1 00:00:31,291 --> 00:00:32,291 Sam Snow. 2 00:00:34,041 --> 00:00:35,166 Kit Casey. 3 00:01:11,541 --> 00:01:15,291 All aboard the Monsoon Express! 4 00:01:26,291 --> 00:01:29,250 Next stop, dry ground! 5 00:01:47,166 --> 00:01:50,833 Ah, we've reached full speed. Watch the controls, would ya? 6 00:01:50,916 --> 00:01:52,125 You got it, Chief. 7 00:01:57,291 --> 00:01:58,791 Hey, watch it, pal. 8 00:01:58,875 --> 00:02:01,125 Sorry. Excuse me. I didn't mean to-- 9 00:02:03,916 --> 00:02:06,625 Sweet slippery slugs! 10 00:02:06,708 --> 00:02:08,041 -Chief! 11 00:02:11,791 --> 00:02:13,250 -Got it, Bill? -Got it, Jill. 12 00:02:13,333 --> 00:02:16,333 -Let's send to CLADE. -Sam and Kit will know what to do. 13 00:02:29,458 --> 00:02:30,416 -One! 14 00:02:31,958 --> 00:02:32,791 -Two! 15 00:02:35,333 --> 00:02:37,041 -Three! 16 00:02:37,125 --> 00:02:40,791 -Four! Five hidden paw prints. 17 00:02:40,875 --> 00:02:41,708 Ha! 18 00:02:42,291 --> 00:02:44,708 This training exercise was a breeze. 19 00:02:45,208 --> 00:02:46,125 Not bad. 20 00:02:46,958 --> 00:02:49,166 -But you missed a few. -Really? Where? 21 00:02:50,458 --> 00:02:51,291 Here. 22 00:02:51,375 --> 00:02:52,583 Here. 23 00:02:53,250 --> 00:02:54,083 And here. 24 00:02:54,166 --> 00:02:55,333 See, Kit? 25 00:02:55,416 --> 00:02:58,666 That's why you're the animal expert, and I'm the master detective. 26 00:02:58,750 --> 00:03:00,500 -I never miss a thing. 27 00:03:00,583 --> 00:03:02,875 Sam. Ya missed somethin'. 28 00:03:02,958 --> 00:03:04,708 The CLADE crest! 29 00:03:04,791 --> 00:03:07,875 The Director must have a new Creature Case for us! 30 00:03:07,958 --> 00:03:10,291 -Better not keep her waiting. 31 00:03:11,250 --> 00:03:12,083 Huh? 32 00:03:12,750 --> 00:03:13,750 Huh. 33 00:03:21,208 --> 00:03:24,000 Forty-two seconds. Not bad, agents. 34 00:03:24,083 --> 00:03:27,166 -Director Scratch, we came as soon as we-- 35 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:32,375 Agents, there's a major mystery on the Monsoon Express. 36 00:03:32,458 --> 00:03:36,083 Monsoon Express? What in the woolly world is that? 37 00:03:36,166 --> 00:03:38,791 -The Monsoon Express is a train. 38 00:03:40,958 --> 00:03:43,291 When the jungle gets too rainy and wet, 39 00:03:43,375 --> 00:03:47,458 the Monsoon Express takes critters up to higher ground where it's dry. 40 00:03:47,541 --> 00:03:50,791 But earlier today, the train's engineer was attacked. 41 00:03:50,875 --> 00:03:53,458 The Mice Squad just sent us these photos. 42 00:03:56,750 --> 00:03:59,125 Hmm. Any idea who did it? 43 00:03:59,208 --> 00:04:00,833 That's where you two come in. 44 00:04:00,916 --> 00:04:04,458 Your mission is to figure out who attacked the engineer. 45 00:04:04,541 --> 00:04:07,750 Oo, we've never solved a mystery on a train before. 46 00:04:07,833 --> 00:04:10,375 This could be our biggest Creature Case yet. 47 00:04:10,458 --> 00:04:13,333 Stinkwells will help you gear up. Good luck. 48 00:04:13,416 --> 00:04:14,250 And remember. 