1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,083 Beep 2 00:02:19,851 --> 00:02:23,059 This is Mumbai, the financial capital of India. 3 00:02:23,601 --> 00:02:25,559 From the rich commuting on the Sea-link, 4 00:02:25,684 --> 00:02:27,934 to the poor traveling in the local trains, 5 00:02:28,059 --> 00:02:29,934 everyone's life is screwed. 6 00:02:30,517 --> 00:02:33,892 But my life is screwed more than anything 7 00:02:39,934 --> 00:02:44,517 Suku... I've come to the train station to commit suicide 8 00:02:44,976 --> 00:02:47,267 you come and meet me here, or else I'll hang myself. 9 00:02:47,726 --> 00:02:49,226 I am sending you my location pin ok. 10 00:02:49,351 --> 00:02:50,851 Do come, please. 11 00:02:52,184 --> 00:02:53,684 Hang yourself. 12 00:02:53,804 --> 00:02:54,809 Go, hang yourself. 13 00:02:54,934 --> 00:02:56,809 Life is just an illusion. 14 00:02:56,934 --> 00:02:58,309 Hey, buzz off, get away. 15 00:02:58,434 --> 00:03:00,226 The concept of life and death is non-existent. 16 00:03:00,601 --> 00:03:03,184 One day this body is going to turn to ashes. 17 00:03:03,309 --> 00:03:05,309 The soul is eternal. 18 00:03:05,434 --> 00:03:06,726 Hey, even I want to be eternal, get lost! 19 00:03:06,851 --> 00:03:08,559 The concept of life and death is non-existent. 20 00:03:08,684 --> 00:03:10,142 Go away, get lost. 21 00:03:10,726 --> 00:03:12,101 The soul is eternal. 22 00:03:12,226 --> 00:03:13,684 Get lost you filthy soul. 23 00:03:14,267 --> 00:03:17,559 The soul is eternal. 24 00:03:21,892 --> 00:03:24,517 Holy mother of... 25 00:03:34,363 --> 00:03:35,559 Hey bud. 26 00:03:42,392 --> 00:03:47,017 Sandy, hey Sandy, Sandy! 27 00:03:49,017 --> 00:03:50,892 What makes Mumbai special is 28 00:03:51,017 --> 00:03:54,309 that everybody experiences a twist in thier life once. 29 00:03:55,142 --> 00:03:57,226 Like the one which is going to happen in my story at this very moment 30 00:03:57,859 --> 00:04:01,550 My name is Govinda Waghmare. 31 00:04:03,976 --> 00:04:07,309 But the story of my life starts at this bungalow. 32 00:04:07,684 --> 00:04:09,809 Don't go by the looks of this place ok, 33 00:04:09,934 --> 00:04:15,142 this haunted looking bungalow and the land together is worth crores 34 00:04:15,267 --> 00:04:19,392 And, I am the legal owner of this place. 35 00:04:25,726 --> 00:04:27,767 Suku, 36 00:04:27,892 --> 00:04:29,606 come here. 37 00:04:31,684 --> 00:04:33,309 I am ready for you. 38 00:04:53,580 --> 00:04:54,876 Oh my god. 39 00:05:00,958 --> 00:05:03,809 (Singing) Marry me... 40 00:05:04,684 --> 00:05:09,851 Marry me...common marry me now... 41 00:05:10,809 --> 00:05:16,684 (Singing) Love... I need your love... 42 00:05:16,809 --> 00:05:18,142 How on earth am i going to give. 43 00:05:18,267 --> 00:05:20,851 you some love if you keep repeating marry me marry me.. 44 00:05:21,309 --> 00:05:24,476 (Singing) I want to feel your body on mine... 45 00:05:24,684 --> 00:05:26,892 Suku why have you dressed up in a saree? 46 00:05:27,642 --> 00:05:30,518 You could have worn something exciting for once. 47 00:05:33,434 --> 00:05:38,731 (Singing) Do you want to know what's behind this dress? 48 00:05:38,851 --> 00:05:44,059 (Blushing) I know exactly what's behind the dress... 49 00:05:44,184 --> 00:05:45,392 Hey Suku. 50 00:05:45,934 --> 00:05:46,976 Ohh!! 51 00:05:47,392 --> 00:05:50,226 Damn!! But, why are you slapping me Suku? 52 00:05:50,351 --> 00:05:51,767 - Ouchh!! - Wake Up!! 53 00:05:54,267 --> 00:05:56,184 Why do you sleep like a dead body? 54 00:05:56,309 --> 00:05:57,767 Manju is ringing the doorbell. 55 00:05:58,476 --> 00:05:59,684 You must wake-up at the first ring. 56 00:05:59,851 --> 00:06:01,049 How can one wake-up at the first ring? 57 00:06:01,169 --> 00:06:03,101 The way you wake-up at the first kick! 58 00:06:03,226 --> 00:06:04,226 Get lost and let me sleep. 59 00:06:04,351 --> 00:06:05,851 Let me sleep in peace. 60 00:06:22,059 --> 00:06:24,101 Cleaning the letterbox is not a part of my job. 61 00:06:24,226 --> 00:06:25,517 (Yells) Sister !!, I am here !! 62 00:06:25,642 --> 00:06:28,434 Manju !!, how many times I've told you not to yell early in the morning. 63 00:06:28,705 --> 00:06:29,517 Go.. Bring me a cup of tea. 64 00:06:29,642 --> 00:06:31,142 Buzz off, I only work for you wife 65 00:06:31,267 --> 00:06:32,476 Don't annoy me ok, get me a cup of tea. 66 00:06:32,601 --> 00:06:35,267 If you raise your voice - I'll hit you with this broom. 67 00:06:35,642 --> 00:06:37,392 You better speak to me with some respect, this is my house. 68 00:06:37,517 --> 00:06:39,767 You fool, you are going to lose the court-case 69 00:06:39,892 --> 00:06:41,559 and your step-brother will get this bungalow of yours 70 00:06:41,684 --> 00:06:43,184 - You stupid woman, go away. - you're a stupid fellow. 71 00:06:43,309 --> 00:06:44,226 - Go make my tea. - Get lost! 72 00:06:44,351 --> 00:06:45,059 - You get lost! - You buzz off. 73 00:06:45,184 --> 00:06:47,726 Hey, the two of you and your daily drama, 74 00:06:48,142 --> 00:06:49,351 you guys don't let me sleep peacefully 75 00:06:49,476 --> 00:06:50,684 Just see how rude she has become, 76 00:06:50,809 --> 00:06:52,434 she's creating a ruckus to make a cup of tea. 77 00:06:52,559 --> 00:06:54,059 Sister, Tell this swine not to call me rude 78 00:06:54,184 --> 00:06:55,101 How dare you call me a swine? 79 00:06:55,226 --> 00:06:56,601 I called you a swine, you, filthy pig! 80 00:06:56,721 --> 00:06:59,351 Dont piss me off, I'll cut your nikkars with scissors. 81 00:06:59,476 --> 00:07:01,866 Haha, these are not nikkars, these are called bermuda shorts. 82 00:07:01,986 --> 00:07:03,767 Hehe, the whole world knows what's short exactly. 83 00:07:03,892 --> 00:07:05,267 - Heyyyy. - Heyyyyy. 84 00:07:05,392 --> 00:07:06,517 Just shut-up both of you. 85 00:07:06,642 --> 00:07:08,392 Don't spoil my morning with your crap - 86 00:07:08,601 --> 00:07:10,226 Go, make two cups of tea! 87 00:07:10,351 --> 00:07:13,226 Did you get that? Go make two cups of tea. 88 00:07:13,351 --> 00:07:16,517 Hehe !! not me - she's asking you to go and make tea. 89 00:07:20,082 --> 00:07:22,351 - Govya. - Listen, my name is Govinda. 90 00:07:22,476 --> 00:07:24,892 but you look like a Govya only. 91 00:07:25,257 --> 00:07:26,606 Manju works at four different houses, 92 00:07:26,726 --> 00:07:28,184 do you have any idea how tired she gets? 93 00:07:28,684 --> 00:07:31,142 You are anyways unemployed- just go and make some tea. 94 00:07:31,267 --> 00:07:33,892 Come on, I'm not unemployed - I am a choreographer. 95 00:07:34,017 --> 00:07:38,142 Superb, so go make some tea while dancing. 96 00:07:38,267 --> 00:07:42,083 Okay - five, six, seven, eight. 97 00:07:44,601 --> 00:07:46,601 (Voice Over) Everything is this old man's fault. 98 00:07:46,721 --> 00:07:49,226 Gopi Vishwakarma, my father. 99 00:07:49,351 --> 00:07:51,851 Number one Action Director in Tamil film industry. 100 00:07:52,309 --> 00:07:56,309 He had come to Mumbai to shoot action for a film called " FIRE IT UP" 101 00:07:56,517 --> 00:07:58,537 Film didn't fire up the box office. 102 00:07:58,657 --> 00:08:01,226 But, Asha Waghmare sure lit up a flame in Gopi's heart, 103 00:08:01,351 --> 00:08:02,642 a background dancer. 104 00:08:02,762 --> 00:08:05,642 During their outdoor schedules they started spending a lot of time indoors. 105 00:08:05,762 --> 00:08:09,559 And the outcome was - me, their son - Govinda. 106 00:08:09,976 --> 00:08:13,726 Gopi wasn't just dark on the outside but inside too. 107 00:08:14,184 --> 00:08:15,934 He started a family back at home in Tamil Nadu too. 108 00:08:16,059 --> 00:08:18,517 Wife: Charulatta, and son: Vishnu Vishwakarma. 109 00:08:18,892 --> 00:08:23,267 One evening Gopi horsebacked his way towards the setting sun. 110 00:08:23,387 --> 00:08:25,476 The horse came back, but alone. 111 00:08:25,601 --> 00:08:27,601 Gopi was found dead in the valley. 112 00:08:27,726 --> 00:08:31,434 and to take advantage of the situation Charulata and Vishnu reached the doors of our bungalow. 113 00:08:31,684 --> 00:08:34,184 As per Gopi's will - my mother and I have inherited the bungalow. 114 00:08:34,304 --> 00:08:36,101 but still they filed a case against us. 115 00:08:36,517 --> 00:08:38,476 We have been fighting the case for the past fourteen years. 116 00:08:38,767 --> 00:08:41,726 Oh Lord Ganesha - Please save my bungalow. 117 00:08:47,976 --> 00:08:50,851 Sister, did you go to the the beauty parlour yesterday? 118 00:08:51,934 --> 00:08:55,476 Oh, you noticed - I just blow dried my hair. 119 00:08:56,059 --> 00:08:57,226 How am I looking? 120 00:08:57,351 --> 00:08:59,017 You always look hot. 121 00:08:59,809 --> 00:09:03,601 Sister, I needed some advance... 122 00:09:03,809 --> 00:09:06,642 Aren't there too many mosquitoes around here, kill them no? 123 00:09:29,226 --> 00:09:30,559 I want a divorce. 124 00:09:30,684 --> 00:09:31,559 WHAT !! Divorce? 125 00:09:31,684 --> 00:09:33,392 - Stop overacting! - You don't talk to me. 126 00:09:33,517 --> 00:09:35,184 - You want a divorce, right? - Yes!! 127 00:09:35,309 --> 00:09:38,101 Okay, give me two crore rupees and I'll give you divorce 128 00:09:38,476 --> 00:09:39,267 Two crores for what? 129 00:09:39,392 --> 00:09:42,267 Yes, two crores!! - Your family took dowry from us. 130 00:09:42,517 --> 00:09:45,267 My father spent two crore rupees for our wedding, don't forget that! 131 00:09:45,387 --> 00:09:46,226 What, two crores! 132 00:09:46,351 --> 00:09:47,684 I told you to stop overacting, right? 133 00:09:47,809 --> 00:09:49,642 If you try to speak to me - I'll squeeze your lemons. 134 00:09:49,762 --> 00:09:50,976 - Ouch. - Oh, sorry. 135 00:09:51,392 --> 00:09:53,934 And you, stop sulking. 136 00:09:54,059 --> 00:09:55,267 How are you named Waghmare? 137 00:09:55,392 --> 00:09:56,559 Tiger killer? 138 00:09:56,684 --> 00:09:58,476 You jump on the bed at the sight of a rat. 139 00:09:58,851 --> 00:10:00,059 So called "Tiger Killer". 140 00:10:00,517 --> 00:10:02,979 Get lost now - don't ruin my mood early morning. 141 00:10:03,309 --> 00:10:04,517 Towel. 142 00:10:23,911 --> 00:10:26,083 [Inspector Javed calling] 143 00:10:38,601 --> 00:10:39,476 (yelling) Hey heyyyy. 144 00:10:39,601 --> 00:10:41,892 Aunty, please don't act crazy - everyone knows me here. 145 00:10:42,017 --> 00:10:43,517 What are you doing? Please sit properly. 146 00:10:43,642 --> 00:10:45,101 Good morning. 147 00:10:45,517 --> 00:10:46,351 Aunty, please sit properly. 148 00:10:46,476 --> 00:10:47,559 (Yells) Hey, have you lost your mind? 149 00:10:47,684 --> 00:10:48,601 Why did you get mom like this? 150 00:10:48,726 --> 00:10:49,642 You should have got her comfortably in a cab. 151 00:10:49,762 --> 00:10:51,142 Who will pay the cab fare? 152 00:10:51,267 --> 00:10:52,892 - You dead father? - How dare you speak of my father? 153 00:10:53,017 --> 00:10:54,851 I will, do whatever you want to! 154 00:10:55,351 --> 00:10:56,851 First of all - I got your mom from her house. 155 00:10:57,309 --> 00:10:58,351 The house is on the fourth floor, 156 00:10:58,476 --> 00:10:59,851 - plus, there is no elevator - I know about that! 157 00:10:59,976 --> 00:11:02,559 To top that - she just sits on the chair and cribs. 158 00:11:02,684 --> 00:11:03,851 - Mom. Mom. - She isn't helpful at all. 159 00:11:03,976 --> 00:11:04,976 Mom. 160 00:11:05,101 --> 00:11:06,267 Aunty, please stop swimming. 161 00:11:06,392 --> 00:11:07,601 Mom, please wait, please wait. 162 00:11:07,721 --> 00:11:08,934 Govindya, did you get the pictures? 163 00:11:09,059 --> 00:11:09,976 Hey, you better stop calling me Govindya, 164 00:11:10,101 --> 00:11:11,022 My name is Govinda !! 165 00:11:11,142 --> 00:11:13,142 Alright, whatever, stop cribbing and show me the pictures. 166 00:11:15,434 --> 00:11:16,309 Are you doing okay? 167 00:11:18,559 --> 00:11:19,601 Look at these. 168 00:11:21,548 --> 00:11:22,934 Holy mother. 169 00:11:24,267 --> 00:11:25,684 - See this. - What the... 170 00:11:26,684 --> 00:11:27,809 And this. 171 00:11:29,976 --> 00:11:33,392 Listen, does anyone else have these pictures? 172 00:11:33,517 --> 00:11:35,642 Mr. Godbole - this is the last copy. 173 00:11:35,762 --> 00:11:37,726 Keep these with you and show your magic at court. 174 00:11:37,851 --> 00:11:39,017 Let's go mom. 175 00:11:40,392 --> 00:11:42,601 Your Honour - we've already 176 00:11:42,721 --> 00:11:44,976 submitted Gopi Vishwakarma's original will. 177 00:11:45,684 --> 00:11:47,809 At the last hearing, Vishnu Vishwakarma's advocate had 178 00:11:47,934 --> 00:11:49,684 asked us for a legal proof of the marriage, 179 00:11:49,804 --> 00:11:51,726 these photographs are a legal proof that 180 00:11:51,851 --> 00:11:54,601 on the 5th of July, 1988 - Gopi Vishwakarma 181 00:11:54,726 --> 00:11:57,976 wed Asha Deviji Waghmare as per the Hindu Custom Act. 182 00:11:58,101 --> 00:12:00,559 According to the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 183 00:12:00,684 --> 00:12:03,017 Asha Deviji is his first legally wed wife 184 00:12:03,142 --> 00:12:05,351 and Charulatta Ji is the second wife. 185 00:12:05,476 --> 00:12:08,976 Therefore these people have no legal rights over this property. 186 00:12:09,184 --> 00:12:10,351 Thank you - Your Honour. 187 00:12:11,726 --> 00:12:13,017 Your Honour, 188 00:12:13,142 --> 00:12:15,351 we'd like to charge defence lawyer Kaustubh Godbole, 189 00:12:15,559 --> 00:12:18,684 Asha Waghmare and Govind A. Waghmare, 190 00:12:18,804 --> 00:12:21,934 under section 420 and 192 of the Indian Penal Code 191 00:12:22,054 --> 00:12:25,726 for deceiting and giving false evidence to the court. 192 00:12:27,767 --> 00:12:28,976 What false evidence? 193 00:12:29,101 --> 00:12:30,267 These photographs are real. 194 00:12:30,392 --> 00:12:32,101 Sir these photos are real, 195 00:12:32,267 --> 00:12:33,517 but the wedding is a sham. 196 00:12:37,559 --> 00:12:42,142 Your honour - in the year 1988, Gopi Vishwakarma 197 00:12:42,267 --> 00:12:44,851 was the fight choreographer of the film "MAA KI MARYADA", 198 00:12:44,976 --> 00:12:47,809 the same film in which Asha Devi was a dancer. 199 00:12:47,934 --> 00:12:52,267 Excuse me, assistant choreographer. 200 00:12:52,392 --> 00:12:55,559 Mom, here our life is falling apart and all you care about is the film credit. 201 00:12:55,684 --> 00:12:57,226 Hold on a minute Sorry. 202 00:12:58,059 --> 00:13:00,684 In that film - a particular scene was shot, 203 00:13:00,804 --> 00:13:03,726 in which Gopi Vishwakarma and Asha Devi were actors. 204 00:13:03,851 --> 00:13:06,809 And, in that scene they were getting married. 205 00:13:06,934 --> 00:13:09,017 These photos are from that very scene. 206 00:13:11,851 --> 00:13:13,059 In fact, your honour, 207 00:13:13,184 --> 00:13:15,184 The film "MAA KI MARYADA"'s producer, 208 00:13:15,684 --> 00:13:17,476 Mr. Shaam Lal Sisodia 209 00:13:17,601 --> 00:13:19,726 is present in this very court. 210 00:13:20,184 --> 00:13:21,726 Shyaam Lal Sisodia. 211 00:13:24,892 --> 00:13:25,934 Hello. 212 00:13:27,642 --> 00:13:28,767 What kind of a producer is this? 213 00:13:28,892 --> 00:13:31,226 When the film flops, this is what the producer looks like. 214 00:13:31,351 --> 00:13:32,559 What Mr. Godbole? 215 00:13:40,101 --> 00:13:42,726 Mr. Godbole - What is all this? 216 00:13:42,851 --> 00:13:46,962 Sir, I too have discovered all of this right now. 217 00:13:47,082 --> 00:13:51,849 I am charging you with fraud and attempt to mislead the court. 218 00:13:52,029 --> 00:13:55,156 No, no, no sir, please sir - please don't do this sir. 219 00:13:55,276 --> 00:13:57,976 Sir, please have a look at Govinda's family 220 00:13:58,101 --> 00:13:59,642 they are extremely poor people. 221 00:13:59,762 --> 00:14:01,101 Please look at his mother, 222 00:14:01,226 --> 00:14:03,434 she's been on a wheelchair since ages, 223 00:14:03,559 --> 00:14:06,142 and his wife has made his life a living hell. 224 00:14:06,434 --> 00:14:07,017 Why? 225 00:14:07,142 --> 00:14:09,434 She's asking for two crore rupees for the divorce. 226 00:14:09,851 --> 00:14:10,767 Why two crores? 227 00:14:10,892 --> 00:14:14,392 Her father spent two crore rupees during the wedding. 228 00:14:14,517 --> 00:14:15,726 She's asking him to return that. 229 00:14:18,517 --> 00:14:20,601 These people took dowry? 230 00:14:21,648 --> 00:14:23,851 No no sir, it was an expense at the wedding. 231 00:14:23,976 --> 00:14:25,642 You are aware how expensive catering has become nowadays. 232 00:14:26,726 --> 00:14:31,892 Mr. Govind A. Waghmare. 233 00:14:32,017 --> 00:14:32,934 Sir, Govinda sir. 234 00:14:33,059 --> 00:14:35,934 It says Govind A. on the birth certificate. 235 00:14:36,059 --> 00:14:37,726 Yes sir, that was a spelling mistake. 236 00:14:37,846 --> 00:14:39,601 So live with that mistake. 237 00:14:40,981 --> 00:14:43,669 The two crore rupees 238 00:14:43,789 --> 00:14:48,729 that your wife's family spent during the wedding, 239 00:14:48,909 --> 00:14:50,934 I want to see all the reciepts of the same. 240 00:14:51,054 --> 00:14:54,392 Or else I will advice the family court, 241 00:14:54,517 --> 00:15:01,101 to charge you and your mother under the criminal act of taking dowry 242 00:15:01,226 --> 00:15:03,351 No, no, no, no sir - Mr. Godbole. 243 00:15:03,476 --> 00:15:04,559 Yes, I will look into the matter. 244 00:15:04,684 --> 00:15:07,601 I had told you - you'd be screwed. 245 00:15:08,434 --> 00:15:09,517 You are screwed!! 246 00:15:09,726 --> 00:15:10,934 Should I screw you, should I? 247 00:15:11,059 --> 00:15:13,017 What is this action, does anyone behave like this in court? 248 00:15:13,142 --> 00:15:14,559 Screw me, come on, screw me. 249 00:15:14,684 --> 00:15:15,851 Screw me, come on, screw me. 250 00:15:17,142 --> 00:15:18,684 This is not done, this is not done!! 251 00:15:19,101 --> 00:15:21,267 Vishnu, this is not done - no no. 252 00:15:23,934 --> 00:15:27,601 Order, Order, Order! 253 00:15:27,767 --> 00:15:29,309 You and your mother - both of you will beg for alms. 254 00:15:29,434 --> 00:15:32,309 - Shut your trap. - I will charge both the parties. 255 00:15:32,684 --> 00:15:35,351 The next hearing for the case will be in 10 days - Next. 256 00:15:40,476 --> 00:15:41,684 Say something to him!! 257 00:15:41,804 --> 00:15:43,017 Aunty, please keep quiet. 258 00:15:43,517 --> 00:15:46,017 Where the hell did this half dead producer come from? 259 00:15:46,184 --> 00:15:47,767 Hey, leave the producer aside. 260 00:15:47,892 --> 00:15:49,351 Why did you mention the dowry - I got screwed over. 261 00:15:49,476 --> 00:15:52,101 I was trying to gain sympathy. 262 00:15:52,226 --> 00:15:53,517 Sympathy, seriously you'll gain sympathy? 263 00:15:53,642 --> 00:15:54,767 Oh, mister, mister 264 00:15:54,892 --> 00:15:56,601 I'll stop the car rightaway - stop creating a ruckus. 265 00:15:56,721 --> 00:15:57,976 What are you even doing? 266 00:15:58,142 --> 00:16:00,642 What the? Someone please ask aunty to shut up - control her! 267 00:16:00,762 --> 00:16:02,684 Whom did you call an aunty? 268 00:16:02,804 --> 00:16:04,726 Obviously you're the aunty - who else? 269 00:16:05,267 --> 00:16:06,434 What the heck are you guys upto? 270 00:16:06,559 --> 00:16:08,017 Isn't there any kind of decency here in Mumbai? 271 00:16:08,142 --> 00:16:09,184 Excuse me, you decency - focus on driving the car, 272 00:16:09,309 --> 00:16:11,059 she's a senior citizen - give her a break. 