1 00:00:31,250 --> 00:00:32,166 Sam Snow. 2 00:00:34,041 --> 00:00:35,166 Kit Casey. 3 00:00:53,875 --> 00:00:56,000 The Creature Cases! 4 00:00:56,583 --> 00:00:59,375 The Puzzle of the Poisonous Leaves. 5 00:01:03,625 --> 00:01:08,416 And so's I said, "Papaya? But I barely even know ya!" 6 00:01:09,916 --> 00:01:10,750 Get it? 7 00:01:10,833 --> 00:01:12,833 -Oh! Huh? 8 00:01:12,916 --> 00:01:14,750 The joke wasn't all that bad. 9 00:01:16,625 --> 00:01:18,875 Wait. Are you all right? 10 00:01:19,958 --> 00:01:22,958 I think she's been poisoned! 11 00:01:24,625 --> 00:01:25,625 Poisoned? 12 00:01:31,416 --> 00:01:32,250 Oo… 13 00:01:41,541 --> 00:01:42,750 Let's see. 14 00:01:42,833 --> 00:01:46,000 Thermals, mittens, and… 15 00:01:46,083 --> 00:01:47,375 Oo… 16 00:01:47,458 --> 00:01:51,333 My head will be so toasty skiing down those snowy slopes. 17 00:01:51,416 --> 00:01:53,333 Where are you going for your vacation, Kit? 18 00:01:54,666 --> 00:01:59,083 I'm going to the desert to get some sun and to study stink bugs. 19 00:01:59,166 --> 00:02:02,666 Ew! Sounds hot. And smelly. And hot. 20 00:02:02,750 --> 00:02:03,875 Eh… 21 00:02:05,541 --> 00:02:06,416 A new case! 22 00:02:07,416 --> 00:02:09,916 This old suitcase? Nah, I've had it for years. 23 00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:11,416 No, I mean, look! 24 00:02:13,166 --> 00:02:16,583 Director Scratch has a new Creature Case for us! Let's go! 25 00:02:20,875 --> 00:02:22,625 Nice hat, Agent Snow. 26 00:02:24,458 --> 00:02:26,166 I know vacations are coming up, 27 00:02:26,250 --> 00:02:30,041 but we've got an urgent new case to unpack, so to speak. 28 00:02:32,208 --> 00:02:35,875 Howler monkeys at a jungle resort are falling out of their tree. 29 00:02:35,958 --> 00:02:39,333 Really? But howler monkeys are usually such great climbers. 30 00:02:39,416 --> 00:02:40,291 Indeed. 31 00:02:40,375 --> 00:02:43,833 But the Mice Squad's photos suggest that they were poisoned. 32 00:02:43,916 --> 00:02:46,041 Poisoned? But how? 33 00:02:46,125 --> 00:02:46,958 And why? 34 00:02:47,041 --> 00:02:49,375 That's what you two need to figure out. 35 00:02:49,458 --> 00:02:54,041 It's up to you to solve this mystery before another poisoned monkey falls. 36 00:02:54,125 --> 00:02:55,791 You can count on us, Director! 37 00:02:55,875 --> 00:02:57,125 Good luck, agents. 38 00:02:59,500 --> 00:03:02,000 Time for me to fly the coop. 39 00:03:02,625 --> 00:03:04,750 Vacation! 40 00:03:28,958 --> 00:03:31,916 Now arriving at destination biome, 41 00:03:32,958 --> 00:03:35,375 South American Jungle. 42 00:03:36,375 --> 00:03:38,291 This looks like the place. 43 00:03:40,416 --> 00:03:41,250 Wow. 44 00:03:41,333 --> 00:03:45,625 If we weren't here for work, this would be a great vacation spot. 45 00:03:45,708 --> 00:03:49,750 Yeah. If you like your vacations extra hot and sweaty. 46 00:03:50,291 --> 00:03:51,125 Excuse me. 47 00:03:51,791 --> 00:03:55,250 Welcome to the Howler Monkey Resort 48 00:03:55,333 --> 00:03:58,583 for Peace and Relaxation! 49 00:03:58,666 --> 00:03:59,625 Why is she yelling? 50 00:03:59,708 --> 00:04:02,416 Howler monkeys are known for being pretty loud. 51 00:04:02,500 --> 00:04:04,000 We're from CLADE, 52 00:04:04,083 --> 00:04:07,250 and we'd like to ask the manager a few questions! 53 00:04:07,750 --> 00:04:10,666 Ah! He's already being interviewed. 54 00:04:10,750 --> 00:04:12,791 Is that guy with you? 55 00:04:12,875 --> 00:04:13,833 Huh? 56 00:04:13,916 --> 00:04:16,166 -Another detective? -Who is that guy? 57 00:04:18,458 --> 00:04:19,291 Excuse me. 58 00:04:19,375 --> 00:04:22,708 I'm Agent Kit Casey, and this is Agent Sam Snow. 59 00:04:22,791 --> 00:04:23,625 And you are? 60 00:04:27,208 --> 00:04:28,541 Philip. 