1 00:00:01,502 --> 00:00:03,435 [dog barking in distance] 2 00:00:03,570 --> 00:00:05,703 Adult mark: Our family didn't like to talk about the past. 3 00:00:05,740 --> 00:00:06,838 Pop? 4 00:00:06,874 --> 00:00:08,674 Uh, when did your father die? 5 00:00:08,676 --> 00:00:11,510 Uh, 1896. 6 00:00:11,512 --> 00:00:13,812 He drowned when I was two. 7 00:00:13,814 --> 00:00:15,647 He was a whaler. 8 00:00:15,649 --> 00:00:17,816 The whale won. 9 00:00:17,885 --> 00:00:19,385 Adult mark: Mostly because there wasn't much 10 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:20,652 Good to talk about. 11 00:00:20,721 --> 00:00:21,920 And his father? 12 00:00:21,922 --> 00:00:23,688 Drowned. 13 00:00:23,758 --> 00:00:24,856 And his? 14 00:00:24,892 --> 00:00:26,325 Lost at sea. 15 00:00:26,460 --> 00:00:27,726 Why? 16 00:00:27,728 --> 00:00:29,928 It's homework. We have to do a family tree. 17 00:00:29,930 --> 00:00:32,931 Good god, what would you want to do a family tree for? 18 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:35,133 You spend all that time and money trying to find out 19 00:00:35,169 --> 00:00:37,169 Where you came from, and then you spend twice as much 20 00:00:37,304 --> 00:00:38,637 Trying to cover it all back up again! 21 00:00:38,772 --> 00:00:40,405 Adult mark: The only time my parents looked back 22 00:00:40,441 --> 00:00:41,740 Was to toss some salt over their shoulder. 23 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:43,108 Oh, mom? 24 00:00:43,110 --> 00:00:46,612 When did your mother die? 25 00:00:46,614 --> 00:00:49,147 It's not nice to talk about the dead. 26 00:00:49,183 --> 00:00:50,983 I'm going to bed. 27 00:00:51,118 --> 00:00:52,684 What? 28 00:00:52,820 --> 00:00:53,885 Pop: Sorry, son. 29 00:00:53,954 --> 00:00:56,221 Our family tree is more like a shrub. 30 00:00:56,257 --> 00:00:58,757 An over-watered one at that. [phone rings] 31 00:00:58,759 --> 00:01:01,493 Mike sr: Good god, who's calling the house at this hour? 32 00:01:01,562 --> 00:01:04,163 Pop: See, the critches were fishermen from liverpool. 33 00:01:04,298 --> 00:01:07,332 Now, my brother moses, he didn't drown! 34 00:01:07,368 --> 00:01:09,134 He died of tb. 35 00:01:09,136 --> 00:01:10,635 Pop: Put that in there. Mark: Yeah. 36 00:01:10,704 --> 00:01:11,837 Pop: That's important. 37 00:01:11,972 --> 00:01:14,039 What's that again? 38 00:01:14,041 --> 00:01:15,240 Brendan...? 39 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:16,841 Oh? 40 00:01:16,877 --> 00:01:18,544 Adult mark: Uncle brendan was a travelling salesman. 41 00:01:18,679 --> 00:01:20,011 He was always in trouble. 42 00:01:20,013 --> 00:01:21,380 What's he done now? 43 00:01:21,515 --> 00:01:23,515 It's not the police, is it? 44 00:01:23,650 --> 00:01:26,385 Oh, it's probably somebody looking for money. 45 00:01:26,387 --> 00:01:28,953 Adult mark: But he was still pop's favourite. 46 00:01:29,089 --> 00:01:30,322 Just say he isn't here. 47 00:01:30,324 --> 00:01:31,356 He isn't here! 48 00:01:31,492 --> 00:01:33,659 Ah, look, I haven't seen brendan in... 49 00:01:33,794 --> 00:01:35,761 Let me have that again? 50 00:01:35,763 --> 00:01:38,397 [indecipherable voice on phone] 51 00:01:38,532 --> 00:01:40,932 Oh, uh... 52 00:01:41,001 --> 00:01:43,268 Okay, well, thanks for letting us know. 53 00:01:43,337 --> 00:01:45,537 Goodbye. 54 00:01:45,672 --> 00:01:46,939 Well, what is it? 55 00:01:46,941 --> 00:01:49,607 What's the trouble the boy's got into now? 56 00:01:52,880 --> 00:01:54,146 He's dead. 57 00:01:54,148 --> 00:01:56,348 ♪ 58 00:01:56,483 --> 00:01:57,816 Wha...? 59 00:01:57,951 --> 00:02:01,019 ♪ 60 00:02:01,021 --> 00:02:03,421 Adult mark: My family tree was losing leaves 61 00:02:03,423 --> 00:02:06,024 Like it was the windiest day in autumn. 62 00:02:06,026 --> 00:02:09,494 ♪ 63 00:02:09,497 --> 00:02:13,298 ♪ 64 00:02:13,367 --> 00:02:16,768 ♪ 65 00:02:16,904 --> 00:02:19,271 Adult mark: The critch family plot was close to bursting, 66 00:02:19,340 --> 00:02:21,706 But there was just enough room for uncle brendan 67 00:02:21,708 --> 00:02:24,176 To slip in like the missing piece of a puzzle. 