1 00:00:22,814 --> 00:00:24,816 [electric guitar note plays] 2 00:00:28,028 --> 00:00:29,863 [instrumental rock music playing] 3 00:00:54,596 --> 00:00:57,432 [man 1] This is the best part of my day, every day. 4 00:00:57,974 --> 00:01:02,228 I always wanted to be a dad. It just took 46 years for it to happen. 5 00:01:02,854 --> 00:01:05,774 When people ask me why, I tell 'em to fuck off. 6 00:01:06,691 --> 00:01:08,860 Or I just say I hadn't met the right woman yet. 7 00:01:09,861 --> 00:01:12,113 Ah, there she is. Leah. 8 00:01:12,655 --> 00:01:15,658 Got the second one in the oven, and she still looks great. 9 00:01:15,742 --> 00:01:17,911 According to her, the reason I got such a late start 10 00:01:17,994 --> 00:01:20,038 is because I had an unhappy childhood. 11 00:01:21,456 --> 00:01:23,208 But I'm not gonna whine about it. 12 00:01:23,291 --> 00:01:24,626 That's what vegans do. 13 00:01:25,210 --> 00:01:26,970 I'm just gonna make sure my kids are prepared 14 00:01:27,045 --> 00:01:29,255 for whatever this world has to offer. 15 00:01:29,339 --> 00:01:31,466 [boy screaming] 16 00:01:31,549 --> 00:01:32,549 [man 2] Slow down. 17 00:01:33,384 --> 00:01:36,554 [man 1] Unfortunately, I have no idea what that is anymore. 18 00:01:37,055 --> 00:01:39,182 For some reason, I can't leave my kid in the car 19 00:01:39,265 --> 00:01:40,975 to run into a convenience store, 20 00:01:41,059 --> 00:01:44,187 but that same store can sell him food so full of hormones 21 00:01:44,270 --> 00:01:46,523 he'll be able to grow a beard by the third grade. 22 00:01:47,899 --> 00:01:48,942 But nobody gives a shit 23 00:01:49,025 --> 00:01:51,486 because they're too busy jerking off to Internet porn. 24 00:01:52,070 --> 00:01:52,987 Buddy. 25 00:01:53,071 --> 00:01:55,323 - What do you say there, Jackie boy? - [boy screaming] 26 00:01:55,406 --> 00:01:56,991 - Oh, you motherfucking... - You're up. 27 00:01:57,075 --> 00:01:58,795 Goddamn. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch! 28 00:01:58,827 --> 00:01:59,911 [boy continues screaming] 29 00:01:59,994 --> 00:02:03,248 Hey! Give me the stick! Give me the stick! Give me the stick! 30 00:02:05,917 --> 00:02:08,086 Hey, buddy. What happened? You all right? 31 00:02:08,169 --> 00:02:10,255 Colin pushed me. 32 00:02:10,338 --> 00:02:11,756 Yeah, I know he did. 33 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:14,443 I told you if you play rough, rough things are gonna happen, right? 34 00:02:14,467 --> 00:02:16,719 - Here, let me see. - [man 2] Colin, give me the stick! 35 00:02:16,803 --> 00:02:19,514 Ah, that's not so bad. Just rub some dirt on it, buddy. 36 00:02:21,516 --> 00:02:22,516 There you go. 37 00:02:23,101 --> 00:02:26,062 You might wanna get him checked or at least put a little Neosporin on it. 38 00:02:26,146 --> 00:02:27,438 That thing could get infected. 39 00:02:29,399 --> 00:02:31,568 - Who are you? - I'm, uh, Hunter Lewis. 40 00:02:31,651 --> 00:02:33,531 Lisa's husband. Just moved in across the street. 41 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:34,487 Thanks for having me. 42 00:02:34,571 --> 00:02:37,251 Oh, yeah? Are you a doctor, or are you just one of those WebMD guys? 43 00:02:37,282 --> 00:02:39,510 It's just common knowledge. You wanna keep the cut clean. 44 00:02:39,534 --> 00:02:42,620 Oh, is it? Listen, I'm trying to raise a little man here, not a fucking pussy. 45 00:02:42,704 --> 00:02:43,955 So I appreciate your concern. 46 00:02:44,038 --> 00:02:46,166 But why don't you just go back to your hard seltzer 47 00:02:46,249 --> 00:02:49,252 and, you know, go on Twitter and go share the story where you're the hero? 48 00:02:51,212 --> 00:02:52,212 [Hunter] Okay. 49 00:02:52,672 --> 00:02:54,674 Daddy, you said a bad word. 50 00:02:54,757 --> 00:02:57,510 Yeah, I know I did, buddy. Sometimes you have to, all right? 51 00:02:57,594 --> 00:03:00,972 Don't tell your mother. She'll kill me. I love you. Come on. Let's get up. 52 00:03:01,055 --> 00:03:02,891 [man 2] Hang on, Jack! Hang on! Hang on! 53 00:03:02,974 --> 00:03:04,184 [panting] 54 00:03:04,267 --> 00:03:06,311 Colin's got something he wants to say to you, kid. 55 00:03:06,394 --> 00:03:07,729 But, Dad, he pushed me first... 56 00:03:07,812 --> 00:03:09,898 Hey, no, no, no. I don't care. Okay? 57 00:03:09,981 --> 00:03:12,483 You don't hit somebody with a stick. We don't hit our friends. 58 00:03:12,567 --> 00:03:15,361 Let's apologize now. Say you're sorry to Nate. Come on. 59 00:03:15,445 --> 00:03:16,445 [screaming] No! 60 00:03:16,487 --> 00:03:18,757 - [man 2] Hey, come on. Don't cry. - [screaming continues] 61 00:03:18,781 --> 00:03:20,658 Come on. It's okay, buddy. Say you're sorry. 62 00:03:20,742 --> 00:03:23,369 I'm just asking you to apologize. You don't gotta freak out. 63 00:03:23,453 --> 00:03:25,580 - Hey, buddy. Ah, shit. - [screaming] No! 64 00:03:25,663 --> 00:03:28,208 Okay, okay. What is going on? Why is he screaming? 65 00:03:28,291 --> 00:03:30,731 Because he hit Nate with a stick, and I told him to apologize. 66 00:03:30,793 --> 00:03:31,793 [fingers snap] 67 00:03:35,673 --> 00:03:39,594 What you're feeling now is what you're feeling, okay? 68 00:03:41,721 --> 00:03:43,014 Let it out. 69 00:03:44,015 --> 00:03:45,975 [Colin screaming] 70 00:03:46,059 --> 00:03:48,978 - I don't think that... - [woman 1] I don't need you to think now. 71 00:03:49,062 --> 00:03:51,314 You need to respect your son's autonomy 72 00:03:51,397 --> 00:03:53,650 and really let him process how crossing this boundary 73 00:03:53,733 --> 00:03:56,152 is affecting his ever-evolving moral code. 74 00:03:56,778 --> 00:03:58,363 I want my stick! 75 00:03:58,446 --> 00:04:00,365 [fingers snap] Stick, where is it? 76 00:04:00,949 --> 00:04:01,949 It's... 77 00:04:03,660 --> 00:04:06,246 Jack. How's Nate doing in school? 78 00:04:06,329 --> 00:04:09,791 Great, you know. He's comin' along. Uh, how's your little one doing? 79 00:04:09,874 --> 00:04:12,168 He's great. He's perfect. 80 00:04:15,004 --> 00:04:16,004 Yeah? 81 00:04:19,550 --> 00:04:20,843 Come on, bro. I... 82 00:04:22,553 --> 00:04:23,846 - [Colin] No! - Hey, hey, hey! 83 00:04:23,930 --> 00:04:24,806 Jesus! 84 00:04:24,889 --> 00:04:27,569 I'm gonna murder you. I swear to God. Let's go get a drink. Come on. 85 00:04:28,101 --> 00:04:31,104 - How fucking sad is that? - He did it to himself. 86 00:04:31,187 --> 00:04:32,188 [Jack] Yes, he did. 87 00:04:32,272 --> 00:04:33,982 - [Colin] No! - [Connor] Come on, stop it. 88 00:04:34,065 --> 00:04:37,360 Did you see that? That kid is a maniac. 89 00:04:37,443 --> 00:04:38,569 Yeah, he's a lunatic. 90 00:04:38,653 --> 00:04:40,613 I'm gonna say something to Cara. It's too much. 91 00:04:40,697 --> 00:04:42,198 No, no, no. Don't say anything. 92 00:04:42,282 --> 00:04:44,659 I'm not gonna freak out on her. I'm just gonna talk to her. 93 00:04:44,742 --> 00:04:48,496 - Like, mom to mom. It's what moms do. - Mike, should she say something? 94 00:04:49,080 --> 00:04:50,748 Three cardinal rules of friendship. 95 00:04:50,832 --> 00:04:53,042 Don't bring up politics. Don't bring up religion. 96 00:04:53,126 --> 00:04:55,837 And don't try to tell people how to raise their kids. 97 00:04:56,421 --> 00:04:59,966 Oh, I'm sorry, Mike. I didn't realize you had your own daytime talk show. 98 00:05:01,426 --> 00:05:03,177 Harvard. Duke. 99 00:05:03,678 --> 00:05:06,139 Girlfriend, ex-wife. 100 00:05:08,141 --> 00:05:10,852 - It's kinda airtight, honey. - Mmm, kind of. Not really. 101 00:05:12,020 --> 00:05:12,854 [chuckles] 102 00:05:12,937 --> 00:05:14,147 What'd she mean by that? 103 00:05:14,856 --> 00:05:16,482 Uh, she's just breaking your balls. 104 00:05:16,566 --> 00:05:18,318 Look, we're happy for you guys. 105 00:05:18,401 --> 00:05:21,279 We're wondering when you're gonna make an honest woman out of Britney. 106 00:05:21,362 --> 00:05:24,824 I told you. She doesn't wanna get married. She doesn't wanna have kids. 107 00:05:25,408 --> 00:05:29,037 All she wants to do is fuck me and go to the gym. 108 00:05:29,120 --> 00:05:32,248 Goddamn, Mike. You found a fucking unicorn. 109 00:05:33,958 --> 00:05:35,335 [Colin screams] 110 00:05:35,418 --> 00:05:37,920 ["You've Got Another Thing Comin'" by Judas Priest playing] 111 00:05:39,130 --> 00:05:40,130 [Jack] What? 112 00:05:41,174 --> 00:05:42,383 It's a team sport. 113 00:05:45,678 --> 00:05:46,678 You okay, buddy? 114 00:05:47,847 --> 00:05:51,434 ♪ One life, I'm gonna live it up ♪ 115 00:05:54,645 --> 00:05:58,608 ♪ I'm takin' flight I said, I'll never get enough ♪ 116 00:06:01,736 --> 00:06:05,740 ♪ Stand tall, I'm young and kinda proud... ♪ 117 00:06:05,823 --> 00:06:09,243 [Jack] This is the company my friends and I started 23 years ago. 118 00:06:09,327 --> 00:06:11,454 We make high-end throwback jerseys. 119 00:06:11,537 --> 00:06:13,539 But I got talked into selling the company 120 00:06:13,623 --> 00:06:16,292 so I could afford to send my son to private school, 121 00:06:16,376 --> 00:06:18,795 where all the kids are dressed like fucking news anchors. 122 00:06:19,295 --> 00:06:23,049 Goes against everything I believe in, but I'd do anything for my kid. 123 00:06:23,132 --> 00:06:24,634 Dude, what are you doing? 124 00:06:25,718 --> 00:06:28,179 You look like you just ran over a dog. Come on. 125 00:06:28,763 --> 00:06:30,223 It's a great fucking day for us. 126 00:06:30,306 --> 00:06:31,307 Is it? 127 00:06:32,975 --> 00:06:35,728 We're about to become employees of our own company. 128 00:06:35,812 --> 00:06:39,399 Jack, selling a business and the owner staying on 129 00:06:39,482 --> 00:06:42,735 is older than discovering a country that already has people. 130 00:06:42,819 --> 00:06:43,694 There you go. 131 00:06:43,778 --> 00:06:47,240 Not to mention, the time to complain was before we signed the deal. 132 00:06:47,323 --> 00:06:50,043 - I did complain about it. - Yeah, but you complain about everything. 133 00:06:50,118 --> 00:06:51,369 [Jack] Oh, I do not. 134 00:06:52,495 --> 00:06:54,831 Relax. It's gonna be great. 135 00:06:54,914 --> 00:06:57,583 Well, that's easy for you to say. You're home free. 136 00:06:57,667 --> 00:06:59,587 Yeah, that's true. You got no more child support. 137 00:06:59,669 --> 00:07:01,379 - You got college taken care of. - Yeah. 138 00:07:01,462 --> 00:07:04,340 What are gonna do now? Airbnb your kids' rooms, you cheap prick? 139 00:07:04,424 --> 00:07:05,859 - [Jack laughs] - [sarcastic laughter] 140 00:07:05,883 --> 00:07:08,803 Laugh now, motherfuckers, but wait till you see what I got coming next. 141 00:07:08,886 --> 00:07:10,430 Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. 142 00:07:11,180 --> 00:07:12,682 What's up, party people? 143 00:07:13,266 --> 00:07:15,244 - [Jack] Morning, everyone! - [woman] Morning, guys. 144 00:07:15,268 --> 00:07:16,102 [woman 2] Morning. 145 00:07:16,185 --> 00:07:18,271 Monica, what's poppin', girl? 146 00:07:18,354 --> 00:07:19,354 Good morning, Connor. 147 00:07:19,897 --> 00:07:23,109 Yo, you happen to check that new joint from Lil Baby 148 00:07:23,192 --> 00:07:24,444 dropped on Twitter last night? 149 00:07:24,527 --> 00:07:26,529 - [Monica] No. - What? Boom. Come on. Pound it out. 150 00:07:26,612 --> 00:07:28,114 Ah, it's okay. Thanks. 151 00:07:29,866 --> 00:07:32,160 - Oh God. - [Mike] There he goes again. 152 00:07:32,243 --> 00:07:34,620 Don't sleep on Lil Baby, on any of the babies. 153 00:07:34,704 --> 00:07:37,331 I heard Big Baby got something coming out too. It's gonna be fire. 154 00:07:37,415 --> 00:07:38,249 Big Baby? 155 00:07:38,332 --> 00:07:40,543 [Connor] Yeah, you... you peep him yet? 156 00:07:41,169 --> 00:07:42,503 I don't believe I have, no. 157 00:07:42,587 --> 00:07:44,088 What? He's fleek. 158 00:07:44,172 --> 00:07:47,842 - Oh. - Yeah, he's on fleek. Flickity-fleek. 159 00:07:47,925 --> 00:07:49,469 - [chuckles] - [Mike] Connor, come on. 160 00:07:49,552 --> 00:07:52,263 - Aight. Gotta bounce. - [Monica] Okay. 161 00:07:52,346 --> 00:07:54,056 - One love. One love, girl. - Okay. Okay. 162 00:07:54,140 --> 00:07:55,349 [Connor] One love, y'all. 163 00:07:58,519 --> 00:08:00,319 You know, she's never gonna think you're cool. 164 00:08:00,396 --> 00:08:03,024 I am cool, Jack. I'm sorry that you feel threatened by that. 165 00:08:03,107 --> 00:08:04,747 Oh, I think everybody's threatened by it. 166 00:08:04,775 --> 00:08:07,778 All right, you two, lock it down. We gotta impress this dude. 167 00:08:09,447 --> 00:08:10,281 Wait. By "this dude," 168 00:08:10,364 --> 00:08:12,950 you mean the douchebag half our age we now work for? 169 00:08:13,868 --> 00:08:16,096 I don't know, Jack. If I were you, I'd give him a chance. 170 00:08:16,120 --> 00:08:19,290 I hear Aspen has a real collaborative leadership style. 171 00:08:20,291 --> 00:08:21,291 That guy? 172 00:08:22,210 --> 00:08:24,629 He looks like he's in a musical about janitors. 173 00:08:24,712 --> 00:08:27,131 [Mike] Play nice, Jack. The new owners love him. 174 00:08:27,215 --> 00:08:30,176 And if we wanna get paid, we gotta keep our jobs. 175 00:08:30,259 --> 00:08:32,970 Gentlemen. What an honor. 176 00:08:33,054 --> 00:08:33,930 Aspen Bell. 177 00:08:34,013 --> 00:08:35,348 - Mike. - Uh-huh. 178 00:08:35,431 --> 00:08:38,184 - Hey! Connor. - Oh! I'm gonna get some of that? Ah! 179 00:08:38,267 --> 00:08:40,478 - Jack. Good. - Hey, how are you? That's all right. 180 00:08:40,561 --> 00:08:44,023 Okay. Uh, guys. Yeah, have a seat. Get comfortable. 181 00:08:44,941 --> 00:08:48,903 Wow! The trifecta behind Trifecta. 182 00:08:49,779 --> 00:08:51,739 This is some broad shoulders to stand on, boys. 183 00:08:51,822 --> 00:08:53,157 Let's get right to it. 184 00:08:53,241 --> 00:08:56,827 Look, this is your company, right? 185 00:08:56,911 --> 00:08:57,911 You built it. 186 00:08:58,412 --> 00:09:01,916 And I want you to know that I respect the shit out of what you've done here. 187 00:09:02,500 --> 00:09:04,293 I mean, come on, throwback jerseys? 188 00:09:04,377 --> 00:09:08,089 {\an8}You didn't just start the trend. You perfected it. 189 00:09:08,172 --> 00:09:10,132 The breathability of this fabric. 190 00:09:11,133 --> 00:09:12,593 Must have been sewn by the gods. 191 00:09:12,677 --> 00:09:15,888 Actually, it was sewn together by some hardworking women in Koreatown. 192 00:09:15,972 --> 00:09:16,972 [Mike clears throat] 193 00:09:17,765 --> 00:09:20,059 But, uh, thank you. We're, uh, very proud of it. 194 00:09:20,142 --> 00:09:21,018 And you should be. 195 00:09:21,102 --> 00:09:23,896 You should be very proud of everything that you've done here. 196 00:09:24,397 --> 00:09:28,401 And I want you to know that my door will always be open to you. 197 00:09:28,484 --> 00:09:32,280 But I'm gonna break some eggs because I'm a disruptor. 198 00:09:32,363 --> 00:09:33,447 It's in my DNA. 199 00:09:34,949 --> 00:09:35,950 What does that mean? 200 00:09:36,033 --> 00:09:37,827 It means that we're gonna pivot. 201 00:09:39,036 --> 00:09:41,747 This company is now a gender-neutral, carbon-neutral, 202 00:09:41,831 --> 00:09:44,041 21st-century lifestyle apparel brand. 