1 00:00:50,801 --> 00:00:53,601 -I'm here!-Where have you been? 2 00:00:54,555 --> 00:00:55,635 Nowhere. 3 00:00:56,682 --> 00:00:59,182 Come on, or we'll be late. 4 00:01:00,519 --> 00:01:01,809 Hello, class. 5 00:01:01,895 --> 00:01:05,225 My name is Professor Yuckyuck, and-- 6 00:01:07,442 --> 00:01:10,242 And this is Laugh Lab. 7 00:01:10,863 --> 00:01:13,283 Now, laughter is a serious thing. 8 00:01:13,365 --> 00:01:15,115 The more laughter in the world, 9 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:17,700 the less destructivethe humans seem to be. 10 00:01:17,786 --> 00:01:19,536 Questions so far? 11 00:01:21,248 --> 00:01:22,918 No questions at this time. 12 00:01:23,709 --> 00:01:26,379 Now, this is a stone face. 13 00:01:26,879 --> 00:01:30,629 Our job is to crack it upto release the laughlings. 14 00:01:30,716 --> 00:01:31,876 Observe. 15 00:01:48,192 --> 00:01:49,532 This is a laughling. 16 00:01:51,737 --> 00:01:53,567 A giggle, to be exact. 17 00:01:53,655 --> 00:01:55,235 And this is what it does. 18 00:02:03,624 --> 00:02:08,464 Every laugh spryte has their own approachfor cracking up the stone faces. 19 00:02:15,052 --> 00:02:16,642 Some tell jokes. 20 00:02:17,930 --> 00:02:20,060 Some put on funny plays. 21 00:02:20,891 --> 00:02:23,061 It takes years of dedication 22 00:02:23,143 --> 00:02:27,523 to hone the skills requiredto become a laugh spryte. 23 00:02:30,317 --> 00:02:33,277 The spryteling show is in one week. 24 00:02:33,362 --> 00:02:37,992 Your assignment is to devise an actto crack up the stone faces. 25 00:02:38,075 --> 00:02:42,075 And please take it seriously. 26 00:02:42,913 --> 00:02:45,083 -So cool.-I don't know what I'm doing. 27 00:02:45,165 --> 00:02:47,075 -I can't wait.-This is exciting. 28 00:02:47,876 --> 00:02:49,246 I've got it. 29 00:02:49,336 --> 00:02:51,456 I'll write us a silly play. 30 00:02:51,547 --> 00:02:54,377 The silliest playthat anyone's ever sillied. 31 00:02:54,967 --> 00:02:58,547 We've got to rehearseif we're gonna crack open a stone face. 32 00:02:58,637 --> 00:02:59,887 Stem promise? 33 00:03:00,430 --> 00:03:02,640 -Stem promise!-Stem promise! 34 00:03:03,475 --> 00:03:05,765 Oh, no. That's garbage. 35 00:03:05,853 --> 00:03:07,863 Nobody's gonna laugh at that. 36 00:03:09,273 --> 00:03:10,943 Think, Sprout. Think. 37 00:03:11,942 --> 00:03:14,362 Oh, my goodness. That's such a good idea. 38 00:03:15,571 --> 00:03:17,451 Everyone's gonna love this. 39 00:03:22,578 --> 00:03:24,748 Good morning! 40 00:03:26,039 --> 00:03:27,289 What time is it? 41 00:03:28,500 --> 00:03:30,750 Seems like it's still yesterday. 42 00:03:30,836 --> 00:03:33,796 I know it's early,but if we're gonna do this right, 43 00:03:33,881 --> 00:03:36,591 we gotta start practicing right away. 44 00:03:37,593 --> 00:03:38,763 This looks fun. 45 00:03:39,595 --> 00:03:40,755 Wolfy. 46 00:03:40,846 --> 00:03:43,176 So, I put my arms in here… 47 00:03:45,726 --> 00:03:46,846 Okay. 48 00:03:48,061 --> 00:03:49,101 Xandra? 49 00:03:49,188 --> 00:03:50,228 I'm sorry. 50 00:03:50,314 --> 00:03:53,784 -Sorry. Sorry.-And action! 