1 00:00:01,235 --> 00:00:02,634 Adult mark (v.O.): The newfoundland government 2 00:00:02,636 --> 00:00:04,703 Tried hard to diversify away from the failing fishery, 3 00:00:04,772 --> 00:00:07,506 But each business was a bigger disaster than the last. 4 00:00:07,508 --> 00:00:09,575 The premier: When we opened the rubber boot factory, 5 00:00:09,710 --> 00:00:10,843 They laughed. 6 00:00:10,845 --> 00:00:14,913 When invested in hydroponic cucumbers, they laughed. 7 00:00:14,915 --> 00:00:17,449 Well, nobody's laughing today. 8 00:00:17,584 --> 00:00:19,518 -I've got a good feeling about this one. 9 00:00:19,653 --> 00:00:24,056 -As our province invests $1.5 million 10 00:00:24,191 --> 00:00:26,391 Into the sea plus juice factory! 11 00:00:26,394 --> 00:00:28,060 Adult mark (v.O.): The worst was yet to come. 12 00:00:28,129 --> 00:00:30,195 Canadian orange juice. 13 00:00:30,330 --> 00:00:33,965 The premier: I hereby declare it... 14 00:00:34,001 --> 00:00:36,168 -[scissors snip] -open for business! 15 00:00:36,170 --> 00:00:37,669 Adult mark (v.O.): To win over the locals, 16 00:00:37,805 --> 00:00:39,871 They hired the most trusted man in st. John's... 17 00:00:39,907 --> 00:00:43,007 -And now, some words from the sea plus spokesman. 18 00:00:43,044 --> 00:00:44,209 Adult mark (v.O.): My dad! 19 00:00:44,344 --> 00:00:45,878 Mike sr: Thank you, premier. 20 00:00:45,880 --> 00:00:49,280 Sea plus orange juice puts the vitamin "sea" 21 00:00:49,316 --> 00:00:51,349 Into orange juice. 22 00:00:51,351 --> 00:00:55,087 That's "sea" spelled "s-e-a," not "c" spelled "c." 23 00:00:55,156 --> 00:00:57,122 Newfoundland is set to become 24 00:00:57,257 --> 00:00:59,357 The florida of the north atlantic! 25 00:00:59,393 --> 00:01:01,025 Man: Yeah, b'y! 26 00:01:01,062 --> 00:01:04,363 [applause and cheering] 27 00:01:04,365 --> 00:01:06,231 -And now are there any questions? 28 00:01:06,233 --> 00:01:09,034 Fox: Are there even real oranges in it? 29 00:01:09,169 --> 00:01:10,368 -Uh, yes, fox. 30 00:01:10,438 --> 00:01:13,705 Uh, there are trace amounts in every vat. 31 00:01:13,841 --> 00:01:14,773 Now, as I was saying-- 32 00:01:14,842 --> 00:01:17,176 -But you can't grow oranges in newfoundland. 33 00:01:17,178 --> 00:01:18,710 -Well, no, it, it... 34 00:01:18,712 --> 00:01:21,647 We use concentrate, which is the best part of the orange. 35 00:01:21,782 --> 00:01:24,583 And that comes straight from florida. 36 00:01:24,585 --> 00:01:28,454 And then we mix that with fresh newfoundland water. 37 00:01:28,589 --> 00:01:31,723 And that's water that icebergs have melted into! 38 00:01:31,759 --> 00:01:33,859 -Salt water? 39 00:01:33,928 --> 00:01:35,594 -No. No, uh... 40 00:01:35,596 --> 00:01:38,564 Newfoundland municipal water. 41 00:01:38,699 --> 00:01:39,731 -Okay, so... 42 00:01:39,800 --> 00:01:42,334 Tap water? 43 00:01:42,403 --> 00:01:43,668 -No comment. 44 00:01:43,737 --> 00:01:44,937 -Enough! 45 00:01:45,072 --> 00:01:46,305 Fox. 46 00:01:46,440 --> 00:01:49,341 We are here to learn about business. 47 00:01:49,476 --> 00:01:51,276 You'll each be starting one of your own 48 00:01:51,411 --> 00:01:53,845 For the new enterprise education course. 49 00:01:53,914 --> 00:01:57,749 And your business plans are due tomorrow. 50 00:01:57,751 --> 00:01:59,885 -Can we do it in pairs, sister? 51 00:01:59,887 --> 00:02:01,987 -I don't... Care. 52 00:02:02,056 --> 00:02:03,322 -Nice! 53 00:02:03,324 --> 00:02:05,290 [applause] 54 00:02:05,292 --> 00:02:07,358 Mark: Thank you. 55 00:02:09,897 --> 00:02:11,663 Man: [background] eugh! 56 00:02:11,665 --> 00:02:12,831 -Well, kids? 57 00:02:12,966 --> 00:02:14,065 What do you think? 58 00:02:14,101 --> 00:02:16,668 -You can really taste the water. 59 00:02:16,670 --> 00:02:18,070 -Good. 60 00:02:18,205 --> 00:02:19,237 That's good. 61 00:02:19,273 --> 00:02:20,472 Adult mark (v.O.): Everyone hated it, 62 00:02:20,607 --> 00:02:21,640 But I couldn't be prouder. 63 00:02:21,709 --> 00:02:23,575 My dad was an entrepreneur, 64 00:02:23,611 --> 00:02:26,245 And I wanted to be just like him! 65 00:02:26,247 --> 00:02:28,380 But... Successful. 66 00:02:31,051 --> 00:02:33,652 Adult mark (v.O.): The old man was excited for his new gig. 67 00:02:33,721 --> 00:02:35,354 He had a pep in his step... 68 00:02:35,489 --> 00:02:36,988 Probably from all the corn syrup. 