68 00:02:24,178 --> 00:02:27,145 Mary: Mike... Shouldn't somebody say something? 69 00:02:36,723 --> 00:02:39,391 Uncle brendan... 70 00:02:39,460 --> 00:02:42,327 Uncle brendan was, um... 71 00:02:45,633 --> 00:02:48,400 He was... 72 00:02:48,469 --> 00:02:51,403 ♪ 73 00:02:51,538 --> 00:02:52,604 Adult mark: Try as I might, 74 00:02:52,739 --> 00:02:54,406 I just couldn't make the tears come. 75 00:02:54,408 --> 00:02:57,876 And try as he might, my brother just couldn't stop them. 76 00:02:58,011 --> 00:02:59,745 ♪ 77 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:02,314 Come on. 78 00:03:02,316 --> 00:03:04,249 I just spoke to bucky. 79 00:03:04,251 --> 00:03:07,685 He tells me that the grave is packed tight. 80 00:03:07,721 --> 00:03:09,955 The only way we're gonna get poor brendan in there 81 00:03:10,024 --> 00:03:11,957 Is if we stick him in sideways. 82 00:03:12,026 --> 00:03:13,091 Good god! 83 00:03:13,160 --> 00:03:15,026 Shh, keep it down! 84 00:03:15,095 --> 00:03:18,496 Geez. 85 00:03:18,498 --> 00:03:22,100 I always thought that I'd be in there alongside your mother. 86 00:03:22,169 --> 00:03:24,302 What about me? 87 00:03:24,438 --> 00:03:26,638 This is not about you. 88 00:03:26,773 --> 00:03:28,840 This is about me! 89 00:03:28,876 --> 00:03:32,244 [crying in background] 90 00:03:35,382 --> 00:03:37,515 You go ahead, dad. I'll make sure it's done. 91 00:03:37,585 --> 00:03:38,884 You sure? 92 00:03:38,886 --> 00:03:41,053 Yeah. 93 00:03:41,055 --> 00:03:43,788 Alright, everyone. Nothing to see here. 94 00:03:43,790 --> 00:03:46,958 Got some tiny sandwiches up at the house. 95 00:03:46,961 --> 00:03:48,660 Alice: Come on, girl. 96 00:03:48,662 --> 00:03:51,863 We checks in on our crowd before we goes. 97 00:03:54,034 --> 00:03:57,869 ♪ 98 00:03:57,871 --> 00:04:00,138 Bucky: Well, mike, b'y. 99 00:04:00,273 --> 00:04:03,475 Hard losing a brother, eh? 100 00:04:03,544 --> 00:04:06,878 You must be torn apart. 101 00:04:06,947 --> 00:04:08,613 Hm. 102 00:04:08,616 --> 00:04:11,616 ♪ 103 00:04:11,652 --> 00:04:14,886 Adult mark: A cemetery trip was a family archivist's dream. 104 00:04:14,888 --> 00:04:18,056 I couldn't see the forest for the family trees. 105 00:04:18,058 --> 00:04:19,891 Mark: Uh, mom? 106 00:04:20,027 --> 00:04:21,226 Mary: Yes, my love? 107 00:04:21,361 --> 00:04:23,961 Where's my grandmother? Her name's not on here. 108 00:04:24,098 --> 00:04:26,030 Why would her name be there? She's not-- 109 00:04:26,032 --> 00:04:28,966 Say a prayer, alice. You'll be in there soon enough. 110 00:04:29,003 --> 00:04:30,502 [sobbing] 111 00:04:30,504 --> 00:04:32,370 They just never added her name is all. 112 00:04:32,439 --> 00:04:33,905 She was a very... 113 00:04:33,974 --> 00:04:36,140 Private person. 114 00:04:36,176 --> 00:04:38,944 Now, give it up being morbid. You're on me last nerve. 115 00:04:38,946 --> 00:04:42,314 Alice, we're gone. 116 00:04:42,316 --> 00:04:44,249 Fine, stay and water the flowers. 117 00:04:44,384 --> 00:04:45,917 Adult mark: Like bucky the gravedigger, 118 00:04:45,986 --> 00:04:48,152 The more I dug, the more I uncovered. 119 00:04:50,157 --> 00:04:53,391 Oh, now, look who's decided to show up. 120 00:04:53,460 --> 00:04:54,926 Fashionably late! 121 00:04:54,928 --> 00:04:56,328 I was burying my brother! 122 00:04:56,463 --> 00:04:57,929 Sideways! 123 00:04:57,931 --> 00:05:00,198 Next to my mother, whose coffin has held up pretty well, 124 00:05:00,200 --> 00:05:01,232 By the way! 125 00:05:01,302 --> 00:05:03,134 Boo-hoo-hoo, ya big poodle. 126 00:05:03,203 --> 00:05:06,071 You couldn't even let your brother have his special day! 127 00:05:06,140 --> 00:05:09,107 Do you know what it was like for me to have to see all that? 128 00:05:09,176 --> 00:05:11,910 No, because I was here entertaining our company! 129 00:05:12,045 --> 00:05:15,947 I don't mean to interrupt, but, uh, mr. Critch... 