1 00:00:20,400 --> 00:00:23,630 In the time of the Great Sea pirate 2 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:29,530 The oceans are filled with men with ambitions for wealth, fame and power 3 00:00:29,530 --> 00:00:33,330 It's a dream for a pirate 4 00:00:33,700 --> 00:00:39,160 But some of them just like to plunder 5 00:00:39,400 --> 00:00:46,360 For the weak these are times of endless persecution 6 00:00:47,860 --> 00:00:53,260 Despite being under the jurisdiction of a world government the navy was powerless to protect the weak 7 00:00:53,260 --> 00:00:58,930 So who can they rely on and what can they do to be saved? 8 00:01:01,330 --> 00:01:06,860 We really don't have a choice no one cares about people like us 9 00:01:07,660 --> 00:01:10,630 All I can do is cry... 10 00:01:11,560 --> 00:01:15,560 That's what everyone says. Pirates are bad guys. And worse... 11 00:01:15,600 --> 00:01:17,730 I'm so hungry 12 00:01:18,500 --> 00:01:21,330 What are we supposed to do when the pirates have taken everything 13 00:01:21,330 --> 00:01:22,890 Yeah, it's all because of the pirates 14 00:01:23,200 --> 00:01:26,960 All because those selfish brutes took our joy 15 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:32,490 Do you understand now? 16 00:01:32,500 --> 00:01:35,290 I'm begging you to do something about our unfortunate situation, okay 17 00:01:35,700 --> 00:01:38,660 Only you only you can help us 18 00:01:38,660 --> 00:01:39,590 I beg you 19 00:01:39,630 --> 00:01:40,490 You're the only one who can help us 20 00:01:40,500 --> 00:01:41,260 I beg you 21 00:01:41,300 --> 00:01:42,690 Just you 22 00:01:42,700 --> 00:01:44,160 Please, please, please 23 00:01:44,660 --> 00:01:48,030 I know, I know 24 00:01:49,560 --> 00:01:53,660 I will create a new era for you that will make us all happy 25 00:01:54,360 --> 00:01:56,130 Where are our seats? 26 00:01:56,130 --> 00:01:57,460 I'd like to buy some peripheral products 27 00:01:57,530 --> 00:01:59,460 What a long dragon 28 00:02:00,200 --> 00:02:01,460 I have to go to the bathroom later. Oh, my God, your seat has food 29 00:02:02,300 --> 00:02:07,290 Yeah because it's a platinum ticket 30 00:02:17,830 --> 00:02:20,430 There must be a lot of people here 31 00:02:20,430 --> 00:02:23,890 Because it was Uta's first time singing live in front of fans 32 00:02:24,130 --> 00:02:28,330 Until now, we've only seen her in the telephony bug 33 00:02:29,630 --> 00:02:35,330 To see Uta live in such a beautiful place, I really... 34 00:02:38,460 --> 00:02:44,530 Mermaids are coming. It looks like it's gonna be fun. But why are we dressed like this 35 00:02:45,030 --> 00:02:49,530 It's to make her sing better and then someone in costume can get these 36 00:02:49,530 --> 00:02:50,930 I see 37 00:02:50,930 --> 00:02:52,460 I'm looking forward to it 38 00:02:52,600 --> 00:02:55,490 After all, she's the most loved person in the world right now 39 00:02:55,500 --> 00:02:57,690 Is she really that great? 40 00:02:57,700 --> 00:03:00,390 As the King of Souls, I don't normally say that 41 00:03:00,430 --> 00:03:02,660 But the songs she sings really seem from another world 42 00:03:03,360 --> 00:03:06,390 Uta, Uta, I love... 43 00:03:06,400 --> 00:03:08,330 That's boring. What? 44 00:03:08,400 --> 00:03:12,830 Damn swordsman You come back here and say it again if you dare and I'll fry you till you're juicy 45 00:03:13,330 --> 00:03:15,430 Try it on me, Curly 46 00:03:16,230 --> 00:03:19,890 Here we go 47 00:03:19,900 --> 00:03:22,860 The concert started with Luffy 48 00:03:25,230 --> 00:03:29,190 "We choose our own future." 49 00:03:29,300 --> 00:03:32,130 "Try a new path." 50 00:03:32,230 --> 00:03:45,630 "If I change the world..." 51 00:04:08,900 --> 00:04:10,960 "Say goodbye to all those who oppose us." 52 00:04:11,030 --> 00:04:15,160 "No one has the power to stop the change that music can bring." 53 00:04:16,029 --> 00:04:18,459 "You can't stop the magic." 54 00:04:19,959 --> 00:04:23,560 "Close your eyes and you can see the future right in front of you." 55 00:04:23,800 --> 00:04:26,560 "Every word I sing leads you closer to your destiny." 56 00:04:26,600 --> 00:04:30,860 "When you get there don't let go." 57 00:04:30,960 --> 00:04:33,760 "If you want to play a real game, untie the chains." 58 00:04:33,800 --> 00:04:36,290 "When the melody is strung we are walking on a tight rope." 59 00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:40,160 "Don't want to cry don't want to try to forget" 60 00:04:40,330 --> 00:04:41,130 "Let me live in this dream." 61 00:04:41,330 --> 00:04:42,390 "I want to be free." 62 00:04:42,400 --> 00:04:43,330 "I want to be free" 63 00:04:43,430 --> 00:04:45,490 "And then embrace the new era." 64 00:04:45,660 --> 00:04:48,930 "I know we can do this." 65 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:51,690 "Create a new world." 66 00:04:52,700 --> 00:04:55,460 "We choose our own future." 67 00:04:55,460 --> 00:04:57,460 "Try to take a new path." 68 00:04:57,460 --> 00:05:02,290 "If I change the world" 69 00:05:02,600 --> 00:05:05,990 "This infinite music can be transformative." 70 00:05:06,330 --> 00:05:08,460 "Let the message in the song" 71 00:05:08,460 --> 00:05:10,590 "Go further." 72 00:05:10,830 --> 00:05:13,330 "This dream will come true." 73 00:05:13,430 --> 00:05:14,660 "I believe you" 74 00:05:36,030 --> 00:05:39,290 "Say goodbye to everything that's holding you down." 75 00:05:39,330 --> 00:05:41,860 "Let colorful music take you away from reality." 76 00:05:42,000 --> 00:05:46,490 "We have to move on." 77 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:49,830 "Close your eyes, hold my hand and let's run." 78 00:05:50,060 --> 00:05:54,660 "We don't need to live like this. I know we can do better." 79 00:05:54,800 --> 00:05:58,660 "I sing for freedom." 80 00:05:59,030 --> 00:06:01,290 "If you want to play a real game, untie the chains." 81 00:06:01,460 --> 00:06:03,530 "Let the melody light the way for new vistas." 82 00:06:03,530 --> 00:06:06,760 "Don't want to cry don't want to try to forget" 83 00:06:07,500 --> 00:06:08,960 "Let me live in this dream." 84 00:06:09,130 --> 00:06:11,430 "I want to be free" 85 00:06:11,560 --> 00:06:13,930 "And then embrace the new era." 86 00:06:14,130 --> 00:06:16,760 "I know we can do this." 87 00:06:16,800 --> 00:06:19,690 "Create a new world." 88 00:06:20,060 --> 00:06:22,790 "We choose our own future" 89 00:06:23,100 --> 00:06:24,790 "Try a new path." 90 00:06:24,830 --> 00:06:31,960 "If I change the world" 91 00:06:32,060 --> 00:06:32,930 "This infinite music can be transformative." 92 00:06:34,130 --> 00:06:35,930 "Let the message in the song" 93 00:06:36,030 --> 00:06:41,060 "Go further." 94 00:06:41,230 --> 00:06:41,630 "This is the new era." 95 00:06:41,630 --> 00:06:44,130 "This is the new era." 96 00:07:02,830 --> 00:07:04,990 'This is the new era' 97 00:07:15,830 --> 00:07:19,730 Hi, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Uta 98 00:07:24,730 --> 00:07:28,260 I'm sorry I'm a little moved 99 00:07:28,260 --> 00:07:28,560 I'm sorry I'm a little moved 100 00:07:31,530 --> 00:07:34,030 Uta we love you Uta we love you 101 00:07:34,030 --> 00:07:34,890 Uta loves you... 102 00:07:37,360 --> 00:07:40,890 Everybody, let's play together today 103 00:07:42,260 --> 00:07:44,460 Are you guys ready? 104 00:07:44,460 --> 00:07:45,360 Ready to go 105 00:07:45,430 --> 00:07:53,130 Wealth and fame will be ours if we can kidnap the star Sorry Uta 106 00:07:53,860 --> 00:07:57,260 Uta, Uta 107 00:08:00,160 --> 00:08:01,730 Feeding Luffy 108 00:08:05,660 --> 00:08:09,160 What? Did he try to kidnap her too? 109 00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:12,860 Oh, it's you 110 00:08:12,860 --> 00:08:14,960 Uta, are you right 111 00:08:15,630 --> 00:08:19,090 It's me. Who is it? 112 00:08:19,230 --> 00:08:20,890 Is it Luffy? 113 00:08:21,600 --> 00:08:21,930 Is it Luffy? 114 00:08:22,030 --> 00:08:26,090 Long time no see Uta Luffy 115 00:08:39,900 --> 00:08:41,159 That straw hat... 116 00:08:41,200 --> 00:08:42,390 Isn't he the fifth starbelt on the sea? 117 00:08:42,429 --> 00:08:46,330 Really? How could Uta be friends with a sea pirate? 118 00:08:47,830 --> 00:08:50,430 Does Luffy know Uta? 119 00:08:50,430 --> 00:08:52,930 If that guy really knew me at least he introduced me to Uta 120 00:08:53,130 --> 00:08:55,430 Why are you friends with Princess Uta? 121 00:08:55,430 --> 00:08:55,930 Why? 122 00:08:55,930 --> 00:08:56,660 Why? 123 00:08:57,000 --> 00:09:00,530 That's because she's Shanks's daughter 124 00:09:09,430 --> 00:09:10,860 Isn't Shanks just... 125 00:09:11,000 --> 00:09:13,560 One of the four Kings of a district evil villain? 126 00:09:13,630 --> 00:09:15,090 I remember it a long time ago 127 00:09:15,360 --> 00:09:18,890 He's the same seafarer who attacked Eligia 128 00:09:19,860 --> 00:09:21,360 uttar 129 00:09:24,700 --> 00:09:28,790 I was wondering what to do when I heard the concert was in Eligia... 130 00:09:28,900 --> 00:09:30,760 You mean the legend 131 00:09:30,760 --> 00:09:34,460 Yeah, but I didn't think the bigger news would get out 132 00:09:38,660 --> 00:09:39,960 What do you want? 133 00:09:40,360 --> 00:09:43,530 The fourth sea emperor, the red-headed Shanks, had a daughter 134 00:09:43,560 --> 00:09:48,390 If that's true you're a redhead's biggest weakness 135 00:09:48,400 --> 00:09:52,430 If we turn you over to some other powerful Hai Fu, we'll make a lot of money 136 00:09:53,660 --> 00:09:56,730 So it's a shame that today's concert has been canceled 137 00:09:56,830 --> 00:09:59,090 Hot air fist 138 00:10:00,030 --> 00:10:01,090 Come out 139 00:10:03,730 --> 00:10:06,060 That girl is ours now 140 00:10:06,300 --> 00:10:09,030 Are you... Which branch branch? 141 00:10:09,130 --> 00:10:11,830 I'm Borichun from BIG MOM, The Pirates 142 00:10:11,930 --> 00:10:13,160 Who was standing next to her 143 00:10:13,460 --> 00:10:19,430 I'm BIG MOM Charlotte Lingling's fourth son. Owen looks fun. Let me join in 144 00:10:19,460 --> 00:10:23,460 Actually, I just came by to see what's going on and what's so interesting about this place 145 00:10:25,060 --> 00:10:28,890 Uta, I'm sorry I have to take you home to make a letter for Mom 146 00:10:28,900 --> 00:10:30,230 Wait a minute 147 00:10:31,000 --> 00:10:32,260 it doesn't matter 148 00:10:32,930 --> 00:10:37,130 Hey, you bastards are gonna have to beat me if you're gonna take Uta 149 00:10:37,130 --> 00:10:41,390 We can't let these bastards ruin that beautiful stage 150 00:10:41,760 --> 00:10:44,390 It's finally getting more interesting 151 00:10:44,900 --> 00:10:47,190 Don't underestimate our ice Mother pirates 152 00:10:49,160 --> 00:10:51,430 The song of blowing snow cut 153 00:10:54,860 --> 00:10:56,430 Jellyfish fist 154 00:10:57,930 --> 00:10:58,390 What a shame 155 00:10:58,400 --> 00:10:59,060 The concert just started 156 00:11:02,060 --> 00:11:04,560 Come and protect Uta 157 00:11:17,460 --> 00:11:17,730 Rubber machine gun 158 00:11:19,630 --> 00:11:19,960 Rubber machine gun 159 00:11:25,400 --> 00:11:26,030 Spider flower 160 00:11:28,560 --> 00:11:29,060 Come on 161 00:11:30,600 --> 00:11:35,560 Okay, time out Luffy and everyone thanks for protecting me but no more fighting 162 00:11:36,860 --> 00:11:40,590 Now that you're all my fans, you should get along and enjoy the concert 163 00:11:44,600 --> 00:11:45,230 But Princess Uta these men tried to kidnap you did you know that 164 00:11:45,400 --> 00:11:48,460 And people like you don't listen to you 165 00:11:48,500 --> 00:11:52,060 If we want something we will not fight for it or get it back. We are pirates 166 00:11:53,530 --> 00:11:54,560 All right, Pirates 167 00:11:55,830 --> 00:11:58,560 I forgive you for the bad things you've done 168 00:11:58,660 --> 00:12:06,190 So does everyone else stop being a bad sea pirate and join me in making the world a better place 169 00:12:07,930 --> 00:12:10,030 With my song everyone can live in peace and be happy 170 00:12:13,760 --> 00:12:19,060 There is no such thing as peace in this world or I'll tear the face off this stupid kid 171 00:12:20,460 --> 00:12:21,890 You don't mess with her. She's my prize 172 00:12:24,200 --> 00:12:27,060 Guys, aren't you here to enjoy my music? 173 00:12:27,560 --> 00:12:29,430 Don't forget we're pirates 174 00:12:29,460 --> 00:12:32,490 We got more important things to do first than your song 175 00:12:32,530 --> 00:12:35,160 We rarely come here to see a concert 176 00:12:35,160 --> 00:12:37,930 To hurt our feelings and Uta's feelings like that 177 00:12:38,160 --> 00:12:41,530 Too bad then let me write a song 178 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:50,630 "You don't need to worry from now on." 179 00:12:50,680 --> 00:12:54,490 "There's no need to fret."" 180 00:12:55,000 --> 00:12:59,260 "Your dream is our dream is what each and every one of you wants." 