1 00:00:01,986 --> 00:00:03,917 Oh, I'm...I'm Deja. 2 00:00:04,020 --> 00:00:06,158 [Fatima] Previously on "Zatima"... 3 00:00:06,261 --> 00:00:09,020 -You live next door? -Yeah. 4 00:00:09,123 --> 00:00:12,261 Oh, this is great! Oh my. 5 00:00:12,365 --> 00:00:13,917 Don't do that. Get up! 6 00:00:14,020 --> 00:00:16,710 -Please? -No, I gotta go. 7 00:00:16,813 --> 00:00:19,503 -Is that her? -Yes. 8 00:00:19,606 --> 00:00:23,020 -Who this nigga she hugging on? -Exactly what I'm saying, bro. 9 00:00:23,123 --> 00:00:25,572 Show him the picture. 10 00:00:25,675 --> 00:00:27,365 [Fatima] Is everything all right down there, babe? 11 00:00:29,675 --> 00:00:31,330 Damn, what's going on? Talk. Say something. 12 00:00:31,434 --> 00:00:33,537 -Man, chill. -Nigga, he ain't saying nothing 13 00:00:33,641 --> 00:00:35,468 Yeah, well, cut it out, man. You drunk. 14 00:00:35,572 --> 00:00:36,917 Nigga, I'm always drunk. 15 00:00:37,020 --> 00:00:38,882 Yeah, it don't matter. Cut it out. 16 00:00:38,986 --> 00:00:42,399 Say something. 17 00:00:42,503 --> 00:00:44,399 Y'all gotta go. 18 00:00:44,503 --> 00:00:46,089 Nah, man, we ain't going nowhere. 19 00:00:46,192 --> 00:00:48,089 We gonna get to the bottom of this. 20 00:00:48,192 --> 00:00:50,089 Nate, I'm not playing, bro. 21 00:00:50,192 --> 00:00:52,089 All right, I got you, Zac. 22 00:00:52,192 --> 00:00:54,296 Look, come on, bro. He's serious. 23 00:00:54,399 --> 00:00:56,434 I don't give a fuck. We didn't do shit. 24 00:00:56,537 --> 00:00:59,123 -We ain't do this shit. -Look at his eyes. Relax. 25 00:00:59,227 --> 00:01:02,158 We looking out for you. 26 00:01:02,261 --> 00:01:04,917 Please, Nate. You gotta go, bro. 27 00:01:05,020 --> 00:01:08,813 Yo, Nate, you drunk right now. Just grab your shit and go. 28 00:01:08,917 --> 00:01:10,779 You bought this shit, all right? 29 00:01:10,882 --> 00:01:13,227 Yeah, and I bought it so we could have a good time, 30 00:01:13,330 --> 00:01:15,158 not so you could act up like a little kid. 31 00:01:15,261 --> 00:01:16,572 Look, I'm sorry, all right? 32 00:01:16,675 --> 00:01:18,641 I just wanna make sure that you're good. 33 00:01:18,744 --> 00:01:21,123 Got this girl upstairs, don't even know who the fuck she is. 34 00:01:21,227 --> 00:01:24,399 Just go to the car and wait for me. 35 00:01:24,503 --> 00:01:25,779 I'm sorry. 36 00:01:25,882 --> 00:01:27,296 Go! 37 00:01:32,296 --> 00:01:35,261 Yo, um, bro, you good? 38 00:01:39,054 --> 00:01:41,296 You took that? 39 00:01:41,399 --> 00:01:46,744 Yeah. Yeah, I took it earlier today. 40 00:01:46,848 --> 00:01:48,779 What else did you see? 41 00:01:48,882 --> 00:01:51,813 Yo, bro, don't do this, man. Now's not the time. 42 00:01:51,917 --> 00:01:53,296 Like, she's right upstairs. 43 00:01:53,399 --> 00:01:56,158 What else did you see? 44 00:01:56,261 --> 00:01:57,606 You really wanna know? 45 00:02:00,330 --> 00:02:03,089 Tony, I asked you, didn't I? 46 00:02:03,192 --> 00:02:07,468 They were sittin' in close and they were talking. 47 00:02:07,572 --> 00:02:10,468 How close? 48 00:02:10,572 --> 00:02:15,261 They were really close, bro. Like... 49 00:02:15,365 --> 00:02:16,848 I ain't like that shit. 50 00:02:19,399 --> 00:02:21,365 Yo, bro, I think you should just-- 51 00:02:21,468 --> 00:02:24,641 What else? What else did you see? 52 00:02:24,744 --> 00:02:27,779 And then he got down on one knee and I couldn't tell 53 00:02:27,882 --> 00:02:31,192 what he was saying, but he was saying something to her. 54 00:02:36,158 --> 00:02:38,503 -All right. -Yo, bro, look, 55 00:02:38,606 --> 00:02:41,813 -I think you should just... -Don't touch me right now. 56 00:02:45,330 --> 00:02:48,503 -Look, just hold on. -Got it. 57 00:02:48,606 --> 00:02:50,848 Just look, think about this before you do 58 00:02:50,951 --> 00:02:53,572 -or say something -I got it. 59 00:02:53,675 --> 00:02:57,054 It's Zac, baby. Zac attack. 60 00:02:57,158 --> 00:03:00,744 I got it. I got it. 61 00:03:00,848 --> 00:03:04,675 Aight, bro, look. Zac, you know we family, right? 62 00:03:04,779 --> 00:03:06,917 If you need us you know where we'll be. 63 00:03:07,020 --> 00:03:08,917 I got you. I'm here for you, aight? 64 00:03:09,020 --> 00:03:11,365 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. 65 00:03:11,468 --> 00:03:13,675 -All right, love you, bro. -Love you, too, bro. 66 00:03:19,986 --> 00:03:21,848 [music] 67 00:03:21,951 --> 00:03:24,020 [Male] ♪ Love ain't perfect. 68 00:03:24,123 --> 00:03:26,399 ♪ We still working. 69 00:03:26,503 --> 00:03:28,503 Might not be what we see on TV, ♪ 70 00:03:28,606 --> 00:03:30,537 ♪ but it's damn sure worth it. 71 00:03:30,641 --> 00:03:33,434 ♪ Uh-huh. Love ain't perfect. ♪ 72 00:03:33,537 --> 00:03:36,158 ♪ But we still working. 