1 00:00:15,958 --> 00:00:17,708 This is how I'll become... 2 00:00:20,666 --> 00:00:22,458 This is how I'll become... 3 00:00:24,625 --> 00:00:26,250 ...Supreme Commander. 4 00:00:26,666 --> 00:00:27,916 ...a hero. 5 00:00:28,333 --> 00:00:30,000 This is my story! 6 00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:13,708 Blitz, Sahara, Twinkle 7 00:02:10,541 --> 00:02:13,750 THAT'S what she meant by 8 00:02:10,542 --> 00:02:13,750 "physically demanding"?! 9 00:02:14,291 --> 00:02:15,541 No fair! 10 00:02:19,208 --> 00:02:21,958 Things are heating up out here, folks! 11 00:02:21,958 --> 00:02:23,916 Up next in Round 2: 12 00:02:23,916 --> 00:02:26,083 It's Shushu Suruga 13 00:02:23,917 --> 00:02:26,083 of the 7th Squadron versus... 14 00:02:26,083 --> 00:02:27,125 Hell yeah! 15 00:02:27,125 --> 00:02:29,625 ...Sahara Wakasa of the 6th Squadron! 16 00:02:31,041 --> 00:02:34,041 Both competitors specialize 17 00:02:31,042 --> 00:02:34,041 in hand-to-hand combat! 18 00:02:34,041 --> 00:02:36,541 I have a feeling this is gonna be 19 00:02:34,042 --> 00:02:36,541 an intense battle! 20 00:02:36,750 --> 00:02:39,875 Watch this, Yukki. 21 00:02:36,751 --> 00:02:39,875 I'm about to clobber this girl. 22 00:02:39,875 --> 00:02:40,708 Okay. 23 00:02:40,708 --> 00:02:43,291 And maybe you'll show me 24 00:02:40,709 --> 00:02:43,291 some appreciation afterwards, eh? 25 00:02:43,291 --> 00:02:44,083 Huh? 26 00:02:53,083 --> 00:02:54,375 Yachiho! 27 00:02:54,375 --> 00:02:58,041 Since you lost your match... 28 00:02:54,376 --> 00:02:58,041 you get to be our cheerleader. 29 00:02:58,625 --> 00:03:00,375 Good luck, Sahara! 30 00:03:00,750 --> 00:03:02,250 You can count on me! 31 00:03:02,250 --> 00:03:04,208 I'll make you proud! 32 00:03:06,875 --> 00:03:08,875 We both like to get up close and personal, 33 00:03:08,875 --> 00:03:11,375 so how 'bout we hold off 34 00:03:08,876 --> 00:03:11,375 on using our abilities till later? 35 00:03:11,375 --> 00:03:12,708 Sure thing! 36 00:03:13,250 --> 00:03:14,791 Ready, set... 37 00:03:14,791 --> 00:03:16,291 GO! 38 00:03:16,291 --> 00:03:17,000 Here I come! 39 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:17,500 Sahara starts off with a ferocious kick! 40 00:03:17,001 --> 00:03:17,500 Here I come! 41 00:03:17,500 --> 00:03:19,125 Sahara starts off with a ferocious kick! 42 00:03:19,625 --> 00:03:22,041 But Shushu grabs her by the leg and... 43 00:03:22,333 --> 00:03:24,041 SLAMS her! 44 00:03:24,916 --> 00:03:27,541 She follows it up with an elbow drop! 45 00:03:27,958 --> 00:03:29,833 Ow! 46 00:03:30,291 --> 00:03:33,000 Sahara grabs Shushu from behind and... 47 00:03:33,333 --> 00:03:36,458 hits her with a German suplex! 48 00:03:37,500 --> 00:03:38,833 It ain't over yet! 49 00:03:39,541 --> 00:03:42,125 Ugh, I'm tired... 50 00:03:42,666 --> 00:03:44,583 That was long enough... 51 00:03:44,583 --> 00:03:46,541 Break out the abilities! 52 00:03:46,541 --> 00:03:47,416 Already?! 