61 00:04:28,625 --> 00:04:30,875 Philip Night. Nocturnal detective. 62 00:04:30,958 --> 00:04:34,583 When you want a case solved, I'm the night monkey for the job. 63 00:04:36,375 --> 00:04:38,208 Okay… 64 00:04:38,291 --> 00:04:41,500 Night monkey? I thought we were dealing with howler monkeys. 65 00:04:41,583 --> 00:04:44,208 Night monkeys are a whole different species. 66 00:04:44,291 --> 00:04:47,833 We're nocturnal, see, which means we only work at night, see. 67 00:04:47,916 --> 00:04:49,458 And I only work alone. 68 00:04:52,041 --> 00:04:54,916 Look, Philip, it's been very nice to meet you, 69 00:04:55,000 --> 00:04:57,541 but we've been sent here to crack this case. 70 00:04:57,625 --> 00:04:59,833 Sorry, kid, but this is my case. 71 00:05:00,458 --> 00:05:02,875 Uh, maybe we could work together. 72 00:05:02,958 --> 00:05:06,416 Fine. But just don't get in my way. 73 00:05:06,500 --> 00:05:08,958 Sir, can you tell us what happened here? 74 00:05:09,041 --> 00:05:10,250 Well, I-- 75 00:05:10,333 --> 00:05:11,583 Notice anything strange? 76 00:05:11,666 --> 00:05:13,916 Strange? Uh… I-- 77 00:05:14,000 --> 00:05:15,958 Maybe just start from the beginning and-- 78 00:05:16,041 --> 00:05:18,875 Listen here, pal. Just what are you trying to hide? 79 00:05:18,958 --> 00:05:21,583 Okay! Okay! I confess! 80 00:05:21,666 --> 00:05:25,083 One time I took a twisty straw from the kitchen, 81 00:05:25,166 --> 00:05:26,958 but I was gonna bring it back! 82 00:05:28,041 --> 00:05:29,166 A straw? 83 00:05:29,250 --> 00:05:32,375 No! We're trying to find out what's poisoning your guests. 84 00:05:32,458 --> 00:05:33,458 Was it you? 85 00:05:33,541 --> 00:05:38,208 Me? No! I love our guests. We're like a big family here. 86 00:05:38,291 --> 00:05:41,125 Well, did you serve them any unusual food lately? 87 00:05:42,083 --> 00:05:43,041 Anything… 88 00:05:43,125 --> 00:05:44,250 poisonous? 89 00:05:44,333 --> 00:05:45,791 Not that I know of. 90 00:05:45,875 --> 00:05:48,125 We only serve leaves here, 91 00:05:48,208 --> 00:05:51,041 and we've never had any problems with them. 92 00:05:51,125 --> 00:05:53,000 Until yesterday. 93 00:05:53,083 --> 00:05:55,000 It seems there's no other explanation. 94 00:05:55,083 --> 00:05:56,791 If leaves are all they ate, then-- 95 00:05:56,875 --> 00:05:59,250 Then the leaves must be poisonous. 96 00:05:59,333 --> 00:06:01,333 Hey! I was about to say that. 97 00:06:01,416 --> 00:06:05,916 But that's impossible! We've been eating these leaves forever. 98 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:08,250 We'd better do a poison scan. 99 00:06:08,333 --> 00:06:12,208 Leave it to me, kid. I got a nose for this sort of thing. 100 00:06:12,291 --> 00:06:16,291 Why don't we both check the leaves and see who can get to the bottom of this first? 101 00:06:16,375 --> 00:06:17,375 You're on. 102 00:06:19,791 --> 00:06:21,166 It's the leaves! 103 00:06:22,041 --> 00:06:25,208 I'm sorry, Mr. Manager, but these leaves you're serving are-- 104 00:06:25,291 --> 00:06:26,166 Pois-- 105 00:06:26,250 --> 00:06:27,958 …definitely poisonous. 106 00:06:28,041 --> 00:06:32,208 But that's all we serve here, and it's almost dinnertime! 107 00:06:36,041 --> 00:06:37,458 We have to stop them. 108 00:06:38,291 --> 00:06:39,791 Don't eat the leaves! 109 00:06:40,958 --> 00:06:42,000 Hey, my dinner! 110 00:06:42,083 --> 00:06:43,833 It's for your own good, ma'am. 111 00:06:46,791 --> 00:06:48,791 Hey! What's the big idea? 112 00:06:48,875 --> 00:06:50,791 -Gimme that. -How dare you! 113 00:06:52,208 --> 00:06:53,375 Hm? 114 00:06:53,458 --> 00:06:55,208 Mm! Mm, mm, mm. 115 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:00,000 I don't feel so good. 116 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:03,250 We're too late. 117 00:07:03,333 --> 00:07:05,000 They already ate the leaves. 