73 00:03:36,261 --> 00:03:38,227 ♪ Don't gotta be what we see on IG ♪ 74 00:03:38,330 --> 00:03:40,054 ♪ 'cause we still worth it. 75 00:03:40,158 --> 00:03:42,365 ♪ Uh-huh. 76 00:03:42,468 --> 00:03:44,744 ♪ Yeah, yeah. 77 00:03:44,848 --> 00:03:48,296 ♪ Yeah, yeah. Doo, doo, doo, doo. ♪ 78 00:03:48,399 --> 00:03:49,882 ♪ We're still worth it. 79 00:03:49,986 --> 00:03:55,606 [music] 80 00:04:15,468 --> 00:04:16,882 You been quiet. 81 00:04:19,813 --> 00:04:20,986 Yeah. 82 00:04:24,986 --> 00:04:26,158 You all right? 83 00:04:26,261 --> 00:04:27,848 Mm-hmm. 84 00:04:27,951 --> 00:04:31,813 -My day's been good. -That's good, baby. 85 00:04:31,917 --> 00:04:34,882 Got a new tenant moving in. 86 00:04:34,986 --> 00:04:36,848 Okay. 87 00:04:36,951 --> 00:04:38,261 She gonna move in tomorrow. 88 00:04:40,192 --> 00:04:41,606 All right. 89 00:04:43,641 --> 00:04:45,434 Why ain't you looking at me? 90 00:04:45,537 --> 00:04:49,779 Just resting my eyes. It's been a long day. 91 00:04:53,641 --> 00:04:54,882 Yeah. 92 00:04:57,089 --> 00:04:58,503 Look like you been crying. 93 00:05:02,020 --> 00:05:05,744 I just...I just need to relax a bit, meditate. 94 00:05:09,089 --> 00:05:10,503 Is it about Belinda? 95 00:05:14,089 --> 00:05:15,468 Partly. 96 00:05:18,158 --> 00:05:19,503 What's the other part? 97 00:05:22,434 --> 00:05:23,848 What are you doing? 98 00:05:26,399 --> 00:05:28,537 Anything interesting happen at work today? 99 00:05:28,641 --> 00:05:31,330 Lots of interesting things. 100 00:05:31,434 --> 00:05:35,779 Lots of interesting things. Okay. 101 00:05:35,882 --> 00:05:39,261 What about after work? Where'd you go after work? 102 00:05:39,365 --> 00:05:41,986 Nowhere. 103 00:05:42,089 --> 00:05:43,710 -Nowhere? -No. 104 00:05:47,399 --> 00:05:52,192 That's funny to me because you got home later 105 00:05:52,296 --> 00:05:53,986 than you typically do. 106 00:05:58,054 --> 00:06:03,296 I did go to the coffee shop in the building. 107 00:06:03,399 --> 00:06:04,951 Alone? 108 00:06:09,227 --> 00:06:11,330 What are you doing? 109 00:06:11,434 --> 00:06:13,434 What? 110 00:06:15,606 --> 00:06:18,503 Is there something you wanna ask me? 111 00:06:18,606 --> 00:06:20,123 Think I just did. 112 00:06:27,917 --> 00:06:31,020 Who did you go to the coffee shop with? 113 00:06:34,020 --> 00:06:36,986 I was with Ian. 114 00:06:37,089 --> 00:06:40,641 Look, your ex? 115 00:06:40,744 --> 00:06:41,986 Yeah. 116 00:06:46,848 --> 00:06:49,917 What the fuck you crying for? 117 00:06:50,020 --> 00:06:54,779 Zac, don't do that. 118 00:06:54,882 --> 00:06:57,468 Don't do what? 119 00:06:57,572 --> 00:07:00,779 This nigga's that important to you? 120 00:07:00,882 --> 00:07:01,951 Look, just... 121 00:07:02,054 --> 00:07:03,744 You going to the coffee shop with him? 122 00:07:03,848 --> 00:07:05,434 Don't fly off the handle, Zac. No. 123 00:07:05,537 --> 00:07:08,020 First my best friend, now this? 124 00:07:08,123 --> 00:07:09,606 Fuck! 125 00:07:11,744 --> 00:07:13,296 I can't. 126 00:07:13,399 --> 00:07:14,986 -Oh, you can't? -No, I can't. 127 00:07:15,089 --> 00:07:17,089 -You can't? -No! 128 00:07:17,192 --> 00:07:21,848 So you go to a coffee shop with this nigga and not tell me? 129 00:07:21,951 --> 00:07:24,089 And then when I ask you, you in here looking like 130 00:07:24,192 --> 00:07:27,986 you about to fucking die and you can't tell me? 131 00:07:28,089 --> 00:07:30,675 Me! 132 00:07:30,779 --> 00:07:35,330 Zac, I can't. I just... 133 00:07:35,434 --> 00:07:39,227 -You just what? -I just need some time. 134 00:07:39,330 --> 00:07:41,192 You got time. Take your time. 135 00:07:41,296 --> 00:07:43,606 I'm going out. 136 00:07:43,710 --> 00:07:44,917 Zac. 137 00:07:45,020 --> 00:07:46,537 What? 138 00:07:49,123 --> 00:07:50,641 Don't do nothing stupid. 139 00:07:52,779 --> 00:07:54,744 Looks like you already did. 140 00:08:03,123 --> 00:08:06,123 [Phone ringing] ♪ Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up. ♪ 141 00:08:06,227 --> 00:08:08,227 -Yo. -[Tony] Yo, what's up, Zac? 142 00:08:08,330 --> 00:08:10,365 -You good? -I'm on my way. 143 00:08:10,468 --> 00:08:12,227 [Tony] Yo, bro. You sure, man? 144 00:08:12,330 --> 00:08:14,710 -I'm positive. -[Tony] Bro, it's so lit in here 145 00:08:14,813 --> 00:08:17,503 -we gonna wild out. -Yo, save me a spot. 146 00:08:17,606 --> 00:08:19,710 [Tony] Come on, now. You know we got you. 147 00:08:26,917 --> 00:08:30,192 Do something stupid if you want to, Zac. 148 00:08:30,296 --> 00:08:32,158 I'm not in the fucking mood. 149 00:08:32,261 --> 00:08:38,020 [music] 150 00:08:38,123 --> 00:08:43,951 [phone ringing] 151 00:08:44,054 --> 00:08:45,744 Hey. 152 00:08:45,848 --> 00:08:49,365 -Hey. -I was just about to call you. 153 00:08:49,468 --> 00:08:51,365 I'm okay. 154 00:08:51,468 --> 00:08:54,089 [Angela] Okay. 155 00:08:54,192 --> 00:08:56,089 Are you busy? 156 00:08:56,192 --> 00:08:59,020 Um, never too busy for you, girl. 157 00:09:01,503 --> 00:09:04,054 Could you come by? 158 00:09:04,158 --> 00:09:06,296 Sure. 159 00:09:06,399 --> 00:09:07,882 Yeah. 160 00:09:07,986 --> 00:09:09,365 Thank you. 161 00:09:09,468 --> 00:09:10,813 [Angela] All right. Bye. 162 00:09:12,710 --> 00:09:14,710 What's up? 163 00:09:14,813 --> 00:09:17,572 Fatima needs me to go over there. 