1 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:17,708 This is how I'll become... 2 00:00:20,750 --> 00:00:22,458 This is how I'll become... 3 00:00:24,458 --> 00:00:26,041 ...Supreme Commander. 4 00:00:26,583 --> 00:00:27,833 ...a hero. 5 00:00:28,375 --> 00:00:30,000 This is my story! 6 00:02:01,333 --> 00:02:05,041 Whirlwind, Himari, Roar 7 00:02:02,958 --> 00:02:06,666 Your little slave 8 00:02:02,959 --> 00:02:06,666 makes a mean cup of coffee. 9 00:02:08,791 --> 00:02:11,458 What are you doing here, Tenka? 10 00:02:11,458 --> 00:02:14,041 You received a memo from 11 00:02:11,459 --> 00:02:14,041 the Supreme Commander, yes? 12 00:02:14,041 --> 00:02:17,416 Regarding the appearance 13 00:02:14,042 --> 00:02:17,416 of those vicious humanoid Shuuki. 14 00:02:17,416 --> 00:02:20,375 In general, our squadrons 15 00:02:17,417 --> 00:02:20,375 operate independently. 16 00:02:20,375 --> 00:02:22,833 But moving forward, the Demon 17 00:02:20,376 --> 00:02:22,833 Defense Force is to be more cohesive. 18 00:02:22,833 --> 00:02:24,333 Oh yeah, that. 19 00:02:24,625 --> 00:02:27,291 I heard the 7th Squadron's 20 00:02:24,626 --> 00:02:27,291 second-in-command fainted 21 00:02:27,291 --> 00:02:30,833 when she was attacked 22 00:02:27,292 --> 00:02:30,833 by one of the humanoid Shuuki. 23 00:02:31,833 --> 00:02:33,791 How pathetic! 24 00:02:34,291 --> 00:02:36,916 You're determined to drag 25 00:02:34,292 --> 00:02:36,916 the Azuma Family's reputation 26 00:02:36,916 --> 00:02:38,625 through the mud, aren't you, Himari? 27 00:02:38,625 --> 00:02:41,125 Give it up and come home already. 28 00:02:43,583 --> 00:02:46,791 To be fair, those Shuuki 29 00:02:43,584 --> 00:02:46,791 aren't exactly weak. 30 00:02:46,791 --> 00:02:49,416 Seems the 3rd Squadron 31 00:02:46,792 --> 00:02:49,416 had a run-in with them, too. 32 00:02:49,416 --> 00:02:52,125 Yes... Not once, but twice. 33 00:02:52,125 --> 00:02:55,416 I can see why cooperating with the 34 00:02:52,126 --> 00:02:55,416 other squadrons would be important... 35 00:02:55,416 --> 00:02:59,000 We find your presence reassuring, 36 00:02:55,417 --> 00:02:59,000 Commander Kyouka. 37 00:02:59,416 --> 00:03:03,208 But some of us are hesitant 38 00:02:59,417 --> 00:03:03,208 to put our trust in your team. 39 00:03:03,500 --> 00:03:05,666 I won't name any names, 40 00:03:05,666 --> 00:03:09,041 but we're concerned that 41 00:03:05,667 --> 00:03:09,041 they might slow us down. 42 00:03:13,708 --> 00:03:17,583 We need to assess the current capabilities 43 00:03:13,709 --> 00:03:17,583 of each of our teams. 44 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:22,333 How about we hold an intersquad 45 00:03:19,001 --> 00:03:22,333 Mato exhibition match? 46 00:03:23,583 --> 00:03:24,458 Oh? 47 00:03:24,458 --> 00:03:25,666 Huh? 48 00:03:25,666 --> 00:03:27,625 Mato exhibition match...? 49 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:30,250 What is this, a baseball league? 50 00:03:32,458 --> 00:03:34,625 An "exhibition match" is what we call 51 00:03:34,625 --> 00:03:37,625 a contest of strength and skill 52 00:03:34,626 --> 00:03:37,625 between two squadrons. 53 00:03:37,625 --> 00:03:39,250 Makes sense... 54 00:03:39,250 --> 00:03:41,625 Does single combat sound acceptable? 55 00:03:41,625 --> 00:03:44,875 You've never been one to mince words, 56 00:03:41,626 --> 00:03:44,875 have you, Kyou? 57 00:03:45,500 --> 00:03:46,583 Fine by me. 58 00:03:48,291 --> 00:03:50,666 We'll adjust our numbers accordingly. 59 00:03:50,666 --> 00:03:52,791 See you later, little slave. 60 00:03:57,541 --> 00:03:59,875 Commander, I have a request. 61 00:04:00,250 --> 00:04:02,500 Will you help me prepare for the match? 62 00:04:04,875 --> 00:04:07,000 It's going to be physically demanding. 63 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:09,208 So long as I win, 64 00:04:07,001 --> 00:04:09,208 I'll do whatever it takes! 65 00:04:09,208 --> 00:04:11,666 Then you'd better buckle down 66 00:04:09,209 --> 00:04:11,666 and start training! 67 00:04:11,666 --> 00:04:12,750 Yes, ma'am! 68 00:04:16,375 --> 00:04:17,750 You heard the commander. 