118 00:07:05,083 --> 00:07:06,458 We've gotta catch them! 119 00:07:06,541 --> 00:07:10,041 -Philip, will you help us? -We've got some monkeys to save. 120 00:07:32,875 --> 00:07:34,541 A little help here. 121 00:07:40,500 --> 00:07:42,000 Thanks for the help, Philip. 122 00:07:42,083 --> 00:07:45,083 The howlers are safe, and the poison should wear off soon. 123 00:07:45,166 --> 00:07:49,250 That was some ace work back there. You CLADE agents are all right. 124 00:07:51,333 --> 00:07:54,041 I just wish we knew why the leaves are bad. 125 00:07:54,125 --> 00:07:55,916 There's gotta be some clue. 126 00:07:56,666 --> 00:07:57,666 Hm… 127 00:07:57,750 --> 00:08:00,583 The howler monkeys only eat the leaves from this tree. 128 00:08:00,666 --> 00:08:02,458 And they've been eating them for years. 129 00:08:02,541 --> 00:08:04,500 So why are they being poisoned now? 130 00:08:05,083 --> 00:08:06,291 Hm… Huh? 131 00:08:06,375 --> 00:08:08,583 Check it out. This leaf is different. 132 00:08:08,666 --> 00:08:11,583 Good eye, kid. Looks like a new leaf to me. 133 00:08:11,666 --> 00:08:14,666 They're different colors depending on how old they are. 134 00:08:14,750 --> 00:08:17,666 The light ones are newer and the dark ones older. 135 00:08:18,791 --> 00:08:20,500 Philip, give it a sniff. 136 00:08:22,416 --> 00:08:24,625 Oh! Definitely poisonous. 137 00:08:24,708 --> 00:08:26,458 Now try this new one. 138 00:08:27,916 --> 00:08:30,250 It's all right. No poison. 139 00:08:30,333 --> 00:08:33,291 So that means only the old leaves are poisonous. 140 00:08:33,375 --> 00:08:35,208 The new leaves are fine to eat. 141 00:08:35,291 --> 00:08:36,458 Of course! 142 00:08:36,541 --> 00:08:39,541 As the leaves get older, they become poisonous. 143 00:08:39,625 --> 00:08:42,875 Which is okay, as long as there are plenty of new leaves mixed in. 144 00:08:42,958 --> 00:08:46,333 But most of these leaves look old. Where did all the new ones go? 145 00:08:47,708 --> 00:08:49,625 What is it, Phil? Got something? 146 00:08:49,708 --> 00:08:51,083 I'm picking up a scent. 147 00:08:55,375 --> 00:08:56,666 -Over here. 148 00:08:56,750 --> 00:08:59,583 A trail of new leaves. And it's heading that way! 149 00:08:59,666 --> 00:09:00,875 Nice sniffing, Phil. 150 00:09:00,958 --> 00:09:04,208 Like I told ya, I've got a nose for this sort of thing. 151 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:15,833 Look over there. 152 00:09:15,916 --> 00:09:18,166 Another monkey resort. 153 00:09:19,708 --> 00:09:22,291 And look at this box right here, see? 154 00:09:22,375 --> 00:09:23,375 Hm… 155 00:09:29,166 --> 00:09:30,750 Whiskers, that's it! 156 00:09:30,833 --> 00:09:34,916 These monkeys have been stealing the safe new leaves for themselves… 157 00:09:38,875 --> 00:09:42,083 and leaving nothing but old poisonous ones behind. 158 00:09:42,166 --> 00:09:45,666 I've heard that howler monkeys will fight over their favorite trees, 159 00:09:45,750 --> 00:09:49,000 but stealing leaves? That's new to me. 160 00:09:49,083 --> 00:09:50,875 Better bring them all back. 161 00:09:52,416 --> 00:09:54,000 -Huh? -Hey, you! 162 00:09:54,083 --> 00:09:55,833 Get away from our leaves! 163 00:09:55,916 --> 00:09:57,541 You mean your stolen leaves. 164 00:09:57,625 --> 00:10:00,125 That is what I mean, yeah! 165 00:10:00,208 --> 00:10:02,750 -Let's get out of here! 166 00:10:09,375 --> 00:10:12,708 I don't think they're going to give those leaves back. 167 00:10:12,791 --> 00:10:14,708 But what are we gonna do? 168 00:10:14,791 --> 00:10:18,208 It's almost time for breakfast, and those howlers are gonna be hungry. 