53 00:03:47,416 --> 00:03:49,666 Aw! It was just starting to get good! 54 00:03:49,666 --> 00:03:51,125 Fine, I'll use mine, too! 55 00:03:51,125 --> 00:03:53,208 How many do you think she'll do? 56 00:03:53,208 --> 00:03:54,541 Just one? 57 00:03:54,541 --> 00:03:56,250 I'd guess three or so. 58 00:03:56,958 --> 00:03:59,791 Both of their abilities 59 00:03:56,959 --> 00:03:59,791 center around physical strength... 60 00:03:59,791 --> 00:04:01,833 This will be a short match. 61 00:04:01,833 --> 00:04:03,833 Paradigm Shift! 62 00:04:03,833 --> 00:04:05,208 PARADIGM 63 00:04:03,834 --> 00:04:05,208 SHIFT 64 00:04:07,708 --> 00:04:10,541 Ooh, how neat! 65 00:04:10,541 --> 00:04:12,208 'Kay, it's my turn! 66 00:04:12,208 --> 00:04:13,666 Mad... 67 00:04:13,916 --> 00:04:15,166 Sheep! 68 00:04:15,166 --> 00:04:16,541 MAD SHEEP 69 00:04:16,875 --> 00:04:18,041 Three! 70 00:04:18,041 --> 00:04:20,625 And... WHAM! 71 00:04:24,208 --> 00:04:27,666 Paper beats... ROCK! 72 00:04:30,666 --> 00:04:33,000 I win rock-paper-scissors! 73 00:04:33,000 --> 00:04:34,708 You totally cheated! 74 00:04:34,708 --> 00:04:38,208 Sahara unleashed her "Mad Sheep" ability! 75 00:04:38,416 --> 00:04:40,750 It allows her to boost her strength 76 00:04:40,750 --> 00:04:43,750 for the precise amount of time 77 00:04:40,751 --> 00:04:43,750 she specifies in advance! 78 00:04:43,750 --> 00:04:46,583 One minute minimum, 79 00:04:43,751 --> 00:04:46,583 60 minutes maximum! 80 00:04:46,791 --> 00:04:50,708 The shorter the amount of time allotted, 81 00:04:46,792 --> 00:04:50,708 the stronger she gets! 82 00:04:50,708 --> 00:04:55,041 However, her ability has a mandatory 83 00:04:50,709 --> 00:04:55,041 three-minute cooldown period! 84 00:04:55,041 --> 00:04:57,833 Nice move! Keep it up, Sahara! 85 00:04:57,833 --> 00:04:58,958 Why, you... 86 00:05:04,208 --> 00:05:06,291 O-owie! 87 00:05:06,541 --> 00:05:07,375 Ow-ow-ow... 88 00:05:07,375 --> 00:05:11,583 Sure, your size is impressive, 89 00:05:07,376 --> 00:05:11,583 but it makes you easy to dodge! 90 00:05:12,833 --> 00:05:15,500 And it makes you an easy target! 91 00:05:26,666 --> 00:05:27,875 Shushu?! 92 00:05:30,041 --> 00:05:31,708 Yukki... 93 00:05:31,708 --> 00:05:34,666 You don't have to 94 00:05:31,709 --> 00:05:34,666 give me that look, y'know... 95 00:05:35,041 --> 00:05:37,083 Well? Are you ready to give up now? 96 00:05:37,083 --> 00:05:39,833 Give up? You're joking, right? 97 00:05:39,833 --> 00:05:42,000 This match is just getting started! 98 00:05:42,333 --> 00:05:44,583 Wow, you've got guts! 99 00:05:44,583 --> 00:05:46,291 It's weird to me, too. 100 00:05:46,291 --> 00:05:48,333 Why am I so determined? 101 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:52,041 C'mon, Shushu! 102 00:05:49,001 --> 00:05:52,041 Having a boyfriend is fun! 103 00:05:52,333 --> 00:05:54,666 Jeez, you sound like a broken record... 104 00:05:54,666 --> 00:05:56,916 I just don't get 105 00:05:54,667 --> 00:05:56,916 why you're so opposed to it! 106 00:05:57,500 --> 00:06:00,041 There's never a dull moment with him... 107 00:06:00,041 --> 00:06:04,625 And seeing that look of joy on his face? 108 00:06:00,042 --> 00:06:04,625 It's the best feeling in the world! 109 00:06:04,625 --> 00:06:05,625 Whoa. 110 00:06:05,625 --> 00:06:10,083 It's rare to find a girl 111 00:06:05,626 --> 00:06:10,083 so devoted to her man nowadays. 