181 00:12:59,760 --> 00:13:04,360 "As soon as you start singing your heart will become as clear as the sky." 182 00:13:04,460 --> 00:13:06,390 "Don't worry. " 183 00:13:06,560 --> 00:13:10,630 "I am the strongest" 184 00:13:17,900 --> 00:13:21,030 "My Song" 185 00:13:21,360 --> 00:13:22,460 "Makes the birds fly high in the sky. " 186 00:13:22,630 --> 00:13:24,660 "Even the clothes that flutter in the wind." 187 00:13:24,830 --> 00:13:28,330 "Rock like a dancer too." 188 00:13:28,330 --> 00:13:30,660 "Your voice" 189 00:13:30,800 --> 00:13:33,760 "Let me rejoice." 190 00:13:33,930 --> 00:13:36,010 "If you accidentally get hurt." 191 00:13:36,300 --> 00:13:37,860 "Come on, come on, let me protect you." 192 00:13:38,030 --> 00:13:41,030 "A new landscape that I've never seen before." 193 00:13:41,460 --> 00:13:43,090 "We can definitely see it." 194 00:13:43,260 --> 00:13:48,290 "If you want to talk about why." 195 00:13:48,330 --> 00:13:50,590 "Well, just because we're alive." 196 00:13:50,900 --> 00:13:54,230 "Come on, let's hold hands." 197 00:13:54,230 --> 00:13:56,860 "Go where the light shines." 198 00:13:56,860 --> 00:13:58,890 "Everybody's dream." 199 00:13:58,960 --> 00:14:00,790 "It is my happiness." 200 00:14:00,860 --> 00:14:03,530 "Not anywhere." 201 00:14:03,560 --> 00:14:07,060 "Only you have it." 202 00:14:07,230 --> 00:14:08,930 "That softness" 203 00:14:08,960 --> 00:14:13,160 "Make me stronger." 204 00:14:14,060 --> 00:14:21,390 "I'm the strongest when you're with me" 205 00:14:22,060 --> 00:14:26,590 Guys those bad pirates have turned into a song 206 00:14:26,630 --> 00:14:29,430 It's safe now so don't worry 207 00:14:29,430 --> 00:14:30,190 It's safe now so don't worry 208 00:14:34,030 --> 00:14:38,660 Yeah, well, they may be father and daughter but Shanks and Uta are different 209 00:14:38,760 --> 00:14:39,930 That's great 210 00:14:40,060 --> 00:14:43,030 You're getting so tough, Uta 211 00:14:51,160 --> 00:14:53,730 I wonder if she ate some demon fruit 212 00:14:53,760 --> 00:14:56,130 I don't know. I've never heard of it 213 00:14:56,130 --> 00:14:58,160 What is this? 214 00:14:58,530 --> 00:15:01,330 What are you doing We're going back 215 00:15:03,800 --> 00:15:06,660 I have some good news for you 216 00:15:07,800 --> 00:15:14,760 I used to rely on the telephony bug all the time and it made me feel tired 217 00:15:14,800 --> 00:15:18,730 The live stream will be over soon but this time the concert is endless and it will go on forever 218 00:15:18,760 --> 00:15:19,330 what 219 00:15:19,630 --> 00:15:22,960 Yeah, it means I can be with you forever 220 00:15:23,630 --> 00:15:30,030 For those of you watching and those of you watching let's keep having fun 221 00:15:33,130 --> 00:15:34,890 That's impressive. 222 00:15:34,900 --> 00:15:37,390 She's going ahead with her own concert 223 00:15:37,400 --> 00:15:38,930 That's amazing 224 00:15:38,960 --> 00:15:49,630 Uta... 225 00:15:49,860 --> 00:15:52,390 One more thing and this is very important 226 00:15:52,530 --> 00:15:59,090 The entire Navy and the governments of the world ask you not to interfere with my concert 227 00:15:59,260 --> 00:16:05,860 Everyone is looking for fun and fun and you'd better be prepared if you go overboard 228 00:16:05,900 --> 00:16:11,560 I am Uta who will create a new era and I will make people happy with my songs 229 00:16:13,860 --> 00:16:16,690 All right, our next song 230 00:16:20,060 --> 00:16:24,090 Redhead actually has a daughter as Cipher Pol reports 231 00:16:24,530 --> 00:16:29,660 A new enemy has emerged against the age of the Great Sea pirate 232 00:16:29,660 --> 00:16:33,660 It's complicated because a lot of people are supportive of her 233 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:37,290 We need to kill this revolution before it's too late 234 00:16:37,330 --> 00:16:41,490 Is that girl really Friend's daughter 235 00:16:41,500 --> 00:16:44,930 The presence of Tol Musica is also worrying 236 00:16:47,430 --> 00:16:52,660 If it wakes up again be prepared we may not be able to defeat it 237 00:16:55,630 --> 00:17:00,690 Yeah, the authorities have decided to arrest Uta and she's dangerous 238 00:17:00,800 --> 00:17:06,730 It's weird that the whole world is watching when she's just a girl 239 00:17:06,730 --> 00:17:08,930 Hey, are you underestimating her 240 00:17:09,160 --> 00:17:11,490 She's on the Island of Eligia Music 241 00:17:12,030 --> 00:17:16,030 That's where Tot Musica was sealed long ago 242 00:17:16,130 --> 00:17:18,790 So how many people are you going to send 243 00:17:18,800 --> 00:17:22,359 How many ships do we have right now to get to Eligia? 244 00:17:22,460 --> 00:17:23,060 Thirty ships 245 00:17:23,099 --> 00:17:27,829 Take all the companies and teams and send out all the ships 246 00:17:28,590 --> 00:17:32,530 If the phone bug can't use the flagship command will use the flag signal to send out the signal thin code 044 every ship should know 247 00:17:33,030 --> 00:17:35,330 Captain turn around follow the signal and cooperate with the others Don't rush but be prepared don't be lazy turn around quickly 248 00:17:35,330 --> 00:17:39,290 The airflow meter measures a level 4 breeze with long waves on the water and lots of white waves 249 00:17:39,300 --> 00:17:42,590 Attention Every ship Every ship must assemble their gunners and check every cannon 250 00:17:42,600 --> 00:17:46,060 Make sure there are no cracks in the cannon and make sure there are no holes in the ignition and check the wheels 251 00:17:46,060 --> 00:17:47,490 No moving boats were detected in the vicinity 252 00:17:47,500 --> 00:17:49,690 There are no obstacles in sight and every boat is in perfect condition and ready to sail 253 00:17:50,000 --> 00:17:53,890 Are you hungry? 254 00:17:54,060 --> 00:17:59,130 Let me cook the good food and the fun stuff 255 00:18:00,260 --> 00:18:01,290 That's impressive. 256 00:18:01,300 --> 00:18:03,430 Can I really do this? 257 00:18:03,630 --> 00:18:04,790 Of course, 258 00:18:04,900 --> 00:18:12,860 Guys here you can eat anything you want and sing and dance and play with me whenever you want, okay 259 00:18:13,030 --> 00:18:14,090 It's like a dream... 260 00:18:14,330 --> 00:18:20,860 Every dream will come true if you stay with me and there's nothing here that scares you 261 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:23,360 The new era is the best! 262 00:18:29,900 --> 00:18:35,390 She's more capable than we thought. Are we underestimating her 263 00:18:35,400 --> 00:18:41,690 Mom Mom is more than just ability turns out she is the daughter of red hair 264 00:18:41,700 --> 00:18:42,190 Mom Mom is more than just ability turns out she is the daughter of red hair 265 00:18:42,200 --> 00:18:44,590 We're gonna get her 266 00:18:44,800 --> 00:18:50,790 And those straw hat assholes are gonna hate it too and I'd love to see them beat me 267 00:18:51,130 --> 00:18:53,760 Let me go to Eligia 268 00:18:55,660 --> 00:18:59,860 I can't just lose my sister and stand by 269 00:19:02,860 --> 00:19:05,630 This place is a chef's paradise 270 00:19:05,770 --> 00:19:07,990 If you ask Uta, she might still be able to make wine 271 00:19:08,030 --> 00:19:08,760 Yeah, Uta has access to unlimited treasure 272 00:19:11,960 --> 00:19:13,130 What kind of power is that 273 00:19:13,200 --> 00:19:17,390 She's pretty strong for a demon fruit user 274 00:19:17,530 --> 00:19:21,460 Yeah, I've never heard of anyone with that kind of invincibility 275 00:19:21,500 --> 00:19:25,430 Luffy, aren't you Uta's friend or do you know something? 276 00:19:25,560 --> 00:19:29,560 She has always been a good singer 277 00:19:29,730 --> 00:19:30,330 what 278 00:19:30,360 --> 00:19:37,190 Someone may have given Uta this ability 279 00:19:37,230 --> 00:19:39,190 Maybe that person is the god of music... 280 00:19:39,260 --> 00:19:41,590 Hey, Luffy, did you guys have a good time 281 00:19:41,700 --> 00:19:42,560 Very happy Princess Uta 282 00:19:42,560 --> 00:19:43,630 Very happy Princess Uta 283 00:19:43,630 --> 00:19:46,560 You have so many rare ingredients and this place is heaven 284 00:19:46,800 --> 00:19:48,930 It's so much fun here 285 00:19:49,000 --> 00:19:53,060 I'm glad Luffy's friends are so happy 286 00:19:53,200 --> 00:19:54,890 Hello? Is everyone here 287 00:19:54,900 --> 00:19:55,330 Yes. 288 00:19:55,330 --> 00:19:57,690 If you believe me, this hat is... 289 00:19:57,900 --> 00:19:59,960 I'm not lying to you 290 00:20:00,030 --> 00:20:02,890 Luffy, let's have a race 291 00:20:03,030 --> 00:20:05,630 You can't beat me right now 292 00:20:05,760 --> 00:20:09,790 What are you talking about that I've needed a meeting 83 times 293 00:20:10,030 --> 00:20:12,890 Are you wrong? I'm the one who won 183 in a row 294 00:20:12,860 --> 00:20:15,490 The two views are completely different 295 00:20:15,530 --> 00:20:16,660 What competition? 296 00:20:17,360 --> 00:20:22,030 Luffy and I used to have all kinds of competitions like knife throwing and arm wrestling and all that 297 00:20:22,430 --> 00:20:25,960 Come on and make this the event of the day 298 00:20:32,830 --> 00:20:35,890 The fastest chicken eater wins 299 00:20:38,060 --> 00:20:41,090 Oh, I miss this and what else 300 00:20:40,400 --> 00:20:42,260 Don't worry. I'm ready 301 00:20:45,430 --> 00:20:47,530 Come on, get in position 302 00:21:00,160 --> 00:21:00,730 start 303 00:21:00,730 --> 00:21:03,790 Wow, thank you. 304 00:21:07,930 --> 00:21:10,690 Uta won. She won 305 00:21:11,080 --> 00:21:14,160 Not fair Uta 306 00:21:15,260 --> 00:21:16,660 Do not fall into the sea 307 00:21:24,230 --> 00:21:28,560 By the way, Luffy ate the devil fruit, didn't he? I'm sorry 308 00:21:28,700 --> 00:21:30,790 You just broke the rules. Do it again 309 00:21:30,900 --> 00:21:32,760 There you go again with the sore loser 310 00:21:32,900 --> 00:21:36,460 I won, so you're gonna tell me where Shanks is 311 00:21:36,530 --> 00:21:37,230 I don't know 312 00:21:37,330 --> 00:21:41,160 So what happened to your straw hat and now I'm keeping it 313 00:21:41,230 --> 00:21:44,060 Hey, how do you two know each other? 314 00:21:44,110 --> 00:21:48,860 That's when she came to Faucha with Shanks and the others 315 00:21:49,000 --> 00:21:51,630 Fosha Village is your hometown, isn't it, Luffy 316 00:21:51,760 --> 00:21:52,730 Yes. 317 00:21:53,230 --> 00:21:54,090 12 years ago... 318 00:21:58,700 --> 00:22:01,630 Uta, you're daydreaming again 319 00:22:01,700 --> 00:22:03,230 Come on over 320 00:22:03,430 --> 00:22:06,790 Don't be boring. Let's have a race 321 00:22:06,800 --> 00:22:11,990 You are so childish. What are you competing against 322 00:22:12,030 --> 00:22:13,630 Chicken Eating Contest 323 00:22:13,630 --> 00:22:14,430 wang 324 00:22:15,230 --> 00:22:17,760 Whoever eats the fastest wins, okay 325 00:22:17,760 --> 00:22:18,430 good 326 00:22:18,600 --> 00:22:21,430 This is too dangerous for you two to fight 327 00:22:21,430 --> 00:22:22,130 No way. 328 00:22:22,130 --> 00:22:23,630 Uta Luffy 329 00:22:24,330 --> 00:22:25,830 Let them compete 330 00:22:27,830 --> 00:22:30,690 It was an important match for both of them 331 00:22:31,830 --> 00:22:32,560 Come on 332 00:22:32,600 --> 00:22:33,290 To prepare 333 00:22:33,460 --> 00:22:35,390 Three two one 334 00:22:36,030 --> 00:22:38,390 What are they competing for 335 00:22:38,400 --> 00:22:41,730 Let's see who turns out to be a great sea pirate 336 00:22:45,560 --> 00:22:47,390 Will Luffy win 337 00:22:47,200 --> 00:22:49,930 You can have my juice. Yes, thank you 338 00:22:52,760 --> 00:22:53,230 luffy 339 00:22:53,230 --> 00:22:56,060 I can't believe you fell for the same trick again 340 00:22:56,060 --> 00:22:57,330 Are you okay? 341 00:22:57,360 --> 00:23:00,260 The competition... The game is not over yet 342 00:23:00,260 --> 00:23:02,130 There you go again with the sore loser 343 00:23:02,130 --> 00:23:03,830 You cheated you're supposed to be the sore loser 344 00:23:03,860 --> 00:23:09,590 I'm a sea pirate. I'm not cheating. You're just a kid letting your guard down in a fair game 345 00:23:09,660 --> 00:23:13,690 Shanks doesn't even think you're a pirate yet 346 00:23:13,730 --> 00:23:16,530 Shut up. I'm Shanks 'daughter 347 00:23:16,560 --> 00:23:22,330 Unlike you, I've gone on many adventures with him on boats and I'm in a different league than you 348 00:23:22,330 --> 00:23:23,430 No, it is 349 00:23:23,500 --> 00:23:25,730 Then come and fight me like a sea pirate 350 00:23:26,330 --> 00:23:28,290 Sure. 351 00:23:33,730 --> 00:23:36,130 That's enough of you two 352 00:23:36,160 --> 00:23:40,560 You hit a child with a knife that's against the rules of sea thieving Shanks 353 00:23:40,700 --> 00:23:43,460 Silly boy this is called love deep responsibility 354 00:23:43,500 --> 00:23:45,560 You don't get love when it's a knife 355 00:23:45,730 --> 00:23:47,890 Do you really love me 356 00:23:48,100 --> 00:23:52,230 I love you, too, Shanks 357 00:23:52,230 --> 00:23:53,960 Shanks 358 00:23:54,000 --> 00:23:57,360 You two don't look around me and neither do Uta and Luffy 359 00:23:57,630 --> 00:24:01,190 Why do you call your father Shanks 360 00:24:01,290 --> 00:24:06,430 He's my dad but he's also my captain and he's cool, right 361 00:24:08,430 --> 00:24:12,960 Now that I won Luffy today I'm in a good mood so I'm gonna sing a song 362 00:24:12,960 --> 00:24:15,590 Shanks, I'm going out to sea 363 00:24:15,600 --> 00:24:18,360 We don't need violent kids like you 364 00:24:18,360 --> 00:24:19,230 Then why does Uta get to go 365 00:24:19,260 --> 00:24:22,990 She'll take care of our ship while we're fighting but you can't 366 00:24:25,330 --> 00:24:25,890 Yes. 367 00:24:26,100 --> 00:24:29,390 I'm Gojiuta from the Red-headed One Pirates 368 00:24:29,400 --> 00:24:34,130 I am a girl who makes music for a new era where all people can enjoy freedom 369 00:24:34,260 --> 00:24:37,130 All right, it's time to welcome our Goliath 370 00:24:43,130 --> 00:24:50,260 "Where is this wind coming from and where is it taking us?" 371 00:24:50,260 --> 00:24:56,690 "I looked to the sky for answers but it didn't answer me." 372 00:24:56,760 --> 00:25:03,580 "Where is this song that I'm singing going to go?" 373 00:25:03,660 --> 00:25:10,630 "I try to find the answer inside." 