1 00:00:05,106 --> 00:00:05,971 Adult mark (v.O.): Friday was pay day. 2 00:00:06,106 --> 00:00:07,406 The old man would share the wealth 3 00:00:07,541 --> 00:00:09,908 And give me five dollars in allowance. 4 00:00:09,910 --> 00:00:11,110 Begrudgingly. 5 00:00:11,245 --> 00:00:12,644 -Now, don't go wasting that. 6 00:00:12,646 --> 00:00:14,345 -I would never. 7 00:00:14,382 --> 00:00:16,314 Adult mark (v.O.): They say a fool and his money 8 00:00:16,384 --> 00:00:17,449 Are soon parted. 9 00:00:17,584 --> 00:00:21,520 And I wanted to be a comedian. 10 00:00:21,655 --> 00:00:23,354 -Hello, bethy. How's the leg? 11 00:00:23,391 --> 00:00:25,624 -Oh, still acting up. 12 00:00:25,759 --> 00:00:27,526 -I'm telling ya, it's gout. 13 00:00:27,528 --> 00:00:29,428 -It's not gout. 14 00:00:29,497 --> 00:00:30,728 The usual? 15 00:00:30,765 --> 00:00:34,266 -Yeah. I'll take one scratch ticket. 16 00:00:34,401 --> 00:00:35,801 You know what? I'm feeling lucky today. 17 00:00:35,870 --> 00:00:37,136 Make it a two-dollar ticket. 18 00:00:37,271 --> 00:00:38,937 -Ooh! 19 00:00:38,939 --> 00:00:41,907 Adult mark (v.O.): I felt like a high roller in vegas. 20 00:00:41,909 --> 00:00:44,709 But really, I was more like jack buying magic beans. 21 00:00:44,779 --> 00:00:46,812 -Ah, free ticket! 22 00:00:46,947 --> 00:00:50,549 ♪ 23 00:00:50,551 --> 00:00:53,651 ♪ 24 00:00:53,687 --> 00:00:55,287 Five bucks! 25 00:00:55,356 --> 00:00:58,757 -One of these days, you're gonna blow your whole allowance. 26 00:00:58,759 --> 00:01:00,525 -But today is not that day, bethy. 27 00:01:00,561 --> 00:01:01,927 See ya next week. 28 00:01:01,929 --> 00:01:03,362 Adult mark (v.O.): I didn't have stocks or bonds 29 00:01:03,497 --> 00:01:04,897 Or even a piggy-bank. 30 00:01:04,899 --> 00:01:08,233 My money was all tied up in comic books. 31 00:01:08,302 --> 00:01:09,835 The front window... 32 00:01:09,904 --> 00:01:12,304 Only the top books were displayed there. 33 00:01:12,373 --> 00:01:13,838 They were too rich for my blood, 34 00:01:13,874 --> 00:01:16,241 But a boy could dream. 35 00:01:16,243 --> 00:01:17,442 -New alpha flight in yet? 36 00:01:17,445 --> 00:01:19,377 -It's on the rack. 37 00:01:19,513 --> 00:01:21,647 ♪ 38 00:01:21,782 --> 00:01:24,583 ♪ 39 00:01:24,585 --> 00:01:26,685 Adult mark (v.O.): Alpha flight, my favourite. 40 00:01:26,754 --> 00:01:28,921 Canada's own superhero team. 41 00:01:28,923 --> 00:01:31,389 They even had a newfoundlander. 42 00:01:31,459 --> 00:01:34,459 I liked my fantasy homegrown. 43 00:01:34,495 --> 00:01:36,761 -How much is that x-men in the window? 44 00:01:36,797 --> 00:01:37,830 -It's a classic. 45 00:01:37,965 --> 00:01:39,898 Still 40 bucks. 46 00:01:39,934 --> 00:01:42,934 Adult mark (v.O.): That's a lot of scratch tickets. 47 00:01:42,970 --> 00:01:44,336 -One day. 48 00:01:44,338 --> 00:01:45,537 Just the alpha flight for now. 49 00:01:45,672 --> 00:01:47,506 [buttons beep] 50 00:01:47,641 --> 00:01:49,875 Adult mark (v.O.): I still got a rush from paper. 51 00:01:50,010 --> 00:01:52,010 But my friends were on another level... 52 00:01:52,012 --> 00:01:54,346 Literally. 53 00:01:54,348 --> 00:01:57,549 [the who - "pinball wizard" playing] 54 00:01:57,585 --> 00:02:01,953 ♪ 55 00:02:02,022 --> 00:02:05,290 ♪ 56 00:02:05,326 --> 00:02:07,025 ♪ ever since I was a young boy ♪ 57 00:02:07,027 --> 00:02:08,826 ♪ I played the silver ball 58 00:02:08,863 --> 00:02:11,563 ♪ from soho down to brighton, I must have played them all ♪ 59 00:02:11,698 --> 00:02:13,899 Adult mark (v.O.): The games arcade was like a night club. 60 00:02:14,034 --> 00:02:14,900 But it didn't sell liquor. 61 00:02:16,036 --> 00:02:17,636 It sold something far more intoxicating, 62 00:02:17,638 --> 00:02:19,805 Far more addictive. 63 00:02:19,807 --> 00:02:22,441 ♪ 64 00:02:22,443 --> 00:02:25,043 -Friggin' packin' spiders! 