203 00:09:44,125 --> 00:09:49,046 And the first step in that is to liberate everyone born before 1988. 204 00:09:49,130 --> 00:09:51,674 [woman] For what? All of us? 205 00:09:53,092 --> 00:09:56,429 Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck? That's, like, half the company. 206 00:09:56,512 --> 00:09:59,056 - [Mike] Calm down, man. - [Jack] You calm down. 207 00:09:59,140 --> 00:10:02,018 - [man] Let's go. - Damien's 35? Goddamn, he looks good. 208 00:10:02,518 --> 00:10:05,938 Hey, what happened to two weeks' notice? You can't just kick 'em out. 209 00:10:06,022 --> 00:10:06,897 Don't touch me. 210 00:10:06,981 --> 00:10:09,317 These people put their hearts and souls into this business. 211 00:10:09,400 --> 00:10:13,863 And we signed them up for Zip Recruiter. They're gonna have a new job in no time. 212 00:10:13,946 --> 00:10:17,450 Look, we are living in an exponential era. 213 00:10:17,533 --> 00:10:18,367 Hmm. 214 00:10:18,451 --> 00:10:22,288 Jack, change and growth, these things happen faster than they did 215 00:10:22,371 --> 00:10:23,831 when you were young. 216 00:10:24,415 --> 00:10:25,291 I mean, look at me. 217 00:10:25,374 --> 00:10:28,210 I'm 28 years old, and I've already worked for 15 different start-ups. 218 00:10:29,712 --> 00:10:32,423 - Is that something you wanna brag about? - [Aspen] Absolutely. 219 00:10:32,506 --> 00:10:35,635 Success does not care about the way that you feel. 220 00:10:36,177 --> 00:10:38,763 I want people to come in here with a smile on their face, 221 00:10:38,846 --> 00:10:41,849 but I need them to have Kevlar in their souls. 222 00:10:42,892 --> 00:10:44,268 If that's too much to ask, 223 00:10:44,352 --> 00:10:46,520 then I don't care how long you've been here. 224 00:10:47,146 --> 00:10:48,856 You're gonna be out the door. 225 00:10:50,316 --> 00:10:51,484 Is that a threat? 226 00:10:51,567 --> 00:10:53,903 No, no. It's just transparent leadership. 227 00:10:54,862 --> 00:10:56,322 Look, I care about you. 228 00:10:56,822 --> 00:10:59,784 In fact, there is this woman I would love for you to go see. 229 00:10:59,867 --> 00:11:03,329 She's an old friend of my mom. She has had a lot of success 230 00:11:03,913 --> 00:11:10,169 helping people in your situation to restrain their aggressive tendencies. 231 00:11:12,129 --> 00:11:13,798 You want me to go see a shrink? 232 00:11:13,881 --> 00:11:15,466 I appreciate you. 233 00:11:18,177 --> 00:11:21,180 "I appreciate you." "I appreciate you." 234 00:11:21,764 --> 00:11:24,225 Fucking sociopath hipster douche. 235 00:11:24,308 --> 00:11:26,185 Gonna threaten me in my own goddamn building? 236 00:11:26,268 --> 00:11:28,729 I'll fucking knock you out, throw you in a bag of laundry, 237 00:11:28,813 --> 00:11:30,815 and they'll never fucking see you again. 238 00:11:31,899 --> 00:11:33,776 - Oh my God! - [car horn honks] 239 00:11:33,859 --> 00:11:35,444 Come on! I'm gonna be late. 240 00:11:36,612 --> 00:11:38,114 Just fucking sitting there. 241 00:11:39,865 --> 00:11:42,993 Oh, look at this fucking asshole. 242 00:11:43,577 --> 00:11:47,540 Fucking 30-year-old man riding a kids' toy right in the middle of the fucking street! 243 00:11:47,623 --> 00:11:49,291 - [car horn honks] - Get over! 244 00:11:50,000 --> 00:11:53,963 What's he doing now? Is he freestyling? Is he making a YouTube video? 245 00:11:54,505 --> 00:11:57,800 Oh my God! How fucking self-involved are you? 246 00:11:57,883 --> 00:11:59,260 [car horn honking] 247 00:11:59,343 --> 00:12:00,344 Share the road! 248 00:12:00,428 --> 00:12:01,554 Hey, I agree! 249 00:12:01,637 --> 00:12:04,765 So, why don't you get up onto the fucking sidewalk where you belong? 250 00:12:06,016 --> 00:12:09,437 Oh, is that for me? Oh, you a tough guy now, huh? Huh? 251 00:12:09,520 --> 00:12:10,880 - [tires squeal] - [car horn honks] 252 00:12:10,938 --> 00:12:13,733 Where you going, you little cocksucker, huh? 253 00:12:18,028 --> 00:12:19,028 What? 254 00:12:20,072 --> 00:12:23,200 When was the last time you saw one of those bastards stop at a stop sign? 255 00:12:23,284 --> 00:12:27,037 Then they get hit and frost the thing like some unforeseen tragedy happened. 256 00:12:28,247 --> 00:12:29,247 Am I wrong? 257 00:12:30,040 --> 00:12:31,040 Yes. 258 00:12:32,793 --> 00:12:33,793 Toxic. 259 00:12:39,967 --> 00:12:42,219 [Jack] Oh, look at this. Of course. 260 00:12:42,887 --> 00:12:43,721 Unbelievable. 261 00:12:43,804 --> 00:12:46,432 500 people come here every day, and they got 20 fucking spots. 262 00:12:46,515 --> 00:12:48,768 How much money do you have to pay to get a parking lot? 263 00:12:50,311 --> 00:12:51,604 What does that say? 264 00:12:51,687 --> 00:12:53,981 I'm not reading all that fucking shit. 265 00:12:54,857 --> 00:12:57,026 Eh, fuck it. Be in and out. 266 00:13:02,239 --> 00:13:04,116 So, you are reading to your kids every night? 267 00:13:04,200 --> 00:13:05,451 [woman] Uh, we do 17... 268 00:13:05,534 --> 00:13:07,369 Oh, excuse me. Excuse me, sir? 269 00:13:07,453 --> 00:13:08,287 Yeah? 270 00:13:08,370 --> 00:13:11,665 - You were late for pickup. - I'm sorry. There was no parking spots. 271 00:13:13,417 --> 00:13:16,587 - Daddy! Daddy! - Nate! Hey, little buddy. 272 00:13:16,670 --> 00:13:18,798 Ah! What's up? 273 00:13:19,465 --> 00:13:20,758 What's up? 274 00:13:20,841 --> 00:13:22,968 - I've missed you, man. - Me too. 275 00:13:23,052 --> 00:13:24,762 - How was school? - [Nate] Good. 276 00:13:25,262 --> 00:13:29,058 - You were late for pickup. - Yeah, I told you I couldn't find a spot. 277 00:13:29,809 --> 00:13:31,685 I'm sorry. We don't accept excuses. 278 00:13:32,269 --> 00:13:34,855 Wasn't an excuse. Just what happened. 279 00:13:34,939 --> 00:13:37,316 Plus, I was only, like, two minutes late, right, buddy? 280 00:13:37,399 --> 00:13:39,777 - Have you read the school guidebook? - Yep. 281 00:13:45,866 --> 00:13:46,866 What? 282 00:13:47,201 --> 00:13:49,328 It's a dollar for every minute you're late. 283 00:13:49,912 --> 00:13:50,955 Of course it is. 284 00:13:52,081 --> 00:13:53,081 Okay. 285 00:13:56,001 --> 00:13:58,961 - Here's five bucks. It's all I got. - Oh, no. The first violation is free. 286 00:13:59,797 --> 00:14:03,342 Really? Well, why didn't you tell me that before I put my kid down? 287 00:14:03,425 --> 00:14:07,346 Well, if you'd actually read the guidebook instead of just saying you did, 288 00:14:07,429 --> 00:14:09,139 I wouldn't have to tell you anything. 289 00:14:10,599 --> 00:14:13,143 - Is there, like, a problem here, miss? - Well, actually... 290 00:14:13,227 --> 00:14:14,562 If you have some issue with me, 291 00:14:14,645 --> 00:14:17,022 you take me aside in private, and you talk to me. 292 00:14:17,106 --> 00:14:19,108 You don't dress me down in front of my kid. 293 00:14:19,191 --> 00:14:21,318 I'm paying you to educate my son, not me, okay? 294 00:14:21,402 --> 00:14:24,321 Oh. Well, we here at Little Hearts and Minds 295 00:14:24,405 --> 00:14:27,241 believe that education extends into the home. 296 00:14:27,324 --> 00:14:28,826 Oh, do you? Fantastic. 297 00:14:28,909 --> 00:14:32,162 And once again, you'd know that if you'd picked up the guidebook and... 298 00:14:32,246 --> 00:14:34,874 Jesus Christ! I read the goddamn fucking guidebook! 299 00:14:34,957 --> 00:14:36,709 All right, you stumpy little cunt? 300 00:14:38,210 --> 00:14:39,461 Wow! 301 00:14:41,213 --> 00:14:42,381 Oh my God. 302 00:14:46,719 --> 00:14:47,719 Let's go, Nate. 303 00:14:48,596 --> 00:14:50,431 [Nate] Daddy, what's a cunt? 304 00:14:50,514 --> 00:14:53,517 [Jack] Somebody that gives you shit for being two seconds late for pickup. 305 00:14:53,601 --> 00:14:54,601 How you doing? 306 00:14:56,186 --> 00:14:58,731 Okay, buddy, we're home. Now what are we gonna do? 307 00:14:58,814 --> 00:15:01,609 [Nate] Forget what happened and finish my ice cream. 308 00:15:01,692 --> 00:15:02,902 [Jack] That's right. 309 00:15:05,946 --> 00:15:07,448 Hey, buddy, was that good? 310 00:15:07,990 --> 00:15:10,659 Ah, you're the best. Here. Let's get you cleaned up real quick. 311 00:15:10,743 --> 00:15:13,621 Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh. Doop-doop-doop-doop-doop. 312 00:15:13,704 --> 00:15:14,914 Yep, okay, cool. 313 00:15:15,789 --> 00:15:19,084 All right. Nothing but happiness when we go in there, okay? Awesome. 314 00:15:19,168 --> 00:15:20,294 Mommy! 315 00:15:20,794 --> 00:15:23,380 Well, hey! How are you, buddy? 316 00:15:23,464 --> 00:15:26,425 - Hey, how was your meeting, honey? - Oh, it was good! How was pickup? 317 00:15:26,508 --> 00:15:28,552 [Jack] Oh, it was great, smooth, uneventful. 318 00:15:29,053 --> 00:15:31,055 Hey, you wanna go watch Puppy Dog Pals? 319 00:15:31,138 --> 00:15:33,891 - Puppy Dog Pals! - Puppy Dog Pals. Yay! 320 00:15:33,974 --> 00:15:35,309 [Leah clears throat] Jack. 321 00:15:36,435 --> 00:15:40,189 Uneventful? I just got off the phone with Doctor Lois Shmieckel-Turner. 322 00:15:40,940 --> 00:15:41,774 Oh boy. 323 00:15:41,857 --> 00:15:46,195 What is uneventful about calling Nate's principal a stumpy "C"? 324 00:15:46,278 --> 00:15:49,782 If you saw the way she was talking to me, it was a perfectly normal response. 325 00:15:49,865 --> 00:15:52,201 - For who? - Anyone with a shred of dignity. 326 00:15:52,284 --> 00:15:53,577 [whispers] Keep it down. 327 00:15:53,661 --> 00:15:54,954 [TV playing] 328 00:15:55,537 --> 00:15:57,247 [whispers] Anyone with a shred of dignity. 329 00:15:57,748 --> 00:15:59,708 Okay, she was talking to me like some deadbeat dad 330 00:15:59,792 --> 00:16:02,002 for showing up a minute and a half late for pickup. 331 00:16:02,086 --> 00:16:04,922 Oh my God! This has nothing to do with your dignity. 332 00:16:05,005 --> 00:16:08,133 This has everything to do with our son's academic future. 333 00:16:08,217 --> 00:16:12,179 Do you know how powerful Doctor Lois Shmieckel-Turner is? 334 00:16:12,763 --> 00:16:14,640 Her kindergarten recommendation 335 00:16:14,723 --> 00:16:16,767 makes or breaks whether he gets into The Meadows. 336 00:16:16,850 --> 00:16:19,144 Great. So we'll send him to a different private school. 337 00:16:19,228 --> 00:16:22,022 She writes the recommendation no matter where he goes. 338 00:16:22,106 --> 00:16:25,192 Great! Then it's public school. That place wasn't that bad, and it's free. 339 00:16:25,275 --> 00:16:26,944 Are you kidding me? 340 00:16:27,027 --> 00:16:28,320 That place was that bad. 341 00:16:28,404 --> 00:16:29,947 - You admitted that... - Sh. 342 00:16:30,447 --> 00:16:34,284 [whispers] That one was that bad. And you said it was that bad. Okay? 343 00:16:34,368 --> 00:16:37,705 We have been over this. We've looked at all the data. 344 00:16:37,788 --> 00:16:41,041 Oh, Jesus Christ with the fucking data! Your generation and the data. 345 00:16:41,125 --> 00:16:42,710 - What? - The data, the data, the data. 346 00:16:42,793 --> 00:16:44,461 Here's some data for you, okay? 347 00:16:44,545 --> 00:16:47,214 Not having your every need catered to is actually a good thing. 348 00:16:47,297 --> 00:16:48,977 I went to public school. I turned out fine. 349 00:16:49,008 --> 00:16:50,634 Where you learned to talk to principals? 350 00:16:50,718 --> 00:16:52,886 No, it's where I learned to stick up for myself. 351 00:16:52,970 --> 00:16:54,763 You need to fix this. 352 00:16:55,472 --> 00:16:57,850 And you need to talk to someone about your anger. 353 00:16:57,933 --> 00:17:00,102 Oh, Jesus Christ with the fucking therapy. Here we go. 354 00:17:00,185 --> 00:17:01,997 - Great. Fine. Fine! - Always with the therapy. 355 00:17:02,021 --> 00:17:04,148 Go ahead, white-knuckle it through this world. 356 00:17:04,231 --> 00:17:06,525 But tomorrow, you're gonna go into that school, 357 00:17:06,608 --> 00:17:08,402 and you are going to apologize. 358 00:17:08,485 --> 00:17:12,656 Good, fine. You think I'm afraid of that? I'll go down there right now. 359 00:17:13,449 --> 00:17:14,449 Great. 360 00:17:14,825 --> 00:17:16,952 She's not the first person I ever called that word. 361 00:17:18,412 --> 00:17:20,414 [whimsical music playing] 362 00:17:21,290 --> 00:17:23,584 Don't worry. I'll smooth it right over. 363 00:17:25,586 --> 00:17:28,714 Jack, Leah. Thanks so much for coming. 364 00:17:28,797 --> 00:17:31,800 Thank you so much for meeting with us, honestly. 365 00:17:31,884 --> 00:17:34,094 Yes. Doctor Shmieckel-Turner, I... I just wanted to... 366 00:17:34,178 --> 00:17:36,180 Uh, please, call me Doctor L. 367 00:17:36,764 --> 00:17:40,601 - Doctor L, I just wanna say... - No, no. Save those thoughts. 368 00:17:41,977 --> 00:17:43,353 - [Jack] Oh, okay. - [Lois] Uh... 369 00:17:44,521 --> 00:17:45,521 Oh. 370 00:17:51,361 --> 00:17:53,113 Oh, wait, wait. Whoa, whoa. 371 00:17:53,739 --> 00:17:55,659 We're gonna do this in front of the whole school? 372 00:17:55,699 --> 00:17:57,076 - [chuckles nervously] - Um... 373 00:17:57,785 --> 00:18:01,914 We view this more as a village than a school. 374 00:18:01,997 --> 00:18:06,376 And we firmly believe in the practice of restorative justice, 375 00:18:06,460 --> 00:18:08,587 or gacaca. 376 00:18:09,713 --> 00:18:13,801 A common practice in Rwanda which was especially effective 377 00:18:13,884 --> 00:18:16,512 in the aftermath of their genocide. 378 00:18:17,429 --> 00:18:19,515 And please, join the other parents. 379 00:18:19,598 --> 00:18:21,100 Oh. Okay. 380 00:18:23,560 --> 00:18:25,604 Okay. Wow! [chuckles] 381 00:18:26,396 --> 00:18:27,689 That's quite a turnout. 382 00:18:30,359 --> 00:18:32,277 Um... All right, um... 383 00:18:33,612 --> 00:18:34,947 I guess, uh, looking back, 384 00:18:35,030 --> 00:18:37,950 I, uh, let my emotions get the best of me yesterday, 385 00:18:38,033 --> 00:18:41,954 and, um, I wish I could have chosen my words a little bit differently. 386 00:18:42,037 --> 00:18:43,037 All right? 387 00:18:43,413 --> 00:18:47,543 And I am sorry that six of you heard this and then told the other 40. 388 00:18:48,502 --> 00:18:50,796 And, uh, to any of the children that heard what I said, 389 00:18:50,879 --> 00:18:52,965 it's never okay to say those words, okay? 390 00:18:53,048 --> 00:18:56,093 I... I was very, very wrong. All right? 391 00:18:56,718 --> 00:19:00,013 So that's it. Have a nice morning and, uh, keep using those paper straws. 392 00:19:00,097 --> 00:19:02,975 I know they get soggy, but they're good for the turtles, evidently. 393 00:19:03,058 --> 00:19:06,061 - Thank you. - Okay. No, no. Jack. Jack. Jack. 394 00:19:07,855 --> 00:19:10,732 Yeah. We... we appreciate the words, 395 00:19:11,441 --> 00:19:14,486 but the process of healing has only just begun. 396 00:19:16,446 --> 00:19:18,448 - Yes, Judy. - [Judy] Yes, thank you. 397 00:19:18,532 --> 00:19:22,369 Um, I would just like to voice how incredibly hurt I am. 398 00:19:22,452 --> 00:19:26,498 Mr. Kelly, do you understand that using the C-word 399 00:19:26,582 --> 00:19:28,750 is like the N-word but for women? 