164 00:09:17,675 --> 00:09:19,951 Oh, is she okay? 165 00:09:20,054 --> 00:09:22,227 I don't know. 166 00:09:22,330 --> 00:09:23,744 What happened? 167 00:09:25,744 --> 00:09:29,296 She went to see her ex today. 168 00:09:29,399 --> 00:09:31,779 -Oh. -Yeah. 169 00:09:31,882 --> 00:09:35,572 -Does Zac know? -I don't know. 170 00:09:35,675 --> 00:09:38,675 Okay, um, do you want me to go with you? 171 00:09:38,779 --> 00:09:41,503 No, babe, it's fine. It's fine. I'll be back. 172 00:09:41,606 --> 00:09:44,951 -Okay? -I can just wait in the car. 173 00:09:45,054 --> 00:09:48,503 It's okay. I'll see you soon. 174 00:09:48,606 --> 00:09:51,882 -You sure? -I'm sure. 175 00:09:51,986 --> 00:09:54,399 I love the way you love me. 176 00:09:54,503 --> 00:09:55,882 -I do, baby. -I know. 177 00:09:57,882 --> 00:09:59,779 -All right, bye. -Bye. 178 00:10:05,227 --> 00:10:06,675 You look beautiful, baby. 179 00:10:09,296 --> 00:10:11,089 [Male] ♪ Came in with the whole squad, ♪ 180 00:10:11,192 --> 00:10:13,192 ♪ making the whole place rock tell the DJ ♪ 181 00:10:13,296 --> 00:10:14,848 ♪ make the place knock 182 00:10:14,951 --> 00:10:17,296 ♪ Squad going too hard rocking like bass rock, ♪ 183 00:10:17,399 --> 00:10:20,227 ♪ three, two, one, let the bass knock ♪ 184 00:10:20,330 --> 00:10:22,779 ♪ Let the place knock Let the place knock ♪ 185 00:10:22,882 --> 00:10:24,089 ♪ Let the place knock 186 00:10:24,192 --> 00:10:27,192 Ooh, look at who's here. Where your trunks at? 187 00:10:27,296 --> 00:10:28,813 Don't start, bro. 188 00:10:28,917 --> 00:10:30,020 No man. 189 00:10:30,123 --> 00:10:32,054 I don't even wanna talk about it. 190 00:10:32,158 --> 00:10:34,192 All right, I got you. I got you. Relax, man. 191 00:10:34,296 --> 00:10:35,537 Yo, man. Chill, bro. 192 00:10:35,641 --> 00:10:37,054 I'm just making sure he's good. 193 00:10:37,158 --> 00:10:39,123 I need a drink, bro. I can't do this. 194 00:10:39,227 --> 00:10:41,537 Hey man, come on. Somebody get my man a drink. 195 00:10:41,641 --> 00:10:44,537 Rotten, the service around here, man. 196 00:10:44,641 --> 00:10:46,227 -There it is. -There it is. 197 00:10:46,330 --> 00:10:48,951 Thanks. 198 00:10:49,054 --> 00:10:50,365 Thank you. 199 00:10:50,468 --> 00:10:51,917 Yo, who's house is this, anyway? 200 00:10:52,020 --> 00:10:54,123 I don't know, some ball player who'll be broke 201 00:10:54,227 --> 00:10:56,296 in about five years. 202 00:10:56,399 --> 00:10:58,537 -Y'all hear that? -Hear what? 203 00:10:58,641 --> 00:11:01,261 The sound of major jealousy. Damn, Tony! 204 00:11:01,365 --> 00:11:02,675 [laughter] 205 00:11:02,779 --> 00:11:04,675 Hey, Nate. Shut the hell up. 206 00:11:04,779 --> 00:11:07,158 Hey, oh, come on, man. Let's toast. 207 00:11:07,261 --> 00:11:09,330 Yeah, let's toast, bro. 208 00:11:09,434 --> 00:11:12,572 Here's to Zac finding out the truth about Bestiza 209 00:11:12,675 --> 00:11:15,020 and moving the hell on. 210 00:11:15,123 --> 00:11:17,468 No, I can't toast to that, bro. Come on, man. 211 00:11:17,572 --> 00:11:18,744 -I can. -Thanks, bro. 212 00:11:18,848 --> 00:11:20,572 This guy has no feelings, man. 213 00:11:20,675 --> 00:11:23,089 Bro, I'm sorry. Excuse me? 214 00:11:23,192 --> 00:11:24,986 Didn't I cry when you put me out? 215 00:11:25,089 --> 00:11:27,365 Okay, bro, that's enough. Just stop. 216 00:11:27,468 --> 00:11:30,537 Oh, who is that? 217 00:11:30,641 --> 00:11:34,158 It's the side piece bitch Zac had when he was with Karen. 218 00:11:34,261 --> 00:11:36,710 And what do you think he's gonna do with it, Alex? 219 00:11:36,813 --> 00:11:39,468 I don't know, Jack. But I'll take fuck her for 200. 220 00:11:39,572 --> 00:11:41,020 Agreed! 221 00:11:41,123 --> 00:11:44,261 You've won an all expense paid trip to that ass. 222 00:11:44,365 --> 00:11:47,779 -Hey! -Ho, whoa! 223 00:11:47,882 --> 00:11:49,572 You guys are assholes. I need another drink. 224 00:11:49,675 --> 00:11:51,227 Yo, come on, man. We just joking, bro. 225 00:11:51,330 --> 00:11:52,675 Jokes, bro. 226 00:11:52,779 --> 00:11:54,537 I'm out, man. This ain't my shit. 227 00:11:54,641 --> 00:11:55,917 Yo, bro, you sure man? Chill. 228 00:11:56,020 --> 00:11:58,261 Come on, man. Hey, man! 229 00:11:58,365 --> 00:12:00,606 Don't go back up and make up with that girl, man. 230 00:12:00,710 --> 00:12:02,123 Yo, shut up, bro! 231 00:12:02,227 --> 00:12:03,813 You're always fucking something up, man? 232 00:12:03,917 --> 00:12:05,813 Man, look what these bitches doing to us. 233 00:12:15,813 --> 00:12:21,399 [music] 234 00:12:23,744 --> 00:12:29,434 [phone ringing] 235 00:12:33,848 --> 00:12:35,572 -Hey. -Hey. 236 00:12:35,675 --> 00:12:39,779 Um, Zac's not here. 237 00:12:39,882 --> 00:12:41,848 [Bryce] Oh, he's not? 238 00:12:41,951 --> 00:12:44,330 No. I think they got into a fight. 