112 00:06:10,083 --> 00:06:11,125 Nah... 113 00:06:11,125 --> 00:06:13,666 I'm not interested in 114 00:06:11,126 --> 00:06:13,666 a romance with some dude. 115 00:06:13,666 --> 00:06:16,458 I want something more exciting, y'know? 116 00:06:19,291 --> 00:06:23,333 {\an8}Member Recruitment Language Settings 117 00:06:19,583 --> 00:06:22,041 Been thinkin' about 118 00:06:19,584 --> 00:06:22,041 joining these guys lately! 119 00:06:22,541 --> 00:06:25,625 If I went to Mato, 120 00:06:22,542 --> 00:06:25,625 I bet I'd never get bored! 121 00:06:25,625 --> 00:06:28,208 Every day would be a total blast! 122 00:06:28,208 --> 00:06:29,500 Very on-brand. 123 00:06:29,500 --> 00:06:30,500 Isn't it? 124 00:06:30,500 --> 00:06:33,166 Hm. I guess you 125 00:06:30,501 --> 00:06:33,166 just wouldn't understand... 126 00:06:33,166 --> 00:06:35,250 But you'll get it one of these days! 127 00:06:37,541 --> 00:06:40,083 Keep your eyes on me, Yukki... 128 00:06:40,583 --> 00:06:42,500 'Cause I'm about to win! 129 00:06:43,083 --> 00:06:44,875 Don'tcha think you'd have an easier time 130 00:06:44,875 --> 00:06:47,041 moving around 131 00:06:44,876 --> 00:06:47,041 if you were a little smaller? 132 00:06:47,041 --> 00:06:49,708 It's always important 133 00:06:47,042 --> 00:06:49,708 to assess the situation at hand 134 00:06:49,708 --> 00:06:51,625 and tailor your ability accordingly! 135 00:06:51,625 --> 00:06:53,375 Smaller would be better? 136 00:06:53,375 --> 00:06:56,083 That kind of self-control is a snoozefest! 137 00:06:57,416 --> 00:07:01,666 I live my life by a single motto: 138 00:06:57,417 --> 00:07:01,666 Go big or go home! 139 00:07:01,666 --> 00:07:03,500 Paradigm Shift! 140 00:07:03,875 --> 00:07:05,791 I'll make my body even bigger... 141 00:07:05,500 --> 00:07:07,375 PARADIGM SHIFT 142 00:07:05,501 --> 00:07:07,375 PUSH THE ENVELOPE! 143 00:07:05,791 --> 00:07:07,416 and push the envelope! 144 00:07:12,208 --> 00:07:13,541 I didn't see that coming... 145 00:07:13,541 --> 00:07:16,458 And... BANG! 146 00:07:33,916 --> 00:07:36,625 I was too big for you to dodge, wasn't I? 147 00:07:39,666 --> 00:07:40,625 Take this! 148 00:07:55,791 --> 00:07:58,708 Hey, ref. 149 00:07:55,792 --> 00:07:58,708 Can you see if she's unconscious? 150 00:07:58,708 --> 00:08:00,000 U-uh, sure! 151 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:04,583 7th Squadron 152 00:08:00,001 --> 00:08:01,125 She did it... 153 00:08:01,666 --> 00:08:03,541 Miss Shushu won her match! 154 00:08:03,541 --> 00:08:04,625 Yeah! 155 00:08:06,041 --> 00:08:07,083 One! 156 00:08:07,708 --> 00:08:08,625 Two! 157 00:08:17,958 --> 00:08:19,125 She got back up?! 158 00:08:21,041 --> 00:08:23,208 That's part of Sahara's ability! 159 00:08:23,208 --> 00:08:25,916 If she loses consciousness 160 00:08:23,209 --> 00:08:25,916 while her ability is active, 161 00:08:25,916 --> 00:08:28,666 her heightened killer instincts 162 00:08:25,917 --> 00:08:28,666 take control of her body, 163 00:08:28,666 --> 00:08:31,458 which then continues the fight on its own! 164 00:08:34,750 --> 00:08:37,291 She'll attack enemies and allies alike... 