374 00:25:10,760 --> 00:25:20,330 "Once more we are bravely heading out into the unknown sea." 375 00:25:22,730 --> 00:25:25,930 "I have only one wish" 376 00:25:39,600 --> 00:25:41,560 Good enough for me to sing 377 00:25:41,700 --> 00:25:44,930 Yeah, go ahead and sing. Yeah 378 00:25:47,830 --> 00:25:50,130 Now that I think about it, it's like you just disappeared 379 00:25:51,830 --> 00:25:54,460 Suddenly? What happened? 380 00:25:54,700 --> 00:25:58,460 If I remember correctly 381 00:25:58,530 --> 00:26:01,690 I waited for Shanks and the others every single time 382 00:26:02,360 --> 00:26:04,390 But one day... 383 00:26:04,560 --> 00:26:08,630 Welcome back. Do you have any adventure stories to share today? 384 00:26:08,630 --> 00:26:10,860 What's wrong with you guys? 385 00:26:10,900 --> 00:26:13,230 You know what? I'll ask Uta 386 00:26:13,470 --> 00:26:16,530 Uta? 387 00:26:16,530 --> 00:26:19,230 I want to hear about your adventures 388 00:26:19,400 --> 00:26:21,930 Where are you, Uta 389 00:26:23,760 --> 00:26:26,190 Where is Shanks-uta 390 00:26:29,200 --> 00:26:33,060 Did something happen to Uta? 391 00:26:33,160 --> 00:26:39,830 Don't worry Luffy Uta left our ship to become a singer 392 00:26:39,830 --> 00:26:41,830 And just like that... 393 00:26:44,630 --> 00:26:48,390 So Uta why don't you want to be a pirate? 394 00:26:48,400 --> 00:26:51,390 You used to love red-headed One pirate so much 395 00:26:52,860 --> 00:26:56,090 Instead of being a pirate I just decided to be a singer! 396 00:26:56,400 --> 00:27:00,860 Look, I've got fans all over the world in two years 397 00:27:02,230 --> 00:27:04,990 What about you, Luffy? What are you doing now? 398 00:27:05,000 --> 00:27:06,860 Do you have to ask? I'm a sea pirate 399 00:27:09,200 --> 00:27:11,150 To a sea pirate 400 00:27:11,160 --> 00:27:14,030 Yeah, I want to be One Piece 401 00:27:14,030 --> 00:27:16,890 Don't be a sea pirate, Luffy 402 00:27:17,860 --> 00:27:20,160 Let's live happily here together 403 00:27:20,200 --> 00:27:23,160 All of your friends are my fans 404 00:27:23,500 --> 00:27:25,490 It would be fun if we were all together 405 00:27:25,560 --> 00:27:28,430 Wait a minute. Are you listening? Luffy 406 00:27:29,660 --> 00:27:35,430 Uta It's nice to see you again and I'm full so I'm going back to the Thousand SUNS to sleep now 407 00:27:36,960 --> 00:27:38,830 You look like you're doing what you want 408 00:27:38,900 --> 00:27:40,860 I'm happy for you. Goodbye 409 00:27:40,860 --> 00:27:43,660 I won't let you go 410 00:27:43,700 --> 00:27:49,030 Luffy and all of you must stay here forever and be happy with me 411 00:27:49,360 --> 00:27:51,230 What are you talking about, shorty 412 00:27:51,230 --> 00:27:55,260 Uta we love your music but we can't stay here forever 413 00:27:55,360 --> 00:27:57,360 Her beauty 414 00:27:57,530 --> 00:28:03,090 Guys, I found some more pirates. What am I supposed to do? 415 00:28:04,630 --> 00:28:07,990 Uta... 416 00:28:08,000 --> 00:28:13,760 Uta... 417 00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:14,690 Good! 418 00:28:14,760 --> 00:28:18,760 Let me defeat these pirates for your sake 419 00:28:30,600 --> 00:28:35,490 I don't care if she's a friend of Luffy's that's too much freedom 420 00:28:38,600 --> 00:28:40,660 What are these things 421 00:28:41,660 --> 00:28:43,530 There are more and more of them 422 00:28:43,660 --> 00:28:46,060 Tang Cao Wa is boxing 423 00:28:49,690 --> 00:28:51,730 Sore fingers 424 00:28:54,260 --> 00:28:55,560 luffy 425 00:28:56,260 --> 00:28:58,330 You shouldn't be a sea pirate 426 00:28:58,330 --> 00:29:01,330 If you're my friend, give up being a sea pirate 427 00:29:02,420 --> 00:29:03,390 What are you talking about? 428 00:29:05,900 --> 00:29:08,190 I gave it up. It was boring 429 00:29:08,600 --> 00:29:10,820 I have no reason to fight you 430 00:29:10,900 --> 00:29:14,580 I'm gonna keep fighting even if you don't do anything 431 00:29:31,690 --> 00:29:34,630 Six rounds of flowers. Slap in the face 432 00:29:39,660 --> 00:29:41,390 Stop playing uta 433 00:29:42,760 --> 00:29:48,290 "Sad memories are like passing through sorrow." 434 00:29:48,430 --> 00:29:53,460 "Can't let go of the resentment and the gloom in my heart." 435 00:29:53,500 --> 00:29:55,290 "Because of him." 436 00:29:55,300 --> 00:29:58,560 "You have no idea, do you? The heartbreaking loneliness." 437 00:29:58,600 --> 00:30:01,490 "Now is the time to unbind." 438 00:30:01,530 --> 00:30:05,860 "Anger, right now." 439 00:30:06,030 --> 00:30:11,730 "Blow these bad guys out of the sky. This is the punishment of love. I don't want to sleep anymore." 440 00:30:11,730 --> 00:30:15,530 "There's no more sadness, there's no more sadness." 441 00:30:15,660 --> 00:30:18,730 "Yeah, anger. Right now." 442 00:30:18,760 --> 00:30:24,690 "Kick the bad guy in the air. That's the punishment of love. I don't want to sleep anymore." 443 00:30:24,700 --> 00:30:34,030 "Don't feel lonely no lonely backlight ah" 444 00:30:44,150 --> 00:30:47,710 What the hell are you doing Let go of me 445 00:30:47,810 --> 00:30:51,410 Luffy can't be One Piece 446 00:30:53,510 --> 00:30:56,610 Hey, guys, what do you think about pirates 447 00:30:57,510 --> 00:30:59,540 My city was destroyed by pirates 448 00:30:59,980 --> 00:31:02,410 My husband was killed by a pirate 449 00:31:02,910 --> 00:31:04,640 Give me back my mother 450 00:31:04,650 --> 00:31:09,610 Don't let a pirate drive away a pirate 451 00:31:09,880 --> 00:31:14,180 Princess Luffy Uta did none of those things 452 00:31:14,250 --> 00:31:17,310 Uta, my friend 453 00:31:17,710 --> 00:31:20,980 You stay away from Uta you pirates 454 00:31:22,680 --> 00:31:25,880 You are a demon fruit user who will weaken in the sea and we will not fear you 455 00:31:25,880 --> 00:31:27,910 Hey, no. 456 00:31:27,950 --> 00:31:28,510 We're screwed. 457 00:31:28,950 --> 00:31:29,440 Wait a minute 458 00:31:29,450 --> 00:31:33,180 It's gonna be okay. Let's just see what happens, okay 459 00:31:33,450 --> 00:31:35,910 Ball of protection 460 00:31:37,480 --> 00:31:39,110 Lomeo 461 00:31:39,050 --> 00:31:44,240 Uta is really running wild and I don't think we can beat her 462 00:31:44,250 --> 00:31:46,810 I haven't... Lose, 463 00:31:47,010 --> 00:31:49,780 There you go again with the sore loser 464 00:31:56,810 --> 00:31:58,840 They're gone. Where did they go? The pirate escaped 465 00:32:00,010 --> 00:32:01,010 There are even hidden pirates 466 00:32:05,880 --> 00:32:08,880 What? Where are we? 467 00:32:12,980 --> 00:32:16,710 Are you a Uta fan too, Trafalgar? 468 00:32:16,780 --> 00:32:18,540 No, I'm just going along 469 00:32:22,710 --> 00:32:24,040 I'm here to keep paypal company 470 00:32:24,050 --> 00:32:25,180 Excuse me 471 00:32:25,180 --> 00:32:28,080 Thank you very much! 472 00:32:28,180 --> 00:32:30,140 This is no time to laugh, straw hat boy 473 00:32:30,250 --> 00:32:32,680 If we can't figure out what that girl's powers are... 474 00:32:34,810 --> 00:32:38,310 Leave it to me because I've beaten her 184 times in a row 475 00:32:38,380 --> 00:32:39,210 There you are! 476 00:32:39,250 --> 00:32:41,010 There you are. 477 00:32:40,710 --> 00:32:42,680 Luffy senior Uta baby captain 478 00:32:43,210 --> 00:32:43,980 Let's go 479 00:32:44,150 --> 00:32:45,640 The sea pirate escaped 480 00:32:45,680 --> 00:32:48,210 Let's go get them together 481 00:33:13,080 --> 00:33:15,780 SWORD's phone bug hasn't been working 482 00:33:15,880 --> 00:33:19,810 Well, that's too bad it looks like Uta's really gonna go through with her plan 483 00:33:19,810 --> 00:33:24,340 SWORD has been watching Uta, too 484 00:33:24,350 --> 00:33:27,310 Aren't you from Cipher Pol What are they trying to do? 485 00:33:27,310 --> 00:33:33,180 Isn't it time for a turf war where you can't use your doorfruit abilities 486 00:33:33,180 --> 00:33:34,810 Maybe you know too much 487 00:33:34,810 --> 00:33:36,540 And so do you. 488 00:33:37,450 --> 00:33:41,440 I could but it's gonna take a lot of energy out of me 489 00:33:42,680 --> 00:33:45,310 So what do we do 490 00:33:46,780 --> 00:33:50,280 Gather our men first that's all we can do right now 491 00:33:51,680 --> 00:33:54,780 It's a headache. They got caught 492 00:33:54,950 --> 00:33:59,040 It looks like they're just stuck to that rope so they'll be fine 493 00:33:59,050 --> 00:34:06,710 I didn't think that one day I could take the road to fly away I was so moved that I couldn't see the front straw hat boy 494 00:34:07,250 --> 00:34:08,239 thank you 495 00:34:11,909 --> 00:34:13,739 What are you doing, please 496 00:34:28,980 --> 00:34:32,880 Wow, that's a lot. 497 00:34:32,880 --> 00:34:34,810 We'll be surrounded if we keep this up 498 00:34:35,310 --> 00:34:36,810 Here you go. 499 00:34:44,880 --> 00:34:47,639 It's a good thing you saved us 500 00:34:47,739 --> 00:34:49,540 You said you were Luffy, right 501 00:34:49,550 --> 00:34:50,540 Yes. 502 00:34:50,550 --> 00:34:51,110 And you? 503 00:34:51,110 --> 00:34:53,110 Who are you 504 00:34:53,239 --> 00:35:00,380 I was king of the kingdom of Eligia My name was Gordon 505 00:35:00,510 --> 00:35:04,310 What kingdom has some buildings but no people 506 00:35:04,350 --> 00:35:05,480 You're wrong. 507 00:35:05,480 --> 00:35:09,640 Eligia was once the number one music island in the world 508 00:35:09,650 --> 00:35:12,140 But it all disappeared overnight 509 00:35:12,380 --> 00:35:14,910 A kingdom that big just disappeared in one night 510 00:35:14,910 --> 00:35:18,510 There's a rumor that they were attacked by pirates 511 00:35:25,610 --> 00:35:27,440 Let's talk about Uta 512 00:35:28,110 --> 00:35:30,980 When Eligia was empty 513 00:35:30,980 --> 00:35:33,240 I'm the one who raised Uta 514 00:35:33,350 --> 00:35:34,180 Are you? 515 00:35:34,450 --> 00:35:38,710 It's just the two of us on this island 516 00:35:39,350 --> 00:35:44,480 She's supposed to feel very alone and she's pretending to be strong for me 517 00:35:44,510 --> 00:35:49,910 But when she's alone she sings about her friends 518 00:35:50,810 --> 00:35:59,310 "I think of us playing by the sea." 519 00:35:59,510 --> 00:36:02,910 "Just you and me." 520 00:36:02,910 --> 00:36:11,540 "But the smell of the sea is fading away." 521 00:36:11,550 --> 00:36:14,610 "Slowly slipping away" 522 00:36:14,610 --> 00:36:18,640 "So I sang a familiar song 523 00:36:18,680 --> 00:36:20,840 "Hope you can hear me." 524 00:36:20,880 --> 00:36:26,880 "I'll sing till you come back to me." 525 00:36:26,950 --> 00:36:30,210 To encourage Uta 526 00:36:30,310 --> 00:36:33,810 I made her the best singer in the world 527 00:36:37,650 --> 00:36:39,640 Hello? Are you listening? 