1 00:00:01,286 --> 00:00:02,519 (tense music) 2 00:00:02,588 --> 00:00:04,888 - There's something you're not telling me, some secret. 3 00:00:04,890 --> 00:00:06,389 I'm sorry. 4 00:00:06,458 --> 00:00:08,392 It's been a long damn war. 5 00:00:09,561 --> 00:00:11,327 It's been a long damn war. 6 00:00:11,397 --> 00:00:13,363 (voice echoing) - adam, look! 7 00:00:13,498 --> 00:00:16,566 (speaking ayahjuthum) 8 00:00:17,369 --> 00:00:19,136 - Sorry I missed adam's funeral. 9 00:00:19,271 --> 00:00:22,405 - It was seven years ago. I wouldn't worry about it. 10 00:00:22,474 --> 00:00:27,777 - Mom? Let's go inside, momma. It's cold out here. 11 00:00:29,648 --> 00:00:31,347 (camera shutters clicking) 12 00:00:31,417 --> 00:00:33,817 (broadcaster): Last Thursday, about 200 indian leaders 13 00:00:33,819 --> 00:00:36,419 From across the country went to parliament hill. 14 00:00:36,488 --> 00:00:38,154 They met most of the federal cabinet 15 00:00:38,190 --> 00:00:40,757 In the railway committee room where 12 alberta chiefs 16 00:00:40,826 --> 00:00:42,692 In traditional headdress and white deer skin, 17 00:00:42,694 --> 00:00:44,895 Offered a prayer, chanted a song 18 00:00:45,030 --> 00:00:46,830 Asking for the guidance of the great spirit 19 00:00:46,965 --> 00:00:48,898 For this historic meeting with prime minister trudeau 20 00:00:48,934 --> 00:00:50,333 And his colleagues. 21 00:00:50,469 --> 00:00:52,102 (camera shutters clicking) 22 00:00:52,171 --> 00:00:54,704 There were blank stares on both sides of the room 23 00:00:54,706 --> 00:00:56,473 As this symbolic gesture took place. 24 00:01:00,979 --> 00:01:02,879 But before handing over their red paper, 25 00:01:03,014 --> 00:01:05,215 The alberta chiefs handed back to the government 26 00:01:05,217 --> 00:01:06,883 Its year-old white paper 27 00:01:07,018 --> 00:01:10,320 Which outlined proposed, new federal indian policy. 28 00:01:11,623 --> 00:01:13,356 To drive home their point, two chiefs alternated, 29 00:01:13,358 --> 00:01:15,791 Reading first from the government white paper, 30 00:01:15,828 --> 00:01:18,461 Then their red paper's counterproposals. 31 00:01:18,530 --> 00:01:20,063 (native chief): Their white paper states: 32 00:01:20,198 --> 00:01:23,566 There should be a positive recognition of the unique 33 00:01:23,635 --> 00:01:27,337 Contribution of the indian culture, canadian life. 34 00:01:27,339 --> 00:01:29,138 (tense music) 35 00:01:30,408 --> 00:01:32,876 (native chief 2): These are nice sounding words 36 00:01:32,878 --> 00:01:36,880 Which are intending to mislead everybody. 37 00:01:37,916 --> 00:01:41,551 The only way to maintain our culture 38 00:01:41,686 --> 00:01:44,820 Is for us to remain as indians. 39 00:01:51,429 --> 00:01:54,130 (native drum beating) 40 00:01:56,201 --> 00:01:57,701 (man on tv): As a result of this, we said, 41 00:01:57,836 --> 00:01:59,769 Well let's abolish the indian act 42 00:01:59,771 --> 00:02:04,708 And they become citizens of canada like everyone else. 43 00:02:04,710 --> 00:02:06,443 But we've learned in the process 44 00:02:06,578 --> 00:02:09,646 That perhaps we were a bit too theoretical, 45 00:02:09,648 --> 00:02:12,782 We were a bit too abstract. We were not... 46 00:02:12,784 --> 00:02:17,053 - Okay, james, we're gonna get you up now. Okay? Together. 47 00:02:17,189 --> 00:02:18,588 Be careful. 48 00:02:18,624 --> 00:02:20,590 (man on tv): We're here to discuss this. 49 00:02:20,626 --> 00:02:23,059 You have said yourselves, it would take time. 50 00:02:23,195 --> 00:02:25,127 It will take time. 51 00:02:25,164 --> 00:02:28,999 But in order to reach some kind of agreement, 52 00:02:29,001 --> 00:02:31,601 We have to trust each other a little bit. 53 00:02:31,603 --> 00:02:33,536 Uh... But not completely. 54 00:02:33,605 --> 00:02:35,605 We can be suspicious of each other 55 00:02:35,674 --> 00:02:39,175 Because, you know, there's been some people in the past who... 56 00:02:40,345 --> 00:02:46,749 (stammering) - I... Indian? 57 00:02:47,686 --> 00:02:49,151 Oh. 58 00:02:52,791 --> 00:02:54,557 - Come on. 59 00:02:54,626 --> 00:02:56,693 (man on tv): ...But the left hand might be near a gun. 60 00:02:56,695 --> 00:03:01,231 So, the chinamen makes sure that when they offer peace, 61 00:03:01,300 --> 00:03:02,899 They hold both their hands. 62 00:03:03,034 --> 00:03:05,101 And this way, they can't reach for a gun. 63 00:03:06,605 --> 00:03:11,374 (native chief): There is no way that we are going to give up. 64 00:03:13,045 --> 00:03:15,111 Especially when we are threatened 65 00:03:15,180 --> 00:03:18,114 With cultural genocide. 66 00:03:18,116 --> 00:03:20,717 (broadcaster): Yesterday, indian affairs minister, jean chrétien, 67 00:03:20,786 --> 00:03:22,786 Refused to commit government funds 68 00:03:22,788 --> 00:03:25,455 And support to a national indian committee 69 00:03:25,590 --> 00:03:27,523 That would look at the state of the indian rights 70 00:03:27,525 --> 00:03:28,891 And treaties. 71 00:03:30,095 --> 00:03:33,129 - Can you turn the damned politics off? 72 00:03:33,265 --> 00:03:35,265 It's giving me a headache. 73 00:03:36,534 --> 00:03:37,801 Sorry, father. 74 00:03:37,803 --> 00:03:39,936 (chuckling) still got that potty mouth. 