69 00:02:36,990 --> 00:02:38,423 -Our ship's come in, mary. 70 00:02:38,459 --> 00:02:40,993 We're in on the ground floor! 71 00:02:40,995 --> 00:02:42,093 Pop: Ugh... 72 00:02:42,163 --> 00:02:43,928 I'd rather have scurvy. 73 00:02:43,964 --> 00:02:45,397 -Oh, this is it! 74 00:02:45,466 --> 00:02:47,465 This is it! Volume, volume! 75 00:02:47,501 --> 00:02:49,400 Anchor: [tv] the premier attended the grand opening 76 00:02:49,436 --> 00:02:51,937 Of the sea plus juice plant today. 77 00:02:52,006 --> 00:02:54,472 -The zest has yet to come! 78 00:02:54,508 --> 00:02:57,009 Anchor: But not everyone believes the deal is fruitful. 79 00:02:57,144 --> 00:02:59,745 -The government shouldn't be giving away anymore tax money 80 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:01,413 To these fly-by-night companies. 81 00:03:01,548 --> 00:03:05,150 I give sea plus a c-minus. 82 00:03:05,285 --> 00:03:07,685 The premier is being a juice arse. 83 00:03:07,721 --> 00:03:11,289 -That's it? They twisted it all up! 84 00:03:11,424 --> 00:03:13,425 -Well, you can't trust a newsman. [scoffs] 85 00:03:13,560 --> 00:03:15,159 Mary: I think you looked handsome. 86 00:03:15,196 --> 00:03:19,798 But, honey, are you sure that the station's alright with this? 87 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:22,367 -It's fine, it's fine. Just listen. 88 00:03:22,436 --> 00:03:24,569 Anchor: Now, today is the day! 89 00:03:24,572 --> 00:03:26,171 Double daylight savings time 90 00:03:26,240 --> 00:03:28,439 Begins in newfoundland at midnight. 91 00:03:28,575 --> 00:03:29,641 -What's that mean? 92 00:03:29,643 --> 00:03:31,810 -They're turning the clock back two hours! 93 00:03:31,879 --> 00:03:33,845 -We'll be lined up with the mainland. 94 00:03:33,914 --> 00:03:36,114 No more lagging behind a half an hour. 95 00:03:36,250 --> 00:03:37,715 This is better for business. 96 00:03:37,751 --> 00:03:41,119 -Y'know, but our own time zone makes us unique. 97 00:03:41,255 --> 00:03:45,023 Besides the fact that that extra half an hour comes in handy. 98 00:03:45,059 --> 00:03:47,525 Imagine if they drop the bomb. 99 00:03:47,661 --> 00:03:49,928 "the world will end at 12 o'clock... 100 00:03:49,930 --> 00:03:52,263 "12:30 in newfoundland." 101 00:03:52,265 --> 00:03:54,232 It'd be damn good for tourism. 102 00:03:54,235 --> 00:03:58,236 Now, when it's 9 o'clock in toronto, it's.... 9, 10... 103 00:03:58,305 --> 00:04:00,372 -1942 in newfoundland. 104 00:04:00,507 --> 00:04:02,874 We need to get with the times. Literally! 105 00:04:03,009 --> 00:04:04,943 -Cool. Like "back to the future." 106 00:04:04,945 --> 00:04:06,745 -You'll be going to school in the dark 107 00:04:06,814 --> 00:04:08,613 And going to bed in the light. 108 00:04:08,616 --> 00:04:12,217 -Double daylight savings is good for business. 109 00:04:12,352 --> 00:04:13,551 -I'm with dad. 110 00:04:13,621 --> 00:04:16,421 "big ideas equals big returns." 111 00:04:16,490 --> 00:04:18,156 -Hm. -What does that mean? 112 00:04:18,192 --> 00:04:19,590 -I dunno. 113 00:04:19,627 --> 00:04:21,593 I've just started reading this business book for school. 114 00:04:21,595 --> 00:04:22,827 -Let me see it. 115 00:04:25,299 --> 00:04:28,300 "thinking big allows you to be successful 116 00:04:28,369 --> 00:04:30,702 "without doing a lot of work." 117 00:04:30,738 --> 00:04:33,872 I don't think you're gonna get very far acting that way. 118 00:04:33,941 --> 00:04:35,807 Adult mark (v.O.): Not doing any work 119 00:04:35,843 --> 00:04:37,775 Might take more work than I thought. 120 00:04:37,811 --> 00:04:39,911 The next morning wasn't a morning at all. 121 00:04:39,980 --> 00:04:41,246 It was still night! 122 00:04:41,315 --> 00:04:42,580 [toaster dings] 123 00:04:42,616 --> 00:04:44,215 -Alright, I'm off. -Mike sr: Wait! 124 00:04:44,251 --> 00:04:45,584 Hang on, now, hang on-- here! 125 00:04:45,719 --> 00:04:47,986 Take some sea plus orange juice boxes 126 00:04:48,121 --> 00:04:51,523 Into school for your friends. Look... 127 00:04:51,592 --> 00:04:53,391 Did you come up with your business idea yet? 128 00:04:53,460 --> 00:04:54,526 -Oh, not yet. 129 00:04:54,595 --> 00:04:56,461 The book says I have to make a product 130 00:04:56,596 --> 00:04:58,196 That will fill a void in the market. 