65 00:02:25,045 --> 00:02:26,378 -I'm next when you die. 66 00:02:26,447 --> 00:02:27,579 -Frig off. I don't die! 67 00:02:28,983 --> 00:02:30,015 Adult mark (v.O.): Putting a quarter down on fox's game 68 00:02:30,150 --> 00:02:32,451 Was like pouring a glass of water into the ocean. 69 00:02:32,586 --> 00:02:33,618 There was just no point. 70 00:02:34,822 --> 00:02:36,054 -Ritche, check it out. I got the new alpha flight. 71 00:02:36,056 --> 00:02:37,890 Canada's own superheroes. 72 00:02:38,025 --> 00:02:40,658 Wolverine used to be a member, and marina, 73 00:02:40,694 --> 00:02:43,529 She's like a girl aquaman, and she's from newfoundland! 74 00:02:43,664 --> 00:02:45,397 -Oh, wow... 75 00:02:45,399 --> 00:02:46,532 Cool. 76 00:02:46,667 --> 00:02:48,433 -Comics? What are you, nine? 77 00:02:48,569 --> 00:02:49,902 Middle fox: What a tool! 78 00:02:50,037 --> 00:02:52,371 -Hey, no! That's mint! Don't mess with-- 79 00:02:52,373 --> 00:02:53,972 [middle fox laughs] 80 00:02:53,974 --> 00:02:55,740 ♪ 81 00:02:55,809 --> 00:02:57,409 -Near-mint. 82 00:02:57,478 --> 00:02:59,477 Ritche: Dude, you're embarrassing yourself. 83 00:02:59,547 --> 00:03:01,580 The games arcade is for big kids. 84 00:03:01,715 --> 00:03:03,815 -So are comics. It's a growing art form. 85 00:03:03,817 --> 00:03:05,350 Frank miller's dark knight is just-- 86 00:03:05,386 --> 00:03:09,621 -Shut up, ya baby! I'm going for the high score! 87 00:03:09,756 --> 00:03:11,290 -Wanna play me in doubles? 88 00:03:11,425 --> 00:03:13,525 -Well, I think video games are a waste of money. 89 00:03:13,594 --> 00:03:15,394 Besides, too many blinking lights. 90 00:03:15,396 --> 00:03:16,694 Bad for my seizures. 91 00:03:16,730 --> 00:03:18,430 -What a loser. 92 00:03:18,432 --> 00:03:19,765 Lend me some money. 93 00:03:19,767 --> 00:03:21,566 -No. -Why? 94 00:03:21,569 --> 00:03:22,968 -You just called me a loser. 95 00:03:23,103 --> 00:03:24,836 -Fair. -Fox: I got it, okay, okay. 96 00:03:24,905 --> 00:03:27,038 -Ritche: It's right there! -They're not just comics. 97 00:03:27,074 --> 00:03:28,239 -They're collectibles. -Don't care. 98 00:03:29,577 --> 00:03:30,509 -I'll have you know, I have some key books in my collection, 99 00:03:30,644 --> 00:03:32,377 -And their value is-- -don't care! 100 00:03:32,379 --> 00:03:34,513 -First spidey black suit, first wolverine brown suit. 101 00:03:34,515 --> 00:03:35,847 -First-- -ugh! 102 00:03:35,982 --> 00:03:38,450 -Look what you did, dink! -I didn't do anything. 103 00:03:38,519 --> 00:03:40,985 -You distracted me with your dumb cartoons. 104 00:03:41,121 --> 00:03:42,454 -Comics. 105 00:03:42,523 --> 00:03:45,590 -You still got the high score! 106 00:03:45,593 --> 00:03:47,492 Nice. 107 00:03:47,561 --> 00:03:50,429 -Did you get the new betty and veronica? 108 00:03:50,431 --> 00:03:52,798 -No, but they have the new jughead double digest 109 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:53,832 -If you want me-- -I'm kidding. 110 00:03:53,967 --> 00:03:55,066 I'm not a baby. 111 00:03:55,102 --> 00:03:56,001 We're in grade nine. 112 00:03:56,136 --> 00:03:57,802 Grow up. 113 00:03:57,804 --> 00:03:59,704 ♪ 114 00:03:59,740 --> 00:04:01,139 -Hey! 115 00:04:01,141 --> 00:04:02,874 -Okay, then. 116 00:04:02,876 --> 00:04:04,576 Doubles? 117 00:04:04,645 --> 00:04:06,578 -Sure. 118 00:04:06,580 --> 00:04:09,414 Adult mark (v.O.): I'd been replaced by a machine. 119 00:04:11,919 --> 00:04:13,151 Adult mark (v.O.): Who needed them? 120 00:04:13,153 --> 00:04:15,620 So what if I liked comics? 121 00:04:15,623 --> 00:04:17,389 That didn't make me a... 122 00:04:17,458 --> 00:04:20,392 ♪ 123 00:04:20,461 --> 00:04:24,596 ♪ 124 00:04:24,598 --> 00:04:27,833 Maybe it was time to "put away childish things." 