1 00:00:00,472 --> 00:00:02,670 {\an7}- ♪ MTV ♪ 2 00:00:04,142 --> 00:00:08,273 {\an7}- [audience applauding] \h-[audience cheering] 3 00:00:08,274 --> 00:00:14,109 {\an7}- ♪ 4 00:00:29,439 --> 00:00:30,439 {\an7}- TONY: Thank you! 5 00:00:30,440 --> 00:00:37,207 {\an7}\h-[audience cheering] - [audience applauding] 6 00:00:37,208 --> 00:00:39,735 {\an7}- Wow! 7 00:00:39,736 --> 00:00:42,240 {\an7}What a magic night. 8 00:00:42,241 --> 00:00:44,372 {\an7}- GAGA: Hey, Tony Bennett? 9 00:00:44,373 --> 00:00:45,274 {\an7}I'm Lady Gaga. 10 00:00:45,275 --> 00:00:48,471 {\an7}- [audience applauding] \h-[audience cheering] 11 00:00:48,472 --> 00:00:53,372 {\an7}- GAGA: I came to surprise you. \h\h\h\h\h\h-[audience laughs] 12 00:00:53,373 --> 00:00:55,174 {\an7}- Can I sing with you? 13 00:00:55,175 --> 00:00:58,339 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h-Yes. - [audience laughs] 14 00:00:58,340 --> 00:01:03,141 {\an7}- ♪ 15 00:01:03,142 --> 00:01:08,438 {\an7}- GAGA: Harold Jones, everybody! Tony Bennett's favorite drummer! 16 00:01:08,439 --> 00:01:09,735 {\an7}Come on! 17 00:01:09,736 --> 00:01:13,801 {\an7}And Count Bassie's \hfavorite drummer! 18 00:01:13,802 --> 00:01:14,538 {\an7}Let's go! 19 00:01:14,539 --> 00:01:16,669 {\an7}♪ Like the beat, beat, \hbeat of the tom-tom ♪ 20 00:01:16,670 --> 00:01:18,405 {\an7}♪ When the jungle shadows fall ♪ 21 00:01:18,406 --> 00:01:20,768 {\an7}♪ Like the tick, tick-tock \h\hof the stately clock ♪ 22 00:01:20,769 --> 00:01:22,834 {\an7}\h\h♪ As it stands against the wall ♪ 23 00:01:22,835 --> 00:01:26,537 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ Like the drip, drip, \h\h\h\hdrip of the raindrops ♪ 24 00:01:26,538 --> 00:01:29,735 {\an7}♪ When the summer shower \h\h\h\h\h\his through ♪ 25 00:01:29,736 --> 00:01:32,735 {\an7}TONY & GAGA: ♪ So a voice \h\h\h\h\h\h\hwithin me ♪ 26 00:01:32,736 --> 00:01:36,339 {\an7}♪ Keeps repeating you, ♪ 27 00:01:36,340 --> 00:01:39,405 {\an7}♪ You, you ♪ 28 00:01:39,406 --> 00:01:46,175 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ Night and day, \h\h\h\hyou are the one ♪ 29 00:01:47,670 --> 00:01:53,208 {\an7}♪ Only you beneath the moon \h\h\h\hand under the sun ♪ 30 00:01:55,439 --> 00:01:59,405 {\an7}♪ Whether near to me or far ♪ 31 00:01:59,406 --> 00:02:03,636 {\an7}♪ It's no matter, darling, \h\h\h\h\h\hwhere you are ♪ 32 00:02:03,637 --> 00:02:06,306 {\an7}♪ I think of you ♪ 33 00:02:06,307 --> 00:02:09,702 {\an7}♪ Night and day ♪ 34 00:02:09,703 --> 00:02:12,867 {\an7}- ♪ Day and night ♪ 35 00:02:12,868 --> 00:02:16,339 {\an7}♪ Why is it so ♪ 36 00:02:16,340 --> 00:02:22,604 {\an7}♪ That this longing for you \hfollows wherever I go? ♪ 37 00:02:23,736 --> 00:02:27,372 {\an7}♪ In the roaring traffic's boom ♪ 38 00:02:27,373 --> 00:02:31,669 {\an7}\h♪ In the silence of my lonely room ♪ 39 00:02:31,670 --> 00:02:34,537 {\an7}♪ I think of you ♪ 40 00:02:34,538 --> 00:02:38,603 {\an7}♪ Night and day ♪ 41 00:02:38,604 --> 00:02:41,834 {\an7}\h-GAGA & TONY: ♪ Night and day ♪ 42 00:02:41,835 --> 00:02:45,570 {\an7}- GAGA: ♪ Under the hide of me ♪ 43 00:02:45,571 --> 00:02:49,372 {\an7}\h\h\h-♪ There's an oh, such a hungry yearning ♪ 44 00:02:49,373 --> 00:02:52,933 {\an7}♪ Burning inside of me ♪ 45 00:02:52,934 --> 00:02:56,867 {\an7}- ♪ And its torment won't be through ♪ 46 00:02:56,868 --> 00:03:01,768 {\an7}\h\h\h♪ 'Til you let me spend my life making love to you ♪ 47 00:03:01,769 --> 00:03:04,636 {\an7}♪ Day and night ♪ \h\h\h\h\h-Whoa! 48 00:03:04,637 --> 00:03:07,405 {\an7}- ♪ Night and day ♪ 49 00:03:07,406 --> 00:03:09,405 {\an7}- Give it up for Tony Bennett! 50 00:03:09,406 --> 00:03:12,768 {\an7}- [audience applauds] \h-[audience cheers] 51 00:03:12,769 --> 00:03:18,505 {\an7}- ♪ 52 00:03:24,505 --> 00:03:27,372 {\an7}- ♪ And this torment \hwon't be through ♪ 53 00:03:27,373 --> 00:03:32,537 {\an7}♪ 'Til you let me spend my \hlife making love to you ♪ 54 00:03:32,538 --> 00:03:35,273 {\an7}♪ Day and night ♪ 55 00:03:35,274 --> 00:03:38,933 {\an7}- ♪ Night and day ♪ 56 00:03:38,934 --> 00:03:44,802 {\an7}- ♪ Day and night, \h\hnight and day ♪ 57 00:03:46,934 --> 00:03:50,669 {\an7}♪ Day and night ♪ 58 00:03:50,670 --> 00:03:55,834 {\an7}♪ Night and day ♪ 59 00:03:55,835 --> 00:04:02,703 {\an7}\h-[audience cheering] - [audience applauding] 60 00:04:16,340 --> 00:04:21,439 {\an7}\h\h-Love for sale, always sellin' love. 61 00:04:22,769 --> 00:04:24,735 {\an7}I remember when you called me 62 00:04:24,736 --> 00:04:27,537 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hwhen we put out Cheek to Cheek, our record. 63 00:04:27,538 --> 00:04:32,471 {\an7}And you said "Let's make a whole album of Cole Porter songs." 64 00:04:32,472 --> 00:04:34,438 {\an7}\h-Wow! - Uh-huh. 65 00:04:34,439 --> 00:04:36,702 {\an7}Same day that we went \h\h\h\h\hnumber one, 66 00:04:36,703 --> 00:04:39,867 {\an7}you were already makin' \h\h\hthe next record. 67 00:04:39,868 --> 00:04:40,835 {\an7}- [audience laughs] 68 00:04:40,836 --> 00:04:44,603 {\an7}- So, here we are. Would you \h\htell everybody the story? 69 00:04:44,604 --> 00:04:47,867 {\an7}Love for Sale, would you \hsing it for everybody? 