165 00:08:37,916 --> 00:08:40,625 But it only makes her 166 00:08:37,917 --> 00:08:40,625 that much more powerful. 167 00:08:43,458 --> 00:08:45,916 Sahara can sleep anytime, anywhere. 168 00:08:45,916 --> 00:08:48,000 It's her secret weapon. 169 00:08:50,791 --> 00:08:54,583 One! Two! Three! 170 00:08:55,500 --> 00:08:56,833 It's all over! 171 00:08:57,583 --> 00:09:00,166 The winner is: Sahara Wakasa! 172 00:09:03,791 --> 00:09:06,500 All because of my 173 00:09:03,792 --> 00:09:06,500 glorious cheerleading skills! 174 00:09:06,500 --> 00:09:08,666 She took her down 175 00:09:06,501 --> 00:09:08,666 in exactly three minutes. 176 00:09:11,500 --> 00:09:12,458 Shushu! 177 00:09:12,458 --> 00:09:13,791 Are you all right?! 178 00:09:13,791 --> 00:09:17,583 No need to worry. 179 00:09:13,792 --> 00:09:17,583 I got her all patched up. 180 00:09:22,458 --> 00:09:24,000 Y-your chest! 181 00:09:25,625 --> 00:09:26,458 Hey! Come on, get off me! 182 00:09:26,458 --> 00:09:28,958 Oh... I must've... 183 00:09:26,459 --> 00:09:28,958 Hey! Come on, get off me! 184 00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:30,708 Here, take this! 185 00:09:30,708 --> 00:09:31,625 Shushu. 186 00:09:32,958 --> 00:09:34,083 Commander... 187 00:09:35,625 --> 00:09:38,708 I'm sorry for losing my match... 188 00:09:38,708 --> 00:09:42,375 You almost had her. 189 00:09:38,709 --> 00:09:42,375 We'll discuss where you can improve later. 190 00:09:42,916 --> 00:09:45,041 I think you'd better go get changed. 191 00:09:45,041 --> 00:09:46,000 'Kay. 192 00:09:52,125 --> 00:09:53,916 I looked like an idiot... 193 00:09:53,916 --> 00:09:56,708 and Yukki saw the whole thing. 194 00:10:12,500 --> 00:10:13,666 Shushu? 195 00:10:18,083 --> 00:10:21,625 Um... Do you want anything to drink? 196 00:10:21,625 --> 00:10:24,000 I can grab it for you 197 00:10:21,626 --> 00:10:24,000 while you get dressed. 198 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:26,708 Nah, I'm good... 199 00:10:26,708 --> 00:10:29,916 If there's anything I can do, 200 00:10:26,709 --> 00:10:29,916 just let me know. 201 00:10:30,583 --> 00:10:31,916 Since I'm the caretaker... 202 00:10:34,041 --> 00:10:39,291 Okay, then erase my memories 203 00:10:34,042 --> 00:10:39,291 of that pitiful excuse for a match. 204 00:10:42,958 --> 00:10:45,291 I think it sucks you didn't win, but... 205 00:10:46,541 --> 00:10:48,875 I don't think it was pitiful at all! 206 00:10:52,000 --> 00:10:53,333 Really? 207 00:10:53,916 --> 00:10:55,500 In all honesty, 208 00:10:55,500 --> 00:10:58,458 I wish I'd gotten to see more 209 00:10:55,501 --> 00:10:58,458 of the wrestling you did at the start! 210 00:10:59,708 --> 00:11:02,541 You would've 211 00:10:59,709 --> 00:11:02,541 if she hadn't been a buzzkill. 212 00:11:08,375 --> 00:11:09,708 Hey, Yukki? 213 00:11:10,750 --> 00:11:12,958 Can you close your eyes for a sec? 214 00:11:14,791 --> 00:11:15,791 Sure... 215 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:32,208 Shushu?! 