49 00:04:14,833 --> 00:04:16,916 CLADE is counting on you! 50 00:04:17,500 --> 00:04:19,458 -Can I have one of these? -No. 51 00:04:24,166 --> 00:04:25,708 -Hello, Sam. -Hello, Kit. 52 00:04:25,791 --> 00:04:26,875 Hey, Stinkwells. 53 00:04:26,958 --> 00:04:28,583 What are you needing today? 54 00:04:28,666 --> 00:04:29,750 A Bat Jammer? 55 00:04:29,833 --> 00:04:30,875 A Turtle Tracker? 56 00:04:30,958 --> 00:04:32,250 Orangutan Tickler? 57 00:04:32,333 --> 00:04:35,083 We're solving a mystery on the Monsoon Express train, 58 00:04:35,166 --> 00:04:37,166 but it already left the station, so… 59 00:04:37,250 --> 00:04:40,125 Oh, we have just the thing for you. 60 00:04:40,208 --> 00:04:44,166 These Glider Packs will help you fly aboard the train. 61 00:04:44,250 --> 00:04:45,208 Whoa! 62 00:04:45,291 --> 00:04:46,958 They're perfect! 63 00:04:47,041 --> 00:04:48,458 But… 64 00:04:48,541 --> 00:04:50,583 Are they supposed to smell like that? 65 00:04:51,083 --> 00:04:52,541 Oopsie. 66 00:04:53,125 --> 00:04:54,916 -Thanks, Stinkwells. 67 00:04:55,000 --> 00:04:55,875 Goodbye, Sam. 68 00:04:55,958 --> 00:04:57,500 -Goodbye, Kit. 69 00:05:22,958 --> 00:05:26,041 R.O.N., set course for the Monsoon Express. 70 00:05:26,125 --> 00:05:28,500 Prepare for blastoff. 71 00:05:42,250 --> 00:05:45,291 Now approaching destination biome, 72 00:05:46,375 --> 00:05:47,791 Asian Jungle. 73 00:05:48,375 --> 00:05:49,208 Thanks, R.O.N. 74 00:05:50,458 --> 00:05:52,208 There's the Monsoon Express. 75 00:05:53,041 --> 00:05:57,041 Ever skydive onto a moving train in a tropical downpour? 76 00:05:57,125 --> 00:05:58,958 -Nope. -Neither have I. 77 00:05:59,041 --> 00:06:00,583 R.O.N., open the hatch. 78 00:06:05,666 --> 00:06:08,875 Now, when the train is directly below us, we'll ju-- 79 00:06:08,958 --> 00:06:09,791 Race ya! 80 00:06:09,875 --> 00:06:11,666 Woo-hoo! 81 00:06:18,583 --> 00:06:20,916 Wee! 82 00:06:21,416 --> 00:06:22,250 Whoa! 83 00:06:24,541 --> 00:06:26,708 Activate Glider Packs! 84 00:06:28,625 --> 00:06:29,875 Oh yeah. 85 00:06:45,333 --> 00:06:46,250 Whoa… 86 00:06:46,333 --> 00:06:49,291 Oh! Careful, Sam! You'll miss the train! 87 00:06:49,375 --> 00:06:51,250 Thanks, Kit! I owe you one! 88 00:06:54,166 --> 00:06:56,958 But I told you. I never miss a thing! 89 00:07:04,333 --> 00:07:06,375 We'll get in through here. 90 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:11,791 -Ha-ha! 91 00:07:11,875 --> 00:07:13,250 Whoa. 92 00:07:14,375 --> 00:07:15,208 Gotcha! 93 00:07:15,291 --> 00:07:16,250 Phew! 94 00:07:18,833 --> 00:07:20,791 Thanks, Sam. Now we're even. 95 00:07:30,208 --> 00:07:33,125 Afternoon, folks. Agent Sam Snow… 96 00:07:33,208 --> 00:07:35,250 And Agent Kit Casey. 97 00:07:35,333 --> 00:07:37,000 Animal Detectives. 98 00:07:37,083 --> 00:07:38,625 Detectives? 99 00:07:40,375 --> 00:07:43,583 We're from CLADE, and we're here to solve a mystery, little buddy. 