1 00:00:31,250 --> 00:00:32,166 Sam Snow. 2 00:00:34,041 --> 00:00:35,166 Kit Casey. 3 00:00:53,875 --> 00:00:56,000 The Creature Cases! 4 00:00:56,916 --> 00:00:59,375 The Secret of the Sand Serpent. 5 00:01:05,250 --> 00:01:06,416 Here we go. 6 00:01:06,500 --> 00:01:08,833 Thanks for the melon, mister. 7 00:01:08,916 --> 00:01:13,333 Well, I sure sold a lot of fruit for my first day in a new town. 8 00:01:13,416 --> 00:01:14,916 Time to close up shop. 9 00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:20,916 Run! Get inside! Hurry! 10 00:01:25,458 --> 00:01:27,916 See the rain on them there hills? 11 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:30,375 That means it's a-coming back! 12 00:01:30,458 --> 00:01:32,541 What's coming back? 13 00:01:32,625 --> 00:01:35,000 The Sand Serpent, of course! 14 00:01:35,083 --> 00:01:38,583 It'll pull you right underground! Run! 15 00:01:40,375 --> 00:01:42,666 Right. Sand Serpent. 16 00:01:44,250 --> 00:01:45,333 I'll be careful. 17 00:01:45,416 --> 00:01:47,083 Heh. Thank you. 18 00:01:50,708 --> 00:01:51,750 Huh? 19 00:01:56,666 --> 00:01:57,916 Huh? 20 00:01:59,166 --> 00:02:02,666 My melon! Something took it! 21 00:02:14,583 --> 00:02:15,916 -No! 22 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:18,833 Kit? 23 00:02:18,916 --> 00:02:20,666 All right, all right, I admit it. 24 00:02:20,750 --> 00:02:26,958 Sam, I've never told you this, but I'm kinda sorta afraid of the vacuum. 25 00:02:27,041 --> 00:02:28,666 The vacuum? 26 00:02:28,750 --> 00:02:33,083 Unless you were gonna ask me something else, in which case, I'm kidding. 27 00:02:33,166 --> 00:02:35,166 Sorry, Kit. I had no idea. 28 00:02:35,250 --> 00:02:37,833 Can I ask why you're afraid of the vacuum? 29 00:02:37,916 --> 00:02:42,500 I know it's silly, but the vacuum's just so loud. 30 00:02:42,583 --> 00:02:47,458 You know, fear is like a cage. A cage with only one way out. 31 00:02:47,541 --> 00:02:49,791 -The door? -No, it's just a saying! 32 00:02:49,875 --> 00:02:52,125 The only way out is to face your fear. 33 00:02:52,208 --> 00:02:53,166 Face my fear? 34 00:02:53,250 --> 00:02:55,916 That's right. You've got to face what you're afraid of 35 00:02:56,000 --> 00:02:58,375 so you can see that it isn't so scary. 36 00:02:58,458 --> 00:03:01,291 -Now, I'm going to turn this back on… 37 00:03:01,375 --> 00:03:02,750 The CLADE crest! 38 00:03:02,833 --> 00:03:04,625 Facing my fears will have to wait. 39 00:03:04,708 --> 00:03:07,625 Director Scratch has a new Creature Case for us. 40 00:03:09,583 --> 00:03:13,416 Agents, I've got a particularly strange case for you today. 41 00:03:13,500 --> 00:03:14,916 Take a look at this. 42 00:03:18,916 --> 00:03:20,916 Uh… What are we looking at? 43 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:22,625 According to local legend, 44 00:03:22,708 --> 00:03:27,083 this is the work of a mysterious creature called the Sand Serpent. 45 00:03:27,166 --> 00:03:31,375 Hm… Serpent means snake. Is the Sand Serpent some kind of snake? 46 00:03:31,458 --> 00:03:33,708 That's what you two need to figure out. 47 00:03:33,791 --> 00:03:36,916 All we know is that it's terrorizing these townsfolk. 48 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:40,000 They're all afraid of getting pulled underground. 49 00:03:40,083 --> 00:03:42,375 Good thing Sam and I aren't afraid 50 00:03:42,458 --> 00:03:44,250 of mysterious Sand Serpents. 51 00:03:44,333 --> 00:03:46,208 Nope. Just the vacuum clea-- 52 00:03:47,208 --> 00:03:48,583 You can count on us, Director. 