1 00:00:05,714 --> 00:00:08,342 [♪♪♪] 2 00:00:14,014 --> 00:00:15,140 [elephant trumpeting] 3 00:00:15,182 --> 00:00:17,142 ♪ Right this way, 4 00:00:15,182 --> 00:00:17,142 enjoy your stay ♪ 5 00:00:17,184 --> 00:00:18,686 ♪ Here at Mango Manor ♪ 6 00:00:18,727 --> 00:00:20,354 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop 7 00:00:18,727 --> 00:00:20,354 ♪ [clap clap] 8 00:00:20,395 --> 00:00:22,397 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop! 9 00:00:20,395 --> 00:00:22,397 ♪ [clap clap] 10 00:00:22,439 --> 00:00:26,318 ♪ We all say a perfect day's 11 00:00:22,439 --> 00:00:26,318 when we are all together ♪ 12 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:27,862 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop 13 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:27,862 ♪ [clap clap] 14 00:00:27,903 --> 00:00:30,197 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop! 15 00:00:27,903 --> 00:00:30,197 ♪ [clap clap] 16 00:00:30,238 --> 00:00:32,073 ♪ Come on in and join the fun ♪ 17 00:00:32,115 --> 00:00:33,450 ♪ Plenty of room for everyone ♪ 18 00:00:33,492 --> 00:00:35,452 ♪ Need some help? Our 19 00:00:33,492 --> 00:00:35,452 family's here ♪ 20 00:00:35,494 --> 00:00:37,371 ♪ Ready, set, go, let's 21 00:00:35,494 --> 00:00:37,371 give a cheer! ♪ 22 00:00:37,412 --> 00:00:39,373 ♪ Namaste, we'll turn your day ♪ 23 00:00:39,414 --> 00:00:41,124 ♪ From good to great, 24 00:00:39,414 --> 00:00:41,124 come celebrate ♪ 25 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:43,002 ♪ With Deepa and Anoop 26 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:43,002 ♪ [clap clap] 27 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:45,170 -♪ I'm Deepa, he's Anoop! ♪ 28 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:45,170 -[trumpeting] 29 00:00:46,463 --> 00:00:49,341 [Deepa] Deepa's Pizzatastic 30 00:00:46,463 --> 00:00:49,341 Palace! 31 00:00:51,050 --> 00:00:54,972 [making engine noises] 32 00:00:55,014 --> 00:00:56,640 [laughter] 33 00:00:56,682 --> 00:00:57,850 Let's back it up, Anoop! 34 00:00:57,892 --> 00:00:59,226 [trumpeting] 35 00:01:00,769 --> 00:01:02,145 [gasping] 36 00:01:02,187 --> 00:01:03,772 Aw! Aw! 37 00:01:03,814 --> 00:01:06,942 Oh no, did I forget 38 00:01:03,814 --> 00:01:06,942 Naani-ji's birthday? 39 00:01:06,984 --> 00:01:08,569 [Grandpa laughing] 40 00:01:08,610 --> 00:01:11,780 It's not her birthday, 41 00:01:08,610 --> 00:01:11,780 it's our wedding anniversary. 42 00:01:11,822 --> 00:01:14,324 We married on this 43 00:01:11,822 --> 00:01:14,324 day many years ago. 44 00:01:14,366 --> 00:01:16,368 Your wedding anniversary? 45 00:01:16,410 --> 00:01:19,705 Ooh! I bet you have 46 00:01:16,410 --> 00:01:19,705 something fantabulous planned! 47 00:01:20,664 --> 00:01:21,874 [chuckling] 48 00:01:21,916 --> 00:01:24,668 We've been married 49 00:01:21,916 --> 00:01:24,668 a long time, Beta. 50 00:01:24,710 --> 00:01:27,046 We don't make a big deal 51 00:01:24,710 --> 00:01:27,046 out of it anymore. 52 00:01:27,379 --> 00:01:28,255 Huh? 53 00:01:28,296 --> 00:01:31,466 [snoring] 54 00:01:31,508 --> 00:01:33,510 Och. See what I mean? 55 00:01:33,552 --> 00:01:36,388 [sniffing] Ah. Come, rose. 56 00:01:36,430 --> 00:01:39,016 Let's put you in some water. 57 00:01:42,185 --> 00:01:45,272 They're not doing anything 58 00:01:42,185 --> 00:01:45,272 to celebrate? 59 00:01:45,313 --> 00:01:47,190 Well, then it's up to us, Anoop. 60 00:01:47,232 --> 00:01:50,235 We have to make sure 61 00:01:47,232 --> 00:01:50,235 my grandparents' wedding 62 00:01:47,232 --> 00:01:50,235 anniversary 63 00:01:50,277 --> 00:01:53,030 is extra, super special! 64 00:01:53,072 --> 00:01:54,448 [trumpeting] 65 00:01:54,489 --> 00:01:56,700 [♪♪♪] 66 00:01:56,742 --> 00:01:58,911 ♪ It's important to celebrate ♪ 67 00:01:58,953 --> 00:02:01,121 ♪ All the people we 68 00:01:58,953 --> 00:02:01,121 know are great ♪ 69 00:02:01,162 --> 00:02:03,248 ♪ Whether it's surprising 70 00:02:01,162 --> 00:02:03,248 Naani-ji ♪ 71 00:02:03,290 --> 00:02:05,500 ♪ Or bringing Grandpa 72 00:02:03,290 --> 00:02:05,500 Another cup of tea ♪ 73 00:02:05,542 --> 00:02:07,586 ♪ I have ♪ 74 00:02:07,628 --> 00:02:09,755 ♪ So many people to love ♪ 75 00:02:09,797 --> 00:02:11,548 ♪ And their love ♪ 76 00:02:11,590 --> 00:02:14,509 ♪ Comes back 77 00:02:11,590 --> 00:02:14,509 To give me a great big hug ♪ 78 00:02:14,551 --> 00:02:16,470 ♪ Make a meal and 79 00:02:14,551 --> 00:02:16,470 taste the love ♪ 80 