70 00:04:47,868 --> 00:04:51,042 {\an7}\h-[audience cheers] - [audience applauds] 71 00:04:51,043 --> 00:04:56,504 {\an7}- GAGA: ♪ When the only sound \h\h\h\hon the empty street ♪ 72 00:04:56,505 --> 00:05:01,933 {\an7}♪ Is the heavy tread \hof the heavy feet ♪ 73 00:05:01,934 --> 00:05:06,966 {\an7}\h\h♪ That belongs to a lonesome cop ♪ 74 00:05:06,967 --> 00:05:10,769 {\an7}- ♪ She opens shop ♪ 75 00:05:12,835 --> 00:05:16,372 {\an7}♪ When the moon so long has been gazing down ♪ 76 00:05:16,373 --> 00:05:20,669 {\an7}\h♪ On the wayward ways of this wayward town ♪ 77 00:05:20,670 --> 00:05:24,439 {\an7}♪ That her smile becomes a smirk ♪ 78 00:05:26,472 --> 00:05:30,075 {\an7}♪ She goes to work ♪ 79 00:05:30,076 --> 00:05:34,769 {\an7}- GAGA: I'll work for you \hany night of the week. 80 00:05:35,934 --> 00:05:38,768 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ Love for sale ♪ 81 00:05:38,769 --> 00:05:42,834 {\an7}♪ Appetizing young love \h\h\h\h\h\hfor sale ♪ 82 00:05:42,835 --> 00:05:45,900 {\an7}\h♪ Love that's fresh and still unspoiled ♪ 83 00:05:45,901 --> 00:05:49,735 {\an7}♪ Love that's only \hslightly soiled ♪ 84 00:05:49,736 --> 00:05:51,075 {\an7}♪ Love for sale ♪ 85 00:05:51,076 --> 00:05:53,504 {\an7}- GAGA: All right, Marshall. 86 00:05:53,505 --> 00:05:57,834 {\an7}♪ Who will buy? ♪ 87 00:05:57,835 --> 00:06:02,933 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ Who would like \hto sample her supply? ♪ 88 00:06:02,934 --> 00:06:05,438 {\an7}\h♪ Who's prepared to pay the price ♪ 89 00:06:05,439 --> 00:06:09,108 {\an7}- TONY AND GAGA: ♪ For a trip \h\h\h\h\h\h\hto paradise? ♪ 90 00:06:09,109 --> 00:06:12,900 {\an7}♪ Love for sale ♪ 91 00:06:12,901 --> 00:06:15,702 {\an7}- ♪ Let the poets \hpipe of love ♪ 92 00:06:15,703 --> 00:06:17,603 {\an7}♪ In their childish way ♪ 93 00:06:17,604 --> 00:06:22,471 {\an7}♪ I know every type of love \h\hbetter far than they ♪ 94 00:06:22,472 --> 00:06:24,900 {\an7}- ♪ If you want the thrill \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hof love ♪ 95 00:06:24,901 --> 00:06:27,834 {\an7}♪ She's been through \hthe mill of love ♪ 96 00:06:27,835 --> 00:06:29,999 {\an7}\h\h\h-♪ Old love ♪ - TONY: ♪ New love ♪ 97 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:36,637 {\an7}- TONY AND GAGA: ♪ Every love, \h\hbut true love... for sale ♪ 98 00:06:37,868 --> 00:06:42,603 {\an7}♪ Appetizing young love \h\h\h\h\h\hfor sale ♪ 99 00:06:42,604 --> 00:06:45,471 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ If you want to \h\h\h\h\hbuy her wares ♪ 100 00:06:45,472 --> 00:06:48,900 {\an7}\h\h-GAGA: ♪ Follow me and climb the stairs ♪ 101 00:06:48,901 --> 00:06:51,669 {\an7}- ♪ Love for sale ♪ 102 00:06:51,670 --> 00:06:53,636 {\an7}- Take it, gentlemen! 