100 00:07:45,250 --> 00:07:47,875 Okay. Do you know where we can find the engineer? 101 00:07:50,583 --> 00:07:52,750 The engineer is right over there. 102 00:07:52,833 --> 00:07:55,791 I mean, I think that's her. I wouldn't know. 103 00:07:55,875 --> 00:07:57,833 Why would I know? 104 00:08:05,375 --> 00:08:08,958 -There she is! -Can you tell us what happened, ma'am? 105 00:08:14,291 --> 00:08:17,041 Nope. Those are definitely not words. 106 00:08:17,125 --> 00:08:19,208 Oh, you gotta help her! 107 00:08:19,291 --> 00:08:21,583 I'm just the assistant engineer! 108 00:08:21,666 --> 00:08:24,208 I don't know how to drive this thing myself. 109 00:08:24,791 --> 00:08:25,625 We're on it. 110 00:08:25,708 --> 00:08:27,250 Sam, check this out. 111 00:08:28,458 --> 00:08:29,708 A clue! 112 00:08:29,791 --> 00:08:32,416 Huh? It looks more like a hat. 113 00:08:33,083 --> 00:08:35,125 It is a hat. And a clue. 114 00:08:35,208 --> 00:08:37,791 But it's not my hat. 115 00:08:37,875 --> 00:08:40,083 -Or the engineer's. 116 00:08:40,166 --> 00:08:44,041 Exactly. Whoever attacked the engineer probably left it behind. 117 00:08:44,541 --> 00:08:46,791 Hmm. Interesting pattern. 118 00:08:51,875 --> 00:08:53,083 Ah-ha! 119 00:08:54,458 --> 00:08:56,083 Any idea what this is, Kit? 120 00:08:57,333 --> 00:08:58,458 Looks like a scale. 121 00:08:58,541 --> 00:09:00,416 -A reptile scale. 122 00:09:01,166 --> 00:09:02,333 Like from a lizard. 123 00:09:03,166 --> 00:09:04,083 Or a snake. 124 00:09:04,166 --> 00:09:06,166 A snake… Hmm… 125 00:09:10,458 --> 00:09:13,041 Just as I suspected. A snakebite. 126 00:09:13,125 --> 00:09:16,208 -How can you tell? -There are two little bite marks. 127 00:09:16,291 --> 00:09:19,458 The kind left behind by something with two big fangs. 128 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:21,541 Like a snake. 129 00:09:21,625 --> 00:09:23,416 A snake, huh? 130 00:09:25,500 --> 00:09:27,000 Hey, don't look at me. 131 00:09:27,083 --> 00:09:28,500 I may have fangs, 132 00:09:28,583 --> 00:09:33,625 but I'm just a completely not dangerous egg-eating snake. 133 00:09:33,708 --> 00:09:36,666 Nope. No venom at all. Huh… 134 00:09:36,750 --> 00:09:38,291 It's true. 135 00:09:38,375 --> 00:09:42,041 Some snakes have venom, and when they bite, it makes you sick. 136 00:09:42,125 --> 00:09:43,541 Like this. 137 00:09:45,000 --> 00:09:48,208 This egg-eating snake here doesn't have venom. 138 00:09:49,500 --> 00:09:52,541 But the snake that bit the engineer definitely did. 139 00:09:53,375 --> 00:09:56,875 If we can find them, we can turn some of their venom into medicine! 140 00:09:56,958 --> 00:09:57,791 You can? 141 00:09:57,875 --> 00:09:58,875 Yep. 142 00:09:58,958 --> 00:10:01,041 A lot of snake venom made her sick, 143 00:10:01,125 --> 00:10:04,666 but a teeny little bit, mixed in with my special ingredients, 144 00:10:04,750 --> 00:10:06,666 will make her feel all better again. 