53 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:13,250 Now arriving at destination biome, 54 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:16,333 South American Desert. 55 00:04:19,125 --> 00:04:20,583 Excuse us. 56 00:04:20,666 --> 00:04:22,125 I'm Agent Sam Snow. 57 00:04:22,208 --> 00:04:25,333 And I'm Agent Kit Casey. Mind answering a few questions? 58 00:04:25,416 --> 00:04:29,166 Who's gonna pay for my stolen melon? That's the question. 59 00:04:30,291 --> 00:04:33,416 Uh, we hear you've had a problem with a sand snake? 60 00:04:33,500 --> 00:04:34,416 Serpent. 61 00:04:34,500 --> 00:04:35,500 Excuse me? 62 00:04:35,583 --> 00:04:37,458 Here we go. 63 00:04:37,541 --> 00:04:39,666 You said "sand snake." 64 00:04:39,750 --> 00:04:43,083 But it's a serpent. The Sand Serpent! 65 00:04:45,125 --> 00:04:48,541 I thought you said serpent is just another name for snake. 66 00:04:48,625 --> 00:04:49,916 Go along with it. 67 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:52,208 What can you tell us about this Sand Serpent? 68 00:04:52,291 --> 00:04:58,625 Nobody knows what it is, or what it wants, but it can pull you right underground! 69 00:04:58,708 --> 00:05:01,083 Like my poor melons. 70 00:05:01,166 --> 00:05:04,458 Every time it rains up in them there hills, 71 00:05:04,541 --> 00:05:08,250 the Sand Serpent comes and terrorizes the town! 72 00:05:08,333 --> 00:05:10,500 Watch out! Run! Hurry! 73 00:05:10,583 --> 00:05:12,791 The Sand Serpent! It's back! 74 00:05:12,875 --> 00:05:16,833 Quick! Get off the ground, or it'll pull you under! 75 00:05:18,166 --> 00:05:19,666 We've got to help them! 76 00:05:21,250 --> 00:05:22,083 Look out! 77 00:05:22,166 --> 00:05:23,541 Whoa! 78 00:05:23,625 --> 00:05:25,791 Come on! Get off the ground! 79 00:05:25,875 --> 00:05:27,541 Quick! Up, up, up! 80 00:05:31,875 --> 00:05:33,291 Not again! 81 00:05:35,125 --> 00:05:38,458 It's a-coming for me! 82 00:05:45,041 --> 00:05:46,250 Uh, uh! 83 00:05:51,958 --> 00:05:53,333 It's leaving. 84 00:05:53,416 --> 00:05:54,458 Everyone okay? 85 00:05:54,541 --> 00:06:01,208 No. Another one of my melons was taken by that no-good stinkin' sand snake. 86 00:06:01,291 --> 00:06:03,041 Sand Serpent! 87 00:06:03,125 --> 00:06:06,750 You said it only comes when it rains on them there hills. 88 00:06:06,833 --> 00:06:09,041 Well, it sure ain't raining now. 89 00:06:09,125 --> 00:06:11,291 Well, it's never done that before. 90 00:06:11,375 --> 00:06:12,875 Guess it does now. 91 00:06:12,958 --> 00:06:15,166 We're used to it coming every once in a while, 92 00:06:15,250 --> 00:06:17,750 but twice in one day is too much! 93 00:06:17,833 --> 00:06:20,041 I'm not made of melons. 94 00:06:20,125 --> 00:06:21,250 Don't worry, folks. 95 00:06:21,333 --> 00:06:24,250 We'll take care of this. We know what we're doing. 96 00:06:24,333 --> 00:06:25,750 What are we doing? 97 00:06:25,833 --> 00:06:26,875 Good question. 98 00:06:26,958 --> 00:06:29,333 We need to get a look at this "Sand Serpent," 99 00:06:29,416 --> 00:06:32,458 -but it never seems to come above ground. -Not a problem. 100 00:06:32,958 --> 00:06:34,375 Clu-Bot, go. 101 00:06:35,333 --> 00:06:38,833 This Clu-Bot can track the Sand Serpent through its tunnels 102 00:06:38,916 --> 00:06:41,166 so we can see what we're dealing with. 103 00:06:43,958 --> 00:06:45,333 There! That's it! 104 00:06:45,416 --> 00:06:49,208 It looks like it has fur and claws. Doesn't look like a snake to me. 105 00:06:49,291 --> 00:06:50,791 It's on the move again. 106 00:06:53,208 --> 00:06:56,333 We can't get close. It's kicking up too much sand. 107 00:06:59,041 --> 00:06:59,916 Oh. 108 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:02,083 The Clu-Bot crashed into something. 