273 00:16:11,184 --> 00:16:12,718 Who did you call a senior citizen? 274 00:16:12,838 --> 00:16:14,184 - If she's a senior citizen? - Shouldn't she have more decency, 275 00:16:14,309 --> 00:16:16,559 that's not how it is where I come from. 276 00:16:16,684 --> 00:16:18,017 Shut the hell up! 277 00:16:18,642 --> 00:16:20,726 I am a senior citizen, you're still a sixteen year old - happy? 278 00:16:21,484 --> 00:16:22,729 Give me water, 279 00:16:23,434 --> 00:16:25,059 give me some water, someone give me water. 280 00:16:26,601 --> 00:16:28,851 - Here take it. - This letter had come, check it. 281 00:16:30,684 --> 00:16:32,226 - Okay, listen. - Don't touch your mouth to the bottle. 282 00:16:32,351 --> 00:16:33,726 Okay, alright. 283 00:16:34,434 --> 00:16:38,184 Ajit Dharkar is one of the biggest client's of our firm, 284 00:16:38,517 --> 00:16:39,976 Oh - the politician. 285 00:16:40,101 --> 00:16:42,726 He isn't a politician, he just funds the political party. 286 00:16:42,846 --> 00:16:46,142 Owns a massive 300 acre land in Nashik. 287 00:16:46,267 --> 00:16:48,142 He's in the grapes and wine business. 288 00:16:48,267 --> 00:16:51,601 But, he is Maharashtra's biggest druglord. 289 00:16:51,721 --> 00:16:53,392 He has a son, who's totally useless. 290 00:16:53,517 --> 00:16:56,517 His son wants to make a music video. 291 00:16:56,684 --> 00:16:59,684 So, I've recommended your name there. 292 00:16:59,809 --> 00:17:04,476 I told them Govinda will do good direction and choreography. 293 00:17:04,934 --> 00:17:07,142 The budget for the music video is 20 lakh rupees. 294 00:17:08,142 --> 00:17:11,059 Your fee is 8 lakh rupees, in which one lakh is mine. 295 00:17:11,184 --> 00:17:12,267 That's absolutely fine 296 00:17:12,476 --> 00:17:14,892 Have you fixed the meeting yet? When is it? 297 00:17:15,324 --> 00:17:16,434 First you apologize. 298 00:17:16,559 --> 00:17:18,716 I am very sorry, do you want me to kiss you? 299 00:17:19,309 --> 00:17:20,642 Did you guys find a singer? 300 00:17:21,517 --> 00:17:22,726 Shut-up and drive the car. 301 00:17:22,954 --> 00:17:24,476 Did you guys find a singer? 302 00:17:26,332 --> 00:17:28,471 [Driver humming] 303 00:17:40,370 --> 00:17:41,860 Pull harder. 304 00:17:42,434 --> 00:17:43,934 I am falling down. 305 00:17:44,059 --> 00:17:45,684 Now you go to the other side. 306 00:17:45,804 --> 00:17:47,059 Aunty, please sit lightly. 307 00:17:47,184 --> 00:17:50,559 - Hey, come in the front. - hey, are you telling me? 308 00:17:51,684 --> 00:17:52,726 You hold her from the bottom. One 309 00:17:52,851 --> 00:17:54,017 One, two, three... 310 00:17:56,767 --> 00:17:58,267 I am dead, I'm so dead. 311 00:18:02,559 --> 00:18:03,892 Hey Govya, you're back, 312 00:18:04,017 --> 00:18:05,434 very good. 313 00:18:08,392 --> 00:18:10,267 - How are you doing Govya? - How do you think I'm doing aunty? 314 00:18:11,101 --> 00:18:12,476 My wife's screwing me at home, 315 00:18:12,601 --> 00:18:13,267 the judge is screwing me at court, 316 00:18:13,392 --> 00:18:14,434 and here I'm screwed because of my mother's weight 317 00:18:14,559 --> 00:18:15,601 Don't ask me stupid questions!! 318 00:18:15,721 --> 00:18:16,851 This is how you speak to your aunt? 319 00:18:16,976 --> 00:18:17,934 - Do it, do it more. - Leave my ear. 320 00:18:18,059 --> 00:18:19,226 Doesn't understand anything. 321 00:18:19,851 --> 00:18:21,434 Sister - I've made some curry for you, 322 00:18:21,559 --> 00:18:24,017 - I'll get some bread from the market. - Okay? 323 00:18:24,142 --> 00:18:25,434 Hey you, you come along with me! 324 00:18:25,726 --> 00:18:26,809 Why should I go along? 325 00:18:27,517 --> 00:18:29,017 I am going to charge fees for all these things later. 326 00:18:29,142 --> 00:18:30,684 Whatever - please take it from her. 327 00:18:30,809 --> 00:18:34,476 Let's go in quickly. 328 00:18:43,017 --> 00:18:45,434 I want to murder that stupid Kaustubh. 329 00:18:45,559 --> 00:18:47,726 Mom, he was just trying to gain some sympathy. 330 00:18:47,851 --> 00:18:49,392 Trying to gain some sympathy? 331 00:18:49,517 --> 00:18:51,517 Here I sit in that wheelchair, drooling my life out, 332 00:18:51,642 --> 00:18:53,976 trembling with illness - trying to put up an act 333 00:18:54,101 --> 00:18:55,851 What more can one do to gain more sympathy. 334 00:18:55,976 --> 00:18:58,476 Calm down mom, please - let's go in. 335 00:18:58,601 --> 00:19:00,142 Calm down you say? 336 00:19:00,434 --> 00:19:02,142 For the last fifteen years I've glued myself to this wheelchair, 337 00:19:02,267 --> 00:19:04,476 trying to put up an act so that we don't lose the bungalow. 338 00:19:04,601 --> 00:19:07,601 I am deceiving my own younger sister for this. 339 00:19:08,309 --> 00:19:11,392 My back has gone for a toss sitting in that wheel chair. 340 00:19:11,851 --> 00:19:13,892 I truly loved Gopi. 341 00:19:14,642 --> 00:19:16,559 I wasn't aware of his family from the south, 342 00:19:16,684 --> 00:19:18,934 by the time I discovered we were already married. 343 00:19:19,059 --> 00:19:20,726 And, I was pregnant with you. 344 00:19:20,851 --> 00:19:22,684 For the first time after I got married Gopi took me, 345 00:19:22,804 --> 00:19:25,267 Gopi took me to the bungalow. 346 00:19:25,392 --> 00:19:26,684 I am aware of this story, I've heard it a hundred times. 347 00:19:27,017 --> 00:19:28,684 Can you honestly tell me one thing? 348 00:19:28,804 --> 00:19:30,017 What? 349 00:19:30,767 --> 00:19:33,309 You did get married right? 350 00:19:33,434 --> 00:19:35,767 Yes of course, are you doubting your mother? 351 00:19:35,892 --> 00:19:36,767 I am not doubting you. 352 00:19:36,892 --> 00:19:38,351 We got married at the temple in film-city, 353 00:19:38,476 --> 00:19:39,351 how many times should I tell you? 354 00:19:39,476 --> 00:19:40,267 The temple was a part of the film set. 355 00:19:40,392 --> 00:19:43,267 The temple was a set but priest and rituals were real. 356 00:19:44,434 --> 00:19:45,684 Govinda, 357 00:19:46,601 --> 00:19:48,226 Gopi was indeed my husband. 358 00:19:48,351 --> 00:19:51,059 But everyone used to call me his mistress. 359 00:19:51,809 --> 00:19:53,267 No one ever respected me. 360 00:19:53,392 --> 00:19:55,101 Mom, mom - this isn't the time to be emotional. 361 00:19:55,226 --> 00:19:57,101 - Not at all. - Not to be emotional? 362 00:19:57,226 --> 00:19:58,976 Yes absolutely, you should keep one thing in mind. 363 00:19:59,101 --> 00:20:00,601 You won't get respect even if you get the bungalow. 364 00:20:00,721 --> 00:20:02,684 I don't want it - I just want the bungalow. 365 00:20:04,184 --> 00:20:06,767 Gopi also named the bungalow - Asha's Residence 366 00:20:06,892 --> 00:20:08,601 Asha - in this case of your residence, 367 00:20:08,721 --> 00:20:10,976 we both are going to screw our lives over. 368 00:20:18,601 --> 00:20:20,142 Hurry up, the DOP is shouting his lungs out. 369 00:20:20,267 --> 00:20:21,809 Move it slightly towards the right, pan it to the right 370 00:20:21,934 --> 00:20:23,392 Just get this done at once. 371 00:20:26,499 --> 00:20:27,203 3... 372 00:20:27,323 --> 00:20:27,957 2... 373 00:20:28,077 --> 00:20:28,757 1... 374 00:20:28,877 --> 00:20:29,559 Action... 375 00:23:46,642 --> 00:23:47,892 He looks so good. 376 00:23:48,017 --> 00:23:49,392 He looks average. 377 00:23:49,517 --> 00:23:50,684 My favourite is Ranveer Singh. 378 00:23:50,809 --> 00:23:52,142 He's a subtle actor. 379 00:23:52,608 --> 00:23:53,606 Hello Sir. 380 00:23:53,726 --> 00:23:55,517 - How are you doing sir? - First class, how are you both doing? 381 00:23:56,059 --> 00:23:57,751 You rocked the song! You clearly rocked it. 382 00:23:57,871 --> 00:23:59,309 Sir, did you like the hookstep? 383 00:23:59,934 --> 00:24:02,101 It's a fabulous hookstep, class apart, Master Ji is too good. 384 00:24:02,226 --> 00:24:03,142 Too good hai. 385 00:24:03,288 --> 00:24:05,434 Sir, by the way - We choreographed the hookstep. 386 00:24:05,559 --> 00:24:06,934 - Really? - Yes sir, 387 00:24:07,059 --> 00:24:08,892 we have a dance studio called: G-SU dance studio, 388 00:24:09,017 --> 00:24:10,434 we are planning to go independent now. 389 00:24:10,559 --> 00:24:12,434 By independent we mean, just waiting for the right opportunity. 390 00:24:12,559 --> 00:24:13,476 - Show the hookstep. - Hookstep? 391 00:24:13,601 --> 00:24:14,517 Yes sir. 392 00:24:15,684 --> 00:24:16,726 Five Six. 393 00:24:16,846 --> 00:24:19,739 "Oh my dear Bijli..." 394 00:24:19,892 --> 00:24:20,934 And there is a variation too. 395 00:24:21,059 --> 00:24:22,809 We had tried one variation too. 396 00:24:22,934 --> 00:24:27,892 Shake shake, flow flow - hip hip hip hip. 397 00:24:29,809 --> 00:24:32,309 - Fabulous hook-step. - Master Ji they were saying that, 398 00:24:32,434 --> 00:24:34,434 that Master Ji has given a fabulous hook-step. 399 00:24:34,554 --> 00:24:37,017 All the awards this year will be going to Master Ji. 400 00:24:37,559 --> 00:24:38,392 Anyway, shot is ready. 401 00:24:38,517 --> 00:24:39,773 - Yes sir, ready sir, we are on the mark. - Yes sir, ready sir. 402 00:24:40,517 --> 00:24:42,142 Boys girls take your positions. 403 00:24:42,934 --> 00:24:44,611 - Listen. - Yes sir. 404 00:24:45,851 --> 00:24:47,101 I am producing a film. 405 00:24:47,517 --> 00:24:49,517 I'll ask the director to get in touch with you guys. 406 00:24:49,934 --> 00:24:51,684 - Thank you sir. - Thank you sir. 407 00:24:51,976 --> 00:24:53,267 Who's the hero, is it you? 408 00:24:53,392 --> 00:24:55,517 No no, it is Ranveer Singh, 409 00:24:56,809 --> 00:24:57,934 your favourite. 410 00:24:58,392 --> 00:24:59,351 No sir. 411 00:24:59,476 --> 00:25:01,559 - Sir, you are my favourite. - You're my favourite too. 412 00:25:01,684 --> 00:25:03,351 - Come one, stop lying. - Really sir. 413 00:25:03,878 --> 00:25:05,101 Share your contact with my team. 414 00:25:05,226 --> 00:25:06,267 Thank you sir. 415 00:25:06,601 --> 00:25:08,351 Come on boys and girls - one more. 416 00:25:09,976 --> 00:25:11,809 We have to start from this same step, right? 417 00:25:12,881 --> 00:25:14,517 Come on boys and girls. 418 00:25:15,309 --> 00:25:17,684 Come on sir. Come on sir, RK Sir. 419 00:25:18,684 --> 00:25:19,762 Did you take dowry? 420 00:25:19,882 --> 00:25:21,255 Have you lost it? 421 00:25:21,995 --> 00:25:23,309 Do you think I'm that kind of a man? 422 00:25:24,115 --> 00:25:26,309 Gauri's father willingly spent so much money on the wedding. 423 00:25:26,434 --> 00:25:28,726 All this spending is in a way dowry. 424 00:25:28,851 --> 00:25:30,726 Don't you dare ask me for it? 425 00:25:30,851 --> 00:25:32,184 I'll rip you apart. 426 00:25:32,309 --> 00:25:33,476 Why the hell would I ask you? 427 00:25:33,851 --> 00:25:36,517 Man's real intentions are revealed during the wedding. 428 00:25:36,642 --> 00:25:38,684 Why do you always talk about getting married? 429 00:25:39,351 --> 00:25:41,476 Even in my dreams you kept asking me to get married to you. 430 00:25:41,601 --> 00:25:42,934 Already one marriage has taken my life. 431 00:25:43,818 --> 00:25:45,726 I won't take your life, 432 00:25:45,846 --> 00:25:48,226 I will make your life better. 433 00:25:49,463 --> 00:25:51,554 [Gauri video calling] 434 00:25:54,101 --> 00:25:56,226 Oh Suku, no Suku, please. 435 00:26:00,184 --> 00:26:02,351 Ohhh, Suku's there. 436 00:26:02,809 --> 00:26:04,142 Hi Suku. 437 00:26:04,267 --> 00:26:05,934 Hi, Gauri, how are you? 438 00:26:06,059 --> 00:26:08,559 Amazing, hot and happening. 439 00:26:08,684 --> 00:26:11,392 Listen! Get some ice for the whiskey while returning home. 440 00:26:12,601 --> 00:26:14,642 Why don't you freeze some ice in the refrigerator? 441 00:26:14,762 --> 00:26:18,101 Don't make me freeze your respect in front for your girlfriend. 442 00:26:18,434 --> 00:26:19,684 Just get it for me. 443 00:26:19,804 --> 00:26:20,851 Understood? 444 00:26:20,971 --> 00:26:23,184 - Bye Suku. - Bye Gauri. 445 00:26:26,684 --> 00:26:27,976 Why are you so scared of your wife? 446 00:26:28,101 --> 00:26:29,809 I am not scared of her, 447 00:26:29,934 --> 00:26:31,101 I respect all women. 448 00:26:31,226 --> 00:26:32,642 Seriously, respecting women you say? 449 00:26:32,762 --> 00:26:33,851 Bill. 450 00:26:34,309 --> 00:26:36,059 Okay listen put it on my tab. 451 00:26:38,809 --> 00:26:40,059 Hey, take this. 452 00:26:49,059 --> 00:26:50,226 Hey Gotya! 453 00:26:51,851 --> 00:26:53,142 I tried calling you, 454 00:26:53,267 --> 00:26:54,559 you didn't answer? 455 00:26:54,684 --> 00:26:55,809 Yes, Javed sir... 456 00:26:55,934 --> 00:26:59,184 Javed Sir, No Javed sir, it'll melt 457 00:26:59,309 --> 00:27:01,017 Gotya, what?! Your's melts? 458 00:27:01,142 --> 00:27:03,726 The ice, in the plastic bag Javed Sir, 459 00:27:03,851 --> 00:27:05,226 for my wife. 460 00:27:05,351 --> 00:27:06,267 What does she drink? 461 00:27:06,434 --> 00:27:07,476 Whiskey. 462 00:27:07,601 --> 00:27:09,226 - Whiskey!! - Oh mother. 463 00:27:09,351 --> 00:27:10,767 Superb, superb. 464 00:27:11,517 --> 00:27:14,684 - Listen, our fathers were best friends since childhood, - Yes. 465 00:27:14,809 --> 00:27:17,559 that's why I got you a 2.5 lakh gun for 2 lakh rupees. 466 00:27:17,684 --> 00:27:18,517 Yes. 467 00:27:18,642 --> 00:27:20,184 And, what did you give me in return? 468 00:27:20,642 --> 00:27:21,809 20 thousand rupees. 469 00:27:22,142 --> 00:27:24,226 - and your wife's gold bracelet. - Yes. 470 00:27:24,351 --> 00:27:26,892 You shouldn't be insulting our father's friendship like this. 471 00:27:27,017 --> 00:27:28,397 - Ouch! - Yes? 472 00:27:28,517 --> 00:27:29,601 No Javed sir, no. 473 00:27:29,726 --> 00:27:30,601 When will you return the balance? 474 00:27:30,726 --> 00:27:32,017 - Javed Sir, - Yes? 475 00:27:32,267 --> 00:27:33,976 I'm not able to arrange for the balance money, 476 00:27:34,101 --> 00:27:34,976 you can have the gun back. 477 00:27:35,101 --> 00:27:36,017 Excuse me, 478 00:27:36,726 --> 00:27:37,851 I am not a shopping app 479 00:27:38,434 --> 00:27:39,726 to take the clothes back because they aren't fitting. 480 00:27:39,846 --> 00:27:41,726 Oh, no, no. 481 00:27:41,846 --> 00:27:43,101 Two weeks, 482 00:27:43,226 --> 00:27:44,184 I'm giving you two weeks. 483 00:27:44,309 --> 00:27:47,226 You have to pay me 1 lakh 80 thousand, anyhow. 484 00:27:47,351 --> 00:27:48,476 - Javed Sir. - Yes? 485 00:27:48,601 --> 00:27:51,309 Or else, even if the snow doesn't melt in the mountains, 486 00:27:51,559 --> 00:27:53,851 I'm going to make sure something in your body does. 487 00:27:53,976 --> 00:27:55,684 Javed sir please let go. Let go. 488 00:28:01,351 --> 00:28:02,726 Oh mother. 489 00:28:22,726 --> 00:28:23,934 Ma'am I'll take your leave, thank you so much ma'am. 490 00:28:24,059 --> 00:28:25,642 Why? 491 00:28:25,762 --> 00:28:26,892 Please sit. 492 00:28:27,012 --> 00:28:28,351 Come here. 493 00:28:28,809 --> 00:28:32,267 And you, why are you standing there and staring at me? 494 00:28:32,726 --> 00:28:34,476 Put three cubes of ice in my glass. 495 00:28:45,392 --> 00:28:47,892 Ballu, do you want ice? 496 00:28:48,017 --> 00:28:50,517 Yes, yes, two cubes. 497 00:28:50,892 --> 00:28:54,142 Two cubes of ice, hurry up. 498 00:29:05,809 --> 00:29:07,059 Thank you. 499 00:29:16,809 --> 00:29:20,309 Hi, I'm Baldev, Gauri's boyfriend. 500 00:29:23,642 --> 00:29:26,226 Govinda, Gauri's husband. 501 00:29:26,434 --> 00:29:27,809 Very nice to meet you. 502 00:29:29,517 --> 00:29:31,809 I sell insurance for a living, what do you do? 503 00:29:31,934 --> 00:29:34,142 You are my wife's boyfriend, you don't know what I do? 504 00:29:34,267 --> 00:29:35,642 Actually, Gau and I, we don't speak about you. 505 00:29:35,762 --> 00:29:36,892 Gau? 506 00:29:39,642 --> 00:29:40,684 I am a choreographer. 507 00:29:40,809 --> 00:29:42,434 Buzz off, what? 508 00:29:42,559 --> 00:29:43,976 I am a choreographer? 509 00:29:44,101 --> 00:29:46,684 What have you ever choreographed in your life? 510 00:29:46,849 --> 00:29:48,017 - Say? - Yes, I've done enough Gauri. 511 00:29:48,142 --> 00:29:49,059 He is a mere dancer. 512 00:29:49,184 --> 00:29:50,684 - Dancer? - Yes. 513 00:29:50,804 --> 00:29:52,434 Even I wanted to learn how to dance since childhood. 514 00:29:52,559 --> 00:29:54,126 - You want to learn how to dance? - Yes! 515 00:29:54,246 --> 00:29:56,059 - What? He will you teach you - Really? 516 00:29:56,184 --> 00:29:58,434 - You are a fabulous dancer. - No, no means no. 517 00:29:58,559 --> 00:29:59,601 Which is that song? 518 00:29:59,726 --> 00:30:02,184 That Hrithik Roshan song, Bang Bang. 519 00:30:02,309 --> 00:30:03,142 Please, no. Govya? 520 00:30:03,267 --> 00:30:04,392 - I'm not going to dance. - Govya, you are a fabulous dancer. 521 00:30:04,517 --> 00:30:05,517 - So, what? - You're acting pricey now? 522 00:30:05,642 --> 00:30:06,559 - Hey, go away. - You're acting pricey right? 523 00:30:06,684 --> 00:30:07,517 I'm not acting pricey, it is not about that. 524 00:30:07,642 --> 00:30:08,601 - you are acting super pricey - No, I'm not. 525 00:30:08,726 --> 00:30:09,934 - Govya, please. - Please dance? 526 00:30:10,059 --> 00:30:11,184 I'll kick you right away. 527 00:30:11,309 --> 00:30:12,934 One step, one step. 528 00:30:13,059 --> 00:30:14,851 I don't want to, the speaker is spoilt and the phone. 529 00:30:14,976 --> 00:30:17,017 I'll sing the song, I'll sing. 530 00:30:17,142 --> 00:30:18,267 - You will sing? - Yes, of course. 531 00:30:18,434 --> 00:30:20,642 Lovely!! He will sing and you dance, 532 00:30:20,767 --> 00:30:21,559 okay? Go, hurry up. 533 00:30:21,684 --> 00:30:22,517 - Hurry up, come on. - No Gauri 534 00:30:22,642 --> 00:30:24,476 I said hurry up. Hurry the heck up. 535 00:30:24,601 --> 00:30:26,351 Gauri please, I don't want to dance. 536 00:30:26,517 --> 00:30:27,476 Govya, come on. 537 00:30:27,601 --> 00:30:29,184 Five, six. 538 00:30:29,309 --> 00:30:31,059 Five, six, seven, yes. 539 00:30:39,601 --> 00:30:40,851 Super. 540 00:30:42,934 --> 00:30:44,309 Woah 541 00:30:46,267 --> 00:30:48,017 Oh, dancing queen. 542 00:30:48,142 --> 00:30:49,142 Yeah. 543 00:30:49,267 --> 00:30:50,434 Super. 544 00:30:52,767 --> 00:30:54,059 Yeah. 545 00:30:58,601 --> 00:31:00,101 Fabulous. 546 00:31:06,392 --> 00:31:08,267 (laughing) Didn't I tell you? 547 00:31:15,017 --> 00:31:16,434 What a dancer? 548 00:31:17,059 --> 00:31:18,309 Bang bang. 549 00:31:19,775 --> 00:31:21,267 The dance was good. 550 00:31:22,559 --> 00:31:25,892 Nice, nice, nice, nice, you are a good dancer. 551 00:31:40,642 --> 00:31:42,024 Will you take some ice? 552 00:31:43,797 --> 00:31:45,267 Ballu? 553 00:31:46,572 --> 00:31:47,934 No, no! 554 00:31:48,976 --> 00:31:50,351 What a dancer? 555 00:31:51,059 --> 00:31:53,184 - It was good - Very good, indeed, very good. 556 00:31:53,309 --> 00:31:54,726 Yes, Govya. 557 00:32:04,892 --> 00:32:06,351 Bang, bang. 558 00:32:12,351 --> 00:32:14,309 What's up Sandians. 559 00:32:15,684 --> 00:32:18,434 Welcome to Mi Casa. 560 00:32:18,726 --> 00:32:20,851 I've just woken up, 561 00:32:22,157 --> 00:32:23,476 finishing my protein shake, then 562 00:32:24,892 --> 00:32:26,017 cardio. 563 00:32:26,142 --> 00:32:27,851 It's important to maintain the abs. 564 00:32:29,464 --> 00:32:32,267 Guys, last night I composed a banging song. 565 00:32:34,976 --> 00:32:36,642 Pappi, that's right. 566 00:32:36,762 --> 00:32:38,559 You heard it here first. 