1 00:00:15,916 --> 00:00:17,708 This is how I'll become... 2 00:00:20,583 --> 00:00:22,458 This is how I'll become... 3 00:00:24,458 --> 00:00:25,958 ...Supreme Commander. 4 00:00:26,541 --> 00:00:27,708 ... a hero. 5 00:00:28,250 --> 00:00:29,916 This is my story! 6 00:02:02,750 --> 00:02:04,583 Caretaker 7 00:02:02,751 --> 00:02:04,583 Yuuki 8 00:02:02,752 --> 00:02:04,583 Wakura 9 00:02:05,125 --> 00:02:07,125 Perfect! Squeaky clean! 10 00:02:05,250 --> 00:02:08,958 Curiosity, Shushu, Undress 11 00:02:07,125 --> 00:02:09,958 A job well done truly is its own reward! 12 00:02:11,166 --> 00:02:14,791 Too bad about the location. 13 00:02:11,167 --> 00:02:14,791 It's not exactly pleasant... 14 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:24,291 The barrier! 15 00:02:24,458 --> 00:02:28,250 I-I guess the Shuuki can show up 16 00:02:24,459 --> 00:02:28,250 close to the dorm, too... 17 00:02:28,958 --> 00:02:31,291 Are you okay, Mr. Yuuki? 18 00:02:31,291 --> 00:02:33,625 H-hello, Nei. Welcome home. 19 00:02:34,041 --> 00:02:38,000 The 7th Squadron is in Mato's 20 00:02:34,042 --> 00:02:38,000 unlucky southwest Urakimon area. 21 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:41,625 That's why more Shuuki appear here 22 00:02:38,001 --> 00:02:41,625 than at the other dorms. 23 00:02:42,166 --> 00:02:43,583 "Urakimon"? 24 00:02:43,583 --> 00:02:48,541 So, Mato is an alternate dimension 25 00:02:43,584 --> 00:02:48,541 that's as big as the city of Tokyo. 26 00:02:48,541 --> 00:02:55,208 {\an8}1 27 00:02:48,542 --> 00:02:55,208 {\an8}9 28 00:02:48,543 --> 00:02:55,208 3 29 00:02:48,544 --> 00:02:55,208 8 30 00:02:48,545 --> 00:02:55,208 5 31 00:02:48,546 --> 00:02:55,208 7 32 00:02:48,547 --> 00:02:55,208 6 33 00:02:48,548 --> 00:02:55,208 {\an8}2 34 00:02:48,549 --> 00:02:55,208 10 35 00:02:48,750 --> 00:02:51,291 It's divided up into eight different directions, 36 00:02:51,291 --> 00:02:54,666 and each one has its own 37 00:02:51,292 --> 00:02:54,666 Demon Defense Force stationed there. 38 00:02:55,458 --> 00:02:57,833 We skip over "four" since it's a bad omen. 39 00:02:58,125 --> 00:02:59,541 I see... 40 00:02:59,541 --> 00:03:01,416 You're a lifesaver, Nei. 41 00:03:01,416 --> 00:03:04,958 I'm still completely clueless 42 00:03:01,417 --> 00:03:04,958 when it comes to Mato. 43 00:03:05,708 --> 00:03:09,125 Nei's your senpai. It's her job to teach you! 44 00:03:10,291 --> 00:03:13,791 Not sure I'll ever get used to a child 45 00:03:10,292 --> 00:03:13,791 having seniority over me... 46 00:03:14,458 --> 00:03:17,166 By the way, should we do something about that? 47 00:03:17,291 --> 00:03:22,375 That one's just a small fry. 48 00:03:17,292 --> 00:03:22,375 I think we can safely ignore it. 49 00:03:22,375 --> 00:03:23,208 But- 50 00:03:27,666 --> 00:03:28,583 Hey! 51 00:03:30,125 --> 00:03:33,416 Chit-chatting instead of working, 52 00:03:30,126 --> 00:03:33,416 Yuuki Wakura? 53 00:03:33,708 --> 00:03:36,125 What if you'd hit one of us with that?! 54 00:03:36,125 --> 00:03:38,666 Don't underestimate my skills. 55 00:03:38,958 --> 00:03:41,625 If I wanted to hit you, 56 00:03:38,959 --> 00:03:41,625 you'd have a bullet in your skull. 57 00:03:41,791 --> 00:03:44,083 You're missing the point here... 58 00:03:44,250 --> 00:03:46,916 Now run along and go get dinner ready. 59 00:03:46,916 --> 00:03:48,291 Yeah, yeah... 60 00:03:48,291 --> 00:03:50,125 What's with the attitude?! 61 00:03:50,750 --> 00:03:52,583 You ought to be grateful! 