109 00:07:04,166 --> 00:07:09,625 This wall must go down pretty deep, but the Serpent avoided it just in time. 110 00:07:09,708 --> 00:07:13,708 If we could somehow corner the creature at this wall, we could catch it. 111 00:07:13,791 --> 00:07:15,625 But how do we make it go where we want? 112 00:07:23,666 --> 00:07:25,250 -Huh? You saw that, right? 113 00:07:25,333 --> 00:07:27,250 Uh-huh. And I heard it too. 114 00:07:27,333 --> 00:07:29,166 The Sand Serpent lives underground, 115 00:07:29,250 --> 00:07:32,583 but it zips away whenever there's a big noise above ground. 116 00:07:32,666 --> 00:07:35,958 It's gotta have good hearing to find its way around in those tunnels. 117 00:07:36,041 --> 00:07:37,666 Must not like loud noises. 118 00:07:37,750 --> 00:07:40,000 And that's how we catch it! 119 00:07:40,083 --> 00:07:42,125 The next time the Serpent comes back, 120 00:07:42,208 --> 00:07:43,541 we'll be ready for it. 121 00:07:44,833 --> 00:07:49,583 Folks, we've figured out the Sand Serpent isn't a snake at all, 122 00:07:49,666 --> 00:07:52,000 and it doesn't like loud noises. 123 00:07:52,083 --> 00:07:53,833 So? What is it? 124 00:07:53,916 --> 00:07:57,166 Time to find out. Everyone bring their pots and pans? 125 00:07:57,250 --> 00:07:59,125 -Yeah. You bet. -Great! 126 00:07:59,208 --> 00:08:00,666 -Now… 127 00:08:00,750 --> 00:08:02,875 …Kit and I will position you around town. 128 00:08:02,958 --> 00:08:04,625 Then, when we tell you, 129 00:08:04,708 --> 00:08:06,541 make as much noise as possible! 130 00:08:06,625 --> 00:08:09,750 The noise will drive the creature smack into the underground wall. 131 00:08:09,833 --> 00:08:11,916 And that's when we'll catch it. 132 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:15,250 Now, who's ready to stop that Sand Serpent? 133 00:08:17,666 --> 00:08:20,166 This is where you say, "We are!" 134 00:08:20,250 --> 00:08:22,875 Come on, folks. There's nothing to be afraid of. 135 00:08:22,958 --> 00:08:24,750 Easy for you to say. 136 00:08:24,833 --> 00:08:31,041 You didn't grow up hearing bedtime stories about the terrifying Sand Serpent! 137 00:08:31,125 --> 00:08:32,916 I'm mighty scared of that thing. 138 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:34,583 We are. 139 00:08:35,458 --> 00:08:39,416 You know, someone once told me that fear is like a cage. 140 00:08:39,500 --> 00:08:41,708 A cage with only one way out. 141 00:08:41,791 --> 00:08:43,500 -The door? -Bending the bars? 142 00:08:43,583 --> 00:08:45,875 It's just a saying! 143 00:08:45,958 --> 00:08:49,250 The only way out is to face your fear. 144 00:08:49,333 --> 00:08:51,291 -Oh yeah. -I get it. 145 00:08:51,375 --> 00:08:55,291 Whether you're scared of a legendary creature under the sand 146 00:08:55,375 --> 00:08:56,458 or a vacuum cleaner… 147 00:08:56,541 --> 00:08:58,375 Vacuum cleaner? 148 00:08:58,458 --> 00:09:01,833 …sooner or later, we all have to face our fears 149 00:09:01,916 --> 00:09:03,875 so we can see that they're not so scary. 150 00:09:03,958 --> 00:09:05,250 Now, who's with me? 151 00:09:05,333 --> 00:09:06,958 We are! 152 00:09:07,958 --> 00:09:09,625 Sand Serpent! 153 00:09:09,708 --> 00:09:11,958 It's a-coming! 154 00:09:12,041 --> 00:09:14,291 Positions, everyone! Go, go, go! 155 00:09:19,416 --> 00:09:21,333 Mr. Root, make some noise. 