125 00:04:27,968 --> 00:04:32,437 [big band music playing on radio] 126 00:04:32,473 --> 00:04:33,905 -You've got this thing on bust! 127 00:04:33,974 --> 00:04:35,640 -Huh? 128 00:04:35,676 --> 00:04:37,576 I can't hear it now! 129 00:04:37,578 --> 00:04:40,445 -It's plenty loud. 130 00:04:40,481 --> 00:04:43,048 I'm telling ya, you need to get your ears checked! 131 00:04:43,117 --> 00:04:46,051 Shouting into the phone, tv always blaring. 132 00:04:46,186 --> 00:04:47,753 If you're not looking right at me, 133 00:04:47,888 --> 00:04:51,589 You have no idea what I'm saying at all, do ya, ya crooked arse? 134 00:04:51,591 --> 00:04:53,057 God forgive me. 135 00:04:53,093 --> 00:04:54,726 -Hm, lovely. 136 00:04:54,861 --> 00:04:56,561 Mike sr: I'm home! Hey, pop. 137 00:04:56,630 --> 00:04:58,796 -Oh, jeez! Will you stop sneaking up on me? 138 00:04:58,832 --> 00:05:00,198 [radio turns off] 139 00:05:00,200 --> 00:05:02,133 -Ooh! 140 00:05:02,169 --> 00:05:03,935 New phone book! 141 00:05:03,937 --> 00:05:05,771 Adult mark (v.O.): Nothing got the old man going 142 00:05:05,906 --> 00:05:08,173 Quite as much as getting the new phone book. 143 00:05:08,175 --> 00:05:11,510 To him, it was as exciting as the christmas catalogue. 144 00:05:11,512 --> 00:05:13,144 -C, c... 145 00:05:13,180 --> 00:05:14,946 Adult mark (v.O.): It was a chance to see 146 00:05:14,948 --> 00:05:15,947 His name in print. 147 00:05:15,949 --> 00:05:17,782 -Critch... Michael. 148 00:05:17,917 --> 00:05:19,618 Kenmount road. Good. 149 00:05:19,620 --> 00:05:21,753 -Mike, I got something to tell ya. 150 00:05:21,888 --> 00:05:23,155 -In a minute, mary. 151 00:05:23,157 --> 00:05:25,023 You gotta check these things. 152 00:05:25,025 --> 00:05:26,157 The bastards at the phone company 153 00:05:26,193 --> 00:05:28,159 Are always trying to screw ya. 154 00:05:28,195 --> 00:05:29,961 V... 155 00:05:29,963 --> 00:05:32,463 -We got a new phone. 156 00:05:32,499 --> 00:05:33,965 -No, pop. Phone book ! 157 00:05:34,034 --> 00:05:35,834 We got a new phone book! 158 00:05:35,836 --> 00:05:36,901 Deaf as a post. 159 00:05:36,903 --> 00:05:38,603 -Mike, he's right. 160 00:05:38,639 --> 00:05:40,439 The phone company was here today. 161 00:05:40,574 --> 00:05:43,942 They swapped out the old phone for a new phone. 162 00:05:44,077 --> 00:05:46,578 -New one? 163 00:05:46,713 --> 00:05:49,480 [dramatic music] 164 00:05:51,552 --> 00:05:53,451 -Good god! What was wrong with the old one? 165 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:54,786 -But this is a touch-tone. 166 00:05:54,921 --> 00:05:56,988 And it's got all these features. 167 00:05:56,990 --> 00:05:58,189 -Features? -Mm-hm. 168 00:05:58,225 --> 00:06:00,792 Like... Oh, look. 169 00:06:00,828 --> 00:06:03,728 If you dial *69, it tells you who called. 170 00:06:03,731 --> 00:06:05,730 -I'll know who called when they say hello. 171 00:06:05,733 --> 00:06:07,132 -But this is for when you're not here. 172 00:06:07,201 --> 00:06:08,800 -If I'm not here, I won't know they called! 173 00:06:08,935 --> 00:06:10,735 -Exactly! 174 00:06:10,738 --> 00:06:13,071 -I want my old one back. 175 00:06:13,206 --> 00:06:15,006 -They took it. 176 00:06:15,075 --> 00:06:17,975 Oh, mike... It's just a phone. 177 00:06:18,011 --> 00:06:19,544 -Well, how much was it? 178 00:06:19,580 --> 00:06:20,979 -Didn't cost us a dime. 179 00:06:21,114 --> 00:06:22,213 -Oh. -It's a rental. 180 00:06:22,249 --> 00:06:24,683 They just add it to the bill each... 181 00:06:24,818 --> 00:06:27,619 Month. 182 00:06:27,621 --> 00:06:29,554 -I'm gonna go lie down. 183 00:06:29,590 --> 00:06:32,223 -Mike... 184 00:06:32,292 --> 00:06:34,959 ♪ 185 00:06:35,028 --> 00:06:35,860 [bedroom door shuts] 186 00:06:37,765 --> 00:06:39,831 -Hello? 187 00:06:39,867 --> 00:06:41,533 -[dial tone] -[pressing receiver button] 188 00:06:41,602 --> 00:06:43,901 -Ah, damn thing's not working. 189 00:06:43,937 --> 00:06:45,303 -[pressing receiver button] 190 00:06:45,305 --> 00:06:46,638 No dial tone. 191 00:06:46,773 --> 00:06:47,839 [dial tone] 192 00:06:47,974 --> 00:06:49,775 Rubbish. 