1 00:03:44,108 --> 00:03:45,525 God is been too hungry 2 00:03:46,108 --> 00:03:48,108 i.e the reason he's taking the revenge selectively 3 00:03:49,150 --> 00:03:50,941 For every mankind their come's a stage 4 00:03:51,316 --> 00:03:53,025 Knowingly or unknowingly he will surpass a hurdle 5 00:03:53,691 --> 00:03:55,691 Then an unexpected miracle will happen in his life 6 00:03:56,566 --> 00:03:58,566 Likewise an Incident happened in my life 7 00:04:13,941 --> 00:04:16,608 My life has turned into a spinning top in twenty days 8 00:04:17,233 --> 00:04:17,900 What happened 9 00:04:18,275 --> 00:04:19,566 I know it well as I have faced it 10 00:04:20,066 --> 00:04:20,983 If you wish to know 11 00:04:21,441 --> 00:04:23,066 We should go back to twenty days in my life 12 00:04:44,900 --> 00:04:45,525 Shanti 13 00:04:45,525 --> 00:04:46,191 Please tell aunty 14 00:04:47,400 --> 00:04:51,066 Did Arjun and Aditya came home to sleep last night once after finishing Babloo birthday right? 15 00:04:51,525 --> 00:04:53,525 Uncle's Rolex watch found missing 16 00:05:00,358 --> 00:05:03,275 Can you just ask Arjun and Aditya whether they have brought that watch 17 00:05:05,441 --> 00:05:06,108 One Minute 18 00:05:06,775 --> 00:05:08,608 Arjun..Arjun..Arjun 19 00:05:08,941 --> 00:05:09,566 Aditya 20 00:05:09,941 --> 00:05:10,650 What happened mother 21 00:05:10,650 --> 00:05:12,066 Did you brought watch from Babloo home 22 00:05:12,066 --> 00:05:13,066 I didn't brought any watch mother 23 00:05:14,066 --> 00:05:14,816 Arjun 24 00:05:17,191 --> 00:05:17,775 Getup idiot 25 00:05:17,775 --> 00:05:18,858 What happened mother? 26 00:05:18,858 --> 00:05:20,650 [Mother]: Did you snatch the watch [Arjun]: I haven't snatched it mother 27 00:05:20,650 --> 00:05:22,775 If you haven't snatched the watch then how come watch it came onto your hand 28 00:05:22,983 --> 00:05:24,983 [Arjun]: I am not aware of it mother [Mother]: Will you repeat it again? 29 00:06:27,233 --> 00:06:28,858 We just went back twenty days 30 00:06:29,275 --> 00:06:31,275 I can tell that my life has started in this twenty days 31 00:06:32,608 --> 00:06:33,191 What 32 00:06:33,941 --> 00:06:36,233 Did Arjun came into your dream in order to beat you 33 00:06:39,358 --> 00:06:40,900 Getup and come after finishing your bath 34 00:06:43,275 --> 00:06:45,733 I have been telling you a chapter in my life diary 35 00:06:47,275 --> 00:06:49,275 Things which left from us will haunt us like past 36 00:06:49,691 --> 00:06:50,983 Arjun, is an emotion 37 00:06:51,983 --> 00:06:53,316 I am the reason why he got ran away from the home 38 00:06:53,733 --> 00:06:55,483 It's been Fifteen years since Arjun left from us 39 00:06:55,483 --> 00:06:57,233 But, still he will come to my dream in order to beat me 40 00:06:57,816 --> 00:06:58,316 About Mom 41 00:06:58,483 --> 00:07:00,483 She kept loving me conditionally by keeping specific conditions 42 00:07:00,733 --> 00:07:01,900 Wherever I go whatever I do 43 00:07:02,483 --> 00:07:04,900 She asked me to come home by 6 p.m and asked me to spend time happily 44 00:07:05,233 --> 00:07:07,775 Because of my mom I was grown up like a nerd 45 00:07:08,108 --> 00:07:10,566 I kept lot of goals when I was a kid 46 00:07:10,775 --> 00:07:12,566 But, my Dad had a desire 47 00:07:12,733 --> 00:07:14,233 Before that desire everything seems negligible 48 00:07:16,400 --> 00:07:19,108 My Dad wanted me to see as a Policemen in any cadre 49 00:07:19,483 --> 00:07:21,650 But he died in an accident three months back without seeing me as a Policemen 50 00:07:22,025 --> 00:07:24,025 Even though he's absent but still his desire has been fulfilled because of him 51 00:07:27,525 --> 00:07:28,025 Aditya 52 00:07:29,316 --> 00:07:29,858 Yes Uncle 53 00:07:29,858 --> 00:07:31,275 Take this joining letter 54 00:07:32,275 --> 00:07:33,358 Patrolling Constable [Aditya]: Ok 55 00:07:33,775 --> 00:07:34,816 This is your dad desire 56 00:07:35,566 --> 00:07:37,566 You can join in your duty from tomorrow 57 00:07:38,108 --> 00:07:38,733 Thank you uncle 58 00:07:39,525 --> 00:07:40,691 How are you ma? 59 00:07:40,775 --> 00:07:41,775 I am good brother 60 00:07:47,983 --> 00:07:48,608 Aditya 61 00:07:49,983 --> 00:07:53,650 Please take of your mother who is alive instead of your dad desire 62 00:07:53,775 --> 00:07:55,150 You should take care of her carefully 63 00:07:56,483 --> 00:07:57,066 Ok, Uncle 64 00:08:04,483 --> 00:08:05,983 Vasanth Nagar. Patrolling report 65 00:08:07,066 --> 00:08:09,191 My first working day has been started with a night shift 66 00:08:09,400 --> 00:08:11,066 I was introduced to three new people in my life 67 00:08:25,108 --> 00:08:26,108 What is this brother? 68 00:08:26,400 --> 00:08:29,650 Everyone is doing their duty peacefully in their respective homes 69 00:08:29,941 --> 00:08:32,525 We have to do our duty for their peacefulness 70 00:08:32,858 --> 00:08:36,858 The one who has invented this night duty wasn't aware of the value of a peaceful night 71 00:08:37,108 --> 00:08:39,400 Policemen are meant for securing all 72 00:08:39,775 --> 00:08:41,066 We should feel proud of that 73 00:08:41,275 --> 00:08:42,816 We shouldn't feel sad about that patanji 74 00:08:43,233 --> 00:08:45,816 It's not your mistake. Your blood was in that way 75 00:08:49,566 --> 00:08:51,441 Hello, which Area? 76 00:08:51,691 --> 00:08:52,733 Kukatpally 77 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:54,900 Three new dolls have came will you come? 78 00:08:55,816 --> 00:08:56,358 Hang on the phone 79 00:08:57,525 --> 00:08:58,108 Sir 80 00:08:58,441 --> 00:08:58,941 Is it sir? 81 00:08:59,275 --> 00:08:59,858 You want me to come sir 82 00:09:00,525 --> 00:09:02,233 Ok sir, I will go and check 83 00:09:02,275 --> 00:09:02,775 Bye sir 84 00:09:03,316 --> 00:09:05,816 Near by there is a palace by the name Narthanasala brother 85 00:09:05,983 --> 00:09:08,108 Three beautiful costly paintings have been arrived there 86 00:09:08,108 --> 00:09:09,983 I have an information that there are drugs along with them 87 00:09:09,983 --> 00:09:11,483 S.I has asked me to go and check 88 00:09:11,483 --> 00:09:12,983 I will go and come quickly 89 00:09:13,441 --> 00:09:14,108 I will also come accompany you brother 90 00:09:14,275 --> 00:09:16,275 Brother, Phone came for me only 91 00:09:16,566 --> 00:09:18,691 If you come along with me who will do the duty here 92 00:09:19,358 --> 00:09:21,358 I will come quickly in five minutes 93 00:09:21,691 --> 00:09:24,191 If you face any problem then you just dial my number 94 00:09:24,191 --> 00:09:26,066 Ok..Ok..Bye 95 00:09:52,941 --> 00:09:54,941 You give mileage just for quarter 96 00:09:56,525 --> 00:09:57,358 Hello Brother 97 00:09:57,941 --> 00:09:59,025 Me? Yeah, it's you 98 00:09:59,358 --> 00:10:00,941 Any wine shops nearby? 99 00:10:01,066 --> 00:10:01,566 Why? 100 00:10:01,983 --> 00:10:02,900 My bike got stopped 101 00:10:03,233 --> 00:10:04,650 I think he's drunken heavily 102 00:10:05,025 --> 00:10:05,733 Hello, brother 103 00:10:06,025 --> 00:10:08,900 Hello Brother, If your bike got stopped you should go to petrol bunk not wine shop 104 00:10:08,900 --> 00:10:10,275 I don't need petrol 105 00:10:10,650 --> 00:10:13,941 Me or my bike will start only once we have ninety into our respective bodies 106 00:10:14,066 --> 00:10:16,650 Me and bike are of same manufacture brother 107 00:10:16,816 --> 00:10:19,441 If I drank full it will drink at least half 108 00:10:19,441 --> 00:10:21,025 or else both will get stopped 109 00:10:21,025 --> 00:10:24,066 It's corona time don't waste my time and direct me to wine shop nearby. 110 00:10:24,775 --> 00:10:25,900 He's acting differently 111 00:10:26,400 --> 00:10:28,233 Ok, If you go in that way you will find a wine shop 112 00:10:28,400 --> 00:10:29,566 Ho fine. Thankyou! 113 00:10:29,566 --> 00:10:31,191 Just, look after my bike 114 00:10:31,441 --> 00:10:34,566 Police shouldn't resemble like the three lions above the head 115 00:10:34,566 --> 00:10:37,275 They should resemble like the hidden lion namely Saikumar 116 00:10:37,275 --> 00:10:38,608 He seems like a mental patient 117 00:10:40,775 --> 00:10:44,483 Keeping an eye our weakness this peddlers will sell the country Illegally 118 00:10:44,775 --> 00:10:47,733 I have bought liquor in double price just for you 119 00:10:51,525 --> 00:10:53,233 Drink..Drink..Drink 120 00:10:59,941 --> 00:11:01,316 Oh my god! How come it got started 121 00:11:01,566 --> 00:11:02,566 Don't panic 122 00:11:02,858 --> 00:11:06,566 If my bike got drank half it will give a minimum mileage of 100 kms 123 00:11:06,566 --> 00:11:07,816 This is the capacity of my bike 124 00:11:08,108 --> 00:11:10,108 Someone have invented how to drive car by water 125 00:11:10,316 --> 00:11:12,316 Likewise, I've invented how to drive bike by liquor 126 00:11:12,566 --> 00:11:14,566 I am KanthaRao..Quarter KanthaRao 127 00:11:14,816 --> 00:11:16,066 Quarter is my surname 128 00:11:16,066 --> 00:11:19,358 I will be working every time for survival of the government 129 00:11:19,691 --> 00:11:21,108 I will meet you once the time come 130 00:11:21,358 --> 00:11:24,733 Ok. I will drive the bike with my liquor 131 00:11:25,025 --> 00:11:27,483 My liquor is the only petrol for my bike 132 00:11:34,275 --> 00:11:36,566 Brother, I am feeling hungry 133 00:11:43,775 --> 00:11:46,775 Not only me. We are totally five members brother 134 00:11:47,441 --> 00:11:48,775 I don't have much money with me. 135 00:11:48,775 --> 00:11:51,441 Even if you don't hold money in your hands. If you think then you can arrange money 136 00:11:51,441 --> 00:11:51,983 How? 137 00:11:52,275 --> 00:11:53,775 You are a policemen? 138 00:11:55,650 --> 00:11:56,233 It's not right 139 00:11:56,941 --> 00:11:58,941 We don't have any other option apart from this brother. 140 00:11:58,941 --> 00:12:00,941 Please, It's for our sake 141 00:12:03,191 --> 00:12:04,275 Don't play with my emotions 142 00:12:04,691 --> 00:12:06,150 Ok fine I will do 143 00:12:10,816 --> 00:12:11,525 let's stop him 144 00:12:35,316 --> 00:12:38,358 Lord brahma must have designed her perfectly before sending her to earth 145 00:12:38,358 --> 00:12:39,483 How beautiful is she 146 00:12:44,025 --> 00:12:46,483 How can we can ask money from such a beautiful girl 147 00:12:46,816 --> 00:12:49,816 Hello, Do you want Lift? 148 00:12:53,150 --> 00:12:54,108 Why did you stop the bike? 149 00:12:54,483 --> 00:12:55,650 Are you one from vasool batch 150 00:12:56,275 --> 00:12:59,108 You think of filling your pockets if you find someone alone during nights 151 00:12:59,566 --> 00:13:00,483 Won't you change? 152 00:13:00,858 --> 00:13:01,400 Don't you have common sense 153 00:13:01,858 --> 00:13:06,025 By looking one can easily understand that you are a looter. No need to act like mousy 154 00:13:08,900 --> 00:13:10,025 Hey, Stop the bike 155 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:12,066 Show me your papers 156 00:13:16,650 --> 00:13:17,566 Where is the Pollution paper? 157 00:13:18,316 --> 00:13:19,816 Driving a worsen bike 158 00:13:20,066 --> 00:13:22,566 Without checking the pollution you thought of sending human to heaven 159 00:13:22,566 --> 00:13:23,608 Just pay the fine 160 00:13:25,983 --> 00:13:28,525 Are you a traffic Policemen to collect fine 161 00:13:28,816 --> 00:13:32,066 I am not a normal 90's kid who will just pay the fine out of fear 162 00:13:34,816 --> 00:13:35,983 Being a Normal policemen 163 00:13:36,233 --> 00:13:38,941 I will take snap of while you are looting by stopping the vehicles 164 00:13:39,066 --> 00:13:42,691 By that photo I will make you famous in Whatsapp, facebook, twitter, youtube 165 00:13:43,483 --> 00:13:45,608 No, I am not a kind of person who collects money 166 00:13:45,900 --> 00:13:47,316 Kid said that he's hungry 167 00:13:47,316 --> 00:13:48,233 I don't hold money with me 168 00:13:48,483 --> 00:13:50,066 In order to help him I've stopped the bike 169 00:13:50,400 --> 00:13:52,108 My bad luck. You came here all of a sudden 170 00:13:52,983 --> 00:13:53,983 Ho is it? 171 00:13:54,441 --> 00:13:55,566 Where is the kid. He's here itself 172 00:13:57,483 --> 00:13:59,358 Shit! Kid has trapped me 173 00:14:01,608 --> 00:14:02,858 Till now, he sat here itself 174 00:14:04,691 --> 00:14:06,691 He might have escaped when we are talking 175 00:14:07,483 --> 00:14:09,025 Actually, he has given this idea 176 00:14:09,566 --> 00:14:10,775 Are you real a Policemen? 177 00:14:11,150 --> 00:14:11,900 Show me your ID Card 178 00:14:12,483 --> 00:14:13,983 ID card 179 00:14:14,275 --> 00:14:15,733 I haven't received my ID card 180 00:14:15,733 --> 00:14:17,066 I have joined in the job today itself 181 00:14:17,358 --> 00:14:20,233 By looking at you I can understand that you are a thief in the form of Police 182 00:14:21,025 --> 00:14:21,525 Wait 183 00:14:21,816 --> 00:14:23,733 Are you calling to your friend 184 00:14:23,733 --> 00:14:24,858 Yes, Police friend 185 00:14:25,066 --> 00:14:26,941 Why are you calling to police madam 186 00:14:27,108 --> 00:14:28,400 Aren't you a Ploicemen 187 00:14:28,525 --> 00:14:31,108 Of course, I am Policemen. I've forget that in tension 188 00:14:31,150 --> 00:14:33,858 Ho fine. Just wait five minutes then you will remember everything 189 00:14:34,150 --> 00:14:36,650 How come I've been get caught in my first day 190 00:14:36,775 --> 00:14:38,358 We have to do something to escape 191 00:14:38,775 --> 00:14:40,775 Ho my god police came so early. [Hanika]: How come so fastly. 192 00:14:44,941 --> 00:14:45,483 Where is he? 193 00:14:48,233 --> 00:14:48,983 Thankgod 194 00:14:50,525 --> 00:14:52,525 How come I get caught in my first day patanji 195 00:14:58,483 --> 00:15:01,733 I want that site which both of your brothers have looted 196 00:15:02,900 --> 00:15:05,733 If my brother get to know that you have kidnapped me 197 00:15:06,900 --> 00:15:08,400 Now, it's not the topic of your brother 198 00:15:08,733 --> 00:15:09,608 Half-acre site 199 00:15:10,108 --> 00:15:12,441 I don't get feared even if you point your gun on me 200 00:15:13,025 --> 00:15:14,233 I am asking you finally 201 00:15:15,191 --> 00:15:16,983 Even if we die we will make sure that land doesn't belong to you. 202 00:15:18,983 --> 00:15:21,441 then cremate yourself in that land as it belongs to you 203 00:15:26,858 --> 00:15:30,691 Only me and my gun only knows that I've less patience 204 00:15:31,358 --> 00:15:32,900 Poor guy. He doesn't know that. 205 00:15:34,733 --> 00:15:37,191 Cremate him in the land that he wanted 206 00:15:39,566 --> 00:15:40,316 Anji 207 00:15:41,733 --> 00:15:43,566 From now on that site belongs to us 208 00:16:03,275 --> 00:16:03,775 Sir 209 00:16:12,525 --> 00:16:14,025 My brother was sleeping inside 210 00:16:15,108 --> 00:16:17,733 Don't you know that if he got disturbed then I will be distrubed 211 00:16:17,733 --> 00:16:20,025 Once I got disturbed then the result would be like this 212 00:16:20,566 --> 00:16:21,275 Silence 213 00:16:25,608 --> 00:16:26,233 I doubt 214 00:16:27,150 --> 00:16:31,400 I am unable to understand whether I love him or I really don't care about mankind life 215 00:16:37,775 --> 00:16:39,650 Sir, take this 50 lakhs which you deserve 216 00:16:40,275 --> 00:16:41,900 If you inform when the gold comes then I wil take it 217 00:16:41,900 --> 00:16:42,858 Ok sir. Fine I will make a move 218 00:17:07,900 --> 00:17:09,900 Look, don't think about money 219 00:17:09,900 --> 00:17:11,900 Get ready by night, I will come along with hands-on money 220 00:17:50,650 --> 00:17:51,400 Good morning brother 221 00:17:51,691 --> 00:17:53,233 Sorry, I missed the bike 222 00:17:54,483 --> 00:17:57,233 How come it's Good Morning Patanji if it's Midnight 3 A.M 223 00:17:57,733 --> 00:18:00,483 Good morning is not meant to say when we meet in morning brother 224 00:18:00,858 --> 00:18:03,816 We can greet good morning when any one meet each other 225 00:18:04,358 --> 00:18:04,858 Fine 226 00:18:05,691 --> 00:18:07,108 You seem intelligent 227 00:18:07,691 --> 00:18:10,650 Intelligence has been started from my grand mother and were now continuing in my form 228 00:18:10,775 --> 00:18:13,316 If it got started from your grandmother then I will end with you? 229 00:18:13,316 --> 00:18:14,358 What happened brother? 