567 00:32:39,144 --> 00:32:40,934 Very soon, I'm going to shoot a music video on this song. 568 00:32:41,059 --> 00:32:42,142 The moment the video is out, 569 00:32:42,267 --> 00:32:43,642 your Six Pack Sandy is going to be 570 00:32:43,762 --> 00:32:46,434 the King of the Indian music industry The King. 571 00:32:50,684 --> 00:32:51,976 What's up cutie. 572 00:32:52,601 --> 00:32:54,809 But the cutest. 573 00:32:56,142 --> 00:32:57,726 Check this main man out, 574 00:32:57,851 --> 00:33:00,934 The Big D !! AJIT 575 00:33:02,517 --> 00:33:04,017 What's up my man. 576 00:33:04,142 --> 00:33:05,517 Say, what's up Sandians. 577 00:33:05,637 --> 00:33:07,101 Hi Sandians, 578 00:33:07,226 --> 00:33:09,517 he is my son, I am his father. 579 00:33:09,642 --> 00:33:13,809 He is very smart, he is very brilliant, talented. 580 00:33:13,934 --> 00:33:16,476 Just slight issues with the brain, what is this daily nuisance? 581 00:33:18,142 --> 00:33:20,767 Stay tuned, hashtag glitch. 582 00:33:20,892 --> 00:33:24,309 Ajit... The video was live, everyone saw. 583 00:33:24,476 --> 00:33:26,726 You'd go viral and become extremely famous, 584 00:33:26,846 --> 00:33:29,267 ultra publicity, you have no brains. 585 00:33:29,392 --> 00:33:31,851 Viral, peace out. 586 00:33:32,309 --> 00:33:33,226 What was the name? 587 00:33:33,351 --> 00:33:36,142 Kaustubh Godbole, future partner, D.C.Associations. 588 00:33:36,726 --> 00:33:37,517 - Oh. - Yes. 589 00:33:37,642 --> 00:33:39,976 Sir, I'm Govinda, she is Suku. 590 00:33:40,101 --> 00:33:41,226 Together we run G.SU. 591 00:33:41,351 --> 00:33:42,809 - Dance Studio. - G.SU? 592 00:33:42,934 --> 00:33:45,601 Sir, we do choreography, wedding performance, 593 00:33:45,726 --> 00:33:47,767 jazz, salsa, hip-hop, locking-popping, everything sir. 594 00:33:47,892 --> 00:33:48,726 Everything sir. 595 00:33:48,851 --> 00:33:51,184 Is it a menu card? Can I eat something out of this? 596 00:33:51,434 --> 00:33:52,392 Yes? Do you know who this is? 597 00:33:52,517 --> 00:33:55,309 He is my son Sandeep, he's a moron, you understand? 598 00:33:56,809 --> 00:33:59,226 Six Pack Sandy. 599 00:33:59,476 --> 00:34:01,059 - Six Pack Sandy - Six Pack Sandy 600 00:34:01,184 --> 00:34:03,101 All my fans know me by this name. 601 00:34:04,017 --> 00:34:04,976 Govinda. 602 00:34:05,101 --> 00:34:07,309 You shouldn't send your children abroad. 603 00:34:07,476 --> 00:34:08,767 They sell their brains for the degree. 604 00:34:08,892 --> 00:34:09,851 They have no sense at all. 605 00:34:09,976 --> 00:34:11,142 - They should be kept here in the village. - Yes sir. 606 00:34:11,267 --> 00:34:12,267 This one? 607 00:34:12,434 --> 00:34:13,476 What yes sir? 608 00:34:13,892 --> 00:34:14,684 What do you mean by yes sir? 609 00:34:14,809 --> 00:34:17,601 - Don't send them abroad. - What? Let it be. 610 00:34:17,726 --> 00:34:19,142 He has composed a song, 611 00:34:19,309 --> 00:34:21,267 - make a nice music video. - Yes sir. 612 00:34:21,387 --> 00:34:24,101 I've already had a word with the music labels, they will release it. 613 00:34:24,226 --> 00:34:26,726 Alright? If it is a hit, it's his destiny. 614 00:34:26,846 --> 00:34:28,892 Or else I'll send him to the farmhouse, buffalo farm. 615 00:34:29,017 --> 00:34:31,351 - Baby, baby, baby. - Baby, me baby? 616 00:34:31,517 --> 00:34:32,309 It's a hit. 617 00:34:32,434 --> 00:34:34,559 - Sir, I was saying..? - Yes, the song 618 00:34:34,726 --> 00:34:36,684 - Can we listen to the song? - Which song? 619 00:34:37,184 --> 00:34:42,142 - Sandy's song. - (SINGING) "All I want to do is... kiss you." 620 00:34:42,267 --> 00:34:44,142 Hey, you dumb moron, play it from there. 621 00:34:44,267 --> 00:34:45,434 Play it from there. 622 00:35:19,517 --> 00:35:20,934 - Wow, Sandy sir. - It's superb. 623 00:35:21,059 --> 00:35:22,017 I know, I know. 624 00:35:22,142 --> 00:35:23,101 It's superb, it's rocking. 625 00:35:23,226 --> 00:35:24,184 - Really? - Yes, indeed. 626 00:35:24,309 --> 00:35:25,142 - Yes? - Award!! 627 00:35:25,267 --> 00:35:26,809 - Award. - Award? 628 00:35:27,226 --> 00:35:28,934 - Not at all, it's a crap song - No sir, no way. 629 00:35:29,059 --> 00:35:30,017 Not at all sir, it is indeed an amazing song, it will surely trend. 630 00:35:30,142 --> 00:35:30,892 it'll trend ? 631 00:35:31,017 --> 00:35:32,892 Yes sir, today's youngsters love listening to such songs. 632 00:35:33,017 --> 00:35:35,309 And, we will make sure we make an amazing high concept music video. 633 00:35:35,429 --> 00:35:36,309 How are you going to do it? 634 00:35:37,851 --> 00:35:39,684 I mean, black screen. 635 00:35:39,804 --> 00:35:41,184 - Black, black screen. - Sound of the waves. 636 00:35:41,309 --> 00:35:42,934 - Yes. - Ajit Dharkar presents. 637 00:35:43,059 --> 00:35:44,726 - Yes, alright. - Six Pack Sandy. 638 00:35:44,851 --> 00:35:46,226 Oh, great great. 639 00:35:46,351 --> 00:35:47,517 Belly dancers on the sand, 640 00:35:47,642 --> 00:35:48,934 Sandy on the yatch. 641 00:35:49,101 --> 00:35:50,767 Yatch will be docked in Dubai, we will track out from Dubai. 642 00:35:50,892 --> 00:35:52,017 The scale will be magnanimous sir. 643 00:35:52,142 --> 00:35:54,017 Yes, the scale will be big and we'll shoot a beautiful big opening shot. 644 00:35:54,142 --> 00:35:55,351 Yes indeed, high speed. 645 00:35:55,476 --> 00:35:57,101 I mean, I'm surely feeling the energy 646 00:35:57,226 --> 00:35:59,934 but it also means filling up your passport pages with my money. 647 00:36:00,184 --> 00:36:01,309 Right? 648 00:36:02,017 --> 00:36:03,101 Joke. 649 00:36:03,226 --> 00:36:04,226 Passport? Ha-ha. 650 00:36:04,351 --> 00:36:05,559 Shut the hell up. 651 00:36:05,684 --> 00:36:07,517 I don't want to spend so much on this moron 652 00:36:07,767 --> 00:36:09,726 Just go to film city and shoot there. 653 00:36:09,851 --> 00:36:11,767 If you want, put a board with Dubai written on it instead of Mumbai. 654 00:36:12,017 --> 00:36:13,267 - Okay sir. - Okay? 655 00:36:13,559 --> 00:36:14,851 - Okay okay. - Yes sir, it will be done. 656 00:36:14,976 --> 00:36:15,851 - It will be done. - Will it be done? 657 00:36:15,976 --> 00:36:16,726 - Yes sir. - Immediately. 658 00:36:16,851 --> 00:36:18,017 - Definitely. - Yes, yes. 659 00:36:18,142 --> 00:36:19,142 - Alright. - Alright sir. 660 00:36:19,267 --> 00:36:20,892 - Leave then. - Leave. 661 00:36:21,017 --> 00:36:22,226 Leave? 662 00:36:22,559 --> 00:36:24,267 - Signing cheque? - Leave at once. 663 00:36:26,886 --> 00:36:28,809 Six Pack Sandy. 664 00:36:28,934 --> 00:36:30,976 Hey, should I send you to the buffalo farm? 665 00:36:33,476 --> 00:36:34,476 What an antique case! 666 00:36:34,601 --> 00:36:35,726 Who, the father or the son? 667 00:36:36,726 --> 00:36:38,184 Do you really want to do this music video? 668 00:36:38,309 --> 00:36:39,767 What do you mean? 669 00:36:39,892 --> 00:36:41,017 I will have to do it, I'm in dire need of money. 670 00:36:41,142 --> 00:36:42,726 Hey, guys, serious, serious now. 671 00:36:42,846 --> 00:36:44,059 Some important news, 672 00:36:44,309 --> 00:36:45,601 I've spoken to your brother's lawyer. 673 00:36:45,726 --> 00:36:46,601 He's not my brother. 674 00:36:46,726 --> 00:36:47,851 I meant your step-brother. 675 00:36:47,976 --> 00:36:49,934 I have asked to do a out of court settlement, 676 00:36:50,059 --> 00:36:51,517 they are also willing to give an offer. 677 00:36:51,642 --> 00:36:52,934 We will also take aunty with us for the meeting. 678 00:36:53,059 --> 00:36:54,351 He's ready to pay 7 crore rupees? 679 00:36:54,851 --> 00:36:56,267 Even if they offer 5 crore, 680 00:36:56,392 --> 00:36:58,601 let's just take it and move on. 681 00:36:59,601 --> 00:37:01,434 See, our case is becoming weak day after day, 682 00:37:01,559 --> 00:37:02,851 we will lose everything. 683 00:37:02,976 --> 00:37:04,142 We won't be left with a single penny. 684 00:37:04,267 --> 00:37:06,434 Govu, why don't you go and listen to the offer. 685 00:37:06,559 --> 00:37:08,601 Once you get the money you can get your divorce too. 686 00:37:08,721 --> 00:37:10,059 Then you and I can get married happily. 687 00:37:12,899 --> 00:37:14,142 I've made poha and got it for us. 688 00:37:14,267 --> 00:37:15,476 Poha? 689 00:37:15,684 --> 00:37:17,226 - For mom? - Mum just loves Poha. 690 00:37:17,351 --> 00:37:18,642 - Yes? - Yes. 691 00:37:31,351 --> 00:37:32,434 Aai, what do you think? 692 00:37:32,559 --> 00:37:33,976 Suku dances very well, right? 693 00:37:35,059 --> 00:37:38,434 I was telling Suku, my mum and you have the same dancing stance. 694 00:37:38,684 --> 00:37:39,559 Yes, take this, have some tea. 695 00:37:39,684 --> 00:37:41,809 Mom, have the tea later, Suku's made poha for you. 696 00:37:41,934 --> 00:37:43,309 Suku, you feed her some yourself. 697 00:37:44,351 --> 00:37:46,309 Yes, have some poha. 698 00:37:46,684 --> 00:37:48,142 Look at this. 699 00:37:49,517 --> 00:37:51,517 What is this, Zumba? 700 00:37:51,642 --> 00:37:53,184 Its not zumba, it's locking and popping. 701 00:37:53,309 --> 00:37:54,517 - Locking? - Locking popping. 702 00:37:54,642 --> 00:37:56,101 Locking, locking - is it a type of dance? 703 00:37:56,226 --> 00:37:58,517 - Do you like it mom? - There isn't any glamour? 704 00:37:58,642 --> 00:38:00,601 - What do you know about glamour? - Nothing. 705 00:38:02,809 --> 00:38:03,851 What happened? 706 00:38:05,309 --> 00:38:06,851 (yells) It's awful 707 00:38:07,101 --> 00:38:08,351 Hey hey. 708 00:38:08,476 --> 00:38:09,851 It's awful! 709 00:38:09,976 --> 00:38:11,142 It's awful! 710 00:38:11,267 --> 00:38:13,684 It's awful. 711 00:38:14,256 --> 00:38:16,267 - I have a dance rehearsal. - Which rehearsal? Hey Suku? 712 00:38:16,434 --> 00:38:17,601 - Hey. - It's awful!! 713 00:38:17,726 --> 00:38:19,929 - Don't you have any brains - You witch. 714 00:38:20,142 --> 00:38:21,601 Hey Suku, the poha you make is always tasty. 715 00:38:21,721 --> 00:38:22,684 - Hey Govind. - Yes? 716 00:38:22,809 --> 00:38:23,976 - What's happening? - What do you mean? 717 00:38:24,101 --> 00:38:25,642 - Speak softly. - Yes, sorry. 718 00:38:26,759 --> 00:38:28,642 Hey Suku, Please spit your anger away. 719 00:38:28,762 --> 00:38:31,015 Yeah, the same way your mum spat my poha right? 720 00:38:31,767 --> 00:38:32,767 Wash my tiffin and get it. 721 00:38:32,892 --> 00:38:34,267 Suku, hey suku. 722 00:38:41,226 --> 00:38:43,559 This man is a builder of dreams. 723 00:38:43,684 --> 00:38:47,892 Vishnu, Mr. Anand Joshi has been a broker since the age of 20. 724 00:38:48,017 --> 00:38:52,517 Oh. Anand sir, please tell us where you started your journey from. 725 00:38:52,642 --> 00:38:53,934 From MA-KA-BO 726 00:38:54,059 --> 00:38:55,017 MA-KA-BO? 727 00:38:55,142 --> 00:38:56,684 Malad, Kandivali and Borivali. 728 00:38:58,101 --> 00:39:00,851 And, today he's involved in the all the biggest projects here. 729 00:39:02,767 --> 00:39:04,184 Mr. Vishnu, 730 00:39:04,309 --> 00:39:06,767 I've heard, there is a case going on for a lot of years on Asha Niwas. 731 00:39:07,309 --> 00:39:09,392 Yes, but, I'm going to win that case. 732 00:39:09,517 --> 00:39:10,851 That case is ours. 733 00:39:11,226 --> 00:39:12,142 Yeah, that's amazing. 734 00:39:12,267 --> 00:39:14,017 Have some tea or should I order some Cola? 735 00:39:14,309 --> 00:39:15,976 Anil, please come in. 736 00:39:16,101 --> 00:39:18,559 No, actually, my mother is waiting outside, 737 00:39:18,684 --> 00:39:20,226 we have to head out for a meeting. 738 00:39:20,351 --> 00:39:21,517 Thank you. 739 00:39:21,642 --> 00:39:22,851 Then, it's a done deal from my end. 740 00:39:22,976 --> 00:39:24,267 The moment you get the possession papers, 741 00:39:24,392 --> 00:39:25,559 you get in touch with me. 742 00:39:25,684 --> 00:39:26,809 Sure. 743 00:39:28,809 --> 00:39:32,601 Yes, Anand sir, the case has been on since the last 15 years. 744 00:39:32,767 --> 00:39:34,142 If Mr. Vishnu at some point might be 745 00:39:34,267 --> 00:39:35,976 in need of some funding, would you be... 746 00:39:36,101 --> 00:39:38,142 What Mr. Bidye, why are you being so formal with me? 747 00:39:38,267 --> 00:39:39,559 Your friend is my friend, 748 00:39:39,684 --> 00:39:41,059 whenever you'd require funding, please take it from me. 749 00:39:41,184 --> 00:39:43,101 - Should I give it to you right now? - No, no. 750 00:39:44,101 --> 00:39:47,976 Anand sir, you just saying this is enough, thank you. 751 00:39:48,101 --> 00:39:49,601 - Please say hello to your mother. - Sure. 752 00:39:49,726 --> 00:39:50,851 Namaste. 753 00:39:51,601 --> 00:39:52,726 Why the hell have they called us here? 754 00:39:52,846 --> 00:39:53,807 How the hell would I know? 755 00:39:53,927 --> 00:39:55,851 This is awful. This place is awful. 756 00:39:55,976 --> 00:39:58,601 Hey, do you even like anything? 757 00:39:58,726 --> 00:40:00,642 This is awful, that is awful, poha is awful. 758 00:40:00,762 --> 00:40:02,059 She had made it with so much love, 759 00:40:02,184 --> 00:40:03,809 was it necessary for you to say anything to her? 760 00:40:35,101 --> 00:40:36,434 That's a nice ride, 761 00:40:36,559 --> 00:40:38,517 all of Gopi's money is hoarded by you guys. 762 00:40:38,642 --> 00:40:41,684 Father spent all his money on that bungalow. 763 00:40:41,804 --> 00:40:43,226 This is my mother's money, 764 00:40:43,351 --> 00:40:44,851 she comes from a wealthy family. 765 00:40:45,184 --> 00:40:46,101 What should I say? 766 00:40:46,226 --> 00:40:48,226 She wasn't a dancer like your mother. 767 00:40:48,351 --> 00:40:49,767 - Hey, hey - Hey. 768 00:40:49,892 --> 00:40:51,809 You dare speak a word against my mother! 769 00:40:52,351 --> 00:40:53,601 Keep it down, keep it down. 770 00:40:53,768 --> 00:40:55,517 Godbole, what is all this? 771 00:40:55,684 --> 00:40:57,976 I had a hard time convincing my client for this settlement. 772 00:40:58,101 --> 00:40:59,434 - Do you understand? - I wanted to get you 773 00:40:59,559 --> 00:41:00,934 and Asha on the streets. 774 00:41:01,142 --> 00:41:03,976 Vishnu said let it go, it's our father's family only. 775 00:41:04,892 --> 00:41:07,201 Hey, look how she is laughing? 776 00:41:07,892 --> 00:41:08,976 - Hey Hey!! - Hey. 777 00:41:09,101 --> 00:41:09,985 That's a huge rock. 778 00:41:10,105 --> 00:41:11,517 Don't you dare laugh at my mother. 779 00:41:11,726 --> 00:41:12,809 - Give it here. - They are laughing at her. 780 00:41:14,184 --> 00:41:16,059 Govind. A do you want to listen to the offer? 781 00:41:16,684 --> 00:41:18,809 Yes, please go ahead. 782 00:41:20,934 --> 00:41:23,517 You'll have to legally transfer 783 00:41:23,642 --> 00:41:25,976 Asha Niwas to Vishwakarma family. 784 00:41:26,476 --> 00:41:29,434 You won't have any legal rights over the property. 785 00:41:29,684 --> 00:41:32,892 In return Vishwakarma family will give you, 786 00:41:33,017 --> 00:41:35,267 2 rooms which are 75 square feet each in this building, 787 00:41:35,434 --> 00:41:37,726 which is worth 40 lakh rupees. 788 00:41:37,846 --> 00:41:39,434 Pay the lawyers fees. 789 00:41:39,892 --> 00:41:40,851 you're welcome. 790 00:41:40,971 --> 00:41:42,767 They'll give 21 lakh rupees cash. 791 00:41:42,892 --> 00:41:45,267 And yes, Govind A. Waghmare, 792 00:41:45,934 --> 00:41:47,726 who is a dancer, 793 00:41:47,846 --> 00:41:50,226 he'll be given a pair of original Nike Jordans. 794 00:41:50,351 --> 00:41:53,351 Asha Waghmare who is physically handicapped, 795 00:41:53,517 --> 00:41:55,559 she'll be given an electronic wheelchair 796 00:41:55,684 --> 00:41:58,184 which she can operate with her finger. 797 00:41:58,809 --> 00:41:59,976 Okay? 798 00:42:02,642 --> 00:42:04,934 This is a one time final offer, 799 00:42:05,059 --> 00:42:07,601 you can have the electronic wheelchair right away, 800 00:42:07,721 --> 00:42:09,101 free of cost, tell me? 801 00:42:10,226 --> 00:42:11,934 I'll give you a final offer right now! 802 00:42:12,059 --> 00:42:12,851 I'll give you. 803 00:42:12,976 --> 00:42:14,726 Where are you trying to run, come here. 804 00:42:14,846 --> 00:42:16,434 - Hey moron - Govinda, what are you doing? 805 00:42:16,559 --> 00:42:20,017 Hey, don't hit him, don't hit. 806 00:42:20,142 --> 00:42:21,684 Hey, what the hell are you doing? 807 00:42:21,804 --> 00:42:22,809 Hey. 808 00:42:22,934 --> 00:42:24,267 Hey aunty! 809 00:42:25,934 --> 00:42:27,017 Leave her. 810 00:42:27,142 --> 00:42:29,559 She will go bald, leave her. 811 00:42:30,142 --> 00:42:31,351 Hey, leave her. 812 00:42:31,726 --> 00:42:33,351 Aunty, 813 00:42:36,809 --> 00:42:38,226 She would have made her bald. 814 00:42:38,351 --> 00:42:39,976 - Mom, what were you trying to do? - You were pulling her hair. 815 00:42:40,101 --> 00:42:42,601 All of you will end up in jail, I'm not going to leave you. 816 00:42:42,726 --> 00:42:43,851 All of you will end up in jail. 817 00:42:43,976 --> 00:42:45,142 Buzz off. Wait, you.. 818 00:43:10,517 --> 00:43:14,142 I'm not going to let go of my bungalow. 819 00:43:17,726 --> 00:43:19,059 This bracelet is quite heavy, is it real? 820 00:43:19,184 --> 00:43:21,809 - Please have some tea. - Yes, I'll have some. 821 00:43:23,851 --> 00:43:26,226 Wow, Gotya is here, come here. Come. 822 00:43:26,657 --> 00:43:28,142 Please come, it's your house only 823 00:43:28,267 --> 00:43:29,976 Come, sit. Sit. 824 00:43:30,351 --> 00:43:32,809 I was here to return your wife her bracelet which you gave me. 825 00:43:32,934 --> 00:43:33,976 - Yes. - You dog, 826 00:43:34,101 --> 00:43:36,059 you rob your own house? 827 00:43:36,184 --> 00:43:37,851 - Javed sir? - No domestic violence. 828 00:43:37,976 --> 00:43:38,934 No, no, no. 829 00:43:39,059 --> 00:43:40,851 - I'll put both of you behind bars. - Yes, listen. 830 00:43:45,537 --> 00:43:46,892 Javed Sir, 831 00:43:49,018 --> 00:43:51,726 I've just landed a new project today, 832 00:43:52,892 --> 00:43:54,976 I'll give you the money as soon as possible. 833 00:43:55,101 --> 00:43:56,309 Oh that's very good... 834 00:43:57,684 --> 00:44:00,726 but now that I'm here, I need to take something. 835 00:44:02,184 --> 00:44:04,226 - Just give me 20 Grand! - There is no cash at home, 836 00:44:04,346 --> 00:44:06,392 - Absolutely no cash. - cash is over. 837 00:44:06,517 --> 00:44:09,267 You can transfer phone to phone, online. 838 00:44:09,392 --> 00:44:11,189 That's an excellent idea out of you dummy, 839 00:44:11,309 --> 00:44:13,517 - phone to phone, online. - It's quite fast. 840 00:44:13,642 --> 00:44:15,309 Oh Mr. and Mrs., 841 00:44:15,434 --> 00:44:18,017 come on transfer phone to phone now, fast. 842 00:44:19,226 --> 00:44:20,684 Phone? 843 00:44:23,142 --> 00:44:24,517 Whose phone is this on the table? 844 00:44:26,684 --> 00:44:27,892 Quick. 845 00:44:32,309 --> 00:44:34,226 Did you receive it? 846 00:44:34,559 --> 00:44:36,184 Super, it was quite quick. 847 00:44:36,351 --> 00:44:40,684 Sister, I'll keep this bracelet with me, 848 00:44:41,101 --> 00:44:42,059 as a security deposit. 849 00:44:42,184 --> 00:44:43,517 Once I get the full payment, 850 00:44:43,642 --> 00:44:45,726 I'll return it to you myself. 851 00:44:45,851 --> 00:44:47,059 Hey moron, let's leave. 852 00:44:47,184 --> 00:44:48,059 No no, I'm yet to finish my tea. 853 00:44:48,184 --> 00:44:50,767 Hey you, come here, what do you do? 854 00:44:51,809 --> 00:44:53,184 I sell insurance. 855 00:44:53,684 --> 00:44:55,934 Have you insured yourself? 856 00:44:56,226 --> 00:44:57,351 Yes? 857 00:44:58,184 --> 00:45:00,726 What did you take from Javed? Drugs? 