51 00:03:53,859 --> 00:03:56,739 "Welcome to the Fancy Lab, 52 00:03:56,820 --> 00:03:58,820 the fanciest joint in the realm." 53 00:03:59,823 --> 00:04:01,993 "Are you sure you're fancy enough?" 54 00:04:02,075 --> 00:04:03,365 Quite sure. 55 00:04:03,452 --> 00:04:07,752 "Wonderful.Then please partake of our fancy food." 56 00:04:13,754 --> 00:04:17,304 Sir, are you sure you're fancy? 57 00:04:17,382 --> 00:04:22,262 I'm so fancy.Fancy enough to make a toast to the chef. 58 00:04:25,807 --> 00:04:27,557 Hey, this is funny. 59 00:04:27,643 --> 00:04:30,193 Thanks. But we've got a lot of work to do 60 00:04:30,270 --> 00:04:33,020 if we're going to crack upthose stone faces. 61 00:04:33,524 --> 00:04:35,234 Here's a rehearsal schedule. 62 00:04:36,276 --> 00:04:40,566 We have a week until the big show,and we need to practice every day. 63 00:04:41,657 --> 00:04:45,077 Wait, what time is it? I've got to go. 64 00:04:46,411 --> 00:04:49,291 Where is he going? We're his only friends. 65 00:04:49,373 --> 00:04:52,633 Don't know. But I'm surehe'll be at the next rehearsal. 66 00:04:52,709 --> 00:04:54,749 He stem promised. 67 00:04:59,508 --> 00:05:05,008 That's it. Be one with the wisps.Let them connect to your creativity. 68 00:05:06,515 --> 00:05:08,765 Whoops. I'm sorry. 69 00:05:08,851 --> 00:05:12,691 Don't be sorry.You must work with the whoopses. 70 00:05:12,771 --> 00:05:14,571 Feel the harmony. 71 00:05:15,399 --> 00:05:17,569 Now, big finish. 72 00:05:23,574 --> 00:05:24,834 You're a natural. 73 00:05:24,908 --> 00:05:26,118 That was fun. 74 00:05:26,618 --> 00:05:27,788 Same time tomorrow? 75 00:05:27,870 --> 00:05:30,710 What, leaving already?We've only just started. 76 00:05:31,915 --> 00:05:35,585 Well, I told SproutI'd practice our play for Laugh Lab. 77 00:05:35,669 --> 00:05:37,799 It doesn't sound quite as important 78 00:05:37,880 --> 00:05:41,050 as preparing to save the worldfrom eternal darkness, does it? 79 00:05:44,720 --> 00:05:49,020 Please be carefulwith this very fancy second course. 80 00:05:49,766 --> 00:05:52,596 Luckily, I am very fancy. 81 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:55,516 And I won't drop a crumb. 82 00:06:02,988 --> 00:06:04,528 Where is he? 83 00:06:10,495 --> 00:06:13,615 You must be determined,courageous, selfless. 84 00:06:13,707 --> 00:06:15,997 Now, ready for another one? 85 00:06:17,336 --> 00:06:21,296 Yeah, but how is this preparing mefor the disarrays, exactly? 86 00:06:21,798 --> 00:06:23,968 Balance is the key. 87 00:06:24,051 --> 00:06:27,761 How do you plan on fixing thatif you don't have it yourself? 88 00:06:36,813 --> 00:06:39,023 I'm coming, Sprout! 89 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:42,780 Nice of you to join us, Wolfboy. 90 00:06:44,279 --> 00:06:45,699 Okay. 91 00:06:45,781 --> 00:06:51,331 It would be a shame to spill this bluemash-shake on my fancy new shirt. 92 00:06:54,540 --> 00:06:55,670 Wolfboy? 93 00:06:55,749 --> 00:06:57,669 Haven't you learned the script? 94 00:07:29,157 --> 00:07:31,157 Why don't we take it from the top? 95 00:07:32,744 --> 00:07:35,544 Let me guess, you have to go? 96 00:07:39,376 --> 00:07:40,456 Okay. 97 00:07:41,712 --> 00:07:46,262 But, Wolfy, you will know your partby tomorrow, right? 