169 00:10:18,291 --> 00:10:21,458 Howler monkeys stealing from other howler monkeys. 170 00:10:21,541 --> 00:10:22,791 You hate to see it. 171 00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:26,333 Wait. 172 00:10:26,416 --> 00:10:27,666 Do that again, Philip. 173 00:10:27,750 --> 00:10:28,583 Huh? 174 00:10:29,625 --> 00:10:32,083 How long have you been working the night shift? 175 00:10:32,166 --> 00:10:34,458 Me? I've been doing this for years. 176 00:10:34,541 --> 00:10:37,250 So you've been eating the fruit from these trees 177 00:10:37,333 --> 00:10:39,833 and spitting the seeds out this whole time? 178 00:10:39,916 --> 00:10:40,750 Sure have. 179 00:10:41,500 --> 00:10:42,833 Of course! 180 00:10:42,916 --> 00:10:45,291 Philip, you've saved the howler monkeys. 181 00:10:45,375 --> 00:10:46,416 I did? 182 00:10:46,500 --> 00:10:48,625 I mean, I did. How'd I do that? 183 00:10:48,708 --> 00:10:52,458 Every time you spit out seeds, you've been planting new trees. 184 00:10:52,541 --> 00:10:54,458 New trees with new leaves. 185 00:10:54,541 --> 00:10:56,291 That aren't poisonous. 186 00:10:56,375 --> 00:10:58,291 Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. 187 00:10:58,375 --> 00:11:01,666 We gotta get these leaves back to those howlers before they wake up. 188 00:11:05,250 --> 00:11:09,500 Thanks for all the new leaves! You three are a real team! 189 00:11:09,583 --> 00:11:12,041 Another Creature Case… 190 00:11:12,125 --> 00:11:13,833 Closed. 191 00:11:13,916 --> 00:11:15,541 See you around, agents. 192 00:11:16,750 --> 00:11:19,583 Night monkeys don't do much good when the sun comes up. 193 00:11:19,666 --> 00:11:22,750 Well, you did a lot of good for us tonight, that's for sure. 194 00:11:22,833 --> 00:11:25,750 Take care, Philip. We couldn't have solved this case without you. 195 00:11:25,833 --> 00:11:27,625 Here's looking at you, kids. 196 00:11:32,791 --> 00:11:34,833 You know what this means. 197 00:11:34,916 --> 00:11:36,750 -Vacation! -Vacation! 198 00:11:39,250 --> 00:11:42,875 This place is pretty nice, once you get used to the heat. 199 00:11:43,708 --> 00:11:44,625 Hello! 200 00:11:45,125 --> 00:11:46,708 Can I get you anything else? 201 00:11:48,458 --> 00:11:49,875 Yeah. A towel. 202 00:11:51,250 --> 00:11:53,958 -Well, that's one way to cool off. 203 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:03,125 Mice Squad Fact File. 204 00:12:06,500 --> 00:12:08,000 -Status? 205 00:12:08,083 --> 00:12:09,250 System Settings? 206 00:12:11,125 --> 00:12:13,333 Update. Night monkeys. 207 00:12:14,791 --> 00:12:18,750 Night monkeys are the only monkeys that are nocturnal. 208 00:12:18,833 --> 00:12:23,208 That means they sleep during the day and are awake at night. 209 00:12:24,375 --> 00:12:26,291 Night monkeys like to eat fruits. 210 00:12:26,375 --> 00:12:28,625 They spread the seeds around the jungle, 211 00:12:28,708 --> 00:12:29,875 planting new trees. 212 00:12:31,291 --> 00:12:34,458 Night monkeys have a really good sense of smell. 213 00:12:34,541 --> 00:12:38,166 Just by smelling leaves, they can tell if they're safe to eat. 214 00:12:38,875 --> 00:12:41,333 Error. Upload incomplete. 215 00:12:41,416 --> 00:12:42,958 How to fix it? 216 00:12:43,041 --> 00:12:44,708 Move your feet. 217 00:12:56,625 --> 00:12:59,375 The Mystery of the Missing Hare. 218 00:13:01,791 --> 00:13:06,250 …100, 101, 102… 219 00:13:07,083 --> 00:13:09,250 Settle down, campers. 220 00:13:09,333 --> 00:13:10,666 I know you're excited, 221 00:13:10,750 --> 00:13:14,041 but we have to make sure everyone got here safely. 