130 00:05:16,016 --> 00:05:18,750 Mike is the only son you have left. 131 00:05:18,786 --> 00:05:21,419 It's too late to change the past, 132 00:05:21,555 --> 00:05:24,022 But it isn't too late to adjust the future. 133 00:05:24,157 --> 00:05:25,623 Ooh, jam-jams! 134 00:05:25,659 --> 00:05:28,894 Don't mind if I do! 135 00:05:28,896 --> 00:05:30,428 Yummy, yummy. 136 00:05:30,564 --> 00:05:33,031 Okay. 137 00:05:33,166 --> 00:05:36,835 Was I really a bad father? 138 00:05:36,837 --> 00:05:38,837 Oh, no, dad. Brendan loved you. 139 00:05:38,906 --> 00:05:40,505 No, I don't mean to him. 140 00:05:40,574 --> 00:05:43,308 I mean to you. 141 00:05:43,443 --> 00:05:46,578 Oh. Well, uh... 142 00:05:46,713 --> 00:05:47,913 You did your best, dad. 143 00:05:48,048 --> 00:05:50,315 No, no. 144 00:05:50,317 --> 00:05:52,718 No, I didn't. 145 00:05:52,853 --> 00:05:56,120 It's too late for me and brendan and me now, but... 146 00:05:56,156 --> 00:05:59,658 It's not too late for you and I. 147 00:05:59,793 --> 00:06:01,626 Come on. 148 00:06:01,662 --> 00:06:03,061 Mark: Mom? Mary: What, honey? 149 00:06:03,196 --> 00:06:04,396 What did my grandmother die from? 150 00:06:04,531 --> 00:06:05,564 Jesus murphy! 151 00:06:05,566 --> 00:06:07,932 Have we not had enough death for one day? 152 00:06:07,934 --> 00:06:09,367 Go make yourself useful! 153 00:06:09,370 --> 00:06:11,402 Pass out those wieners! 154 00:06:11,438 --> 00:06:13,538 Adult mark: It was unlike my mother not to gossip 155 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:14,472 About someone. 156 00:06:14,541 --> 00:06:15,674 Something was up. 157 00:06:15,809 --> 00:06:16,908 Mark: Vienna sausage? 158 00:06:17,043 --> 00:06:18,676 Ooh, viennese! 159 00:06:18,712 --> 00:06:20,678 We don't get these in the rectory. 160 00:06:20,714 --> 00:06:22,948 Mark: Father, I'm researching my family tree 161 00:06:22,950 --> 00:06:24,682 And I'm missing some leaves. 162 00:06:24,718 --> 00:06:26,685 Does the church have births, deaths? 163 00:06:26,820 --> 00:06:28,019 That kind of thing? 164 00:06:28,154 --> 00:06:29,855 Well, all that information is kind of private. 165 00:06:29,857 --> 00:06:34,426 It's not really for kids. 166 00:06:34,428 --> 00:06:36,361 Well, I... 167 00:06:36,496 --> 00:06:38,029 I guess I could supervise? 168 00:06:38,065 --> 00:06:39,965 Yeah. 169 00:06:40,100 --> 00:06:41,999 There's plenty more where that came from. 170 00:06:42,035 --> 00:06:43,568 [thud] 171 00:06:43,637 --> 00:06:45,503 Pop: Use the bloody mitt! 172 00:06:45,572 --> 00:06:47,906 Adult mark: Pop was determined to make up for lost time, 173 00:06:47,908 --> 00:06:49,107 And with dad, 174 00:06:49,242 --> 00:06:51,910 That meant starting over at the beginning. 175 00:06:51,979 --> 00:06:55,313 Pop: You sure you don't want to take your jacket off? 176 00:06:55,382 --> 00:06:57,715 Nice and easy! 177 00:06:57,751 --> 00:06:58,783 Oh! 178 00:06:58,819 --> 00:07:00,418 Pop: Augh. Jesus. 179 00:07:00,421 --> 00:07:02,988 Come on, this is wasted time! 180 00:07:03,123 --> 00:07:05,623 Adult mark: Dislike father, dislike son. 181 00:07:08,929 --> 00:07:11,529 [school bell rings] 182 00:07:15,869 --> 00:07:19,670 ♪ 183 00:07:19,706 --> 00:07:22,007 Adult mark: Even jesus had a more detailed family tree 184 00:07:22,142 --> 00:07:25,009 Than I did! 185 00:07:25,045 --> 00:07:28,213 ♪ 186 00:07:28,282 --> 00:07:29,814 ♪ 187 00:07:29,883 --> 00:07:31,749 Whoa! Nice tree. 188 00:07:31,819 --> 00:07:33,351 Very full. 189 00:07:33,387 --> 00:07:34,986 Photo albums, arrest records. 190 00:07:34,988 --> 00:07:36,121 It was easy. 191 00:07:36,256 --> 00:07:38,223 How's yours? 192 00:07:38,225 --> 00:07:39,757 I'm just having a little trouble 193 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:41,493 Finding out where my grandmother is. 194 00:07:41,628 --> 00:07:43,161 I don't really know my nan either. 195 00:07:43,296 --> 00:07:44,663 Yeah, dad cashed her pension cheques 196 00:07:44,798 --> 00:07:45,163 Yeah, dad cashed her pension cheques 197 00:07:45,899 --> 00:07:46,430 So she's super pissed. 