230 00:18:14,358 --> 00:18:16,941 Last night you told me that you will come in five minutes by leaving me alone 231 00:18:16,941 --> 00:18:18,358 and now you are telling me all bullshit stories 232 00:18:18,733 --> 00:18:22,066 Last night, I am not in a situation to come. 233 00:18:22,066 --> 00:18:22,858 i.e the reason for my late arrival 234 00:18:25,066 --> 00:18:25,941 Last night 235 00:18:26,525 --> 00:18:27,650 Two things which I can't forget 236 00:18:27,650 --> 00:18:28,983 One thing which I should remember 237 00:18:28,983 --> 00:18:29,983 Three experiences here 238 00:18:30,191 --> 00:18:31,150 For you also 239 00:18:31,358 --> 00:18:32,358 That too three experiences 240 00:18:32,358 --> 00:18:32,858 Hm 241 00:18:33,233 --> 00:18:36,275 Experiences are what we gather from Happiness and sorrow Patanji 242 00:18:36,566 --> 00:18:37,566 Correct brother 243 00:18:37,816 --> 00:18:39,816 Instead of confusion you have much clarity within you 244 00:18:40,566 --> 00:18:41,983 As you are aware that last night I went to Narthansala 245 00:18:42,400 --> 00:18:44,066 Ramba, Urvasi, Menaka 246 00:18:44,400 --> 00:18:45,816 Each room had Individual painting of them 247 00:18:46,066 --> 00:18:47,733 Meanwhile Narthanasala is filled with b***h's 248 00:18:48,608 --> 00:18:49,858 Sorry it was filled with audience 249 00:18:50,275 --> 00:18:52,275 Meanwhile, a thief came in between and stole my heart 250 00:18:52,275 --> 00:18:53,983 Sorry. I stole my purse 251 00:18:54,441 --> 00:18:56,525 Out of anger I ran into his room 252 00:18:56,858 --> 00:18:58,858 I have showed my anger on him 253 00:18:59,400 --> 00:19:02,233 A third world war has happened between us till dawn 254 00:19:02,566 --> 00:19:05,858 In the morning I came to know it was not a thief it was ramba 255 00:19:10,191 --> 00:19:11,733 Come brother. Come..come 256 00:19:11,900 --> 00:19:13,025 come fast or else you will become wet 257 00:19:13,483 --> 00:19:14,566 Get in 258 00:19:15,900 --> 00:19:17,358 Thank god! 259 00:19:18,108 --> 00:19:18,900 You become wet? 260 00:19:18,900 --> 00:19:19,900 Remove them 261 00:19:19,900 --> 00:19:23,275 [Playing song] 262 00:19:23,275 --> 00:19:25,275 Time is perfect for rain 263 00:19:25,275 --> 00:19:29,900 [Singing song] 264 00:19:29,900 --> 00:19:31,650 Did I drank or the car drank 265 00:19:31,650 --> 00:19:33,650 Why the car is swinging 266 00:19:33,650 --> 00:19:41,650 [Singing song] 267 00:19:42,025 --> 00:19:44,233 Brother are you giving a shock to me 268 00:19:44,275 --> 00:19:45,608 I will see your end 269 00:19:46,650 --> 00:19:47,941 Hello, open the door 270 00:19:48,233 --> 00:19:49,900 Hello, open the door 271 00:19:51,150 --> 00:19:53,150 Hey Kantham it's you. Hey brother how are you 272 00:19:53,983 --> 00:19:54,608 Close the door 273 00:19:54,608 --> 00:19:55,566 Who are you 274 00:19:55,566 --> 00:19:56,400 Come..come 275 00:19:57,941 --> 00:19:59,941 Something fishy is happening inside 276 00:20:01,816 --> 00:20:04,650 No one is present but this two were wearing inner garments 277 00:20:04,650 --> 00:20:06,483 Yeah I understood 278 00:20:06,733 --> 00:20:08,150 Without Liquor 279 00:20:08,983 --> 00:20:10,150 You are having soda 280 00:20:10,566 --> 00:20:12,066 Hello. What are you expecting? 281 00:20:13,858 --> 00:20:15,441 Hello. I am policemen by profession 282 00:20:15,608 --> 00:20:17,608 Nothing to mistake you. We were in that situation 283 00:20:19,316 --> 00:20:20,441 Brother. Is he your friend? 284 00:20:21,775 --> 00:20:22,983 He is my first experience whom I met last night 285 00:20:22,983 --> 00:20:24,608 He seems like a brand ambassador for liquor 286 00:20:24,691 --> 00:20:27,566 You look like a brand ambassador for lust 287 00:20:27,566 --> 00:20:29,108 How come you guessed correctly 288 00:20:29,358 --> 00:20:31,983 I will drink quarter just for having clarity 289 00:20:32,275 --> 00:20:33,566 If I had ninety 290 00:20:33,858 --> 00:20:36,525 I can scan anyone 291 00:20:36,525 --> 00:20:38,525 Is it? Are you that much multi talented 292 00:20:45,525 --> 00:20:46,941 Did Ramdev baba kept name? 293 00:20:46,941 --> 00:20:48,275 No, my father kept that name 294 00:20:56,691 --> 00:20:58,691 Don't fall on me 295 00:20:58,983 --> 00:21:00,066 I said I will open 296 00:21:01,108 --> 00:21:04,150 No one in this world can open the bottle like me 297 00:21:04,150 --> 00:21:06,650 I will also open. No I will open 298 00:21:06,650 --> 00:21:08,066 What is this nuisance? I am unable to open this door 299 00:21:08,066 --> 00:21:09,025 Open that door 300 00:21:09,025 --> 00:21:10,358 I will open 301 00:21:15,066 --> 00:21:15,566 Is it you? 302 00:21:16,358 --> 00:21:17,858 What are you people doing? 303 00:21:18,066 --> 00:21:18,691 We 304 00:21:18,691 --> 00:21:19,441 Nothing 305 00:21:19,733 --> 00:21:21,941 We are searching for five rupee coin which we lost 306 00:21:22,733 --> 00:21:23,233 Brother 307 00:21:24,358 --> 00:21:27,358 How much time you will sleep here. Do you want to see the entire world 308 00:21:27,358 --> 00:21:29,566 Due to removal of my trouser my family dignity has been lost 309 00:21:29,566 --> 00:21:31,566 Getup man getup..getup 310 00:21:36,150 --> 00:21:37,066 Brother policemen 311 00:21:37,066 --> 00:21:37,691 Come we will move 312 00:21:39,316 --> 00:21:41,441 Why they came and went again 313 00:21:42,316 --> 00:21:43,566 Yesterday, you looked like a thief 314 00:21:43,566 --> 00:21:45,358 Now you are looking in this manner 315 00:21:45,358 --> 00:21:46,983 Do you hold this kind of angle within you 316 00:21:46,983 --> 00:21:47,483 Brother 317 00:21:48,191 --> 00:21:49,108 Do you know her earlier 318 00:21:49,650 --> 00:21:51,400 She is my second experience which I met yesterday 319 00:21:53,275 --> 00:21:54,733 You really had a good experience 320 00:21:54,858 --> 00:21:55,608 What man 321 00:21:56,483 --> 00:21:57,525 Leave our matter 322 00:21:58,108 --> 00:21:59,108 Who are they? 323 00:21:59,941 --> 00:22:00,775 Why is it necessary for you? 324 00:22:01,150 --> 00:22:02,775 They even believed that we are policemen 325 00:22:02,775 --> 00:22:04,775 But you are not trusting us even we stand before you. 326 00:22:05,275 --> 00:22:07,275 Someone has said that if our time is bad 327 00:22:07,275 --> 00:22:09,775 whatever we see or whatever we do everything seems wrong 328 00:22:10,025 --> 00:22:11,108 You are a wrong person 329 00:22:11,358 --> 00:22:13,691 From yesterday I have wrong experiences in wrong time 330 00:22:15,066 --> 00:22:16,525 By the way what's your name 331 00:22:17,275 --> 00:22:18,025 I am in angry mood 332 00:22:18,025 --> 00:22:18,941 I will kill you 333 00:22:23,983 --> 00:22:24,775 Hanika 334 00:22:24,775 --> 00:22:26,233 Look, this is called perfection 335 00:22:29,941 --> 00:22:30,858 What's your name 336 00:22:30,858 --> 00:22:31,483 Harathi sir 337 00:22:32,275 --> 00:22:33,525 Days were not even good 338 00:22:33,733 --> 00:22:35,733 You will have an end to your life if you come outside in this odd time 339 00:22:35,733 --> 00:22:36,650 Inform this to your friend 340 00:22:37,066 --> 00:22:38,525 Hello, Hanika here. 341 00:22:38,525 --> 00:22:40,316 If anyone try to touch me then he will be in danger 342 00:22:40,441 --> 00:22:42,858 Anyone has to suffer himself if he is into women 343 00:22:48,150 --> 00:22:49,441 That girl completed her scolding 344 00:22:50,275 --> 00:22:51,441 She even left 345 00:22:51,608 --> 00:22:52,733 Liquor was finished here 346 00:22:55,983 --> 00:22:57,191 I got connected by looking at her in first glance 347 00:22:57,775 --> 00:22:59,775 My heart beat got increased by looking at her 348 00:23:00,483 --> 00:23:01,816 Little bit provision speed has been increased 349 00:23:02,650 --> 00:23:04,400 She had left by scolding indefinitely 350 00:23:05,191 --> 00:23:06,650 My heart is filled with sorrow Patanji 351 00:23:06,650 --> 00:23:08,358 Johnnie walker came 352 00:23:08,566 --> 00:23:10,566 It will act as best friend by making us forget every sorrow. 353 00:23:10,858 --> 00:23:11,358 Is it? 354 00:23:11,525 --> 00:23:12,233 Yeah 355 00:23:13,025 --> 00:23:14,358 You drink first 356 00:23:15,025 --> 00:23:16,025 Drink..Drink 357 00:23:18,400 --> 00:23:19,108 You also drink 358 00:23:22,150 --> 00:23:22,858 Give it to me 359 00:24:11,066 --> 00:24:13,525 How come this pen came to me 360 00:24:15,775 --> 00:24:18,316 Brother, a robbery has happened in Merchant home 361 00:24:18,316 --> 00:24:19,441 Robbery.. Go 362 00:24:27,233 --> 00:24:28,025 How much money you have lost? 363 00:24:28,525 --> 00:24:29,400 50 lakhs sir.. 364 00:24:30,650 --> 00:24:32,650 Yesterday itself I've taken advance for gold 365 00:24:32,650 --> 00:24:34,108 Do you suspect anyone? 366 00:24:35,608 --> 00:24:36,108 No sir 367 00:24:36,650 --> 00:24:37,983 Ok. I will look after it. 368 00:24:37,983 --> 00:24:38,608 You may leave 369 00:24:38,608 --> 00:24:39,108 Ok sir. 370 00:24:39,941 --> 00:24:40,483 Arshad 371 00:24:41,025 --> 00:24:44,025 In the same angle last year some one get caught in manikonda by doing a robbery 372 00:24:44,066 --> 00:24:44,941 Enquire about it 373 00:24:47,316 --> 00:24:47,816 What happened? 374 00:24:48,441 --> 00:24:49,900 Are you night patrolling policemen? 375 00:24:49,900 --> 00:24:50,483 Yes sir 376 00:24:50,483 --> 00:24:52,358 We have tried a lot reaching you 377 00:24:52,400 --> 00:24:53,691 why the walkie talkie in the car has been turned off? 378 00:24:53,816 --> 00:24:55,441 Where did you went instead of doing night shift 379 00:24:55,441 --> 00:24:56,775 Yes we are in night shift sir. 380 00:24:58,191 --> 00:25:00,066 I think you have did the duty well 381 00:25:00,358 --> 00:25:01,108 Come to station 382 00:25:04,733 --> 00:25:05,775 Do you have common sense 383 00:25:05,983 --> 00:25:08,108 We are enough with the cases, because of your acts 384 00:25:08,400 --> 00:25:09,358 We have been landed into a new case 385 00:25:10,066 --> 00:25:11,858 Sir we didn't drank intently 386 00:25:11,858 --> 00:25:13,858 Water has been finished while we are having tiffin 387 00:25:13,983 --> 00:25:15,566 We drank water from our friend 388 00:25:15,983 --> 00:25:18,483 After we went to trip we get to know that we have drank liquor 389 00:25:18,941 --> 00:25:22,191 If the person who is listening through headset then you will tell hari's story in english 390 00:25:23,608 --> 00:25:25,900 If it got repeated once again in duty 391 00:25:26,066 --> 00:25:27,441 Then I will tell lord Hari's story to you. 392 00:25:27,441 --> 00:25:27,983 Getout 393 00:25:30,525 --> 00:25:31,775 My grandmother used to tell 394 00:25:31,983 --> 00:25:33,316 Don't spend money as you are earning 395 00:25:33,316 --> 00:25:34,566 don't grow the beard as it is growing 396 00:25:34,566 --> 00:25:36,275 Don't drink liquor as you are getting it for free 397 00:25:36,941 --> 00:25:38,441 You are right grandmother 398 00:25:39,066 --> 00:25:41,233 My grandmother didn't tell anything about this Patanji 399 00:25:41,525 --> 00:25:43,525 I think no one has informed your grandmother brother 400 00:26:00,025 --> 00:26:02,025 On the second day of my duty things went in a wrong way 401 00:26:19,441 --> 00:26:24,066 I can't stay with you as I've been trapped by you intentionally in every aspect 402 00:26:24,191 --> 00:26:26,191 I will leave..I will leave 403 00:26:53,025 --> 00:26:53,650 Brother 404 00:26:55,108 --> 00:27:01,691 Gandhiji struggled many years and earned fame by leading Independence to the country 405 00:27:02,608 --> 00:27:06,816 The same Gandhiji was killed by Godse in two minutes which earned him fame 406 00:27:07,775 --> 00:27:09,233 We have good and bad here 407 00:27:09,691 --> 00:27:12,025 We have small difference in between this two words 408 00:27:12,816 --> 00:27:13,316 That's it 409 00:27:13,941 --> 00:27:14,483 But 410 00:27:14,650 --> 00:27:15,483 In this country 411 00:27:15,691 --> 00:27:18,441 Gandhi and Godse names were much familiar to everyone 412 00:27:21,983 --> 00:27:22,983 So, now. 413 00:27:23,941 --> 00:27:25,025 For that kind of name 414 00:27:25,816 --> 00:27:27,191 I am going to vizag 415 00:27:27,608 --> 00:27:28,650 I will come in two days 416 00:27:29,941 --> 00:27:31,941 Till then take care of yourself 417 00:27:32,066 --> 00:27:33,025 Ok brother 418 00:27:33,775 --> 00:27:34,650 Hey Ganga 419 00:27:34,650 --> 00:27:35,150 Brother 420 00:27:35,858 --> 00:27:37,733 I was going to Vizag for two days work 421 00:27:37,733 --> 00:27:38,233 Ok Brother 422 00:27:38,233 --> 00:27:41,108 My brother himself don't know in what mood he will be 423 00:27:41,983 --> 00:27:46,650 In this two days even If I got one percent doubt that something harm is happening to my brother 424 00:27:47,608 --> 00:27:49,608 I will kill you for sure 425 00:27:49,900 --> 00:27:54,775 You should all protect my brother like eyelids protecting eyes 426 00:27:54,775 --> 00:27:55,525 Ok brother 427 00:28:05,483 --> 00:28:06,025 Brother 428 00:28:07,275 --> 00:28:08,025 One good news 429 00:28:08,733 --> 00:28:11,191 The time for which we are waiting has finally arrived 430 00:28:13,275 --> 00:28:15,316 Tell me that Ravath is not in the city? 431 00:28:15,691 --> 00:28:18,191 We don't have a better time and better news than this 432 00:28:18,400 --> 00:28:18,900 Yes brother! 433 00:28:19,275 --> 00:28:21,816 He is going to Vizag leaving his brother alone for two days 434 00:28:24,525 --> 00:28:27,233 The agony which I was facing after losing my brother 435 00:28:27,441 --> 00:28:29,441 We will introduce him the same agony by killing his brother 436 00:28:29,733 --> 00:28:33,108 Call someone who will kill him in one sec while he's breathing 437 00:28:52,275 --> 00:28:53,775 He look stylishly 438 00:28:54,066 --> 00:28:55,233 Will he able to do a murder 439 00:28:57,525 --> 00:29:01,233 My murder will be as stylish like the way I am. 440 00:29:04,441 --> 00:29:04,941 What is the target 441 00:29:05,608 --> 00:29:09,525 Arrange spot for ravath brother Dadu by midnight 2 a.m 442 00:29:10,150 --> 00:29:14,691 Ravath should get to know the agony in his heart while you are stabbing his brother 443 00:29:15,275 --> 00:29:20,650 Remember, If we miss the plan now then immediate we both will be assassinated 444 00:29:22,566 --> 00:29:24,566 I will call once after my Job is done. 445 00:29:37,941 --> 00:29:39,691 Sir, I am reporting to zonal office 446 00:29:39,691 --> 00:29:43,108 For observation we have kept patrolling vehicle at Ravath place 447 00:29:50,191 --> 00:29:52,191 Oh my god! How come she came again? 