1 00:00:03,128 --> 00:00:04,546 GROOTENDORST: Don't move. 2 00:00:04,546 --> 00:00:06,131 SILBERBAUER: We know that you are hiding Jews here. 3 00:00:06,131 --> 00:00:08,133 MIEP: Max. MAX: I need your help. 4 00:00:10,052 --> 00:00:12,054 OFFICER BAARS: Nobody moves. 5 00:00:12,054 --> 00:00:13,680 JAN: See you after the war. 6 00:00:13,680 --> 00:00:17,184 The Nazis are taking more and more people every day. 7 00:00:17,184 --> 00:00:19,478 EDITH: I have this bad feeling, Miep. 8 00:00:19,478 --> 00:00:21,688 I can't shake it. 9 00:00:21,688 --> 00:00:22,689 SILBERBAUER: Open it. 10 00:00:22,689 --> 00:00:24,816 (whistling) 11 00:00:24,816 --> 00:00:27,027 OTTO: Wait, wait. Please. No. 12 00:00:27,027 --> 00:00:28,320 SILBERBAUER: Is it just the two of you in here? 13 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:29,196 OTTO: Wait. 14 00:00:31,907 --> 00:00:33,200 SILBERBAUER: Why are you doing this? 15 00:00:33,200 --> 00:00:34,243 What the hell am I supposed to do with you now? 16 00:00:34,243 --> 00:00:35,953 MIEP: Please, just leave the girls. 17 00:00:35,953 --> 00:00:36,995 SILBERBAUER: You can stay. 18 00:00:36,995 --> 00:00:37,996 I'm doing this as a favor to you. 19 00:00:37,996 --> 00:00:39,331 MIEP: I worked out what to do. 20 00:00:39,331 --> 00:00:41,375 We bribe him, we buy the Franks back. 21 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:43,043 JAN: We're gonna need a lot of money. 22 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:45,921 MIEP: If I don't try everything I possibly can, 23 00:00:45,921 --> 00:00:49,132 I don't think I'll be able to live with myself. 24 00:01:01,311 --> 00:01:08,193 ♪ ♪ 25 00:01:15,367 --> 00:01:22,165 ♪ ♪ 26 00:01:26,211 --> 00:01:27,754 MIEP: Hello. 27 00:01:27,754 --> 00:01:29,506 I'm looking for a Nazi officer. 28 00:01:29,506 --> 00:01:30,507 KRIMINALASSISTENT: Name? 29 00:01:30,507 --> 00:01:32,592 MIEP: Oh, mine or, or his? 30 00:01:32,592 --> 00:01:34,428 I, I don't know his name. 31 00:01:34,428 --> 00:01:36,263 He's, he's tall, reddish blond hair. 32 00:01:36,263 --> 00:01:37,806 KRIMINALASSISTENT: And what would you like me to do, 33 00:01:37,806 --> 00:01:40,017 go around and check hair color? 34 00:01:40,017 --> 00:01:41,685 MIEP: He was in charge of an arrest two days ago at 35 00:01:41,685 --> 00:01:43,312 263 Prinsengracht. 36 00:01:43,312 --> 00:01:44,938 It's urgent that I speak to him. 37 00:02:08,295 --> 00:02:13,967 ♪ ♪ 38 00:02:19,306 --> 00:02:21,308 SILBERBAUER: What are you doing here? 39 00:02:21,308 --> 00:02:23,935 MIEP: I know my friends are being held here. 40 00:02:24,686 --> 00:02:28,774 This bag contains a lot of money. 41 00:02:29,733 --> 00:02:32,652 Let them go and it's yours. 42 00:02:39,951 --> 00:02:43,080 First, my friends. 43 00:02:43,080 --> 00:02:44,664 SILBERBAUER: I could have you arrested. 44 00:02:44,664 --> 00:02:45,832 MIEP: Then you'd have to explain why you didn't 45 00:02:45,832 --> 00:02:47,209 arrest me the other day. 46 00:02:47,209 --> 00:02:48,335 SILBERBAUER: How dare you coming in talk to me like this. 47 00:02:48,335 --> 00:02:50,962 MIEP: How would you explain it? 48 00:02:50,962 --> 00:02:53,382 She's from Vienna, so am I. 49 00:02:53,382 --> 00:02:55,258 So, I saw her as a person. 50 00:02:55,258 --> 00:02:56,968 I took pity. 51 00:02:56,968 --> 00:03:00,222 SILBERBAUER: Get out. MIEP: Take pity on my friends. 52 00:03:00,222 --> 00:03:02,391 I realize it's a big risk for you. 53 00:03:02,391 --> 00:03:04,017 I do. 54 00:03:04,017 --> 00:03:06,144 But they are people, too. 55 00:03:06,144 --> 00:03:09,147 They're fathers, and mothers, 56 00:03:09,147 --> 00:03:12,442 and children, children. 57 00:03:14,319 --> 00:03:16,822 The Allies are nearly at the gate, 58 00:03:16,822 --> 00:03:20,325 and it will be you being arrested one day soon. 59 00:03:20,325 --> 00:03:23,829 Wouldn't you like to have me vouch for you at your trial? 60 00:03:23,829 --> 00:03:27,416 In the end, he did the right thing. 61 00:03:27,416 --> 00:03:29,918 He saved the lives of eight people. 62 00:03:59,030 --> 00:04:00,449 SILBERBAUER: You have to go. 63 00:04:00,449 --> 00:04:01,992 MIEP: My friends. 64 00:04:03,368 --> 00:04:04,744 SILBERBAUER: No. 65 00:04:04,744 --> 00:04:06,246 MIEP: I'm begging you. 66 00:04:06,246 --> 00:04:07,205 SILBERBAUER: I did not arrest you the other day because 67 00:04:07,205 --> 00:04:09,332 you are nothing. 68 00:04:10,333 --> 00:04:12,377 You are nobody. 69 00:04:12,377 --> 00:04:14,588 Now go. 70 00:04:25,849 --> 00:04:29,227 MIEP: Sir, sir, sir. Excuse me, sir. 71 00:04:29,227 --> 00:04:32,272 I overheard you saying that the cells are crowded and 72 00:04:32,272 --> 00:04:34,399 I, I think I can help. 73 00:04:34,399 --> 00:04:36,568 Your subordinate recently brought in a group of people 74 00:04:36,568 --> 00:04:40,739 who I'd, I'd happily pay to be released. 75 00:04:41,156 --> 00:04:42,491 I'll tell no one. 76 00:04:42,491 --> 00:04:44,409 You'll be protected. 77 00:04:44,409 --> 00:04:45,869 KURT: I'm sorry. 78 00:04:45,869 --> 00:04:47,287 Who did you say you were? 79 00:04:47,287 --> 00:04:49,873 MIEP: I'm a friend of, of 10 very good people who are 80 00:04:49,873 --> 00:04:52,501 being held downstairs. 81 00:04:52,501 --> 00:04:55,420 KURT: Jews? MIEP: Uh, most of them, yes. 82 00:04:55,420 --> 00:04:58,131 KURT: Well, then they're really not good people, are they? 83 00:04:58,965 --> 00:05:01,843 MIEP: This bag, this bag contains a lot of money. 84 00:05:01,843 --> 00:05:02,886 It's yours if... 85 00:05:02,886 --> 00:05:04,804 KURT: You're bribing me? 86 00:05:04,804 --> 00:05:06,723 You're bribing an officer to release Jews? 87 00:05:06,723 --> 00:05:08,391 MIEP: One of them was an officer himself in the 88 00:05:08,391 --> 00:05:10,977 Great War, Otto Frank. 89 00:05:10,977 --> 00:05:13,939 He was decorated, a lieutenant. Look him up. 90 00:05:16,066 --> 00:05:18,485 KURT: Let me see that money. 91 00:05:26,701 --> 00:05:28,787 You! 92 00:05:28,787 --> 00:05:30,664 Remove this woman from the building please. 93 00:05:30,664 --> 00:05:32,916 MIEP: What? What? 94 00:05:32,916 --> 00:05:34,876 Where is your conscience? 95 00:05:34,876 --> 00:05:37,212 Where are your morals? 96 00:05:38,713 --> 00:05:40,966 Let me go! 97 00:05:43,677 --> 00:05:44,844 JAN: Miep. 98 00:05:44,844 --> 00:05:46,012 Miep, come on. 99 00:05:46,012 --> 00:05:47,347 MIEP: You weren't... JAN: It's okay. 100 00:05:47,347 --> 00:05:49,015 MIEP: You weren't supposed to, to come. 101 00:05:49,015 --> 00:05:50,809 JAN: I was going out of my mind at home. 102 00:05:50,809 --> 00:05:52,811 I was afraid they're gonna arrest you, too. 103 00:05:52,811 --> 00:05:54,354 I was about to go in looking for you. 104 00:05:54,354 --> 00:05:56,231 MIEP: They took, they took the money. 105 00:05:56,231 --> 00:05:58,108 Now they have our friends and our money. 