193 00:06:54,681 --> 00:06:57,248 Adult mark (v.O.): My comics were like last year's shoes. 194 00:06:57,317 --> 00:06:59,283 They started to make me feel uncomfortable 195 00:06:59,319 --> 00:07:01,786 Because I had outgrown them. 196 00:07:04,625 --> 00:07:06,091 -Hm. 197 00:07:06,093 --> 00:07:07,058 -What's that for? 198 00:07:07,127 --> 00:07:08,894 -[exhales] 199 00:07:09,029 --> 00:07:11,796 Good. I need your help. 200 00:07:11,798 --> 00:07:13,064 -[loudly] what's that for? 201 00:07:13,066 --> 00:07:15,233 -What? -What's that for? 202 00:07:15,235 --> 00:07:18,069 -Your mother thinks I'm losing my hearing. 203 00:07:18,071 --> 00:07:21,940 Psht! I just got a blockage, that's all. 204 00:07:21,942 --> 00:07:24,041 Now, this is warm olive oil. 205 00:07:24,077 --> 00:07:27,045 I just need you to pour it into my ear. 206 00:07:27,180 --> 00:07:28,747 -You sure that's a good idea? 207 00:07:28,749 --> 00:07:30,215 -What? 208 00:07:30,350 --> 00:07:31,816 -Forget it. 209 00:07:31,852 --> 00:07:33,251 -Well, what's all this? 210 00:07:33,320 --> 00:07:34,752 -Oh, I... 211 00:07:34,822 --> 00:07:36,087 I'm selling my comics. 212 00:07:36,156 --> 00:07:36,888 -Oh. 213 00:07:37,924 --> 00:07:38,990 Are you sure that's a good idea? 214 00:07:39,125 --> 00:07:40,758 -I'm too old for comics. 215 00:07:40,828 --> 00:07:42,894 -I really must be deaf. 216 00:07:42,930 --> 00:07:44,562 Come on. 217 00:07:44,631 --> 00:07:46,631 You love your comics. 218 00:07:46,633 --> 00:07:49,200 -I'm not a kid anymore. 219 00:07:49,269 --> 00:07:51,769 -Well, what's your rush? 220 00:07:51,805 --> 00:07:54,605 You know, growing old is mandatory. 221 00:07:54,641 --> 00:07:56,241 Growing up is optional. 222 00:07:59,980 --> 00:08:02,647 Hm. Now, come and help. 223 00:08:06,286 --> 00:08:07,586 -Careful... -Uh... 224 00:08:07,721 --> 00:08:09,120 -Yeah. -Um... 225 00:08:09,189 --> 00:08:10,722 -Okay. -Yeah. 226 00:08:12,693 --> 00:08:14,859 Easy... Oh, be careful! 227 00:08:14,862 --> 00:08:16,127 [groaning] 228 00:08:16,196 --> 00:08:18,296 -Any better? -Oh, no... 229 00:08:20,400 --> 00:08:22,834 I think it's worse. 230 00:08:22,836 --> 00:08:23,969 -Pop... 231 00:08:24,104 --> 00:08:26,604 What's so bad about getting a hearing aid? 232 00:08:26,673 --> 00:08:29,140 -Everyone will look at me like I'm old. 233 00:08:29,176 --> 00:08:30,675 -Everybody already knows you are. 234 00:08:30,677 --> 00:08:32,644 -Yeah, but I don't. 235 00:08:32,779 --> 00:08:35,146 When I stick that thing in my ear, 236 00:08:35,182 --> 00:08:36,881 Then I'll have to admit it... 237 00:08:36,884 --> 00:08:38,617 To myself. 238 00:08:38,752 --> 00:08:41,219 -Maybe you should get a hearing aid. 239 00:08:41,221 --> 00:08:43,221 To be honest, you don't always hear mom and dad, 240 00:08:43,356 --> 00:08:44,822 Even when they're right next to you. 241 00:08:44,858 --> 00:08:48,159 -Yeah, but that's by choice. 242 00:08:48,195 --> 00:08:50,095 -But... 243 00:08:50,097 --> 00:08:53,030 You don't always hear me either. 244 00:08:53,066 --> 00:08:54,865 I worry sometimes. 245 00:08:56,737 --> 00:08:58,637 -Ah. 246 00:08:58,772 --> 00:09:01,973 I certainly don't want to miss anything you have to tell me. 247 00:09:04,444 --> 00:09:06,778 I'll tell you what... 248 00:09:06,847 --> 00:09:08,647 You come and get a hearing aid with me 249 00:09:08,782 --> 00:09:11,115 And I'll go to the comic store with you 250 00:09:11,184 --> 00:09:13,852 And I'll make sure you're not ripped off. 251 00:09:13,854 --> 00:09:15,186 -Deal. -Good. 252 00:09:15,255 --> 00:09:17,888 [groans] 253 00:09:20,394 --> 00:09:23,060 I thought you'd given up on them. 254 00:09:23,096 --> 00:09:25,129 -Tomorrow. 255 00:09:25,131 --> 00:09:27,398 -Ah. 256 00:09:29,903 --> 00:09:34,139 ♪ 257 00:09:34,274 --> 00:09:36,808 Adult mark (v.O.): I couldn't resist one last look 258 00:09:36,810 --> 00:09:39,276 At a comic under the covers with a flashlight. 