216 00:11:36,416 --> 00:11:39,250 To be fair, I did tell you 217 00:11:36,417 --> 00:11:39,250 to close your eyes... 218 00:11:39,750 --> 00:11:41,750 Wh-why did you kiss me just now?! 219 00:11:41,750 --> 00:11:43,250 Well... 220 00:11:49,541 --> 00:11:52,750 I figured I'd chase the shock of losing 221 00:11:49,542 --> 00:11:52,750 with an even bigger shock! 222 00:11:52,750 --> 00:11:54,041 That's a power move! 223 00:11:59,250 --> 00:12:03,625 I can't tell him 224 00:11:59,251 --> 00:12:03,625 until I get him to like me more. 225 00:12:07,625 --> 00:12:10,291 Sense any anomalies in Mato, Nei? 226 00:12:12,125 --> 00:12:13,250 No... 227 00:12:16,750 --> 00:12:18,625 There's nothing out of the... 228 00:12:23,125 --> 00:12:24,166 Huh? 229 00:12:29,041 --> 00:12:30,375 A spy? 230 00:12:30,625 --> 00:12:33,625 Wow, we only just broke our cover. 231 00:12:33,625 --> 00:12:35,041 Not bad. 232 00:12:35,208 --> 00:12:40,000 Tell the others I say hello... 233 00:12:35,209 --> 00:12:40,000 and that the battle begins now. 234 00:12:46,041 --> 00:12:47,791 Wh-who was that? 235 00:12:47,791 --> 00:12:49,958 What's wrong, Nei? 236 00:12:47,792 --> 00:12:49,958 Did you see something? 237 00:12:50,416 --> 00:12:51,583 I... 238 00:12:58,625 --> 00:12:59,833 Shuuki?! 239 00:13:00,208 --> 00:13:02,041 Where in the world are they coming from?! 240 00:13:04,583 --> 00:13:06,666 You can totally chillax! 241 00:13:06,666 --> 00:13:08,833 My barrier is impenetrable- 242 00:13:10,083 --> 00:13:12,416 THIS flimsy thing is a barrier? 243 00:13:13,250 --> 00:13:14,333 A humanoid?! 244 00:13:14,333 --> 00:13:19,291 The absurdity fills me, Rairen, 245 00:13:14,334 --> 00:13:19,291 with THUNDEROUS laughter! 246 00:13:23,208 --> 00:13:25,833 No way! It cracked my barrier?! 247 00:13:25,833 --> 00:13:27,625 We're calling off the exhibition match! 248 00:13:29,333 --> 00:13:32,916 Bunch of pests. 249 00:13:29,334 --> 00:13:32,916 It's about time you went extinct. 250 00:13:32,916 --> 00:13:34,750 You're a dying breed. 251 00:13:36,291 --> 00:13:38,375 All hands, prepare for battle! 252 00:13:39,208 --> 00:13:40,333 Tenka! 253 00:13:40,333 --> 00:13:41,208 On it. 254 00:13:41,208 --> 00:13:43,125 I'll take the non-combatants to the dorm. 255 00:13:43,791 --> 00:13:46,291 And have Nei give you her recon report! 256 00:13:48,333 --> 00:13:50,083 Destroy every last Shuuki! 257 00:13:50,083 --> 00:13:51,250 Yes, ma'am! 258 00:13:54,666 --> 00:13:56,375 Let me handle this one! 259 00:14:00,458 --> 00:14:01,833 Commander! 260 00:14:02,625 --> 00:14:03,791 Shushu! 261 00:14:04,750 --> 00:14:05,791 Can you fight? 262 00:14:06,125 --> 00:14:07,041 Yup! 263 00:14:08,833 --> 00:14:10,333 Paradigm Shift! 264 00:14:11,791 --> 00:14:13,958 Have a taste of my boot! 265 00:14:15,208 --> 00:14:17,583 I'm already feeling way better! 266 00:14:18,666 --> 00:14:19,833 Take this! 267 00:14:22,166 --> 00:14:24,083 Don't let up on the crowd control! 268 00:14:24,083 --> 00:14:25,458 I'll cover your six! 269 00:14:31,166 --> 00:14:32,500 Not them... 270 00:14:32,500 --> 00:14:33,500 Going somewhere? 271 00:14:34,291 --> 00:14:35,500 I'm your opponent! 272 00:14:39,166 --> 00:14:40,666 Not you, either... 