00:02:16,511 --> 00:02:18,680 ♪ It's important to celebrate ♪ 81 00:02:18,722 --> 00:02:20,682 ♪ Make a meal and 82 00:02:18,722 --> 00:02:20,682 taste the love ♪ 83 00:02:20,724 --> 00:02:23,894 ♪ For all the people 84 00:02:20,724 --> 00:02:23,894 We know are great! ♪ 85 00:02:24,352 --> 00:02:27,982 We're gonna do something 86 00:02:24,352 --> 00:02:27,982 extra-special for my 87 00:02:24,352 --> 00:02:27,982 grandparents, 88 00:02:28,023 --> 00:02:29,858 and I know just who can help. 89 00:02:29,900 --> 00:02:31,652 [trumpeting a question] 90 00:02:31,693 --> 00:02:34,780 Someone who's thrown me 91 00:02:31,693 --> 00:02:34,780 so many amazing birthday 92 00:02:31,693 --> 00:02:34,780 parties... 93 00:02:34,822 --> 00:02:36,281 Mama! 94 00:02:36,323 --> 00:02:38,450 It's Naani-ji and Grandpa's 95 00:02:36,323 --> 00:02:38,450 wedding anniversary. 96 00:02:38,492 --> 00:02:41,620 Oh no! I don't have 97 00:02:38,492 --> 00:02:41,620 a card! Or a gift. 98 00:02:41,662 --> 00:02:43,413 Me neither! 99 00:02:43,455 --> 00:02:46,500 So I wanna do something super 100 00:02:43,455 --> 00:02:46,500 awesome to help them celebrate. 101 00:02:46,541 --> 00:02:49,377 Hmm, maybe I could 102 00:02:46,541 --> 00:02:49,377 invite all the neighbors 103 00:02:49,419 --> 00:02:50,545 for a dance party? 104 00:02:50,587 --> 00:02:52,673 Or how about a jungle safari? 105 00:02:52,714 --> 00:02:54,257 Ooh! Sky diving! 106 00:02:54,299 --> 00:02:58,137 Your Baba and I 107 00:02:54,299 --> 00:02:58,137 usually celebrate our 108 00:02:54,299 --> 00:02:58,137 anniversary 109 00:02:58,177 --> 00:03:00,514 by going to our favorite 110 00:02:58,177 --> 00:03:00,514 restaurant. 111 00:03:00,555 --> 00:03:04,392 I can just taste 112 00:03:00,555 --> 00:03:04,392 that tower of onion rings, 113 00:03:00,555 --> 00:03:04,392 too... 114 00:03:04,434 --> 00:03:06,854 A restaurant? That's perfect! 115 00:03:06,895 --> 00:03:09,523 Baba, maybe you could 116 00:03:06,895 --> 00:03:09,523 help me and Anoop! 117 00:03:09,564 --> 00:03:11,066 Sure thing, Beta! 118 00:03:11,108 --> 00:03:13,234 I've got a great idea! 119 00:03:13,276 --> 00:03:16,237 But first, we've got 120 00:03:13,276 --> 00:03:16,237 some planning to do! 121 00:03:16,279 --> 00:03:17,656 Check it out, Anoop! 122 00:03:17,698 --> 00:03:21,785 Mozzarella Ella's 123 00:03:17,698 --> 00:03:21,785 is the best restaurant ever! 124 00:03:21,827 --> 00:03:23,411 It has it all! 125 00:03:23,453 --> 00:03:26,748 Pizza, games, shows, 126 00:03:23,453 --> 00:03:26,748 even prizes! 127 00:03:26,790 --> 00:03:28,083 [trumpeting] 128 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:30,044 For my grandparents' 129 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:30,044 anniversary, 130 00:03:30,085 --> 00:03:34,506 we can make our own Mozzarella 131 00:03:30,085 --> 00:03:34,506 Ella's right here in Mango 132 00:03:30,085 --> 00:03:34,506 Manor! 133 00:03:34,548 --> 00:03:36,424 [trumpeting a question] 134 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:39,845 Yep! It'll be a day Naani-ji 135 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:39,845 and Grandpa will never ever 136 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:39,845 forget! 137 00:03:39,887 --> 00:03:41,055 [trumpeting] 138 00:03:41,096 --> 00:03:44,058 Trust me. I know 139 00:03:41,096 --> 00:03:44,058 just what to do. 140 00:03:46,434 --> 00:03:47,644 Bina? 141 00:03:48,770 --> 00:03:51,439 Can you please keep Naani-ji 142 00:03:48,770 --> 00:03:51,439 out of the kitchen 143 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:54,026 so we can prepare a 144 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:54,026 restaurant surprise? 145 00:03:54,068 --> 00:03:55,736 Squawk! I'm on it! 146 00:03:55,777 --> 00:03:58,155 [snoring] 147 00:03:58,197 --> 00:04:00,074 Hmm. 148 00:04:00,115 --> 00:04:03,660 We have to figure out how to 149 00:04:00,115 --> 00:04:03,660 keep it a surprise for Grandpa, 150 00:04:00,115 --> 00:04:03,660 too. 151 00:04:03,702 --> 00:04:06,496 I don't think 152 00:04:03,702 --> 00:04:06,496 we have to worry about that. 153 00:04:06,538 --> 00:04:07,664 [giggling] 154 00:04:09,750 --> 00:04:11,793 Hey, everybody! 155 00:04:11,835 --> 00:04:15,964 We're gonna give Naani-ji and 156 00:04:11,835 --> 00:04:15,964 Grandpa the best anniversary 157 00:04:11,835 --> 00:04:15,964 surprise ever! 158 00:04:16,006 --> 00:04:18,299 Raki, can you be in 159 00:04:16,006 --> 00:04:18,299 charge of the music? 