259 00:09:39,313 --> 00:09:42,213 As the years go by, you start to realize 260 00:09:42,249 --> 00:09:45,483 That it was the little things that were the big things. 261 00:09:45,485 --> 00:09:49,487 -Night, pop. -[pop snoring] 262 00:09:49,489 --> 00:09:51,089 -Pop? 263 00:09:54,461 --> 00:09:57,295 ♪ 264 00:10:02,970 --> 00:10:06,304 Pop: Where is this place? My back is splitting in two. 265 00:10:06,439 --> 00:10:07,705 -Here it is. 266 00:10:07,741 --> 00:10:09,907 -Wha...? Oh. 267 00:10:09,909 --> 00:10:10,908 Yeah. 268 00:10:10,978 --> 00:10:13,010 Hey, listen, uh... 269 00:10:13,012 --> 00:10:17,015 Are you sure you wanna do this? 270 00:10:17,150 --> 00:10:19,784 -Yes. I am. 271 00:10:19,786 --> 00:10:22,086 -Onwards. -Onwards. 272 00:10:25,325 --> 00:10:26,458 Peter: What do we have here? 273 00:10:26,460 --> 00:10:27,458 -I'm here on business. 274 00:10:28,629 --> 00:10:29,894 I've decided to get out of the comic book game. 275 00:10:29,963 --> 00:10:32,764 I was wondering what your best price might be. 276 00:10:32,899 --> 00:10:35,199 -Whoa, x-men: Death of phoenix... 277 00:10:35,334 --> 00:10:37,936 All the new mutants. 278 00:10:37,938 --> 00:10:40,305 Secret wars with the tie-ins? 279 00:10:40,307 --> 00:10:41,773 Alpha flight number one... 280 00:10:41,842 --> 00:10:43,541 X-men 121? 281 00:10:43,543 --> 00:10:45,276 -Their first appearance. 282 00:10:45,411 --> 00:10:47,779 -Are you sure you want to sell these? 283 00:10:47,914 --> 00:10:51,348 ♪ 284 00:10:51,385 --> 00:10:54,285 ♪ 285 00:10:54,354 --> 00:10:55,553 -Mark! 286 00:10:55,555 --> 00:10:57,922 No, it's too much! 287 00:10:57,991 --> 00:11:01,092 -No, mom, please. It's nothing. 288 00:11:01,227 --> 00:11:03,094 ♪ 289 00:11:03,229 --> 00:11:05,430 ♪ 290 00:11:05,565 --> 00:11:07,565 -Excuse me. Buy a pencil? 291 00:11:07,567 --> 00:11:10,101 Oh... Mark, I... 292 00:11:12,873 --> 00:11:16,107 Looks like the years have been kind to you. 293 00:11:16,242 --> 00:11:18,176 -Yes, well... 294 00:11:18,245 --> 00:11:20,812 I did very well in the comic book market. 295 00:11:20,947 --> 00:11:22,981 -I guess you think I was pretty stupid to think 296 00:11:22,983 --> 00:11:24,381 Computers would catch on. 297 00:11:24,418 --> 00:11:26,117 -It's okay. 298 00:11:26,186 --> 00:11:28,953 Here, have a game on me. 299 00:11:29,089 --> 00:11:31,055 ♪ 300 00:11:31,058 --> 00:11:33,291 [car starts] 301 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:35,526 ♪ 302 00:11:35,595 --> 00:11:37,962 ♪ 303 00:11:38,031 --> 00:11:40,265 -I shoulda gotten into comics. 304 00:11:42,402 --> 00:11:43,534 Peter: You sure? 305 00:11:43,570 --> 00:11:44,802 -Hm? -What? 306 00:11:44,871 --> 00:11:47,338 -I said, "are you sure?" 307 00:11:47,407 --> 00:11:48,540 -Yes. 308 00:11:48,542 --> 00:11:50,542 It's time. I'm ready. 309 00:11:50,544 --> 00:11:52,543 -And no dicking about! 310 00:11:52,579 --> 00:11:55,346 We want your best price. 311 00:11:55,348 --> 00:11:58,216 -Best I can do is ten cents a book. 312 00:11:58,285 --> 00:12:00,919 So... 313 00:12:00,921 --> 00:12:02,353 40 bucks. 314 00:12:02,389 --> 00:12:03,554 Pop: Wow! 315 00:12:03,623 --> 00:12:05,557 Yeah. Well... 316 00:12:05,559 --> 00:12:08,927 I mean, seems fair to me. 317 00:12:09,062 --> 00:12:11,495 Adult mark (v.O.): Only an idiot would take that offer. 318 00:12:11,531 --> 00:12:13,298 -Sold. 319 00:12:13,433 --> 00:12:16,167 [pop chuckles] 320 00:12:16,302 --> 00:12:19,370 Yeah, nice. 321 00:12:19,372 --> 00:12:21,272 Adult mark (v.O.): The old man prepared 322 00:12:21,274 --> 00:12:22,373 For a long-distance phone call 323 00:12:22,442 --> 00:12:24,175 As if it was a military manoeuvre. 324 00:12:24,310 --> 00:12:26,243 -Mary, turn that radio off, will ya? 325 00:12:26,279 --> 00:12:28,179 I'm expecting a phone call at 3:30. 