75 00:03:41,573 --> 00:03:43,072 Aline can do it. 76 00:03:44,710 --> 00:03:47,077 (native chief 2): As far as I'm concerned, 77 00:03:47,079 --> 00:03:50,012 The minister's statement was foolish. 78 00:03:52,884 --> 00:03:54,818 - Sit for a minute, dear. 79 00:04:02,427 --> 00:04:05,027 Whoever heard of a red paper? 80 00:04:06,898 --> 00:04:09,165 Indians, that's who! 81 00:04:10,435 --> 00:04:13,536 Indians think they can get everything for nothing. 82 00:04:14,606 --> 00:04:17,507 When all we ever do is bend over backwards 83 00:04:17,576 --> 00:04:19,109 Trying to give you people 84 00:04:19,244 --> 00:04:22,178 Everything that we have worked for. 85 00:04:22,180 --> 00:04:24,314 - Trudeau was just in new zealand 86 00:04:24,449 --> 00:04:26,716 Dancing with the maori. Did you see that? 87 00:04:27,585 --> 00:04:29,786 He's quite the character. 88 00:04:29,855 --> 00:04:31,988 I think he might have come to a new understanding 89 00:04:32,057 --> 00:04:34,057 Of what aboriginal means, 90 00:04:34,059 --> 00:04:37,127 And I think chrétien just adopted an inuit boy. 91 00:04:37,262 --> 00:04:40,330 Maybe this will somehow help to bridge-- 92 00:04:40,399 --> 00:04:43,566 - What're your children up to, aline? 93 00:04:44,936 --> 00:04:48,604 You have a son and a daughter, I understand. 94 00:04:50,575 --> 00:04:53,810 Did you ever have any dreams for yourself 95 00:04:53,812 --> 00:04:56,746 Other than wiping my father's old ass? 96 00:04:58,283 --> 00:05:00,183 (chuckling) sorry, father. 97 00:05:00,318 --> 00:05:02,552 I'm always saying that I'm sorry. 98 00:05:04,823 --> 00:05:06,922 You can speak freely here. 99 00:05:07,926 --> 00:05:09,158 - Hmm. 100 00:05:11,763 --> 00:05:13,096 - My daughter, taylor, 101 00:05:13,165 --> 00:05:17,900 Graduates this week as a lawyer from queens. 102 00:05:17,936 --> 00:05:20,102 And my son, jake, 103 00:05:20,138 --> 00:05:24,106 Just got accepted into the royal college of art 104 00:05:24,142 --> 00:05:25,474 In london. 105 00:05:27,245 --> 00:05:28,912 Myself... 106 00:05:28,914 --> 00:05:31,848 I wanted to be a concert pianist, 107 00:05:31,983 --> 00:05:33,850 But... 108 00:05:33,919 --> 00:05:37,653 Life makes decisions for us, doesn't it? 109 00:05:40,992 --> 00:05:43,492 I work as a housekeeper during the day. 110 00:05:46,464 --> 00:05:48,398 And then I come here 111 00:05:48,533 --> 00:05:53,335 And I wipe your father's old ass at night 112 00:05:54,339 --> 00:05:56,739 Because us "indian people" 113 00:05:56,808 --> 00:06:01,344 We've been trying to clean your shit up for decades. 114 00:06:03,081 --> 00:06:04,881 (tense music) 115 00:06:07,485 --> 00:06:08,751 Hmm. 116 00:06:28,306 --> 00:06:29,305 (exhaling sharply) 117 00:06:31,143 --> 00:06:33,108 (upbeat music) 118 00:06:39,618 --> 00:06:42,185 - Jake, honey. Will you grab the champagne? 119 00:06:42,187 --> 00:06:43,386 - Yeah. 120 00:06:45,690 --> 00:06:47,390 - Aw, mom! 121 00:06:47,392 --> 00:06:51,193 It's so beautiful. I feel bad we have to cut it. 122 00:06:51,229 --> 00:06:53,329 - I don't, I want to eat it all. 123 00:06:53,331 --> 00:06:55,331 (laughing) - when we were younger, 124 00:06:55,333 --> 00:06:57,400 We were only allowed to have one piece each. 125 00:06:57,535 --> 00:06:59,135 But I think you'll have the whole thing to yourself. 126 00:06:59,137 --> 00:07:01,271 - Uncle jake. - They're just jealous. 127 00:07:02,140 --> 00:07:04,073 (chuckling) 128 00:07:04,075 --> 00:07:05,241 - Thanks. 129 00:07:10,415 --> 00:07:11,848 - To my daughter. 130 00:07:13,018 --> 00:07:14,283 The lawyer. 131 00:07:15,754 --> 00:07:17,753 Your dad would be so proud of you. 132 00:07:18,589 --> 00:07:19,823 I'm proud of you. 133 00:07:21,760 --> 00:07:22,992 You did it. 134 00:07:23,929 --> 00:07:26,262 - I did it because of you, mom. 135 00:07:28,299 --> 00:07:30,332 - Better cheers before someone starts crying. 136 00:07:31,035 --> 00:07:32,535 (phone ringing) 137 00:07:33,472 --> 00:07:34,838 - Oh, percy, you can just leave it. 138 00:07:34,973 --> 00:07:36,906 - It's my turn. 139 00:07:36,942 --> 00:07:38,107 (phone ringing) 140 00:07:38,243 --> 00:07:40,042 - She can run off the sugar. 141 00:07:40,912 --> 00:07:43,045 (sighing) 142 00:07:47,719 --> 00:07:48,985 - Mm. 143 00:07:50,188 --> 00:07:51,854 - It's for you, mom. 144 00:07:52,858 --> 00:07:54,256 - Course it is. 145 00:08:10,074 --> 00:08:11,440 Jake, can you help me with something? 146 00:08:17,415 --> 00:08:18,581 - What is it? 147 00:08:18,716 --> 00:08:20,683 - The case is going to the next stage. 148 00:08:23,922 --> 00:08:25,087 - What's going on? 149 00:08:25,123 --> 00:08:26,256 - It can wait. 150 00:08:27,459 --> 00:08:29,291 - Now I really want to know. 151 00:08:30,161 --> 00:08:31,227 - Mom. 152 00:08:32,297 --> 00:08:33,495 - What? 153 00:08:34,165 --> 00:08:35,431 Someone die? 154 00:08:37,435 --> 00:08:38,568 - Sit down. 155 00:08:46,111 --> 00:08:47,977 - There's been a case 156 00:08:48,013 --> 00:08:50,613 Brought against father kenner from the church. 157 00:08:53,351 --> 00:08:55,518 - I don't understand. 158 00:08:55,653 --> 00:08:57,419 - There was a group of us boys... 159 00:08:58,890 --> 00:09:00,122 Six of us. 160 00:09:01,426 --> 00:09:02,725 He took... 161 00:09:02,761 --> 00:09:05,261 He took pictures of us when we were young... 162 00:09:05,396 --> 00:09:07,129 Until we told him to fuck off. 163 00:09:08,533 --> 00:09:09,799 It's okay, mum. 164 00:09:10,669 --> 00:09:12,068 - You didn't tell me. 165 00:09:13,438 --> 00:09:15,170 I don't understand. 