1 00:00:01,167 --> 00:00:03,294 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 2 00:00:03,420 --> 00:00:04,379 I'm Kuno. 3 00:00:04,462 --> 00:00:07,132 Kuno's got himself into a little bit of trouble with a local Nazi party, 4 00:00:07,215 --> 00:00:08,925 and I know you have the room. 5 00:00:09,509 --> 00:00:10,552 Sounds great. 6 00:00:10,635 --> 00:00:13,888 Max, you work at the Jewish Council. Surely you can speak to them. 7 00:00:13,972 --> 00:00:17,058 Yes, I can at least try and find out where they've gone. 8 00:00:17,142 --> 00:00:18,727 -(HORN BLARING) -OTTO: What did I say, darling? 9 00:00:18,810 --> 00:00:20,854 Air raids are good because it means the English are 10 00:00:20,937 --> 00:00:23,690 -knocking the daylights out of the Nazis. -Knocking the daylights out of the Nazis. 11 00:00:23,773 --> 00:00:27,694 JAN: Bram asked for my employment file. He wants to see me in the morning. 12 00:00:27,777 --> 00:00:32,949 There are a number of us here who disagree with the policies of the occupiers. 13 00:00:33,074 --> 00:00:34,617 We'd like you to join us. 14 00:00:34,701 --> 00:00:36,745 -My country needs me. -I need you. 15 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:38,872 Do not lie to me. I deserve to know. 16 00:00:38,955 --> 00:00:40,623 JAN: I'm doing what you're doing. 17 00:00:40,707 --> 00:00:42,709 -MIEP: You're hiding people. -JAN: I'm helping. 18 00:00:42,792 --> 00:00:46,713 Those people have lost everything, and still they resist. 19 00:00:46,796 --> 00:00:48,173 And I have to resist, too. 20 00:00:50,925 --> 00:00:52,927 I'm waiting for Otto Frank. We have a standing meeting. 21 00:00:53,011 --> 00:00:54,345 MIEP: Mr. Frank has moved out of town. 22 00:00:54,429 --> 00:00:56,514 Call him. Tell him Tonny Ahlers is waiting. 23 00:00:56,598 --> 00:00:59,934 -So this business partnership... -Blackmail, pure and simple. 24 00:01:00,018 --> 00:01:01,519 He knows people are hiding. 25 00:01:01,603 --> 00:01:03,396 -Give me your names. -But is that necessary? 26 00:01:04,022 --> 00:01:04,939 Starting with you. 27 00:01:05,023 --> 00:01:05,982 (TENSE MUSIC CONCLUDES) 28 00:01:21,498 --> 00:01:25,251 (UPBEAT ORCHESTRAL MUSIC PLAYING) 29 00:01:28,922 --> 00:01:29,881 Quick, come on. 30 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:32,801 (MIEP PANTS) 31 00:01:33,343 --> 00:01:35,053 -Miep! Jan! -Yay. 32 00:01:35,136 --> 00:01:36,429 -(PANTS) -Sorry, we're late. 33 00:01:36,513 --> 00:01:38,389 Sorry, sorry. (PANTS) Am I dressed okay? 34 00:01:38,473 --> 00:01:41,351 Yes, of course. You look perfect, as usual. I wish I had your fashion sense. 35 00:01:41,434 --> 00:01:43,520 ANNE: Jan, is it really your first symphony performance? 36 00:01:43,603 --> 00:01:46,064 -Yes, it is. -Well, this one's a good one to go to 37 00:01:46,147 --> 00:01:47,816 because these are the best musicians in Amsterdam. 38 00:01:47,899 --> 00:01:48,942 Yeah, best Jewish musicians. 39 00:01:49,025 --> 00:01:50,735 MARGOT: No, they were in the Concertgebouw Orchestra 40 00:01:50,819 --> 00:01:52,654 but got kicked out when the Nazis came. 41 00:01:52,737 --> 00:01:54,447 Mmm. So they decided to make their own orchestra. 42 00:01:54,531 --> 00:01:56,491 Yeah. Mama calls them war heroes. 43 00:01:56,574 --> 00:01:58,910 I almost forgot, the theater is for Jews only. 44 00:01:58,993 --> 00:02:01,996 I'm sure they won't ask, but in case, I borrowed these. 45 00:02:02,413 --> 00:02:04,541 Last place in town it's still good to be a Jew. 46 00:02:04,624 --> 00:02:07,544 -(MIEP CHUCKLES) -EDITH: (CHUCKLES) Well, now let's go. 47 00:02:07,627 --> 00:02:09,921 We don't want to be stragglers and miss that first movement. 48 00:02:10,213 --> 00:02:14,008 (ORCHESTRAL MUSIC CONTINUES) 49 00:02:19,556 --> 00:02:21,641 -(CHUCKLES) Wow. -JAN: Oh my word. 50 00:02:21,724 --> 00:02:23,059 Okay, you sit there, we'll sit here. 51 00:02:23,143 --> 00:02:24,894 -(ORCHESTRA TUNES INSTRUMENTS) -(CROWD CHATTERING) 52 00:02:24,978 --> 00:02:25,854 Young lady. 53 00:02:26,146 --> 00:02:28,690 -You should let them sit together. -No, I want to sit next to Miep. 54 00:02:28,773 --> 00:02:31,317 -MARGOT: (WHISPERING) Theater's gorgeous. -MIEP: Yeah, it's nice. 55 00:02:33,653 --> 00:02:34,696 (EDITH SIGHS) 56 00:02:35,321 --> 00:02:36,865 (ORCHESTRA STOPS TUNING) 57 00:02:37,031 --> 00:02:38,658 (CROWD CHATTER QUIETS) 58 00:02:38,867 --> 00:02:41,244 (CROWD APPLAUDS) 59 00:02:41,327 --> 00:02:43,163 -MARGOT: That's the first violinist. -Mm-hmm. 60 00:02:43,246 --> 00:02:44,247 (WHISPERS) She's Jewish. 61 00:02:44,581 --> 00:02:47,250 -MARGOT: That's the conductor. -ANNE: He's also Jewish. 62 00:02:47,333 --> 00:02:49,335 The first piece is, uh, Mendelssohn. 63 00:02:49,419 --> 00:02:51,045 -Let me guess. Well, he's Jewish too. -Yeah. 64 00:02:51,129 --> 00:02:52,547 -(GIRLS LAUGH) -EDITH: Girls, settle down. 65 00:02:52,797 --> 00:02:54,340 (CROWD GOES SILENT) 66 00:02:58,094 --> 00:02:59,512 (COUGHING) 67 00:03:04,225 --> 00:03:05,977 (SOMBER MUSIC PLAYING) 68 00:03:06,352 --> 00:03:08,271 (VIOLIN PLAYS) 69 00:03:35,506 --> 00:03:37,008 (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) 70 00:03:37,175 --> 00:03:39,469 (VIOLIN PLAYS VIGOROUSLY) 71 00:04:06,788 --> 00:04:08,915 -(MUSIC STOPS) -(CROWD MUTTERS) 72 00:04:10,083 --> 00:04:12,335 (VIOLIN RESUMES) 73 00:04:13,878 --> 00:04:15,672 (MAN COUGHING) 74 00:04:17,674 --> 00:04:21,386 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 75 00:04:48,454 --> 00:04:52,792 -(VIOLIN STOPS) -(INDISTINCT CHATTER) 76 00:04:59,549 --> 00:05:01,217 Your house keys, please. 77 00:05:02,635 --> 00:05:05,346 I'm here about my son. I need to see him. 78 00:05:05,430 --> 00:05:07,181 Ma'am, we've already told you, 79 00:05:07,265 --> 00:05:09,434 your son is just across the street at the nursery. 80 00:05:10,184 --> 00:05:11,477 Does it feel good? 81 00:05:12,228 --> 00:05:16,024 Sitting here with your stupid armband, following their orders? Working for them? 82 00:05:16,357 --> 00:05:19,402 -I want to see my child! -It's for his own good. 83 00:05:19,986 --> 00:05:21,529 It's too chaotic here for the little ones. 84 00:05:21,612 --> 00:05:24,282 I work at the nursery, take good care of the babies. 85 00:05:24,365 --> 00:05:26,451 I promise, you'll be reunited at transport. 86 00:05:26,534 --> 00:05:28,578 And no, I don't like this any more than you do. 87 00:05:28,661 --> 00:05:29,746 (SHOUTS IN HEBREW) 88 00:05:29,829 --> 00:05:33,041 (IN ENGLISH) Excuse me, Walter. Ma'am, the Jewish Council are not the enemy. 89 00:05:33,499 --> 00:05:34,959 We know who the enemy is. 90 00:05:35,710 --> 00:05:38,421 These men are just trying to make it as easy for us as possible. 91 00:05:40,089 --> 00:05:41,674 You're saving yourselves. 92 00:05:49,640 --> 00:05:50,725 Thank you. 93 00:05:51,976 --> 00:05:53,353 I was told to come see you. 94 00:05:54,896 --> 00:05:56,064 (WHISPERING) You know Corry? 95 00:05:57,523 --> 00:05:59,692 Yeah. Her baby likes to teethe on my hair. 96 00:06:00,193 --> 00:06:02,779 Corry and her family are on the transport list for tomorrow. 97 00:06:02,862 --> 00:06:04,906 So if you're going to ask, it has to be now. 98 00:06:04,989 --> 00:06:07,658 -Tomorrow? Can't you stall it? -The Nazis keep raising the quotas. 99 00:06:07,742 --> 00:06:09,118 There are no more Jews left in the city. 100 00:06:09,243 --> 00:06:11,537 They're going to empty this whole place out by month's end. 101 00:06:11,621 --> 00:06:13,623 It has to be now. (INHALES DEEPLY) 102 00:06:13,831 --> 00:06:15,083 Your house keys, please. 103 00:06:16,084 --> 00:06:17,210 Thank you. 104 00:06:17,794 --> 00:06:19,295 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 105 00:06:19,379 --> 00:06:21,214 NAZI SOLDIER: Everyone, quickly! 106 00:06:21,297 --> 00:06:22,382 (CROWD MURMURS) 107 00:06:22,465 --> 00:06:25,843 (NAZI SOLDIER SHOUTS ORDERS IN GERMAN) 108 00:06:26,886 --> 00:06:30,306 (IN ENGLISH) Hey! Quickly! Come on! 109 00:06:30,765 --> 00:06:33,684 Corry Zeldenrust, Zeldenrust family of three. 110 00:06:34,185 --> 00:06:36,896 Escorting her across the street to the nursery to feed her infant. 111 00:06:37,146 --> 00:06:39,816 -She's expected back within the hour. -Thank you, sir. 112 00:06:47,115 --> 00:06:48,157 Corry... 113 00:06:48,866 --> 00:06:50,952 your family will be transported to Westerbork tomorrow. 114 00:06:51,035 --> 00:06:53,204 (TROLLEY BELL RINGS) 115 00:06:53,413 --> 00:06:55,665 We have a way out for your little girl. 116 00:06:56,582 --> 00:06:59,460 We can send her into hiding. Today. 