1 00:00:01,710 --> 00:00:03,261 And I want the best for you. 2 00:00:03,365 --> 00:00:05,641 That nigga in there, is not it. 3 00:00:05,744 --> 00:00:08,296 [Zac]: Previously, onZatima. 4 00:00:08,399 --> 00:00:09,641 I love her. 5 00:00:09,744 --> 00:00:11,330 Now you might not know that 'cause you don't know me. 6 00:00:11,434 --> 00:00:13,020 She makes me feel like I got everything under control, 7 00:00:13,123 --> 00:00:14,227 even shit like this. 8 00:00:14,330 --> 00:00:15,779 Good news is you're ready. 9 00:00:15,882 --> 00:00:17,710 Bad news is they're sending Gretchen. 10 00:00:17,813 --> 00:00:20,020 And she's a bitch. 11 00:00:20,123 --> 00:00:23,779 You got a tip from this woman. 12 00:00:23,882 --> 00:00:26,020 Do you want to tell me the truth 13 00:00:26,123 --> 00:00:28,572 or do I open that door for the FBI? 14 00:00:31,503 --> 00:00:33,296 Mr. Taylor. 15 00:00:33,399 --> 00:00:34,503 Yes. 16 00:00:34,606 --> 00:00:37,779 You wanna tell me? 17 00:00:37,882 --> 00:00:40,675 Uh, she looks familiar. 18 00:00:40,779 --> 00:00:43,986 Looks familiar? Come on. 19 00:00:44,089 --> 00:00:46,089 Yeah, I might... 20 00:00:46,192 --> 00:00:47,675 I might have seen her somewhere. I just... 21 00:00:47,779 --> 00:00:50,434 Where? 22 00:00:50,537 --> 00:00:51,779 I don't know. I can't tell you. 23 00:00:51,882 --> 00:00:54,020 - She a regular-- - Guess. 24 00:00:54,123 --> 00:00:57,986 [sighs] I'm drawing a blank. I can't. I don't-- 25 00:00:58,089 --> 00:01:00,882 There is one thing that I hate. 26 00:01:00,986 --> 00:01:02,158 [Zac] Mm-hmm. 27 00:01:02,261 --> 00:01:04,296 And that's somebody wasting my time. 28 00:01:04,399 --> 00:01:05,986 All right, I agree. I'm not trying-- 29 00:01:06,089 --> 00:01:09,089 So tell me who she is. 30 00:01:09,192 --> 00:01:11,296 I-I can't. I don't know who that is. 31 00:01:11,399 --> 00:01:15,848 Wow. You're really doing this. 32 00:01:15,951 --> 00:01:17,158 Gretchen, I don't know who- 33 00:01:17,261 --> 00:01:18,641 You don't lie well, Mr. Taylor. 34 00:01:18,744 --> 00:01:20,848 How would you know? You don't even know me. 35 00:01:20,951 --> 00:01:22,330 - So-- - How would you know? 36 00:01:22,434 --> 00:01:24,192 You're gonna stick to this? 37 00:01:24,296 --> 00:01:26,813 Gretchen, I have no idea. I don't know her. 38 00:01:26,917 --> 00:01:29,434 Okay. 39 00:01:29,537 --> 00:01:32,468 Okay. Do I need a lawyer? 40 00:01:32,572 --> 00:01:37,123 Oh, oh, oh, oh. You're gonna need several. 41 00:01:37,227 --> 00:01:39,468 Fine. I'll get several. 42 00:01:39,572 --> 00:01:43,192 Okay. And while you're with the several, 43 00:01:43,296 --> 00:01:47,882 why don't you ask 'em to help you explain this? 44 00:01:50,537 --> 00:01:54,468 Now do you remember, Mr. Taylor? 45 00:01:54,572 --> 00:01:57,744 You're standing right in front of her. 46 00:01:59,330 --> 00:02:02,710 She's a passenger. I'm giving her a bag. 47 00:02:02,813 --> 00:02:05,020 And you don't know her? 48 00:02:05,123 --> 00:02:06,882 No, I don't. 49 00:02:06,986 --> 00:02:08,365 You know how big that airport is? 50 00:02:08,468 --> 00:02:09,813 You know how many passengers came through there? 51 00:02:09,917 --> 00:02:13,434 It was my job to give passengers their bag. 52 00:02:13,537 --> 00:02:15,917 I don't see her giving you any money in this picture. 53 00:02:16,020 --> 00:02:17,330 I didn't get tipped all the time. 54 00:02:17,434 --> 00:02:19,468 - Did that offend you? - It probably did. 55 00:02:19,572 --> 00:02:21,296 Wouldn't that make you remember it? 56 00:02:21,399 --> 00:02:24,158 No, because it happened a lot. 57 00:02:24,261 --> 00:02:28,365 Another thing that I don't like is a liar. 58 00:02:28,468 --> 00:02:30,917 Do you know what I don't like, Gretchen? 59 00:02:31,020 --> 00:02:33,365 - This. - Excuse me. 60 00:02:33,468 --> 00:02:35,434 You asked me a question, right? I give you an answer. 61 00:02:35,537 --> 00:02:36,744 If you don't like my truth, 62 00:02:36,848 --> 00:02:38,641 then we don't have anything to talk about. 63 00:02:38,744 --> 00:02:42,020 - You sure about that? - I'm positive. 64 00:02:42,123 --> 00:02:44,882 Okay. 65 00:02:47,399 --> 00:02:49,399 Yeah. I ain't scared of you. 66 00:02:49,503 --> 00:02:50,951 Call your peoples. I don't care. 67 00:02:51,054 --> 00:02:54,572 Come on in. And arrest him. 68 00:02:56,503 --> 00:02:58,917 ♪ Love ain't perfect 69 00:02:59,020 --> 00:03:01,192 ♪ We still workin' 70 00:03:01,296 --> 00:03:03,399 ♪ May not be what we see on TV ♪ 71 00:03:03,503 --> 00:03:05,986 ♪ But it's damn sure worth it Uh-huh ♪ 72 00:03:06,089 --> 00:03:08,192 ♪ Love ain't perfect 73 00:03:08,296 --> 00:03:11,020 ♪ We still workin' 74 00:03:11,123 --> 00:03:13,020 ♪ May not be what we see on TV ♪ 75 00:03:13,123 --> 00:03:14,813 ♪ But it's damn sure worth it ♪ 76 00:03:14,917 --> 00:03:17,227 ♪ Uh-huh 77 00:03:17,330 --> 00:03:20,710 ♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪ 78 00:03:20,813 --> 00:03:24,537 ♪ Da-da-da-do-do-do We're still workin' ♪ 79 00:03:28,330 --> 00:03:31,261 Where they at? 80 00:03:31,641 --> 00:03:33,261 Mr. Taylor, 81 00:03:33,365 --> 00:03:37,192 no one has ever talked to me like that. 82 00:03:37,813 --> 00:03:39,710 Well, I'm-I'm-I'm sorry. 83 00:03:39,813 --> 00:03:44,330 Everyone is usually so nervous, they shit themselves. 