160 00:04:18,341 --> 00:04:19,968 You got it, sis! 161 00:04:20,010 --> 00:04:23,680 And Anoop and I will work on 162 00:04:20,010 --> 00:04:23,680 the food and the decorations. 163 00:04:23,722 --> 00:04:26,892 Maruti, you and Munjal 164 00:04:23,722 --> 00:04:26,892 will be the entertainment. 165 00:04:26,934 --> 00:04:30,145 Yaah! My juggling show 166 00:04:26,934 --> 00:04:30,145 is going to be... bananas! 167 00:04:31,105 --> 00:04:34,733 That is, if somebody 168 00:04:31,105 --> 00:04:34,733 doesn't eat them first. 169 00:04:34,775 --> 00:04:36,151 Hmm? 170 00:04:36,193 --> 00:04:38,737 [laughing] 171 00:04:36,193 --> 00:04:38,737 C'mon, Anoop. Time to get 172 00:04:36,193 --> 00:04:38,737 cookin'! 173 00:04:38,779 --> 00:04:40,447 Squawk! 174 00:04:40,488 --> 00:04:43,700 Oh, Bina, stop distracting me. 175 00:04:40,488 --> 00:04:43,700 I have too much work to do! 176 00:04:43,742 --> 00:04:46,120 Give me my kitchen tongs! 177 00:04:46,161 --> 00:04:48,455 Naani-ji's out, and... 178 00:04:48,496 --> 00:04:51,083 Baba, you're in! 179 00:04:51,125 --> 00:04:53,794 Reporting for anniversary 180 00:04:51,125 --> 00:04:53,794 surprise duty! 181 00:04:53,835 --> 00:04:55,045 What's the plan? 182 00:04:55,087 --> 00:04:57,380 I need your help with 183 00:04:55,087 --> 00:04:57,380 the Tandoor oven. 184 00:04:57,422 --> 00:04:58,590 I can do that! 185 00:05:00,008 --> 00:05:02,136 So, what are we making, 186 00:05:00,008 --> 00:05:02,136 Chef Deepa? 187 00:05:02,177 --> 00:05:05,680 The best food ever 188 00:05:02,177 --> 00:05:05,680 invented... pizza! 189 00:05:05,722 --> 00:05:06,890 Fantastic! 190 00:05:06,932 --> 00:05:09,726 And we're gonna make 191 00:05:06,932 --> 00:05:09,726 it really big. 192 00:05:09,768 --> 00:05:11,311 Double fantastic! 193 00:05:11,352 --> 00:05:13,147 And in the shape of a heart, 194 00:05:13,188 --> 00:05:14,982 'cause anniversaries 195 00:05:13,188 --> 00:05:14,982 are about love, 196 00:05:15,023 --> 00:05:17,985 and I love my grandparents 197 00:05:15,023 --> 00:05:17,985 so much. 198 00:05:18,026 --> 00:05:20,946 [♪♪♪] 199 00:05:20,988 --> 00:05:23,031 ♪ It's important to celebrate ♪ 200 00:05:23,073 --> 00:05:25,117 ♪ All the people we 201 00:05:23,073 --> 00:05:25,117 know are great ♪ 202 00:05:25,159 --> 00:05:27,244 ♪ Whether it's surprising 203 00:05:25,159 --> 00:05:27,244 Naani-ji ♪ 204 00:05:27,286 --> 00:05:29,496 ♪ Or bringing Grandpa 205 00:05:27,286 --> 00:05:29,496 Another cup of tea ♪ 206 00:05:29,537 --> 00:05:31,581 ♪ I have ♪ 207 00:05:31,623 --> 00:05:33,750 ♪ So many people to love ♪ 208 00:05:33,792 --> 00:05:36,044 ♪ And their love ♪ 209 00:05:36,086 --> 00:05:38,463 ♪ Comes back 210 00:05:36,086 --> 00:05:38,463 To give me a great big hug ♪ 211 00:05:38,505 --> 00:05:40,215 ♪ Make a meal and 212 00:05:38,505 --> 00:05:40,215 taste the love ♪ 213 00:05:40,257 --> 00:05:42,676 ♪ It's important to celebrate ♪ 214 00:05:42,717 --> 00:05:44,886 ♪ Make a meal and 215 00:05:42,717 --> 00:05:44,886 taste the love ♪ 216 00:05:44,928 --> 00:05:48,182 ♪ For all the people 217 00:05:44,928 --> 00:05:48,182 We know are great! ♪ 218 00:05:48,765 --> 00:05:50,267 [inflating] 219 00:05:50,309 --> 00:05:53,561 I believe the pizza is getting 220 00:05:50,309 --> 00:05:53,561 larger as it cooks. 221 00:05:53,603 --> 00:05:55,272 I hope it doesn't get too big. 222 00:05:55,314 --> 00:05:57,732 No such thing as too much pizza! 223 00:05:57,774 --> 00:05:59,151 Now that it's in the oven, 224 00:05:59,193 --> 00:06:01,360 we can go get our 225 00:05:59,193 --> 00:06:01,360 guests of honor! 226 00:06:03,071 --> 00:06:04,239 [whistling] 227 00:06:04,281 --> 00:06:06,116 We're ready, Bina! 228 00:06:06,158 --> 00:06:08,869 Squawk! Wakey wakey! 229 00:06:08,910 --> 00:06:12,622 [snoring] 230 00:06:12,664 --> 00:06:14,166 Happy Anniversary! 231 00:06:14,208 --> 00:06:16,001 [trumpeting] 232 00:06:20,130 --> 00:06:22,507 Well, wiggle my mustache! 233 00:06:22,549 --> 00:06:24,509 What's happening here, Beta? 234 00:06:24,551 --> 00:06:26,469 Since it's an extra-special day, 235 00:06:26,511 --> 00:06:29,764 we wanted you to have 236 00:06:26,511 --> 00:06:29,764 an extra-special good time! 237 00:06:29,806 --> 00:06:34,561 Welcome to Deepa's 238 00:06:29,806 --> 00:06:34,561 Pizzatastic Palace! 239 00:06:34,602 --> 00:06:36,188 [trumpeting] 240 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:38,481 This isn't just any 241 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:38,481 ol' restaurant. 