62 00:03:52,583 --> 00:03:56,500 The only reason a man like you 63 00:03:52,584 --> 00:03:56,500 has the privilege of living in our dorm 64 00:03:56,500 --> 00:03:59,458 and eating our food... 65 00:03:59,458 --> 00:04:01,916 is because of the commander's generosity! 66 00:04:02,458 --> 00:04:04,625 Being a caretaker sucks! 67 00:04:04,625 --> 00:04:05,708 Let's go. 68 00:04:08,416 --> 00:04:09,666 Is someone...? 69 00:04:10,750 --> 00:04:12,333 Must be my imagination. 70 00:04:17,250 --> 00:04:20,958 You really are a talented chef, Mr. Caretaker! 71 00:04:20,958 --> 00:04:22,916 D'aww! 72 00:04:22,916 --> 00:04:27,333 I'm not a picky eater, but I am glad 73 00:04:22,917 --> 00:04:27,333 we're all getting nutritionally balanced meals. 74 00:04:27,666 --> 00:04:30,500 I'll have seconds... I suppose... 75 00:04:30,500 --> 00:04:32,875 Can you teach Nei how to cook, too? 76 00:04:34,625 --> 00:04:37,875 Keep up the good work 77 00:04:34,626 --> 00:04:37,875 when you do the dishes and clean the tub. 78 00:04:37,875 --> 00:04:40,375 Same goes for cleaning 79 00:04:37,876 --> 00:04:40,375 the spare rooms and the watchtower. 80 00:04:40,375 --> 00:04:41,333 Got it! 81 00:04:44,625 --> 00:04:45,875 Wait a second! 82 00:04:45,875 --> 00:04:49,833 I wanted to be a hero! 83 00:04:45,876 --> 00:04:49,833 Now I'm just a frickin' handyman! 84 00:04:50,291 --> 00:04:52,958 Um, Miss Kyouka? 85 00:04:53,750 --> 00:04:57,291 We had discussed 86 00:04:53,751 --> 00:04:57,291 me assisting you out in the field, 87 00:04:57,291 --> 00:05:00,833 but I feel like doing chores 88 00:04:57,292 --> 00:05:00,833 is my main responsibility nowadays. 89 00:05:01,416 --> 00:05:03,708 I'll use you when you're needed. 90 00:05:03,708 --> 00:05:07,250 Until that time comes, you're free to 91 00:05:03,709 --> 00:05:07,250 concentrate on your housekeeping tasks. 92 00:05:07,250 --> 00:05:08,208 No, I- 93 00:05:11,416 --> 00:05:15,375 I know you're not stupid enough to 94 00:05:11,417 --> 00:05:15,375 complain about the commander's orders. Right? 95 00:05:15,375 --> 00:05:17,625 Her arm turns into a sword, too?! 96 00:05:18,541 --> 00:05:20,416 This is an all-girls dorm. 97 00:05:20,416 --> 00:05:24,375 I have no doubt that some of you 98 00:05:20,417 --> 00:05:24,375 are uncomfortable with a male caretaker. 99 00:05:24,625 --> 00:05:28,833 But he's a skilled housekeeper, 100 00:05:24,626 --> 00:05:28,833 and he's essential for my ability. 101 00:05:29,083 --> 00:05:31,333 So please, try to treat him kindly. 102 00:05:32,208 --> 00:05:33,291 If... 103 00:05:33,916 --> 00:05:38,750 he misbehaves or screws up, 104 00:05:33,917 --> 00:05:38,750 I'll do my duty as his master and twist it off. 105 00:05:39,250 --> 00:05:40,625 Is that acceptable? 106 00:05:40,625 --> 00:05:41,791 Yes, ma'am. 107 00:05:42,375 --> 00:05:43,958 Twist WHAT off...? 108 00:05:51,125 --> 00:05:52,166 Nei! 109 00:05:52,708 --> 00:05:54,500 I'm going to hop in the bath! 110 00:05:55,291 --> 00:05:56,416 Okey-dokey! 111 00:06:01,666 --> 00:06:03,125 Wha-?! 112 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:12,833 That scared the crap outta me! 113 00:06:12,833 --> 00:06:14,333 You peeked! 114 00:06:15,416 --> 00:06:17,583 I thought I heard Shushu's voice just now... 115 00:06:18,041 --> 00:06:19,458 I'm up here. 116 00:06:20,625 --> 00:06:23,750 So ya finally let your true colors show, 117 00:06:20,626 --> 00:06:23,750 Mr. Caretaker. 118 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:25,166 Shushu?! 119 00:06:25,416 --> 00:06:26,833 Surprised? 120 00:06:29,833 --> 00:06:33,458 My ability lets me grow AND shrink. 