240 00:09:04,878 --> 00:09:07,047 - Wait! That's the realtor who railroaded me 241 00:09:07,047 --> 00:09:08,799 on the "burley" deal. [groans] 242 00:09:08,799 --> 00:09:09,925 - You know what? 243 00:09:09,925 --> 00:09:11,760 This is not your fault. This is on us. 244 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:14,012 That's a crazy line and it's like we wrote it 245 00:09:14,012 --> 00:09:16,056 forgetting the words had to be said out loud. 246 00:09:16,431 --> 00:09:18,350 - Realtor who railroaded. 247 00:09:18,350 --> 00:09:20,060 Realtor who railroaded. 248 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:21,103 - Perfect. 249 00:09:21,103 --> 00:09:23,021 Great. [beep, beep, beep] 250 00:09:23,021 --> 00:09:25,691 - Wait, that's the retour who railroaded me on the brewling-- 251 00:09:25,691 --> 00:09:26,859 Ah, fuck! 252 00:09:26,859 --> 00:09:28,652 Shit on my dick and fuck my balls. 253 00:09:28,652 --> 00:09:30,612 - Okay. Okay, okay. - Oh, my. 254 00:09:30,612 --> 00:09:31,822 - Just don't, don't beat yourself up. 255 00:09:31,822 --> 00:09:34,616 This is my fault. It's on me for leaving it in the script. 256 00:09:34,616 --> 00:09:37,202 - Just say, "That's the realtor who railroaded me 257 00:09:37,202 --> 00:09:38,620 on the brewery deal." 258 00:09:38,620 --> 00:09:39,830 - Really, Axel? 259 00:09:41,081 --> 00:09:42,165 I should just say it. 260 00:09:42,624 --> 00:09:43,792 You know what? 261 00:09:43,792 --> 00:09:46,420 I'm not gonna buy any of your daughter's Girl Scout cookies. 262 00:09:46,420 --> 00:09:49,214 She's 16. It's weird you're still asking. 263 00:09:50,507 --> 00:09:52,259 - Oh, Timberly. 264 00:09:52,259 --> 00:09:54,469 - Hey, team. Did I get my time wrong? 265 00:09:54,469 --> 00:09:55,929 - No, you're, you're perfect. You know what? 266 00:09:55,929 --> 00:09:57,598 Let's do your line and Clay, 267 00:09:57,598 --> 00:10:00,601 why don't you just chill out for 15 or 20 minutes? 268 00:10:00,601 --> 00:10:01,518 - I need a break. 269 00:10:02,936 --> 00:10:04,521 HANNA: Oh, okay. 270 00:10:04,521 --> 00:10:07,983 Um, so in this episode, if you remember, you were bummed out 271 00:10:07,983 --> 00:10:09,568 because you think you're not invited 272 00:10:09,568 --> 00:10:11,069 to the family's Thanksgiving. 273 00:10:11,653 --> 00:10:12,988 - I'm a little nervous. 274 00:10:12,988 --> 00:10:14,281 I've never done this before. 275 00:10:14,281 --> 00:10:15,282 - No! 276 00:10:15,282 --> 00:10:17,534 I'm gonna kill my father. - Mh-mm. 277 00:10:17,534 --> 00:10:18,660 - I'll just try one. 278 00:10:20,537 --> 00:10:22,289 [beep, beep, beep] 279 00:10:22,289 --> 00:10:23,999 I thought you guys cared about me 280 00:10:23,999 --> 00:10:25,959 but now I have all these questions. 281 00:10:25,959 --> 00:10:27,586 Who is my real family? 282 00:10:27,586 --> 00:10:29,296 Who can I really count on? 283 00:10:29,296 --> 00:10:31,882 And why isn't Jake wearing any pants? 284 00:10:31,882 --> 00:10:34,593 I have been trying and trying to get closer to you guys, 285 00:10:34,593 --> 00:10:37,679 and that's not so easy given how "whoa!" you all can be. 286 00:10:37,679 --> 00:10:40,140 And after all this trying, what do I win? 287 00:10:40,140 --> 00:10:42,476 Drum roll, please! That's right, 288 00:10:42,476 --> 00:10:44,311 a Thanksgiving all alone with no one but me 289 00:10:44,311 --> 00:10:46,021 and my purple parrots, Pearl and Piper. 