239 00:12:44,434 --> 00:12:47,675 Okay, um, all right, well I'll just give him a call right now 240 00:12:47,779 --> 00:12:49,123 and see where he's at. 241 00:12:49,227 --> 00:12:51,641 -[Angela] Thanks, babe. -Okay . 242 00:12:51,744 --> 00:12:53,641 -Be careful, baby. -You, too. 243 00:12:53,744 --> 00:12:55,261 Bye. 244 00:13:00,468 --> 00:13:02,779 [phone ringing] 245 00:13:02,882 --> 00:13:04,296 [Zac] Yo! 246 00:13:04,399 --> 00:13:06,848 -Hey. -I was just thinking about you. 247 00:13:06,951 --> 00:13:09,399 [chuckles] Oh yeah? What's going on? 248 00:13:09,503 --> 00:13:13,986 I need you to talk me down, man. I'm...I'm pissed as hell, man. 249 00:13:14,089 --> 00:13:16,503 Oh, no. We can't have that. 250 00:13:16,606 --> 00:13:18,227 [Zac] No, we can't. 251 00:13:18,330 --> 00:13:19,710 Where are you? 252 00:13:19,813 --> 00:13:22,296 I'm at this crazy ass party, man. 253 00:13:22,399 --> 00:13:24,951 Wow, I don't think you should be there. 254 00:13:25,054 --> 00:13:27,261 No, I know I don't wanna be here. 255 00:13:27,365 --> 00:13:30,054 I'm leaving right now. I'm walking to my car. 256 00:13:30,158 --> 00:13:31,813 [Bryce] Okay. Where's the party at? 257 00:13:31,917 --> 00:13:34,503 Um, it's on...it's on Mission. 258 00:13:34,606 --> 00:13:37,261 Okay, uh, how 'bout I meet you at the diner over there? 259 00:13:37,365 --> 00:13:38,744 All right, copy. 260 00:13:38,848 --> 00:13:40,779 All right, cool. I'll see you in a little bit. 261 00:13:40,882 --> 00:13:42,261 -[Zac] All right. -Bet. 262 00:13:42,365 --> 00:13:48,192 [music] 263 00:13:48,296 --> 00:13:50,089 Oh, ho, ho! 264 00:13:50,192 --> 00:13:53,572 So this is why I can't get approved for my apartment huh? 265 00:13:53,675 --> 00:13:55,296 -What's up? -What's up? 266 00:13:55,399 --> 00:13:57,848 -Just chillin'. -You leaving so soon? Why? 267 00:13:57,951 --> 00:14:00,227 It's just getting started in there. 268 00:14:00,330 --> 00:14:02,227 Yeah, this ain't really my scene. 269 00:14:02,330 --> 00:14:05,468 You know what? It ain't really mine either. 270 00:14:05,572 --> 00:14:07,054 -No? -Do you smoke? 271 00:14:07,158 --> 00:14:09,606 -Nah, no, no. -No? Really? 272 00:14:09,710 --> 00:14:11,054 Not no more. I just... 273 00:14:11,158 --> 00:14:12,917 You such a good boy. 274 00:14:13,020 --> 00:14:16,020 -Nah. -So, cut the shit. 275 00:14:16,123 --> 00:14:19,227 Did I get approved or what? 276 00:14:19,330 --> 00:14:22,503 -Your shit checked out. -That's great! 277 00:14:22,606 --> 00:14:24,020 -Yeah. -So wait, 278 00:14:24,123 --> 00:14:28,192 so does this mean I get to pick up the keys tomorrow? 279 00:14:28,296 --> 00:14:31,848 -I'll do you one better. -What? 280 00:14:31,951 --> 00:14:33,675 -Wait. For real? -Yeah. 281 00:14:33,779 --> 00:14:36,054 -Yeah, go ahead. -[Deja squealing] 282 00:14:36,158 --> 00:14:37,813 -Oh, okay. -Okay, I'm sorry. 283 00:14:37,917 --> 00:14:39,537 Is that too close? I'm sorry. 284 00:14:39,641 --> 00:14:40,951 -No, this is good. -I'm sorry. 285 00:14:41,054 --> 00:14:43,089 I'm just so excited. You don't understand. 286 00:14:43,192 --> 00:14:45,986 You don't understand. This is my first place. 287 00:14:46,089 --> 00:14:48,054 Got my keys. Let me add it to these keys. 288 00:14:48,158 --> 00:14:49,537 First place, huh? 289 00:14:49,641 --> 00:14:52,330 You know, yeah, I mean, I had a roommate. 290 00:14:52,434 --> 00:14:54,192 That was ghetto. 291 00:14:54,296 --> 00:14:57,054 Actually, it was this broke ass nigga I was dealing with, 292 00:14:57,158 --> 00:14:59,882 but he...anyway, it doesn't even matter 'cause I'm just 293 00:14:59,986 --> 00:15:02,848 so excited. Thank you so much. 294 00:15:02,951 --> 00:15:04,192 It's what's up. 295 00:15:04,296 --> 00:15:06,882 You don't really seem happy. 296 00:15:06,986 --> 00:15:09,917 No, I'm...I'm good. I'm good. 297 00:15:10,020 --> 00:15:11,296 -I'm good. -Okay. 298 00:15:11,399 --> 00:15:14,503 Well, oh, how you know Jerome? 299 00:15:14,606 --> 00:15:16,089 Who? 300 00:15:16,192 --> 00:15:19,227 Jerome Debois. This is his house. 301 00:15:19,330 --> 00:15:20,986 Oh, I don't know this nigga, man. 302 00:15:21,089 --> 00:15:22,434 My friends invited me here, so... 303 00:15:22,537 --> 00:15:24,606 Oh, okay. 304 00:15:24,710 --> 00:15:26,779 That's what's up. 305 00:15:26,882 --> 00:15:28,537 What are you doing here? 306 00:15:28,641 --> 00:15:32,468 Oh, I'm working. 307 00:15:32,572 --> 00:15:33,882 -You working? -Yeah. 308 00:15:33,986 --> 00:15:35,675 Your application said you was a nail tech. 309 00:15:35,779 --> 00:15:38,054 Oh, I am. I'm good, too. 310 00:15:38,158 --> 00:15:42,537 Best in the city. I mean, during the day though. 311 00:15:42,641 --> 00:15:44,537 So what, you catering this? 312 00:15:44,641 --> 00:15:47,813 [laughs] Are you for real? 313 00:15:47,917 --> 00:15:49,330 Yeah. 314 00:15:49,434 --> 00:15:54,020 Does it look like I'm catering in this bitch? 