121 00:06:35,875 --> 00:06:36,791 Huh? 122 00:06:37,750 --> 00:06:39,375 Wh-what was that? 123 00:06:39,375 --> 00:06:42,375 I've been keepin' 124 00:06:39,376 --> 00:06:42,375 a close eye on you, Mr. Caretaker. 125 00:06:42,375 --> 00:06:45,375 Y'see, I wanted to know 126 00:06:42,376 --> 00:06:45,375 what makes a man tick. 127 00:06:45,625 --> 00:06:47,041 And looky here! 128 00:06:47,041 --> 00:06:48,958 Picture perfect, amirite?! 129 00:06:50,416 --> 00:06:52,083 I-it's not what it looks like! 130 00:06:52,416 --> 00:06:54,875 I wonder what the commander's going to think... 131 00:06:54,875 --> 00:06:56,500 Think she'll twist it off? 132 00:06:56,500 --> 00:06:58,750 A-are you threatening me?! 133 00:06:58,750 --> 00:07:00,875 What do you want?! Money?! 134 00:07:00,875 --> 00:07:03,125 I just like to keep things interesting! 135 00:07:03,416 --> 00:07:06,000 So if you don't want me to leak this photo... 136 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:09,958 you'll have to be my slave, Mr. Caretaker. 137 00:07:09,958 --> 00:07:13,166 I already AM a slave...! 138 00:07:15,666 --> 00:07:16,750 Ugh... 139 00:07:16,750 --> 00:07:18,916 'Cause I'm 140 00:07:16,751 --> 00:07:18,916 in love with you 141 00:07:16,752 --> 00:07:18,916 N-no way... 142 00:07:16,753 --> 00:07:20,166 Romance manga 143 00:07:16,754 --> 00:07:20,166 just doesn't do it for me, y'know? 144 00:07:20,166 --> 00:07:23,166 The action-adventure stuff 145 00:07:20,167 --> 00:07:23,166 gets me more amped up. 146 00:07:24,250 --> 00:07:25,833 Don'tcha agree? 147 00:07:25,833 --> 00:07:27,250 Mr. Caretaker? 148 00:07:28,333 --> 00:07:29,333 Sure... 149 00:07:29,875 --> 00:07:32,291 Yeah, I figured as much. 150 00:07:32,291 --> 00:07:36,208 No way... 151 00:07:32,292 --> 00:07:36,208 I mean it... 152 00:07:32,541 --> 00:07:36,250 If I don't delete that photo on her phone, 153 00:07:36,250 --> 00:07:38,250 she's going to bully me 154 00:07:36,251 --> 00:07:38,250 for the rest of my life. 155 00:07:40,708 --> 00:07:42,166 I'm bored. 156 00:07:42,291 --> 00:07:43,166 Now's my chance! 157 00:07:47,375 --> 00:07:51,291 What a naughty slave, 158 00:07:47,376 --> 00:07:51,291 holding something like that. 159 00:07:51,291 --> 00:07:52,166 Huh? 160 00:07:57,041 --> 00:07:58,708 Oh, what's this? 161 00:07:58,958 --> 00:08:03,791 Aw, you're as red as a tomato, Mr. Caretaker. 162 00:08:05,166 --> 00:08:07,208 Y-you did that on purpose! 163 00:08:08,375 --> 00:08:11,500 You're predictable AND funny! 164 00:08:11,500 --> 00:08:14,708 Okay, but... th-those things... 165 00:08:14,708 --> 00:08:18,166 You're fine with me touching them? 166 00:08:14,709 --> 00:08:18,166 Like, as a girl. 167 00:08:18,166 --> 00:08:21,000 I'd be creeped out if ya did somethin' weird, 168 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:24,416 but I don't really think of you as a guy. 169 00:08:24,416 --> 00:08:27,416 If anything, you're more like... 170 00:08:24,417 --> 00:08:27,416 a neat little pet? 171 00:08:27,416 --> 00:08:28,500 A pet? 172 00:08:28,875 --> 00:08:32,291 Besides, you're our housekeeper! 173 00:08:32,291 --> 00:08:35,208 And that's just another piece of clothing 174 00:08:32,292 --> 00:08:35,208 for you to tidy up, right? 175 00:08:35,208 --> 00:08:37,750 So you're free to touch 'em all ya like! 176 00:08:39,583 --> 00:08:41,375 Then I'll organize these- 177 00:08:43,083 --> 00:08:45,625 I can use that as blackmail material, too! 178 00:08:45,625 --> 00:08:47,375 Quit taking photos of me! 179 00:08:48,375 --> 00:08:52,083 Still, the whole photo thing was an accident. 