290 00:10:46,021 --> 00:10:47,189 [parrot squawking] You're a loser. 291 00:10:47,189 --> 00:10:48,607 [parrot squawking] You're a loser. 292 00:10:48,607 --> 00:10:50,651 Thanks, Pearl. Could you pass the really wiggly Jell-O 293 00:10:50,651 --> 00:10:53,195 [singing] or do I have to sing for my food? 294 00:10:56,198 --> 00:10:58,325 - She's the one. 295 00:10:59,451 --> 00:11:00,869 - Is that okay? - Oh yeah. 296 00:11:00,869 --> 00:11:03,413 That was, that was, that was perfect. 297 00:11:03,413 --> 00:11:05,040 [Clay groans] - Great! 298 00:11:05,666 --> 00:11:07,501 Is this my next one? 299 00:11:07,501 --> 00:11:09,253 - Wait, that's the realtor who railroaded me 300 00:11:09,253 --> 00:11:10,504 on the brewery deal? 301 00:11:10,504 --> 00:11:12,548 - No, no, that's Clay's. 302 00:11:12,548 --> 00:11:14,091 - Your lucky yours are so short. 303 00:11:14,091 --> 00:11:16,677 - Okay, that's going to get in my head. 304 00:11:16,677 --> 00:11:21,557 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 305 00:11:22,891 --> 00:11:25,352 - Bree? Really? - Oh, please. 306 00:11:25,352 --> 00:11:27,646 You stuck me in there with The King's Speech. 307 00:11:27,646 --> 00:11:29,481 - I'll give you a thousand dollars to switch places. 308 00:11:29,481 --> 00:11:30,941 - You don't have to. - Done! 309 00:11:30,941 --> 00:11:32,359 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 310 00:11:36,613 --> 00:11:37,573 [grunts] 311 00:11:38,490 --> 00:11:39,867 - That was a legal pick. 312 00:11:39,867 --> 00:11:41,869 I- I can't help how much bigger I am. 313 00:11:42,411 --> 00:11:43,996 So, you-- you okay? 314 00:11:43,996 --> 00:11:45,330 Seems okay. Okay. 315 00:11:47,457 --> 00:11:49,042 - Post me up! 316 00:11:49,042 --> 00:11:50,460 Post me up! 317 00:11:50,460 --> 00:11:53,088 - I'm so sorry that I can just pass the ball over you. 318 00:11:56,758 --> 00:11:59,344 - Yes! - Maybe cover somebody else. 319 00:11:59,344 --> 00:12:00,387 Maybe him. 320 00:12:01,430 --> 00:12:02,890 - Get in his face, Reed. 321 00:12:02,890 --> 00:12:06,185 - Okay. Honestly, I feel bad trying any harder than this. 322 00:12:07,186 --> 00:12:09,146 PLAYER: Take a shot! There you go. 323 00:12:09,146 --> 00:12:11,315 - Oh, is it Shabbos in here? 324 00:12:11,315 --> 00:12:13,567 'Cause we just went lights out. 325 00:12:13,567 --> 00:12:15,694 - See, on the Sabbath, Jewish people-- 326 00:12:15,694 --> 00:12:17,404 - Yeah, I got it. Zack, thank you. 327 00:12:17,404 --> 00:12:18,822 - Get aggressive, sitcom. 328 00:12:18,822 --> 00:12:20,616 You're playing like Niles Crane. 329 00:12:20,908 --> 00:12:22,075 - From Frasier? 330 00:12:22,075 --> 00:12:23,994 - Nah, this dude's straight-up Urkel. 331 00:12:23,994 --> 00:12:25,537 - I'm sorry, what did you just say? 332 00:12:25,537 --> 00:12:27,414 - You heard me, Urkel. 333 00:12:27,998 --> 00:12:29,458 - Give me the damn rock. 334 00:12:29,458 --> 00:12:33,337 ♪ Jewish-style Sweet Georgia Brown playing ♪ 335 00:12:35,339 --> 00:12:36,590 Oh. 336 00:12:36,590 --> 00:12:38,300 [imitating Urkel] Did I do that? 337 00:12:38,800 --> 00:12:41,136 Guess sitcom got a few moves left, huh? 338 00:12:42,221 --> 00:12:43,805 Oh, get that mess out of here. 339 00:12:43,805 --> 00:12:45,766 That ain't kosher. What's wrong with you? 340 00:12:47,059 --> 00:12:48,018 Oh no. 341 00:12:49,311 --> 00:12:50,437 What's up? 342 00:12:50,437 --> 00:12:51,355 Switch. 