858 00:45:00,846 --> 00:45:02,101 Right? You purchased drugs, right? 859 00:45:02,226 --> 00:45:03,809 - How much do you need to give him? - You, buzz off. 860 00:45:03,934 --> 00:45:04,767 How much more do you need to give him? 861 00:45:04,892 --> 00:45:05,976 I'll pay him how much ever I have to, stay out of it. 862 00:45:06,101 --> 00:45:07,059 You beggar, you don't even have the money to buy your own pants. 863 00:45:07,184 --> 00:45:08,601 - You're the Beggar's wife, buzz off. - Get lost! 864 00:45:11,517 --> 00:45:14,101 You have to arrange for 1 lakh 80 thousand rupees anyhow. 865 00:45:14,226 --> 00:45:15,767 I wanted to drag you and Asha on the streets. 866 00:45:15,892 --> 00:45:17,059 Gopi was my husband. 867 00:45:17,184 --> 00:45:19,642 I had told you; you'd get screwed. 868 00:45:19,762 --> 00:45:21,976 But everyone used to call me a mistress. 869 00:45:22,101 --> 00:45:23,726 Give two crore rupees, take your divorce. 870 00:45:23,851 --> 00:45:25,017 You are going to lose the court- 871 00:45:25,142 --> 00:45:26,892 case and this bungalow will be owned by your step-brother. 872 00:45:27,017 --> 00:45:29,476 You and your mother - both of you will beg for alms. 873 00:45:41,142 --> 00:45:43,267 Kaustubh, what are you reading? 874 00:45:43,601 --> 00:45:44,851 It's a copy of the judge's order. 875 00:45:44,976 --> 00:45:46,267 What's written in it? 876 00:45:47,059 --> 00:45:48,892 You're going to be thrown out of your house, Govinda. 877 00:45:49,017 --> 00:45:50,434 - What? - Yes, 878 00:45:50,684 --> 00:45:52,517 they've given Vishnu six months. 879 00:45:52,976 --> 00:45:56,226 If in those six months no one claims the property, 880 00:45:56,485 --> 00:45:57,684 the bungalow will be his. 881 00:45:57,892 --> 00:46:00,142 But, then, our hearing is today, right? 882 00:46:00,267 --> 00:46:01,476 What will we do now? 883 00:46:03,892 --> 00:46:05,351 - Vitthal Sir? - Yes? 884 00:46:05,517 --> 00:46:07,017 Vitthal Sir? 885 00:46:07,976 --> 00:46:09,601 Can anything be done? 886 00:46:10,542 --> 00:46:12,267 Listen, today's session I'll take care of it, 887 00:46:12,387 --> 00:46:13,809 the next one you will have to see, 888 00:46:13,934 --> 00:46:15,267 - It'll cost two lakh rupees. - Two? 889 00:46:15,517 --> 00:46:18,184 Two lakhs? Vitthal sir, isn't it a bit too much? 890 00:46:18,309 --> 00:46:19,476 Alright, it's fine. 891 00:46:19,601 --> 00:46:21,017 At the next hearing you can handover 892 00:46:21,142 --> 00:46:23,809 the keys of your bungalow to your step-brother. 893 00:46:23,934 --> 00:46:25,434 You are here to stay in the bungalow, right? 894 00:46:25,684 --> 00:46:28,226 Where do these misers come from? 895 00:46:28,351 --> 00:46:29,809 I'll arrange the money. 896 00:46:29,934 --> 00:46:30,934 Sure? 897 00:46:31,059 --> 00:46:32,309 You'll handle this matter right? 898 00:46:32,476 --> 00:46:33,726 Yes. 899 00:46:34,476 --> 00:46:35,767 Thank you. 900 00:46:38,517 --> 00:46:39,934 What do you mean "I'll figure"? Where will you get it? 901 00:46:40,059 --> 00:46:41,976 - What are you even saying? - You don't stress now. 902 00:46:42,101 --> 00:46:43,892 Just focus on making the music video. 903 00:46:44,267 --> 00:46:46,017 I'll speak to Dharkar for an advance right now, 904 00:46:46,142 --> 00:46:47,476 we'll see about later. 905 00:46:47,601 --> 00:46:50,559 And listen, we need to gain a lot of sympathy from the judge. 906 00:46:50,934 --> 00:46:54,059 So make a mournful face and let's face the judge 907 00:46:54,184 --> 00:46:57,309 I don't need to make one, it is already like that. 908 00:46:58,267 --> 00:46:59,976 Don't ever give up. 909 00:47:10,726 --> 00:47:12,642 What happened? Why are you so lost? 910 00:47:12,762 --> 00:47:14,184 Gauri has sucked my blood out. 911 00:47:14,309 --> 00:47:15,309 Your wife is crazy. 912 00:47:15,434 --> 00:47:16,726 Since so long I'm asking you to get divorced. 913 00:47:16,851 --> 00:47:17,892 Suku, I'm trying very hard to do that! 914 00:47:18,017 --> 00:47:19,476 Alright, let's forget about all this. 915 00:47:19,601 --> 00:47:21,434 It's our first day of rehearsal with Sandy Sir. 916 00:47:21,559 --> 00:47:23,976 Eat this prasad and let's begin with God's blessings. 917 00:47:24,269 --> 00:47:25,392 It's damn tasty. 918 00:47:28,941 --> 00:47:30,101 Woah. 919 00:49:36,059 --> 00:49:37,559 Govinda, that's so amazing. 920 00:49:37,684 --> 00:49:39,101 Locking and popping is superb. 921 00:49:39,517 --> 00:49:41,351 Suku, you're looking very glamourous. 922 00:49:42,267 --> 00:49:44,267 - Sandy bro. - Sandy sir, superstar. 923 00:49:44,392 --> 00:49:45,601 Sandy is looking so good. 924 00:49:50,684 --> 00:49:51,726 Woah. 925 00:49:51,851 --> 00:49:53,851 Superb, award-winning video! 926 00:49:53,976 --> 00:49:55,809 Be proud, be proud, be proud. 927 00:49:55,976 --> 00:49:58,392 Hey, what is this? 928 00:49:59,976 --> 00:50:01,559 It's the music video. 929 00:50:02,103 --> 00:50:03,559 Where is my son in this video? 930 00:50:03,684 --> 00:50:05,392 Oh, 931 00:50:05,801 --> 00:50:07,035 Please rewind. 932 00:50:09,653 --> 00:50:10,684 - Yes. - Yes. 933 00:50:10,809 --> 00:50:12,684 Sandy sir. Hero material Sandy sir. 934 00:50:12,880 --> 00:50:14,101 Is this how you want me to find my son in the video? 935 00:50:14,226 --> 00:50:15,226 by scrolling through it? 936 00:50:16,851 --> 00:50:18,726 Its looking more like your honeymoon video. 937 00:50:18,851 --> 00:50:19,976 Haha. 938 00:50:20,101 --> 00:50:23,809 No sir, it was actually Sandy Sir's idea, 939 00:50:24,642 --> 00:50:26,351 that he'll perform on some bits and we'll perform on some., 940 00:50:26,476 --> 00:50:28,267 - So altogether it'll be a viral video - Shut the heck up. 941 00:50:28,392 --> 00:50:30,726 - No sir, really, Sandy Sir please tell him. - Shut the hell up. 942 00:50:32,434 --> 00:50:33,892 Where did you find these fraud people? 943 00:50:34,017 --> 00:50:35,767 Sir, please don't call us fraud. 944 00:50:36,309 --> 00:50:37,934 This Sandy Sir used to be high the whole day, 945 00:50:38,309 --> 00:50:39,476 What would we do? 946 00:50:39,601 --> 00:50:41,434 - We had to do it ourselves at the last minute, - Yes. 947 00:50:41,559 --> 00:50:43,684 or else it would've taken two months to shoot the video. 948 00:50:44,684 --> 00:50:46,684 Please pay us and end this conversation. 949 00:50:46,804 --> 00:50:48,226 Yes, please pay up. 950 00:50:48,934 --> 00:50:51,476 Please tell her, I don't speak to women. 951 00:50:52,142 --> 00:50:53,809 Security, throw them out. 952 00:50:54,392 --> 00:50:55,809 I want my full amount back, 953 00:50:55,976 --> 00:50:57,142 - 30 lakh rupees. - Yes? 954 00:50:57,267 --> 00:50:59,976 Or else your bungalow's case will never end. 955 00:51:00,101 --> 00:51:01,684 Hey, one minute, sir this is wrong. 956 00:51:01,804 --> 00:51:04,934 - I need you to pay me. - Sir, this is immoral. 957 00:51:05,059 --> 00:51:08,184 - Sir, I'm in dire need of money. - Hey, one minute, one minute. 958 00:51:08,309 --> 00:51:09,726 - Take him away. - Don't touch me. 959 00:51:09,851 --> 00:51:12,642 - What are these guys doing? - Sir, one minute, you get away. 960 00:51:12,767 --> 00:51:15,476 Sir, sir, Sandy Sir please say something 961 00:51:16,476 --> 00:51:17,767 Why are you pushing me? 962 00:51:18,351 --> 00:51:19,976 Sorry, sorry sorry! 963 00:51:20,226 --> 00:51:22,934 Please leave him. 964 00:51:23,059 --> 00:51:24,726 Stand here quietly, okay? 965 00:51:25,017 --> 00:51:26,934 Or else I'll have to raise my hand, hit them harder. 966 00:51:27,934 --> 00:51:29,601 Suku, oh God! 967 00:51:29,721 --> 00:51:32,101 Ouch! Ouch! 968 00:51:35,059 --> 00:51:36,642 Enough guys! 969 00:51:36,762 --> 00:51:38,809 Come on, get in the car. 970 00:51:49,226 --> 00:51:50,434 Suku, are you okay? 971 00:51:56,934 --> 00:51:58,101 Are you okay? 972 00:51:59,726 --> 00:52:01,059 Hey Suku? 973 00:52:03,767 --> 00:52:04,976 Hey, 974 00:52:17,517 --> 00:52:18,767 Suku, hey Suku, 975 00:52:18,892 --> 00:52:20,184 Two minutes, please wait. 976 00:52:20,309 --> 00:52:21,392 Suku, listen to me. 977 00:52:22,142 --> 00:52:23,601 Suku, what's wrong? 978 00:52:23,976 --> 00:52:25,309 - Please leave me alone. - Suku, please listen to me. 979 00:52:25,434 --> 00:52:26,684 - Please leave me alone. - What do you mean leave? 980 00:52:26,804 --> 00:52:28,309 It means, you and I are done. 981 00:52:28,434 --> 00:52:29,517 Done? 982 00:52:29,642 --> 00:52:31,767 Suku, we love each other, don't we? 983 00:52:31,892 --> 00:52:33,642 I can't wait for you any longer. 984 00:52:34,517 --> 00:52:36,517 I left home and came to Mumbai to become a choreographer, 985 00:52:36,642 --> 00:52:37,976 to earn money. 986 00:52:38,267 --> 00:52:41,392 It's been 8 years, I haven't been able to get out of this rut. 987 00:52:41,517 --> 00:52:43,476 - I know that Suku. - You have no clue. 988 00:52:43,601 --> 00:52:46,226 Actor, choreographer, everyone looks at me in a dirty way, 989 00:52:46,351 --> 00:52:48,351 irrespective I have to smile back at them dutifully. 990 00:52:49,684 --> 00:52:51,017 Now, I want to settle down. 991 00:52:51,142 --> 00:52:52,434 Will you get married to me? 992 00:52:53,476 --> 00:52:55,559 Suku, you know my problem, right? 993 00:52:55,684 --> 00:52:57,184 I know that and I also know 994 00:52:57,309 --> 00:52:59,184 you will never be able to get out of Gauri's web. 995 00:53:00,101 --> 00:53:01,267 Please leave me alone. 996 00:53:01,726 --> 00:53:02,601 What do you mean, leave me alone? 997 00:53:02,726 --> 00:53:04,684 Dont create a ruckus here or I'll call the cops. 998 00:53:04,804 --> 00:53:05,809 No. 999 00:53:07,309 --> 00:53:09,351 You and I are done. 1000 00:53:09,476 --> 00:53:10,851 Suku, hey Suku? 1001 00:53:11,642 --> 00:53:12,851 Suku, listen to me. 1002 00:53:29,142 --> 00:53:31,184 How is it? 1003 00:53:32,351 --> 00:53:34,476 Beautiful. 1004 00:53:38,851 --> 00:53:41,851 It is amazing. 1005 00:53:41,976 --> 00:53:43,476 What are you doing mother? 1006 00:53:43,601 --> 00:53:46,226 She's showing off her new wheelchair. 1007 00:53:47,367 --> 00:53:48,934 - Yes. - It is amazing. 1008 00:53:49,059 --> 00:53:50,809 It's nice, nice. 1009 00:54:04,226 --> 00:54:05,601 Gauri, 1010 00:54:06,601 --> 00:54:07,684 Gauri, 1011 00:54:07,804 --> 00:54:09,017 Gauri. 1012 00:54:09,351 --> 00:54:10,684 Hey Gauri, open the door. 1013 00:54:10,851 --> 00:54:12,142 You aren't allowed to enter. 1014 00:54:12,267 --> 00:54:13,601 I've had enough of you. 1015 00:54:13,809 --> 00:54:15,434 Give me the money, take your divorce or else buzz off. 1016 00:54:15,559 --> 00:54:17,267 Gauri, I urgently need to speak to you about something, open up. 1017 00:54:17,392 --> 00:54:19,017 What is this urgent matter? 1018 00:54:19,142 --> 00:54:20,642 I don't wish to talk to you about anything. 1019 00:54:20,762 --> 00:54:22,017 Do you understand? 1020 00:54:36,267 --> 00:54:39,101 Oh Javed Sir, What a surprise, you're here? 1021 00:54:39,226 --> 00:54:42,017 Gotya, enough of your crap! 1022 00:54:42,184 --> 00:54:43,226 This is my last warning, 1023 00:54:43,351 --> 00:54:45,476 I want my money within the next 24 hours, 1024 00:54:45,684 --> 00:54:48,726 or else I'll shoot you in an encounter. 1025 00:54:49,434 --> 00:54:50,476 Do you understand what I'm saying? 1026 00:54:50,601 --> 00:54:52,184 Yes, get lost!! 1027 00:55:13,684 --> 00:55:16,267 Suku, I'm here, 1028 00:55:16,392 --> 00:55:18,184 near the station to commit suicide. 1029 00:55:18,725 --> 00:55:20,934 I'm requesting you to come and meet me or else I'll hang myself. 1030 00:55:21,517 --> 00:55:22,976 I am sharing the location pin. 1031 00:55:23,101 --> 00:55:24,226 Do come, please. 1032 00:55:25,726 --> 00:55:27,101 Hang yourself. 1033 00:55:27,434 --> 00:55:29,142 Life is just an illusion. 1034 00:55:29,267 --> 00:55:30,851 Hey, buzz off, get away. 1035 00:55:30,976 --> 00:55:32,934 The concept of life and death is non-existent. 1036 00:55:33,059 --> 00:55:35,684 One day this body is going to turn to ashes. 1037 00:55:35,804 --> 00:55:37,851 The soul is eternal. 1038 00:55:37,976 --> 00:55:39,476 Hey, I want to be eternal, get lost...!! 1039 00:55:40,267 --> 00:55:41,684 The soul is eternal. 1040 00:55:41,809 --> 00:55:43,392 Get lost you moron. 1041 00:55:43,851 --> 00:55:46,242 The soul is eternal. 1042 00:55:58,642 --> 00:56:00,976 Holy mother of... 1043 00:56:10,892 --> 00:56:12,434 Hey bud. 1044 00:56:19,017 --> 00:56:23,726 Sandy, hey Sandy, Sandy!! 1045 00:56:53,559 --> 00:56:56,142 Suku, Suku don't disconnect my call, wait don't hang up. 1046 00:56:56,267 --> 00:56:58,392 Suku, I'm so screwed right now. 1047 00:56:58,517 --> 00:56:59,809 Please come here as fast as possible. 1048 00:57:10,434 --> 00:57:11,767 What if Sandy dies? 1049 00:57:12,726 --> 00:57:14,309 Listen, we should leave from here at once. 1050 00:57:15,351 --> 00:57:18,309 I checked his heartbeat, the heart is beating quite fast. 1051 00:57:18,434 --> 00:57:19,809 How the hell did he end up crashing the car? 1052 00:57:19,934 --> 00:57:22,934 How would I know Suku? I came here to commit suicide. 1053 00:57:23,059 --> 00:57:24,934 You loser, you don't have the guts to commit suicide. 1054 00:57:25,059 --> 00:57:26,351 No Suku, seriously. 1055 00:57:27,267 --> 00:57:29,267 Alright, come with me. 1056 00:57:36,351 --> 00:57:39,226 Suku, how much do you think this package might be worth? 1057 00:57:40,726 --> 00:57:42,059 4 to 5 crores. 1058 00:57:42,184 --> 00:57:43,684 Crores? 1059 00:57:48,680 --> 00:57:53,726 Listen Govind, destiny has given us an opportunity to start a new life, 1060 00:57:54,851 --> 00:57:58,476 You give Gauri two crore rupees and get divorced. 1061 00:57:58,601 --> 00:58:00,226 Even if you let go of the bungalow, it's alright. 1062 00:58:01,726 --> 00:58:03,184 In the remaining amount, you, 1063 00:58:03,309 --> 00:58:06,809 mom and I can start a new life in a different city. 1064 00:58:07,601 --> 00:58:09,684 Suku, but who will give us this amount of money? 1065 00:58:09,809 --> 00:58:11,726 Mumbai has a lot of dealers, 1066 00:58:11,846 --> 00:58:13,267 we will surely figure something out. 1067 00:58:15,934 --> 00:58:17,142 Should I take it? 1068 00:58:17,559 --> 00:58:18,559 Yes. 1069 00:58:18,684 --> 00:58:19,851 Keep it inside the bag. 1070 00:58:29,379 --> 00:58:30,809 Hurry up. 1071 00:58:33,517 --> 00:58:35,351 Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. 1072 00:58:36,684 --> 00:58:38,309 Hurry up, do it fast. 1073 00:58:38,809 --> 00:58:40,267 Let's go, leave, leave, leave. 1074 00:58:40,392 --> 00:58:42,267 Let's go. Let's go. I'm coming. 1075 00:59:19,934 --> 00:59:21,101 What happened? Why are you laughing? 1076 00:59:21,226 --> 00:59:23,142 Suku, I'm going to be a free bird. 1077 00:59:23,267 --> 00:59:24,726 This woman has caused me so much of trouble. 1078 00:59:24,851 --> 00:59:27,517 I'm telling you before I get divorced, I'm going to bitch slap her thrice at least. 1079 00:59:27,642 --> 00:59:28,892 - Control yourself. - I'm going to verbally abuse too. 1080 00:59:29,017 --> 00:59:29,976 - You go ahead. - You go inside. 1081 00:59:30,726 --> 00:59:31,851 Gauri! 1082 01:00:01,976 --> 01:00:03,351 Hey, Gauri? 1083 01:00:05,767 --> 01:00:07,476 Gauri? 1084 01:00:09,892 --> 01:00:11,142 What, What happened here? 1085 01:00:11,892 --> 01:00:13,851 Hey Suku, what happened here? 1086 01:00:14,351 --> 01:00:15,601 - Govind. - Gauri? 1087 01:00:15,726 --> 01:00:17,392 - Govind, we should leave at once. - What? 1088 01:00:17,517 --> 01:00:18,767 Let's leave, Govind we'll get trapped in this, let's go. 1089 01:00:18,892 --> 01:00:21,101 - Gauri? - Govind, run, Govind. 1090 01:00:22,684 --> 01:00:24,101 Ohhh, wait, wait, wait, wait!! 1091 01:00:30,601 --> 01:00:32,059 Ouch. 1092 01:00:32,267 --> 01:00:34,851 Hey Gauri, please open the gate. 1093 01:00:35,392 --> 01:00:38,851 I'm guilty of giving the phone-to-phone transfer idea. 1094 01:00:38,976 --> 01:00:40,809 Please let me in. 1095 01:00:41,017 --> 01:00:42,226 Who is this? 1096 01:00:42,934 --> 01:00:45,017 Baldev, Gauri's boyfriend, I had told you about him. 1097 01:00:45,642 --> 01:00:47,601 - What is he doing here? - How would I know? 1098 01:00:47,726 --> 01:00:49,934 Gauri, I'm really sorry, please let me in. 1099 01:00:50,059 --> 01:00:51,684 Please let me in, this is hurting me a lot. 1100 01:00:51,804 --> 01:00:53,226 What the, is he going to pass out here? 1101 01:00:54,267 --> 01:00:55,392 I am not going anywhere. 1102 01:00:55,559 --> 01:00:56,684 Suku, what should we do? 1103 01:00:57,517 --> 01:00:59,101 - Suku, what should we do now? - Shush. 1104 01:00:59,226 --> 01:01:00,726 Let's leave from here, let's leave right now. 1105 01:01:00,846 --> 01:01:01,892 What will we do after going back in? 1106 01:01:02,017 --> 01:01:03,559 Shush. Shush. 1107 01:01:06,226 --> 01:01:07,351 Let's leave. 1108 01:01:07,684 --> 01:01:09,017 That window! 1109 01:01:22,559 --> 01:01:25,726 Govind, you didn't murder her right? 1110 01:01:26,892 --> 01:01:29,184 Do you think I'm a killer? Yes? 1111 01:01:29,476 --> 01:01:31,267 I'm scared of action, that's why I became a dancer, 1112 01:01:31,392 --> 01:01:32,601 or else I'd be an action director just like my father. 1113 01:01:32,726 --> 01:01:33,726 Shut up! 1114 01:01:34,101 --> 01:01:35,017 Please check, 1115 01:01:35,142 --> 01:01:36,309 check if she's dead or alive? 1116 01:01:36,476 --> 01:01:38,267 I won't be able to do that, I'd puke my guts out. 1117 01:01:38,601 --> 01:01:39,809 You, you check, 1118 01:01:40,142 --> 01:01:41,559 Suku, please check, go ahead. 1119 01:02:02,684 --> 01:02:04,601 (Screams) I AM ALIVE !! 1120 01:02:05,476 --> 01:02:07,392 Ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost. 1121 01:02:13,414 --> 01:02:14,934 Govind, I won't be able to do it. 1122 01:02:15,142 --> 01:02:16,184 You check, please go ahead and check. 1123 01:02:16,309 --> 01:02:17,726 - Suku? - You go ahead and check. 1124 01:02:35,726 --> 01:02:38,059 There is no heartbeat Suku. 1125 01:02:40,142 --> 01:02:41,976 Suku, Gauri is dead. 1126 01:02:43,976 --> 01:02:46,517 Suku, we should inform the police right away, 1127 01:02:46,642 --> 01:02:47,851 - let's inform the cops. - Have you lost your mind? 1128 01:02:47,976 --> 01:02:48,851 What? 1129 01:02:48,976 --> 01:02:51,892 There is gun here, we have drugs on us and we're having an affair! 1130 01:02:52,934 --> 01:02:53,767 We both will spend rest of our lives behind bars. 1131 01:02:53,892 --> 01:02:55,101 Suku, I don't want to get jailed. 1132 01:02:55,226 --> 01:02:56,351 - I don't want to be jailed. - Really? 1133 01:02:56,471 --> 01:02:57,684 (sarcastically) I would love to !! 1134 01:03:01,767 --> 01:03:02,976 Listen Govind, 1135 01:03:04,642 --> 01:03:05,684 we need to hide her, 1136 01:03:05,804 --> 01:03:07,309 we need to make Gauri's body disappear. 1137 01:03:07,434 --> 01:03:09,267 Should we just throw her in to the sea? 1138 01:03:09,392 --> 01:03:10,517 No, no!! 1139 01:03:11,267 --> 01:03:12,851 The water will throw it back on the beach. 1140 01:03:13,392 --> 01:03:14,809 We can't take her to the beach. 1141 01:03:16,351 --> 01:03:17,559 Then? 1142 01:03:19,392 --> 01:03:20,851 Hey Suku, 1143 01:03:20,976 --> 01:03:23,767 I'll go dig a grave right out side in the garden, 1144 01:03:23,892 --> 01:03:25,267 we'll bury her right there. 1145 01:03:26,351 --> 01:03:27,934 Here itself? I'm telling you that will the best thing to do. 1146 01:03:28,059 --> 01:03:29,601 You start cleaning up the room, I'll go dig the grave. 