166 00:09:20,211 --> 00:09:22,078 What kind of pictures? - Mom. 167 00:09:23,381 --> 00:09:25,615 - Why don't I know about this? - I didn't know how far-- 168 00:09:25,684 --> 00:09:30,353 - Because jake was of legal age when the charges were initiated. 169 00:09:30,355 --> 00:09:32,689 And jake, and some of the other boys 170 00:09:32,691 --> 00:09:34,424 Have filed a civil court case. 171 00:09:34,559 --> 00:09:36,759 The charge will likely settle out of court. 172 00:09:36,894 --> 00:09:40,696 But they might say that jake being gay somehow... 173 00:09:41,566 --> 00:09:43,432 Wanted it. 174 00:09:43,468 --> 00:09:44,967 Deserved it. 175 00:09:45,036 --> 00:09:46,369 - How? 176 00:09:46,371 --> 00:09:48,904 - I don't know, it's just a tactic. 177 00:09:50,241 --> 00:09:51,774 (solemn music) 178 00:09:51,909 --> 00:09:53,242 (inhaling slowly) 179 00:09:53,378 --> 00:09:55,378 - Where is father kenner now? 180 00:09:56,648 --> 00:09:58,514 - We don't know. 181 00:09:58,583 --> 00:10:01,784 - Father walter said that he was transferred 182 00:10:01,853 --> 00:10:03,586 To another parish, nothing... 183 00:10:03,655 --> 00:10:04,887 - Mom? 184 00:10:07,325 --> 00:10:10,192 - Go, I got this. - Okay. 185 00:10:18,069 --> 00:10:19,202 - Mom? 186 00:10:22,641 --> 00:10:23,539 Mom? 187 00:10:24,809 --> 00:10:26,275 (sniffling) 188 00:10:28,213 --> 00:10:29,712 - I'm so sorry. 189 00:10:31,650 --> 00:10:33,115 I had no idea. 190 00:10:33,985 --> 00:10:35,318 - It's okay, mom. You didn't know. 191 00:10:35,320 --> 00:10:37,619 - I know, but your father was right. 192 00:10:37,656 --> 00:10:40,223 I... I just... 193 00:10:41,292 --> 00:10:43,359 I thought things had changed. 194 00:10:43,494 --> 00:10:44,894 - Mom, I love you. 195 00:10:46,831 --> 00:10:48,764 Everything's gonna be okay. 196 00:10:51,169 --> 00:10:52,702 - I love you. 197 00:10:55,506 --> 00:10:57,039 My beautiful boy. 198 00:11:00,111 --> 00:11:01,276 I'm so... 199 00:11:03,148 --> 00:11:04,714 I'm so sorry. 200 00:11:07,986 --> 00:11:09,818 I should have protected you. 201 00:11:11,656 --> 00:11:17,393 ♪ amazing grace ♪ 202 00:11:17,462 --> 00:11:22,297 ♪ how sweet the sound ♪ 203 00:11:23,334 --> 00:11:28,804 ♪ that saved a wretch ♪ 204 00:11:28,840 --> 00:11:32,875 ♪ like me ♪ 205 00:11:34,879 --> 00:11:40,616 ♪ I once was lost ♪ 206 00:11:40,685 --> 00:11:46,155 ♪ but now I'm found ♪ 207 00:11:46,191 --> 00:11:49,358 ♪ was blind ♪ 208 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:54,830 ♪ but now I see ♪ 209 00:11:58,036 --> 00:12:03,706 ♪ 'twas grace that taught ♪ 210 00:12:03,841 --> 00:12:09,545 ♪ my heart to fear ♪ 211 00:12:09,547 --> 00:12:12,515 ♪ and grace ♪ 212 00:12:12,517 --> 00:12:18,787 ♪ my fears relieved ♪ 213 00:12:18,823 --> 00:12:21,423 (applauding) 214 00:12:25,663 --> 00:12:28,397 (indistinct chatter) 215 00:12:28,399 --> 00:12:30,132 - Aline. 216 00:12:30,201 --> 00:12:32,801 We'll see you at the lady's group on Thursday. 217 00:12:32,837 --> 00:12:34,937 Oh, father kenner is starting 218 00:12:34,939 --> 00:12:36,739 A boys' club on Wednesday nights. 219 00:12:36,874 --> 00:12:39,675 It's great to have his positive energy with us 220 00:12:39,677 --> 00:12:42,845 Here at the church. So, what do you think, jake? 221 00:12:42,980 --> 00:12:45,214 Soccer? Games night? 222 00:12:45,250 --> 00:12:46,348 - Sure. 223 00:12:46,384 --> 00:12:49,084 I've been working really long hours 224 00:12:49,120 --> 00:12:51,487 So, nice to keep him busy. 225 00:12:52,524 --> 00:12:53,756 Thanks again, father. 226 00:12:53,758 --> 00:12:55,524 - Oh, god bless. 227 00:12:57,061 --> 00:12:58,694 It's nice to see you, taylor. 228 00:13:02,567 --> 00:13:05,168 - Sneaky, sneaky little boys. 229 00:13:05,303 --> 00:13:07,036 (giggling) 230 00:13:07,105 --> 00:13:10,840 Where could they be? 231 00:13:11,709 --> 00:13:15,077 Where could they be? Got you! 232 00:13:15,113 --> 00:13:17,479 Stay there if you know what's good for you. 233 00:13:18,116 --> 00:13:19,582 Now... 234 00:13:20,852 --> 00:13:22,551 Where could... 235 00:13:23,288 --> 00:13:25,788 Got you! Stand over there! 236 00:13:25,923 --> 00:13:27,256 I hear you! 237 00:13:27,292 --> 00:13:29,492 Run while you can, I'll catch you! 238 00:13:29,627 --> 00:13:31,393 (footsteps receding) 239 00:13:33,998 --> 00:13:36,965 - Now, where were we? 240 00:13:41,072 --> 00:13:43,005 Turn around and face the wall. 241 00:13:43,808 --> 00:13:45,274 Put your hands up. 242 00:13:47,812 --> 00:13:50,913 Higher. Good. Good. 243 00:13:52,450 --> 00:13:53,916 Spread your legs. 244 00:13:55,953 --> 00:13:58,153 Now we have to make sure 245 00:13:58,155 --> 00:14:00,890 That you're not hiding anything. Hmm? 246 00:14:01,025 --> 00:14:02,625 - Father kenner? 247 00:14:03,494 --> 00:14:05,261 - Yes. (breathing heavily) 248 00:14:05,330 --> 00:14:07,229 I caught you red-handed. 249 00:14:07,298 --> 00:14:09,698 And now you'll suffer the consequences. 250 00:14:15,073 --> 00:14:17,240 Or so help me god... 251 00:14:20,111 --> 00:14:21,911 (ominous music) 252 00:14:22,046 --> 00:14:24,113 I want you to turn around slowly. 253 00:14:24,916 --> 00:14:26,448 Keep your hands up. 254 00:14:28,253 --> 00:14:29,518 Slowly... 255 00:14:31,189 --> 00:14:33,255 Take down your hands. 