180 00:08:52,375 --> 00:08:55,750 Even if she rats me out to Miss Kyouka, 181 00:08:52,376 --> 00:08:55,750 maybe I won't get in trouble. 182 00:08:56,458 --> 00:08:58,041 It's coming from outside? 183 00:08:58,166 --> 00:08:59,875 You have to move faster, Himari! 184 00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:02,791 Don't give the enemy a chance to attack! 185 00:09:02,791 --> 00:09:03,666 Yes, ma'am! 186 00:09:04,166 --> 00:09:06,916 The impact won't be strong enough 187 00:09:04,167 --> 00:09:06,916 to slay a Shuuki, 188 00:09:06,916 --> 00:09:09,583 but it's an easy way to throw them off balance! 189 00:09:09,875 --> 00:09:14,166 To be effective, you must always 190 00:09:09,876 --> 00:09:14,166 be swift, brutal, and sharp! 191 00:09:16,666 --> 00:09:17,875 A Shuuki! 192 00:09:18,750 --> 00:09:19,750 Watch closely. 193 00:09:30,375 --> 00:09:32,333 That's how you perform a combo. 194 00:09:32,500 --> 00:09:35,541 And without using your ability! 195 00:09:32,501 --> 00:09:35,541 You're amazing, Commander! 196 00:09:35,541 --> 00:09:38,625 An insta-kill! I'm so screwed... 197 00:09:38,625 --> 00:09:41,250 I can't risk giving Miss Kyouka 198 00:09:38,626 --> 00:09:41,250 the wrong impression! 199 00:09:42,041 --> 00:09:43,625 Oh... Hi, Nei. 200 00:09:43,625 --> 00:09:45,708 I have news for you as your senpai! 201 00:09:45,875 --> 00:09:47,458 I'm all ears. 202 00:09:47,458 --> 00:09:51,625 The commander, Miss Himari, and Nei will be 203 00:09:47,459 --> 00:09:51,625 leaving the dorm to attend a meeting soon, 204 00:09:51,625 --> 00:09:54,125 so keep an eye on things with Miss Shushu 205 00:09:51,626 --> 00:09:54,125 while we're gone, okay? 206 00:09:54,125 --> 00:09:55,541 With Shushu?! 207 00:09:55,541 --> 00:09:57,958 Miss Shushu is a really nice person, 208 00:09:57,958 --> 00:10:01,750 so I think it'll be a good opportunity 209 00:09:57,959 --> 00:10:01,750 for you to get to know her better! 210 00:10:02,875 --> 00:10:05,833 That is NOT the face of a "nice person." 211 00:10:08,541 --> 00:10:10,458 That feels fantastic... 212 00:10:10,458 --> 00:10:14,833 Perfect for soothing my achy 213 00:10:10,459 --> 00:10:14,833 muscles after an intense training session... 214 00:10:15,291 --> 00:10:16,375 Ow-ow-ow... Oh yeah... Right there... 215 00:10:16,375 --> 00:10:19,083 Why am I letting her walk all over me?! 216 00:10:16,376 --> 00:10:19,083 Ow-ow-ow... Oh yeah... Right there... 217 00:10:19,083 --> 00:10:22,041 I've gotta put my foot down once and for all! 218 00:10:19,084 --> 00:10:22,583 Ow-ow-ow... Oh yeah... Right there... 219 00:10:24,291 --> 00:10:24,583 Oof, that's sore! 220 00:10:24,583 --> 00:10:25,875 O-or I could keep it up for a little longer... 221 00:10:24,584 --> 00:10:25,875 Oof, that's sore! 222 00:10:25,875 --> 00:10:28,083 O-or I could keep it up for a little longer... 223 00:10:28,083 --> 00:10:30,958 Hey, how'd you get so good 224 00:10:28,084 --> 00:10:30,958 at shoulder massages? 225 00:10:31,500 --> 00:10:34,750 I used to give them to my big sister, 226 00:10:31,501 --> 00:10:34,750 so I had lots of practice. 227 00:10:34,750 --> 00:10:37,416 So you've got a big sister, too! 228 00:10:37,416 --> 00:10:38,916 What about you, Shushu? 229 00:10:38,916 --> 00:10:41,666 I'm the youngest of three sisters 230 00:10:38,917 --> 00:10:41,666 in my family! 231 00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:45,500 I grew up without a dad, 232 00:10:42,001 --> 00:10:45,500 and I went to all-girls schools my whole life, 233 00:10:45,500 --> 00:10:48,250 so I'd never talked to a guy before. 234 00:10:48,416 --> 00:10:50,708 That's why you thought I was strange? 