1147 01:03:29,726 --> 01:03:31,767 Oh, listen, listen, check if Baldev is still around. 1148 01:03:31,892 --> 01:03:33,226 Baldev, Son of a... 1149 01:03:39,642 --> 01:03:40,726 I think he left. 1150 01:03:40,846 --> 01:03:41,684 - Let's go. - Yep. 1151 01:03:41,804 --> 01:03:42,767 Let's go. 1152 01:03:42,892 --> 01:03:44,226 I'll close this. 1153 01:04:26,226 --> 01:04:27,351 Stop, stop, stop, stop. 1154 01:04:37,684 --> 01:04:39,017 Let's put her in, 1155 01:04:39,184 --> 01:04:40,684 I'll go back up and get the remaining stuff. 1156 01:04:41,184 --> 01:04:42,767 - Go behind. - How will I step behind? 1157 01:04:42,892 --> 01:04:44,267 you will have to get the body slightly in. 1158 01:04:44,392 --> 01:04:46,184 Don't drop, don't drop the body, wait, wait. 1159 01:04:46,392 --> 01:04:47,601 I'll have to let go, I'm letting it go. 1160 01:04:47,726 --> 01:04:49,142 - Don't drop it, wait. - I'll have to let it go. 1161 01:04:49,267 --> 01:04:50,184 But if you let it go, 1162 01:04:50,309 --> 01:04:51,684 holy mother of... 1163 01:05:14,017 --> 01:05:15,142 - Govind. - Yes? 1164 01:05:17,514 --> 01:05:20,351 Listen, you clear all of this and go off to sleep, 1165 01:05:20,840 --> 01:05:22,517 I'll burn all this stuff and head home. 1166 01:05:22,642 --> 01:05:23,767 Go carefully. 1167 01:06:07,123 --> 01:06:08,761 Ah! 1168 01:06:10,392 --> 01:06:11,392 Ah! 1169 01:06:11,559 --> 01:06:13,684 - BANG !! there was an accident - Bang? 1170 01:06:13,964 --> 01:06:15,222 Yet you are alive, 1171 01:06:15,342 --> 01:06:16,765 you aren't a human, 1172 01:06:17,226 --> 01:06:19,517 - you are an alien. - Shut the heck up. 1173 01:06:20,018 --> 01:06:24,101 Jaadoo, Sunlight, sunlight. 1174 01:06:24,221 --> 01:06:26,351 Hey Hey, where is my packet? 1175 01:06:26,642 --> 01:06:27,976 My packet? 1176 01:06:28,314 --> 01:06:29,731 My packet? 1177 01:06:29,851 --> 01:06:31,033 Spaceship. 1178 01:06:31,601 --> 01:06:32,517 My packet? 1179 01:06:32,642 --> 01:06:34,642 Hey, where is the spaceship? The spaceship? 1180 01:06:35,351 --> 01:06:37,976 You tell me where is my packet. 1181 01:06:38,101 --> 01:06:39,934 Your packet is in the ocean, 1182 01:06:40,170 --> 01:06:42,642 - packets, only packets. - hey, shut your mouth. 1183 01:06:42,762 --> 01:06:44,476 Humans have dumped so much plastic, 1184 01:06:44,601 --> 01:06:45,892 so much plastic. 1185 01:06:46,012 --> 01:06:47,476 Please start. 1186 01:06:48,142 --> 01:06:50,351 plastic everywhere. 1187 01:06:50,642 --> 01:06:52,976 Humans have thrown away your packet. 1188 01:06:53,684 --> 01:06:56,101 Your packet is in the ocean. 1189 01:06:56,655 --> 01:06:58,502 [Phone ringing] 1190 01:07:07,642 --> 01:07:08,976 - Hello. - Hello, Govind, 1191 01:07:09,101 --> 01:07:10,392 this is Baldev Chadda here. 1192 01:07:10,726 --> 01:07:11,559 Who Baldev? 1193 01:07:11,684 --> 01:07:13,892 Baldev Chadda, Gauri's Boyfriend, bang bang. 1194 01:07:16,184 --> 01:07:17,476 You moron, why have you called? 1195 01:07:17,601 --> 01:07:19,309 Gauri's ignoring my calls since yesterday. 1196 01:07:19,476 --> 01:07:20,601 You deserve to be ignored. 1197 01:07:20,726 --> 01:07:22,809 You please tell her to forgive me, 1198 01:07:22,934 --> 01:07:24,392 It was by mistake that I gave that online transfer idea. 1199 01:07:24,512 --> 01:07:25,934 No mercy for you. 1200 01:07:26,142 --> 01:07:28,226 And, if you call me back, I'll break your face. 1201 01:07:28,351 --> 01:07:30,601 - Where is Gauri? - She's out of town, cut the call. 1202 01:07:37,913 --> 01:07:39,110 [Doorbell ringing] 1203 01:08:26,184 --> 01:08:29,184 Hi Manju, welcome. 1204 01:08:30,601 --> 01:08:32,934 - Didi, I am here. - She's gone to Pune. 1205 01:08:33,101 --> 01:08:35,642 Pune? She usually tells me before going? 1206 01:08:35,762 --> 01:08:37,184 She must have forgotten, give me your stuff. 1207 01:08:40,559 --> 01:08:41,642 Ah. 1208 01:08:41,762 --> 01:08:44,309 First some tea, not for me, for you, 1209 01:08:44,767 --> 01:08:46,976 You work at four different house-holds, you must be getting tired. 1210 01:08:47,101 --> 01:08:48,142 Go ahead. 1211 01:08:48,684 --> 01:08:49,726 Ah. 1212 01:08:49,846 --> 01:08:52,184 If there is some tea left, then for me, half a cup. 1213 01:09:23,883 --> 01:09:25,991 [Manju calling] 1214 01:09:50,264 --> 01:09:54,305 "The person you are calling is not answering" 1215 01:10:00,892 --> 01:10:02,476 Where is the table? 1216 01:10:04,742 --> 01:10:05,786 - Pune!! - What? 1217 01:10:05,906 --> 01:10:07,351 Yes, Gauri took it with her. 1218 01:10:07,892 --> 01:10:09,017 Why? 1219 01:10:09,684 --> 01:10:13,101 She said that she's going to sell off all the furniture of the house, 1220 01:10:13,226 --> 01:10:15,601 and collect the dowry money from me. 1221 01:10:16,101 --> 01:10:17,476 Is Didi doing okay? 1222 01:10:17,601 --> 01:10:18,809 She isn't picking up my phone too. 1223 01:10:18,934 --> 01:10:20,476 - (SHOCKED) Phone? - Yes. 1224 01:10:21,184 --> 01:10:22,021 She might be asleep, 1225 01:10:22,141 --> 01:10:23,226 Leave that, why are you getting stressed? 1226 01:10:23,351 --> 01:10:24,601 You go continue you work. 1227 01:10:25,601 --> 01:10:26,809 - Tea? - You have it. 1228 01:10:49,510 --> 01:10:50,559 Listen Suku. 1229 01:10:50,684 --> 01:10:51,559 Hello. 1230 01:10:51,684 --> 01:10:53,351 Do you have Gauri's phone with you? 1231 01:10:54,184 --> 01:10:55,976 I completely forgot about her phone. 1232 01:10:56,184 --> 01:10:57,601 Oh damn!! 1233 01:10:58,142 --> 01:10:59,101 What happened? 1234 01:10:59,226 --> 01:11:00,976 This Manju is suspicious of something, 1235 01:11:01,601 --> 01:11:03,137 she was asking about Gauri's whereabouts. 1236 01:11:03,322 --> 01:11:04,351 She even tried calling Gauri. 1237 01:11:04,517 --> 01:11:05,519 It didn't ring here at home. 1238 01:11:05,639 --> 01:11:07,189 Did you bury it with the body? 1239 01:11:07,309 --> 01:11:09,392 I don't know, how should I check now? 1240 01:11:09,934 --> 01:11:11,517 You've kept the drugs safely, right? 1241 01:11:11,642 --> 01:11:12,726 Yes, yes. 1242 01:11:14,184 --> 01:11:15,606 You calm down, I'm on my way. 1243 01:11:15,726 --> 01:11:16,946 Alright. 1244 01:11:23,517 --> 01:11:24,642 Are you out of your mind? 1245 01:11:24,762 --> 01:11:25,955 I'm not going to be his girlfriend. 1246 01:11:26,075 --> 01:11:27,184 He's a married man. 1247 01:11:27,309 --> 01:11:28,426 Relax, 1248 01:11:28,546 --> 01:11:29,804 you have to just act it out. 1249 01:11:30,684 --> 01:11:31,976 He's smitten by you completely, 1250 01:11:32,142 --> 01:11:33,517 you just need to give him some attention. 1251 01:11:33,642 --> 01:11:35,226 Once the bungalow is mine, 1252 01:11:35,351 --> 01:11:39,142 I'll give you one crore in cash and a 3-bedroom apartment in Andheri. 1253 01:11:39,601 --> 01:11:41,601 Then you can break-up with him. 1254 01:11:43,101 --> 01:11:46,809 This is 100 grand, a gift from me. 1255 01:11:46,976 --> 01:11:49,101 The bungalow is on Govind's mother's name? 1256 01:11:49,226 --> 01:11:51,184 Yes, but it is my mother's bungalow, 1257 01:11:51,517 --> 01:11:52,684 She's the first wife. 1258 01:11:53,392 --> 01:11:57,767 His mother wooed my father and got everything on her name. 1259 01:11:58,892 --> 01:12:00,601 That bungalow is going to be mine. 1260 01:12:01,684 --> 01:12:02,726 You tell me? 1261 01:12:03,642 --> 01:12:05,309 You need to give me time to think. 1262 01:12:05,476 --> 01:12:06,517 Alright! 1263 01:12:06,684 --> 01:12:07,726 But remember, 1264 01:12:08,267 --> 01:12:09,934 there are a lot of dancers in Mumbai. 1265 01:12:13,351 --> 01:12:15,726 Vishnu, be truthful, did you kill Gauri? 1266 01:12:15,851 --> 01:12:16,851 I swear, I won't utter a word to anyone. 1267 01:12:16,976 --> 01:12:19,101 Listen, don't talk trash, 1268 01:12:19,226 --> 01:12:20,601 why will I get her murdered? 1269 01:12:20,934 --> 01:12:21,809 You relax right now. 1270 01:12:21,934 --> 01:12:24,184 You take your glares off, what relax, relax? 1271 01:12:24,434 --> 01:12:25,684 How am I supposed to feel relaxed? 1272 01:12:26,142 --> 01:12:28,017 I've buried his wife and come here. 1273 01:12:28,142 --> 01:12:30,309 What did you tell me, in 6 months that bungalow will be yours, 1274 01:12:30,434 --> 01:12:32,559 and you'll give me one crore in cash and a 3-bedroom apartment, right? 1275 01:12:32,684 --> 01:12:34,517 It's been three years I've been romancing that jackass, 1276 01:12:34,642 --> 01:12:35,726 and now this murder. 1277 01:12:36,392 --> 01:12:38,517 If something happens, I'll murder you and then commit suicide, 1278 01:12:38,642 --> 01:12:40,601 - you have no clue what I'm capable of. - Nothing will happen, nothing will happen. 1279 01:12:40,934 --> 01:12:42,476 Why have you picked up Gauri's phone? 1280 01:12:42,601 --> 01:12:43,726 Someone has murdered her, 1281 01:12:44,601 --> 01:12:46,601 I've transferred all the data from her phone, 1282 01:12:46,726 --> 01:12:48,476 any message or details found would be helpful. 1283 01:12:51,892 --> 01:12:53,309 Suku? 1284 01:12:53,976 --> 01:12:55,601 I hope you've not mudered her? 1285 01:12:55,726 --> 01:12:57,892 Yes! And, now I'm going to kill you too. 1286 01:12:58,017 --> 01:12:59,142 Sorry. 1287 01:13:02,434 --> 01:13:03,601 Calm down. 1288 01:13:06,684 --> 01:13:07,809 Who else can kill her? 1289 01:13:09,559 --> 01:13:13,392 *Chanting Prayers* 1290 01:13:33,898 --> 01:13:35,392 Sweets. 1291 01:13:37,601 --> 01:13:39,059 I'm leaving. 1292 01:13:48,892 --> 01:13:49,892 Daddy! 1293 01:13:50,226 --> 01:13:52,309 Daddy! Please forgive me. 1294 01:13:56,226 --> 01:13:57,059 Why are you crying? 1295 01:13:57,179 --> 01:13:59,309 - Dad, please forgive me. - What happened son? 1296 01:13:59,476 --> 01:14:01,559 I took out the large packet of drugs from your locker last night. 1297 01:14:01,684 --> 01:14:02,767 From my locker? 1298 01:14:02,892 --> 01:14:04,101 But, how do you know my password? 1299 01:14:04,226 --> 01:14:05,642 Easy, 2969. 1300 01:14:05,762 --> 01:14:06,851 Correct! How do you know it? 1301 01:14:06,976 --> 01:14:08,392 - 29th is your birthdate. - Correct! 1302 01:14:08,512 --> 01:14:10,101 69 is your favourite position. 1303 01:14:10,226 --> 01:14:12,017 Correct, idiot, that's my birth year. 1304 01:14:12,142 --> 01:14:13,517 You shouldn't keep such an easy password. 1305 01:14:13,642 --> 01:14:15,559 Shouldn't keep? Tell me what happened last night. 1306 01:14:15,684 --> 01:14:17,684 Tell me what happened last night, where is my packet? 1307 01:14:18,226 --> 01:14:20,559 - Hello !! - Mr. Sandeep Dharkar, namaste. 1308 01:14:20,684 --> 01:14:22,851 Six pack sandy, the fame is in the name. 1309 01:14:22,976 --> 01:14:24,309 Listen Sandy, 1310 01:14:24,434 --> 01:14:25,726 I have an offer for you. 1311 01:14:25,851 --> 01:14:27,976 I've got six crore rupees, 1312 01:14:28,101 --> 01:14:29,392 Give me the drugs and take the money. 1313 01:14:29,517 --> 01:14:31,976 You've called the wrong place, I don't have any stuff. 1314 01:14:32,101 --> 01:14:34,267 Why are you lying to me Sandy? 1315 01:14:34,387 --> 01:14:36,476 You know your father's locker is full of stuff. 1316 01:14:36,601 --> 01:14:38,684 For how long are you going to live under his shadow? 1317 01:14:38,809 --> 01:14:40,226 I'll make your filthy rich. 1318 01:14:40,351 --> 01:14:42,559 I'm sharing the location pin, come fast. 1319 01:15:02,601 --> 01:15:03,851 I met with an accident last night. 1320 01:15:03,976 --> 01:15:05,184 Leave the accident, where is my stuff? 1321 01:15:05,309 --> 01:15:07,184 I was unconscious, woke up in the morning. 1322 01:15:07,309 --> 01:15:08,309 - And the stuff... - Stuff... 1323 01:15:08,434 --> 01:15:10,309 Stolen. What, you lost my stuff? I'm going to kill you. 1324 01:15:10,434 --> 01:15:12,226 Dad, I'll die, let go, I'll die. 1325 01:15:13,101 --> 01:15:14,351 Why were you born? 1326 01:15:14,851 --> 01:15:16,601 - Why the hell were you born? - Leave me. 1327 01:15:16,726 --> 01:15:19,017 Why the hell were your born? 1328 01:16:27,601 --> 01:16:29,392 Gauri has been murdered. 1329 01:16:31,059 --> 01:16:33,476 And, you guys have buried the body outside the bungalow. 1330 01:16:35,267 --> 01:16:36,809 Daughter-in-law, my dear daughter-in-law. 1331 01:16:36,934 --> 01:16:39,642 Aunty, stop your drama. 1332 01:16:39,934 --> 01:16:41,434 Yesterday you were abusing her. 1333 01:16:41,559 --> 01:16:44,017 Witch, you witch. 1334 01:16:44,142 --> 01:16:46,517 Shut up! Or else I'll push you too off the staircase and murder you. 1335 01:16:46,642 --> 01:16:47,726 And, hide the body. 1336 01:16:47,846 --> 01:16:48,934 Yours too means? 1337 01:16:49,392 --> 01:16:50,726 Have you murdered Gauri? 1338 01:16:50,846 --> 01:16:51,851 Have you lost your mind? 1339 01:16:52,392 --> 01:16:54,767 Do you think I would've come to pick this old lady up if I'd have killed her? 1340 01:16:54,892 --> 01:16:56,642 Who are you calling an old lady? 1341 01:16:56,762 --> 01:16:58,392 Who are you calling an old lady? 1342 01:16:58,512 --> 01:17:00,142 Shut Up! You're the old lady. 1343 01:17:01,267 --> 01:17:02,309 Let's go there. 1344 01:17:03,892 --> 01:17:05,017 You've written your full name? 1345 01:17:05,184 --> 01:17:06,601 - Alright, I'll check it. - Javed Sir. 1346 01:17:06,976 --> 01:17:08,351 - I am Manju. - Yes, what's the issue? 1347 01:17:08,517 --> 01:17:11,309 I work at this bungalow, Asha Niwas in Khar. 1348 01:17:11,429 --> 01:17:12,601 Govind Waghmare's bungalow? 1349 01:17:12,726 --> 01:17:13,848 It's not his bungalow, 1350 01:17:13,968 --> 01:17:16,642 his step-brother is going to win that case. 1351 01:17:17,101 --> 01:17:20,226 Oh, you know a lot about that case. 1352 01:17:20,517 --> 01:17:22,642 Gauri didi used to consider me a close friend. 1353 01:17:22,767 --> 01:17:24,022 She used share everything with me. 1354 01:17:24,142 --> 01:17:26,976 That Waghmare had destroyed her life. 1355 01:17:27,142 --> 01:17:28,601 He had taken dowry from her. 1356 01:17:28,726 --> 01:17:30,392 She was a sweetheart. 1357 01:17:30,726 --> 01:17:33,101 Why you are stating everything in the past tense? 1358 01:17:33,226 --> 01:17:34,726 Something's wrong? Something has happened to her? 1359 01:17:35,309 --> 01:17:36,892 See this!! While cleaning the house today, 1360 01:17:37,017 --> 01:17:38,601 I found this under the sofa, 1361 01:17:39,142 --> 01:17:40,559 a piece of glass. 1362 01:17:40,684 --> 01:17:43,476 It's part of a center table and it's got blood on it. 1363 01:17:43,601 --> 01:17:45,892 The table and didi both are missing. 1364 01:17:46,101 --> 01:17:49,059 Waghmare told me Didi is in Pune with the table. 1365 01:17:49,392 --> 01:17:52,684 But, I know, he's murdered her. 1366 01:17:52,851 --> 01:17:54,392 Listen, calm down, 1367 01:17:55,851 --> 01:17:57,184 are you the FBI? 1368 01:17:57,309 --> 01:17:59,601 No, but, I've seen all the episodes of CSI. 1369 01:17:59,726 --> 01:18:02,184 Waghmare had once pointed the gun at 1370 01:18:02,309 --> 01:18:04,142 Didi and threatened to kill her. 1371 01:18:06,392 --> 01:18:09,267 - Oh! Didi? - Calm down Manju, 1372 01:18:09,392 --> 01:18:12,726 he doesn't have the guts to shoot me. 1373 01:18:14,809 --> 01:18:17,351 Do you wish to register a complaint? 1374 01:18:17,471 --> 01:18:19,017 No sir, I don't want to get myself involved in this ruckus. 1375 01:18:19,142 --> 01:18:20,267 No, right? So you leave. 1376 01:18:20,392 --> 01:18:22,934 Okay? Share your contact details, I'll see what is to be done. 1377 01:18:23,392 --> 01:18:25,101 - And, listen! - I know sir, 1378 01:18:25,226 --> 01:18:28,184 unless the killer isn't caught I won't leave the city. 1379 01:18:28,351 --> 01:18:30,684 I've seen all the episodes of CSI. 1380 01:18:30,809 --> 01:18:32,059 I'll leave. 1381 01:18:45,892 --> 01:18:47,309 Yes Manju? 1382 01:18:49,934 --> 01:18:52,142 You had asked me to collect information about the case. 1383 01:18:52,267 --> 01:18:53,517 Manju, spit it out. 1384 01:18:53,642 --> 01:18:55,309 Govind's going to share Gopi 1385 01:18:55,434 --> 01:18:57,351 and Asha's wedding pictures at the court. 1386 01:18:57,476 --> 01:18:58,892 They were married? 1387 01:18:59,017 --> 01:19:00,767 No, they are some stills from the film, 1388 01:19:00,976 --> 01:19:02,101 "Maa Ki Maryada". 1389 01:19:03,351 --> 01:19:04,559 Alright, tell me what do you want? 1390 01:19:04,684 --> 01:19:07,517 Didi, one smart TV, I'll watch web shows on it. 1391 01:19:09,476 --> 01:19:10,559 Smart phone, 1392 01:19:11,351 --> 01:19:12,392 watch them on this. 1393 01:19:16,809 --> 01:19:17,767 Why have you called? 1394 01:19:17,892 --> 01:19:20,726 Didi, Govinda has killed Gauri didi. 1395 01:19:21,767 --> 01:19:25,684 I found a broken piece of glass with blood on it, 1396 01:19:25,851 --> 01:19:27,767 I handed it over to the police inspector. 1397 01:19:27,976 --> 01:19:29,101 Which police inspector? 1398 01:19:29,226 --> 01:19:31,101 Our local police inspector, Inspector Javed. 1399 01:19:31,851 --> 01:19:33,309 Manju, why didn't you call me? 1400 01:19:33,434 --> 01:19:34,684 I have called you, right? 1401 01:19:35,309 --> 01:19:36,184 Where are you right now? 1402 01:19:36,309 --> 01:19:37,351 Outside the police station. 1403 01:19:38,267 --> 01:19:39,642 I'll call you back later. 1404 01:19:54,316 --> 01:19:55,726 Why have you planted a flower there? 1405 01:19:56,017 --> 01:19:57,142 As a tribute to her. 1406 01:19:57,267 --> 01:19:59,726 - You seriously a moron Govind!! - Suku? 1407 01:19:59,846 --> 01:20:01,434 Who did you call a moron? 1408 01:20:01,559 --> 01:20:02,684 Keep quiet guys. 1409 01:20:03,434 --> 01:20:05,392 Govinda, I need the truth. 1410 01:20:05,517 --> 01:20:06,476 Have you murdered Gauri? 1411 01:20:06,601 --> 01:20:07,684 Have you lost you mind? 1412 01:20:07,804 --> 01:20:09,309 Ask Suku, I was with her the whole time. 1413 01:20:09,976 --> 01:20:11,309 Is anyone suspicious about all this? 1414 01:20:13,309 --> 01:20:14,142 Manju is. 1415 01:20:14,267 --> 01:20:15,101 Manju... 1416 01:20:15,226 --> 01:20:17,392 What should I do? Gauri's phone is missing. 1417 01:20:17,684 --> 01:20:20,101 I think he's buried the phone with the body. 1418 01:20:21,517 --> 01:20:23,017 Should we dig up and check it out? 1419 01:20:23,142 --> 01:20:24,976 No no, we don't need to dig up or check for anything. 1420 01:20:25,351 --> 01:20:28,118 See, if the phone is buried it'll discharge in sometime. 1421 01:20:28,726 --> 01:20:30,351 Kaustubh, I don't want go behind bars, please. 1422 01:20:30,476 --> 01:20:32,684 Please, save me from this mess, please. 1423 01:20:32,804 --> 01:20:34,267 Let me think, please let me think. 1424 01:20:35,642 --> 01:20:37,226 Oh, Yeah! 1425 01:20:37,726 --> 01:20:39,184 I'll call Vishnu's lawyer and speak to him. 1426 01:20:39,309 --> 01:20:40,309 What will you speak to him about? 1427 01:20:41,226 --> 01:20:42,226 I'll tell him, 1428 01:20:42,559 --> 01:20:44,767 give us two crore rupees and the bungalow is yours. 1429 01:20:44,892 --> 01:20:45,934 - What? - Yes, 1430 01:20:46,101 --> 01:20:48,392 once you have the cash, you three can leave Mumbai for good. 1431 01:20:48,517 --> 01:20:49,726 Wait a minute, wait a minute. 1432 01:20:50,059 --> 01:20:51,934 Two crores aren't enough, Suku, 1433 01:20:52,059 --> 01:20:53,184 - Mom and I, how will we manage in this less money? - Yeah? 1434 01:20:53,309 --> 01:20:54,767 No, not two crores... actually 18. 