131 00:04:58,198 --> 00:04:59,530 -Thinking like a businessman. 132 00:04:59,566 --> 00:05:01,333 Just like your old man! 133 00:05:01,402 --> 00:05:03,035 Mary: Speaking of markets, 134 00:05:03,170 --> 00:05:06,338 I saw a lot of sea plus over at coleman's yesterday. 135 00:05:06,340 --> 00:05:08,406 On the shelves, but not in any carts. 136 00:05:08,442 --> 00:05:11,976 Pop: I mean, you can't even grow christmas trees in newfoundland. 137 00:05:12,012 --> 00:05:14,746 How the hell are they gonna grow oranges? 138 00:05:14,782 --> 00:05:16,748 -It's from concentrate, pop. 139 00:05:16,750 --> 00:05:19,284 -We import the syrup on trucks, and then we... 140 00:05:19,419 --> 00:05:20,552 Rehydrate it. 141 00:05:20,554 --> 00:05:22,821 -Instant orange juice? 142 00:05:22,956 --> 00:05:25,423 I think I'll stick to instant coffee. 143 00:05:25,492 --> 00:05:28,093 And if you want to make money in these hours, 144 00:05:28,162 --> 00:05:30,629 That's what you should be selling-- coffee! 145 00:05:30,631 --> 00:05:31,696 Adult mark (v.O.): Coffee... 146 00:05:31,765 --> 00:05:33,498 My brain was percolating! 147 00:05:33,534 --> 00:05:35,233 -Thanks, pop! 148 00:05:35,369 --> 00:05:37,569 -Huh, what? What? 149 00:05:37,704 --> 00:05:39,971 -You know, you should all be more supportive of sea plus 150 00:05:39,973 --> 00:05:41,773 And double daylight savings time! 151 00:05:41,908 --> 00:05:44,309 Good newfoundlanders support good newfoundland business! 152 00:05:44,378 --> 00:05:46,912 -And we should we be inconvenienced 153 00:05:46,914 --> 00:05:49,514 Just so some rich arse can get richer? 154 00:05:49,583 --> 00:05:54,186 -Nobody is being inconvenienced! 155 00:05:54,321 --> 00:05:55,853 I gotta go to work. 156 00:05:55,889 --> 00:05:59,291 ♪ 157 00:05:59,426 --> 00:06:06,064 [loud snoring] 158 00:06:09,169 --> 00:06:11,436 Sister! 159 00:06:11,472 --> 00:06:12,804 -Oh, that's it! 160 00:06:12,840 --> 00:06:15,072 There have been too many disruptions. 161 00:06:15,109 --> 00:06:18,543 Everyone put their heads down on their desks... 162 00:06:18,545 --> 00:06:20,512 Now! 163 00:06:20,514 --> 00:06:22,880 And stay there until I... 164 00:06:22,916 --> 00:06:25,517 Say so. 165 00:06:25,586 --> 00:06:27,619 [snoring resumes] 166 00:06:27,688 --> 00:06:29,354 -[in a whisper] ritche... 167 00:06:29,356 --> 00:06:30,822 I have a plan. 168 00:06:33,093 --> 00:06:34,159 Coffee! 169 00:06:34,161 --> 00:06:36,895 We'll sell it to teachers for 50 cents a cup! 170 00:06:36,964 --> 00:06:39,096 Double daylight savings has created a demand, 171 00:06:39,133 --> 00:06:40,766 And we're the supply. 172 00:06:40,901 --> 00:06:43,100 -How did you afford this? -Well, it's a rental. 173 00:06:43,137 --> 00:06:46,037 So as long as we make more than the fee, it's all gravy. 174 00:06:46,039 --> 00:06:48,573 And we'll set it up outside of the teachers' lounge. 175 00:06:48,708 --> 00:06:51,643 "location, location, location." 176 00:06:51,645 --> 00:06:54,179 That's lesson one of the business book. 177 00:06:54,248 --> 00:06:57,015 So now I just need to find the "on" switch 178 00:06:57,017 --> 00:06:59,384 And where to put the coffee. Um... 179 00:06:59,519 --> 00:07:00,585 -Well... 180 00:07:00,621 --> 00:07:01,719 This is the hopper. 181 00:07:01,789 --> 00:07:03,188 There's the grinder. 182 00:07:03,257 --> 00:07:04,388 Grind settings... 183 00:07:04,425 --> 00:07:07,192 Uh, my dad brews at a 1:17 grounds-to-water ratio, 184 00:07:07,194 --> 00:07:08,827 But I prefer 1:15. 185 00:07:08,829 --> 00:07:10,728 Makes for a fuller cup. 186 00:07:10,798 --> 00:07:12,797 -I'm more of a tea man, myself. 187 00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:14,999 Y'know... Bag in. 188 00:07:15,035 --> 00:07:16,334 New plan! 189 00:07:16,336 --> 00:07:18,937 Uh, the book says to always play to one's strengths, so... 190 00:07:19,006 --> 00:07:22,607 I can do big-picture stuff like marketing, finances, et cetera. 191 00:07:22,676 --> 00:07:24,342 I should be ceo. 192 00:07:24,478 --> 00:07:25,610 -What should I be? 193 00:07:25,612 --> 00:07:27,412 -You're in charge of the quality control, 194 00:07:27,547 --> 00:07:31,249 Providing top-tier service with a friendly face with each cup. 195 00:07:31,384 --> 00:07:33,885 -So... Waiter? 