106 00:05:58,108 --> 00:05:59,901 JAN: Hey, don't, don't cry. 107 00:05:59,901 --> 00:06:01,069 MIEP: And they're in there... JAN: Miep. 108 00:06:01,069 --> 00:06:02,237 MIEP: They're in there. 109 00:06:02,237 --> 00:06:03,363 JAN: Don't let them see you cry, please. 110 00:06:03,363 --> 00:06:05,657 Don't let them see you cry. Okay. 111 00:06:05,657 --> 00:06:07,242 MAN: Hurry up. You have three more pick-ups today. 112 00:06:07,242 --> 00:06:08,785 JAN: Let's go home. MIEP: Wait. 113 00:06:08,785 --> 00:06:11,872 It's, it's Puls. Okay. 114 00:06:12,163 --> 00:06:13,331 We have to go, we have to go and get everything 115 00:06:13,331 --> 00:06:14,416 before they take it. 116 00:06:14,416 --> 00:06:16,501 JAN: Okay. Come on. 117 00:06:18,295 --> 00:06:20,297 MIEP: Oh, Bep! 118 00:06:20,297 --> 00:06:22,215 BEP: I wasn't sure whether to come in. 119 00:06:22,215 --> 00:06:23,925 MIEP: Do you have keys for the annex? 120 00:06:23,925 --> 00:06:26,177 I know the Nazis took them, but I made another set. 121 00:06:26,177 --> 00:06:27,888 BEP: Uh, Mr. Kleiman had them. 122 00:06:27,888 --> 00:06:28,972 But the Nazis said not to go up. 123 00:06:28,972 --> 00:06:30,223 MIEP: Let's look in Kleiman's desk. 124 00:06:30,223 --> 00:06:32,434 JAN: Yes. 125 00:06:34,853 --> 00:06:37,022 MIEP: Wait. He hid them in a, in a file. 126 00:06:37,022 --> 00:06:39,441 He had a system, remember? We made fun of him. 127 00:06:39,441 --> 00:06:41,234 BEP: Oh, yes. Um... 128 00:06:41,234 --> 00:06:47,115 Key, key to his heart, apple pie, pie chart. 129 00:06:47,115 --> 00:06:48,366 Florence Nightingale! 130 00:06:48,366 --> 00:06:50,327 MIEP: Florence Nightingale! 131 00:06:50,327 --> 00:06:51,786 JAN: How'd you get at Florence Nightingale? 132 00:06:51,786 --> 00:06:53,997 MIEP: Florence Nightingale, she invented the pie chart 133 00:06:53,997 --> 00:06:55,332 or something. 134 00:06:55,332 --> 00:06:57,709 I don't know. He's weird. 135 00:06:58,710 --> 00:07:01,171 Got them. 136 00:07:01,171 --> 00:07:03,632 BEP: But the Nazis said... JAN: Hey, come on. 137 00:07:10,972 --> 00:07:12,474 BEP: We shouldn't be here. 138 00:07:12,474 --> 00:07:14,059 MIEP: We have to find any valuables and hide them before 139 00:07:14,059 --> 00:07:15,393 Puls gets here. 140 00:07:15,393 --> 00:07:17,646 JAN: We can do this fast if we'll work together. 141 00:07:24,736 --> 00:07:25,904 MIEP: I'll check upstairs. 142 00:07:25,904 --> 00:07:28,323 You two check the bedrooms. 143 00:07:39,417 --> 00:07:46,132 ♪ ♪ 144 00:08:00,772 --> 00:08:07,529 ♪ ♪ 145 00:08:31,594 --> 00:08:36,057 ANNE: Miep? I'm writing about everyone. 146 00:08:49,028 --> 00:08:52,032 MIEP: They emptied Mr. Frank's briefcase. 147 00:08:52,032 --> 00:08:56,119 JAN: To steal all the valuables, really not much left. 148 00:08:56,745 --> 00:08:59,748 BEP: They've taken all the silver and the money. 149 00:09:14,637 --> 00:09:17,724 MIEP: Wait, wait. 150 00:09:17,724 --> 00:09:20,518 This, this is Anne's diary. 151 00:09:21,853 --> 00:09:23,146 She kept it in his briefcase. 152 00:09:23,146 --> 00:09:25,607 Collect up the papers quickly. 153 00:09:34,783 --> 00:09:41,623 ♪ ♪ 154 00:09:44,292 --> 00:09:45,877 Bep, don't read that. 155 00:09:45,877 --> 00:09:47,796 BEP: But I see my name. She wrote something about me. 156 00:09:47,796 --> 00:09:50,799 MIEP: Yeah. Probably about how nosy you are. 157 00:09:51,841 --> 00:09:54,886 It's Anne's. It's private. 158 00:09:59,682 --> 00:10:02,685 JAN: Right, all locked up. 159 00:10:06,523 --> 00:10:09,651 BEP: Now what do we do? 160 00:10:16,282 --> 00:10:23,706 ♪ ♪ 161 00:10:23,706 --> 00:10:26,042 MIEP: Thanks, Bep. 162 00:10:26,918 --> 00:10:29,587 Katrien, these files are the only clients we have left. 163 00:10:29,587 --> 00:10:31,464 I need you to start generating new business. 164 00:10:31,464 --> 00:10:33,424 KATRIEN: How can I sell pectin? 165 00:10:33,424 --> 00:10:35,760 The Germans have cut off all food supplies to Amsterdam. 166 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:37,470 There's no fruit to make jam. 167 00:10:37,470 --> 00:10:38,930 MIEP: How does my hair look? 168 00:10:38,930 --> 00:10:40,306 KATRIEN: It, it looks fine. 169 00:10:40,306 --> 00:10:41,516 MIEP: No. It looks better than fine. 170 00:10:41,516 --> 00:10:43,226 It looks thick and shiny. 171 00:10:43,226 --> 00:10:44,686 You wanna know why? 172 00:10:44,686 --> 00:10:46,855 Because I've been eating pectin, a teaspoon every morning. 173 00:10:46,855 --> 00:10:48,773 It's helping with my nails, too. 174 00:10:48,773 --> 00:10:50,358 So, there's no fruit? 175 00:10:50,358 --> 00:10:51,734 Sell pectin as a beauty aid. 176 00:10:51,734 --> 00:10:53,069 Sell it to help with stomach cramps. 177 00:10:53,069 --> 00:10:54,487 Sell it to help with heartburn. 178 00:10:54,487 --> 00:10:55,488 KATRIEN: Does it help heartburn? 179 00:10:55,488 --> 00:10:56,656 MIEP: It might! 180 00:10:56,656 --> 00:10:57,782 The point is, I just need you to sell it. 181 00:10:57,782 --> 00:10:59,701 We have five standing clients left. 182 00:10:59,701 --> 00:11:01,536 I need you to go door to door. 183 00:11:01,536 --> 00:11:03,580 KATRIEN: Maybe it's time to give up, Miep. 184 00:11:03,580 --> 00:11:05,582 Sell the business. 185 00:11:05,582 --> 00:11:07,834 My husband knows a man in Germany who might buy it. 186 00:11:07,834 --> 00:11:10,461 We could split the profits among all of us. 187 00:11:10,461 --> 00:11:12,547 Mr. Frank is gone. 188 00:11:12,547 --> 00:11:14,674 Do you really think he's coming back? 189 00:11:20,555 --> 00:11:22,891 MIEP: It's your severance. You can go. 190 00:11:22,891 --> 00:11:24,726 KATRIEN: I'm just being honest because I care about you. 191 00:11:24,726 --> 00:11:25,852 MIEP: No. Can you please just leave 192 00:11:25,852 --> 00:11:28,354 before I physically remove you? 193 00:11:34,903 --> 00:11:41,075 ♪ ♪ 194 00:11:42,619 --> 00:11:46,122 JOHANNES: How's it going, Madam Director? 195 00:11:46,122 --> 00:11:49,292 BEP: He just walked in like he never left! 196 00:11:49,584 --> 00:11:52,003 JOHANNES: Kugler and I were sent to a camp in Amersfoort 197 00:11:52,003 --> 00:11:54,839 for political prisoners. 198 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:58,635 I was released by the Red Cross a few days ago 199 00:11:58,635 --> 00:12:01,262 because of my health. 200 00:12:01,262 --> 00:12:05,350 I've never been so happy to have an ulcer. 201 00:12:07,435 --> 00:12:10,146 MIEP: And the others? 202 00:12:14,901 --> 00:12:18,696 JOHANNES: I haven't seen them since the day of the arrest. 203 00:12:19,072 --> 00:12:21,866 The camp I was in was bad. 204 00:12:21,866 --> 00:12:25,119 I can't imagine the place they were sent. 205 00:12:25,119 --> 00:12:26,704 I'm worried. 206 00:12:26,704 --> 00:12:29,332 I'm really worried. 207 00:12:29,332 --> 00:12:31,834 MIEP: They're strong. 