1435 01:20:54,892 --> 01:20:55,726 What? 1436 01:20:55,851 --> 01:20:57,101 20 lakhs are mine. 1437 01:20:57,976 --> 01:21:01,184 One crore eight lakhs is good enough to start a new life. 1438 01:21:01,309 --> 01:21:02,351 - He's correct. - What do you mean he's correct? 1439 01:21:02,476 --> 01:21:04,184 It's still better than going to jail. 1440 01:21:04,809 --> 01:21:06,476 We will hand over the bungalow to him and leave from here. 1441 01:21:06,601 --> 01:21:07,726 Yeah! 1442 01:21:08,142 --> 01:21:09,976 How can I let go of my mother's bungalow? 1443 01:21:10,101 --> 01:21:11,990 Listen, stop obsession over this bungalow, 1444 01:21:12,110 --> 01:21:14,184 the bungalow has your wife's body burried right outside. 1445 01:21:14,601 --> 01:21:16,101 If you end up staying in this house, 1446 01:21:16,226 --> 01:21:17,726 she's going to haunt you for a lifetime. 1447 01:21:17,846 --> 01:21:19,059 She'll come, sit on your head. 1448 01:21:21,184 --> 01:21:23,101 Guys! Hear me out, 1449 01:21:23,809 --> 01:21:24,726 look at me. 1450 01:21:24,851 --> 01:21:27,976 Everyone from now is going to behave very casual, 1451 01:21:28,267 --> 01:21:29,976 we have to behave as if nothing has happened. 1452 01:21:30,101 --> 01:21:32,017 Act very normal. 1453 01:21:32,142 --> 01:21:34,142 Hahahaha. 1454 01:21:34,267 --> 01:21:37,184 Aunty, you are overacting, you have to act normal. 1455 01:21:37,581 --> 01:21:38,767 Govindya, you leave. 1456 01:21:50,809 --> 01:21:51,976 Where does Manju stay? 1457 01:21:56,849 --> 01:21:58,642 Hey, excuse me Manju? 1458 01:21:59,514 --> 01:22:00,351 Hey!! 1459 01:22:00,476 --> 01:22:01,517 You're Manju right? 1460 01:22:02,642 --> 01:22:03,726 You are Baldev right! 1461 01:22:03,851 --> 01:22:05,184 Yes, how do you know? 1462 01:22:05,309 --> 01:22:08,017 Gauri didi had described you, saying you have a pig's nose, 1463 01:22:08,142 --> 01:22:09,226 like this. 1464 01:22:09,392 --> 01:22:11,101 Excuse me, don't talk crap. 1465 01:22:11,892 --> 01:22:13,184 Where is Gauri? 1466 01:22:14,642 --> 01:22:15,934 Come up, I'll tell you. 1467 01:22:16,184 --> 01:22:17,059 From there? 1468 01:22:17,184 --> 01:22:18,392 From there, upstairs. 1469 01:22:19,267 --> 01:22:21,642 I was so tired yesterday, I slept off very early. 1470 01:22:21,762 --> 01:22:23,434 I slept around 08:00 PM itself. 1471 01:22:24,267 --> 01:22:26,392 Ritu, what even, why do you give me such long dresses? 1472 01:22:26,517 --> 01:22:28,059 How will my steps be seen in this? 1473 01:22:28,184 --> 01:22:29,684 You should give me something short. 1474 01:22:29,804 --> 01:22:31,267 - How are you? - I'm doing good. 1475 01:22:31,392 --> 01:22:33,184 - Everything good at home? - First class. 1476 01:22:33,434 --> 01:22:35,767 Even at my place everything is normal, great actually. 1477 01:22:35,892 --> 01:22:36,976 Please say hi to aunty for me 1478 01:22:40,726 --> 01:22:41,726 Hello. 1479 01:22:42,142 --> 01:22:44,476 Govind A. Waghmare! 1480 01:22:45,171 --> 01:22:46,059 Who is this? 1481 01:22:46,184 --> 01:22:47,517 I am Baldev Chadda speaking, 1482 01:22:47,684 --> 01:22:48,767 Gauri's boyfriend. 1483 01:22:48,892 --> 01:22:50,267 You fool, 1484 01:22:50,392 --> 01:22:52,017 I told you once before not to call me, 1485 01:22:52,142 --> 01:22:53,392 you don't understand that? 1486 01:22:53,517 --> 01:22:54,726 Yeah? Should I wack you? 1487 01:22:54,851 --> 01:22:56,976 Hey, lower your tone buddy. 1488 01:22:57,101 --> 01:22:58,601 Listen, come here to meet me! 1489 01:22:58,726 --> 01:23:00,017 Come there and meet you? 1490 01:23:00,601 --> 01:23:02,476 Are you a some godfather that I'll come meet you? 1491 01:23:02,601 --> 01:23:04,809 Ok tell me then, where's Gauri's dead body? 1492 01:23:06,184 --> 01:23:07,351 Hello? 1493 01:23:07,934 --> 01:23:09,101 Hello? 1494 01:23:10,517 --> 01:23:11,434 Hello. 1495 01:23:11,559 --> 01:23:13,215 Oh now I got your attention? Right? 1496 01:23:13,767 --> 01:23:16,809 Now listen, quietly come and meet me at my office, understood? 1497 01:23:16,934 --> 01:23:18,184 Listen listen Baldev. 1498 01:23:18,309 --> 01:23:19,642 Hello? Hello? 1499 01:23:23,642 --> 01:23:25,059 G-Man, G-Man. 1500 01:23:25,184 --> 01:23:27,309 - Bro, where is my packet? - Which packet? 1501 01:23:27,434 --> 01:23:29,517 - My packet bro. - No, I don't have any packet! 1502 01:23:29,684 --> 01:23:31,184 - Wait. - Bro? 1503 01:23:31,476 --> 01:23:34,059 G-Man, Baby-G why are you running away? 1504 01:23:35,434 --> 01:23:37,476 Oye, Baby-G!! 1505 01:23:37,684 --> 01:23:38,851 Please stop!! 1506 01:23:45,267 --> 01:23:46,476 Shit. 1507 01:23:46,892 --> 01:23:48,142 G-Man. 1508 01:23:52,351 --> 01:23:54,476 It was a mistake, by mistake. 1509 01:23:54,596 --> 01:23:55,809 Leave me, let me go. 1510 01:23:55,934 --> 01:23:58,267 Really sorry, sorry sorry sorry. 1511 01:24:02,226 --> 01:24:03,392 Buzz off. 1512 01:24:04,517 --> 01:24:05,684 What the heck? 1513 01:24:06,559 --> 01:24:07,684 Baby-G. 1514 01:24:08,476 --> 01:24:09,559 Baby-G. 1515 01:24:13,517 --> 01:24:14,976 Oye, I'll throw this at you, stay away from me. 1516 01:24:45,976 --> 01:24:47,392 Hey. 1517 01:24:47,517 --> 01:24:49,934 Bro, bro, where is my packet? 1518 01:24:50,434 --> 01:24:52,101 Packet, packet? bro? 1519 01:24:52,226 --> 01:24:54,184 I don't have any packet. 1520 01:24:54,309 --> 01:24:55,517 I had given you at the rehearsal. 1521 01:24:55,684 --> 01:24:57,476 - Rehearsal? - Rehearsal. 1522 01:25:04,934 --> 01:25:06,476 - Baby-G. - Sandy bro, 1523 01:25:06,601 --> 01:25:08,726 - What is this Sandy Bro? - Keep it, we'll do it one day. 1524 01:25:08,851 --> 01:25:11,059 No no, I don't do all this, I am scared of this. 1525 01:25:11,809 --> 01:25:13,851 Innocence. Alright, keep it for me. 1526 01:25:14,392 --> 01:25:16,351 Oh, but, Sandy sir, this stuff, where did it come from? 1527 01:25:16,476 --> 01:25:18,684 Thank Big-D he has a lot of stuff in his locker. 1528 01:25:19,434 --> 01:25:20,934 - Dad? - Sandy bro... 1529 01:25:21,059 --> 01:25:22,517 - Yo yo yo. - We'll kill it today, 1530 01:25:22,684 --> 01:25:24,017 are you ready? 1531 01:25:24,351 --> 01:25:26,142 - Oh yes! - Yeah! 1532 01:25:26,267 --> 01:25:28,101 - That packet? - That packet! 1533 01:25:29,386 --> 01:25:31,184 That's right here in my bag, give me a minute. 1534 01:25:32,434 --> 01:25:33,851 This, packet. 1535 01:25:34,142 --> 01:25:35,774 Oh mother. 1536 01:25:39,059 --> 01:25:41,020 Bro, why did you run like this? 1537 01:25:45,260 --> 01:25:49,142 Your father got us beaten up very badly that day, you know, 1538 01:25:49,642 --> 01:25:52,101 and, I needed to use the bathroom. 1539 01:25:53,042 --> 01:25:55,267 Oh lord. 1540 01:25:55,444 --> 01:25:57,101 If you wanted to pee so hard, you should've peed on the road. 1541 01:25:57,221 --> 01:25:58,684 No, no brother, 1542 01:25:58,809 --> 01:26:00,517 I am an ardent follower of 'Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan' 1543 01:26:00,684 --> 01:26:02,476 Hashtag patriotic. 1544 01:26:07,226 --> 01:26:10,892 Sandy sir, why are you in need of the packet? 1545 01:26:11,059 --> 01:26:14,059 I mean, Dharkar sir has tonnes of stuff in this locker right. 1546 01:26:14,184 --> 01:26:16,476 Bro, I met with an accident last night. 1547 01:26:16,892 --> 01:26:18,476 Someone stole all the stuff I had in my car. 1548 01:26:19,851 --> 01:26:21,351 What are you saying? 1549 01:26:21,828 --> 01:26:23,059 How much was it worth? 1550 01:26:23,601 --> 01:26:25,726 - Five to six crore bro - (Shocked) 5 to 6 crore? 1551 01:26:26,742 --> 01:26:29,351 This world is too corrupt, yeah? 1552 01:26:29,559 --> 01:26:31,101 It's unsafe to carry drugs in the car also. 1553 01:26:31,226 --> 01:26:33,684 Sad. You take care bud, I'll leave. 1554 01:26:33,976 --> 01:26:35,476 - One love. - One love. 1555 01:26:45,486 --> 01:26:46,851 Take madam's sign on this, 1556 01:26:47,351 --> 01:26:48,684 alright? 1557 01:26:52,434 --> 01:26:53,684 How are you, Baldev? 1558 01:26:54,184 --> 01:26:56,684 Oh, Mr. Bang Bang. 1559 01:26:57,184 --> 01:26:58,851 What's up with you? 1560 01:26:59,434 --> 01:27:00,934 All good, how are you doing? 1561 01:27:01,684 --> 01:27:04,101 Alive, life is uncertain in Mumbai, 1562 01:27:04,601 --> 01:27:05,892 anyone can die at any moment 1563 01:27:06,101 --> 01:27:07,684 - Isn't it right Dhure Madam? - Namaste. 1564 01:27:08,726 --> 01:27:09,809 Yes? 1565 01:27:09,934 --> 01:27:12,642 Can we step aside for a couple of minutes and talk? 1566 01:27:12,762 --> 01:27:16,017 No, I won't go anywhere with you alone, 1567 01:27:16,392 --> 01:27:17,392 what if you murder me? 1568 01:27:17,517 --> 01:27:20,684 Murder, what are you talking about? 1569 01:27:20,804 --> 01:27:22,601 Whose murder, what murder? 1570 01:27:22,721 --> 01:27:23,976 Gauri's murder. 1571 01:27:24,096 --> 01:27:25,309 I know everything. 1572 01:27:25,434 --> 01:27:27,267 - I haven't killed her. - Hey shutup 1573 01:27:27,392 --> 01:27:29,351 Really, someone else has killed her, I don't know who. 1574 01:27:29,684 --> 01:27:31,267 Wait a minute, 1575 01:27:32,434 --> 01:27:33,684 you have killed her. 1576 01:27:33,804 --> 01:27:35,309 You were around her house last night, right? 1577 01:27:35,434 --> 01:27:37,684 You moron, you have murdered her. 1578 01:27:37,804 --> 01:27:39,726 Gauri had taken a life insurance policy worth two crores from me, 1579 01:27:39,851 --> 01:27:41,726 and the nominee is you, you understand? 1580 01:27:42,226 --> 01:27:43,892 Me? Two crores? 1581 01:27:44,726 --> 01:27:47,101 I have no clue about this policy at all. 1582 01:27:47,226 --> 01:27:48,934 Really, I swear on my mother. 1583 01:27:49,059 --> 01:27:50,934 Why are you swearing on your half dead mother? 1584 01:27:52,589 --> 01:27:53,642 Alright, hear me out. 1585 01:27:54,934 --> 01:27:56,642 I won't put you behind bars, understood? 1586 01:27:56,762 --> 01:27:58,892 And yet I can get you the full amount. 1587 01:27:59,601 --> 01:28:00,684 What say? 1588 01:28:03,298 --> 01:28:04,637 How? 1589 01:28:06,892 --> 01:28:08,142 Where's the dead body? 1590 01:28:10,320 --> 01:28:13,196 - I cremated it. - Oh man. 1591 01:28:13,316 --> 01:28:15,059 What? What? We won't get any money now? 1592 01:28:17,059 --> 01:28:18,267 I'll do something about it, 1593 01:28:18,392 --> 01:28:20,809 I'll arrange for the death certificate, inspection form and other documents. 1594 01:28:20,934 --> 01:28:22,184 - Okay? - Listen. 1595 01:28:22,559 --> 01:28:25,351 One crore for you and the other half for me. 1596 01:28:25,471 --> 01:28:27,684 What? 1597 01:28:30,101 --> 01:28:31,601 And, listen to me, you smartass, 1598 01:28:31,809 --> 01:28:33,767 the full amount will be deposited in your account. 1599 01:28:33,892 --> 01:28:35,976 If I don't get my share, I'll report the fake death certificate, 1600 01:28:36,101 --> 01:28:37,142 and put you behind bars. 1601 01:28:37,267 --> 01:28:39,726 Don't stress about it, I won't betray you. 1602 01:28:40,517 --> 01:28:42,684 Alright, done. Alright, you're looking good. 1603 01:28:44,934 --> 01:28:45,767 Listen? 1604 01:28:45,892 --> 01:28:46,809 Yeah? 1605 01:28:46,934 --> 01:28:48,851 Did you ever love Gauri? 1606 01:28:49,156 --> 01:28:50,476 Gauri who? 1607 01:28:53,726 --> 01:28:55,017 What are you doing? 1608 01:28:56,517 --> 01:28:59,726 I'm buying Asha Niwas just for two crore. 1609 01:29:01,309 --> 01:29:02,767 I've taken loan from a good friend, 1610 01:29:03,309 --> 01:29:04,434 against this flat. 1611 01:29:04,559 --> 01:29:05,726 Are you mad or what? 1612 01:29:05,846 --> 01:29:07,184 This is the only property we have left. 1613 01:29:07,392 --> 01:29:08,934 You've sold everything in Chennai as well, 1614 01:29:09,101 --> 01:29:10,142 we already have a liability of twenty crore rupees on our head. 1615 01:29:10,267 --> 01:29:12,059 Ma'am will you relax, 1616 01:29:12,184 --> 01:29:13,892 that guy is a close friend, he's a huge builder, 1617 01:29:14,017 --> 01:29:15,184 there's nothing to worry. 1618 01:29:16,017 --> 01:29:17,309 Once the bungalow is ours, 1619 01:29:17,434 --> 01:29:19,434 we'll be making a deal with the same builder, 1620 01:29:19,726 --> 01:29:21,101 for one fifty crore rupees. 1621 01:29:31,267 --> 01:29:33,726 Don't stress about it mother... I'll handle it. 1622 01:29:33,934 --> 01:29:35,184 Should I call for a cold drink for you? 1623 01:29:35,809 --> 01:29:37,684 Anil, please come in. 1624 01:29:41,267 --> 01:29:43,392 I am repeating this agreement for everyone again. 1625 01:29:43,726 --> 01:29:45,793 Waghmare family has transferred the ownership of 1626 01:29:45,913 --> 01:29:48,309 Asha Niwas to Vishwakarma family. 1627 01:29:48,434 --> 01:29:51,476 Waghmare family, now, has no legal right on this property. 1628 01:29:53,059 --> 01:29:54,517 In due payment, Vishwakarma family is going 1629 01:29:54,684 --> 01:29:57,642 to pay Waghmare family two crores in cash. 1630 01:30:14,934 --> 01:30:16,184 Govind. 1631 01:30:16,447 --> 01:30:18,267 "Govinda" you mean? 1632 01:30:19,892 --> 01:30:21,226 When will you vacate the bungalow? 1633 01:30:22,226 --> 01:30:25,101 - Two days. - Take three!! 1634 01:30:26,590 --> 01:30:28,434 - keep the furniture as well. - I don't want it 1635 01:30:28,559 --> 01:30:33,859 Charulatta, Gopi always said that you are a witch, 1636 01:30:33,979 --> 01:30:37,017 And, you had no idea how to please him too. 1637 01:30:37,142 --> 01:30:40,101 Shut the heck up. 1638 01:30:49,351 --> 01:30:51,267 - Hello. - Dharkar Sir, 1639 01:30:51,601 --> 01:30:52,934 I've got information for you, 1640 01:30:53,059 --> 01:30:55,309 Govinda Waghmare has stolen your stuff. 1641 01:30:55,601 --> 01:30:58,101 - Who are you? - Your well-wisher, 1642 01:30:58,226 --> 01:30:59,476 I hope you don't let him go. 1643 01:31:07,684 --> 01:31:09,134 - Javed - Yes sir. 1644 01:31:09,254 --> 01:31:10,726 Khar west is under your jurisdiction, right? 1645 01:31:10,934 --> 01:31:11,892 Yes. 1646 01:31:12,017 --> 01:31:13,476 Please search Asha Niwas Bungalow. 1647 01:31:13,601 --> 01:31:15,101 Asha Niwas? 1648 01:31:15,226 --> 01:31:16,862 Govind Waghmare's bungalow? 1649 01:31:16,982 --> 01:31:18,851 Correct, arrest him. 1650 01:31:22,267 --> 01:31:26,142 Check this place out, the original police station man. 1651 01:31:27,017 --> 01:31:29,101 G-Man, G-Man, 1652 01:31:29,785 --> 01:31:32,017 Mr. Popping and Locking himself. 1653 01:31:32,142 --> 01:31:33,434 What up G-Su. 1654 01:31:33,559 --> 01:31:35,101 Sandy, what are you doing here? 1655 01:31:35,226 --> 01:31:37,059 - He shot my music video. - Anyways, peace out. 1656 01:31:37,184 --> 01:31:38,351 Javed sir, I am cooperating completely. 1657 01:31:38,476 --> 01:31:39,601 You need tell what have I done? 1658 01:31:39,726 --> 01:31:41,267 - Come on, come. - What? 1659 01:31:41,767 --> 01:31:43,059 Sandy? 1660 01:31:43,642 --> 01:31:45,517 You moron, get aside. 1661 01:31:45,684 --> 01:31:46,642 - Govinda! - Ajit Sir. 1662 01:31:46,762 --> 01:31:47,934 - Govinda!! - Ajit Sir. 1663 01:31:48,101 --> 01:31:49,726 - Where is my stuff? Tell me. - Which stuff? 1664 01:31:49,846 --> 01:31:51,517 - Tell me, which stuff? - Ajit sir, don't raise your hand. 1665 01:31:51,637 --> 01:31:52,684 Don't utter a word right now. 1666 01:31:52,804 --> 01:31:53,767 You are talking to a Sheriff... 1667 01:31:53,892 --> 01:31:55,835 You'd be a Sherriff at your place, not in front of Dharkar. 1668 01:31:55,955 --> 01:31:57,309 Shut up, Shut up. 1669 01:31:57,434 --> 01:31:58,543 Where is my stuff, tell me? 1670 01:31:58,663 --> 01:32:00,267 Sir, I want live in this city... why would I mess with you? 1671 01:32:00,387 --> 01:32:01,392 - Tell me. - I have no clue about any, 1672 01:32:01,517 --> 01:32:03,309 - of the stuff you are talking about. - You have no clue? 1673 01:32:17,642 --> 01:32:19,559 Patil, please check at the back. 1674 01:32:27,185 --> 01:32:27,976 Switch on the light. 1675 01:32:28,101 --> 01:32:29,434 Patil, Shinde, check the rooms. 1676 01:32:29,559 --> 01:32:31,059 Check each and every corner of this house. 1677 01:32:32,239 --> 01:32:33,726 Bhonsle, check the kitchen. 1678 01:32:38,642 --> 01:32:40,434 Check all these cushions too. 1679 01:32:42,726 --> 01:32:44,059 We have to find Dharkar's stuff. 1680 01:32:44,184 --> 01:32:45,392 - Right Sir. - And the gun too. 1681 01:33:05,059 --> 01:33:06,267 Load it. 1682 01:33:07,351 --> 01:33:08,476 Bhonsle. 1683 01:33:09,016 --> 01:33:10,684 Make a list of all the things we've got from there. 1684 01:33:12,767 --> 01:33:13,809 Sir. 1685 01:33:14,392 --> 01:33:15,767 Sir, we didn't find anything at his bungalow. 1686 01:33:16,351 --> 01:33:17,751 Find out who are the other family members. 1687 01:33:17,871 --> 01:33:19,476 - Get all of them, leave. - Sir. 1688 01:33:31,767 --> 01:33:33,809 Don't worry ma'am it is just routine enquiry. 1689 01:33:33,934 --> 01:33:35,017 Come on, take her. 1690 01:33:35,642 --> 01:33:36,976 Where are you taking me? 1691 01:33:37,101 --> 01:33:39,101 Please call Kaustubh, call Kaustubh. 1692 01:33:39,892 --> 01:33:42,142 Kaustubh is on his way from Aurangabad... 1693 01:33:44,892 --> 01:33:46,184 Javed sir, why have you got my mother here? 1694 01:33:46,309 --> 01:33:47,517 Keep quiet Waghmare, 1695 01:33:48,642 --> 01:33:49,851 I'm talking to her. 1696 01:33:50,517 --> 01:33:53,309 Aunty, you don't need to worry, it's just a routine enquiry. 1697 01:33:53,434 --> 01:33:55,476 We'll ask a couple of questions, you answer them. 1698 01:33:55,726 --> 01:33:56,934 Yes? 1699 01:33:57,101 --> 01:33:58,559 Do you know about the drugs? Where are the drugs? 1700 01:34:03,309 --> 01:34:05,851 Mom, aunty please take care of her. 1701 01:34:06,017 --> 01:34:07,184 Really sorry Javed Sir, sorry. 1702 01:34:07,309 --> 01:34:09,142 Please calm down sis. 1703 01:34:10,851 --> 01:34:12,184 What is this? 1704 01:34:12,309 --> 01:34:13,351 Shut up. 1705 01:34:13,476 --> 01:34:15,642 What is all this ruckus Kulkarni? 1706 01:34:15,762 --> 01:34:16,934 What is this old woman going to say? 1707 01:34:17,059 --> 01:34:18,184 Do you wish to get transferred? 1708 01:34:18,309 --> 01:34:20,101 Should I ring the commissioner and speak to him? 1709 01:34:20,226 --> 01:34:21,142 What's this drama? 1710 01:34:21,267 --> 01:34:22,642 Javed, what the hell are you up to? 1711 01:34:22,762 --> 01:34:24,184 Who interrogates someone like her? 1712 01:34:24,304 --> 01:34:25,684 Madam, please take her away. 1713 01:34:26,309 --> 01:34:28,684 - Thank you sir. - Are you someone new in this field? 1714 01:34:28,804 --> 01:34:29,726 Mom, please take care. 1715 01:34:29,846 --> 01:34:31,184 What do you mean, listen to me? 1716 01:34:31,309 --> 01:34:32,434 Javed Sir... 1717 01:34:32,851 --> 01:34:35,267 Javed sir, please don't mind my mother. 1718 01:34:35,392 --> 01:34:37,476 Javed sir, she's a senior citizen, she says things randomly. 1719 01:34:37,601 --> 01:34:38,434 She doesnt mean it. 1720 01:34:38,559 --> 01:34:40,642 Javed sir, Javed sir, Javed sir, 1721 01:34:40,762 --> 01:34:42,351 - Javed sir, no. - Sit down. 1722 01:34:43,517 --> 01:34:45,059 Gotya, quietly tell me where the drugs are. 1723 01:34:45,801 --> 01:34:47,767 This all can end soon if you tell me and I'll get you out of here. 1724 01:34:47,887 --> 01:34:49,226 Javed sir, I am telling you the truth. 1725 01:34:49,351 --> 01:34:50,476 I really don't have any clue. 1726 01:34:50,642 --> 01:34:51,684 Really, I have no clue at all. 1727 01:34:51,804 --> 01:34:53,017 I don't have any drugs with me. 1728 01:34:53,559 --> 01:34:56,101 - Do you think I am a fool? - Javed sir. 1729 01:34:56,226 --> 01:34:58,184 Suku Ma'am, why am I being summoned by the police? 