235 00:10:50,708 --> 00:10:53,250 I was watching your EVERY move. 236 00:10:53,250 --> 00:10:57,666 And then I decided to turn you into my slave 237 00:10:53,251 --> 00:10:57,666 'cause it seemed like fun! 238 00:10:57,666 --> 00:10:59,583 Do you realize how crazy that sounds?! 239 00:10:59,791 --> 00:11:01,125 Maybe so... 240 00:11:01,125 --> 00:11:04,541 But having fun is what matters most, 241 00:11:01,126 --> 00:11:04,541 in my opinion. 242 00:11:04,666 --> 00:11:07,958 It's why I moved to Mato. 243 00:11:04,667 --> 00:11:07,958 I was lookin' for excitement. 244 00:11:07,958 --> 00:11:10,750 That's your reason? 245 00:11:07,959 --> 00:11:10,750 Even though you could die? 246 00:11:10,750 --> 00:11:13,583 Sure! Slayin' Shuuki is a blast! 247 00:11:13,583 --> 00:11:16,375 It's like I'm the protagonist 248 00:11:13,584 --> 00:11:16,375 of an adventure manga! 249 00:11:18,125 --> 00:11:20,083 My shoulders feel so much better... 250 00:11:20,541 --> 00:11:22,500 Now let's play a fighting game! 251 00:11:22,500 --> 00:11:24,041 O-okay... 252 00:11:24,041 --> 00:11:26,750 But you should know... 253 00:11:24,042 --> 00:11:26,750 I'm pretty good at video games. 254 00:11:26,750 --> 00:11:28,750 Then why don't we spice things up? 255 00:11:28,916 --> 00:11:31,875 Loser has to strip off a piece of their clothing. 256 00:11:31,875 --> 00:11:33,500 What?! But... 257 00:11:33,500 --> 00:11:36,958 Obviously, slaves don't have 258 00:11:33,501 --> 00:11:36,958 the right to refuse... 259 00:11:38,500 --> 00:11:40,750 F-fine, bring it on! 260 00:11:41,125 --> 00:11:43,791 I'll beat her and then force her to apologize! 261 00:11:43,791 --> 00:11:45,291 K.O.! 262 00:11:47,041 --> 00:11:48,375 K.O.! 263 00:11:49,666 --> 00:11:51,041 K.O.! 264 00:11:53,958 --> 00:11:55,750 You win! 265 00:11:57,041 --> 00:11:59,708 Too easy, Mr. Caretaker! 266 00:11:59,708 --> 00:12:00,958 But... 267 00:12:00,958 --> 00:12:05,500 my friends won't even let me play as Guile 268 00:12:00,959 --> 00:12:05,500 'cause I always end up kicking their asses. 269 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:07,916 C'mon, time to get naked. 270 00:12:08,125 --> 00:12:11,000 If I take off my underwear, 271 00:12:08,126 --> 00:12:11,000 I'll be committing a crime... 272 00:12:11,000 --> 00:12:13,875 Nah, we're in Mato... 273 00:12:11,001 --> 00:12:13,875 It's not that big a deal. 274 00:12:14,083 --> 00:12:19,000 I've never seen a guy naked before, 275 00:12:14,084 --> 00:12:19,000 so I gotta admit, I'm kinda curious! 276 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:21,833 B-but I'm a MAN, remember?! 277 00:12:21,833 --> 00:12:23,833 What if I start feeling frisky? 278 00:12:23,833 --> 00:12:25,375 It's not safe, Shushu... 279 00:12:25,375 --> 00:12:26,541 You could get hurt! 280 00:12:26,541 --> 00:12:27,791 Not safe? 281 00:12:28,125 --> 00:12:31,250 You oughtta trust your gut 282 00:12:28,126 --> 00:12:31,250 when there's danger involved! 283 00:12:37,041 --> 00:12:39,958 THAT'S what you were worried about?! 284 00:12:37,042 --> 00:12:39,958 What a gentleman! 285 00:12:43,583 --> 00:12:45,166 I'll be totally fine. 286 00:12:45,166 --> 00:12:47,750 I'd never let a man take advantage of me. 287 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:50,708 I forgot about her ability! 288 00:12:50,708 --> 00:12:53,666 YOU'RE the one who's in danger here. 289 00:12:53,833 --> 00:12:54,708 Hey! 290 00:12:55,708 --> 00:12:57,708 Wait a second, you idiot! 291 00:12:57,708 --> 00:12:59,125 No can do! 292 00:13:00,666 --> 00:13:03,208 Now that you're incapacitated... 