208 00:12:31,834 --> 00:12:35,213 They are. They're strong. 209 00:12:35,213 --> 00:12:37,757 JOHANNES: So are you. 210 00:12:37,757 --> 00:12:40,802 You've managed to keep this place going. 211 00:12:40,802 --> 00:12:44,347 MIEP: Well, we're teetering on penniless, 212 00:12:44,347 --> 00:12:47,266 and I just fired my best salesperson. 213 00:12:47,266 --> 00:12:49,268 JOHANNES: Well, the Allies. 214 00:12:49,268 --> 00:12:50,395 MIEP: If you say they're almost here, 215 00:12:50,395 --> 00:12:52,855 I will actually strangle you. 216 00:12:52,855 --> 00:12:54,816 Sorry, it's just... 217 00:12:54,816 --> 00:12:56,484 I've been hearing that for months now and 218 00:12:56,484 --> 00:12:58,403 they bypassed Amsterdam altogether and just pushed 219 00:12:58,403 --> 00:13:00,446 straight to Germany. 220 00:13:00,446 --> 00:13:02,532 The Nazis left here know that they've lost but they're 221 00:13:02,532 --> 00:13:04,325 angry, so they're taking it out on us. 222 00:13:04,325 --> 00:13:08,955 And there's no food, literally none. 223 00:13:08,955 --> 00:13:11,207 And now they're rounding up all the Dutch men and 224 00:13:11,207 --> 00:13:12,917 sending them to work camps. 225 00:13:12,917 --> 00:13:15,378 So, Jan's staying inside. 226 00:13:15,378 --> 00:13:18,298 Now, it's just the women left to keep everything going. 227 00:13:18,298 --> 00:13:23,344 JOHANNES: Well, now you've got an old sick man to help you. 228 00:13:24,053 --> 00:13:26,389 MIEP: Good. 229 00:13:29,809 --> 00:13:32,729 They are strong, Mr. Kleiman. 230 00:13:32,729 --> 00:13:36,149 They'll survive. 231 00:13:37,692 --> 00:13:40,236 Now, we just have to. 232 00:13:44,490 --> 00:13:46,701 JAN: Thank you. 233 00:13:48,244 --> 00:13:51,122 MIEP: You can start. 234 00:14:05,094 --> 00:14:08,139 Do you like it? 235 00:14:10,475 --> 00:14:12,351 JAN: It's not bad. 236 00:14:12,351 --> 00:14:14,604 MIEP: Someone told me that tulip bulbs have more 237 00:14:14,604 --> 00:14:16,481 nutrients in them than potatoes. 238 00:14:16,481 --> 00:14:20,068 (coughing) 239 00:14:20,068 --> 00:14:23,362 JAN: Was it a Nazi who told you that? 240 00:14:24,864 --> 00:14:27,158 MIEP: You don't like it? 241 00:14:27,158 --> 00:14:30,703 JAN: It's tulip bulb soup, Miep. 242 00:14:31,079 --> 00:14:33,915 I know we have to eat something, but 243 00:14:33,915 --> 00:14:37,168 we don't have to pretend we like it, do we? 244 00:14:37,919 --> 00:14:41,255 MIEP: I like it. 245 00:14:42,507 --> 00:14:45,176 Hmm. 246 00:14:45,176 --> 00:14:47,887 JAN: You know what I like? 247 00:14:47,887 --> 00:14:51,891 I like watching you pretend to like it. 248 00:14:51,891 --> 00:14:54,685 Hmm. 249 00:14:56,354 --> 00:14:59,732 (laughing) 250 00:14:59,732 --> 00:15:02,568 MIEP: Oh, my God, it tastes like dirt. 251 00:15:02,568 --> 00:15:04,362 JAN: It tastes like actual dirt. 252 00:15:04,362 --> 00:15:08,074 MIEP: It tastes like if dirt had gone off. 253 00:15:08,616 --> 00:15:11,202 JAN: We're eating rotten dirt. 254 00:15:11,202 --> 00:15:14,622 (crying) 255 00:15:14,622 --> 00:15:16,874 Why are you crying? 256 00:15:16,874 --> 00:15:18,876 Miep. 257 00:15:19,961 --> 00:15:23,714 MIEP: I tried so hard to get food today. 258 00:15:23,714 --> 00:15:27,718 And I walked, walked for hours, farm to farm and then 259 00:15:27,718 --> 00:15:31,097 I needed to burn some of the newspapers to make this really 260 00:15:31,097 --> 00:15:32,682 horrible soup. 261 00:15:32,682 --> 00:15:37,520 And now we can't make a fire because there's no firewood. 262 00:15:38,229 --> 00:15:40,231 JAN: Wait there. 263 00:15:41,399 --> 00:15:42,942 MIEP: What are you doing? 264 00:15:42,942 --> 00:15:45,903 (grunting, smashing) 265 00:15:45,903 --> 00:15:47,655 What are you doing? 266 00:15:47,655 --> 00:15:48,865 JAN: Making firewood. 267 00:15:48,865 --> 00:15:51,033 MIEP: That's Mrs. Stoppelman's chair. 268 00:15:51,033 --> 00:15:53,494 JAN: And now it's all fire. 269 00:15:53,494 --> 00:15:55,788 MIEP: Jan! JAN: No. No. 270 00:15:55,788 --> 00:15:58,124 I'm not sitting here watching my wife freeze. 271 00:15:58,124 --> 00:15:59,792 It's bad enough I have to hide in the house while you are out 272 00:15:59,792 --> 00:16:01,335 getting my food for me. 273 00:16:01,335 --> 00:16:02,712 No. I'm doing this. 274 00:16:02,712 --> 00:16:04,172 I need to do something. 275 00:16:04,172 --> 00:16:06,549 I'm doing this. 276 00:16:08,050 --> 00:16:14,849 (plane flying overhead) 277 00:16:17,894 --> 00:16:20,021 MIEP: I was just, I'm not even gonna bother going 278 00:16:20,021 --> 00:16:21,272 under the table. 279 00:16:21,272 --> 00:16:23,274 I almost want a German bomb to take me out. 280 00:16:23,274 --> 00:16:24,901 JAN: Oh, my God. 281 00:16:24,901 --> 00:16:27,278 MIEP: Jan, I'm joking. I'm joking. 282 00:16:27,278 --> 00:16:28,654 Come inside, get under the table. 283 00:16:28,654 --> 00:16:31,032 JAN: It's not an air raid. 284 00:16:31,032 --> 00:16:33,117 Look. 285 00:16:33,117 --> 00:16:34,243 It's not an air raid. Come on, Miep. 286 00:16:34,243 --> 00:16:35,203 Come. 287 00:16:35,203 --> 00:16:37,747 MIEP: Jan! 288 00:16:37,747 --> 00:16:40,374 JAN: Come on. 289 00:16:44,212 --> 00:16:46,589 MIEP: It's the Allies! 290 00:16:48,674 --> 00:16:49,800 JAN: Beans! 291 00:16:49,800 --> 00:16:51,844 MIEP: Oh my God. Sugar. 292 00:16:53,679 --> 00:16:56,557 JAN: Chocolate! MIEP: Oh. 293 00:17:06,234 --> 00:17:07,735 Ohh. 294 00:17:09,445 --> 00:17:15,952 (cheering) 295 00:17:20,414 --> 00:17:24,335 (cheering) 296 00:17:24,335 --> 00:17:28,881 MIEP: Yes! Woo! Oh, over there. 297 00:17:28,881 --> 00:17:30,466 CASMIR: This way. MIEP: Come on. 298 00:17:30,466 --> 00:17:32,093 Come on. Let's go. 299 00:17:32,093 --> 00:17:33,803 ♪ Watch the birdie, we'll take a camera candid shot ♪ 300 00:17:33,803 --> 00:17:36,264 ♪ Watch the birdie, come on and give it all you've got ♪ 301 00:17:36,264 --> 00:17:38,933 ♪ Watch the birdie, just look around and pick a spot ♪ 302 00:17:38,933 --> 00:17:40,935 ♪ And hold it ♪ 303 00:17:40,935 --> 00:17:43,562 ♪ Watch the birdie, just strike a funny pose a while ♪ 304 00:17:43,562 --> 00:17:46,732 ♪ Watch the birdie or you can beat that pose a mile ♪ 305 00:17:46,732 --> 00:17:49,318 ♪ Watch the birdie and let me see your pretty smile ♪ 306 00:17:49,318 --> 00:17:50,861 MIEP: Is Hitler really dead? 307 00:17:50,861 --> 00:17:51,904 JAN: Do you think the Germans would've surrendered if the 308 00:17:51,904 --> 00:17:54,156 bastard wasn't dead? 309 00:17:55,157 --> 00:17:56,701 MIEP: Do you think he's really dead? 310 00:17:56,701 --> 00:17:57,785 CASMIR: The deadest! 311 00:17:57,785 --> 00:17:59,287 (squealing) 312 00:17:59,287 --> 00:18:00,580 MIEP: Jan! 313 00:18:00,955 --> 00:18:07,461 ♪ ♪ 314 00:18:13,050 --> 00:18:19,849 ♪ ♪ 315 00:18:20,725 --> 00:18:22,310 JAN: Hello there. 316 00:18:23,394 --> 00:18:26,397 THERESE: I'm sorry. We have no food to spare. 