1 00:00:52,399 --> 00:00:53,640 You alright, nan? 2 00:00:55,039 --> 00:00:57,439 Yeah. Nothing that a nice cup of tea won't sort. 3 00:01:01,119 --> 00:01:03,119 It's careers fair today, isn't it? 4 00:01:04,040 --> 00:01:07,239 -Don't really wanna go. -Why? It's your future. 5 00:01:10,159 --> 00:01:11,519 They're late. 6 00:01:11,959 --> 00:01:13,799 It's only just half past. 7 00:01:13,879 --> 00:01:16,120 What good is it having someone come in if they can't even be on time? 8 00:01:16,200 --> 00:01:20,400 We've been through this. We need some help now. 9 00:01:24,640 --> 00:01:26,519 -Hi. -Hi. 10 00:01:27,200 --> 00:01:29,439 I'm Jaz. Carer. 11 00:01:30,359 --> 00:01:32,159 Right, well you're late. 12 00:01:32,239 --> 00:01:35,000 Yeah, sorry. My phone died on the way here 13 00:01:35,079 --> 00:01:37,159 and then I thought I'd lost my bank card 14 00:01:37,239 --> 00:01:39,840 but then I realised it was just stuck up my sleeve. 15 00:01:40,439 --> 00:01:42,280 It's really easily done actually. 16 00:01:45,120 --> 00:01:50,159 You don't have to worry. I'll take good care of... Susan. 17 00:01:52,079 --> 00:01:53,760 You've just gotta let me in first. 18 00:01:57,319 --> 00:02:00,920 Susie? Here I come ready or not. 19 00:02:07,799 --> 00:02:12,360 As low points go, this is kind of the lowest. 20 00:02:15,599 --> 00:02:17,759 Is this your first panic attack? 21 00:02:18,280 --> 00:02:19,639 It wasn't a panic attack. 22 00:02:19,719 --> 00:02:22,000 The paramedic who brought you in said he found you in a foetal position 23 00:02:22,080 --> 00:02:23,560 in a supermarket so... 24 00:02:24,199 --> 00:02:27,400 Yeah it'd just been a really, really long day. 25 00:02:30,719 --> 00:02:33,240 We did notice a high level of alcohol in your blood. 26 00:02:33,960 --> 00:02:36,280 If this happens again the consequences could be more serious. 27 00:02:36,360 --> 00:02:40,919 No, it won't happen again. Last night was a wake up call. 28 00:02:41,000 --> 00:02:42,639 Gonna sort myself out. 29 00:02:43,520 --> 00:02:45,919 Start now. Get some rest. 30 00:02:49,120 --> 00:02:50,400 I will. 31 00:02:51,039 --> 00:02:55,120 Well if there's one good thing about being at your lowest point 32 00:02:55,639 --> 00:02:59,199 it's that from here every way is up. 33 00:03:04,360 --> 00:03:08,120 Are you finished with this? Your cup? 34 00:03:08,759 --> 00:03:10,479 Yeah, it's done. 35 00:03:12,759 --> 00:03:14,159 Any good? 36 00:03:14,840 --> 00:03:17,639 -Oh third time I've read it. -That's a lot of times. 37 00:03:21,560 --> 00:03:24,439 -Where do I know you from? -I don't... 38 00:03:24,520 --> 00:03:26,919 And that's not a chat up line by the way. 39 00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:30,840 I tried it once it didn't work. Can I get you anything else? 40 00:03:31,439 --> 00:03:32,840 Oh no thanks. 41 00:03:45,800 --> 00:03:49,719 I know where I've seen you. The club West One. 42 00:03:50,280 --> 00:03:53,240 You know holding a broken bottle to someone's neck is assault. 43 00:03:53,319 --> 00:03:56,080 Well I didn't assault you. No one got hurt. 44 00:03:56,159 --> 00:04:02,199 Yeah luckily for me. And I probably deserved it, I was a bit of a prick. 45 00:04:04,039 --> 00:04:05,680 You don't take any shit, do you? 46 00:04:05,759 --> 00:04:07,240 Not if I can help it. 47 00:04:09,639 --> 00:04:13,840 Look, Brett, I don't know what you want. 48 00:04:13,919 --> 00:04:17,199 Why don't you let me buy you a drink and we'll call it even. 49 00:04:23,160 --> 00:04:26,240 Gotta have a plan. Everyone says. 50 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:32,160 So what do I, Jonny Murphy, want to do? 51 00:04:33,360 --> 00:04:35,240 The possibilities are endless. 52 00:04:38,879 --> 00:04:44,600 Time to move on from the past and face it, the future. 53 00:04:46,639 --> 00:04:50,079 Because apparently the world is my oyster. 54 00:04:50,839 --> 00:04:53,800 I mean I've never actually had oysters. 55 00:04:55,680 --> 00:05:00,680 Not even sure I like the sound of them but you know gotta start somewhere. 56 00:05:04,040 --> 00:05:08,839 ...lead the world in areas including stem cells, sciences, e-health. 57 00:05:10,040 --> 00:05:12,560 Fascinating. Thank you. 58 00:05:12,639 --> 00:05:13,839 Thank you. 59 00:05:14,639 --> 00:05:16,759 Careers fairs, where dreams go to die. 60 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:23,519 Why are we taking job advice from people who grew up to give job advice? 61 00:05:23,839 --> 00:05:25,360 Give it a chance. 62 00:05:26,160 --> 00:05:28,160 -Hi. -Oh hi. 63 00:05:29,480 --> 00:05:32,120 Are you trying to find somebody better to talk to? 64 00:05:32,199 --> 00:05:34,920 No, just trying to make the most of the opportunities. 65 00:05:35,480 --> 00:05:38,519 Why, everything's either shit work or zero hours contracts. 66 00:05:39,079 --> 00:05:40,600 There it is. 67 00:05:41,240 --> 00:05:44,680 -Super media plus. -The woman who runs it is amazing. 