84 00:03:44,434 --> 00:03:46,434 Well, when you don't have anything to hide. 85 00:03:46,537 --> 00:03:49,675 No, no, no, no, no. You got something to hide. 86 00:03:49,779 --> 00:03:54,089 You do. I just don't have any proof yet. 87 00:03:54,192 --> 00:03:56,434 Gretchen, there's nothing to find proof of. 88 00:03:56,537 --> 00:03:58,399 I don't believe that. 89 00:03:58,503 --> 00:03:59,848 Well, that's on you. That don't got nothin' to do-- 90 00:03:59,951 --> 00:04:05,503 I know she told you something. I do, but we need proof. 91 00:04:05,606 --> 00:04:09,606 And when we spoke to her, she denied the whole thing. 92 00:04:09,710 --> 00:04:11,192 Gretchen, it's because there's nothing-- 93 00:04:11,296 --> 00:04:13,675 Save it. 94 00:04:13,779 --> 00:04:18,917 I know you did something, but you're smart. 95 00:04:19,020 --> 00:04:20,848 Thank you for saying I'm smart. 96 00:04:20,951 --> 00:04:22,641 That wasn't a compliment. 97 00:04:22,744 --> 00:04:27,813 Hmm, how could being smart not be a compliment? 98 00:04:27,917 --> 00:04:32,813 Because smart people like you with street sense always think 99 00:04:32,917 --> 00:04:36,123 that they got away with it, but it catches up with you. 100 00:04:36,227 --> 00:04:39,779 Me? Street? Zac? Zac is not street. 101 00:04:39,882 --> 00:04:43,158 I'm straight. Not street, straight. 102 00:04:43,261 --> 00:04:45,261 Can we agree on that? That's not me anymore. 103 00:04:45,365 --> 00:04:50,399 Okay. I'm closing this investigation. 104 00:04:54,710 --> 00:04:55,813 Thank you. 105 00:04:55,917 --> 00:04:59,399 Until I get proof. 106 00:04:59,503 --> 00:05:02,158 Good luck with that. There's none out there. 107 00:05:02,261 --> 00:05:05,572 You are so damn sure of yourself. 108 00:05:07,330 --> 00:05:11,365 About this? Yeah. 109 00:05:12,468 --> 00:05:14,986 Oh, this is gonna be fun. 110 00:05:17,365 --> 00:05:19,296 I appreciate you, Gretchen. I just-- 111 00:05:19,641 --> 00:05:20,882 You want a water on your way out? 112 00:05:20,986 --> 00:05:23,675 Good-bye, Mr. Taylor. I'll see myself out. 113 00:05:30,710 --> 00:05:32,296 Hah! 114 00:05:35,813 --> 00:05:38,399 ♪ Stay up, stay up Stay up ♪ 115 00:05:38,503 --> 00:05:40,986 ♪ Stay up, stay up, stay up 116 00:05:41,089 --> 00:05:42,330 ♪ Stay up, stay up 117 00:05:50,296 --> 00:05:51,572 Yo. 118 00:05:51,675 --> 00:05:53,710 Hey. 119 00:05:53,813 --> 00:05:55,330 What's up? 120 00:05:55,434 --> 00:05:59,020 [sighs] Nothing. 121 00:05:59,675 --> 00:06:02,917 So... No kiss? 122 00:06:05,986 --> 00:06:07,158 Better? 123 00:06:07,261 --> 00:06:09,123 That's all I get? 124 00:06:09,227 --> 00:06:11,572 A little, dry-ass kiss? 125 00:06:11,675 --> 00:06:13,537 I got more for you later. 126 00:06:13,641 --> 00:06:15,227 Yo, you still mad? 127 00:06:15,330 --> 00:06:16,572 I'm not mad. 128 00:06:16,675 --> 00:06:18,365 I'm just tired, baby. It's been a long day. 129 00:06:18,468 --> 00:06:19,572 And my feet hurt. 130 00:06:19,675 --> 00:06:22,089 All right. Give me them feet. 131 00:06:22,192 --> 00:06:24,020 - You got those shoes off. - Zac, what are you-- 132 00:06:24,123 --> 00:06:25,365 I got you. 133 00:06:25,468 --> 00:06:26,779 I got you. Let me take care of them feet. 134 00:06:26,882 --> 00:06:28,192 What are you doing? Thank you, but... 135 00:06:28,296 --> 00:06:31,882 Yes. Come on, come on, come on. 136 00:06:31,986 --> 00:06:33,606 - Whew. - What's up? 137 00:06:33,710 --> 00:06:36,089 - I gotta go to the salon. - Tonight? 138 00:06:36,192 --> 00:06:38,641 - Yeah. - Why? 139 00:06:38,744 --> 00:06:40,330 This is the only time she can get my hair done 140 00:06:40,434 --> 00:06:42,296 with everything else going on. 141 00:06:42,399 --> 00:06:43,882 It look good to me. 142 00:06:43,986 --> 00:06:45,158 Thank you. 143 00:06:45,261 --> 00:06:48,468 Sorry. I forgot your slippers. 144 00:06:48,572 --> 00:06:51,020 You wanna know how to take care of these bunions? 145 00:06:51,123 --> 00:06:54,641 - You like them bunions. - I'm gonna lick them bunions. 146 00:06:54,744 --> 00:06:57,813 Why are you in such a good-- Stop. 147 00:06:57,917 --> 00:06:59,641 Why are you in such a good mood? 148 00:06:59,744 --> 00:07:02,054 The SEC person came by today. 149 00:07:03,882 --> 00:07:05,399 Wait, what? 150 00:07:05,503 --> 00:07:07,848 Yeah. 151 00:07:09,054 --> 00:07:11,503 I crushed that shit. 152 00:07:12,641 --> 00:07:14,365 - Are you serious? - I swear. 153 00:07:14,468 --> 00:07:15,675 I was sitting right there. 154 00:07:15,779 --> 00:07:17,261 She came in and asked all these questions. 155 00:07:17,365 --> 00:07:19,537 She was trying to be all stern. I looked her right in the face. 156 00:07:19,641 --> 00:07:20,813 I was saying all this Wall Street lingo 157 00:07:20,917 --> 00:07:23,744 and then she was just like, oh, oh, oh, oh. 158 00:07:23,848 --> 00:07:25,365 - And I was like, yeah. - What'd she do? 159 00:07:25,468 --> 00:07:27,882 She was like, oh, oh, oh, oh. 160 00:07:27,986 --> 00:07:31,054 I was like yeah, you ain't never met nobody like me. 161 00:07:31,158 --> 00:07:32,296 Wow. 162 00:07:32,399 --> 00:07:33,434 She said she's gonna close the case. 163 00:07:33,537 --> 00:07:36,641 This is good. [knock on door] 164 00:07:36,744 --> 00:07:39,848 Oh. And speaking of moving forward. 