156 00:09:24,500 --> 00:09:26,541 -It's working! -Bang those pots! 157 00:09:26,625 --> 00:09:28,250 Keep steering it toward the wall! 158 00:09:28,333 --> 00:09:29,958 -Now! -Hey! 159 00:09:31,541 --> 00:09:33,250 I… I can't! 160 00:09:33,333 --> 00:09:35,958 Face your fear! You can do this. 161 00:09:36,625 --> 00:09:37,791 Oh… 162 00:09:42,041 --> 00:09:44,541 Yee-haw! 163 00:09:44,625 --> 00:09:46,458 Whiskers, it worked. 164 00:09:46,541 --> 00:09:49,750 Now, let's see what the Sand Serpent really is. 165 00:09:52,666 --> 00:09:54,583 Uh… Uh? Eh… 166 00:09:55,083 --> 00:09:56,625 How's it going, everybody? 167 00:09:57,208 --> 00:09:59,541 -Huh? -That's the Sand Serpent? 168 00:09:59,625 --> 00:10:00,916 Sand Serpent? Where? Where? 169 00:10:01,000 --> 00:10:03,041 Wait. What's a Sand Serpent? 170 00:10:03,125 --> 00:10:04,250 Of course! 171 00:10:04,333 --> 00:10:06,708 Sam, it's a pink fairy armadillo. 172 00:10:06,791 --> 00:10:08,958 A pink fairy? 173 00:10:09,041 --> 00:10:11,750 Now who's telling tall tales? 174 00:10:11,833 --> 00:10:16,166 Hey. I'll have you know, I'm a pink fairy armadillo. 175 00:10:16,250 --> 00:10:17,875 It all adds up. 176 00:10:17,958 --> 00:10:21,333 Pink fairy armadillos have fur, claws for digging, 177 00:10:21,416 --> 00:10:23,625 and they're rarely seen above ground. 178 00:10:23,708 --> 00:10:24,541 Let me guess. 179 00:10:24,625 --> 00:10:26,583 You live over there in the hills. 180 00:10:26,666 --> 00:10:28,208 Except when it rains. 181 00:10:28,291 --> 00:10:31,583 Then, my tunnels fill up with water. Oh, it's terrible. 182 00:10:31,666 --> 00:10:33,083 So, I come down here. 183 00:10:33,166 --> 00:10:35,541 Just like the legend says. 184 00:10:35,625 --> 00:10:38,875 But it's not raining now. Why come back to town? 185 00:10:38,958 --> 00:10:41,500 I'm sorry for scaring everyone, 186 00:10:41,583 --> 00:10:46,166 but earlier, I tasted the most delicious, amazing fruit I've ever had! 187 00:10:46,250 --> 00:10:48,000 And I want more. 188 00:10:48,833 --> 00:10:50,250 What? 189 00:10:50,333 --> 00:10:53,375 He's talking about my melons! 190 00:10:54,375 --> 00:10:56,208 No wonder you stuck around. 191 00:10:56,291 --> 00:10:57,916 I bet those tasted a lot better 192 00:10:58,000 --> 00:11:00,125 than the insects and grubs you usually eat. 193 00:11:00,208 --> 00:11:01,250 You can say that again. 194 00:11:01,333 --> 00:11:03,333 I've never had anything like them. 195 00:11:03,416 --> 00:11:05,000 You hear that, folks? 196 00:11:05,083 --> 00:11:07,750 I got the only fruit in town 197 00:11:07,833 --> 00:11:12,416 -that's pink-fairy-armadillo-approved! 198 00:11:12,500 --> 00:11:16,583 Mr. Root, if our little friend promises not to cause any more trouble, 199 00:11:16,666 --> 00:11:19,333 do you think you could give him some melon seeds? 200 00:11:19,416 --> 00:11:21,958 Then I could grow my own melons! 201 00:11:22,041 --> 00:11:24,000 It's a deal. 202 00:11:24,083 --> 00:11:24,916 Thanks! 203 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:26,625 Hasta la vista! 204 00:11:26,708 --> 00:11:29,000 That's one more Creature Case… 205 00:11:29,083 --> 00:11:29,916 Closed. 206 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:34,208 And thanks to you, we all faced our fears. 207 00:11:34,291 --> 00:11:36,541 Well, not quite. 208 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:03,125 Mice Squad Fact File. 209 00:12:06,500 --> 00:12:08,000 -Status? 210 00:12:08,083 --> 00:12:09,250 System Settings? 211 00:12:11,416 --> 00:12:13,333 Update. Armadillos. 212 00:12:14,541 --> 00:12:17,083 Pink fairy armadillos have large claws 213 00:12:17,166 --> 00:12:18,875 on their front and back legs. 214 00:12:18,958 --> 00:12:22,500 They use their claws to quickly dig through sand. 215 00:12:24,583 --> 00:12:27,000 Pink fairy armadillos have small eyes… 216 00:12:27,083 --> 00:12:29,833 …so their hearing helps them get around. 