68 00:05:45,319 --> 00:05:48,399 She put on Instagram she was offering internships so see you. 69 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:53,040 At Super Media Plus we like to say there's no I in team 70 00:05:53,120 --> 00:05:56,720 but there is a U in super and that could be you. 71 00:05:57,600 --> 00:06:00,560 Please do scan the barcode thing for details, many thanks. 72 00:06:05,360 --> 00:06:07,079 -Hi. -Hi. 73 00:06:07,160 --> 00:06:09,639 I'd really love the opportunity to intern with you. 74 00:06:09,720 --> 00:06:11,920 Great. Do you have any experience in PR? 75 00:06:12,600 --> 00:06:16,079 -No, I don't. -Oh dear. Well maybe next time. 76 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:19,720 I do have a lot of social media experience. 77 00:06:19,800 --> 00:06:23,040 Right. Keeping up with all your friends. Sounds fun. 78 00:06:24,240 --> 00:06:27,240 One of my posts got two million views and 30,000 followers. 79 00:06:31,279 --> 00:06:34,199 -Do you think you could do Friday? -Yeah. Yeah I'd love to. 80 00:06:34,639 --> 00:06:37,879 Great. That's a lot of leaflets. 81 00:06:38,199 --> 00:06:41,519 Yeah I'm kind of just collecting them to keep Gareth happy. 82 00:06:42,319 --> 00:06:45,560 I don't really see the point 'cause I've already got a job but... 83 00:06:45,639 --> 00:06:47,839 The part time one. The leisure centre. 84 00:06:47,920 --> 00:06:50,519 Yeah but I don't wanna let 'em down. 85 00:06:52,439 --> 00:06:56,240 -Don't you make an adorable couple. -Oh we're not a couple actually. 86 00:07:01,199 --> 00:07:02,720 See you later then. 87 00:07:04,560 --> 00:07:06,399 He's a funny little chap, isn't he? 88 00:07:17,839 --> 00:07:19,120 I've gotta get back to Nan. 89 00:07:19,199 --> 00:07:21,480 She's not used to having strangers in the house and I'm worried 90 00:07:21,560 --> 00:07:24,759 if I hang around here someone's gonna try and make me join the army. 91 00:07:25,759 --> 00:07:27,839 See you. Fine. 92 00:07:28,439 --> 00:07:31,560 -You interested in volunteering? -Yeah. 93 00:07:33,879 --> 00:07:37,399 Yes of course you can. Very important you want to travel the world as well. 94 00:07:37,480 --> 00:07:38,680 Hey Nif. 95 00:07:39,800 --> 00:07:42,319 Marcus. I didn't know you... 96 00:07:42,720 --> 00:07:44,680 Yeah, I did this last year so I'm one of the ambassadors 97 00:07:45,519 --> 00:07:48,839 and you're into wildlife conservation. 98 00:07:50,279 --> 00:07:52,399 Definitely. Where do I sign up? 99 00:07:53,199 --> 00:07:56,480 The application deadline is 9:00 a.m. this Sunday. 100 00:07:57,360 --> 00:07:58,759 Like Glastonbury tickets. 101 00:08:02,040 --> 00:08:04,759 Should I leave you with one of my CVs in the meantime? 102 00:08:05,120 --> 00:08:07,839 -Sure. -It's probably terrible. 103 00:08:07,920 --> 00:08:09,720 I'm actually embarrassed. 104 00:08:14,120 --> 00:08:15,360 Is there a problem? 105 00:08:16,240 --> 00:08:17,879 It's just... 106 00:08:18,680 --> 00:08:21,480 Yeah, sorry, I don't mean to be rude, there are good grades 107 00:08:21,560 --> 00:08:25,480 but all I can see here is a bit of music, bare minimum community work. 108 00:08:25,560 --> 00:08:28,879 -I mean no commitment to anything. -Give it back please. 109 00:08:30,519 --> 00:08:33,039 I'm sorry. Look, ditch the CV. 110 00:08:33,840 --> 00:08:37,159 Write a personal statement who you are, what you'll bring, 111 00:08:38,039 --> 00:08:39,679 I don't mind helping. 112 00:08:39,759 --> 00:08:42,440 No, thanks. I'm fine on my own. 113 00:08:44,519 --> 00:08:45,960 Dick. 114 00:08:49,759 --> 00:08:54,440 So here they are. All the endless possibilities. 115 00:08:56,679 --> 00:08:58,080 In a hall. 116 00:08:58,600 --> 00:09:00,159 In Welwyn Garden City. 117 00:09:03,120 --> 00:09:04,440 Hi. 118 00:09:05,519 --> 00:09:11,600 How would I, what would I do to do what you do? 119 00:09:11,679 --> 00:09:13,840 You're interested in training as an engineer? 120 00:09:13,919 --> 00:09:17,840 Well you would be looking for high grades in science, maths, any of the design... 121 00:09:17,919 --> 00:09:23,159 Yeah, I haven't actually done any of those so... 122 00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:28,200 Well I've got a family business which is a pub so... 123 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:30,519 A pub? 124 00:09:30,919 --> 00:09:34,279 Right, I think there's a stall in the other room for that. 125 00:09:35,960 --> 00:09:38,159 They're showing people how to carry trays. 126 00:09:43,159 --> 00:09:44,360 Dick. 127 00:09:59,639 --> 00:10:02,159 Alright. So I know what I'm gonna do now. 128 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:07,519 Me too. I'm gonna do the rainforest conservation program. 129 00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:09,399 Something meaningful. 130 00:10:09,480 --> 00:10:13,440 Oh yeah. Sipping cocktails on a drugged up elephant, sounds fun. 131 00:10:14,240 --> 00:10:16,279 There are no elephants in Costa Rica. 132 00:10:16,759 --> 00:10:18,759 Then I'll probably still be working at the gym. 133 00:10:18,840 --> 00:10:21,200 Might just probably be really ripped or something. 