242 00:06:38,523 --> 00:06:40,984 We've got games and 243 00:06:38,523 --> 00:06:40,984 entertainment. 244 00:06:41,026 --> 00:06:43,237 But first, I gotta 245 00:06:41,026 --> 00:06:43,237 take your order! 246 00:06:43,278 --> 00:06:45,488 You can order whatever you want! 247 00:06:45,530 --> 00:06:49,910 Oh, but we'll take the 248 00:06:45,530 --> 00:06:49,910 Pizza Deepa Style. 249 00:06:49,951 --> 00:06:51,619 Excellent choice! 250 00:06:52,913 --> 00:06:56,791 Um, maybe I should go 251 00:06:52,913 --> 00:06:56,791 and help in the kitchen. 252 00:06:56,833 --> 00:07:00,128 Are you remembering the most 253 00:06:56,833 --> 00:07:00,128 important ingredient, Beta? 254 00:07:00,170 --> 00:07:03,257 Of course! We've got 255 00:07:00,170 --> 00:07:03,257 it all covered! 256 00:07:03,298 --> 00:07:06,218 Besides, you don't want 257 00:07:03,298 --> 00:07:06,218 to miss the games! 258 00:07:06,260 --> 00:07:08,678 Let's play some ball! 259 00:07:08,720 --> 00:07:11,348 Bin the ball, win a prize! 260 00:07:11,390 --> 00:07:13,516 Ooh! That's quite a prize! 261 00:07:14,559 --> 00:07:16,728 Have fun! I'll be back. 262 00:07:16,770 --> 00:07:20,732 Ah! He shoots, he scores! 263 00:07:22,483 --> 00:07:24,403 You'll get 'em next time. 264 00:07:24,444 --> 00:07:25,528 [laughing] 265 00:07:25,570 --> 00:07:26,405 [bubbling] 266 00:07:26,446 --> 00:07:27,488 [Naani-ji] Oh! 267 00:07:27,530 --> 00:07:30,200 Naani-ji, you can't be in here. 268 00:07:30,242 --> 00:07:32,035 It'll spoil the surprise! 269 00:07:32,077 --> 00:07:36,331 I-I-I want to make sure 270 00:07:32,077 --> 00:07:36,331 Baba's taking care of my best 271 00:07:32,077 --> 00:07:36,331 friend. 272 00:07:36,373 --> 00:07:39,418 Squawk! Bina's a-okay! 273 00:07:39,459 --> 00:07:41,669 I was talking about the Tandoor. 274 00:07:41,711 --> 00:07:44,423 But you're a close second, Bina. 275 00:07:44,464 --> 00:07:46,091 How is the pizza coming? 276 00:07:46,133 --> 00:07:47,884 Great! Nothing to see here! 277 00:07:47,926 --> 00:07:49,052 [lid banging] 278 00:07:49,094 --> 00:07:51,054 Come on, Naani-ji. 279 00:07:51,096 --> 00:07:52,806 You're missing all the fun! 280 00:07:52,847 --> 00:07:54,349 [bubbling] 281 00:07:55,683 --> 00:07:57,978 Hmm? Show 'em what we've got! 282 00:07:58,019 --> 00:07:59,229 Ooh! 283 00:07:59,813 --> 00:08:00,772 Oh! 284 00:08:00,814 --> 00:08:04,276 Oh, not a wedgie! [sighing] 285 00:08:04,318 --> 00:08:07,570 Guess we can't slamma jamma 286 00:08:04,318 --> 00:08:07,570 like we used to. 287 00:08:07,612 --> 00:08:09,030 I could use a nap! 288 00:08:10,324 --> 00:08:12,700 -[snoring] 289 00:08:10,324 --> 00:08:12,700 -It's not nap time... 290 00:08:12,742 --> 00:08:14,577 it's show time! 291 00:08:14,619 --> 00:08:15,829 [drumroll] 292 00:08:15,870 --> 00:08:17,080 [spotlights clanking] 293 00:08:21,126 --> 00:08:24,421 [mic feedback] 294 00:08:21,126 --> 00:08:24,421 Let's give a big Mango Manor 295 00:08:21,126 --> 00:08:24,421 welcome 296 00:08:24,463 --> 00:08:28,008 to Maruti and Munjal! 297 00:08:28,049 --> 00:08:29,676 -Hooray! 298 00:08:28,049 --> 00:08:29,676 -Ooh! 299 00:08:29,717 --> 00:08:30,551 [clearing throat] 300 00:08:30,593 --> 00:08:32,053 Ah, love. 301 00:08:32,095 --> 00:08:34,431 Eternal... mystery 302 00:08:34,473 --> 00:08:37,392 Whose... pizza pie-- 303 00:08:37,434 --> 00:08:39,978 Whoa! [falling] 304 00:08:40,854 --> 00:08:43,315 What did I get myself into? 305 00:08:43,357 --> 00:08:44,399 Nyah! 306 00:08:45,566 --> 00:08:47,068 -[laughing] 307 00:08:45,566 --> 00:08:47,068 -[timer dings] 308 00:08:47,110 --> 00:08:48,778 [gasping] Dinner! 309 00:08:48,820 --> 00:08:49,904 Be right back! 310 00:08:49,946 --> 00:08:51,990 [trumpeting] 311 00:08:54,242 --> 00:08:56,203 Whaa... 312 00:08:56,244 --> 00:08:57,871 Steady... 313 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:03,043 Oh no! It's not gonna fit 314 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:03,043 through any of the regular 315 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:03,043 doors. 316 00:09:03,084 --> 00:09:04,252 [gasping] 317 00:09:04,294 --> 00:09:06,587 If we go outside and around, 318 00:09:06,629 --> 00:09:09,757 we can bring it in through 319 00:09:06,629 --> 00:09:09,757 the dining room double doors. 320 00:09:10,884 --> 00:09:13,428 We have a lovely room available 321 00:09:10,884 --> 00:09:13,428 that comes with... 322 00:09:13,470 --> 00:09:14,846 pizza? 