198 00:07:46,467 --> 00:07:50,067 Shut up, nimrod! 199 00:07:50,103 --> 00:07:51,336 Maybe we could help. 200 00:07:51,405 --> 00:07:53,271 That'd be great! 201 00:07:53,307 --> 00:07:54,706 I have a lead. 202 00:07:54,775 --> 00:07:57,642 We will leave no tombstone unturned. 203 00:07:57,644 --> 00:07:59,377 ♪ 204 00:07:59,413 --> 00:08:02,246 Radio: At coles funeral home, we want to help you to... 205 00:08:02,282 --> 00:08:05,650 Who should we leave the oven to? 206 00:08:05,686 --> 00:08:07,051 What? 207 00:08:07,087 --> 00:08:08,987 The oven. Who should get it? 208 00:08:08,989 --> 00:08:10,655 Why are you writing a will? 209 00:08:10,657 --> 00:08:12,990 The only one that gets any of our stuff when we dies 210 00:08:13,026 --> 00:08:14,725 Is the bank. 211 00:08:14,761 --> 00:08:17,395 Why don't you just tell the boy where his grandmother is? 212 00:08:17,464 --> 00:08:19,865 No need to go stirring all that up. 213 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:21,533 Let dead dogs lie. 214 00:08:21,535 --> 00:08:22,667 [front door opens] 215 00:08:22,802 --> 00:08:23,869 You can't change the past. 216 00:08:24,004 --> 00:08:26,404 [front door closes] 217 00:08:26,473 --> 00:08:30,008 We are gonna do something we should have done years ago. 218 00:08:30,143 --> 00:08:34,546 I'm gonna teach you how to fish. 219 00:08:34,548 --> 00:08:36,214 [sighs] pop: Come on. 220 00:08:36,349 --> 00:08:38,883 You'll love it. 221 00:08:38,886 --> 00:08:41,619 Mary: Sorry. 222 00:08:41,621 --> 00:08:44,889 [dog barking and bird calling in distance] 223 00:08:44,958 --> 00:08:48,492 [music playing on radio] 224 00:08:48,529 --> 00:08:52,163 in every life we have some trouble. ♪ 225 00:08:52,165 --> 00:08:54,766 ♪ but if you worry you makes it double. ♪ 226 00:08:54,835 --> 00:08:58,169 ♪ don't worry! 227 00:08:58,171 --> 00:09:01,038 ♪ be happy! 228 00:09:01,074 --> 00:09:02,307 Jesus, mike. 229 00:09:02,309 --> 00:09:03,341 Don't worry! 230 00:09:03,377 --> 00:09:06,778 Be happy! 231 00:09:06,847 --> 00:09:10,348 ♪ don't worry... 232 00:09:10,417 --> 00:09:14,052 ♪ be happy... 233 00:09:14,187 --> 00:09:15,920 ♪ don't worry, be happy. 234 00:09:15,989 --> 00:09:17,255 ♪ woo... 235 00:09:17,390 --> 00:09:18,456 [door opens] 236 00:09:18,592 --> 00:09:21,559 Frig, mike. What's wrong? 237 00:09:21,595 --> 00:09:25,263 I miss uncle brendan. 238 00:09:25,332 --> 00:09:28,399 You know, he just got me, and now he's just gone, 239 00:09:28,435 --> 00:09:30,435 And it's not fair. 240 00:09:30,437 --> 00:09:32,003 It never is. 241 00:09:32,005 --> 00:09:34,339 Brendan was good for a laugh. 242 00:09:34,408 --> 00:09:36,207 He wouldn't want to see you like this. 243 00:09:36,209 --> 00:09:37,409 Oh... 244 00:09:37,544 --> 00:09:39,543 Geez, yeah, he'd be pretty embarrassed, huh? 245 00:09:39,580 --> 00:09:43,682 No, b'y. 246 00:09:43,817 --> 00:09:46,618 I never seen anyone take to this place as quick as you. 247 00:09:46,620 --> 00:09:49,154 Brendan would be proud to be your uncle. 248 00:09:49,289 --> 00:09:52,156 I know I would be. 249 00:09:55,161 --> 00:09:56,828 Look, I got ya something I been meaning to give ya. 250 00:09:56,897 --> 00:09:59,030 Oh, yeah? What is it? 251 00:09:59,099 --> 00:10:00,365 Dick: Not much time left in this song. 252 00:10:00,367 --> 00:10:02,667 Hang on. 253 00:10:06,773 --> 00:10:07,905 Mike jr: No way! 254 00:10:07,975 --> 00:10:10,908 You earned it. 255 00:10:10,978 --> 00:10:16,648 Well, come on! Try it on! 256 00:10:16,717 --> 00:10:20,852 ♪ don't worry... 257 00:10:20,921 --> 00:10:22,654 Oh! 258 00:10:22,723 --> 00:10:26,625 Thanks... Uncle dick. 259 00:10:26,760 --> 00:10:27,859 Oh... 260 00:10:27,928 --> 00:10:30,495 Jesus. 261 00:10:30,564 --> 00:10:32,897 [both sobbing] 262 00:10:32,933 --> 00:10:35,400 [church bell tolls] 263 00:10:35,469 --> 00:10:38,202 ♪ 264 00:10:38,271 --> 00:10:39,804 Adult mark: Even priests can be tempted. 