145 00:10:07,291 --> 00:10:08,500 Solid plan. 146 00:10:09,041 --> 00:10:12,041 Just one question. How do we get the snake venom? 147 00:10:12,125 --> 00:10:14,583 With this. A Venom Extractor. 148 00:10:14,666 --> 00:10:17,333 Snake bites this here. Venom drips into here. 149 00:10:17,416 --> 00:10:21,458 -Never leave home without one. -Now all we have to do is find that snake. 150 00:10:27,291 --> 00:10:29,583 Clu-Bots, check this train for snakes. 151 00:10:29,666 --> 00:10:32,333 Eh? Eh? Uh? 152 00:10:32,916 --> 00:10:34,208 -Whoa. 153 00:11:01,666 --> 00:11:05,666 According to the Clu-Bots, there are 32 snakes on board. 154 00:11:05,750 --> 00:11:08,750 Ah, you'll never find the one who bit the chief. 155 00:11:08,833 --> 00:11:10,750 Oh yes, we will. 156 00:11:10,833 --> 00:11:11,666 Check it out. 157 00:11:11,750 --> 00:11:14,500 Only half of these snakes are venomous. 158 00:11:14,583 --> 00:11:18,083 And only four have enough venom to make the engineer sick. 159 00:11:18,166 --> 00:11:20,916 The Big Four! 160 00:11:21,000 --> 00:11:22,208 Afraid so. 161 00:11:22,291 --> 00:11:23,500 Uh, the big who? 162 00:11:24,083 --> 00:11:27,500 The Big Four are the four most dangerous snakes in these parts. 163 00:11:27,583 --> 00:11:30,875 The Chain Snake, the Common Krait, the Indian Cobra, 164 00:11:30,958 --> 00:11:33,083 and the Saw-Scaled Viper. 165 00:11:33,166 --> 00:11:36,833 There's one of each on this train. And they're all venomous. 166 00:11:36,916 --> 00:11:37,750 Hmm… 167 00:11:37,833 --> 00:11:42,250 So one of these Big Four snakes must have bit our engineer friend here. 168 00:11:42,333 --> 00:11:43,166 Bingo. 169 00:11:46,875 --> 00:11:48,375 But don't you worry. 170 00:11:48,458 --> 00:11:52,000 We're gonna find that sneaky snake and make some medicine to fix ya up. 171 00:11:52,083 --> 00:11:53,333 -Huh? 172 00:12:00,208 --> 00:12:01,083 Hurry! 173 00:12:01,166 --> 00:12:03,208 We'll be reaching dry ground soon, 174 00:12:03,291 --> 00:12:06,500 and she's the only one who knows how to stop the train! 175 00:12:06,583 --> 00:12:10,208 And if the train can't stop, we'll crash! 176 00:12:11,041 --> 00:12:12,791 Crash? Oh no! 177 00:12:12,875 --> 00:12:14,458 We're gonna crash? 178 00:12:14,958 --> 00:12:16,416 Oh no! 179 00:12:17,416 --> 00:12:18,791 Stay calm, everyone. 180 00:12:18,875 --> 00:12:20,458 We're on the case. 181 00:12:21,333 --> 00:12:23,000 Time to find that snake. 182 00:12:34,458 --> 00:12:37,875 Okay, Sam, we've gotta find this snake. Fast! 183 00:12:37,958 --> 00:12:40,750 First on our list of suspects, the Chain Snake. 184 00:12:42,333 --> 00:12:44,000 That's him over there. 185 00:12:46,166 --> 00:12:48,083 And boy, is he hungry. 186 00:12:49,583 --> 00:12:53,541 Remember, Sam, all of these snakes are fanged and dangerous. 