69 00:04:17,750 --> 00:04:21,666 I, Himari Azuma, claim you 70 00:04:17,751 --> 00:04:21,666 as my slave from here on out! 71 00:04:21,666 --> 00:04:22,958 Huh...? 72 00:04:23,416 --> 00:04:24,916 BUT WHY?! 73 00:04:28,291 --> 00:04:30,833 This ramen broth tastes great! 74 00:04:31,666 --> 00:04:34,875 I always end up eating way too much 75 00:04:31,667 --> 00:04:34,875 of Yukki's cooking! 76 00:04:34,875 --> 00:04:37,833 Did you use some sort 77 00:04:34,876 --> 00:04:37,833 of secret ingredient? 78 00:04:37,833 --> 00:04:41,666 I wanted it to be rich and thick, 79 00:04:37,834 --> 00:04:41,666 so I tried adding chicken fat! 80 00:04:41,666 --> 00:04:45,166 As far as housework goes, 81 00:04:41,667 --> 00:04:45,166 your skills are perfect for a slave! 82 00:04:45,166 --> 00:04:49,291 Remind me again how I got 83 00:04:45,167 --> 00:04:49,291 roped into being YOUR slave? 84 00:04:49,916 --> 00:04:52,541 It's for the sake of 85 00:04:49,917 --> 00:04:52,541 the Mato exhibition match. 86 00:04:52,541 --> 00:04:54,958 I absolutely HAVE to win. 87 00:04:54,958 --> 00:04:57,458 But that doesn't explain 88 00:04:54,959 --> 00:04:57,458 why I'm being forced to- 89 00:04:57,458 --> 00:05:00,083 We're keeping it simple this time 90 00:04:57,459 --> 00:05:00,083 with single combat. 91 00:05:01,666 --> 00:05:04,666 Your sister's attitude struck a nerve, 92 00:05:01,667 --> 00:05:04,666 didn't it, Himari? 93 00:05:04,666 --> 00:05:07,625 So use this match as an excuse 94 00:05:04,667 --> 00:05:07,625 to kick her ass! 95 00:05:07,791 --> 00:05:10,208 Thank you for the chance 96 00:05:07,792 --> 00:05:10,208 to do some ass-kicking! 97 00:05:10,208 --> 00:05:11,875 Ass-kicking is your sworn duty! 98 00:05:11,875 --> 00:05:13,625 Oh, I'll kick her ass alright! 99 00:05:13,625 --> 00:05:15,958 What's with all the kicking and asses?! 100 00:05:16,958 --> 00:05:21,541 You still haven't answered my question! 101 00:05:16,959 --> 00:05:21,541 Why am I YOUR slave?! 102 00:05:21,541 --> 00:05:25,708 Transforming parts of my body 103 00:05:21,542 --> 00:05:25,708 into weapons isn't my main ability. 104 00:05:25,708 --> 00:05:27,958 I only use it 'cause it's compatible. 105 00:05:28,708 --> 00:05:30,416 This is my real ability. 106 00:05:31,166 --> 00:05:35,875 {\an8}Character Info 107 00:05:31,167 --> 00:05:35,875 {\an8}*Commander ♪ 108 00:05:31,168 --> 00:05:35,875 {\an8}Kyouka Uzen 109 00:05:31,169 --> 00:05:35,875 Mato Destruction Power 110 00:05:31,375 --> 00:05:32,583 Miss Kyouka? 111 00:05:33,000 --> 00:05:34,250 It looks like some sort 112 00:05:34,250 --> 00:05:35,583 of trading card game... 113 00:05:37,666 --> 00:05:39,541 {\an8}LOFTY AMBITIONS: LEARNING 114 00:05:37,916 --> 00:05:38,958 "Learning." 115 00:05:40,000 --> 00:05:43,166 I can learn other people's abilities 116 00:05:40,001 --> 00:05:43,166 and use them for myself. 117 00:05:43,166 --> 00:05:44,750 That's my ability. 118 00:05:44,750 --> 00:05:46,583 Isn't that super OP?! 119 00:05:46,583 --> 00:05:50,291 I select someone's ability on my phone 120 00:05:46,584 --> 00:05:50,291 and then implement it. 121 00:05:50,750 --> 00:05:53,750 Which means I can use 122 00:05:50,751 --> 00:05:53,750 the commander's right now. 123 00:05:54,166 --> 00:05:57,833 You do understand what 124 00:05:54,167 --> 00:05:57,833 Miss Kyouka's ability entails, right? 125 00:05:57,833 --> 00:06:00,541 I know, I know. 126 00:05:57,834 --> 00:06:00,541 It's physically demanding. 127 00:06:00,541 --> 00:06:01,875 I got this! 128 00:06:02,083 --> 00:06:05,375 I don't mind taking over 129 00:06:02,084 --> 00:06:05,375 the cleaning or the laundry 130 00:06:05,375 --> 00:06:07,958 if it means I get to kick Yachiho's ass! 131 00:06:13,333 --> 00:06:15,541 We're surrounded by Shuuki! 132 00:06:13,334 --> 00:06:15,541 Hurry up! 133 00:06:15,541 --> 00:06:17,291 Fine, but I warned you! 134 00:06:27,916 --> 00:06:28,291 WHIRL 135 00:06:29,458 --> 00:06:29,833 WIND 136 00:06:31,583 --> 00:06:32,458 {\an8}ETERNAL CHAINS: SLAVE 137 00:06:31,584 --> 00:06:32,458 WHIRLWIND 138 00:06:38,500 --> 00:06:41,250 You're a different shape than when 139 00:06:38,501 --> 00:06:41,250 the commander does it... 140 00:06:47,791 --> 00:06:49,583 I can move with lightning speed! 