1 00:00:05,714 --> 00:00:08,342 [♪♪♪] 2 00:00:14,014 --> 00:00:15,140 [elephant trumpeting] 3 00:00:15,182 --> 00:00:17,142 ♪ Right this way, 4 00:00:15,182 --> 00:00:17,142 enjoy your stay ♪ 5 00:00:17,184 --> 00:00:18,727 ♪ Here at Mango Manor ♪ 6 00:00:18,769 --> 00:00:20,395 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop ♪ 7 00:00:18,769 --> 00:00:20,395 [clap clap] 8 00:00:20,437 --> 00:00:22,397 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop! ♪ 9 00:00:20,437 --> 00:00:22,397 [clap clap] 10 00:00:22,439 --> 00:00:26,360 ♪ We all say a perfect day's 11 00:00:22,439 --> 00:00:26,360 when we are all together ♪ 12 00:00:26,401 --> 00:00:27,903 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop ♪ 13 00:00:26,401 --> 00:00:27,903 [clap clap] 14 00:00:27,945 --> 00:00:30,197 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop! ♪ 15 00:00:27,945 --> 00:00:30,197 [clap clap] 16 00:00:30,238 --> 00:00:32,073 ♪ Come on in and join the fun ♪ 17 00:00:32,115 --> 00:00:33,450 ♪ Plenty of room for everyone ♪ 18 00:00:33,492 --> 00:00:35,452 ♪ Need some help? Our 19 00:00:33,492 --> 00:00:35,452 family's here ♪ 20 00:00:35,494 --> 00:00:37,371 ♪ Ready, set, go, let's 21 00:00:35,494 --> 00:00:37,371 give a cheer! ♪ 22 00:00:37,412 --> 00:00:39,373 ♪ Namaste, we'll turn your day ♪ 23 00:00:39,414 --> 00:00:41,166 ♪ From good to great, 24 00:00:39,414 --> 00:00:41,166 come celebrate ♪ 25 00:00:41,208 --> 00:00:43,002 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop ♪ 26 00:00:41,208 --> 00:00:43,002 [clap clap] 27 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:45,170 -♪ I'm Deepa, he's Anoop! ♪ 28 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:45,170 -[trumpeting] 29 00:00:46,714 --> 00:00:49,008 [Deepa] Fix-It Father's Day! 30 00:00:51,301 --> 00:00:52,427 [Deepa laughing] 31 00:00:53,094 --> 00:00:54,638 [laughing] 32 00:00:57,307 --> 00:00:58,600 On the count of three, 33 00:00:58,642 --> 00:01:01,603 let's show our favorite 34 00:00:58,642 --> 00:01:01,603 treat we painted! 35 00:01:01,645 --> 00:01:05,273 One, two, three! 36 00:01:05,315 --> 00:01:06,483 Whoa, Anoop! 37 00:01:06,525 --> 00:01:09,319 That's one big pile of ladoos! 38 00:01:09,361 --> 00:01:13,782 Check out my ice cream sundae 39 00:01:09,361 --> 00:01:13,782 that goes all the way to the 40 00:01:09,361 --> 00:01:13,782 moon! 41 00:01:13,824 --> 00:01:16,660 Looks like you could just 42 00:01:13,824 --> 00:01:16,660 reach in and eat it! 43 00:01:18,078 --> 00:01:19,621 Mmm. [laughing] 44 00:01:19,663 --> 00:01:22,791 [chomping] Mmm. 45 00:01:22,833 --> 00:01:24,251 [Mama laughing] 46 00:01:24,292 --> 00:01:26,461 Well, I hope you two 47 00:01:24,292 --> 00:01:26,461 don't ruin your appetites. 48 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:31,508 Naani-ji's making all of Baba's 49 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:31,508 favorites for Father's Day 50 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:31,508 dinner tonight. 51 00:01:31,550 --> 00:01:33,176 [trumpeting] 52 00:01:33,218 --> 00:01:36,179 Father's Day dinner? I forgot! 53 00:01:36,221 --> 00:01:38,724 I don't have a Father's 54 00:01:36,221 --> 00:01:38,724 Day present for Baba! 55 00:01:38,766 --> 00:01:39,767 [trumpeting "uh-oh"] 56 00:01:39,808 --> 00:01:40,893 It's okay, Anoop. 57 00:01:40,935 --> 00:01:42,937 We just need to think fast. 58 00:01:42,978 --> 00:01:44,396 I've got it! 59 00:01:44,438 --> 00:01:46,941 We could paint colorful designs 60 00:01:44,438 --> 00:01:46,941 on Baba's shirt! 61 00:01:46,982 --> 00:01:48,859 [gasping] Or, I know... 62 00:01:49,818 --> 00:01:52,237 We can pick all the flowers 63 00:01:49,818 --> 00:01:52,237 from the garden 64 00:01:52,279 --> 00:01:56,491 and use them to spell out 65 00:01:52,279 --> 00:01:56,491 "Happy Father's Day!" 66 00:01:56,533 --> 00:02:00,245 So big you can see it 67 00:01:56,533 --> 00:02:00,245 from outer space! 68 00:02:00,287 --> 00:02:05,000 Or we can drain the pool and 69 00:02:00,287 --> 00:02:05,000 fill it with Baba's favorite 70 00:02:00,287 --> 00:02:05,000 snacks! 71 00:02:05,042 --> 00:02:06,167 [trumpeting] 72 00:02:06,209 --> 00:02:08,087 Let's keep thinking, Anoop. 