343 00:12:52,272 --> 00:12:54,024 Bam! No. 344 00:12:54,024 --> 00:12:56,610 ♪ music continues ♪ 345 00:12:57,611 --> 00:12:58,987 Oh, wait a minute. 346 00:13:00,072 --> 00:13:01,990 Oh, we talking about regular motion now. 347 00:13:01,990 --> 00:13:03,992 Regular motion, regular-size motion, okay. 348 00:13:04,618 --> 00:13:05,744 Go home! 349 00:13:06,370 --> 00:13:07,287 Not over here. 350 00:13:08,121 --> 00:13:09,331 Do not do that. 351 00:13:09,331 --> 00:13:11,667 ♪ music continues ♪ 352 00:13:12,501 --> 00:13:13,710 Okay. 353 00:13:13,710 --> 00:13:15,295 All right, who's the chosen one now, y'all? 354 00:13:15,671 --> 00:13:18,423 Ah! 355 00:13:18,841 --> 00:13:20,634 - Okay, so catch me up. 356 00:13:20,634 --> 00:13:22,886 - Well, someone had an idea. I think it was Janae. 357 00:13:22,886 --> 00:13:24,263 - Oh, my God. She knows my name. 358 00:13:24,263 --> 00:13:27,266 - That Josie and Chris Pine have an affair. 359 00:13:27,266 --> 00:13:28,392 It was really funny. 360 00:13:29,351 --> 00:13:31,061 - Yeah, no. Let's, let's get back to the story. 361 00:13:31,061 --> 00:13:33,897 So I was thinking, what if it's their local indie bookstore 362 00:13:33,897 --> 00:13:35,482 that's closing, 'cause it's getting bought out 363 00:13:35,482 --> 00:13:37,317 by some sort of big franchise? 364 00:13:37,317 --> 00:13:40,070 - I'm sorry. Did you say bookstore or book snore? 365 00:13:40,070 --> 00:13:42,531 [everyone laughs] 366 00:13:42,531 --> 00:13:45,492 - Uh, and Josie wants to lead a protest against it. 367 00:13:45,492 --> 00:13:47,870 And she's trying to rally all the family members to join her. 368 00:13:47,870 --> 00:13:50,163 - What if Jake really likes the franchise? 369 00:13:50,163 --> 00:13:51,874 Like it's a Cinnabon or something? 370 00:13:51,874 --> 00:13:53,500 - Right, yeah. - You know who's got two Cinnabons? 371 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:55,961 The Raleigh Durham International Airport. 372 00:13:55,961 --> 00:13:58,922 - What if Josie's mad because no one in the family will help her. 373 00:13:58,922 --> 00:14:00,841 - Uh-huh, okay. 374 00:14:00,841 --> 00:14:02,092 Why wouldn't Lawrence help her? 375 00:14:02,092 --> 00:14:03,844 - Because he's jealous of the sexual chemistry 376 00:14:03,844 --> 00:14:05,387 between Josie and Chris Pine. 377 00:14:05,971 --> 00:14:09,933 - Maybe Lawrence is hiding an embarrassing condition. 378 00:14:11,435 --> 00:14:13,604 - Dare I ask, sir, what might that be? 379 00:14:13,604 --> 00:14:15,397 - Oh Jesus. - Here we go. 380 00:14:15,397 --> 00:14:17,107 - Let's see. 381 00:14:17,107 --> 00:14:22,946 Gout, hemorrhoids, botched vasectomy, kidney stones, 382 00:14:22,946 --> 00:14:28,327 nose bleeds, vertigo, acid reflux, flatulence, halitosis, 383 00:14:28,327 --> 00:14:31,205 swelling of the perineum. - Look at him. 384 00:14:31,205 --> 00:14:33,165 Two more and he's gonna come all over his Dockers. 