256 00:14:33,258 --> 00:14:34,790 Good. 257 00:14:34,859 --> 00:14:36,091 Good. 258 00:14:37,495 --> 00:14:38,827 Good boys. 259 00:14:52,944 --> 00:14:54,609 Now I want you to... 260 00:14:54,646 --> 00:14:56,745 Take off your shoes... 261 00:14:56,814 --> 00:14:59,015 Step out of your pants... 262 00:14:59,150 --> 00:15:00,683 And remove your shirts. 263 00:15:02,487 --> 00:15:04,353 (ominous music) 264 00:15:12,997 --> 00:15:15,164 (belt buckle clattering) 265 00:15:23,574 --> 00:15:25,073 (unzipping) 266 00:15:37,121 --> 00:15:39,355 (camera shutter clicking) 267 00:15:39,424 --> 00:15:40,923 That's a good boy. 268 00:15:42,626 --> 00:15:44,460 That's a good boy. 269 00:15:48,433 --> 00:15:50,399 - Get the fuck back! Get the fuck outta here! 270 00:15:55,573 --> 00:15:58,840 - You've been very bad boys. 271 00:16:00,578 --> 00:16:02,878 But you liked it, didn't you? 272 00:16:04,548 --> 00:16:06,448 - You don't have to answer, I know. 273 00:16:07,284 --> 00:16:09,284 I see you, sweet jake. 274 00:16:10,421 --> 00:16:11,887 I see everything. 275 00:16:12,890 --> 00:16:15,758 Oh, no. No, no, no. Oh, no, no. 276 00:16:15,760 --> 00:16:18,894 No need to cry. Sweet, perfect boy. 277 00:16:20,231 --> 00:16:21,998 What do you think would happen if your parents found out 278 00:16:22,133 --> 00:16:23,532 What you did, charlie? 279 00:16:25,470 --> 00:16:27,503 What do you think would happen if... 280 00:16:27,572 --> 00:16:30,205 Your mother found out what you did? 281 00:16:32,443 --> 00:16:34,710 It would kill her, wouldn't it? 282 00:16:36,214 --> 00:16:37,746 It would kill her. 283 00:16:40,318 --> 00:16:42,317 (solemn music) 284 00:16:47,725 --> 00:16:49,891 (percy speaking indistinctly) 285 00:17:03,074 --> 00:17:04,873 - You okay, kokum? 286 00:17:04,909 --> 00:17:06,741 - I'm fine. 287 00:17:06,778 --> 00:17:09,345 - What was my grandfather like? 288 00:17:09,480 --> 00:17:11,414 - Like you. 289 00:17:11,549 --> 00:17:12,848 Fierce. 290 00:17:14,318 --> 00:17:15,951 And... 291 00:17:15,953 --> 00:17:17,319 Smart. 292 00:17:18,456 --> 00:17:20,222 - It's going to be all right. 293 00:17:22,126 --> 00:17:23,992 (tender music) 294 00:17:25,629 --> 00:17:28,364 - I don't want anything bad to happen to you. 295 00:17:31,368 --> 00:17:33,535 You don't let anyone hurt you. 296 00:17:36,374 --> 00:17:38,206 - Promise. Can you write it for me? 297 00:17:39,844 --> 00:17:42,178 In cree. Mom said you know how. 298 00:17:42,180 --> 00:17:44,312 That it's buried inside of you. 299 00:17:45,283 --> 00:17:46,948 - She said that, did she? 300 00:18:01,566 --> 00:18:03,698 - Play something for me, will you? 301 00:18:07,304 --> 00:18:09,471 You're going to be an amazing piano player. 302 00:18:09,540 --> 00:18:11,540 Just like your kokum. 303 00:18:17,748 --> 00:18:19,681 (eerie music) 304 00:18:21,218 --> 00:18:22,551 Adam? 305 00:18:25,456 --> 00:18:27,890 Adam? Are you getting dressed? 306 00:18:30,228 --> 00:18:31,760 - I am dressed. 307 00:18:45,176 --> 00:18:50,245 Every Sunday, you get dressed. Children get dressed. 308 00:18:50,982 --> 00:18:52,514 All so pretty. 309 00:18:53,985 --> 00:18:56,818 And every Sunday, you ask me the same question, 310 00:18:57,788 --> 00:18:59,554 "are you getting dressed?" 311 00:19:02,660 --> 00:19:04,259 Don't ask me again. 312 00:19:06,063 --> 00:19:07,863 (dishes clattering) 313 00:19:16,741 --> 00:19:19,875 What are you gonna do when they touch your precious babies? 314 00:19:29,420 --> 00:19:31,486 I asked you a question. 315 00:19:31,522 --> 00:19:32,988 Dear jesus... 316 00:19:34,058 --> 00:19:38,561 Dear, dear, jesus. Please help me forgive... 317 00:19:38,696 --> 00:19:42,031 Let them fuck me and my children 318 00:19:42,033 --> 00:19:44,432 But help me forgive-- - enough! 319 00:19:44,468 --> 00:19:46,468 - When is enough, enough? 320 00:19:46,470 --> 00:19:48,503 It is enough, isn't it? 321 00:19:53,844 --> 00:19:56,211 - Why don't you go have another drink? 322 00:20:04,956 --> 00:20:06,154 - You okay? 323 00:20:08,125 --> 00:20:09,858 Did I make you cut yourself? - Just-- 324 00:20:11,329 --> 00:20:13,529 - I'm the mad one. 325 00:20:13,664 --> 00:20:15,464 Okay? It's me who's mad. 326 00:20:17,067 --> 00:20:18,867 I can fight their goddamn wars, 327 00:20:18,869 --> 00:20:21,169 But I can't get a job like a man should. 328 00:20:22,240 --> 00:20:24,005 You want to know what an indian man's worth? 329 00:20:25,676 --> 00:20:28,277 Aline, I'm talking to you. You wanna know what I'm worth? 330 00:20:34,218 --> 00:20:35,618 My eye and my leg... 331 00:20:36,821 --> 00:20:38,621 Are worth three $300. 332 00:20:40,091 --> 00:20:43,358 The government wants to pay me 300 for my eye and my leg. 333 00:20:44,895 --> 00:20:47,496 They took away my indian status because I joined the war, 334 00:20:47,631 --> 00:20:50,633 But I can't be a citizen of canada because I'm an indian, 335 00:20:50,768 --> 00:20:53,401 So I don't get any veteran pensions. 336 00:20:54,571 --> 00:20:56,905 Three hundred f--... 337 00:20:56,941 --> 00:20:58,606 (scoffing) 338 00:21:00,845 --> 00:21:02,511 Thing is that's what happens 339 00:21:02,646 --> 00:21:04,913 When you think the war is over. 340 00:21:11,289 --> 00:21:13,388 (solemn music) 341 00:21:23,301 --> 00:21:26,735 Don't go. Don't go now, stay with me. 342 00:21:26,804 --> 00:21:28,403 - We'll go to mass and then... 343 00:21:30,374 --> 00:21:32,407 We'll pick up a few things from the store. 