265 00:10:39,939 --> 00:10:41,539 Hey, you kids gotta hurry up. 266 00:10:41,675 --> 00:10:46,811 If brother angel comes back, he'll crucify me. 267 00:10:46,813 --> 00:10:48,146 I can't find her anywhere! 268 00:10:48,148 --> 00:10:49,414 She's a ghost. 269 00:10:49,416 --> 00:10:50,615 Ritche: That's the point. 270 00:10:50,750 --> 00:10:51,850 She's dead. 271 00:10:51,985 --> 00:10:54,886 Do you mind? She's still my grandmother. 272 00:10:54,955 --> 00:10:58,490 She has to be in here somewhere. We found her birth certificate. 273 00:10:58,625 --> 00:11:01,292 What's this all about, anyway? 274 00:11:01,361 --> 00:11:04,295 My mom says her mom's buried in our plot, 275 00:11:04,297 --> 00:11:05,630 But I can't find her... 276 00:11:05,632 --> 00:11:07,298 There or anywhere. 277 00:11:07,300 --> 00:11:09,601 Well, there's an explanation for everything. 278 00:11:09,603 --> 00:11:12,670 Like turning water into wine? 279 00:11:12,706 --> 00:11:15,239 Well, there might be more info in the parish sectretum, 280 00:11:15,275 --> 00:11:17,909 But that's off-limits. 281 00:11:17,978 --> 00:11:19,911 Please, father? Just this once? 282 00:11:19,913 --> 00:11:21,346 I'm sorry, buddy. 283 00:11:21,481 --> 00:11:23,448 I wish I could help, but even I don't know what's in there. 284 00:11:23,583 --> 00:11:25,649 Found it! 285 00:11:25,686 --> 00:11:26,651 Holy crap! 286 00:11:26,720 --> 00:11:27,719 Oh, no. 287 00:11:27,854 --> 00:11:28,919 Uh... 288 00:11:28,955 --> 00:11:30,188 Okay, give that to me. 289 00:11:30,190 --> 00:11:31,790 Fox: No. Father garcia: I... Give it. 290 00:11:31,925 --> 00:11:34,125 Fox: Why would I-- father garcia: Give it to me. 291 00:11:34,260 --> 00:11:35,459 What's it say? 292 00:11:35,495 --> 00:11:38,063 Nothing, it's stupid. 293 00:11:38,198 --> 00:11:39,631 Your nan was divorced! 294 00:11:39,766 --> 00:11:41,132 Adult mark: Divorce! 295 00:11:41,134 --> 00:11:43,735 The only catholic "d" word worse than death! 296 00:11:43,737 --> 00:11:45,603 And she re-married! 297 00:11:45,672 --> 00:11:47,806 But catholics can't remarry. 298 00:11:47,808 --> 00:11:49,741 She changed religions? 299 00:11:49,743 --> 00:11:52,744 So we just have to check the protestant cemetery now, right? 300 00:11:52,746 --> 00:11:54,145 No. 301 00:11:54,147 --> 00:11:55,480 She won't be there. 302 00:11:55,549 --> 00:11:58,549 Why not? 303 00:11:58,585 --> 00:11:59,684 Because she's not dead! 304 00:11:59,819 --> 00:12:02,420 [coughs] jesus christ! 305 00:12:06,126 --> 00:12:08,392 ...Be with you. 306 00:12:11,732 --> 00:12:14,165 ♪ 307 00:12:14,167 --> 00:12:16,901 ♪ 308 00:12:17,036 --> 00:12:20,171 Pop: I should have taught you how to fish years ago! 309 00:12:20,173 --> 00:12:21,372 Mike sr: What? 310 00:12:21,441 --> 00:12:23,908 I can't hear anything over that bloody engine. 311 00:12:23,944 --> 00:12:25,976 Make and break! 312 00:12:26,012 --> 00:12:28,847 Old and reliable, just like me. 313 00:12:28,982 --> 00:12:31,115 ♪ 314 00:12:31,184 --> 00:12:32,117 Fisherman: Waddaya at? 315 00:12:32,252 --> 00:12:34,786 Asshole. 316 00:12:34,921 --> 00:12:36,253 I wish we were on that one! 317 00:12:36,289 --> 00:12:37,989 What? 318 00:12:38,124 --> 00:12:40,391 Forget it, ya deaf old coot! 319 00:12:40,460 --> 00:12:41,626 [laughs] exactly! 320 00:12:41,761 --> 00:12:43,961 Alright, sit down, lad. 321 00:12:44,030 --> 00:12:46,931 Pop: Okay, here we go. 322 00:12:46,933 --> 00:12:50,468 ♪ 323 00:12:50,537 --> 00:12:53,938 ♪ 324 00:12:53,974 --> 00:12:54,939 Mark: Mom? 325 00:12:54,975 --> 00:12:56,207 Christ on a cracker! 326 00:12:56,276 --> 00:12:57,342 You scared the bejesus out of me! 327 00:12:57,477 --> 00:12:58,409 I have a question. 328 00:12:58,478 --> 00:13:00,478 I don't want to hear it. 329 00:13:00,613 --> 00:13:02,346 You come from a long line of dead people. 330 00:13:02,415 --> 00:13:03,982 That's all you need to know. 331 00:13:03,984 --> 00:13:06,317 I promise I won't ask where my grandmother is buried again. 