317 00:18:26,397 --> 00:18:29,191 JAN: I'm not here for food. 318 00:18:30,067 --> 00:18:32,320 My name is Jan Gies. 319 00:18:32,320 --> 00:18:35,656 Are you Therese van Denberg? 320 00:18:35,656 --> 00:18:37,116 THERESE: I am. 321 00:18:37,116 --> 00:18:40,328 JAN: I work with the students at Amsterdam University. 322 00:18:40,328 --> 00:18:43,331 They said I could find Liddy Cohen here. 323 00:18:43,331 --> 00:18:45,499 THERESE: No, I'm sorry. 324 00:18:45,499 --> 00:18:48,628 JAN: You didn't take in a young Jewish girl? 325 00:18:51,797 --> 00:18:53,549 THERESE: You're here for Saskia? 326 00:18:53,549 --> 00:18:58,054 JAN: Um, this is the child I'm looking for. 327 00:18:59,847 --> 00:19:03,184 THERESE: That's Saskia. 328 00:19:03,893 --> 00:19:06,395 JAN: Her grandmother is returning to Amsterdam. 329 00:19:06,395 --> 00:19:10,441 She'd really, well, um... 330 00:19:10,441 --> 00:19:14,153 I'm here to bring her home. 331 00:19:17,281 --> 00:19:20,159 ♪ ♪ 332 00:19:20,159 --> 00:19:21,619 VICTOR: Well, too late. 333 00:19:21,619 --> 00:19:23,287 BEP: Mr. Kugler's back! 334 00:19:23,287 --> 00:19:24,955 He hid in a cornfield! 335 00:19:24,955 --> 00:19:27,249 MIEP: Mr. Kugler! VICTOR: Hello, Miep! 336 00:19:27,249 --> 00:19:28,376 JOHANNES: He escaped! MIEP: Yeah. 337 00:19:28,376 --> 00:19:29,627 JOHANNES: He's just telling us! 338 00:19:29,627 --> 00:19:31,087 MIEP: Oh, so please go on. 339 00:19:31,087 --> 00:19:33,631 VICTOR: Uh, so I was transferred around a lot 340 00:19:33,631 --> 00:19:35,925 after Kleiman deserted me. 341 00:19:35,925 --> 00:19:37,760 JOHANNES: Oh, come on now, my ulcer got me out. 342 00:19:37,760 --> 00:19:40,680 VICTOR: Well, so I was in a camp near the German border 343 00:19:40,680 --> 00:19:43,599 and one day, they started marching us somewhere and 344 00:19:43,599 --> 00:19:46,435 I thought before I know it, I'll be in Hitler's Germany 345 00:19:46,435 --> 00:19:48,354 and I'll never get out. 346 00:19:48,354 --> 00:19:50,773 Unlike Mr. Kleiman, I don't have an ulcer. 347 00:19:50,773 --> 00:19:51,774 JOHANNES: Uh, it's... VICTOR: So. 348 00:19:51,774 --> 00:19:53,651 JOHANNES: A legitimate ulcer. 349 00:19:53,943 --> 00:19:56,779 VICTOR: So I dropped behind the group and I. 350 00:19:56,779 --> 00:19:58,030 BEP: Hid in a cornfield! 351 00:19:58,030 --> 00:20:00,449 VICTOR: Uh, I'm not at the cornfield yet. 352 00:20:00,449 --> 00:20:02,618 First, I get bombed. 353 00:20:02,618 --> 00:20:03,911 BEP: Oh, dear. 354 00:20:03,911 --> 00:20:05,955 VICTOR: The guards start yelling, "Lie down! 355 00:20:05,955 --> 00:20:07,248 Hit the dirt!" 356 00:20:07,248 --> 00:20:08,624 So I did. 357 00:20:08,624 --> 00:20:10,292 (laughing) 358 00:20:10,292 --> 00:20:13,170 And, and, and I was near a cornfield, 359 00:20:13,170 --> 00:20:15,965 so I did like this and I. 360 00:20:15,965 --> 00:20:18,300 BEP: You rolled yourself into the cornfield? 361 00:20:18,300 --> 00:20:19,760 VICTOR: Exactly! 362 00:20:19,760 --> 00:20:21,846 And then, when the, when the planes were gone, 363 00:20:21,846 --> 00:20:24,765 the guards started yelling, "Everyone get up!" 364 00:20:24,765 --> 00:20:27,435 And I stayed down. 365 00:20:27,435 --> 00:20:28,853 BEP: Uh, you stayed down! 366 00:20:28,853 --> 00:20:32,523 VICTOR: And then eventually, I, I got up. 367 00:20:32,523 --> 00:20:34,233 BEP: You got up. 368 00:20:34,233 --> 00:20:38,112 VICTOR: And I walked to the nearest village. 369 00:20:38,112 --> 00:20:42,324 I, I find a bike, and I rode home. 370 00:20:42,324 --> 00:20:43,784 BEP: Oh, my God. 371 00:20:43,784 --> 00:20:46,328 This is, this is the most exciting thing I've ever heard! 372 00:20:46,328 --> 00:20:48,247 MIEP: So nice to have some good news after so many 373 00:20:48,247 --> 00:20:49,707 months of worrying. 374 00:20:49,707 --> 00:20:51,125 BEP: I'm surprised we don't have ulcers 375 00:20:51,125 --> 00:20:52,501 we worried so much. 376 00:20:52,501 --> 00:20:54,795 JOHANNES: For the record, it is a legitimate ulcer. 377 00:20:54,795 --> 00:20:57,590 VICTOR: Yeah, well. MIEP: Okay. We get it. 378 00:20:57,590 --> 00:21:00,176 VICTOR: And, oh, Jan! MIEP: Look who's back! 379 00:21:00,176 --> 00:21:01,594 BEP: He hid in a cornfield! 380 00:21:01,594 --> 00:21:03,137 JAN: Welcome back. VICTOR: Thank you. 381 00:21:03,137 --> 00:21:05,473 JAN: Really good to see you. 382 00:21:07,433 --> 00:21:10,978 MIEP: What is it? What's wrong? 383 00:21:12,062 --> 00:21:15,983 JAN: I, um, uh, I went to get Liddy. 384 00:21:15,983 --> 00:21:19,987 Um, she got diphtheria six months ago and the parents 385 00:21:19,987 --> 00:21:22,615 called a doctor to the house. 386 00:21:22,615 --> 00:21:26,202 But he knew, uh, knew that, 387 00:21:26,202 --> 00:21:29,330 that she wasn't theirs and she was hiding. 388 00:21:29,330 --> 00:21:33,459 And he wouldn't, he wouldn't treat her because she was, 389 00:21:33,459 --> 00:21:35,127 she was Jewish. 390 00:21:35,127 --> 00:21:37,630 She, she died. 391 00:21:39,632 --> 00:21:42,551 She died. I'm so sorry. 392 00:21:43,969 --> 00:21:48,098 But I do, I do have some good news. 393 00:21:53,354 --> 00:21:55,356 MIEP: Jan said that their train was getting in at 1:00 394 00:21:55,356 --> 00:21:57,525 and that he'd bring them right over. 395 00:21:57,525 --> 00:21:59,026 MRS. STOPPELMAN: Oh, don't just stand there, 396 00:21:59,026 --> 00:22:00,236 you're making me nervous. 397 00:22:00,236 --> 00:22:01,612 Have a seat. 398 00:22:01,612 --> 00:22:04,156 MIEP: Oh, sorry. 399 00:22:06,534 --> 00:22:08,494 MRS. STOPPELMAN: Uh, you said the foster mother is coming. 400 00:22:08,494 --> 00:22:12,665 We should probably get more chairs and set them around. 401 00:22:16,502 --> 00:22:19,088 Where are the rest of the chairs? 402 00:22:19,088 --> 00:22:20,464 MIEP: Yeah. Right. 403 00:22:20,464 --> 00:22:23,300 Um, this is the only one left. 404 00:22:23,300 --> 00:22:25,761 We had to use them for firewood. 405 00:22:25,761 --> 00:22:27,888 Uh, you have to understand how bad it was here. 406 00:22:27,888 --> 00:22:29,348 There was no food, there was no fire. 407 00:22:29,348 --> 00:22:30,808 MRS. STOPPELMAN: Do I? Do I have to understand? 408 00:22:30,808 --> 00:22:33,394 Why is it always me that has to understand? 409 00:22:33,394 --> 00:22:36,438 They tell me my granddaughter Liddy is dead, they say, 410 00:22:36,438 --> 00:22:38,524 "You have to understand. We did the best we could." 411 00:22:38,524 --> 00:22:39,650 MIEP: I know. 412 00:22:39,650 --> 00:22:40,901 MRS. STOPPELMAN: No, you don't know! 413 00:22:40,901 --> 00:22:43,279 You don't know what it's like to lose everything! 414 00:22:43,279 --> 00:22:46,907 My daughter, my son-in-law, my granddaughter, 415 00:22:46,907 --> 00:22:48,576 and I know it's silly because they're only chairs 416 00:22:48,576 --> 00:22:50,077 but they were my chairs. 