344 00:21:33,477 --> 00:21:35,010 Be home by noon. 345 00:21:35,145 --> 00:21:37,012 (footsteps receding) 346 00:21:37,081 --> 00:21:38,147 (door slamming) 347 00:21:38,282 --> 00:21:39,348 - Fuck me. 348 00:21:39,483 --> 00:21:41,616 (paper rustling) 349 00:21:44,154 --> 00:21:45,387 Fuck them. 350 00:21:51,962 --> 00:21:54,429 (tense music) 351 00:22:01,638 --> 00:22:03,405 (crows cawing) 352 00:22:17,654 --> 00:22:19,287 (soft music) 353 00:22:33,437 --> 00:22:34,670 (sniffing) 354 00:22:38,609 --> 00:22:41,143 (speaking ayahjuthum) 355 00:23:07,872 --> 00:23:09,871 (ominous music) 356 00:23:12,042 --> 00:23:13,508 I don't want you here. 357 00:23:15,312 --> 00:23:17,245 You shouldn't be here, please. 358 00:23:17,281 --> 00:23:19,014 Please go away. 359 00:23:20,518 --> 00:23:22,484 (whispering): You're gonna see things you'll never forget. 360 00:23:22,620 --> 00:23:24,653 You gotta keep it inside you. 361 00:23:24,655 --> 00:23:26,388 (distorted indistinct chatter) 362 00:23:26,523 --> 00:23:28,857 - Come along, we'll take you to the school. 363 00:23:31,328 --> 00:23:33,495 (crows cawing) 364 00:23:43,407 --> 00:23:45,006 (crows cawing) 365 00:23:45,075 --> 00:23:46,808 (clock ticking) 366 00:23:56,954 --> 00:23:59,621 (solemn music) 367 00:24:01,758 --> 00:24:04,092 (taylor): I don't even know how you can believe in this, 368 00:24:04,094 --> 00:24:06,094 After everything. 369 00:24:06,230 --> 00:24:08,196 (bells clanging) 370 00:24:08,199 --> 00:24:10,132 (indistinct chatter) 371 00:24:14,205 --> 00:24:16,138 (taylor): I guess what dad said was true... 372 00:24:16,273 --> 00:24:17,305 (aline): Taylor! 373 00:24:17,341 --> 00:24:19,341 - Church is good for weak people. 374 00:24:19,410 --> 00:24:21,176 (crows cawing) 375 00:24:21,245 --> 00:24:23,145 (suspenseful music) 376 00:24:23,280 --> 00:24:25,547 (clock ticking) 377 00:24:37,728 --> 00:24:38,994 (door closing) 378 00:24:41,732 --> 00:24:43,398 (priest): What are your sins, child? 379 00:24:45,703 --> 00:24:48,003 - I'm sorry I didn't protect my son. 380 00:24:48,138 --> 00:24:50,539 - Aline? - Did you know father kenner 381 00:24:50,541 --> 00:24:54,209 Was sexually abusing... 382 00:24:54,211 --> 00:24:56,477 Children in your parish? 383 00:24:57,715 --> 00:24:59,481 - This is not the place. 384 00:24:59,616 --> 00:25:04,085 - You've heard my confessions for years now, father. 385 00:25:04,121 --> 00:25:06,054 It's time for me to hear yours. 386 00:25:06,891 --> 00:25:09,157 I trusted you with my children. 387 00:25:10,761 --> 00:25:12,093 I trusted you. 388 00:25:12,963 --> 00:25:14,563 We trusted you. 389 00:25:14,632 --> 00:25:16,097 (door opens) 390 00:25:17,935 --> 00:25:19,534 - Aline. 391 00:25:19,570 --> 00:25:20,935 Aline! 392 00:25:23,007 --> 00:25:24,973 Aline! 393 00:25:25,009 --> 00:25:26,140 - Shame... 394 00:25:27,277 --> 00:25:28,643 On you. 395 00:25:31,715 --> 00:25:34,015 - Aline, I didn't-- - shame! 396 00:25:38,121 --> 00:25:39,588 You knew. 397 00:25:39,723 --> 00:25:41,723 (stammering) - aline, I didn't know. 398 00:25:41,792 --> 00:25:42,991 - You knew! 399 00:25:43,126 --> 00:25:46,861 I can see it on your face. You knew. 400 00:25:47,798 --> 00:25:51,332 - I am the one who turned him in. 401 00:25:51,368 --> 00:25:54,603 - After how long? To who? 402 00:25:56,173 --> 00:25:59,674 - I was the one that stopped-- - after two years, father?! 403 00:25:59,710 --> 00:26:02,043 Three?! Four?! 404 00:26:03,213 --> 00:26:05,948 How many children do you think 405 00:26:06,083 --> 00:26:09,017 He got his filthy hands on in that time? 406 00:26:09,019 --> 00:26:11,753 - Aline, we need to come together... 407 00:26:11,822 --> 00:26:13,688 To pray together. 408 00:26:17,694 --> 00:26:19,628 - Where is father kenner now? 409 00:26:21,365 --> 00:26:24,699 Tell me where he is. 410 00:26:24,735 --> 00:26:27,135 What community is he in now? 411 00:26:28,738 --> 00:26:31,173 - It's out of my hands, aline. 412 00:26:32,509 --> 00:26:35,076 - Whose hands is it in, father? 413 00:26:36,246 --> 00:26:37,646 (breath quavering) 414 00:26:37,781 --> 00:26:39,147 - In god's hands. 415 00:26:40,217 --> 00:26:43,318 It's not for us to judge. 416 00:26:43,453 --> 00:26:44,853 (scoffing) 417 00:26:44,988 --> 00:26:46,754 - I used to think that I could... 418 00:26:47,758 --> 00:26:50,058 Separate what has been done, 419 00:26:50,094 --> 00:26:54,062 What religion is capable of from the god that I loved. 420 00:26:54,131 --> 00:26:57,265 That I could keep what I found 421 00:26:57,401 --> 00:27:00,335 Beautiful inside me. 422 00:27:00,404 --> 00:27:01,769 (solemn music) 423 00:27:03,407 --> 00:27:05,474 I think we can agree on one thing. 424 00:27:05,609 --> 00:27:08,477 This isn't god, is it? 425 00:27:08,612 --> 00:27:10,579 - Aline! - Pedophiles. 426 00:27:24,628 --> 00:27:26,761 - Father kenner. 427 00:27:26,797 --> 00:27:29,630 Do you fully grasp why you're here? 428 00:27:32,636 --> 00:27:35,303 - I've had some time to... 429 00:27:35,305 --> 00:27:36,571 Think about it. 430 00:27:36,707 --> 00:27:38,005 Pray on it. 431 00:27:38,842 --> 00:27:40,641 God knows, I've prayed on it. 432 00:27:43,013 --> 00:27:45,313 - Robert... - You have to understand... 