117 00:06:59,919 --> 00:07:02,338 A family in the country will take care of her until the end of the war. 118 00:07:03,923 --> 00:07:05,258 This could save her life. 119 00:07:06,175 --> 00:07:09,137 Wh... Just her? Without us? 120 00:07:13,474 --> 00:07:15,518 No. She stays with me. 121 00:07:21,691 --> 00:07:22,733 See you tomorrow. 122 00:07:23,109 --> 00:07:25,903 (BABIES CRYING) 123 00:07:30,241 --> 00:07:31,659 (SOLEMN MUSIC FADES) 124 00:07:31,742 --> 00:07:32,994 (BABY WHINES) 125 00:07:33,119 --> 00:07:36,122 Corry, I know it's hard to imagine 126 00:07:36,205 --> 00:07:39,125 that there's a safer place for your daughter than with you, 127 00:07:39,250 --> 00:07:43,588 but at the camps, they will take her from you, day one. 128 00:07:43,963 --> 00:07:45,298 And they will kill her. 129 00:07:45,923 --> 00:07:47,383 BETJE: Let us do this for you. 130 00:07:48,259 --> 00:07:51,304 And after the war, you'll be reunited, and she'll be pudgy... 131 00:07:51,387 --> 00:07:53,139 And more importantly, alive. 132 00:07:53,431 --> 00:07:55,683 -(BABY CRIES) -(CORRY SOBS) 133 00:07:55,766 --> 00:07:59,187 Please. Can you do this for her? 134 00:07:59,687 --> 00:08:02,231 (BABY CRIES) 135 00:08:04,358 --> 00:08:05,985 (SOBS) 136 00:08:06,402 --> 00:08:08,112 (SOMBER MUSIC PLAYING) 137 00:08:09,363 --> 00:08:10,406 Bye. 138 00:08:11,574 --> 00:08:13,326 (SOBS) 139 00:08:16,370 --> 00:08:20,333 (SINGS LULLABY IN HEBREW) 140 00:08:33,513 --> 00:08:34,722 (BABY WHINES) 141 00:08:41,395 --> 00:08:43,314 (CORRY STOPS SINGING LULLABY) 142 00:08:44,565 --> 00:08:46,025 (BABY WHINES) 143 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:48,486 (CORRY SNIFFLES) 144 00:08:50,196 --> 00:08:53,616 (IN ENGLISH) Tomorrow on your transport, you'll bring this doll, 145 00:08:53,699 --> 00:08:55,284 so your family's numbers match. 146 00:08:57,036 --> 00:08:58,496 CORRY: Won't they notice? 147 00:08:58,579 --> 00:08:59,747 They won't look. 148 00:09:00,039 --> 00:09:01,916 It's surprising what they don't care about. 149 00:09:02,291 --> 00:09:05,127 When you arrive at Westerbork, you won't have the doll. 150 00:09:05,294 --> 00:09:08,548 If they ask, your baby died en route. 151 00:09:11,467 --> 00:09:12,718 Whenever you're ready. 152 00:09:16,430 --> 00:09:17,682 (BABY CRIES) 153 00:09:18,015 --> 00:09:19,392 (CORRY SOBS) 154 00:09:22,311 --> 00:09:23,688 (SOBS) 155 00:09:26,983 --> 00:09:29,485 I will see you very, very soon. All right? 156 00:09:34,907 --> 00:09:36,909 (BABY WHINES) 157 00:09:44,917 --> 00:09:46,794 (SOBS) 158 00:09:48,838 --> 00:09:50,256 (SOLEMN MUSIC FADES) 159 00:09:50,548 --> 00:09:53,009 -(INDISTINCT CHATTER) -(TRUCK ENGINE RUMBLING) 160 00:09:53,342 --> 00:09:56,178 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 161 00:10:21,454 --> 00:10:23,372 (TROLLEY CAR DINGING) 162 00:10:26,876 --> 00:10:29,045 (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) 163 00:10:31,047 --> 00:10:32,548 (BABY WHINES) 164 00:10:43,934 --> 00:10:45,645 (INTENSE MUSIC FADES) 165 00:10:46,937 --> 00:10:48,689 (PANTS) 166 00:11:00,326 --> 00:11:01,410 (BICYCLE BELL JINGLES) 167 00:11:01,702 --> 00:11:03,329 (SOMBER MUSIC PLAYING) 168 00:11:03,746 --> 00:11:07,041 (ENGINE RUMBLES) 169 00:11:07,208 --> 00:11:08,626 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 170 00:11:08,918 --> 00:11:10,044 WOMAN: Oh, my God! 171 00:11:10,211 --> 00:11:12,505 MAN 1: All right. We came by him this afternoon. 172 00:11:12,588 --> 00:11:14,340 WOMAN 2: Look, he's got something there. 173 00:11:15,466 --> 00:11:16,676 MAN 2: Hey, what happened? 174 00:11:17,385 --> 00:11:20,262 MAN 3: Yeah, that's it. Floating in the water. 175 00:11:20,513 --> 00:11:22,139 (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) 176 00:11:24,058 --> 00:11:25,267 (MAN 3 GRUNTING) 177 00:11:25,393 --> 00:11:27,478 -(MIEP GASPS) -MAN 3: Turn him over. 178 00:11:27,645 --> 00:11:28,813 MAN 4: Right. 179 00:11:29,480 --> 00:11:31,857 Oh, my God! Anyone know who that is? 180 00:11:34,443 --> 00:11:35,778 (GROANS) 181 00:11:37,154 --> 00:11:38,155 (WOMAN GASPS) 182 00:11:41,742 --> 00:11:45,371 QUEEN WILHELMINA: (OVER RADIO) But neither must our courage be forgotten. 183 00:11:46,288 --> 00:11:51,919 Therefore, preserve your diaries and letters. These documents... 184 00:11:52,002 --> 00:11:53,879 Did you hear that? The Queen wants my diary! 185 00:11:53,963 --> 00:11:55,047 Anne! Shush! 186 00:11:55,131 --> 00:11:56,966 QUEEN WILHELMINA: ...will be of great historical 187 00:11:57,049 --> 00:12:00,678 and cultural significance after the war. 188 00:12:00,761 --> 00:12:03,097 PETER: There, she said "after the war." The Queen wouldn't say that 189 00:12:03,180 --> 00:12:04,724 unless she knew the Allies were on their way. 190 00:12:04,807 --> 00:12:06,600 Yes. Yeah, I think you're right, Peter. 191 00:12:06,684 --> 00:12:08,686 She's speaking of the war as if the end is near. 192 00:12:08,769 --> 00:12:11,772 Because it is. The Allies have been massively bombing 193 00:12:11,856 --> 00:12:15,025 the bridges and railroads in Northern France 194 00:12:15,109 --> 00:12:17,695 to prevent the Germans from bringing in reinforcements. 195 00:12:18,070 --> 00:12:20,740 So, we might be able to be out of here in time for the next school year? 196 00:12:20,823 --> 00:12:22,074 -It's possible. -(MARGOT GIGGLES) 197 00:12:22,199 --> 00:12:23,993 Otto, don't you dare get their hopes up. 198 00:12:24,076 --> 00:12:26,328 Why? There... There is hope. 199 00:12:26,454 --> 00:12:28,456 Yeah, the Allies are close. You heard Hermann. 200 00:12:28,539 --> 00:12:30,833 -There is reason for hope. -MARGOT: We'll go see our friends again... 201 00:12:30,916 --> 00:12:32,209 You can go to school again. 202 00:12:32,376 --> 00:12:34,170 (ALL CHATTING EXCITEDLY) 203 00:12:34,253 --> 00:12:36,839 -Be quiet! (SHUSHES) Be quiet. -ANNE: Miep! 204 00:12:36,922 --> 00:12:39,383 It's the middle of the day. The curtains are wide open. 205 00:12:39,467 --> 00:12:41,093 MAN: (OVER RADIO) Edgar is growing a very long... 206 00:12:41,177 --> 00:12:42,887 The radio is way too loud. It's illegal. 207 00:12:42,970 --> 00:12:44,722 Miep, it's Saturday, no one's in the office. 208 00:12:44,805 --> 00:12:45,931 Yeah, and we have it on low. 209 00:12:46,015 --> 00:12:47,558 I'm gonna have to turn it in to the Nazis. 210 00:12:47,641 --> 00:12:48,768 No, no. Don't you dare. 211 00:12:48,851 --> 00:12:51,312 We need the news, especially as the end is so close. 212 00:12:51,395 --> 00:12:53,022 I'll get you a smaller radio for upstairs. 213 00:12:53,105 --> 00:12:56,108 No, I don't want a radio upstairs. Hermann will listen to it nonstop, 214 00:12:56,525 --> 00:12:59,653 and the children don't need to hear the horrors of the bombings 215 00:12:59,737 --> 00:13:01,655 and all the ghastly body counts. 216 00:13:01,781 --> 00:13:06,952 Yes, they do! I want Peter to understand that fascism isn't just flags and rallies. 217 00:13:07,036 --> 00:13:08,370 It's mass murder. 218 00:13:08,454 --> 00:13:11,457 Hermann, shut up! You've just said there's reason for optimism. 219 00:13:11,540 --> 00:13:13,250 Cautious optimism, Gusti. 220 00:13:13,334 --> 00:13:15,127 Mmm, did you hear the news? The Queen wants my diary. 221 00:13:15,211 --> 00:13:16,921 Yes, I heard. Can everyone go upstairs? 222 00:13:17,004 --> 00:13:19,131 Because we need to make it until the end of the war. 223 00:13:19,215 --> 00:13:21,634 Am I allowed to go? Am I allowed to go? 224 00:13:22,259 --> 00:13:25,513 -Please, Hermann, it's too much. -HERMANN: Thank you for your insights. 225 00:13:26,597 --> 00:13:28,891 Why are you here today? Something wrong? 226 00:13:30,100 --> 00:13:34,104 No. No, no, I just came to check on you. Um, Mrs. Frank... 227 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:37,650 Is there any butter in the shops yet, Miep? 228 00:13:38,400 --> 00:13:41,028 No, ma'am. No, I... I looked today. There's none. 229 00:13:42,029 --> 00:13:43,447 (SOMBER MUSIC PLAYING) 230 00:13:43,531 --> 00:13:44,865 The war will never end. 231 00:13:46,158 --> 00:13:47,243 It will. 232 00:13:47,326 --> 00:13:49,745 EDITH: We hear our Queen telling us to be strong. 233 00:13:51,121 --> 00:13:52,665 But our Queen's in England. 234 00:13:53,958 --> 00:13:56,752 Our Queen has all the butter she needs. 