528 00:36:39,850 --> 00:36:42,410 Just go ahead and ignore us 529 00:36:45,450 --> 00:36:46,780 I'm sorry 530 00:36:46,780 --> 00:36:51,640 Anyway, Uta doesn't seem to have any idea what Luffy's doing, does he? 531 00:36:54,710 --> 00:36:55,580 I'm sorry 532 00:36:57,880 --> 00:37:03,940 My problem at that time was that I didn't know when and how to deliver her songs to the world 533 00:37:03,980 --> 00:37:08,710 After all, she grew up without knowing anything about the outside world 534 00:37:08,880 --> 00:37:13,710 But the timing was sudden 535 00:37:17,850 --> 00:37:21,840 She happened to pick one up two years ago 536 00:37:21,850 --> 00:37:25,440 The new image of the phone bug washes ashore 537 00:37:25,480 --> 00:37:34,040 Uta was liberated to broadcast her music to the outside world 538 00:37:34,110 --> 00:37:36,580 Her fans love her voice 539 00:37:36,610 --> 00:37:42,440 It's as if the sound she transmits is all around the world 540 00:37:42,450 --> 00:37:44,080 Thank you, Uta 541 00:37:44,080 --> 00:37:45,440 I feel much better 542 00:37:45,450 --> 00:37:49,940 Thank you Uta because you're the reason I'm alive 543 00:37:49,980 --> 00:37:54,280 Me too. I'm glad people are so happy... 544 00:37:57,600 --> 00:38:06,010 A new consciousness had sprung up within her that the age of the Great pirate was full of war and violence 545 00:38:06,150 --> 00:38:09,910 It was meant to be heard by others 546 00:38:11,780 --> 00:38:19,580 But somewhere along the way, more and more of Uta's fans started calling her the savior 547 00:38:19,580 --> 00:38:20,210 And Uta just... 548 00:38:21,850 --> 00:38:24,780 I understand your feelings very well 549 00:38:24,810 --> 00:38:28,540 If you want me to do it a new era 550 00:38:28,550 --> 00:38:31,880 Please stop Uta's plan 551 00:38:31,880 --> 00:38:34,880 Luffy, you're her friend and I know you can do it 552 00:38:34,950 --> 00:38:38,240 Is that the concert you're talking about? 553 00:38:40,150 --> 00:38:41,110 I'm sorry 554 00:38:41,480 --> 00:38:43,140 paypal 555 00:38:46,080 --> 00:38:47,440 Ah cho 556 00:38:47,480 --> 00:38:49,510 The paypal Bear 557 00:38:54,110 --> 00:38:55,280 utta 558 00:38:55,350 --> 00:39:03,540 Uta, why did you leave Shanks's ship 559 00:39:03,680 --> 00:39:09,880 I thought you said you wanted to be the Gorgie of the Red-headed One Piece and go back to Shanks 560 00:39:11,080 --> 00:39:16,380 Shut up. I don't want to talk about it 561 00:39:33,050 --> 00:39:35,980 Forget all this boring stuff 562 00:39:38,110 --> 00:39:44,310 We can eat delicious food and play chicken contests and arm wrestle and live happily as before 563 00:39:44,510 --> 00:39:47,610 Give me my hat back Shanks 'hat 564 00:39:48,050 --> 00:39:54,310 Well, Luffy New Era doesn't need you 565 00:39:54,380 --> 00:39:57,510 ROOM migration 566 00:39:59,380 --> 00:40:00,840 Where did they go? 567 00:40:00,850 --> 00:40:02,840 Did the pirates escape? 568 00:40:02,850 --> 00:40:06,040 Looks like they have a lot of different abilities 569 00:40:06,050 --> 00:40:11,440 Forget it let's just make a game of it and find the escaped pirates 570 00:40:19,210 --> 00:40:21,610 Let me out. I want my hat back 571 00:40:21,610 --> 00:40:25,310 Shut up You can't do that That's why I put you in here 572 00:40:25,310 --> 00:40:27,540 We just kept running... 573 00:40:28,580 --> 00:40:29,210 There's a harbor on the other side of the island. Let's go that way 574 00:40:29,810 --> 00:40:30,610 What port? 575 00:40:30,650 --> 00:40:34,010 The Navy and the secret Service were at the concert 576 00:40:34,010 --> 00:40:35,340 What are you talking about 577 00:40:35,350 --> 00:40:39,480 Governments and navies around the world are watching Uta's capabilities 578 00:40:39,680 --> 00:40:42,110 They watched her as if she were dangerous 579 00:40:42,150 --> 00:40:44,810 So they're here to scout 580 00:40:45,050 --> 00:40:47,140 I think they're somewhere around the island 581 00:40:47,150 --> 00:40:50,180 If we can find the Navy we can find a way to get them to give us some Intel on Utta's capabilities 582 00:40:50,280 --> 00:40:51,940 Not over there 583 00:40:53,410 --> 00:40:54,810 Oops 584 00:40:54,810 --> 00:40:57,910 Don't worry, my ball shield is pretty strong 585 00:40:57,910 --> 00:41:02,110 But it won't stop 586 00:41:08,210 --> 00:41:10,980 It's so tall. 587 00:41:21,850 --> 00:41:27,140 Luffy senior hold on, hold on 588 00:41:33,980 --> 00:41:38,910 Gordon are you still mad at me for throwing this concert without consulting you? 589 00:41:38,910 --> 00:41:41,240 It's not an easy concert, is it 590 00:41:41,250 --> 00:41:45,410 I see you found out that you're on my side, right 591 00:41:47,050 --> 00:41:50,610 I... I... 592 00:41:50,810 --> 00:41:53,840 It would have been easy for you to just run away 593 00:41:53,910 --> 00:41:57,840 I don't want you to do this 594 00:41:57,880 --> 00:41:59,340 But... 595 00:41:59,380 --> 00:42:00,810 You just stay here for the time being 596 00:42:01,550 --> 00:42:03,880 The governments and navies of the world will not stand idly by 597 00:42:04,880 --> 00:42:06,780 It doesn't matter because I have this 598 00:42:08,210 --> 00:42:11,580 This is Tol Musica 599 00:42:11,910 --> 00:42:17,680 I always knew it was buried under this castle. Why didn't you throw it away? 600 00:42:17,810 --> 00:42:22,180 Isn't it because you have new age ideals, too? 601 00:42:23,450 --> 00:42:25,710 Uta you can't use it 602 00:42:25,880 --> 00:42:28,410 uttar 603 00:42:28,680 --> 00:42:30,480 Ah Autumn... 604 00:42:34,480 --> 00:42:37,080 This ocean is so vast 605 00:42:37,080 --> 00:42:40,180 Forget the Navy there's not a soul here 606 00:42:40,880 --> 00:42:41,410 Let me ask you something. 607 00:42:41,410 --> 00:42:41,940 What's going on? 608 00:42:41,950 --> 00:42:43,680 The Thousand Yang is gone 609 00:42:43,680 --> 00:42:45,610 Is it your boat 610 00:42:47,080 --> 00:42:48,710 The regionalization 611 00:42:49,910 --> 00:42:50,540 what 612 00:42:50,550 --> 00:42:56,040 A thousand Yang, a thousand Yang 613 00:42:56,650 --> 00:42:56,940 Really? 614 00:42:56,980 --> 00:42:59,380 Are you really a thousand SUNS 615 00:42:59,450 --> 00:43:04,710 Is that Uta's power again? I'm going crazy 616 00:43:04,680 --> 00:43:06,740 The regionalization 617 00:43:07,750 --> 00:43:09,540 Report to the forward deck lookout 618 00:43:09,550 --> 00:43:12,240 No enemy duplication was found 619 00:43:12,310 --> 00:43:14,740 No enemy was found 620 00:43:14,810 --> 00:43:17,840 Watch the back of the ship for any raids 621 00:43:17,880 --> 00:43:21,980 Prepare for land battle Deploy the first squadron to make sure the beaches are secure as soon as they arrive 622 00:43:22,110 --> 00:43:25,340 The second team entered the island when the beach was secured 623 00:43:25,350 --> 00:43:27,010 Armed Recon 2 continues its search with no sign of the enemy 624 00:43:27,010 --> 00:43:30,110 Armed Recon Three is in and there's no sign of the enemy 625 00:43:30,180 --> 00:43:32,210 We continued to advance but could not confirm any sign of the enemy or what looked like the enemy 626 00:43:32,210 --> 00:43:33,980 Waiting for the next command 627 00:43:39,550 --> 00:43:42,710 This is... What is this... 628 00:44:00,780 --> 00:44:03,680 This is Armed Recon Seven We have no information on the people of Eligia 629 00:44:03,680 --> 00:44:07,310 This is Armed Recon two and we have no sign of the enemy 630 00:44:07,310 --> 00:44:09,810 This is Armed Recon Four reporting to Lieutenant Ratty 631 00:44:09,810 --> 00:44:12,310 The audience is not awake and can't wake up Repeat they can't wake up 632 00:44:12,310 --> 00:44:14,010 I don't think they're dead 633 00:44:14,010 --> 00:44:16,010 They just fell asleep 634 00:44:16,010 --> 00:44:18,180 But they're never gonna get up 635 00:44:19,810 --> 00:44:24,840 If you kill me these souls will never return 636 00:44:24,950 --> 00:44:26,640 Is that okay 637 00:44:26,710 --> 00:44:27,510 The little girl 638 00:44:28,450 --> 00:44:33,680 I know all too well what your demon fruit can do 639 00:44:33,880 --> 00:44:37,540 Then you don't need me to explain, do you? Go home 640 00:44:37,580 --> 00:44:43,340 After all, I'll be gone soon 641 00:44:44,510 --> 00:44:47,610 Am I getting a wakeful mushroom 642 00:44:47,850 --> 00:44:49,480 What are wakeful mushrooms 643 00:44:49,710 --> 00:44:56,140 People who eat these mushrooms can't sleep and die from exhaustion 644 00:44:56,210 --> 00:44:57,480 What are you... 645 00:44:57,510 --> 00:45:00,110 Are you going to kill yourself and take the whole audience with you? 646 00:45:00,110 --> 00:45:04,840 What? Your soul is more important than your body, isn't it? 647 00:45:04,880 --> 00:45:08,940 In the new age every soul will live forever 648 00:45:09,180 --> 00:45:15,510 I'm trying to solve this problem without violence if you could just drop it 649 00:45:15,510 --> 00:45:17,780 Stop your plan to destroy the world 650 00:45:17,780 --> 00:45:19,340 What are you talking about? 651 00:45:19,480 --> 00:45:23,180 I just want people to be happy 652 00:45:23,180 --> 00:45:27,340 It seems you don't want to listen to our advice 653 00:45:27,410 --> 00:45:29,680 So are you 654 00:45:29,680 --> 00:45:31,580 Don't worry 655 00:45:32,580 --> 00:45:35,540 You can't do anything to me as long as we can't hear you 656 00:45:35,610 --> 00:45:37,980 Unfortunately, it was too late 657 00:45:40,150 --> 00:45:44,240 What do you mean, General Kirby 658 00:45:47,050 --> 00:45:49,310 Guys, there are bad guys here 659 00:45:49,850 --> 00:45:52,710 Let's get them for the new era 660 00:45:54,310 --> 00:46:00,140 Don't hurt them they're just innocent citizens being controlled 661 00:46:06,210 --> 00:46:12,010 "I've given up being alone. I want to be with someone else." 662 00:46:12,010 --> 00:46:14,980 "I want a real relationship so let me take my feelings" 663 00:46:14,980 --> 00:46:16,710 "Sing it all out (shout it out)" 664 00:46:18,450 --> 00:46:21,440 "Listen, baby, I'm gonna make you happy whether you like it or not." 665 00:46:21,450 --> 00:46:23,780 "Sneak up on you, keep you from escaping and wait for the beat." 666 00:46:24,050 --> 00:46:27,440 "Listen to the surprise every word will bring you to me." 667 00:46:27,510 --> 00:46:28,980 "(Oh) Be my sweet little boy and girl." 668 00:46:29,810 --> 00:46:33,510 "Do you think you're good but I'm tired of it?" 669 00:46:33,550 --> 00:46:37,310 "I got something better here. Come on. We can sing together." 670 00:46:37,350 --> 00:46:42,640 "Let's unpack the fun and get on stage together. Let's go." 671 00:46:43,080 --> 00:46:44,380 "(Aha) I want to make you happy." 672 00:46:44,410 --> 00:46:45,640 "Do it proudly with me." 673 00:46:45,650 --> 00:46:48,610 "(Hey) Tell me is it hard to live here?" 674 00:46:48,650 --> 00:46:53,280 "Isn't this the country of our dreams?" 675 00:46:53,380 --> 00:46:56,880 "It's been on the way a long time. It's time to stay. You can't deny it." 676 00:46:59,210 --> 00:47:02,040 "It's a miracle of mercy that you can't stop even if you try to stop it." 677 00:47:02,110 --> 00:47:05,010 "I don't think that's too much to wish for." 678 00:47:05,010 --> 00:47:08,440 "The Savior has come to this age." 679 00:47:08,510 --> 00:47:10,580 "I screamed for salvation." 680 00:47:10,650 --> 00:47:12,910 "Because no one ever heard me scream." 681 00:47:14,410 --> 00:47:15,510 "But that's not true anymore." 682 00:47:15,610 --> 00:47:17,830 "I have to do this. They can't do it anymore." 683 00:47:17,950 --> 00:47:21,140 "Stop me and get out of my way." 684 00:47:21,310 --> 00:47:26,080 "There's no going back now let's sing together forever." 685 00:47:26,150 --> 00:47:29,410 "Let the bass rock your head and the drums break your eardrums." 686 00:47:29,550 --> 00:47:32,480 "Let those brass instruments touch your heart." 687 00:47:33,050 --> 00:47:35,110 "Let me hear you scream oh wow!" 688 00:47:37,280 --> 00:47:39,480 "Don't be brainwashed into telling the truth." 689 00:47:39,550 --> 00:47:42,380 "Let me erase all traces of your brainwashing and stop listening to their lies." 690 00:47:42,380 --> 00:47:46,240 "Look up and let my song bring back your consciousness that's what you need." 691 00:47:46,280 --> 00:47:48,840 "This is my real voice." 