332 00:13:06,452 --> 00:13:09,420 [exhales] thank god for that. 333 00:13:09,422 --> 00:13:12,123 So, where does she live? 334 00:13:14,027 --> 00:13:15,493 Enough! 335 00:13:15,628 --> 00:13:17,795 I got that much to do today, I-- 336 00:13:17,831 --> 00:13:19,897 Stop lying! 337 00:13:19,933 --> 00:13:22,567 She isn't dead! She isn't even catholic! 338 00:13:22,702 --> 00:13:26,370 What kind of mother lies about a kid's grandmother being dead? 339 00:13:26,406 --> 00:13:29,574 Well, she's dead to me. 340 00:13:29,576 --> 00:13:33,444 "what kind of mother?" wow! 341 00:13:33,513 --> 00:13:35,579 The kind of mother who didn't have one, I guess. 342 00:13:35,615 --> 00:13:37,114 Mom, please. Please... 343 00:13:37,150 --> 00:13:40,784 Mary: Oh... 344 00:13:40,821 --> 00:13:44,922 The only thing I ever wanted to keep from you was pain. 345 00:13:44,991 --> 00:13:48,259 My parents got divorced when I was seven years old. 346 00:13:48,261 --> 00:13:52,730 The nuns looked at me like I was the devil's own, which... 347 00:13:52,799 --> 00:13:54,532 I s'pose I was. 348 00:13:54,667 --> 00:13:56,334 Mom, I'm sorry, I won't... 349 00:13:56,469 --> 00:13:59,838 Oh, duckie, I don't want to be the kind of mother who lies. 350 00:13:59,973 --> 00:14:02,573 I had enough of that myself. 351 00:14:02,609 --> 00:14:04,409 ♪ 352 00:14:04,544 --> 00:14:06,010 Mary: So... 353 00:14:06,145 --> 00:14:06,411 Mary: So... 354 00:14:07,581 --> 00:14:10,281 One day my mother just packed a bag and left, 355 00:14:10,317 --> 00:14:13,685 Like she was going to the store. 356 00:14:13,820 --> 00:14:15,286 I begged her to take me with her, 357 00:14:15,421 --> 00:14:17,621 But she just pushed me down 358 00:14:17,657 --> 00:14:20,024 And told me to stay where I was. 359 00:14:20,026 --> 00:14:21,292 And told me to stay where I was. 360 00:14:21,328 --> 00:14:25,129 And being a good girl, I listened to her. 361 00:14:25,131 --> 00:14:28,499 I never saw hide nor hair of my mother again. 362 00:14:28,568 --> 00:14:30,702 Adult mark: Looking at the hurt in my mother's eyes, 363 00:14:30,837 --> 00:14:35,673 I realized that some things stay buried for a reason. 364 00:14:35,675 --> 00:14:38,576 You want to know where she is? 365 00:14:38,645 --> 00:14:42,914 She married a clark and she lives on forest road. 366 00:14:43,049 --> 00:14:45,449 But... You said never to go there. 367 00:14:45,485 --> 00:14:47,185 "nothing but skeets and hussies." 368 00:14:47,187 --> 00:14:50,120 I didn't lie to you about that. 369 00:14:50,156 --> 00:14:52,990 ♪ 370 00:14:53,026 --> 00:14:54,792 You knew where she was all this time 371 00:14:54,861 --> 00:14:56,660 And you never even called her? 372 00:14:56,696 --> 00:14:59,664 She's your mother! 373 00:14:59,666 --> 00:15:02,800 I know when I'm not wanted. 374 00:15:04,771 --> 00:15:06,804 Adult mark: If there was one thing I was good at, 375 00:15:06,873 --> 00:15:09,107 It was making things worse. 376 00:15:09,242 --> 00:15:10,942 Pop: Alright, let it hit the bottom, 377 00:15:11,011 --> 00:15:13,778 Bring it up a couple of feet, and then start jigging. 378 00:15:13,780 --> 00:15:14,912 That's what I'm doing! 379 00:15:14,914 --> 00:15:16,213 Jerk it! 380 00:15:16,249 --> 00:15:17,849 Ya jerk, don't you know anything? 381 00:15:17,984 --> 00:15:21,018 I s'pose if brendan was here now he'd just walk out on the water 382 00:15:21,087 --> 00:15:23,021 And the fish would just start jumpin' in the boat? 383 00:15:23,156 --> 00:15:25,089 Pop: Alright! Oh... 384 00:15:25,224 --> 00:15:28,893 Oh, you've got it caught on the bottom, you bloody jinker! 385 00:15:28,895 --> 00:15:30,361 You're the one with the jigger! 386 00:15:30,430 --> 00:15:31,963 You know, this was a mistake. 387 00:15:31,965 --> 00:15:33,131 Here... 388 00:15:33,266 --> 00:15:34,898 We can finally agree on something for once. 389 00:15:34,935 --> 00:15:38,636 [engine sputters] 390 00:15:38,705 --> 00:15:41,705 Pop: Oh, jesus, now... 391 00:15:41,741 --> 00:15:43,775 It's completely seized. 