235 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:02,007 Yeah. 236 00:14:11,809 --> 00:14:14,603 (EDITH WHISPERS IN GERMAN) 237 00:14:18,023 --> 00:14:19,775 (SOMBER MUSIC FADES) 238 00:14:20,568 --> 00:14:22,361 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 239 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:27,741 NSB OFFICER: Are you Miep Gies? 240 00:14:28,409 --> 00:14:29,410 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 241 00:14:29,493 --> 00:14:31,787 -MIEP: How can I help you? -This is for you. 242 00:14:36,166 --> 00:14:37,751 (DOG BARKING IN DISTANCE) 243 00:14:40,296 --> 00:14:42,882 Came to me by mistake. I just moved in upstairs. 244 00:14:42,965 --> 00:14:45,968 Oh! Oh, you're the new neighbor! 245 00:14:46,969 --> 00:14:50,055 -I'm Miep. -I know. It says so right there. 246 00:14:50,139 --> 00:14:53,517 Mm-hmm. Well, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to knock. 247 00:14:53,642 --> 00:14:55,811 (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) Bit of an empty offer these days. 248 00:14:55,936 --> 00:14:58,105 We have nothing. But the thought. 249 00:14:59,398 --> 00:15:00,774 I'll be seeing you around. 250 00:15:07,823 --> 00:15:08,991 (CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING OVER RADIO) 251 00:15:09,116 --> 00:15:11,785 (WHISPERING) Jan, the new upstairs neighbor is a Nazi. 252 00:15:11,869 --> 00:15:13,621 Oh, I know, I saw him moving in. 253 00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:16,457 I don't think he can hear us. 254 00:15:16,540 --> 00:15:18,250 -(RADIO CLICKS OFF) -You trying to test the theory? 255 00:15:18,375 --> 00:15:20,502 Listening to Jewish music on an illegal radio? 256 00:15:20,586 --> 00:15:22,171 -Do you want us to get arrested? -(SMOOCHES) 257 00:15:22,296 --> 00:15:25,257 Or our illegal roommate? And where is he? Where's Kuno? 258 00:15:25,341 --> 00:15:28,969 He's in Mrs. Stoppelman's room. Everything's fine. Relax. 259 00:15:29,178 --> 00:15:30,679 (SIGHS) 260 00:15:31,347 --> 00:15:32,598 "Everything's fine"? 261 00:15:32,681 --> 00:15:34,224 Well, obv... obviously not, 262 00:15:34,308 --> 00:15:38,354 but we got another baby to safety in Friesland. 263 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:40,064 Cute thing. Little pudge. 264 00:15:40,147 --> 00:15:43,067 Sometimes you have to take a moment to celebrate the small wins, or else... 265 00:15:43,150 --> 00:15:45,402 -(FOOTSTEPS CREAKING ABOVE) -(SIGHS) 266 00:15:46,111 --> 00:15:49,657 (WHISPERING) See? No more Mendelssohn. 267 00:15:49,740 --> 00:15:52,284 -(WHISPERING) But you love Mendelssohn. -Jan... 268 00:15:52,493 --> 00:15:53,786 (HUMMING MENDELSSOHN SYMPHONY) 269 00:15:53,869 --> 00:15:56,288 Do you remember when we went to the Jewish Theater? 270 00:15:56,372 --> 00:15:58,540 Close your eyes, pretend we're there again. 271 00:15:58,874 --> 00:16:00,334 (HUMS MENDELSSOHN SYMPHONY) 272 00:16:00,417 --> 00:16:03,671 Now, remind me tomorrow to, um, go to the market before the potato man. 273 00:16:03,754 --> 00:16:05,422 See if they've got any butter. 274 00:16:05,506 --> 00:16:08,801 I can take that radio to the Annex in the morning, 275 00:16:08,926 --> 00:16:11,762 and then I can hand in the one in Mr. Frank's office to the Nazis, 276 00:16:11,845 --> 00:16:13,347 show them we're complying. 277 00:16:14,974 --> 00:16:16,183 Hey, hey. 278 00:16:16,517 --> 00:16:21,313 -Oh, Kuno... Kuno, the man upstairs... -Oh, he's a Nazi. Yeah, Jan told me. 279 00:16:21,397 --> 00:16:24,274 Yeah, well, Jan and I are the only ones registered as living here, 280 00:16:24,400 --> 00:16:25,693 so if he finds you... 281 00:16:26,068 --> 00:16:28,404 Don't worry. I'll be careful. 282 00:16:29,446 --> 00:16:30,614 You okay? 283 00:16:31,031 --> 00:16:34,618 Got the worst headache. No idea why. Gonna try and, uh, sleep it off. 284 00:16:35,869 --> 00:16:37,746 Okay, well, let us know if you need anything. 285 00:16:39,915 --> 00:16:41,250 (DOOR SHUTS) 286 00:16:41,375 --> 00:16:42,543 You want to take my radio? 287 00:16:42,668 --> 00:16:45,129 Oh, it's... it's just making me nervous. All of it. 288 00:16:45,254 --> 00:16:48,882 Why, I... Why... Why now? Is it because of the Records Office? 289 00:16:49,133 --> 00:16:51,176 I mean, it was ages ago. If they were going to arrest me, 290 00:16:51,260 --> 00:16:53,554 -they'd have done it by now. -Shh. Be quiet. 291 00:16:54,263 --> 00:16:56,056 (TRUCK ENGINE RUMBLING OUTSIDE) 292 00:16:59,018 --> 00:17:00,769 I saw a dead body in the canal. 293 00:17:01,353 --> 00:17:05,649 First Jewish person I've seen in weeks, and... just floating in the canal. 294 00:17:07,359 --> 00:17:10,154 Uh, he probably died in hiding, and they didn't know what to do. 295 00:17:10,446 --> 00:17:11,488 Huh? 296 00:17:11,947 --> 00:17:15,325 But is that what the Resistance does? Just throws people out like old fish? 297 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:18,746 What would you do? What can you do? 298 00:17:23,208 --> 00:17:24,460 (JAN SIGHS) 299 00:17:25,252 --> 00:17:27,046 Germans have their backs against the wall. 300 00:17:27,713 --> 00:17:31,300 They know the Allies are coming. It'll get worse before it gets better. 301 00:17:31,800 --> 00:17:33,594 Do you think it is gonna get better? 302 00:17:33,927 --> 00:17:35,387 (LOUD KNOCKING ON DOOR) 303 00:17:35,596 --> 00:17:38,766 No, it's the neighbor. I told him to knock if he needed anything. 304 00:17:38,849 --> 00:17:40,309 Why on earth would you do that? 305 00:17:40,392 --> 00:17:42,061 'Cause that's what you say to neighbors. 306 00:17:44,480 --> 00:17:45,606 One second. 307 00:17:51,195 --> 00:17:52,321 (OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING) 308 00:17:52,613 --> 00:17:53,781 Mrs. Gies? 309 00:17:54,073 --> 00:17:55,365 JAN: Hi. Can I help at all? 310 00:17:55,491 --> 00:17:58,952 We're here with the Omnia Trust for the liquidation of Jewish assets. 311 00:17:59,036 --> 00:18:01,330 SCHEUBLEIN: We have this address listed as belonging to a... 312 00:18:01,413 --> 00:18:02,998 KONING: Henriette Stoppelman. 313 00:18:03,332 --> 00:18:07,252 Oh, that... That's, uh, an error. She's not lived here for a long time. 314 00:18:09,004 --> 00:18:10,172 That right? 315 00:18:12,549 --> 00:18:15,385 (SINGS LULLABY IN HEBREW) 316 00:18:25,437 --> 00:18:26,897 (DOOR HANDLE CLACKING) 317 00:18:26,980 --> 00:18:28,440 (BABY WHINES) 318 00:18:28,732 --> 00:18:30,984 -LIESJE: (IN ENGLISH) What is it? -They're here! 319 00:18:31,068 --> 00:18:33,403 (NAZI OFFICER SHOUTING IN GERMAN) 320 00:18:33,904 --> 00:18:35,572 -(IN ENGLISH) It's all right. -(BABY CRIES) 321 00:18:35,656 --> 00:18:37,491 -(OFFICER CONTINUES SHOUTING) -(MENACING MUSIC PLAYING) 322 00:18:37,616 --> 00:18:40,577 Everybody up! This building is officially closed. 323 00:18:40,661 --> 00:18:41,829 (BABY WAILING) 324 00:18:41,995 --> 00:18:46,083 All children to be processed for transport to the camps. Immediately! 325 00:18:46,333 --> 00:18:51,088 Then you will be processed. Come on! Wake them up, dress them up! Right now! 326 00:18:51,380 --> 00:18:52,589 (SHOUTS IN GERMAN) 327 00:18:53,215 --> 00:18:55,050 (IN ENGLISH) So, the only residents listed here 328 00:18:55,175 --> 00:18:57,928 are you, Jan Gies, and you, Miep Gies. 329 00:18:58,011 --> 00:18:59,638 -Correct? -Yes. That's correct. 330 00:18:59,721 --> 00:19:01,640 Which one of these rooms did the old lady sleep in? 331 00:19:02,349 --> 00:19:04,476 -Um, well... -My... My cousin is in... 332 00:19:06,728 --> 00:19:08,647 in... in... in insurance as well. 333 00:19:09,148 --> 00:19:10,315 Good for your cousin. 334 00:19:11,275 --> 00:19:13,068 (MENACING MUSIC CONTINUES) 335 00:19:18,615 --> 00:19:20,659 -So, this is your furniture? -MIEP: It is. 336 00:19:21,785 --> 00:19:23,871 You and my grandma have similar taste. 337 00:19:24,496 --> 00:19:27,958 (SCOFFS) Oh, you came here to insult my taste, then take my furniture? 338 00:19:28,083 --> 00:19:29,209 (CURTAIN DRAWS OPEN) 339 00:19:32,087 --> 00:19:33,255 All right, next. 340 00:19:44,683 --> 00:19:48,061 Sofa... two armchairs. 341 00:19:49,104 --> 00:19:50,606 NAZI OFFICER: Come on, come on, move quickly! 342 00:19:50,731 --> 00:19:52,691 -(BABY CRYING) -NAZI OFFICER: Down here! 343 00:19:52,858 --> 00:19:54,902 Let's go, let's go, let's go! Come on! 344 00:19:55,068 --> 00:19:56,069 Quickly now! 345 00:19:56,320 --> 00:20:03,076 (SHOUTS ORDERS IN GERMAN) 346 00:20:05,412 --> 00:20:06,914 (BABY WAILS) 347 00:20:07,164 --> 00:20:08,790 (NAZI OFFICER SHOUTS IN GERMAN) 348 00:20:08,957 --> 00:20:10,250 (IN ENGLISH) Come on. This way. 349 00:20:10,417 --> 00:20:12,753 (NAZI OFFICER CONTINUES SHOUTING) 350 00:20:13,670 --> 00:20:16,924 (PANTS) Run to the teacher's house as fast as you can. 351 00:20:17,007 --> 00:20:20,135 Knock on his door, then hide yourselves! Go. Go, go, go. 352 00:20:20,219 --> 00:20:21,553 Go, go, go, go, go. 353 00:20:22,304 --> 00:20:25,224 Careful. Careful. Careful. Careful. 