165 00:07:44,399 --> 00:07:46,503 [both sigh] 166 00:07:54,330 --> 00:07:56,675 Hi. 167 00:07:57,917 --> 00:07:59,537 Come on. 168 00:08:05,399 --> 00:08:07,227 You wanna see your baby? 169 00:08:07,330 --> 00:08:08,399 I see him. 170 00:08:08,503 --> 00:08:09,848 Don't be like that. 171 00:08:09,951 --> 00:08:12,054 Like what? 172 00:08:13,330 --> 00:08:15,192 I wanna see him. 173 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:18,054 Why are you being so nice? 174 00:08:18,399 --> 00:08:19,813 Come here, baby. 175 00:08:19,917 --> 00:08:22,606 So look... 176 00:08:22,710 --> 00:08:24,675 about this test. 177 00:08:24,779 --> 00:08:27,641 I'm not paying for it when you got all this money. 178 00:08:27,744 --> 00:08:30,054 I mean, look at this house. 179 00:08:30,158 --> 00:08:32,227 Fine, I'll pay for it. I don't care. 180 00:08:32,330 --> 00:08:34,261 He's your baby. 181 00:08:34,365 --> 00:08:35,917 I hear you. 182 00:08:36,020 --> 00:08:39,054 You know it is. He looks just like you. 183 00:08:39,158 --> 00:08:41,192 No, he don't. He look just like you. 184 00:08:41,296 --> 00:08:45,123 You know what I saw? That for rent sign next door. 185 00:08:45,227 --> 00:08:47,882 My private investigator told me that this is your building, 186 00:08:47,986 --> 00:08:52,606 so why don't you just let us move in here? 187 00:08:52,710 --> 00:08:56,744 You sound crazy. 188 00:08:56,848 --> 00:08:59,641 I didn't sound crazy that night, did I? 189 00:08:59,744 --> 00:09:02,192 When I was sayin', aw, aw, aw. 190 00:09:02,296 --> 00:09:03,951 I don't even remember what you sound like. 191 00:09:04,054 --> 00:09:06,951 I don't--Fatima, can we get this done, please? 192 00:09:07,054 --> 00:09:11,020 No. She ain't gettin' nothin' done until we make an agreement. 193 00:09:11,123 --> 00:09:12,192 What? 194 00:09:12,296 --> 00:09:13,882 You're not getting that test until you give me 195 00:09:13,986 --> 00:09:16,503 my child support. You're not getting his DNA. 196 00:09:16,606 --> 00:09:19,468 You, you, go on. Just go on. 197 00:09:19,572 --> 00:09:22,296 You're gonna pay me. 198 00:09:25,192 --> 00:09:27,848 You want some money. I ain't paying you. 199 00:09:28,330 --> 00:09:31,020 Do I need to remind you? 200 00:09:31,537 --> 00:09:33,503 Don't make me put your head through that wall again, okay? 201 00:09:33,606 --> 00:09:35,399 Again? 202 00:09:35,503 --> 00:09:37,537 Oh, yeah. We had an um, 203 00:09:37,641 --> 00:09:40,468 we had a little chit-chat today at her job. 204 00:09:41,020 --> 00:09:43,951 So, so, so you're threatening me and shit? 205 00:09:44,054 --> 00:09:45,675 No. She's not-- - I'm not doing this shit. 206 00:09:45,779 --> 00:09:46,986 - She's not threatening-- - I came over here 207 00:09:47,089 --> 00:09:48,744 to tell ya'll the truth and you wanna do this? 208 00:09:48,848 --> 00:09:50,330 - No. - Fuck this shit. 209 00:09:50,434 --> 00:09:52,503 No, let her go, Zac. Let her go. 210 00:09:52,606 --> 00:09:54,675 Can you just let me get the DNA? 211 00:09:54,779 --> 00:09:57,330 I guess you're gonna beat everybody up? 212 00:09:57,434 --> 00:09:58,641 If I have to. 213 00:09:58,744 --> 00:10:02,468 That's not gonna work. Gosh. 214 00:10:02,572 --> 00:10:04,572 I already got the DNA. 215 00:10:04,882 --> 00:10:06,572 - What? - Mm-hmm. 216 00:10:06,675 --> 00:10:08,261 - When you did that? - You gotta watch me, honey. 217 00:10:08,365 --> 00:10:09,399 You gotta watch me. 218 00:10:09,503 --> 00:10:13,641 Open up. Ah, there you go. 219 00:10:13,744 --> 00:10:15,020 When did you do that? 220 00:10:15,123 --> 00:10:19,813 You... Yo, you be on the criminal tip all the time. 221 00:10:19,917 --> 00:10:21,744 You got the DNA from the baby? 222 00:10:21,848 --> 00:10:23,744 What the hell you think I was doing over there? 223 00:10:23,848 --> 00:10:25,917 - Yes. - Mm-hmm. 224 00:10:26,020 --> 00:10:28,606 Mm, mm, mm. That's what I'm talkin' about. 225 00:10:28,710 --> 00:10:30,330 - Come on. - That's my baby. 226 00:10:30,434 --> 00:10:32,710 I knew you was gonna do that when you went over there. 227 00:10:32,813 --> 00:10:34,744 - I figured you was gonna. - Uh-huh, yeah. 228 00:10:34,848 --> 00:10:35,917 Keep her distracted. 229 00:10:36,020 --> 00:10:38,020 I got you. And our office has a lab. 230 00:10:38,123 --> 00:10:41,123 And we can get these results back in less than 36 hours. 231 00:10:41,227 --> 00:10:45,744 There you go. So yeah. Bonnie and Clyde. 232 00:10:45,848 --> 00:10:48,434 You know what I'm sayin'? We got this. Don't worry. 233 00:10:48,537 --> 00:10:49,330 I love you. You know that? 234 00:10:49,434 --> 00:10:51,054 I love you, too. 235 00:10:54,020 --> 00:10:55,537 All right. I gotta go get this hair done. 236 00:10:55,641 --> 00:10:57,054 What you got going on? 237 00:10:57,158 --> 00:10:58,675 I actually gotta call Bryce. We about to go jogging. 238 00:10:58,779 --> 00:11:01,882 And I'ma fill him in on the SE-- What's that? 239 00:11:01,986 --> 00:11:04,537 - What is that? - Bryce? 240 00:11:04,641 --> 00:11:07,468 Are we still doing this? 241 00:11:07,572 --> 00:11:09,365 I'm-I'm sorry. 242 00:11:09,468 --> 00:11:11,710 I don't know what it is, but it's just something about him 243 00:11:11,813 --> 00:11:14,399 I cannot put my finger on and I'm trying not to-- 244 00:11:14,503 --> 00:11:15,537 If you can't put your finger on it, 245 00:11:15,641 --> 00:11:16,572 that means it's nothing. 