141 00:06:49,583 --> 00:06:51,541 Even faster than with Miss Kyouka! 142 00:06:53,916 --> 00:06:56,666 But the drawback 143 00:06:53,917 --> 00:06:56,666 is that I'm not as strong... 144 00:06:56,666 --> 00:06:57,958 Well, in that case... 145 00:07:02,125 --> 00:07:03,500 I'll just beat on 'em... 146 00:07:03,500 --> 00:07:05,000 till they drop! 147 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:08,208 This is the key to fighting my sister! 148 00:07:12,666 --> 00:07:13,791 Good job! 149 00:07:13,791 --> 00:07:16,291 You could pick 150 00:07:13,792 --> 00:07:16,291 from any number of abilities... 151 00:07:16,291 --> 00:07:18,500 Why do you insist on this one? 152 00:07:19,625 --> 00:07:22,625 It gives you a chance to be useful 153 00:07:19,626 --> 00:07:22,625 even though you're a man. 154 00:07:22,625 --> 00:07:24,333 If anything, you ought to be grateful- 155 00:07:25,083 --> 00:07:27,625 Huh?! H-hold on... 156 00:07:27,625 --> 00:07:29,541 What's happening to me?! 157 00:07:29,541 --> 00:07:31,750 It's the price of her ability... 158 00:07:33,708 --> 00:07:37,041 S-so by "physically demanding," 159 00:07:33,709 --> 00:07:37,041 she meant... 160 00:07:37,458 --> 00:07:40,250 Wait, how come I can't move my body?! 161 00:07:40,250 --> 00:07:42,666 Because my reward isn't over yet, 162 00:07:40,251 --> 00:07:42,666 I guess... 163 00:07:42,958 --> 00:07:46,291 Wh-why does it have to be THIS?! 164 00:07:46,833 --> 00:07:49,875 Speaking of which, 165 00:07:46,834 --> 00:07:49,875 quit gawking at me already! 166 00:07:49,875 --> 00:07:52,375 But if I do that, you might- 167 00:07:52,375 --> 00:07:54,583 On second thought, just see for yourself. 168 00:08:00,375 --> 00:08:02,958 Am I going to be stuck like this forever?! 169 00:08:02,958 --> 00:08:04,083 Thought so. 170 00:08:04,291 --> 00:08:09,541 It's the price of her ability... 171 00:08:04,292 --> 00:08:09,541 so it won't stop until I get my reward. 172 00:08:16,458 --> 00:08:17,291 Wha-?! 173 00:08:17,916 --> 00:08:20,416 Is this a sufficient reward for you? 174 00:08:24,500 --> 00:08:25,833 How indecent! 175 00:08:32,958 --> 00:08:35,875 You'd be better off 176 00:08:32,959 --> 00:08:35,875 using a different ability. 177 00:08:35,875 --> 00:08:38,333 I would if I could, trust me! 178 00:08:38,583 --> 00:08:39,833 So shameful... 179 00:08:39,833 --> 00:08:41,666 Th-then why can't you? 180 00:08:42,791 --> 00:08:45,208 There's a compatibility component 181 00:08:42,792 --> 00:08:45,208 to Learning. 182 00:08:45,208 --> 00:08:49,333 It degrades the quality of most abilities, 183 00:08:45,209 --> 00:08:49,333 to the point that they become useless. 184 00:08:49,666 --> 00:08:57,083 {\an8}Character Info 185 00:08:49,667 --> 00:08:57,083 {\an8}*Fighter ♪ 186 00:08:49,668 --> 00:08:57,083 Shushu Suruga 187 00:08:49,669 --> 00:08:57,083 Mato Destruction Power 188 00:08:49,670 --> 00:08:53,125 For example, if I were to use 189 00:08:49,671 --> 00:08:53,125 Shushu's Paradigm Shift, 190 00:08:53,125 --> 00:08:56,250 all it would do is increase my bust size 191 00:08:53,126 --> 00:08:56,250 by about three centimeters. 192 00:08:57,125 --> 00:08:59,750 But the price of Miss Kyouka's ability is- 193 00:08:59,750 --> 00:09:02,083 I'm aware of that, okay?! 194 00:09:04,083 --> 00:09:06,291 Why are you so desperate to win? 195 00:09:08,458 --> 00:09:10,416 I was born into the Azuma household, 196 00:09:10,416 --> 00:09:13,166 an influential family with 197 00:09:10,417 --> 00:09:13,166 major accomplishments in Mato. 198 00:09:13,458 --> 00:09:17,958 My older sisters are successful, 199 00:09:13,459 --> 00:09:17,958 so everyone had high hopes for me, too. 200 00:09:18,583 --> 00:09:21,583 But I'd overexert myself 201 00:09:18,584 --> 00:09:21,583 before a big event and get hurt, 202 00:09:21,583 --> 00:09:25,208 or I'd get nervous and 203 00:09:21,584 --> 00:09:25,208 come down with a fever. 204 00:09:25,208 --> 00:09:26,916 I never had results to show for it. 205 00:09:27,333 --> 00:09:29,458 Yeah, story of my life... 206 00:09:29,666 --> 00:09:31,500 Same with my Peach ability. 