222 00:13:14,125 --> 00:13:20,541 …103, 104, 100 and… five… 223 00:13:20,625 --> 00:13:22,166 Where's 105? 224 00:13:22,250 --> 00:13:25,291 105? Who's 105? 225 00:13:25,375 --> 00:13:27,041 I haven't seen 'im. 226 00:13:27,125 --> 00:13:29,958 One of our campers is missing! 227 00:13:31,583 --> 00:13:32,500 Where are they? 228 00:13:43,750 --> 00:13:46,166 It's colder than a snow squall in here. 229 00:13:46,250 --> 00:13:49,083 Feels quite pleasant to me. Nice and chilly. 230 00:13:49,166 --> 00:13:50,458 But if you're cold, 231 00:13:50,541 --> 00:13:52,041 this should warm you up. 232 00:13:52,125 --> 00:13:54,291 Your chicken hat? Not my style. 233 00:13:54,375 --> 00:13:56,041 Come on. How could you say no? 234 00:13:56,125 --> 00:13:57,916 -This hat is the warmest… 235 00:13:58,000 --> 00:14:00,250 -Sam. -…softest, coziest… 236 00:14:00,333 --> 00:14:01,375 -Sam! 237 00:14:02,708 --> 00:14:04,625 The CLADE crest. 238 00:14:04,708 --> 00:14:06,916 The Director's got a new case for us. 239 00:14:11,250 --> 00:14:12,250 Hm… 240 00:14:13,875 --> 00:14:14,708 Uh… 241 00:14:14,791 --> 00:14:16,041 I was feeling chilly. 242 00:14:16,125 --> 00:14:19,541 Well, you'll need to keep warm where you're going, agents. 243 00:14:22,750 --> 00:14:23,958 Every spring, 244 00:14:24,041 --> 00:14:29,041 these snowshoe hares head from the tundra to their forest campground. 245 00:14:29,125 --> 00:14:33,708 But this year, they arrived to discover that one of them was missing. 246 00:14:33,791 --> 00:14:35,333 Whoa. That's a lot of rabbits. 247 00:14:35,416 --> 00:14:36,708 Not rabbits, Sam. 248 00:14:36,791 --> 00:14:38,708 They're snowshoe hares. 249 00:14:38,791 --> 00:14:41,125 Hares are bigger than rabbits, with longer legs. 250 00:14:41,208 --> 00:14:42,458 Indeed. 251 00:14:42,541 --> 00:14:46,208 Your job is to figure out what's happened to that missing hare. 252 00:14:46,291 --> 00:14:48,125 You can count on us, Director. 253 00:15:07,416 --> 00:15:10,125 Now arriving at destination biome, 254 00:15:10,708 --> 00:15:12,791 North American Forest. 255 00:15:12,875 --> 00:15:13,916 105? 256 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:15,166 Are you 105? 257 00:15:15,250 --> 00:15:16,375 No, I'm 23. 258 00:15:16,458 --> 00:15:17,541 105! 259 00:15:17,625 --> 00:15:18,708 105! 260 00:15:18,791 --> 00:15:19,666 105! 261 00:15:19,750 --> 00:15:21,208 Excuse me, campers. 262 00:15:24,875 --> 00:15:25,708 Uh… 263 00:15:25,791 --> 00:15:27,541 Was it something I said? 264 00:15:27,625 --> 00:15:30,541 Snowshoe hares are good at staying still when they're alarmed, 265 00:15:30,625 --> 00:15:33,833 and their fur makes them camouflaged so they're hard to see. 266 00:15:33,916 --> 00:15:37,625 Huh! It's true. Their brown fur really blends into the forest. 267 00:15:37,708 --> 00:15:39,416 -Hello, there. 268 00:15:39,500 --> 00:15:42,791 We're from CLADE, and we're here to find your missing camper. 269 00:15:42,875 --> 00:15:44,125 Oh, thank goodness. 270 00:15:44,208 --> 00:15:47,333 Well, we noticed someone was missing when we got here. 271 00:15:47,416 --> 00:15:51,083 Every spring we come to the forest from the cold, snowy tundra. 272 00:15:51,166 --> 00:15:54,041 That's because the snacks here are the best! 273 00:15:54,125 --> 00:15:54,958 Grass… 274 00:15:55,041 --> 00:15:56,375 And flowers. 275 00:15:57,458 --> 00:16:00,583 But one camper never made it. Can you tell us what they look like? 276 00:16:00,666 --> 00:16:04,291 Well, I suppose they look just like us. 277 00:16:04,375 --> 00:16:07,625 -Long ears, brown fur, big feet. 278 00:16:08,250 --> 00:16:09,250 How's this? 279 00:16:10,875 --> 00:16:13,041 Looks like they're frozen again. 