323 00:09:15,305 --> 00:09:16,515 Ta-da! 324 00:09:16,556 --> 00:09:17,974 [gasping] 325 00:09:18,016 --> 00:09:20,018 Your Pizza Deepa 326 00:09:18,016 --> 00:09:20,018 Style is served! 327 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:21,228 [trumpeting] 328 00:09:23,063 --> 00:09:24,564 [gasping] 329 00:09:25,899 --> 00:09:26,774 Ha ha! 330 00:09:26,816 --> 00:09:28,068 [relieved sigh] 331 00:09:29,444 --> 00:09:32,239 Naani-ji! You did it! You won! 332 00:09:32,280 --> 00:09:33,323 Hit it, boys! 333 00:09:33,365 --> 00:09:35,033 Hee hee! 334 00:09:35,075 --> 00:09:37,327 DJ Raki in da house! 335 00:09:37,369 --> 00:09:38,745 [laughing] 336 00:09:38,786 --> 00:09:40,872 [cheering] 337 00:09:40,914 --> 00:09:42,457 Deepa, what is going on? 338 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:45,544 When I said your grandparents 339 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:45,544 might enjoy a restaurant, 340 00:09:45,585 --> 00:09:47,337 this isn't exactly what I meant. 341 00:09:47,379 --> 00:09:51,341 Actually, this was the most fun 342 00:09:47,379 --> 00:09:51,341 we've had in a long time! 343 00:09:51,383 --> 00:09:53,593 We won a game, saw a show-- 344 00:09:53,634 --> 00:09:58,139 And we got to have a great time 345 00:09:53,634 --> 00:09:58,139 with some of our favorite 346 00:09:53,634 --> 00:09:58,139 people. 347 00:09:58,181 --> 00:09:59,766 Oh, thank you, Beta. 348 00:09:59,807 --> 00:10:01,726 Oh, I almost forgot! 349 00:10:01,768 --> 00:10:03,520 Your prize! 350 00:10:03,562 --> 00:10:08,316 The real prize was you and Anoop 351 00:10:03,562 --> 00:10:08,316 doing so much to celebrate us. 352 00:10:08,358 --> 00:10:10,985 And making Pizza Deepa Style. 353 00:10:11,027 --> 00:10:12,153 [chewing] 354 00:10:12,195 --> 00:10:13,154 It's poppin'! 355 00:10:14,406 --> 00:10:18,326 And I can tell you remembered 356 00:10:14,406 --> 00:10:18,326 the most important ingredient... 357 00:10:18,368 --> 00:10:19,536 love. 358 00:10:22,414 --> 00:10:24,416 [trumpeting] 359 00:10:24,458 --> 00:10:26,209 If you thought that 360 00:10:24,458 --> 00:10:26,209 was good, Anoop, 361 00:10:26,251 --> 00:10:29,254 just wait till we celebrate 362 00:10:26,251 --> 00:10:29,254 our friendiversary! 363 00:10:29,296 --> 00:10:32,090 -[laughing] 364 00:10:29,296 --> 00:10:32,090 -[trumpeting] 365 00:10:40,014 --> 00:10:42,476 [♪♪♪] 366 00:10:47,355 --> 00:10:49,732 [Deepa] What's the Buzz? 367 00:10:50,900 --> 00:10:52,986 [making airplane noises] 368 00:10:55,071 --> 00:10:58,699 Airplane tag! I'm gonna get you! 369 00:10:58,741 --> 00:11:00,952 [making airplane noises] 370 00:11:01,869 --> 00:11:04,247 Deepa, close the door, please! 371 00:11:04,289 --> 00:11:05,999 Time out, Anoop! 372 00:11:08,126 --> 00:11:09,669 Thank you, Beta. 373 00:11:09,710 --> 00:11:10,711 Time in! 374 00:11:10,753 --> 00:11:12,339 Got you now, Anoop! 375 00:11:13,798 --> 00:11:16,301 This is a no-fly zone! 376 00:11:16,343 --> 00:11:18,219 Planes must play outside! 377 00:11:18,261 --> 00:11:20,347 [making airplane noises] 378 00:11:20,388 --> 00:11:21,556 [Naani-ji sighs] 379 00:11:21,598 --> 00:11:24,225 When do they learn 380 00:11:21,598 --> 00:11:24,225 closing doors? Oh! 381 00:11:24,892 --> 00:11:27,020 Tag! Now you be the airplane 382 00:11:27,061 --> 00:11:28,355 and take me for a ride! 383 00:11:28,396 --> 00:11:29,897 -[giggling] 384 00:11:28,396 --> 00:11:29,897 -[trumpeting] 385 00:11:29,939 --> 00:11:32,651 Welcome to Anoop Airlines! 386 00:11:32,691 --> 00:11:34,653 [fly buzzing] Hmm? 387 00:11:34,735 --> 00:11:36,279 Lunch! 388 00:11:36,321 --> 00:11:38,448 Better land and eat now! 389 00:11:39,658 --> 00:11:40,908 [stomach rumbling] 390 00:11:40,950 --> 00:11:41,951 [buzzing] 391 00:11:41,993 --> 00:11:43,328 [rubbing hands together] 392 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:46,206 Also remember 393 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:46,206 to close the door behind you. 394 00:11:46,247 --> 00:11:49,668 You'll let in flies, and we get 395 00:11:46,247 --> 00:11:49,668 big ones this time of year! 396 00:11:49,708 --> 00:11:50,585 [bumping into door] 397 00:11:50,627 --> 00:11:52,003 [buzzing] 398 00:11:52,045 --> 00:11:54,214 [Deepa] ♪ La la la la la ♪ 399 00:11:54,255 --> 00:11:55,714 Let's go lunch! 400 00:11:59,427 --> 00:12:02,096 Oops! Forgot to close the door! 401 00:12:03,473 --> 00:12:04,516 [buzzing] 402 00:12:04,558 --> 00:12:06,434 -Thanks, Anoop. 