417 00:22:50,077 --> 00:22:54,373 Mine. You had no right. 418 00:23:01,839 --> 00:23:03,882 MIEP: Oh, here they come. 419 00:23:03,882 --> 00:23:05,801 MRS. STOPPELMAN: I'm sweating, I'm so nervous. 420 00:23:05,801 --> 00:23:09,763 MIEP: Oh, what, what about, what about Kabouter Spillebeen? 421 00:23:09,763 --> 00:23:11,015 Alfred always really liked this. 422 00:23:11,015 --> 00:23:12,349 It could be a good icebreaker. 423 00:23:12,349 --> 00:23:13,767 MRS. STOPPELMAN: He's my grandson. 424 00:23:13,767 --> 00:23:15,603 I don't need an icebreaker. 425 00:23:15,603 --> 00:23:17,313 MIEP: No, of course not. 426 00:23:17,313 --> 00:23:19,648 You're right. 427 00:23:22,109 --> 00:23:25,112 JAN: Sorry, the train was a bit late. 428 00:23:25,112 --> 00:23:27,865 There he is. 429 00:23:33,871 --> 00:23:37,499 MRS. STOPPELMAN: Hello there, Alfred. 430 00:23:37,499 --> 00:23:41,003 Do you remember me? 431 00:23:42,630 --> 00:23:44,131 VERA: We call him Johann. 432 00:23:44,131 --> 00:23:46,592 But he'll readjust back to Alfred. 433 00:23:46,592 --> 00:23:48,510 He's very sweet. 434 00:23:48,510 --> 00:23:51,138 Wanna go and say hello? 435 00:23:51,138 --> 00:23:53,682 MRS. STOPPELMAN: I'm your Oma. 436 00:23:57,811 --> 00:24:01,315 Oh. Ooh. 437 00:24:01,315 --> 00:24:06,987 Um, maybe you remember this little man? 438 00:24:06,987 --> 00:24:10,658 You used to love to play with him. 439 00:24:10,658 --> 00:24:16,455 In fact, one day you broke him all to pieces and 440 00:24:16,455 --> 00:24:20,334 we glued him back together. 441 00:24:20,334 --> 00:24:23,045 Do you remember that? 442 00:24:23,045 --> 00:24:25,881 Here, you can hold him. 443 00:24:25,881 --> 00:24:27,966 There we are. 444 00:24:27,966 --> 00:24:29,218 Oh, look, look. 445 00:24:29,218 --> 00:24:32,846 Can you see where we glued him back together? 446 00:24:36,433 --> 00:24:39,603 ALFRED: I remember you. 447 00:24:49,426 --> 00:24:50,512 ♪ ♪ 448 00:24:55,911 --> 00:24:57,663 JAN: Alfred's foster mother is going to stay the night 449 00:24:57,663 --> 00:24:59,790 to help him settle in. 450 00:24:59,790 --> 00:25:05,212 MIEP: Oh, well, let's go out and give them some privacy. 451 00:25:06,213 --> 00:25:08,298 JAN: Yeah. 452 00:25:20,144 --> 00:25:23,814 MIEP: God. 453 00:25:29,361 --> 00:25:32,281 That's Mrs. van Pels' handwriting. 454 00:25:32,281 --> 00:25:35,284 See, she underlined cheese. 455 00:25:35,284 --> 00:25:39,413 I can just hear her saying it, um, 456 00:25:39,413 --> 00:25:43,125 "Don't forget, Miep, don't forget to find cheese." 457 00:25:43,125 --> 00:25:46,253 God, that woman loved cheese. 458 00:25:46,253 --> 00:25:49,173 Loves. 459 00:25:56,180 --> 00:26:00,392 It's been a month since liberation. 460 00:26:01,226 --> 00:26:05,522 Every day, I go to work and I think this will be it. 461 00:26:05,522 --> 00:26:07,983 This will be the day. 462 00:26:07,983 --> 00:26:10,569 And the door opens up and it's not them. 463 00:26:10,569 --> 00:26:13,363 It's never them. 464 00:26:13,739 --> 00:26:15,991 JAN: It's still early. 465 00:26:15,991 --> 00:26:18,410 The trains are only just back up and running. 466 00:26:18,410 --> 00:26:21,371 You'll see. 467 00:26:21,371 --> 00:26:24,333 More people are going to start coming home. 468 00:26:25,209 --> 00:26:30,839 (train whistle) 469 00:26:31,298 --> 00:26:34,092 WOMAN: This way, please. Stand in line. 470 00:26:40,766 --> 00:26:43,811 JAN: For government benefits, please step to the right. 471 00:26:44,686 --> 00:26:46,063 WOMAN: My, uh, last name. 472 00:26:46,063 --> 00:26:47,397 SOPHIE: Excuse me? 473 00:26:47,397 --> 00:26:48,941 JAN: Hi, how can I help? 474 00:26:48,941 --> 00:26:51,819 SOPHIE: I was in Auschwitz, then a DP camp in Krakow. 475 00:26:51,819 --> 00:26:54,238 They said I qualify for services from the city if 476 00:26:54,238 --> 00:26:55,614 I can show I lived here. 477 00:26:55,614 --> 00:26:57,533 JAN: Okay. Yes. SOPHIE: I don't have papers. 478 00:26:57,533 --> 00:26:58,951 JAN: That's, that's fine. That's fine. 479 00:26:58,951 --> 00:27:00,619 Um, are you from Amsterdam? 480 00:27:00,619 --> 00:27:02,329 SOPHIE: Yes. 481 00:27:02,329 --> 00:27:06,792 JAN: And do you have, um, any contacts here? 482 00:27:06,792 --> 00:27:07,751 SOPHIE: No. 483 00:27:07,751 --> 00:27:10,212 My mother and father are gone. 484 00:27:10,212 --> 00:27:13,924 JAN: I'm so sorry. 485 00:27:13,924 --> 00:27:16,176 If you wait, my colleague Lena will be able to take 486 00:27:16,176 --> 00:27:19,513 your details, put you into our system, okay? 487 00:27:27,312 --> 00:27:29,773 Excuse me. 488 00:27:29,773 --> 00:27:34,319 May I ask, in Auschwitz, did you meet the Frank family? 489 00:27:34,319 --> 00:27:36,488 Otto and Edith Frank? 490 00:27:36,488 --> 00:27:38,991 Maybe their daughters, Anne and Margot? 491 00:27:39,366 --> 00:27:41,451 SOPHIE: No. I'm sorry. 492 00:27:41,451 --> 00:27:44,079 JAN: Yeah. Thank you. 493 00:27:46,957 --> 00:27:52,796 (PA announcements) 494 00:27:54,464 --> 00:27:57,217 JAN: Max? 495 00:27:57,217 --> 00:27:59,386 Max! 496 00:28:00,137 --> 00:28:01,388 Miep! 497 00:28:01,388 --> 00:28:02,931 Miep, come out! 498 00:28:02,931 --> 00:28:05,684 Miep! 499 00:28:08,687 --> 00:28:10,522 Miep! 500 00:28:10,522 --> 00:28:12,357 Come on. Come on. Come on. 501 00:28:12,357 --> 00:28:14,067 MIEP: What's wrong? 502 00:28:16,570 --> 00:28:18,655 JAN: Otto is coming home. 503 00:28:18,655 --> 00:28:21,950 MIEP: What? JAN: Yes, yes. 504 00:28:21,950 --> 00:28:23,243 I ran into Max at the station. 505 00:28:23,243 --> 00:28:25,162 MIEP: Wait, Max? JAN: Max, Max Stoppelman. 506 00:28:25,162 --> 00:28:26,830 He's back. 507 00:28:26,830 --> 00:28:29,291 And he said he saw someone he knew at Auschwitz. 508 00:28:29,291 --> 00:28:30,751 MIEP: Max was in Auschwitz? 509 00:28:30,751 --> 00:28:33,629 JAN: Yes, and he saw someone who knew Otto and said he 510 00:28:33,629 --> 00:28:35,255 survived and he's coming home. 511 00:28:35,255 --> 00:28:36,298 MIEP: Wait. Who? 512 00:28:36,298 --> 00:28:37,633 Who did Max run into? 513 00:28:37,633 --> 00:28:39,092 JAN: I don't know, but they knew Otto. 514 00:28:39,092 --> 00:28:40,552 MIEP: Well, we shouldn't get our hopes up. 515 00:28:40,552 --> 00:28:42,804 We don't know who said it. It's third-hand information. 516 00:28:42,804 --> 00:28:46,183 JAN: It's real this time. He's coming home. 517 00:28:46,183 --> 00:28:48,727 He's coming. 518 00:28:56,860 --> 00:29:03,325 ♪ ♪ 519 00:29:16,421 --> 00:29:19,049 MIEP: Mr. Frank. 520 00:29:22,344 --> 00:29:25,889 OTTO: Hello, Miep. Jan. 521 00:29:28,558 --> 00:29:31,520 MIEP: Come in. Come in. 522 00:29:31,520 --> 00:29:34,147 Come inside. 523 00:29:38,235 --> 00:29:41,697 He's saying hello to the warehouse workers. 524 00:29:42,114 --> 00:29:45,158 Don't ask him about anyone. 