280 00:16:13,833 --> 00:16:16,583 I'm sorry, agents. We're a little nervous. 281 00:16:16,666 --> 00:16:17,916 That's all right. 282 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:19,500 What's the missing camper's name? 283 00:16:19,583 --> 00:16:20,666 Oh, uh… 284 00:16:20,750 --> 00:16:21,833 Was it Barbara? 285 00:16:21,916 --> 00:16:23,166 I'm Barbara. 286 00:16:23,250 --> 00:16:24,250 Sorry. 287 00:16:24,333 --> 00:16:26,916 There are so many campers. I can't keep them all straight. 288 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:29,041 -Okay. Well, how about-- 289 00:16:31,208 --> 00:16:32,583 Oh no, not again. 290 00:16:33,375 --> 00:16:36,166 I don't think we're gonna get much more out of them. 291 00:16:36,250 --> 00:16:39,416 The hares came from the snowy tundra north of here, 292 00:16:39,500 --> 00:16:42,000 so we'd better start our investigation there. 293 00:16:42,083 --> 00:16:43,291 Sounds like a plan. 294 00:16:43,375 --> 00:16:44,291 To the tundra. 295 00:16:44,916 --> 00:16:46,375 Don't worry, campers. 296 00:16:46,458 --> 00:16:49,875 We'll find whatever their name is and bring them back soon. 297 00:16:54,541 --> 00:16:55,875 It's getting snowier. 298 00:16:55,958 --> 00:16:57,416 And colder. 299 00:16:57,500 --> 00:16:59,416 Maybe I should've brought your chicken hat. 300 00:17:00,833 --> 00:17:02,416 Check it out. Footprints! 301 00:17:02,500 --> 00:17:04,708 Snowshoe-hare prints by the looks of 'em. 302 00:17:04,791 --> 00:17:06,208 We're on the right track. 303 00:17:07,958 --> 00:17:09,375 -Huh. 304 00:17:09,458 --> 00:17:11,625 -What is it, Kit? -I thought I heard something. 305 00:17:11,708 --> 00:17:14,291 And it feels like someone is watching us. 306 00:17:17,541 --> 00:17:19,416 -I heard something too. 307 00:17:23,958 --> 00:17:24,791 A wolf! 308 00:17:24,875 --> 00:17:27,250 Better find that missing hare before that wolf does. 309 00:17:27,333 --> 00:17:29,583 Looks like he's working up an appetite. 310 00:17:29,666 --> 00:17:30,916 Watch it, dudes! 311 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:32,708 I'm shredding here! 312 00:17:35,000 --> 00:17:36,541 Not very polite. 313 00:17:36,625 --> 00:17:38,708 And he wrecked the trail of footprints. 314 00:17:38,791 --> 00:17:40,625 How will we find the missing hare now? 315 00:17:40,708 --> 00:17:41,625 A missing hare? 316 00:17:41,708 --> 00:17:45,083 What in the woolly world?! Didn't see you there, little guy. 317 00:17:45,166 --> 00:17:46,916 Neither did that wolf. 318 00:17:47,000 --> 00:17:48,791 Guess that's why they call me Snowball. 319 00:17:48,875 --> 00:17:51,958 'Cause I'm so good at blending in with the snow, eh? 320 00:17:52,041 --> 00:17:55,583 Snowball, we're from CLADE, and we're looking for a missing hare. 321 00:17:55,666 --> 00:17:56,750 About your size, 322 00:17:56,833 --> 00:17:58,041 but with brown fur? 323 00:17:58,125 --> 00:17:59,166 Hm… 324 00:17:59,250 --> 00:18:01,250 He does look familiar. 325 00:18:01,333 --> 00:18:03,416 But I haven't seen him. Gotta go. 326 00:18:06,375 --> 00:18:08,208 Guess we better keep searching. 327 00:18:12,208 --> 00:18:13,041 Tree bark. 328 00:18:13,125 --> 00:18:14,083 Is it a clue? 329 00:18:14,166 --> 00:18:16,833 I think so. When there's not much food around, 330 00:18:16,916 --> 00:18:19,291 snowshoe hares will eat the bark right off trees. 331 00:18:19,375 --> 00:18:20,541 -Huh? 332 00:18:20,625 --> 00:18:23,916 Sounds like someone's having a little bark snack now. 333 00:18:24,458 --> 00:18:25,416 Could it be… 334 00:18:26,041 --> 00:18:28,333 Mm… 335 00:18:28,416 --> 00:18:29,583 What's up, agents? 