217 00:12:30,958 --> 00:12:33,833 They sometimes leave their homes due to weather changes. 218 00:12:33,916 --> 00:12:37,458 When it rains, their tunnels might fill with water. Yikes! 219 00:12:38,875 --> 00:12:41,333 Error. Upload incomplete. 220 00:12:41,416 --> 00:12:42,958 How to fix it? 221 00:12:43,041 --> 00:12:44,708 Move your feet. 222 00:12:56,875 --> 00:12:59,500 The Disappearance of Peggy Scratch. 223 00:13:01,833 --> 00:13:03,666 R.O.N., status report. 224 00:13:03,750 --> 00:13:07,583 We are above the Atlantic Ocean, near the equator. 225 00:13:07,666 --> 00:13:10,875 Roger that. We'll get back to CLADE fastest if we head west. 226 00:13:10,958 --> 00:13:13,291 Uh, I think you mean east. 227 00:13:13,375 --> 00:13:16,041 No, I definitely meant west. I'm the one navigating here. 228 00:13:16,125 --> 00:13:18,041 Yeah, and I'm the one steering. 229 00:13:18,125 --> 00:13:19,875 -Whoa! 230 00:13:22,750 --> 00:13:24,375 Sorry about that, Director. 231 00:13:24,458 --> 00:13:27,083 Just a little turbulence, but we should be all good now. 232 00:13:27,166 --> 00:13:31,958 Not to get ahead of ourselves, but I think Kit and I are acing this flight test. 233 00:13:32,041 --> 00:13:34,375 Agents, you're doing well individually, 234 00:13:34,458 --> 00:13:37,083 but your teamwork could use some improvement. 235 00:13:37,166 --> 00:13:39,166 Huh? But we work so well together. 236 00:13:39,250 --> 00:13:40,208 Like worms and dirt. 237 00:13:40,291 --> 00:13:41,708 Yeah. Kit and I-- 238 00:13:42,708 --> 00:13:45,125 Wait. Am I the dirt or the worm here? 239 00:13:46,875 --> 00:13:47,708 Power failure. 240 00:13:47,791 --> 00:13:48,750 I got this. 241 00:13:48,833 --> 00:13:51,041 No, I got this. I'm the captain. 242 00:13:51,125 --> 00:13:53,250 Captain? You're not the captain. 243 00:13:53,333 --> 00:13:55,833 I'm navigating, which means I'm the capt-- 244 00:13:55,916 --> 00:13:58,083 Agents, the jet. 245 00:13:58,166 --> 00:14:01,500 System failure. Prepare for crash landing. 246 00:14:23,875 --> 00:14:25,375 -Excuse me. 247 00:14:25,458 --> 00:14:26,291 Watch out. 248 00:14:27,750 --> 00:14:29,000 Everybody okay? 249 00:14:29,083 --> 00:14:30,000 I think so. 250 00:14:30,083 --> 00:14:34,125 Hm… That was some landing, agents. 251 00:14:35,041 --> 00:14:35,958 Where are we? 252 00:14:36,041 --> 00:14:37,791 -I don't know. 253 00:14:37,875 --> 00:14:39,416 I don't see anyone around. 254 00:14:39,500 --> 00:14:41,166 It's kinda spooky, isn't it? 255 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:44,500 R.O.N., how's the engine? Is anything broken? 256 00:14:44,583 --> 00:14:46,541 Error. 257 00:14:47,125 --> 00:14:50,541 Yep. Something's broken. I'll check the systems one by one. 258 00:14:51,708 --> 00:14:53,041 Nah, that'll take forever. 259 00:14:53,125 --> 00:14:56,166 I'll pop the control hatch and root around until I find the problem. 260 00:14:56,250 --> 00:14:58,791 Kit, we need to do this carefully. 261 00:14:58,875 --> 00:15:01,750 No, we need to do this quickly. 262 00:15:01,833 --> 00:15:03,291 Right, Director? 263 00:15:03,375 --> 00:15:05,166 Uh… Director? 264 00:15:05,250 --> 00:15:06,458 Where'd she go? 265 00:15:06,541 --> 00:15:08,166 Director Scratch? 266 00:15:09,458 --> 00:15:10,458 I don't see her. 267 00:15:10,541 --> 00:15:12,500 Director Scratch? Come in, Director. 268 00:15:12,583 --> 00:15:14,958 Hm. Maybe the Mice Squad have seen her. 269 00:15:15,041 --> 00:15:17,500 Always seem to be in the right place at the right time. 270 00:15:17,583 --> 00:15:19,958 They're on vacation this week, remember? 