1730 01:34:58,309 --> 01:34:59,434 How am I related to all these things? 1731 01:34:59,559 --> 01:35:00,809 You only went to the cops like a smart ass... Now suffer. 1732 01:35:01,101 --> 01:35:02,601 They are going to call everyone one by one. 1733 01:35:03,184 --> 01:35:04,351 Take your phone out, 1734 01:35:05,601 --> 01:35:07,517 I am sending you a video right now, got it? 1735 01:35:08,601 --> 01:35:10,684 Show this video to Javed, 1736 01:35:11,059 --> 01:35:12,892 and do speak about Gauri's murder. 1737 01:35:13,059 --> 01:35:14,101 Did you get it? 1738 01:35:21,851 --> 01:35:23,226 He's an extremely dangerous man sir. 1739 01:35:23,728 --> 01:35:27,059 Manju, did you see any packet of drugs in the house. 1740 01:35:27,684 --> 01:35:30,511 But, I'm sure that he's murdered his wife Gauri. 1741 01:35:30,631 --> 01:35:32,267 I had given you that piece of glass right? 1742 01:35:32,392 --> 01:35:35,267 Yes, I have sent it to forensic for testing. 1743 01:35:35,392 --> 01:35:36,934 Watch this video sir, 1744 01:35:37,142 --> 01:35:38,684 look at the kind of predator he is. 1745 01:35:38,892 --> 01:35:40,059 Your lying to me? 1746 01:35:40,184 --> 01:35:42,642 Sorry Waghmare sir, sorry. 1747 01:35:43,142 --> 01:35:44,726 Sorry? Yeah. 1748 01:35:46,017 --> 01:35:47,059 - Javed Bhai. - You shut up. 1749 01:35:47,184 --> 01:35:48,476 Your lying to me? 1750 01:35:50,892 --> 01:35:54,351 - What is this? - Sir, it's all a deception, just a deception. 1751 01:36:00,601 --> 01:36:02,392 Oh Waghmare, 1752 01:36:02,512 --> 01:36:07,559 Today I'm going to play a thief and you be a cop. 1753 01:36:10,726 --> 01:36:13,892 I haven't done anything Mr. Waghmare. 1754 01:36:18,601 --> 01:36:21,392 Here comes Inspector Waghmare. 1755 01:36:21,517 --> 01:36:23,392 I haven't stolen anything Waghmare sir. 1756 01:36:23,684 --> 01:36:25,476 - I swear on my mother. - Really? 1757 01:36:27,042 --> 01:36:27,946 No 1758 01:36:28,066 --> 01:36:30,392 Lady, you shouldn't lie to me. 1759 01:36:30,517 --> 01:36:33,101 - Okay? - Listen, hit me harder. 1760 01:36:33,892 --> 01:36:35,726 - Okay? - Hit me harder, Waghmare 1761 01:36:35,851 --> 01:36:38,351 Gauri if I hit you harder you'd get hurt, right? 1762 01:36:38,476 --> 01:36:41,017 It turns me on if you hit me harder, 1763 01:36:41,142 --> 01:36:42,642 now common, hit me harder!! 1764 01:36:44,934 --> 01:36:45,934 Take this! 1765 01:36:46,101 --> 01:36:47,017 Even harder. 1766 01:36:47,142 --> 01:36:48,351 - Take this! - Even harder Waghmare. 1767 01:36:48,476 --> 01:36:49,851 Now, take this. 1768 01:36:50,726 --> 01:36:52,476 Waghmare sir I haven't robbed anything Waghamare sir. 1769 01:36:52,642 --> 01:36:53,892 - Your lying to me? - No 1770 01:36:54,017 --> 01:36:55,309 Take this! Your lying to me? 1771 01:36:55,434 --> 01:36:56,934 - No - Yeah. 1772 01:36:58,726 --> 01:37:00,059 - No Waghmare sir. - Sorry 1773 01:37:00,851 --> 01:37:02,392 Sorry Waghmare sir, sorry. 1774 01:37:03,351 --> 01:37:04,559 Take this! 1775 01:37:04,726 --> 01:37:06,392 Javed sir, she recorded the whole thing, 1776 01:37:06,517 --> 01:37:08,309 she edited the video and made it look like this. 1777 01:37:08,434 --> 01:37:10,767 After seeing this video anyone would think I use to torture her, 1778 01:37:10,892 --> 01:37:12,017 but it isn't like that. 1779 01:37:12,142 --> 01:37:13,809 She was the one blackmailing me, 1780 01:37:14,767 --> 01:37:15,934 (suspicious) She was? 1781 01:37:16,059 --> 01:37:17,726 I mean she still does. 1782 01:37:17,851 --> 01:37:21,184 Yeah, sir, He was the one emotionally blackmailing her. 1783 01:37:21,309 --> 01:37:23,767 He had such a beautiful wife, yet he was having an affair outside. 1784 01:37:23,892 --> 01:37:25,059 - Affair? - Affair? 1785 01:37:25,684 --> 01:37:26,767 With whom? 1786 01:37:31,946 --> 01:37:33,142 What happened sir? 1787 01:37:33,267 --> 01:37:34,267 - Bhonsle. - Sir? 1788 01:37:34,392 --> 01:37:35,434 Do you have a warrant sir? 1789 01:37:35,892 --> 01:37:37,643 Check inside, you want a warrant? 1790 01:37:38,267 --> 01:37:39,726 We'll show you one, stand here quietly, 1791 01:37:40,101 --> 01:37:41,226 give ma'am some security please. 1792 01:37:41,351 --> 01:37:42,392 Despande, check that side. 1793 01:37:42,517 --> 01:37:43,642 Yes sir. 1794 01:37:46,017 --> 01:37:46,892 You go around a lot with Govinda, right? 1795 01:37:47,017 --> 01:37:48,267 Stand straight right here. 1796 01:38:00,476 --> 01:38:02,101 Sir, check this out. 1797 01:38:06,017 --> 01:38:07,851 Sir, I have no clue where this has come from. 1798 01:38:09,976 --> 01:38:11,017 Take her. 1799 01:38:11,309 --> 01:38:12,809 One second, really sir, I'm being framed for this. 1800 01:38:12,934 --> 01:38:13,934 Let's go. 1801 01:38:14,059 --> 01:38:15,434 There has been some misunderstanding, 1802 01:38:15,559 --> 01:38:16,809 please explain you father. Please. 1803 01:38:17,559 --> 01:38:18,635 You moron. 1804 01:38:18,755 --> 01:38:20,059 I am not going to leave this girl... 1805 01:38:20,184 --> 01:38:21,809 she has dared to touch Dharkar's locker, 1806 01:38:21,934 --> 01:38:23,642 - We got the stuff sir, relax. - that's only 250 grams, 1807 01:38:23,762 --> 01:38:24,934 the remaining 750 grams should also be found. 1808 01:38:25,059 --> 01:38:25,980 We are on it sir. 1809 01:38:26,100 --> 01:38:28,101 - I want it back in next 2 days. - Yes, two days sir. 1810 01:38:28,226 --> 01:38:30,142 Or else I'll set all your asses on fire right here. 1811 01:38:30,267 --> 01:38:32,434 Sir, I have no idea where it has come from sir. 1812 01:38:32,642 --> 01:38:33,934 - Sir, it isn't mine. - Bhonsle, make a list, 1813 01:38:34,059 --> 01:38:35,059 I'll tell you what is to be done. 1814 01:38:35,184 --> 01:38:36,142 Please keep quiet for a bit. 1815 01:38:36,267 --> 01:38:37,392 Please don't put me behind bars, someone is framing me. 1816 01:38:37,517 --> 01:38:38,684 Sit down quietly. 1817 01:38:39,476 --> 01:38:40,601 Suku, are you okay? 1818 01:38:41,316 --> 01:38:43,309 Javed sir, she's telling the truth. 1819 01:38:43,517 --> 01:38:44,892 She's innocent, she hasn't done anything. 1820 01:38:45,017 --> 01:38:46,476 Ofcourse you will protect her, 1821 01:38:46,642 --> 01:38:47,779 because you're having an affair with her. 1822 01:38:47,899 --> 01:38:49,184 Sir, he has done everything. 1823 01:38:49,559 --> 01:38:51,434 Sir, I'll tell you each and everything. 1824 01:38:51,559 --> 01:38:52,726 Sir, when Sandy met with an accident, 1825 01:38:52,851 --> 01:38:53,851 - he was right there. - Suku? 1826 01:38:53,976 --> 01:38:55,476 He asked me to come there right away. 1827 01:38:55,642 --> 01:38:57,184 He has all the information about the stuff and the drugs. 1828 01:38:57,309 --> 01:38:58,309 Suku, what are you even saying? 1829 01:38:58,434 --> 01:38:59,851 - I am not framing anyone. - Shut up Waghmare. 1830 01:39:00,684 --> 01:39:02,851 - Sir, he's murdered his wife too. - Suku? 1831 01:39:03,476 --> 01:39:04,892 - Murder? Why are you lying? - Don't act smart, 1832 01:39:05,017 --> 01:39:06,726 - I have proof. - Which murder have I committed? 1833 01:39:06,851 --> 01:39:08,059 - What proof do you have? - Don't act smart. 1834 01:39:08,184 --> 01:39:09,684 How am I being smart? Why are you lying Suku? 1835 01:39:09,809 --> 01:39:12,142 - Sir, he is not letting me talk, sir. - Shut the heck up Waghmare. 1836 01:39:13,226 --> 01:39:15,101 - Yes, speak up. - Sir, when we reached the bungalow, 1837 01:39:15,226 --> 01:39:16,642 his wife was already dead. 1838 01:39:16,809 --> 01:39:19,684 He was the one to tell me, let's bury her body in the garden. 1839 01:39:19,804 --> 01:39:20,642 Sir, you come along with me, 1840 01:39:20,762 --> 01:39:22,559 I know exactly where the body is, I'll show you. 1841 01:39:24,166 --> 01:39:25,809 There on the right, right there, dig right there. 1842 01:39:25,934 --> 01:39:27,059 Dig, dig properly. 1843 01:39:36,726 --> 01:39:38,392 See, right here at the back, dig here. 1844 01:39:48,184 --> 01:39:49,476 Sir, there is nothing right here. 1845 01:39:52,726 --> 01:39:54,309 Where is the body? 1846 01:39:54,434 --> 01:39:55,993 Sir, he had buried it right here. 1847 01:39:56,113 --> 01:39:57,726 What, me? 1848 01:39:57,976 --> 01:40:00,184 Sir I've not killed a rat my whole life... 1849 01:40:00,309 --> 01:40:01,601 how can I harm a human being? 1850 01:40:01,767 --> 01:40:03,392 What the hell are you both up to? 1851 01:40:04,267 --> 01:40:07,309 Sir, I've kept the proof safe... you come with me; I have the proof. 1852 01:40:26,101 --> 01:40:27,642 Check it thoroughly. 1853 01:40:32,017 --> 01:40:33,017 Where is it? 1854 01:40:33,142 --> 01:40:34,726 Sir, it was kept here safely. 1855 01:40:35,267 --> 01:40:36,711 Let me check it myself once. 1856 01:40:36,899 --> 01:40:38,499 - Stand here. - Sir, it was right here. 1857 01:40:39,467 --> 01:40:40,892 What did you hide Suku? 1858 01:40:54,865 --> 01:40:57,309 How are you interrogating him without a lawyer? 1859 01:40:57,726 --> 01:40:58,559 This is illegal. 1860 01:40:58,726 --> 01:40:59,851 When I stick that rod up 1861 01:40:59,976 --> 01:41:01,476 somewhere all the legalities will come out, understood? 1862 01:41:01,596 --> 01:41:04,392 - Sir! - Gauri, his wife, where is she? 1863 01:41:04,517 --> 01:41:06,434 Ex-wife, last week they got divorced. 1864 01:41:06,559 --> 01:41:08,392 Why are you lying, when did they get divorced? 1865 01:41:08,517 --> 01:41:11,684 Suku, I was going to share this good news with you, 1866 01:41:12,023 --> 01:41:13,956 but before that only you've made me the killer. 1867 01:41:14,076 --> 01:41:17,476 You shut up, I'll kill you right here, all this is happening because of you. 1868 01:41:17,601 --> 01:41:18,809 - You tell me the truth. - Let him go. 1869 01:41:18,934 --> 01:41:20,476 Sir, are you seeing the aggression, 1870 01:41:20,601 --> 01:41:22,726 she's trying to attack me in a police station. 1871 01:41:22,851 --> 01:41:24,351 Sir, I absolutely think she is the killer. 1872 01:41:24,476 --> 01:41:25,851 You stop your dramatic act. 1873 01:41:27,101 --> 01:41:31,142 I'm asking you again, where is his ex-wife Gauri? 1874 01:41:31,267 --> 01:41:32,309 I don't know sir. 1875 01:41:32,434 --> 01:41:33,684 Sir, now we've been divorced. 1876 01:41:33,804 --> 01:41:35,017 She's free now and so am I, 1877 01:41:35,142 --> 01:41:36,476 we really don't know where she is. 1878 01:41:37,559 --> 01:41:39,726 Sir, Baldev, Baldev is Gauri's boyfriend, 1879 01:41:39,851 --> 01:41:41,351 he'll surely know where she is. 1880 01:41:41,476 --> 01:41:42,684 Sir, you please call Baldev. 1881 01:41:42,804 --> 01:41:43,814 She's absolutely correct sir, 1882 01:41:43,934 --> 01:41:46,059 Baldev Chadda, Ghatkopar East ZBI insurance, 1883 01:41:46,184 --> 01:41:47,726 he will surely know where Gauri is. 1884 01:41:47,851 --> 01:41:49,017 Thank you Suku. 1885 01:41:49,309 --> 01:41:50,559 Baldev Chadda. 1886 01:41:52,809 --> 01:41:54,351 So, you are Gauri's boyfriend? 1887 01:41:54,476 --> 01:41:56,476 No sir, I'm just an insurance agent, 1888 01:41:56,670 --> 01:41:57,934 sir that phone to phone guy. 1889 01:41:58,059 --> 01:42:02,309 Hey, just answer whatever you have been asked, understood? 1890 01:42:03,392 --> 01:42:04,684 Which insurance had she taken? 1891 01:42:04,804 --> 01:42:05,767 Sir, life insurance. 1892 01:42:05,892 --> 01:42:07,726 - How much was the policy worth? - 10 lakhs sir. 1893 01:42:07,851 --> 01:42:09,309 Hey, don't lie, 1894 01:42:09,434 --> 01:42:10,726 the policy was worth two crores 1895 01:42:10,851 --> 01:42:12,809 and Govinda was the nominee, he had told me. 1896 01:42:12,934 --> 01:42:15,892 Ma'am she had no source of income. 1897 01:42:16,101 --> 01:42:18,476 She wasn't eligible for any policy worth more than 10 lakhs. 1898 01:42:18,601 --> 01:42:20,726 Do you have any information about her death? 1899 01:42:21,357 --> 01:42:22,476 She's dead? 1900 01:42:22,885 --> 01:42:24,726 Accidental death, natural death or foul play? 1901 01:42:24,851 --> 01:42:25,726 You say? 1902 01:42:25,846 --> 01:42:28,476 How would I be able to tell you that sir, that's inspection team's job. 1903 01:42:29,233 --> 01:42:30,476 Where is the body sir? 1904 01:42:30,601 --> 01:42:31,851 There is no body. 1905 01:42:32,078 --> 01:42:33,101 So, who should we be inspecting? 1906 01:42:33,226 --> 01:42:34,726 Please inspect Suku's brains, 1907 01:42:34,940 --> 01:42:35,851 I guess she's lost it. 1908 01:42:35,976 --> 01:42:38,267 Sir, I am telling you, he has murdered her. 1909 01:42:38,392 --> 01:42:40,851 Excuse me, please avoid any kind of false acquisitions 1910 01:42:40,976 --> 01:42:44,226 or else I'll be charging you with false allegation and defamation case. 1911 01:42:44,351 --> 01:42:45,434 Sir, please understand, my client 1912 01:42:45,559 --> 01:42:47,726 Mr. Waghmare has been emotionally very low. 1913 01:42:47,851 --> 01:42:48,976 Six days ago - 1914 01:42:49,101 --> 01:42:51,767 he had to transfer his bungalow to Vishnu his step-brother. 1915 01:42:52,795 --> 01:42:55,684 Yes, sir Vishnu, please call Vishnu, 1916 01:42:55,804 --> 01:42:58,309 Vishnu knows all about the murder. 1917 01:42:58,434 --> 01:43:00,226 Sir, everyone knows about this murder... 1918 01:43:00,351 --> 01:43:01,434 Except the police. 1919 01:43:04,101 --> 01:43:05,392 How sad. 1920 01:43:09,059 --> 01:43:10,642 So, you have purchased Asha Niwas? 1921 01:43:10,762 --> 01:43:12,976 Yes sir, I've bought Asha Niwas. 1922 01:43:13,726 --> 01:43:16,142 Do you know about any murder? 1923 01:43:17,017 --> 01:43:19,642 No sir, we have no idea about any murder. 1924 01:43:19,762 --> 01:43:21,101 Hey, Vishnu, don't lie. 1925 01:43:21,434 --> 01:43:23,476 Sir, he knows about the murder, Vishnu what are you saying? 1926 01:43:23,596 --> 01:43:24,934 - Hey, keep quiet. - Sir he knows about it. 1927 01:43:25,101 --> 01:43:26,226 - Shut her up. - Shush. 1928 01:43:26,351 --> 01:43:27,601 What Shush? 1929 01:43:27,726 --> 01:43:29,517 Alright, if there has been no murder, 1930 01:43:29,684 --> 01:43:30,809 then where is Gauri? 1931 01:43:30,934 --> 01:43:32,226 Where is Gauri? 1932 01:43:32,351 --> 01:43:33,976 Does anyone know where Gauri is? 1933 01:43:34,101 --> 01:43:37,184 Sir he knows it, he has murdered his wife. 1934 01:43:37,476 --> 01:43:39,309 If you have murdered her, tell them. 1935 01:43:39,684 --> 01:43:41,309 What the hell is happening here? 1936 01:43:41,434 --> 01:43:42,559 No one has any clue about the murder, 1937 01:43:42,726 --> 01:43:43,892 there is no body found, Gauri is missing. 1938 01:43:44,017 --> 01:43:44,934 What? 1939 01:43:45,059 --> 01:43:48,184 Sir, I haven't killed her, I don't know. 1940 01:43:48,309 --> 01:43:50,559 I haven't done anything sir, he's the one, he's done it. 1941 01:43:50,726 --> 01:43:53,267 Sir, they are playing with me, I'm the one being framed. 1942 01:43:53,387 --> 01:43:54,726 I have no clue sir. 1943 01:43:54,851 --> 01:43:56,226 I really have no clue. 1944 01:43:56,351 --> 01:43:58,476 I haven't murdered anyone sir. 1945 01:43:58,642 --> 01:44:01,392 I haven't used any of those drugs. 1946 01:44:04,508 --> 01:44:05,767 We didn't find anything sir, 1947 01:44:06,373 --> 01:44:07,726 this Govind seems to be clean. 1948 01:44:08,028 --> 01:44:10,059 Have we found any information about Gauri? 1949 01:44:10,184 --> 01:44:12,101 No sir, we've sent a team to Pune, 1950 01:44:13,060 --> 01:44:14,684 her family resides there, we will get to know something. 1951 01:44:15,101 --> 01:44:17,351 Alright, you leave, get some rest, I'll see what has to be done. 1952 01:44:18,517 --> 01:44:19,642 Fine, sir. 1953 01:44:21,702 --> 01:44:24,476 Tell me, have you really killed your wife? 1954 01:44:25,226 --> 01:44:26,684 Govindya, 1955 01:44:26,809 --> 01:44:28,934 We've got the bail, let's go. 1956 01:44:33,309 --> 01:44:34,934 Sorry we harassed you, 1957 01:44:35,851 --> 01:44:37,055 But, 1958 01:44:37,392 --> 01:44:38,642 please do no got to the press, okay? 1959 01:44:39,184 --> 01:44:42,476 No sir, I respect the work police do a lot sir. 1960 01:44:44,889 --> 01:44:47,862 Can I meet Suku for a couple of minutes before I leave? 1961 01:44:49,767 --> 01:44:50,934 Thank you sir. 1962 01:44:51,059 --> 01:44:52,226 Thank you sir. 1963 01:45:05,017 --> 01:45:06,184 Suku? 1964 01:45:09,004 --> 01:45:10,382 Suku? 1965 01:45:12,809 --> 01:45:14,142 How are you doing Suku? 1966 01:45:16,267 --> 01:45:17,309 Why did you frame me? 1967 01:45:17,434 --> 01:45:18,767 I've come to save you right now. 1968 01:45:21,601 --> 01:45:25,017 Ask the commissioner to do a test of the drug packet found at your place. 1969 01:45:25,267 --> 01:45:27,101 And, raid Javed's house. 1970 01:45:27,417 --> 01:45:28,726 Yes? 1971 01:45:32,142 --> 01:45:33,309 Bye Suku. 1972 01:45:36,428 --> 01:45:40,059 Madam can you please call the commissioner for a couple of minutes, 1973 01:45:40,253 --> 01:45:42,017 I want to have a word with the commissioner for a couple of minutes. 1974 01:45:42,142 --> 01:45:43,767 - Bhonsle! Court has sanctioned the order, - Sir? 1975 01:45:43,892 --> 01:45:45,726 we have to raid Javed's house. 1976 01:45:46,101 --> 01:45:49,017 Arrest Dharkar too, he was trying to teach me a lesson. 1977 01:45:49,476 --> 01:45:51,434 He sure has drugs stocked at his house, 1978 01:45:51,559 --> 01:45:52,767 we can surely nab him, 1979 01:45:52,892 --> 01:45:53,892 - leave right away! - Right sir. 1980 01:45:54,017 --> 01:45:57,309 Bhonsle! You better behave yourself! 1981 01:45:57,434 --> 01:45:58,309 Did you find anything? 1982 01:45:58,476 --> 01:45:59,392 You've found anything? 1983 01:45:59,517 --> 01:46:00,309 Get out, 1984 01:46:00,434 --> 01:46:02,476 security kick these cops out right away. 1985 01:46:02,892 --> 01:46:05,684 I'll show you what Ajit Dharkar is capable of now. 1986 01:46:05,804 --> 01:46:07,267 I'm called Dharkar. 1987 01:46:08,476 --> 01:46:10,601 Woah, intense. 1988 01:46:12,142 --> 01:46:17,601 AJIT, your Baby G got your C. 1989 01:46:23,335 --> 01:46:24,559 Is he yours? 1990 01:46:24,684 --> 01:46:25,892 Sir, this one is yours. 1991 01:46:27,601 --> 01:46:28,684 - Let's go. - Let's go. 1992 01:46:28,804 --> 01:46:30,017 Medicine. 1993 01:46:30,142 --> 01:46:31,892 Let's go, no medicine, come on. 1994 01:46:32,017 --> 01:46:33,142 Go there and die. 1995 01:46:56,767 --> 01:47:00,434 Why were the drugs and gun found at your place? 1996 01:47:01,059 --> 01:47:03,184 Sir, that girl, Suku, she's framing me, 1997 01:47:03,392 --> 01:47:05,851 she got herself trapped in the drugs scandal, now she's framing me. 1998 01:47:05,976 --> 01:47:07,726 You are the one framing her. 1999 01:47:07,892 --> 01:47:08,976 The drugs packet found at her 2000 01:47:09,101 --> 01:47:11,726 place had a mixture of inositol and baby powder, 2001 01:47:11,851 --> 01:47:14,892 which is used as a film prop, it wasn't cocaine. 2002 01:47:15,226 --> 01:47:16,726 This stuff was recovered from your house. 2003 01:47:16,851 --> 01:47:18,851 You work for Ajit Dharkar, right? 2004 01:47:18,976 --> 01:47:20,267 No Sir, what are you even talking about. 2005 01:47:20,767 --> 01:47:21,767 Sir? 2006 01:47:24,392 --> 01:47:25,767 Ma'am, my phone. 2007 01:47:34,461 --> 01:47:36,548 [Suku dialing] 2008 01:47:38,292 --> 01:47:41,703 "The number you're calling does not exist." 2009 01:47:42,129 --> 01:47:45,130 "Please check the number you are calling" 2010 01:47:56,968 --> 01:48:00,331 "The number you're calling does not exist." 