400 00:19:31,253 --> 00:19:34,464 Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah, I'm... I'm sure... I'm sure it is. 401 00:19:35,048 --> 00:19:36,925 You know, other than the 400 years of slavery 402 00:19:37,009 --> 00:19:38,677 and continued systemic oppression. 403 00:19:38,760 --> 00:19:41,120 Other than that, I think you're making a really solid point. 404 00:19:42,890 --> 00:19:44,474 Yes, Mimi. 405 00:19:44,558 --> 00:19:46,643 Even though I wasn't there, 406 00:19:46,727 --> 00:19:51,148 just knowing that language like that was used in front of the child... 407 00:19:53,483 --> 00:19:55,027 Oh, Jesus Christ. 408 00:19:58,405 --> 00:20:00,032 Please. Brian. 409 00:20:01,533 --> 00:20:05,704 As a parent of a child and someone with chronically low metabolism, 410 00:20:05,787 --> 00:20:06,788 but loving my body... 411 00:20:06,872 --> 00:20:08,832 - Oh. Good for you, Brian. - Yeah. 412 00:20:09,917 --> 00:20:14,546 ...your use of the word "stumpy" was a real trigger to me and my whole family. 413 00:20:14,630 --> 00:20:15,630 [chuckles] 414 00:20:16,381 --> 00:20:17,216 Seriously? 415 00:20:17,299 --> 00:20:18,299 Yes. 416 00:20:18,759 --> 00:20:21,678 Any type of body-shaming just reminds me 417 00:20:21,762 --> 00:20:25,140 of what it feels like to be told that my body ain't good enough. 418 00:20:25,224 --> 00:20:26,725 [Jack] Oh, okay. All right. 419 00:20:26,808 --> 00:20:30,062 Well, I understand that, and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. 420 00:20:30,145 --> 00:20:32,648 And I'd also like to add, and I think a lot of you would agree, 421 00:20:32,731 --> 00:20:36,735 we do have a major weight problem in this country. Do we not, you know? 422 00:20:36,818 --> 00:20:38,778 And it doesn't just affect this man and his child. 423 00:20:38,820 --> 00:20:40,239 I mean, the burden 424 00:20:40,322 --> 00:20:43,075 that out-of-shape people put on our healthcare system, 425 00:20:43,158 --> 00:20:45,577 not to mention the loved ones they leave behind is... 426 00:20:45,661 --> 00:20:47,454 it's truly, truly heartbreaking. 427 00:20:47,537 --> 00:20:51,208 And I... I think, as a community, we should be able to talk about it. 428 00:20:51,291 --> 00:20:54,336 Like maybe put a salad bar at drop-off or something like that. 429 00:20:54,419 --> 00:20:56,505 Oh man! I would love that. 430 00:20:56,588 --> 00:20:57,588 [fingers snap] 431 00:20:59,549 --> 00:21:01,260 All right. Maybe... maybe not now. 432 00:21:02,552 --> 00:21:03,804 Wrap it up. Thank you. 433 00:21:03,887 --> 00:21:05,514 Uh, I'd just like to say 434 00:21:05,597 --> 00:21:07,975 that I am truly sorry for my actions yesterday. 435 00:21:08,058 --> 00:21:11,436 They have no place in this community. Okay? All right. 436 00:21:11,520 --> 00:21:14,231 I'm sorry. Have a nice morning. Good day. 437 00:21:14,314 --> 00:21:15,649 Eh, eh. Uh... 438 00:21:15,732 --> 00:21:19,569 Okay. Okay, let's all thank Jack. 439 00:21:19,653 --> 00:21:23,407 It's not easy to admit when we are wrong. 440 00:21:24,992 --> 00:21:28,453 This is going to be a long... a long journey. 441 00:21:29,162 --> 00:21:32,457 But I know we will all be there to support him. 442 00:21:34,126 --> 00:21:36,128 [applause] 443 00:21:39,965 --> 00:21:42,843 What the fuck? What does she mean by "long journey"? 444 00:21:42,926 --> 00:21:44,803 The journey's over. I just apologized to her 445 00:21:44,886 --> 00:21:47,086 and a bunch of weak-kneed people who weren't even there. 446 00:21:48,015 --> 00:21:51,226 She doesn't write Nate's recommendation for another three months. 447 00:21:51,935 --> 00:21:53,478 - So? - So! 448 00:21:54,187 --> 00:21:57,065 You have a long time to prove to her that you are a good dad. 449 00:21:57,149 --> 00:21:58,525 But why do I need to do that? 450 00:21:58,608 --> 00:22:03,196 Because this recommendation is as much about Nate as it is about us as parents. 451 00:22:03,280 --> 00:22:06,533 Oh, Jesus Christ! Is it ever over with these people? 452 00:22:06,616 --> 00:22:09,036 I mean, how many fucking hoops do you have to jump through? 453 00:22:09,119 --> 00:22:12,080 I don't know, Jack, but you created this problem. 454 00:22:12,164 --> 00:22:16,835 So, are you going to man up and solve it, or am I registering for two pacifiers? 455 00:22:16,918 --> 00:22:18,337 [laughs] 456 00:22:18,420 --> 00:22:20,297 - Well? - All right. 457 00:22:20,380 --> 00:22:22,924 I will play nice, and I will jump through all the hoops, okay? 458 00:22:23,008 --> 00:22:25,552 Mm-hmm. Thank you. Have a good day. 459 00:22:37,647 --> 00:22:40,567 Hi, baby. I grilled up some buffalo steaks, 460 00:22:40,650 --> 00:22:43,153 and there's a Manhattan waiting for you on the table. 461 00:22:44,404 --> 00:22:46,490 - Goddamn, baby. You look good. - [chuckles] 462 00:22:49,659 --> 00:22:50,660 [Britney] Follow me. 463 00:22:51,578 --> 00:22:52,938 [Mike] Just what I needed tonight. 464 00:22:52,996 --> 00:22:55,540 Well, I do know how to take care of my man. 465 00:22:55,624 --> 00:22:57,876 - [Mike chuckles] - Go on. Sit down. 466 00:22:57,959 --> 00:23:00,087 Have a drink. Get all nice and relaxed. 467 00:23:01,797 --> 00:23:02,923 Why? What happened? 468 00:23:04,758 --> 00:23:05,758 Nothing. 469 00:23:07,260 --> 00:23:08,260 No... 470 00:23:08,762 --> 00:23:10,722 Okay, well, I do have to tell you something, 471 00:23:10,806 --> 00:23:12,933 but you have to promise to not get mad. 472 00:23:14,476 --> 00:23:17,813 I went to too many years of law school to agree to something like that. 473 00:23:17,896 --> 00:23:19,106 What's going on? 474 00:23:21,191 --> 00:23:22,234 Well, 475 00:23:23,235 --> 00:23:24,152 I'm late. 476 00:23:24,236 --> 00:23:25,236 [chuckles] 477 00:23:30,450 --> 00:23:32,160 There's no way. That's impossible. 478 00:23:32,911 --> 00:23:35,080 I couldn't believe it either. 479 00:23:44,506 --> 00:23:46,174 I had a vasectomy, and I pull out. 480 00:23:46,258 --> 00:23:49,344 I... I know. I don't know how it happened, but... 481 00:23:51,346 --> 00:23:52,639 maybe there's a reason. 482 00:23:55,225 --> 00:23:56,225 Pee again. 483 00:23:57,102 --> 00:23:59,396 - What? - Pee again! 484 00:23:59,479 --> 00:24:00,814 I did. Three times. 485 00:24:00,897 --> 00:24:03,024 Well, it's not mine, so go take a test. 486 00:24:06,111 --> 00:24:07,821 [doo-wop music playing] 487 00:24:12,242 --> 00:24:14,244 [doo-wop music continues] 488 00:24:15,996 --> 00:24:19,207 I mean, look at it this way. You got really strong sperm. 489 00:24:21,042 --> 00:24:22,127 You should be proud. 490 00:24:23,879 --> 00:24:29,134 Seriously. I mean, guys our age, our cum is usually, like, asthmatic, you know, 491 00:24:29,217 --> 00:24:32,888 but your shit's, like, Bruce Willis in Unbreakable, bro. 492 00:24:32,971 --> 00:24:35,724 Yeah. To plow through a vasectomy with pre-cum. 493 00:24:35,807 --> 00:24:37,434 - I mean, that's unheard of. - Come on. 494 00:24:37,517 --> 00:24:39,644 That's like some Braveheart-level jizz. 495 00:24:39,728 --> 00:24:41,730 Yeah, dude. You're like a Black William Wallace. 496 00:24:41,813 --> 00:24:43,482 [shouts] Pre-cum! 497 00:24:44,107 --> 00:24:45,108 Sorry. 498 00:24:45,692 --> 00:24:49,070 Mike, this is gonna be great, okay? And remember, kids keep you young. 499 00:24:49,154 --> 00:24:50,155 No, they don't. 500 00:24:50,864 --> 00:24:52,240 My kids almost killed me. 501 00:24:52,324 --> 00:24:53,575 [Jack] Oh, come on. 502 00:24:53,658 --> 00:24:55,827 Don't you remember the beauty of becoming a dad? 503 00:24:55,911 --> 00:24:58,663 The smell of a newborn baby's head. I mean, it's the best. 504 00:24:58,747 --> 00:25:00,373 They're funny, Mike. They're funny. 505 00:25:00,457 --> 00:25:03,251 They say funny shit. They think farts are funny. 506 00:25:03,335 --> 00:25:06,171 In the morning, he comes running in. "Pull my finger. Pull my finger." 507 00:25:06,254 --> 00:25:08,173 - Wet one. It's funny. - [laughs] 508 00:25:08,256 --> 00:25:09,299 It's adorable. 509 00:25:09,382 --> 00:25:12,135 Another thing, you come home, they're excited to see you. 510 00:25:12,219 --> 00:25:14,846 How many places do you walk in, and people just freak out 511 00:25:14,930 --> 00:25:17,015 and start running at you, screaming your name? 512 00:25:17,098 --> 00:25:18,778 You come home, you feel like you're famous. 513 00:25:18,808 --> 00:25:20,769 Yeah, exactly. They don't die after 12 years. 514 00:25:20,852 --> 00:25:21,978 - Exactly. - Like a dog. 515 00:25:22,979 --> 00:25:23,979 Hopefully. 516 00:25:24,397 --> 00:25:26,709 Mike, this is gonna be great. We all get to do it together. 517 00:25:26,733 --> 00:25:27,651 Yeah. 518 00:25:27,734 --> 00:25:31,571 Jack, you've aged ten years since Nate was born. 519 00:25:33,532 --> 00:25:37,369 Connor, I don't know what's up with you 'cause you don't fucking age. 520 00:25:37,994 --> 00:25:40,330 - Thanks, buddy. - [Mike] It's not a compliment. 521 00:25:40,914 --> 00:25:43,416 I don't know what kind of Botox shit you're on, 522 00:25:43,500 --> 00:25:45,252 but it's gonna kill you. 523 00:25:45,335 --> 00:25:49,464 All right, dude. Ease up. Okay? I didn't fucking get you pregnant. 524 00:25:50,090 --> 00:25:53,635 Just... If you don't want the baby, just get an abortion. 525 00:25:54,135 --> 00:25:55,303 Flush it. 526 00:25:55,929 --> 00:25:58,557 [scoffs] I don't believe in that. That's some white shit. 527 00:25:58,640 --> 00:25:59,891 - What's that mean? - What? 528 00:25:59,975 --> 00:26:01,851 I don't know. I'm emotional. 529 00:26:03,979 --> 00:26:07,399 She said she didn't wanna have kids. 530 00:26:08,483 --> 00:26:10,110 What the fuck am I gonna do? 531 00:26:11,653 --> 00:26:13,572 - I'm having a heart attack. - You're not. 532 00:26:13,655 --> 00:26:16,455 - Can we get some water? Just breathe. - I'm gonna have a heart attack. 533 00:26:16,491 --> 00:26:20,161 You're not gonna have a heart attack. You go to the gym. 534 00:26:20,245 --> 00:26:22,205 Nobody has a heart attack that goes to the gym. 535 00:26:22,706 --> 00:26:25,667 Except... Remember that jogging guy? He died of a heart attack. 536 00:26:25,750 --> 00:26:27,502 - Oh, yeah. Yeah. - Remember that guy? 537 00:26:27,586 --> 00:26:29,004 [bell ringing] 538 00:26:29,087 --> 00:26:31,214 [Lois] Good morning, everyone. 539 00:26:31,298 --> 00:26:32,507 Morning, Doctor L. 540 00:26:32,591 --> 00:26:34,009 - Oh! - [Jack] Hey, buddy. 541 00:26:34,092 --> 00:26:36,011 [kisses] I'll see ya. Have fun. Okay? 542 00:26:37,470 --> 00:26:39,139 Is that for me? 543 00:26:39,222 --> 00:26:42,183 Oh, it's for the whole community. Yeah, it's an olive tree. 544 00:26:42,267 --> 00:26:45,270 Very drought-friendly. And an eternal symbol of peace. 545 00:26:45,770 --> 00:26:50,317 I thought it'd be a nice way to cultivate the kids', uh, social-emotional growth. 546 00:26:50,400 --> 00:26:52,652 Something we work on a lot with Nate at home, you know? 547 00:26:53,653 --> 00:26:55,864 Well, I... I am impressed. 548 00:26:56,364 --> 00:26:59,618 But this tree is incompatible with our ecosystem. 549 00:27:00,869 --> 00:27:02,454 The insects that it would attract 550 00:27:02,537 --> 00:27:05,248 would be detrimental to all plant life here. 551 00:27:05,915 --> 00:27:08,168 [Lois laughing] 552 00:27:09,419 --> 00:27:11,296 - This is a funny moment. - [Jack laughs] 553 00:27:11,379 --> 00:27:13,214 Yeah. You and I are having a... 554 00:27:13,298 --> 00:27:14,841 [laughs] What? 555 00:27:14,924 --> 00:27:19,304 I find it so apropos that you have brought the plant version of yourself. 556 00:27:21,348 --> 00:27:23,224 Jack, I appreciate the effort. 557 00:27:23,308 --> 00:27:25,935 I know how hard this is for you. 558 00:27:26,811 --> 00:27:30,899 But fortunately, I am here to guide you. 559 00:27:30,982 --> 00:27:35,487 If you're willing to take my advice. Is that something you'd be open to? 560 00:27:37,614 --> 00:27:40,116 - I need a verbal confirmation. - Yes. 561 00:27:41,076 --> 00:27:42,077 Walk with me. 562 00:27:43,495 --> 00:27:48,208 As you can see, this is such a dynamic and whimsical place. 563 00:27:49,751 --> 00:27:53,338 A launching pad for the next generation of great leaders. 564 00:27:53,922 --> 00:27:54,923 Such as Nate. 565 00:27:56,383 --> 00:28:01,429 But they'll never reach the stratosphere without enough fuel. 566 00:28:02,847 --> 00:28:04,891 Our annual fundraiser is coming up, 567 00:28:04,974 --> 00:28:07,936 and given your leadership experience in sales, 568 00:28:08,687 --> 00:28:11,064 I think you might make a great chairman. 569 00:28:11,981 --> 00:28:14,776 - [laughs] Me? - What do you think? 570 00:28:16,444 --> 00:28:18,655 I think I'm beginning to see how this school works. 571 00:28:20,657 --> 00:28:22,784 ♪ Come on, baby Let me see you with the lights up... ♪ 572 00:28:27,747 --> 00:28:29,833 Let's go. You're fucking getting to ten. 573 00:28:29,916 --> 00:28:30,956 - Let's go! - Ah! I got it. 574 00:28:31,000 --> 00:28:32,210 - Are you a pussy? - No. 575 00:28:32,293 --> 00:28:33,795 - Are you a pussy? - You're a pussy. 576 00:28:33,878 --> 00:28:36,256 You're a fucking pussy. Come on, let's go. Let's go. 577 00:28:36,339 --> 00:28:39,634 Come on. What are you, on your period? Let's go. Look at me. Look at me. 578 00:28:39,718 --> 00:28:40,969 - Look at me! - Ah, I'm looking. 579 00:28:41,052 --> 00:28:44,347 That's it. Let's go. One more. One more. One more. 580 00:28:44,431 --> 00:28:47,809 - Come on! That's all you! That's all you! - [straining] Fuck! 581 00:28:47,892 --> 00:28:49,811 All right. Let's go. Down. Down. 582 00:28:49,894 --> 00:28:52,439 Up high. Twice. Ah! Fuck Pilates! 583 00:28:53,481 --> 00:28:55,150 - Whoo! - That was a good set. 584 00:28:55,942 --> 00:28:57,694 [breathing heavily] 585 00:28:57,777 --> 00:28:58,611 [grunts] 586 00:28:58,695 --> 00:29:01,215 - So, you gonna help me with this thing? - [straining] Fuck, no. 587 00:29:01,281 --> 00:29:04,784 - Come on. It's just a fundraiser meeting. - I said no. 588 00:29:04,868 --> 00:29:06,708 What about that time I pretended to be your dad 589 00:29:06,745 --> 00:29:08,945 'cause you were lying to that chick about your age, huh? 590 00:29:09,581 --> 00:29:11,181 I have no recollection of that incident. 591 00:29:11,249 --> 00:29:13,418 Oh, you don't? You don't? Isn't that convenient? 592 00:29:13,501 --> 00:29:14,669 Hey, there's Mike. 593 00:29:15,587 --> 00:29:17,732 - [Jack] That Britney's car? - [Connor] I don't think so. 594 00:29:17,756 --> 00:29:19,924 Look at the plates. Someone went crazy on CarMax. 595 00:29:20,008 --> 00:29:22,302 You know what? I give you two-to-one 596 00:29:22,385 --> 00:29:24,929 there's no more baby, and there's no more Britney. 597 00:29:25,013 --> 00:29:26,806 - No. You think so? - Yeah. Fifty bucks. 598 00:29:26,890 --> 00:29:28,057 Fifty? Hundred. 599 00:29:28,141 --> 00:29:29,392 - Hundred. C-note? - C-note? 600 00:29:29,476 --> 00:29:31,352 - C-note! - C-note! 601 00:29:31,436 --> 00:29:32,979 - All right. Be cool. - All right. 602 00:29:33,646 --> 00:29:34,665 - [Jack] Hey! - Yo, yo, yo. 603 00:29:34,689 --> 00:29:36,608 - Look who's here. Big Mike! - What's cracking? 