98 00:07:46,842 --> 00:07:49,472 Yeah. Definitely. Stem promise. 99 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:06,070 Okay, sock rockets, do your thing. 100 00:08:07,863 --> 00:08:09,203 And go! 101 00:08:20,042 --> 00:08:21,342 It's working. 102 00:08:31,094 --> 00:08:33,224 Well, very good. 103 00:08:33,304 --> 00:08:34,894 That's enough for today. 104 00:08:34,972 --> 00:08:38,482 -I'll see you same time tomorrow.-But tomorrow's Sprout's play. 105 00:08:38,559 --> 00:08:42,399 The fate of the worldrests on your shoulders. 106 00:08:42,481 --> 00:08:43,651 I know, sir. 107 00:08:43,732 --> 00:08:46,782 But I promised my friendsI'd be there for Laugh Lab. 108 00:08:46,860 --> 00:08:51,370 If you're not ready when the time comes,there might not be any labs left at all. 109 00:08:51,865 --> 00:08:54,075 We're all depending on you. 110 00:09:03,585 --> 00:09:04,795 Where have you been? 111 00:09:04,878 --> 00:09:07,048 You missed almost every rehearsal. 112 00:09:07,130 --> 00:09:08,970 I know. I'm so sorry. 113 00:09:09,049 --> 00:09:11,339 You know how much this means to Sprout. 114 00:09:15,931 --> 00:09:19,061 I hope you're going to be readyfor the show tomorrow. 115 00:09:58,599 --> 00:10:01,849 -"Welcome to Fancy Lab… This fancy mash…"-Ready, Wolfy? 116 00:10:01,935 --> 00:10:03,095 Uh-huh. 117 00:10:03,937 --> 00:10:06,897 Wolfboy, message for you. 118 00:10:08,275 --> 00:10:10,985 Come at once. Time is of the essence. 119 00:10:11,069 --> 00:10:12,609 Professor Luxcraft. 120 00:10:13,989 --> 00:10:15,239 I have to go. 121 00:10:23,957 --> 00:10:25,417 Is everything all right? 122 00:10:26,001 --> 00:10:27,541 No, it's not. 123 00:10:28,879 --> 00:10:31,549 I've misplaced my sandwich. 124 00:10:31,632 --> 00:10:33,012 I had it in my hand. 125 00:10:33,091 --> 00:10:37,391 It looked very much like a sandwich.It's sandwich-shaped. 126 00:10:37,471 --> 00:10:39,311 Can't have left this room. 127 00:10:48,774 --> 00:10:50,904 Next up, Blip. 128 00:10:50,984 --> 00:10:54,154 Oh, crumbs. We're on after Blip. 129 00:10:54,238 --> 00:10:56,488 Hey. He'll be here, Sprout. 130 00:10:57,366 --> 00:10:58,576 He'd better be. 131 00:10:58,659 --> 00:11:00,739 I'm coming, Sprout! 132 00:11:00,827 --> 00:11:02,577 It was in my beard! 133 00:11:13,006 --> 00:11:17,296 Next up, Sprout, Wolfboy and Xandra. 134 00:11:22,307 --> 00:11:26,267 Welcome to the Fancy Lab,the fanciest joint in the realm. 135 00:11:26,353 --> 00:11:28,613 Are you sure you're fancy enough? 136 00:11:28,689 --> 00:11:30,519 Quite sure. 137 00:11:30,607 --> 00:11:32,067 Wonderful. 138 00:11:32,150 --> 00:11:34,610 Then please, partake of our fancy food. 139 00:11:59,636 --> 00:12:01,386 Okay. 140 00:12:01,889 --> 00:12:05,349 Thank you for that play. 141 00:12:05,851 --> 00:12:07,391 Let's see, who's next? 142 00:12:07,477 --> 00:12:09,397 I'm here! I'm here! 143 00:12:09,479 --> 00:12:11,819 I've got your arms, Sprout. 144 00:12:20,991 --> 00:12:24,041 Sprout, I'm so sorry. 145 00:12:26,205 --> 00:12:27,495 You stem promised. 