354 00:20:25,432 --> 00:20:27,726 (BABY CRIES) 355 00:20:33,523 --> 00:20:35,984 (MENACING MUSIC FADES) 356 00:20:36,526 --> 00:20:38,195 (OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING) 357 00:20:40,656 --> 00:20:42,074 You need to come in here! 358 00:20:44,493 --> 00:20:47,079 Didn't Horvath say he needed a dining set for four? 359 00:20:48,580 --> 00:20:51,667 He wants oak. That's pine. 360 00:21:00,509 --> 00:21:02,052 -This your room? -MIEP: Mm-hmm. 361 00:21:05,222 --> 00:21:06,473 That necessary? 362 00:21:07,808 --> 00:21:08,892 SCHEUBLEIN: Miss? 363 00:21:11,270 --> 00:21:13,772 Circumstances of Mrs. Stoppelberg leaving the domicile... 364 00:21:13,855 --> 00:21:14,982 MIEP: Stoppelman. 365 00:21:15,482 --> 00:21:18,277 She moved? She fled, she was relocated? What? 366 00:21:19,319 --> 00:21:22,072 Uh, we came home one day, and she was... she was gone. 367 00:21:23,573 --> 00:21:25,993 SCHEUBLEIN: Good thing you had all your own furniture, huh? 368 00:21:27,953 --> 00:21:31,748 This is theft, what you're doing here. This isn't your stuff. 369 00:21:31,832 --> 00:21:35,585 Come on. She left it. And a girl needs something to sit on. 370 00:21:35,669 --> 00:21:37,587 Are you just gonna take it all? 371 00:21:38,130 --> 00:21:39,506 I think we got everything. 372 00:21:42,467 --> 00:21:45,887 Pending review, we'll be back to collect the old Jew's furniture. 373 00:21:46,596 --> 00:21:47,931 You'll be hearing from us. 374 00:21:51,101 --> 00:21:52,102 (DOOR SLAMS) 375 00:21:52,185 --> 00:21:53,353 (WHISPERING) Oh, my God. 376 00:21:53,478 --> 00:21:54,855 (PANTS) Oh, what the hell? 377 00:21:55,314 --> 00:21:57,024 They came in here like they owned the place! 378 00:21:57,107 --> 00:21:58,817 Well, they do now. (EXHALES) 379 00:21:59,318 --> 00:22:00,402 MIEP: You all right? 380 00:22:00,819 --> 00:22:03,447 Um, uh, no. No, I can't stop shaking. 381 00:22:03,530 --> 00:22:05,657 Well done, mate. They missed you by millimeters. 382 00:22:06,533 --> 00:22:07,784 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 383 00:22:08,368 --> 00:22:10,454 (BOTH BREATHE HEAVILY) 384 00:22:10,579 --> 00:22:11,621 (SNIFFLES) 385 00:22:11,997 --> 00:22:13,290 Back so soon? 386 00:22:14,041 --> 00:22:16,126 -Max. -I need your help. 387 00:22:21,423 --> 00:22:24,968 JAN: So, uh, you hid in a closet, and they didn't find you? 388 00:22:25,052 --> 00:22:27,179 I know, but we were trapped. 389 00:22:27,596 --> 00:22:29,931 They were there for hours pulling the children out. 390 00:22:30,223 --> 00:22:33,185 When it went silent, I snuck out and called Max. 391 00:22:34,478 --> 00:22:37,522 Betje wanted to turn herself in, go with the kids to Westerbork. 392 00:22:37,606 --> 00:22:40,233 How many children did we care for and then send off 393 00:22:40,317 --> 00:22:42,319 -into the hands of those sadists?! -LIESJE: We had no choice! 394 00:22:42,444 --> 00:22:43,653 You saved countless children. 395 00:22:43,737 --> 00:22:46,156 And watched thousands be sent away to die! 396 00:22:46,615 --> 00:22:48,575 And the Jewish Council said that we'd be safe. 397 00:22:48,658 --> 00:22:50,160 Tea. You could use some tea. 398 00:22:51,119 --> 00:22:54,081 My wife and I have a hiding place lined up in the country, 399 00:22:54,164 --> 00:22:55,874 but it's impossible to get out of the city. 400 00:22:55,957 --> 00:22:57,000 Maybe I can help. 401 00:22:57,376 --> 00:22:59,878 Max, you'll have to have Stella come and stay here tonight. 402 00:23:00,379 --> 00:23:02,214 She's not safe in your house anymore. 403 00:23:02,297 --> 00:23:04,549 -Can you help me with the tea, please? -JAN: Yeah. 404 00:23:08,845 --> 00:23:09,888 (MAX SIGHS) 405 00:23:12,099 --> 00:23:13,308 (SIGHS) 406 00:23:13,809 --> 00:23:14,810 (JAN EXHALES) 407 00:23:16,561 --> 00:23:17,771 Yeah. What's your plan? 408 00:23:18,271 --> 00:23:20,857 (SIGHS) Haven't quite figured it out yet. 409 00:23:20,941 --> 00:23:21,942 Try again. 410 00:23:23,318 --> 00:23:27,948 (EXHALES) Well, the Germans have shut down transportation, beefed up checkpoints. 411 00:23:28,031 --> 00:23:29,783 There's no getting out of the city. 412 00:23:30,367 --> 00:23:32,536 What... So they're just gonna stay here? 413 00:23:32,619 --> 00:23:34,871 Four more people? That can't be the plan. 414 00:23:34,955 --> 00:23:38,208 Not with Omnia agents barging in and the neighbor upstairs. 415 00:23:38,291 --> 00:23:39,876 -Something's gonna happen! -Miep. 416 00:23:40,877 --> 00:23:43,213 Things are happening regardless of what we do. 417 00:23:43,672 --> 00:23:46,007 -LIESJE: They're taking children! -(GASPS) Oh, my God. 418 00:23:46,091 --> 00:23:48,385 (INDISTINCT ARGUING) 419 00:23:48,510 --> 00:23:50,929 BETJE: Doctors and nurses were supposed to be safe. No one was safe. 420 00:23:51,012 --> 00:23:54,724 We told you that because we thought it was true. We got no prior warning. 421 00:23:54,808 --> 00:23:57,644 Now they're dismantling the Jewish Council and will be after us next. 422 00:23:57,769 --> 00:24:01,398 Shh. Shh. Please. There's... there's an NSB officer living upstairs. 423 00:24:02,607 --> 00:24:06,319 There's an NSB officer upstairs? Max, I thought you said this was safe. 424 00:24:06,403 --> 00:24:08,113 I thought it was. Jan? 425 00:24:08,363 --> 00:24:10,824 Well, it's as safe a place as we have at the moment. 426 00:24:11,241 --> 00:24:13,743 As long as we're all quiet, we'll all be safe. 427 00:24:14,536 --> 00:24:15,537 Oh, God. 428 00:24:15,745 --> 00:24:17,289 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 429 00:24:17,622 --> 00:24:18,707 MIEP: Kuno? 430 00:24:18,957 --> 00:24:21,418 -(BREATHES HEAVILY) -(TEAPOT WHISTLING) 431 00:24:23,962 --> 00:24:25,589 BETJE: I applied cold compresses all night, 432 00:24:25,672 --> 00:24:27,424 but his temperature just won't go down. 433 00:24:27,507 --> 00:24:30,135 I mean, it could be a migraine, a sinus infection, a virus. 434 00:24:30,218 --> 00:24:34,431 But worst-case scenario, it's meningitis, which could be deadly, and contagious. 435 00:24:34,514 --> 00:24:36,224 I think we should take him to a hospital. 436 00:24:36,308 --> 00:24:39,728 No. No, we can't. He's hiding here. He's wanted by the Green Police. 437 00:24:39,811 --> 00:24:40,729 Can't you take care of him? 438 00:24:41,104 --> 00:24:43,523 Very little to be done if we don't know the cause of the problem. 439 00:24:43,607 --> 00:24:46,985 We can... we can hold out for a while, see if he gets any better. 440 00:24:47,068 --> 00:24:49,362 -Yeah. -Can we have some fresh water? 441 00:24:49,446 --> 00:24:51,156 -Yeah. -Oh, and if you have any willow bark, 442 00:24:51,239 --> 00:24:52,616 -that would be good. -MIEP: All right. 443 00:24:52,699 --> 00:24:55,327 -And maybe some alcohol? -What kind? Rubbing alcohol? 444 00:24:55,410 --> 00:24:58,872 Any kind. Brandy, gin, rye. It's for me. 445 00:25:03,919 --> 00:25:05,212 -(GASPS) -(SCREAMS) 446 00:25:05,378 --> 00:25:06,421 (GASPS) 447 00:25:06,671 --> 00:25:08,381 Stella! When did you get here? 448 00:25:09,090 --> 00:25:10,550 Max sent for me last night. 449 00:25:10,675 --> 00:25:12,260 Do you happen to have an extra towel? 450 00:25:12,385 --> 00:25:14,513 -Yeah... yeah, in the cabinet. -Thank you. 451 00:25:17,265 --> 00:25:19,267 MIEP: Anyone else in the house I should know about? 452 00:25:19,559 --> 00:25:22,020 Look, I'm gonna speak to Bram. Okay? 453 00:25:22,103 --> 00:25:25,023 -I'll get everyone out. -Yeah. Can you get Kuno some willow bark? 454 00:25:25,106 --> 00:25:27,317 Yes. Anything else? 455 00:25:28,360 --> 00:25:29,819 What do we do if Kuno... 456 00:25:30,654 --> 00:25:31,738 If he dies? 457 00:25:33,073 --> 00:25:34,157 I have no idea. 458 00:25:34,574 --> 00:25:37,160 Neither do I. No clue. 459 00:25:38,662 --> 00:25:41,414 All right. I'll get some willow bark. Okay? 460 00:25:46,127 --> 00:25:48,129 Okay, I have to go to work. 461 00:25:48,213 --> 00:25:51,049 Don't make any noise. We don't know how much he can hear. 462 00:25:51,925 --> 00:25:53,885 Only walk around in socks. Don't flush the toilet, 463 00:25:53,969 --> 00:25:56,763 don't run any water, no one is supposed to be here. 464 00:25:58,890 --> 00:26:00,850 Just... don't let him die. 465 00:26:04,396 --> 00:26:05,855 (CRIES IN PAIN) 466 00:26:05,981 --> 00:26:07,274 Please be still. 