103 00:06:53,637 --> 00:06:57,934 {\an7}- ♪ 104 00:07:03,670 --> 00:07:07,570 {\an7}- [audience applauds] 105 00:07:07,571 --> 00:07:12,175 {\an7}- ♪ 106 00:07:33,538 --> 00:07:36,075 {\an7}- ♪ Let the poets \hpipe of love ♪ 107 00:07:36,076 --> 00:07:38,537 {\an7}♪ In their childish way ♪ 108 00:07:38,538 --> 00:07:40,999 {\an7}♪ I know every type of love ♪ 109 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:42,999 {\an7}♪ Better far than they ♪ 110 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:45,669 {\an7}\h\h\h-♪ If you want the thrill of love ♪ 111 00:07:45,670 --> 00:07:48,702 {\an7}♪ She's been through \hthe mill of love ♪ 112 00:07:48,703 --> 00:07:50,933 {\an7}\h\h\h\h♪ Old love ♪ - GAGA: ♪ New love ♪ 113 00:07:50,934 --> 00:07:57,142 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h-♪ Every love, but true love... for sale ♪ 114 00:07:58,637 --> 00:08:01,768 {\an7}♪ Appetizing young \h\hlove for sale ♪ 115 00:08:01,769 --> 00:08:03,735 {\an7}- ♪ Love for sale, Tony ♪ 116 00:08:03,736 --> 00:08:06,141 {\an7}- ♪ If you want to buy \h\h\h\h\h\hher wares ♪ 117 00:08:06,142 --> 00:08:09,603 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-♪ Follow me and climb the stairs ♪ 118 00:08:09,604 --> 00:08:15,735 {\an7}- ♪ Love for sale ♪ 119 00:08:15,736 --> 00:08:19,174 {\an7}- ♪ 120 00:08:19,175 --> 00:08:23,636 {\an7}\h-[audience cheering] - [audience applauding] 121 00:08:23,637 --> 00:08:24,768 {\an7}- Thank you! 122 00:08:24,769 --> 00:08:31,571 {\an7}\h-[audience cheering] - [audience applauding] 123 00:08:39,161 --> 00:08:41,732 {\an7}- TONY: How nice. 124 00:08:42,996 --> 00:08:44,929 {\an7}- I love bein' Tony's baby. 125 00:08:44,930 --> 00:08:46,962 {\an7}\h\hl'll step out with you tonight. 126 00:08:46,963 --> 00:08:49,665 {\an7}\h\h\hSteppin' out? Yeah, you sing it. 127 00:08:49,666 --> 00:08:50,666 {\an7}You got it. 128 00:08:50,667 --> 00:08:52,896 {\an7}- ♪ Steppin' out with my baby ♪ 129 00:08:52,897 --> 00:08:55,797 {\an7}\h\h♪ Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right ♪ 130 00:08:55,798 --> 00:08:57,995 {\an7}♪ It's for sure, \hnot for maybe ♪ 131 00:08:57,996 --> 00:09:00,160 {\an7}\h\h\h♪ That I'm all dressed up tonight ♪ 132 00:09:00,161 --> 00:09:04,830 {\an7}\h♪ Steppin' out with my honey, can't be bad to feel so good ♪ 133 00:09:04,831 --> 00:09:09,028 {\an7}♪ Never felt quite so sunny, and I keep on knockin' wood ♪ 134 00:09:09,029 --> 00:09:13,797 {\an7}\h♪ There'll be smooth sailin' 'cause I'm trimmin' my sails ♪ 135 00:09:13,798 --> 00:09:19,523 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h♪ With my top hat and my white tie and my tails ♪ 136 00:09:19,524 --> 00:09:21,632 {\an7}♪ Steppin' out with my baby ♪ 137 00:09:21,633 --> 00:09:24,556 {\an7}\h\h♪ Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right ♪ 138 00:09:24,557 --> 00:09:26,962 {\an7}♪ Ask me when will the day be ♪ 139 00:09:26,963 --> 00:09:29,963 {\an7}♪ The big day may be tonight ♪ 140 00:09:33,732 --> 00:09:36,028 {\an7}♪ If I seem to scintillate ♪ 141 00:09:36,029 --> 00:09:38,698 {\an7}♪ It's because I've got a date ♪ 142 00:09:38,699 --> 00:09:40,731 {\an7}♪ A date with a package of ♪ 143 00:09:40,732 --> 00:09:43,764 {\an7}\h\h♪ The good things that come with love ♪ 144 00:09:43,765 --> 00:09:45,962 {\an7}♪ You don't have to ask me ♪ 145 00:09:45,963 --> 00:09:48,193 {\an7}♪ I won't waste your time ♪ 146 00:09:48,194 --> 00:09:50,764 {\an7}♪ But if you should ask me ♪ 147 00:09:50,765 --> 00:09:53,665 {\an7}♪ Why I feel sublime ♪ 148 00:09:53,666 --> 00:09:55,764 {\an7}♪ Go ♪ 149 00:09:55,765 --> 00:09:58,698 {\an7}- Gray Sargent, everybody! \h\h\h\h\hCome on! Take it! 150 00:09:58,699 --> 00:10:03,797 {\an7}- ♪ 151 00:10:03,798 --> 00:10:05,996 {\an7}- GAGA: Marshall Wood. 152 00:10:08,864 --> 00:10:11,698 {\an7}And Harold Jones. 153 00:10:11,699 --> 00:10:16,962 {\an7}- ♪ There'll be smooth sailin' 'cause I'm trimmin' my sails ♪ 154 00:10:16,963 --> 00:10:22,896 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h♪ With my top hat and my white tie and my tails ♪ 155 00:10:22,897 --> 00:10:24,995 {\an7}♪ Steppin' out with my baby ♪ 156 00:10:24,996 --> 00:10:27,929 {\an7}\h\h♪ Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right ♪ 157 00:10:27,930 --> 00:10:30,556 {\an7}♪ Ask me when will the day be ♪ 158 00:10:30,557 --> 00:10:33,160 {\an7}♪ The big day may be tonight ♪ 159 00:10:33,161 --> 00:10:37,698 {\an7}♪ 160 00:10:37,699 --> 00:10:43,128 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-Tonight! - [audience cheering] 161 00:10:48,765 --> 00:10:49,929 {\an7}- Thank you! 162 00:10:49,930 --> 00:10:55,325 {\an7}- [audience applauding] \h-[audience cheering] 163 00:10:55,326 --> 00:10:59,830 {\an7}\h\h\h-So, I was gonna ask permission to do this song. 164 00:10:59,831 --> 00:11:04,391 {\an7}I think it's important. You wife Susan's sittin' right there. 165 00:11:04,392 --> 00:11:06,061 {\an7}- That's right. \h\h\h\h-Yeah. 166 00:11:06,062 --> 00:11:08,391 {\an7}- TONY: I see her. \h\h-GAGA: Right. 167 00:11:08,392 --> 00:11:09,995 {\an7}\hHey, Susan? - SUSAN: Yes? 168 00:11:09,996 --> 00:11:13,292 {\an7}- GAGA: Can I sing I've Got \h\h\h\h\hYou Under My Skin 169 00:11:13,293 --> 00:11:16,325 {\an7}with your husband? I have permission? 170 00:11:16,326 --> 00:11:18,830 {\an7}\h\h\h\hOkay, good. - [audience laughs] 171 00:11:18,831 --> 00:11:22,061 {\an7}- [audience applauds] 172 00:11:22,062 --> 00:11:26,929 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ I've got you \h\h\h\hunder my skin ♪ 173 00:11:26,930 --> 00:11:28,259 {\an7}- Thank you. 174 00:11:28,260 --> 00:11:34,765 {\an7}\h-TONY: ♪ I've got you deep in the heart of me ♪ 175 