315 00:15:54,123 --> 00:15:56,641 -Damn. -Damn is right. 316 00:15:56,744 --> 00:15:58,882 -Come on now. -No, it don't. 317 00:15:58,986 --> 00:16:01,227 No, I dance at night. 318 00:16:01,330 --> 00:16:03,020 -So, you dance? -Yeah. 319 00:16:03,123 --> 00:16:04,848 -I do. -So you dance at the pole? 320 00:16:04,951 --> 00:16:06,537 Oh hell no. Not that ghetto ass shit 321 00:16:06,641 --> 00:16:08,917 with the roaches and the hot wings that be good as hell. 322 00:16:09,020 --> 00:16:11,123 No, mm-mm. I do private parties, okay? 323 00:16:11,227 --> 00:16:15,330 There's a difference. It's classier. 324 00:16:15,434 --> 00:16:16,951 -Private parties. -Yeah, but listen, 325 00:16:17,054 --> 00:16:19,123 don't you worry because I have a big following 326 00:16:19,227 --> 00:16:20,951 and all my Deja daddies 327 00:16:21,054 --> 00:16:23,020 will make sure that you get your rent. 328 00:16:23,123 --> 00:16:24,779 Deja daddies. 329 00:16:24,882 --> 00:16:27,123 -One way or another. -Right. 330 00:16:27,227 --> 00:16:29,123 Well, I mean, cash. Cash will do. 331 00:16:29,227 --> 00:16:31,606 -Okay. -That's fine. 332 00:16:31,710 --> 00:16:33,261 [laughs] So you're not upset? 333 00:16:33,365 --> 00:16:35,261 No. Why would I be upset? 334 00:16:35,365 --> 00:16:37,675 I mean, 'cause you're letting me move in next door. 335 00:16:37,779 --> 00:16:41,434 I didn't want you to judge me because I dance, you know? 336 00:16:41,537 --> 00:16:42,813 -Me? -Yeah. 337 00:16:42,917 --> 00:16:46,882 I have no space in my life to judge anybody, trust me. 338 00:16:46,986 --> 00:16:48,399 Okay. 339 00:16:48,503 --> 00:16:50,813 Well, you know what you can do? 340 00:16:50,917 --> 00:16:52,779 -What's that? -You can come judge 341 00:16:52,882 --> 00:16:56,986 -this dance, though. -[laughs] No, I can't do that. 342 00:16:57,089 --> 00:16:58,986 -I can't do that. -Come on, yes you can. 343 00:16:59,089 --> 00:17:00,848 Nah, go enjoy yourself. 344 00:17:00,951 --> 00:17:03,261 You gonna watch me walk away? 345 00:17:03,365 --> 00:17:05,020 -Maybe. -You should. 346 00:17:05,123 --> 00:17:10,813 [music] 347 00:17:17,261 --> 00:17:19,572 I'm gonna come. 348 00:17:19,675 --> 00:17:22,123 -Yeah, that's like that. -I'm gonna come. 349 00:17:22,227 --> 00:17:24,399 Does that make me a Deja daddy? 350 00:17:24,503 --> 00:17:26,882 -It 'bout to be. -All right. 351 00:17:26,986 --> 00:17:29,434 -You look the part. -Lead the way. 352 00:17:29,537 --> 00:17:31,434 ♪ Don't miss your chance while you got it ♪ 353 00:17:31,537 --> 00:17:33,296 ♪ 'cause I am the best, I am the one ♪ 354 00:17:33,399 --> 00:17:36,054 ♪ All of them think they can humble me ♪ 355 00:17:36,158 --> 00:17:38,951 Oh, back so soon? 356 00:17:39,054 --> 00:17:40,399 -Look, man... -Ah, ah, hey. 357 00:17:40,503 --> 00:17:43,365 Here, man. Look. Just drink, man. 358 00:17:43,468 --> 00:17:46,503 -Come on. -Bro, let's just toast. 359 00:17:46,606 --> 00:17:49,917 Have a good drink on us. You know what I mean? 360 00:17:50,020 --> 00:17:53,020 All right, listen up. Listen up. 361 00:17:53,123 --> 00:17:55,641 Welcome to my damn house. 362 00:17:55,744 --> 00:17:58,813 We bout to turn this mother fucker all the way up. 363 00:17:58,917 --> 00:18:00,641 -You hear me? -[cheering] 364 00:18:00,744 --> 00:18:03,606 Yeah! 365 00:18:03,710 --> 00:18:05,227 Come here. 366 00:18:05,330 --> 00:18:10,020 This is my chick. And this is her party. 367 00:18:10,123 --> 00:18:12,261 Now, when I told her we were having a party, 368 00:18:12,365 --> 00:18:15,572 I asked her what she wanted and she said some strippers. 369 00:18:15,675 --> 00:18:18,951 I was like, "Hell no, we ain't doing that." 370 00:18:19,054 --> 00:18:20,503 But she was like, "Naw, nigga, 371 00:18:20,606 --> 00:18:22,779 I'm talking about female strippers." 372 00:18:22,882 --> 00:18:27,227 So I was like, "This my bitch." 373 00:18:27,330 --> 00:18:28,744 I love you, baby. 374 00:18:31,882 --> 00:18:33,192 Hey, so you know what 375 00:18:33,296 --> 00:18:34,779 I had to get the baddest bitches. 376 00:18:34,882 --> 00:18:37,089 And I'm not just talking about the bitches in Atlanta. 377 00:18:37,192 --> 00:18:39,537 I flew in the baddest bitches from all around 378 00:18:39,641 --> 00:18:43,020 the motherfucking world. Let's turn up! 379 00:18:43,123 --> 00:18:45,986 [cheering] 380 00:18:46,089 --> 00:18:47,503 Nigga gonna be broke. 381 00:18:47,606 --> 00:18:49,296 Yo, why you always hating, Tony? 382 00:18:49,399 --> 00:18:51,227 What do you mean why am I always hating? 383 00:18:51,330 --> 00:18:53,468 Why would you fly the bitches in when you could just 384 00:18:53,572 --> 00:18:56,020 get hoes and skeezies that would be just as fun over at The Pole. 385 00:18:56,123 --> 00:18:58,399 Whoa, whoa, whoa, can we just not talk about The Pole? 386 00:18:58,503 --> 00:19:00,054 Like, anywhere but The Pole. Please. 