604 00:29:36,691 --> 00:29:39,068 - [Jack] Man, how are you? - [Connor] What's up, baby? 605 00:29:39,152 --> 00:29:41,237 - You look good. - You get a new car? 606 00:29:41,321 --> 00:29:44,365 [scoffs] Ford Fusion SEL, fully loaded. 607 00:29:44,449 --> 00:29:46,868 Heated seats, Bluetooth, dual sunroof. 608 00:29:46,951 --> 00:29:50,079 Delivered straight to my door. You wanna take it for a spin? 609 00:29:50,163 --> 00:29:53,124 Me? Nah, I'm good. I'll just rent one the next time I go to Tampa. 610 00:29:54,250 --> 00:29:56,628 Hey, so, you and Britney still having the kid, right? 611 00:29:57,420 --> 00:29:59,631 Yeah, why wouldn't we be? 612 00:29:59,714 --> 00:30:02,554 I don't know. Everything you're doing is suggesting you took a mulligan. 613 00:30:03,051 --> 00:30:06,721 Why can't I be raising the kid and have the car of my dreams? 614 00:30:06,805 --> 00:30:09,724 And pick up a Boyz II Men pinball machine on eBay. 615 00:30:10,517 --> 00:30:12,560 People say it's impossible. 616 00:30:12,644 --> 00:30:16,105 Well, fuck those people because I'm doing it. Huh? 617 00:30:16,189 --> 00:30:17,189 All right. 618 00:30:18,066 --> 00:30:19,627 - Fuck. - [Mike] Let's get it in, fellas. 619 00:30:19,651 --> 00:30:21,736 All right. Pay up, or go to the meeting. 620 00:30:21,820 --> 00:30:22,904 Motherfucker. 621 00:30:22,987 --> 00:30:24,197 [laughs] 622 00:30:25,448 --> 00:30:28,034 Okay, I can get the VFW to give us the space for free. 623 00:30:28,117 --> 00:30:30,662 My buddy Mitch has a wholesale liquor company. 624 00:30:30,745 --> 00:30:34,249 We get the booze at cost, and that just leaves the entertainment and the auction. 625 00:30:34,749 --> 00:30:36,042 Uh, but what's the theme? 626 00:30:36,125 --> 00:30:38,545 What's the theme? You know, everybody takes an Uber. 627 00:30:38,628 --> 00:30:41,005 We all get ripped. Take a night off from our kids. 628 00:30:41,089 --> 00:30:43,466 You know what? I think she's right. I think we need a theme. 629 00:30:43,550 --> 00:30:45,802 - Yeah. - [woman 1] We definitely need a theme. 630 00:30:45,885 --> 00:30:48,680 Last year's theme was the Puerto Rican Day Parade. 631 00:30:48,763 --> 00:30:51,182 - [woman 2] That was great. - We had Tito Puente Jr. 632 00:30:51,266 --> 00:30:52,976 How about an '80s-themed party? 633 00:30:53,059 --> 00:30:54,435 [Connor] Now there's an idea. 634 00:30:54,519 --> 00:30:56,580 - I fucking love the '80s. - Fucking '80s are the best. 635 00:30:56,604 --> 00:30:58,940 Tank tops, T-tops, and blow, baby. 636 00:30:59,023 --> 00:31:01,442 Finger-banging for days. Miami Vice! 637 00:31:01,526 --> 00:31:04,946 That's what started that whole thing, sport coats with the T-shirt underneath. 638 00:31:05,029 --> 00:31:08,116 Yeah. No socks. Remember? You fold over the pant, roll it up. 639 00:31:08,199 --> 00:31:09,909 - No... Yeah. - Boom. Hummer. 640 00:31:09,993 --> 00:31:12,203 Are we reliving your childhood or planning a party? 641 00:31:12,287 --> 00:31:13,538 I'm always down for a party. 642 00:31:13,621 --> 00:31:14,873 - I am too. - [Connor] Right? 643 00:31:15,623 --> 00:31:19,335 How about "We Are the World"? That's an interesting song. Right? 644 00:31:19,419 --> 00:31:21,254 And, you know, it's inclusive. 645 00:31:21,796 --> 00:31:24,966 Deals with Africa. We got a lot of Black kids in the school. 646 00:31:26,175 --> 00:31:31,222 Uh... Wha... I... I mean, I guess it is kind of inclusive. 647 00:31:31,306 --> 00:31:34,893 Inclusive adjacent, but some of us weren't even born in the '80s. 648 00:31:34,976 --> 00:31:37,854 So I just think that, like, why would we be looking backwards? 649 00:31:37,937 --> 00:31:41,024 You know? Like, our whole vibe here at this school and this whole community 650 00:31:41,107 --> 00:31:44,777 is... is looking forward, and I just don't think it really lines up. 651 00:31:44,861 --> 00:31:47,822 I've got it. What about the United States of Gender? 652 00:31:47,906 --> 00:31:50,783 - There it is. Oh my God. I love that! - I know. I love it. 653 00:31:50,867 --> 00:31:53,870 We could have an entirely trans waitstaff. It'd be great! 654 00:31:53,953 --> 00:31:57,057 Okay. Wait, guys. There's gonna be a lot of different people here at this party. 655 00:31:57,081 --> 00:32:00,043 Maybe we should try to keep it a little more mainstream. 656 00:32:00,126 --> 00:32:02,086 Hmm. Define mainstream. 657 00:32:02,170 --> 00:32:05,632 I don't know, like, you know, not turn it into, like, a tranny bar. 658 00:32:05,715 --> 00:32:08,885 - Oh my God! - Tranny? You cannot say that word! 659 00:32:08,968 --> 00:32:10,821 - What are you supposed to say? - [clears throat] 660 00:32:10,845 --> 00:32:11,845 [all] Trans! 661 00:32:11,888 --> 00:32:16,434 Oh, all right. Well, I was close. Trans, tranny. It's like Mike, Mikey. 662 00:32:16,517 --> 00:32:17,352 Mikey! 663 00:32:17,435 --> 00:32:21,272 Yeah. [laughs] I mean, people call me a ginger. I don't give a fuck. 664 00:32:22,899 --> 00:32:24,817 I didn't mean anything by it. All right. Trans. 665 00:32:24,901 --> 00:32:28,529 I think if we could just peer through the fog of Jack's antiquated logic, 666 00:32:28,613 --> 00:32:31,133 we'll all realize that Jack's trying to bring us together, okay? 667 00:32:31,157 --> 00:32:34,786 He's trying to move us forward, not polarize us, okay? 668 00:32:34,869 --> 00:32:36,120 Can I just... Can I just... 669 00:32:36,204 --> 00:32:38,206 Is there a reason we always have 670 00:32:38,289 --> 00:32:41,626 two white men dominating the discussion in this room? 671 00:32:43,544 --> 00:32:45,129 Was that directed at us? 672 00:32:45,213 --> 00:32:47,632 'Cause if I'm not mistaken, you're also a white male, buddy. 673 00:32:47,715 --> 00:32:51,302 Why don't you consult the results of my 23andMe test? 674 00:32:51,386 --> 00:32:54,180 Because the 3% of my lineage that is Sri Lankan 675 00:32:54,263 --> 00:32:57,183 is really not appreciating your tone in this moment. 676 00:32:57,266 --> 00:32:59,185 So I'm gonna need you to check your privilege. 677 00:32:59,268 --> 00:33:01,497 - Check my privilege? - That's right. Check your privilege. 678 00:33:01,521 --> 00:33:04,524 Okay. Uh, why don't we concentrate on the silent auction? 679 00:33:05,566 --> 00:33:06,734 That's not a white guy? 680 00:33:07,443 --> 00:33:08,444 I'm confused. 681 00:33:09,612 --> 00:33:11,114 [hip-hop music playing] 682 00:33:18,413 --> 00:33:22,917 Oh my God! Look at this place. It just gets more depressing every day. 683 00:33:25,753 --> 00:33:27,338 What up, party people? 684 00:33:28,464 --> 00:33:30,216 [both laughing] 685 00:33:32,427 --> 00:33:34,637 Ah! What up, fam? 686 00:33:35,138 --> 00:33:39,267 Yo, y'all check out that TikTok video of the couple exchanging clothes? 687 00:33:39,350 --> 00:33:40,476 What? 688 00:33:41,519 --> 00:33:44,188 Uh, no, I'm not actually on TikTok, man. 689 00:33:44,272 --> 00:33:46,691 What? What are you on an Android phone? 690 00:33:47,358 --> 00:33:50,194 - Yeah. As a matter of fact, I am. - Yeah. Me too. 691 00:33:50,278 --> 00:33:52,447 It's open-source software. Fully customizable. 692 00:33:52,530 --> 00:33:54,991 - Yes! Yes! - Right? That's what I'm talking about. 693 00:33:56,075 --> 00:33:57,075 Fuck. 694 00:33:57,493 --> 00:34:01,247 Yo. Did you feel that earthquake this morning? You feel that? 695 00:34:02,832 --> 00:34:03,832 Don't worry. 696 00:34:04,792 --> 00:34:06,085 It's just my thoughts. 697 00:34:06,753 --> 00:34:08,004 [inaudible speech] 698 00:34:08,796 --> 00:34:09,839 Fame. 699 00:34:10,923 --> 00:34:13,301 It was once only the provenance of the talented. 700 00:34:14,302 --> 00:34:16,137 But now we are living in an era 701 00:34:16,220 --> 00:34:19,766 in which everyone believes that they deserve to be famous. 702 00:34:22,560 --> 00:34:26,272 The fame bubble is big, my friends. And it's about to burst. 703 00:34:26,355 --> 00:34:28,357 You can already see the cracks. 704 00:34:28,441 --> 00:34:31,277 Celebrities announcing they're taking a break from social media 705 00:34:31,360 --> 00:34:34,864 by taking a selfie and posting it to social media. 706 00:34:34,947 --> 00:34:36,032 It's insane. 707 00:34:36,115 --> 00:34:39,660 And we are going to make an insane amount of money 708 00:34:40,703 --> 00:34:44,373 by making not wanting fame the new fame. 709 00:34:45,041 --> 00:34:47,251 We're gonna find a brand ambassador. 710 00:34:47,335 --> 00:34:51,255 Someone who earnestly does not crave fame. 711 00:34:52,215 --> 00:34:55,426 Introducing Ed Cameron. 712 00:34:56,427 --> 00:34:59,430 He is the LeBron James of not being famous. 713 00:35:00,306 --> 00:35:02,517 Lives on a plot of alopeciad land in New Mexico. 714 00:35:02,600 --> 00:35:04,268 He is entirely self-sustaining. 715 00:35:04,352 --> 00:35:07,271 And as far as we know, he's had little to no human contact, 716 00:35:07,355 --> 00:35:09,023 not since the late 1980s. 717 00:35:09,524 --> 00:35:10,775 How did you find him? 718 00:35:11,400 --> 00:35:12,485 Well, it wasn't easy. 719 00:35:12,568 --> 00:35:13,736 But in 1976, 720 00:35:13,820 --> 00:35:17,073 he signed up for a raffle at a local church. 721 00:35:17,782 --> 00:35:19,659 That information was sold to Mammoth Mart, 722 00:35:19,742 --> 00:35:22,370 who then sold it to Columbia Record and Tape Club, 723 00:35:22,453 --> 00:35:25,206 who turned right around and sold it to JPMorgan Chase. 724 00:35:25,289 --> 00:35:28,334 And then they got hacked, and it ended up on the dark web, 725 00:35:28,417 --> 00:35:29,752 so that was a little harder to... 726 00:35:29,836 --> 00:35:33,589 It's not that important to talk about how we acquired his personal information. 727 00:35:33,673 --> 00:35:34,507 Doesn't matter. 728 00:35:34,590 --> 00:35:37,135 [Aspen] What matters is how we're gonna bring him in. 729 00:35:37,635 --> 00:35:39,554 And I got three words for ya. 730 00:35:39,637 --> 00:35:41,806 Jack, Mike, Connor, the founding fathers. 731 00:35:41,889 --> 00:35:42,890 [imitates explosion] 732 00:35:42,974 --> 00:35:44,517 Whoa, whoa! What? 733 00:35:44,600 --> 00:35:46,519 You want all three of us to go pitch this guy? 734 00:35:46,602 --> 00:35:48,437 Yeah. Yeah, with my boy, Trav. [tongue clicks] 735 00:35:49,897 --> 00:35:51,190 Why is Travis coming? 736 00:35:51,274 --> 00:35:53,359 Good question, Connor. I appreciate you. 737 00:35:53,442 --> 00:35:56,237 Hey, hey. This guy chose to live in the middle of nowhere. 738 00:35:56,320 --> 00:35:57,155 [Mike] Yeah. 739 00:35:57,238 --> 00:35:59,991 So, how the hell are we gonna convince him to become famous? 740 00:36:00,074 --> 00:36:01,534 Ah! 741 00:36:01,617 --> 00:36:02,618 [laughs] 742 00:36:03,578 --> 00:36:04,579 [remote thuds] 743 00:36:04,662 --> 00:36:06,330 Therein lies the work, Jack. 744 00:36:06,956 --> 00:36:11,502 Do you think that Steve Jobs invented things? 745 00:36:12,128 --> 00:36:13,629 - Yeah. Quite a bit, actually. - Yeah. 746 00:36:13,713 --> 00:36:14,547 - iPad. - [Aspen] No. 747 00:36:14,630 --> 00:36:18,843 He said things, and then other people did them. 748 00:36:19,635 --> 00:36:21,179 So I've said things today, 749 00:36:21,888 --> 00:36:26,100 and I want you to go and do those things. 750 00:36:28,060 --> 00:36:29,187 [apple crunches] 751 00:36:30,146 --> 00:36:32,148 [instrumental rock music playing] 752 00:36:37,445 --> 00:36:39,590 [Mike] Jack, what do you think we're walkin' into here? 753 00:36:39,614 --> 00:36:42,325 I mean, you think this guy is even gonna be able to speak English? 754 00:36:42,408 --> 00:36:44,118 [Connor] Yeah. When did he go off the grid? 755 00:36:44,202 --> 00:36:45,870 Like, 1988. 756 00:36:46,454 --> 00:36:47,872 - Seriously? - Yeah. 757 00:36:47,955 --> 00:36:49,999 He's probably still jerkin' off to Samantha Fox. 758 00:36:50,082 --> 00:36:51,082 [Mike laughs] 759 00:36:51,584 --> 00:36:53,127 All right, serious question. 760 00:36:53,211 --> 00:36:57,465 Would you rather fuck Samantha Fox in her prime, 761 00:36:57,548 --> 00:37:00,801 but she's wearing a Barbara Bush mask? 762 00:37:01,302 --> 00:37:06,432 Or fuck Barbara Bush, circa 1988, 763 00:37:07,183 --> 00:37:10,353 but you get to have Samantha just lookin' at you, 764 00:37:10,436 --> 00:37:12,605 full eye contact, and she's naked? 765 00:37:12,688 --> 00:37:15,358 - Oh, wow! That's a good one. - [Connor] Thank you. 766 00:37:15,441 --> 00:37:17,586 - [Jack] You always get the left turn. - [Connor] Mm-hmm. 767 00:37:17,610 --> 00:37:19,570 I mean, I think I gotta go with the combo platter. 768 00:37:19,654 --> 00:37:23,574 I mean, Samantha Fox is smokin' hot, but if I get both of them... 769 00:37:23,658 --> 00:37:25,098 You know, I get to look at Samantha. 770 00:37:25,159 --> 00:37:27,039 And Barbara Bush, I think she was a clean woman. 771 00:37:27,078 --> 00:37:27,912 - You know? - Yeah. 772 00:37:27,995 --> 00:37:30,623 And I've never been that close to that level of power before. 773 00:37:30,706 --> 00:37:32,083 Do it in the Oval Office, 774 00:37:32,166 --> 00:37:34,566 you know, pick up the red phone, see who's on the other side. 775 00:37:34,627 --> 00:37:36,087 The oval orifice. 776 00:37:36,170 --> 00:37:37,463 [all laughing] 777 00:37:37,546 --> 00:37:39,215 - Yeah, dude! - See what I did there? 778 00:37:39,298 --> 00:37:42,051 Bunch of guys, right? Just fuckin' hangin' out. 779 00:37:42,718 --> 00:37:45,930 Trashin' women. Yeah, so cool. You guys are so dope. 780 00:37:46,013 --> 00:37:47,473 What, are we offending you? 781 00:37:47,556 --> 00:37:49,236 [Travis] No, man, you're not offending me. 782 00:37:49,267 --> 00:37:51,227 I just think this misogynistic behavior 783 00:37:51,310 --> 00:37:54,438 amongst groups of men is a little, uh, little cliché. 784 00:37:54,522 --> 00:37:56,899 Ah, Jesus Christ. We got a feminist in the car. 785 00:37:56,983 --> 00:37:59,235 Look, I'm just looking out for you guys, okay? 786 00:38:00,152 --> 00:38:02,488 No offense, you're just comin' across a little... 787 00:38:03,739 --> 00:38:05,866 A little old, you know? A little out of touch. 788 00:38:06,367 --> 00:38:07,535 We try evolving. 789 00:38:07,618 --> 00:38:10,955 Evolving? It's a good idea. Like your generation, right? 790 00:38:11,038 --> 00:38:13,958 Filmin' yourselves while you're flippin' over water bottles. 791 00:38:14,041 --> 00:38:15,376 Incredible progress. 792 00:38:15,459 --> 00:38:16,669 If I may interject. 793 00:38:17,336 --> 00:38:22,091 Travis, it sounds like what you're saying is you feel your generation 794 00:38:22,174 --> 00:38:24,635 is more evolved than our generation. 795 00:38:24,719 --> 00:38:26,095 [Travis laughing] 796 00:38:27,305 --> 00:38:30,433 Oh my God, that was a real question? Yeah, absolutely. Yes. 797 00:38:31,434 --> 00:38:33,144 Travis, do you like rap music? 798 00:38:33,728 --> 00:38:35,855 I mean, yeah, I listen to all kinds of music. 799 00:38:36,355 --> 00:38:39,317 You go deep, or you listen to that mumble rap shit? 800 00:38:39,400 --> 00:38:40,735 No, I go deep. 801 00:38:40,818 --> 00:38:41,986 Really? How deep? 802 00:38:42,069 --> 00:38:47,158 You know, the greats. Wu-Tang, Biggie, Nas, uh, N.W.A. 803 00:38:47,241 --> 00:38:48,284 N.W.A? 804 00:38:48,784 --> 00:38:51,329 Okay, my man Travis goes way back. 805 00:38:52,663 --> 00:38:55,583 Saw the movie. Bought the soundtrack. 