433 00:27:45,349 --> 00:27:47,249 I am deeply ashamed. 434 00:27:48,619 --> 00:27:51,453 It's not easy for me to sit here and talk about this. 435 00:27:54,591 --> 00:27:55,924 I'm confused. 436 00:27:57,194 --> 00:27:59,528 I'm confused about my actions and yet... 437 00:28:01,665 --> 00:28:03,364 I feel like they are natural. 438 00:28:05,436 --> 00:28:07,401 I'm ashamed to even say it. 439 00:28:07,438 --> 00:28:09,938 - This is a very difficult time in your life. 440 00:28:09,940 --> 00:28:12,107 I realize how upset you are. 441 00:28:12,242 --> 00:28:15,777 And I too share your grief. 442 00:28:17,648 --> 00:28:19,614 - Is it wrong to love a child? 443 00:28:21,785 --> 00:28:23,618 We're taught to believe that the age of reason 444 00:28:23,687 --> 00:28:25,220 Is seven years old. 445 00:28:25,289 --> 00:28:26,555 Don't you think that extends-- 446 00:28:26,690 --> 00:28:29,424 - I think you know the answer to that. 447 00:28:30,794 --> 00:28:32,460 (exhaling deeply) 448 00:28:34,631 --> 00:28:39,300 Do you somehow think 449 00:28:39,369 --> 00:28:45,106 That by touching them in this inappropriate way, 450 00:28:45,142 --> 00:28:49,511 You're expressing a need to save them? 451 00:28:49,513 --> 00:28:51,980 To care for them? That you've confused 452 00:28:51,982 --> 00:28:55,584 These two very different actions? 453 00:28:55,719 --> 00:28:58,052 - Yes. (inhales sharply) 454 00:28:58,088 --> 00:29:00,122 Yes. I'm confused. 455 00:29:00,257 --> 00:29:02,190 I don't know what I'm doing. I just... 456 00:29:03,293 --> 00:29:05,593 I know what it feels like when it comes on. 457 00:29:06,830 --> 00:29:09,263 (eerie music) 458 00:29:13,003 --> 00:29:14,368 - Let it out. 459 00:29:16,073 --> 00:29:18,673 - I'm sorry, it's all been so stressful. 460 00:29:19,943 --> 00:29:22,077 - We're here for you. 461 00:29:22,212 --> 00:29:24,012 We've been praying for you. 462 00:29:24,147 --> 00:29:26,948 - Can't tell you how much that means to me. 463 00:29:26,950 --> 00:29:30,886 For you support and for the support of the church. 464 00:29:30,888 --> 00:29:32,153 - Robert. 465 00:29:33,456 --> 00:29:34,722 Can we? 466 00:29:37,828 --> 00:29:39,427 (sniffling) 467 00:29:43,634 --> 00:29:45,767 Oh, lord, jesus christ. 468 00:29:45,769 --> 00:29:48,236 Redeemer and saviour, forgive our sins 469 00:29:48,305 --> 00:29:50,104 Just as you forgave peter's denial 470 00:29:50,140 --> 00:29:52,773 And those who crucified you. 471 00:29:52,810 --> 00:29:55,110 Count not our transgressions 472 00:29:55,112 --> 00:29:58,980 But rather our tears of repentance. 473 00:29:59,115 --> 00:30:00,882 Remember not our inequities 474 00:30:00,951 --> 00:30:02,984 But more especially our sorrow 475 00:30:03,053 --> 00:30:05,921 For those offences we have committed against you. 476 00:30:08,425 --> 00:30:09,658 (voice shaking) - amen. 477 00:30:09,660 --> 00:30:10,658 (sniffling) 478 00:30:14,298 --> 00:30:15,797 (birds chirping) 479 00:30:17,301 --> 00:30:20,869 - I truly believe he wants to put all this behind him. 480 00:30:20,938 --> 00:30:22,003 - Mm-hmm. 481 00:30:22,138 --> 00:30:24,072 - I think he's learned his lesson. 482 00:30:24,207 --> 00:30:28,743 We'll relocated him to a small parish in new brunswick. 483 00:30:28,812 --> 00:30:30,412 Where no one knows him. 484 00:30:30,414 --> 00:30:32,547 - No one from the families has come forward. 485 00:30:32,682 --> 00:30:34,949 - No? Thank goodness. 486 00:30:36,086 --> 00:30:38,887 The investigation was really initiated 487 00:30:38,956 --> 00:30:41,890 By a senior priest at the parish. 488 00:30:41,959 --> 00:30:43,758 Father walters. 489 00:30:43,827 --> 00:30:46,628 He had some suspicions. 490 00:30:46,697 --> 00:30:48,496 But really, he wanted to get father kenner 491 00:30:48,532 --> 00:30:51,432 The help he needed before things got... 492 00:30:51,501 --> 00:30:52,967 Out of hand. 493 00:30:56,106 --> 00:30:57,405 (sighing) 494 00:30:58,775 --> 00:31:02,310 - Should I keep his file here or-- 495 00:31:02,346 --> 00:31:04,245 - We're starting our own system at the vatican 496 00:31:04,314 --> 00:31:05,980 For exactly that purpose. 497 00:31:09,853 --> 00:31:12,186 - Thank you, your excellency miller, 498 00:31:12,256 --> 00:31:14,856 For all that you do. God bless you. 499 00:31:14,991 --> 00:31:16,057 - Likewise, doctor. 500 00:31:17,060 --> 00:31:19,794 We are doing good work here. 501 00:31:19,796 --> 00:31:21,763 It's of the highest order 502 00:31:21,898 --> 00:31:24,966 To uphold our good name and character. 503 00:31:25,702 --> 00:31:27,268 Good day to you, sir. 504 00:31:27,304 --> 00:31:29,471 (ominous music) 505 00:31:38,148 --> 00:31:40,581 (upbeat music) 506 00:31:40,617 --> 00:31:42,951 (indistinct chattering) 507 00:31:48,492 --> 00:31:49,824 - Hey. 508 00:31:53,664 --> 00:31:56,630 You all right? You look weird. 509 00:32:06,643 --> 00:32:07,808 It's done. 510 00:32:14,084 --> 00:32:16,517 I did everything I could. 511 00:32:16,553 --> 00:32:17,919 - I know. 512 00:32:18,922 --> 00:32:21,189 I know that the money seems weird. 513 00:32:22,659 --> 00:32:25,193 But it confirms that I'm one expensive lay. 514 00:32:25,262 --> 00:32:26,127 (chuckling) 515 00:32:27,898 --> 00:32:30,932 Hush money feels dirty in a not so good way. 516 00:32:31,001 --> 00:32:34,835 - All these cases settled out of court. 