187 00:12:54,708 --> 00:12:57,000 Excuse me, sir. Agent Sam Snow. 188 00:12:58,458 --> 00:13:00,416 We'd like to ask you about-- Huh? 189 00:13:03,541 --> 00:13:04,916 Sam, look out! 190 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:11,916 -Uh… -Whoa. 191 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:13,166 Spicy. 192 00:13:14,500 --> 00:13:19,000 Excuse me. Still digesting last week's dinner. 193 00:13:19,083 --> 00:13:21,333 Looks like you'll be working on that for a while. 194 00:13:22,583 --> 00:13:24,791 Food stays in a snake's stomach for a long time. 195 00:13:24,875 --> 00:13:26,458 I see. 196 00:13:26,541 --> 00:13:29,166 I don't suppose you know who bit the engineer? 197 00:13:29,250 --> 00:13:30,541 Who bit who now? 198 00:13:30,625 --> 00:13:33,375 The engineer was bitten by a venomous snake, 199 00:13:33,458 --> 00:13:35,125 and now she can't drive the train. 200 00:13:35,208 --> 00:13:38,125 You mean nobody's driving the train?! 201 00:13:38,875 --> 00:13:40,875 We gotta do something! Okay. 202 00:13:43,083 --> 00:13:45,208 -I'm stuck! -Stay calm, everyone. 203 00:13:46,541 --> 00:13:49,583 If he'd bitten the engineer, he wouldn't have been able to escape. 204 00:13:49,666 --> 00:13:51,875 Yeah. Not with that big belly of his. 205 00:13:51,958 --> 00:13:55,375 I already told you. It's from last week's dinner. 206 00:13:56,291 --> 00:13:58,708 Well, we can cross him off the list. 207 00:14:00,250 --> 00:14:01,291 One snake down, 208 00:14:01,375 --> 00:14:02,875 three more to go. 209 00:14:02,958 --> 00:14:04,375 Here. Let me help you. 210 00:14:05,541 --> 00:14:06,375 Thanks. 211 00:14:12,500 --> 00:14:14,875 Next up, the Common Krait. 212 00:14:14,958 --> 00:14:16,083 Shh! 213 00:14:16,166 --> 00:14:18,583 This is the sleeping car. 214 00:14:18,666 --> 00:14:19,666 Sorry. 215 00:14:20,875 --> 00:14:23,833 This suspect is very dangerous and very-- 216 00:14:27,541 --> 00:14:28,833 -Tired? 217 00:14:30,041 --> 00:14:32,458 -We may have found our suspect, Kit. -Sam… 218 00:14:32,541 --> 00:14:35,083 I bet she tired herself out attacking the engineer. 219 00:14:35,166 --> 00:14:37,375 -Sam. -Now we just have to wake her up and-- 220 00:14:37,458 --> 00:14:39,333 Sam! Common Kraits are nocturnal. 221 00:14:40,250 --> 00:14:43,541 They sleep all day and only wake up at night. 222 00:14:43,625 --> 00:14:46,291 And the engineer was bitten in the daytime, 223 00:14:46,375 --> 00:14:48,541 when this snake was fast asleep. 224 00:14:48,625 --> 00:14:49,708 -Uh… 225 00:14:50,458 --> 00:14:53,208 Yep. She didn't bite anybody today. 226 00:14:53,291 --> 00:14:55,083 Better cross her off the list. 227 00:14:55,750 --> 00:14:57,250 Two snakes left. 228 00:15:03,333 --> 00:15:05,250 The third suspect should be in here. 229 00:15:05,333 --> 00:15:06,875 The Indian Cobra. 230 00:15:07,500 --> 00:15:08,958 There she is. 231 00:15:09,041 --> 00:15:09,875 Excuse me. 232 00:15:09,958 --> 00:15:11,291 Hmph. Hmph. 233 00:15:13,500 --> 00:15:15,458 And she looks like a mean one. 234 00:15:16,708 --> 00:15:20,958 Ew! Pink scale polish? How vulgar. 