73 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:11,256 I'm sure we'll find just 74 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:11,256 the right thing! 75 00:02:11,298 --> 00:02:12,382 [Baba humming] 76 00:02:12,424 --> 00:02:14,802 [whistling] 77 00:02:14,843 --> 00:02:18,472 Happy Father's Day 78 00:02:14,843 --> 00:02:18,472 to the best Baba ever! 79 00:02:19,640 --> 00:02:21,182 [trumpeting] 80 00:02:21,224 --> 00:02:23,518 Thank... you... 81 00:02:23,560 --> 00:02:27,230 Baba, why are you working 82 00:02:23,560 --> 00:02:27,230 on Father's Day? 83 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:28,899 Repairs wait for no handyman. 84 00:02:28,941 --> 00:02:31,777 Gotta keep Mango Manor 85 00:02:28,941 --> 00:02:31,777 in tippity-top shape. 86 00:02:31,819 --> 00:02:33,904 Remember how this door 87 00:02:31,819 --> 00:02:33,904 wouldn't stay open? 88 00:02:33,946 --> 00:02:35,864 Now, lickety-split... 89 00:02:38,158 --> 00:02:39,827 ...it's fixed! 90 00:02:40,661 --> 00:02:43,956 Uh, almost fixed. And 91 00:02:40,661 --> 00:02:43,956 when this is done, 92 00:02:43,998 --> 00:02:47,208 I'll fix the leaky water pipe 93 00:02:43,998 --> 00:02:47,208 in the downstairs bathroom 94 00:02:47,250 --> 00:02:50,170 so we don't have a leaky ceiling 95 00:02:47,250 --> 00:02:50,170 on the main floor, 96 00:02:50,211 --> 00:02:52,339 then fix the wobbly 97 00:02:50,211 --> 00:02:52,339 dining room table, 98 00:02:52,380 --> 00:02:55,425 and the broken wheel 99 00:02:52,380 --> 00:02:55,425 on Naani-ji's step stool. 100 00:02:57,719 --> 00:02:59,513 Ha! That's more like it. 101 00:02:59,554 --> 00:03:01,765 Whoo hoo! You did it! 102 00:03:03,266 --> 00:03:05,978 Play! Play! Baba big feet! 103 00:03:06,020 --> 00:03:09,064 I suppose I could take 104 00:03:06,020 --> 00:03:09,064 a little time off. 105 00:03:09,106 --> 00:03:10,149 [giggling] 106 00:03:10,189 --> 00:03:12,484 Here comes Baba big feet! 107 00:03:12,526 --> 00:03:14,319 [laughing] 108 00:03:15,236 --> 00:03:18,490 Hmm, Baba sure has 109 00:03:15,236 --> 00:03:18,490 a lot of repairs to do. 110 00:03:18,532 --> 00:03:20,159 [gasping] That's it! 111 00:03:20,199 --> 00:03:23,495 I know just what to do for 112 00:03:20,199 --> 00:03:23,495 Baba's Father's Day gift! 113 00:03:23,537 --> 00:03:26,915 We'll do all of his 114 00:03:23,537 --> 00:03:26,915 Mango Manor repairs! 115 00:03:26,957 --> 00:03:27,624 [trumpeting] 116 00:03:27,666 --> 00:03:30,335 [♪♪♪] 117 00:03:32,129 --> 00:03:34,297 ♪ When something's broken ♪ 118 00:03:34,339 --> 00:03:36,466 ♪ Baba brings his toolkit ♪ 119 00:03:36,508 --> 00:03:37,759 ♪ Before it gets worse ♪ 120 00:03:37,801 --> 00:03:40,054 ♪ We can fix it 121 00:03:37,801 --> 00:03:40,054 Fix it first! ♪ 122 00:03:40,095 --> 00:03:42,389 ♪ Whether it's a 123 00:03:40,095 --> 00:03:42,389 burnt-out light ♪ 124 00:03:42,430 --> 00:03:44,808 ♪ Or a Grandfather clock ♪ 125 00:03:44,850 --> 00:03:46,768 ♪ We can fix it 126 00:03:44,850 --> 00:03:46,768 Make it bright ♪ 127 00:03:46,810 --> 00:03:49,521 ♪ Or go tickity-tock ♪ 128 00:03:49,563 --> 00:03:51,732 ♪ Something's broken 129 00:03:49,563 --> 00:03:51,732 We don't ask why ♪ 130 00:03:51,773 --> 00:03:53,483 ♪ We'll just give 131 00:03:51,773 --> 00:03:53,483 it our best try ♪ 132 00:03:53,525 --> 00:03:55,777 ♪ We're gonna fix it 133 00:03:53,525 --> 00:03:55,777 Make it strong ♪ 134 00:03:55,819 --> 00:03:57,905 ♪ So Baba can play 135 00:03:55,819 --> 00:03:57,905 all day long ♪ 136 00:03:57,946 --> 00:04:00,448 ♪ We're gonna fix it 137 00:03:57,946 --> 00:04:00,448 Fix it, fix it ♪ 138 00:04:00,490 --> 00:04:02,576 ♪ Fix it 'cause it's fun! ♪ 139 00:04:02,617 --> 00:04:04,828 ♪ Fix it, fix it, fix it ♪ 140 00:04:04,870 --> 00:04:06,496 ♪ Fix it 'til it's done! ♪ 141 00:04:07,581 --> 00:04:10,834 Let's fix that leaky pipe 142 00:04:07,581 --> 00:04:10,834 Baba was talking about. 143 00:04:10,876 --> 00:04:12,377 [trumpeting] 144 00:04:13,503 --> 00:04:16,965 I've seen leakier pipes 145 00:04:13,503 --> 00:04:16,965 than this in my day. 146 00:04:17,007 --> 00:04:19,467 No problem. 147 00:04:19,509 --> 00:04:20,969 [trumpeting a question] 148 00:04:21,011 --> 00:04:24,723 Okay, so it's the only leaky 149 00:04:21,011 --> 00:04:24,723 pipe I've ever seen, 150 00:04:24,765 --> 00:04:27,935 but it will be easy. Trust me. 151 00:04:32,231 --> 00:04:33,607 Bandages! 