326 00:12:28,314 --> 00:12:30,414 -It's 3:29 now. -[radio turns off] 327 00:12:30,484 --> 00:12:31,582 Is this thing even on? 328 00:12:31,618 --> 00:12:33,217 -Mike, shove it up yer arse! 329 00:12:33,253 --> 00:12:34,451 -You be quiet! 330 00:12:34,488 --> 00:12:36,187 This is a long-distance phone call! 331 00:12:36,322 --> 00:12:38,123 From halifax! 332 00:12:38,258 --> 00:12:40,058 Three, two... 333 00:12:40,193 --> 00:12:41,860 [phone ringing] 334 00:12:41,995 --> 00:12:43,060 What the hell is that? 335 00:12:43,096 --> 00:12:44,329 Mary: The phone! 336 00:12:44,331 --> 00:12:45,596 -The old phone didn't sound like that! 337 00:12:45,632 --> 00:12:50,001 -That's not the old phone! 338 00:12:50,136 --> 00:12:51,069 -Hello? 339 00:12:51,204 --> 00:12:52,270 -Frank: [phone] mike, how are ya? 340 00:12:52,272 --> 00:12:53,337 -Oh, hello, frank! 341 00:12:53,406 --> 00:12:54,405 Frank: You sound good. 342 00:12:55,675 --> 00:12:56,941 -That's an awfully clear line for an overseas call. 343 00:12:56,977 --> 00:12:58,076 -Frank: Loud and clear. 344 00:12:58,211 --> 00:12:59,543 -How are things on the mainland? 345 00:12:59,579 --> 00:13:00,478 - Not bad, lousy weather. 346 00:13:00,613 --> 00:13:01,679 -Oh, yes. 347 00:13:01,681 --> 00:13:02,614 -[inaudible] in the hospital... -[phone beeping] 348 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:03,414 -What? You're breaking up. 349 00:13:04,484 --> 00:13:06,016 I'm getting a beeping sound on the line. 350 00:13:06,018 --> 00:13:07,952 -That's the other line. -What? 351 00:13:07,954 --> 00:13:09,520 -There's a call waiting. -Yes! 352 00:13:09,589 --> 00:13:11,489 Frank is waiting. In halifax! 353 00:13:11,491 --> 00:13:13,224 -Give it! -Frank: Are you there? 354 00:13:13,359 --> 00:13:15,926 -Just a minute, frank. - Hello? 355 00:13:15,962 --> 00:13:17,294 -Hello? -Pop: [phone] hello? 356 00:13:17,330 --> 00:13:19,230 I'm at the damned hearing aid place. 357 00:13:19,365 --> 00:13:21,932 Look, I need my health card number. 358 00:13:21,968 --> 00:13:23,701 -What do you need that for? -What? 359 00:13:23,703 --> 00:13:25,236 -Who the hell are you talking to? 360 00:13:25,238 --> 00:13:26,604 -Pop. -You hung up on frank! 361 00:13:26,739 --> 00:13:29,006 -No, I didn't! 362 00:13:29,042 --> 00:13:31,175 Won't be long, frank. 363 00:13:31,178 --> 00:13:32,309 Put your friggin' hearing aid in! 364 00:13:32,445 --> 00:13:33,544 -It's in! 365 00:13:33,547 --> 00:13:34,979 -Well then, turn it up, ya fool! 366 00:13:34,981 --> 00:13:36,047 -Ow! 367 00:13:36,116 --> 00:13:37,448 Feedback! 368 00:13:37,450 --> 00:13:40,418 -What happened to frank? -Shh-shh-shh! 369 00:13:40,487 --> 00:13:43,388 It'll just be another second, frank, my love. 370 00:13:43,523 --> 00:13:45,256 Look, I can't talk right now. 371 00:13:45,391 --> 00:13:46,991 Mike is on the other line 372 00:13:46,993 --> 00:13:48,492 With that arse of a mainlander friend of his! 373 00:13:48,528 --> 00:13:50,594 Frank: Arse? Who, me? 374 00:13:50,630 --> 00:13:52,263 -Oh... I'm sorry, frank. 375 00:13:52,299 --> 00:13:54,432 Frank: Now, you listen to me, mary. I never-- 376 00:13:54,567 --> 00:13:56,067 -I think we have a bad line. 377 00:13:56,202 --> 00:14:00,138 -[makes whooshing noise] -[hangs up phone] 378 00:14:02,275 --> 00:14:03,374 [sighs] 379 00:14:06,313 --> 00:14:07,278 [sighs] 380 00:14:07,413 --> 00:14:11,549 ♪ 381 00:14:11,551 --> 00:14:13,284 Adult mark (v.O.): I was a man now. 382 00:14:13,419 --> 00:14:16,687 And it was time to show everyone what a man could do. 383 00:14:16,723 --> 00:14:19,490 ♪ 384 00:14:19,492 --> 00:14:21,358 My comic book money meant I could roll into 385 00:14:21,394 --> 00:14:23,027 The games arcade 386 00:14:23,029 --> 00:14:25,696 Like james bond stepping up to a roulette wheel. 