467 00:26:07,357 --> 00:26:09,985 Stop jabbing that thing in my gum and I'll stay still. 468 00:26:10,068 --> 00:26:12,320 So I'm assuming that they will land in Spain. 469 00:26:12,404 --> 00:26:13,780 ANNE: Capital of Spain is Madrid. 470 00:26:13,863 --> 00:26:16,366 -Spain or Portugal. -Capital of Portugal is Lisbon. 471 00:26:16,449 --> 00:26:17,450 What are you doing? 472 00:26:17,534 --> 00:26:19,911 I'm remembering things, so when I get back, I'm not held back. 473 00:26:19,995 --> 00:26:21,496 -It's a good idea. -ANNE: I know. 474 00:26:21,580 --> 00:26:23,498 Although the best news would be France, no? 475 00:26:23,582 --> 00:26:24,583 -Paris! -Paris! 476 00:26:24,791 --> 00:26:26,126 -Aw, Paris! -PETER: Please... 477 00:26:26,209 --> 00:26:28,253 MARGOT: Mama, when we get out of here we should go to Paris. 478 00:26:28,336 --> 00:26:31,381 -We could go see where Renoir lived. -And why would I want to do that? 479 00:26:31,715 --> 00:26:32,882 You love Renoir. 480 00:26:33,383 --> 00:26:34,551 (QUIETLY) Do I love Renoir? 481 00:26:34,634 --> 00:26:37,137 Miep! Th... uh, the radio. Please, set it here. 482 00:26:37,262 --> 00:26:39,431 Oh, damn, no. I forgot it. I left it at home. 483 00:26:39,514 --> 00:26:41,349 Well, if... if we can't listen downstairs, then how... 484 00:26:41,433 --> 00:26:42,517 It slipped my mind. I... 485 00:26:42,601 --> 00:26:44,811 -I came for the shopping list. -Uh, Edith has it. 486 00:26:44,894 --> 00:26:46,813 HERMANN: (SCOFFS) So now we don't have a radio? 487 00:26:46,896 --> 00:26:48,982 -(INDISTINCT CHATTER) -MARGOT: Mama, the shopping list? 488 00:26:49,065 --> 00:26:50,025 I don't have it. 489 00:26:50,108 --> 00:26:51,818 HERMANN: I'm saying we're not gonna get information. 490 00:26:51,901 --> 00:26:53,945 Yes. I... I have it. Ri... right. 491 00:26:55,322 --> 00:26:57,574 I can't find my pot. Did you wash it? 492 00:26:57,657 --> 00:27:00,785 No. Mama, it's on the counter. Right next to you. 493 00:27:00,869 --> 00:27:01,995 Edith, Gerrit's coming today. 494 00:27:02,078 --> 00:27:03,079 -HERMANN: Miep. -Gerrit? 495 00:27:03,163 --> 00:27:04,414 -The potato man. -HERMANN: Miep. 496 00:27:04,497 --> 00:27:06,708 The radio is of the utmost importance right now. 497 00:27:06,791 --> 00:27:08,084 The Allies could be days away. 498 00:27:08,168 --> 00:27:10,378 -We need to know what's what. -The potato man. Yeah. 499 00:27:10,462 --> 00:27:11,713 I'm speaking for myself. 500 00:27:11,796 --> 00:27:14,591 -But news, it's more important than food. -PETER: Oh, no, no, no. 501 00:27:14,674 --> 00:27:16,176 He's definitely speaking for himself, Miep. 502 00:27:16,468 --> 00:27:18,136 Are there any good potatoes left in the attic? 503 00:27:18,219 --> 00:27:21,389 Anne! Peter! Go upstairs and see if there are any good potatoes, will you? 504 00:27:21,473 --> 00:27:23,350 Get a pack of beans while you're up there, too, will you? 505 00:27:23,433 --> 00:27:25,060 And moldy ones that are salvageable are good too. 506 00:27:25,143 --> 00:27:28,188 Well, the South of France makes sense. But Normandy... 507 00:27:28,271 --> 00:27:30,148 -EDITH: I can't find my pot. -HERMANN: Normandy, I think. 508 00:27:30,231 --> 00:27:31,358 Edith, it's there. 509 00:27:31,441 --> 00:27:33,401 -Exactly. -ANNE: Margot! There's... 510 00:27:33,526 --> 00:27:35,320 Anne! Anne! The office is opening soon. 511 00:27:35,403 --> 00:27:36,946 -Can you stop shouting? -ANNE: Sorry! 512 00:27:37,614 --> 00:27:38,990 (LOUD RATTLING) 513 00:27:39,157 --> 00:27:41,451 (PETER AND ANNE LAUGHING) 514 00:27:41,576 --> 00:27:42,869 Stop it! Stop it! 515 00:27:45,372 --> 00:27:47,624 -Stop that now! -PETER: I don't know how to stop it! 516 00:27:48,917 --> 00:27:51,461 It's not funny! They can hear this. G... Gerrit could be down there! 517 00:27:51,961 --> 00:27:53,254 MALE VOICE: Hello! 518 00:27:53,838 --> 00:27:55,131 (THREATENING MUSIC PLAYING) 519 00:27:55,215 --> 00:27:56,257 MALE VOICE: Hello? 520 00:27:56,591 --> 00:27:59,844 (WHISPERS) That's Gerrit. Now just clean this up! 521 00:27:59,928 --> 00:28:02,097 Actually, don't, don't, don't, don't. You'll make too much noise. 522 00:28:02,180 --> 00:28:03,640 Just do nothing. 523 00:28:06,893 --> 00:28:09,104 Gerrit? I'm glad I didn't miss you! 524 00:28:09,229 --> 00:28:13,483 Shh! It's the NSB man. The one who was blackmailing Otto. 525 00:28:13,650 --> 00:28:16,569 -What, Tonny Ahlers? -He said he won't leave until he sees you. 526 00:28:19,406 --> 00:28:21,491 (FOOTSTEPS THUDDING) 527 00:28:22,450 --> 00:28:24,244 I told you once, and I'm not telling you again, 528 00:28:24,327 --> 00:28:26,121 I don't know where Mr. Frank is. 529 00:28:27,372 --> 00:28:29,499 Of course. Lost in Switzerland. 530 00:28:29,582 --> 00:28:32,961 Unless you're here for sausage spices, I have nothing for you. Can you please go? 531 00:28:33,044 --> 00:28:35,714 Times have changed. Look around. 532 00:28:36,089 --> 00:28:38,800 It's a different city. No more dirty Jews. 533 00:28:40,093 --> 00:28:41,386 Well, congratulations. 534 00:28:42,053 --> 00:28:44,139 Scarcity sets the market price, you know? 535 00:28:44,472 --> 00:28:47,559 You can now get a lot more money for turning in a Jew in hiding. 536 00:28:47,892 --> 00:28:50,937 Come on. You know where the Franks are. I know you do. 537 00:28:51,438 --> 00:28:54,107 Going to find someone who does, might as well be you. 538 00:28:54,190 --> 00:28:55,734 Your cut would be substantial. 539 00:29:01,489 --> 00:29:02,574 Think about it. 540 00:29:16,171 --> 00:29:17,964 -He said that... -KLEIMAN: I heard. 541 00:29:19,424 --> 00:29:22,302 You don't think he suspects they're here at all? 542 00:29:23,136 --> 00:29:24,596 GERRIT: (GROANS) Hello? 543 00:29:24,929 --> 00:29:28,308 Gerrit! Hey, Gerrit, I was... I was worried I missed you. 544 00:29:28,933 --> 00:29:30,894 (GERRIT GROANS) 545 00:29:31,561 --> 00:29:34,898 That man who just left, he was hovering around when I got here. I, uh... 546 00:29:35,023 --> 00:29:37,025 I stalled. I didn't think you'd want him 547 00:29:37,108 --> 00:29:39,986 to see that you had such a... a large standing order. 548 00:29:40,361 --> 00:29:43,490 Um, watch out for him. He's bad news. 549 00:29:44,282 --> 00:29:46,034 Have a good day. Have a good one. 550 00:29:48,661 --> 00:29:51,164 Was Gerrit saying what I think he was saying? 551 00:29:51,247 --> 00:29:54,709 Like it's common knowledge. Like, "Because of the Jews you're hiding." 552 00:29:55,502 --> 00:29:57,504 Maybe Tonny Ahlers knows that, too? 553 00:29:57,796 --> 00:29:59,464 Oh, I don't know. I don't, I don't think so. 554 00:29:59,547 --> 00:30:03,384 I mean, why would he cut me in? Oh, I mean... This is so bad. 555 00:30:04,344 --> 00:30:08,056 -(GASPS SOFTLY) -What? What's wro... 556 00:30:09,015 --> 00:30:10,308 (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) 557 00:30:10,433 --> 00:30:12,811 What? Mrs. Frank, you can't be here. 558 00:30:16,940 --> 00:30:19,484 EDITH: I just wanted to get away for a minute. 559 00:30:20,026 --> 00:30:25,615 Then I saw the sunlight in the hall. I just needed a little sunlight. 560 00:30:26,783 --> 00:30:28,326 -(BREATHES HEAVILY) -(BIRDS CHIRPING) 561 00:30:28,451 --> 00:30:30,036 (MUSIC TURNS SOMBER) 562 00:30:44,050 --> 00:30:45,343 Can I talk to you? 563 00:30:45,468 --> 00:30:49,097 (BREATHES SHAKILY) Of course. Of course, Mrs. Frank, but inside. 564 00:30:49,180 --> 00:30:52,016 No. No, I can't be in there for another second. 565 00:30:52,183 --> 00:30:54,894 With their nonstop chattering, and planning, 566 00:30:54,978 --> 00:30:58,273 and cheering about the end of the war as if it's already happened. 567 00:30:58,356 --> 00:31:01,109 As if our girls are already free and out of danger. 568 00:31:03,945 --> 00:31:05,154 I feel so ashamed. 569 00:31:06,322 --> 00:31:07,532 -Ashamed? -EDITH: Yeah. 570 00:31:08,241 --> 00:31:09,325 (INHALES DEEPLY) 571 00:31:09,826 --> 00:31:13,746 I have this bad feeling, Miep. I can't shake it. 572 00:31:14,789 --> 00:31:18,668 I have this dark hole in my stomach that tells me this war will never end. 573 00:31:19,752 --> 00:31:22,422 And Margot looks at me and Anne looks at me, and... 574 00:31:23,047 --> 00:31:25,216 and they have so much light in their eyes. 575 00:31:26,634 --> 00:31:28,636 So much hope now. And... 576 00:31:29,304 --> 00:31:30,305 And... 577 00:31:32,390 --> 00:31:33,850 I can't look back at them. 578 00:31:34,893 --> 00:31:35,894 I'll kill it. 579 00:31:37,061 --> 00:31:39,480 I'll destroy their hope if they look in my eyes. 580 00:31:42,525 --> 00:31:44,277 It's been two years, Miep. 581 00:31:45,486 --> 00:31:48,031 Two years since I've been outside. 