134 00:10:22,200 --> 00:10:24,080 What's your plan Jonny? 135 00:10:24,440 --> 00:10:26,360 I'm gonna work in the pub. 136 00:10:26,440 --> 00:10:28,960 Wow, the lofty heights of bar tending. 137 00:10:30,120 --> 00:10:33,360 -What like my dad? -Shit, no, I didn't mean it like that. 138 00:10:33,440 --> 00:10:36,519 Good. 'Cause that's what I'm gonna do. 139 00:10:43,279 --> 00:10:44,919 -You'll die. -No, don't. 140 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:46,440 What's going on? 141 00:10:47,919 --> 00:10:53,000 We've been having such a laugh. Jaz taught me poker. 142 00:10:53,519 --> 00:10:57,480 Well at least I think this is how you play poker. Ah surprise. 143 00:10:58,399 --> 00:11:00,600 Jaz, can I speak with you for a minute? 144 00:11:00,919 --> 00:11:02,960 Sure. No cheating. 145 00:11:07,960 --> 00:11:09,840 Susan is lovely. 146 00:11:09,919 --> 00:11:12,639 She's been telling me all about your emo phase. 147 00:11:13,919 --> 00:11:17,080 I just need to check a couple of things. Are you on top of her medication? 148 00:11:17,159 --> 00:11:19,200 -Yes. -And she's had enough fluids? 149 00:11:19,279 --> 00:11:25,039 Yes. Drill sergeant, yes. I mean obviously yeah. This is my job. 150 00:11:27,559 --> 00:11:30,919 -Looks like she enjoyed you being here. -Haven't been able to get a word in. 151 00:11:34,279 --> 00:11:38,080 She did seem to have one thing on her mind 152 00:11:38,799 --> 00:11:44,799 and maybe this is none of my business but she seems a bit concerned about you. 153 00:11:45,799 --> 00:11:47,279 -Me? -Yeah. 154 00:11:48,480 --> 00:11:52,320 Worried you're not living your life 'cause you're always thinking about her. 155 00:11:53,440 --> 00:11:56,519 She wants you to enjoy yourself you know live a little. 156 00:11:57,320 --> 00:12:01,360 Instead of just ironing your towels and doing the washing up. 157 00:12:03,080 --> 00:12:06,960 Jaz, I'm glad Nan's had fun but you're right, it is none of your business. 158 00:12:07,320 --> 00:12:10,399 And I reckon you shouldn't get involved in things you don't know about. 159 00:12:13,720 --> 00:12:15,080 Loud and clear, Sarge. 160 00:12:19,360 --> 00:12:23,440 It's so obvious, I mean it's been right under my nose. 161 00:12:24,279 --> 00:12:26,919 The pub is the answer. 162 00:12:28,679 --> 00:12:30,600 I mean it's literally downstairs. 163 00:12:32,360 --> 00:12:38,440 I'll follow in dad's footsteps. Finish what he started. Make him proud. 164 00:12:42,639 --> 00:12:45,440 'Cause it's not just the future, is it? 165 00:12:47,759 --> 00:12:49,320 It's my future. 166 00:12:50,440 --> 00:12:53,399 And no one's gonna fix it but me. 167 00:12:56,480 --> 00:12:58,399 So have you always wanted to work in a gym? 168 00:13:02,120 --> 00:13:05,559 I just think that fitness is important to people. 169 00:13:07,919 --> 00:13:09,320 Here's some uniform. 170 00:13:10,480 --> 00:13:11,919 Thanks. 171 00:13:15,080 --> 00:13:17,840 Just like old times. You never liked getting changed. 172 00:13:20,320 --> 00:13:22,159 Kyle Dunster. We did scouts. 173 00:13:23,559 --> 00:13:24,840 Cuffley camp. 174 00:13:26,759 --> 00:13:29,399 We went hiking and you refused to go skinny dipping. 175 00:13:29,840 --> 00:13:31,720 I can't believe you don't remember me. 176 00:13:36,320 --> 00:13:39,759 Yeah. I'm sorry I just, you know... 177 00:13:41,639 --> 00:13:43,039 Done. 178 00:13:43,879 --> 00:13:46,039 -Does it look okay? -Yeah, it suits you. 179 00:13:46,759 --> 00:13:48,840 You can put your stuff in this locker. 180 00:13:53,440 --> 00:13:55,240 There's a knack. 181 00:13:59,639 --> 00:14:01,600 Took me two months to work that one out. 182 00:14:02,559 --> 00:14:05,159 Need anything else just let me know, yeah? 183 00:14:07,080 --> 00:14:08,480 Cool. 184 00:14:14,720 --> 00:14:17,759 -Here we go. -No, no. There's nothing on. 185 00:14:18,799 --> 00:14:21,120 -Hi. -Gosh I was such... Darling. 186 00:14:21,200 --> 00:14:23,919 Oh look what we've found. Look at you. 187 00:14:24,799 --> 00:14:30,159 Nothing on but your little welly boots filling the paddling pool. 188 00:14:31,279 --> 00:14:35,600 -It's a strong look, I won't lie. -So cute. So cute. 189 00:14:36,360 --> 00:14:37,679 What's with the music? 190 00:14:37,759 --> 00:14:43,080 Jaz found all my CDs up in the attic. This is me. 191 00:14:43,159 --> 00:14:46,080 From when she was in the Welwyn Garden City orchestra. 192 00:14:46,159 --> 00:14:49,480 -No, she wasn't. -Yes, I was. 193 00:14:50,679 --> 00:14:52,759 When? 194 00:14:53,279 --> 00:14:55,279 Oh, on and off for years. 195 00:14:58,279 --> 00:14:59,720 Oh right. 196 00:15:02,399 --> 00:15:05,320 Look at that. I remember those. 197 00:15:09,799 --> 00:15:11,200 I can do that if you like. 198 00:15:12,039 --> 00:15:15,600 How do I not know that about my nan? Spend every day with her. 199 00:15:16,320 --> 00:15:18,799 You're busy doing literally everything else. 200 00:15:18,879 --> 00:15:21,080 This house would stop existing without you. 201 00:15:22,639 --> 00:15:25,120 We don't really have time to talk about things like that. 202 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:27,879 Life's all about the small stuff. 