392 00:15:43,910 --> 00:15:45,743 Ah, I can't move that. 393 00:15:45,745 --> 00:15:46,744 Can't you fix it? 394 00:15:46,780 --> 00:15:48,078 Fix it? 395 00:15:48,114 --> 00:15:50,447 I don't know anything about boats! 396 00:15:50,483 --> 00:15:52,116 Mike sr: Well, what are we gonna do now? 397 00:15:52,118 --> 00:15:53,985 We're drifting out to sea! 398 00:15:53,987 --> 00:15:57,121 I suppose it's the critch curse, finally caught up with us. 399 00:15:57,157 --> 00:15:58,389 Well, it figures. 400 00:15:58,524 --> 00:16:00,324 And the plot's full. 401 00:16:07,033 --> 00:16:09,567 Fox: That must be her. 402 00:16:09,636 --> 00:16:11,402 Adult mark: I was laying eyes on my grandmother 403 00:16:11,471 --> 00:16:13,204 For the first time... 404 00:16:13,206 --> 00:16:14,939 In a stakeout! 405 00:16:15,074 --> 00:16:17,742 Ritche: I bet those bags are full of grandma stuff. 406 00:16:17,811 --> 00:16:20,011 Like cookies and hard candy! 407 00:16:20,146 --> 00:16:21,946 What are you gonna do? 408 00:16:22,081 --> 00:16:23,081 I'm going in. 409 00:16:23,216 --> 00:16:24,215 Fox: Wait. 410 00:16:24,350 --> 00:16:25,483 This doesn't feel right. 411 00:16:25,552 --> 00:16:27,084 Ritche: What, are you crazy? 412 00:16:27,153 --> 00:16:28,920 She's his grandma! 413 00:16:29,055 --> 00:16:31,756 She's gonna hug him and feed him and kiss him. 414 00:16:31,891 --> 00:16:33,157 Trust me. 415 00:16:33,226 --> 00:16:36,394 Not all families are like the ones you see on tv. 416 00:16:36,529 --> 00:16:38,562 I'm not doing this for me. 417 00:16:38,631 --> 00:16:40,964 I'm doing it for mom. 418 00:16:46,473 --> 00:16:49,840 [emotional music] 419 00:16:49,876 --> 00:16:52,243 Mark sr.: When's brendan's birthday? 420 00:16:52,312 --> 00:16:54,312 You don't know when your own brother's birthday is? 421 00:16:54,447 --> 00:16:57,248 October 2nd. 422 00:16:57,250 --> 00:17:00,451 And when's mine? 423 00:17:00,586 --> 00:17:02,219 What? 424 00:17:02,255 --> 00:17:03,754 Oh... 425 00:17:03,757 --> 00:17:07,658 In the summer. 426 00:17:07,660 --> 00:17:08,525 What? 427 00:17:12,232 --> 00:17:16,133 Look, I was easier on brendan 428 00:17:16,269 --> 00:17:18,735 Because he needed me more. 429 00:17:18,772 --> 00:17:20,338 You were... 430 00:17:20,340 --> 00:17:23,841 You were more self-sufficient and you didn't need me. 431 00:17:23,877 --> 00:17:27,945 And now, I mean, do you know how hard it is for a father 432 00:17:28,014 --> 00:17:29,881 To be dependent on his son? 433 00:17:29,883 --> 00:17:31,015 Dad, it's not like that. 434 00:17:31,150 --> 00:17:33,050 I never had a father. 435 00:17:33,119 --> 00:17:36,653 I didn't know what it was to be one. 436 00:17:36,689 --> 00:17:40,024 But seeing you with your boys... 437 00:17:40,159 --> 00:17:41,759 Now I know. 438 00:17:41,894 --> 00:17:44,028 You are a great grandfather. 439 00:17:44,163 --> 00:17:46,364 Ah, well... 440 00:17:46,499 --> 00:17:50,935 Little mark, he's just like you were at that age. 441 00:17:51,070 --> 00:17:52,536 [sighs] 442 00:17:54,240 --> 00:17:59,576 You know, maybe god does give second chances. 443 00:17:59,612 --> 00:18:01,545 I think I got something! What do I do, what do I do? 444 00:18:01,614 --> 00:18:02,679 Bring it up! Hand over hand! 445 00:18:02,715 --> 00:18:04,014 That's it, hand over hand! 446 00:18:04,050 --> 00:18:05,782 Come on, hand over hand, you got it! 447 00:18:05,819 --> 00:18:09,453 Mike sr: Ho-ho-ho! Pop: Oh! 448 00:18:09,456 --> 00:18:10,588 We did it! 449 00:18:10,590 --> 00:18:13,023 No, you did it. 450 00:18:13,059 --> 00:18:14,858 Well done. 451 00:18:14,894 --> 00:18:17,462 ♪ 452 00:18:17,597 --> 00:18:18,996 [laughs] 453 00:18:19,065 --> 00:18:22,533 Pop: Oh! [laughs] 454 00:18:22,668 --> 00:18:24,001 Look! 455 00:18:24,003 --> 00:18:25,035 Is you alright? 456 00:18:25,105 --> 00:18:27,138 Fine, thanks! Movin' on! 457 00:18:27,273 --> 00:18:28,339 No, no! Wait, wait, wait! 458 00:18:28,341 --> 00:18:29,406 We need a tow! 459 00:18:29,476 --> 00:18:30,741 Yeah, alright. 460 00:18:30,810 --> 00:18:32,576 The motor's just a little trouble. 