692 00:47:50,950 --> 00:47:53,740 Damn it This is bad I can't get out of here 693 00:47:53,880 --> 00:47:56,010 This is so useless with your curly eyebrows 694 00:47:56,010 --> 00:47:59,010 You can't get down either, you mossy head 695 00:47:59,040 --> 00:48:02,480 So can Fledge and Jiping move 696 00:48:02,550 --> 00:48:03,740 I can't move 697 00:48:04,250 --> 00:48:07,080 I'm Brooke, too 698 00:48:07,280 --> 00:48:08,810 Let's try again 699 00:48:10,580 --> 00:48:14,010 Can you break free? I was so close to seeing Nami's underwear 700 00:48:14,080 --> 00:48:15,010 what? 701 00:48:15,080 --> 00:48:18,510 If you see that, I'll blow you out of the sky 702 00:48:20,010 --> 00:48:20,480 Can I say something 703 00:48:20,510 --> 00:48:23,840 Didn't Uta say, "Let me create a song" 704 00:48:23,850 --> 00:48:27,610 I don't think that means it's a sheet music 705 00:48:27,710 --> 00:48:30,910 It does look like a melody 706 00:48:30,910 --> 00:48:33,780 The position of our head may be a note 707 00:48:34,610 --> 00:48:35,910 Brooke, can you sing it? 708 00:48:35,910 --> 00:48:38,940 But I can't see the whole score 709 00:48:38,910 --> 00:48:41,140 All I can see now is... 710 00:48:41,550 --> 00:48:43,310 You shut up and don't look at your underwear 711 00:48:43,350 --> 00:48:46,780 Sure enough, the Straw Hat Pirates were able to discover that it was a musical score 712 00:48:46,950 --> 00:48:48,580 what? 713 00:48:48,650 --> 00:48:50,810 You guys... Why with Bruno? 714 00:48:50,910 --> 00:48:52,210 I'll explain that later 715 00:48:52,350 --> 00:48:55,010 Come on, sing 716 00:48:55,010 --> 00:48:57,710 The mi to 717 00:48:57,750 --> 00:49:00,340 Here we go. 718 00:49:00,880 --> 00:49:02,540 Free to go 719 00:49:02,550 --> 00:49:05,380 Good Brooke go ahead 720 00:49:05,850 --> 00:49:10,710 Did you hear about that girl's power 721 00:49:11,750 --> 00:49:14,010 Did you put my sister in a bag 722 00:49:14,050 --> 00:49:15,410 The elder brother 723 00:49:17,310 --> 00:49:20,040 Just this once but only if you cooperate with the Navy 724 00:49:22,250 --> 00:49:28,510 Mia Ah Cho 725 00:49:28,550 --> 00:49:31,180 Do I... The mi... 726 00:49:32,480 --> 00:49:35,540 Thank you. You really are a very capable bear 727 00:49:35,710 --> 00:49:35,980 Hello hello 728 00:49:41,980 --> 00:49:45,080 Why?... I'm in here again... 729 00:49:45,350 --> 00:49:50,640 We don't know what Uta is capable of so we can't let you out 730 00:49:50,710 --> 00:49:53,410 A thousand SUNS... A thousand SUNS? 731 00:49:54,910 --> 00:49:56,880 Why are you guys here 732 00:49:56,880 --> 00:49:58,880 Long time no see Luffy 733 00:50:00,450 --> 00:50:04,140 Kirby helped me get me out of here 734 00:50:04,250 --> 00:50:06,740 How did you know to come here? 735 00:50:06,910 --> 00:50:07,710 I sensed Luffy 736 00:50:07,710 --> 00:50:09,540 The original is used to see color domineering 737 00:50:09,750 --> 00:50:13,680 And then I borrowed Bruno's doorfruit power 738 00:50:13,880 --> 00:50:18,540 Door door let me out 739 00:50:18,680 --> 00:50:23,910 Cipher Pol is working with the Navy What's going on here? 740 00:50:23,850 --> 00:50:27,540 Everybody wants to know what Uta can do, right 741 00:50:27,780 --> 00:50:31,340 You know what Uta is capable of... what 742 00:50:31,780 --> 00:50:37,480 You may not believe this but the world we live in isn't real 743 00:50:38,250 --> 00:50:38,740 what 744 00:50:38,810 --> 00:50:49,480 What you see is not reality The world Uta created with her powers 745 00:50:49,550 --> 00:50:56,140 The ability to sing fruit allows the singer to transport the soul of the person who hears the song to sing about the world 746 00:50:56,250 --> 00:51:01,710 The souls that are transported will feel like they're still alive 747 00:51:01,710 --> 00:51:04,880 But not in the real world but in the world Uta created 748 00:51:04,650 --> 00:51:09,210 It's like everyone's having the same dream 749 00:51:09,910 --> 00:51:14,440 I think Uta said she could do it 750 00:51:14,450 --> 00:51:14,980 what? 751 00:51:15,010 --> 00:51:20,080 I mean when someone hears her sing they go to sleep 752 00:51:20,080 --> 00:51:23,010 If you knew why didn't you say so 753 00:51:23,050 --> 00:51:25,010 Sorry, I forgot. 754 00:51:25,050 --> 00:51:28,180 So what's going on in the real world? 755 00:51:28,180 --> 00:51:32,110 Our bodies stay in the real world 756 00:51:32,410 --> 00:51:36,140 But they're all controlled by Uta 757 00:51:36,150 --> 00:51:38,140 So how do we get back to reality? 758 00:51:38,280 --> 00:51:41,840 If Uta falls asleep her powers will be taken away 759 00:51:41,880 --> 00:51:49,140 But because we've been trapped in this world of singing fruit we can't lay a hand on the real Uta 760 00:51:49,210 --> 00:51:53,380 The devil fruit has to have its limits, right 761 00:51:53,380 --> 00:51:55,340 Yes. 762 00:51:55,480 --> 00:51:58,880 It takes a lot of energy to maintain this world of singing fruit 763 00:51:58,910 --> 00:52:02,780 It's like I can't use my door fruit ability all the time 764 00:52:03,050 --> 00:52:06,240 So all it takes is Uta to get tired and go to sleep 765 00:52:06,210 --> 00:52:11,780 Well, that's a conundrum because I confirmed that she ate sober mushrooms before her concert even started 766 00:52:11,910 --> 00:52:15,740 That mushroom will keep you awake 767 00:52:15,850 --> 00:52:21,180 The real world Uta will soon be dead 768 00:52:21,480 --> 00:52:22,980 To die? 769 00:52:24,050 --> 00:52:24,510 Is Uta going to die? 770 00:52:25,550 --> 00:52:27,340 Can we get out of here if she's dead? 771 00:52:27,380 --> 00:52:29,440 No, it's the opposite 772 00:52:29,610 --> 00:52:32,540 If Uta dies the world will shut down 773 00:52:32,550 --> 00:52:35,980 Everyone in here will be there 774 00:52:36,180 --> 00:52:39,440 Including us would be stuck here 775 00:52:39,580 --> 00:52:43,910 Her fans would be trapped forever in this world of singing fruit 776 00:52:43,910 --> 00:52:47,410 This is Uta's plan 777 00:52:48,150 --> 00:52:49,880 It's crazy 778 00:52:49,950 --> 00:52:53,040 Kirby How are we gonna stop Uta 779 00:52:53,050 --> 00:52:58,380 I snuck in here to find her weakness and I didn't find anything, you know 780 00:52:58,380 --> 00:53:04,980 I just knew we had to at least get our people together so I got Hilumebo working with the other Pirates 781 00:53:05,010 --> 00:53:07,910 As for the Straw Hat Pirates they have their own operation 782 00:53:07,950 --> 00:53:10,140 Looks like they're all right 783 00:53:10,450 --> 00:53:12,240 They headed for the castle of Eligia 784 00:53:12,850 --> 00:53:17,840 Nicole Robin seems to know what happened to this island in the past 785 00:53:17,980 --> 00:53:25,040 If there were records we might have a way to beat Uta 786 00:53:25,280 --> 00:53:27,340 But the chances are slim 787 00:53:27,350 --> 00:53:29,640 Can you trust Robin you mossy white head? 788 00:53:29,650 --> 00:53:31,710 It's a fact you have beautiful eyebrows 789 00:53:31,710 --> 00:53:34,610 There is a room with many books 790 00:53:39,910 --> 00:53:47,840 Guys let's forget about the sea pirate and wait for a new era 791 00:53:49,450 --> 00:53:51,840 How long before the real Uta dies? 792 00:53:51,980 --> 00:53:54,480 Less than two hours 793 00:54:00,710 --> 00:54:04,940 The sound insulation here is well done 794 00:54:05,110 --> 00:54:08,510 Looks like Uta can't reach this place 795 00:54:08,580 --> 00:54:10,380 The Navy says she's safe where her voice can't be heard 796 00:54:10,480 --> 00:54:13,280 Are these old records? 797 00:54:13,410 --> 00:54:16,180 How are we gonna find what we need? 798 00:54:24,250 --> 00:54:26,930 Three knife flow extremely tiger hunting 799 00:54:31,450 --> 00:54:32,510 Demon wind foot 800 00:54:32,510 --> 00:54:36,210 Fried assorted platter 801 00:54:36,350 --> 00:54:40,410 Strong right hand weapon left hand 802 00:54:41,850 --> 00:54:44,110 Robin, you go find that book 803 00:54:44,180 --> 00:54:45,310 But Robin 804 00:54:45,510 --> 00:54:48,510 I won't let them hurt a hair on your head Don't worry 805 00:55:01,720 --> 00:55:04,980 Very quickly... The bad guys will disappear and a new era will dawn 806 00:55:04,990 --> 00:55:09,020 Can you hear me? Uta probably has an hour to live, Max 807 00:55:09,190 --> 00:55:13,550 But those phone bugs with their souls are out of control 808 00:55:13,620 --> 00:55:16,480 They keep showing videos of Uta singing about the fruit world 809 00:55:16,590 --> 00:55:21,050 "It's dangerous if you don't turn the sound off and your soul is taken away as soon as you hear that song." 810 00:55:24,150 --> 00:55:26,520 "Listen, baby, I'm gonna make you happy whether you like it or not." 811 00:55:26,520 --> 00:55:29,180 "Snuck up on you, didn't let you run and waited for the beat." 812 00:55:29,220 --> 00:55:32,320 "Listen to the surprise every word will lead you to me." 813 00:55:32,350 --> 00:55:35,080 "Be my sweet little boy and girl." 814 00:55:35,090 --> 00:55:39,220 "Do you think you're good but I'm tired of it?" 815 00:55:39,290 --> 00:55:40,980 "I got something better here." 816 00:55:41,320 --> 00:55:44,020 "Come on we can sing it out" 817 00:55:44,590 --> 00:55:47,950 "Let's get on the stage. Let's go."" 818 00:55:48,590 --> 00:55:52,080 Uta's concert has been going on for over six hours 819 00:55:52,090 --> 00:55:54,850 The number of victims continues to grow 820 00:55:54,950 --> 00:56:02,250 If this goes on for one more hour, 70% of the population will be teleporting to the world of singing fruit 821 00:56:02,320 --> 00:56:05,480 Seventy percent? That's more than we thought 822 00:56:05,520 --> 00:56:07,320 The world is going to be wiped out 823 00:56:07,450 --> 00:56:09,880 We have to do something to stop her, okay 824 00:57:14,950 --> 00:57:18,040 I told you that stuff doesn't work here 825 00:57:21,850 --> 00:57:25,240 If I can't use you then I don't need you 826 00:57:26,050 --> 00:57:28,510 What are you doing? 827 00:57:28,750 --> 00:57:31,010 Are you okay? I'm here to help you 828 00:57:33,170 --> 00:57:36,970 What are you marines doing killing this kid? 829 00:57:40,040 --> 00:57:44,000 Didn't your navy say you'd be on the right side? 830 00:57:46,980 --> 00:57:50,580 But the Dragons are like the gods of this world 831 00:57:51,110 --> 00:57:51,580 I see 832 00:57:51,850 --> 00:57:56,910 So you don't really want to do this guy's bidding? Okay, it's okay 833 00:57:57,010 --> 00:58:01,180 In the new era, dragons and slaves are equal 834 00:58:01,280 --> 00:58:03,610 What equality is so gross? 835 00:58:05,010 --> 00:58:06,880 You have to kill her now 836 00:58:06,980 --> 00:58:09,180 I'm sorry 837 00:58:23,880 --> 00:58:24,990 Don't think I'll let you off the hook 838 00:58:30,110 --> 00:58:34,910 Guys you have nothing to fear from these dragons 839 00:58:37,880 --> 00:58:40,310 You can't do that, Uta 840 00:58:40,450 --> 00:58:42,280 If you hurt the Draconians 841 00:58:42,280 --> 00:58:44,940 World governments and navies will come after you 842 00:58:45,280 --> 00:58:46,780 I told you it was gonna be okay 843 00:58:47,010 --> 00:58:47,780 Sorry, Uta. 844 00:58:48,310 --> 00:58:54,080 I got to get back to my flock 845 00:58:54,110 --> 00:58:56,380 Thank you. It was a really fun concert 846 00:58:56,380 --> 00:58:59,080 Wait a minute. I don't understand what you're talking about 847 00:59:00,080 --> 00:59:05,680 Why would you go back and have a hard life when you can enjoy it here? 848 00:59:05,680 --> 00:59:09,580 Did you not see that I caught these pirates? 849 00:59:09,580 --> 00:59:09,880 Did you not see that I caught these pirates? 850 00:59:12,780 --> 00:59:15,710 It's time for Uta to stop 851 00:59:16,380 --> 00:59:19,440 You're the navy and you're here to save the Draconians 852 00:59:19,550 --> 00:59:22,040 I'm here to save everyone here 853 00:59:22,480 --> 00:59:27,110 You send all the souls back to the real world 854 00:59:27,110 --> 00:59:28,410 General Kirby 855 00:59:28,480 --> 00:59:29,080 what 856 00:59:29,310 --> 00:59:31,810 It's really General Kirby. It's Kirby 857 00:59:34,010 --> 00:59:35,880 Are you a famous person? 858 00:59:36,010 --> 00:59:40,640 He was the hero who saved the lives of many citizens at Lodgepole 859 00:59:40,650 --> 00:59:46,680 I see. I've been in Algia the whole time so I don't know about the news 860 00:59:46,990 --> 00:59:48,380 ok 861 00:59:48,380 --> 00:59:50,540 Feed the hero 862 00:59:50,550 --> 00:59:54,140 I'm using up too much power you tell them 863 00:59:54,610 --> 00:59:55,340 good 864 00:59:55,880 --> 00:59:58,340 Listen to me, everybody 865 00:59:58,380 --> 01:00:02,840 The world you live in is a fake one 866 01:00:09,310 --> 01:00:11,780 You've been duped 867 01:00:11,810 --> 01:00:15,810 We have to get out of here 868 01:00:15,850 --> 01:00:19,840 Uta did you really lie to us and keep us here 869 01:00:19,880 --> 01:00:23,380 I'm not lying to you I'm not lying to anyone 870 01:00:23,580 --> 01:00:28,440 No, you guys I'm just trying to lead you to happiness 871 01:00:32,480 --> 01:00:34,640 Isn't this what everyone wants 872 01:00:34,780 --> 01:00:40,080 The time of the Great Sea pirate is over and now it is the time of peace and freedom 873 01:00:41,080 --> 01:00:45,280 Isn't that great? All the good food and fun things are here 874 01:00:45,310 --> 01:00:49,580 No one here does bad things no pain no pain 875 01:00:49,580 --> 01:00:52,580 Yeah, I think I'll be happy here 876 01:00:53,010 --> 01:00:53,480 Me too. 877 01:00:54,080 --> 01:00:55,180 So it is 878 01:00:55,410 --> 01:00:57,110 But I have work to do 879 01:00:57,480 --> 01:01:01,610 I told you you don't have to work and you don't have to study 880 01:01:01,610 --> 01:01:03,980 Even so, we can't stay here forever 881 01:01:04,080 --> 01:01:06,080 I still have something I'm working on 882 01:01:06,110 --> 01:01:07,980 It's not so good to play all day 883 01:01:07,980 --> 01:01:09,340 I want to go home... 884 01:01:09,350 --> 01:01:11,410 Letting society end completely is kind of 885 01:01:12,010 --> 01:01:12,880 I don't think I can do that 886 01:01:12,910 --> 01:01:15,080 I do like Uta but this is crossing a line 887 01:01:15,280 --> 01:01:17,910 Uta, you have to stop this 888 01:01:17,910 --> 01:01:19,880 Wait a minute, everybody. 