203 00:15:30,240 --> 00:15:32,480 She says you never have any friends over. 204 00:15:33,080 --> 00:15:35,080 Why don't you? This weekend. 205 00:15:36,080 --> 00:15:37,879 Sounds very stressful. 206 00:15:37,960 --> 00:15:40,200 They'll make a mess and they don't know any of my systems. 207 00:15:40,279 --> 00:15:45,200 Nobody knows all of your systems, Regan. It's fine, I'll help you. 208 00:15:47,399 --> 00:15:52,080 Come on, it'll be fun. Oh you can wear your wellies, 209 00:15:52,799 --> 00:15:54,759 yeah, I've seen them in your cupboard. 210 00:15:54,840 --> 00:15:57,799 Don't pretend you still couldn't rock that look if you had to. 211 00:16:14,639 --> 00:16:18,519 There's not much time for anything else, it's just uni, work and working out. 212 00:16:20,639 --> 00:16:23,679 So who was that boy you were with at the club? 213 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:27,320 -Is he your boyfriend? -No, he's just no one. 214 00:16:27,919 --> 00:16:29,600 He's just someone I know. 215 00:16:30,279 --> 00:16:32,080 Yeah, he looked like a bit of a dickhead. 216 00:16:32,159 --> 00:16:33,559 He is. 217 00:16:34,679 --> 00:16:37,519 So tell me more about this auto visual art. 218 00:16:38,200 --> 00:16:39,559 Audio visual art. 219 00:16:40,519 --> 00:16:43,840 See? You are too clever to be hanging around with someone like me. 220 00:16:45,000 --> 00:16:46,240 Maybe I am. 221 00:16:49,960 --> 00:16:51,399 This is fast. 222 00:16:51,840 --> 00:16:52,840 Sorry. 223 00:16:54,559 --> 00:16:56,559 Just can't help myself. 224 00:17:04,240 --> 00:17:05,799 Can I get you another drink? 225 00:17:06,319 --> 00:17:08,599 Yeah, then I should be getting home. 226 00:17:09,279 --> 00:17:12,720 -I can drop you. -I can walk. I'm not too far from here. 227 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:18,920 -Landis road, yeah. -Yeah. Did I tell you that? 228 00:17:19,279 --> 00:17:21,799 No. Just seen you round a couple of times. 229 00:17:27,559 --> 00:17:28,759 Hey, guys! 230 00:17:28,839 --> 00:17:32,920 It's Zia here counting you down to Welwyn's sustainable fashion fundraiser. 231 00:17:33,240 --> 00:17:36,400 I mean there might be some tickets on arrival but why risk it. 232 00:17:37,119 --> 00:17:40,759 Link in my bio or check out the Super Media Plus website for more. 233 00:17:41,480 --> 00:17:43,400 You don't wanna miss this people. 234 00:17:44,559 --> 00:17:47,640 What a pro. Thank you. Today's been brilliant. 235 00:17:48,680 --> 00:17:52,799 If you're not too busy, I could really do with some support for the event tomorrow. 236 00:17:54,359 --> 00:17:56,960 Yeah, yeah, no problem. No plans at all. 237 00:17:57,799 --> 00:17:59,119 Now go, it's late. 238 00:17:59,200 --> 00:18:01,400 You've been here longer than people who are actually getting paid. 239 00:18:01,480 --> 00:18:05,440 Don't want to take the piss. Could you take the recycling when you go? 240 00:18:07,200 --> 00:18:09,119 It's the big green bin round the back. 241 00:18:10,319 --> 00:18:11,680 Yeah. 242 00:18:17,480 --> 00:18:19,559 Feels weird not doing this at the pub. 243 00:18:22,880 --> 00:18:24,440 Yeah, well dad's here now. 244 00:18:25,799 --> 00:18:27,759 Well next year maybe we can invite people. 245 00:18:27,839 --> 00:18:30,480 Have a birthday lock in like dad would've wanted. 246 00:18:31,720 --> 00:18:36,279 -Maybe. -It meant everything to him. He loved it. 247 00:18:38,680 --> 00:18:43,480 And so do I so I'm gonna start working at the pub. 248 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:47,400 You can't. 249 00:18:48,279 --> 00:18:50,960 -It's mum's decision. -Yeah and mum's selling up. 250 00:18:53,599 --> 00:18:54,599 What? 251 00:18:54,680 --> 00:18:57,240 Look we wanted to tell you yeah but you haven't been around. 252 00:18:57,319 --> 00:18:59,599 And even when you have you, you've not really been here. 253 00:18:59,680 --> 00:19:01,519 Oh that's so fucking patronising Andrew. 254 00:19:01,599 --> 00:19:05,720 There's more to running a pub than nicking booze and underage lock ins. 255 00:19:05,799 --> 00:19:09,599 You're 16. This deluded fantasy of yours isn't helping anyone. 256 00:19:09,680 --> 00:19:11,359 -I could do it. -Look at the state of you. 257 00:19:11,799 --> 00:19:14,839 You can't take over a pub. You can't even take care of yourself. 258 00:19:15,799 --> 00:19:18,160 And dad's probably laughing at the thought of it. 259 00:19:23,079 --> 00:19:24,599 Oh fuck. 260 00:19:26,640 --> 00:19:28,640 You've fully lost the plot, mate. 261 00:19:31,880 --> 00:19:33,119 God. 262 00:19:51,160 --> 00:19:52,680 Keeping you busy, are we? 263 00:19:53,599 --> 00:19:55,960 No, it's just my friend Regan she's having a party. 264 00:19:56,400 --> 00:20:00,599 Regan Cullen? Oh yeah, we did gymnastics together. She's cool. 265 00:20:01,119 --> 00:20:02,759 Well you, you should come. 266 00:20:03,480 --> 00:20:04,880 Cool. 267 00:20:06,799 --> 00:20:09,200 Did you clean down the treadmills like I asked? 