246 00:11:16,675 --> 00:11:18,779 Let it go. He a good dude. 247 00:11:18,882 --> 00:11:20,951 He got me off the hook like, I am not going to jail. 248 00:11:21,054 --> 00:11:23,468 You gotta be-- He should be, 249 00:11:23,572 --> 00:11:26,744 you should be his number-one fan now. 250 00:11:26,848 --> 00:11:28,641 I gotta work on that one, but all right, you know what? 251 00:11:28,744 --> 00:11:30,296 Enjoy your run with Bryce. 252 00:11:30,399 --> 00:11:33,227 Okay, well, you enjoy getting your hair done. 253 00:11:33,330 --> 00:11:34,365 I will. 254 00:11:34,468 --> 00:11:35,503 I'm just gonna mess it up again. 255 00:11:35,606 --> 00:11:36,641 I'm gonna meet somebody new tonight. 256 00:11:36,744 --> 00:11:37,882 - Oh, yeah? - Yes. 257 00:11:37,986 --> 00:11:40,813 Play with me. Keep playing with me. 258 00:11:40,917 --> 00:11:43,089 Oh, I like it when you're jealous, daddy. 259 00:11:43,192 --> 00:11:46,123 You better stop. 260 00:11:46,227 --> 00:11:47,744 [Fatima]: I gotta go get my hair done. 261 00:11:47,848 --> 00:11:51,606 ♪ I run a winner, I run a winner ♪ 262 00:11:51,710 --> 00:11:53,813 [laughter] 263 00:11:53,917 --> 00:11:55,503 Wait, wait, wait. 264 00:11:55,606 --> 00:11:58,089 No, no, no. You gotta be kidding me. 265 00:11:58,192 --> 00:12:01,744 No, I'm telling you. That's exactly what happened. 266 00:12:01,848 --> 00:12:03,468 You must've shut that shit down. 267 00:12:03,572 --> 00:12:04,917 No, I did. I did. I did. 268 00:12:05,020 --> 00:12:07,434 Oh, man. I mean, she's a beast. 269 00:12:07,537 --> 00:12:09,054 She's a beast. 270 00:12:09,158 --> 00:12:11,089 Bro, she was like, she was like, 271 00:12:11,192 --> 00:12:14,296 Zachary, no one's ever talked to me like that before. 272 00:12:14,399 --> 00:12:15,917 And I was like, 273 00:12:16,020 --> 00:12:17,572 that's because you ain't never met anybody like me before. 274 00:12:17,675 --> 00:12:20,744 Damn. Oh, my God. 275 00:12:20,848 --> 00:12:22,434 Hey, hey. Congratulations, my man. 276 00:12:22,537 --> 00:12:24,399 - All right, thanks. Thanks. - Congratulations. 277 00:12:24,503 --> 00:12:25,917 You know, I'm just-- 278 00:12:26,020 --> 00:12:28,296 I'm happy I get a chance to move forward, you know? 279 00:12:28,399 --> 00:12:31,330 Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, you're past the biggest part, so... 280 00:12:31,434 --> 00:12:33,882 Thanks, man. Thanks. I appreciate you, man. 281 00:12:33,986 --> 00:12:35,710 You were there the whole way. 282 00:12:35,813 --> 00:12:37,261 Oh yeah, yeah. I got you. 283 00:12:37,365 --> 00:12:38,537 Nah, don't just say, 284 00:12:38,641 --> 00:12:39,951 I got you like you like it's normal. 285 00:12:40,054 --> 00:12:42,261 People don't help people like that. 286 00:12:42,365 --> 00:12:43,848 Now you didn't have to do what you did, 287 00:12:43,951 --> 00:12:45,227 like giving me all the answers and stuff like that. 288 00:12:45,330 --> 00:12:47,503 I don't know what I did to meet you and Fatima 289 00:12:47,606 --> 00:12:50,261 at this point in my life, but it's a gamechanger for me. 290 00:12:50,365 --> 00:12:52,261 It's all good, man. 291 00:12:52,365 --> 00:12:54,779 Nah, it's not good. You're a good dude, bro. 292 00:12:54,882 --> 00:12:56,399 And you always got my back for me. 293 00:12:56,503 --> 00:12:57,779 We gonna be tight. 294 00:12:57,882 --> 00:12:59,744 You're stuck with me now. You're stuck with me. 295 00:12:59,848 --> 00:13:01,192 Well, you don't have anything to worry about. 296 00:13:01,296 --> 00:13:04,917 And anything I can share with you, I will. Open book. 297 00:13:05,020 --> 00:13:07,710 Well, I'm glad you said that 'cause I really want 298 00:13:07,813 --> 00:13:11,192 to start flipping houses. 299 00:13:11,296 --> 00:13:12,468 Really? 300 00:13:12,572 --> 00:13:15,882 Like that one. 301 00:13:15,986 --> 00:13:17,779 Is that why we came running over here? 302 00:13:17,882 --> 00:13:20,606 I mean, that and because I don't wanna jog no more 303 00:13:20,710 --> 00:13:21,951 because I'm tired. 304 00:13:22,054 --> 00:13:24,641 You jog all the time? Like, my back be hurting. 305 00:13:24,744 --> 00:13:26,330 I don't know how you do all this jogging. 306 00:13:26,434 --> 00:13:27,951 But yeah, I like it. What you think? 307 00:13:28,054 --> 00:13:30,606 I want your opinion. 308 00:13:30,710 --> 00:13:33,020 I mean, the neighborhood's developing. 309 00:13:33,123 --> 00:13:34,779 It's next to the Beltline. 310 00:13:34,882 --> 00:13:35,813 That's true. 311 00:13:35,917 --> 00:13:37,744 I think it's a good buy. 312 00:13:37,848 --> 00:13:39,123 Yeah. 313 00:13:39,227 --> 00:13:40,848 I'ma take--I'ma take the realtor's number. 314 00:13:40,951 --> 00:13:44,572 Oh. I know her. 315 00:13:44,675 --> 00:13:46,089 You do? 316 00:13:46,192 --> 00:13:49,468 Yeah. That's Valerie. I can put in a word for you. 317 00:13:49,572 --> 00:13:51,744 So you know everybody. 318 00:13:51,848 --> 00:13:54,330 Hey. We're gonna make this happen. 319 00:13:54,434 --> 00:13:55,917 That's what I'm talking about, man. 320 00:13:56,020 --> 00:13:57,744 We're gonna make this happen, baby. 321 00:13:57,848 --> 00:14:01,399 Also, is uh, Gary by the, by the office? 322 00:14:01,503 --> 00:14:02,951 Uh, no, no. He's not. 323 00:14:03,054 --> 00:14:05,261 Can we go by? 324 00:14:05,365 --> 00:14:06,986 Yeah. Why? 325 00:14:07,089 --> 00:14:08,917 I don't-- Okay, don't think I'm putting the cart 326 00:14:09,020 --> 00:14:11,848 before the horse, but I always kinda wanted 327 00:14:11,951 --> 00:14:14,020 office to go with my business to make me legit. 