385 00:14:33,165 --> 00:14:35,542 - Are we missing an opportunity for Josie 386 00:14:35,542 --> 00:14:38,086 to sing a protest song to the tune of Santa Baby? 387 00:14:38,086 --> 00:14:40,088 - Why would it be to the tune of Santa Baby? 388 00:14:40,088 --> 00:14:42,341 - Well, if it's a Christmas episode? - It's not. 389 00:14:42,341 --> 00:14:44,927 - Gordon was kind of warming up to the idea. 390 00:14:44,927 --> 00:14:46,303 - Um, okay, Bree, 391 00:14:46,303 --> 00:14:49,181 we just have a shit-ton of work to do so I just need you 392 00:14:49,181 --> 00:14:50,974 to listen and focus. 393 00:14:50,974 --> 00:14:53,435 - I could also sing Big Spender-- - No, you're not gonna sing 394 00:14:53,435 --> 00:14:54,728 and it's not a Christmas episode 395 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:56,146 and she's not fucking Chris Pine, okay? 396 00:14:56,146 --> 00:14:57,564 So just stop. 397 00:14:58,982 --> 00:14:59,816 - [softly] Oh. 398 00:15:01,527 --> 00:15:02,528 Okay. 399 00:15:03,904 --> 00:15:05,280 Sorry to bother you guys. 400 00:15:06,073 --> 00:15:06,907 I'll go. 401 00:15:11,954 --> 00:15:13,455 - Actors. 402 00:15:14,081 --> 00:15:16,333 I miss the days I was the craziest one in this room. 403 00:15:18,210 --> 00:15:20,504 - Hannah, let me take this one. 404 00:15:24,049 --> 00:15:25,509 - Testicular torsion. 405 00:15:26,510 --> 00:15:28,971 - You're still not the craziest person in the room. 406 00:15:30,764 --> 00:15:33,267 - So I understand our little performance issue 407 00:15:33,267 --> 00:15:34,810 has reared his ugly head again. 408 00:15:34,810 --> 00:15:36,270 - I don't know what my problem is. 409 00:15:36,270 --> 00:15:37,855 - Did Hannah put too much pressure on you? 410 00:15:37,855 --> 00:15:39,439 - No, she was totally nice about it. 411 00:15:39,439 --> 00:15:42,109 Which only made it worse. - All right. Well, you know what? 412 00:15:42,109 --> 00:15:44,528 Let's try something different. Totally different approach. 413 00:15:44,528 --> 00:15:47,072 Who's that coach, the horrible coach? That-- 414 00:15:47,072 --> 00:15:49,825 Bobby Knight. I'm gonna Bobby Knight your ass, all right? 415 00:15:49,825 --> 00:15:51,869 But I'm gonna, I'm gonna really let you have it. 416 00:15:51,869 --> 00:15:53,453 - That's good. That could work. 417 00:15:53,453 --> 00:15:54,496 - Who the fuck asked you? 418 00:15:56,790 --> 00:15:57,875 Come on. Let's do it. 419 00:16:00,127 --> 00:16:01,128 - All right. 420 00:16:04,631 --> 00:16:06,466 [beep, beep, beep] 421 00:16:06,466 --> 00:16:07,843 - Wait, that's the real-tator 422 00:16:07,843 --> 00:16:09,553 who railroaded me on the brewery deal. 423 00:16:09,553 --> 00:16:11,972 - You just said "real-tator," dipshit. 424 00:16:11,972 --> 00:16:13,056 That's not a word. 425 00:16:13,056 --> 00:16:14,516 Okay, let's do it again. 426 00:16:14,850 --> 00:16:16,518 [beep, beep, beep] 427 00:16:16,518 --> 00:16:18,562 - Wait, that's the wealtor who railroad-- - No! 428 00:16:18,562 --> 00:16:20,689 - Wait, that's the realtor who rail-rooted me on the-- 429 00:16:20,689 --> 00:16:23,025 - Okay, get your head outta your ass. Say it right. 430 00:16:23,025 --> 00:16:25,068 [beep] - Wait, that's the ruminator who railroaded me on-- 431 00:16:25,068 --> 00:16:27,362 - Okay. Now you're just making shit up. [beep] 432 00:16:27,362 --> 00:16:29,573 - Wait, that's the rail-raider who railroaded me. 433 00:16:29,573 --> 00:16:31,408 - What the hell is wrong with you? - I'm sorry. 