268 00:20:11,400 --> 00:20:17,359 Look, this job isn't very challenging. But you actually need to do some work. 269 00:20:18,160 --> 00:20:19,200 I'm really sorry I... 270 00:20:19,279 --> 00:20:22,559 It's fine. You're new here. You'll get the hang of it all. 271 00:20:23,079 --> 00:20:24,640 Thanks. 272 00:20:27,440 --> 00:20:29,359 But maybe tidy these. 273 00:20:37,799 --> 00:20:39,079 I'm gonna start down there. 274 00:20:50,680 --> 00:20:52,240 -Hi! -Hey. 275 00:20:53,039 --> 00:20:56,000 Mum wanted to drop this off for your mum. Fresh Ata dindin. 276 00:20:56,319 --> 00:20:57,640 Thanks. 277 00:20:59,759 --> 00:21:02,160 -How's the personal statement going? -Finished. 278 00:21:02,240 --> 00:21:05,119 Great. I'll just... 279 00:21:07,160 --> 00:21:09,559 Could you maybe read it? 280 00:21:12,599 --> 00:21:13,720 Sure. 281 00:21:23,960 --> 00:21:26,720 It's actually very good. I'm glad I could help. 282 00:21:27,640 --> 00:21:30,519 -You just sat there and ate my crisps. -Yeah but I did it so well. 283 00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:35,119 I could put a word in for you if you like. 284 00:21:35,200 --> 00:21:36,599 That would be amazing. 285 00:21:37,880 --> 00:21:40,400 You've changed your hair. 286 00:21:41,319 --> 00:21:43,000 You just noticed? 287 00:21:45,160 --> 00:21:47,519 Sorry. My friend's throwing a party tonight. 288 00:21:48,440 --> 00:21:51,319 She doesn't usually throw parties so the group chat's still in shock. 289 00:21:52,880 --> 00:21:54,480 I'm sure we can squeeze you in. 290 00:21:54,920 --> 00:21:58,240 I can't have a big one. I've got football training first thing tomorrow. 291 00:21:58,680 --> 00:22:00,680 Me neither, I've got this thing in the morning too. 292 00:22:00,759 --> 00:22:02,680 Really? What are you doing? 293 00:22:07,960 --> 00:22:09,119 Yoga. 294 00:22:09,960 --> 00:22:14,359 Oh cool. Then maybe, maybe I'll come too. 295 00:22:34,359 --> 00:22:37,240 It's my future. Mine. 296 00:22:40,519 --> 00:22:43,960 So how come other people can just take it away? 297 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:47,799 Gotta have a plan, everyone says. 298 00:22:49,160 --> 00:22:55,720 But what if you look at the endless possibilities and just see nothing? 299 00:22:57,920 --> 00:23:02,799 Endless infinite fucking nothing. 300 00:23:08,960 --> 00:23:10,759 Right guys, what we having? 301 00:23:11,480 --> 00:23:13,000 I'm not drinking. 302 00:23:13,920 --> 00:23:15,599 -Me neither. -How come? 303 00:23:15,680 --> 00:23:19,960 Nervous okay. I invited Marcus and he's not gonna be drinking. 304 00:23:21,599 --> 00:23:23,920 -You invited more people? -I think I like him. 305 00:23:25,039 --> 00:23:29,480 And literally for the first time ever I actually think he likes me back. 306 00:23:30,799 --> 00:23:34,119 Kind of wish he didn't though 'cause now I've gotta do something about it. 307 00:23:34,200 --> 00:23:35,559 You lost me. 308 00:23:41,599 --> 00:23:43,519 Oh for fuck's sake. You're joking. 309 00:23:44,039 --> 00:23:45,400 What? 310 00:23:45,839 --> 00:23:47,880 Nothing. Back to plan A. 311 00:23:49,960 --> 00:23:51,440 Is everything alright with Nan? 312 00:23:51,519 --> 00:23:54,400 She's in bed, headphones on listening to Hilary Mantel. 313 00:23:54,480 --> 00:23:57,200 She's told you, she wants you to have fun. 314 00:23:58,039 --> 00:24:00,039 Gonna have a great time. Cheers. 315 00:24:02,799 --> 00:24:05,759 Now Benedict's asleep so he really shouldn't be any trouble. 316 00:24:05,839 --> 00:24:08,119 If he acts up don't comfort him, 317 00:24:08,200 --> 00:24:11,160 he needs to learn that screaming will get him nowhere in life. 318 00:24:12,119 --> 00:24:14,400 And Miffy's dog treats are in the cupboard. 319 00:24:14,480 --> 00:24:15,720 I'm sorry? 320 00:24:15,799 --> 00:24:20,200 Look at you. Oh god I'm so sorry you didn't think you were coming, did you? 321 00:24:21,599 --> 00:24:24,839 -No. -It's just it's a very particular vibe. 322 00:24:25,599 --> 00:24:29,400 Even if you did make all that effort. Must have taken you hours. 323 00:24:30,960 --> 00:24:34,119 -Oh honestly it's fine. -I really appreciate your hard work. 324 00:24:36,640 --> 00:24:39,400 Remember it's the only way to get ahead in this industry. 325 00:24:40,319 --> 00:24:43,759 Oh and by the way your live video thingy really paid off. 326 00:24:44,079 --> 00:24:46,519 We sold quite a few more tickets because of that. 327 00:24:46,599 --> 00:24:47,960 Oh really? 328 00:24:48,039 --> 00:24:50,799 Oh so glad. I hope it goes really well. 329 00:24:51,240 --> 00:24:53,599 I'll be back by 10 at the latest, have fun. 330 00:25:08,119 --> 00:25:09,400 Guess who? 331 00:25:10,640 --> 00:25:12,400 Kyle. You came. 332 00:25:14,119 --> 00:25:18,920 I'm sorry about the treadmill thing and my other mistakes. 333 00:25:19,599 --> 00:25:24,119 You worry a lot don't you? It's a waste of energy. Pointless. 