336 00:18:29,666 --> 00:18:31,041 -You again. -Who? 337 00:18:32,250 --> 00:18:34,500 Oh! Oh yeah, me. 338 00:18:34,583 --> 00:18:38,208 Snowball, are you sure you haven't seen a hare with brown fur? 339 00:18:38,291 --> 00:18:40,500 Absolutely positive. 340 00:18:40,583 --> 00:18:44,000 Brown fur would really stick out on all this snow, eh? 341 00:18:44,083 --> 00:18:45,083 Well, good luck. 342 00:18:47,916 --> 00:18:50,666 We still haven't found a single clue. 343 00:18:50,750 --> 00:18:53,041 Maybe those hares counted wrong? 344 00:18:53,125 --> 00:18:56,791 Maybe. Though I'm starting to feel like we're missing something. 345 00:18:57,791 --> 00:18:59,250 Hey. What's this? 346 00:19:00,458 --> 00:19:04,291 Looks like a snow burrow. The kind a missing hare would hide in. 347 00:19:04,375 --> 00:19:07,000 Hello? Anyone home? 348 00:19:08,500 --> 00:19:09,500 More bark. 349 00:19:09,583 --> 00:19:11,083 I think someone's in there. 350 00:19:11,166 --> 00:19:13,166 -Could it be… -Boo! 351 00:19:13,250 --> 00:19:14,083 Snowball! 352 00:19:14,166 --> 00:19:16,375 I got you guys good. 353 00:19:16,458 --> 00:19:20,833 Snowball, we don't have time for games. This is a serious investigation. 354 00:19:20,916 --> 00:19:21,958 And how'd you get here? 355 00:19:22,041 --> 00:19:23,583 We saw you go the other way. 356 00:19:23,666 --> 00:19:28,333 I told you. I'm good at blending in. You didn't see me sneak back here. 357 00:19:28,416 --> 00:19:30,458 This is my snack shack. 358 00:19:31,500 --> 00:19:36,250 Hold up. Snowball, you're sure that there are no other hares around here? 359 00:19:36,333 --> 00:19:40,791 Well, there were more of us here earlier. Wonder where they all went. Heh. 360 00:19:40,875 --> 00:19:43,583 -Now it's just me and that-- 361 00:19:43,666 --> 00:19:44,500 Wolf! 362 00:19:44,583 --> 00:19:45,416 Gotta go. 363 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:47,708 What in the woolly-- 364 00:19:47,791 --> 00:19:49,083 After that hare! 365 00:19:49,166 --> 00:19:50,041 Wait, what? 366 00:19:50,125 --> 00:19:53,375 I think Snowball might be the camper we've been looking for. 367 00:19:53,458 --> 00:19:56,166 Snowball? But his fur's the wrong color. 368 00:19:56,250 --> 00:19:59,083 Not all of it. He's got a brown spot on his back. 369 00:20:03,333 --> 00:20:05,875 We're not the only ones after him. Better hurry! 370 00:20:13,041 --> 00:20:14,125 Whoa! 371 00:20:14,625 --> 00:20:17,750 Whoa! Whooaa! 372 00:20:18,708 --> 00:20:19,833 Huh? 373 00:20:21,083 --> 00:20:22,041 Whoa! 374 00:20:36,375 --> 00:20:37,208 Ah-ha! 375 00:20:37,291 --> 00:20:38,166 Uh? 376 00:20:38,250 --> 00:20:39,833 Wh-- Wh-- Whoa! 377 00:20:48,166 --> 00:20:50,458 Snowball! Stay off the ice! 378 00:20:50,541 --> 00:20:51,958 -What? 379 00:20:52,041 --> 00:20:53,250 Oh no! 380 00:20:57,791 --> 00:20:58,791 Clu-Bot, go. 381 00:21:08,250 --> 00:21:09,083 Whoa! 382 00:21:09,166 --> 00:21:10,458 Thanks for the lift. 383 00:21:10,541 --> 00:21:14,291 Snowball, you're the missing camper we've been looking for! 384 00:21:14,375 --> 00:21:15,291 I am? 385 00:21:15,375 --> 00:21:18,958 But weren't you looking for someone with brown fur? 386 00:21:20,083 --> 00:21:20,916 Wait. 387 00:21:21,000 --> 00:21:25,041 My fur changes to brown for half the year. 388 00:21:25,125 --> 00:21:26,750 How did I forget that? 389 00:21:26,833 --> 00:21:28,958 Your fur changes color? 390 00:21:29,041 --> 00:21:30,083 Uh-huh. 391 00:21:30,166 --> 00:21:31,625 When the temperature changes, 392 00:21:31,708 --> 00:21:34,875 it causes some animals to change the color of their fur. 393 00:21:34,958 --> 00:21:37,208 Like weasels, caribou… 394 00:21:37,291 --> 00:21:39,041 And snowshoe hares. 395 00:21:39,125 --> 00:21:41,500 So they can blend in with the tundra in the winter 396 00:21:41,583 --> 00:21:43,333 and the forest in the spring. 