328 00:14:14,123 --> 00:14:16,434 You know, people take you serious when you got an office, 329 00:14:16,537 --> 00:14:17,917 you know? 330 00:14:18,020 --> 00:14:20,641 Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah, for sure. Let's go. 331 00:14:20,744 --> 00:14:22,675 We can just run up there right now. 332 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:24,503 It's good for you, too. You're not very good at jogging. 333 00:14:24,606 --> 00:14:25,710 You wanna--you wanna run? 334 00:14:25,813 --> 00:14:27,020 -Yeah. Come on, baby. -Let's go. 335 00:14:27,123 --> 00:14:28,986 Slow your ass down. 336 00:14:29,675 --> 00:14:31,434 Damn... 337 00:14:32,330 --> 00:14:35,296 [music] 338 00:14:41,986 --> 00:14:43,123 Hey, Gigi. 339 00:14:43,227 --> 00:14:45,192 Girl, you are just in time. 340 00:14:45,296 --> 00:14:46,261 Oh, hey, girl. 341 00:14:46,365 --> 00:14:47,986 Hey. I was just asking about you. 342 00:14:48,089 --> 00:14:49,192 I just stopped by. 343 00:14:49,296 --> 00:14:50,710 I was in here talking to Cal, girl. 344 00:14:50,813 --> 00:14:52,710 Yeah, and didn't get shit done. 345 00:14:52,813 --> 00:14:53,986 I'll be back tomorrow. 346 00:14:54,089 --> 00:14:55,675 Yeah, and bring some damn money. 347 00:14:55,779 --> 00:14:58,330 - Stop being messy. - [Cal]: You. 348 00:14:58,434 --> 00:15:00,744 Anyway, what you gettin' done today, girl? 349 00:15:00,848 --> 00:15:03,296 I told you today at work I was getting a wash and press. 350 00:15:03,399 --> 00:15:05,468 I'm tripping. Well, anyway, all right. 351 00:15:05,572 --> 00:15:06,951 Go ahead and get done up. 352 00:15:07,054 --> 00:15:08,606 - I'll see you later. - [Fatima]: Are you okay? 353 00:15:08,710 --> 00:15:10,986 - Yeah. I'm fine. - Okay. 354 00:15:11,089 --> 00:15:15,675 - I'm sorry about last night. - I know. It's fine. 355 00:15:15,779 --> 00:15:16,882 - Cal. - [Cal]: Go on, girl. 356 00:15:16,986 --> 00:15:19,158 All right. 357 00:15:21,054 --> 00:15:23,986 All right. So what am I doing? 358 00:15:24,089 --> 00:15:26,330 I need a wash and a press, please. 359 00:15:26,434 --> 00:15:28,261 Okay. 360 00:15:32,813 --> 00:15:35,848 - What's so funny? - Nothing. Shit. 361 00:15:35,951 --> 00:15:38,813 No, I wanna know. I wanna laugh. 362 00:15:38,917 --> 00:15:40,917 They was talking about your new boo. 363 00:15:41,020 --> 00:15:42,848 Oh. Well, okay. 364 00:15:42,951 --> 00:15:44,468 Look, you've just been getting your hair done 365 00:15:44,572 --> 00:15:46,710 so much that we just-- 366 00:15:46,813 --> 00:15:48,054 - I always-- - No, bitch, 367 00:15:48,158 --> 00:15:49,261 you been in here every week, 368 00:15:49,365 --> 00:15:50,986 So we just figured it must be your new man. 369 00:15:51,089 --> 00:15:52,848 I told you. 370 00:15:52,951 --> 00:15:55,192 How's the dick, baby girl? 371 00:15:55,296 --> 00:15:57,503 - Don't be vulgar. - Look who's talkin'. 372 00:15:57,606 --> 00:15:59,882 I can't with you. 373 00:15:59,986 --> 00:16:02,089 Y'all are a mess, okay? 374 00:16:02,192 --> 00:16:03,330 Well, you might as well tell us, girl 375 00:16:03,434 --> 00:16:05,123 'cause you come in here for a reason. 376 00:16:05,227 --> 00:16:07,848 Uh, yeah, to get my hair done, not to talk about that. 377 00:16:07,951 --> 00:16:09,986 - Shh. She's a good girl. - Mm-hmm. 378 00:16:10,089 --> 00:16:13,227 Oh, shit. Well, is it true that Belinda had him? 379 00:16:13,330 --> 00:16:14,986 - Why would you do that? - What? Shit! 380 00:16:15,089 --> 00:16:16,779 - Damn, Cal! - What? 381 00:16:16,882 --> 00:16:18,227 Now you know I can't hold water. 382 00:16:18,330 --> 00:16:20,123 No, but you can hold a dick in your ass. 383 00:16:20,227 --> 00:16:21,296 Now go somewhere. 384 00:16:21,399 --> 00:16:23,192 I'm sorry about this, girl. 385 00:16:23,296 --> 00:16:24,882 What is he talking about? 386 00:16:24,986 --> 00:16:26,468 Nothing. I don't know. 387 00:16:26,572 --> 00:16:29,503 See, that's why I don't like to come to this messy-ass salon. 388 00:16:29,606 --> 00:16:32,399 You know what? Shit. 389 00:16:33,123 --> 00:16:36,261 Look, I'm sorry about that. 390 00:16:36,365 --> 00:16:37,641 It's fine. 391 00:16:37,744 --> 00:16:38,882 But she did, though. 392 00:16:38,986 --> 00:16:41,434 Gigi, what? 393 00:16:41,537 --> 00:16:43,813 Yes, okay. She did. 394 00:16:43,917 --> 00:16:45,641 And it's all good. We cool. 395 00:16:45,744 --> 00:16:50,503 Wait a minute. Child, are you into threesomes? 396 00:16:50,606 --> 00:16:52,503 What? No. 397 00:16:52,606 --> 00:16:57,399 No, but that was before me and it's all good. 398 00:16:57,503 --> 00:16:59,710 Are you sure? 399 00:16:59,813 --> 00:17:02,434 Yes. Why are you asking? 400 00:17:02,537 --> 00:17:04,261 Well, let's just get our hair done 401 00:17:04,365 --> 00:17:07,158 and get up out this messy-ass salon. 402 00:17:08,227 --> 00:17:10,054 No. I wanna know. 403 00:17:10,158 --> 00:17:13,227 Don't do it, Gigi. 404 00:17:13,330 --> 00:17:16,537 Belinda was crazy about him. 405 00:17:16,641 --> 00:17:18,434 I know that. 406 00:17:18,537 --> 00:17:21,020 But she knows that I'm with him now. 407 00:17:21,123 --> 00:17:22,503 Exactly. 408 00:17:22,606 --> 00:17:24,537 Well. 409 00:17:24,641 --> 00:17:26,365 Stop it. 410 00:17:26,468 --> 00:17:27,365 What? 411 00:17:27,468 --> 00:17:29,089 Nothing, girl. It's nothing. 412 00:17:29,192 --> 00:17:31,261 It's nothing. 