387 00:14:25,732 --> 00:14:28,565 ♪ 388 00:14:28,602 --> 00:14:31,035 ♪ 389 00:14:31,170 --> 00:14:34,571 [game beeping] 390 00:14:34,608 --> 00:14:36,641 Ritche: You're back? 391 00:14:36,710 --> 00:14:39,844 Adult mark (v.O.): After all, how hard could it be? 392 00:14:39,846 --> 00:14:41,712 [game beeping] 393 00:14:41,781 --> 00:14:43,714 -Dah... Argh! 394 00:14:43,850 --> 00:14:45,483 Adult mark (v.O.): The kid was hot tonight. 395 00:14:45,552 --> 00:14:47,051 I had levelled up. 396 00:14:47,120 --> 00:14:50,521 Even the mall rats could tell who the fat cat was. 397 00:14:50,590 --> 00:14:52,590 And this cat had nine lives. 398 00:14:52,725 --> 00:14:54,292 [coins clinking] 399 00:14:54,294 --> 00:14:56,460 Adult mark (v.O.): Well, $40 in quarters. 400 00:14:56,529 --> 00:15:00,264 -Phew... 401 00:15:00,267 --> 00:15:01,732 Adult mark (v.O.): If I couldn't earn respect, 402 00:15:01,801 --> 00:15:04,735 I'd buy it! 403 00:15:04,771 --> 00:15:08,039 But as my money went, so did the attention. 404 00:15:08,174 --> 00:15:11,242 ♪ 405 00:15:11,244 --> 00:15:13,077 ♪ 406 00:15:13,113 --> 00:15:15,580 -Come on, man. You've had enough. 407 00:15:15,582 --> 00:15:18,248 [game beeping] 408 00:15:18,285 --> 00:15:21,352 [game beeping] 409 00:15:21,421 --> 00:15:24,555 ♪ 410 00:15:24,557 --> 00:15:27,624 ♪ 411 00:15:27,661 --> 00:15:30,561 ♪ 412 00:15:30,563 --> 00:15:34,231 [game beeping] 413 00:15:34,233 --> 00:15:36,267 [game over sound] 414 00:15:39,272 --> 00:15:41,639 -How many hours was I playing? 415 00:15:41,641 --> 00:15:44,475 -Twenty minutes. 416 00:15:46,446 --> 00:15:48,179 -That's gotta be a record... 417 00:15:48,248 --> 00:15:52,250 For most money lost by a nimrod. 418 00:15:52,385 --> 00:15:54,418 -Walk it off, buddy. 419 00:15:59,626 --> 00:16:01,458 -Can I get that tip back? 420 00:16:05,165 --> 00:16:06,364 -Yeah. 421 00:16:07,834 --> 00:16:12,703 [mournful music] 422 00:16:12,706 --> 00:16:18,676 ♪ 423 00:16:18,811 --> 00:16:22,413 ♪ 424 00:16:22,548 --> 00:16:26,150 ♪ 425 00:16:26,152 --> 00:16:30,154 ♪ 426 00:16:30,190 --> 00:16:32,357 Adult mark (v.O.): I had lost it all. 427 00:16:32,492 --> 00:16:35,759 My comics, my money, my self-respect. 428 00:16:38,231 --> 00:16:40,164 When it came to video games, 429 00:16:40,200 --> 00:16:42,599 My personal best was rock bottom. 430 00:16:47,374 --> 00:16:51,309 [phone buttons beeping] 431 00:16:51,444 --> 00:16:55,780 Operator: The number you have dialled is currently busy. 432 00:16:55,849 --> 00:16:58,348 [buttons beeping] 433 00:17:00,754 --> 00:17:02,486 Operator: The number you have dialled is currently busy. 434 00:17:02,555 --> 00:17:06,123 Mary: Still mad at me? 435 00:17:06,192 --> 00:17:08,326 -Frank is not an arse. 436 00:17:08,328 --> 00:17:11,195 He is a retired airplane mechanic. 437 00:17:11,197 --> 00:17:13,464 -What if I made it up to you? 438 00:17:15,568 --> 00:17:18,369 Hm? 439 00:17:18,371 --> 00:17:20,138 I found one! 440 00:17:20,273 --> 00:17:22,206 -Where did you get that? 441 00:17:22,208 --> 00:17:23,874 -I traded alice for her old one. 442 00:17:23,910 --> 00:17:27,678 They don't have the new ones in topsail yet. 443 00:17:27,747 --> 00:17:30,681 -Everything's changing so fast. 444 00:17:30,683 --> 00:17:32,549 I just want to hold on to the old stuff 445 00:17:32,585 --> 00:17:34,485 For as long as we can. 446 00:17:34,620 --> 00:17:37,255 You sure you don't mind? 447 00:17:37,257 --> 00:17:40,358 -The only thing that matters about that phone 448 00:17:40,493 --> 00:17:42,960 Is that it's off the hook. Hm? 449 00:17:42,962 --> 00:17:44,829 Adult mark (v.O.): Not everyone is ready for 450 00:17:44,898 --> 00:17:46,763 The latest and greatest. 451 00:17:46,800 --> 00:17:51,702 -[mary giggles] -[rotary dialling sound] 452 00:17:51,704 --> 00:17:53,838 Adult mark (v.O.): New tech takes some getting used to. 453 00:17:53,973 --> 00:17:56,774 -[ringing sound] pop: Hm... 454 00:17:56,776 --> 00:17:58,943 -Pop? -Huh? 455 00:17:58,945 --> 00:18:00,744 Speak up, I can't hear you. 456 00:18:00,746 --> 00:18:02,313 -I thought the hearing aid fixed your ears. 457 00:18:02,315 --> 00:18:03,547 -Oh. 458 00:18:03,616 --> 00:18:07,451 Oh... I think I'm picking up the radio station. 