207 00:09:31,500 --> 00:09:34,416 I'm guessing they noticed 208 00:09:31,501 --> 00:09:34,416 the problem you mentioned earlier. 209 00:09:35,958 --> 00:09:40,041 And 'cause of that, I'd always get teased 210 00:09:35,959 --> 00:09:40,041 at home whenever I couldn't keep up. 211 00:09:40,500 --> 00:09:43,291 It must've been tough for you growing up. 212 00:09:44,125 --> 00:09:47,125 This is my first chance since 213 00:09:44,126 --> 00:09:47,125 I cut ties with the Azuma Family 214 00:09:47,125 --> 00:09:49,333 to prove them wrong about me. 215 00:09:49,583 --> 00:09:52,791 So YOU are going to happily cooperate! 216 00:09:54,166 --> 00:09:58,583 It's REALLY hard to want to help someone 217 00:09:54,167 --> 00:09:58,583 when they can't even ask politely. 218 00:09:59,041 --> 00:10:01,416 As for my ultimate goal... 219 00:10:02,625 --> 00:10:05,416 I want to be a hero like the commander. 220 00:10:05,416 --> 00:10:09,250 I feel like I'll become a new version 221 00:10:05,417 --> 00:10:09,250 of myself if I can beat Yachiho. 222 00:10:09,250 --> 00:10:14,000 That part of me that nobody's ever seen 223 00:10:09,251 --> 00:10:14,000 deserves a proper chance to shine! 224 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:16,958 She's... just like me. 225 00:10:16,958 --> 00:10:20,375 Still, we're missing something 226 00:10:16,959 --> 00:10:20,375 for the exhibition match. 227 00:10:20,375 --> 00:10:21,458 What's that? 228 00:10:21,708 --> 00:10:24,416 A finishing move 229 00:10:21,709 --> 00:10:24,416 that will demolish our enemy. 230 00:10:24,708 --> 00:10:26,458 Oh yeah, come to think of it... 231 00:10:26,458 --> 00:10:30,125 all I've done so far is mindlessly 232 00:10:26,459 --> 00:10:30,125 punch and kick everything in sight. 233 00:10:30,125 --> 00:10:33,625 I have my own reasons 234 00:10:30,126 --> 00:10:33,625 for wanting to get stronger... 235 00:10:35,083 --> 00:10:38,250 Maybe she's the key 236 00:10:35,084 --> 00:10:38,250 to opening up a new door! 237 00:10:38,541 --> 00:10:41,041 Even better if I manage 238 00:10:38,542 --> 00:10:41,041 to help Miss Kyouka! 239 00:10:43,375 --> 00:10:45,541 Fine, fine. I'll do it. 240 00:10:45,541 --> 00:10:47,000 Watch your attitude. 241 00:10:47,000 --> 00:10:50,208 You're my slave, remember? 242 00:10:47,001 --> 00:10:50,208 You don't have the right to refuse. 243 00:10:50,208 --> 00:10:51,208 Well? 244 00:10:51,208 --> 00:10:53,708 Our opponent, Yachiho Azuma, 245 00:10:51,209 --> 00:10:53,708 what's her ability? 246 00:10:53,833 --> 00:10:59,416 {\an8}AZUMA TIME: GOLDEN HOUR 247 00:10:54,041 --> 00:10:55,625 "Golden Hour." 248 00:10:55,625 --> 00:10:59,458 She can control time, 249 00:10:55,626 --> 00:10:59,458 including freezing it and rewinding it. 250 00:10:59,958 --> 00:11:01,666 Welp, we're screwed! 251 00:11:03,666 --> 00:11:05,625 {\an8}6TH SQUADRON 252 00:11:07,625 --> 00:11:09,791 My ears are burning... 253 00:11:09,791 --> 00:11:13,416 I have a sneaking suspicion 254 00:11:09,792 --> 00:11:13,416 Himari's talking about me right now. 255 00:11:13,416 --> 00:11:16,208 She's such a worthless little sister! 256 00:11:16,208 --> 00:11:20,083 It's only right that she does my bidding 257 00:11:16,209 --> 00:11:20,083 for the rest of her life. 258 00:11:21,791 --> 00:11:25,500 I'm going to put her in her place 259 00:11:21,792 --> 00:11:25,500 at the Mato exhibition match... 260 00:11:27,000 --> 00:11:29,500 Oh, I can't wait for the big day! 261 00:11:33,083 --> 00:11:36,000 {\an8}Shio 262 00:11:33,084 --> 00:11:36,000 Ramen 263 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:38,583 Yachiho's ability is dangerous, for sure. 264 00:11:38,583 --> 00:11:39,875 But it takes power. 265 00:11:39,875 --> 00:11:42,375 She'll get tired if she uses it 266 00:11:39,876 --> 00:11:42,375 too many times. 267 00:11:42,375 --> 00:11:44,333 And THAT'S how we'll win. 268 00:11:44,333 --> 00:11:47,500 The fact that she can use it 269 00:11:44,334 --> 00:11:47,500 more than once makes things tricky. 270 00:11:47,500 --> 00:11:51,333 Also, she strikes a weird pose 271 00:11:47,501 --> 00:11:51,333 to trigger her ability. 