413 00:17:31,365 --> 00:17:35,089 Angela. You don't hold anything back from me. What is it? 414 00:17:35,192 --> 00:17:38,537 I'm not holding anything back. Girl, it's nothing. 415 00:17:38,641 --> 00:17:41,020 For real. For real. 416 00:17:41,123 --> 00:17:45,675 She told Cal that she really likes him. 417 00:17:45,779 --> 00:17:47,123 Oh, that's, that's good. 418 00:17:47,227 --> 00:17:48,227 That's what y'all are worried about? 419 00:17:48,330 --> 00:17:51,227 No, girl. Like she wants to fuck him. 420 00:17:52,089 --> 00:17:53,641 No. Now that's my girl. 421 00:17:53,744 --> 00:17:55,330 She would never do that. 422 00:17:55,434 --> 00:17:56,744 Exactly. Belinda knows better. 423 00:17:56,848 --> 00:17:58,227 Yeah. 424 00:17:58,330 --> 00:17:59,951 Right. See, that's why I don't like to come here. 425 00:18:00,054 --> 00:18:03,744 All this gossip and bullshit. 426 00:18:03,848 --> 00:18:07,020 Look, y'all, I do not do the he said, she said, okay? Come on. 427 00:18:07,123 --> 00:18:08,882 Sorry. 428 00:18:08,986 --> 00:18:11,192 Keep that bullshit to yourself, all right? That's my friend. 429 00:18:11,296 --> 00:18:13,158 I didn't mean to upset you. 430 00:18:13,261 --> 00:18:16,020 Well, you did. Hell, you upset both of us. 431 00:18:16,123 --> 00:18:18,848 Now can you get back to work, so we can get up out of here? 432 00:18:18,951 --> 00:18:20,399 Shit. Where is Cal? 433 00:18:20,503 --> 00:18:22,641 I'm not upset. I just wanna get my hair done. 434 00:18:22,744 --> 00:18:25,606 If I was upset, trust me, you'd know it. 435 00:18:25,710 --> 00:18:27,813 Ha, I feel you! 436 00:18:27,917 --> 00:18:29,779 Sorry. 437 00:18:37,330 --> 00:18:38,813 Welcome, dude. 438 00:18:38,917 --> 00:18:41,468 Damn. 439 00:18:41,572 --> 00:18:44,882 You like it? 440 00:18:44,986 --> 00:18:46,123 Look at this view. 441 00:18:46,227 --> 00:18:47,951 They rent it by the inch. 442 00:18:48,054 --> 00:18:50,365 I can imagine. 443 00:18:52,192 --> 00:18:54,917 You think I'll be able to afford something like this one day? 444 00:18:55,020 --> 00:18:57,020 Yeah. Of course. 445 00:18:57,123 --> 00:18:59,744 Not exactly like this, but you know, 446 00:18:59,848 --> 00:19:02,434 at least have a business that's successful? 447 00:19:02,537 --> 00:19:03,848 Yeah, yeah. I mean, for sure. 448 00:19:03,951 --> 00:19:06,468 I'd let you move in here, but uh, Gary, you know, 449 00:19:06,572 --> 00:19:07,917 he's all about the flash. 450 00:19:08,020 --> 00:19:09,882 There's a bunch of places you could rent that are a lot 451 00:19:09,986 --> 00:19:12,227 less expensive just as nice. 452 00:19:12,330 --> 00:19:14,744 Well, you point me in that direction 453 00:19:14,848 --> 00:19:17,296 'cause this shit here, damn. 454 00:19:17,399 --> 00:19:20,020 Yeah, yeah. Um, actually, 455 00:19:20,123 --> 00:19:22,330 Valerie would know better than I would. 456 00:19:22,434 --> 00:19:23,779 I can give her a call when we leave. 457 00:19:23,882 --> 00:19:26,606 Right, right, right. Right, right, right, right. 458 00:19:26,710 --> 00:19:28,641 Do you wanna go get a drink or something? 459 00:19:28,744 --> 00:19:32,261 Not right now. I want to beat Fatima home, so. 460 00:19:32,365 --> 00:19:37,089 Oh. Okay. How's she doing? 461 00:19:37,192 --> 00:19:39,158 She good, I guess. You know? 462 00:19:39,261 --> 00:19:40,261 Yeah. 463 00:19:40,365 --> 00:19:41,710 Is she mad at Belinda? 464 00:19:41,813 --> 00:19:44,123 She feels some kind of way, obviously. 465 00:19:44,227 --> 00:19:46,054 You know what I'm saying, but she ain't mad. 466 00:19:46,158 --> 00:19:47,744 That's good. 467 00:19:47,848 --> 00:19:50,779 And you, you date her friend, Angela, right? 468 00:19:50,882 --> 00:19:52,158 Yeah, man. 469 00:19:52,261 --> 00:19:53,744 It's a small world, right? 470 00:19:53,848 --> 00:19:54,779 You just smiled. 471 00:19:54,882 --> 00:19:56,986 The minute I said Angela, you, you... 472 00:19:57,089 --> 00:20:00,158 She's beautiful, you know? I'm really excited about it. 473 00:20:00,261 --> 00:20:02,192 Yeah, trust me. I know it's a small world. 474 00:20:02,296 --> 00:20:04,882 Trust me, I know. Shit. 475 00:20:04,986 --> 00:20:09,848 Well, I'm glad that Fatima's not mad at Belinda, you know. 476 00:20:09,951 --> 00:20:13,468 I mean, she can't be. That was two years ago. 477 00:20:13,572 --> 00:20:16,951 Yeah, but I mean, you should still be careful. 478 00:20:17,054 --> 00:20:19,158 For who? Belinda? 479 00:20:19,261 --> 00:20:22,434 No. Fatima. 480 00:20:22,537 --> 00:20:25,158 Why should I be careful about Fatima like, what? 481 00:20:25,261 --> 00:20:28,158 You know, it's like, girls say that they're okay 482 00:20:28,261 --> 00:20:30,813 and everything's fine, but reality like, 483 00:20:30,917 --> 00:20:32,434 they're plotting and... 484 00:20:32,537 --> 00:20:36,296 What are you? Like, the woman whisperer? 485 00:20:36,399 --> 00:20:38,848 Nah, but I get-trust me, I get it. 486 00:20:38,951 --> 00:20:41,675 I got a couple that's plotting on me right now. 487 00:20:41,779 --> 00:20:43,192 All right. Cool. 488 00:20:43,296 --> 00:20:45,123 I'm just saying, be careful. That's all I'm saying. 489 00:20:45,227 --> 00:20:47,123 Nah, I got you, I got you. I got you. 490 00:20:47,227 --> 00:20:49,606 Well, I mean, Fatima pretty cool, you know, 491 00:20:49,710 --> 00:20:53,123 and if she's planning somethin' then I ain't no fool, 492 00:20:53,227 --> 00:20:54,330 you know what I'm sayin'? 