196 00:07:34,020 --> 00:07:35,287 -No! 197 00:07:35,289 --> 00:07:36,288 More like a... 198 00:07:36,423 --> 00:07:37,923 Brew master. 199 00:07:38,058 --> 00:07:39,190 -Cool! 200 00:07:39,326 --> 00:07:41,492 -So, what do you say, ritche, my boy? 201 00:07:41,528 --> 00:07:44,128 Are we in business? 202 00:07:44,198 --> 00:07:45,463 -I'm in! 203 00:07:45,598 --> 00:07:46,965 -Fantastic. 204 00:07:47,100 --> 00:07:48,366 Okay! 205 00:07:48,435 --> 00:07:52,237 ♪ 206 00:07:52,239 --> 00:07:53,671 Beautiful. 207 00:07:54,608 --> 00:07:56,775 Mmm... 208 00:07:56,910 --> 00:07:58,243 Oh! 209 00:07:58,245 --> 00:07:59,577 Ugh... 210 00:07:59,646 --> 00:08:01,179 [sighs] 211 00:08:01,314 --> 00:08:02,714 Oh! 212 00:08:02,716 --> 00:08:05,183 Frig sake! 213 00:08:05,252 --> 00:08:06,651 [sighs] 214 00:08:07,721 --> 00:08:11,355 Oh, will ya look at that? 215 00:08:11,391 --> 00:08:13,692 Takes the grime right off! 216 00:08:13,827 --> 00:08:15,293 Adult mark (v.O.): Double daylight savings 217 00:08:15,329 --> 00:08:16,460 Was ruining everyone. 218 00:08:16,497 --> 00:08:17,795 And we were cashing in! 219 00:08:17,831 --> 00:08:19,263 -How much did we make? 220 00:08:19,299 --> 00:08:20,665 -Eighteen bucks! 221 00:08:20,667 --> 00:08:22,066 We're rich. 222 00:08:22,102 --> 00:08:24,802 Adult mark (v.O.): Maybe business was my calling... 223 00:08:24,838 --> 00:08:26,238 -I'm in the 1%. 224 00:08:26,373 --> 00:08:28,740 Like milk. 225 00:08:28,875 --> 00:08:31,142 But that's not my drink of choice. 226 00:08:31,144 --> 00:08:33,078 No, it's coffee. 227 00:08:33,213 --> 00:08:34,679 But I'm thirsty. 228 00:08:34,748 --> 00:08:37,282 I want more to drink. 229 00:08:37,351 --> 00:08:39,350 'cause greed is good. 230 00:08:39,386 --> 00:08:41,085 [phone ringing] 231 00:08:41,154 --> 00:08:43,555 'scuse me. 232 00:08:43,557 --> 00:08:45,290 Hello, allison? 233 00:08:45,359 --> 00:08:46,758 Buy sea plus juice... 234 00:08:46,893 --> 00:08:48,560 And fire everyone. 235 00:08:48,695 --> 00:08:50,628 Including yourself. 236 00:08:52,666 --> 00:08:53,831 Ritche: I'm wiped. 237 00:08:53,833 --> 00:08:55,800 Can you help me clean up? 238 00:08:55,836 --> 00:08:58,703 -Sorry, ritche, m'boy, but I have a bus to catch, 239 00:08:58,705 --> 00:09:01,039 And then I gotta go home and then do the books... 240 00:09:01,108 --> 00:09:02,073 Ceo stuff. 241 00:09:02,142 --> 00:09:04,242 It's a tough gig, but someone's gotta do it. 242 00:09:06,113 --> 00:09:07,646 Mr. Chafe: You fellas still open? 243 00:09:07,781 --> 00:09:09,046 I'm dying for a cup. 244 00:09:09,082 --> 00:09:10,915 Ritche: Actually, we were just closing up. 245 00:09:10,951 --> 00:09:13,051 -Nonsense! Ritche, brew the man a cup. 246 00:09:13,053 --> 00:09:15,654 -No, that's wasting a full pot. 247 00:09:15,656 --> 00:09:17,589 -He's our best customer! 248 00:09:17,658 --> 00:09:19,591 -Two cream. Two sugar. 249 00:09:19,660 --> 00:09:21,092 -And that's on the house! 250 00:09:21,161 --> 00:09:24,396 That's our double daylight savings special. 251 00:09:24,398 --> 00:09:25,664 Mr. Chafe: Wow. 252 00:09:25,799 --> 00:09:27,264 Mark: See ya later, partner. 253 00:09:28,902 --> 00:09:30,635 -How's the juice selling? 254 00:09:30,770 --> 00:09:34,171 -Uh, sales are... Steady. 255 00:09:35,375 --> 00:09:37,441 -Mike... 256 00:09:37,477 --> 00:09:39,110 -It'll sell, mary. 257 00:09:39,112 --> 00:09:41,813 Soon sea plus juice is gonna be as newfoundland 258 00:09:41,815 --> 00:09:43,348 As fish and chips. 259 00:09:43,350 --> 00:09:44,349 Trust me. 260 00:09:44,484 --> 00:09:47,085 Our ship has come in! 261 00:09:47,087 --> 00:09:49,553 -I just don't see it, mike. 262 00:09:49,590 --> 00:09:51,122 And... 263 00:09:51,124 --> 00:09:54,959 The fact that you're out there as the face of it, ah... 264 00:09:54,962 --> 00:09:59,164 I just don't want you to be embarrassed, is all. 265 00:09:59,166 --> 00:10:01,232 -Embarrassed? 266 00:10:01,234 --> 00:10:02,967 Sea plus chose me as their spokesman 267 00:10:02,970 --> 00:10:05,903 Because people trust me, mary. 268 00:10:05,939 --> 00:10:09,374 Maybe you should too. 269 00:10:09,443 --> 00:10:11,208 Goodnight! 