271 00:15:20,041 --> 00:15:23,208 -We love you, Bill and Jill! 272 00:15:24,375 --> 00:15:26,541 Sam, Director Scratch is missing. 273 00:15:26,625 --> 00:15:29,333 Our flight test has turned into a full-blown Creature Case. 274 00:15:29,416 --> 00:15:32,583 This is usually when Director Scratch explains our mission. 275 00:15:32,666 --> 00:15:36,291 But since she's not here, I guess we explain it to ourselves? 276 00:15:37,041 --> 00:15:38,916 Oo, oo! Let me try. 277 00:15:40,125 --> 00:15:42,416 Agents, your mission is to find me, 278 00:15:42,500 --> 00:15:44,125 Director Peggy Scratch. 279 00:15:46,708 --> 00:15:50,166 I was here, and now I'm not. Where did I go? 280 00:15:50,250 --> 00:15:52,083 It's up to you to find out. 281 00:15:58,708 --> 00:16:00,958 Yeah. Actually, this isn't funny. 282 00:16:01,041 --> 00:16:04,750 No. It's creepy. It's like she just vanished. 283 00:16:04,833 --> 00:16:08,250 Creepy or not, we're detectives, and we're going to find her. 284 00:16:08,833 --> 00:16:10,416 Let's look for clues. 285 00:16:11,708 --> 00:16:14,791 I'm not finding any trace of Director Scratch. You? 286 00:16:14,875 --> 00:16:15,708 Nothin'. 287 00:16:16,583 --> 00:16:20,000 Uh, Sam? Do you feel like we're being watched? 288 00:16:20,583 --> 00:16:23,125 -Watched? No. That's ridiculou-- 289 00:16:23,708 --> 00:16:26,666 I take it back. There's definitely something out there. 290 00:16:26,750 --> 00:16:28,000 Hold up. 291 00:16:28,083 --> 00:16:29,041 Look at this. 292 00:16:29,125 --> 00:16:31,625 A feather! Do you think it belongs to Director Scratch? 293 00:16:31,708 --> 00:16:34,291 I'll compare it to one of her feathers from my database. 294 00:16:34,375 --> 00:16:35,958 You have her feathers in there? 295 00:16:36,041 --> 00:16:38,083 Oh sure. I've scanned lots of stuff. 296 00:16:38,166 --> 00:16:41,875 Snake scales, crab shells, even your fur and whiskers. 297 00:16:42,625 --> 00:16:43,500 Um… 298 00:16:43,583 --> 00:16:45,791 Here we go. Director Scratch's feathers. 299 00:16:45,875 --> 00:16:48,458 And… it's not a match. 300 00:16:49,166 --> 00:16:52,166 This feather feels different. Almost like fur. 301 00:16:52,250 --> 00:16:54,916 So there must be another bird on this island. 302 00:16:55,000 --> 00:16:55,833 But where? 303 00:16:55,916 --> 00:16:57,833 I haven't seen any in the air. 304 00:16:57,916 --> 00:16:58,875 Kit, look! 305 00:16:58,958 --> 00:17:00,625 Director Scratch's necklace! 306 00:17:01,791 --> 00:17:03,666 What in the woolly world?! 307 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:04,583 After it! 308 00:17:08,916 --> 00:17:10,208 What is that thing? 309 00:17:10,291 --> 00:17:11,291 I don't know, 310 00:17:11,375 --> 00:17:13,416 but it sure is quick. 311 00:17:19,083 --> 00:17:21,250 Whoa! 312 00:17:21,916 --> 00:17:24,958 They're birds, but why are they running, not flying? 313 00:17:25,041 --> 00:17:28,333 Sam, they're not flying, because they can't fly! 314 00:17:28,416 --> 00:17:30,958 We must be on Inaccessible Island, 315 00:17:31,041 --> 00:17:33,833 and these are Inaccessible Island rails! 316 00:17:33,916 --> 00:17:35,583 Inaccessible what now? 317 00:17:35,666 --> 00:17:37,500 Inaccessible Island rails. 318 00:17:38,250 --> 00:17:40,916 This is the only place in the world they live. 319 00:17:41,000 --> 00:17:43,958 They're the world's smallest birds that don't fly! 320 00:17:44,041 --> 00:17:46,500 -Maybe they've seen the Director. -Sam, wait! 321 00:17:46,583 --> 00:17:50,083 -Excuse me. I'm Agent Sam Snow, and-- 322 00:17:50,166 --> 00:17:51,416 Whoa! 323 00:17:51,500 --> 00:17:53,666 -I was trying to tell you. 324 00:17:53,750 --> 00:17:55,666 These rails are really shy. 325 00:17:55,750 --> 00:17:57,958 But I can put 'em at ease with some birdcalls. 