152 00:04:33,648 --> 00:04:35,234 Great thinking, Anoop! 153 00:04:36,568 --> 00:04:39,613 I'll just put this bandage 154 00:04:36,568 --> 00:04:39,613 over the broken part 155 00:04:39,654 --> 00:04:41,115 to stop the leak. 156 00:04:41,156 --> 00:04:42,323 Huh... 157 00:04:42,365 --> 00:04:44,159 It's gonna need another one. 158 00:04:48,205 --> 00:04:50,624 Maybe make that the whole box. 159 00:04:56,337 --> 00:04:59,258 [humming] 160 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:00,425 There! 161 00:05:00,467 --> 00:05:02,136 ♪ Fixed it, fixed 162 00:05:00,467 --> 00:05:02,136 it, fixed it! ♪ 163 00:05:02,177 --> 00:05:03,053 [laughing] 164 00:05:03,095 --> 00:05:04,471 We'll keep one. 165 00:05:04,512 --> 00:05:06,598 You never know 166 00:05:04,512 --> 00:05:06,598 when you might get a boo-boo! 167 00:05:06,640 --> 00:05:09,184 [laughing] 168 00:05:09,559 --> 00:05:10,852 All right, Anoop! 169 00:05:10,894 --> 00:05:14,439 Next up, let's fix 170 00:05:10,894 --> 00:05:14,439 that dining room table! 171 00:05:15,941 --> 00:05:17,234 [creaking] 172 00:05:20,988 --> 00:05:23,991 The table is still tilting 173 00:05:20,988 --> 00:05:23,991 this way and that! 174 00:05:24,032 --> 00:05:25,951 I'm getting seasick! 175 00:05:25,993 --> 00:05:29,537 Oh, it's just a little bit 176 00:05:25,993 --> 00:05:29,537 wobbly. Baba will fix it. He 177 00:05:25,993 --> 00:05:29,537 always does. 178 00:05:29,579 --> 00:05:33,750 Even when the table wobble, 179 00:05:29,579 --> 00:05:33,750 so much food to gobble. 180 00:05:33,792 --> 00:05:35,961 [laughing] 181 00:05:36,003 --> 00:05:37,337 Good one, Naani-ji! 182 00:05:37,378 --> 00:05:40,174 Can't wait for our big 183 00:05:37,378 --> 00:05:40,174 Father's Day feast! 184 00:05:40,215 --> 00:05:42,509 -[trumpeting] 185 00:05:40,215 --> 00:05:42,509 -Neither can Anoop. 186 00:05:42,550 --> 00:05:43,718 [trumpeting] 187 00:05:43,760 --> 00:05:45,762 ♪ Let's fix it, fix 188 00:05:43,760 --> 00:05:45,762 it, fix it! ♪ 189 00:05:45,804 --> 00:05:47,014 [laughing] 190 00:05:47,055 --> 00:05:49,683 Hmm... 191 00:05:49,724 --> 00:05:50,809 Huh. 192 00:05:52,811 --> 00:05:54,188 [tapping] 193 00:05:54,229 --> 00:05:55,396 Hmm. 194 00:05:58,233 --> 00:05:59,151 [gasping] 195 00:05:59,193 --> 00:06:01,028 Anoop, I found the problem! 196 00:06:01,069 --> 00:06:02,529 [trumpeting] 197 00:06:02,570 --> 00:06:05,199 The table's wobbly 198 00:06:02,570 --> 00:06:05,199 because one leg is too short. 199 00:06:05,240 --> 00:06:08,869 Hmm. Some Too-Tough Taffy 200 00:06:05,240 --> 00:06:08,869 should do the trick! 201 00:06:10,287 --> 00:06:11,705 [creaking] 202 00:06:11,746 --> 00:06:14,415 Hmm... the table is still 203 00:06:11,746 --> 00:06:14,415 wobbly. 204 00:06:14,457 --> 00:06:18,670 Baba never gives up on a repair 205 00:06:14,457 --> 00:06:18,670 job, so we won't either. 206 00:06:24,467 --> 00:06:26,511 Nope. Needs more stuff. 207 00:06:34,811 --> 00:06:36,188 Perfect! 208 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:39,440 We're really getting good 209 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:39,440 at this fix-it thing! 210 00:06:41,985 --> 00:06:43,195 [sniffing] 211 00:06:43,237 --> 00:06:44,321 [Naani-ji struggling] Ooh... 212 00:06:43,237 --> 00:06:44,321 oh... 213 00:06:44,363 --> 00:06:46,698 Oh... oh... 214 00:06:46,740 --> 00:06:48,367 Ah, Beta. 215 00:06:48,407 --> 00:06:51,410 I cannot reach my cumin spice 216 00:06:48,407 --> 00:06:51,410 with this broken step stool! 217 00:06:51,452 --> 00:06:53,663 Will you please 218 00:06:51,452 --> 00:06:53,663 keep an eye on everything 219 00:06:53,705 --> 00:06:56,750 while I go find some 220 00:06:53,705 --> 00:06:56,750 cumin I can reach? 221 00:06:57,876 --> 00:06:58,960 [trumpeting] 222 00:06:59,002 --> 00:07:01,088 Don't even think about it! 223 00:07:01,129 --> 00:07:02,089 See my gray hair? 224 00:07:02,130 --> 00:07:04,883 That means I cannot be fooled. 225 00:07:04,925 --> 00:07:06,051 [trumpeting sadly] 226 00:07:06,093 --> 00:07:09,888 Hmm, how can we fix this wheel? 