293 00:13:03,208 --> 00:13:07,375 It's time to accept your punishment 294 00:13:03,209 --> 00:13:07,375 and show me whatcha got under there! 295 00:13:07,375 --> 00:13:08,458 Let's see... 296 00:13:08,458 --> 00:13:11,041 STOP! 297 00:13:15,833 --> 00:13:18,541 OMG, it's so tiny and adorable! 298 00:13:18,541 --> 00:13:20,000 That's hilarious! 299 00:13:20,000 --> 00:13:22,958 That's hilarious! That's hilarious! 300 00:13:22,958 --> 00:13:24,416 That's hilarious! 301 00:13:27,708 --> 00:13:28,833 We're under attack! 302 00:13:29,083 --> 00:13:31,833 And Miss Kyouka and the others 303 00:13:29,084 --> 00:13:31,833 are still gone... 304 00:13:33,791 --> 00:13:35,000 The barrier...! 305 00:13:35,000 --> 00:13:37,083 You wait here, Mr. Caretaker. 306 00:13:37,333 --> 00:13:38,041 Hey! 307 00:13:38,041 --> 00:13:40,875 Guys are too wimpy. 308 00:13:38,042 --> 00:13:40,875 Be good and stay put. 309 00:13:44,666 --> 00:13:48,208 Overpowering us with your size? 310 00:13:44,667 --> 00:13:48,208 Not a bad strategy. 311 00:13:48,208 --> 00:13:50,708 Unfortunately, I'VE got the upper hand. 312 00:13:50,708 --> 00:13:53,375 Have a taste of my Peach ability... 313 00:13:55,375 --> 00:13:57,291 PARADIGM 314 00:13:55,376 --> 00:13:57,291 SHIFT 315 00:13:55,500 --> 00:13:57,333 Paradigm Shift! 316 00:14:00,041 --> 00:14:01,083 She's huge! 317 00:14:05,041 --> 00:14:07,958 Milk 318 00:14:05,042 --> 00:14:07,958 Life 319 00:14:21,750 --> 00:14:23,375 Is that all ya got? 320 00:14:23,375 --> 00:14:24,583 Take this! 321 00:14:28,916 --> 00:14:29,875 Wha-?! 322 00:14:30,333 --> 00:14:32,333 And... whoosh! 323 00:14:35,708 --> 00:14:36,958 Bam! 324 00:14:36,958 --> 00:14:38,333 Followed by... 325 00:14:38,333 --> 00:14:40,333 another kick! 326 00:14:44,000 --> 00:14:45,500 That was awesome! 327 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:51,458 Man, turning into a giant sure is exhausting... 328 00:14:51,458 --> 00:14:52,916 Shushu, behind you! 329 00:14:52,916 --> 00:14:53,750 Huh? 330 00:14:57,291 --> 00:14:59,583 So there was another one hiding nearby... 331 00:14:59,583 --> 00:15:00,708 Sneaky... 332 00:15:08,250 --> 00:15:10,375 Always keepin' me on my toes! 333 00:15:18,875 --> 00:15:21,375 If I don't finish this quick, 334 00:15:18,876 --> 00:15:21,375 things could get hairy... 335 00:15:24,375 --> 00:15:25,791 Paradigm Shift! 336 00:15:27,125 --> 00:15:27,750 Huh? 337 00:15:29,041 --> 00:15:29,958 What? 338 00:15:30,708 --> 00:15:31,583 Oh crap! 339 00:15:33,083 --> 00:15:34,041 Shushu! 340 00:15:40,541 --> 00:15:42,541 It looks like she's in real trouble! 341 00:15:42,875 --> 00:15:46,583 I want to transform, 342 00:15:42,876 --> 00:15:46,583 but without Miss Kyouka, it's impossible! 343 00:15:48,250 --> 00:15:50,958 There must be SOMETHING I can do to help! 344 00:15:53,583 --> 00:15:57,416 I transformed when my lips touched 345 00:15:53,584 --> 00:15:57,416 Miss Kyouka's hand... 346 00:15:59,916 --> 00:16:01,125 So by that logic... 347 00:16:04,958 --> 00:16:09,291 if I kiss something that belongs to her, 348 00:16:04,959 --> 00:16:09,291 I should be able to transform, right?! 349 00:16:14,208 --> 00:16:16,166 Can't do it. 350 00:16:16,166 --> 00:16:17,916 But I'm on the right track! 351 00:16:17,916 --> 00:16:20,375 I need something 352 00:16:17,917 --> 00:16:20,375 that provokes a stronger reaction! 353 00:16:26,250 --> 00:16:27,708 Please forgive me! 354 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:35,958 It worked for a second there! 