00:11:34,963 --> 00:11:38,731 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-GAGA AND TONY: ♪ You're so deep in my heart ♪ 176 00:11:38,732 --> 00:11:42,259 {\an7}♪ You're really a part of me ♪ 177 00:11:42,260 --> 00:11:47,798 {\an7}♪ I've got you under my skin ♪ 178 00:11:49,062 --> 00:11:54,699 {\an7}♪ I'd tried so not to give in ♪ 179 00:11:55,996 --> 00:11:58,226 {\an7}- GAGA: ♪ I've said to myself ♪ 180 00:11:58,227 --> 00:12:02,424 {\an7}♪ This affair never \hwill go so well ♪ 181 00:12:02,425 --> 00:12:05,830 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ But why should \h\h\h\hl try to resist ♪ 182 00:12:05,831 --> 00:12:09,193 {\an7}♪ When darling, I know so well ♪ 183 00:12:09,194 --> 00:12:14,798 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-GAGA AND TONY: ♪ I've got you under my skin ♪ 184 00:12:15,996 --> 00:12:19,457 {\an7}♪ I'd sacrifice anything, \h\h\h\hcome what might ♪ 185 00:12:19,458 --> 00:12:22,127 {\an7}\h\h\h♪ For the sake of having you near ♪ 186 00:12:22,128 --> 00:12:26,731 {\an7}♪ In spite of a warning voice \h\hthat comes in the night ♪ 187 00:12:26,732 --> 00:12:30,028 {\an7}♪ And repeats and repeats \h\h\h\h\h\h\hin my ear ♪ 188 00:12:30,029 --> 00:12:33,193 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ Don't you know, \h\h\h\h\h\hlittle fool ♪ 189 00:12:33,194 --> 00:12:36,929 {\an7}♪ You never can win ♪ 190 00:12:36,930 --> 00:12:40,061 {\an7}♪ Use your mentality ♪ 191 00:12:40,062 --> 00:12:42,424 {\an7}♪ Wake up to reality ♪ 192 00:12:42,425 --> 00:12:45,391 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-TONY AND GAGA: ♪ But each time that I do ♪ 193 00:12:45,392 --> 00:12:50,929 {\an7}\h\h\h♪ Just the thought of you makes me stop before I begin ♪ 194 00:12:50,930 --> 00:12:56,896 {\an7}♪ 'Cause I've got you \h\h\hunder my skin ♪ 195 00:12:56,897 --> 00:13:00,160 {\an7}- GAGA: Okay, let's hear it, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hgentlemen. 196 00:13:00,161 --> 00:13:05,161 {\an7}- ♪ 197 00:13:11,128 --> 00:13:14,797 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ Don't you know, \h\h\h\h\h\hlittle fool ♪ 198 00:13:14,798 --> 00:13:17,797 {\an7}♪ You never can win ♪ 199 00:13:17,798 --> 00:13:21,325 {\an7}- ♪ Use your mentality ♪ 200 00:13:21,326 --> 00:13:24,424 {\an7}♪ Wake up to reality ♪ 201 00:13:24,425 --> 00:13:27,061 {\an7}\h\h\h-TONY AND GAGA: ♪ But each time I do ♪ 202 00:13:27,062 --> 00:13:32,391 {\an7}\h\h\h♪ Just the thought of you makes me stop before I begin ♪ 203 00:13:32,392 --> 00:13:38,128 {\an7}♪ 'Cause I've got you \h\h\hunder my skin ♪ 204 00:13:39,831 --> 00:13:45,194 {\an7}♪ And I need you under my skin ♪ 205 00:13:46,392 --> 00:13:49,556 {\an7}- TONY: ♪ And I