397 00:21:43,416 --> 00:21:48,166 Oh, wow! Is it spring already? I was wondering why it was so warm. 398 00:21:48,250 --> 00:21:52,000 And look. The warmer temperature has made you even more brown. 399 00:21:54,000 --> 00:21:54,833 Uh-oh. 400 00:21:54,916 --> 00:21:56,875 That wolf is still after me. 401 00:21:56,958 --> 00:21:59,500 How will I blend into the snow like this? 402 00:21:59,583 --> 00:22:01,583 Let's head back to the snowshoe hares' camp. 403 00:22:01,666 --> 00:22:03,791 It's too far. We won't make it. 404 00:22:03,875 --> 00:22:06,875 Maybe we don't have to go all the way back. Come on. 405 00:22:11,166 --> 00:22:13,000 Now to find the right spot. 406 00:22:13,791 --> 00:22:16,708 There! Half-brown, half-white. Just like your fur. 407 00:22:16,791 --> 00:22:17,625 Perfect! 408 00:22:17,708 --> 00:22:19,666 That wolf will never see you now. 409 00:22:22,625 --> 00:22:24,125 Snowball, other way. 410 00:22:24,208 --> 00:22:25,916 Huh? Whoopsie. 411 00:22:28,291 --> 00:22:30,875 Here he comes. Snowball, hold still. 412 00:22:32,625 --> 00:22:34,458 You two seen a rabbit? 413 00:22:34,541 --> 00:22:36,458 Nope. No rabbits here. 414 00:22:44,458 --> 00:22:47,166 Are you sure you haven't seen a rabbit? 415 00:22:47,250 --> 00:22:49,041 -Uh-huh. -We're sure. 416 00:22:49,125 --> 00:22:51,958 Hm… 417 00:22:54,791 --> 00:22:55,791 Phew! 418 00:22:55,875 --> 00:23:00,750 No rabbits here. Just a perfectly camouflaged snowshoe hare. 419 00:23:00,833 --> 00:23:02,833 Nice job, Snowball. 420 00:23:02,916 --> 00:23:04,625 Thanks for your help, agents. 421 00:23:04,708 --> 00:23:07,291 Come on. Time to get you back to camp. 422 00:23:08,208 --> 00:23:09,041 Hey, everyone. 423 00:23:09,125 --> 00:23:10,333 I made it. 424 00:23:10,416 --> 00:23:14,541 Snowball! You're back! And your fur is brown! 425 00:23:14,625 --> 00:23:18,708 Snowball! Of course! That's who was missing. 426 00:23:18,791 --> 00:23:20,666 Looks like we did it, Kit. 427 00:23:20,750 --> 00:23:22,083 Another Creature Case… 428 00:23:22,166 --> 00:23:23,375 Closed. 429 00:23:26,708 --> 00:23:30,958 It may be spring in the tundra, but I'm still cold. 430 00:23:31,041 --> 00:23:33,000 R.O.N., set temperature to hot. 431 00:23:33,083 --> 00:23:35,166 Heating system offline. 432 00:23:35,250 --> 00:23:36,416 No heat? 433 00:23:36,500 --> 00:23:38,833 Desperate times call for desperate measures, Kit. 434 00:23:38,916 --> 00:23:41,416 Fine. Give me the chicken hat. 435 00:23:44,375 --> 00:23:48,583 How about I knit you a new hat on our way back to HQ? 436 00:23:48,666 --> 00:23:51,000 Oo! Can it be a snowshoe-hare hat? 437 00:23:51,083 --> 00:23:51,916 Of course. 438 00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:54,000 What color? White or brown? 439 00:23:54,083 --> 00:23:56,541 Why not both? 440 00:24:01,541 --> 00:24:03,416 Mice Squad Fact File. 441 00:24:06,791 --> 00:24:08,291 -Status? 442 00:24:08,375 --> 00:24:09,541 System Settings? 443 00:24:11,500 --> 00:24:13,625 Update. Snowshoe hares. 444 00:24:14,750 --> 00:24:19,416 Snowshoe hares' fur changes color when the seasons change. 445 00:24:19,500 --> 00:24:22,833 They're brown in the spring and turn white in the winter. 446 00:24:24,958 --> 00:24:27,416 Their fur is used for camouflage. 447 00:24:27,500 --> 00:24:30,208 That means they blend in with the colors around them. 448 00:24:31,583 --> 00:24:33,708 Hares are different than rabbits. 449 00:24:33,791 --> 00:24:37,375 Hares have longer legs, bigger feet, and larger ears. 450 00:24:39,166 --> 00:24:41,625 Error. Upload incomplete. 451 00:24:41,708 --> 00:24:43,250 How to fix it? 452 00:24:43,333 --> 00:24:45,000 Move your feet.