272 00:11:51,333 --> 00:11:53,958 Says it's a routine that 273 00:11:51,334 --> 00:11:53,958 "enhances her skills." 274 00:11:55,083 --> 00:11:57,416 So we'll have to beat her to the punch. 275 00:11:57,416 --> 00:11:59,041 In that case, we ought to take advantage 276 00:11:59,041 --> 00:12:01,083 of my blistering speed 277 00:11:59,042 --> 00:12:01,083 for our finishing move. 278 00:12:01,083 --> 00:12:02,166 Exactly. 279 00:12:02,166 --> 00:12:05,416 An ultra-fast maneuver that 280 00:12:02,167 --> 00:12:05,416 won't even give her time to freeze time! 281 00:12:05,416 --> 00:12:08,125 And no leeway to rewind time, either. 282 00:12:08,125 --> 00:12:11,208 An attack with enough force 283 00:12:08,126 --> 00:12:11,208 to knock her out of the fight completely! 284 00:12:11,208 --> 00:12:12,416 So like... 285 00:12:13,083 --> 00:12:15,916 a swift step forward 286 00:12:13,084 --> 00:12:15,916 into a head-on punch! 287 00:12:15,916 --> 00:12:17,875 I think that'd be fastest. 288 00:12:17,875 --> 00:12:21,125 Let's work on polishing it into 289 00:12:17,876 --> 00:12:21,125 a deadly blow that she can't dodge. 290 00:12:21,333 --> 00:12:24,833 Try channeling all your strength 291 00:12:21,334 --> 00:12:24,833 into a single part of your body. 292 00:12:30,166 --> 00:12:31,291 Channel... 293 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:33,500 all my strength... 294 00:12:33,500 --> 00:12:34,458 into my legs! 295 00:12:35,958 --> 00:12:37,791 Whoa, you actually did it! 296 00:12:39,708 --> 00:12:42,000 Just in time for our 297 00:12:39,709 --> 00:12:42,000 practice dummies to arrive. 298 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:43,208 Hell yeah! 299 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:46,875 I'm even faster than before! 300 00:12:46,875 --> 00:12:47,833 At this rate... 301 00:12:48,541 --> 00:12:49,416 we're golden! 302 00:12:52,750 --> 00:12:54,541 Wait, why didn't it work?! 303 00:13:01,041 --> 00:13:02,416 Maybe I overdid it. 304 00:13:02,416 --> 00:13:04,000 My legs are exhausted... 305 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:06,458 You probably lost 306 00:13:04,001 --> 00:13:06,458 most of your arm strength 307 00:13:06,458 --> 00:13:09,416 because you poured all your energy 308 00:13:06,459 --> 00:13:09,416 into your legs instead. 309 00:13:09,416 --> 00:13:12,750 We'll keep experimenting with it 310 00:13:09,417 --> 00:13:12,750 until we perfect your technique. 311 00:13:13,041 --> 00:13:15,375 Uh, is this my reward? 312 00:13:21,041 --> 00:13:23,875 Wow, he does look different than with me. 313 00:13:23,875 --> 00:13:24,958 Commander! 314 00:13:24,958 --> 00:13:25,916 Miss Kyouka! 315 00:13:25,916 --> 00:13:26,916 Keep it up. 316 00:13:26,916 --> 00:13:27,750 Roger! 317 00:13:27,750 --> 00:13:28,625 Smart. 318 00:13:28,625 --> 00:13:32,583 Channeling his strength into a single 319 00:13:28,626 --> 00:13:32,583 point to produce a more powerful effect... 320 00:13:32,833 --> 00:13:35,583 It's a proactive approach. 321 00:13:32,834 --> 00:13:35,583 You've got a knack for this. 322 00:13:35,583 --> 00:13:37,416 Thanks, Commander! 323 00:13:37,416 --> 00:13:41,375 That being said, why are you watching him 324 00:13:37,417 --> 00:13:41,375 from way back here? 325 00:13:41,375 --> 00:13:42,750 Well, I... 326 00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:46,583 You mustn't forget the fundamental essence 327 00:13:43,001 --> 00:13:46,583 of my ability, Himari. 328 00:13:46,583 --> 00:13:47,875 Its essence? 329 00:13:50,875 --> 00:13:52,000 Make me proud. 330 00:13:53,791 --> 00:13:54,666 Hey! 331 00:13:54,666 --> 00:13:56,833 I'll be riding you 332 00:13:54,667 --> 00:13:56,833 during the exhibition match. 333 00:13:56,833 --> 00:13:59,166 Let's do this like it's the real deal! 334 00:13:59,166 --> 00:14:01,708 This ability requires 335 00:13:59,167 --> 00:14:01,708 dominating a slave... 336 00:14:01,708 --> 00:14:03,875 not just sitting back and coaching him. 337 00:14:04,166 --> 00:14:05,625 Get on top of the slave... 338 00:14:05,625 --> 00:14:07,333 seize the slave's chains... 