235 00:15:21,875 --> 00:15:23,458 Excuse us, ma'am… 236 00:15:24,041 --> 00:15:25,500 What do you want? 237 00:15:26,291 --> 00:15:30,625 Uh, my partner and I just need to ask you a few questions about-- 238 00:15:30,708 --> 00:15:33,083 No questions, pussycat. 239 00:15:33,875 --> 00:15:34,916 Shoo! 240 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:37,208 Ma'am, earlier today, we-- 241 00:15:37,291 --> 00:15:40,916 I said no questions! 242 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:43,041 Ha! 243 00:15:43,666 --> 00:15:48,041 Careful. Cobras flare out their neck hoods when they feel threatened and might bite. 244 00:15:48,125 --> 00:15:50,291 And her neck hood's a-flarin'. 245 00:15:50,875 --> 00:15:51,875 Neck hood? 246 00:15:51,958 --> 00:15:53,250 Huh… 247 00:15:53,333 --> 00:15:55,708 Sorry to bother you, ma'am. Have a nice trip. 248 00:15:55,791 --> 00:15:56,625 Hmph. 249 00:15:57,541 --> 00:16:00,333 Oo, tail warmers? 250 00:16:00,416 --> 00:16:04,750 Sam, she was acting pretty guilty. We're just gonna walk away? 251 00:16:04,833 --> 00:16:06,083 We sure are, Kit. 252 00:16:06,166 --> 00:16:10,375 She has a neck hood that flares. But check out the Mice Squad's photo. 253 00:16:13,833 --> 00:16:17,125 The snake who bit the engineer doesn't have a hood! 254 00:16:17,208 --> 00:16:18,583 So the cobra wasn't the biter! 255 00:16:18,666 --> 00:16:21,125 See? I never miss a thing. 256 00:16:22,416 --> 00:16:26,916 Now we know it wasn't the Chain Snake, the Common Krait, or the Indian Cobra. 257 00:16:27,833 --> 00:16:32,208 Which means there's only one of the Big Four snakes left. 258 00:16:32,291 --> 00:16:33,791 The Saw-Scaled Viper. 259 00:16:33,875 --> 00:16:38,333 Exactly. The Saw-Scaled Viper must have bitten the engineer. 260 00:16:38,416 --> 00:16:40,583 -But where are they? 261 00:16:40,666 --> 00:16:43,083 Agents, I don't mean to rush your detective work, 262 00:16:43,166 --> 00:16:45,208 but can you please hurry up? 263 00:16:45,291 --> 00:16:48,000 Don't worry. We've almost cracked the case wide open. 264 00:16:48,083 --> 00:16:53,583 Well, this train's gonna crack wide open if the chief can't stop it soon. 265 00:16:53,666 --> 00:16:55,833 We're about to crash! 266 00:16:55,916 --> 00:16:58,416 Don't get your tail twisted. We're on it. 267 00:16:58,500 --> 00:17:00,916 Okay. We know it was the Saw-Scaled Viper, 268 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:03,125 but now we only have minutes to find him. 269 00:17:04,583 --> 00:17:06,625 Whoops! Excuse me. 270 00:17:06,708 --> 00:17:09,708 Totally not venomous egg-eating snake coming through. 271 00:17:12,625 --> 00:17:14,958 Whiskers, that's it! We just found him! 272 00:17:16,708 --> 00:17:20,208 The egg-eating snake we met when we first arrived? But, Sam… 273 00:17:21,291 --> 00:17:22,500 -Whuh-oh! 274 00:17:22,583 --> 00:17:23,916 Stop that snake! 