334 00:25:25,640 --> 00:25:27,720 You did great. Everyone loves you. 335 00:25:28,359 --> 00:25:30,680 Do they? Thought I was a bit shit. 336 00:25:31,160 --> 00:25:33,680 No not at all. You're good. 337 00:25:36,240 --> 00:25:37,599 Who are you? 338 00:25:37,680 --> 00:25:39,960 This is Kyle. Oh, we work together. 339 00:25:40,880 --> 00:25:43,880 Right so people think they can just invite whoever they want now, do they? 340 00:25:43,960 --> 00:25:47,039 Why don't you go outside, see if you can drag some more people in, Louis? 341 00:25:47,119 --> 00:25:49,319 We went to gymnastics together remember. 342 00:25:51,599 --> 00:25:53,079 Our mums were friends. 343 00:25:55,640 --> 00:25:58,960 Kyle. How are you? 344 00:26:02,279 --> 00:26:03,839 What the hell was that? 345 00:26:06,480 --> 00:26:08,640 -Do you wanna get a drink? -Yeah sure. 346 00:26:58,599 --> 00:27:01,519 Hi, you're through to Jonny. Don't leave a message. 347 00:27:11,799 --> 00:27:13,599 It's fucking freezing. 348 00:27:15,559 --> 00:27:16,880 Here you go. 349 00:27:19,279 --> 00:27:24,200 Thank you. Don't know why I didn't bring a coat. What an idiot. 350 00:27:24,799 --> 00:27:27,079 Hey don't worry about it. It's a waste of energy. 351 00:27:35,359 --> 00:27:37,519 Really enjoyed hanging out with you over the last few days. 352 00:27:38,240 --> 00:27:40,680 You were supposed to be working. Not hanging out. 353 00:27:49,720 --> 00:27:50,960 I'm sorry. 354 00:28:07,440 --> 00:28:08,640 Hi. 355 00:28:09,319 --> 00:28:10,680 I'll go and get us a drink. 356 00:28:20,200 --> 00:28:21,720 So who was that? 357 00:28:21,799 --> 00:28:27,319 It's Kyle from Cuffley camp. I mean, we work together. 358 00:28:28,839 --> 00:28:33,480 Oh right. Was I interrupting anything? 359 00:28:34,160 --> 00:28:35,799 No. 360 00:28:36,359 --> 00:28:38,119 'Cause it's okay if I was. 361 00:28:44,119 --> 00:28:47,160 -No but I just wanted to say sorry. -What for? 362 00:28:48,359 --> 00:28:50,039 About everything really. 363 00:28:51,200 --> 00:28:52,599 It's okay. 364 00:28:54,359 --> 00:28:57,960 No, it's not. 'Cause you're always putting up with my shit. 365 00:28:59,920 --> 00:29:02,480 It's alright. Don't worry about it. 366 00:29:06,000 --> 00:29:07,559 It's cold out here, isn't it? 367 00:29:08,599 --> 00:29:10,240 Yeah, you go inside. 368 00:29:11,279 --> 00:29:12,640 You not coming? 369 00:29:14,319 --> 00:29:16,119 No, I'll be in in a minute. 370 00:29:38,720 --> 00:29:40,000 What you doing in here? 371 00:29:42,359 --> 00:29:45,079 All those people, stuff's getting trashed, it's a nightmare. 372 00:29:45,160 --> 00:29:46,759 Have we been at different parties? 373 00:29:46,839 --> 00:29:49,880 I don't know half of them. Alright like a quarter. 374 00:29:52,319 --> 00:29:54,799 Mum used to have people in the house all the time. 375 00:29:55,200 --> 00:29:59,920 It's like she couldn't hack being alone by herself. Or looking after me. 376 00:30:01,240 --> 00:30:07,240 Regan, everyone's having a great time in there. The house is fine. 377 00:30:07,720 --> 00:30:12,279 Your nan's fine. And you are too. If you wanna be. 378 00:30:13,599 --> 00:30:15,279 You don't know me. 379 00:30:15,359 --> 00:30:18,839 I know you're brave. But I know you're scared too. 380 00:30:20,599 --> 00:30:24,960 And I've never seen someone so stressed at a party look so beautiful. 381 00:30:27,279 --> 00:30:28,799 I mean you're so... 382 00:30:32,400 --> 00:30:34,039 -You're so... -What? 383 00:30:37,880 --> 00:30:39,240 I'm so what? 384 00:31:02,880 --> 00:31:05,079 -Just do it here. -So close. 385 00:31:05,480 --> 00:31:06,960 Neve, you got a minute? 386 00:31:14,039 --> 00:31:16,680 I wanna apologise about the rave. 387 00:31:18,799 --> 00:31:21,079 I didn't mean to get you in any shit you know that. 388 00:31:21,160 --> 00:31:24,319 -Jonny, let's not do this now. -I should always listen to you. 389 00:31:26,839 --> 00:31:28,519 You're the smart one. 390 00:31:29,880 --> 00:31:33,680 You will outgrow me. Outgrow this place. 391 00:31:36,640 --> 00:31:40,279 I wanna give you something for good luck. 392 00:31:41,920 --> 00:31:45,640 Not that you'll need it. But it was my dad's. 393 00:31:47,240 --> 00:31:49,119 Patron saint of travellers. 394 00:31:50,319 --> 00:31:55,000 And you are going places. Costa Rica for a start. 395 00:31:56,319 --> 00:32:00,160 Jonny, I'm quite wasted I can't take this now. 396 00:32:00,240 --> 00:32:01,480 Please. 397 00:32:13,039 --> 00:32:14,720 You're my best friend, Neve. 398 00:32:16,200 --> 00:32:18,119 And I want you to always remember that. 399 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:23,480 Nif? 400 00:32:23,960 --> 00:32:25,680 Oh my god you came. 401 00:32:29,440 --> 00:32:30,680 Not interrupting am I? 402 00:32:31,839 --> 00:32:35,279 I thought you, 'cause you have a match in the morning. 403 00:32:35,359 --> 00:32:37,160 Decided to come for one and surprise you. 404 00:32:40,240 --> 00:32:41,720 Looks like I need to catch up. 405 00:32:42,319 --> 00:32:43,799 No, I'm fine. 406 00:32:44,240 --> 00:32:46,559 -Are there still drinks? -Yeah, yeah, come. 407 00:32:47,200 --> 00:32:48,440 Nice to meet you. 408 00:33:40,599 --> 00:33:43,079 Jonny? Jonny? 