434 00:16:31,408 --> 00:16:32,743 - You're sorry? 435 00:16:32,743 --> 00:16:35,078 Sorry, I don't see the word "sorry" in the script. 436 00:16:35,078 --> 00:16:36,997 I do see railroaded. 437 00:16:36,997 --> 00:16:38,081 Railroaded. 438 00:16:38,081 --> 00:16:40,125 Try saying that. It's not that hard. 439 00:16:40,125 --> 00:16:43,337 I don't know why you actors keep wasting my fuckin' time. 440 00:16:43,962 --> 00:16:45,088 You know what? 441 00:16:45,088 --> 00:16:46,548 Half of that may have been about Bree. 442 00:16:47,925 --> 00:16:50,552 - Game point. Next two points. 443 00:16:50,928 --> 00:16:52,387 - Now where's that trash talk now, big man? 444 00:16:52,387 --> 00:16:53,305 You scared? 445 00:16:53,305 --> 00:16:56,475 - Why would I be scared of a slow, 60-year-old has-been 446 00:16:56,475 --> 00:16:59,645 when just like on Yom Kippur, I fast. 447 00:16:59,645 --> 00:17:01,104 - Where do you keep coming up with-- Oh! 448 00:17:02,356 --> 00:17:04,066 Ah, ah, yeah. 449 00:17:04,066 --> 00:17:06,026 This time Goliath wins, motherfuckers. 450 00:17:06,026 --> 00:17:06,944 - Ah! 451 00:17:06,944 --> 00:17:08,529 - Oh. - Oh, shit! 452 00:17:08,529 --> 00:17:10,906 - Oh, my God. - Oh my god. I am so sorry. 453 00:17:11,323 --> 00:17:12,866 - Ah. - Are you okay? 454 00:17:12,866 --> 00:17:15,577 - Oh, oh, oh! - Oh, oh! 455 00:17:15,577 --> 00:17:17,246 - I think I broke my nose. 456 00:17:17,246 --> 00:17:19,289 REED: Uh-uh. - Call my mom. 457 00:17:19,289 --> 00:17:22,251 Get my mommy! - Oh, please don't say mommy. 458 00:17:22,251 --> 00:17:23,377 - Can someone call a doctor? 459 00:17:23,377 --> 00:17:25,045 - I can call my dad. - My dad's a doctor. 460 00:17:25,045 --> 00:17:27,506 - Yeah, I can call my mom or my dad. - My mom's an orthodontist 461 00:17:27,506 --> 00:17:29,591 if that counts. - Okay, that anti-Semitic actor 462 00:17:29,591 --> 00:17:31,385 just punched a kid in the face. 463 00:17:31,385 --> 00:17:33,345 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 464 00:17:33,345 --> 00:17:34,847 I am not anti-Semitic, okay? 465 00:17:34,847 --> 00:17:37,349 I'm not anti-anybody. 466 00:17:37,349 --> 00:17:39,268 That was clearly an accident. 467 00:17:39,268 --> 00:17:40,811 - Well, I have the whole thing on video, 468 00:17:40,811 --> 00:17:43,522 so let's just let the internet decide. - No! 469 00:17:43,522 --> 00:17:46,233 Okay, you, you cannot let that video get out, okay? 470 00:17:46,233 --> 00:17:47,526 Delete that, please. 471 00:17:47,526 --> 00:17:48,694 - No, psycho. - You've gotta delete it. 472 00:17:48,694 --> 00:17:49,778 You've gotta delete it. - Let go. 473 00:17:49,778 --> 00:17:51,238 Let go! - Argh! 474 00:17:51,238 --> 00:17:53,407 Okay, I'm just gonna delete this video 475 00:17:53,407 --> 00:17:55,534 and then I'm giving your phone back, okay? 476 00:17:55,534 --> 00:17:57,077 - This man just hate crimed that kid! 477 00:17:57,077 --> 00:17:59,746 Then snatched my friend's phone and he's acting insane. 478 00:17:59,746 --> 00:18:01,498 - Okay, I'm not acting insane, okay? 479 00:18:01,498 --> 00:18:02,666 I just-- ladies, you know what? 480 00:18:02,666 --> 00:18:04,334 First of all, no more phones. 