459 00:18:07,454 --> 00:18:08,519 Damn thing. 460 00:18:08,654 --> 00:18:09,787 -Forget it. 461 00:18:09,789 --> 00:18:10,788 -Whoa! 462 00:18:10,923 --> 00:18:12,256 No, that was perfect! 463 00:18:12,292 --> 00:18:16,327 Clear as a bell. Say something else. 464 00:18:16,396 --> 00:18:19,396 -I wish I never sold my comics. 465 00:18:19,398 --> 00:18:20,531 -Oh... 466 00:18:20,600 --> 00:18:21,999 No, it can't be working. 467 00:18:22,001 --> 00:18:24,268 I mean, it sounded like you said, 468 00:18:24,304 --> 00:18:26,804 "I wish I'd not sold my comics." 469 00:18:26,806 --> 00:18:29,474 -I just-- I feel like an idiot. 470 00:18:29,609 --> 00:18:31,742 -Hm. 471 00:18:31,778 --> 00:18:33,478 [chuckles] here. 472 00:18:35,281 --> 00:18:36,681 Try this. 473 00:18:36,683 --> 00:18:38,216 -Hey! 474 00:18:38,351 --> 00:18:41,919 -I think you're old enough now to read a real book. 475 00:18:41,988 --> 00:18:43,587 -What is it? 476 00:18:43,656 --> 00:18:44,856 -Kipling. 477 00:18:44,991 --> 00:18:46,457 It's one of my favourites. 478 00:18:46,459 --> 00:18:48,292 "if." 479 00:18:48,328 --> 00:18:52,496 "if you can dream-- and not make dreams your master; 480 00:18:52,499 --> 00:18:56,234 "if you can think-- and not make thoughts your aim; 481 00:18:56,369 --> 00:18:59,904 "if you can meet with triumph and disaster 482 00:19:00,039 --> 00:19:04,508 "and treat those two impostors just the same; 483 00:19:04,511 --> 00:19:06,911 "if you can make a heap of all your winnings 484 00:19:06,980 --> 00:19:10,447 "and risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, 485 00:19:10,483 --> 00:19:14,785 "and lose, and start again at your beginnings, 486 00:19:14,821 --> 00:19:18,656 "and never breathe a word about your loss; 487 00:19:18,658 --> 00:19:22,460 "if you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' 488 00:19:22,595 --> 00:19:25,796 "worth of distance run, 489 00:19:25,798 --> 00:19:29,467 "yours is the earth and everything that's in it, 490 00:19:29,469 --> 00:19:34,538 "and-- which is more-- 491 00:19:34,541 --> 00:19:37,742 "you'll be a man, my son!" 492 00:19:37,877 --> 00:19:40,544 ♪ 493 00:19:40,547 --> 00:19:42,747 ♪ 494 00:19:42,749 --> 00:19:44,782 Did you get that? 495 00:19:44,917 --> 00:19:47,017 -Kinda. 496 00:19:47,053 --> 00:19:48,986 No, not really. 497 00:19:49,055 --> 00:19:52,356 -Well, maybe you're not ready for kipling. 498 00:19:54,627 --> 00:19:58,162 I mean, you know what we do, of course, when we lose it all. 499 00:19:59,999 --> 00:20:02,733 -No. What? 500 00:20:06,539 --> 00:20:09,940 -We start again. -[gasps] pop! 501 00:20:12,778 --> 00:20:13,978 You paid too much, by the way. 502 00:20:14,047 --> 00:20:15,846 -Well, can't take it with you. 503 00:20:15,848 --> 00:20:18,115 Especially when you don't have it. 504 00:20:18,117 --> 00:20:22,019 You know, one of these days we're gonna have to grow up, 505 00:20:22,088 --> 00:20:25,656 But today is not that day. 506 00:20:25,692 --> 00:20:28,726 [chuckles] 507 00:20:28,728 --> 00:20:29,993 -Yeah. 508 00:20:32,599 --> 00:20:34,532 [pop groans] 509 00:20:36,636 --> 00:20:41,472 ♪ come with me, and we will see ♪ 510 00:20:41,607 --> 00:20:43,940 ♪ what's down the road... 511 00:20:46,445 --> 00:20:47,911 Pop? 512 00:20:49,983 --> 00:20:51,749 Pop? 513 00:20:57,957 --> 00:21:00,357 I don't want us to get older either. 514 00:21:03,630 --> 00:21:05,963 I love you. 515 00:21:05,965 --> 00:21:10,901 ♪ all we need is you and me 516 00:21:10,970 --> 00:21:15,840 ♪ and we will always be... 517 00:21:15,975 --> 00:21:17,774 ♪ home. 518 00:21:23,650 --> 00:21:27,918 ♪ 519 00:21:27,920 --> 00:21:31,555 ♪ 520 00:21:31,557 --> 00:21:35,592 ♪ 521 00:21:35,662 --> 00:21:39,797 ♪ 522 00:21:39,866 --> 00:21:43,600 ♪ 523 00:21:43,636 --> 00:21:47,071 ♪