448 00:29:54,941 --> 00:29:57,775 Why are you coming with a set of followers whenever we meet 449 00:29:57,775 --> 00:29:58,566 Actually, what you do? 450 00:29:59,275 --> 00:30:00,691 Why so much crowd? 451 00:30:00,691 --> 00:30:02,650 One, two, three, four 452 00:30:03,900 --> 00:30:04,775 Why so many henchman? 453 00:30:04,858 --> 00:30:05,566 Let her set free sir. 454 00:30:06,066 --> 00:30:08,608 We don't need any kind of heroism infront of her 455 00:30:09,525 --> 00:30:10,191 Leave her 456 00:30:12,858 --> 00:30:18,400 I am not a kind of puri hero who will impress the girl by a fight or a dialogue 457 00:30:22,191 --> 00:30:24,191 I will just show her the situation that will happen 458 00:30:33,566 --> 00:30:34,941 This is just trailer 459 00:30:35,733 --> 00:30:36,525 If you are ready 460 00:30:37,275 --> 00:30:39,275 Then I will show you a movie 461 00:30:39,275 --> 00:30:41,275 Hey Moveon..moveon 462 00:30:44,858 --> 00:30:47,858 If we help someone then we have to say thanks but not sorry 463 00:30:47,858 --> 00:30:49,858 My sorry was not intended for helping me 464 00:30:49,858 --> 00:30:51,858 I have misunderstood you wrongly 465 00:30:51,858 --> 00:30:56,858 i.e the reason we shouldn't be deceived ourselves by wrong predictions 466 00:30:57,025 --> 00:30:57,941 I said sorry na 467 00:30:58,150 --> 00:30:59,108 Ok. Move on 468 00:31:02,275 --> 00:31:04,400 What ? You seem to hold a doubt still? 469 00:31:04,941 --> 00:31:06,941 Ho, Myself policemen 470 00:31:08,275 --> 00:31:09,316 and this is my ID card 471 00:31:10,733 --> 00:31:11,608 No, it's not doubt 472 00:31:11,608 --> 00:31:14,358 As I am girl don't I even have a bit of fear 473 00:31:14,608 --> 00:31:16,066 Don't yell the dialogues which doesn't match 474 00:31:16,275 --> 00:31:18,275 They look sillily. Come 475 00:31:24,650 --> 00:31:25,941 Will you take the same path daily? 476 00:31:26,691 --> 00:31:30,025 I will come once my time is bad or else when I get followed by someone 477 00:31:30,858 --> 00:31:33,858 Why we are getting interacted every time in a chase? 478 00:31:35,066 --> 00:31:36,025 Actually. What you do ? 479 00:31:37,275 --> 00:31:39,275 Do I find fun in chasing or what 480 00:31:39,275 --> 00:31:40,025 Goodness 481 00:31:40,400 --> 00:31:42,941 If we are doing something good then we will get a return gift from the society in the form of like this 482 00:31:44,025 --> 00:31:46,483 I do have social responsibility since childhood 483 00:31:46,483 --> 00:31:49,400 My hobby is to fight against someone who have problems 484 00:31:49,941 --> 00:31:52,691 I will be involved in some or the other fight daily and will fall into this kind of mess 485 00:31:52,691 --> 00:31:53,816 Goons will follow me 486 00:31:54,025 --> 00:31:54,733 I get used to it 487 00:31:57,441 --> 00:31:59,275 My dream is to become a Journalist 488 00:31:59,691 --> 00:32:01,066 Because of my dad interest 489 00:32:01,275 --> 00:32:03,650 I was working as a software engineer here itself in a company 490 00:32:04,066 --> 00:32:06,816 I was balancing interests of me and my dad 491 00:32:08,025 --> 00:32:10,025 We do have a common point 492 00:32:10,191 --> 00:32:10,900 What is that 493 00:32:11,233 --> 00:32:11,816 Dad 494 00:32:12,900 --> 00:32:14,900 Our life will not give us the opportunity in one glance 495 00:32:15,400 --> 00:32:16,691 It will not allow us to go in the direction we wanted 496 00:32:17,025 --> 00:32:18,275 It will give us accordingly to it's interest 497 00:32:18,566 --> 00:32:19,775 it will take us according to it's interest 498 00:32:19,775 --> 00:32:20,316 But 499 00:32:20,441 --> 00:32:21,233 It will have a reason 500 00:32:22,650 --> 00:32:24,650 In that way I fulfill my dad desire 501 00:32:24,900 --> 00:32:27,691 I have joined as a policemen because of this destiny 502 00:32:29,941 --> 00:32:31,608 You seem to be a good guy 503 00:32:31,608 --> 00:32:34,108 Hey not only me every men are good guys 504 00:32:34,108 --> 00:32:36,441 but it will take some time for your ladies to understand 505 00:32:36,441 --> 00:32:39,233 What is the need of time if one understand properly 506 00:32:45,900 --> 00:32:46,775 Hey Hanika 507 00:32:47,150 --> 00:32:47,900 I am a good guy 508 00:32:48,358 --> 00:32:49,483 I do hold ID Card 509 00:32:53,691 --> 00:32:55,025 I will be waiting 510 00:32:58,733 --> 00:32:59,525 Hey Gana 511 00:32:59,525 --> 00:33:00,066 Yes brother 512 00:33:00,691 --> 00:33:02,525 My girl friend is coming home 513 00:33:02,691 --> 00:33:04,941 Ask all our people to go to guest house 514 00:33:04,941 --> 00:33:06,941 If your brother got to know that we left you alone 515 00:33:07,275 --> 00:33:08,650 Brother, will kill us 516 00:33:08,816 --> 00:33:10,608 I will take care of my brother 517 00:33:10,608 --> 00:33:12,900 Tell two of them in our group to be as security guards 518 00:33:14,358 --> 00:33:15,025 Getoff 519 00:33:15,566 --> 00:33:16,150 Ok brother 520 00:33:16,358 --> 00:33:17,483 Hey move on 521 00:33:28,316 --> 00:33:29,150 Uncle 522 00:33:29,691 --> 00:33:30,400 It's you 523 00:33:31,025 --> 00:33:32,358 You almost killed me 524 00:33:32,900 --> 00:33:33,775 What Happened uncle 525 00:33:34,275 --> 00:33:35,608 This is Ravath area 526 00:33:36,233 --> 00:33:38,900 I might die myself due to heavy work load today. 527 00:33:39,275 --> 00:33:41,983 My lord why I got appointed to work here 528 00:33:42,900 --> 00:33:44,108 Why you are getting scared that much 529 00:33:44,108 --> 00:33:46,275 If they are mankind then we shouldn't be worried 530 00:33:46,816 --> 00:33:48,816 They are not humans. Devils 531 00:33:48,816 --> 00:33:49,525 To be precise 532 00:33:50,150 --> 00:33:51,025 Three months back 533 00:33:51,400 --> 00:33:52,775 In front of my eyes 534 00:33:52,900 --> 00:33:57,233 My colleague srinivas. While he was checking cars 535 00:33:57,816 --> 00:34:00,483 Dadu created it like an accident by thrashing with a car 536 00:34:00,983 --> 00:34:04,400 Srinivas is a good guy 537 00:35:11,400 --> 00:35:12,400 Task done 538 00:35:13,275 --> 00:35:14,358 I have killed Dadu 539 00:35:15,150 --> 00:35:17,150 I have stabbed knife exactly in his heart 540 00:35:17,608 --> 00:35:18,983 Send me the balance amount 541 00:35:19,150 --> 00:35:22,316 I will take care of everything so that none will be get doubted 542 00:35:30,358 --> 00:35:31,108 Sir..Sir 543 00:35:31,275 --> 00:35:31,983 Please getup 544 00:35:32,275 --> 00:35:33,275 What man 545 00:35:33,775 --> 00:35:35,066 Someone killed Dadu 546 00:35:35,316 --> 00:35:35,816 Murder 547 00:35:35,900 --> 00:35:36,650 Yes sir 548 00:35:38,025 --> 00:35:39,858 Immediately you head to police station [Man 1]: Ok 549 00:35:40,025 --> 00:35:41,441 Inform to our people [Man 1] : Ok Ok 550 00:36:01,858 --> 00:36:02,358 Sir sir 551 00:36:02,358 --> 00:36:03,066 Who came to the spot first 552 00:36:03,066 --> 00:36:03,816 Our Policemen sir. 553 00:36:20,358 --> 00:36:21,608 Dog Squad 554 00:36:48,733 --> 00:36:50,900 There is no use of dog squad sir 555 00:36:50,900 --> 00:36:52,900 We are not able to trace single clue sir 556 00:36:53,858 --> 00:36:55,358 What you people are doing? 557 00:36:56,108 --> 00:36:57,775 It's been one day since robbery 558 00:36:57,775 --> 00:36:58,525 Now it's murder 559 00:36:59,191 --> 00:37:01,025 As the two cases happened in our premises 560 00:37:01,025 --> 00:37:03,400 Higher officials were questioning whether we are functioning or not 561 00:37:04,316 --> 00:37:06,316 Dadu created problem for us when he's alive 562 00:37:06,525 --> 00:37:07,983 He has created problem for us even in his death 563 00:37:07,983 --> 00:37:09,025 What we have to do sir? 564 00:37:09,191 --> 00:37:11,191 Even I got transferred sir. 565 00:37:11,191 --> 00:37:13,191 We will hand it over to the new appointed S.I 566 00:37:13,400 --> 00:37:14,983 I have already informed him 567 00:37:14,983 --> 00:37:15,775 You may leave 568 00:37:35,233 --> 00:37:36,108 Do you remember me? 569 00:37:36,441 --> 00:37:36,983 Hey 570 00:37:37,608 --> 00:37:39,066 How can I forgot you 571 00:37:40,025 --> 00:37:42,858 I have called to your station and I've got your phone number 572 00:37:42,983 --> 00:37:43,941 I have small work 573 00:37:44,150 --> 00:37:44,900 I have to go out 574 00:37:45,150 --> 00:37:45,858 Outside? 575 00:37:46,275 --> 00:37:47,566 I won't be able to step out of station 576 00:37:48,108 --> 00:37:49,858 I was filled with worries and problems 577 00:37:50,566 --> 00:37:53,525 Life is not meant for carrying problems and worries 578 00:37:53,858 --> 00:37:55,858 We have to categorize time for ourselves 579 00:37:56,108 --> 00:37:59,150 In police department murders and robberies were common 580 00:37:59,525 --> 00:38:01,858 but a girl like me asking for a date is a rare thing 581 00:38:02,358 --> 00:38:02,941 Even though It's difficult 582 00:38:03,191 --> 00:38:03,858 That's it 583 00:38:04,691 --> 00:38:05,691 I meant to say 584 00:38:06,316 --> 00:38:07,150 One should understand 585 00:38:07,816 --> 00:38:08,941 I will misunderstood 586 00:38:09,108 --> 00:38:09,691 Bye 587 00:38:13,066 --> 00:38:13,608 Aditya 588 00:38:13,608 --> 00:38:14,150 Uncle 589 00:38:14,150 --> 00:38:15,608 Mom has asked me money 590 00:38:15,608 --> 00:38:16,775 Take this and go to home 591 00:38:16,775 --> 00:38:17,275 Ok Uncle 592 00:38:18,483 --> 00:38:19,233 Uncle 593 00:38:20,316 --> 00:38:22,025 I missed my bag uncle 594 00:38:22,233 --> 00:38:23,150 I will check 595 00:38:23,400 --> 00:38:24,066 You first go home 596 00:38:24,066 --> 00:38:24,608 Ok 597 00:38:24,900 --> 00:38:25,566 Ok uncle 598 00:38:25,816 --> 00:38:26,316 Bye 599 00:38:48,566 --> 00:38:49,108 Hi sir 600 00:38:49,566 --> 00:38:50,691 Come Mr. Vihaan Varma 601 00:38:55,775 --> 00:38:59,441 As I told you. Two cases have been waiting for your arrival 602 00:39:29,108 --> 00:39:32,316 Sir, I think you have been offered to hunt on your arrival 603 00:39:33,108 --> 00:39:34,608 One robbery and one murder 604 00:39:34,608 --> 00:39:36,233 Robbery is fine. Who is this murderer sir? 605 00:39:40,358 --> 00:39:41,608 Dadu 606 00:39:49,108 --> 00:39:51,108 I have informed you to take care of him safely 607 00:39:52,900 --> 00:39:55,066 You bloody you haven't taken proper care of my brother 608 00:40:01,233 --> 00:40:04,108 How much you charge to woke up a coma patient 609 00:40:05,441 --> 00:40:07,441 I pray for only two persons 610 00:40:07,441 --> 00:40:11,608 One is a doctor who give life to mankind 611 00:40:11,608 --> 00:40:13,983 and the other is this gun which will kill mankind 612 00:40:14,858 --> 00:40:17,400 Decide yourself. What do you want 613 00:40:18,275 --> 00:40:20,275 Life is more important than money sir. 614 00:40:20,566 --> 00:40:23,650 We will keep trying all our experiences on him 615 00:40:24,191 --> 00:40:26,025 Pandu has appointed a person 616 00:40:26,358 --> 00:40:28,108 Now, two of them went to underground 617 00:40:29,108 --> 00:40:29,858 Pandu 618 00:40:31,025 --> 00:40:31,941 I did a Mistake 619 00:40:32,358 --> 00:40:34,358 I have spared his life by not killing him 620 00:40:35,650 --> 00:40:37,650 It has separted me from my brother 621 00:40:37,983 --> 00:40:38,608 I will not leave 622 00:40:38,816 --> 00:40:39,733 Where are you B*****d 623 00:40:40,150 --> 00:40:40,983 Will get caught 624 00:40:41,400 --> 00:40:43,400 He will be caught for sure 625 00:40:45,608 --> 00:40:48,650 Keep a mirror(3*2) and a white board In front of me. 626 00:41:03,025 --> 00:41:05,025 The total amount in robbery bag is Fifty lakhs 627 00:41:05,358 --> 00:41:07,733 If the robbery has happened on the same day merchant got money 628 00:41:07,733 --> 00:41:12,358 Then for sure he might know the cash flow and had planned accordingly 629 00:41:13,900 --> 00:41:16,483 He might be a close associate or else he might be the one who reside in merchant area 630 00:41:20,275 --> 00:41:23,733 They have waited till the merchant received the amount and then planned to rob him 631 00:41:23,733 --> 00:41:27,233 The plan has been executed by one, two or three members 632 00:41:27,275 --> 00:41:30,775 There is only one entrance to enter into merchant home 633 00:41:30,941 --> 00:41:33,233 but we don't have CCTV on the roadway 634 00:41:33,358 --> 00:41:35,941 We have CCTV installed in colony entrance 635 00:41:37,900 --> 00:41:40,233 Robbery has happened between 1 A.M to 5 A.M 636 00:41:40,483 --> 00:41:44,858 We have to collect CCTV footage which was recorded between this timings 637 00:41:44,858 --> 00:41:46,983 We have to mark the people who found doubtful 638 00:41:50,233 --> 00:41:52,066 Number two: Dadu Murder 639 00:41:53,316 --> 00:41:54,691 Few days back 640 00:41:54,691 --> 00:41:56,691 Ravath has killed Pandu's brother 641 00:41:56,900 --> 00:41:59,691 In that enmity Pandu planned murder on Dadu 642 00:42:00,191 --> 00:42:01,941 By the information we have know 643 00:42:02,108 --> 00:42:06,900 Pandu has appointed a silent killer and killed Dadu when Ravath is not in home 644 00:42:07,066 --> 00:42:09,691 Now Ravath is haunting Pandu sleeplessly 645 00:42:10,191 --> 00:42:12,650 If we catch Pandu then we can file the case 646 00:42:12,691 --> 00:42:15,275 If Ravath found him then case will be closed 647 00:42:15,275 --> 00:42:17,566 Sir, If silent killer has killed Dadu 648 00:42:17,775 --> 00:42:19,566 Then why we are catching Pandu 649 00:42:19,941 --> 00:42:20,733 Look Shivaji 650 00:42:21,191 --> 00:42:21,983 If you got hit by a stone 651 00:42:22,483 --> 00:42:24,858 Will you beat the stone or you beat the one who has thrown the stone 652 00:42:25,691 --> 00:42:26,941 I will beat the one who have thrown the stone 653 00:42:27,775 --> 00:42:29,483 The silent killer is the stone here 654 00:42:29,691 --> 00:42:31,400 Pandu is the one who had thrown the stone 655 00:42:31,608 --> 00:42:33,650 Go to the merchant area and collect CCTV footage 656 00:42:33,650 --> 00:42:35,108 Sir, again I have small doubt 657 00:42:35,108 --> 00:42:37,108 If I look into mirror I will get energy 658 00:42:37,108 --> 00:42:39,775 Then only my brain will work in a creative way 659 00:42:40,150 --> 00:42:41,858 Each one will have their own success secrets 660 00:42:42,233 --> 00:42:44,108 You thought of asking the same question right 661 00:42:44,108 --> 00:42:44,608 Yes sir 662 00:42:45,108 --> 00:42:46,566 You go and collect footage 663 00:42:46,566 --> 00:42:47,150 Ok sir 664 00:42:53,733 --> 00:42:54,483 He will be caught 665 00:42:55,275 --> 00:42:56,858 Wherever he is. He will be caught 666 00:43:04,191 --> 00:43:04,983 One robbery 667 00:43:04,983 --> 00:43:05,816 One murder 668 00:43:06,483 --> 00:43:07,566 Were happened while I am in duty 669 00:43:09,275 --> 00:43:10,316 This is my responsibility 670 00:43:11,108 --> 00:43:12,691 I need a small clue in order to solve this 671 00:43:13,650 --> 00:43:14,316 Who? 672 00:43:15,191 --> 00:43:15,816 How? 673 00:43:16,358 --> 00:43:17,691 I got a bike sound while I was sleeping 674 00:43:18,275 --> 00:43:18,983 Who would be that? 675 00:43:19,608 --> 00:43:20,316 One 676 00:43:20,691 --> 00:43:21,566 Two 677 00:43:21,566 --> 00:43:22,858 How it has happened? 