493 00:20:54,434 --> 00:20:55,744 I've been doing this, you know? 494 00:20:55,848 --> 00:20:57,986 Okay. Good, good. All right, hey, man, 495 00:20:58,089 --> 00:20:59,123 let's get out of here. 496 00:20:59,227 --> 00:21:01,434 We're funking up the place, you know. 497 00:21:01,537 --> 00:21:03,330 What? You don't like my funk? 498 00:21:03,434 --> 00:21:04,917 ♪ Yeah, I got it 499 00:21:05,020 --> 00:21:06,710 ♪ I'm 'bout it 500 00:21:06,813 --> 00:21:07,779 ♪ I got it 501 00:21:07,882 --> 00:21:10,330 ♪ Yeah, you know I got it, baby ♪ 502 00:21:11,986 --> 00:21:14,020 You okay, girl? 503 00:21:14,123 --> 00:21:16,158 Yeah. I'm good. 504 00:21:16,261 --> 00:21:18,917 You don't believe all that stuff, do you? 505 00:21:19,020 --> 00:21:20,606 No, I don't. No. 506 00:21:20,710 --> 00:21:23,503 [Angela]: Good. 507 00:21:23,606 --> 00:21:24,675 Do you? 508 00:21:24,779 --> 00:21:28,330 Girl, no. Belinda wouldn't do that. 509 00:21:28,434 --> 00:21:30,503 Well, you know how she gets when she's been drinking. 510 00:21:30,606 --> 00:21:33,744 Yeah. I know, but he's off limits. 511 00:21:33,848 --> 00:21:36,503 You're damn right he is. 512 00:21:36,606 --> 00:21:39,330 That damn Cal. He just talk too much. 513 00:21:39,434 --> 00:21:41,399 Always in this messy shit. 514 00:21:41,503 --> 00:21:44,123 I told her to stop talking to him. 515 00:21:44,227 --> 00:21:45,399 [Angela]: Girl, me too. 516 00:21:45,503 --> 00:21:47,986 He is messy as fuck. 517 00:21:54,123 --> 00:21:56,330 Where was she going, anyway? 518 00:21:56,434 --> 00:21:58,572 I don't know. 519 00:22:00,710 --> 00:22:02,537 Okay. 520 00:22:27,365 --> 00:22:29,675 Yo, yo, yo, yo. What are you doing? 521 00:22:29,779 --> 00:22:31,882 - Hi. - Hi. 522 00:22:31,986 --> 00:22:34,227 This is beautiful. 523 00:22:34,330 --> 00:22:35,779 Do you know if it's vacant? 524 00:22:35,882 --> 00:22:37,123 Yes, it is. 525 00:22:37,227 --> 00:22:39,192 Oh, is it for sale? 526 00:22:39,296 --> 00:22:40,572 It's for lease. 527 00:22:40,675 --> 00:22:43,882 For lease, ooh. I have to list this. 528 00:22:43,986 --> 00:22:45,399 You do? 529 00:22:45,503 --> 00:22:48,365 Well, I need to talk to the homeowner. 530 00:22:51,606 --> 00:22:54,399 You're the homeowner? 531 00:22:54,503 --> 00:22:58,503 You're a realtor? 532 00:22:58,606 --> 00:23:02,744 Wait. Oh snap, I'm sorry. 533 00:23:02,848 --> 00:23:04,020 Are you Zac? 534 00:23:04,123 --> 00:23:05,641 Yes, I am Zac. 535 00:23:05,744 --> 00:23:10,399 Oh, Valerie Reed. Bryce. Yeah, Bryce sent me. 536 00:23:10,503 --> 00:23:12,606 - Yeah. - Yeah. 537 00:23:12,710 --> 00:23:15,227 - Look, Zac, I just wanna-- - Well, it's hard to see-- 538 00:23:15,330 --> 00:23:17,089 No, I just wanna apologize. 539 00:23:17,192 --> 00:23:18,917 You know, when I'm working I have a one-track mind. 540 00:23:19,020 --> 00:23:20,123 No, I get it. I get it. 541 00:23:20,227 --> 00:23:21,330 I'm just-I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, 542 00:23:21,434 --> 00:23:23,330 I'm kidding. 543 00:23:23,434 --> 00:23:25,434 I mean, you did a really good job with this. 544 00:23:25,537 --> 00:23:27,192 - Oh, thank you. - I was just gonna drive by 545 00:23:27,296 --> 00:23:30,123 and take a look at it, but wow. 546 00:23:30,227 --> 00:23:31,503 - Yeah. - Yeah. 547 00:23:31,606 --> 00:23:33,020 Thanks. Thanks. 548 00:23:33,123 --> 00:23:36,572 I mean, it is a little modern for the neighborhood. 549 00:23:36,675 --> 00:23:39,365 Oh, the shade is back, shady Val. 550 00:23:39,468 --> 00:23:40,917 - No shade. - Shady Val. 551 00:23:41,020 --> 00:23:42,123 - I like it. - Okay. 552 00:23:42,227 --> 00:23:43,917 - I like it. - All right. 553 00:23:44,020 --> 00:23:45,296 Can I see the inside? 554 00:23:45,399 --> 00:23:48,951 Oh, so you wanna see it? It's modern. 555 00:23:49,054 --> 00:23:51,779 - I'm just playin', shady. - Thank you. 556 00:23:51,882 --> 00:23:53,468 Shady Val. 557 00:23:55,744 --> 00:23:57,572 - After you. - Thank you. 558 00:23:59,020 --> 00:24:00,744 Wow. 559 00:24:00,848 --> 00:24:02,123 Like it? 560 00:24:02,227 --> 00:24:04,020 Oh, yes. 561 00:24:04,123 --> 00:24:05,296 Do you wanna sell? 562 00:24:05,399 --> 00:24:08,020 No, I'm not. We just moved in. 563 00:24:08,123 --> 00:24:09,710 Ah, damn. 564 00:24:09,813 --> 00:24:13,261 I could get you a crazy offer on this. 565 00:24:13,365 --> 00:24:15,158 How crazy? 566 00:24:15,261 --> 00:24:18,572 - Like 1.5. - You cappin'. 567 00:24:18,675 --> 00:24:22,192 Nope. This market is hot and so is this area. 568 00:24:22,296 --> 00:24:23,572 Damn. 569 00:24:23,675 --> 00:24:25,882 Yeah, you should really think about it. 570 00:24:25,986 --> 00:24:27,330 Wow. 571 00:24:27,434 --> 00:24:30,641 I'm good. We just-we just got here. 572 00:24:30,744 --> 00:24:32,399 We? 573 00:24:32,503 --> 00:24:35,917 Yeah, uh, me and my lady. 574 00:24:36,020 --> 00:24:37,917 Oh, you're married? 575 00:24:38,020 --> 00:24:41,158 Not yet. 576 00:24:41,261 --> 00:24:46,089 Ah. Well, she's a lucky girl. 577 00:24:46,192 --> 00:24:47,951 Ah, thank you. 578 00:24:48,054 --> 00:24:50,296 Shady Val. 579 00:24:50,399 --> 00:24:53,813 So, um, Bryce told me you saw one of my listings. 580 00:24:53,917 --> 00:24:57,296 Yes, I did 'cause I'm gonna start doing some flipping. 581 00:24:57,399 --> 00:24:59,468 Oh, well, I got tons of listings. 