339 00:14:07,333 --> 00:14:09,250 and issue a command as his master! 340 00:14:09,625 --> 00:14:11,916 Channel your strength into your legs! 341 00:14:14,083 --> 00:14:15,500 That's strange... 342 00:14:15,500 --> 00:14:18,000 I feel more power 343 00:14:15,501 --> 00:14:18,000 flowing through me this time. 344 00:14:19,875 --> 00:14:21,250 Go crush that Shuuki! 345 00:14:34,208 --> 00:14:37,125 Did I really just do that? 346 00:14:37,416 --> 00:14:39,333 A foolproof finishing move! 347 00:14:40,500 --> 00:14:44,125 I got lost in the moment. 348 00:14:40,501 --> 00:14:44,125 I'm not sure if I can replicate it... 349 00:14:44,125 --> 00:14:45,541 Oh, don't worry. 350 00:14:45,791 --> 00:14:48,500 Mato has plenty of 351 00:14:45,792 --> 00:14:48,500 practice dummies for us! 352 00:14:52,500 --> 00:14:55,916 I'm a million times 353 00:14:52,501 --> 00:14:55,916 more worn out than usual... 354 00:14:56,166 --> 00:14:58,666 Your technique lacks precision sometimes. 355 00:14:58,666 --> 00:15:00,916 We need to practice 356 00:14:58,667 --> 00:15:00,916 and develop consistency. 357 00:15:01,333 --> 00:15:03,125 Uh, your clothes- 358 00:15:03,125 --> 00:15:05,791 Look, it's the price of her ability, okay? 359 00:15:05,791 --> 00:15:08,708 I swear... So indecent... 360 00:15:13,166 --> 00:15:14,625 Bring it on! 361 00:15:14,625 --> 00:15:18,333 I'll master this technique so I can 362 00:15:14,626 --> 00:15:18,333 put it to use again in the future! 363 00:15:19,791 --> 00:15:21,416 That's the spirit... 364 00:15:56,500 --> 00:15:59,416 Exhibition Match!! 365 00:16:09,583 --> 00:16:12,333 Today, we put our 366 00:16:09,584 --> 00:16:12,333 team's excellence on display. 367 00:16:12,333 --> 00:16:14,083 We'll look good doing it, too. 368 00:16:14,083 --> 00:16:16,041 A stylish victory in the bag! 369 00:16:17,208 --> 00:16:19,500 The moment of truth is finally here! 370 00:16:19,791 --> 00:16:21,625 So, how do ya feel? 371 00:16:21,625 --> 00:16:23,375 I'm ready for anything. 372 00:16:23,375 --> 00:16:25,875 Plus, I'll be using an ability 373 00:16:23,376 --> 00:16:25,875 that Yachiho's never seen before. 374 00:16:25,875 --> 00:16:27,041 I feel good. 375 00:16:27,041 --> 00:16:29,166 But once the exibition match is over, 376 00:16:29,166 --> 00:16:32,083 the Himarin-Yukki duo 377 00:16:29,167 --> 00:16:32,083 goes their separate ways, right? 378 00:16:32,083 --> 00:16:33,500 I guess so... 379 00:16:33,500 --> 00:16:36,333 He belongs to the commander, not me. 380 00:16:36,333 --> 00:16:38,833 And it's a physically demanding ability... 381 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:42,125 For now, let's focus on today. 382 00:16:42,125 --> 00:16:44,958 The whole Demon Defense Force 383 00:16:42,126 --> 00:16:44,958 will know who won. 384 00:16:45,250 --> 00:16:46,958 And the outcome 385 00:16:45,251 --> 00:16:46,958 will affect our squadron's... 386 00:16:46,958 --> 00:16:49,125 the commander's reputation. 387 00:16:49,666 --> 00:16:52,166 We gotta put our best foot forward! 388 00:16:52,166 --> 00:16:53,041 Exactly. 389 00:16:53,041 --> 00:16:57,291 For myself... and for the commander 390 00:16:53,042 --> 00:16:57,291 since she organized this match. 391 00:16:57,291 --> 00:16:58,625 I can't lose! 392 00:16:58,625 --> 00:16:59,666 That reminds me. 393 00:16:59,666 --> 00:17:02,750 Aren't other members of the 394 00:16:59,667 --> 00:17:02,750 6th Squadron supposed to show up, too? 395 00:17:06,458 --> 00:17:07,791 Yoo-hoo! 396 00:17:07,791 --> 00:17:11,083 We got here early, so I came to de-stress! 397 00:17:11,083 --> 00:17:13,583 Since when was SHE in the 6th Squadron?! 398 00:17:13,583 --> 00:17:15,250 That's Sahara Wakasa. 399 00:17:15,500 --> 00:17:18,750 She's a homebody, 400 00:17:15,501 --> 00:17:18,750 so it's rare to see her out and about. 401 00:17:19,041 --> 00:17:21,541 Zzzzz... 402 00:17:21,541 --> 00:17:24,000 {\an8}SAHARA WAKASA 403 00:17:23,666 --> 00:17:25,916 And now she's asleep? How funny! 404 00:17:25,916 --> 00:17:28,208 She's certainly got guts, doesn't she? 405 00:17:33,125 --> 00:17:34,666 Go ahead without me. 406 00:17:34,666 --> 00:17:37,041 You'll do great, Himarin. Don't sweat it! 407 00:17:37,541 --> 00:17:39,916 Taking a bath before the exhibition match? 