678 00:43:23,108 --> 00:43:23,900 Small clue 679 00:43:24,733 --> 00:43:25,691 Small clue 680 00:43:39,150 --> 00:43:40,483 This is the policemen house we are looking for 681 00:43:42,566 --> 00:43:46,025 Shall we go inside or shall we make him to come outside 682 00:44:09,900 --> 00:44:10,691 What Happened? 683 00:44:12,650 --> 00:44:13,733 Why all my things have broken? 684 00:44:15,108 --> 00:44:15,691 Who came? 685 00:44:17,525 --> 00:44:18,441 My diary used to be here 686 00:44:29,691 --> 00:44:30,316 Mother 687 00:44:32,358 --> 00:44:33,650 Did any one came to my room? 688 00:44:33,733 --> 00:44:37,233 Who else will come apart from you and me Aditya 689 00:44:37,233 --> 00:44:38,608 What Happened Aditya? 690 00:44:39,108 --> 00:44:40,400 Nothing mother 691 00:44:44,025 --> 00:44:45,066 Diary was placed here itself 692 00:44:45,608 --> 00:44:46,816 Diary found missing 693 00:45:00,775 --> 00:45:01,775 What is this? 694 00:45:02,191 --> 00:45:05,275 It was my address 695 00:45:26,358 --> 00:45:27,608 It's your work. 696 00:45:51,525 --> 00:45:52,400 Why are you here 697 00:45:52,525 --> 00:45:53,150 I came for you 698 00:45:53,441 --> 00:45:54,775 Why you came for me 699 00:45:55,275 --> 00:45:57,025 Earlier you told me that we will go outside right 700 00:45:57,025 --> 00:45:57,983 Shall we go today 701 00:45:57,983 --> 00:45:59,650 You meant to say outside 702 00:45:59,650 --> 00:46:03,816 How it would be possible If your life is filled with works, tensions, cases and problems 703 00:46:05,066 --> 00:46:06,441 She is playing with me in correct time 704 00:46:06,900 --> 00:46:09,275 I meant to say that in life If we categorize time to ourselves 705 00:46:09,858 --> 00:46:10,733 We will live happily 706 00:46:11,150 --> 00:46:12,483 Someone has told you right? 707 00:46:12,483 --> 00:46:14,483 Forget about the one who taught it as the timing was perfect 708 00:46:14,483 --> 00:46:16,483 Then use the situation for yourself 709 00:46:16,483 --> 00:46:17,400 How come? 710 00:46:18,566 --> 00:46:19,233 That's it right 711 00:46:19,400 --> 00:46:21,858 Earlier when I've requested you then you have rejected it 712 00:46:22,233 --> 00:46:25,275 In this company itself Hanika hold hard core fans 713 00:46:25,316 --> 00:46:27,316 Do you know hundreds of men were following me 714 00:46:27,316 --> 00:46:29,566 Then you might have called someone in that herd 715 00:46:29,566 --> 00:46:30,608 Why did you call me 716 00:46:31,983 --> 00:46:33,983 I didn't find Aditya in them 717 00:46:35,816 --> 00:46:36,358 What 718 00:50:11,233 --> 00:50:13,233 I think you were in some tension 719 00:50:13,775 --> 00:50:15,233 Police duty is meant for tensions 720 00:50:16,233 --> 00:50:19,108 No need to get worried unnecessarily 721 00:50:19,108 --> 00:50:20,108 Be cool 722 00:50:21,025 --> 00:50:24,150 Think about how to get rid of worries 723 00:50:27,275 --> 00:50:28,358 I've Cogitated 724 00:50:28,691 --> 00:50:29,483 What 725 00:50:30,066 --> 00:50:32,483 I was thinking about how to get rid of tensions 726 00:50:33,275 --> 00:50:33,983 What to do 727 00:50:34,858 --> 00:50:36,191 It's in your hands 728 00:50:36,816 --> 00:50:38,025 In my hands 729 00:50:38,025 --> 00:50:38,650 Yes 730 00:50:39,483 --> 00:50:40,483 Kiss me 731 00:50:41,025 --> 00:50:41,525 Kiss 732 00:50:41,525 --> 00:50:42,775 Yeah..Kiss 733 00:50:42,775 --> 00:50:44,941 When we are in tension If we kiss 734 00:50:45,316 --> 00:50:50,900 All the parts in our body will recommend brain through nervous to share that happiness 735 00:50:51,233 --> 00:50:53,775 i.e. the reason If we kiss for two or more minutes 736 00:50:54,150 --> 00:50:56,733 Nervous will get activated and mind will be relaxed 737 00:50:56,941 --> 00:50:59,233 Then Zero pressure Zero tension 738 00:51:00,191 --> 00:51:01,108 Who told this to you 739 00:51:01,525 --> 00:51:02,900 I've read it in a book 740 00:51:03,191 --> 00:51:03,858 Yeah 741 00:51:04,858 --> 00:51:08,441 Then go and ask the one who has written the book for a kiss 742 00:51:08,691 --> 00:51:09,566 No kiss business 743 00:51:10,483 --> 00:51:12,316 There is no Kiss and Buffalo egg 744 00:51:13,983 --> 00:51:15,191 He wants kiss? 745 00:51:19,941 --> 00:51:20,525 Brother 746 00:51:20,858 --> 00:51:21,900 Bike got punctured 747 00:51:22,358 --> 00:51:23,441 I have informed in station 748 00:51:23,566 --> 00:51:24,441 For today we have to stay here itself 749 00:51:47,108 --> 00:51:47,733 What Happend? 750 00:51:48,608 --> 00:51:49,816 We are trying our best sir 751 00:51:51,108 --> 00:51:54,900 Patients who are in coma will come out in any minute within 24 hours sir. 752 00:51:55,066 --> 00:52:01,941 Being a doctor you might know the pulse of my heart by the vibrations while I am talking 753 00:52:04,108 --> 00:52:05,775 Within 24 hrs 754 00:52:06,316 --> 00:52:09,983 If they didn't woke up then you will be sent to coma 755 00:52:12,108 --> 00:52:12,691 Dadu 756 00:52:14,025 --> 00:52:17,941 I have killed the one who distributed you when you are sleeping 757 00:52:19,441 --> 00:52:22,733 You have been sent to heaven permanently by one person 758 00:52:24,400 --> 00:52:29,608 If he get caught then once think about how cruel his death would be 759 00:52:31,608 --> 00:52:34,566 I will not leave wherever he is 760 00:52:38,441 --> 00:52:40,441 We have identified three persons who found to be doubtful 761 00:52:40,608 --> 00:52:41,691 Look at this CCTV footage sir 762 00:52:41,858 --> 00:52:43,566 At 12'o clock in merchant area 763 00:52:43,691 --> 00:52:45,358 One person entered into that area by bike 764 00:52:45,358 --> 00:52:47,358 The same person at night 1.30 765 00:52:47,358 --> 00:52:50,150 Without bike he ran out of fear with a bag 766 00:52:53,816 --> 00:52:55,066 After that single person went away 767 00:52:55,066 --> 00:52:57,858 At night 2'o clock two anonymous persons went inside 768 00:52:58,066 --> 00:53:00,191 Even those two persons went away without any bike at night 3'o clock 769 00:53:00,191 --> 00:53:02,400 They ran out of fear and tension 770 00:53:02,525 --> 00:53:05,358 Merchant has informed us regarding robbery by early morning 6 A.M 771 00:53:05,691 --> 00:53:07,733 In the same time our policeman who were in patrolling 772 00:53:07,733 --> 00:53:10,191 have drank and slept by turning off walkie talkie 773 00:53:13,025 --> 00:53:15,733 After that our men went to the spot by 6.30 A.M 774 00:53:17,900 --> 00:53:18,691 What's your name 775 00:53:18,775 --> 00:53:19,900 Bala Gangadhar Tilak sir 776 00:53:21,983 --> 00:53:23,983 Even if third world war happened 777 00:53:23,983 --> 00:53:25,566 India shouldn't be worried 778 00:53:25,566 --> 00:53:26,900 Why are you getting that much excited 779 00:53:26,900 --> 00:53:28,066 I thought you will compliment me sir 780 00:53:31,608 --> 00:53:34,483 Did you catch any criminal in order to compliment you 781 00:53:35,025 --> 00:53:37,025 Zoom that man whom you have freezed 782 00:53:37,025 --> 00:53:38,566 Ok sir. Zoom it man 783 00:53:49,150 --> 00:53:50,608 I have seen him somewhere 784 00:53:56,900 --> 00:53:58,900 I have seen him in our station criminal board list 785 00:54:16,025 --> 00:54:18,025 Sir, In our criminal board list 786 00:54:18,316 --> 00:54:19,775 There is a guy wearing a blue t-shirt 787 00:54:22,066 --> 00:54:22,816 Ha yes sir 788 00:54:22,816 --> 00:54:25,150 Message me his complete case details 789 00:54:44,275 --> 00:54:45,608 This is our Hero house 790 00:54:54,858 --> 00:54:57,233 Where is the amount that you have robbed from merchant home 791 00:54:57,566 --> 00:54:59,233 50 lakhs? Who the hell are you? 792 00:55:00,316 --> 00:55:01,650 My Introduction isn't necessary 793 00:55:01,775 --> 00:55:02,775 You have to answer 794 00:55:03,191 --> 00:55:03,816 Not the police 795 00:55:04,441 --> 00:55:06,233 Sir, Why I will do robbery? 796 00:55:06,650 --> 00:55:08,650 What is need for me to rob 797 00:55:09,691 --> 00:55:10,733 You are acting well 798 00:55:11,650 --> 00:55:13,066 During midnight at merchant premises 799 00:55:13,650 --> 00:55:17,233 time will be like 1.30 A.M. Aren't you the one running with a bag? 800 00:55:20,983 --> 00:55:22,233 Sir, I am the one who is going with the bag 801 00:55:22,483 --> 00:55:23,816 Look, the bag is here itself 802 00:55:26,400 --> 00:55:28,400 The reason why I went away with that bag 803 00:55:28,400 --> 00:55:30,108 What happened last night was 804 00:55:34,233 --> 00:55:35,900 Priya, I was waiting in front of your home 805 00:55:37,275 --> 00:55:39,650 I have already informed you that I will take care of the money 806 00:55:40,816 --> 00:55:42,691 Now, your parents won't accept us 807 00:55:42,691 --> 00:55:43,358 You come fast 808 00:55:46,816 --> 00:55:47,983 Priya, come fast 809 00:55:48,108 --> 00:55:49,316 Where are you going 810 00:55:49,316 --> 00:55:50,733 Because of you my dignity is been lost 811 00:55:50,733 --> 00:55:51,400 Dad, Please 812 00:55:51,775 --> 00:55:52,275 Move inside 813 00:56:25,441 --> 00:56:26,733 I have ran away in that way sir 814 00:56:26,733 --> 00:56:28,483 I was not aware any kind of robbery sir 815 00:56:28,483 --> 00:56:29,025 Then 816 00:56:29,691 --> 00:56:31,233 Why your photo has been included in the wanted list 817 00:56:32,775 --> 00:56:36,233 Sir, a case has been lodged by her father that I've tried to kidnap his girl 818 00:56:36,233 --> 00:56:37,358 Check if you want 819 00:56:37,691 --> 00:56:38,566 One minute sir 820 00:56:45,941 --> 00:56:46,525 Yes sir. 821 00:56:46,858 --> 00:56:49,983 Girl parents have lodged a complaint that he had tried to kidnap her 822 00:56:55,358 --> 00:56:56,025 We have disturbed you 823 00:56:56,025 --> 00:56:56,733 It's fine sir 824 00:56:57,275 --> 00:56:58,525 Did you think that I would say sorry 825 00:57:05,983 --> 00:57:06,566 That means 826 00:57:07,733 --> 00:57:08,441 Robbery was done by 827 00:57:09,608 --> 00:57:10,608 the two persons who were left 828 00:57:11,816 --> 00:57:12,400 Where are they? 829 00:57:28,066 --> 00:57:29,025 One week back 830 00:57:29,400 --> 00:57:30,858 Robbery has happened in merchant home right 831 00:57:31,358 --> 00:57:33,025 We know who did that robbery 832 00:57:33,191 --> 00:57:33,816 Who are you? 833 00:57:34,441 --> 00:57:36,191 Who am I? It's not Important. 834 00:57:36,191 --> 00:57:39,150 I have complete evidence regarding that robbery 835 00:57:39,441 --> 00:57:40,608 Why are you telling me all that 836 00:57:40,858 --> 00:57:41,775 You have to inform it in station 837 00:57:42,483 --> 00:57:45,275 Once you come here then you will know why I've informed you 838 00:57:46,191 --> 00:57:46,816 Where I've to come 839 00:57:47,483 --> 00:57:49,358 You will receive a phone call by 7. Answer the cal 840 00:57:49,733 --> 00:57:51,983 You will be in the address once the phone got disconnected 841 00:58:03,733 --> 00:58:04,858 I've reached the spot which you have told 842 00:58:05,191 --> 00:58:06,900 Ok fine. Come forward in that way 843 00:58:36,816 --> 00:58:38,400 Hey. Who the hell are you man? 844 00:58:38,858 --> 00:58:40,233 Tell us where did you hide the bag? 845 00:58:40,983 --> 00:58:41,733 Which bag man? 846 00:58:42,150 --> 00:58:43,108 Where is the bag man? 847 00:58:49,358 --> 00:58:50,066 Who the hell are you man? 848 01:00:48,066 --> 01:00:48,566 Hello 849 01:00:48,566 --> 01:00:51,483 Aditya my bike got punctured at the bus stand when I am on my way to home from office. 850 01:00:52,025 --> 01:00:52,900 No one is here 851 01:00:53,150 --> 01:00:54,608 I was bit tensed 852 01:00:54,900 --> 01:00:56,400 Can you please come urgently 853 01:00:56,983 --> 01:00:57,816 Ok I am coming 854 01:01:07,733 --> 01:01:08,816 Thank god! 855 01:01:13,775 --> 01:01:14,400 What sir 856 01:01:15,108 --> 01:01:16,691 I think you are not in a good mood 857 01:01:17,275 --> 01:01:18,525 One guy called me in the evening 858 01:01:18,983 --> 01:01:20,816 He said that he will share robbery evidence details 859 01:01:20,816 --> 01:01:21,483 Can you please stop 860 01:01:23,441 --> 01:01:26,566 Instead of talking with the beautiful girl who is accompanying you 861 01:01:27,066 --> 01:01:30,483 Every time you discuss this Cases, Tensions and problems 862 01:01:30,733 --> 01:01:33,066 You are acting like the way that you are catching all the criminals 863 01:01:33,983 --> 01:01:35,858 At least, If you are with me 864 01:01:35,858 --> 01:01:37,525 Keep aside your worries 865 01:01:37,525 --> 01:01:40,608 Can you please spend some time by discussing about ourselves 866 01:01:43,233 --> 01:01:46,483 Look, the nature is being so supportive 867 01:01:46,483 --> 01:01:50,150 But my bad luck is that I was loving mood off Aditya 868 01:01:50,316 --> 01:01:51,858 It's not sufficient being a good boy 869 01:01:52,025 --> 01:01:53,150 Sometimes 870 01:01:54,108 --> 01:01:55,483 You should behave like smart boy 871 01:01:55,483 --> 01:01:56,275 Are you listening? 872 01:02:00,983 --> 01:02:01,775 Hey stop 873 01:02:02,275 --> 01:02:03,400 I am not talking even a bit 874 01:02:03,400 --> 01:02:05,400 I have asked you to stop the bike but not our conversation 875 01:02:07,733 --> 01:02:09,650 Will you take straight into my home or what 876 01:02:10,816 --> 01:02:11,816 Hey, I forgot 877 01:02:12,358 --> 01:02:14,650 I bought a gift for you 878 01:02:14,650 --> 01:02:15,275 What is that 879 01:02:15,608 --> 01:02:16,150 Pen 880 01:02:16,900 --> 01:02:18,233 By the way it's laser pen 881 01:02:18,775 --> 01:02:21,233 If we want to look for visuals while we are writing 882 01:02:21,233 --> 01:02:22,650 We have to turnoff lights 883 01:02:22,650 --> 01:02:24,358 Visuals can only be seen during night time 884 01:02:29,233 --> 01:02:29,941 Ok 885 01:02:59,525 --> 01:03:01,191 Who are those two people who have attacked me? 886 01:03:02,816 --> 01:03:03,983 They are telling something about bag 887 01:03:06,066 --> 01:03:07,400 I am unable to understand a bit 888 01:03:36,733 --> 01:03:38,150 Who are you? 889 01:04:16,566 --> 01:04:17,233 What is it mother? 890 01:04:17,900 --> 01:04:19,233 Today is important day for me 891 01:04:19,233 --> 01:04:20,483 I am going to temple 892 01:04:20,691 --> 01:04:21,691 I have done tiffin for you 893 01:04:21,733 --> 01:04:23,733 Get ready yourself and have your tiffin 894 01:04:23,733 --> 01:04:24,525 Ok mother 895 01:04:27,150 --> 01:04:27,816 What happened my dear son? 896 01:04:28,316 --> 01:04:29,691 You look so different? 897 01:04:30,566 --> 01:04:32,816 Nothing mother. Just now I've woken up 898 01:04:33,525 --> 01:04:34,400 Ok fine 899 01:04:35,191 --> 01:04:35,733 I will make a move 900 01:04:44,275 --> 01:04:46,691 What is this from and to Aditya 901 01:04:53,691 --> 01:04:54,191 Hello 902 01:04:54,191 --> 01:04:55,983 Last night I have handed over a bag to you. 903 01:04:56,275 --> 01:04:57,400 I have kept a file in that bag 904 01:04:57,775 --> 01:04:58,608 Hand it over in the station 905 01:04:59,525 --> 01:05:00,816 You were talking about which bag uncle 906 01:05:00,816 --> 01:05:02,816 You have taken the bag while we are at the gate 907 01:05:02,816 --> 01:05:03,858 I have handed it over to you 908 01:05:04,316 --> 01:05:05,650 How come I have taken the bag uncle? 