582 00:31:50,325 --> 00:31:51,659 Is it better? 583 00:31:53,036 --> 00:31:55,038 Tell me it's better out there. 584 00:32:00,668 --> 00:32:03,129 It's much better that you're inside right now. 585 00:32:04,756 --> 00:32:05,882 EDITH: Hm. 586 00:32:06,925 --> 00:32:07,926 Yeah. 587 00:32:21,064 --> 00:32:22,815 (BOOKSHELF DOOR CREAKS) 588 00:32:24,484 --> 00:32:25,735 (DOOR BANGS SHUT) 589 00:32:34,369 --> 00:32:35,495 (BIRD CHIRPING) 590 00:32:35,578 --> 00:32:38,039 (CAR HORN HONKING) 591 00:32:38,456 --> 00:32:39,791 (MAN SHOUTING IN DISTANCE) 592 00:32:41,042 --> 00:32:42,168 (GRUNTS) 593 00:32:43,628 --> 00:32:46,965 You know there's a rubber shortage? We're confiscating your bicycle. 594 00:32:47,256 --> 00:32:48,591 (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) 595 00:32:48,675 --> 00:32:51,719 I need my bike for work. I have the documentation for it. 596 00:32:51,803 --> 00:32:54,764 The war effort needs your bike. Are you saying you don't want to contribute? 597 00:32:54,847 --> 00:32:58,017 No, no. I... I... I work for the government, our government. 598 00:32:58,309 --> 00:33:01,980 I work with Bram Becker. You can't take my bike. 599 00:33:03,106 --> 00:33:05,316 You want to tell me what I can and can't do? 600 00:33:06,275 --> 00:33:08,027 Uh, no. No. I apologize. 601 00:33:08,111 --> 00:33:10,446 You gonna mouth off to us now, social worker? 602 00:33:10,822 --> 00:33:12,573 You think you deserve special treatment here? 603 00:33:12,657 --> 00:33:14,200 -"I have a pass!" -(CHUCKLES) 604 00:33:15,159 --> 00:33:18,079 -I... I... I wasn't suggesting... -You like working for the government? Hm? 605 00:33:18,246 --> 00:33:21,207 There's a work camp in Germany that could use your passion. 606 00:33:22,208 --> 00:33:23,751 -Let's go. -JAN: Hey. Hey. 607 00:33:23,835 --> 00:33:24,836 -Let's go. -JAN: Hey. 608 00:33:25,128 --> 00:33:26,713 I've done nothing wrong. Please. 609 00:33:29,132 --> 00:33:31,509 VICTOR: Tell me again, what happened? 610 00:33:31,592 --> 00:33:34,679 Mrs. Frank just walked right out into the office. 611 00:33:35,013 --> 00:33:37,515 -I nearly fell over dead. -Why would she do that? 612 00:33:37,598 --> 00:33:41,436 They're getting stressed. And sloppy. I mean, we're all getting sloppy. 613 00:33:41,728 --> 00:33:45,940 We think Gerrit knows. The potato man. I mean, he didn't say it outright, but... 614 00:33:46,024 --> 00:33:48,401 -We have to be more careful. -VICTOR: How much more careful can we be? 615 00:33:48,526 --> 00:33:51,029 -We have to feed people. -We've been doing the right thing. 616 00:33:51,112 --> 00:33:53,197 It's just people are working it out. 617 00:33:53,322 --> 00:33:56,075 We have to move them, right? They can't stay here. 618 00:33:56,159 --> 00:33:57,744 Move them? Eight of them? 619 00:33:57,827 --> 00:34:00,580 He... he's right. Do we know anyone hiding people outside the city? 620 00:34:00,788 --> 00:34:02,248 But how would we get them there? I mean, 621 00:34:02,373 --> 00:34:04,250 Mr. Frank won't let them travel separately. 622 00:34:04,333 --> 00:34:06,335 We can't just move eight people onto the street. 623 00:34:06,419 --> 00:34:08,087 -Then we lock them up. -(TELEPHONE RINGING) 624 00:34:08,171 --> 00:34:11,382 -What, is less freedom really the answer? -(TELEPHONE RINGING) 625 00:34:12,508 --> 00:34:14,218 -Are you going to answer that? -(TELEPHONE RINGING) 626 00:34:16,054 --> 00:34:17,388 (TELEPHONE RINGS) 627 00:34:18,765 --> 00:34:19,932 Opekta. 628 00:34:21,225 --> 00:34:22,393 Huh? 629 00:34:22,852 --> 00:34:23,936 Don't do anything. 630 00:34:24,020 --> 00:34:27,023 No. T... Tell them to stay put. P... Please! I'll be right there! 631 00:34:27,106 --> 00:34:28,232 Oh, my God. 632 00:34:28,483 --> 00:34:31,277 -What is it? -Nothing. It's no one. 633 00:34:33,446 --> 00:34:34,906 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 634 00:34:34,989 --> 00:34:37,867 -HAGEN: Prisoner to check in. -BORST: Stand still. 635 00:34:38,409 --> 00:34:40,119 I work for the city council. 636 00:34:40,203 --> 00:34:41,662 -I'm a social worker. -Quiet. 637 00:34:42,371 --> 00:34:45,500 You're making a mistake. I have important work to do. 638 00:34:45,583 --> 00:34:47,376 Where are you going? We need to check him in. 639 00:34:47,460 --> 00:34:50,505 We're going to have a little chat. I don't like his mouth. 640 00:34:50,588 --> 00:34:53,466 -Wait, I have important work to do. -BORST: Get in. 641 00:34:54,675 --> 00:34:57,345 JAN: There's a misunderstanding. I'm just doing my j... 642 00:34:57,428 --> 00:34:58,471 (GROANS) 643 00:34:59,180 --> 00:35:02,350 Tell me, Mr. Social Worker, do you work with Bram Becker? 644 00:35:03,309 --> 00:35:04,852 JAN: Yes, I told you. 645 00:35:06,312 --> 00:35:08,272 BORST: Yeah, I bet you do. 646 00:35:09,982 --> 00:35:11,317 (GRUNTS) 647 00:35:11,901 --> 00:35:12,902 Run. 648 00:35:13,486 --> 00:35:15,863 I'll say I was overpowered by an unidentified Dutch citizen. 649 00:35:15,947 --> 00:35:17,281 He escaped police custody. 650 00:35:17,865 --> 00:35:20,785 What? If I... I run, you're gonna shoot me in the back. 651 00:35:20,868 --> 00:35:23,454 Go, stupid, before someone sees! 652 00:35:24,747 --> 00:35:26,415 Tell Bram Becker I said, "Hello." 653 00:35:26,916 --> 00:35:28,126 (DOOR SLAMS SHUT) 654 00:35:32,922 --> 00:35:34,215 (INTENSE MUSIC CONTINUES) 655 00:35:34,298 --> 00:35:35,716 I tried to tell them no. 656 00:35:35,800 --> 00:35:38,010 -I think they should take him. -BETJE: Right here we go. 657 00:35:38,094 --> 00:35:39,929 No. No, no, no. You can't take him to the hospital. 658 00:35:40,012 --> 00:35:41,305 We are. We have to. 659 00:35:41,389 --> 00:35:42,974 Jan will be back soon with the willow bark. 660 00:35:43,057 --> 00:35:44,559 It's beyond the point of needing willow bark. 661 00:35:44,684 --> 00:35:46,561 -He needs proper care. -Are you sure he's dying? 662 00:35:46,644 --> 00:35:48,646 -What? -No, but we don't know what it is. 663 00:35:48,729 --> 00:35:50,523 I... I know, but if he gets caught, he will die. 664 00:35:50,606 --> 00:35:52,775 And we will get arrested, and you will get arrested, 665 00:35:52,859 --> 00:35:56,571 and so will his mother, and his mother, our landlady, and eight more people. 666 00:35:56,654 --> 00:35:59,782 Children, and they will all die. So many people. So, if... 667 00:35:59,949 --> 00:36:01,951 -Here he is. Jan, Jan, the willow bark. -(KUNO EXCLAIMING) 668 00:36:02,034 --> 00:36:04,120 I told you he's beyond the point of needing willow bark. 669 00:36:04,203 --> 00:36:06,080 Try it! Jan? 670 00:36:06,539 --> 00:36:07,665 I haven't got it. 671 00:36:08,791 --> 00:36:11,460 What? Wh... I asked you to do one thing. 672 00:36:12,003 --> 00:36:14,797 We're going. I won't have another life on my conscience. 673 00:36:14,964 --> 00:36:16,883 (SCREAMS IN PAIN) 674 00:36:17,425 --> 00:36:18,718 -KUNO: Oh, my God! -Kuno! 675 00:36:18,801 --> 00:36:20,178 (KUNO RETCHES) 676 00:36:20,595 --> 00:36:21,971 (GROANS)... Oh, God! 677 00:36:22,138 --> 00:36:23,347 (GROANS AND GASPS) 678 00:36:23,431 --> 00:36:24,557 I feel... 679 00:36:25,516 --> 00:36:27,018 (BREATHES HEAVILY) 680 00:36:28,019 --> 00:36:29,187 Oh, so much better. 681 00:36:29,729 --> 00:36:30,771 (EXHALES SHARPLY) 682 00:36:30,855 --> 00:36:32,607 Yeah, that's better... (BREATHES HEAVILY) 683 00:36:32,732 --> 00:36:34,108 (RAPID KNOCKING ON DOOR) 684 00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:35,568 (KUNO SIGHS) 685 00:36:39,030 --> 00:36:42,408 I was upstairs and I heard a man scream. Is everyone all right? 686 00:36:42,783 --> 00:36:45,912 -(CHUCKLES) Everyone's fine. Fine. -JAN: Yes! Everything's fine. 687 00:36:45,995 --> 00:36:48,789 Everything's fine. Sorry, I... I dropped the iron on my foot. 688 00:36:48,873 --> 00:36:50,833 -Screamed like a banshee. -(MIEP CHUCKLING) 689 00:36:51,209 --> 00:36:53,711 -Thanks for your concern. -NSB OFFICER: Not at all. 690 00:36:56,047 --> 00:36:57,548 I'd get some ice on that. 691 00:36:58,090 --> 00:36:59,425 -Thank you. -JAN: Yes. 692 00:36:59,634 --> 00:37:01,093 -All right. -MIEP: Thank you. 693 00:37:05,765 --> 00:37:08,434 It was like a hammer banging on the inside of my face. 694 00:37:08,517 --> 00:37:10,019 And then it just went away. 695 00:37:11,229 --> 00:37:14,649 We think it was an abscess with a massive infection that burst. 