889 01:01:19,880 --> 01:01:22,610 What happened to freedom 890 01:01:22,880 --> 01:01:27,310 To be free from disease and persecution is it all a lie 891 01:01:27,350 --> 01:01:29,710 Didn't you say you wanted to see a life where you didn't have to worry about pirates 892 01:01:30,910 --> 01:01:32,840 We said we wanted to go home 893 01:01:32,850 --> 01:01:34,280 What... 894 01:01:34,310 --> 01:01:37,310 Don't do this Uta is doing this for our own good 895 01:01:37,580 --> 01:01:39,080 I don't think it's funny anyway 896 01:01:39,150 --> 01:01:41,080 So am I. You guys shut up 897 01:01:41,080 --> 01:01:43,310 I agree with Uta. I don't like it here 898 01:01:43,580 --> 01:01:46,140 I want to go to school and this has nothing to do with it 899 01:01:46,180 --> 01:01:47,440 It does matter. It does matter 900 01:01:47,480 --> 01:01:49,310 You've gone too far, Uta 901 01:01:50,010 --> 01:01:52,080 That's too much. What? Why would she do that? 902 01:01:53,510 --> 01:01:55,880 I'm sorry, I see 903 01:01:56,040 --> 01:01:59,780 Just give you guys more fun stuff 904 01:02:07,880 --> 01:02:11,410 See, now everyone's in a better mood 905 01:02:19,310 --> 01:02:25,780 Let us live together in a new age of peace and freedom 906 01:02:28,880 --> 01:02:30,240 Charrose St 907 01:02:30,280 --> 01:02:33,810 We can't have any more victims and it's time to make a decision 908 01:02:34,080 --> 01:02:37,710 With or without the Draconians 909 01:02:46,650 --> 01:02:48,680 We all had a lucky escape 910 01:02:48,680 --> 01:02:50,280 Who are you? 911 01:02:50,280 --> 01:02:52,080 Bruno 912 01:02:52,080 --> 01:02:54,180 Kirby, have you seen Uta? 913 01:02:54,210 --> 01:02:55,040 This is... 914 01:02:55,080 --> 01:02:57,280 I see you didn't succeed in persuading her 915 01:02:57,280 --> 01:02:58,340 And you? 916 01:02:58,380 --> 01:02:59,140 See? 917 01:02:59,150 --> 01:03:00,680 Here we go. 918 01:03:00,810 --> 01:03:05,340 Wait a minute. I didn't hear about working with the Straw Hat Pirates. I'd rather die 919 01:03:05,410 --> 01:03:07,510 goodbye 920 01:03:07,480 --> 01:03:08,580 Wait a minute 921 01:03:08,880 --> 01:03:11,410 We will take Uta down in our own way 922 01:03:11,810 --> 01:03:13,280 A thousand SUNS... 923 01:03:13,280 --> 01:03:14,610 Where are my team members? 924 01:03:14,610 --> 01:03:16,210 They haven't come back yet 925 01:03:16,310 --> 01:03:19,840 We're not gonna win if they don't find Uta's weakness 926 01:03:20,080 --> 01:03:23,580 I can't use the power of the door in this body 927 01:03:23,810 --> 01:03:26,810 It's okay. They're gonna be fine 928 01:03:27,010 --> 01:03:30,540 Rotating powder star 929 01:03:30,550 --> 01:03:32,280 Is that okay? 930 01:03:32,510 --> 01:03:35,710 People are scared and people are confused 931 01:03:35,810 --> 01:03:39,680 Hide under Too Musica and run 932 01:03:39,780 --> 01:03:41,910 Soft strength enhancement I hit... To play... To play.. 933 01:03:43,410 --> 01:03:44,580 Cold winds gather 934 01:03:50,710 --> 01:03:53,210 Demonic wind foot belly Strike 935 01:03:53,550 --> 01:03:55,810 One stroke of a knife and a horse ghost 936 01:04:00,250 --> 01:04:04,540 Soul ballads are frozen and lost 937 01:04:06,780 --> 01:04:09,910 Fish karate shark muscle palmar bottom 938 01:04:09,950 --> 01:04:13,780 The laser beam is a giant whitewater whirl 939 01:04:16,830 --> 01:04:17,610 It's going to collapse 940 01:04:17,610 --> 01:04:20,180 I don't know who blew this place up 941 01:04:20,580 --> 01:04:22,710 I'm so sorry 942 01:04:26,280 --> 01:04:29,810 We're about to get our asses kicked but I might look good buried alive 943 01:04:29,980 --> 01:04:31,310 Robin here 944 01:04:35,380 --> 01:04:39,780 Brieri I know you're in there Let's get into the looking-glass world 945 01:04:42,010 --> 01:04:43,380 Don't ignore me 946 01:04:43,380 --> 01:04:47,380 Without our message you would never have escaped the world of singing fruit 947 01:04:47,380 --> 01:04:51,010 You're never gonna see your family or your friends again Are you sure you want this? 948 01:04:52,450 --> 01:04:54,480 Shall I never see Brother Katakuli again? 949 01:04:54,480 --> 01:04:55,810 Yeah, yeah. 950 01:05:10,350 --> 01:05:11,240 You guys all right? 951 01:05:13,380 --> 01:05:13,410 luffy 952 01:05:13,480 --> 01:05:14,180 The regionalization 953 01:05:16,210 --> 01:05:16,580 What is this? 954 01:05:16,680 --> 01:05:20,340 This is the Thousand Yang so cute 955 01:05:20,410 --> 01:05:21,380 How is this transformed 956 01:05:22,580 --> 01:05:24,840 I didn't think I'd be back here 957 01:05:25,850 --> 01:05:27,880 I'm sorry, brother Owen. 958 01:05:28,010 --> 01:05:31,910 Robin did you find anything to beat Uta 959 01:05:32,450 --> 01:05:40,480 Based on previous records, there's no way around that 960 01:05:40,490 --> 01:05:41,480 what? 961 01:05:41,490 --> 01:05:47,020 But as long as the fruit users use Tol Musica we have a chance 962 01:05:47,220 --> 01:05:49,020 What is Too Musica? 963 01:05:49,020 --> 01:05:52,750 It contains the thoughts and feelings of people from the past 964 01:05:53,260 --> 01:05:58,260 All the loneliness and pain and any dark side of the heart it's sometimes called "the devil." 965 01:05:58,260 --> 01:06:00,620 Is it a weapon? 966 01:06:00,690 --> 01:06:04,590 What I've learned is that this is something you shouldn't touch 967 01:06:05,090 --> 01:06:10,560 So if we use that taboo against Uta what's our winning percentage 968 01:06:10,530 --> 01:06:14,160 According to previous records the Demon was awakened by Too Musica 969 01:06:14,160 --> 01:06:20,920 It doesn't just happen in the world of singing fruit it happens in the real world 970 01:06:20,930 --> 01:06:26,320 So the Demon Lord can connect the singing fruit world with the real world 971 01:06:26,330 --> 01:06:31,120 If the Demon Lord attacks in both worlds 972 01:06:31,130 --> 01:06:34,920 Then the world of singing fruits will disappear when the Demon Lord is defeated 973 01:06:34,930 --> 01:06:36,220 Really? 974 01:06:36,230 --> 01:06:41,320 It must have been done before that's why it's on record We should try it 975 01:06:46,160 --> 01:06:50,220 But will anyone attack Uta in the real world 976 01:06:52,530 --> 01:06:53,760 We are all in this singing fruit world 977 01:06:54,260 --> 01:06:57,260 If we're gonna attack Uta in the real world, it's gonna be the Navy 978 01:06:57,260 --> 01:06:57,960 No way 979 01:06:58,630 --> 01:07:01,320 As long as there are citizens 980 01:07:01,360 --> 01:07:04,890 They won't be able to do it 981 01:07:04,890 --> 01:07:05,960 There is one man who can 982 01:07:09,760 --> 01:07:10,920 The captain 983 01:07:11,860 --> 01:07:13,420 Is that paypal? 984 01:07:13,430 --> 01:07:15,290 And who the old man is 985 01:07:15,330 --> 01:07:18,360 He's the Gordon who raised Uta 986 01:07:18,560 --> 01:07:20,020 What uta's 987 01:07:20,130 --> 01:07:22,890 I tell you who you're talking about 988 01:07:22,890 --> 01:07:24,060 Shanks 989 01:07:25,090 --> 01:07:26,460 Shanks? 990 01:07:26,560 --> 01:07:31,060 If Shanks shows up he can stop the real world Uta 991 01:07:31,060 --> 01:07:33,390 Uncle, what happened to Shanks and Uta 992 01:07:33,530 --> 01:07:35,890 This is... 993 01:07:38,230 --> 01:07:39,620 uncle 994 01:07:43,130 --> 01:07:47,790 Too bad he's going after Uta and he can't beat her 995 01:07:47,830 --> 01:07:50,390 This is our captain and nothing can stop him 996 01:07:50,390 --> 01:07:54,090 There's no time for this anyway. Why don't we just get it over with 997 01:07:54,190 --> 01:07:55,590 But how 998 01:07:55,590 --> 01:08:00,290 Since both worlds are going to attack her at the same time we'll just keep attacking her 999 01:08:00,460 --> 01:08:04,960 Until the real world matches our attacks 1000 01:08:04,990 --> 01:08:11,890 I'm so scared it doesn't work but with the Straw Hat Pirates I know we're gonna win 1001 01:08:11,930 --> 01:08:13,590 We'll have to do it 1002 01:08:15,030 --> 01:08:17,520 Yeah, but then again, 1003 01:08:17,529 --> 01:08:19,760 What is this that you just figured out now 1004 01:08:35,930 --> 01:08:40,420 What are you doing here that you can't beat me no matter how many times we fight 1005 01:08:40,460 --> 01:08:42,420 It's not even a split yet 1006 01:08:43,560 --> 01:08:45,090 There you go again with the sore loser 1007 01:08:48,990 --> 01:08:52,920 It's like old times we decide who wins 1008 01:09:06,120 --> 01:09:11,960 ah 1009 01:09:15,830 --> 01:09:17,689 You're not serious at all 1010 01:09:22,560 --> 01:09:24,420 What you're doing right now is wrong 1011 01:09:24,430 --> 01:09:25,920 You're the one making the wrong choice 1012 01:09:27,000 --> 01:09:31,460 The era of the great sea pirate is over 1013 01:09:32,990 --> 01:09:35,660 Why do you want to be One Piece so bad 1014 01:09:35,960 --> 01:09:37,520 To create a new era 1015 01:09:38,630 --> 01:09:40,319 luffy 1016 01:09:46,390 --> 01:09:49,720 The era of the Great pirate began with the execution of Roger 1017 01:09:50,859 --> 01:09:54,690 And I'll end my flight because of you 1018 01:09:54,930 --> 01:09:57,090 Don't 1019 01:09:58,190 --> 01:09:58,880 uttar 1020 01:10:00,450 --> 01:10:01,280 you 1021 01:10:01,320 --> 01:10:06,550 Don't you love the Red-headed Pirates 1022 01:10:06,690 --> 01:10:13,390 Don't you love Shanks why do you hate pirates so much 1023 01:10:16,190 --> 01:10:16,920 It's all Shanks's fault 1024 01:10:18,790 --> 01:10:22,220 To me, Shanks is... 1025 01:10:22,690 --> 01:10:25,880 I really think of him as my real father 1026 01:10:33,020 --> 01:10:37,720 I thought everyone on that boat was my family 1027 01:10:37,720 --> 01:10:41,920 But it's all a lie to them 1028 01:10:42,590 --> 01:10:45,450 So Shanksy dumped me 1029 01:10:45,450 --> 01:10:49,080 He left me alone in Eligia 1030 01:10:49,520 --> 01:10:52,480 So you can be a good singer 1031 01:10:52,850 --> 01:10:54,220 It's not... 1032 01:11:02,220 --> 01:11:06,580 That's amazing. Your voice is the treasure of the world 1033 01:11:06,690 --> 01:11:12,380 There are a lot of professionals, instruments and sheet music 1034 01:11:12,550 --> 01:11:16,680 Please stay in Eligia and you are more than welcome in our kingdom 1035 01:11:19,190 --> 01:11:22,350 You look so happy and enjoying yourself when you sing here 1036 01:11:22,350 --> 01:11:23,750 Isn't it 1037 01:11:23,750 --> 01:11:29,520 Is it much more fun to sing in front of so many people than to sing to us 1038 01:11:29,520 --> 01:11:31,620 That's not true. 1039 01:11:31,890 --> 01:11:37,620 There is no peace or equality in this world 1040 01:11:37,650 --> 01:11:43,980 But your voice is the only one that makes everyone happy in this world 1041 01:11:43,990 --> 01:11:45,220 What are you talking about 1042 01:11:45,250 --> 01:11:47,950 I'm saying you can stay here 1043 01:11:47,950 --> 01:11:50,680 I'll be back for you when you're the best singer in the world 1044 01:11:50,790 --> 01:11:54,250 Fool, I'm the Goliath of the red-headed Sea 1045 01:11:54,320 --> 01:11:58,420 If studying music means I have to be apart from you and be apart from you 1046 01:11:58,450 --> 01:12:03,620 Yeah, I know. Let's get out of here tomorrow 1047 01:12:06,420 --> 01:12:07,720 But that night 1048 01:12:15,720 --> 01:12:16,580 Gordon 1049 01:12:18,790 --> 01:12:19,620 Are you awake 1050 01:12:22,650 --> 01:12:24,880 What's going on? 1051 01:12:25,150 --> 01:12:29,380 What about Shanks and them? Everything was stolen... 1052 01:12:29,820 --> 01:12:33,380 All of them were killed 1053 01:12:33,420 --> 01:12:35,080 Where is Shanks? 