481 00:18:04,334 --> 00:18:05,711 You have to stop videotaping this. 482 00:18:05,711 --> 00:18:07,504 This is how people get canceled. 483 00:18:07,504 --> 00:18:09,339 - Good news. Uri's gonna make it. 484 00:18:09,882 --> 00:18:11,008 But what's going on over here? 485 00:18:11,008 --> 00:18:13,177 - Well, uh, these young ladies 486 00:18:13,177 --> 00:18:16,388 have recorded the entire incident. 487 00:18:16,388 --> 00:18:17,556 - Oh! - Hi Zack. 488 00:18:17,556 --> 00:18:19,808 - Hi, we're big fans. - Big fans. 489 00:18:19,808 --> 00:18:22,144 - Look, maybe there's something we can work out. 490 00:18:22,144 --> 00:18:23,520 - Yeah. 491 00:18:23,520 --> 00:18:25,939 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 492 00:18:28,650 --> 00:18:30,027 - Okay, that's my number. 493 00:18:30,402 --> 00:18:31,778 - So you promise. 494 00:18:31,778 --> 00:18:33,155 Pick me up in a limo. 495 00:18:33,155 --> 00:18:35,490 Pose for pictures. Stay for the whole prom. 496 00:18:35,490 --> 00:18:37,701 - Minimum two Instagram posts. - Right. 497 00:18:37,701 --> 00:18:40,537 Post and tag at least twice on Insta main grid. 498 00:18:40,537 --> 00:18:41,622 No stories. 499 00:18:41,622 --> 00:18:44,374 - Deal. I'd be happy to take you. - Sick. 500 00:18:44,374 --> 00:18:46,376 Rachel's gonna be so jealous. Holy shit. 501 00:18:46,376 --> 00:18:47,920 [Reed clears throat] 502 00:18:47,920 --> 00:18:49,296 Okay, fine. 503 00:18:49,296 --> 00:18:50,255 I'll delete it. 504 00:18:51,965 --> 00:18:53,467 - Thank you. 505 00:18:53,467 --> 00:18:55,594 - Oh, and from recently deleted. 506 00:18:55,594 --> 00:18:56,678 You too, Rivka. 507 00:18:56,678 --> 00:18:59,765 - Oh, my God. You're so smart. - That's a good call. 508 00:18:59,765 --> 00:19:02,059 - You're gonna make it through, okay. - Oh, hey, again. 509 00:19:02,059 --> 00:19:03,227 I'm sorry, I hope that heals soon. 510 00:19:03,227 --> 00:19:05,354 - Don't worry about me, Golden Girls. 511 00:19:06,063 --> 00:19:07,606 - How do they know these shows? 512 00:19:07,606 --> 00:19:11,068 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 513 00:19:11,527 --> 00:19:13,278 - Hold up, sweetie. 514 00:19:13,278 --> 00:19:15,322 If I walk too fast, my uterus will fall out. 515 00:19:17,866 --> 00:19:19,576 - You know, my stylist was gonna take me 516 00:19:19,576 --> 00:19:23,038 to get free clothes today but I said no. 517 00:19:23,038 --> 00:19:25,165 I'd rather be in the writer's room. 518 00:19:25,165 --> 00:19:27,584 - Ugh, next time go for the free pants. 519 00:19:27,584 --> 00:19:30,003 - I'm just trying to learn to do more things. 520 00:19:30,003 --> 00:19:31,630 It used to be enough to just act 521 00:19:31,630 --> 00:19:34,049 but now everyone from Reese Witherspoon 522 00:19:34,049 --> 00:19:36,343 to Eva Longoria is a producer 523 00:19:36,343 --> 00:19:38,303 and I'm trying to catch up. 524 00:19:39,179 --> 00:19:44,268 And also maybe start to take some control over my life, 525 00:19:45,018 --> 00:19:46,645 which is long overdue. 526 00:19:47,354 --> 00:19:48,605 - That's a good reason. 