806 00:38:55,666 --> 00:38:57,918 You probably know who Yella Boy is. 807 00:38:58,002 --> 00:38:59,002 Wow! 808 00:38:59,628 --> 00:39:02,631 You like to sing along to them in the car? 809 00:39:02,715 --> 00:39:05,009 Yeah, I rap to them sometimes. Yeah. 810 00:39:05,092 --> 00:39:07,219 What do you do when they drop the N-word? 811 00:39:14,143 --> 00:39:15,770 - [chuckles] - You keep singing along? 812 00:39:15,853 --> 00:39:17,480 Uh, no, I... 813 00:39:18,147 --> 00:39:19,607 I... 814 00:39:20,232 --> 00:39:21,232 I... 815 00:39:21,567 --> 00:39:22,610 I listen. 816 00:39:22,693 --> 00:39:26,072 - You just listen? - [Travis] Yeah. I do. I... I listen. 817 00:39:26,155 --> 00:39:29,658 I mean, what, do you got a pause button in your brain? This is N.W.A. 818 00:39:29,742 --> 00:39:31,952 You're by yourself. Windows are up. 819 00:39:32,828 --> 00:39:35,122 Cruisin' down the highway. You feelin' it! 820 00:39:36,165 --> 00:39:39,085 Are you tellin' me that you stop your flow? 821 00:39:39,168 --> 00:39:40,937 - I do. - Bullshit, motherfucker! Nobody could. 822 00:39:40,961 --> 00:39:42,088 It's N.W.A. 823 00:39:42,171 --> 00:39:44,131 - I thought you said you loved them. - I do. 824 00:39:44,215 --> 00:39:46,092 - Do you love them? - Yes, I do! 825 00:39:46,175 --> 00:39:48,135 - And you stop your flow? - No, I say it! 826 00:39:48,677 --> 00:39:49,678 [gasps] 827 00:39:52,598 --> 00:39:56,268 I wanna hear how he says it. Put on N.W.A "Straight Outta Compton." 828 00:39:56,352 --> 00:39:58,830 Oh, come on, man. I don't wanna do this. I don't wanna do this. 829 00:39:58,854 --> 00:40:02,358 Why not? You say it when I'm not around, but you won't say it when I am around. 830 00:40:02,441 --> 00:40:06,320 That makes me feel like you're sayin' it in a way I wouldn't wanna hear it. 831 00:40:06,904 --> 00:40:10,449 ["Straight Outta Compton" by N.W.A. playing] 832 00:40:11,992 --> 00:40:14,286 I just wanna go on record as saying I don't wanna do this. 833 00:40:14,370 --> 00:40:15,746 [shouts] Sing the damn song! 834 00:40:15,830 --> 00:40:16,831 Okay. 835 00:40:16,914 --> 00:40:18,874 Just chill out. 836 00:40:18,958 --> 00:40:22,253 ♪ Straight outta Compton Crazy motherfucker named Ice Cube ♪ 837 00:40:22,336 --> 00:40:23,336 ♪ From the... ♪ 838 00:40:24,839 --> 00:40:27,049 ♪ When I'm called off, I get a sawed-off ♪ 839 00:40:27,133 --> 00:40:29,510 ♪ Pull the trigger And the bodies get hauled off ♪ 840 00:40:29,593 --> 00:40:31,679 ♪ You too, boy, if ya fuck with me ♪ 841 00:40:31,762 --> 00:40:33,848 ♪ The police are gonna have to come And get me ♪ 842 00:40:33,931 --> 00:40:36,434 ♪ Off yo ass 'Cause that's how I'm goin' out ♪ 843 00:40:36,517 --> 00:40:38,894 ♪ The punk motherfuckers That's showin' out... ♪ 844 00:40:38,978 --> 00:40:39,979 N... No. 845 00:40:40,062 --> 00:40:42,064 [Jack, Connor laughing] 846 00:40:42,148 --> 00:40:45,609 Fuck! I don't wanna say it, man. I don't wanna say it. 847 00:40:45,693 --> 00:40:47,903 Good. You shouldn't wanna say it. 848 00:40:48,487 --> 00:40:50,448 But on behalf of Dr. Dre and company, 849 00:40:51,407 --> 00:40:52,867 thank you for buying this shit. 850 00:40:54,326 --> 00:40:55,870 Hey, Mike, for the record, 851 00:40:55,953 --> 00:40:58,789 whenever I listen to hip-hop, I never say it, bro. 852 00:40:58,873 --> 00:41:00,166 Really? When do you say it? 853 00:41:02,001 --> 00:41:03,043 [Connor] Uh... 854 00:41:03,127 --> 00:41:05,129 - Okay, guys. Come on. It's over. - Jack! Jack! 855 00:41:05,212 --> 00:41:06,714 - [loud thud] - [tires squealing] 856 00:41:06,797 --> 00:41:08,466 - [Connor] Oh shit. - [Jack] Shit. 857 00:41:08,549 --> 00:41:09,550 [engine stops] 858 00:41:09,633 --> 00:41:11,552 - [Travis] Shit, Jack. - The fuck was that? 859 00:41:11,635 --> 00:41:12,970 [armadillo chittering] 860 00:41:13,512 --> 00:41:15,764 [Mike] I don't know, but it's dead. 861 00:41:16,640 --> 00:41:19,120 - [Western movie music plays] - [Travis] What's that guy doin'? 862 00:41:28,944 --> 00:41:30,404 Holy shit. I think that's him. 863 00:41:30,488 --> 00:41:31,864 [Connor] Who? 864 00:41:31,947 --> 00:41:33,449 - Ed Cameron. - [Travis] Nuh-uh. 865 00:41:33,532 --> 00:41:34,950 - You fucking kidding me? - No. 866 00:41:35,034 --> 00:41:36,785 [Mike] Where you goin'? Get back in the car. 867 00:41:38,704 --> 00:41:39,704 [Jack] Hi. 868 00:41:40,956 --> 00:41:41,999 How you doing? 869 00:41:46,712 --> 00:41:48,923 Uh, excuse me. I'm sorry. Was that your armadillo? 870 00:41:53,177 --> 00:41:54,345 It is now. 871 00:41:58,724 --> 00:42:01,769 - The highway provides. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! 872 00:42:03,938 --> 00:42:05,940 This, uh, might seem like a weird question, 873 00:42:06,023 --> 00:42:09,443 but you wouldn't happen to be Ed Cameron, are you? 874 00:42:11,237 --> 00:42:12,488 Who's askin'? 875 00:42:13,072 --> 00:42:15,199 Oh. Jack Kelly. 876 00:42:19,703 --> 00:42:22,414 Uh, we were just coming up here to talk to you. 877 00:42:30,589 --> 00:42:32,508 You ain't a bunch of fags, are you? 878 00:42:34,927 --> 00:42:36,554 [indistinct chattering] 879 00:42:36,637 --> 00:42:37,846 Hey, Cara. 880 00:42:37,930 --> 00:42:39,223 - Yeah. - [Leah] Hey. 881 00:42:39,306 --> 00:42:40,534 - Sorry. - I'll catch you later. 882 00:42:40,558 --> 00:42:42,017 - Bye, Joanna. - Sweetie, let's go. 883 00:42:42,101 --> 00:42:44,061 I was hoping I was gonna run into you today. 884 00:42:44,144 --> 00:42:45,688 How's the second trimester? 885 00:42:45,771 --> 00:42:47,606 You know? It's harder than it was with Nate. 886 00:42:47,690 --> 00:42:51,193 You know what? I could tell. You're looking a little peaked. 887 00:42:51,277 --> 00:42:53,362 - You still working out? - [laughing uncomfortably] 888 00:42:53,445 --> 00:42:54,280 Yeah. 889 00:42:54,363 --> 00:42:57,616 Uh, I was gonna talk to you about Britney's baby shower. 890 00:42:57,700 --> 00:42:59,860 - [Colin roaring] - And I was thinking we should... Oh! 891 00:42:59,910 --> 00:43:04,373 Hey, Colin. You have to be careful, okay? Auntie Leah's got a baby in here. 892 00:43:04,456 --> 00:43:05,833 Hi, baby! 893 00:43:05,916 --> 00:43:09,169 Colin! You are not allowed to do that, do you understand me? 894 00:43:09,253 --> 00:43:10,963 Hey, hey! He's got a little extra energy. 895 00:43:11,046 --> 00:43:13,799 That doesn't give you the right to scream at my child. 896 00:43:13,882 --> 00:43:16,385 I was just trying to protect myself. 897 00:43:16,468 --> 00:43:18,348 He's five years old. He doesn't know any better. 898 00:43:18,387 --> 00:43:20,097 Don't you think he should? 899 00:43:21,223 --> 00:43:23,267 Are you calling me a bad mother? 900 00:43:23,350 --> 00:43:26,895 You could say I think your parenting techniques are interesting. 901 00:43:26,979 --> 00:43:27,980 [scoffs] 902 00:43:28,063 --> 00:43:31,275 Home birth, no epidural, 4% body fat. 903 00:43:32,109 --> 00:43:33,402 The proof is in the pudding. 904 00:43:33,485 --> 00:43:35,738 Maybe if you occasionally ate some of that pudding, 905 00:43:35,821 --> 00:43:37,448 you wouldn't have sweat your tits off. 906 00:43:38,741 --> 00:43:40,159 - Yeah. - [gasps] 907 00:43:41,869 --> 00:43:44,413 I cannot wait to see the look on Aspen's face 908 00:43:44,496 --> 00:43:47,583 when he congratulates us for landing that fucking lunatic. 909 00:43:51,170 --> 00:43:53,422 Fucker's gonna give us all bedbugs. 910 00:43:55,591 --> 00:43:57,009 - Hey, Travis. - Yo. 911 00:43:57,676 --> 00:43:59,887 Holy shit. They already got him on a T-shirt? 912 00:43:59,970 --> 00:44:02,431 {\an8}Yeah. It's the prototype, but it's pretty fucking sick, right? 913 00:44:02,514 --> 00:44:05,684 {\an8}So, last night, Aspen goes to this ayahuasca ceremony, 914 00:44:05,768 --> 00:44:07,603 {\an8}and he gets this, like, crazy vision. 915 00:44:07,686 --> 00:44:10,272 {\an8}Memes, T-shirts, NFTs. 916 00:44:10,356 --> 00:44:12,191 I don't know what any of that means. 917 00:44:13,275 --> 00:44:17,404 I mean, dude's a crazy fucking genius. This campaign is gonna be fire. 918 00:44:17,488 --> 00:44:18,530 If you say so. 919 00:44:18,614 --> 00:44:20,199 Hey, sorry I'm late. 920 00:44:20,282 --> 00:44:22,701 Hey, Connor. You see they already got this guy on a T-shirt? 921 00:44:23,661 --> 00:44:24,745 Unbelievable. 922 00:44:27,498 --> 00:44:30,709 - What are you doin' way over there? - I can sit wherever I want. 923 00:44:31,669 --> 00:44:34,349 - There a reason you're not looking at me? - I don't know. Is there? 924 00:44:35,923 --> 00:44:37,341 [Aspen] Gentlemen. 925 00:44:37,424 --> 00:44:38,509 [laughs] 926 00:44:39,426 --> 00:44:42,096 You did it. You guys crushed it. You really did. 927 00:44:42,596 --> 00:44:45,599 I mean, I understand now why this company has been alive for 23 years. 928 00:44:45,683 --> 00:44:48,769 Yeah, well, guess these old dogs had a little more bite left in 'em 929 00:44:48,852 --> 00:44:49,852 than you thought. 930 00:44:50,479 --> 00:44:51,313 Yeah. 931 00:44:51,397 --> 00:44:52,481 [laughs] 932 00:44:52,564 --> 00:44:54,900 We're gonna have to talk about the rental car though. 933 00:44:54,983 --> 00:44:57,736 Ah, just a scratched bumper. We have insurance. 934 00:44:57,820 --> 00:45:01,448 We have insurance for the car. We don't have insurance for this. 935 00:45:01,949 --> 00:45:05,327 Hey, let me ask you a question. Did Caitlyn Jenner keep Bruce's dick? 936 00:45:05,411 --> 00:45:07,371 - [Mike] Like in a jar? - Where'd you get this? 937 00:45:07,454 --> 00:45:08,997 [Jack] No, like, she still has it. 938 00:45:09,081 --> 00:45:12,418 Like, Caitlyn has tits and a dick, and is that why you say "they"? 939 00:45:12,501 --> 00:45:16,046 - [Mike] I get what you're saying. - Look, I'm not saying I'd bang Caitlyn. 940 00:45:16,130 --> 00:45:19,299 But, I mean, tell me that's not a better person to watch a game with. 941 00:45:19,383 --> 00:45:20,509 That's fucking Bruce Jenner. 942 00:45:20,592 --> 00:45:23,303 I wonder, like, every four years when the Summer Olympics come up, 943 00:45:23,387 --> 00:45:25,597 who's the first one to call Caitlyn and be like, 944 00:45:25,681 --> 00:45:30,060 - "You wanna watch the decathlon today?" - Yeah. [laughs] 945 00:45:30,602 --> 00:45:33,522 [Travis] I feel super fucking bad for all your wives. 946 00:45:33,605 --> 00:45:35,899 Let me ask you something, Travis. You ever been married? 947 00:45:35,983 --> 00:45:37,484 - No, I haven't. - Well, there you go. 948 00:45:37,568 --> 00:45:40,612 Why don't you go up to a Marine now and tell him what it's like in battle? 949 00:45:40,696 --> 00:45:42,781 Did you set that camera up? You fucking snitch. 950 00:45:42,865 --> 00:45:44,575 Whoa. No, no, no, no, no, no. 951 00:45:44,658 --> 00:45:48,454 Trav had nothing to do with this, okay? This came from the rental car company. 952 00:45:48,537 --> 00:45:51,874 They sent it to us in exchange for all of our users' personal information. 953 00:45:51,957 --> 00:45:53,125 Are you fucking kidding me? 954 00:45:53,208 --> 00:45:54,835 [Aspen] It's an information economy. 955 00:45:54,918 --> 00:45:57,504 They, uh, record everything for liability and safety, apparently. 956 00:45:57,588 --> 00:46:00,966 Well, you know, once I saw it... Guys, my hands are tied. 957 00:46:01,592 --> 00:46:02,926 Gonna have to liberate you. 958 00:46:03,010 --> 00:46:06,180 "Liberate" us? Is he firing us over that bullshit? 959 00:46:06,263 --> 00:46:08,223 It's a bunch of guys shootin' the shit in a car. 960 00:46:08,307 --> 00:46:09,892 There's no way that's fucking legal. 961 00:46:09,975 --> 00:46:12,269 It is, actually, in New Mexico. 962 00:46:12,352 --> 00:46:13,729 [laughs] 963 00:46:14,980 --> 00:46:17,983 Okay, fine, so we're terminated. You still gotta pay us. 964 00:46:18,484 --> 00:46:20,194 Actually, we don't. 965 00:46:20,277 --> 00:46:24,740 Because your behavior violated the terms of your morality clause in your contract. 966 00:46:24,823 --> 00:46:25,908 Morality clause? 967 00:46:26,658 --> 00:46:28,160 What... what's he talkin' about? 968 00:46:28,243 --> 00:46:31,079 So all of your equity has been liquidated, 969 00:46:31,163 --> 00:46:33,415 and it's been returned to the general fund. 970 00:46:33,499 --> 00:46:34,333 What the fuck? 971 00:46:34,416 --> 00:46:37,211 [Aspen] You have to leave the premises immediately if you don't mind. 972 00:46:37,294 --> 00:46:39,963 - Let's go. - Look. The meter maids are back, huh? 973 00:46:40,047 --> 00:46:42,466 You hide behind these guys? Do all your dirty work? 974 00:46:42,549 --> 00:46:44,009 Yeah, they're good guys. 975 00:46:44,092 --> 00:46:45,511 Un-fuckin'- believable. 976 00:46:45,594 --> 00:46:47,012 120 pounds soakin' wet. 977 00:46:47,095 --> 00:46:48,855 - You fucking piece of shit. - [exhales] Wow! 978 00:46:50,307 --> 00:46:52,309 - [Aspen] Come on. - Real nice, man. 979 00:46:52,810 --> 00:46:54,436 - Travis, can you get that? - Yeah. 980 00:46:56,438 --> 00:46:58,023 Yikes, right? [laughs] 981 00:46:58,565 --> 00:47:01,568 You too, though, Travis. You too. 982 00:47:01,652 --> 00:47:02,652 What? 983 00:47:04,571 --> 00:47:06,716 I didn't condone anything that was goin' on in the car. 984 00:47:06,740 --> 00:47:07,740 I was being vocally... 985 00:47:07,783 --> 00:47:09,034 ♪ And shit ♪ 986 00:47:09,117 --> 00:47:10,577 ♪ Yeah, yeah... ♪ 987 00:47:10,661 --> 00:47:12,454 - Is that my apartment? - Yeah. 988 00:47:12,538 --> 00:47:13,538 ♪ Yeah... ♪ 989 00:47:14,665 --> 00:47:16,375 Why... why do you have this, Aspen? 990 00:47:16,458 --> 00:47:18,645 [Aspen] You got a TV with a camera. Things could happen. 991 00:47:18,669 --> 00:47:19,878 ♪ Gold all in my chain ♪ 992 00:47:20,462 --> 00:47:22,214 ♪ Gold all in my ring ♪ 993 00:47:22,840 --> 00:47:24,508 ♪ Gold all in my watch ♪ 994 00:47:25,133 --> 00:47:27,469 ♪ Don't believe me, just watch Nigga, nigga, nigga ♪ 995 00:47:27,553 --> 00:47:29,972 ♪ Don't believe me, just watch ♪ 996 00:47:30,055 --> 00:47:32,933 ♪ Don't believe me, just watch Nigga, nigga, nigga... ♪ 997 00:47:33,016 --> 00:47:34,685 - Justin. - Come on, man! 998 00:47:34,768 --> 00:47:36,937 Oh, Aspen, come on, man. I was getting hyped, dude. 999 00:47:37,020 --> 00:47:39,690 I was... I was gettin' ready to start my fuckin' day. 1000 00:47:39,773 --> 00:47:41,859 I was gettin' ready to start the day, dude! 1001 00:47:42,484 --> 00:47:44,194 What the hell's a morality clause? 1002 00:47:45,195 --> 00:47:47,656 It's a boilerplate clause in every corporate contract, 1003 00:47:47,739 --> 00:47:50,200 but I've never heard it used in the context 1004 00:47:50,284 --> 00:47:53,620 of secretly filming someone in a rental car in a different state. 1005 00:47:53,704 --> 00:47:56,123 Well, why the fuck would you have us three knuckleheads 1006 00:47:56,206 --> 00:47:58,750 sign a morality clause when you know how we are? 1007 00:47:58,834 --> 00:48:02,170 Don't you mean how you are? Motherfucker, let me tell you somethin'. 1008 00:48:02,254 --> 00:48:04,298 If it wasn't this, it'd be somethin' else. 1009 00:48:04,381 --> 00:48:05,799 And now, thanks to you, 1010 00:48:05,883 --> 00:48:07,759 I'm gonna be working until I'm 85! 