227 00:07:09,930 --> 00:07:13,934 We need someone who can push it 228 00:07:09,930 --> 00:07:13,934 really hard for her... 229 00:07:13,975 --> 00:07:16,228 and I know just who can do it! 230 00:07:16,270 --> 00:07:18,397 All we need is a banana. 231 00:07:18,438 --> 00:07:20,357 Banana? I'd love one! 232 00:07:20,399 --> 00:07:23,902 Maruti, Naani-ji could really 233 00:07:20,399 --> 00:07:23,902 use your help moving her step 234 00:07:20,399 --> 00:07:23,902 stool. 235 00:07:23,944 --> 00:07:27,406 ♪ And there's something in it 236 00:07:23,944 --> 00:07:27,406 for you... ♪ 237 00:07:27,447 --> 00:07:28,489 [gasping] 238 00:07:40,501 --> 00:07:41,378 [Deepa laughing] 239 00:07:41,420 --> 00:07:43,463 Talk about an easy banana! 240 00:07:43,504 --> 00:07:45,966 Problem solved again! 241 00:07:46,007 --> 00:07:48,969 Baba's going to be so impressed. 242 00:07:49,010 --> 00:07:50,429 Now, get ready, Maruti. 243 00:07:50,470 --> 00:07:53,056 Naani-ji might need help 244 00:07:50,470 --> 00:07:53,056 moving her step stool. 245 00:07:53,098 --> 00:07:55,058 Whaa! 246 00:07:55,100 --> 00:07:58,561 Just one more dash of cumin, 247 00:07:55,100 --> 00:07:58,561 and Father's Day dinner will be 248 00:07:55,100 --> 00:07:58,561 served. 249 00:07:58,603 --> 00:08:00,814 Please join everyone 250 00:07:58,603 --> 00:08:00,814 in the dining room. 251 00:08:00,855 --> 00:08:02,399 Go. Go. 252 00:08:02,441 --> 00:08:03,442 [winking] 253 00:08:04,401 --> 00:08:06,236 Happy Father's Day, Grandpa. 254 00:08:06,278 --> 00:08:08,155 Thanks! Same to you. 255 00:08:08,196 --> 00:08:10,740 I thought I might be shrinking 256 00:08:08,196 --> 00:08:10,740 in my old age, 257 00:08:10,782 --> 00:08:11,908 but this is ridiculous! 258 00:08:11,950 --> 00:08:13,452 [Baba] Uh, it's not you. 259 00:08:13,493 --> 00:08:14,869 It's the table. 260 00:08:14,911 --> 00:08:17,789 We fixed it so it's 261 00:08:14,911 --> 00:08:17,789 not all lopsided anymore! 262 00:08:17,831 --> 00:08:21,042 It's part of our Father's 263 00:08:17,831 --> 00:08:21,042 Day gift to you, Baba. 264 00:08:21,084 --> 00:08:22,294 Huh? 265 00:08:22,336 --> 00:08:24,463 [chuckling] Well, 266 00:08:22,336 --> 00:08:24,463 thank you, Deepa... 267 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:27,132 though you may have gone 268 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:27,132 a little uh, overboard. 269 00:08:27,174 --> 00:08:30,177 No problem. I can fix that too! 270 00:08:30,218 --> 00:08:32,304 [all] Oh, no, no, no, no! 271 00:08:32,346 --> 00:08:34,014 [trumpeting] 272 00:08:34,055 --> 00:08:35,515 Good idea, Anoop! 273 00:08:35,556 --> 00:08:39,227 You can prop up the table 274 00:08:35,556 --> 00:08:39,227 so it stays nice and even! 275 00:08:46,276 --> 00:08:47,819 Way to go, Anoop! 276 00:08:47,861 --> 00:08:50,030 Now it's time for the feast. 277 00:08:51,031 --> 00:08:53,658 Oh! I forgot my special ladoos! 278 00:08:55,576 --> 00:08:58,079 Ah, my very special banana la-- 279 00:08:58,121 --> 00:08:59,580 Whoa! Banana? 280 00:08:59,622 --> 00:09:01,166 No, no, no! 281 00:09:01,208 --> 00:09:04,169 No, ladoo is not monkey meal. 282 00:09:04,211 --> 00:09:08,382 If Maruti pushes the stool, 283 00:09:04,211 --> 00:09:08,382 Maruti gets a banana. 284 00:09:08,423 --> 00:09:11,092 [Naani-ji screaming] 285 00:09:11,134 --> 00:09:13,053 Uh-oh! Oh oh oh! 286 00:09:13,094 --> 00:09:14,971 This way! 287 00:09:15,013 --> 00:09:16,515 Ha ha! 288 00:09:16,556 --> 00:09:17,807 Banana? 289 00:09:17,849 --> 00:09:20,018 I suppose you deserve 290 00:09:17,849 --> 00:09:20,018 a little treat. 291 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:23,313 And now it's time 292 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:23,313 for our Father's Day feast. 293 00:09:24,147 --> 00:09:26,024 [trumpeting] 294 00:09:26,566 --> 00:09:28,693 Whoa! Grab something! 295 00:09:28,735 --> 00:09:29,528 Oh no! 296 00:09:29,610 --> 00:09:30,404 Whoa! 297 00:09:30,445 --> 00:09:31,654 Oh no! Watch out! 298 00:09:33,781 --> 00:09:35,158 [everyone sighs with relief] 299 00:09:35,200 --> 00:09:38,078 [water dripping] 300 00:09:40,205 --> 00:09:43,083 Oh my, the saag is 301 00:09:40,205 --> 00:09:43,083 getting soggy! 302 00:09:43,124 --> 00:09:44,876 There's a puddle in my pakoras! 303 00:09:44,918 --> 00:09:46,336 Raining! 