461 00:18:32,612 --> 00:18:34,979 I could fix it, but the lad here, 462 00:18:35,114 --> 00:18:36,180 He's a nervous nelly! 463 00:18:36,315 --> 00:18:38,282 [laughs] 464 00:18:40,453 --> 00:18:41,552 Adult mark: I had lost an uncle, 465 00:18:41,621 --> 00:18:45,756 And was about to gain a grandmother. 466 00:18:45,758 --> 00:18:47,691 Oh, we don't donate at the door. 467 00:18:47,693 --> 00:18:49,560 Oh, johanna clark? 468 00:18:49,596 --> 00:18:50,961 Johanna: Yes. 469 00:18:51,030 --> 00:18:52,429 My name's mark critch. 470 00:18:52,465 --> 00:18:54,565 Uh, we haven't met before, 471 00:18:54,601 --> 00:18:57,401 But I believe I'm your grandson? 472 00:18:57,437 --> 00:18:58,836 Husband: Who's at the door? 473 00:18:58,838 --> 00:19:01,706 Just... Someone looking for donations. 474 00:19:01,841 --> 00:19:03,440 Husband: Get rid of them! 475 00:19:03,476 --> 00:19:04,642 What-- what do you want? 476 00:19:04,711 --> 00:19:06,711 Money? 477 00:19:06,713 --> 00:19:08,312 No, I just... 478 00:19:08,381 --> 00:19:11,549 Wanted to meet you. 479 00:19:11,551 --> 00:19:13,517 Well, you met me. 480 00:19:13,520 --> 00:19:15,052 Husband: Johanna? 481 00:19:15,121 --> 00:19:17,254 Some things are better left buried in the past. 482 00:19:17,290 --> 00:19:19,089 I have a new life now. 483 00:19:19,091 --> 00:19:21,191 Don't come back here again. 484 00:19:28,635 --> 00:19:30,401 Adult mark: The door closed more firmly 485 00:19:30,403 --> 00:19:33,404 Than uncle brendan's coffin lid. 486 00:19:33,473 --> 00:19:36,741 ♪ 487 00:19:36,743 --> 00:19:39,510 ♪ 488 00:19:39,579 --> 00:19:41,345 Adult mark: Mom had come looking for me. 489 00:19:41,347 --> 00:19:42,613 And good thing, too. 490 00:19:42,649 --> 00:19:44,748 She had been hurt by her mother before, 491 00:19:44,883 --> 00:19:48,552 And this apple hadn't fallen far from the family tree. 492 00:19:48,555 --> 00:19:50,754 You were right. 493 00:19:50,823 --> 00:19:52,556 She doesn't want to know me. 494 00:19:52,559 --> 00:19:56,160 ♪ 495 00:19:56,295 --> 00:20:00,030 ♪ 496 00:20:00,099 --> 00:20:01,164 Fox: You okay? 497 00:20:01,201 --> 00:20:04,168 Mark: [quietly] yeah. 498 00:20:04,303 --> 00:20:07,771 [knocks loudly] 499 00:20:07,840 --> 00:20:10,174 Husband: Oh, for god's sake! 500 00:20:10,243 --> 00:20:14,378 Remember me? 501 00:20:14,380 --> 00:20:16,981 No point digging up old bones. 502 00:20:17,116 --> 00:20:20,317 You never even told him about me, did ya? 503 00:20:20,353 --> 00:20:23,587 You old bat! 504 00:20:23,623 --> 00:20:25,122 Hi, there! 505 00:20:25,191 --> 00:20:27,124 I'm just her daughter from the first marriage! 506 00:20:27,126 --> 00:20:30,527 Surprise, she's not the vestal virgin you thought! 507 00:20:30,563 --> 00:20:31,529 Have fun with that. 508 00:20:31,664 --> 00:20:33,897 Johanna: You little bitch. 509 00:20:33,933 --> 00:20:35,599 No. 510 00:20:35,635 --> 00:20:37,567 It's critch. 511 00:20:40,406 --> 00:20:43,540 ♪ 512 00:20:43,576 --> 00:20:46,677 You know, you may not have missed out on much with me, 513 00:20:46,713 --> 00:20:49,747 But you sure missed out on my boys. 514 00:20:49,749 --> 00:20:53,884 Well, that's your loss, not theirs. 515 00:20:53,886 --> 00:20:57,821 Come on, kids, we're going home. 516 00:20:57,890 --> 00:21:00,891 ♪ 517 00:21:00,960 --> 00:21:02,994 Adult mark: Every family has a story. 518 00:21:03,129 --> 00:21:06,230 Some say we're who we are because of who we come from. 519 00:21:06,232 --> 00:21:07,565 I disagree. 520 00:21:07,700 --> 00:21:10,634 We decide who we are and who our family is. 521 00:21:10,637 --> 00:21:13,838 You live as long as you're remembered. 522 00:21:13,840 --> 00:21:18,042 To me, my family will live forever. 523 00:21:18,177 --> 00:21:19,577 ♪ 524 00:21:19,712 --> 00:21:23,414 ♪ 525 00:21:23,483 --> 00:21:27,785 ♪ 526 00:21:27,787 --> 00:21:32,122 ♪ 527 00:21:32,158 --> 00:21:36,426 ♪ 528 00:21:36,462 --> 00:21:40,598 ♪ 529 00:21:40,733 --> 00:21:44,268 ♪ 530 00:21:44,403 --> 00:21:49,005 ♪