1011 00:48:07,843 --> 00:48:11,138 Oh, you're not puttin' this on me, Mike. You're not puttin' this on me, okay? 1012 00:48:11,221 --> 00:48:13,473 For 23 years, you didn't miss a goddamn thing, 1013 00:48:13,557 --> 00:48:17,477 but you were so hot to trot to get your loaded Ford fucking Fusion, 1014 00:48:17,561 --> 00:48:18,979 you left us exposed. 1015 00:48:19,605 --> 00:48:21,231 Are you questioning my competency? 1016 00:48:21,315 --> 00:48:22,858 No, I'm questioning your motivation. 1017 00:48:22,941 --> 00:48:25,652 Guys, come on, okay? We're all in this together. 1018 00:48:26,194 --> 00:48:28,280 [Mike] Not anymore. I'm done with you, Jack. 1019 00:48:28,363 --> 00:48:29,823 You and your big fuckin' mouth. 1020 00:48:29,907 --> 00:48:31,325 Come on, Mike. 1021 00:48:32,117 --> 00:48:34,703 - [Connor sighs] - Connor, why aren't you lookin' at me? 1022 00:48:34,786 --> 00:48:36,997 Don't worry about it, okay? I can look wherever I want. 1023 00:48:37,080 --> 00:48:41,209 - The fuck is goin' on with you? - Jack, we can't hang out right now, okay? 1024 00:48:41,293 --> 00:48:43,420 Just know that there will come a time in the future 1025 00:48:43,503 --> 00:48:46,590 when we will be able to hang out again, but that time is not now, okay? 1026 00:48:46,673 --> 00:48:49,313 - It's just... It's too fuckin' weird. - [melancholy music playing] 1027 00:48:49,343 --> 00:48:51,178 The fuck are you talkin' about? 1028 00:48:51,261 --> 00:48:52,763 Why don't you ask your wife? 1029 00:48:53,680 --> 00:48:55,366 - [door opens] - [melancholy music continues] 1030 00:48:55,390 --> 00:48:56,390 [Leah] Hey, babe. 1031 00:48:56,850 --> 00:48:58,894 - [door closes] - Did you try to fuck Connor? 1032 00:48:59,394 --> 00:49:01,980 - Huh? - What? What are you talking about? 1033 00:49:02,064 --> 00:49:04,624 How come Connor said you're the reason me and him can't hang out? 1034 00:49:04,650 --> 00:49:06,818 - I don't... - Answer me that, Leah. Answer me that. 1035 00:49:06,902 --> 00:49:07,902 Oh my God. 1036 00:49:09,363 --> 00:49:12,366 Okay. So, Cara and I got into an argument at pickup, okay? 1037 00:49:12,449 --> 00:49:15,118 I said she was a shitty mom who couldn't parent her kid. 1038 00:49:15,202 --> 00:49:16,662 - Oh! - Oh. 1039 00:49:16,745 --> 00:49:20,248 - Well, didn't I tell you not to do that? - Yes, yes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 1040 00:49:20,332 --> 00:49:22,000 I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, but... 1041 00:49:23,126 --> 00:49:26,838 Do you really think that I would try and fuck Connor? 1042 00:49:26,922 --> 00:49:30,050 - No, that was stupid. - I mean... Come on, what are you... 1043 00:49:30,133 --> 00:49:32,344 - I'm emotional. - What's going on? 1044 00:49:32,427 --> 00:49:33,553 I lost my job today. 1045 00:49:34,054 --> 00:49:36,640 - What? - I lost my job today. 1046 00:49:36,723 --> 00:49:37,808 - What? - We all did. 1047 00:49:37,891 --> 00:49:40,852 Oh no, honey. Oh no. What happened? 1048 00:49:40,936 --> 00:49:42,187 I don't know. I... 1049 00:49:42,813 --> 00:49:45,649 We said some shit on that road trip, and it got back to the office. 1050 00:49:47,943 --> 00:49:49,111 What did you say? 1051 00:49:49,611 --> 00:49:54,116 You know, stuff you say in a rental car when you don't know you're bein' filmed. 1052 00:49:55,409 --> 00:49:56,535 Can I guess? 1053 00:49:57,411 --> 00:49:59,162 I'd appreciate it if you didn't. 1054 00:50:00,497 --> 00:50:01,707 It wasn't that bad. 1055 00:50:03,041 --> 00:50:05,520 Look, the real point is, you know, I let you and the kids down, 1056 00:50:05,544 --> 00:50:07,421 and now Nate can't go to private school. 1057 00:50:07,504 --> 00:50:09,732 I feel terrible about that. I'm gonna figure out a way... 1058 00:50:09,756 --> 00:50:12,718 No. You know what? Nate is gonna go to private school. 1059 00:50:13,385 --> 00:50:17,431 And I don't care if we have four mortgages on the house and I work every day 1060 00:50:17,514 --> 00:50:20,517 until my water breaks, but my son is not gonna get left behind 1061 00:50:20,600 --> 00:50:23,603 because his father has the self-control of a two-year-old. 1062 00:50:24,312 --> 00:50:26,773 It's not self-control. It's a right-to-privacy issue, but... 1063 00:50:36,992 --> 00:50:39,327 [sentimental music playing] 1064 00:50:39,411 --> 00:50:43,749 [Connor] Dear Jack, these last months have felt like a fuckin' eternity, man. 1065 00:50:45,042 --> 00:50:46,084 I miss you. 1066 00:50:46,918 --> 00:50:48,336 I miss our brotherhood. 1067 00:50:49,171 --> 00:50:53,967 The fighting for a common goal, the camaraderie, the ball-breaking, 1068 00:50:54,593 --> 00:50:56,720 even though it was often at my expense. 1069 00:50:56,803 --> 00:50:59,473 [announcer] Jenner into the spin. Lets it fly. 1070 00:51:00,057 --> 00:51:02,059 {\an8}Bruce Jenner has won gold! 1071 00:51:02,142 --> 00:51:04,770 [howling] 1072 00:51:04,853 --> 00:51:09,691 {\an8}You don't have to know what's going on to be what's going on. 1073 00:51:09,775 --> 00:51:12,527 {\an8}- [female voice] The Ed Cameron Collection. - [hawk squawking] 1074 00:51:12,611 --> 00:51:15,489 - [sentimental music playing] - [Connor] Mike is hanging in there. 1075 00:51:15,572 --> 00:51:17,783 You know, he's got a good job at a mid-level firm, 1076 00:51:17,866 --> 00:51:21,703 and I think he's really comin' around to becoming a father again. 1077 00:51:22,579 --> 00:51:26,291 And he seems happy, but... Well, you know Mike. 1078 00:51:26,374 --> 00:51:27,793 He's not a big talker. 1079 00:51:30,754 --> 00:51:33,090 Being unemployed hasn't been easy. 1080 00:51:34,049 --> 00:51:37,469 But I've been watching this guy Joel Osteen a lot. 1081 00:51:38,345 --> 00:51:42,015 Man, once you get past all the God shit, the guy's got a pretty positive message. 1082 00:51:42,099 --> 00:51:44,017 And his hair is bangin'. 1083 00:51:44,684 --> 00:51:46,537 He told the story of these three sheepherders... 1084 00:51:46,561 --> 00:51:47,561 [Cara coughs] 1085 00:51:52,692 --> 00:51:54,694 [mysterious music playing] 1086 00:52:04,454 --> 00:52:06,123 [sighs] Fuck. 1087 00:52:07,207 --> 00:52:08,207 [sighs] 1088 00:52:09,459 --> 00:52:10,539 [sentimental music playing] 1089 00:52:10,585 --> 00:52:11,585 Dear Jack, 1090 00:52:12,170 --> 00:52:13,713 I miss you, man. 1091 00:52:13,797 --> 00:52:16,258 As you know, I was a neglected child. 1092 00:52:16,758 --> 00:52:19,028 Lot of time with the Legos, if you know what I mean, and... 1093 00:52:19,052 --> 00:52:20,637 - [door creaks] - [eerie music plays] 1094 00:52:22,305 --> 00:52:23,306 What are you doing? 1095 00:52:23,807 --> 00:52:25,350 [splutters] 1096 00:52:25,433 --> 00:52:26,643 Nothing. It's just... 1097 00:52:27,227 --> 00:52:28,436 It's... it's... 1098 00:52:29,146 --> 00:52:31,064 Just knockin' off a little haiku. It's... 1099 00:52:31,648 --> 00:52:33,024 [paper burning] 1100 00:52:33,108 --> 00:52:34,276 It's stupid. I... 1101 00:52:37,404 --> 00:52:38,404 [blows] 1102 00:52:38,822 --> 00:52:40,323 Let's go to bed, right, babe? 1103 00:52:40,949 --> 00:52:42,033 I'm so tired. 1104 00:52:42,534 --> 00:52:43,952 Uh... It's... 1105 00:52:45,036 --> 00:52:47,038 [jazz music playing] 1106 00:52:48,165 --> 00:52:50,167 [indistinct chattering] 1107 00:52:53,795 --> 00:52:54,796 [bartender] Here you are. 1108 00:52:54,880 --> 00:52:56,006 - Thank you. - Thank you. 1109 00:52:57,257 --> 00:52:58,675 - [woman] Jack! - Hey. 1110 00:52:58,758 --> 00:53:01,511 I mean, great party. Everybody seems to be having a blast. 1111 00:53:01,595 --> 00:53:03,930 - Oh, thank you. - [man] I have to commend you. 1112 00:53:04,014 --> 00:53:06,683 Having the foresight to see that any party theme decided upon 1113 00:53:06,766 --> 00:53:09,769 by a predominantly white committee would be inherently biased... 1114 00:53:10,270 --> 00:53:12,856 Well, your growth really makes my heart smile. 1115 00:53:12,939 --> 00:53:15,442 Oh, well, I was just listenin' to the group. 1116 00:53:15,525 --> 00:53:16,443 [laughs] 1117 00:53:16,526 --> 00:53:19,529 Hey, who knew throwin' a party celebratin' white people not hurtin' anyone 1118 00:53:19,613 --> 00:53:20,906 would actually be a big hit? 1119 00:53:21,489 --> 00:53:25,493 I'm a little surprised too. Congratulations, Jack. 1120 00:53:25,577 --> 00:53:27,495 Oh, thank you, Doctor L. 1121 00:53:27,579 --> 00:53:30,248 But remember, the real metric for the party 1122 00:53:30,332 --> 00:53:32,167 is what it does for the children. 1123 00:53:34,836 --> 00:53:35,836 Good luck. 1124 00:53:37,088 --> 00:53:38,088 Thank you. 1125 00:53:39,049 --> 00:53:40,049 Godspeed. 1126 00:53:42,886 --> 00:53:45,096 Hey, hey. You know what? Don't worry about her. 1127 00:53:45,180 --> 00:53:47,390 Yeah, you're right. This next item is gonna sell itself. 1128 00:53:47,474 --> 00:53:50,769 If it doesn't, we can always auction off some of our dumb jewelry. 1129 00:53:50,852 --> 00:53:52,771 Listen, you just need to focus, okay? 1130 00:53:52,854 --> 00:53:54,314 - Right. Right. - Think about Nate. 1131 00:53:54,397 --> 00:53:56,107 You know, turn on that charm 1132 00:53:56,191 --> 00:53:58,735 I so deeply regret falling in love with every day. 1133 00:53:58,818 --> 00:53:59,653 [chuckles] 1134 00:53:59,736 --> 00:54:01,839 You're gonna bring it home, like you always do, right? 1135 00:54:01,863 --> 00:54:04,950 - Right. Right. All right. - Oh, uh, Connor gave me a note. 1136 00:54:05,033 --> 00:54:08,828 Actually, he gave someone else a note to give to me to give to you. 1137 00:54:08,912 --> 00:54:09,912 I don't know. 1138 00:54:10,538 --> 00:54:12,290 You're gonna be great. I know it. 1139 00:54:12,374 --> 00:54:14,042 - I love you. - Thank you. Thank you. 1140 00:54:14,751 --> 00:54:18,964 [Connor] Dear Jack, this situation sucks. But I'm here for you, bro. 1141 00:54:19,047 --> 00:54:22,509 I'd write more, but these gummies are starting to kick in. 1142 00:54:22,592 --> 00:54:24,636 [sentimental music playing] 1143 00:54:26,179 --> 00:54:27,806 [sentimental music fades] 1144 00:54:27,889 --> 00:54:30,100 - [Cara] What are you doing? - [pop music playing] 1145 00:54:30,183 --> 00:54:34,145 Doin' this, girl. Ah, remember that? The old days? What? Girls. 1146 00:54:34,229 --> 00:54:35,229 Oh! 1147 00:54:36,690 --> 00:54:38,692 [pop music fades] 1148 00:54:42,779 --> 00:54:46,116 All right, ladies and gentlemen. Uh, just a little quick reminder. 1149 00:54:46,199 --> 00:54:49,786 There's only 45 minutes left in our silent auction. 1150 00:54:49,869 --> 00:54:53,081 That's still plenty of time to bid on some incredible items, 1151 00:54:53,164 --> 00:54:56,835 including artwork created by your own children 1152 00:54:56,918 --> 00:54:58,837 to raise money for the school. 1153 00:54:58,920 --> 00:55:00,297 [crowd cheering] 1154 00:55:00,380 --> 00:55:03,633 It's not child labor if it's for a good cause. Am I right? 1155 00:55:03,717 --> 00:55:04,592 [crowd laughs] 1156 00:55:04,676 --> 00:55:06,678 All right. Now, if we look at the Doctor L-O-Meter, 1157 00:55:06,761 --> 00:55:09,848 we are inching towards our goal of $30,000, 1158 00:55:09,931 --> 00:55:12,684 which brings us to the live auction. 1159 00:55:12,767 --> 00:55:16,313 The next item we have up for bids is something very special. 1160 00:55:16,396 --> 00:55:17,996 I know what you're thinking to yourself. 1161 00:55:18,023 --> 00:55:21,943 You're thinking, "Jack, how the heck are you gonna top two floor seats 1162 00:55:22,027 --> 00:55:23,778 to see Adele at The Forum?" 1163 00:55:23,862 --> 00:55:25,864 Well, ladies and gentlemen, 1164 00:55:25,947 --> 00:55:27,627 you better have those paddles in your hands 1165 00:55:27,699 --> 00:55:28,939 'cause I'ma tell you something. 1166 00:55:28,992 --> 00:55:31,953 We are about ready to bid... Get ready for this. 1167 00:55:32,037 --> 00:55:35,707 We're about ready to bid on two hours of uninterrupted, 1168 00:55:35,790 --> 00:55:38,501 one-on-one time with the one and only 1169 00:55:38,585 --> 00:55:42,839 Doctor Lois Shmieckel-Turner! 1170 00:55:42,922 --> 00:55:45,675 - [crowd cheering] - Yes, there she is! 1171 00:55:45,759 --> 00:55:50,972 Two hours to glean an entire lifetime of parental knowledge 1172 00:55:51,056 --> 00:55:54,392 from one of Southern California's leading educators. 1173 00:55:54,476 --> 00:55:55,977 Now, this is crazy to me. 1174 00:55:56,061 --> 00:55:58,063 They told me to start this bidding at $1,500. 1175 00:55:58,146 --> 00:56:00,226 But I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. 1176 00:56:00,273 --> 00:56:03,026 Old Jackie boy is feeling a little bit crazy tonight. 1177 00:56:03,109 --> 00:56:07,280 I don't know, but since I'm having so much fun at this "no theme" theme event 1178 00:56:07,364 --> 00:56:09,282 that I'm gonna get a little crazy here, people. 1179 00:56:09,366 --> 00:56:11,785 I'm not starting the biddin' off at $1,500. 1180 00:56:11,868 --> 00:56:15,080 I'm gonna start it off at $2,000, huh?! 1181 00:56:15,163 --> 00:56:18,875 Yeah! So, who's gonna have fun with me, huh? All right. 1182 00:56:18,958 --> 00:56:23,338 Do I hear $2,100? Who's got 21? I got $2,100 right there. 1183 00:56:23,421 --> 00:56:28,051 $2,100. Do I hear 22? 22! Who's got 22? 1184 00:56:28,134 --> 00:56:33,890 Brian Dodson! Big Brian. Not body-shaming. You look fantastic. 1185 00:56:33,973 --> 00:56:37,060 My God! Ladies, look at this guy. I know he's married, but you know, 1186 00:56:37,143 --> 00:56:38,895 little side glance won't hurt you. 1187 00:56:38,978 --> 00:56:41,272 Do I hear 23? Who's got 23? 1188 00:56:41,356 --> 00:56:45,151 Joanna Wilkerson, who needs a nanny who's also a personal assistant, 1189 00:56:45,235 --> 00:56:46,528 if you can help out. 1190 00:56:46,611 --> 00:56:49,781 All right, 24. I need 24. Who's got 24? 24? 1191 00:56:49,864 --> 00:56:52,409 Brian Dodson! Back to Big Brian. 1192 00:56:52,992 --> 00:56:55,578 Oh my God! We've got a dogfight going on here. 1193 00:56:55,662 --> 00:56:57,372 And I'm jumping right in the middle of it. 1194 00:56:57,455 --> 00:57:01,543 I'm not going $2,500. I'm not going 26, 27, 28. 1195 00:57:01,626 --> 00:57:04,087 I'm taking the elevator up to the penthouse. 1196 00:57:04,170 --> 00:57:06,172 I'm going $3,000! 1197 00:57:06,256 --> 00:57:09,008 [crowd cheering] 1198 00:57:09,092 --> 00:57:10,135 Yeah, yeah, yeah! 1199 00:57:10,218 --> 00:57:13,304 $3,000, baby! Who's coming with me? 1200 00:57:13,388 --> 00:57:16,724 Who's going $3,200? Let me hear $3,200.32. 1201 00:57:16,808 --> 00:57:20,353 Thirty-two. Great number. OJ Simpson. OJ Simpson scaring the white people. 1202 00:57:20,437 --> 00:57:23,773 All right. Marcus Allen. Who's going $3,200? Come on. 1203 00:57:23,857 --> 00:57:25,233 [silence] 1204 00:57:25,316 --> 00:57:29,028 All right. Old Jack, you got a little too crazy. How about $3,100? 1205 00:57:29,112 --> 00:57:31,739 $3,100. Who's got $3,100, huh? 1206 00:57:32,323 --> 00:57:33,533 [silence] 1207 00:57:34,242 --> 00:57:35,160 $3,100? 