304 00:09:46,378 --> 00:09:49,839 Oh no! I forgot 305 00:09:46,378 --> 00:09:49,839 to fix the leaky pipe upstairs. 306 00:09:51,925 --> 00:09:53,051 [Baba] Bandages? 307 00:09:53,093 --> 00:09:55,262 That's another part 308 00:09:53,093 --> 00:09:55,262 of your gift. 309 00:09:55,303 --> 00:09:58,390 Anoop and I did a bunch of 310 00:09:55,303 --> 00:09:58,390 repairs around Mango Manor 311 00:09:58,432 --> 00:10:01,351 so you could relax 312 00:09:58,432 --> 00:10:01,351 and enjoy your Father's Day. 313 00:10:01,393 --> 00:10:06,231 Well, I must say, you did 314 00:10:01,393 --> 00:10:06,231 a very... creative job, 315 00:10:06,273 --> 00:10:07,982 and so very thoughtful. 316 00:10:08,024 --> 00:10:12,195 But let me show you 317 00:10:08,024 --> 00:10:12,195 how to fix a leaky pipe even 318 00:10:08,024 --> 00:10:12,195 better. 319 00:10:12,237 --> 00:10:13,530 See? 320 00:10:13,572 --> 00:10:15,949 Just tighten here with 321 00:10:13,572 --> 00:10:15,949 this pipe wrench, 322 00:10:15,990 --> 00:10:18,118 and lickety-split, 323 00:10:15,990 --> 00:10:18,118 no more leaks. 324 00:10:18,159 --> 00:10:19,786 [laughing] 325 00:10:19,827 --> 00:10:22,914 Guess bandages 326 00:10:19,827 --> 00:10:22,914 weren't the best idea. 327 00:10:22,956 --> 00:10:26,667 I think it was 328 00:10:22,956 --> 00:10:26,667 a very creative idea, Beta. 329 00:10:26,709 --> 00:10:28,503 You did it the Deepa way! 330 00:10:28,962 --> 00:10:31,506 ♪ We're gonna fix it, 331 00:10:28,962 --> 00:10:31,506 fix it, fix it ♪ 332 00:10:31,548 --> 00:10:33,758 ♪ Fix it 'cause it's fun ♪ 333 00:10:33,800 --> 00:10:35,969 ♪ Fix it, fix it, fix it ♪ 334 00:10:36,010 --> 00:10:37,678 ♪ Fix it til it's done ♪ 335 00:10:37,720 --> 00:10:39,222 [trumpeting] 336 00:10:40,014 --> 00:10:42,434 [♪♪♪] 337 00:10:47,730 --> 00:10:49,566 [Deepa] Bolly Diwali! 338 00:10:51,067 --> 00:10:52,986 [♪♪♪] 339 00:10:55,155 --> 00:10:57,491 It's go time, Anoop. 340 00:10:57,532 --> 00:10:59,326 -You ready? 341 00:10:57,532 --> 00:10:59,326 -[trumpeting] 342 00:10:59,367 --> 00:11:01,035 Decorate. On three. 343 00:11:01,077 --> 00:11:03,997 One, two, three! 344 00:11:09,085 --> 00:11:10,170 [sneezing] 345 00:11:11,712 --> 00:11:13,673 [grunting with effort] 346 00:11:14,382 --> 00:11:15,425 [blowing] 347 00:11:16,259 --> 00:11:18,886 [♪♪♪] 348 00:11:32,150 --> 00:11:34,068 -Score! 349 00:11:32,150 --> 00:11:34,068 -[trumpeting] 350 00:11:34,944 --> 00:11:36,404 [trumpeting happily] 351 00:11:36,446 --> 00:11:40,200 I can't wait for our Diwali 352 00:11:36,446 --> 00:11:40,200 party tonight, Anoop! 353 00:11:40,241 --> 00:11:42,369 There's gonna be 354 00:11:40,241 --> 00:11:42,369 so many bright lights and-- 355 00:11:42,410 --> 00:11:43,911 [fireworks exploding] 356 00:11:43,953 --> 00:11:45,455 --fireworks! 357 00:11:45,497 --> 00:11:48,082 How're the fireworks 358 00:11:45,497 --> 00:11:48,082 coming, Baba? 359 00:11:48,124 --> 00:11:49,292 Fantastic! 360 00:11:49,334 --> 00:11:50,793 But these are just 361 00:11:49,334 --> 00:11:50,793 the small ones. 362 00:11:50,835 --> 00:11:54,130 When sun goes down, 363 00:11:50,835 --> 00:11:54,130 they'll light up the sky! 364 00:11:54,172 --> 00:11:55,923 Kaboom! 365 00:11:55,965 --> 00:11:57,676 I can't wait! 366 00:11:57,716 --> 00:12:01,555 Come on, let's go see if Mama 367 00:11:57,716 --> 00:12:01,555 needs decorating help inside! 368 00:12:02,180 --> 00:12:03,515 Deepa! 369 00:12:03,557 --> 00:12:06,393 You're just in time 370 00:12:03,557 --> 00:12:06,393 to meet our new guest. 371 00:12:06,434 --> 00:12:08,562 How about a Mango Manor welcome? 372 00:12:11,105 --> 00:12:12,357 Namaste. 373 00:12:14,025 --> 00:12:16,486 -[trumpeting] 374 00:12:14,025 --> 00:12:16,486 -[laughing] 375 00:12:17,820 --> 00:12:19,614 Namaste to you, too. 376 00:12:19,656 --> 00:12:21,324 Nirav's here on vacation 377 00:12:21,366 --> 00:12:24,452 from a place 378 00:12:21,366 --> 00:12:24,452 called Silent Valley in Kerala. 379 00:12:24,494 --> 00:12:26,954 It's one of the quietest places 380 00:12:24,494 --> 00:12:26,954 on Earth. 381 00:12:26,996 --> 00:12:28,789 Even the earthworms whisper. 382 00:12:28,831 --> 00:12:31,125 And rhinos walk on 383 00:12:28,831 --> 00:12:31,125 their tippy toes. 384 00:12:31,167 --> 00:12:33,169 This is my first vacation. 