909 01:05:05,941 --> 01:05:08,025 It's you only man at midnight 1.30 like that 910 01:05:08,566 --> 01:05:10,566 You have taken that bag 911 01:05:10,566 --> 01:05:11,525 I have handed it over to you 912 01:05:12,233 --> 01:05:13,691 F**K. How come I've taken Uncle 913 01:05:19,775 --> 01:05:20,858 Robbery was done by you Aditya 914 01:05:20,858 --> 01:05:22,233 Murder was done by you Aditya 915 01:05:22,358 --> 01:05:23,650 Check the diary which is in the cupboard 916 01:05:41,816 --> 01:05:42,900 What is this 917 01:05:42,900 --> 01:05:44,108 Who have written this diary 918 01:05:46,108 --> 01:05:47,400 Hand writing was same 919 01:05:48,275 --> 01:05:49,775 The robbery was done by you Aditya 920 01:05:49,775 --> 01:05:51,233 The murder was done by you Aditya 921 01:05:51,900 --> 01:05:53,275 Robbery evidences are in the bag 922 01:05:53,441 --> 01:05:54,858 It's you who have done it Aditya 923 01:05:55,358 --> 01:05:56,400 Who has written this diary? 924 01:05:56,983 --> 01:05:57,941 Who has written this diary? 925 01:05:58,525 --> 01:05:59,400 What is this? 926 01:06:10,483 --> 01:06:11,191 Uncle 927 01:06:12,400 --> 01:06:13,525 My bag is missing 928 01:06:46,400 --> 01:06:46,983 Arjun 929 01:06:57,525 --> 01:06:58,608 Hello Hanika 930 01:06:58,775 --> 01:07:00,441 Last night as I haven't given kiss to you 931 01:07:00,775 --> 01:07:02,566 Directly you came to my home to kiss me 932 01:07:02,566 --> 01:07:03,525 My dad has seen us 933 01:07:03,525 --> 01:07:04,525 Big fight has happened 934 01:07:04,525 --> 01:07:06,650 On the top of that you have taken selfie's in mobile 935 01:07:06,650 --> 01:07:08,650 Ho god! It's not me Hanika 936 01:07:11,441 --> 01:07:12,066 Shit! 937 01:07:13,525 --> 01:07:14,650 One robbery and one murder 938 01:08:02,441 --> 01:08:05,608 I get to know before half second that life will turn even in one second 939 01:08:06,025 --> 01:08:09,525 My own brother has targeted me at the right time after fifteen years 940 01:08:09,650 --> 01:08:10,566 I didn't expect it 941 01:08:23,150 --> 01:08:23,816 One robbery 942 01:08:24,233 --> 01:08:24,983 One Murder 943 01:08:25,191 --> 01:08:26,441 I have kissed Hanika 944 01:08:26,733 --> 01:08:28,025 Bag which was taken from the uncle 945 01:08:28,025 --> 01:08:30,025 Without my permission the one who created ruckus by entering into my room 946 01:08:30,733 --> 01:08:31,358 It's Arjun 947 01:08:32,275 --> 01:08:33,066 Where are you Man? 948 01:08:35,775 --> 01:08:36,316 Mother 949 01:08:38,775 --> 01:08:40,108 [Mother]: What happened Aditya? [Aditya]: Mother, Arjun 950 01:08:41,733 --> 01:08:45,150 Arjun is trying to trap me in a murder and robbery 951 01:08:45,150 --> 01:08:46,900 He has kissed Hanika and trapped me into it 952 01:08:46,900 --> 01:08:49,566 He has taken a bag from uncle and placed a knife in it. 953 01:08:49,733 --> 01:08:52,233 As I resemble like him. He has done everything in order to trap me 954 01:08:52,566 --> 01:08:53,983 He has ended my life 955 01:08:53,983 --> 01:08:54,900 What are you talking? 956 01:08:54,900 --> 01:08:56,025 Arjun came? 957 01:08:56,025 --> 01:08:57,358 Mother, Arjun has did this 958 01:08:57,733 --> 01:09:00,858 After 15 years, he came back in order to take revenge on me 959 01:09:01,066 --> 01:09:03,983 How come Arjun will come back as he was dead 15 years back 960 01:09:03,983 --> 01:09:05,441 Mother, I am telling you the fact 961 01:09:09,483 --> 01:09:10,733 Arjun Dead?? 962 01:09:16,941 --> 01:09:20,108 Yes. Arjun was dead 963 01:09:22,691 --> 01:09:23,983 What are you telling mother? 964 01:09:25,566 --> 01:09:26,983 He has escaped from home when he was kid 965 01:09:28,566 --> 01:09:32,733 Yes he died in front of my eyes 966 01:09:33,650 --> 01:09:35,650 Today is his death anniversary 967 01:09:36,400 --> 01:09:39,066 i.e. the reason I've visited the temple 968 01:09:39,275 --> 01:09:41,691 Oh My god! 969 01:09:48,025 --> 01:09:48,983 Arjun was Dead? 970 01:10:03,400 --> 01:10:05,941 If Arjun is not alive? Who is this in CCTV footage 971 01:10:06,775 --> 01:10:09,608 Who has kissed Hanika and Who has taken bag from uncle? 972 01:10:09,816 --> 01:10:11,816 Who has created all this by writing letters 973 01:10:13,233 --> 01:10:15,400 If it's not Arjun or me then who have done this? 974 01:10:17,025 --> 01:10:18,316 Who have done this 975 01:10:40,566 --> 01:10:45,858 During Childhood upon on his anger against me Arjun ran away infront of my eyes 976 01:10:47,316 --> 01:10:48,900 Then, how come Arjun is dead 977 01:10:51,275 --> 01:10:55,066 Till now, what's the real truth behind all the lies that I've believed in Mother 978 01:10:56,358 --> 01:10:57,108 Please tell me mother 979 01:11:00,066 --> 01:11:03,733 I will leave. I will leave . I will leave 980 01:11:08,941 --> 01:11:10,941 Arjun Stop 981 01:11:31,316 --> 01:11:32,775 Please stop my dear 982 01:11:56,316 --> 01:11:58,316 Please getup Arjun 983 01:12:03,775 --> 01:12:05,066 Doctor. My son 984 01:12:15,608 --> 01:12:17,608 It's been too long since the kid died 985 01:12:34,191 --> 01:12:35,275 My dear son Aditya 986 01:12:40,358 --> 01:12:41,900 What are you doing here Shanti? 987 01:12:44,441 --> 01:12:45,608 What happened to Aditya? 988 01:12:46,025 --> 01:12:48,025 All of a sudden he fell down in the couch 989 01:12:48,691 --> 01:12:51,608 I rushed him to hospital Immediately. Even I don't know what has happened 990 01:12:52,566 --> 01:12:54,900 [Surya Father]: Doctor, My dear kid surya [Doctor]: I will take care 991 01:12:58,233 --> 01:12:59,525 By the way Shanthi where is Arjun? 992 01:13:02,400 --> 01:13:03,483 My dear Arjun 993 01:13:03,608 --> 01:13:05,525 What has happened to you Arjun? 994 01:13:05,525 --> 01:13:06,566 woke up my dear son 995 01:13:06,858 --> 01:13:07,650 My dear son 996 01:13:07,941 --> 01:13:09,525 Please talk to me 997 01:13:10,233 --> 01:13:11,816 Doctor, What happened to my kid 998 01:13:11,816 --> 01:13:13,441 No need to worry 999 01:13:13,858 --> 01:13:18,066 The kid has thought of something very deeply and was disturbed mentally and emotionally 1000 01:13:18,066 --> 01:13:19,775 which lead him to unconscious state 1001 01:13:19,775 --> 01:13:24,233 Kid is too sensitive. Incidents which will shock him about his weakness 1002 01:13:24,233 --> 01:13:26,358 and also if we stop telling him the things which disturb him emotionally 1003 01:13:26,566 --> 01:13:27,775 It will be better for him 1004 01:13:27,775 --> 01:13:29,775 or else it would be dangerous to him 1005 01:13:29,775 --> 01:13:31,150 You can go and see the kid 1006 01:13:34,483 --> 01:13:35,775 Please Arjun 1007 01:13:36,483 --> 01:13:37,483 Come back 1008 01:13:37,483 --> 01:13:39,483 Because of me you are running away from home 1009 01:13:39,483 --> 01:13:40,900 Come back Arjun 1010 01:13:41,066 --> 01:13:43,441 I can't live without you 1011 01:13:43,566 --> 01:13:44,650 Please Arjun 1012 01:13:49,483 --> 01:13:49,983 Aditya 1013 01:13:51,316 --> 01:13:52,025 Aditya 1014 01:13:56,025 --> 01:13:57,316 What happened to me mother 1015 01:13:57,316 --> 01:13:58,525 Where is Arjun mother? 1016 01:13:58,525 --> 01:14:00,150 Nothing happened to you Aditya 1017 01:14:01,108 --> 01:14:05,566 Aditya, just now he has spoken with me. He is bit angry on you so, he left 1018 01:14:05,566 --> 01:14:08,566 He said he will return once his anger issues were sorted 1019 01:14:11,733 --> 01:14:13,400 Seriously. Will he return back mother? 1020 01:14:13,400 --> 01:14:15,483 He will not come if you cry or if you feel depressed. 1021 01:14:15,816 --> 01:14:16,441 Ok 1022 01:14:16,441 --> 01:14:17,191 I will not cry Mother 1023 01:14:26,608 --> 01:14:32,900 You're mentally disturbed as you think that Arjun ran away because of you 1024 01:14:33,816 --> 01:14:36,733 and you've been into unconscious state 1025 01:14:38,816 --> 01:14:42,066 If you get to know that he died in an accident because of you 1026 01:14:42,775 --> 01:14:44,775 Due to fear that some thing will happen to you 1027 01:14:44,775 --> 01:14:47,358 I have hidden the truth on that day 1028 01:14:47,400 --> 01:14:51,191 I have made you to believe the lie 1029 01:15:08,150 --> 01:15:09,816 If Arjun is not in my life 1030 01:15:12,566 --> 01:15:13,608 Then, who the hell did this? 1031 01:15:15,858 --> 01:15:16,733 If he's not alive 1032 01:15:17,483 --> 01:15:18,400 If I haven't done this 1033 01:15:18,900 --> 01:15:19,483 Who the hell is he? 1034 01:15:20,233 --> 01:15:21,233 Who the hell is he? 1035 01:15:35,525 --> 01:15:36,775 What's really happening? 1036 01:15:46,233 --> 01:15:48,983 Were all the facilities good? 1037 01:15:50,108 --> 01:15:56,025 I have done a small mistake in my life is setting you free by killing your brother 1038 01:15:56,900 --> 01:15:58,900 I was separated from my brother due to that mistake 1039 01:15:59,233 --> 01:16:01,733 I don't have any idea of sorrow and fear 1040 01:16:01,941 --> 01:16:06,483 but because of you I have been introduced to sorrow and it was being a part in my body 1041 01:16:06,941 --> 01:16:08,775 After introducing sorrow to me 1042 01:16:09,233 --> 01:16:11,400 You came here to spend time happily here 1043 01:16:11,400 --> 01:16:12,691 I will kill you bastard 1044 01:16:14,566 --> 01:16:15,858 I didn't kill your brother 1045 01:16:16,191 --> 01:16:16,733 What? 1046 01:16:17,025 --> 01:16:17,525 Yes 1047 01:16:17,650 --> 01:16:19,191 We have planned to kill him 1048 01:16:19,191 --> 01:16:21,775 someone has killed your brother prior 1049 01:16:22,275 --> 01:16:24,733 For the sake of money my guy has told me that he has killed him 1050 01:16:25,441 --> 01:16:27,441 Even we know that we have planned to kill 1051 01:16:27,691 --> 01:16:29,691 I have hided here in order to save my life 1052 01:16:30,025 --> 01:16:31,025 Then who might it would be? 1053 01:16:37,983 --> 01:16:40,025 Brother he is telling us lies so, that he can escape 1054 01:16:43,275 --> 01:16:45,275 No..Please No 1055 01:16:47,566 --> 01:16:49,358 Our men came out of coma 1056 01:17:05,691 --> 01:17:10,316 By bringing them out of coma you have escaped from going to coma 1057 01:17:11,858 --> 01:17:14,525 Can you recognize the one who killed my brother? 1058 01:17:14,525 --> 01:17:15,650 We can recognize brother 1059 01:17:15,983 --> 01:17:17,066 How he looks? 1060 01:17:17,066 --> 01:17:18,358 He is not a normal man 1061 01:17:18,483 --> 01:17:20,483 He killed Dadu brother in a glance 1062 01:17:26,108 --> 01:17:28,941 Did you understand my question 1063 01:17:29,316 --> 01:17:31,150 I asked you how he look like? 1064 01:17:31,941 --> 01:17:33,400 I didn't asked about how much capable is he? 1065 01:17:34,191 --> 01:17:35,025 Bastard 1066 01:17:37,483 --> 01:17:44,108 You seem important to me or else the bullet will be triggered into your body instead of him 1067 01:17:48,108 --> 01:17:48,733 Brother 1068 01:17:49,233 --> 01:17:51,566 Take them and search and every lane 1069 01:17:51,775 --> 01:17:52,733 Ok brother [Don]: Search everywhere 1070 01:17:54,066 --> 01:17:55,358 I want him 1071 01:17:56,191 --> 01:17:58,608 Where he might be I should get him? 1072 01:17:59,025 --> 01:18:01,233 Tell me where did you hide the money? 1073 01:18:01,233 --> 01:18:02,066 Money 1074 01:18:02,066 --> 01:18:03,733 Where did you hide them? [Thief 1]: We will tell sir 1075 01:18:03,733 --> 01:18:04,983 Where did you hide money? 1076 01:18:05,983 --> 01:18:09,316 That robbery was done by us. But we didn't take the money sir 1077 01:18:09,316 --> 01:18:10,191 What? 1078 01:18:10,441 --> 01:18:11,691 Then who have taken that amount? 1079 01:18:12,191 --> 01:18:13,775 Your Policemen itself looted the amount from us sir. 1080 01:18:13,816 --> 01:18:14,400 What? 1081 01:18:14,733 --> 01:18:15,775 My policemen? 1082 01:18:16,150 --> 01:18:16,775 It's true sir 1083 01:18:16,775 --> 01:18:18,108 Can you recognize him? 1084 01:18:18,108 --> 01:18:19,650 Yes sir we can recognize 1085 01:18:23,066 --> 01:18:23,608 Ashok 1086 01:18:24,483 --> 01:18:24,983 Sir 1087 01:18:25,150 --> 01:18:26,900 The day of robbery in merchant home 1088 01:18:27,358 --> 01:18:28,816 Who are the night patrolling officers? 1089 01:18:28,816 --> 01:18:30,650 Kumar, Patanji and Aditya have been there 1090 01:18:30,650 --> 01:18:32,650 Kumar didn't went to duty on that day sir 1091 01:18:32,650 --> 01:18:34,066 So, Patanji and Aditya were there 1092 01:18:35,775 --> 01:18:36,441 Ok 1093 01:18:39,566 --> 01:18:41,275 Patanji and Aditya 1094 01:18:42,233 --> 01:18:44,775 But they slept after consuming alcohol on that day 1095 01:18:45,191 --> 01:18:49,316 May be it was a reason for them so that they can do robbery right 1096 01:18:52,733 --> 01:18:53,775 Apart from this people 1097 01:18:54,775 --> 01:18:56,775 Any other Policemen? 1098 01:18:58,358 --> 01:18:58,983 Uncle 1099 01:18:59,108 --> 01:18:59,816 What man 1100 01:18:59,816 --> 01:19:01,275 I need three days leave urgently 1101 01:19:01,941 --> 01:19:02,900 I have to attend friend Marriage 1102 01:19:19,066 --> 01:19:20,733 Whenever Aditya arrive to Police station 1103 01:19:21,191 --> 01:19:22,483 He will greet everyone 1104 01:19:23,441 --> 01:19:24,275 but today 1105 01:19:24,775 --> 01:19:26,400 He's going out with a tension 1106 01:19:26,400 --> 01:19:28,400 The tension which is caused when someone follows you. 1107 01:19:28,566 --> 01:19:29,983 He is carrying a fear face 1108 01:19:30,358 --> 01:19:34,566 This two symptoms were creating a doubt on him 1109 01:19:35,358 --> 01:19:36,025 Ashok 1110 01:19:36,983 --> 01:19:37,483 Sir 1111 01:19:37,483 --> 01:19:38,358 You do one thing 1112 01:19:38,358 --> 01:19:38,858 Sir 1113 01:19:38,941 --> 01:19:41,775 You keep spying on Aditya from now on in Mufti 1114 01:19:41,858 --> 01:19:42,358 Ok sir 1115 01:19:42,358 --> 01:19:43,358 Be in touch with me in phone 1116 01:19:48,358 --> 01:19:49,858 Ok. I will take care 1117 01:19:49,858 --> 01:19:50,900 You go and follow him 1118 01:19:50,941 --> 01:19:51,650 Ok sir 1119 01:19:55,775 --> 01:19:58,608 Earlier you have spoken outside with a person 1120 01:19:58,775 --> 01:20:00,566 Did he gave you the money Bag 1121 01:20:00,566 --> 01:20:01,275 He gave me Sir 1122 01:20:01,733 --> 01:20:02,316 When? 1123 01:20:02,650 --> 01:20:03,525 Where? 