273 00:14:41,166 --> 00:14:44,000 But perhaps I'll burn you 274 00:14:41,167 --> 00:14:44,000 to a crisp first! 275 00:14:48,666 --> 00:14:49,708 Oh? 276 00:14:50,791 --> 00:14:51,708 Yachiho! 277 00:14:51,708 --> 00:14:52,708 Himari... 278 00:14:55,708 --> 00:14:57,833 He's gonna be a tough nut to crack. 279 00:15:07,500 --> 00:15:08,666 Just now... 280 00:15:08,666 --> 00:15:12,875 You stepped in because you knew 281 00:15:08,667 --> 00:15:12,875 the lightning was coming ahead of time. 282 00:15:13,791 --> 00:15:16,958 Bastard! You'll pay for that! 283 00:15:20,333 --> 00:15:21,333 Commander! 284 00:15:21,916 --> 00:15:23,875 Let me ride on Yuuki's back with you! 285 00:15:23,875 --> 00:15:25,250 WITH her? 286 00:15:25,250 --> 00:15:26,916 Two people at the same time?! 287 00:15:26,916 --> 00:15:28,958 But we've never tried that before- 288 00:15:28,958 --> 00:15:29,958 All right. 289 00:15:31,208 --> 00:15:32,541 Just trust me. 290 00:15:37,333 --> 00:15:39,291 Let's go, Himari. The three of us. 291 00:15:39,291 --> 00:15:40,166 Yes, ma'am! 292 00:15:41,333 --> 00:15:42,625 I've got a gut feeling... 293 00:15:43,666 --> 00:15:47,958 that with two masters, 294 00:15:43,667 --> 00:15:47,958 he'll take on a more powerful form. 295 00:16:03,666 --> 00:16:04,541 {\an8}ETERNAL CHAINS: SLAVE 296 00:16:06,083 --> 00:16:06,958 {\an8}WAR CLOUD 297 00:16:12,333 --> 00:16:14,375 {\an8}ETERNAL CHAINS: SLAVE 298 00:16:12,334 --> 00:16:14,375 WAR CLOUD 299 00:16:17,750 --> 00:16:20,708 What do you think 300 00:16:17,751 --> 00:16:20,708 of your new powers, Yuuki?! 301 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:22,416 Let's give 'em hell! 302 00:16:22,416 --> 00:16:24,958 The power's coursing through me... 303 00:16:25,916 --> 00:16:27,583 I bet I could do it now... 304 00:16:27,583 --> 00:16:29,416 That move she did back then. 305 00:16:30,708 --> 00:16:34,083 I'll use the same method as Brand Break 306 00:16:30,709 --> 00:16:34,083 to channel my energy. 307 00:16:34,625 --> 00:16:36,000 {\an8}HOWLING BLAST 308 00:16:34,626 --> 00:16:36,041 Howling Blast! 309 00:16:41,333 --> 00:16:43,166 So THAT'S what having two masters does! 310 00:16:43,166 --> 00:16:44,041 Perfect! 311 00:16:44,041 --> 00:16:46,125 Now we can annihilate the whole swarm! 312 00:16:46,125 --> 00:16:47,458 But what about Yachiho?! 313 00:16:47,458 --> 00:16:50,541 She'll be fine. 314 00:16:47,459 --> 00:16:50,541 The 6th Squadron has HER. 315 00:16:50,875 --> 00:16:52,416 They've got Tenka. 316 00:16:52,416 --> 00:16:54,500 Two additional humanoids? 317 00:16:54,500 --> 00:16:55,416 Yes. 318 00:16:55,416 --> 00:16:58,208 I can't see them right now, 319 00:16:55,417 --> 00:16:58,208 but I'm sure of it... 320 00:16:58,208 --> 00:17:00,208 Huh... All right then. 321 00:17:00,500 --> 00:17:01,666 We'll take it from here. 322 00:17:10,125 --> 00:17:11,958 I won't let you outshine me. 323 00:17:15,750 --> 00:17:18,666 We'll give 'em something better 324 00:17:15,751 --> 00:17:18,666 than an exhibition match... 325 00:17:18,958 --> 00:17:21,500 We'll give 'em a commander showdown! 326 00:17:23,500 --> 00:17:24,791 This is torture! 