270 00:10:11,244 --> 00:10:12,443 -Fine! 271 00:10:14,447 --> 00:10:15,446 [sighs] 272 00:10:17,517 --> 00:10:19,117 Good morning ! 273 00:10:19,186 --> 00:10:22,253 ♪ 274 00:10:22,255 --> 00:10:23,655 [birds chirping] 275 00:10:23,657 --> 00:10:24,923 Pop: Oh... 276 00:10:26,193 --> 00:10:28,192 Bloody birds! 277 00:10:28,228 --> 00:10:29,927 Shut up! 278 00:10:30,063 --> 00:10:32,464 -This can't be right. 279 00:10:32,466 --> 00:10:33,931 Pop... 280 00:10:33,933 --> 00:10:35,266 I'm in the hole! 281 00:10:35,302 --> 00:10:37,535 Adult mark (v.O.): Rental fees, free coffee for teachers, 282 00:10:37,604 --> 00:10:39,938 Coffee bags, the "protection fee" I payed fox's brother... 283 00:10:40,073 --> 00:10:41,405 It all added up... 284 00:10:41,441 --> 00:10:42,606 To nothing! 285 00:10:42,643 --> 00:10:44,476 -Allison, what is going on? 286 00:10:44,478 --> 00:10:46,211 They're... Taking everything! 287 00:10:46,346 --> 00:10:48,513 You can't take that! 288 00:10:48,582 --> 00:10:49,481 No! 289 00:10:49,616 --> 00:10:50,749 What... 290 00:10:50,884 --> 00:10:52,684 At least they didn't take... 291 00:10:52,686 --> 00:10:54,018 Oh, the painting! 292 00:10:54,021 --> 00:10:57,222 [dramatic 1980's style music] 293 00:10:57,224 --> 00:10:59,023 Adult mark (v.O.): I needed to think of a plan, 294 00:10:59,059 --> 00:11:01,159 Even if it meant staying up all night... 295 00:11:01,161 --> 00:11:02,159 Or day. 296 00:11:02,195 --> 00:11:04,628 -[birds chirping] -pop: Alright, that's it! 297 00:11:04,665 --> 00:11:08,366 Let's see how they chirp with my hands around their throats! 298 00:11:08,368 --> 00:11:09,667 [birds chirping] 299 00:11:09,670 --> 00:11:11,836 [door opens and slams] 300 00:11:18,245 --> 00:11:22,180 [loud yawn] 301 00:11:22,249 --> 00:11:25,083 -Good morning, ritche m'boy! How's the take? 302 00:11:25,152 --> 00:11:27,552 -Maybe you can take the early shift tomorrow? 303 00:11:27,554 --> 00:11:29,186 -I-I'd love to, truthfully. 304 00:11:29,222 --> 00:11:32,123 But, uh... I get the bus and you get dropped off, 305 00:11:32,192 --> 00:11:34,759 So it makes business sense for you to be here. 306 00:11:34,795 --> 00:11:36,227 -That's true, I guess. 307 00:11:36,263 --> 00:11:38,863 -And speaking of business, we're changing our prices. 308 00:11:38,899 --> 00:11:41,065 From now on, we're gonna charge for cream and sugar 309 00:11:41,101 --> 00:11:43,334 And we're gonna use half the grinds per pot. 310 00:11:43,336 --> 00:11:45,069 -No, the coffee will taste weak. 311 00:11:45,072 --> 00:11:48,339 -Nothing some clever marketing can't solve... 312 00:11:48,341 --> 00:11:50,208 See? 313 00:11:50,210 --> 00:11:51,108 -Wait... 314 00:11:51,144 --> 00:11:53,444 I thought I was in charge of the coffee. 315 00:11:53,513 --> 00:11:54,713 -You are. It's just... 316 00:11:54,848 --> 00:11:56,815 I'm in charge of the bottom line, 317 00:11:56,817 --> 00:11:58,149 And these streamline movements, 318 00:11:58,284 --> 00:12:01,285 Well, they will just maximize profits. 319 00:12:01,321 --> 00:12:04,289 Oh, and stop pouring out the coffee at the end of the day. 320 00:12:04,424 --> 00:12:06,224 That's like... Pouring money down the toilet! 321 00:12:06,293 --> 00:12:08,626 We should just reheat what we don't sell today 322 00:12:08,762 --> 00:12:10,495 In the kettle tomorrow morning. 323 00:12:10,564 --> 00:12:14,098 Nobody will know the difference. 324 00:12:14,101 --> 00:12:15,700 -Is something wrong? 325 00:12:15,702 --> 00:12:16,901 -[chuckles nervously] 326 00:12:16,903 --> 00:12:18,970 No. Just... 327 00:12:19,039 --> 00:12:20,471 We're killing it. 328 00:12:21,675 --> 00:12:23,041 -Okay. 329 00:12:23,043 --> 00:12:25,577 Just include me in the decisions next time. 330 00:12:25,712 --> 00:12:27,645 We're partners, right? 331 00:12:27,714 --> 00:12:28,947 -Oh... 332 00:12:28,949 --> 00:12:31,516 Of course we are! 333 00:12:31,585 --> 00:12:33,384 [school bell rings] 334 00:12:33,453 --> 00:12:36,054 Well, I'll see you in class, partner! 335 00:12:44,131 --> 00:12:46,197 [alarm clock ringing] 336 00:12:47,233 --> 00:12:51,770 [elevator-style music playing on radio] 337 00:12:51,905 --> 00:12:53,537 -Morning, mary. 338 00:12:53,573 --> 00:12:55,406 So, uh... 339 00:12:55,475 --> 00:12:56,875 What's for breakfast? 