527 00:19:49,898 --> 00:19:52,234 - Well, clearly not everyone is thrilled 528 00:19:52,234 --> 00:19:54,361 to have me in there. - So what? 529 00:19:55,487 --> 00:19:57,823 When I first started back in the '70s, 530 00:19:57,823 --> 00:19:59,992 I was the only woman in the room. 531 00:19:59,992 --> 00:20:03,745 Just me and a bunch of chain-smoking neurotic chauvinists 532 00:20:03,745 --> 00:20:05,956 who, by the way, also smelled like herring. 533 00:20:06,623 --> 00:20:08,792 Some of them resented a woman being there. 534 00:20:10,043 --> 00:20:12,296 But I love the work. So I said, "Fuck 'em." 535 00:20:12,296 --> 00:20:14,548 And I out-pitched, out-joked every last one of 'em. 536 00:20:15,007 --> 00:20:19,011 My point is, the writer's room, it's a sacred place. 537 00:20:19,636 --> 00:20:21,221 If you wanna be accepted there, 538 00:20:21,221 --> 00:20:24,641 you gotta cut the vanity shit. 539 00:20:24,641 --> 00:20:26,643 Roll up your sleeves, pinch your nose, 540 00:20:26,643 --> 00:20:29,438 and learn to be so goddamn funny 541 00:20:30,480 --> 00:20:32,107 that everyone takes you seriously. 542 00:20:37,112 --> 00:20:38,655 - Yeah, I know. I like this area. 543 00:20:38,655 --> 00:20:41,408 I just, I wonder if we're losing a little bit of tension. 544 00:20:41,992 --> 00:20:43,160 You know with the-- 545 00:20:45,287 --> 00:20:48,665 - I'm sorry about before and I'm ready to work, 546 00:20:48,665 --> 00:20:49,625 if that's okay. 547 00:20:50,292 --> 00:20:52,628 - It is. Take a seat. 548 00:20:55,881 --> 00:20:58,967 So anyway, what I was thinking was what if-- 549 00:20:58,967 --> 00:21:01,053 - I'm a very good ballerina. 550 00:21:01,053 --> 00:21:02,596 [groans] - Oh, God. 551 00:21:03,180 --> 00:21:05,474 - There's nothing funny about that, I know, 552 00:21:05,474 --> 00:21:08,435 because I'm so good at it but I was thinking, 553 00:21:08,435 --> 00:21:11,772 it would be funny if someone was bad at it. 554 00:21:11,772 --> 00:21:17,069 Like maybe Lawrence who maybe does it in secret 555 00:21:17,069 --> 00:21:21,031 but he's so bad at it, he hurts his groin. 556 00:21:21,031 --> 00:21:22,658 - How did I miss groin pull? 557 00:21:22,658 --> 00:21:23,867 - Oh! 558 00:21:24,785 --> 00:21:27,579 That actually really helps us because then he'd be too hurt 559 00:21:27,579 --> 00:21:29,623 to march in the protest. but-- - Exactly, 560 00:21:29,623 --> 00:21:32,209 but won't admit to anyone that he's a secret ballerina. 561 00:21:32,209 --> 00:21:33,460 - Huh. 562 00:21:33,460 --> 00:21:35,754 - Lawrence as a ballerina would be pretty funny. 563 00:21:35,754 --> 00:21:37,172 - Yeah, I'm seeing tights. 564 00:21:37,172 --> 00:21:39,049 I'm seeing ice packs on his junk. 565 00:21:39,049 --> 00:21:42,511 - Or a frozen steak that Jake was saving for later. 566 00:21:42,511 --> 00:21:46,056 - Even better. - Yeah, I like it. I do. 567 00:21:46,974 --> 00:21:49,059 Benny, put it on the board. - Yeah. 568 00:21:49,434 --> 00:21:50,477 HANNAH: Yeah. 569 00:21:50,894 --> 00:21:53,438 - There you go. - I'm on the board. 570 00:21:55,566 --> 00:21:58,110 - Wait a second. How about if, instead of a ballerina-- 571 00:21:58,110 --> 00:21:59,570 - It's on the board, Alan! 572 00:21:59,570 --> 00:22:01,321 - Right, sorry. 573 00:22:02,865 --> 00:22:04,408 [beep, beep, beep] 574 00:22:04,408 --> 00:22:06,535 - Wait, that's the realtor who railroaded me 575 00:22:06,535 --> 00:22:07,828 on the brewery bill. 576 00:22:09,204 --> 00:22:11,373 - What the hell, I got it right. 