387 00:19:00,158 --> 00:19:03,399 Oh, my bad. That's sensitive. My bad. 388 00:19:03,503 --> 00:19:05,917 Bring on the bitches! 389 00:19:06,020 --> 00:19:10,710 [cheering] 390 00:19:13,641 --> 00:19:15,813 ♪ Talk to the bad, bad vibes, 391 00:19:15,917 --> 00:19:17,365 ♪ pretty face and thighs. 392 00:19:17,468 --> 00:19:19,537 ♪ I got all the... I got all the... ♪ 393 00:19:19,641 --> 00:19:21,192 ♪ We outside, we outside. ♪ 394 00:19:21,296 --> 00:19:24,434 ♪ I don't get tired. I don't get dry. ♪ 395 00:19:24,537 --> 00:19:27,779 ♪ Let them, let them ride. 396 00:19:27,882 --> 00:19:30,744 ♪ I can drop it, baby, I can get you high. ♪ 397 00:19:30,848 --> 00:19:33,089 ♪ You would like it, baby. Pay attention, baby. ♪ 398 00:19:33,192 --> 00:19:34,641 ♪ I won't waste your time. 399 00:19:34,744 --> 00:19:37,744 ♪ Throw that ass, throw that ass, throw that ass. ♪ 400 00:19:37,848 --> 00:19:41,399 ♪ Throw that ass, throw that ass. ♪ 401 00:19:44,399 --> 00:19:46,813 Wait, ain't that old girl? 402 00:19:46,917 --> 00:19:48,399 It is! From the other day. 403 00:19:48,503 --> 00:19:51,261 You said you ain't know her. You liar. 404 00:19:51,365 --> 00:19:52,813 I knew she could drive a stick. 405 00:19:52,917 --> 00:19:54,330 I didn't lie. 406 00:19:54,434 --> 00:19:56,468 I just let her lease my apartment. 407 00:19:56,572 --> 00:19:58,227 No, you lying. Look at the way she 408 00:19:58,330 --> 00:19:59,779 -looking at you. -Bro, come on. 409 00:19:59,882 --> 00:20:02,158 -I ain't no fool. -Damn! 410 00:20:02,261 --> 00:20:04,054 You know what? I'ma show you what 411 00:20:04,158 --> 00:20:05,537 you're missing out on, all right? 412 00:20:05,641 --> 00:20:07,261 No, you know what? Hold on. Come here. 413 00:20:07,365 --> 00:20:09,123 [Zac] Mm-mm, mm-mm. 414 00:20:09,227 --> 00:20:10,951 -Yeah. -No, no, no, no, 415 00:20:11,054 --> 00:20:13,330 -no, no, no, no. -Slow down, bro. 416 00:20:13,434 --> 00:20:17,192 Oh, wee. Oh, there you go. 417 00:20:17,296 --> 00:20:19,123 Take that. 418 00:20:19,227 --> 00:20:20,848 Show him what he's been missing, man. 419 00:20:20,951 --> 00:20:22,537 Hey, Zac attack. Come on. 420 00:20:22,641 --> 00:20:24,296 Zac attack. Come on, now. 421 00:20:24,399 --> 00:20:26,158 Zac attack. Zac is back! Come on! 422 00:20:26,261 --> 00:20:28,468 Zac is back. Zac is back 423 00:20:28,572 --> 00:20:31,468 [music] 424 00:20:35,710 --> 00:20:37,158 [knocking] 425 00:20:37,261 --> 00:20:38,606 Who is that? 426 00:20:38,710 --> 00:20:40,848 I don't know, banging on the damn door like that. 427 00:20:40,951 --> 00:20:42,365 Girl, you got your gun? 428 00:20:42,468 --> 00:20:44,572 I wish a motherfucker would, the mood I'm in. 429 00:20:51,089 --> 00:20:53,606 Hey. 430 00:20:53,710 --> 00:20:55,503 Why are you banging on the door like that? 431 00:20:55,606 --> 00:20:59,054 I'm sorry. I'm looking for my brother. 432 00:20:59,158 --> 00:21:03,089 -Your brother? -Yeah, Zac. 433 00:21:03,192 --> 00:21:06,572 Oh, um, you're um, what's his name? 434 00:21:06,675 --> 00:21:09,503 -Jeremiah? -Yeah, you know me? 435 00:21:09,606 --> 00:21:12,123 -Yeah, I'm Fatima. -Who? 436 00:21:12,227 --> 00:21:14,572 Uh, Fatima. 437 00:21:14,675 --> 00:21:16,296 [Jeremiah] Okay, is he here? 438 00:21:16,399 --> 00:21:18,503 Uh, no. No, he's not. 439 00:21:18,606 --> 00:21:22,192 Okay, let him know my mama need to talk to him. 440 00:21:22,296 --> 00:21:25,054 Okay, um, yeah. Um, does she need 441 00:21:25,158 --> 00:21:26,882 to talk to him right now? 442 00:21:26,986 --> 00:21:28,779 No, can you give me the number? 443 00:21:28,882 --> 00:21:30,813 I'm sorry, you don't have his number? 444 00:21:30,917 --> 00:21:32,261 No, I don't. 445 00:21:32,365 --> 00:21:33,986 Okay, well, I can't give it to you. 446 00:21:34,089 --> 00:21:35,779 No? 447 00:21:35,882 --> 00:21:37,296 No. 448 00:21:37,399 --> 00:21:42,365 Yeah, I understand. This is a nice house. 449 00:21:42,468 --> 00:21:46,227 -Thank you, um... -You bought it? 450 00:21:46,330 --> 00:21:47,882 Excuse me? 451 00:21:47,986 --> 00:21:50,675 I'm sorry. 452 00:21:50,779 --> 00:21:52,641 Um, you know what? I will tell Zac 453 00:21:52,744 --> 00:21:55,227 -that you came by... -Do you know where he's at? 454 00:21:55,330 --> 00:21:57,986 No, I do not. No. 455 00:21:58,089 --> 00:22:01,951 He's your man and you don't know where he's at? 456 00:22:02,054 --> 00:22:04,158 He's a grown man. 457 00:22:04,261 --> 00:22:07,503 Yeah. Okay. 458 00:22:07,606 --> 00:22:10,089 This place is nice. 459 00:22:10,192 --> 00:22:12,503 This nigga ballin' like this. 460 00:22:12,606 --> 00:22:15,261 Okay, um, I'll see you later. 461 00:22:15,365 --> 00:22:16,986 Can I come in and check it out? 462 00:22:17,089 --> 00:22:18,537 No, you cannot. No. 463 00:22:18,641 --> 00:22:20,261 He's not here. I said that. 464 00:22:20,365 --> 00:22:21,986 Come on, man. Give me a break. 465 00:22:25,261 --> 00:22:28,779 You know what? No. I'm sorry. 