340 00:12:56,877 --> 00:12:58,609 -It's 2 in the afternoon! 341 00:12:58,645 --> 00:13:00,778 -Not for me, it's not. 342 00:13:00,781 --> 00:13:04,883 It's 8 am, pst, pop standard time. 343 00:13:05,018 --> 00:13:07,952 If they can change the time, so can I. 344 00:13:08,021 --> 00:13:10,821 I've got my own time zone: Pop time. 345 00:13:10,823 --> 00:13:15,026 I sleep when I like, eat when I like, and pee when... 346 00:13:15,028 --> 00:13:16,427 Well, you get the drift. 347 00:13:16,496 --> 00:13:19,564 -I won't have two timezones in my house. 348 00:13:19,566 --> 00:13:21,165 -Why not? 349 00:13:21,168 --> 00:13:23,768 -I'm not going to make two breakfasts a day! 350 00:13:23,770 --> 00:13:26,570 I don't like double daylight any more than you do, 351 00:13:26,606 --> 00:13:30,108 But we are a family and we will be miserable together. 352 00:13:30,110 --> 00:13:31,576 -Oh, really? 353 00:13:31,645 --> 00:13:33,311 Well, you're a fine one to talk. 354 00:13:33,313 --> 00:13:34,912 -What's that supposed to mean? 355 00:13:34,948 --> 00:13:36,447 -Come on, let's be honest. 356 00:13:36,449 --> 00:13:38,917 You've been against mike's orange juice thing 357 00:13:38,919 --> 00:13:40,985 From the very beginning. 358 00:13:41,054 --> 00:13:43,521 -He's making a fool of himself. 359 00:13:43,523 --> 00:13:45,990 -He's taking a risk. 360 00:13:46,125 --> 00:13:49,193 And he's probably scared. 361 00:13:49,262 --> 00:13:51,195 He could use some support. 362 00:13:51,264 --> 00:13:54,065 -If he wants some support, he can buy a cane! 363 00:13:55,702 --> 00:13:59,136 I'm not gonna help him ruin his good name. 364 00:13:59,206 --> 00:14:02,673 Mike sr: [radio] and now a word from sea plus juice! 365 00:14:02,742 --> 00:14:06,077 Call in and let us know what you think about sea plus juice, 366 00:14:06,146 --> 00:14:08,746 And you could win a box delivered right to your door! 367 00:14:08,882 --> 00:14:11,749 Phone lines are open! 368 00:14:11,785 --> 00:14:14,853 [silence] 369 00:14:14,988 --> 00:14:16,287 Uh, the lines are open. 370 00:14:16,422 --> 00:14:19,290 Who wants some free sea plus? 371 00:14:22,262 --> 00:14:24,195 Uh, why don't you get the ball rollin', dick? 372 00:14:24,197 --> 00:14:27,098 Tell us what you think about sea plus. 373 00:14:27,100 --> 00:14:29,900 -Um, well... 374 00:14:29,936 --> 00:14:33,704 I guess I always hear people saying it's "from concentrate," 375 00:14:33,740 --> 00:14:35,105 And I wondered... 376 00:14:35,141 --> 00:14:37,508 What "concentrate" means, exactly. 377 00:14:37,577 --> 00:14:41,579 -Uh, it means that the orange taste is, uh, 378 00:14:41,648 --> 00:14:44,849 Concentrated. Made stronger, if you will. 379 00:14:44,984 --> 00:14:46,250 -Oh! 380 00:14:46,253 --> 00:14:48,386 So "concentrate" isn't a place, then? 381 00:14:48,455 --> 00:14:52,123 Like it's "from" concentrate? 382 00:14:52,192 --> 00:14:53,658 -No, dick. No. 383 00:14:53,793 --> 00:14:56,127 Dick: People never want a slice of orange in their drink. 384 00:14:56,262 --> 00:14:58,596 Lemon's got a real hold on slices, don't it? 385 00:14:58,731 --> 00:15:00,998 -Oh, for frig's sake! 386 00:15:01,134 --> 00:15:03,033 Mike sr: Alright, moving right along. 387 00:15:03,069 --> 00:15:05,203 Dick: Limes too, I suppose. 388 00:15:05,205 --> 00:15:08,272 Though, a lime is just, like, 389 00:15:08,308 --> 00:15:11,009 A lemon that isn't ripe yet, right, mike? 390 00:15:11,011 --> 00:15:13,144 -Oh, uh, we-- we have a caller! 391 00:15:13,213 --> 00:15:15,612 Line one, you're on the air. 392 00:15:15,649 --> 00:15:20,418 Mary: I'm a mother, and I buy sea plus for my family 393 00:15:20,553 --> 00:15:23,021 Because it's made with real newfoundland water. 394 00:15:23,156 --> 00:15:24,488 -That's right, caller! 395 00:15:24,524 --> 00:15:27,892 Uh, sea plus juice is made with fresh newfoundland water. 396 00:15:28,027 --> 00:15:29,060 [door opens] 397 00:15:30,196 --> 00:15:33,631 Uh, we'll be right back after this! 398 00:15:33,766 --> 00:15:36,501 -Mike... 399 00:15:36,636 --> 00:15:40,838 You can't be using the station to hock sea plus juice anymore. 400 00:15:40,840 --> 00:15:42,240 It's a conflict of interest. 