385 00:12:33,211 --> 00:12:34,045 [loud snoring] 386 00:12:34,087 --> 00:12:35,589 Aah! What was that? 387 00:12:35,630 --> 00:12:36,673 [snoring] 388 00:12:36,715 --> 00:12:39,300 Oh, that was just 389 00:12:36,715 --> 00:12:39,300 Grandpa snoring. 390 00:12:39,342 --> 00:12:42,803 He falls asleep in 391 00:12:39,342 --> 00:12:42,803 his chair a lot. 392 00:12:42,845 --> 00:12:44,305 And I'm starting to realize 393 00:12:44,347 --> 00:12:47,475 that the rest of the world 394 00:12:44,347 --> 00:12:47,475 isn't nearly as quiet. 395 00:12:47,517 --> 00:12:50,769 Well, you picked 396 00:12:47,517 --> 00:12:50,769 the bestest time to visit! 397 00:12:50,811 --> 00:12:52,647 It's Diwali time! 398 00:12:52,689 --> 00:12:55,024 Diwali's the Festival of Light! 399 00:12:55,066 --> 00:13:00,321 Our family celebrates every year 400 00:12:55,066 --> 00:13:00,321 with an awesome fireworks show 401 00:12:55,066 --> 00:13:00,321 and party! 402 00:13:00,363 --> 00:13:02,449 You're gonna love it, Nirav! 403 00:13:02,490 --> 00:13:04,200 Fireworks? What are those? 404 00:13:04,242 --> 00:13:06,620 [fireworks exploding] 405 00:13:06,661 --> 00:13:08,622 Hai hai, my ears popped again! 406 00:13:08,663 --> 00:13:10,290 Oh! [laughing] 407 00:13:10,331 --> 00:13:14,544 Diwali is gonna be 408 00:13:10,331 --> 00:13:14,544 firecrack-alackin', y'all! 409 00:13:14,586 --> 00:13:17,004 [snoring] 410 00:13:17,046 --> 00:13:19,466 Nirav? Where did he go? 411 00:13:21,842 --> 00:13:23,344 [whispering] Over here! 412 00:13:23,386 --> 00:13:26,347 Uh... whatcha doin' there, 413 00:13:23,386 --> 00:13:26,347 Nirav? 414 00:13:26,389 --> 00:13:30,560 I really want to enjoy 415 00:13:26,389 --> 00:13:30,560 Diwali, but... 416 00:13:30,602 --> 00:13:35,482 oh my, oh my, 417 00:13:30,602 --> 00:13:35,482 those fireworks are just too 418 00:13:30,602 --> 00:13:35,482 loud! 419 00:13:35,523 --> 00:13:38,067 Don't worry, Anoop and 420 00:13:35,523 --> 00:13:38,067 I will find a way 421 00:13:38,109 --> 00:13:40,945 to help you love Diwali 422 00:13:38,109 --> 00:13:40,945 as much as we do! 423 00:13:40,987 --> 00:13:43,615 I suppose I could try. 424 00:13:43,657 --> 00:13:46,033 Nirav, why don't I show 425 00:13:43,657 --> 00:13:46,033 you to your room? 426 00:13:46,075 --> 00:13:48,244 It's the quietest room 427 00:13:46,075 --> 00:13:48,244 in Mango Manor. 428 00:13:48,286 --> 00:13:52,290 Then you can relax with a nice, 429 00:13:48,286 --> 00:13:52,290 peaceful float in the pool. 430 00:13:52,332 --> 00:13:54,375 [sighing] Thank you. 431 00:13:54,417 --> 00:13:56,127 That sounds wonderful. 432 00:13:56,169 --> 00:13:59,714 Anoop, we've gotta help Nirav 433 00:13:56,169 --> 00:13:59,714 enjoy Diwali. 434 00:14:02,300 --> 00:14:05,011 Hmm, if he can just get used 435 00:14:02,300 --> 00:14:05,011 to loud noises, 436 00:14:05,052 --> 00:14:08,640 I just know he'll have a great 437 00:14:05,052 --> 00:14:08,640 time at the party tonight. 438 00:14:10,099 --> 00:14:11,810 -[trumpeting] 439 00:14:10,099 --> 00:14:11,810 -Shh! 440 00:14:20,819 --> 00:14:22,403 Thanks for coming, Sound Squad. 441 00:14:22,445 --> 00:14:26,073 Just remember, the more loud 442 00:14:22,445 --> 00:14:26,073 sounds Nirav hears today, 443 00:14:26,115 --> 00:14:27,784 the faster he'll 444 00:14:26,115 --> 00:14:27,784 get used to them. 445 00:14:27,826 --> 00:14:30,787 Now, who's ready to 446 00:14:27,826 --> 00:14:30,787 make some noise? 447 00:14:30,829 --> 00:14:31,705 Squawk! 448 00:14:31,746 --> 00:14:35,124 [laughing] Not yet, Bina! 449 00:14:35,166 --> 00:14:37,794 Ready, Sound Squad? 450 00:14:35,166 --> 00:14:37,794 Let's do this! 451 00:14:37,836 --> 00:14:39,796 -[all making noise] 452 00:14:37,836 --> 00:14:39,796 -Noise, noise, noise! 453 00:14:39,838 --> 00:14:42,340 -Whoo-hoo! 454 00:14:39,838 --> 00:14:42,340 -Noise! 455 00:14:42,382 --> 00:14:44,342 Noise sure can be fun! 456 00:14:44,384 --> 00:14:46,052 Dontcha think, Nirav? 457 00:14:46,093 --> 00:14:47,804 -Ooh, ooh, ooh! 458 00:14:46,093 --> 00:14:47,804 -Ooh. 459 00:14:47,846 --> 00:14:49,263 Uh-oh. 460 00:14:50,682 --> 00:14:51,850 [chuckling awkwardly] 461 00:14:51,891 --> 00:14:54,394 Is it always so noisy 462 00:14:51,891 --> 00:14:54,394 around here? 463 00:14:54,435 --> 00:14:57,438 We were just trying to help you 464 00:14:54,435 --> 00:14:57,438 get used to loud noises 465 00:14:57,480 --> 00:15:00,483 so you can have fun with us 466 00:14:57,480 --> 00:15:00,483 at the Diwali party. 