466 00:22:28,882 --> 00:22:31,848 Yeah, okay. 467 00:22:31,951 --> 00:22:33,917 Well, tell him I came by. 468 00:22:34,020 --> 00:22:35,434 I will. Bye. 469 00:22:37,675 --> 00:22:39,606 Girl, that was weird. Yeah, lock that. 470 00:22:43,123 --> 00:22:45,158 I know, right? 471 00:22:45,261 --> 00:22:49,572 So, he don't have his brother's number? 472 00:22:49,675 --> 00:22:52,606 And apparently Zac didn't tell him who I am. 473 00:22:52,710 --> 00:22:54,468 Yeah, what is up with that? 474 00:22:56,917 --> 00:22:58,261 I don't know. 475 00:22:58,365 --> 00:23:01,710 Zac has a really weird family dynamic. 476 00:23:01,813 --> 00:23:04,261 Oh, okay. 477 00:23:04,365 --> 00:23:07,399 I don't...I don't wanna talk about it anymore now, okay? 478 00:23:07,503 --> 00:23:08,710 You know what? You right. 479 00:23:08,813 --> 00:23:10,572 I'm gonna go make us some tea. 480 00:23:10,675 --> 00:23:12,296 You know what? Actually let me get 481 00:23:12,399 --> 00:23:13,882 some more of that wine. 482 00:23:13,986 --> 00:23:17,123 You ain't said nothing. I got you, baby. 483 00:23:17,227 --> 00:23:18,572 Thank you. 484 00:23:18,675 --> 00:23:20,020 [Male] ♪ Yeah, I got it. 485 00:23:20,123 --> 00:23:21,503 ♪ I'm 'bout it. 486 00:23:21,606 --> 00:23:24,744 Oh, where's the party police? 487 00:23:24,848 --> 00:23:27,365 Get your square ass outta here, man! 488 00:23:27,468 --> 00:23:29,917 What's up, Nathan? Good to see you. 489 00:23:30,020 --> 00:23:31,986 Yo, what you came to chaperone tonight, bro? 490 00:23:32,089 --> 00:23:33,399 Hey, Tony. 491 00:23:33,503 --> 00:23:35,296 Come on, man. He's having a good time. 492 00:23:35,399 --> 00:23:36,641 You're looking good, too. 493 00:23:36,744 --> 00:23:39,813 Hey! Hey! What's up, big guy? 494 00:23:39,917 --> 00:23:41,158 What up? 495 00:23:41,261 --> 00:23:42,917 How many you had? 496 00:23:43,020 --> 00:23:45,261 -I'm good. -[laughter] 497 00:23:45,365 --> 00:23:46,917 Come on, come on. Let's go. 498 00:23:47,020 --> 00:23:48,227 Let's go, Zac. 499 00:23:48,330 --> 00:23:49,813 I'm good. I'm good. 500 00:23:49,917 --> 00:23:51,399 Please take him home. Please. 501 00:23:51,503 --> 00:23:52,813 No, no. No. 502 00:23:52,917 --> 00:23:54,468 Can you please take...Zac, Zac. 503 00:23:54,572 --> 00:23:57,951 -No. -You gotta get him outta here. 504 00:23:58,054 --> 00:24:00,192 No, no, no, no, Zac. We don't want that. 505 00:24:00,296 --> 00:24:02,020 Come on, man. Let's go. Let's go. 506 00:24:02,123 --> 00:24:04,572 -Why not? -Zac, look at me. 507 00:24:04,675 --> 00:24:06,572 -You're drunk, man. -I'm looking at you, bro. 508 00:24:06,675 --> 00:24:08,503 You're drunk, man. Let's go. Come on. 509 00:24:08,606 --> 00:24:12,261 I know you're screaming at. You're not my father. 510 00:24:12,365 --> 00:24:14,641 Are you? 511 00:24:14,744 --> 00:24:16,296 -You might be. -You know what? 512 00:24:16,399 --> 00:24:19,399 -I wouldn't know. -Thank you. Thank you. 513 00:24:19,503 --> 00:24:22,192 Ah, damn. 514 00:24:22,296 --> 00:24:25,330 Come on, man. Come on, let's go. 515 00:24:25,434 --> 00:24:27,296 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 516 00:24:27,399 --> 00:24:28,917 -Hey, Zac. -What's up? 517 00:24:29,020 --> 00:24:31,296 -Let's go get some food, man. -Yeah, that I'll leave for. 518 00:24:31,399 --> 00:24:32,641 [Bryce] There you go. Come on. 519 00:24:32,744 --> 00:24:34,261 Come on, come on. Here we go. 520 00:24:34,365 --> 00:24:37,296 Here we go, big guy. Let's go. 521 00:24:37,399 --> 00:24:39,399 -Where's his shirt at? -I had a shirt? 522 00:24:39,503 --> 00:24:41,296 -Yo, Tony, Nathan. -I didn't wear a shirt. 523 00:24:41,399 --> 00:24:42,917 -Where's his shirt? -I don't know. 524 00:24:43,020 --> 00:24:46,572 -I don't wear shirts. -Come on, let's go. 525 00:24:46,675 --> 00:24:48,606 -Deja! -[Nate] We love you, Zac. 526 00:24:48,710 --> 00:24:51,434 -[Bryce] Come on, come on. -[chatter] 527 00:24:51,537 --> 00:24:53,020 -I'll see you tomorrow. -Love you. 528 00:24:53,123 --> 00:24:56,399 [music] 529 00:24:56,503 --> 00:24:59,503 Damn, girl. I'm sorry about all of this. 530 00:24:59,606 --> 00:25:01,123 It's not your fault. 531 00:25:03,675 --> 00:25:04,986 You gonna talk to his mama? 532 00:25:05,089 --> 00:25:07,951 Girl, I cannot talk to that woman. 533 00:25:08,054 --> 00:25:10,468 She loves me. 534 00:25:10,572 --> 00:25:13,848 I know, girl, but shit. 535 00:25:13,951 --> 00:25:16,365 You know she didn't even go to his wedding? 536 00:25:16,468 --> 00:25:17,813 Wait, what? 537 00:25:17,917 --> 00:25:20,020 No, she couldn't stand that girl. 538 00:25:20,123 --> 00:25:21,848 Talking about he should have married me. 539 00:25:21,951 --> 00:25:26,158 I mean, he really should have, but...damn. 540 00:25:26,261 --> 00:25:29,020 Yeah. 541 00:25:29,123 --> 00:25:31,882 She was devastated. 542 00:25:31,986 --> 00:25:33,710 I bet. 543 00:25:33,813 --> 00:25:39,192 I can just imagine how this is really messing with her. 544 00:25:39,296 --> 00:25:42,192 Girl, look. I'm sorry. 