146 00:12:27,581 --> 00:12:30,211 Doesn't that mean anything to you? 147 00:12:31,210 --> 00:12:34,630 Look, I know you were excitedabout this play. 148 00:12:34,713 --> 00:12:35,883 But I-- 149 00:12:37,132 --> 00:12:40,012 I was excited to do a play with you. 150 00:12:41,261 --> 00:12:43,181 That was the whole point. 151 00:12:45,349 --> 00:12:47,639 Look,there's something important I'm doing. 152 00:12:47,726 --> 00:12:49,596 More important than us? 153 00:12:52,064 --> 00:12:53,074 I'm sorry. 154 00:12:56,235 --> 00:12:59,565 Clearly you three did not preparefor your assignment, 155 00:12:59,655 --> 00:13:01,695 and now look what you've done. 156 00:13:03,283 --> 00:13:04,283 Detention! 157 00:13:17,256 --> 00:13:21,426 It will take the laugh sprytes weeksto replace the laughlings you let loose. 158 00:13:22,219 --> 00:13:26,139 A nice long detention in the Scrub Hubshould help you clean up your act. 159 00:13:26,223 --> 00:13:28,233 Sneffton, keep an eye on them. 160 00:13:28,767 --> 00:13:32,767 I knew I was right to put you on the list. 161 00:13:33,272 --> 00:13:37,112 Now, there's a tree over therethat isn't gonna untangle itself. 162 00:14:04,678 --> 00:14:07,388 Hey, Sprout, look. Guess who I am. 163 00:14:07,931 --> 00:14:10,601 Fribbity-frobbity, jibbity sandwich. 164 00:14:10,684 --> 00:14:13,314 You three better clean up your act. 165 00:14:17,691 --> 00:14:20,611 Look,I know it's my fault we're in detention. 166 00:14:21,111 --> 00:14:25,071 -I let the laughlings out.-That's not why we're cross with you. 167 00:14:25,157 --> 00:14:26,777 -It's not?-No! 168 00:14:26,867 --> 00:14:30,447 We're cross because you didn't show upwhen you said you were going to. 169 00:14:30,537 --> 00:14:32,957 You embarrassed us in front of everyone. 170 00:14:33,040 --> 00:14:36,210 And more importantly,you really let Sprout down. 171 00:14:37,586 --> 00:14:41,916 I'm sorry I missed the play.But I promise I had a really good reason. 172 00:14:42,007 --> 00:14:43,587 Oh, yeah? What was it? 173 00:14:45,260 --> 00:14:47,800 Well, I can't tell you the reason. 174 00:14:47,888 --> 00:14:49,768 Whatever your phony reason is, 175 00:14:49,848 --> 00:14:53,098 it's clearly more important to youthan we are. 176 00:14:54,061 --> 00:14:56,561 Maybe I was right about youfrom the start. 177 00:14:57,564 --> 00:14:58,574 Sprout? 178 00:14:59,274 --> 00:15:01,154 Please say something. 179 00:15:01,235 --> 00:15:03,985 You promised you'd be there, Wolfy. 180 00:15:04,071 --> 00:15:07,371 You stem promised, and then you weren't. 181 00:15:07,449 --> 00:15:09,699 And you won't even tell us why. 182 00:15:09,785 --> 00:15:14,955 You're right. You're my best friends.I owe you the truth about where I've been. 183 00:15:15,958 --> 00:15:19,248 It turns out there is a prophecy.And I do have powers. 184 00:15:19,336 --> 00:15:22,586 I've been training to save the worldfrom the forces of chaos 185 00:15:22,673 --> 00:15:26,763 in a secret cavern full of wispsunderneath Professor Luxcraft's office. 