1124 01:20:03,983 --> 01:20:04,566 Why? 1125 01:20:04,900 --> 01:20:06,275 We are beggars sir 1126 01:20:06,983 --> 01:20:12,150 Exactly. Ten days back I have slept on a foot path in vasanth Nagar 1127 01:20:12,316 --> 01:20:15,566 That boy came near me and went away by handing over the bag with cash to me 1128 01:20:19,025 --> 01:20:21,566 Is he the one who gave you the Money Bag 1129 01:20:22,691 --> 01:20:23,691 Ha Yes sir 1130 01:20:23,900 --> 01:20:24,441 himself 1131 01:20:27,316 --> 01:20:29,983 Is he the one who have taken then money bag with you 1132 01:20:30,608 --> 01:20:32,191 Yes sir. He is the guy 1133 01:20:32,441 --> 01:20:33,316 Is he the guy? 1134 01:20:33,316 --> 01:20:33,816 Yes sir. He is the guy 1135 01:20:35,441 --> 01:20:36,066 Yes 1136 01:20:36,608 --> 01:20:37,233 Got it 1137 01:20:40,816 --> 01:20:41,775 Wait..Wait..Wait 1138 01:20:42,441 --> 01:20:45,608 He looted the money from this guys and have spared them 1139 01:20:46,025 --> 01:20:47,233 but also he haven't taken the money 1140 01:20:47,900 --> 01:20:49,150 He hasn't even diverted the case too 1141 01:20:49,525 --> 01:20:52,108 Why he has given the money to a beggar 1142 01:20:52,483 --> 01:20:54,025 and now he is telling that he hasn't given money to the beggar 1143 01:20:54,025 --> 01:20:55,650 He is acting like he wasn't aware of the beggar 1144 01:20:56,900 --> 01:20:59,233 Some where 1145 01:21:01,400 --> 01:21:02,025 Hello 1146 01:21:03,108 --> 01:21:04,233 Ravath has killed pandu 1147 01:21:04,233 --> 01:21:04,900 Hoo 1148 01:21:05,233 --> 01:21:05,733 Yes sir 1149 01:21:05,733 --> 01:21:06,358 Ok 1150 01:21:08,941 --> 01:21:10,733 I got clarity in murder mystery 1151 01:21:11,275 --> 01:21:14,816 They have settled among themselves 1152 01:21:14,941 --> 01:21:16,941 Aditya is the only who has done the robbery 1153 01:21:17,983 --> 01:21:21,900 Aditya has to give clarity to all the confusions in robbery 1154 01:21:27,650 --> 01:21:29,650 Where are you? 1155 01:21:44,275 --> 01:21:46,275 He's the one man 1156 01:21:47,608 --> 01:21:48,233 Hey 1157 01:21:48,233 --> 01:21:49,941 Catch that Bastard 1158 01:21:50,275 --> 01:21:51,191 Kill him 1159 01:21:51,691 --> 01:21:53,483 He's the one who killed our brother Dadu 1160 01:21:53,483 --> 01:21:54,441 Catch him and kill him 1161 01:21:54,441 --> 01:21:54,941 Hey 1162 01:21:55,400 --> 01:21:56,775 Check clearly once again you Idiots 1163 01:21:57,316 --> 01:21:59,316 They got the clarity that I have killed Dadu 1164 01:21:59,566 --> 01:22:01,483 But I am travelling with confusions 1165 01:22:08,983 --> 01:22:11,150 We have found the one who killed our brother Dadu 1166 01:22:11,691 --> 01:22:12,608 Where did you find him? 1167 01:22:19,483 --> 01:22:20,733 Catch that bastard 1168 01:22:26,108 --> 01:22:26,900 Aditya 1169 01:22:34,858 --> 01:22:35,733 Where is he? 1170 01:22:37,316 --> 01:22:38,025 Which route did he take? 1171 01:22:42,525 --> 01:22:43,191 Where is he? 1172 01:22:43,650 --> 01:22:44,400 Where is he? 1173 01:22:44,400 --> 01:22:45,691 We have followed him till here brother 1174 01:22:45,691 --> 01:22:46,650 He escaped brother 1175 01:22:46,650 --> 01:22:47,608 Search for him 1176 01:22:47,816 --> 01:22:48,650 Shit 1177 01:23:12,275 --> 01:23:12,816 Hello 1178 01:23:12,816 --> 01:23:13,441 Sir 1179 01:23:13,441 --> 01:23:15,441 Ravath men tried to kill Aditya 1180 01:23:15,441 --> 01:23:15,983 What? 1181 01:23:16,150 --> 01:23:16,941 Yes sir. 1182 01:23:16,941 --> 01:23:18,941 Even Aditya escaped after seeing them 1183 01:23:19,400 --> 01:23:20,025 Ok 1184 01:23:22,400 --> 01:23:24,400 Then Pandu hasn't done the murder 1185 01:23:25,650 --> 01:23:28,358 There is a link between Aditya and murder 1186 01:23:28,900 --> 01:23:30,525 Who has targeted whom? 1187 01:23:31,066 --> 01:23:33,775 Think..Think..Think..Think 1188 01:23:34,525 --> 01:23:35,400 Rangarao 1189 01:23:35,400 --> 01:23:36,066 Shivaji 1190 01:23:36,066 --> 01:23:38,525 Urgently I need all information regarding our patrolling officer Aditya 1191 01:23:38,525 --> 01:23:39,983 Before and after his joining 1192 01:23:39,983 --> 01:23:40,483 Sir..Sir 1193 01:23:40,650 --> 01:23:42,816 Aditya uncle is working in our station itself 1194 01:23:42,816 --> 01:23:43,816 Is it. Call him 1195 01:23:48,650 --> 01:23:49,775 Are you Aditya uncle? 1196 01:23:49,775 --> 01:23:50,441 Yes sir 1197 01:23:51,025 --> 01:23:51,608 Ok 1198 01:23:53,150 --> 01:23:57,816 Does Aditya have any grudge or enemies in his personal and professional life 1199 01:23:58,066 --> 01:23:59,150 What Happened sir? 1200 01:23:59,150 --> 01:24:00,150 Nothing to worry 1201 01:24:00,150 --> 01:24:01,775 Need a small info for getting clarity 1202 01:24:01,775 --> 01:24:04,941 Aditya has grown up quiet opposite to the questions that you have asked 1203 01:24:04,941 --> 01:24:08,316 He is not into that character who are into fights sir 1204 01:24:08,525 --> 01:24:09,775 He is so sensitive 1205 01:24:09,775 --> 01:24:10,858 Three months back 1206 01:24:10,858 --> 01:24:12,525 His father died in an accident 1207 01:24:12,525 --> 01:24:15,483 He has joined in his father post sir 1208 01:24:16,983 --> 01:24:17,941 Accident? 1209 01:24:18,150 --> 01:24:19,233 How did it happen? 1210 01:24:19,650 --> 01:24:21,483 While he is going to home after his duty 1211 01:24:21,483 --> 01:24:23,900 He was hit by an unidentified vehicle and was dead sir 1212 01:24:24,358 --> 01:24:24,941 Ok 1213 01:24:25,900 --> 01:24:32,108 Did you notice any sort of changes in Aditya behavior from last 10-15 days 1214 01:24:32,150 --> 01:24:35,316 Whether in his behavior or a difference while he's talking 1215 01:24:37,441 --> 01:24:39,816 The day when Dadu got murdered [SI]: OK 1216 01:24:40,358 --> 01:24:42,358 Aditya said that he missed his bag 1217 01:24:42,650 --> 01:24:44,566 but the bag was left in patrolling vehicle itself 1218 01:24:44,566 --> 01:24:45,066 Is it? 1219 01:24:45,066 --> 01:24:48,525 Day before yesterday night I have handed over the bag to him 1220 01:24:49,108 --> 01:24:52,900 I called him the next day and asked him to come to station as the bag contain a file 1221 01:24:52,900 --> 01:24:54,900 He told me that when I have taken the bag sir? 1222 01:24:55,650 --> 01:24:57,525 He was bit tensed 1223 01:24:57,525 --> 01:25:00,066 He talked with me confusingly 1224 01:25:02,941 --> 01:25:04,358 Ok. Thank you 1225 01:25:05,108 --> 01:25:05,775 Ok sir 1226 01:25:08,441 --> 01:25:09,900 What beggar has told us 1227 01:25:09,900 --> 01:25:11,900 Aditya has handed over the money bag to him 1228 01:25:11,900 --> 01:25:13,525 but Aditya told that when did he gave that bag? 1229 01:25:13,525 --> 01:25:15,941 But Aditya uncle is telling that he has handed over the bag to him 1230 01:25:15,941 --> 01:25:17,775 But Aditya is telling that he hasn't taken the bag 1231 01:25:17,775 --> 01:25:19,775 Quite opposite. Opposite 1232 01:25:20,316 --> 01:25:25,358 We can find a clue from the bags that we got from robbery and murder 1233 01:25:25,733 --> 01:25:27,483 But everything is confusing 1234 01:25:27,483 --> 01:25:29,983 Aditya has to give clarity for all this 1235 01:25:30,358 --> 01:25:30,983 Rangarao 1236 01:25:30,983 --> 01:25:31,650 Sir.. 1237 01:25:31,650 --> 01:25:34,275 Tomorrow I want Aditya father accident details file 1238 01:25:34,275 --> 01:25:36,275 and I have to interrogate Aditya as well 1239 01:25:36,275 --> 01:25:39,400 Sir, tomorrow we have a special meeting in CM camp office 1240 01:25:39,816 --> 01:25:41,816 We will do this once after finishing the meeting 1241 01:25:44,316 --> 01:25:47,316 Ravath men were following as they are thinking that I have killed Dadu 1242 01:25:47,691 --> 01:25:49,191 When did I kill Dadu? 1243 01:25:49,316 --> 01:25:51,316 Am I unable to understand how I've killed him 1244 01:25:57,358 --> 01:25:57,983 Aditya 1245 01:25:58,525 --> 01:25:59,275 Aditya 1246 01:26:02,233 --> 01:26:05,608 While am in Patrolling duty my wife has called me and said that he is getting pains 1247 01:26:05,858 --> 01:26:07,483 I have to rush to hospital urgently 1248 01:26:07,816 --> 01:26:09,816 While I was going to handover some Important files in station 1249 01:26:10,150 --> 01:26:11,441 I have seen you in between 1250 01:26:11,608 --> 01:26:13,608 Can you hand it over in the station please 1251 01:26:13,858 --> 01:26:15,025 Ok.Brother 1252 01:26:16,316 --> 01:26:17,941 Seems like you are bit worried 1253 01:26:18,983 --> 01:26:19,608 Nothing 1254 01:26:20,316 --> 01:26:21,775 Ok Aditya. Thank you 1255 01:26:59,483 --> 01:27:02,025 What is happening without my notice someone is travelling along with me 1256 01:27:02,150 --> 01:27:04,025 He is confusing me more by not coming face to face 1257 01:27:27,566 --> 01:27:29,566 All these days. This things were done by? 1258 01:27:34,441 --> 01:27:35,691 All this days without my notice 1259 01:27:36,275 --> 01:27:37,358 I have done all this 1260 01:27:38,108 --> 01:27:39,900 Yes. You have done this 1261 01:27:41,650 --> 01:27:45,275 You were not aware that you have sleeping disorder till now 1262 01:27:46,775 --> 01:27:47,941 It's a shock 1263 01:27:47,941 --> 01:27:50,816 By listening to the incidents that happened in your life 1264 01:27:50,816 --> 01:27:52,316 I was even shocked 1265 01:27:52,316 --> 01:27:56,025 We have listened about sleep walk regularly by someone or the other 1266 01:27:56,025 --> 01:27:59,108 or we have watched it in a funny way in television 1267 01:27:59,233 --> 01:28:04,400 Generally in this we have slow wave sleep, non rapid eye movement 1268 01:28:04,441 --> 01:28:08,233 sleep, deep sleep and a lot more stages were there 1269 01:28:09,316 --> 01:28:13,733 In the slow wave sleep stage any thing is possible 1270 01:28:13,733 --> 01:28:18,816 We can do dance, cook, drive and even going to bathroom 1271 01:28:18,816 --> 01:28:22,900 Behaving like the hero/person you know 1272 01:28:22,900 --> 01:28:26,441 You can do anything and even you can do sex in sleep 1273 01:28:27,316 --> 01:28:32,191 Out of fear if you don't express your feeling then in this stage you can 1274 01:28:32,191 --> 01:28:36,191 express your feelings by imagining a tree or a pillar 1275 01:28:38,483 --> 01:28:40,066 In the sleep walk stage 1276 01:28:40,066 --> 01:28:44,358 Our upper brain which store our vision and speech is absent 1277 01:28:44,358 --> 01:28:48,275 Our small brain is active from which we receive orders 1278 01:28:48,316 --> 01:28:50,316 i.e. the reason zero memory 1279 01:28:52,441 --> 01:28:59,858 You will be shocked by seeing the results of this sleep walk in other countries 1280 01:29:05,316 --> 01:29:06,858 His name is Maglin 1281 01:29:06,858 --> 01:29:08,025 He's from US 1282 01:29:08,733 --> 01:29:10,733 This guy have sleep walk disorder 1283 01:29:11,566 --> 01:29:16,858 Knowing that his wife has an Illicit relationship 1284 01:29:16,858 --> 01:29:19,191 He drove around 8 kms 1285 01:29:19,191 --> 01:29:20,775 He has killed his wife with a knife 1286 01:29:20,775 --> 01:29:23,233 after that he himself informed the police and has slept in the park 1287 01:29:23,233 --> 01:29:27,191 Police came, checked and confirmed it's Murder 1288 01:29:27,191 --> 01:29:30,233 They went to booth from where they got the call 1289 01:29:30,316 --> 01:29:34,191 They have waked up Maglin who is sleeping 1290 01:29:34,608 --> 01:29:39,191 Maglin was in shock as soon as he woke up after one hour 1291 01:29:39,191 --> 01:29:41,191 He questioned himself why he's here 1292 01:29:41,191 --> 01:29:43,691 He was shocked by seeing the knife 1293 01:29:43,691 --> 01:29:47,400 The activities done by him were recorded in CCTV 1294 01:29:47,525 --> 01:29:50,025 Everyone was shocked 1295 01:29:50,316 --> 01:29:52,900 He was proven that he has sleep walk 1296 01:29:57,483 --> 01:29:59,233 By looking into your reports I get to know 1297 01:29:59,233 --> 01:30:02,691 the difference between you and the rest is 1298 01:30:03,233 --> 01:30:05,900 If you are feeling about anything emotionally or if you got disturbed by the tensions 1299 01:30:05,900 --> 01:30:08,108 about the activity that you are thinking deeply 1300 01:30:08,108 --> 01:30:10,108 you have been doing that in sleep walk 1301 01:30:13,025 --> 01:30:15,483 As Arjun is your emotion 1302 01:30:15,483 --> 01:30:19,025 You behaved as Arjun in sleep walk 1303 01:30:19,025 --> 01:30:22,941 You have been thinking deeply once after each incident 1304 01:30:22,941 --> 01:30:24,941 and you have been disturbed mentally 1305 01:30:25,150 --> 01:30:31,941 In order to reveal for yourself you have been writing on books, diaries and on the wall 1306 01:30:33,316 --> 01:30:35,816 Look at this CCTV footage 1307 01:30:35,816 --> 01:30:37,816 As you weren't aware about who did this 1308 01:30:37,816 --> 01:30:43,816 You have confused yourself in sleep walk by shouting and breaking the properties 1309 01:30:45,983 --> 01:30:48,233 As you have zero memory 1310 01:30:48,566 --> 01:30:50,275 You don't know what you have done 1311 01:30:50,275 --> 01:30:54,358 i.e. the reason you weren't aware that you have handed over the bag to your uncle 1312 01:30:54,358 --> 01:30:56,900 and even you weren't aware that you have handed over the bag to beggar 1313 01:30:58,275 --> 01:31:01,608 In this sleep walk you have been involved in robbery 1314 01:31:02,358 --> 01:31:04,275 You have done the murder 1315 01:31:06,025 --> 01:31:08,650 You have even kissed your girlfriend 1316 01:31:09,650 --> 01:31:12,483 You have even taken the bag from your uncle 1317 01:31:12,483 --> 01:31:15,400 You behaved like Arjun 1318 01:31:16,900 --> 01:31:21,983 In order to reveal for yourself you have written letters, diaries and even you have written on walls 1319 01:31:22,233 --> 01:31:27,358 Out of anger you have even broken the properties 1320 01:31:31,400 --> 01:31:36,691 This disorder will decrease rapidly as you grow up 1321 01:31:37,650 --> 01:31:39,650 After you woke from sleep walk 1322 01:31:39,691 --> 01:31:43,108 Wherever you go and whatever you do 1323 01:31:43,108 --> 01:31:46,900 Without any change you will come and sleep in the same place 1324 01:31:47,066 --> 01:31:51,566 i.e. the reason you weren't aware of all this 1325 01:31:54,316 --> 01:31:57,525 I doubt after Arjun death 1326 01:31:57,525 --> 01:32:01,608 Your mother haven't discussed anything about your weakness 1327 01:32:01,775 --> 01:32:03,775 If I tell my son knows that he has a weakness 1328 01:32:03,941 --> 01:32:05,150 He will fear for surviving 1329 01:32:05,733 --> 01:32:07,650 If he get to know by himself 1330 01:32:07,650 --> 01:32:08,900 He will live safely 1331 01:32:09,441 --> 01:32:16,316 i.e the reason after Arjun death I haven't revealed Arjun death and his weakness 1332 01:32:16,733 --> 01:32:17,941 There is no treatment for this emotion 1333 01:32:18,275 --> 01:32:21,608 You have to control your emotion by yourself 1334 01:32:21,816 --> 01:32:22,525 and 1335 01:32:22,816 --> 01:32:24,566 Be careful 1336 01:32:29,358 --> 01:32:31,816 Till now I wasn't aware that I've sleep off disorder 1337 01:32:33,275 --> 01:32:35,900 During childhood it was not Arjun but it was me who has done the theft 1338 01:32:36,108 --> 01:32:37,608 Now, my involvement in the robbery 1339 01:32:37,858 --> 01:32:38,691 Murder 1340 01:32:38,691 --> 01:32:39,775 Kiss with Hanika 1341 01:32:39,775 --> 01:32:42,275 I thought someone else and I have confused myself 1342 01:32:47,400 --> 01:32:50,566 It means that I am the opponent for whom I've been searching till now 1343 01:32:51,316 --> 01:32:52,775 Now I am understanding 1344 01:32:53,483 --> 01:32:57,900 I am Solely responsible for all the things that had happened 1345 01:32:57,941 --> 01:32:59,108 What to do now? 1346 01:33:02,525 --> 01:33:07,691 The mistake done by every human after their birth is not done intently 1347 01:33:11,191 --> 01:33:12,483 Necessity 1348 01:33:13,566 --> 01:33:14,608 Desire 1349 01:33:15,358 --> 01:33:16,400 Dominance 1350 01:33:17,983 --> 01:33:19,983 Does for taking revenge 1351 01:33:20,525 --> 01:33:23,691 What would be the reason for my brother death? 