327 00:17:24,791 --> 00:17:26,750 Lady Ten and Lady Kyou 328 00:17:24,792 --> 00:17:26,750 are out there fighting, 329 00:17:26,750 --> 00:17:28,208 and I'm stuck here?! 330 00:17:28,208 --> 00:17:30,958 It's because the dorm 331 00:17:28,209 --> 00:17:30,958 has the sturdiest barrier. 332 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:34,208 But I can barely see from so far away! 333 00:17:34,791 --> 00:17:36,291 I wanna watch! 334 00:17:36,708 --> 00:17:38,333 I wanna watch up close! 335 00:17:38,333 --> 00:17:40,833 Um, if you put your hand 336 00:17:38,334 --> 00:17:40,833 on Nei's shoulder, 337 00:17:40,833 --> 00:17:43,875 she'll link with your mind 338 00:17:40,834 --> 00:17:43,875 so you can watch the fight. 339 00:17:43,875 --> 00:17:45,250 Seriously?! 340 00:17:45,500 --> 00:17:48,916 Omigosh, Miss Okawamura! 341 00:17:45,501 --> 00:17:48,916 You're totally the best! 342 00:17:49,458 --> 00:17:51,833 I can see them! This is awesome! 343 00:17:56,458 --> 00:17:58,916 It's time... to bow down! 344 00:17:59,250 --> 00:18:01,708 Yeah, look at her go! 345 00:18:01,916 --> 00:18:04,250 Shuuki can't be beaten 346 00:18:01,917 --> 00:18:04,250 with normal weapons. 347 00:18:04,250 --> 00:18:06,708 The power of Mato, granted by Peaches, 348 00:18:06,708 --> 00:18:09,916 and specially made weapons 349 00:18:06,709 --> 00:18:09,916 imbued with the Peaches' power 350 00:18:09,916 --> 00:18:11,833 are the only ways to counter them. 351 00:18:12,583 --> 00:18:14,708 But the exception to that is Lady Kyou. 352 00:18:14,708 --> 00:18:16,000 Kyouka Uzen! 353 00:18:18,208 --> 00:18:19,916 She trained atop a sacred mountain 354 00:18:19,916 --> 00:18:23,166 to perfect her own unique style of combat 355 00:18:19,917 --> 00:18:23,166 that destroys the creatures! 356 00:18:23,166 --> 00:18:25,333 She gained the skills necessary 357 00:18:23,167 --> 00:18:25,333 to defeat Shuuki 358 00:18:25,333 --> 00:18:27,875 without relying on her Peach ability! 359 00:18:28,125 --> 00:18:30,000 And this exceptional nature of hers 360 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:32,375 is how she landed her position 361 00:18:30,001 --> 00:18:32,375 as commander! 362 00:18:36,916 --> 00:18:39,916 I can't believe I get to see Lady Kyou's 363 00:18:36,917 --> 00:18:39,916 strength up close! 364 00:18:39,916 --> 00:18:42,166 It's a dream come true for a fan like me! 365 00:18:42,875 --> 00:18:45,750 Lady Kyou's ability 366 00:18:42,876 --> 00:18:45,750 is stronger than ever, too! 367 00:18:45,750 --> 00:18:47,416 This is totally wicked! 368 00:18:49,083 --> 00:18:50,541 Golden Hour! 369 00:18:51,416 --> 00:18:52,625 Freeze for five seconds! 370 00:18:52,625 --> 00:18:54,291 {\an8}AZUMA TIME: GOLDEN HOUR 371 00:19:02,458 --> 00:19:03,916 I'm not done yet! 372 00:19:08,958 --> 00:19:11,333 Dammit... That's a lot of firepower! 373 00:19:11,333 --> 00:19:13,291 This is what these humanoids 374 00:19:11,334 --> 00:19:13,291 are capable of?! 375 00:19:19,166 --> 00:19:22,125 Can't do that sneaky pose of yours 376 00:19:19,167 --> 00:19:22,125 without an arm! 377 00:19:23,875 --> 00:19:25,125 You're a fool! 378 00:19:25,125 --> 00:19:29,875 One as elegant as I 379 00:19:25,126 --> 00:19:29,875 can pose no matter how many limbs I have! 380 00:19:30,125 --> 00:19:31,458 Golden Hour! 381 00:19:31,833 --> 00:19:34,500 {\an8}AZUMA TIME: GOLDEN HOUR 382 00:19:31,834 --> 00:19:33,000 Rewind five seconds! 