186 00:15:26,844 --> 00:15:28,354 And I wanted to tell you, 187 00:15:28,428 --> 00:15:30,888 but Luxcraft told meI couldn't tell anyone, 188 00:15:30,973 --> 00:15:35,103 because if I did, they'd be in danger.And I wanted to protect you. 189 00:15:37,604 --> 00:15:39,024 You expect us to believe 190 00:15:39,106 --> 00:15:42,316 you've been trainingto save the world in some "wisp cave" 191 00:15:42,401 --> 00:15:45,491 that I've never heard ofand definitely doesn't exist? 192 00:15:45,571 --> 00:15:46,741 It does exist. 193 00:15:46,822 --> 00:15:49,662 There's a secret trapdoorin Luxcraft's office. 194 00:15:49,741 --> 00:15:51,291 You have to believe me. 195 00:15:51,368 --> 00:15:55,868 I'm telling you the truth.I promise. I stem promise. 196 00:15:56,498 --> 00:16:00,038 But you don't always keepyour stem promises, do you? 197 00:16:00,627 --> 00:16:01,917 Sprout. 198 00:16:02,004 --> 00:16:05,884 That's right, Leafy.Don't you listen to him. 199 00:16:06,592 --> 00:16:11,722 Promises are made to be brokenand friends always let you down. 200 00:16:11,805 --> 00:16:14,265 You take it from me. 201 00:16:14,349 --> 00:16:15,639 Who are you? 202 00:16:15,726 --> 00:16:18,976 Someone who knows not to trust anyone. 203 00:16:20,606 --> 00:16:22,856 Especially your friends. 204 00:16:29,823 --> 00:16:33,793 -Do you live in this pipe?-I live wherever I like. 205 00:16:33,869 --> 00:16:37,369 These pipes connect every roomin the factory. 206 00:16:37,456 --> 00:16:39,366 I come and go as I please. 207 00:16:41,835 --> 00:16:43,085 Did you hear that? 208 00:16:43,170 --> 00:16:46,010 These pipes run throughoutthe whole factory. 209 00:16:46,089 --> 00:16:49,679 I bet we could take themall the way to Luxcraft's office. 210 00:16:49,760 --> 00:16:52,970 Then I can show you the trapdoorand the cavern of wisps. 211 00:16:53,055 --> 00:16:55,385 And prove I'm telling the truth. 212 00:16:56,600 --> 00:16:57,810 I don't know. 213 00:16:58,393 --> 00:17:01,443 What if we get in trouble?What about Sneffton? 214 00:17:01,980 --> 00:17:05,030 Miscreants… 215 00:17:05,776 --> 00:17:09,236 We'll be back before he even realizeswe're gone. 216 00:17:09,320 --> 00:17:12,030 Besides, I'd takea week's worth of detention 217 00:17:12,115 --> 00:17:14,735 if that's what it takesto save our friendship. 218 00:17:15,243 --> 00:17:16,293 Fine. 219 00:17:16,369 --> 00:17:18,909 Let's see this cavern of wisps, then. 220 00:17:18,997 --> 00:17:21,377 I've had enough cleaning for one day,anyway. 221 00:17:27,923 --> 00:17:31,183 How are we gonna find the wayto Luxcraft's office? 222 00:17:31,260 --> 00:17:32,590 Leave that to me. 223 00:17:39,768 --> 00:17:41,018 Behold! 224 00:17:41,103 --> 00:17:43,063 The Whithervane. 225 00:17:44,398 --> 00:17:48,488 Wolfy! Your powers… They're working? 226 00:17:48,569 --> 00:17:50,699 That's what I've been trying to tell you. 227 00:17:50,779 --> 00:17:53,279 Luxcraft's been teaching meto use the wisps. 228 00:17:54,032 --> 00:17:55,532 Okay, Whithervane. 229 00:17:55,617 --> 00:17:58,997 Whither shall we goto get to Luxcraft's office? 230 00:18:02,249 --> 00:18:03,669 This way. 231 00:18:10,215 --> 00:18:13,295 Wolfy, are we close? 232 00:18:13,385 --> 00:18:15,345 I don't like it down here. 233 00:18:15,846 --> 00:18:16,966 Don't worry, Sprout. 