1208 00:57:35,243 --> 00:57:36,494 [silence] 1209 00:57:37,287 --> 00:57:40,248 All right. Come on, people. I saw a lot of Teslas in the parking lot. 1210 00:57:40,331 --> 00:57:41,583 [silence] 1211 00:57:41,666 --> 00:57:44,085 Just 'cause your car's quiet doesn't mean you have to be. 1212 00:57:44,169 --> 00:57:45,628 - $3,100. - [silence] 1213 00:57:46,296 --> 00:57:49,674 Really? You're gonna let me walk with this for $3,000? 1214 00:57:49,757 --> 00:57:52,552 'Cause I'll tell you right now. I'll take it. I will take it. 1215 00:57:52,635 --> 00:57:56,264 $3,000? $3,000 going once. $3,000 going twice. 1216 00:57:56,347 --> 00:57:57,348 [silence] 1217 00:57:57,432 --> 00:58:00,101 $3,000? Final time! 1218 00:58:00,185 --> 00:58:02,937 - [silence] - Sold to Jack Kelly! 1219 00:58:03,021 --> 00:58:05,064 [crowd cheering] 1220 00:58:08,651 --> 00:58:10,528 I'm gonna fucking kill myself. 1221 00:58:11,571 --> 00:58:13,573 - Hey! Old Jackie! - [crowd cheering] 1222 00:58:14,324 --> 00:58:15,408 Yeah! Jack Kelly! 1223 00:58:16,326 --> 00:58:17,619 [cheering continues] 1224 00:58:19,370 --> 00:58:22,040 All right. That concludes this portion of the auction. 1225 00:58:22,123 --> 00:58:24,417 We only have a few more items left to bid. 1226 00:58:24,501 --> 00:58:27,337 Please hold onto those paddles. We're gonna get to our goal, all right? 1227 00:58:27,420 --> 00:58:29,180 Have a good time. Keep drinking those drinks. 1228 00:58:29,214 --> 00:58:31,591 I'll be back in a few moments for the last few items. 1229 00:58:31,674 --> 00:58:33,218 All right. Enjoy yourselves. 1230 00:58:33,927 --> 00:58:35,929 [pop music playing] 1231 00:58:43,394 --> 00:58:44,395 [groans] 1232 00:58:48,691 --> 00:58:49,692 [Lois] Jack. 1233 00:58:50,610 --> 00:58:53,446 I must thank you for your generous donation. 1234 00:58:54,197 --> 00:58:58,618 And I'm also quite frankly surprised you'd want to spend two hours with me. 1235 00:58:58,701 --> 00:59:00,036 [chuckles] 1236 00:59:00,119 --> 00:59:02,080 Yeah. Well, I guess I'm full of surprises, huh? 1237 00:59:02,163 --> 00:59:03,331 [Lois] Yes. Yes, you are, 1238 00:59:03,414 --> 00:59:07,126 considering I heard that you lost your job and your company. 1239 00:59:09,212 --> 00:59:12,131 How are you and your family handling this setback? 1240 00:59:13,216 --> 00:59:14,050 Just fine. 1241 00:59:14,133 --> 00:59:16,511 Because we have tons of literature that will help you 1242 00:59:16,594 --> 00:59:19,180 through what I know must be a very trying time. 1243 00:59:19,264 --> 00:59:20,765 Hey, listen, Doctor L, 1244 00:59:21,349 --> 00:59:23,017 you can drop the act, okay? 1245 00:59:23,101 --> 00:59:24,310 Just drop the act. 1246 00:59:24,394 --> 00:59:25,812 All right, you got my money. 1247 00:59:25,895 --> 00:59:28,147 So now I guess my kid gets a good recommendation, 1248 00:59:28,231 --> 00:59:29,440 and everything's fine. 1249 00:59:30,024 --> 00:59:33,027 Jack, I hope you aren't insinuating that your financial commitment 1250 00:59:33,111 --> 00:59:36,864 is going to buy your child a recommendation. 1251 00:59:36,948 --> 00:59:39,200 Oh, I would never do that. No. 1252 00:59:40,910 --> 00:59:44,581 You know, Jack, I don't fault you for the way you are. 1253 00:59:45,248 --> 00:59:48,001 You're just blinded by a lifetime of privilege. 1254 00:59:49,919 --> 00:59:52,422 If I was privileged, I don't think I'd have to spend two hours 1255 00:59:52,505 --> 00:59:54,424 pretending I wanted to talk to you, now would I? 1256 00:59:54,507 --> 00:59:55,507 Excuse me? 1257 00:59:55,550 --> 00:59:56,550 You heard me. 1258 00:59:57,218 --> 00:59:58,761 - [Lois] I guess I did. - [Jack] Good. 1259 00:59:58,845 --> 01:00:01,740 I will take that into consideration when I write up Nate's recommendation. 1260 01:00:01,764 --> 01:00:05,435 Oh, I bet you will. I bet you will, huh? That's how you operate? 1261 01:00:05,518 --> 01:00:08,605 Fuck over an innocent child 'cause you have petty bullshit with me? 1262 01:00:08,688 --> 01:00:11,983 Hey. You two already started talking. 1263 01:00:12,066 --> 01:00:13,066 I, uh... 1264 01:00:14,152 --> 01:00:16,946 I hope that doesn't count against our two hours. 1265 01:00:17,030 --> 01:00:18,281 Hello, Mrs. Kelly. 1266 01:00:20,074 --> 01:00:21,200 Good night, Jack. 1267 01:00:26,039 --> 01:00:27,457 What did you say to her? 1268 01:00:27,957 --> 01:00:31,961 I didn't do anything. She came over here. She started twisting the knife, Leah. 1269 01:00:32,045 --> 01:00:34,297 What did you say to her? 1270 01:00:34,380 --> 01:00:36,090 Of course. Of course. What did I say? 1271 01:00:36,174 --> 01:00:39,969 What did Jack say? Can you ever be in my corner, Leah, huh? 1272 01:00:40,053 --> 01:00:41,929 I just dropped three grand that we don't have 1273 01:00:42,013 --> 01:00:44,807 to spend two hours with that fucking egomaniac. 1274 01:00:44,891 --> 01:00:47,018 And you come over with, "What did Jack say?" 1275 01:00:47,101 --> 01:00:49,646 You know what I said? I said what everybody is already thinking 1276 01:00:49,729 --> 01:00:51,981 but doesn't have the fucking balls to say. 1277 01:00:54,859 --> 01:00:57,070 Oh, great. Great. Now you're gonna cry, right? 1278 01:00:57,153 --> 01:00:58,821 - Yeah. Great. - [sniffles] 1279 01:01:00,406 --> 01:01:01,491 You're an asshole. 1280 01:01:02,492 --> 01:01:05,495 Oh, I'm an asshole? Then why did I do all of this, huh? 1281 01:01:06,245 --> 01:01:09,666 What, you're mad? What? What, Leah? 'Cause I'm honest? Huh? 1282 01:01:09,749 --> 01:01:11,626 - Huh, Leah? - [door slams in distance] 1283 01:01:13,378 --> 01:01:15,505 What the fuck are you guys looking at, huh? 1284 01:01:16,381 --> 01:01:17,965 Yeah, I could be like you guys. 1285 01:01:18,716 --> 01:01:20,635 Pretending to care. You guys don't care. 1286 01:01:20,718 --> 01:01:23,221 All you're trying to do is not get in trouble. 1287 01:01:23,304 --> 01:01:25,973 That's what the fuck is wrong with your whole generation. 1288 01:01:26,474 --> 01:01:27,600 [woman] Okay, boomer. 1289 01:01:27,684 --> 01:01:29,060 Generation X! 1290 01:01:30,061 --> 01:01:31,061 [man] Slacker. 1291 01:01:33,356 --> 01:01:35,566 [melancholy music playing] 1292 01:01:40,530 --> 01:01:41,530 [Jack] Here you go. 1293 01:01:58,005 --> 01:01:59,424 [keys jingling] 1294 01:02:01,050 --> 01:02:03,052 [melancholy music continues] 1295 01:02:06,139 --> 01:02:07,515 Oh, Jesus Christ! 1296 01:02:08,599 --> 01:02:09,599 Leah. 1297 01:02:10,476 --> 01:02:11,476 Leah! 1298 01:02:13,396 --> 01:02:14,689 Leah, open the door. 1299 01:02:15,606 --> 01:02:16,606 [teeth click] 1300 01:02:19,110 --> 01:02:20,111 [doorbell rings] 1301 01:02:21,112 --> 01:02:22,112 Leah. 1302 01:02:23,156 --> 01:02:24,907 Leah, come on. Open the door. 1303 01:02:26,200 --> 01:02:27,535 I know you can hear me. 1304 01:02:31,247 --> 01:02:32,331 Oh, Jesus Christ! 1305 01:02:38,045 --> 01:02:39,045 I'll fix that. 1306 01:02:41,799 --> 01:02:43,843 What the fuck is wrong with you? 1307 01:02:43,926 --> 01:02:45,928 What the fuck's wrong with me? You locked me out. 1308 01:02:46,012 --> 01:02:48,139 I know I did. So, what are you doing standing here? 1309 01:02:48,723 --> 01:02:49,723 'Cause I live here. 1310 01:02:49,766 --> 01:02:53,895 Oh, Jack. I need you to not be in this house right now. 1311 01:02:53,978 --> 01:02:56,314 All right, fine, whatever. I'll sleep on the couch. 1312 01:02:56,397 --> 01:03:00,026 No. I have had it. I have had it with your outbursts. 1313 01:03:00,109 --> 01:03:06,282 I have had it with your... your inability to understand your level of anger 1314 01:03:06,365 --> 01:03:08,618 and the negative effect it's having on our family. 1315 01:03:08,701 --> 01:03:11,871 Okay, I'm sorry. I got a little sideways tonight. I just... 1316 01:03:11,954 --> 01:03:14,540 No. No. No. 1317 01:03:14,624 --> 01:03:18,503 You don't get to keep doing this over and over and over again, okay, 1318 01:03:18,586 --> 01:03:22,882 and just thinking that an apology makes it okay, because it doesn't, okay? 1319 01:03:23,424 --> 01:03:27,595 You fucking humiliated me tonight. And you humiliated your son. 1320 01:03:27,678 --> 01:03:30,932 And I am past arguing about it with you! 1321 01:03:34,936 --> 01:03:36,229 What... what are you saying? 1322 01:03:36,813 --> 01:03:38,773 I just need you to leave, Jack. 1323 01:03:39,315 --> 01:03:42,401 Because right now, I don't know if I even wanna raise my kids with you. 1324 01:03:42,485 --> 01:03:44,111 - Okay? - Oh, Jesus! Really? 1325 01:03:44,195 --> 01:03:45,988 - Yes! - You're gonna take it to that level? 1326 01:03:46,072 --> 01:03:48,825 Yes, I'm going to take it to that fucking level, Jack! 1327 01:03:48,908 --> 01:03:50,761 - Because of that bullshit down there! - Exactly! 1328 01:03:50,785 --> 01:03:52,825 [Jack] That I told you was gonna happen! I told you! 1329 01:03:52,870 --> 01:03:55,665 And I'm down there dancing like a fucking show pony! 1330 01:03:55,748 --> 01:03:57,083 Pack your bag! 1331 01:04:01,003 --> 01:04:03,422 - Oh, honey. I'm sorry. - Hey, buddy. 1332 01:04:04,841 --> 01:04:08,135 Oh. Come here. Did we wake you up? 1333 01:04:08,970 --> 01:04:11,514 Mommy, why is Daddy leaving? 1334 01:04:13,891 --> 01:04:16,227 Daddy's got a lot of work he's gotta do, buddy. 1335 01:04:18,521 --> 01:04:20,731 When are you gonna be done, Daddy? 1336 01:04:22,525 --> 01:04:25,403 Um, yeah, I... I don't know, buddy. 1337 01:04:25,486 --> 01:04:27,655 [somber music playing] 1338 01:04:29,615 --> 01:04:31,784 Hey. Let's get you back to bed, okay? 1339 01:04:32,285 --> 01:04:33,285 Okay. 1340 01:04:42,712 --> 01:04:44,714 [somber music continues] 1341 01:04:58,144 --> 01:04:59,228 Oh shit. 1342 01:05:08,696 --> 01:05:10,698 [woman belching] 1343 01:05:16,203 --> 01:05:17,705 I said no onions. 1344 01:05:17,788 --> 01:05:18,789 [laughs] 1345 01:05:23,044 --> 01:05:24,837 [man] Oh, excuse me, sir. 1346 01:05:26,422 --> 01:05:27,798 You can't smoke out here. 1347 01:05:30,885 --> 01:05:32,011 Well, what are you doing? 1348 01:05:33,930 --> 01:05:35,556 Uh, I'm... I'm vaping. 1349 01:05:35,640 --> 01:05:37,016 What's the difference? 1350 01:05:37,683 --> 01:05:41,312 The difference is people can't smell what I'm doing from ten blocks away. 1351 01:05:41,395 --> 01:05:44,565 All right. Well, I can see what you're doing. It's called smoking. 1352 01:05:44,649 --> 01:05:47,369 So, till you put yours out, I'm not putting mine out. How about that? 1353 01:05:48,986 --> 01:05:51,697 I don't mean to pull rank here, but this is my hotel. 1354 01:05:51,781 --> 01:05:52,781 Motel. 1355 01:05:53,282 --> 01:05:54,825 - What? - It's a motel. 1356 01:05:54,909 --> 01:05:58,663 Open courtyard. A serial killer can walk right up to my door, man. 1357 01:05:58,746 --> 01:06:01,290 If this was a hotel, he'd have to go through a lobby first. 1358 01:06:02,500 --> 01:06:05,503 It's a motel. So, why don't you get off your high horse, huh? 1359 01:06:07,296 --> 01:06:08,631 Hey, quick question. 1360 01:06:09,173 --> 01:06:11,968 Uh, what the fuck is your problem? 1361 01:06:12,051 --> 01:06:14,679 What's my problem? My problem is I live in a world 1362 01:06:14,762 --> 01:06:18,099 where a guy who's smoking is telling me I can't smoke, all right? 1363 01:06:18,182 --> 01:06:19,976 That, in a nutshell, is my problem. 1364 01:06:20,059 --> 01:06:22,520 Well, in a nutshell, it's not smoking. 1365 01:06:22,603 --> 01:06:24,313 What makes it smoking, buddy, 1366 01:06:24,397 --> 01:06:27,900 is the fucking smoke coming out of your mouth, all right? 1367 01:06:27,984 --> 01:06:31,278 So, get out of my fucking face before I throw you in that fucking pool? 1368 01:06:31,362 --> 01:06:32,947 I don't respond to hyperbole! 1369 01:06:33,030 --> 01:06:36,617 - Good. I don't know what that means. - If you want an ass-kicking, keep talking. 1370 01:06:36,701 --> 01:06:38,828 Oh! "Hyperbole"! I got big hotel words. 1371 01:06:38,911 --> 01:06:41,914 Ladies, ladies, whoa. What are we doing here? 1372 01:06:41,998 --> 01:06:44,625 It's a nice day. Relax. Take in the view. 1373 01:06:45,209 --> 01:06:46,877 Sweetheart, mind if I ask you a question? 1374 01:06:47,628 --> 01:06:48,671 Yeah, what's that? 1375 01:06:48,754 --> 01:06:50,715 Do you think vaping is smoking? 1376 01:06:50,798 --> 01:06:53,926 Oh, absolutely, yeah. And it's ruining this country. 1377 01:06:54,010 --> 01:06:56,971 Thank you. Thank you. There. I rest my case. 1378 01:06:57,054 --> 01:06:59,181 Yeah, and so are those fucking immigrants. 1379 01:07:01,892 --> 01:07:04,270 I mean, how many more can we let in? [laughs] 1380 01:07:06,230 --> 01:07:10,151 [woman farting] 1381 01:07:10,234 --> 01:07:11,652 Well, that made some room. 1382 01:07:14,363 --> 01:07:16,043 [Britney] I'm excited for this baby shower. 1383 01:07:16,073 --> 01:07:18,159 Aren't you glad Leah suggested we do coed? 1384 01:07:18,242 --> 01:07:20,494 - We're gonna have fun, right? - Definitely. 1385 01:07:23,706 --> 01:07:24,706 Baby, look at me. 1386 01:07:26,500 --> 01:07:28,502 I know you're scared, okay? So am I. 1387 01:07:29,378 --> 01:07:31,297 But I can't live in fear anymore. 1388 01:07:31,380 --> 01:07:33,758 I need you to know what I need, or this isn't gonna work. 1389 01:07:33,841 --> 01:07:35,259 [ethereal music playing] 1390 01:07:35,342 --> 01:07:40,473 I want us to be official. And not just for the baby but for us. 1391 01:07:40,556 --> 01:07:42,058 [ethereal music intensifies] 1392 01:07:42,141 --> 01:07:45,227 I love you, Mike. And I want us to get married. 1393 01:07:46,771 --> 01:07:49,982 [echoing] And I know you may need some time to process this, and... 1394 01:07:50,066 --> 01:07:51,066 Okay. 1395 01:07:51,859 --> 01:07:52,859 Okay? 1396 01:07:54,028 --> 01:07:55,028 Yep. 1397 01:07:56,739 --> 01:08:00,284 Well, can you fucking hug me or something? Damn! 1398 01:08:07,875 --> 01:08:08,793 Where are you going? 1399 01:08:08,876 --> 01:08:11,962 [Mike] Nowhere. I'm just gonna go register to vote. 1400 01:08:12,546 --> 01:08:13,589 [door closes] 1401 01:08:14,715 --> 01:08:15,716 [scoffs] 1402 01:08:17,093 --> 01:08:19,095 [melancholy music playing] 1403 01:08:28,187 --> 01:08:29,939 - [phone line ringing] - [phone line clicks] 1404 01:08:30,022 --> 01:08:33,526 [Nate] Hi! You've reached my mom. She's not here. 1405 01:08:34,235 --> 01:08:36,862 - [Leah] Tell 'em to leave a message. - [Nate] Leave a message. 1406 01:08:36,946 --> 01:08:38,572 - [phone line clicks] - [busy signal] 1407 01:08:43,202 --> 01:08:45,204 [all laughing] 1408 01:08:47,915 --> 01:08:49,917 [melancholy music continues] 1409 01:08:56,882 --> 01:08:58,884 - [waitress] From pastrami with love. - Yeah. 1410 01:08:58,968 --> 01:09:02,096 [waitress] Fries extra crispy. Oreo cookie shake. 1411 01:09:02,680 --> 01:09:04,348 - And a root beer. - Thank you. 1412 01:09:05,933 --> 01:09:07,935 [melancholy music continues] 1413 01:09:16,986 --> 01:09:18,320 [music fades] 1414 01:09:25,161 --> 01:09:26,537 You sure you wanna do this? 1415 01:09:27,621 --> 01:09:29,039 There's nothing else to do. 1416 01:09:30,499 --> 01:09:31,792 [snorting] 1417 01:09:32,960 --> 01:09:35,880 - Oh God. I miss coke. - Where the fuck did you get that? 1418 01:09:35,963 --> 01:09:38,007 Don't worry about that, Jackie boy. I know a guy. 1419 01:09:38,090 --> 01:09:42,178 [snorts] Now let's go set this neon town on fire! 1420 01:09:42,261 --> 01:09:44,930 What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, huh? 1421 01:09:45,014 --> 01:09:47,641 Okay, all right. We're still in Pomona, so pace yourself. 