1352 01:33:24,483 --> 01:33:26,108 Ran away after seeing my men 1353 01:33:26,691 --> 01:33:28,025 Is that fear? 1354 01:33:29,025 --> 01:33:33,400 Or else is he taking four steps back in order to pounce back 1355 01:33:36,525 --> 01:33:40,733 He looks like a missile which never gone miss the target 1356 01:33:42,191 --> 01:33:42,941 Who is this guy? 1357 01:35:58,983 --> 01:35:59,525 Sir 1358 01:35:59,775 --> 01:36:01,816 Aditya father file which you have asked sir. 1359 01:36:02,775 --> 01:36:04,275 Brother, We know who killed our brother Dadu 1360 01:36:04,275 --> 01:36:05,025 Who is that Bastard 1361 01:36:05,025 --> 01:36:07,608 The accident case which we have closed three months back 1362 01:36:07,650 --> 01:36:10,150 Even though it's an accident but it has happened deliberately 1363 01:36:20,483 --> 01:36:21,483 Dadu..Dadu 1364 01:36:22,316 --> 01:36:23,025 What man 1365 01:36:23,025 --> 01:36:24,066 Brother..Police 1366 01:36:24,233 --> 01:36:27,191 The cocaine which was asked to deliver by the brother is in boot space 1367 01:36:27,191 --> 01:36:28,066 Give it here 1368 01:36:35,316 --> 01:36:36,608 I Will take care 1369 01:36:37,608 --> 01:36:38,441 don't get worried 1370 01:36:40,816 --> 01:36:42,191 Stop..stop the vehicle 1371 01:36:46,691 --> 01:36:48,691 Will you please open the boot sir? 1372 01:36:51,816 --> 01:36:54,608 Do you know? Who am I? 1373 01:36:54,608 --> 01:36:56,066 It's not necessary for me 1374 01:36:56,191 --> 01:36:57,650 I have to do my duty 1375 01:36:58,150 --> 01:36:58,733 Duty 1376 01:37:03,650 --> 01:37:05,025 You have done your duty 1377 01:37:05,025 --> 01:37:07,608 Now look at my duty 1378 01:37:08,733 --> 01:37:11,150 Hey stop the car. Stop it 1379 01:37:31,441 --> 01:37:32,066 Dadu 1380 01:37:35,358 --> 01:37:37,358 That accident was done by Dadu 1381 01:37:37,358 --> 01:37:39,775 but they closed the case by filing the case as unknown accident sir 1382 01:37:41,066 --> 01:37:41,816 His son 1383 01:37:41,858 --> 01:37:44,525 I stand by holding the atom bomb 1384 01:37:44,650 --> 01:37:46,858 I have miscalculated half inch bullet 1385 01:37:46,858 --> 01:37:50,191 In an unexpected way an unexpected person 1386 01:37:50,400 --> 01:37:56,525 In life whom I haven't thought of 0.1% have targeted me 100% 1387 01:37:56,733 --> 01:38:01,775 I am 100% sure that Dadu was killed by Aditya. 1388 01:40:48,650 --> 01:40:49,691 Stop the bike 1389 01:40:51,941 --> 01:40:53,941 Why are you standing here in midnight Aditya 1390 01:40:53,941 --> 01:40:55,566 Today your duty is in our area 1391 01:40:56,150 --> 01:40:57,775 You told me that your bag went missing 1392 01:40:58,108 --> 01:40:59,400 It was in the back seat itself 1393 01:41:01,400 --> 01:41:02,858 Why are you not uttering any word Aditya 1394 01:41:02,858 --> 01:41:05,400 An accident has happened in Road no.10 please go there immediately 1395 01:41:05,400 --> 01:41:06,900 I am going sir. Over 1396 01:41:07,191 --> 01:41:08,858 We will meet tomorrow in station 1397 01:41:08,858 --> 01:41:10,691 We have to go urgently to Road no.10 1398 01:41:42,608 --> 01:41:45,150 That means that I am the protagonist whom I have been searching till now 1399 01:41:45,691 --> 01:41:49,566 The one within me whom I don't know is doing all the things by not coming face-face 1400 01:41:50,400 --> 01:41:52,400 I was thinking that I was seeing a game which was not indented for me 1401 01:41:52,941 --> 01:41:55,316 But I came to know that I am the key player in the game 1402 01:41:56,233 --> 01:41:57,608 Now I have to play for sure 1403 01:41:57,858 --> 01:42:00,066 One end S.I and on the other end it's Ravath 1404 01:42:00,400 --> 01:42:01,525 I came to know the one who killed you my dear brother 1405 01:42:02,441 --> 01:42:03,858 I am asking you for a final time 1406 01:42:04,858 --> 01:42:08,233 In 24hrs If I don't kill him with the same gun 1407 01:42:08,233 --> 01:42:09,858 then you will be in hell for sure 1408 01:42:09,858 --> 01:42:14,025 I will die and will come to you for seeking an apology 1409 01:42:14,775 --> 01:42:15,316 Guna 1410 01:42:15,316 --> 01:42:16,066 Brother 1411 01:42:16,900 --> 01:42:20,066 If one wins then we will get to know about his strength 1412 01:42:20,733 --> 01:42:24,108 If he loses then we will know his weakness as well 1413 01:42:25,191 --> 01:42:27,691 Each one will have a weakness 1414 01:42:28,816 --> 01:42:34,275 If we know what it is then I will show him hell 1415 01:42:34,650 --> 01:42:35,816 You have seen him right? 1416 01:42:36,441 --> 01:42:38,441 Then you might recognize his strength and weakness 1417 01:42:39,525 --> 01:42:41,358 I want to know his weakness 1418 01:42:42,483 --> 01:42:43,816 Are you Aditya mother? 1419 01:42:43,816 --> 01:42:44,691 Yes sir 1420 01:42:44,733 --> 01:42:46,191 I am Sub-inspector to Aditya 1421 01:42:46,358 --> 01:42:47,483 Can I come Inside? 1422 01:42:47,483 --> 01:42:48,900 Please come in sir 1423 01:42:53,275 --> 01:42:54,066 Nothing 1424 01:42:54,691 --> 01:42:57,150 Aditya is not coming to duty from two days 1425 01:42:57,483 --> 01:42:59,191 I thought he might be in home 1426 01:42:59,608 --> 01:43:02,816 Aditya didn't came home sir. What happend? 1427 01:43:03,775 --> 01:43:04,441 Nothing 1428 01:43:05,358 --> 01:43:06,525 I came casually 1429 01:43:08,150 --> 01:43:09,483 If you don't mind 1430 01:43:10,025 --> 01:43:12,025 Can I see Aditya room once 1431 01:43:15,691 --> 01:43:16,691 Ok fine sir 1432 01:43:35,983 --> 01:43:37,108 Twins? 1433 01:43:37,525 --> 01:43:38,108 Yes sir 1434 01:43:39,608 --> 01:43:40,400 One is Aditya 1435 01:43:40,733 --> 01:43:41,816 Who is the other one? 1436 01:43:42,316 --> 01:43:43,316 Arjun 1437 01:43:43,650 --> 01:43:46,483 He is the one who died in an accident when he is a kid 1438 01:43:46,608 --> 01:43:47,108 Ho 1439 01:43:47,316 --> 01:43:47,816 Is it? 1440 01:43:48,025 --> 01:43:50,691 I don't have clarity for the confusions I hold again a new one 1441 01:43:52,650 --> 01:43:54,775 Inform me once Aditya comes home 1442 01:43:54,775 --> 01:43:55,816 Sure sir 1443 01:43:55,816 --> 01:43:56,983 I will leave Mother 1444 01:44:04,566 --> 01:44:06,566 Every mother will support his son 1445 01:44:06,858 --> 01:44:08,108 Why she will tell us 1446 01:44:08,483 --> 01:44:09,566 What we have to do now sir 1447 01:44:12,108 --> 01:44:13,108 Do one thing 1448 01:44:13,483 --> 01:44:14,775 Two of you go to station 1449 01:44:14,941 --> 01:44:16,941 Change your dress and come here in a mufti 1450 01:44:17,025 --> 01:44:17,650 Ok sir 1451 01:44:17,650 --> 01:44:19,775 Inform me as soon as Aditya arrives home 1452 01:44:19,775 --> 01:44:20,275 Ok sir 1453 01:44:29,608 --> 01:44:31,608 S.I also got clarity 1454 01:44:32,108 --> 01:44:32,733 What to do now? 1455 01:44:38,483 --> 01:44:39,191 What's your name 1456 01:44:39,191 --> 01:44:39,900 Kumar 1457 01:44:39,900 --> 01:44:40,900 What's your age? 1458 01:44:42,025 --> 01:44:43,400 Forty years sir 1459 01:44:43,566 --> 01:44:45,191 Did you kill your wife 1460 01:44:45,191 --> 01:44:46,275 I didn't kill my wife sir 1461 01:44:55,358 --> 01:44:56,816 Patanchervu wrestler got caught 1462 01:44:59,275 --> 01:45:00,358 What he said is not correct 1463 01:45:01,358 --> 01:45:03,566 Do festival by taking polygraph results paper 1464 01:45:03,566 --> 01:45:04,316 Ok sir 1465 01:45:04,608 --> 01:45:07,941 As what he said is not true sacrifice him in the same festival 1466 01:45:10,650 --> 01:45:11,400 Hi brother 1467 01:45:13,150 --> 01:45:14,441 Hey how long I have to wait man 1468 01:45:14,441 --> 01:45:15,733 I am in a big problem 1469 01:45:15,733 --> 01:45:17,025 Who don't hold problem 1470 01:45:17,066 --> 01:45:19,066 One will bring the problem and the other will resolve it 1471 01:45:19,066 --> 01:45:19,691 That's it 1472 01:45:19,691 --> 01:45:20,775 But my problem is myself 1473 01:45:20,983 --> 01:45:21,858 How come man 1474 01:45:21,858 --> 01:45:22,650 Come. Get on the bike 1475 01:45:27,150 --> 01:45:27,691 My dear friend 1476 01:45:28,191 --> 01:45:29,941 Since when you are facing this walking problem 1477 01:45:30,191 --> 01:45:32,483 I hold it since childhood but I don't know that 1478 01:45:32,900 --> 01:45:33,941 Take care of yourself friend 1479 01:45:34,191 --> 01:45:36,400 My Great grand father due to this walking problem 1480 01:45:36,400 --> 01:45:37,858 he went for a walk and has never return back 1481 01:45:38,483 --> 01:45:39,941 Don't scare me man 1482 01:45:40,066 --> 01:45:41,025 Sit silently 1483 01:45:41,691 --> 01:45:42,775 Where are we going 1484 01:45:44,358 --> 01:45:47,025 What is the need of this software pupil as we are into hardware 1485 01:45:47,066 --> 01:45:49,275 Without my notice one hot thing has happened 1486 01:45:49,275 --> 01:45:50,191 What Happened? 1487 01:45:51,566 --> 01:45:52,525 We will make a move 1488 01:45:52,525 --> 01:45:54,483 Hanika please listen to me 1489 01:45:54,483 --> 01:45:55,358 What you will tell 1490 01:45:55,358 --> 01:45:55,858 Please Hanika 1491 01:45:56,441 --> 01:45:57,733 I didn't kiss intently 1492 01:45:57,858 --> 01:45:58,733 Hoo 1493 01:45:58,733 --> 01:46:01,358 Yesterday you told me that you haven't visited my home to kiss me 1494 01:46:01,608 --> 01:46:03,608 Now you are telling that you haven't kissed me intently 1495 01:46:03,900 --> 01:46:04,441 Nice 1496 01:46:04,775 --> 01:46:06,775 Humans can't survive without oxygen 1497 01:46:06,775 --> 01:46:09,275 but you can't survive with both oxygen and lies 1498 01:46:09,608 --> 01:46:10,816 Ho my god Hanika 1499 01:46:10,816 --> 01:46:11,983 I have sleep walk disorder 1500 01:46:11,983 --> 01:46:13,441 I was not aware of that till now 1501 01:46:13,441 --> 01:46:14,150 Hoo 1502 01:46:14,150 --> 01:46:15,900 You came up with a new lie 1503 01:46:16,191 --> 01:46:19,316 I don't need and have the time to listen to all your bullshit stories 1504 01:46:19,650 --> 01:46:21,066 Don't try to convince me.. 1505 01:46:21,066 --> 01:46:21,650 Bye 1506 01:46:22,025 --> 01:46:22,733 Hanika 1507 01:46:23,900 --> 01:46:24,608 Hanika 1508 01:46:26,108 --> 01:46:26,900 Dude 1509 01:46:27,150 --> 01:46:28,816 Matter is bit difficult 1510 01:46:29,233 --> 01:46:31,066 The solution to this is in a different place 1511 01:46:33,066 --> 01:46:34,441 Why are you looking towards that road? 1512 01:46:34,441 --> 01:46:36,441 The girl will go home in the same route 1513 01:46:37,233 --> 01:46:38,566 She is not at all listening to me 1514 01:46:38,900 --> 01:46:40,691 You come and have this first 1515 01:46:44,691 --> 01:46:45,316 Empty the glass 1516 01:46:48,358 --> 01:46:48,983 Good 1517 01:46:50,316 --> 01:46:50,816 Hey 1518 01:46:51,816 --> 01:46:52,900 I am not a good person 1519 01:46:53,608 --> 01:46:55,608 I do have a Ravan inside me 1520 01:46:56,650 --> 01:46:57,441 I am an Idiot 1521 01:46:57,441 --> 01:46:58,316 I am an useless guy 1522 01:46:58,441 --> 01:46:59,608 I am a smart boy 1523 01:46:59,816 --> 01:47:01,400 I am a Temper and loafer 1524 01:47:01,400 --> 01:47:02,858 Perfect man all the movies were super hit 1525 01:47:02,858 --> 01:47:03,441 Sit 1526 01:47:03,983 --> 01:47:04,775 Sit man 1527 01:47:06,066 --> 01:47:09,858 The thing is that even Einstein wasn't able to understand girls 1528 01:47:09,858 --> 01:47:11,025 Who are we? 1529 01:47:29,650 --> 01:47:30,483 Aditya 1530 01:47:31,525 --> 01:47:32,191 Hey 1531 01:47:33,191 --> 01:47:34,025 Why are you here 1532 01:47:35,191 --> 01:47:36,525 I am sorry Aditya 1533 01:47:36,691 --> 01:47:37,525 What Happend? 1534 01:47:37,941 --> 01:47:40,566 Even though you are telling me the problem that you are facing 1535 01:47:40,775 --> 01:47:44,691 I am in a mindset that I am unable to understand that you are not pretending 1536 01:47:44,691 --> 01:47:45,775 and I have realized that last night 1537 01:47:45,775 --> 01:47:47,775 what had happened last night 1538 01:47:50,066 --> 01:47:51,691 I was genuine Hanika 1539 01:47:52,191 --> 01:47:54,025 I didn't kiss you intently 1540 01:47:54,608 --> 01:47:55,983 I have sleep walk disorder 1541 01:47:56,983 --> 01:47:58,400 I have killed Dadu 1542 01:47:58,775 --> 01:47:59,941 Completely I have done this 1543 01:48:00,566 --> 01:48:01,733 Why are you not believing me? 1544 01:48:31,358 --> 01:48:32,191 Uncle 1545 01:48:32,191 --> 01:48:34,191 What are you doing here in this time 1546 01:48:34,608 --> 01:48:35,775 Uncle this guy 1547 01:48:38,483 --> 01:48:39,858 My god 1548 01:48:39,858 --> 01:48:41,400 He is my patient 1549 01:48:41,400 --> 01:48:43,400 He has sleep walk disorder 1550 01:48:44,483 --> 01:48:49,941 He will come outside in order to do the things that he felt emotional 1551 01:48:49,941 --> 01:48:54,691 He was involved in a robbery and murder without his involvement 1552 01:48:54,691 --> 01:48:59,400 He even kissed his girlfriend by feeling emotional 1553 01:48:59,816 --> 01:49:04,941 with the disease which he wasn't aware he is facing lot of problems 1554 01:49:12,150 --> 01:49:15,233 He might be in a deep stage 1555 01:49:15,233 --> 01:49:16,441 Shall we move? 1556 01:49:16,441 --> 01:49:17,941 Did you come on scooty? 1557 01:49:18,816 --> 01:49:19,691 Yes uncle 1558 01:49:20,108 --> 01:49:21,608 Ok go safely 1559 01:49:32,483 --> 01:49:33,566 Sorry Aditya 1560 01:49:33,941 --> 01:49:37,275 I thought that you are telling me all this so that I can trust on you 1561 01:49:37,275 --> 01:49:40,525 but I failed to understand despite of your continuous attempts 1562 01:49:40,525 --> 01:49:43,733 I came to understand your situation by a third person 1563 01:49:43,733 --> 01:49:45,066 Sorry Aditya 1564 01:49:50,316 --> 01:49:51,483 You wait here I will come 1565 01:50:06,316 --> 01:50:06,983 Hanika 1566 01:50:08,191 --> 01:50:08,900 Hanika 1567 01:50:13,650 --> 01:50:14,400 Hanika 1568 01:50:22,358 --> 01:50:23,025 Hanika 1569 01:50:43,900 --> 01:50:44,400 Hello 1570 01:50:44,983 --> 01:50:48,525 In order to listen to your voice it took twenty days for me 1571 01:50:49,400 --> 01:50:53,983 But I will give just 20 minutes in order to me 1572 01:50:54,150 --> 01:50:56,775 I think by now you get to know Who am I? 1573 01:50:57,733 --> 01:51:01,025 You thought of escaping from me by killing my brother 1574 01:51:01,316 --> 01:51:05,650 but in the process of escaping you have shown me your weakness 1575 01:51:08,733 --> 01:51:12,150 Your girl friend is with me now 1576 01:51:15,066 --> 01:51:16,191 Introduce yourself to me 1577 01:51:23,525 --> 01:51:25,983 I have full respect towards women 1578 01:51:26,150 --> 01:51:28,275 i.e. the reason I am still a Bachelor 1579 01:51:31,941 --> 01:51:33,191 Just 20 minutes 1580 01:51:33,775 --> 01:51:38,066 Then you may leave to hell 1581 01:51:50,816 --> 01:51:51,566 Hey 1582 01:51:51,691 --> 01:51:54,400 This warehouse have inverters 1583 01:51:54,566 --> 01:51:56,025 No chances of short circuit 1584 01:51:56,191 --> 01:51:59,066 If the power has gone then he might have entered here. Search everywhere 1585 01:54:26,525 --> 01:54:27,150 Go 1586 01:54:58,608 --> 01:54:59,233 Hanika 1587 01:54:59,691 --> 01:55:01,191 You will face problems if you are with me 1588 01:55:02,150 --> 01:55:03,066 You are Important for me 1589 01:55:04,275 --> 01:55:06,275 It's my personal problem within Myself 1590 01:55:06,900 --> 01:55:07,400 You may go 1591 01:55:07,733 --> 01:55:09,733 I didn't listen to any of the things which you have told me till now 1592 01:55:10,066 --> 01:55:13,108 Now I have trusted you. How can I leave you 1593 01:55:13,441 --> 01:55:15,441 In this situation it's necessary to be with you 1594 01:55:17,066 --> 01:55:18,691 I love you Aditya 1595 01:55:19,941 --> 01:55:22,816 Mr. Vihaan? What's the case status 1596 01:55:23,066 --> 01:55:25,066 Only one person has involved in those two cases 1597 01:55:25,400 --> 01:55:26,650 Who is the accused 1598 01:55:26,858 --> 01:55:29,441 He works in our station as Constable namely Aditya 1599 01:55:29,441 --> 01:55:32,191 If people know that Police person was involved in this cases 1600 01:55:32,691 --> 01:55:35,691 then they will shame on