1054 01:12:35,150 --> 01:12:41,450 Their plan was to use your song to get close to Eligia and steal our treasure 1055 01:12:41,520 --> 01:12:42,780 You mean the red-headed sea pirate 1056 01:12:42,790 --> 01:12:45,780 That's them 1057 01:12:49,250 --> 01:12:55,420 You've been fooled by the red-headed pirate and Shanks 1058 01:13:02,350 --> 01:13:05,620 Shanks, don't leave me 1059 01:13:18,420 --> 01:13:22,020 Why? 1060 01:13:42,060 --> 01:13:45,020 Would Shanks do such a thing? You know the answer yourself 1061 01:13:45,060 --> 01:13:47,860 Then what have I been for 12 years 1062 01:13:47,960 --> 01:13:52,120 Luffy you're nothing more than a tool to Shanks 1063 01:13:52,160 --> 01:13:53,460 Shanks will be here 1064 01:13:53,530 --> 01:13:56,890 To save you? To save you 1065 01:13:57,030 --> 01:13:58,420 Save me? Why? 1066 01:13:59,330 --> 01:14:03,990 Because his daughter is doing this and Shanks is not gonna take it well 1067 01:14:09,260 --> 01:14:13,320 He abandoned me and he's never coming 1068 01:14:21,000 --> 01:14:24,100 Come on, Luffy. 1069 01:14:26,430 --> 01:14:27,000 goodbye 1070 01:14:37,470 --> 01:14:39,160 Shanks 1071 01:14:40,170 --> 01:14:42,330 Why? 1072 01:14:43,200 --> 01:14:46,400 I came to hear you sing 1073 01:14:46,400 --> 01:14:48,730 Long time no see 1074 01:15:05,200 --> 01:15:11,060 Just in time for my fans from all over the world to enter a new era 1075 01:15:11,230 --> 01:15:15,790 But before we go in, I want to finish with you 1076 01:15:18,000 --> 01:15:23,860 Everybody the worst of the pirates is here let's catch him together 1077 01:15:27,330 --> 01:15:29,760 Shanks is here, isn't he? 1078 01:15:29,960 --> 01:15:31,430 now 1079 01:15:47,300 --> 01:15:50,230 Do you still want to fight? So... 1080 01:15:53,060 --> 01:15:54,190 You're not singing. 1081 01:15:54,200 --> 01:15:55,760 The regionalization 1082 01:15:59,680 --> 01:16:02,630 Reinforcement of fur 1083 01:16:02,630 --> 01:16:04,590 transplant 1084 01:16:05,460 --> 01:16:08,390 Shroud ball sound 1085 01:16:10,230 --> 01:16:15,290 Uta, now your voice won't get through 1086 01:16:18,800 --> 01:16:20,330 Hello hello 1087 01:16:32,030 --> 01:16:35,330 Hold the cloth even if it puts your life in danger 1088 01:16:40,300 --> 01:16:42,460 Don't 1089 01:16:46,160 --> 01:16:49,330 You have to hang in there a new era is upon us 1090 01:16:56,100 --> 01:17:01,860 Yes we will use all the power of the navy to stop Uta 1091 01:17:01,860 --> 01:17:04,330 It doesn't matter if the audience gets caught in the crossfire 1092 01:17:04,360 --> 01:17:08,360 We have to sacrifice them to reduce the number of victims and protect the world 1093 01:17:08,930 --> 01:17:10,290 Destroy her 1094 01:17:10,300 --> 01:17:13,860 The Navy says it's on the right side but do they really want to kill civilians 1095 01:17:13,960 --> 01:17:15,230 Answer me yellow Ape 1096 01:17:15,230 --> 01:17:19,630 There is no justice without the victim 1097 01:17:19,630 --> 01:17:25,690 How cruel to sacrifice millions of people to stop a child 1098 01:17:27,060 --> 01:17:29,960 Eight feet Qiongyu 1099 01:17:41,430 --> 01:17:45,460 I'm sorry we're dealing with a domestic dispute 1100 01:17:46,630 --> 01:17:50,230 Would you stay out of it? 1101 01:17:53,400 --> 01:17:58,860 No we have the world on our shoulders 1102 01:18:00,260 --> 01:18:03,360 And even if it is, just stay out of it 1103 01:18:05,330 --> 01:18:10,330 If I could do that I would be able to see with this eye 1104 01:18:14,260 --> 01:18:15,990 North Township... 1105 01:18:16,800 --> 01:18:21,160 Looks like something big is happening in the real world 1106 01:18:25,230 --> 01:18:27,860 Sure enough, it was a wakeful mushroom 1107 01:18:27,930 --> 01:18:34,960 If you eat that mushroom it doesn't just wake you up it makes you go crazy and lose control of your emotions 1108 01:18:46,030 --> 01:18:50,790 I should have gone after you bad guys first 1109 01:18:52,960 --> 01:18:54,530 uttar 1110 01:18:57,900 --> 01:19:03,430 I just don't have the guts I don't have the guts to do that 1111 01:19:03,560 --> 01:19:06,630 But I won't hesitate now 1112 01:19:08,930 --> 01:19:10,560 Watch out that thing should be coming out 1113 01:19:14,700 --> 01:19:16,090 I... My perfect shield 1114 01:19:21,000 --> 01:19:22,130 That's... 1115 01:19:22,130 --> 01:19:29,690 Oh, that's a problem. We've got this specially prepared so I don't think we'll need it 1116 01:19:35,000 --> 01:19:38,030 How did that happen? She woke it up 1117 01:19:38,060 --> 01:19:41,290 When the singing fruit user sings that song, it wakes up 1118 01:19:41,460 --> 01:19:43,090 The old devil 1119 01:19:44,600 --> 01:19:46,560 That's Tot Musica 1120 01:19:47,260 --> 01:19:51,330 "With a wandering heart the clouds begin to cover the sky." 1121 01:19:51,390 --> 01:19:54,130 "The rain and my bitter tears began to fall." 1122 01:19:54,160 --> 01:19:57,330 "They have been the next stop Let I began to read a spell" 1123 01:19:57,700 --> 01:20:01,290 "Be my salvation." 1124 01:20:01,430 --> 01:20:08,090 "Let me begin to spell my salvation." 1125 01:20:08,290 --> 01:20:15,160 "These ancient lyrics are like hymns to which death cannot escape." 1126 01:20:15,160 --> 01:20:22,960 "I pray how to erase this confusion and I pray for peace from the future sea." 1127 01:20:23,060 --> 01:20:30,400 "It's time for redemption." 1128 01:20:30,490 --> 01:20:34,260 "I feel this anger making me stronger." 1129 01:20:34,260 --> 01:20:38,330 "These cries have echoed for so long now all I can do is scream." 1130 01:20:38,400 --> 01:20:41,660 "I know you feel new too so keep singing this song with me." 1131 01:20:41,700 --> 01:20:45,490 "We'll keep singing this song even if they torture you." 1132 01:20:45,500 --> 01:20:50,500 "When we sing this song together we'll start another big bang." 1133 01:20:50,550 --> 01:20:52,290 I can't block out that sound 1134 01:20:52,490 --> 01:20:55,530 No, it's no use 1135 01:20:55,530 --> 01:20:59,960 The Demon Lord has connected the real world with the singing fruit world 1136 01:21:06,500 --> 01:21:08,460 Uta Uta enough 1137 01:21:08,630 --> 01:21:10,460 Uta, can you hear us? 1138 01:21:10,460 --> 01:21:12,830 The world feels strange 1139 01:21:13,160 --> 01:21:14,590 uttar 1140 01:21:31,260 --> 01:21:34,990 uttar 1141 01:22:10,300 --> 01:22:14,030 Hot air fist 1142 01:22:31,930 --> 01:22:36,490 Damn it looks like we're really gonna hit Uta at the same time 1143 01:22:36,560 --> 01:22:42,560 Princess Uta you were trying to save everyone with your song Why is this happening 1144 01:22:43,830 --> 01:22:45,430 Lying cloth 1145 01:22:45,430 --> 01:22:47,530 I'm fine. 1146 01:22:47,570 --> 01:22:50,090 Leave Tot Musica to us 1147 01:22:50,130 --> 01:22:50,930 so 1148 01:22:51,000 --> 01:22:53,430 Don't leave Uta alone 1149 01:22:53,530 --> 01:22:55,360 Give her a good beating 1150 01:23:03,760 --> 01:23:07,360 Hey, can you hear me, Uta? This... 1151 01:23:08,300 --> 01:23:09,390 Luffy Senior 1152 01:23:14,100 --> 01:23:14,690 luffy 1153 01:23:14,730 --> 01:23:16,260 What are you doing to fight back 1154 01:23:16,350 --> 01:23:19,060 Uta, listen to me 1155 01:23:23,000 --> 01:23:24,590 Uta, listen to me 1156 01:23:24,630 --> 01:23:28,600 I have nothing to say to the pirate 1157 01:23:33,700 --> 01:23:35,790 - Uncle. - paypal 1158 01:23:35,860 --> 01:23:42,960 I can't let you continue to hurt the friend you cherish so much.... 1159 01:23:43,100 --> 01:23:45,530 He's the one who believes in Shanks, you know 1160 01:23:45,560 --> 01:23:48,990 No, Uta that was a lie 1161 01:23:49,000 --> 01:23:55,890 It wasn't the Red-headed Pirates who took out Eligia 12 years ago 1162 01:23:57,620 --> 01:24:00,390 It's Tot Musica 1163 01:24:01,560 --> 01:24:06,190 I'm sorry I haven't been able to tell you the truth... 1164 01:24:06,760 --> 01:24:11,060 Do you remember the party that day? 1165 01:24:11,160 --> 01:24:15,590 The ones who heard about the conservatory you're leaving with Shanks 1166 01:24:15,660 --> 01:24:19,090 Take advantage of this last chance to hear you sing song after song 1167 01:24:19,110 --> 01:24:26,630 Because it's such a special opportunity we've invited the entire nation to hear you sing 1168 01:24:26,630 --> 01:24:29,030 That's probably where it went wrong 1169 01:24:30,700 --> 01:24:37,330 Your voice summoned the music that was sealed beneath the castle 1170 01:24:42,530 --> 01:24:50,960 That sheet music was the Tot Muscia and before we knew it it was in front of you and started it all 1171 01:24:50,960 --> 01:24:55,530 It has used the fruit of your song for its freedom 1172 01:25:01,600 --> 01:25:03,890 The devil who unsealed the music 1173 01:25:03,960 --> 01:25:09,590 Take your little body and start using your powers on the people of this kingdom 1174 01:25:13,760 --> 01:25:17,960 Get up Uta don't let it control you 1175 01:25:31,660 --> 01:25:33,260 Don't 1176 01:25:33,260 --> 01:25:39,290 It's a good thing you were young and you started to get tired and pass out 1177 01:25:39,340 --> 01:25:42,890 But that kingdom... 1178 01:25:50,630 --> 01:25:52,990 Is the navy here yet 1179 01:25:53,000 --> 01:25:55,690 I was wondering if you could keep this from Uta 1180 01:25:55,760 --> 01:25:58,630 It would be cruel for her to know the truth 1181 01:25:58,760 --> 01:26:02,590 Okay, I'll tell the Navy this is my fault 1182 01:26:02,660 --> 01:26:13,090 It's not our fault Shanks and the red-headed pirate did it all you tell Uta that 1183 01:26:13,130 --> 01:26:15,730 Are you going to leave her here? 1184 01:26:15,730 --> 01:26:23,630 She has the best voice but we're being chased by the Navy all day and that's gonna limit her talent 1185 01:26:23,630 --> 01:26:28,130 You have the ability to turn her into an amazing singer 1186 01:26:28,160 --> 01:26:31,060 None of this is the fault of her singing 1187 01:26:31,060 --> 01:26:32,760 Shanks... 1188 01:26:33,760 --> 01:26:41,660 Okay, I... The King of Gorden Eligia swears to you on behalf of all my music-loving people 1189 01:26:41,690 --> 01:26:48,290 I'm gonna raise Uta to be an amazing singer who can bring joy to the world 1190 01:26:49,460 --> 01:26:55,730 Uta Even when we're apart you'll always be my daughter 1191 01:26:55,760 --> 01:26:59,390 So let's laugh and go 1192 01:26:59,400 --> 01:27:03,660 This is the beginning of our unique little singer's career 1193 01:27:07,530 --> 01:27:08,660 Uta, did you hear that? 1194 01:27:09,500 --> 01:27:11,790 Sure enough Shanks really... 1195 01:27:30,200 --> 01:27:33,430 That's the design I drew 1196 01:27:38,160 --> 01:27:39,890 I've drawn it 1197 01:27:40,000 --> 01:27:42,560 See what is this? 1198 01:27:42,660 --> 01:27:44,560 It's Shanks's straw hat 1199 01:27:45,160 --> 01:27:47,960 - Is this a hat? - Yes 1200 01:27:49,860 --> 01:27:50,390 You're a terrible painter 1201 01:27:50,560 --> 01:27:53,090 Let's take this pattern as a sign of the new age 1202 01:27:53,130 --> 01:27:55,030 Here it is. You can keep it 1203 01:27:58,900 --> 01:28:00,930 Stop it Uta 1204 01:28:01,100 --> 01:28:03,900 This is not freedom 1205 01:28:04,560 --> 01:28:07,060 This is not a new era 1206 01:28:08,200 --> 01:28:11,990 You know better than anyone without results 1207 01:28:14,130 --> 01:28:17,590 luffy 1208 01:28:18,160 --> 01:28:19,030 It's too late 1209 01:28:26,200 --> 01:28:29,260 What the hell is this....? 1210 01:28:32,060 --> 01:28:34,830 Everybody get in here and hide 1211 01:28:34,890 --> 01:28:37,830 Hey, how are we gonna fight this thing? 1212 01:28:37,830 --> 01:28:41,090 Would it be nice to know when our attacks became consistent 1213 01:28:54,460 --> 01:29:03,430 The strange navy is trying to kill the citizens but the pirates are protecting them 1214 01:29:03,460 --> 01:29:06,430 These titles mean nothing 1215 01:29:06,700 --> 01:29:08,830 Why protect them? 1216 01:29:09,030 --> 01:29:12,790 Let's not add another sin to our daughter's grief 1217 01:29:14,030 --> 01:29:17,790 Guys I don't want to see any bodies 1218 01:29:19,460 --> 01:29:24,630 Looks like we have to stop the Devil first 1219 01:29:26,630 --> 01:29:29,530 Uta ate the wakeful mushroom 1220 01:29:29,530 --> 01:29:32,830 She has become one with Tot Musica and the only way we can beat her is.... 1221 01:29:34,900 --> 01:29:36,330 Uta, it's you 1222 01:29:36,330 --> 01:29:37,490 It's all your fault 1223 01:29:37,730 --> 01:29:39,160 You are the one who caused your SINS 1224 01:29:39,160 --> 01:29:41,990 Shut up. I know all about it 1225 01:29:43,000 --> 01:29:48,560 About a year after I was able to deliver my music to everyone 1226 01:29:48,560 --> 01:29:52,930 I picked up a phone bug that had captured a reflection of that day 1227 01:29:53,930 --> 01:29:58,930 Anyone who sees this watch out for that little girl Uta she's dangerous 1228 01:29:59,030 --> 01:30:01,660 Her voice will destroy the world 1229 01:30:01,660 --> 01:30:07,690 So what can I do that so many people around the world still want to hear my music 1230 01:30:07,800 --> 01:30:11,060 Uta I want to get away from here 1231 01:30:11,110 --> 01:30:15,460 Do you think there's a world where I can listen to you forever? 