696 00:37:14,899 --> 00:37:16,442 We need to stay with him tonight to make sure 697 00:37:16,525 --> 00:37:19,779 the infection's not worse, but it seems he's good. 698 00:37:21,530 --> 00:37:22,657 That's great. 699 00:37:22,740 --> 00:37:25,117 You can thank your lucky stars we've got two wonderful nurses 700 00:37:25,201 --> 00:37:26,619 in our house, hey, Kuno? 701 00:37:30,081 --> 00:37:33,709 (SIGHS) 702 00:37:38,589 --> 00:37:40,549 -JAN: What is it? -Nothing. 703 00:37:42,677 --> 00:37:45,513 -I asked you to do one thing! One thing! -Huh. 704 00:37:45,596 --> 00:37:49,100 I am feeding eight Jews at work, you bring five more people into my home. 705 00:37:49,183 --> 00:37:51,018 And you can't find the time to get some willow bark? 706 00:37:51,102 --> 00:37:53,980 I did get some willow bark, and then I was arrested. 707 00:37:54,230 --> 00:37:55,398 What? 708 00:37:55,606 --> 00:38:00,778 Uh, it's okay. They let me go. Just took my bike. For the tires. 709 00:38:00,861 --> 00:38:02,113 Why did they arrest you? 710 00:38:02,738 --> 00:38:05,199 -Because they can, Miep. -MIEP: What did you do? 711 00:38:05,324 --> 00:38:09,537 Nothing. Told them I needed my bike and suddenly they deemed me insubordinate. 712 00:38:09,954 --> 00:38:11,622 Were you? Well, what did you say? 713 00:38:11,914 --> 00:38:12,915 Why are you interrogating me? 714 00:38:12,999 --> 00:38:16,460 Because all day, I've been picturing us dragging Kuno's dead body out of here 715 00:38:16,544 --> 00:38:18,254 and throwing it into the canal! 716 00:38:18,754 --> 00:38:20,965 I literally don't know what else we would do. 717 00:38:21,590 --> 00:38:23,551 Everything is falling apart and you... 718 00:38:23,634 --> 00:38:26,387 I come home, and you wanna celebrate the wins, or... 719 00:38:26,971 --> 00:38:27,972 Jan... 720 00:38:30,808 --> 00:38:32,226 (BREATHES DEEPLY) 721 00:38:36,105 --> 00:38:39,817 Mrs. Frank walked out of the Annex today. 722 00:38:41,235 --> 00:38:44,405 -What? -MIEP: Yeah, she just walked right out. 723 00:38:44,655 --> 00:38:46,240 She could have gone into the street. I mean, 724 00:38:46,324 --> 00:38:48,659 she might have just gone to her hairdresser. 725 00:38:48,826 --> 00:38:51,537 I mean, she's... she's about to crack, Jan, 726 00:38:51,620 --> 00:38:54,290 and I... and I might join her. And then you're gonna have that to deal with, too. 727 00:38:54,373 --> 00:38:56,459 And still, you bring home more people. 728 00:38:56,542 --> 00:38:58,252 I mean, at some point, we're no longer saving them. 729 00:38:58,336 --> 00:39:00,963 We're just putting them in more danger. There has to be a line! 730 00:39:01,339 --> 00:39:04,550 The Nazis are taking more and more people every day, 731 00:39:05,092 --> 00:39:07,428 so we have to save more and more. 732 00:39:08,095 --> 00:39:12,725 Okay, maybe we can't stop and celebrate, but we can't stop altogether. 733 00:39:13,476 --> 00:39:16,228 We can't ever wonder if we could have done more. 734 00:39:16,896 --> 00:39:20,107 Do you think I don't know that? Do you think I don't know that?! 735 00:39:20,191 --> 00:39:21,233 Where are you going? 736 00:39:21,317 --> 00:39:23,861 I'm going to sit up with Kuno to make sure he stays alive. 737 00:39:23,986 --> 00:39:25,154 JAN: Well, I'm gonna speak to Bram 738 00:39:25,237 --> 00:39:27,365 in the morning, and see if we can figure out a way to get 739 00:39:27,448 --> 00:39:29,033 four more Jews out of a city that's in lockdown. 740 00:39:29,116 --> 00:39:31,327 And I'll figure out how to feed those four Jews, shall I? 741 00:39:31,410 --> 00:39:33,746 And smuggle an illegal radio across the city to the other 742 00:39:33,829 --> 00:39:34,997 eight Jews I'm hiding at work. 743 00:39:35,081 --> 00:39:37,917 -It's not a competition! -Shh! Nazi! 744 00:39:40,711 --> 00:39:41,879 (JAN SCOFFS) 745 00:39:42,171 --> 00:39:44,215 -(SERENE MUSIC PLAYING) -(BIRDS CHIRPING) 746 00:40:03,692 --> 00:40:06,946 Okay, let's go. Come on, this way. 747 00:40:08,906 --> 00:40:10,741 Will we have new ID cards once we get there? 748 00:40:10,825 --> 00:40:12,701 Your next contact will have them for you. 749 00:40:12,785 --> 00:40:13,786 MAX: We've kept you busy. 750 00:40:14,203 --> 00:40:16,122 What are you gonna do now that we're all gone? 751 00:40:16,205 --> 00:40:17,957 I'm sure I'll think of something, Max. 752 00:40:18,833 --> 00:40:21,210 -(TRUCK RUMBLES) -(BRAKES SQUEAL) 753 00:40:21,502 --> 00:40:23,754 -NAZI OFFICER: Halt! -Whoa, whoa. Wait! Wait! 754 00:40:24,755 --> 00:40:26,173 Nobody moves. 755 00:40:26,424 --> 00:40:28,259 (MUSIC TURNS MENACING) 756 00:40:34,098 --> 00:40:36,308 NAZI GUARD: Everyone, put your hands against the wall. 757 00:40:36,392 --> 00:40:38,686 JAN: Do as he says. Against the wall, come on. 758 00:40:43,065 --> 00:40:44,650 See you after the war. 759 00:40:45,943 --> 00:40:46,944 We can run. 760 00:40:47,945 --> 00:40:49,155 -Should we run? -No. 761 00:40:50,114 --> 00:40:53,701 Do whatever he says. Whatever they tell you to do, do it. 762 00:40:53,784 --> 00:40:55,703 BORST: Listen to Mr. Social Worker. 763 00:40:55,786 --> 00:40:56,787 Turn around. 764 00:40:58,330 --> 00:40:59,582 Let's go. 765 00:41:00,541 --> 00:41:03,294 This... this is our contact. 766 00:41:04,837 --> 00:41:08,382 All of you, in the truck. Hurry. 767 00:41:09,091 --> 00:41:10,217 JAN: Into the truck. 768 00:41:32,990 --> 00:41:35,159 (TRUCK ENGINE REVS) 769 00:41:36,327 --> 00:41:38,496 MAN: Try again tomorrow! 770 00:41:38,621 --> 00:41:40,831 (MOTORCYCLE GROWLS) 771 00:41:44,502 --> 00:41:45,794 (GRUNTS ANGRILY) 772 00:41:46,754 --> 00:41:48,005 (HUFFS) 773 00:41:48,547 --> 00:41:50,633 You bastards! 774 00:41:52,134 --> 00:41:53,219 (SCREAMS IN RAGE) 775 00:41:55,679 --> 00:41:57,181 (BREATHES QUICKLY) 776 00:42:01,477 --> 00:42:04,104 (LAUGHS) 777 00:42:05,564 --> 00:42:06,899 (GASPS) 778 00:42:07,024 --> 00:42:08,651 (CONTINUES LAUGHING) 779 00:42:11,779 --> 00:42:12,821 (GRUNTS ANGRILY) 780 00:42:13,072 --> 00:42:15,074 Hello? (PANTS) 781 00:42:15,491 --> 00:42:19,411 Mr. Kleiman? Mr. Kugler? 782 00:42:24,166 --> 00:42:25,334 (GASPS) 783 00:42:25,709 --> 00:42:26,961 (SIGHING) Oh, my God. 784 00:42:27,336 --> 00:42:28,921 So careless! 785 00:42:29,713 --> 00:42:30,839 So sloppy! 786 00:42:30,923 --> 00:42:33,300 All of those chairs gathered around the radio, 787 00:42:33,384 --> 00:42:35,553 the illegal radio listening to the BBC. 788 00:42:35,636 --> 00:42:37,930 Do you understand the danger? What if there'd been a raid? 789 00:42:38,055 --> 00:42:39,473 It looks just like people are living here! 790 00:42:39,557 --> 00:42:41,225 -Miep, listen. -MIEP: I'm sorry. But you cannot go 791 00:42:41,308 --> 00:42:44,186 downstairs after hours anymore. You have to stay right here. 792 00:42:44,270 --> 00:42:46,981 I don't like it but you asked me to keep you alive, 793 00:42:47,064 --> 00:42:49,066 -and if you won't help me do that... -Miep. 794 00:42:49,149 --> 00:42:51,402 The Allies have landed in France. 795 00:42:51,485 --> 00:42:52,945 They're calling it D-Day. 796 00:42:53,028 --> 00:42:54,613 -MIEP: What? -OTTO: They're here. 797 00:42:54,697 --> 00:42:56,782 HERMANN: That's why we had to listen downstairs. 798 00:42:56,865 --> 00:42:58,951 -Where... where... where did they land? -HERMANN: Normandy. 799 00:42:59,034 --> 00:43:02,288 It's just as the Queen said would happen. We're going to be liberated. 800 00:43:02,371 --> 00:43:03,414 (ALL CHEER) 801 00:43:03,497 --> 00:43:05,374 The radio, Miep. Thank you! 802 00:43:07,126 --> 00:43:08,502 OTTO: Normandy. Right here. 803 00:43:08,836 --> 00:43:10,504 HERMANN: When Otto? You think by end of year? 804 00:43:10,588 --> 00:43:12,798 It's possible. My guess would be mid-October. 805 00:43:12,881 --> 00:43:15,509 Ah, do you think we'll be able to attend school in autumn? 806 00:43:15,593 --> 00:43:16,885 It's possible, darling. It's possible. 807 00:43:16,969 --> 00:43:20,431 The first thing I am going to do is go to an actual dentist's office. 808 00:43:20,514 --> 00:43:21,765 -No offense. -(GIGGLING) 809 00:43:21,890 --> 00:43:23,642 (POUNDING ON DOOR) 810 00:43:23,767 --> 00:43:25,728 (DISQUIETING MUSIC PLAYING) 811 00:43:32,526 --> 00:43:35,195 -(TRUCK RUMBLING) -(TROLLEY DINGING) 812 00:43:35,279 --> 00:43:36,405 (SIGHS) 813 00:43:37,114 --> 00:43:40,618 -Gerrit? -Hi, can I come in? Yeah? 814 00:43:40,701 --> 00:43:43,120 It's not your usual day. Is everything all right? 