517 00:32:36,006 --> 00:32:39,674 The church is bartering secrecy for compensation. 518 00:32:40,710 --> 00:32:42,610 And father kenner? 519 00:32:43,680 --> 00:32:45,981 - They moved him before he was-- - I get it. 520 00:32:49,453 --> 00:32:51,553 Not even an apology. 521 00:32:51,555 --> 00:32:53,087 - You knew that. 522 00:32:55,559 --> 00:32:56,724 - Yup. 523 00:32:57,961 --> 00:33:01,862 But I was holding out for some sort of acknowledgement. 524 00:33:02,699 --> 00:33:04,099 Maybe a-- 525 00:33:04,101 --> 00:33:06,467 - I know. - Do you? 526 00:33:13,477 --> 00:33:15,910 - Okay. Come on. 527 00:33:16,980 --> 00:33:18,513 Let's get out of here. I'll take you home. 528 00:33:19,449 --> 00:33:21,715 - Let's celebrate. - Celebrate? 529 00:33:21,752 --> 00:33:22,950 - Yeah. 530 00:33:24,454 --> 00:33:26,721 This is a victory. 531 00:33:26,856 --> 00:33:28,723 Finally, a victory. 532 00:33:30,260 --> 00:33:32,727 At least someone in our family should have a happy ending. 533 00:33:32,862 --> 00:33:34,595 (scoffing) 534 00:33:34,664 --> 00:33:37,031 - Come on. I'll take you home. 535 00:33:37,067 --> 00:33:39,000 - Why do you always have to be so serious? 536 00:33:39,135 --> 00:33:40,969 - I'm a lawyer. 537 00:33:40,971 --> 00:33:43,905 - My big sister, the big lawyer. 538 00:33:44,608 --> 00:33:45,806 - Knock it off. 539 00:33:45,842 --> 00:33:47,742 (chuckling) 540 00:33:50,146 --> 00:33:51,746 (exhaling deeply) 541 00:33:51,748 --> 00:33:53,414 (indistinct chattering) 542 00:33:53,483 --> 00:33:55,749 - Uh, you, okay? 543 00:33:55,786 --> 00:33:56,951 - I'm fine. 544 00:33:58,288 --> 00:33:59,620 - Okay. 545 00:34:02,892 --> 00:34:04,159 - Ladies, first. 546 00:34:04,161 --> 00:34:05,560 - Such the gentleman. 547 00:34:05,629 --> 00:34:06,961 - Yes, I am. 548 00:34:13,570 --> 00:34:14,969 - Get in, jake. 549 00:34:15,038 --> 00:34:17,037 (speaking cree) 550 00:34:17,807 --> 00:34:19,440 - I love you too, asshole. 551 00:34:20,644 --> 00:34:22,911 - Thanks for trying to look after me. 552 00:34:23,046 --> 00:34:24,612 I can't go home right now. 553 00:34:25,549 --> 00:34:27,649 7436 dundas street. 554 00:34:27,651 --> 00:34:29,450 (cab driver): Got it. 555 00:34:29,519 --> 00:34:30,585 - Jake. 556 00:34:30,654 --> 00:34:32,120 - See you tomorrow. 557 00:34:35,391 --> 00:34:37,158 (engine accelerating) 558 00:34:44,667 --> 00:34:46,935 (piano music playing) 559 00:34:55,545 --> 00:34:57,145 - You smell good. 560 00:34:58,415 --> 00:35:01,015 - You smell like you've been drinking for two days. 561 00:35:02,285 --> 00:35:04,585 - That's because I have been drinking for two days. 562 00:35:05,822 --> 00:35:07,488 Which you already know. 563 00:35:08,325 --> 00:35:10,191 I think you want to say more. 564 00:35:11,361 --> 00:35:13,894 You want to say... 565 00:35:13,930 --> 00:35:16,597 I look handsome despite myself. 566 00:35:18,635 --> 00:35:20,601 - You do. That's what I want to say. 567 00:35:22,739 --> 00:35:24,138 Are you good? 568 00:35:25,609 --> 00:35:26,841 - Better. 569 00:35:28,111 --> 00:35:29,610 Let off some steam. 570 00:35:32,649 --> 00:35:34,215 - Do you want some breakfast? 571 00:35:35,585 --> 00:35:37,252 - You just stay right here, love. 572 00:35:40,724 --> 00:35:42,957 Just like this. 573 00:35:44,327 --> 00:35:46,394 Me and the boys didn't finish cleaning up. 574 00:35:46,463 --> 00:35:50,064 'cause, you know, we got carried away. 575 00:35:50,133 --> 00:35:53,467 So, I'll finish. Back in a jiffy. 576 00:35:55,872 --> 00:35:57,471 We'll start the day off right. 577 00:36:02,512 --> 00:36:03,944 You just keep playing. 578 00:36:05,481 --> 00:36:07,548 I love you just like this. 579 00:36:20,630 --> 00:36:22,997 (piano music playing) 580 00:36:24,034 --> 00:36:25,433 You look so beautiful. 581 00:36:41,050 --> 00:36:43,517 (upbeat music) 582 00:36:43,553 --> 00:36:45,653 (indistinct chattering) 583 00:36:52,395 --> 00:36:54,862 (cheering, laughing) 584 00:36:55,732 --> 00:36:57,531 (whistling) 585 00:37:13,016 --> 00:37:14,682 (sniffing) 586 00:37:20,690 --> 00:37:21,956 (man): Take another one. 587 00:37:34,971 --> 00:37:37,038 (music distorts) 588 00:37:42,445 --> 00:37:45,079 (father kenner): I want you to turn around, slowly. 589 00:37:45,214 --> 00:37:47,081 (eerie music) 590 00:37:47,216 --> 00:37:50,217 You've been, very bad boys. 591 00:37:54,924 --> 00:37:57,024 (distorted upbeat music) 592 00:38:08,738 --> 00:38:11,539 But you like it. Didn't you? 593 00:38:14,577 --> 00:38:16,044 - You all right? 594 00:38:24,754 --> 00:38:27,421 (indistinct chattering) 595 00:38:30,293 --> 00:38:32,760 (soft music) 596 00:38:35,632 --> 00:38:37,931 (chickens clucking) 597 00:39:04,994 --> 00:39:08,029 - Good morning. It's time to get up. 598 00:39:08,164 --> 00:39:09,329 Come on. 599 00:39:13,937 --> 00:39:16,270 Good morning, sleepy head. 600 00:39:16,306 --> 00:39:17,672 Hello. 601 00:39:17,807 --> 00:39:19,840 (giggling) I'll make pancakes. 602 00:39:21,144 --> 00:39:23,678 With blueberries. - Boo-berries. 603 00:39:23,813 --> 00:39:26,147 - Blueberries. - Boo-berries. 604 00:39:31,654 --> 00:39:33,888 (voice whispering in ayajuthum) 605 00:39:47,670 --> 00:39:49,036 (horse neighing) 606 00:39:49,806 --> 00:39:52,439 - Ted? You guys still here? 607 00:40:01,217 --> 00:40:02,850 - Boo-berry. 