1232 01:30:15,520 --> 01:30:18,890 Yeah, Uta, who hates pirates the most 1233 01:30:18,900 --> 01:30:21,530 This is all for everyone who found me 1234 01:30:21,700 --> 01:30:24,200 I can't go back 1235 01:30:24,300 --> 01:30:25,990 For the New era 1236 01:30:28,030 --> 01:30:31,330 Hot goat 1237 01:30:35,060 --> 01:30:38,160 Brother Owen, be careful. 1238 01:30:41,100 --> 01:30:44,780 How could I let a lady get hurt? 1239 01:30:44,830 --> 01:30:48,360 And there are some things that only you can do 1240 01:30:48,500 --> 01:30:50,090 good 1241 01:30:51,330 --> 01:30:53,190 Kirby will take the lead 1242 01:30:54,230 --> 01:30:57,890 The main objective of the good guard formation is to protect the spectators 1243 01:30:58,000 --> 01:31:01,090 Namie Robin helped open an escape route 1244 01:31:01,100 --> 01:31:04,630 Everybody stay calm and get in that mirror 1245 01:31:04,800 --> 01:31:08,960 Bruno and the others protect them 1246 01:31:09,030 --> 01:31:10,930 Frankie and Voo-ping, you'll be flanking 1247 01:31:11,000 --> 01:31:14,690 Jabbar protects Luffy and Gordon 1248 01:31:14,730 --> 01:31:17,190 Shilumebo and I will play flanker 1249 01:31:17,200 --> 01:31:23,530 Lie Boo, you'll provide fire support in the back and Brooke and Sanchi you're the top defense at the defense center 1250 01:31:23,530 --> 01:31:28,730 The advanced attackers in the attack center are Sauron and Owen and I'm handing you over to RON 1251 01:31:28,760 --> 01:31:32,230 And then what? Let's get started 1252 01:31:34,300 --> 01:31:38,590 The French bazooka 1253 01:31:47,230 --> 01:31:50,030 Zeus flew with the wind 1254 01:31:56,530 --> 01:31:59,360 Uta, I'm sorry. 1255 01:31:59,360 --> 01:32:03,730 I was wrong to be afraid that your powers would stop you from performing in front of everyone 1256 01:32:04,000 --> 01:32:11,830 And as a person who loves music, I can't give up Tot Musica 1257 01:32:13,000 --> 01:32:20,990 I'm a fool and I'm a coward who's always looking for a reason to run away and I deserve it 1258 01:32:21,000 --> 01:32:25,730 My dad always left me alone, too 1259 01:32:26,030 --> 01:32:30,030 But you've always been there for Princess Uta 1260 01:32:30,300 --> 01:32:32,890 You lost the kingdom and you still kept your word 1261 01:32:33,000 --> 01:32:34,890 You're actually pretty good 1262 01:32:39,260 --> 01:32:40,560 Okay, I'm out of here 1263 01:32:40,800 --> 01:32:41,360 luffy 1264 01:32:42,130 --> 01:32:49,390 Luffy her singing can bring joy to all people in this world 1265 01:32:49,730 --> 01:32:51,760 But this one 1266 01:32:51,920 --> 01:32:58,290 I really feel sorry for her please Luffy go save her 1267 01:32:59,970 --> 01:33:01,770 Of course I would have saved her 1268 01:33:04,710 --> 01:33:05,800 Luffy let him go 1269 01:33:07,370 --> 01:33:11,340 We're running out of time and we're not gonna get back to the real world if this doesn't work out 1270 01:33:41,910 --> 01:33:43,400 Red hair 1271 01:33:43,410 --> 01:33:45,200 We must attack at the same time 1272 01:33:45,400 --> 01:33:50,800 We must attack the same place at the same time as the world of singing fruit 1273 01:33:52,340 --> 01:33:53,900 Why? 1274 01:33:54,070 --> 01:33:55,230 BIG MOM's son will be here 1275 01:33:55,300 --> 01:33:59,200 I'm here to save my sister 1276 01:34:05,540 --> 01:34:10,970 I used my eyes to see a little bit about my sister's situation 1277 01:34:11,010 --> 01:34:13,840 Both of us must... 1278 01:34:13,870 --> 01:34:15,340 I know 1279 01:34:15,910 --> 01:34:18,340 You're not the only one with new ideas here 1280 01:34:18,340 --> 01:34:22,170 But he's not ready. He's not calm 1281 01:34:22,170 --> 01:34:25,440 But Katakuli I'm glad you're here 1282 01:34:25,440 --> 01:34:28,940 We've got our hands full here with the Navy... 1283 01:34:31,210 --> 01:34:34,640 I want you to be a good boy 1284 01:34:46,120 --> 01:34:47,510 luffy 1285 01:34:47,520 --> 01:34:48,710 Shanks 1286 01:34:48,820 --> 01:34:49,610 It worked 1287 01:34:49,650 --> 01:34:52,180 It's connected to the real world 1288 01:35:00,620 --> 01:35:03,580 You son of a bitch. 1289 01:35:03,680 --> 01:35:09,320 Three streams of fire cut six tsuji 1290 01:35:10,380 --> 01:35:11,710 Will it ever end? 1291 01:35:11,810 --> 01:35:16,650 You'll regret stepping on you, you wicked swordsman 1292 01:35:17,720 --> 01:35:19,910 Didn't I say there was no time? 1293 01:35:20,020 --> 01:35:20,780 damn 1294 01:35:22,650 --> 01:35:26,780 If only we could get rid of those hands and feet 1295 01:35:26,880 --> 01:35:32,550 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no 1296 01:35:36,450 --> 01:35:41,010 Dad, you finally found your stupid son 1297 01:35:46,550 --> 01:35:49,150 I saw what I saw my dad see 1298 01:35:49,880 --> 01:35:51,280 luffy 1299 01:35:51,620 --> 01:35:54,150 All right, come on guys 1300 01:35:54,380 --> 01:35:56,250 Do your best on the ground 1301 01:35:56,380 --> 01:35:57,810 good 1302 01:35:58,380 --> 01:36:02,610 All right, let's do our best on the floor 1303 01:36:02,780 --> 01:36:04,680 good 1304 01:36:08,050 --> 01:36:10,810 We need to stop Tot Musica's hands and feet 1305 01:36:10,820 --> 01:36:13,550 Follow my instructions and hit your right foot first 1306 01:36:13,680 --> 01:36:15,550 The right foot 1307 01:36:30,480 --> 01:36:33,750 The left hand 1308 01:36:46,380 --> 01:36:47,780 - Left foot. Left foot. 1309 01:36:47,780 --> 01:36:48,980 All right 1310 01:36:49,200 --> 01:36:52,080 Let me give you a hand 1311 01:37:00,450 --> 01:37:03,280 Center right center right 1312 01:37:09,480 --> 01:37:12,310 Center left center left 1313 01:37:19,820 --> 01:37:22,910 Jesus, your father and your son are very close 1314 01:37:22,920 --> 01:37:24,210 The right hand 1315 01:37:24,520 --> 01:37:25,010 o 1316 01:37:30,850 --> 01:37:35,310 Fledge Fireball 1317 01:37:45,250 --> 01:37:46,180 luffy 1318 01:37:46,220 --> 01:37:47,050 Shanks 1319 01:37:47,110 --> 01:37:49,180 Now now 1320 01:38:55,920 --> 01:38:59,210 Did you see it? Because we went to war 1321 01:38:59,310 --> 01:39:00,010 So much love 1322 01:39:00,120 --> 01:39:02,010 We have good food these days 1323 01:39:02,080 --> 01:39:07,150 Treasure treasure 1324 01:39:12,420 --> 01:39:14,480 How did you get in here? 1325 01:39:14,480 --> 01:39:18,210 Maybe it was the pirates who took her 1326 01:39:19,450 --> 01:39:21,480 You've got to be kidding 1327 01:39:21,480 --> 01:39:25,550 All right, all right, stop crying 1328 01:39:25,550 --> 01:39:31,510 Go to sleep, baby quietly 1329 01:39:39,650 --> 01:39:42,880 Is this some kind of fate 1330 01:40:25,680 --> 01:40:29,280 Are you lonely, too 1331 01:40:35,330 --> 01:40:37,960 Shanks, I... 1332 01:40:38,020 --> 01:40:40,420 It's okay. It's over 1333 01:40:43,560 --> 01:40:47,020 If you take this medicine now and go to sleep, you'll be fine 1334 01:40:47,130 --> 01:40:51,120 Shanks... I don't want to see you... 1335 01:40:51,290 --> 01:40:53,560 But... 1336 01:40:53,560 --> 01:40:54,760 I'm dying to see you again 1337 01:40:54,790 --> 01:40:58,290 Stop talking and drink 1338 01:41:00,390 --> 01:41:01,860 What's going on? 1339 01:41:01,960 --> 01:41:06,720 I thought we defeated the Devil... 1340 01:41:07,860 --> 01:41:13,120 Don't... Stop it. 1341 01:41:13,130 --> 01:41:14,690 Stop it. 1342 01:41:14,830 --> 01:41:17,690 Why can't we go back Why? 1343 01:41:17,690 --> 01:41:19,690 It's too late. 1344 01:41:19,690 --> 01:41:25,220 Tot Musica's powers have taken our souls 1345 01:41:25,230 --> 01:41:26,560 Really!? 1346 01:41:27,830 --> 01:41:30,360 Uta drank the medicine quickly 1347 01:41:35,290 --> 01:41:39,660 I have to sing and I have to bring everyone back 1348 01:41:41,990 --> 01:41:45,860 Shanks... I thought you said that a long time ago 1349 01:41:46,160 --> 01:41:51,820 Do my songs have the power to make people happy? 1350 01:42:03,390 --> 01:42:09,690 I'm Gojiuta from the Red-headed One Pirates 1351 01:42:46,500 --> 01:42:55,870 "I think of us playing by the sea." 1352 01:42:56,000 --> 01:43:00,170 "Just you and me." 1353 01:43:00,200 --> 01:43:09,570 "But the smell of the sea is fading away." 1354 01:43:09,630 --> 01:43:13,140 "Slowly slipping away." 1355 01:43:13,200 --> 01:43:19,970 "So I sang a familiar song," "I hope you can hear it." 1356 01:43:20,100 --> 01:43:27,170 "I'll sing till you come back to me." 1357 01:43:27,230 --> 01:43:34,130 "I wanna believe, I wanna try to believe." 1358 01:43:34,170 --> 01:43:41,170 "On the far side of the sea or among the stars." 1359 01:43:41,230 --> 01:43:46,730 "I need you to hear me and I need you to believe me." 1360 01:43:46,770 --> 01:43:50,130 "A gust of wind blows my wings." 1361 01:43:50,150 --> 01:43:53,570 "Kept calling to me." 1362 01:43:53,670 --> 01:44:03,140 "Fly me to the sky." 1363 01:44:05,540 --> 01:44:08,870 The voice of an angel 1364 01:44:08,870 --> 01:44:09,830 uttar 1365 01:44:09,840 --> 01:44:15,930 "I wanna believe, I wanna try to believe." 1366 01:44:16,000 --> 01:44:23,070 "On the far side of the sea or among the stars." 1367 01:44:23,120 --> 01:44:28,500 "I need you to hear me and I need you to believe me." 1368 01:44:28,530 --> 01:44:34,500 "We'll meet again one day and continue in this dream." 1369 01:44:34,500 --> 01:44:44,900 "And then in the sunset we'll wake up again." 1370 01:45:14,070 --> 01:45:18,230 Hey, why didn't you punch me? 1371 01:45:18,240 --> 01:45:21,830 My fists are stronger than guns. Didn't I tell you 1372 01:45:21,870 --> 01:45:25,400 I thought you used to hit me with your little punches 1373 01:45:25,400 --> 01:45:27,670 I wasn't at full strength 1374 01:45:27,740 --> 01:45:31,430 There you go again with the sore loser 1375 01:45:34,360 --> 01:45:38,370 Since when are you taller than me? 1376 01:45:50,200 --> 01:45:53,500 This hat means a lot to me, too 1377 01:45:55,170 --> 01:45:59,800 You're gonna be the man to match that hat one day 1378 01:46:08,670 --> 01:46:11,600 Shanks Luffy 1379 01:46:11,600 --> 01:46:13,200 He's back. 1380 01:46:13,200 --> 01:46:15,530 The entire audience is safe 1381 01:46:18,940 --> 01:46:20,230 That's good 1382 01:46:22,000 --> 01:46:28,600 I'm sorry I didn't trust Shanks and the whole red-headed crew 1383 01:46:29,840 --> 01:46:35,170 Thank you! for saving my life 1384 01:46:38,900 --> 01:46:47,630 All right, it's time to hand over Uta to the super-criminal who wants to destroy the world 1385 01:46:49,240 --> 01:46:52,000 you 1386 01:46:52,040 --> 01:46:56,230 Are you fighting back? 1387 01:46:56,240 --> 01:46:58,500 With all of you 1388 01:46:58,670 --> 01:47:02,400 She... It's my daughter 1389 01:47:03,300 --> 01:47:06,830 She's a very important part of our family 1390 01:47:06,940 --> 01:47:09,970 If you're gonna take her away from me 1391 01:47:10,170 --> 01:47:12,070 You better prepare to die 1392 01:47:19,370 --> 01:47:26,470 You subjugates the entire population under the Vice admiral and that is the power of Shanks, one of the Four Kings 1393 01:47:27,100 --> 01:47:34,730 Forget it. We shouldn't be fighting here too close to the citizens 1394 01:47:53,840 --> 01:47:56,430 Are my fans okay? I hope they're not too upset 1395 01:47:56,540 --> 01:48:00,930 It's okay. Humans aren't that weak 1396 01:48:00,940 --> 01:48:04,900 And a new era is upon us 1397 01:48:11,580 --> 01:48:19,940 "Where is this wind coming from and where is it taking us?" 1398 01:48:19,980 --> 01:48:27,280 "I looked to the sky for answers but it didn't answer me." 1399 01:48:27,310 --> 01:48:31,440 "This song that I sing" 1400 01:48:31,480 --> 01:48:36,240 "Where is it going to go?" 1401 01:48:36,280 --> 01:48:44,210 "I try to find the answer inside." 1402 01:48:45,250 --> 01:48:51,410 "We are once again heading into the unknown sea." 1403 01:48:51,440 --> 01:48:55,780 "Go forth bravely." 1404 01:48:58,410 --> 01:49:04,580 "I have but one wish." 1405 01:49:04,640 --> 01:49:11,580 "Don't give up and keep going." 1406 01:49:11,680 --> 01:49:22,610 "Let all the ships in my heart raise their sails and let me hear the call of the sea." 1407 01:49:22,640 --> 01:49:28,910 "I have to keep singing." 1408 01:49:32,410 --> 01:49:34,410 Did you sleep well? 1409 01:49:35,080 --> 01:49:37,210 Where are Uta and Shanks 1410 01:54:34,000 --> 01:54:36,800 To the thousand Yang... The regionalization 1411 01:54:50,760 --> 01:54:56,170 I'm gonna be The Pirate King