275 00:17:25,500 --> 00:17:26,333 Watch out! 276 00:17:34,916 --> 00:17:35,916 There he goes! 277 00:17:38,916 --> 00:17:40,583 -Ah! What was that? 278 00:17:40,666 --> 00:17:42,083 Oops. Sorry. 279 00:17:42,166 --> 00:17:43,083 Shh! 280 00:17:54,250 --> 00:17:55,208 Oo… 281 00:17:59,958 --> 00:18:00,791 Whoa. 282 00:18:15,625 --> 00:18:16,458 Shh! 283 00:18:38,958 --> 00:18:40,083 Hey, that's my hat! 284 00:18:46,291 --> 00:18:47,291 Hey! Watch it! 285 00:18:50,875 --> 00:18:54,333 Ha! Nowhere left to slither now, Viper. 286 00:18:55,166 --> 00:18:57,500 Listen, I told you before, huh? 287 00:18:57,583 --> 00:19:01,416 I'm just an egg-eating snake. I'm not dangerous. 288 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:06,166 Nice try, but you're actually a venomous Saw-Scaled Viper! 289 00:19:07,375 --> 00:19:08,541 You sure, Sam? 290 00:19:08,625 --> 00:19:12,166 Egg-eating snakes and vipers look a lot alike. They're hard to tell apart. 291 00:19:12,250 --> 00:19:13,083 Check it out, Kit. 292 00:19:13,166 --> 00:19:16,625 The pattern on his scales looks just like the pattern on the hat we found. 293 00:19:16,708 --> 00:19:18,250 Hey, my hat! 294 00:19:18,333 --> 00:19:19,833 I mean… 295 00:19:19,916 --> 00:19:21,416 That don't prove nothing. 296 00:19:22,833 --> 00:19:24,833 And remember the snake scale we found? 297 00:19:24,916 --> 00:19:27,458 Well, guess who has a bald spot on his head? 298 00:19:27,541 --> 00:19:29,750 Oh… That's embarrassing. 299 00:19:29,833 --> 00:19:33,958 Well, ain't that something. He's a Saw-Scaled Viper all right. 300 00:19:34,708 --> 00:19:37,125 And he's the biter. He tricked us. 301 00:19:37,208 --> 00:19:38,750 Okay, so I'm a viper! 302 00:19:38,833 --> 00:19:42,750 But I didn't mean to bite the engineer. She startled me and I snapped! 303 00:19:42,833 --> 00:19:44,041 It's just my nature. 304 00:19:44,125 --> 00:19:47,666 Easy now. We just need a little of your venom. 305 00:19:48,333 --> 00:19:49,708 My venom? Why? 306 00:19:49,791 --> 00:19:52,500 I can use it to make medicine for the engineer. 307 00:19:52,583 --> 00:19:55,250 So she can stop this train before it crashes! 308 00:19:56,458 --> 00:19:57,291 Huh. 309 00:19:57,791 --> 00:19:59,208 You want my venom? 310 00:20:01,166 --> 00:20:02,583 Come and get it! 311 00:20:03,541 --> 00:20:05,458 -Oh no, you don't! 312 00:20:13,375 --> 00:20:16,333 You're all venomed out, Viper. At least for a while. 313 00:20:20,750 --> 00:20:22,958 -Nice work, Kit. -Thanks. 314 00:20:23,041 --> 00:20:25,416 Come on. Let's get back to the engineer. 315 00:20:25,500 --> 00:20:27,250 We don't have much time! 316 00:20:33,791 --> 00:20:36,375 I hope they hurry. We're gonna crash! 317 00:20:37,125 --> 00:20:38,833 Oops. Is this mic on? 318 00:20:46,875 --> 00:20:49,541 Hurry! 319 00:20:49,625 --> 00:20:55,125 Just need a teensy bit of viper venom, my secret blend of herbs and spices… 320 00:20:58,000 --> 00:20:58,833 Hurry, Kit! 321 00:21:00,250 --> 00:21:02,875 There! The perfect snakebite medicine. 