577 00:22:11,373 --> 00:22:14,501 - You said "bill." - Oh, goddamn it. 578 00:22:14,501 --> 00:22:15,711 - Dennis, how many takes is that? 579 00:22:15,711 --> 00:22:17,421 - Eighty-seven. - Eighty-seven takes. 580 00:22:17,421 --> 00:22:19,756 Jesus Christ, Clay. I've known you 20 years. 581 00:22:19,756 --> 00:22:21,216 It's never taken you this long. 582 00:22:21,216 --> 00:22:23,719 I mean you always sucked at it, but I don't know. 583 00:22:23,719 --> 00:22:25,971 Is it possible somehow you've gotten even worse? 584 00:22:26,388 --> 00:22:29,600 - Well, I used to drink to get through this 585 00:22:29,600 --> 00:22:32,227 and now I can't even do that anymore. 586 00:22:36,481 --> 00:22:37,357 - Okay. 587 00:22:41,570 --> 00:22:44,323 Let's try something totally different. Come here. 588 00:22:44,323 --> 00:22:45,991 - What are you doing? - I'm gonna give you a hug. 589 00:22:45,991 --> 00:22:48,076 - You're hugging me. - I'm hugging you. 590 00:22:48,076 --> 00:22:50,537 Don't fight it. Come on. 591 00:22:50,537 --> 00:22:52,998 Just go with it. - Are we all hugging Clay? 592 00:22:52,998 --> 00:22:55,083 Is that what we're doing? - No. 593 00:22:56,335 --> 00:22:57,461 Okay. 594 00:22:57,461 --> 00:22:58,545 All right? 595 00:22:58,545 --> 00:23:02,174 Now, whenever you're ready. 596 00:23:02,174 --> 00:23:03,008 - Okay. 597 00:23:06,720 --> 00:23:08,430 [beep, beep, beep] 598 00:23:08,722 --> 00:23:12,267 Wait. That's the realtor who railroaded me on the brewery deal. 599 00:23:13,519 --> 00:23:14,686 - All right. 600 00:23:14,686 --> 00:23:16,563 Look how easy that was. - Wait. 601 00:23:17,940 --> 00:23:19,608 I know you gotta get back to the room, 602 00:23:19,608 --> 00:23:22,194 but maybe just a little longer. 603 00:23:25,113 --> 00:23:26,281 - Sure. 604 00:23:26,281 --> 00:23:28,325 I got all the time in the world, buddy. 605 00:23:28,700 --> 00:23:30,077 All the time in the world. 606 00:23:41,797 --> 00:23:43,006 Hey, smart ass. 607 00:23:43,465 --> 00:23:45,509 I just got a perfect take outta Clay. 608 00:23:45,926 --> 00:23:48,637 - Well, great. I got a good story idea outta Brie. 609 00:23:48,637 --> 00:23:50,806 - Really? Well, look at us. 610 00:23:50,806 --> 00:23:51,974 - Where are you going? 611 00:23:51,974 --> 00:23:54,309 Going home but I gotta stop in my office. Forgot my phone. 612 00:23:54,309 --> 00:23:56,311 - Uh, Bree's waiting for you in there. 613 00:23:56,311 --> 00:23:58,230 Now she wants to direct. 614 00:23:58,230 --> 00:23:59,857 - Ooh! 615 00:23:59,857 --> 00:24:01,483 Not calling anybody tonight anyway. 616 00:24:01,483 --> 00:24:02,484 - Yeah. 617 00:24:04,194 --> 00:24:07,698 ♪ There's no business like show business ♪ 618 00:24:07,698 --> 00:24:10,951 ♪ Like no business I know ♪ 619 00:24:11,660 --> 00:24:15,163 ♪ Everything about it is appealing ♪ 620 00:24:15,163 --> 00:24:18,166 ♪ Everything that traffic will allow ♪ 621 00:24:18,709 --> 00:24:21,712 ♪ Nowhere could you get that happy feeling ♪ 622 00:24:21,712 --> 00:24:25,424 ♪ When you are stealing that extra bow ♪ 623 00:24:25,424 --> 00:24:28,844 ♪ There's no people like show people ♪ 624 00:24:28,844 --> 00:24:32,014 ♪ They smile when they are low ♪ 625 00:24:32,890 --> 00:24:36,310 ♪ Yesterday they told you you would not go far... ♪