403 00:12:04,558 --> 00:12:06,434 -[trumpeting] 404 00:12:06,476 --> 00:12:08,186 [buzzing] Hmm? 405 00:12:08,228 --> 00:12:10,271 [sniffing] Mm! 406 00:12:11,272 --> 00:12:12,691 [buzzing] 407 00:12:13,941 --> 00:12:15,569 Shoo! Go! Go! 408 00:12:15,610 --> 00:12:17,445 These ladoos are for our lunch. 409 00:12:17,487 --> 00:12:18,737 Not yours! 410 00:12:18,779 --> 00:12:20,739 I can never serve food 411 00:12:18,779 --> 00:12:20,739 touched by a fly! 412 00:12:20,781 --> 00:12:21,866 Shoo! 413 00:12:22,492 --> 00:12:24,411 [buzzing] 414 00:12:24,452 --> 00:12:25,412 [taunting] Nyah nyah! 415 00:12:25,453 --> 00:12:26,329 Squawk! 416 00:12:26,371 --> 00:12:27,163 [buzzing] 417 00:12:27,205 --> 00:12:28,415 [Naani-ji] Shoo! Shoo! 418 00:12:28,456 --> 00:12:30,041 Squawk! 419 00:12:30,083 --> 00:12:31,376 Pew! 420 00:12:31,418 --> 00:12:32,586 Uh, nope. 421 00:12:32,627 --> 00:12:34,462 Gotta draw the line somewhere. 422 00:12:34,504 --> 00:12:35,630 [Deepa] Ew! Yuck! 423 00:12:35,672 --> 00:12:39,342 That fly sure likes 424 00:12:35,672 --> 00:12:39,342 stinky stuff! 425 00:12:39,384 --> 00:12:41,094 Sorry, Naani-ji. 426 00:12:41,135 --> 00:12:43,762 We must have let the fly in. 427 00:12:43,804 --> 00:12:46,224 But we'll get it back outside. 428 00:12:46,683 --> 00:12:48,476 [inhaling] 429 00:12:48,518 --> 00:12:49,603 [trumpeting] 430 00:12:49,644 --> 00:12:51,145 Here, fly! 431 00:12:51,187 --> 00:12:54,815 Let Deepa Airlines take you 432 00:12:51,187 --> 00:12:54,815 on a nonstop flight... 433 00:12:54,857 --> 00:12:57,151 -outside! 434 00:12:54,857 --> 00:12:57,151 -Huh? 435 00:12:59,487 --> 00:13:01,197 [trumpeting] 436 00:13:01,239 --> 00:13:02,907 I don't hear it. 437 00:13:02,949 --> 00:13:03,950 Is it gone? 438 00:13:03,991 --> 00:13:05,493 -[gasping] 439 00:13:03,991 --> 00:13:05,493 -[Naani-ji] What? 440 00:13:07,120 --> 00:13:10,331 [whispering] Naani-ji... 441 00:13:07,120 --> 00:13:10,331 don't... move. 442 00:13:11,458 --> 00:13:12,709 -[gasping] 443 00:13:11,458 --> 00:13:12,709 -Got it! 444 00:13:12,751 --> 00:13:15,002 Careful, Beta. Don't squish it! 445 00:13:15,044 --> 00:13:18,339 Naani-ji, I could 446 00:13:15,044 --> 00:13:18,339 never hurt a fly! 447 00:13:18,381 --> 00:13:20,550 Hello, little fly! 448 00:13:20,592 --> 00:13:22,093 Hello! 449 00:13:22,135 --> 00:13:23,470 [taunting] Nyah nyah-nyah! 450 00:13:23,511 --> 00:13:25,346 [sighing] 451 00:13:25,388 --> 00:13:27,766 Well, at least it's not going 452 00:13:25,388 --> 00:13:27,766 to bother you in the kitchen 453 00:13:25,388 --> 00:13:27,766 anymore. 454 00:13:27,806 --> 00:13:29,142 [trumpeting] 455 00:13:29,183 --> 00:13:31,144 Yes, but now it will 456 00:13:29,183 --> 00:13:31,144 go bother our guests! 457 00:13:31,185 --> 00:13:33,772 It could be buzzing 458 00:13:31,185 --> 00:13:33,772 around their beds as I speak! 459 00:13:33,812 --> 00:13:37,150 Don't worry, we'll get that fly 460 00:13:33,812 --> 00:13:37,150 outside where it belongs 461 00:13:37,191 --> 00:13:39,611 before it bothers anyone else. 462 00:13:39,653 --> 00:13:41,279 [Naani-ji] Very fine. 463 00:13:41,321 --> 00:13:45,074 And please remember 464 00:13:41,321 --> 00:13:45,074 to close doors behind you! 465 00:13:45,992 --> 00:13:48,495 ♪ I try to do what I am told ♪ 466 00:13:48,536 --> 00:13:51,289 ♪ But oops, oops, oops ♪ 467 00:13:51,331 --> 00:13:53,082 ♪ Sometimes I forget ♪ 468 00:13:54,292 --> 00:13:57,462 ♪ That happens to 469 00:13:54,292 --> 00:13:57,462 everyone, I bet ♪ 470 00:13:58,463 --> 00:14:00,256 ♪ I buzz around just 471 00:13:58,463 --> 00:14:00,256 like a fly ♪ 472 00:14:00,298 --> 00:14:02,216 ♪ From one thing to another ♪ 473 00:14:02,258 --> 00:14:04,177 ♪ That's because I often find ♪ 474 00:14:04,218 --> 00:14:06,471 ♪ There's lots more 475 00:14:04,218 --> 00:14:06,471 to discover ♪ 476 00:14:10,224 --> 00:14:13,269 ♪ And oops, oops, oops ♪ 477 00:14:13,311 --> 00:14:14,853 ♪ Sometimes I forget! ♪ 478 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:21,402 ♪ That happens to 479 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:21,402 everyone, I bet ♪ 480 00:14:21,444 --> 00:14:23,070 [fly buzzing] 481 00:14:23,112 --> 00:14:24,656 Anoop! There it is! 482 00:14:25,323 --> 00:14:26,533 [buzzing a greeting] 483 00:14:26,574 --> 00:14:28,868 Uh-oh, it's going to 484 00:14:26,574 --> 00:14:28,868 the second floor! 485 00:14:28,909 --> 00:14:30,286 Quick, Anoop! 486 00:14:30,328 --> 00:14:32,622 I'll take the Deepa Door. 487 00:14:30,328 --> 00:14:32,622 You take the stairs. 