us by not removing our dress 1601 01:55:35,691 --> 01:55:37,233 but nothing is clear here sir 1602 01:55:37,525 --> 01:55:38,941 Robbery was not done for the sake of money 1603 01:55:39,108 --> 01:55:42,025 Murder is done because of revenge but still there are no strong evidences 1604 01:55:42,191 --> 01:55:44,941 Aditya had answers of all the questions 1605 01:55:45,275 --> 01:55:49,691 As he is into Police Department I will make sure in hiding his Identity to public and media 1606 01:55:50,191 --> 01:55:52,566 Catch Aditya as soon as possible 1607 01:55:52,983 --> 01:55:57,650 I know exactly what to do in order to catch Aditya 1608 01:56:05,358 --> 01:56:06,400 Good morning Madam 1609 01:56:06,566 --> 01:56:07,733 I am Aditya friend 1610 01:56:08,441 --> 01:56:09,775 Please come 1611 01:56:12,858 --> 01:56:13,566 Please sit 1612 01:56:18,275 --> 01:56:19,941 Technology has improved a lot 1613 01:56:21,608 --> 01:56:26,691 If we hold the photo of a person then we can easily get his bio data and address 1614 01:56:27,691 --> 01:56:31,775 I came here to tell a good news have this sweet first 1615 01:56:42,233 --> 01:56:47,025 The good news is I am going to assassinate Aditya 1616 01:56:49,733 --> 01:56:52,483 Good news is not meant for you It's for me 1617 01:56:54,650 --> 01:56:59,441 In your point of view your husband died in an Accident 1618 01:57:00,150 --> 01:57:04,941 But only Aditya and myself know that the accident was done by my brother 1619 01:57:31,108 --> 01:57:31,608 Hello 1620 01:57:31,775 --> 01:57:32,316 Sir 1621 01:57:32,858 --> 01:57:34,566 Ravath came to Aditya home and went away 1622 01:57:34,691 --> 01:57:36,691 Immediately, go inside and check 1623 01:57:36,691 --> 01:57:37,191 Ok sir 1624 01:57:42,691 --> 01:57:44,691 Sir, Aditya mother is in Unconscious state 1625 01:57:44,691 --> 01:57:46,150 Immediately, Join her in the hospital 1626 01:57:46,441 --> 01:57:47,191 I am coming 1627 01:58:04,941 --> 01:58:05,566 Doctor 1628 01:58:05,858 --> 01:58:06,816 How is she now 1629 01:58:07,358 --> 01:58:09,525 As she admitted in the right time she was out of danger 1630 01:58:20,191 --> 01:58:21,775 Thank you doctor. Thank you [Doctor]: Ok 1631 01:58:27,358 --> 01:58:29,608 Aditya, will come here at any moment 1632 01:58:29,650 --> 01:58:30,358 Ok sir 1633 01:58:30,358 --> 01:58:34,191 Keep an eye at Hospital entrance ICU and Reception 1634 01:58:34,191 --> 01:58:34,858 Yes sir 1635 01:58:35,191 --> 01:58:37,608 Aditya shouldn't be missed at any cost 1636 01:58:37,608 --> 01:58:38,900 [SI]: Got it [Constables]: Ok sir 1637 01:58:42,025 --> 01:58:42,608 Aditya 1638 01:58:43,400 --> 01:58:46,608 Ravath went to our home and has attacked your mother with a poison 1639 01:58:46,608 --> 01:58:47,900 What the hell are you saying uncle? 1640 01:58:47,900 --> 01:58:48,566 Yes man 1641 01:58:48,733 --> 01:58:49,900 She is admitted in the hospital 1642 01:58:50,525 --> 01:58:51,525 How is my mother now? 1643 01:58:51,858 --> 01:58:53,066 She is fine now 1644 01:58:53,608 --> 01:58:54,108 But 1645 01:58:55,108 --> 01:58:57,108 Ravath, people were waiting for you outside 1646 01:58:57,816 --> 01:58:59,275 Constable and SI were waiting for you inside the hospital 1647 01:58:59,608 --> 01:59:01,275 both of them were waiting for your arrival here. 1648 01:59:01,275 --> 01:59:01,900 Uncle 1649 01:59:02,066 --> 01:59:03,816 Take care of my mother till today night 1650 01:59:04,358 --> 01:59:07,483 Will give the one who deserves it and will reveal to the one who want to know from me 1651 01:59:08,150 --> 01:59:09,025 Ok my boy 1652 01:59:20,275 --> 01:59:20,816 Come 1653 01:59:20,983 --> 01:59:21,775 I will be waiting 1654 01:59:22,150 --> 01:59:26,733 As you are not aware of what happened till now and the things happened just because of the problems you hold 1655 01:59:26,733 --> 01:59:28,316 Can we narrate the same to S.I regarding this 1656 01:59:28,316 --> 01:59:30,941 We will tell but one small balance left 1657 01:59:33,358 --> 01:59:34,566 We will tell once it's completed 1658 01:59:34,566 --> 01:59:35,441 What to do now? 1659 01:59:38,608 --> 01:59:41,691 My enemy won't be visible to my eyes but I have to fight with himself 1660 01:59:41,983 --> 01:59:45,066 This is the only night that I hold whether to know that I have won or I loose 1661 01:59:46,941 --> 01:59:48,941 I have to kill him by today night 1662 01:59:49,691 --> 01:59:52,733 Ask our men to search carefully around hospital premises 1663 01:59:53,150 --> 01:59:55,150 Hey, he might come at any time 1664 01:59:55,316 --> 01:59:57,316 Watch everyone carefully while checking 1665 01:59:57,441 --> 02:00:01,275 I have to get Aditya by today night 1666 02:00:48,233 --> 02:00:52,275 I never thought that you will get caught red-handedly in a right time Aditya 1667 02:00:52,441 --> 02:00:55,150 Involvement in a robbery case and two murders 1668 02:00:55,566 --> 02:00:56,691 Your game is over 1669 02:00:57,191 --> 02:00:58,275 Excuse me 1670 02:01:00,275 --> 02:01:03,775 Sir, I am doctor Sharma and he's my patient 1671 02:01:03,775 --> 02:01:06,066 He hold sleep walk disorder 1672 02:01:06,191 --> 02:01:06,775 What? 1673 02:01:07,275 --> 02:01:08,358 Sleep Walking? 1674 02:01:08,358 --> 02:01:09,316 Yes..Yes 1675 02:01:09,650 --> 02:01:12,108 Reporting stating that he hold sleep walk disorder 1676 02:01:12,108 --> 02:01:16,983 HD clips which we have taken without his permission 1677 02:01:20,816 --> 02:01:22,816 He slept unconsciously 1678 02:01:23,025 --> 02:01:23,816 That's it 1679 02:01:38,608 --> 02:01:41,691 Anticipatory bail. My client is suffering with sleep walk disorder 1680 02:01:42,233 --> 02:01:46,775 i.e. the reason he came and slept here and slept unconsciously 1681 02:01:46,775 --> 02:01:48,775 He's no where involved in the murder 1682 02:01:48,900 --> 02:01:52,316 He is not at all an accused one until proven guilty 1683 02:01:52,858 --> 02:01:56,275 You don't hold any right to take any action without proper evidence 1684 02:01:59,233 --> 02:02:00,150 Game not over 1685 02:02:00,816 --> 02:02:01,858 Sleep walking? 1686 02:02:02,483 --> 02:02:03,483 Evidences 1687 02:02:07,108 --> 02:02:10,483 If he had done intentionally or he slept here due to sleep walk disorder 1688 02:02:10,483 --> 02:02:11,816 Right or Wrong 1689 02:02:11,816 --> 02:02:12,483 In 10 minutes 1690 02:02:12,983 --> 02:02:14,441 Within 10 minutes I will settle the issue 1691 02:02:14,566 --> 02:02:15,233 Prabhakar 1692 02:02:15,233 --> 02:02:15,733 Sir 1693 02:02:16,233 --> 02:02:17,400 Aditya finger prints 1694 02:02:17,400 --> 02:02:18,816 the finger prints which were on Ravath body 1695 02:02:18,816 --> 02:02:19,441 Knife 1696 02:02:19,441 --> 02:02:20,608 send them to lab immediately 1697 02:02:20,608 --> 02:02:23,150 Check the entry exit CCTV footage in the house 1698 02:02:23,358 --> 02:02:26,316 If it has one second power cut then he might played a game 1699 02:02:26,316 --> 02:02:27,983 I need all the reports Immediately 1700 02:02:28,108 --> 02:02:28,608 Ramu 1701 02:02:28,608 --> 02:02:29,108 Yes sir 1702 02:02:29,108 --> 02:02:30,775 Arrange lie detector Immediately 1703 02:02:30,775 --> 02:02:31,483 Ok sir 1704 02:02:35,025 --> 02:02:37,191 Can you give me 10 minutes time 1705 02:02:50,816 --> 02:02:51,941 Ask him this questions 1706 02:02:51,941 --> 02:02:52,483 Ok 1707 02:02:57,650 --> 02:02:58,441 What's your name? 1708 02:03:00,691 --> 02:03:01,483 Aditya 1709 02:03:02,858 --> 02:03:03,733 What about your family? 1710 02:03:06,233 --> 02:03:06,858 Mother 1711 02:03:07,316 --> 02:03:08,233 I don't have father 1712 02:03:08,941 --> 02:03:10,441 Arjun and me are twins 1713 02:03:11,233 --> 02:03:12,191 Arjun is also dead 1714 02:03:14,775 --> 02:03:16,400 How did Arjun die? 1715 02:03:17,525 --> 02:03:19,233 Arjun died in an accident during childhood 1716 02:03:21,983 --> 02:03:24,108 Do you hold sleep walk disorder? 1717 02:03:28,608 --> 02:03:29,983 I hold sleep walk disorder 1718 02:03:34,691 --> 02:03:35,941 Have you done the robbery? 1719 02:03:42,150 --> 02:03:43,025 I haven't done the robbery 1720 02:03:44,066 --> 02:03:49,566 During sleep walk one bag got touched my leg which I have kept on the road 1721 02:03:53,941 --> 02:03:55,608 Did you murder Dadu? 1722 02:03:59,858 --> 02:04:01,191 I didn't murdered Dadu 1723 02:04:02,150 --> 02:04:03,275 What you do? 1724 02:04:06,816 --> 02:04:08,150 Patrolling Constable 1725 02:04:09,733 --> 02:04:11,566 Did you murder Ravath 1726 02:04:16,816 --> 02:04:18,066 I didn't murder Ravath 1727 02:04:18,858 --> 02:04:21,233 I've slept in Ravath home during my sleep walk 1728 02:04:25,816 --> 02:04:26,566 Any faults? 1729 02:04:26,566 --> 02:04:27,358 No sir 1730 02:04:27,358 --> 02:04:29,358 All the statements which was stated by him were true 1731 02:04:30,275 --> 02:04:30,816 Dam it 1732 02:04:35,775 --> 02:04:36,275 Sir 1733 02:04:36,983 --> 02:04:38,233 Lab reports came sir. 1734 02:04:39,733 --> 02:04:43,191 There was no match between Aditya finger prints and the finger prints present on Ravath body 1735 02:04:43,191 --> 02:04:43,691 What? 1736 02:04:45,275 --> 02:04:45,941 Yes sir 1737 02:04:48,275 --> 02:04:49,650 Check this CCTV footage 1738 02:04:51,233 --> 02:04:54,941 There was no power cut and the CCTV was recording the footage continuously 1739 02:04:55,775 --> 02:04:58,566 Aditya slept in Ravath home during sleep walk 1740 02:05:12,775 --> 02:05:14,608 Two minutes after he slept 1741 02:05:14,608 --> 02:05:18,983 Ravath was killed by an anonymous person and forcefully dragged him into the hall 1742 02:05:22,566 --> 02:05:26,775 As there are no CCTV cameras in balcony We are unable trace who did this murder 1743 02:05:34,316 --> 02:05:34,941 Aditya 1744 02:05:37,650 --> 02:05:38,691 Thank god 1745 02:05:38,691 --> 02:05:39,566 Thank you doctor 1746 02:05:40,150 --> 02:05:41,400 What's all this Man? 1747 02:05:42,441 --> 02:05:43,483 No need to worry 1748 02:05:44,150 --> 02:05:45,400 I have answered everyone 1749 02:05:50,733 --> 02:05:55,400 There is no use of this fingerprints and CCTV footage every things are clear 1750 02:05:56,233 --> 02:06:01,191 We don't have evidences stating that Aditya did this murder 1751 02:06:01,316 --> 02:06:04,900 and also there is no proper evidence for all this three murders sir. 1752 02:06:08,775 --> 02:06:09,358 Sir 1753 02:06:09,608 --> 02:06:10,483 Myself Aditya 1754 02:06:11,858 --> 02:06:14,608 Because of the weakness which I don't know I was dragged into a problem 1755 02:06:14,691 --> 02:06:15,775 I need your help now 1756 02:06:15,775 --> 02:06:16,733 Sure. Definitely 1757 02:06:16,858 --> 02:06:18,316 By tomorrow morning 7'o clock 1758 02:06:18,733 --> 02:06:25,108 You just come to Ravath guest house and inform the police that I have sleep walk disorder with evidences 1759 02:06:27,941 --> 02:06:28,858 Hello Aditya 1760 02:06:29,275 --> 02:06:33,150 By tomorrow morning 7'o clock appoint a lawyer who is favorable for us and ask him to carry a bail 1761 02:06:33,150 --> 02:06:36,066 Bring him to Ravath guest house by informing everything 1762 02:06:36,775 --> 02:06:39,150 The case will not stand if we have done anything in unconscious state 1763 02:06:39,650 --> 02:06:41,066 i.e. our loop hole 1764 02:06:41,608 --> 02:06:42,566 Ok Aditya 1765 02:06:44,483 --> 02:06:45,233 Aditya 1766 02:06:45,483 --> 02:06:46,691 Just listen to me carefully 1767 02:06:46,941 --> 02:06:52,775 Tomorrow morning 7'o clock Inform S.I Vihaan Varma that Aditya is in Ravath guest house 1768 02:06:53,025 --> 02:06:53,566 Why man 1769 02:06:54,275 --> 02:06:56,275 Just listen to me uncle 1770 02:06:56,608 --> 02:06:57,733 I will look after everything 1771 02:06:57,733 --> 02:06:58,316 Ok man 1772 02:07:46,983 --> 02:07:48,108 Look what happened there? 1773 02:07:48,608 --> 02:07:49,233 Ok Brother 1774 02:10:39,025 --> 02:10:39,650 Hey 1775 02:10:40,775 --> 02:10:44,316 I have taken revenge of my dad demise by killing your brother 1776 02:10:44,316 --> 02:10:47,483 you thought it was my weakness and you have eloped my girl 1777 02:10:47,650 --> 02:10:48,816 You have attacked my mother 1778 02:10:49,400 --> 02:10:52,400 but I have a hidden weakness within myself 1779 02:10:53,191 --> 02:10:53,983 i.e. my strength 1780 02:11:58,775 --> 02:11:59,316 Sir 1781 02:11:59,691 --> 02:12:01,941 We came to know that Aditya was in Ravath guest house 1782 02:12:01,941 --> 02:12:02,441 Is it. 1783 02:12:03,150 --> 02:12:04,441 Constables.. Let's go 1784 02:12:10,441 --> 02:12:12,941 Without my notice my weakness has done a mistake 1785 02:12:13,441 --> 02:12:16,691 In order to save myself from that weakness I've corrected that mistake 1786 02:12:17,483 --> 02:12:21,483 When we were able to find the move of a chess mate player prior then we can checkmate his king 1787 02:12:21,650 --> 02:12:25,691 I guessed at early stage what S.I has thought of and I've escaped from lie detector test 1788 02:12:26,025 --> 02:12:26,525 Buddy 1789 02:12:26,608 --> 02:12:29,358 If we test that whether I am telling right or wrong 1790 02:12:29,691 --> 02:12:31,191 Can we beat lie detector 1791 02:12:31,608 --> 02:12:32,108 Buddy 1792 02:12:32,900 --> 02:12:35,358 In order to test whether you are telling the truth in lie detector test 1793 02:12:35,358 --> 02:12:39,691 an equipment will be fixed to each and every part of your body 1794 02:12:40,483 --> 02:12:42,066 When you want to lie 1795 02:12:42,066 --> 02:12:45,275 If you got a minute change in your body then you will get caught 1796 02:12:45,900 --> 02:12:49,566 But in order to beat lie detector we have two ways 1797 02:12:51,025 --> 02:12:54,108 In lie detector first, they will ask your personal questions 1798 02:12:54,525 --> 02:12:55,858 Then later on they will ask main questions 1799 02:12:56,858 --> 02:12:59,566 As you will reveal right information when asked about your personal details 1800 02:12:59,733 --> 02:13:00,983 Polygram will go normally 1801 02:13:01,191 --> 02:13:03,733 If you want to lie to a main question 1802 02:13:03,983 --> 02:13:06,858 Due to the change in graph it will be proven that you are cheating 1803 02:13:06,858 --> 02:13:10,108 and later if you answer wrongly to main questions then there will be change in graph 1804 02:13:10,233 --> 02:13:11,816 so, they can't reveal it 1805 02:13:12,316 --> 02:13:13,150 Second option 1806 02:13:14,025 --> 02:13:15,233 When main questions were asked 1807 02:13:15,816 --> 02:13:17,483 You have to Day dream yourself 1808 02:13:18,108 --> 02:13:19,900 Imagine yourself the things you remember by staying cool 1809 02:13:20,275 --> 02:13:21,233 Think about something else 1810 02:13:21,941 --> 02:13:23,191 and escape by answering them 1811 02:13:23,900 --> 02:13:27,191 I have used my weakness as my weapon and I've came out of my problem 1812 02:13:28,150 --> 02:13:29,608 He played the game very well 1813 02:13:30,108 --> 02:13:31,775 I will use his weakness 1814 02:13:31,775 --> 02:13:33,900 Likewise ram and ravan were within in one soul 1815 02:13:33,900 --> 02:13:35,900 I was unable to know my weakness till now 1816 02:13:36,066 --> 02:13:38,066 but I came to know my strength of my weakness 1817 02:13:38,358 --> 02:13:39,025 Now 1818 02:13:39,150 --> 02:13:40,233 The real game has started 1819 02:14:25,941 --> 02:14:27,066 Arjun is back 1820 02:14:27,983 --> 02:14:29,441 The game starts now