545 00:25:42,296 --> 00:25:44,882 You know, that's her only son. 546 00:25:44,986 --> 00:25:46,296 I know. 547 00:25:49,848 --> 00:25:51,744 There's nothing you can do about it. 548 00:25:51,848 --> 00:25:55,399 But thank you for being here. 549 00:25:55,503 --> 00:25:58,468 Girl, you know I always got you, okay? 550 00:25:58,572 --> 00:26:00,296 Always. 551 00:26:00,399 --> 00:26:02,779 I know. 552 00:26:02,882 --> 00:26:07,227 But um, where is Zac? 553 00:26:10,572 --> 00:26:13,503 I was wondering when you would ask that. 554 00:26:13,606 --> 00:26:15,054 Well, girl, what happened? 555 00:26:17,813 --> 00:26:22,503 I just, Angela, I wasn't ready to tell him about Ian. 556 00:26:22,606 --> 00:26:25,813 I just wanted to be sure and figure all this out. 557 00:26:25,917 --> 00:26:29,710 That's understandable, okay? 558 00:26:29,813 --> 00:26:32,330 Then he came in today asking all these questions 559 00:26:32,434 --> 00:26:34,951 about my day. It was... 560 00:26:35,054 --> 00:26:36,882 it was strange. 561 00:26:36,986 --> 00:26:39,572 Well why, why do you think he would do that? 562 00:26:43,296 --> 00:26:46,675 I don't know. 563 00:26:46,779 --> 00:26:49,227 Maybe he knows? 564 00:26:49,330 --> 00:26:50,986 Hm. 565 00:26:51,089 --> 00:26:53,848 Look, I just...I wanted to be sure about all this 566 00:26:53,951 --> 00:26:56,434 before I said something. 567 00:26:56,537 --> 00:26:58,606 I get it. I get it. 568 00:26:58,710 --> 00:27:02,020 But Sis, you're in a relationship. 569 00:27:02,123 --> 00:27:05,399 Sometimes if you don't know what to say, just say something. 570 00:27:05,503 --> 00:27:08,296 That's your man. 571 00:27:08,399 --> 00:27:10,296 Yeah. 572 00:27:10,399 --> 00:27:11,813 I guess you're right. 573 00:27:15,744 --> 00:27:18,020 I'll tell him tonight when he gets home. 574 00:27:18,123 --> 00:27:19,330 -Good. -Yeah. 575 00:27:21,537 --> 00:27:25,710 But um, where did he go? 576 00:27:25,813 --> 00:27:29,158 He went out. He was mad when he left. 577 00:27:31,606 --> 00:27:33,675 Okay. 578 00:27:36,572 --> 00:27:40,399 What was that? Okay? 579 00:27:40,503 --> 00:27:44,365 Girl, I just hope he ain't out here doing nothing stupid. 580 00:27:44,468 --> 00:27:45,951 You know? 581 00:27:48,399 --> 00:27:52,503 If he wants to leave me alone for getting upset, 582 00:27:52,606 --> 00:27:55,641 then to hell with him. I don't need a nigga anyway. 583 00:27:55,744 --> 00:27:57,089 I mean, you right. You right. 584 00:27:57,192 --> 00:27:59,123 I mean, shit, cut me some slack. 585 00:27:59,227 --> 00:28:01,227 Girl, I'm trying to. But you know, 586 00:28:01,330 --> 00:28:03,192 this is all real new. 587 00:28:03,296 --> 00:28:05,572 It ain't that new. 588 00:28:05,675 --> 00:28:07,882 Okay, like I said... 589 00:28:07,986 --> 00:28:09,330 What? Shit, say it. 590 00:28:09,434 --> 00:28:13,744 -What is it? -'Tima, he's got a reputation. 591 00:28:19,572 --> 00:28:22,365 I know. 592 00:28:22,468 --> 00:28:26,296 And if he goes back to his old ways, Sis... 593 00:28:26,399 --> 00:28:27,917 Girl, I wish a nigga would. 594 00:28:28,020 --> 00:28:31,537 After one disagreement? 595 00:28:31,641 --> 00:28:33,330 [scoffs] 596 00:28:33,434 --> 00:28:34,848 [phone beeps] 597 00:28:38,434 --> 00:28:39,848 -Belinda? -Yeah. 598 00:28:39,951 --> 00:28:42,296 I need to block her ass. Why is she texting me for? 599 00:28:46,296 --> 00:28:47,779 [phone beeps] 600 00:28:50,882 --> 00:28:52,779 Is she texting you? 601 00:28:52,882 --> 00:28:56,296 Yeah, girl. 602 00:28:56,399 --> 00:28:58,572 What did she say? 603 00:28:58,675 --> 00:29:01,261 Um... 604 00:29:01,365 --> 00:29:02,882 You want some more wine? 605 00:29:02,986 --> 00:29:05,330 My glass is still full. What did she say? 606 00:29:05,434 --> 00:29:07,158 [music] 607 00:29:07,261 --> 00:29:09,158 'Tima, look. I'll just talk to her later. 608 00:29:09,261 --> 00:29:10,675 It's fine. 609 00:29:10,779 --> 00:29:12,779 We need to talk about this, right? 610 00:29:12,882 --> 00:29:17,123 -Why you lying? -Girl, I'm not lying. 611 00:29:17,227 --> 00:29:20,089 Angela, I know when you're lying. 612 00:29:20,192 --> 00:29:22,192 Your voice goes up and you start giggling. 613 00:29:22,296 --> 00:29:24,123 Or you fall down. 614 00:29:24,227 --> 00:29:26,813 What did she say? Let me see it. 615 00:29:26,917 --> 00:29:28,779 -'Tima... -Let me see it. 616 00:29:28,882 --> 00:29:30,848 -Girl, I don't know... -Give it, let me see it. 617 00:29:30,951 --> 00:29:34,261 -'Tima, I just... -Give it. 618 00:29:37,089 --> 00:29:39,986 Really? Straighten your face out. 619 00:29:42,261 --> 00:29:44,710 Fatima... 620 00:29:44,813 --> 00:29:47,537 -What the? -Damn. 621 00:29:47,641 --> 00:29:49,917 I know this nigga ain't. 622 00:29:55,813 --> 00:30:00,986 [music] 623 00:30:23,882 --> 00:30:25,537 [music] 624 00:30:28,330 --> 00:30:30,192 [music]