383 00:19:43,958 --> 00:19:46,291 Persistent little pest, aren't you? 384 00:19:59,833 --> 00:20:01,791 My body's all warmed up. 385 00:20:03,208 --> 00:20:05,458 I'll obliterate you with this next strike. 386 00:20:20,500 --> 00:20:22,083 Good job, Yachiho. 387 00:20:23,791 --> 00:20:25,083 That woman... 388 00:20:25,083 --> 00:20:27,541 Where'd she come from all of a sudden? 389 00:20:30,166 --> 00:20:31,375 Let's swap. 390 00:20:31,833 --> 00:20:33,458 You go take it easy. 391 00:20:39,625 --> 00:20:40,875 Take it easy? 392 00:20:40,875 --> 00:20:44,208 While my entire army is closing in on you? 393 00:20:44,583 --> 00:20:45,833 Army? 394 00:21:10,333 --> 00:21:14,583 I already neutralized any Shuuki 395 00:21:10,334 --> 00:21:14,583 that might try to interfere. 396 00:21:21,250 --> 00:21:26,333 The report indicated the existence of 397 00:21:21,251 --> 00:21:26,333 another two officer-level humanoids. 398 00:21:29,041 --> 00:21:30,000 But first... 399 00:21:31,500 --> 00:21:34,000 I guess I'll start by getting rid of you. 400 00:21:35,958 --> 00:21:37,500 This power... 401 00:21:40,250 --> 00:21:43,166 Looks like I get to have some fun. 402 00:23:16,041 --> 00:23:17,875 {\an8}TEACH US! NEI-SENPAI! 403 00:23:16,291 --> 00:23:17,875 "Teach Us! Nei-senpai!" 404 00:23:17,875 --> 00:23:21,750 {\an8}MAD SHEEP 405 00:23:17,876 --> 00:23:18,583 Okey-dokey! 406 00:23:18,583 --> 00:23:21,916 Today we're talking about Miss Sahara 407 00:23:18,584 --> 00:23:21,916 Wakasa's Peach ability: Mad Sheep! 408 00:23:22,041 --> 00:23:23,875 Mad Sheep is a 409 00:23:22,042 --> 00:23:23,875 physical fortification ability 410 00:23:23,875 --> 00:23:26,875 that allows her to increase her strength 411 00:23:23,876 --> 00:23:26,875 for the amount of time of her choosing. 412 00:23:27,000 --> 00:23:29,958 She can do this for a minimum of 413 00:23:27,001 --> 00:23:29,958 one minute and a maximum of 60 minutes. 414 00:23:29,958 --> 00:23:32,458 The shorter the timeframe, 415 00:23:29,959 --> 00:23:32,458 the stronger she becomes! 416 00:23:32,458 --> 00:23:35,500 A nap totalling at least three minutes 417 00:23:32,459 --> 00:23:35,500 is required between each usage. 418 00:23:35,500 --> 00:23:37,375 What's more, if she passes out 419 00:23:35,501 --> 00:23:37,375 while Mad Sheep is active, 420 00:23:37,375 --> 00:23:39,708 she'll lose her ability to differentiate 421 00:23:37,376 --> 00:23:39,708 between friends and foes, 422 00:23:39,708 --> 00:23:41,375 so it's best to cheer her on 423 00:23:39,709 --> 00:23:41,375 from a safe distance! 424 00:23:41,500 --> 00:23:42,541 Anyways, next time: 425 00:23:42,541 --> 00:23:46,000 UNITED FRONT, 426 00:23:42,542 --> 00:23:46,000 TENKA, 427 00:23:42,543 --> 00:23:46,000 SOAR 428 00:23:42,544 --> 00:23:44,166 "United Front, Tenka, Soar" 429 00:23:44,166 --> 00:23:45,666 Thanks for watching!