401 00:15:42,375 --> 00:15:44,309 -No, no, mr. Murphy, I don't see it that way. 402 00:15:44,444 --> 00:15:46,110 You see, this is news. 403 00:15:46,112 --> 00:15:47,311 Now, the province made a major investment-- 404 00:15:47,347 --> 00:15:50,314 Mr. Murphy: Mike, mike... 405 00:15:50,450 --> 00:15:54,519 Did ya ever stop to think, maybe, just maybe, 406 00:15:54,654 --> 00:15:57,521 They hired you to be their spokesman 407 00:15:57,523 --> 00:16:01,759 So they could get free airtime? 408 00:16:01,795 --> 00:16:03,161 No more, mike. 409 00:16:03,163 --> 00:16:06,197 No more. 410 00:16:06,266 --> 00:16:08,332 [door shuts] 411 00:16:08,368 --> 00:16:11,201 ♪ 412 00:16:13,272 --> 00:16:15,305 -This coffee is barely brown. 413 00:16:15,342 --> 00:16:16,741 -It's our new "half-caff" blend. 414 00:16:16,810 --> 00:16:18,142 -I've got lipstick on my cup. 415 00:16:18,211 --> 00:16:19,610 -We reuse cups now. 416 00:16:19,679 --> 00:16:22,279 It's part of our new "environment-first" initiative. 417 00:16:22,281 --> 00:16:24,082 -I ordered a double-double. 418 00:16:24,084 --> 00:16:25,416 -That's 50 cents. 419 00:16:25,452 --> 00:16:27,184 Cream's a quarter now. 420 00:16:27,220 --> 00:16:29,086 -I'll go boil the kettle. 421 00:16:31,558 --> 00:16:32,356 Mark: Uh... 422 00:16:32,392 --> 00:16:34,025 What are you doing?! 423 00:16:34,160 --> 00:16:35,526 -I'm doing what you said! 424 00:16:35,562 --> 00:16:37,828 -No, we have to cut back slowly over time! 425 00:16:37,864 --> 00:16:38,763 Didn't you read the book? 426 00:16:38,898 --> 00:16:40,898 -No, I don't care about your stupid book! 427 00:16:40,900 --> 00:16:42,100 This is supposed to be fun! 428 00:16:42,102 --> 00:16:44,035 -Business isn't fun! 429 00:16:44,104 --> 00:16:45,369 It's about making money! 430 00:16:45,504 --> 00:16:46,704 -Fine. 431 00:16:46,839 --> 00:16:48,306 You wanna make more money? 432 00:16:48,441 --> 00:16:51,943 This is one less employee you have to pay. 433 00:16:51,945 --> 00:16:55,446 -What do you mean? -I quit! 434 00:16:55,482 --> 00:16:56,780 Partner. 435 00:16:56,816 --> 00:17:01,118 ♪ 436 00:17:01,254 --> 00:17:02,520 [mark chuckles nervously] 437 00:17:06,192 --> 00:17:08,125 [front door shuts] 438 00:17:08,161 --> 00:17:10,461 [mike sr. Sighs] 439 00:17:10,596 --> 00:17:12,497 [sighs] 440 00:17:12,632 --> 00:17:13,865 -Mike? 441 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:15,967 What's wrong? 442 00:17:15,969 --> 00:17:17,335 -I got fired. 443 00:17:17,337 --> 00:17:18,836 [spoon drops] 444 00:17:18,872 --> 00:17:20,138 -Why? 445 00:17:20,273 --> 00:17:22,406 'cause you were hocking that juice? 446 00:17:22,409 --> 00:17:24,174 -What? No, not from the station. 447 00:17:24,210 --> 00:17:25,877 From sea plus. 448 00:17:26,012 --> 00:17:28,079 -Oh, thank heavens! 449 00:17:28,081 --> 00:17:29,279 Uh... 450 00:17:31,484 --> 00:17:33,551 I mean, I'm sorry, love. 451 00:17:35,054 --> 00:17:37,421 -Mr. Murphy told me I'm not allowed to talk about it 452 00:17:37,424 --> 00:17:39,490 On the air anymore, and when I told the crowd 453 00:17:39,526 --> 00:17:41,159 At the juice plant, they said I was... 454 00:17:41,294 --> 00:17:42,493 "redundant." 455 00:17:42,529 --> 00:17:43,628 -What?! 456 00:17:43,763 --> 00:17:45,363 Hiring you was the only good decision 457 00:17:45,498 --> 00:17:47,531 Those packin' fools ever made! 458 00:17:47,600 --> 00:17:50,701 -I got caught up in the excitement, is all. 459 00:17:50,737 --> 00:17:54,572 I just wanted to make you proud of me. 460 00:17:54,707 --> 00:17:57,175 -Proud of you? 461 00:17:57,177 --> 00:17:59,977 You're kind, smart, 462 00:18:00,013 --> 00:18:02,914 Loyal, hardworking. 463 00:18:02,916 --> 00:18:05,716 Oh, those sea plus people don't deserve you. 464 00:18:05,752 --> 00:18:07,652 I deserve you. 465 00:18:07,787 --> 00:18:09,253 I love you. 466 00:18:11,324 --> 00:18:13,791 -Our ship will come in one day, mary. 467 00:18:13,926 --> 00:18:15,193 I promise. 468 00:18:15,328 --> 00:18:17,661 -Mine already has. 469 00:18:17,663 --> 00:18:18,595 -What? 470 00:18:18,631 --> 00:18:19,597 When? 471 00:18:19,599 --> 00:18:21,698 -You, ya dolt! You're my ship. 472 00:18:24,671 --> 00:18:26,870 -I know that juice isn't any good. 473 00:18:26,906 --> 00:18:28,405 -Oh...! 474 00:18:28,407 --> 00:18:29,740 That's not true. 475 00:18:29,876 --> 00:18:30,807 Hm? 476 00:18:33,012 --> 00:18:34,945 It's good for something. 