355 00:16:35,958 --> 00:16:37,416 If her shirt does a better job... 356 00:16:41,791 --> 00:16:46,541 Oh god, what does this say 357 00:16:41,792 --> 00:16:46,541 about me as a person? 358 00:16:53,125 --> 00:16:54,625 There's no time to be indecisive! 359 00:16:54,875 --> 00:16:57,583 I want to be a hero! 360 00:16:54,876 --> 00:16:57,583 I have to ACT! 361 00:16:57,833 --> 00:17:01,333 And if licking her boots 362 00:16:57,834 --> 00:17:01,333 makes my dream come true, then I'm in! 363 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:08,750 Eat this! 364 00:17:13,083 --> 00:17:16,416 Maybe I got carried away, 365 00:17:13,084 --> 00:17:16,416 whipping out the jumbo size like that. 366 00:17:16,416 --> 00:17:18,125 Bad habit of mine... 367 00:17:18,583 --> 00:17:21,583 Probably going to shrink back to normal soon. 368 00:17:29,750 --> 00:17:33,208 Y-you only transformed halfway?! 369 00:17:29,751 --> 00:17:33,208 That's a first! 370 00:17:33,208 --> 00:17:35,000 Still, I've gotta try! 371 00:17:35,000 --> 00:17:36,166 Hold it still! 372 00:17:39,583 --> 00:17:40,541 C'mere! 373 00:17:40,541 --> 00:17:42,916 TAKE THIS! 374 00:17:48,666 --> 00:17:49,750 Whoa... 375 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:54,125 I... did it... 376 00:17:54,125 --> 00:17:57,125 Too late... I'm out of time. 377 00:17:57,125 --> 00:17:59,583 My body... won't move... 378 00:18:03,208 --> 00:18:04,041 Huh? 379 00:18:04,041 --> 00:18:04,958 Oof! 380 00:18:05,416 --> 00:18:07,291 H-hold on, this isn't...! 381 00:18:07,291 --> 00:18:09,375 Y-you saved my life, but...! 382 00:18:09,833 --> 00:18:12,833 I can't... I'm stuck! 383 00:18:15,583 --> 00:18:18,625 Forcing a transformation? 384 00:18:15,584 --> 00:18:18,625 That's a little over the top. 385 00:18:18,625 --> 00:18:23,041 I did it 'cause of what you said. 386 00:18:18,626 --> 00:18:23,041 "Guys are too wimpy. Be good and stay put." 387 00:18:23,041 --> 00:18:24,875 I wanted to prove you wrong. 388 00:18:30,916 --> 00:18:32,750 OH MY GOD! 389 00:18:33,791 --> 00:18:35,500 I was naked when I transformed! 390 00:18:35,500 --> 00:18:37,166 Th-this isn't what it looks like! 391 00:18:37,166 --> 00:18:39,250 He gets excited whenever I transform! 392 00:18:39,625 --> 00:18:41,166 Calm down! This isn't the time! 393 00:18:41,166 --> 00:18:43,416 Please, I'm begging you! 394 00:18:45,250 --> 00:18:48,833 I-it's... kinda impressive... 395 00:18:49,958 --> 00:18:51,791 Ouch, ow-ow-ow! 396 00:18:51,791 --> 00:18:54,833 Miss Kyouka, please be gentle with me! 397 00:18:54,833 --> 00:18:56,250 Just lie still. 398 00:18:56,250 --> 00:18:59,041 Out of commission 399 00:18:56,251 --> 00:18:59,041 after a few minutes in combat? 400 00:18:59,041 --> 00:19:00,375 How pitiful. 401 00:19:00,375 --> 00:19:01,708 Oh, shut up! 402 00:19:01,958 --> 00:19:06,041 Um, shouldn't we fix the cracks 403 00:19:01,959 --> 00:19:06,041 in the barrier around the dorm? 404 00:19:06,041 --> 00:19:07,416 No need to worry. 405 00:19:07,625 --> 00:19:09,416 The barriers protecting important locations 406 00:19:09,416 --> 00:19:13,041 such as our dormitory and the groves where 407 00:19:09,417 --> 00:19:13,041 Peaches grow have special properties. 408 00:19:13,041 --> 00:19:16,125 So long as the damage is minor, 409 00:19:13,042 --> 00:19:16,125 it will repair itself before long. 410 00:19:16,750 --> 00:19:19,958 Oh, it was the same then, too... 411 00:19:23,041 --> 00:19:24,833 But more importantly... 412 00:19:24,833 --> 00:19:25,958 quit squirming! 413 00:19:25,958 --> 00:19:27,583 Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! 