467 00:15:00,525 --> 00:15:03,194 I'm sorry, Deepa. 468 00:15:03,236 --> 00:15:06,489 I just don't think I can handle 469 00:15:03,236 --> 00:15:06,489 it with all these sounds. 470 00:15:06,531 --> 00:15:09,075 Sounds? Comin' right up! 471 00:15:09,701 --> 00:15:10,785 [yelping] 472 00:15:12,620 --> 00:15:14,873 You didn't run that 473 00:15:12,620 --> 00:15:14,873 far away this time. 474 00:15:14,914 --> 00:15:17,500 Uh... I'm getting better. 475 00:15:17,542 --> 00:15:20,420 But do you really think 476 00:15:17,542 --> 00:15:20,420 you can help me enjoy Diwali? 477 00:15:20,461 --> 00:15:22,004 I know I can! 478 00:15:26,133 --> 00:15:30,096 [noisy crowd approaching] 479 00:15:32,265 --> 00:15:34,225 Noise, noise, noise! 480 00:15:40,774 --> 00:15:42,275 [noisy crowd approaching] 481 00:15:42,316 --> 00:15:43,777 Noise, noise, noise, noise! 482 00:15:44,903 --> 00:15:48,239 Yay, noise, noise, 483 00:15:44,903 --> 00:15:48,239 we love noise! 484 00:15:49,240 --> 00:15:52,243 I say banana, you say noise! 485 00:15:52,285 --> 00:15:54,036 [snoring] 486 00:15:57,498 --> 00:15:59,500 [ringing] 487 00:15:59,542 --> 00:16:02,211 [all making noise] 488 00:16:02,253 --> 00:16:05,924 Noise, noise, noise, yay, noise! 489 00:16:05,965 --> 00:16:07,759 Noise, noise, noise, 490 00:16:05,965 --> 00:16:07,759 noise, noise! 491 00:16:10,136 --> 00:16:11,137 [gulping] 492 00:16:15,391 --> 00:16:16,350 [sighing] 493 00:16:16,392 --> 00:16:17,894 Thanks for trying. 494 00:16:17,936 --> 00:16:22,649 I'd love to celebrate Diwali, 495 00:16:17,936 --> 00:16:22,649 but I am who I am. 496 00:16:22,690 --> 00:16:25,443 I just like everything 497 00:16:22,690 --> 00:16:25,443 nice and quiet. 498 00:16:26,527 --> 00:16:29,071 Nice and quiet. 499 00:16:26,527 --> 00:16:29,071 [gasping] That's it! 500 00:16:29,113 --> 00:16:32,074 Who says that Diwali 501 00:16:29,113 --> 00:16:32,074 has to be loud? 502 00:16:32,116 --> 00:16:34,368 What if we had a quiet Diwali? 503 00:16:34,410 --> 00:16:36,120 You can do that? 504 00:16:36,162 --> 00:16:39,540 Sure! And I know 505 00:16:36,162 --> 00:16:39,540 just what to do. 506 00:16:40,959 --> 00:16:42,251 [trumpeting] 507 00:16:42,293 --> 00:16:45,964 Um, we'll keep it quiet... 508 00:16:42,293 --> 00:16:45,964 starting now. 509 00:16:46,714 --> 00:16:49,175 Anoop, we are looking good! 510 00:16:50,176 --> 00:16:52,094 [trumpeting] 511 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:56,349 It's gonna be all lights and no 512 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:56,349 noise, a perfect Diwali for 513 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:56,349 Nirav! 514 00:16:56,390 --> 00:16:58,017 You can come in now! 515 00:17:00,394 --> 00:17:04,482 Welcome to your very own 516 00:17:00,394 --> 00:17:04,482 special Diwali celebration! 517 00:17:06,567 --> 00:17:07,819 [gasping] 518 00:17:07,861 --> 00:17:09,487 Oh my, oh my! 519 00:17:09,529 --> 00:17:12,281 [Deepa] Welcome to 520 00:17:09,529 --> 00:17:12,281 your Quiet Diwali. 521 00:17:12,323 --> 00:17:15,660 Squawk! Happy Diwali. 522 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:17,704 [Deepa] Look, Nirav! 523 00:17:20,289 --> 00:17:22,542 We're fireworks! 524 00:17:22,583 --> 00:17:24,585 Wow! 525 00:17:24,627 --> 00:17:26,128 Huh? 526 00:17:34,721 --> 00:17:37,390 This is incredible! 527 00:17:37,431 --> 00:17:39,141 I love Diwali! 528 00:17:39,183 --> 00:17:40,935 Whoo! He loves it! 529 00:17:40,977 --> 00:17:43,354 We did it, Sound Squad! 530 00:17:43,396 --> 00:17:45,523 [all making noise] 531 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:50,110 Ugh, we did it again! 532 00:17:50,152 --> 00:17:52,947 Who knows where he went now? 533 00:17:53,823 --> 00:17:55,616 Not here. 534 00:17:55,658 --> 00:17:57,493 Oh, the sun's going down. 535 00:17:57,535 --> 00:18:00,329 It's almost time 536 00:17:57,535 --> 00:18:00,329 for the Diwali party! 537 00:18:00,371 --> 00:18:02,582 Hurry, we have to find Nirav! 