408 00:17:39,916 --> 00:17:42,333 You must be awfully confident. 409 00:17:43,333 --> 00:17:46,625 I intend to be clean and tidy 410 00:17:43,334 --> 00:17:46,625 when I win today. 411 00:17:46,625 --> 00:17:47,708 Oh? 412 00:17:47,708 --> 00:17:50,125 Sounds like you've got a plan in mind. 413 00:17:50,125 --> 00:17:53,541 But the question is, 414 00:17:50,126 --> 00:17:53,541 can you actually pull it off? 415 00:17:54,208 --> 00:17:55,541 PASS WITH 416 00:17:54,209 --> 00:17:55,541 FLYING COLORS 417 00:18:02,125 --> 00:18:03,916 O-of course I can! 418 00:18:05,458 --> 00:18:07,375 You still haven't left the dorm? 419 00:18:07,375 --> 00:18:09,500 The match is supposed to start soon. 420 00:18:09,500 --> 00:18:11,791 You're only delaying the inevitable. 421 00:18:15,791 --> 00:18:17,291 It'll be okay! 422 00:18:17,791 --> 00:18:20,500 We trained our asses off, remember? 423 00:18:23,083 --> 00:18:25,041 So cocky for a slave... 424 00:18:25,041 --> 00:18:25,958 Huh? 425 00:18:27,208 --> 00:18:30,083 Uh, obviously! 426 00:18:27,209 --> 00:18:30,083 We're guaranteed to win! 427 00:18:36,083 --> 00:18:38,333 Sorry we're late, everyone! 428 00:18:39,250 --> 00:18:40,458 Write your name down. 429 00:18:40,666 --> 00:18:42,166 What's this for? 430 00:18:42,166 --> 00:18:44,916 It's used to trigger 431 00:18:42,167 --> 00:18:44,916 Ginna Bizen's ability. 432 00:18:44,916 --> 00:18:49,375 She can create a barrier by drawing a line 433 00:18:44,917 --> 00:18:49,375 on the ground that acts as a boundary. 434 00:18:49,375 --> 00:18:53,333 Only those who sign their names 435 00:18:49,376 --> 00:18:53,333 can enter the barrier. 436 00:18:53,333 --> 00:18:54,875 Himari 437 00:18:53,334 --> 00:18:54,875 Yuuki 438 00:18:53,335 --> 00:18:54,875 Tenka 439 00:18:53,336 --> 00:18:57,750 Also, any damage sustained during combat 440 00:18:53,337 --> 00:18:57,750 inside the barrier will be healed. 441 00:18:58,291 --> 00:18:59,666 Thanks for your patience! 442 00:18:59,666 --> 00:19:01,541 I'm Ginna Bizen of the 10th Squadron, 443 00:19:01,541 --> 00:19:05,791 and I'll be your referee for 444 00:19:01,542 --> 00:19:05,791 today's intersquad exhibition match! 445 00:19:05,791 --> 00:19:07,708 {\an8}GINNA BIZEN 446 00:19:07,708 --> 00:19:09,208 Ginna's Club! 447 00:19:14,625 --> 00:19:16,541 {\an8}MEMBERS ONLY FIGHTING ARENA 448 00:19:17,000 --> 00:19:20,208 This ability of mine 449 00:19:17,001 --> 00:19:20,208 is like a dream come true! 450 00:19:20,208 --> 00:19:23,041 I get to see the Demon Defense Force 451 00:19:20,209 --> 00:19:23,041 up close and personal! 452 00:19:23,041 --> 00:19:24,125 Not everyone believes 453 00:19:24,125 --> 00:19:28,250 Peaches grant powers based on the person's 454 00:19:24,126 --> 00:19:28,250 nature and knowledge, but I totally do! 455 00:19:29,291 --> 00:19:32,458 This barrier could withstand 456 00:19:29,292 --> 00:19:32,458 the force of a thousand Shuuki. 457 00:19:32,458 --> 00:19:34,666 We're counting on you to judge this fight. 458 00:19:35,791 --> 00:19:38,041 Of course, Lady Ten! 459 00:19:35,792 --> 00:19:38,041 Of course, Lady Kyou! 460 00:19:38,041 --> 00:19:40,125 I'll totally give it my best shot! 461 00:19:40,125 --> 00:19:41,875 "Lady Kyou"...? 462 00:19:41,875 --> 00:19:43,583 You're a Demon Defense Force fangirl? 463 00:19:43,791 --> 00:19:44,708 'Scuse me? 464 00:19:45,583 --> 00:19:48,041 Should've known she wouldn't like men... 465 00:19:48,041 --> 00:19:50,125 'Kay, I'm all set! 466 00:19:48,291 --> 00:19:50,750 7th Squadron 467 00:19:48,292 --> 00:19:50,750 SHUSHU SURUGA 468 00:19:50,750 --> 00:19:56,833 KYOUKA UZEN 469 00:19:50,751 --> 00:19:56,833 HIMARI AZUMA 470 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:52,583 Did you make that? 471 00:19:52,583 --> 00:19:54,625 Nei counts as a non-combatant, 472 00:19:54,625 --> 00:19:56,875 so her job is to cheer on her teammates! 473 00:19:56,875 --> 00:19:58,500 First up in Round 1: 474 00:19:58,500 --> 00:20:01,375 It's Himari Azuma of the 7th Squadron 475 00:20:01,375 --> 00:20:04,000 versus Yachiho Azuma of the 6th Squadron! 