582 00:24:59,572 --> 00:25:01,227 That's what's up, so let's go. 583 00:25:01,330 --> 00:25:03,813 Let me put a list together. What's your price range? 584 00:25:03,917 --> 00:25:06,641 Uh, it depends on the comps in the area. 585 00:25:06,744 --> 00:25:10,192 Okay. Well, I'll put together a list for you, cool? 586 00:25:10,296 --> 00:25:11,641 - Let's do it. - Cool. 587 00:25:11,744 --> 00:25:13,986 All right. Well, here's my business card. 588 00:25:14,089 --> 00:25:15,503 Text me your number. 589 00:25:15,606 --> 00:25:17,537 Thanks. 590 00:25:17,641 --> 00:25:19,503 But this doesn't say "Shady Val" on it. 591 00:25:19,606 --> 00:25:21,365 You got jokes, I see. 592 00:25:21,468 --> 00:25:22,675 I'm just playin'. 593 00:25:22,779 --> 00:25:24,261 - All right, well, text me. - I got you. 594 00:25:24,365 --> 00:25:25,813 All right. See you. 595 00:25:29,537 --> 00:25:32,330 - Excuse me. - No, excuse me. 596 00:25:32,434 --> 00:25:33,537 Who are you? 597 00:25:33,641 --> 00:25:35,951 Val, I'll-I'll call you. 598 00:25:36,054 --> 00:25:38,675 Yeah, sure. 599 00:25:38,779 --> 00:25:40,468 What are you doing here? 600 00:25:40,572 --> 00:25:42,123 Take care. 601 00:25:42,227 --> 00:25:44,813 - Fatima's not here, so-- - I know she's not. 602 00:25:44,917 --> 00:25:48,227 She at the hair salon gettin' her hair done. 603 00:25:48,330 --> 00:25:50,227 So you can come back 604 00:25:50,330 --> 00:25:53,089 and talk to her outside 605 00:25:53,192 --> 00:25:54,917 when she's here. 606 00:25:56,330 --> 00:25:59,503 - You know I know you. - We've established that. 607 00:25:59,606 --> 00:26:03,537 Mm-mm. I know you like to fuck. 608 00:26:03,641 --> 00:26:06,848 Not you. 609 00:26:06,951 --> 00:26:08,675 You're gettin' turned on. 610 00:26:08,779 --> 00:26:11,641 Would you? Stop! What is wrong with you? 611 00:26:11,744 --> 00:26:12,848 - Belinda! - Yeah, he likes to-- 612 00:26:12,951 --> 00:26:16,123 Stop! Belinda, stop! No! No, I don't. 613 00:26:16,227 --> 00:26:19,399 Belinda, get off of me! Stop! Belinda! 614 00:26:19,503 --> 00:26:21,882 - Come on, let's go. - Get off of me. 615 00:26:21,986 --> 00:26:23,675 - Are you serious? - You want me. 616 00:26:23,779 --> 00:26:25,537 - Belinda, stop! - Stop fighting me, Zac. 617 00:26:25,641 --> 00:26:28,296 Belinda, stop! Belin-- 618 00:26:28,399 --> 00:26:29,779 - Oh, I like this. - Belinda! 619 00:26:29,882 --> 00:26:31,054 This might be kinda nice, actually. 620 00:26:31,158 --> 00:26:33,330 - Belinda! - Oh, oh. 621 00:26:33,434 --> 00:26:34,710 - Belinda! - Oh. 622 00:26:34,813 --> 00:26:35,917 - Stop! - Oh, Zac! 623 00:26:36,020 --> 00:26:39,296 Belinda, stop playing! Belinda, Belinda! 624 00:26:39,399 --> 00:26:40,986 This ain't funny! 625 00:26:41,089 --> 00:26:42,399 Belinda! 626 00:26:42,503 --> 00:26:43,572 Oh, he likes it. I like this game. 627 00:26:43,675 --> 00:26:45,330 I can't do this. Stop! 628 00:26:45,434 --> 00:26:46,917 - I like this game. - Stop! Stop! 629 00:26:47,020 --> 00:26:49,606 - Stop! Stop! - Oh, you wanna be on top? 630 00:26:49,710 --> 00:26:51,020 [Zac]: What is wrong with you? 631 00:26:51,123 --> 00:26:51,744 It's okay. 632 00:26:51,848 --> 00:26:52,917 No, you're sick. 633 00:26:53,020 --> 00:26:54,434 Sorry, what do got to drink in here? 634 00:26:54,537 --> 00:26:56,399 We don't got nothin' for you. 635 00:26:56,503 --> 00:26:57,813 See, you're a little tight. 636 00:26:57,917 --> 00:26:59,365 Maybe we should start with a drink. Come on. 637 00:26:59,468 --> 00:27:01,054 - Stop playing with me! - Ain't nobody playing with you. 638 00:27:01,158 --> 00:27:02,744 - Come on. - Belinda, I'm not playing. 639 00:27:02,848 --> 00:27:04,572 You know how long it takes Fatima to get her hair done. 640 00:27:04,675 --> 00:27:05,572 Close your shirt! Close your shirt! 641 00:27:05,675 --> 00:27:08,158 - You like it? - No, I don't. 642 00:27:08,261 --> 00:27:09,744 - Stop! - Come on. 643 00:27:09,848 --> 00:27:11,779 - Stop! Stop! - I like this game. 644 00:27:11,882 --> 00:27:13,882 - Stop playing with me! - Yeah, play with me. 645 00:27:13,986 --> 00:27:16,848 - Belinda, I swear. - What you doin'? 646 00:27:16,951 --> 00:27:18,951 Stop. 647 00:27:19,054 --> 00:27:21,365 Who-Who are you calling? The cops? 648 00:27:21,468 --> 00:27:26,330 - No. I'm calling Fatima. - I ain't worried about that. 649 00:27:26,434 --> 00:27:30,261 She's under the dryer. She ain't gonna hear her phone. 650 00:27:30,365 --> 00:27:31,365 All right. 651 00:27:32,675 --> 00:27:33,779 I know you haven't changed, Zac. 652 00:27:33,882 --> 00:27:37,537 - Go! No! - That's okay. 653 00:27:37,641 --> 00:27:38,986 Do not follow me up the stairs! Belinda! 654 00:27:39,089 --> 00:27:40,503 That means follow. I know, baby. 655 00:27:40,606 --> 00:27:41,813 It's okay. 656 00:27:41,917 --> 00:27:43,123 Belinda, I will kick you down these stairs, 657 00:27:43,227 --> 00:27:43,951 don't play with me. 658 00:27:44,054 --> 00:27:45,089 Yeah, huh-huh. I like it. 659 00:27:45,192 --> 00:27:46,192 Belinda! 660 00:27:46,296 --> 00:27:48,744 I like this game. Ooh, yeah, run from me. 661 00:27:48,848 --> 00:27:51,158 I'm not gonna tell you again, man. Leave! 662 00:27:51,261 --> 00:27:53,710 Geez, man! 663 00:27:53,813 --> 00:27:55,813 She's crazy. 664 00:28:04,468 --> 00:28:09,158 [music] 665 00:28:32,468 --> 00:28:33,951 [music] 666 00:28:36,399 --> 00:28:39,296 [music]