525 00:29:45,158 --> 00:29:47,995 JOHANNES: Does he know? Did he tell you? 526 00:29:51,999 --> 00:29:54,835 MIEP: Mrs. Frank is gone. 527 00:29:56,336 --> 00:29:59,131 So is Mr. van Pels. 528 00:29:59,548 --> 00:30:02,300 He lost track of Dr. Pfeffer and Mrs. van Pels but 529 00:30:02,300 --> 00:30:04,970 they weren't well so he's not optimistic. 530 00:30:04,970 --> 00:30:08,181 But we have reason to hope for Peter and the girls. 531 00:30:08,181 --> 00:30:09,891 Peter was with him in Auschwitz and got marched 532 00:30:09,891 --> 00:30:12,185 away by the Nazis just before liberation. 533 00:30:12,185 --> 00:30:13,895 And the girls were in Bergen-Belsen, 534 00:30:13,895 --> 00:30:16,064 which is a work camp, not a death camp. 535 00:30:16,064 --> 00:30:18,233 So that's really, really good news. 536 00:30:18,233 --> 00:30:21,611 And they're strong and we're gonna find them. 537 00:30:22,029 --> 00:30:24,156 The Red Cross posts a list each day of those who have 538 00:30:24,156 --> 00:30:25,574 come back from the camps. 539 00:30:25,574 --> 00:30:27,868 And I have copies. 540 00:30:27,868 --> 00:30:31,455 Um, here, Bep, go through the list and find out everyone 541 00:30:31,455 --> 00:30:32,956 who was at Bergen-Belsen. 542 00:30:32,956 --> 00:30:34,499 BEP: Yeah. 543 00:30:34,499 --> 00:30:35,834 MIEP: Divide them up and we'll write them letters to ask if 544 00:30:35,834 --> 00:30:37,586 any of them know anything about Anne and Margot. 545 00:30:37,586 --> 00:30:39,087 Jan will keep checking at the train station and we'll just 546 00:30:39,087 --> 00:30:41,715 keep checking the Red Cross lists. 547 00:30:41,715 --> 00:30:46,261 OTTO: Miep has gotten quite bossy in my absence. 548 00:30:46,970 --> 00:30:50,766 JOHANNES: Yes. She has. 549 00:30:52,642 --> 00:30:54,686 VICTOR: It's good to have you back, sir. 550 00:30:54,686 --> 00:30:56,897 BEP: Very good. 551 00:31:03,153 --> 00:31:06,740 ♪ ♪ 552 00:31:06,740 --> 00:31:11,578 OTTO: I am, uh, heartbroken and I miss my family, 553 00:31:11,578 --> 00:31:14,998 but I'm here. 554 00:31:16,500 --> 00:31:20,504 And that is because of all of you. 555 00:31:25,258 --> 00:31:32,057 ♪ ♪ 556 00:31:38,151 --> 00:31:43,527 (bell tolling) 557 00:31:43,902 --> 00:31:45,237 MIEP: I already hate them. 558 00:31:45,237 --> 00:31:47,280 OTTO: Miep, stop. It's fine. MIEP: No, it's not. 559 00:31:47,280 --> 00:31:48,365 They're living in your apartment. 560 00:31:48,365 --> 00:31:50,158 It's yours. You should get it back. 561 00:31:50,158 --> 00:31:52,452 Can't you do something? The City should do something. 562 00:31:52,452 --> 00:31:54,371 JAN: We're trying to figure out what to do about 563 00:31:54,371 --> 00:31:55,455 people coming back. 564 00:31:55,455 --> 00:31:56,581 MIEP: I'll tell you what to do. 565 00:31:56,581 --> 00:31:57,707 Give people back their old apartments. 566 00:31:57,707 --> 00:32:00,043 OTTO: Shh, shh, shh, shh. 567 00:32:00,794 --> 00:32:02,045 RICHARD: Can we help you? 568 00:32:02,045 --> 00:32:04,589 OTTO: Hello, I'm Otto Frank. 569 00:32:04,589 --> 00:32:05,841 MIEP: You're living in his apartment. 570 00:32:05,841 --> 00:32:06,967 OTTO: Miep. JAN: Miep. 571 00:32:06,967 --> 00:32:08,260 ILSE: We moved here six months ago. 572 00:32:08,260 --> 00:32:09,636 No one told us. 573 00:32:09,636 --> 00:32:10,929 RICHARD: You have to take it up with the landlord, 574 00:32:10,929 --> 00:32:11,930 I'm afraid. 575 00:32:11,930 --> 00:32:13,473 OTTO: No, no, you misunderstand. 576 00:32:13,473 --> 00:32:17,018 I'm not here to make you move. I'm here to make a request. 577 00:32:17,018 --> 00:32:20,188 Um, these are my daughters. 578 00:32:20,188 --> 00:32:23,733 This is Anne and Margot. 579 00:32:24,192 --> 00:32:26,236 When they return to Amsterdam, they will come here because 580 00:32:26,236 --> 00:32:28,238 this was their home. 581 00:32:28,238 --> 00:32:32,742 Please, tell them Papa is fine. 582 00:32:32,742 --> 00:32:34,619 He's at Miep's. 583 00:32:34,619 --> 00:32:37,873 MIEP: Here, um, write it down so you don't forget. 584 00:32:37,873 --> 00:32:40,584 "Papa is fine. He's at Miep's." 585 00:32:42,169 --> 00:32:48,967 (typewriter clacking) 586 00:32:56,349 --> 00:33:03,231 ♪ ♪ 587 00:33:13,617 --> 00:33:20,290 ♪ ♪ 588 00:33:23,501 --> 00:33:25,003 JAN: Thank you. 589 00:33:26,630 --> 00:33:28,131 RED CROSS WORKER: Rose, please. 590 00:33:28,131 --> 00:33:30,717 We have no more information than what's on these lists. 591 00:33:30,717 --> 00:33:32,385 MIEP: Excuse me, sorry, which list is this? 592 00:33:32,385 --> 00:33:34,763 RED CROSS WORKER: Confirmed dead. 593 00:33:36,056 --> 00:33:38,433 MIEP: Sorry. 594 00:33:38,892 --> 00:33:42,312 (sighing) 595 00:33:45,523 --> 00:33:47,484 The girls aren't on here. 596 00:33:47,484 --> 00:33:49,778 They're not on here! 597 00:33:59,162 --> 00:34:02,916 OTTO: Van Pels, Peter, 598 00:34:03,583 --> 00:34:07,212 May 5th, 1945, Mauthausen. 599 00:34:11,633 --> 00:34:18,223 ♪ ♪ 600 00:34:25,855 --> 00:34:28,400 (sighing) 601 00:34:28,400 --> 00:34:32,279 Hermann van Pels started as my business partner. 602 00:34:32,279 --> 00:34:36,324 But he quickly became my friend. 603 00:34:36,658 --> 00:34:39,869 The last time I saw him, he wasn't well at all. 604 00:34:39,869 --> 00:34:43,415 He was chosen to go to the left and, uh, 605 00:34:43,415 --> 00:34:46,876 and I to the right. 606 00:34:46,876 --> 00:34:51,131 After he was gone, uh, I became quite close to Peter. 607 00:34:51,131 --> 00:34:55,093 Uh, he took care of me like you would a father. 608 00:34:56,261 --> 00:34:59,931 A few days before the liberation, he came, 609 00:34:59,931 --> 00:35:02,475 they came to get me. 610 00:35:02,475 --> 00:35:05,562 They wanted everyone who was there to leave. 611 00:35:05,562 --> 00:35:08,106 A forced march. 612 00:35:08,106 --> 00:35:10,191 He was afraid if I stayed they would kill me. 613 00:35:10,191 --> 00:35:14,571 But I told him I couldn't go because I was, I was too sick. 614 00:35:14,571 --> 00:35:19,159 And, uh, we said our goodbyes. 615 00:35:21,494 --> 00:35:25,248 He was a good man, Peter. 616 00:35:25,957 --> 00:35:31,880 He was a strong, and brave, and a loving son. 617 00:35:32,589 --> 00:35:35,842 And I know that his father would, 618 00:35:35,842 --> 00:35:38,845 would want us to say Kaddish for him. 619 00:35:41,097 --> 00:35:42,307 (Hebrew prayer) 620 00:35:42,307 --> 00:35:45,268 Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'meih raba. 621 00:35:45,268 --> 00:35:49,189 B'al'ma di v'ra chiruteih, v'yamlich malchuteih, 622 00:35:49,189 --> 00:35:50,982 b'chayeichon uv'yomeichon 623 00:35:50,982 --> 00:35:53,568 uv'chayei d'chol beit yisra-eil, 624 00:35:53,568 --> 00:35:56,321 baagala uvizman kariv, v'imru. 625 00:35:56,321 --> 00:35:57,781 Amein. 626 00:35:57,781 --> 00:36:04,579 (prayer continues) 627 00:36:04,579 --> 00:36:11,044 ♪ ♪ 628 00:36:18,635 --> 00:36:25,392 ♪ ♪ 629 00:36:27,811 --> 00:36:29,688 MIEP: What are you thinking? 