love you ♪ - GAGA: ♪ And I love you ♪ 206 00:13:49,557 --> 00:13:56,194 {\an7}\h-TONY AND GAGA: ♪ Under my skin ♪ 207 00:13:57,458 --> 00:14:02,831 {\an7}- [audience applauding] \h-[audience cheering] 208 00:14:06,524 --> 00:14:09,359 {\an7}- TONY: Thank you very much! 209 00:14:12,927 --> 00:14:18,098 - [audience applauding] - [audience cheering] 210 00:14:18,099 --> 00:14:20,868 - I'd like to sing a song for you, Tony. 211 00:14:20,869 --> 00:14:22,736 Cole Porter, Let's Do It. 212 00:14:22,737 --> 00:14:28,410 - ♪ 213 00:14:41,222 --> 00:14:44,625 - ♪ When the little blue bird 214 00:14:44,626 --> 00:14:47,795 ♪ Who has never said a word 215 00:14:47,796 --> 00:14:51,032 ♪ Starts to sing spring, spring ♪ 216 00:14:53,868 --> 00:14:57,137 ♪ When the little bluebell 217 00:14:57,138 --> 00:15:00,207 ♪ In the bottom of the dell 218 00:15:00,208 --> 00:15:05,979 ♪ Starts to ring, ding-ding 219 00:15:05,980 --> 00:15:09,750 ♪ When the little blue clerk 220 00:15:09,751 --> 00:15:12,953 ♪ In the middle of his work 221 00:15:12,954 --> 00:15:18,660 ♪ Starts a tune to the moon up above ♪ 222 00:15:21,663 --> 00:15:25,100 ♪ It is nature, that's all 223 00:15:29,070 --> 00:15:35,043 ♪ Simply telling us to fall in love ♪ 224 00:15:40,281 --> 00:15:45,986 Let's swing it, boys! For Tony B! Come on! 225 00:15:45,987 --> 00:15:51,358 ♪ And that's why birds do it, bees do it ♪ 226 00:15:51,359 --> 00:15:54,995 ♪ Even educated fleas do it 227 00:15:54,996 --> 00:16:00,200 ♪ Let's do it, let's fall in love ♪ 228 00:16:00,201 --> 00:16:05,706 ♪ In Spain, the best upper sets do it ♪ 229 00:16:05,707 --> 00:16:09,209 ♪ Lithuanians and Letts do it 230 00:16:09,210 --> 00:16:14,948 ♪ Let's do it, let's fall in love ♪ 231 00:16:14,949 --> 00:16:19,953 ♪ The Dutch in old Amsterdam do it ♪ 232 00:16:19,954 --> 00:16:23,123 ♪ Not to mention the Finns 233 00:16:23,124 --> 00:16:29,063 ♪ Folks in Siam do it, think of Siamese twins ♪ 234 00:16:29,064 --> 00:16:34,101 ♪ Some Argentines without means do it ♪ 235 00:16:34,102 --> 00:16:38,038 ♪ People say in Boston even beans do it ♪ 236 00:16:38,039 --> 00:16:43,844 ♪ Let's do it, let's fall in love, oh ♪ 237 00:16:43,845 --> 00:16:49,384 - ♪ 238 00:16:58,760 --> 00:17:00,561 - GAGA: Brian Newman! 239 00:17:00,562 --> 00:17:06,468 - ♪ 240 00:17:13,641 --> 00:17:18,445 - ♪ Electric eels, I might add, do it ♪ 241 00:17:18,446 --> 00:17:22,182 ♪ Though it shocks 'em, I know 242 00:17:22,183 --> 00:17:28,155 ♪ Why ask if shad do it, waiter bring me shad roe ♪ 243 00:17:28,156 --> 00:17:33,360 ♪ In shallow shoals, English soles do it ♪ 244 00:17:33,361 --> 00:17:37,531 ♪ Goldfish in the privacy of bowls do it ♪ 245 00:17:37,532 --> 00:17:43,338 - ♪ Let's do it, let's fall in love ♪ 246 00:17:45,407 --> 00:17:51,445 ♪ Let's do it, let's fall in love ♪ 247 00:17:51,446 --> 00:17:56,049 - ♪♪ 248 00:17:56,050 --> 00:18:01,156 - [audience applauding] - [audience cheering] 249 00:18:04,125 --> 00:18:06,693 - Thank you! 250 00:18:06,694 --> 00:18:08,596 - Tony Bennett, everybody! 