414 00:19:28,166 --> 00:19:32,291 Th-this is the reward I get 415 00:19:28,167 --> 00:19:32,291 for forcing myself to transform?! 416 00:19:32,500 --> 00:19:35,250 Shushu, no more slaying Shuuki for kicks. 417 00:19:35,708 --> 00:19:39,416 Underestimating your opponent 418 00:19:35,709 --> 00:19:39,416 is how you end up in a body bag. 419 00:19:39,833 --> 00:19:41,500 Yes, ma'am. I should've known better. 420 00:19:41,500 --> 00:19:45,000 You can thank Yuuki by assisting him 421 00:19:41,501 --> 00:19:45,000 with his household duties. 422 00:19:45,000 --> 00:19:46,083 Understood. 423 00:19:48,541 --> 00:19:49,666 Ouch... 424 00:19:51,541 --> 00:19:53,083 Hey! What are you doing?! 425 00:19:53,083 --> 00:19:55,500 Asserting dominance as your master. 426 00:19:55,500 --> 00:19:59,333 You've got me even more curious about guys 427 00:19:55,501 --> 00:19:59,333 than I was before! 428 00:19:59,333 --> 00:20:01,458 So let's keep our arrangement. 429 00:20:01,458 --> 00:20:04,125 How'd you get the perfect photo?! 430 00:20:05,416 --> 00:20:07,500 Welp, till next time, Mr. Caretaker! 431 00:20:07,500 --> 00:20:08,708 W-wait! 432 00:20:09,875 --> 00:20:12,916 She's got too many 433 00:20:09,876 --> 00:20:12,916 incriminating photos of me now... 434 00:20:12,916 --> 00:20:14,916 I can't talk my way out anymore... 435 00:20:14,916 --> 00:20:17,541 Will I ever be free?! 436 00:20:20,625 --> 00:20:23,541 I won't give you up, Yukki... 437 00:20:35,041 --> 00:20:36,166 Go ahead without me! 438 00:20:38,041 --> 00:20:40,000 Inform the commander ASAP! 439 00:20:40,000 --> 00:20:41,000 Roger that! 440 00:20:43,708 --> 00:20:45,500 That's no ordinary Shuuki- 441 00:20:49,041 --> 00:20:50,541 Yuna! Kaoru! 442 00:21:04,208 --> 00:21:05,458 No, don't eat her. 443 00:21:25,041 --> 00:21:27,000 I knew I felt it... 444 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:29,458 Uh-huh, I'm positive! 445 00:21:29,458 --> 00:21:32,000 I'd know his presence anywhere! 446 00:21:35,083 --> 00:21:37,083 Yuuki's somewhere in Mato... 447 00:21:37,500 --> 00:21:40,125 So I'd better go pay him a visit! 448 00:23:16,041 --> 00:23:18,875 {\an8}TEACH US! NEI-SENPAI! 449 00:23:16,375 --> 00:23:18,166 "Teach Us! Nei-senpai!" 450 00:23:18,166 --> 00:23:19,166 Okey-dokey! 451 00:23:18,875 --> 00:23:22,625 {\an8}PARADIGM SHIFT 452 00:23:19,166 --> 00:23:22,666 Let's talk about Miss Shushu's 453 00:23:19,167 --> 00:23:22,666 Peach ability: Paradigm Shift! 454 00:23:22,666 --> 00:23:25,416 With this ability, 455 00:23:22,667 --> 00:23:25,416 she can alter the size of her body at will. 456 00:23:25,416 --> 00:23:26,583 But not just her body. 457 00:23:26,583 --> 00:23:29,208 She can also change the size 458 00:23:26,584 --> 00:23:29,208 of the clothes she's wearing, 459 00:23:29,208 --> 00:23:31,166 or even simple objects, simultaneously! 460 00:23:31,333 --> 00:23:33,375 That must come in handy 461 00:23:31,334 --> 00:23:33,375 when moving to a new house! 462 00:23:33,375 --> 00:23:35,541 By the way, the Demon Defense Force's dorm 463 00:23:33,376 --> 00:23:35,541 has its own Wi-Fi. 464 00:23:35,541 --> 00:23:39,041 Miss Shushu spends a lot of time 465 00:23:35,542 --> 00:23:39,041 playing online multiplayer games in her room. 466 00:23:39,041 --> 00:23:41,083 She lets Nei join in sometimes, too! 467 00:23:41,416 --> 00:23:42,541 Anyways, next time: 468 00:23:42,541 --> 00:23:46,000 ENCOUNTER, 469 00:23:42,542 --> 00:23:46,000 KYOUKA, 470 00:23:42,543 --> 00:23:46,000 RAMPAGE 471 00:23:42,544 --> 00:23:44,208 "Encounter, Kyouka, Rampage" 472 00:23:44,208 --> 00:23:46,041 Thanks for watching!