2011 01:48:00,777 --> 01:48:03,461 "Please check the number you are calling" 2012 01:48:17,851 --> 01:48:19,392 Coming, wait, whose there? 2013 01:48:19,767 --> 01:48:21,934 Ashadevi Waghmare family, where are they? 2014 01:48:22,059 --> 01:48:23,434 Did they mention where they were going? 2015 01:48:23,767 --> 01:48:25,101 No, I have no clue, 2016 01:48:25,226 --> 01:48:26,392 they didn't say anything. 2017 01:48:27,226 --> 01:48:29,726 No, they were leaving for somewhere but they didn't say anything. 2018 01:48:38,059 --> 01:48:39,218 Vishnu, 2019 01:48:39,338 --> 01:48:40,226 Vishnu. 2020 01:48:40,351 --> 01:48:42,309 Why did you lie to the cops? 2021 01:48:43,309 --> 01:48:47,101 We got the bungalow... dead body is missing so, 2022 01:48:47,226 --> 01:48:48,559 why create problems for ourselves. 2023 01:48:48,684 --> 01:48:50,226 He's murdered her, 2024 01:48:50,559 --> 01:48:52,101 I'm just returning from his house, 2025 01:48:52,226 --> 01:48:53,976 they all are missing. His mother, aunt, Kaustubh, 2026 01:48:54,101 --> 01:48:55,142 everyone's missing. 2027 01:48:55,267 --> 01:48:57,101 Do you have proof of it? 2028 01:48:57,767 --> 01:48:58,726 No, right? 2029 01:48:58,851 --> 01:49:00,684 Let it go, our work is done here. 2030 01:49:00,809 --> 01:49:02,726 If they are missing, let them be missing. 2031 01:49:03,521 --> 01:49:07,059 I've been putting up an act for the last three years Vishnu, 2032 01:49:07,517 --> 01:49:09,267 you won't betray me right? 2033 01:49:09,387 --> 01:49:11,017 You'll give me the flat and the money, right? 2034 01:49:11,142 --> 01:49:14,101 I will surely give you, don't be scared, mother's promise. 2035 01:49:14,226 --> 01:49:18,226 I'll give you one crore rupees and a 3-bedroom flat in Andheri, 2036 01:49:18,753 --> 01:49:20,809 I have a huge deal with a builder. 2037 01:49:20,934 --> 01:49:23,392 Have a seat, have a couple of drinks 2038 01:49:24,434 --> 01:49:26,601 Listen Suku. 2039 01:49:27,101 --> 01:49:30,434 Head home, have a couple of drinks and pass out peacefully. 2040 01:49:30,559 --> 01:49:32,642 And, if you don't have booze on you, take some imported stuff from here 2041 01:50:12,309 --> 01:50:14,267 - Finish all the remaining formalities. - Excuse me sir! 2042 01:50:14,517 --> 01:50:16,642 This is a non-disputed residential property, 2043 01:50:16,762 --> 01:50:18,101 we've got official paperwork. 2044 01:50:18,226 --> 01:50:20,851 The legal owner Mr. Vishnu Vishwakarma is right here, 2045 01:50:20,976 --> 01:50:22,476 why are you sealing the property sir? 2046 01:50:22,934 --> 01:50:25,142 Bidye, an officer from the town planning 2047 01:50:25,267 --> 01:50:27,934 commission raised a case against this property. 2048 01:50:28,684 --> 01:50:32,934 In 1988 this property was illegally sold to some Gopi Vishwakarma, 2049 01:50:33,392 --> 01:50:35,934 he had bribed the planning commissioned officer at that time. 2050 01:50:36,412 --> 01:50:37,934 But, this is a school land 2051 01:50:38,309 --> 01:50:40,684 and high court has handed over this piece of land to the BMC. 2052 01:50:40,976 --> 01:50:42,767 And, only a school can built on this property now. 2053 01:50:42,892 --> 01:50:44,809 All the family members of Gopi Vishwakarma 2054 01:50:44,934 --> 01:50:46,684 have been notified about the same. 2055 01:50:46,809 --> 01:50:48,101 Is that clear? 2056 01:50:48,226 --> 01:50:50,476 Cleaning the letterbox is not a part of my job. 2057 01:50:52,517 --> 01:50:55,142 This letter had come, check it. 2058 01:50:58,226 --> 01:50:59,684 Have a look, 2059 01:50:59,976 --> 01:51:01,101 this is the original plan, 2060 01:51:01,226 --> 01:51:03,101 this land is a part of the reservation quota 2061 01:51:03,226 --> 01:51:04,726 for an education institute. 2062 01:51:04,851 --> 01:51:06,434 But we have original paperwork. 2063 01:51:06,559 --> 01:51:09,059 You are the second party who have the original paperwork. 2064 01:51:09,642 --> 01:51:10,726 Who else had come? 2065 01:51:10,851 --> 01:51:12,601 Sir, this is the original paperwork I have. 2066 01:51:13,059 --> 01:51:15,392 I had also explained them the same thing that the papers are fake. 2067 01:51:15,517 --> 01:51:16,851 Because the town planning 2068 01:51:16,976 --> 01:51:19,726 commissioner at that time had taken a bribe to change the plan. 2069 01:51:19,846 --> 01:51:22,184 - Yes! - His junior officer had filed a P.I.L. 2070 01:51:22,309 --> 01:51:25,184 Public Interest Litigation on the senior. 2071 01:51:25,351 --> 01:51:28,434 After 30 years, last month the officer won that case. 2072 01:51:28,559 --> 01:51:31,142 Now this piece of land is with the corporation. 2073 01:51:31,392 --> 01:51:35,142 Asha Niwas never belonged to Gopi Vishwakarma at all. 2074 01:51:35,559 --> 01:51:36,684 Understood? 2075 01:51:44,184 --> 01:51:45,684 Baldev? 2076 01:51:45,804 --> 01:51:46,684 Baldev Chadda? 2077 01:51:46,804 --> 01:51:47,726 - Excuse me! - Yes? 2078 01:51:47,851 --> 01:51:49,059 Where does Baldev Chadda sit? 2079 01:51:49,184 --> 01:51:50,684 He left Mumbai sometime back! 2080 01:51:51,142 --> 01:51:52,684 Left Mumbai? 2081 01:51:52,804 --> 01:51:54,851 Yes! He won a lottery worth a crore rupees. 2082 01:52:41,476 --> 01:52:44,142 Should we go out to eat post pack-up? 2083 01:52:44,392 --> 01:52:46,559 Yes we'll go, it was a very hectic day! 2084 01:52:47,434 --> 01:52:49,851 How much time more? I want to leave. 2085 01:52:49,976 --> 01:52:51,976 More half an hour to go. 2086 01:52:52,267 --> 01:52:53,226 Chinese? 2087 01:52:53,392 --> 01:52:55,184 Yes, let's go post pack-up. 2088 01:52:55,309 --> 01:52:59,726 Yes, I think in another 5 to 10 minutes we'll leave. 2089 01:53:03,059 --> 01:53:05,101 Why are you leaning back? What? 2090 01:53:05,226 --> 01:53:06,934 - I'm trying my level best Anand Sir. - Yes? 2091 01:53:07,059 --> 01:53:09,017 We've also appealed at the High Court. 2092 01:53:09,142 --> 01:53:11,309 - Bidye, please tell him. - Don't drag Bidye in all this mess. 2093 01:53:11,601 --> 01:53:14,101 I want all my money within a week with the interest. 2094 01:53:14,226 --> 01:53:15,309 Son, we are trying are best. 2095 01:53:15,429 --> 01:53:17,934 What Son? I'm not your son, sit back quietly. 2096 01:53:18,434 --> 01:53:21,142 Why don't you keep my orange SUV, 2097 01:53:21,334 --> 01:53:23,101 it's a big vehicle. 2098 01:53:23,360 --> 01:53:24,684 Do I look like some beggar? 2099 01:53:24,804 --> 01:53:25,976 Do I look like some beggar? 2100 01:53:26,101 --> 01:53:26,976 Sorry, sorry. 2101 01:53:27,101 --> 01:53:28,601 I drive an S-class okay. 2102 01:53:31,976 --> 01:53:33,101 Pick up. 2103 01:53:37,767 --> 01:53:38,976 Hello, 2104 01:53:41,267 --> 01:53:42,434 hello. 2105 01:54:30,842 --> 01:54:32,226 You also got a call? 2106 01:54:32,559 --> 01:54:34,892 Yes, sent me flight tickets too. 2107 01:54:35,767 --> 01:54:37,934 He told me he's got some information about Govinda. 2108 01:54:38,226 --> 01:54:39,642 But who called? 2109 01:54:39,762 --> 01:54:41,101 I don't know. 2110 01:55:14,767 --> 01:55:17,226 Oh, 2111 01:55:20,184 --> 01:55:21,767 Hello, 2112 01:55:21,892 --> 01:55:23,934 oh, thank you, 2113 01:55:25,726 --> 01:55:27,059 Holy mother, 2114 01:55:28,976 --> 01:55:30,282 Vishnu brother? 2115 01:55:32,767 --> 01:55:34,142 No Violence Vishnu brother 2116 01:55:35,392 --> 01:55:36,726 sit down and have some juice. 2117 01:55:38,531 --> 01:55:39,684 Please have a seat, 2118 01:55:40,226 --> 01:55:41,017 Mr. Lowalowa? 2119 01:55:41,142 --> 01:55:42,101 Juice! 2120 01:55:43,726 --> 01:55:45,726 Pinacolada, it's really nice. 2121 01:55:47,309 --> 01:55:48,309 Thank you. 2122 01:55:50,226 --> 01:55:51,601 How are you Suku? 2123 01:55:52,184 --> 01:55:53,601 Elder Mom, Everything good in life? 2124 01:55:54,017 --> 01:55:55,892 How was the flight? Comfortable? 2125 01:55:56,017 --> 01:55:57,142 Did you get the window seat? 2126 01:55:57,267 --> 01:55:58,726 You were the one who called us. 2127 01:55:58,851 --> 01:55:59,976 I was the one who called. 2128 01:56:00,517 --> 01:56:02,767 You guys must have had so many questions, 2129 01:56:03,226 --> 01:56:04,976 I thought I'm liable to answer all of them. 2130 01:56:05,434 --> 01:56:06,684 So, once upon a time, 2131 01:56:06,804 --> 01:56:08,809 when Gopi Vishwakarma and Asha Waghmare's 2132 01:56:09,226 --> 01:56:12,142 wedding film scene's word got exposed at the court, 2133 01:56:12,476 --> 01:56:14,976 I knew right at that point that the snitch was in the house. 2134 01:56:17,767 --> 01:56:20,267 My first suspicion went on Manju, 2135 01:56:20,892 --> 01:56:23,101 so, I started following her. 2136 01:56:25,226 --> 01:56:28,642 There I saw her with you Suku, 2137 01:56:28,976 --> 01:56:30,559 You were bribing her. 2138 01:56:31,226 --> 01:56:33,101 I lost my senses at that moment, 2139 01:56:33,226 --> 01:56:34,517 I was in shock. 2140 01:56:35,267 --> 01:56:37,017 I thought you were really in love with me. 2141 01:56:37,142 --> 01:56:38,809 So, then I started following you. 2142 01:56:40,142 --> 01:56:42,434 I was feeling very guilty 2143 01:56:42,559 --> 01:56:43,892 and extremely bad. 2144 01:56:44,642 --> 01:56:46,642 Then I saw you with Vishnu, 2145 01:56:47,184 --> 01:56:48,726 it really broke my heart. 2146 01:56:49,101 --> 01:56:50,684 I cried my eyes out on that day. 2147 01:56:50,804 --> 01:56:53,101 I was genuinely in love with you 2148 01:56:53,559 --> 01:56:54,934 but you cheated on me. 2149 01:57:03,476 --> 01:57:06,522 I had told you about my scuba diving session. 2150 01:57:06,642 --> 01:57:08,226 - What diving? - Scuba diving. 2151 01:57:11,976 --> 01:57:14,392 The first time Charu mummy and Vishnu visited the bungalow, 2152 01:57:14,642 --> 01:57:15,892 right at that moment my mother knew 2153 01:57:16,017 --> 01:57:17,559 that the bungalow is going to go away. 2154 01:57:18,017 --> 01:57:20,184 She started putting up the paralysis act from that moment onwards. 2155 01:57:20,684 --> 01:57:21,809 Mother! 2156 01:57:21,934 --> 01:57:24,559 Oh wow, How are you witch? 2157 01:57:24,684 --> 01:57:26,184 Oh we have two of them here. 2158 01:57:30,101 --> 01:57:32,851 Suku you asked me, why did I remove my mother from the bungalow. 2159 01:57:32,976 --> 01:57:35,226 This was the reason, so that no one is suspicious of her. 2160 01:57:35,851 --> 01:57:38,101 My life was messed up from all 4 sides. 2161 01:57:38,338 --> 01:57:39,854 and I knew that the BMC 2162 01:57:39,974 --> 01:57:41,726 was going to take over the bungalow 2163 01:57:41,976 --> 01:57:44,184 and I had Dharkar threatening me all the time. 2164 01:57:44,892 --> 01:57:47,434 I had to do something about all this. 2165 01:57:48,059 --> 01:57:49,601 - Mother! - Yes. 2166 01:57:49,976 --> 01:57:51,142 Let's go. 2167 01:57:52,559 --> 01:57:54,976 Then I had a killer idea. 2168 01:57:55,309 --> 01:57:56,892 Mother, it's time to stand up! 2169 01:57:59,892 --> 01:58:01,851 We took the idea to Kaustubh, 2170 01:58:01,976 --> 01:58:03,601 He almost had a heart attack. 2171 01:58:03,726 --> 01:58:05,101 - Kaustubh, we're sorry. - Kaustubh? 2172 01:58:05,267 --> 01:58:06,101 Kaustubh, really sorry. 2173 01:58:06,226 --> 01:58:07,809 After that we immediately left for the bungalow. 2174 01:58:07,934 --> 01:58:09,434 To murder Gauri? 2175 01:58:09,976 --> 01:58:11,101 Correct! 2176 01:58:13,101 --> 01:58:14,809 To murder me. 2177 01:58:15,726 --> 01:58:17,564 Gauri, open the door, I want to have a word urgently. 2178 01:58:17,684 --> 01:58:19,184 What is so urgent? 2179 01:58:19,309 --> 01:58:21,434 I don't wish to speak to you at all. 2180 01:58:23,892 --> 01:58:25,101 Dear, listen to me, 2181 01:58:25,309 --> 01:58:26,309 please! 2182 01:58:28,559 --> 01:58:29,976 Listen. 2183 01:58:30,096 --> 01:58:32,101 BMC is going to takeover the bungalow. 2184 01:58:32,226 --> 01:58:34,767 We won't be getting a single penny, everything is going to end. 2185 01:58:34,892 --> 01:58:37,476 Gauri, I think I have one last chance, I wish to give it a shot. 2186 01:58:37,601 --> 01:58:39,354 If that shot hits on target then I'm telling you, 2187 01:58:39,474 --> 01:58:40,851 we all will be completely sorted. 2188 01:58:41,476 --> 01:58:42,642 Then, you can have your divorce too. 2189 01:58:42,762 --> 01:58:44,562 You are in a hurry to get divorced? 2190 01:58:44,682 --> 01:58:45,976 Me? You also are in a hurry, aren't you? 2191 01:58:46,601 --> 01:58:47,892 You also have a boyfriend, that Ballu. 2192 01:58:48,017 --> 01:58:49,146 He's not my boyfriend, 2193 01:58:49,266 --> 01:58:52,934 I had taken a life insurance policy worth two crore from him, 2194 01:58:53,267 --> 01:58:54,892 and you are the nominee. 2195 01:58:55,142 --> 01:58:56,559 - Me? - Absolutely, 2196 01:58:56,684 --> 01:58:58,146 I thought if something happens to me, 2197 01:58:58,266 --> 01:59:02,851 you'd be able to take care of this drama queen of a mother-in-law. 2198 01:59:03,684 --> 01:59:04,934 But she's absolutely fit. 2199 01:59:05,059 --> 01:59:06,892 - Daughter, I knew from the start... - Mom, now stop all this, 2200 01:59:08,025 --> 01:59:09,101 Don't act now! 2201 01:59:11,900 --> 01:59:15,184 Tell me what's your plan? 2202 01:59:15,309 --> 01:59:17,184 Mr. Sandeep Dharkar, namaste. 2203 01:59:17,309 --> 01:59:20,184 Six pack Sandy, the fame is in the name. 2204 01:59:20,309 --> 01:59:24,101 Hey Sandy, I'm sharing the location pin, come fast. 2205 01:59:24,226 --> 01:59:25,726 I was waiting for him right there, 2206 01:59:25,851 --> 01:59:28,017 I thought I'll make him unconscious and then steal the stuff 2207 01:59:28,809 --> 01:59:31,101 But Sandy sir made my life simpler. 2208 01:59:31,684 --> 01:59:33,851 I saw the stuff and called you. 2209 01:59:34,101 --> 01:59:36,101 And before that he called me. 2210 01:59:36,226 --> 01:59:38,059 Yes, yes. 2211 01:59:39,226 --> 01:59:41,101 Done with your time pass, let's setup. 2212 01:59:41,226 --> 01:59:43,517 We setup everything up as soon as possible. 2213 01:59:43,642 --> 01:59:45,101 And, I was dead 2214 01:59:46,559 --> 01:59:50,559 And, the moment you left Govya took me out and gave be the stuff. 2215 01:59:50,726 --> 01:59:51,892 Oh mother. 2216 01:59:52,017 --> 01:59:53,642 Why didn't you hold on to me? 2217 01:59:53,762 --> 01:59:55,142 What if I'd be dead for real? 2218 01:59:55,267 --> 01:59:57,476 Take care of this, now leave at once, right away. 2219 01:59:58,976 --> 02:00:03,184 I mixed inositol and baby powder to make some fake stuff 2220 02:00:03,309 --> 02:00:04,976 and filled it up in Sandy's packet. 2221 02:00:05,101 --> 02:00:06,976 And my mother's paralysis act also helped us. 2222 02:00:07,101 --> 02:00:08,351 Yes! 2223 02:00:09,892 --> 02:00:11,642 While you were hiding the proof, 2224 02:00:12,017 --> 02:00:14,226 mother was following you, 2225 02:00:15,142 --> 02:00:16,642 The moment you left from the place, 2226 02:00:16,892 --> 02:00:19,309 mother entered and the proof disappeared. 2227 02:00:19,476 --> 02:00:21,851 Suku's duplicate house keys, you keep it with you. 2228 02:00:21,976 --> 02:00:23,226 Okay! 2229 02:00:24,309 --> 02:00:26,809 Mother reached your house with the keys, 2230 02:00:26,934 --> 02:00:29,559 she opened the drawer, the stuff was in. 2231 02:00:29,684 --> 02:00:32,142 Police personnel opened the drawer, the stuff was out. 2232 02:00:33,684 --> 02:00:37,101 There is a lot of work and you are slightly elderly too. 2233 02:00:37,392 --> 02:00:39,434 I won't be able to give more than fifteen hundred bucks. 2234 02:00:39,559 --> 02:00:42,101 I won't be able manage in that much money. 2235 02:00:43,267 --> 02:00:44,601 Can you get me some water? 2236 02:00:44,721 --> 02:00:46,142 I've become old. 2237 02:00:46,553 --> 02:00:48,184 Yes, I'll get it. 2238 02:00:49,476 --> 02:00:52,976 There was only one danger left now, Javed sir. 2239 02:00:53,392 --> 02:00:56,851 I knew that he had whopped me so bad for the gun, 2240 02:00:56,976 --> 02:00:58,892 for the drugs he would have killed me. 2241 02:00:59,512 --> 02:01:01,267 Mother sorted that out too. 2242 02:01:07,017 --> 02:01:08,642 How did you frame Dharkar and Sandy? 2243 02:01:08,762 --> 02:01:10,101 Sold their own stuff to them. 2244 02:01:11,101 --> 02:01:15,976 Sandeep Dharkar, I've found your stuff, total of 750 grams. 2245 02:01:16,392 --> 02:01:18,726 Get me five crore rupees and you can have it. 2246 02:01:19,309 --> 02:01:21,392 And, you don't need to act smart, 2247 02:01:21,726 --> 02:01:23,017 If your father gets any information about this, 2248 02:01:23,142 --> 02:01:25,726 I'll send all your stuff to the narcotics department. 2249 02:01:30,142 --> 02:01:35,767 AJIT, your baby B, got your C. 2250 02:01:35,892 --> 02:01:37,434 I had to give Baldev his share, 2251 02:01:37,559 --> 02:01:40,017 from the two crore rupees we got from the insurance 2252 02:01:40,142 --> 02:01:41,851 cause that amount was in the cheque, 2253 02:01:42,517 --> 02:01:44,309 remaining was all cash. 2254 02:01:44,476 --> 02:01:47,434 Someday we should catch up and do some bang bang. 2255 02:01:47,559 --> 02:01:49,892 Listen moron, this is our last meeting, 2256 02:01:50,017 --> 02:01:51,351 we aren't going to meet after this. 2257 02:01:52,267 --> 02:01:55,354 It took six hours to count Five crore rupees. 2258 02:01:55,474 --> 02:01:58,559 Kaustubh, not five but seven crores. 2259 02:01:58,684 --> 02:02:01,142 We got two crores from our sweet Vishnu as well, right? 2260 02:02:02,392 --> 02:02:03,684 I won't leave you guys. 2261 02:02:03,804 --> 02:02:05,142 First you need to catch us for that. 2262 02:02:06,767 --> 02:02:08,142 Your divorce? 2263 02:02:09,621 --> 02:02:10,934 It's complicated. 2264 02:02:12,184 --> 02:02:13,267 Mom! 2265 02:02:13,392 --> 02:02:16,392 Don't get scared, nothing is going to happen, 2266 02:02:16,517 --> 02:02:20,059 just a little head spin and in two minutes you three will be, 2267 02:02:20,184 --> 02:02:23,184 - Dead? - No Govya, not dead but unconscious. 2268 02:02:25,184 --> 02:02:27,267 Suku, Suku, Suku, 2269 02:02:27,392 --> 02:02:29,392 I used to love you with all my heart, 2270 02:02:29,851 --> 02:02:33,017 and you? Betrayed me for money. 2271 02:02:34,089 --> 02:02:36,434 You thought what's this doofus Waghmare capable of? 2272 02:02:36,559 --> 02:02:37,392 Right? 2273 02:02:37,517 --> 02:02:39,851 This Waghmare will go to the world's end for his mother. 2274 02:02:40,211 --> 02:02:41,517 And, Vishnu brother, 2275 02:02:41,684 --> 02:02:43,184 My mother never received the respect she deserved. 2276 02:02:43,559 --> 02:02:45,142 All we had is that one bungalow 2277 02:02:45,267 --> 02:02:47,017 and you greedy people came to take that away from us. 2278 02:02:47,476 --> 02:02:49,726 Now you can keep that Bungalow for yourself. 2279 02:02:50,392 --> 02:02:51,767 I never had any affection for that place. 2280 02:02:52,059 --> 02:02:53,767 But, what was important for me was my mother's respect. 2281 02:02:54,017 --> 02:02:55,101 If you would have given me that, 2282 02:02:55,283 --> 02:02:57,309 I would have happily gift wrapped the bungalow 2283 02:02:57,434 --> 02:02:58,642 and handed it over to you. 2284 02:02:59,059 --> 02:03:00,767 Irrespective of that there is one thing I would have never given you, 2285 02:03:00,892 --> 02:03:03,726 and, I've taken it out from the bungalow for my mother. 2286 02:03:04,351 --> 02:03:06,017 So everybody, 2287 02:03:06,226 --> 02:03:08,241 from the Waghmare family... 2288 02:03:08,361 --> 02:03:10,517 GOODBYE!!