251 00:18:12,367 --> 00:18:15,135 - TONY: Thank you! Wow! 252 00:18:15,136 --> 00:18:19,641 - [audience applauding] 253 00:18:21,843 --> 00:18:23,677 - TONY: Thank you. 254 00:18:23,678 --> 00:18:27,816 - [audience applauding] 255 00:18:43,698 --> 00:18:48,268 - Wow! What a night! 256 00:18:48,269 --> 00:18:50,370 - What a night. 257 00:18:50,371 --> 00:18:55,976 Tony, would you sing Fly Me to the Moon? 258 00:18:55,977 --> 00:18:57,377 - Okay. 259 00:18:57,378 --> 00:19:01,181 - Nobody in the world sings it like you. 260 00:19:01,182 --> 00:19:03,550 Fly Me to the Moon. 261 00:19:03,551 --> 00:19:08,622 - ♪ Poets often use many words to say a simple thing ♪ 262 00:19:08,623 --> 00:19:11,925 ♪ It takes thought and time and rhyme ♪ 263 00:19:11,926 --> 00:19:16,730 ♪ To make a poem sing 264 00:19:16,731 --> 00:19:22,503 ♪ With music and words we've been playin' ♪ 265 00:19:22,504 --> 00:19:26,441 ♪ For you I have written a song ♪ 266 00:19:28,543 --> 00:19:34,047 ♪ To be sure they you know what one's sayin' ♪ 267 00:19:34,048 --> 00:19:39,754 ♪ I'll translate as we go along ♪ 268 00:19:43,324 --> 00:19:47,862 ♪ Fly me to the moon 269 00:19:52,200 --> 00:19:57,704 ♪ Let me play among the stars 270 00:19:57,705 --> 00:20:00,340 ♪ Let me know what spring is like ♪ 271 00:20:00,341 --> 00:20:04,344 ♪ On Jupiter and Mars 272 00:20:04,345 --> 00:20:06,980 ♪ In other words 273 00:20:06,981 --> 00:20:11,351 ♪ Hold my hand 274 00:20:11,352 --> 00:20:14,188 ♪ In other words 275 00:20:14,189 --> 00:20:16,925 ♪ Darling, kiss me 276 00:20:19,928 --> 00:20:22,931 ♪ Fill my heart with song 277 00:20:26,101 --> 00:20:29,938 ♪ Let me sing for evermore 278 00:20:32,307 --> 00:20:36,845 ♪ You are all I long for, all I worship and adore ♪ 279 00:20:39,013 --> 00:20:41,782 ♪ In other words 280 00:20:41,783 --> 00:20:45,719 ♪ Please be true 281 00:20:45,720 --> 00:20:48,689 ♪ In other words 282 00:20:48,690 --> 00:20:54,561 ♪ I love you 283 00:20:54,562 --> 00:20:58,966 - ♪♪ 284 00:20:58,967 --> 00:21:03,872 - [audience applauding] - [audience cheering] 285 00:21:14,349 --> 00:21:16,316 - TONY: Beautiful! 286 00:21:16,317 --> 00:21:19,219 - [audience applauding] - [audience cheering] 287 00:21:19,220 --> 00:21:25,026 - [instrumental "Love for Sale"] 288 00:21:30,265 --> 00:21:32,332 - Tony Bennett everybody! 289 00:21:32,333 --> 00:21:38,440 - [audience applauding] 290 00:21:43,611 --> 00:21:48,817 - ♪♪