488 00:14:32,664 --> 00:14:33,790 [trumpeting] 489 00:14:36,083 --> 00:14:40,547 Come out, come out, 490 00:14:36,083 --> 00:14:40,547 buzzy, buzzy fly... 491 00:14:40,588 --> 00:14:43,550 Don't worry, we want 492 00:14:40,588 --> 00:14:43,550 to be your friends! 493 00:14:47,512 --> 00:14:48,888 [trumpeting] 494 00:14:52,099 --> 00:14:55,186 [laughing] 495 00:14:55,228 --> 00:14:56,396 [sighing] 496 00:14:56,437 --> 00:14:58,690 This is much harder 497 00:14:56,437 --> 00:14:58,690 than I thought. 498 00:14:58,732 --> 00:15:00,358 What are we missing? 499 00:15:01,317 --> 00:15:02,485 [trumpeting] 500 00:15:02,527 --> 00:15:04,404 That's it, Anoop! Thinking! 501 00:15:04,445 --> 00:15:07,407 To catch a fly, 502 00:15:04,445 --> 00:15:07,407 we need to think like a fly! 503 00:15:07,448 --> 00:15:09,826 I know just what to do! 504 00:15:11,035 --> 00:15:13,371 I'm feeling buzzy already! 505 00:15:13,413 --> 00:15:14,706 How 'bout you, Anoop? 506 00:15:14,748 --> 00:15:15,998 [trumpeting] 507 00:15:16,040 --> 00:15:18,459 If the fly thinks we're 508 00:15:16,040 --> 00:15:18,459 just like him, 509 00:15:18,501 --> 00:15:21,671 I bet he'll want to stay 510 00:15:18,501 --> 00:15:21,671 and play with us. 511 00:15:21,713 --> 00:15:23,506 But not for long. 512 00:15:23,548 --> 00:15:27,301 We'll lead him right back 513 00:15:23,548 --> 00:15:27,301 outside where he belongs! Ready? 514 00:15:27,343 --> 00:15:28,845 [trumpeting in agreement] 515 00:15:28,887 --> 00:15:31,097 [Deepa buzzing] 516 00:15:31,138 --> 00:15:32,390 Ha! 517 00:15:32,432 --> 00:15:33,474 Buzz! [giggling] 518 00:15:33,516 --> 00:15:39,188 [fly buzzing] 519 00:15:39,230 --> 00:15:41,274 You hear that? He's in here! 520 00:15:41,315 --> 00:15:43,651 There's no way we'll 521 00:15:41,315 --> 00:15:43,651 lose him now. 522 00:15:43,693 --> 00:15:45,612 -[gasping] 523 00:15:43,693 --> 00:15:45,612 -[trumpeting] 524 00:15:45,653 --> 00:15:46,738 [Deepa] There you are! 525 00:15:46,780 --> 00:15:48,823 Hello! 526 00:15:48,865 --> 00:15:50,491 Time for a play date, fly! 527 00:15:50,533 --> 00:15:53,202 But for this one, we're 528 00:15:50,533 --> 00:15:53,202 going outside! 529 00:15:53,244 --> 00:15:54,746 [trumpeting] 530 00:15:57,665 --> 00:15:59,250 It's going to the lobby! 531 00:15:59,292 --> 00:16:00,585 [trumpeting "uh-oh"] 532 00:16:00,627 --> 00:16:02,086 Deepa Slide! 533 00:16:04,756 --> 00:16:06,591 Mm-hmm. 534 00:16:06,633 --> 00:16:08,468 [startling] Oy! 535 00:16:08,509 --> 00:16:10,177 Slow down, Beta! 536 00:16:10,219 --> 00:16:11,888 [buzzing] 537 00:16:11,930 --> 00:16:13,055 [laughing] 538 00:16:13,097 --> 00:16:15,433 We're on fly duty, Mama. 539 00:16:15,475 --> 00:16:17,226 Gotta run! 540 00:16:17,268 --> 00:16:21,230 I can't hear him, but he's 541 00:16:17,268 --> 00:16:21,230 close. I can feel it in my 542 00:16:17,268 --> 00:16:21,230 wings. 543 00:16:22,440 --> 00:16:23,983 Don't give up, Anoop! 544 00:16:24,024 --> 00:16:27,737 Remember, we have to think 545 00:16:24,024 --> 00:16:27,737 like a fly to catch a fly! 546 00:16:27,779 --> 00:16:29,697 Then outside he goes! 547 00:16:29,739 --> 00:16:31,240 [trumpeting thoughtfully] 548 00:16:31,282 --> 00:16:32,867 [trumpeting] 549 00:16:34,744 --> 00:16:35,870 A ladoo? 550 00:16:35,912 --> 00:16:37,538 Great idea, Anoop! 551 00:16:37,580 --> 00:16:40,583 Hold on! Where did 552 00:16:37,580 --> 00:16:40,583 that come from? 553 00:16:41,793 --> 00:16:42,877 [laughing] 554 00:16:42,919 --> 00:16:44,378 Never mind! 555 00:16:44,420 --> 00:16:47,298 We can use a ladoo 556 00:16:44,420 --> 00:16:47,298 to get the fly to come to us! 557 00:16:47,340 --> 00:16:49,801 It loves sweet stuff like... 558 00:16:50,677 --> 00:16:53,346 [trumpeting in surprise] 559 00:16:53,387 --> 00:16:54,514 [laughing] 560 00:16:54,555 --> 00:16:57,976 Okay, so we can't 561 00:16:54,555 --> 00:16:57,976 use that ladoo... 562 00:16:58,017 --> 00:17:01,103 Let's see... what else 563 00:16:58,017 --> 00:17:01,103 do flies love? 564 00:17:01,145 --> 00:17:03,982 Sweet stuff, smelly garbage... 565 00:17:04,023 --> 00:17:05,483 [gasping] That's it! 566 00:17:05,525 --> 00:17:08,235 He loves smelly stuff. 567 00:17:08,277 --> 00:17:12,406 And I know just where to find 568 00:17:08,277 --> 00:17:12,406 the stinkiest stuff ever! 569 00:17:12,448 --> 00:17:13,825 [trumpeting] 570 00:17:14,492 --> 00:17:15,785 Anoop, look! 571 00:17:15,827 --> 00:17:17,077 This is a durian. 572 00:17:17,119 --> 00:17:20,581 It's the stinkiest 573 00:17:17,119 --> 00:17:20,581 of all the fruits! 