815 00:43:44,371 --> 00:43:47,374 GERRIT: One of my suppliers had a surplus. 816 00:43:48,626 --> 00:43:51,503 I thought you might enjoy a little something sweet for a change. 817 00:43:52,421 --> 00:43:54,923 Or you can share them with, uh, whoever you know... 818 00:43:55,007 --> 00:43:56,759 (WHISPERING) ...that might enjoy them. 819 00:43:59,553 --> 00:44:01,388 -(GIGGLING) -PETER: Ooh, strawberries! 820 00:44:01,472 --> 00:44:03,015 -MARGOT: I can't believe it! -ANNE: Oh, my God! 821 00:44:03,098 --> 00:44:04,224 MARGOT: Oh, my god. 822 00:44:04,308 --> 00:44:06,977 -AUGUSTE: We can't eat all those. -PETER: No, we... we can try. 823 00:44:07,061 --> 00:44:12,191 Sometimes you just need to take a minute to celebrate. So we're going to make jam. 824 00:44:12,274 --> 00:44:15,319 I've closed early, I've locked up tight downstairs. 825 00:44:15,402 --> 00:44:18,197 Got couple dozen hands and a master jam-maker. 826 00:44:18,280 --> 00:44:19,531 -OTTO: Who is this? -Me! 827 00:44:20,074 --> 00:44:21,492 -Oh! -(LAUGHTER) 828 00:44:21,909 --> 00:44:23,827 -World's best straw... -(MARGOT AND ANNE LAUGH) 829 00:44:23,994 --> 00:44:26,830 Wait. Actually try, try it. Okay, ready? (CHUCKLES) 830 00:44:27,873 --> 00:44:29,166 -(PETER HOWLS) -(MARGOT LAUGHS) 831 00:44:29,249 --> 00:44:30,292 No, no, no. I wanna try. 832 00:44:30,376 --> 00:44:32,544 HERMANN: I think they'll advance to the North. 833 00:44:32,628 --> 00:44:34,338 -FRITZ: I disagree. -OTTO: What do you think, Miep? 834 00:44:34,421 --> 00:44:35,464 Uh... 835 00:44:35,714 --> 00:44:39,259 I think, uh... uh, that you're a strawberry thief! 836 00:44:39,426 --> 00:44:40,678 (OTTO LAUGHS) 837 00:44:41,345 --> 00:44:43,097 Yes. We've established that. 838 00:44:45,057 --> 00:44:46,892 No, I don't think we need all of it! 839 00:44:46,975 --> 00:44:49,561 Uh, who's the jam-making expert here, you or me? 840 00:44:49,937 --> 00:44:51,980 -Miep's getting sassy. -(MIEP LAUGHS) 841 00:44:52,147 --> 00:44:54,024 No. Miep's perfect. 842 00:44:54,900 --> 00:44:56,110 (KISSES) 843 00:44:57,236 --> 00:44:59,947 I think I'm gonna move to Palestine. Work on a kibbutz. 844 00:45:00,030 --> 00:45:01,824 What? No, it's... No, no, no. It's too far. 845 00:45:01,907 --> 00:45:03,867 -Too far? -I'll be there, too. 846 00:45:04,284 --> 00:45:06,954 I want to be a midwife. Help babies be born. 847 00:45:08,539 --> 00:45:11,417 What about you, Mama? What are you gonna do after the war? 848 00:45:11,500 --> 00:45:13,001 Yeah, what do you wanna do? 849 00:45:13,085 --> 00:45:16,547 I haven't given it much thought. Well, perhaps some... (INHALES) 850 00:45:16,839 --> 00:45:20,134 feel the sun on our faces, with each other. 851 00:45:21,135 --> 00:45:22,720 Outside. Yeah. 852 00:45:22,803 --> 00:45:23,804 FRITZ: Well... (CLEARS THROAT) 853 00:45:23,929 --> 00:45:26,181 ...we all know Anne is going to be a writer. 854 00:45:27,057 --> 00:45:30,310 Perhaps, one day she will end up in Hollywood 855 00:45:30,394 --> 00:45:31,770 like those people on her wall. 856 00:45:32,187 --> 00:45:35,941 AUGUSTE: If you're gonna publish that diary, Anne, I want to read it first. 857 00:45:36,024 --> 00:45:37,276 There is no chance. 858 00:45:37,359 --> 00:45:42,865 Just my parts. Do you tell about the time I got my hair stuck in the sink? Do you? 859 00:45:42,948 --> 00:45:44,908 (ALL LAUGHING) 860 00:45:45,200 --> 00:45:48,579 I've told you all, you can read it when it's ready and not before. 861 00:45:48,662 --> 00:45:49,747 (CHUCKLES) 862 00:45:52,499 --> 00:45:53,876 Thank you for this. 863 00:45:54,877 --> 00:45:56,837 You can thank Gerrit the potato man. 864 00:45:57,129 --> 00:45:59,256 Reminds me when we first met. 865 00:46:00,632 --> 00:46:02,843 You spent days trying to perfect the jam, 866 00:46:02,926 --> 00:46:07,264 learning all the pitfalls and the tricks. Never gave up. 867 00:46:07,806 --> 00:46:12,478 -I wanted the job, so I did what you said. -And you hated every second of it. 868 00:46:12,561 --> 00:46:16,356 "Mr. Frank, I'm not a housewife and I don't ever want to be one!" 869 00:46:16,440 --> 00:46:17,483 -(SCOFFS) -(LAUGHS) 870 00:46:17,649 --> 00:46:19,318 Why didn't you just fire me? 871 00:46:24,490 --> 00:46:26,658 Can you imagine where we'd be if I had? 872 00:46:27,659 --> 00:46:29,244 (HEARTFELT MUSIC PLAYING) 873 00:46:29,661 --> 00:46:31,789 -MARGOT: Papa! -OTTO: Yeah? 874 00:46:31,872 --> 00:46:34,041 MARGOT: What are you going to do after the war? 875 00:46:34,124 --> 00:46:35,626 OTTO: Same as I'm doing now. 876 00:46:35,709 --> 00:46:39,129 Reading Dickens and listening to all of the wonderful noise 877 00:46:39,213 --> 00:46:40,422 my family makes. 878 00:46:41,465 --> 00:46:43,342 But I'll be eating chocolate... 879 00:46:44,051 --> 00:46:46,720 and drinking real, honest-to-goodness coffee. 880 00:46:47,679 --> 00:46:51,308 And we won't have to share that god-awful smelly bathroom anymore. 881 00:46:51,558 --> 00:46:52,810 (ALL LAUGHING) 882 00:46:53,644 --> 00:46:55,437 Hear, hear. Horrible. 883 00:46:55,896 --> 00:46:58,023 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 884 00:46:58,816 --> 00:47:00,067 (CHUCKLING) What? 885 00:47:00,943 --> 00:47:02,027 -What? -(LAUGHS) 886 00:47:03,278 --> 00:47:05,697 (LAUGHS) Everything feels different to me. 887 00:47:06,448 --> 00:47:10,994 The whole city, the people, the air. Just knowing the Allies are coming. 888 00:47:13,247 --> 00:47:15,999 MIEP: Nothing's changed. Look around. 889 00:47:16,834 --> 00:47:20,796 There was a dead man floating in that canal a few weeks ago. 890 00:47:22,881 --> 00:47:23,924 You're right. 891 00:47:24,883 --> 00:47:27,177 Lately, I've just been feeling there's no way 892 00:47:27,261 --> 00:47:29,847 things could possibly return to normal. But today... 893 00:47:31,223 --> 00:47:33,267 I can see it. Do you feel that? 894 00:47:34,893 --> 00:47:37,604 I want to. But you know, 895 00:47:37,688 --> 00:47:40,607 I still have to get the shopping list every morning, 896 00:47:41,608 --> 00:47:44,570 and get Dr. Pfeffer his letters from Lotte, 897 00:47:44,653 --> 00:47:47,614 and tell Anne everything I've done in the entire day. 898 00:47:47,698 --> 00:47:50,951 And stop Mrs. Van Pels and Mrs. Frank from killing each other. 899 00:47:51,034 --> 00:47:52,244 (WHISTLES) 900 00:47:52,870 --> 00:47:55,163 Doesn't help me to think of it that way. 901 00:47:57,624 --> 00:48:00,961 I have to keep doing what I'm doing until the second they're free. 902 00:48:03,255 --> 00:48:06,341 Then... then things will feel different. 903 00:48:09,261 --> 00:48:11,096 (LAUGHS) You're terrible. 904 00:48:11,221 --> 00:48:12,264 (KLEIMAN LAUGHS) 905 00:48:12,347 --> 00:48:15,392 -Coffee's ready if anyone wants it. -Thank you. 906 00:48:15,726 --> 00:48:16,768 MIEP: What's funny? 907 00:48:18,562 --> 00:48:19,563 Kugler. 908 00:48:19,646 --> 00:48:21,106 Kugler? Wha... 909 00:48:21,481 --> 00:48:25,193 There are about a dozen words I'd use to describe him before "funny." 910 00:48:25,277 --> 00:48:26,820 (LAUGHS) 911 00:48:29,323 --> 00:48:33,410 Aw! What're you doing down there? God, we're gonna be finding these beans 912 00:48:33,493 --> 00:48:35,037 until the war's over. 913 00:48:35,120 --> 00:48:36,496 (MUSIC TURNS THREATENING) 914 00:48:36,663 --> 00:48:37,664 (GUN CLICKS) 915 00:48:39,124 --> 00:48:40,208 TONNY: Don't move. 916 00:48:41,960 --> 00:48:43,420 Just stay put. 917 00:48:44,713 --> 00:48:46,423 (MUSIC CRESCENDOS) 918 00:48:46,548 --> 00:48:50,385 (MUSIC FADES) 919 00:48:51,136 --> 00:48:54,765 (SOFT MUSIC PLAYING) 920 00:48:56,767 --> 00:49:03,357 ♪ The falling leaves drift by my window ♪ 921 00:49:04,191 --> 00:49:10,155 ♪ The autumn leaves of red and gold ♪ 922 00:49:10,739 --> 00:49:14,201 ♪ I see your lips ♪ 923 00:49:14,451 --> 00:49:18,038 ♪ The summer kisses ♪ 924 00:49:18,205 --> 00:49:24,294 ♪ The sun-burned hands I used to hold ♪ 925 00:49:25,128 --> 00:49:30,425 ♪ Since you went away the days grow long ♪ 926 00:49:31,009 --> 00:49:34,638 ♪ And soon I'll hear ♪ 927 00:49:34,763 --> 00:49:40,644 ♪ Old winter's song ♪ 928 00:49:40,852 --> 00:49:44,606 ♪ But I miss you most of all ♪ 929 00:49:45,190 --> 00:49:48,068 ♪ My darling ♪ 930 00:49:49,361 --> 00:49:53,907 ♪ When autumn leaves ♪ 931 00:49:54,074 --> 00:50:00,247 ♪ Start to fall ♪ 932 00:50:00,330 --> 00:50:02,165 (SOFT MUSIC CONCLUDES)