630 00:36:29,688 --> 00:36:32,690 JAN: Just thinking about you, actually. 631 00:36:32,690 --> 00:36:35,235 MIEP: What about me? 632 00:36:35,235 --> 00:36:37,696 JAN: I was thinking that I don't know your favorite color. 633 00:36:37,696 --> 00:36:39,364 MIEP: Red. 634 00:36:39,364 --> 00:36:40,907 JAN: So I'd have guessed yellow. 635 00:36:40,907 --> 00:36:42,450 MIEP: Yellow? JAN: Yeah. 636 00:36:42,450 --> 00:36:44,160 MIEP: Are you insane? 637 00:36:44,160 --> 00:36:46,204 JAN: It's funny though, isn't it? 638 00:36:46,204 --> 00:36:48,081 Being with someone for so long, 639 00:36:48,081 --> 00:36:50,208 you know their heart, their soul, 640 00:36:50,208 --> 00:36:52,836 you know what they're thinking before they think it, 641 00:36:52,836 --> 00:36:55,463 but you don't know their favorite color. 642 00:36:55,463 --> 00:36:59,259 MIEP: What am I thinking? 643 00:36:59,884 --> 00:37:02,095 JAN: That you don't want to go home just yet because 644 00:37:02,095 --> 00:37:06,433 Mr. Frank is there, and you hate to see him sad, 645 00:37:06,433 --> 00:37:08,435 and that's what he is, 646 00:37:08,435 --> 00:37:12,188 so you'd like to do another loop around the park. 647 00:37:15,984 --> 00:37:17,902 MIEP: What's your favorite color? 648 00:37:17,902 --> 00:37:20,613 JAN: Come on. You know. 649 00:37:20,613 --> 00:37:21,740 Obvious. 650 00:37:21,740 --> 00:37:23,700 MIEP: Is it? JAN: Yes! 651 00:37:23,700 --> 00:37:26,870 I scream this color. I shout it from the rooftops. 652 00:37:26,870 --> 00:37:28,496 This color is my heritage! 653 00:37:28,496 --> 00:37:30,415 MIEP: Oh. Orange. 654 00:37:30,415 --> 00:37:33,168 JAN: Yes! I'm a Dutchman! 655 00:37:33,168 --> 00:37:36,421 (laughing) 656 00:37:36,421 --> 00:37:39,299 MIEP: And, and you're a little bit ginger. 657 00:37:39,299 --> 00:37:41,801 JAN: Oh! Yes! 658 00:37:41,801 --> 00:37:44,220 That's how seriously I take this color! 659 00:37:44,554 --> 00:37:46,848 ISAAC: Excuse me. Excuse me. 660 00:37:47,682 --> 00:37:49,851 Yes, it's, it's, it's you. 661 00:37:49,851 --> 00:37:51,853 You, um, you helped us. 662 00:37:51,853 --> 00:37:53,313 JAN: Uh, sorry, I... 663 00:37:53,313 --> 00:37:55,607 ISAAC: In, in the church, you, you brought us a picture 664 00:37:55,607 --> 00:37:56,858 of our boy, Nathan. 665 00:37:56,858 --> 00:38:00,028 That's, that's him, there. That's Nathan. 666 00:38:00,028 --> 00:38:02,447 We were reunited about a month ago. 667 00:38:02,447 --> 00:38:04,407 It's been, it's been great. 668 00:38:04,407 --> 00:38:06,743 MAYA: We are so grateful. 669 00:38:06,743 --> 00:38:10,455 Sorry to bother you, but he saved our family. 670 00:38:10,455 --> 00:38:13,541 MIEP: No, no, that's fine. It's great. 671 00:38:13,541 --> 00:38:15,502 ISAAC: Well, thank you. 672 00:38:15,502 --> 00:38:19,672 Thank you for everything. 673 00:38:19,672 --> 00:38:20,632 JAN: Lovely to see you again. 674 00:38:20,632 --> 00:38:22,884 MAYA: Thank you. 675 00:38:22,884 --> 00:38:25,011 JAN: Bye, Nathan. NATHAN: Bye-bye. 676 00:38:34,187 --> 00:38:37,190 JAN: Another loop? MIEP: Uh-hmm. 677 00:38:41,361 --> 00:38:42,654 Morning! 678 00:38:42,654 --> 00:38:44,113 BEP: Look what I found. 679 00:38:44,113 --> 00:38:46,074 Real coffee. 680 00:38:46,074 --> 00:38:47,909 OTTO: Oh, Bep. 681 00:38:47,909 --> 00:38:49,327 BEP: I bought it with the money I was supposed to use 682 00:38:49,327 --> 00:38:50,912 to buy typewriter ink. 683 00:38:50,912 --> 00:38:52,789 MIEP: Bep, how am I supposed to write the invoices? 684 00:38:52,789 --> 00:38:55,291 OTTO: This is extraordinary, smell. 685 00:38:55,625 --> 00:38:57,669 MIEP: Oh, okay. I'll handwrite the invoices. 686 00:38:57,669 --> 00:38:59,838 OTTO: No, go ahead. I'll make the coffee. 687 00:38:59,838 --> 00:39:01,464 I don't like the way you make it, it's too much milk, 688 00:39:01,464 --> 00:39:03,216 it's always cold. 689 00:39:03,216 --> 00:39:04,467 MIEP: All these years, now you tell me? 690 00:39:04,467 --> 00:39:07,220 OTTO: Yeah. Temperature's important, Miep. 691 00:39:10,598 --> 00:39:11,975 BEP: I put the mail on your desk. 692 00:39:11,975 --> 00:39:13,351 MIEP: Anything from the Red Cross? 693 00:39:13,351 --> 00:39:15,937 BEP: No, I don't think so. 694 00:39:16,896 --> 00:39:18,231 MIEP: Can I help you? 695 00:39:18,231 --> 00:39:20,316 JANNI: I'm looking for Otto Frank. 696 00:39:20,316 --> 00:39:22,068 MIEP: Is he expecting you? 697 00:39:22,068 --> 00:39:23,987 JANNI: No. 698 00:39:23,987 --> 00:39:26,864 Um, I knew his daughters. 699 00:39:26,864 --> 00:39:29,075 At Bergen-Belsen. 700 00:39:29,075 --> 00:39:34,872 I, I received this letter, uh, asking for information. 701 00:39:36,249 --> 00:39:39,669 I have information. 702 00:39:42,088 --> 00:39:44,215 MIEP: Are they... 703 00:39:44,215 --> 00:39:47,975 OTTO: It's brewing now. Five more. 704 00:39:47,975 --> 00:39:49,879 ♪ ♪ 705 00:39:55,894 --> 00:40:02,150 (crying) 706 00:40:03,902 --> 00:40:06,613 JOHANNES: You were a good friend to them. 707 00:40:06,613 --> 00:40:09,115 You made their lives better. 708 00:40:09,115 --> 00:40:11,034 VICTOR: We all did. 709 00:40:11,034 --> 00:40:12,702 And they knew. 710 00:40:12,702 --> 00:40:15,663 We can take comfort in that. 711 00:40:17,332 --> 00:40:19,334 For the two years that they were here, 712 00:40:19,334 --> 00:40:22,128 they knew that people cared for them. 713 00:40:22,128 --> 00:40:25,340 They knew they mattered. 714 00:40:28,384 --> 00:40:30,470 MIEP: The first time Anne came into the office, 715 00:40:30,470 --> 00:40:32,639 she was just five years old. 716 00:40:32,639 --> 00:40:35,975 She sat down at my desk 717 00:40:35,975 --> 00:40:38,061 and started playing with my typewriter. 718 00:40:38,061 --> 00:40:39,145 VICTOR: I remember. 719 00:40:39,145 --> 00:40:41,105 She was wearing a fuzzy white coat. 720 00:40:41,105 --> 00:40:43,483 I was worried she was going to get ink on it. 721 00:40:43,483 --> 00:40:44,942 BEP: Uh-hmm. 722 00:40:44,942 --> 00:40:46,194 VICTOR: I thought her mother should say something, but. 723 00:40:46,194 --> 00:40:48,404 BEP: Oh, you couldn't say anything to Anne. 724 00:40:48,404 --> 00:40:50,365 She was always so... 725 00:40:50,365 --> 00:40:53,785 MIEP: Anne. BEP: That's right. 726 00:40:53,785 --> 00:40:56,996 She was always so Anne. 727 00:40:56,996 --> 00:41:00,291 And Margot was always just so Margot. 728 00:41:01,876 --> 00:41:04,504 MIEP: Margot followed her mother around like a shadow. 729 00:41:04,504 --> 00:41:06,673 She was so polite, 730 00:41:06,673 --> 00:41:09,425 and she drank the hot milk I gave her and said "thank you" 731 00:41:09,425 --> 00:41:13,137 in this sweet little voice, 732 00:41:13,137 --> 00:41:15,515 while Anne was just clattering away at the typewriter like 733 00:41:15,515 --> 00:41:18,601 she had to get all her thoughts down all at once. 734 00:41:20,728 --> 00:41:23,856 Her diary. 