234 00:18:17,055 --> 00:18:18,845 It can't be too much further. 235 00:18:21,810 --> 00:18:23,690 See, I bet it's just through here. 236 00:18:23,770 --> 00:18:27,480 I wouldn't go down there if I were you. 237 00:18:27,566 --> 00:18:28,856 Are you following us? 238 00:18:28,942 --> 00:18:33,072 These are my pipes. You're following me. 239 00:18:34,364 --> 00:18:36,374 Come on. Let's just go. 240 00:18:36,450 --> 00:18:41,040 I don't know, Wolfy.It looks kinda dark down there. 241 00:18:42,372 --> 00:18:45,462 Now, this way seems much friendlier. 242 00:18:46,877 --> 00:18:49,247 But the Whithervane says it's this way. 243 00:18:50,130 --> 00:18:51,300 Come on. 244 00:18:51,381 --> 00:18:53,881 Don't you trust him. 245 00:18:59,681 --> 00:19:01,731 I can't see anything. 246 00:19:01,808 --> 00:19:03,228 Just trust me. 247 00:19:03,310 --> 00:19:06,560 How do you knowthis whatsawhoosit of yours works? 248 00:19:07,397 --> 00:19:11,737 Luxcraft says the key isto believe in whatever you're making. 249 00:19:11,818 --> 00:19:16,028 As long as you believe in it,there's no limits to what you can create. 250 00:19:16,114 --> 00:19:18,534 So as long as I believein the Whithervane, 251 00:19:18,617 --> 00:19:19,617 Wolfy! 252 00:19:19,701 --> 00:19:20,831 No, no-- 253 00:19:36,134 --> 00:19:39,104 I warned you not to trust him. 254 00:19:41,473 --> 00:19:44,023 This is not Professor Luxcraft's office. 255 00:19:44,101 --> 00:19:46,271 It must have been a shortcut. 256 00:19:47,729 --> 00:19:50,649 Yeah, look. It's pointing down here now. 257 00:19:50,732 --> 00:19:53,692 Oh, no. No, no. 258 00:19:53,777 --> 00:19:58,067 I'm not following youor that thing anymore. 259 00:19:58,156 --> 00:19:59,446 -But---Just admit it. 260 00:19:59,533 --> 00:20:01,033 You messed up in Laugh Lab, 261 00:20:01,118 --> 00:20:05,038 and then you made up some storyso you wouldn't seem like a bad friend. 262 00:20:05,122 --> 00:20:09,082 And now you're making it worseby getting us lost in these dumb pipes. 263 00:20:09,168 --> 00:20:10,288 Come on, Sprout. 264 00:20:17,092 --> 00:20:20,182 What are you guys so scared of?Where are you going? 265 00:20:21,972 --> 00:20:24,772 Whithervane, whither is danger? 266 00:20:30,314 --> 00:20:33,034 Hey, I think there's something coming. 267 00:20:33,108 --> 00:20:35,738 I really thinkwe should get out of this pipe. 268 00:20:35,819 --> 00:20:39,819 Forget it. We're not following youor that piece of junk anymore. 269 00:20:39,907 --> 00:20:41,327 But there's something coming. 270 00:20:44,953 --> 00:20:46,663 Wait, Xandra. Go, go, go. 271 00:20:51,543 --> 00:20:52,543 Thanks. 272 00:20:54,546 --> 00:20:56,756 What are you thanking him for? 273 00:20:56,840 --> 00:20:58,590 If it wasn't for him, 274 00:20:58,675 --> 00:21:01,845 you wouldn't be down herein the first place. 275 00:21:01,929 --> 00:21:03,679 Why are you trying to cause trouble? 276 00:21:03,764 --> 00:21:08,314 I'm only trying to save youfrom what happened to me. 277 00:21:08,393 --> 00:21:10,193 What happened to you? 278 00:21:10,270 --> 00:21:12,190 I had friends once. 279 00:21:12,272 --> 00:21:14,022 Friends I trusted. 