477 00:18:34,981 --> 00:18:36,547 Look... 478 00:18:36,583 --> 00:18:40,685 ♪ 479 00:18:40,820 --> 00:18:43,020 Cuts through grease. 480 00:18:43,022 --> 00:18:44,421 -Oh. -Yeah! 481 00:18:45,624 --> 00:18:46,823 -Okay... 482 00:18:46,860 --> 00:18:48,693 Uh... One sec. 483 00:18:48,828 --> 00:18:50,093 Ahh! 484 00:18:50,130 --> 00:18:52,029 Here you are, sir. 485 00:18:52,165 --> 00:18:54,765 -But there's grounds in my cup. 486 00:18:54,801 --> 00:18:57,434 -Colombian grounds. 487 00:18:57,470 --> 00:19:00,504 No, it's just like drinking tea with the bag in! 488 00:19:00,507 --> 00:19:02,439 Just a... Torn bag. 489 00:19:05,812 --> 00:19:07,578 Hey. 490 00:19:07,713 --> 00:19:10,381 -Burnt your hand on the heating element? 491 00:19:10,450 --> 00:19:12,683 -Repeatedly. 492 00:19:12,818 --> 00:19:13,851 -Good. 493 00:19:16,288 --> 00:19:17,421 -I deserve that. 494 00:19:17,490 --> 00:19:19,923 I got a little crazy there, didn't I? 495 00:19:19,925 --> 00:19:22,927 Guess I got caught up trying to be like... Dad. 496 00:19:22,929 --> 00:19:26,964 Turns out neither of us are that great at business, I guess. 497 00:19:26,966 --> 00:19:28,599 -Money isn't everything. 498 00:19:29,936 --> 00:19:32,569 -But aren't you tired of lending me fish and chip money, 499 00:19:32,605 --> 00:19:35,472 Or splitting a slushie two ways? 500 00:19:37,143 --> 00:19:39,910 -That's what friends do. 501 00:19:39,946 --> 00:19:41,345 -Start over? 502 00:19:41,347 --> 00:19:43,880 But from here on out, we're fully partners. 503 00:19:43,917 --> 00:19:47,284 We'll do all the work together, equally. 504 00:19:47,320 --> 00:19:49,153 I mean, what's the point of having money 505 00:19:49,288 --> 00:19:53,157 If you don't have anyone to spend it with? 506 00:19:53,292 --> 00:19:55,226 -Okay. 507 00:19:55,228 --> 00:19:56,893 Partners. 508 00:19:59,165 --> 00:20:01,064 -Ahh! Ah, that smarts. 509 00:20:02,969 --> 00:20:05,002 -I know. 510 00:20:05,071 --> 00:20:07,972 Well, let's get to work... 511 00:20:08,041 --> 00:20:10,407 Partner. 512 00:20:10,409 --> 00:20:12,109 Adult mark (v.O.): Friendship is like money: 513 00:20:12,245 --> 00:20:13,978 Easier made than kept. 514 00:20:13,980 --> 00:20:17,448 Doubling your money is great, but splitting it is better. 515 00:20:17,583 --> 00:20:20,251 -Mark and ritche made... Oh! 516 00:20:20,320 --> 00:20:23,854 $58.00 selling coffee! 517 00:20:23,990 --> 00:20:26,123 And fox made... 518 00:20:26,192 --> 00:20:30,027 $164.00? 519 00:20:30,029 --> 00:20:31,895 -Fifty-fifty draw. 520 00:20:31,965 --> 00:20:34,398 Kids thought that that was their odds of winning, and... 521 00:20:34,533 --> 00:20:35,933 I just didn't correct 'em. 522 00:20:36,002 --> 00:20:37,534 [laughter] 523 00:20:37,570 --> 00:20:40,271 Adult mark (v.O.): Money is easy come... 524 00:20:40,273 --> 00:20:41,872 - After months of lacklustre sales, 525 00:20:41,908 --> 00:20:45,209 The sea plus juice factory is no more. 526 00:20:45,211 --> 00:20:47,144 Adult mark (v.O.): Easy go. 527 00:20:47,213 --> 00:20:50,180 But no matter how dark it gets, 528 00:20:50,250 --> 00:20:52,883 The sun's always shining somewhere. 529 00:20:52,952 --> 00:20:54,218 Anchor: [tv] and, due to public outcry, 530 00:20:54,353 --> 00:20:57,554 The government has cancelled double daylight savings time. 531 00:20:57,590 --> 00:21:01,358 The clocks go back to normal tonight. 532 00:21:01,494 --> 00:21:03,227 Adult mark (v.O.): The thing you need to be 533 00:21:03,296 --> 00:21:04,295 Most careful about spending... 534 00:21:04,297 --> 00:21:05,829 -Ah, lord... 535 00:21:05,898 --> 00:21:07,832 I can't sleep! 536 00:21:07,967 --> 00:21:11,035 It's too damn dark! 537 00:21:11,037 --> 00:21:12,370 Ah... Heh! 538 00:21:12,372 --> 00:21:13,771 That's better. 539 00:21:13,840 --> 00:21:16,039 Goodnight. 540 00:21:16,041 --> 00:21:17,841 -Night, pop. 541 00:21:17,910 --> 00:21:19,843 Adult mark (v.O.): ...Is time. 542 00:21:23,249 --> 00:21:26,650 ♪ 543 00:21:26,686 --> 00:21:30,121 ♪ 544 00:21:30,123 --> 00:21:35,192 ♪ 545 00:21:35,194 --> 00:21:38,929 ♪ 546 00:21:38,965 --> 00:21:41,999 ♪