409 00:33:47,599 --> 00:33:49,079 Are you okay? 410 00:33:49,519 --> 00:33:53,119 -What are you doing here? -I read your posts on dark days. 411 00:33:54,079 --> 00:33:55,400 How do you know about that? 412 00:33:55,880 --> 00:33:57,319 You've been pretending like you're fine 413 00:33:57,400 --> 00:34:00,119 and then telling strangers online how shit you really feel. 414 00:34:00,200 --> 00:34:03,200 -You've been spying on me? -Yeah, because you won't talk to me. 415 00:34:03,279 --> 00:34:05,559 Hey what's this about? Mei? 416 00:34:07,359 --> 00:34:10,599 Even if you won't tell me, tell your friends the truth. You need help. 417 00:34:10,679 --> 00:34:12,400 No you need help, Mei. 418 00:34:14,639 --> 00:34:17,679 You're making this up just like you made up about your dad being dead. 419 00:34:17,760 --> 00:34:20,039 -I've explained that to you. -You've explained it. 420 00:34:20,119 --> 00:34:23,440 Like you've explained messing up my dad's pub and stealing my family's money. 421 00:34:23,519 --> 00:34:25,239 And what stealing Neve's phone. 422 00:34:26,199 --> 00:34:28,639 Oh no, wonder your dad wants nothing to do with you. 423 00:34:30,679 --> 00:34:31,960 Fuck you! 424 00:34:35,840 --> 00:34:37,559 Fuck! You're crazy. 425 00:34:38,039 --> 00:34:39,400 I'm not crazy. 426 00:34:45,280 --> 00:34:48,119 Are you filming me? Why the fuck are you filming me? 427 00:34:53,199 --> 00:34:54,920 -What was that about? -Leave it. 428 00:34:55,000 --> 00:34:58,519 -We're not, it's just... -Oh please, just leave it. 429 00:35:02,320 --> 00:35:04,360 I can't deal with any more of their drama. 430 00:35:06,719 --> 00:35:10,840 I could lie here forever. But we should probably get back. 431 00:35:12,159 --> 00:35:13,559 Loud and clear, sarge. 432 00:35:16,880 --> 00:35:21,079 -Did you see where my bra went? -You sort of threw it over there. 433 00:35:21,840 --> 00:35:24,559 -I got a bit carried away. -A bit carried away. 434 00:35:25,079 --> 00:35:27,119 Will you help me find it? 435 00:35:30,519 --> 00:35:33,639 -Maybe in a minute. -Yeah. In a minute. 436 00:35:44,000 --> 00:35:47,440 -Oh, you sure you're okay? -Yeah. I've barely drunk anything. 437 00:35:48,239 --> 00:35:49,360 Right. 438 00:35:50,679 --> 00:35:52,360 -Don't do that. -What? 439 00:35:52,440 --> 00:35:57,239 "Right." Like you're all clever and, and I'm not as clever. 440 00:35:58,239 --> 00:36:01,400 'Cause I'm clever, like really huge clever. 441 00:36:01,840 --> 00:36:04,280 -Do you need some water? -Oh get over yourself. 442 00:36:05,039 --> 00:36:06,079 It's just water. 443 00:36:06,159 --> 00:36:09,079 Look I didn't think you were coming so I went for it okay. 444 00:36:09,159 --> 00:36:13,199 You know what, this is what I am. 445 00:36:13,960 --> 00:36:15,480 What you are is drunk. 446 00:36:17,079 --> 00:36:23,480 No. Marcus look tomorrow when it's over achieving, 447 00:36:24,440 --> 00:36:27,760 Duke of Edinburgh, man of the match that's Marcus land, 448 00:36:28,599 --> 00:36:33,280 but this is my terrain. I'm fine, living life, world. 449 00:36:34,039 --> 00:36:36,119 I don't think it's a competition, Neve. 450 00:36:39,440 --> 00:36:40,880 I've gotta go. 451 00:36:42,280 --> 00:36:46,159 Go on then. You know what, fuck volunteering. 452 00:36:48,519 --> 00:36:52,920 I'm not sad enough to spend my time doing personal statement. 453 00:36:53,360 --> 00:36:59,639 You don't have a life. So you need to feel special. Fucking pathetic! 454 00:37:11,719 --> 00:37:14,679 Right, get the champers out Astrid. Oh hello. 455 00:37:16,280 --> 00:37:18,559 -Supposed to be back hours ago. -You can go now. 456 00:37:19,039 --> 00:37:21,639 Thanks for tonight. I hope Benedict was okay. 457 00:37:21,719 --> 00:37:24,639 Oh and there's another event happening next weekend, I'd love your help with. 458 00:37:25,039 --> 00:37:28,119 Actual help with an event or more free babysitting? 459 00:37:29,679 --> 00:37:31,280 Zia you should be grateful. 460 00:37:31,360 --> 00:37:34,159 People would literally kill to have a chance like this. 461 00:37:35,320 --> 00:37:37,119 Let's talk about that next week. 462 00:37:37,440 --> 00:37:40,000 Oh do you know what we can have a chat about next week 463 00:37:40,079 --> 00:37:42,480 you shoving this internship up your arse. 464 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:50,920 Oh and Miffy's made a little mess on the stairs so have fun clearing that up. 465 00:37:56,880 --> 00:37:58,000 Hey. 466 00:37:59,840 --> 00:38:01,400 -You wanna drink? -Yeah, go on. 467 00:38:04,400 --> 00:38:06,440 -You want ice? -Yes, please. 468 00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:13,719 -Where are nan's meds? -What? 469 00:38:14,400 --> 00:38:18,639 They're not here. Where the fuck are all my nan's pills. 470 00:38:18,719 --> 00:38:20,199 Why are you asking me? I dunno. 