322 00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:08,083 -It's working! -She's waking up! 323 00:21:09,958 --> 00:21:10,875 Good morning. 324 00:21:10,958 --> 00:21:13,416 Chief, I know you just woke up, 325 00:21:13,500 --> 00:21:16,208 but you gotta stop the train before we crash! 326 00:21:17,208 --> 00:21:18,958 Sweet slippery slugs! 327 00:21:19,041 --> 00:21:20,666 I gotta stop the train! 328 00:21:25,083 --> 00:21:26,500 Look out! 329 00:21:39,791 --> 00:21:40,791 Shew! 330 00:21:44,625 --> 00:21:46,333 -Yay! -All right! 331 00:21:46,416 --> 00:21:47,250 Yeah! 332 00:21:48,083 --> 00:21:52,916 Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached dry ground! 333 00:21:54,583 --> 00:21:55,875 What a relief. 334 00:21:55,958 --> 00:21:57,458 -Yay! -Here we are. 335 00:21:59,083 --> 00:22:01,500 I had the weirdest dream. 336 00:22:01,583 --> 00:22:05,541 I was attacked by a venomous snake wearing a tutu. 337 00:22:05,625 --> 00:22:07,291 That was no dream. 338 00:22:07,375 --> 00:22:09,208 Well, except for the tutu part. 339 00:22:13,291 --> 00:22:16,833 -Thanks for all your help today! -Don't mention it, Chief. 340 00:22:17,625 --> 00:22:20,000 Well, Kit, that's another Creature Case… 341 00:22:20,083 --> 00:22:20,958 Closed! 342 00:22:23,125 --> 00:22:25,000 Nice work, agents. 343 00:22:25,083 --> 00:22:28,375 Now, come on back to CLADE for your next assignment. 344 00:22:28,458 --> 00:22:30,541 We're on our way, Director Scratch. 345 00:22:31,083 --> 00:22:33,000 -Uh, Sam? -Yes, Kit? 346 00:22:33,083 --> 00:22:36,125 Did you forget to put R.O.N. on autopilot before we jumped out? 347 00:22:36,208 --> 00:22:39,416 'Course I didn't forget. I never miss a thing. Why? 348 00:22:39,500 --> 00:22:41,375 It kinda looks like you forgot. 349 00:22:44,875 --> 00:22:46,000 Uh-oh. 350 00:22:46,083 --> 00:22:48,541 Never miss a thing, huh? 351 00:22:48,625 --> 00:22:50,083 -R.O.N.! -Hey, R.O.N.! 352 00:22:50,166 --> 00:22:54,291 -Over here! Hey, R.O.N.! This way! -R.O.N.! Over here! R.O.N.! 353 00:23:01,250 --> 00:23:03,125 Mice Squad Fact File. 354 00:23:06,500 --> 00:23:08,000 Status? 355 00:23:11,291 --> 00:23:13,333 Update. The Big Four Snakes. 356 00:23:14,625 --> 00:23:18,625 The Big Four are the Chain Snake, the Common Krait, the Indian Cobra, 357 00:23:18,708 --> 00:23:20,416 and the Saw-Scaled Viper. 358 00:23:20,500 --> 00:23:23,416 They're four of the most dangerous snakes in Asia! 359 00:23:24,583 --> 00:23:26,833 All four snakes have venom. 360 00:23:26,916 --> 00:23:29,958 Which can make you pretty sick if they bite you. 361 00:23:30,041 --> 00:23:32,625 They don't ride trains, 362 00:23:32,708 --> 00:23:35,291 but when it rains, they do head for dry ground. 363 00:23:35,375 --> 00:23:37,750 So watch out for the Big Four. 364 00:23:38,875 --> 00:23:41,333 Error. Upload incomplete. 365 00:23:41,416 --> 00:23:42,958 How to fix it? 366 00:23:43,041 --> 00:23:44,708 Move your feet.