476 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:07,791 The rules are, whoever gives up 477 00:20:04,001 --> 00:20:07,791 or gets knocked out first loses! 478 00:20:08,416 --> 00:20:11,250 Injuries will be healed, 479 00:20:08,417 --> 00:20:11,250 so don't hesitate to go nuts! 480 00:20:11,666 --> 00:20:15,416 Once I win this match, 481 00:20:11,667 --> 00:20:15,416 I'm going to drag you back home. 482 00:20:15,416 --> 00:20:17,750 You'll be my special little servant. 483 00:20:25,166 --> 00:20:27,833 I'm not the same person I was back then... 484 00:20:28,500 --> 00:20:30,708 I WILL win, Yachiho. 485 00:20:40,500 --> 00:20:41,833 {\an8}7th Squadron 486 00:20:41,833 --> 00:20:45,208 As part of my ability, 487 00:20:41,876 --> 00:20:45,208 he's going to assist me. 488 00:20:45,208 --> 00:20:46,250 Fine by me. 489 00:20:46,250 --> 00:20:49,833 Denying a dog handler her dog 490 00:20:46,251 --> 00:20:49,833 is just plain heartless. 491 00:20:49,833 --> 00:20:51,291 Is everyone ready? 492 00:20:52,750 --> 00:20:54,708 Now then, let the first match... 493 00:20:55,750 --> 00:20:57,250 begin! 494 00:20:57,250 --> 00:20:59,125 I'm warning you, Himari. 495 00:20:59,125 --> 00:21:01,000 You won't last a second against- 496 00:21:02,916 --> 00:21:04,208 {\an8}BRAND BREAK! 497 00:21:04,208 --> 00:21:07,541 Where in the hell did THAT come from?! 498 00:21:09,208 --> 00:21:11,041 Golden Hour! 499 00:21:11,041 --> 00:21:12,500 Rewind 5 seconds! 500 00:21:11,291 --> 00:21:12,458 {\an8}AZUMA TIME: GOLDEN HOUR 501 00:21:13,708 --> 00:21:14,250 {\an8}BRAND BREAK! 502 00:21:17,708 --> 00:21:19,250 ...begin! 503 00:21:20,291 --> 00:21:21,666 She's tired... 504 00:21:21,666 --> 00:21:24,458 We planned ahead in case we couldn't 505 00:21:21,667 --> 00:21:24,458 finish her off with a single blow! 506 00:21:24,458 --> 00:21:26,125 Let's stick to our strategy! 507 00:21:26,916 --> 00:21:28,875 She changed tactics. 508 00:21:28,875 --> 00:21:31,291 Now to figure out whether it was 509 00:21:28,876 --> 00:21:31,291 an accident or on purpose... 510 00:21:31,291 --> 00:21:36,375 Himari, you haven't realized my 511 00:21:31,292 --> 00:21:36,375 ability has gotten stronger, have you? 512 00:21:36,375 --> 00:21:40,083 It's an indisputable fact that 513 00:21:36,376 --> 00:21:40,083 little sisters can't beat big sisters... 514 00:21:40,375 --> 00:21:43,458 I'll prove it to you with "Prime Time"! 515 00:23:16,000 --> 00:23:18,583 {\an8}TEACH US! NEI-SENPAI! 516 00:23:16,375 --> 00:23:17,958 "Teach Us! Nei-senpai!" 517 00:23:17,958 --> 00:23:18,791 Okey-dokey! 518 00:23:18,583 --> 00:23:21,208 {\an8}LOFTY AMBITIONS: LEARNING 519 00:23:18,791 --> 00:23:21,583 Today we're talking about 520 00:23:18,792 --> 00:23:21,583 Miss Himari's ability: Learning! 521 00:23:21,583 --> 00:23:23,458 It's a phenomenal power 522 00:23:21,584 --> 00:23:23,458 that allows Miss Himari to adopt 523 00:23:23,458 --> 00:23:25,500 someone else's ability by 524 00:23:23,459 --> 00:23:25,500 selecting their data on her phone, 525 00:23:25,500 --> 00:23:27,625 so long as she's seen said ability. 526 00:23:27,625 --> 00:23:29,083 But then there's the issue 527 00:23:27,626 --> 00:23:29,083 of compatibility, 528 00:23:29,083 --> 00:23:30,625 plus the quality of the 529 00:23:29,084 --> 00:23:30,625 ability deteriorates... 530 00:23:30,625 --> 00:23:32,458 Using an ability that comes with a price 531 00:23:32,458 --> 00:23:35,583 requires that price to be paid or 532 00:23:32,459 --> 00:23:35,583 she can't switch it for a different one, 533 00:23:35,583 --> 00:23:38,416 so she must study the characteristics 534 00:23:35,584 --> 00:23:38,416 of abilities to use them fully. 535 00:23:38,416 --> 00:23:41,083 It's the perfect ability for a hardworking 536 00:23:38,417 --> 00:23:41,083 person like Miss Himari! 537 00:23:41,375 --> 00:23:42,500 Anyways, next time: 538 00:23:42,500 --> 00:23:45,958 SISTERS, 539 00:23:42,501 --> 00:23:45,958 YACHIHO, 540 00:23:42,502 --> 00:23:45,958 RIDICULE 541 00:23:42,503 --> 00:23:44,250 "Sisters, Yachiho, Ridicule" 542 00:23:44,250 --> 00:23:45,541 Thanks for watching!