280 00:21:14,107 --> 00:21:19,527 But then, one year on my birthday,I decided to throw a little party. 281 00:21:19,613 --> 00:21:20,863 I love parties-- 282 00:21:20,948 --> 00:21:24,578 I asked these so-called friendsif they'd like to come. 283 00:21:24,660 --> 00:21:28,710 Every single one of themsaid they were too busy. 284 00:21:28,789 --> 00:21:30,369 Oh, no. 285 00:21:30,457 --> 00:21:31,537 Oh, yes. 286 00:21:32,292 --> 00:21:37,382 That night when I got home,there they all are, laying in wait for me. 287 00:21:37,464 --> 00:21:41,804 I walk in and they shout at me,"Surprise! Hey, you!" 288 00:21:42,553 --> 00:21:44,643 How they laughed at me. 289 00:21:44,721 --> 00:21:46,931 Those treacherous liars. 290 00:21:47,766 --> 00:21:49,136 -But---From that day on, 291 00:21:49,226 --> 00:21:51,646 I vowed I'd never trust anyone, 292 00:21:51,728 --> 00:21:54,858 and I came to live down here on my own. 293 00:21:54,940 --> 00:21:56,730 If you don't trust anyone, 294 00:21:56,817 --> 00:21:59,237 nobody can ever hurt you. 295 00:22:04,157 --> 00:22:08,787 I do not wanna end up like her,living in these pipes. 296 00:22:08,871 --> 00:22:09,871 Me neither. 297 00:22:10,706 --> 00:22:13,416 So,where does the silly thing say to go next? 298 00:22:19,339 --> 00:22:22,259 Luxcraft's office must be through here. 299 00:22:27,222 --> 00:22:29,682 The trapdoor is all the way at the bottom. 300 00:22:35,147 --> 00:22:37,357 -You convinced me, Luxcraft.-Hide! 301 00:22:37,441 --> 00:22:40,151 Have patience. They will come around. 302 00:22:40,235 --> 00:22:42,315 Why will they not listen? 303 00:22:42,404 --> 00:22:45,284 -Give them time.-We do not have time. 304 00:22:45,365 --> 00:22:46,575 But, Luxcraft, 305 00:22:46,658 --> 00:22:50,828 if he's as powerful as you think he is,he could be dangerous. 306 00:22:52,289 --> 00:22:55,459 -I believe I can control him.-How can you be certain? 307 00:22:56,043 --> 00:22:58,213 Humans cannot be trusted. 308 00:22:58,295 --> 00:23:01,295 If he were to make the wrong choice-- 309 00:23:01,381 --> 00:23:04,341 He cannot choose a pathhe doesn't know exists. 310 00:23:04,426 --> 00:23:06,966 But if he does realizewhat he's capable of… 311 00:23:07,054 --> 00:23:09,474 He won't. I'll make sure of it. 312 00:23:26,782 --> 00:23:29,032 Scrub Hub bubbles? 313 00:23:41,171 --> 00:23:44,381 We've gotta get back to the Scrub Hubbefore Luxcraft does. 314 00:23:44,466 --> 00:23:46,216 How are we going to do that? 315 00:23:48,095 --> 00:23:49,805 I have an idea. 316 00:24:02,150 --> 00:24:03,940 Hi, Luxcraft! 317 00:24:04,528 --> 00:24:06,408 We're friends. 318 00:24:17,082 --> 00:24:18,542 We made it. 319 00:24:18,625 --> 00:24:21,495 Hey, what do you thinkLuxcraft meant back there? 320 00:24:21,587 --> 00:24:24,257 What's he trying to stop mefrom finding out? 321 00:24:26,675 --> 00:24:27,675 Quick. 322 00:24:39,021 --> 00:24:40,021 Sneffton? 323 00:24:40,606 --> 00:24:44,736 -Have they been here the whole day?-No, sir-- Yes, sir-- Absolutely. 324 00:24:44,818 --> 00:24:46,698 No one has gotten past me. 325 00:24:46,778 --> 00:24:47,778 Good, good. 326 00:24:47,863 --> 00:24:52,783 Just checkingeverything was under control.