326 00:17:58,041 --> 00:17:59,416 Ahem. 327 00:18:02,041 --> 00:18:03,958 You really sound just like them. 328 00:18:05,833 --> 00:18:08,000 What do you want? 329 00:18:08,083 --> 00:18:11,833 We don't mean you any harm. We just wanna ask you a few questions. 330 00:18:11,916 --> 00:18:14,000 Hm. I don't know about that. 331 00:18:14,083 --> 00:18:15,458 We're looking for our boss. 332 00:18:15,541 --> 00:18:17,541 Have you seen this chicken? 333 00:18:17,625 --> 00:18:19,916 Maybe. Maybe not. 334 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:21,000 Right. 335 00:18:21,083 --> 00:18:23,208 Can we take a look around your village? 336 00:18:24,250 --> 00:18:25,083 No! 337 00:18:26,041 --> 00:18:28,166 Um… What was that all about? 338 00:18:28,958 --> 00:18:32,125 Inaccessible Island rails are very territorial. 339 00:18:32,208 --> 00:18:34,458 They don't like strangers coming near their homes. 340 00:18:34,541 --> 00:18:36,375 Time to think of a new plan. 341 00:18:38,250 --> 00:18:41,125 Those rails must know something about Director Scratch. 342 00:18:41,208 --> 00:18:42,125 Hm… 343 00:18:42,208 --> 00:18:44,500 We'll have to sneak in to investigate. 344 00:18:44,583 --> 00:18:47,291 We could parachute in or dig a tunnel under the walls. 345 00:18:47,375 --> 00:18:49,083 -Or we could-- -That'll never work! 346 00:18:49,166 --> 00:18:51,333 We should tell them we're delivering a pizza! 347 00:18:51,416 --> 00:18:53,666 Pizza? Where are we gonna get a pizza? 348 00:18:53,750 --> 00:18:54,875 We just have to say 349 00:18:54,958 --> 00:18:57,416 -we have a pizza and then-- Huh. 350 00:18:58,291 --> 00:19:01,000 Hey. That's a nice rock. 351 00:19:01,083 --> 00:19:03,250 Yeah, I know. It's my rock. 352 00:19:03,333 --> 00:19:05,125 It's gonna be my rock soon. 353 00:19:05,208 --> 00:19:07,875 Ha! You'll have to fight me for it. 354 00:19:23,958 --> 00:19:25,875 Are those rails dancing? 355 00:19:25,958 --> 00:19:28,000 They're fighting, rail-style. 356 00:19:28,083 --> 00:19:30,333 It's how they protect their territory. 357 00:19:46,125 --> 00:19:48,583 Hey, you! Get away from my rock! 358 00:19:48,666 --> 00:19:49,916 Guess she's the winner. 359 00:19:54,916 --> 00:19:56,250 Nice moves, Sam. 360 00:19:56,333 --> 00:19:58,833 Whoops. I didn't realize I was doing that. 361 00:19:58,916 --> 00:20:01,000 You're moving just like the rails. 362 00:20:02,000 --> 00:20:04,583 And that's how we're gonna get inside! 363 00:20:04,666 --> 00:20:05,666 What do you mean? 364 00:20:05,750 --> 00:20:08,375 If you challenge the rails with your dancing and win, 365 00:20:08,458 --> 00:20:10,458 they'd have to let us into their village! 366 00:20:10,541 --> 00:20:14,708 But moves are only half the fight. We need rail noises too. 367 00:20:15,208 --> 00:20:17,416 Which you know how to make! 368 00:20:19,750 --> 00:20:21,375 Whiskers, that's it! 369 00:20:21,458 --> 00:20:24,750 If we work together, we can dance and sound just like a rail 370 00:20:24,833 --> 00:20:26,375 and challenge the champion. 371 00:20:26,458 --> 00:20:27,708 It's gonna take skill, 372 00:20:27,791 --> 00:20:30,208 and it's gonna take teamwork. What do you say? 373 00:20:30,291 --> 00:20:32,583 I say let's dance. 374 00:20:43,583 --> 00:20:44,708 How do I look? 375 00:20:44,791 --> 00:20:46,375 Just like a rail. Come on! 376 00:20:48,333 --> 00:20:49,166 Hey. 377 00:20:55,750 --> 00:20:58,208 Let me into the village! 