538 00:18:02,623 --> 00:18:04,042 [Bina squawking] 539 00:18:04,083 --> 00:18:07,211 Nirav! Come out, come out, 540 00:18:04,083 --> 00:18:07,211 wherever you are! 541 00:18:07,253 --> 00:18:09,255 I'm going to find you! 542 00:18:09,296 --> 00:18:10,464 Not there. 543 00:18:10,506 --> 00:18:13,593 I'll keep watch from here. 544 00:18:13,634 --> 00:18:15,803 [fireworks exploding] 545 00:18:15,845 --> 00:18:17,471 Baba's firecrackers! 546 00:18:17,513 --> 00:18:20,058 The Diwali party's starting! 547 00:18:20,099 --> 00:18:21,851 [explosion followed by silence] 548 00:18:21,893 --> 00:18:23,603 Hmm? Huh? 549 00:18:23,644 --> 00:18:25,438 -[fireworks exploding] 550 00:18:23,644 --> 00:18:25,438 -Hmm. Hmm. 551 00:18:27,440 --> 00:18:28,524 Loud... 552 00:18:28,566 --> 00:18:30,150 [fireworks exploding] 553 00:18:30,192 --> 00:18:31,069 then quiet... 554 00:18:31,110 --> 00:18:32,403 loud... 555 00:18:32,445 --> 00:18:34,405 [fireworks exploding] 556 00:18:34,447 --> 00:18:35,531 then quiet. 557 00:18:35,573 --> 00:18:37,199 It's like music! 558 00:18:37,241 --> 00:18:38,492 [trumpeting] 559 00:18:38,534 --> 00:18:39,869 [fireworks exploding] 560 00:18:40,244 --> 00:18:42,288 [♪♪♪] 561 00:18:42,329 --> 00:18:43,664 [fireworks exploding] 562 00:18:43,706 --> 00:18:46,333 Maybe if we start out 563 00:18:43,706 --> 00:18:46,333 with quiet music 564 00:18:46,375 --> 00:18:48,461 and slowly add more noise, 565 00:18:48,502 --> 00:18:49,754 Nirav will like it! 566 00:18:49,796 --> 00:18:52,632 That's right! Feel 567 00:18:49,796 --> 00:18:52,632 that funky beat! 568 00:18:52,673 --> 00:18:53,883 There you are, Nirav! 569 00:18:53,925 --> 00:18:56,052 What do you think? 570 00:18:53,925 --> 00:18:56,052 Is it working? 571 00:18:56,094 --> 00:18:59,639 Loud and quiet... loud and 572 00:18:56,094 --> 00:18:59,639 quiet! 573 00:18:59,680 --> 00:19:01,599 Oh, I believe it is! 574 00:19:01,641 --> 00:19:05,394 Just think of the firecrackers 575 00:19:01,641 --> 00:19:05,394 like music! 576 00:19:05,436 --> 00:19:08,355 We can have a loud 577 00:19:05,436 --> 00:19:08,355 and quiet Diwali! 578 00:19:08,397 --> 00:19:10,775 [♪♪♪] 579 00:19:11,400 --> 00:19:13,527 ♪ Diwali can be loud ♪ 580 00:19:13,569 --> 00:19:15,780 ♪ But that's not the only way ♪ 581 00:19:15,822 --> 00:19:17,740 ♪ Diwali can be quiet too ♪ 582 00:19:17,782 --> 00:19:20,076 ♪ So you can dance and sway ♪ 583 00:19:20,118 --> 00:19:22,202 ♪ Diwali can be both of these ♪ 584 00:19:22,244 --> 00:19:24,664 ♪ So let's all say ♪ 585 00:19:24,705 --> 00:19:25,498 ♪ Stomp ♪ 586 00:19:25,539 --> 00:19:26,415 ♪ Pop ♪ 587 00:19:26,457 --> 00:19:28,250 ♪ Quiet ♪ 588 00:19:28,292 --> 00:19:33,172 ♪ This firecracker music 589 00:19:28,292 --> 00:19:33,172 is really something great ♪ 590 00:19:33,213 --> 00:19:34,674 ♪ It's Diwali ♪ 591 00:19:34,715 --> 00:19:37,468 ♪ There's more than one way 592 00:19:34,715 --> 00:19:37,468 To celebrate ♪ 593 00:19:37,510 --> 00:19:41,639 ♪ Lighting up the sky 594 00:19:37,510 --> 00:19:41,639 like a night-time sun ♪ 595 00:19:41,681 --> 00:19:42,682 ♪ Stomp ♪ 596 00:19:42,723 --> 00:19:43,599 ♪ Pop ♪ 597 00:19:43,641 --> 00:19:46,144 ♪ Quiet ♪ 598 00:19:46,185 --> 00:19:46,978 ♪ Stomp ♪ 599 00:19:47,020 --> 00:19:47,895 ♪ Pop ♪ 600 00:19:47,937 --> 00:19:49,522 ♪ Quiet ♪ 601 00:19:51,649 --> 00:19:53,233 -Wow! 602 00:19:51,649 --> 00:19:53,233 -Ooh! 603 00:19:53,275 --> 00:19:57,363 -Aah! 604 00:19:53,275 --> 00:19:57,363 -Aah! Beautiful! 605 00:19:57,404 --> 00:19:59,406 Ooh! 606 00:19:59,448 --> 00:20:01,117 Doin' alright there, Nirav? 607 00:20:01,159 --> 00:20:03,953 Ah! So beautiful! 608 00:20:03,995 --> 00:20:06,330 It really is the festival 609 00:20:03,995 --> 00:20:06,330 of lights! 610 00:20:11,836 --> 00:20:14,797 Thank you, Deepa, Anoop, 611 00:20:11,836 --> 00:20:14,797 and everyone... 612 00:20:14,839 --> 00:20:18,885 you made my first 613 00:20:14,839 --> 00:20:18,885 Diwali amazing! 614 00:20:18,926 --> 00:20:22,513 [all cheering] 615 00:20:22,555 --> 00:20:24,515 Happy Diwali, everyone! 616 00:20:28,394 --> 00:20:30,604 Time for my Diwali finale! 617 00:20:30,646 --> 00:20:32,356 Wha! Kya Baat Hai! 618 00:20:32,398 --> 00:20:34,650 [all] Kya Baat Hai! 619 00:20:40,573 --> 00:20:43,076 [♪♪♪] 620 00:20:46,579 --> 00:20:50,083 [♪♪♪]