471 00:38:20,280 --> 00:38:23,880 You're the only one who knows where we keep them. Did you take them? 472 00:38:24,639 --> 00:38:26,039 Why would I do that? 473 00:38:26,960 --> 00:38:29,400 -My god! Have you been stealing from us? -Obviously not. 474 00:38:30,079 --> 00:38:33,880 This is exactly why I have to be here for her because everyone else lets us down. 475 00:38:35,880 --> 00:38:38,760 If that's what you really think of me, then I should go. 476 00:38:40,360 --> 00:38:44,599 Yeah, I think you should. I think everyone should. 477 00:38:47,480 --> 00:38:50,039 Right. Everyone get out. 478 00:39:09,639 --> 00:39:11,320 I can't see any future. 479 00:39:15,400 --> 00:39:16,960 So I've made a plan. 480 00:39:42,280 --> 00:39:43,639 Mei? 481 00:39:45,840 --> 00:39:49,679 Mei. It's very dark for you to be on your own. 482 00:39:49,760 --> 00:39:51,639 -Can I give you a lift? -No, thanks, I'll walk. 483 00:39:53,239 --> 00:39:55,880 -You never replied to my message. -Not really into dick pics. 484 00:39:57,000 --> 00:39:59,280 -Well let me just give you a lift home. -No thanks. 485 00:39:59,360 --> 00:40:01,719 -Oh you're such a cock tease. -Get off me. 486 00:40:01,800 --> 00:40:05,880 Look I don't wanna play these games any more, Mei. 487 00:40:05,960 --> 00:40:07,599 -Fuck off! -Look I know you want me. 488 00:40:07,679 --> 00:40:08,760 No, no, no. 489 00:40:08,840 --> 00:40:10,719 -Come on, just give me a kiss. -No ! 490 00:40:10,800 --> 00:40:13,000 -Just one kiss, I know you wanna do it. -No. No. 491 00:40:13,079 --> 00:40:14,320 Look stop. 492 00:40:16,199 --> 00:40:17,559 Stop. 493 00:40:23,320 --> 00:40:26,360 I know you want this, Mei. You want it as much I do. 494 00:40:40,320 --> 00:40:43,360 But if Jaz took the pills then what exactly are we looking for? 495 00:40:44,440 --> 00:40:47,519 I don't know. Maybe she didn't take them. I dunno. 496 00:40:54,480 --> 00:40:58,280 Quick question. When did you realise you were gay? 497 00:40:59,480 --> 00:41:02,599 -Why are you asking me this now? -Just making small talk. 498 00:41:03,960 --> 00:41:06,679 I was always pretty sure, Louis. Now can we just... 499 00:41:07,320 --> 00:41:08,480 Yeah, of course. 500 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:16,360 When did you know what you actually are like gay or bisexual or what? 501 00:41:17,679 --> 00:41:21,559 I guess it's a spectrum. But I always knew I liked girls. 502 00:41:23,480 --> 00:41:25,760 And was that like one person or a feeling? 503 00:41:26,320 --> 00:41:28,280 Louis, I don't have all the answers. 504 00:41:28,800 --> 00:41:32,280 I really wish people would stop coming to me to ask about queer stuff. 505 00:41:32,360 --> 00:41:38,199 Marcus hates me. I've fucked it. Why do I always do this? 506 00:41:40,199 --> 00:41:41,920 Come on, I'll walk you home. 507 00:41:44,760 --> 00:41:47,039 -Come on this way. -This is shit, Louis. 508 00:41:47,519 --> 00:41:49,119 It's alright, it's alright. 509 00:41:53,400 --> 00:41:54,800 Emergency doctors. 510 00:41:59,440 --> 00:42:00,800 Thanks. 511 00:42:02,719 --> 00:42:04,400 What I said was horrible. 512 00:42:05,920 --> 00:42:07,519 I know you didn't take them. 513 00:42:09,079 --> 00:42:12,320 -You're great at your job. -Yeah I am. 514 00:42:13,519 --> 00:42:16,599 It's just me and nan. 515 00:42:19,199 --> 00:42:20,719 We're all we've got. 516 00:42:21,079 --> 00:42:22,719 You're not all she's got. 517 00:42:23,039 --> 00:42:26,639 Yeah, she needs help but what do you think keeps her going? 518 00:42:28,159 --> 00:42:30,920 -What? -You getting out there and living life. 519 00:42:32,920 --> 00:42:35,199 Don't pretend like this is all about your nan. 520 00:42:35,960 --> 00:42:37,320 It's about you. 521 00:42:40,599 --> 00:42:42,000 It's late. 522 00:42:42,880 --> 00:42:44,280 I'll see you tomorrow. 523 00:42:45,000 --> 00:42:46,559 Yeah. 524 00:42:49,079 --> 00:42:51,960 You can't control everything, Regan. 525 00:43:20,440 --> 00:43:21,840 So what's the plan? 526 00:43:22,960 --> 00:43:24,480 You're not even real. 527 00:43:25,719 --> 00:43:27,000 Jonny. 528 00:43:35,239 --> 00:43:37,599 -So you're giving up. -Yeah, I know what you're doing. 529 00:43:37,679 --> 00:43:39,159 I'm not even real remember. 530 00:43:40,159 --> 00:43:44,039 So what does it matter what I say if I tell you you won't always feel like this. 531 00:43:45,559 --> 00:43:47,239 -Jon-jo. -Leave me alone. 532 00:43:49,000 --> 00:43:51,320 I will never feel okay. 533 00:43:52,960 --> 00:43:54,159 That's not true. 534 00:43:56,159 --> 00:43:57,639 Isn't it, dad? 535 00:43:58,599 --> 00:44:02,440 'Cause you're the only person that I can speak to. 536 00:44:03,760 --> 00:44:06,599 And you're not even real. You're just in my fucking head. 537 00:44:07,519 --> 00:44:09,360 -Don't do this Jon-jo. -Why not? 538 00:44:09,440 --> 00:44:14,280 Because you're alive. Because you've got a future. Because you can fight this. 539 00:44:15,920 --> 00:44:17,239 I can't. 540 00:44:18,679 --> 00:44:21,400 You can. This will pass. 541 00:44:37,960 --> 00:44:40,239 You're not real, you're not real. 542 00:44:43,559 --> 00:44:44,920 Jonny. 543 00:44:50,400 --> 00:44:51,960 He's not... 544 00:44:53,119 --> 00:44:55,079 Hey, come here!