378 00:21:00,291 --> 00:21:03,458 You're pretty big for an Inaccessible Island rail. 379 00:21:03,541 --> 00:21:04,541 I… 380 00:21:04,625 --> 00:21:08,000 Uh… My mom says I've always been big-boned. 381 00:21:10,000 --> 00:21:11,000 Hm… 382 00:21:13,125 --> 00:21:16,250 Well, still can't come into our village without a fight. 383 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:18,041 You're on. 384 00:21:48,625 --> 00:21:50,333 You don't see that every day. 385 00:21:57,416 --> 00:21:58,875 Woo-hoo! Go! 386 00:21:58,958 --> 00:22:04,416 Go! 387 00:22:08,000 --> 00:22:09,833 -Who do you think's gonna win? -Not sure. 388 00:22:09,916 --> 00:22:11,750 This new guy's got moves, 389 00:22:11,833 --> 00:22:13,916 but nobody's ever beat the champ. 390 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:17,666 Go! 391 00:22:17,750 --> 00:22:19,958 Keep it up, Sam. You're doing great. 392 00:22:20,041 --> 00:22:25,166 Go! 393 00:22:27,208 --> 00:22:29,750 Go! 394 00:22:36,833 --> 00:22:40,750 I've seen some moves in my day, but that was really something. 395 00:22:40,833 --> 00:22:43,333 You may enter the village. 396 00:22:46,166 --> 00:22:47,833 Open the gate! 397 00:22:51,208 --> 00:22:52,750 Director Scratch? 398 00:22:52,833 --> 00:22:54,791 Well done, agents. 399 00:22:54,875 --> 00:22:56,625 -You're all right! -Where've you been? 400 00:22:56,708 --> 00:23:00,458 Right here in the village. The rails are old friends of mine. 401 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:02,625 They helped me set up this little test for you. 402 00:23:02,708 --> 00:23:05,125 You mean, this was a test too? 403 00:23:05,208 --> 00:23:07,791 That's right. A teamwork test. 404 00:23:07,875 --> 00:23:10,583 I needed to see if you two could work together. 405 00:23:10,666 --> 00:23:13,333 And I must say, you did exceptionally well. 406 00:23:13,416 --> 00:23:15,916 Teamwork test passed. 407 00:23:16,000 --> 00:23:18,875 And another Creature Case closed. 408 00:23:18,958 --> 00:23:20,791 Well, ain't that somethin'. 409 00:23:20,875 --> 00:23:22,208 Nice dancin', partner. 410 00:23:22,291 --> 00:23:24,791 Couldn't have done it without you, partner. 411 00:23:25,583 --> 00:23:27,166 All systems go. 412 00:23:28,083 --> 00:23:30,041 Prepare for takeoff. 413 00:23:37,583 --> 00:23:40,500 Wow, Director. How'd you fix R.O.N. up so fast? 414 00:23:40,583 --> 00:23:43,000 Actually, he was never broken. 415 00:23:43,083 --> 00:23:46,333 I programmed R.O.N. to shut down as part of your test. 416 00:23:47,375 --> 00:23:48,916 I can't believe we fell for that. 417 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:51,583 Back to CLADE, agents. The test is over. 418 00:23:52,375 --> 00:23:53,583 Or is it? 419 00:24:01,541 --> 00:24:03,416 Mice Squad Fact File. 420 00:24:06,791 --> 00:24:08,291 -Status? 421 00:24:08,375 --> 00:24:09,541 System Settings? 422 00:24:11,541 --> 00:24:13,625 Update. Island rails. 423 00:24:14,875 --> 00:24:19,583 Inaccessible Island rails are the world's smallest flightless bird. 424 00:24:19,666 --> 00:24:23,500 Even though they have wings, they can't fly. 425 00:24:25,000 --> 00:24:27,833 They only live one place in the world. 426 00:24:27,916 --> 00:24:30,166 Inaccessible Island. 427 00:24:31,416 --> 00:24:36,333 Island rails protect their homes by hopping around and making birdcalls. 428 00:24:36,416 --> 00:24:38,041 It looks like dancing. 429 00:24:39,166 --> 00:24:41,625 Error. Upload incomplete. 430 00:24:41,708 --> 00:24:43,250 How to fix it? 431 00:24:43,333 --> 00:24:45,000 Move your feet.