574 00:17:20,623 --> 00:17:21,916 [inhaling] 575 00:17:21,958 --> 00:17:24,168 [trumpeting unhappily] 576 00:17:24,210 --> 00:17:26,587 This fly's gonna love it! 577 00:17:27,964 --> 00:17:30,049 Here, buzzy buzzy buzzy! 578 00:17:30,090 --> 00:17:31,843 Look what we have for you! 579 00:17:31,885 --> 00:17:33,720 Tasty fruit! 580 00:17:33,761 --> 00:17:34,888 [elevator dings] 581 00:17:36,222 --> 00:17:38,808 [sniffing] Ew, yucky! 582 00:17:39,976 --> 00:17:42,061 [buzzing] 583 00:17:42,102 --> 00:17:43,521 [gasping] Hurry, Anoop! 584 00:17:43,563 --> 00:17:46,357 Open the front door, 585 00:17:43,563 --> 00:17:46,357 and I'll lure him outside. 586 00:17:46,399 --> 00:17:47,483 [trumpeting] 587 00:17:50,319 --> 00:17:51,529 It's working! 588 00:17:52,697 --> 00:17:54,240 [inhaling happily] 589 00:17:54,281 --> 00:17:56,450 Quick, Anoop! The door! 590 00:17:58,494 --> 00:18:00,663 [trumpeting] 591 00:18:00,705 --> 00:18:02,122 [buzzing sadly] 592 00:18:05,501 --> 00:18:08,337 Hmm? Ha ha! 593 00:18:10,339 --> 00:18:13,009 What if we never get it outside? 594 00:18:13,051 --> 00:18:14,301 [music playing] 595 00:18:14,343 --> 00:18:15,386 Hmm? 596 00:18:16,804 --> 00:18:20,474 [music playing] 597 00:18:25,396 --> 00:18:28,232 [humming along] 598 00:18:36,198 --> 00:18:37,033 Squawk! 599 00:18:37,075 --> 00:18:38,743 [startling] 600 00:18:38,785 --> 00:18:40,411 Ugh! Almost had him! 601 00:18:40,453 --> 00:18:44,373 Bina, how can anyone relax 602 00:18:40,453 --> 00:18:44,373 with all that squawking? 603 00:18:44,415 --> 00:18:46,500 Hmm, maybe there's another way 604 00:18:46,542 --> 00:18:50,588 to get this fly to relax 605 00:18:46,542 --> 00:18:50,588 so we can take him outside. 606 00:18:50,630 --> 00:18:54,717 A place that's fun and 607 00:18:50,630 --> 00:18:54,717 relaxing... 608 00:18:54,759 --> 00:18:56,636 and just right for a fly. 609 00:18:56,677 --> 00:18:59,639 I know just what to do! 610 00:19:00,389 --> 00:19:03,810 Fabulous Fly Manor is open! 611 00:19:03,851 --> 00:19:05,144 [trumpeting] 612 00:19:05,185 --> 00:19:09,523 Perfect for a fly to 613 00:19:05,185 --> 00:19:09,523 kick back and relax. 614 00:19:09,565 --> 00:19:11,150 Just one more thing... 615 00:19:12,318 --> 00:19:14,904 A stinky, tasty treat! 616 00:19:14,946 --> 00:19:17,949 Now all we need is Naani-ji's 617 00:19:14,946 --> 00:19:17,949 Veena music! 618 00:19:17,991 --> 00:19:19,450 [trumpeting] 619 00:19:19,492 --> 00:19:21,577 [playing Veena] 620 00:19:21,619 --> 00:19:23,162 Look what we made! 621 00:19:23,203 --> 00:19:26,540 That fly will check in 622 00:19:23,203 --> 00:19:26,540 and won't want to leave. 623 00:19:26,582 --> 00:19:28,626 Now all we need is 624 00:19:26,582 --> 00:19:28,626 a little music, 625 00:19:28,668 --> 00:19:32,713 then we'll just roll 626 00:19:28,668 --> 00:19:32,713 him outside! 627 00:19:33,965 --> 00:19:35,591 Very clever. 628 00:19:35,633 --> 00:19:38,469 Both relaxing and appealing for 629 00:19:35,633 --> 00:19:38,469 the fly at the same time. 630 00:19:38,511 --> 00:19:40,471 We'll try it. 631 00:19:40,513 --> 00:19:42,765 [playing Veena] 632 00:19:44,767 --> 00:19:47,603 [buzzing along] 633 00:19:47,645 --> 00:19:48,479 [gasping] 634 00:19:48,521 --> 00:19:49,897 [inhaling deeply] 635 00:19:54,027 --> 00:19:55,235 [snoring] 636 00:19:55,277 --> 00:19:58,114 Aw, that's one happy fly. 637 00:19:58,156 --> 00:19:59,907 Maybe he could stay with us. 638 00:19:59,949 --> 00:20:02,827 Beta, flies really 639 00:19:59,949 --> 00:20:02,827 belong outside. 640 00:20:02,869 --> 00:20:04,578 Time to say goodbye. 641 00:20:04,620 --> 00:20:05,705 Aw. 642 00:20:05,746 --> 00:20:09,000 [fly snoring] 643 00:20:09,042 --> 00:20:10,584 Time to go, little fly. 644 00:20:10,626 --> 00:20:13,546 [fly waking] 645 00:20:13,587 --> 00:20:15,297 [buzzing a farewell] 646 00:20:15,339 --> 00:20:17,466 [buzzing] 647 00:20:18,718 --> 00:20:19,635 [trumpeting] 648 00:20:19,677 --> 00:20:20,678 [buzzing "bye-bye"] 649 00:20:20,720 --> 00:20:22,388 [laughing] Goodbye! 650 00:20:22,429 --> 00:20:23,681 [buzzing a final farewell] 651 00:20:23,723 --> 00:20:26,809 [all saying goodbye] 652 00:20:26,851 --> 00:20:28,477 [rubbing hands together] 653 00:20:32,106 --> 00:20:34,567 No, no, no, no, no! 654 00:20:35,526 --> 00:20:36,777 [buzzing inside] 655 00:20:36,819 --> 00:20:38,362 [Deepa laughing awkwardly] 656 00:20:38,404 --> 00:20:39,613 Oops. 657 00:20:40,573 --> 00:20:42,950 [♪♪♪] 658 00:20:46,579 --> 00:20:50,041 [♪♪♪]