735 00:41:29,821 --> 00:41:36,619 ♪ ♪ 736 00:41:51,134 --> 00:41:57,390 ♪ ♪ 737 00:42:06,024 --> 00:42:07,442 Mr. Frank. 738 00:42:07,442 --> 00:42:10,153 OTTO: Not now, Miep. 739 00:42:10,778 --> 00:42:12,030 MIEP: I'd just really like to... 740 00:42:12,030 --> 00:42:15,908 OTTO: Please. Not now. 741 00:42:25,334 --> 00:42:28,254 MIEP: I was saving this. 742 00:42:28,254 --> 00:42:31,424 For her. 743 00:42:31,424 --> 00:42:34,594 You should have it. 744 00:42:47,732 --> 00:42:53,946 ♪ ♪ 745 00:42:58,826 --> 00:43:05,374 ♪ ♪ 746 00:43:11,339 --> 00:43:18,096 ♪ ♪ 747 00:43:24,352 --> 00:43:31,067 ♪ ♪ 748 00:43:36,572 --> 00:43:43,371 ♪ ♪ 749 00:43:43,830 --> 00:43:47,959 (train whistle) 750 00:43:52,505 --> 00:43:59,303 ♪ ♪ 751 00:44:06,727 --> 00:44:11,357 (train bell ringing) 752 00:44:11,357 --> 00:44:18,156 ♪ ♪ 753 00:44:24,120 --> 00:44:29,083 ♪ ♪ 754 00:44:29,083 --> 00:44:31,961 They're not coming back. 755 00:44:31,961 --> 00:44:33,713 Everyone's gone. 756 00:44:33,713 --> 00:44:38,759 (crying) 757 00:44:44,682 --> 00:44:49,770 ♪ ♪ 758 00:44:49,770 --> 00:44:53,399 I thought I was saved for a reason. 759 00:44:54,192 --> 00:44:58,446 I thought maybe that's why I didn't die. 760 00:44:58,446 --> 00:45:02,783 And why my mother sent me away to be here in Amsterdam. 761 00:45:04,535 --> 00:45:08,331 I thought maybe I'm supposed to be here 762 00:45:08,331 --> 00:45:11,000 so that the girls would live. 763 00:45:11,000 --> 00:45:12,335 JAN: Miep. MIEP: See? 764 00:45:12,335 --> 00:45:16,589 You don't know what I'm thinking all the time. 765 00:45:16,839 --> 00:45:19,634 You don't know that I've been thinking that they have to 766 00:45:19,634 --> 00:45:23,262 come back because then it would make sense of 767 00:45:23,262 --> 00:45:26,057 my existence. 768 00:45:30,645 --> 00:45:34,065 It would make sense in my head. 769 00:45:37,276 --> 00:45:41,238 JAN: We don't know the reason why one person is spared and 770 00:45:41,238 --> 00:45:43,532 the other isn't. 771 00:45:43,532 --> 00:45:49,121 All we can do is make a choice every day 772 00:45:49,121 --> 00:45:52,208 to do something good. 773 00:45:52,208 --> 00:45:54,710 And you made that choice. 774 00:45:54,710 --> 00:45:57,838 Every day. 775 00:45:57,838 --> 00:46:01,550 That's all we have control over. 776 00:46:01,550 --> 00:46:05,012 Apples and carrots. 777 00:46:05,012 --> 00:46:07,848 Cheese. 778 00:46:07,848 --> 00:46:11,686 And walking upstairs when it was hard. 779 00:46:19,110 --> 00:46:21,445 MIEP: It's after work. Where is he? 780 00:46:21,445 --> 00:46:23,072 JAN: He's probably still at the office. 781 00:46:23,072 --> 00:46:24,907 MIEP: Oh, what if he's thrown himself into the canal or 782 00:46:24,907 --> 00:46:26,450 in front of a tram? 783 00:46:26,450 --> 00:46:29,662 Or just wandering around alone because he has no one left, 784 00:46:29,662 --> 00:46:31,288 they've all gone. 785 00:46:31,288 --> 00:46:32,832 Oh, God, I shouldn't have given him the diary, 786 00:46:32,832 --> 00:46:34,208 I should've waited. 787 00:46:34,208 --> 00:46:38,129 JAN: No, you should have. You did the right thing. 788 00:46:38,129 --> 00:46:39,630 It was kind. 789 00:46:39,630 --> 00:46:41,507 And he knows that. 790 00:46:41,507 --> 00:46:43,884 (door opens) 791 00:46:44,385 --> 00:46:46,595 MIEP: Mr. Frank? 792 00:47:06,824 --> 00:47:10,036 (sighing) 793 00:47:11,495 --> 00:47:13,998 OTTO: Did you read this? 794 00:47:15,458 --> 00:47:18,461 I had no idea. 795 00:47:20,755 --> 00:47:23,924 The things she writes about. 796 00:47:25,301 --> 00:47:27,803 The way she writes, the way she thinks. 797 00:47:29,013 --> 00:47:33,601 I knew she was a quick and clever girl, but she was... 798 00:47:39,190 --> 00:47:42,401 I feel like I didn't know her. 799 00:47:46,030 --> 00:47:50,368 We were hiding as a family but she was hiding, too. 800 00:47:51,243 --> 00:47:54,538 She was hiding a part of herself that maybe 801 00:47:54,538 --> 00:47:57,458 she didn't want me to see. 802 00:47:58,626 --> 00:48:01,712 But I'm so glad I did. 803 00:48:02,880 --> 00:48:06,175 Thank you, Miep. 804 00:48:09,220 --> 00:48:14,642 It was like getting to watch her grow up. 805 00:48:23,234 --> 00:48:26,153 You saved this. 806 00:48:28,322 --> 00:48:30,866 You gave it to me. 807 00:48:31,575 --> 00:48:35,329 Thank you. 808 00:48:40,376 --> 00:48:45,172 (crying) 809 00:48:47,550 --> 00:48:50,094 Thank you. 810 00:49:05,734 --> 00:49:08,779 JAN: I want you to stay with us. 811 00:49:08,779 --> 00:49:11,907 We're moving into a new place. 812 00:49:11,907 --> 00:49:14,535 We want you to live there with us. 813 00:49:14,535 --> 00:49:16,704 MIEP: Yeah. You have to. 814 00:49:16,704 --> 00:49:20,541 And we can talk about them as much or as little as you like, 815 00:49:20,541 --> 00:49:23,043 but we can. 816 00:49:24,003 --> 00:49:26,797 Please, Mr. Frank. 817 00:49:28,591 --> 00:49:31,719 OTTO: Well, thank you. 818 00:49:31,719 --> 00:49:33,888 But first, you must call me Otto. 819 00:49:33,888 --> 00:49:35,556 (laughing) 820 00:49:36,807 --> 00:49:39,059 Thank you. 821 00:49:44,607 --> 00:49:46,734 What are the vegetables? 822 00:49:46,734 --> 00:49:48,319 MIEP: Um, parsnips. 823 00:49:49,445 --> 00:49:55,409 I'll be seeing you ♪ 824 00:49:56,035 --> 00:50:01,457 ♪ In all the old familiar places ♪ 825 00:50:02,917 --> 00:50:08,797 ♪ That this heart of mine embraces ♪ 826 00:50:09,048 --> 00:50:14,512 All day thro ♪ h 827 00:50:15,221 --> 00:50:21,393 ♪ In that small cafe ♪ 828 00:50:21,393 --> 00:50:26,899 ♪ The park across the way ♪ 829 00:50:27,858 --> 00:50:33,239 ♪ The children's carousel ♪ 830 00:50:34,073 --> 00:50:37,660 ♪ The chestnut trees ♪ 831 00:50:37,660 --> 00:50:41,038 ♪ The wishing well ♪ 832 00:50:41,288 --> 00:50:47,753 I'll be seeing yo ♪ 833 00:50:47,753 --> 00:50:54,218 In every lovely summer's day ♪ 834 00:50:54,218 --> 00:50:59,723 ♪ In everything that's light and gay ♪ 835 00:51:00,266 --> 00:51:06,105 ♪ I'll always think of you that way ♪ 836 00:51:06,981 --> 00:51:13,195 ♪ I'll find you in the morning sun ♪ 837 00:51:13,195 --> 00:51:18,742 ♪ And when the night is new ♪ 838 00:51:20,411 --> 00:51:26,000 I'll be looking at the moon ♪ 839 00:51:26,000 --> 00:51:32,673 But I'll be seeing you ♪♪ 840 00:51:37,011 --> 00:51:40,222 (music plays through credits) 841 00:52:35,569 --> 00:52:39,531 ♪ ♪ 842 00:52:42,618 --> 00:52:48,248 I'll be seeing you ♪ 843 00:52:49,792 --> 00:52:54,213 ♪ In all the old familiar places ♪ 844 00:52:57,674 --> 00:53:03,555 ♪ That this heart of mine embraces ♪ 845 00:53:05,057 --> 00:53:10,771 All day through ♪ 846 00:53:13,816 --> 00:53:19,738 ♪ I'll find you in the morning sun ♪ 847 00:53:20,489 --> 00:53:27,246 ♪ And when the night is new ♪ 848 00:53:28,789 --> 00:53:33,127 I'll be looking at the moon ♪ 849 00:53:34,294 --> 00:53:41,093 ♪ But I'll be seeing ♪ 850 00:53:44,596 --> 00:53:47,474 You ♪♪