608 00:40:05,855 --> 00:40:08,322 (voice whispering in ayajuthum) 609 00:40:11,060 --> 00:40:12,659 - Who's here? 610 00:40:16,833 --> 00:40:18,298 Hey, there. 611 00:40:20,770 --> 00:40:22,437 I don't think you should be here. 612 00:40:23,706 --> 00:40:25,606 (indistinct whispering) 613 00:40:32,882 --> 00:40:34,615 (haunting music) 614 00:40:34,651 --> 00:40:36,884 - I should have stayed with them. 615 00:40:38,421 --> 00:40:41,822 (speaking ayahjuthum) 616 00:40:52,035 --> 00:40:53,234 - Okay. 617 00:40:54,303 --> 00:40:56,069 (speaking ayajuthum) 618 00:41:03,680 --> 00:41:05,579 (seagulls squawking) 619 00:41:09,719 --> 00:41:11,452 (crows cawing, fluttering) 620 00:41:36,345 --> 00:41:37,945 (engine accelerating) 621 00:41:39,883 --> 00:41:40,981 - Adam! 622 00:41:44,120 --> 00:41:46,821 - Wait! Wait for me. 623 00:42:04,006 --> 00:42:05,238 - Come now, adam. 624 00:42:06,576 --> 00:42:08,408 I'll take you to the school. 625 00:42:13,683 --> 00:42:15,816 (voice echoing in ayajuthum) 626 00:42:26,996 --> 00:42:29,630 - Grandmother's prayer stayed with me. 627 00:42:32,902 --> 00:42:35,469 (praying in ayajuthum) 628 00:42:53,656 --> 00:42:55,656 (thunder rumbling) 629 00:43:11,975 --> 00:43:14,041 (thunder booming) 630 00:43:14,176 --> 00:43:17,111 - It's in you. You're going to hurt them. 631 00:43:18,915 --> 00:43:20,514 - I love them more than anything. 632 00:43:20,516 --> 00:43:23,583 - It doesn't mean you're not gonna let it leak out. 633 00:43:23,620 --> 00:43:25,319 Joseph did. 634 00:43:25,388 --> 00:43:27,655 He couldn't handle it. How can you? 635 00:43:29,959 --> 00:43:32,059 (haunting music) 636 00:43:32,095 --> 00:43:33,760 - I'm a man. 637 00:43:35,031 --> 00:43:39,066 - They made him beat other kids. Then made him hurt you. 638 00:43:39,736 --> 00:43:41,335 - I would never do that. 639 00:43:42,372 --> 00:43:45,072 - You say that but you're still in me. 640 00:43:45,108 --> 00:43:48,342 I didn't feel anything when I saw him but... 641 00:43:49,412 --> 00:43:50,678 - Relief... 642 00:43:52,081 --> 00:43:53,547 You were relieved. 643 00:43:53,616 --> 00:43:56,583 - What kind of monsters are we to feel that? 644 00:44:03,493 --> 00:44:05,226 (creaking) 645 00:44:09,632 --> 00:44:11,565 (panting) 646 00:44:11,567 --> 00:44:12,666 - Adam! 647 00:44:46,869 --> 00:44:48,668 Adam! Adam! 648 00:44:48,705 --> 00:44:51,004 (shouting) 649 00:44:52,508 --> 00:44:53,941 - Mom? 650 00:44:56,345 --> 00:44:58,412 (sobbing) 651 00:45:08,491 --> 00:45:09,823 (thudding) 652 00:45:09,859 --> 00:45:12,325 - Please breathe. Adam. 653 00:45:12,361 --> 00:45:13,928 Oh, adam. 654 00:45:15,331 --> 00:45:17,298 You said we'd do this together. 655 00:45:18,501 --> 00:45:20,901 You said we would do this together! 656 00:45:26,709 --> 00:45:29,075 Stay! No! Stay there! 657 00:45:31,714 --> 00:45:34,414 (grunting, panting) 658 00:45:35,451 --> 00:45:37,785 (man): Hey, look at this. 659 00:45:37,920 --> 00:45:39,520 (distant sirens wailing) 660 00:45:41,657 --> 00:45:43,156 Fuckin' fag. 661 00:45:46,195 --> 00:45:48,128 Too good to share a smoke? 662 00:45:49,599 --> 00:45:50,598 - Sure, I'll share a smoke 663 00:45:50,733 --> 00:45:52,065 If that's what you want me to do. 664 00:45:53,002 --> 00:45:54,735 Fuck it, let's smoke. 665 00:45:54,870 --> 00:45:57,805 - Fuck, let's do it. 666 00:45:57,874 --> 00:45:59,739 (distant dog barking) 667 00:46:03,746 --> 00:46:06,079 - Fuckin' good, eh? 668 00:46:06,115 --> 00:46:08,349 - You look like you got some indian in you. 669 00:46:10,887 --> 00:46:12,786 - Fuckin' indian fag. 670 00:46:13,823 --> 00:46:15,422 - I'm a whole indian, you motherfucker. 671 00:46:15,424 --> 00:46:16,823 You got that right? This indian fag 672 00:46:16,859 --> 00:46:19,226 Is too good for you, you miserable piece of shit. 673 00:46:19,228 --> 00:46:20,360 (grunting) 674 00:46:21,697 --> 00:46:23,564 Fuck you! 675 00:46:25,201 --> 00:46:26,800 Fuck all of you! 676 00:46:27,436 --> 00:46:28,502 Fuck it all! 677 00:46:28,637 --> 00:46:30,371 (grunting) 678 00:46:36,646 --> 00:46:38,745 (haunting music) 679 00:46:40,983 --> 00:46:42,416 - You know what you did. 680 00:46:42,485 --> 00:46:43,684 (grunting) 681 00:46:46,222 --> 00:46:48,656 And now... You'll suffer the consequences. 682 00:46:49,759 --> 00:46:51,258 - Jed! 683 00:46:53,929 --> 00:46:55,462 Come on! 684 00:47:10,613 --> 00:47:12,979 (crow cawing) 685 00:47:25,428 --> 00:47:27,427 (piano music playing) 686 00:47:28,964 --> 00:47:31,131 (indistinct chattering) 687 00:47:46,983 --> 00:47:48,181 - I wonder where jake is. 688 00:47:51,053 --> 00:47:54,121 - Late to his own opening. That's our jake. 689 00:47:57,360 --> 00:48:00,093 (indistinct chattering) 690 00:48:07,736 --> 00:48:09,769 (tense music) 691 00:48:28,224 --> 00:48:29,622 (camera shutter clicking) 692 00:48:38,701 --> 00:48:41,235 Ah, I'm sure he's close behind. 693 00:48:44,506 --> 00:48:47,140 (ominous music) 694 00:48:55,318 --> 00:48:56,717 - It's jake. 695 00:48:57,987 --> 00:49:00,253 We have to go to the hospital. 696 00:49:02,124 --> 00:49:04,458 (piano music playing) 697 00:49:08,364 --> 00:49:09,562 Mom. 698 00:49:11,033 --> 00:49:15,068 - Let her play one last song. 699 00:49:17,173 --> 00:49:18,538 All the way through. 700 00:49:18,574 --> 00:49:20,540 - He's gonna be okay, mom. 701 00:49:25,748 --> 00:49:28,214 - Why can't we just have this moment?