1422 01:09:47,725 --> 01:09:49,935 You fucking pace yourself, okay? I got about 90 minutes 1423 01:09:50,019 --> 01:09:52,688 before my wife gets home and notices my sister watching the kids. 1424 01:09:52,771 --> 01:09:56,567 So, you know, this might be the coke talking, but I don't give a fuck. 1425 01:09:56,650 --> 01:09:57,484 [chuckles] 1426 01:09:57,568 --> 01:10:00,154 - My man Mikey here is getting married. - [thud] 1427 01:10:00,237 --> 01:10:01,572 [snorts] What was that? 1428 01:10:02,156 --> 01:10:03,949 It's just us in here, right? 1429 01:10:04,033 --> 01:10:05,868 Yeah, yeah. We're cool. Just relax, man. 1430 01:10:05,951 --> 01:10:09,038 - It was a bump in the road. Just the road! - Whoa! Sh! Sh! Sh! 1431 01:10:10,247 --> 01:10:11,707 [snorts] Okay. I'm good. 1432 01:10:12,208 --> 01:10:14,460 - [Connor sniffs] - You're watching him this time. 1433 01:10:14,543 --> 01:10:17,046 Whoo! Whoo! 1434 01:10:17,129 --> 01:10:19,757 ["Eye of the Tiger" by Paul Anka playing] 1435 01:10:21,842 --> 01:10:23,594 ♪ Face to face ♪ 1436 01:10:23,677 --> 01:10:25,054 ♪ Out in the night ♪ 1437 01:10:26,055 --> 01:10:28,557 ♪ Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry... ♪ 1438 01:10:30,517 --> 01:10:32,728 [snorts, groans] 1439 01:10:33,520 --> 01:10:35,689 ♪ It's the dream of the fight ♪ 1440 01:10:35,773 --> 01:10:40,319 ♪ Watching us all in the eye ♪ 1441 01:10:40,819 --> 01:10:43,030 ♪ Of the tiger... ♪ 1442 01:10:44,365 --> 01:10:45,366 Whoo! 1443 01:10:45,449 --> 01:10:50,079 ♪ The eye of the tiger ♪ 1444 01:10:50,162 --> 01:10:51,580 [Jack] Guys, my foot went numb. 1445 01:10:51,664 --> 01:10:53,424 [Connor] Dude, I can drive. Want me to drive? 1446 01:10:53,457 --> 01:10:54,667 [Jack] No fucking way. 1447 01:10:56,877 --> 01:10:57,962 [Jack groans] 1448 01:10:58,629 --> 01:11:01,006 All right, man. Once this sciatica acts up... 1449 01:11:01,090 --> 01:11:03,676 - You sure you all right with this? - Yeah, it's fine. 1450 01:11:06,971 --> 01:11:08,097 I'm feeling lucky. 1451 01:11:08,180 --> 01:11:10,432 ["Lady Love" by Lou Rawls playing] 1452 01:11:11,058 --> 01:11:12,058 Ah! 1453 01:11:12,643 --> 01:11:13,769 ♪ Lady love ♪ 1454 01:11:15,271 --> 01:11:16,814 ♪ Your love is peaceful... ♪ 1455 01:11:16,897 --> 01:11:17,897 [Jack] Yeah, fuck Vegas. 1456 01:11:18,607 --> 01:11:21,777 Those casinos are all owned by the people who started Halliburton. 1457 01:11:22,486 --> 01:11:24,238 Look at this place. This place is great. 1458 01:11:24,321 --> 01:11:27,449 If I'm gonna lose money, I'd rather do it in a Native American casino. 1459 01:11:27,533 --> 01:11:29,368 I like it. Yeah! Monetary justice. 1460 01:11:29,451 --> 01:11:31,912 Goddamn, this coke is not good. I gotta take a shit. 1461 01:11:31,996 --> 01:11:35,541 - Uh, I'll meet you at the sportsbook? - Sportsbook. All right. I'll see you. 1462 01:11:37,376 --> 01:11:38,669 Hey, where the hell's Mike? 1463 01:11:44,842 --> 01:11:46,343 [Leah] Britney? It's me. 1464 01:11:50,472 --> 01:11:51,473 [pensive music playing] 1465 01:11:51,557 --> 01:11:52,557 Cara. 1466 01:11:52,933 --> 01:11:54,393 Don't look so surprised. 1467 01:11:54,476 --> 01:11:56,687 Britney and I are actually incredibly close. 1468 01:11:57,229 --> 01:12:00,858 It's not like that kind of thing where we have to talk every day to reinforce it. 1469 01:12:00,941 --> 01:12:03,360 Right. Uh, sure. 1470 01:12:03,444 --> 01:12:07,823 Um, listen, I'm really sorry that I criticized your parenting. 1471 01:12:07,906 --> 01:12:10,075 - That was a total overstep. - Hmm. 1472 01:12:10,159 --> 01:12:14,163 So, uh, you know, can we just move on? 1473 01:12:14,246 --> 01:12:17,708 Oh, I did already. I assumed you had too. 1474 01:12:19,626 --> 01:12:20,626 I just did. 1475 01:12:21,045 --> 01:12:23,464 Well, come in, come in because Britney really needs us. 1476 01:12:23,547 --> 01:12:24,547 [Leah] Right. 1477 01:12:25,591 --> 01:12:27,885 Oh no! 1478 01:12:27,968 --> 01:12:29,968 - [dealer] No more bets. - [Jack] Hey, there he is. 1479 01:12:30,512 --> 01:12:32,348 Easy, big fella. What are we doing here? 1480 01:12:32,431 --> 01:12:35,142 Donnie, change me out for five grand. 1481 01:12:35,225 --> 01:12:38,187 Oh, no, no, no, no. No. What are you doing? What are you doing? 1482 01:12:38,270 --> 01:12:40,189 It's okay. I'm due. 1483 01:12:40,814 --> 01:12:43,233 Mike, you've gambled, like, four times in your life, okay? 1484 01:12:43,317 --> 01:12:44,735 How the fuck are you due? 1485 01:12:45,235 --> 01:12:46,278 All right, Jack. 1486 01:12:47,071 --> 01:12:48,447 I'm a conservative man. 1487 01:12:49,323 --> 01:12:52,743 I drive a four-door sedan with seven airbags. 1488 01:12:53,243 --> 01:12:54,411 I got a vasectomy. 1489 01:12:55,204 --> 01:12:56,204 Guess what? 1490 01:12:57,081 --> 01:12:58,332 She got pregnant anyway. 1491 01:12:59,124 --> 01:13:03,253 Then I lost my job, my company, my retirement, 1492 01:13:03,337 --> 01:13:06,382 all because I decided to exercise free speech 1493 01:13:06,465 --> 01:13:09,176 in the back of a goddamn rental car! 1494 01:13:09,259 --> 01:13:13,013 So, yeah, Jack. I think I'm fucking due! 1495 01:13:13,097 --> 01:13:14,306 Okay, okay. Sorry. 1496 01:13:15,432 --> 01:13:19,186 But look. Look around the casino, Mike. Everybody here thinks they're due. 1497 01:13:20,562 --> 01:13:24,233 Look at that poor lady. She looks like she's scuba diving. 1498 01:13:25,609 --> 01:13:28,278 Hey. Is that Aspen Bell? 1499 01:13:31,448 --> 01:13:32,741 No fucking way. 1500 01:13:35,994 --> 01:13:37,246 Holy shit. That is him. 1501 01:13:37,746 --> 01:13:39,665 - Told you my luck's changing. - Let's go. 1502 01:13:39,748 --> 01:13:42,042 ["Root Down" by Beastie Boys playing] 1503 01:13:50,551 --> 01:13:51,552 ♪ Yeah ♪ 1504 01:13:53,554 --> 01:13:55,889 ♪ I kick it root down I put my root down ♪ 1505 01:13:55,973 --> 01:13:58,517 ♪ I kick it root down I put my root down ♪ 1506 01:13:58,600 --> 01:14:00,954 - ♪ So, how we gonna kick it? ♪ - ♪ Gonna kick it root down ♪ 1507 01:14:00,978 --> 01:14:03,415 - ♪ Yeah, how you wanna kick it? ♪ - ♪ Gonna kick it root down ♪ 1508 01:14:03,439 --> 01:14:05,792 - ♪ So, how you gonna kick it? ♪ - ♪ Gonna kick it root down ♪ 1509 01:14:05,816 --> 01:14:08,235 ♪ Gonna break it on down Gonna kick it root down ♪ 1510 01:14:08,318 --> 01:14:09,478 - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Oh shit! 1511 01:14:09,528 --> 01:14:10,654 - Sorry. - Sorry. 1512 01:14:10,737 --> 01:14:11,822 - Sorry. - Sorry. 1513 01:14:14,825 --> 01:14:16,368 - Hey! - Hey, man! What's up? 1514 01:14:16,452 --> 01:14:17,661 Oh fuck! What the fuck? 1515 01:14:17,744 --> 01:14:18,662 Yeah, motherfucker! 1516 01:14:18,745 --> 01:14:20,956 Look at us when we're talking, corporate piece of shit! 1517 01:14:21,039 --> 01:14:23,500 You fucked with the wrong dads, ese. 1518 01:14:23,584 --> 01:14:26,563 What, are you here pissing away the money you made off the company we built? 1519 01:14:26,587 --> 01:14:28,088 Did you book a suite, motherfucker? 1520 01:14:28,172 --> 01:14:30,841 No, no, no, no. Guys, I'm... I'm here for sensitivity training. 1521 01:14:30,924 --> 01:14:33,510 You should be. 'Cause you're a fucking dick! 1522 01:14:33,594 --> 01:14:36,180 Wait a second. Wait a second. Sensitivity training? What's that? 1523 01:14:37,931 --> 01:14:41,131 Did you guys know that Native Americans take offense to the term "spirit animal"? 1524 01:14:42,144 --> 01:14:44,784 Wait. Did you get in trouble for selling those Ed Cameron T-shirts? 1525 01:14:46,231 --> 01:14:48,317 Suspended indefinitely, actually. 1526 01:14:48,400 --> 01:14:51,278 - I think that's millennial for "fired." - [all laughing] 1527 01:14:51,361 --> 01:14:53,041 That's what happens to punk motherfuckers! 1528 01:14:53,071 --> 01:14:54,071 How ironic! 1529 01:14:54,114 --> 01:14:56,366 Yeah, how'd it feel to get fired for absolutely nothing? 1530 01:14:56,450 --> 01:14:57,451 "I appreciate you!" 1531 01:14:57,534 --> 01:14:59,661 - [Aspen crying] - Oh boy. Oh my God! 1532 01:14:59,745 --> 01:15:01,225 - What's happening? - [Mike] Oh Jesus! 1533 01:15:01,914 --> 01:15:03,957 [Aspen] Fucking Twitter. They fucking posted me. 1534 01:15:04,041 --> 01:15:04,917 All right, relax. 1535 01:15:05,000 --> 01:15:07,211 They fucking put my home address on Reddit. 1536 01:15:07,920 --> 01:15:09,379 And my girlfriend left me. 1537 01:15:10,380 --> 01:15:12,841 [Aspen sobbing] 1538 01:15:14,009 --> 01:15:16,929 [Britney] Yeah, but you didn't see the look on his face. 1539 01:15:17,513 --> 01:15:19,932 I don't think he wants to be with me anymore. 1540 01:15:20,015 --> 01:15:21,850 Trust me. He does. 1541 01:15:21,934 --> 01:15:23,018 How do you know? 1542 01:15:23,101 --> 01:15:25,354 Because Connor has that look on his face all the time. 1543 01:15:25,437 --> 01:15:26,730 It means nothing. 1544 01:15:26,813 --> 01:15:29,233 - It has to mean something. - This is what it means. 1545 01:15:29,733 --> 01:15:32,819 It means they need us. They know it. It bothers them. 1546 01:15:34,571 --> 01:15:35,572 Oh please. 1547 01:15:36,198 --> 01:15:38,534 Do not look to me for advice, okay? 1548 01:15:38,617 --> 01:15:40,661 I married an absolute lunatic. 1549 01:15:41,787 --> 01:15:45,165 Do you know that he tried to fight an entire row of college kids 1550 01:15:45,249 --> 01:15:47,876 at the ArcLight Cinema on our second date? 1551 01:15:48,752 --> 01:15:50,837 And it worked. It totally charmed me. 1552 01:15:50,921 --> 01:15:52,172 I let him touch my boobs. 1553 01:15:52,256 --> 01:15:53,256 [both chuckle] 1554 01:15:53,840 --> 01:15:58,679 I guess I was hoping for something more, but Cara's right. 1555 01:15:58,762 --> 01:16:00,389 I think, when it comes to guys, 1556 01:16:01,557 --> 01:16:03,308 there's just not a lot of layers. 1557 01:16:04,101 --> 01:16:07,020 So, anyway, what I'm trying to say is 1558 01:16:08,105 --> 01:16:10,649 it's one of the only things in life that lives up to the hype. 1559 01:16:11,149 --> 01:16:14,027 I mean, nothing you're gonna achieve in your career can even touch it, 1560 01:16:14,111 --> 01:16:17,823 so if you feel that way about Hannah, you should go and tell her. 1561 01:16:17,906 --> 01:16:22,286 'Cause the only thing that matters in life is if you love someone and they love you. 1562 01:16:22,369 --> 01:16:24,788 That's all that matters. That and your kids. 1563 01:16:26,957 --> 01:16:29,001 Jesus Christ! Look at the fucking ass on her. 1564 01:16:29,084 --> 01:16:30,294 [Aspen] Oh my God! Yeah. 1565 01:16:30,377 --> 01:16:33,463 [DJ] All right! Let's get those Tuesday night dollars coming. 1566 01:16:33,547 --> 01:16:35,173 - Come with me. - [dance music playing] 1567 01:16:35,257 --> 01:16:36,800 Oh, no, thank you. I'm... I'm good. 1568 01:16:36,883 --> 01:16:40,512 That's not what your friend told me. He paid for two dances. 1569 01:16:40,596 --> 01:16:43,432 What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, baby! 1570 01:16:43,515 --> 01:16:45,309 We're in Palm Desert, buddy! 1571 01:16:45,392 --> 01:16:47,644 Your mother's in Palm Desert, you pussy! 1572 01:16:47,728 --> 01:16:50,522 Yeah! "Your mother's in Palm Desert, you pussy!" 1573 01:16:50,606 --> 01:16:52,858 [laughs] My man! We're not friends. 1574 01:16:53,525 --> 01:16:54,525 [dancer] Come on. 1575 01:16:56,445 --> 01:16:58,530 Hey, you're on deck, haircut! 1576 01:17:00,324 --> 01:17:03,827 I need you to bring that energy way down. 1577 01:17:04,453 --> 01:17:07,456 It's okay. Really. He's cool. He's cool, Randy. 1578 01:17:07,539 --> 01:17:09,708 Yeah, it's okay, Randy. I'm cool. 1579 01:17:10,334 --> 01:17:11,335 Give me some. 1580 01:17:11,960 --> 01:17:13,211 Pound it out! 1581 01:17:13,754 --> 01:17:14,754 Randy! 1582 01:17:15,339 --> 01:17:16,923 [dancer 2] Aw, I'm sorry about that. 1583 01:17:17,466 --> 01:17:20,510 Oh, that's okay. I mean, if I were him, I'd be intimidated by me too. 1584 01:17:20,594 --> 01:17:23,847 Oh, yeah. You are in great shape. 1585 01:17:23,930 --> 01:17:26,600 Oh, yeah? Thank you very much. I work hard at it. 1586 01:17:26,683 --> 01:17:28,769 You're in great shape too. You have awesome skin. 1587 01:17:28,852 --> 01:17:30,604 [chuckles] Thank you. 1588 01:17:30,687 --> 01:17:31,563 How old are you? 1589 01:17:31,647 --> 01:17:33,482 Aw, I can't tell you that. 1590 01:17:34,650 --> 01:17:36,026 How old do you think I am? 1591 01:17:36,526 --> 01:17:37,819 [dance music continues] 1592 01:17:37,903 --> 01:17:39,363 - Forty-nine. - What? 1593 01:17:41,198 --> 01:17:42,282 How do you know that? 1594 01:17:43,367 --> 01:17:44,451 The neck. 1595 01:17:46,870 --> 01:17:49,581 [DJ] Tyler "Blam," up on the main stage. 1596 01:17:50,582 --> 01:17:51,958 [dance music continues] 1597 01:17:52,042 --> 01:17:53,418 How you doing? 1598 01:17:53,502 --> 01:17:56,588 I think I had a nervous breakdown earlier, 1599 01:17:56,672 --> 01:17:59,049 but I'm cool now. 1600 01:17:59,132 --> 01:18:01,176 Aw, that's hella scary. 1601 01:18:01,927 --> 01:18:04,179 Well, don't worry, Daddy. 1602 01:18:04,888 --> 01:18:06,264 Just don't call me "Daddy." 1603 01:18:07,516 --> 01:18:09,935 - What do you want me to call you? - Call me Mike. 1604 01:18:10,435 --> 01:18:11,978 That's no fun. 1605 01:18:13,146 --> 01:18:16,358 I'm gonna call you Hella Mike. 1606 01:18:18,151 --> 01:18:21,029 Mmm. Hella Mike. 1607 01:18:22,572 --> 01:18:24,324 [hip-hop music playing] 1608 01:18:27,285 --> 01:18:28,537 Fuck this place, man. 1609 01:18:29,454 --> 01:18:31,248 I don't look 49. Do I look 49? 1610 01:18:32,249 --> 01:18:33,250 Forty-seven. 1611 01:18:33,333 --> 01:18:34,668 Man, fuck you! 1612 01:18:35,961 --> 01:18:39,256 See that guy over there? That's a 49-year-old man. 1613 01:18:42,467 --> 01:18:43,677 Let me tell you something. 1614 01:18:43,760 --> 01:18:46,430 You have no idea how awesome I was at your age. 1615 01:18:46,513 --> 01:18:48,849 I was dating two chicks at the same time, 1616 01:18:48,932 --> 01:18:52,436 both of them named Amy, and they knew about each other. 1617 01:18:52,519 --> 01:18:54,813 And they loved it. Happy to share me. 1618 01:18:54,896 --> 01:18:57,065 I used to hang out with my boys whenever I wanted, man. 1619 01:18:57,149 --> 01:19:00,777 I could eat whatever I wanted, crush Rolling Rocks all day, 1620 01:19:00,861 --> 01:19:02,988 slept until I wasn't tired anymore. 1621 01:19:03,071 --> 01:19:07,159 One time, Julio Iglesias came up to me in an airport, 1622 01:19:07,242 --> 01:19:09,411 dead certain I was his son, Enrique. 1623 01:19:09,494 --> 01:19:12,038 The fucking kind of vibe I was putting out, bro! 1624 01:19:12,122 --> 01:19:14,916 And it was effortless. It was fucking effortless. 1625 01:19:16,042 --> 01:19:17,669 [laughs] That's ridiculous. 1626 01:19:19,796 --> 01:19:21,339 I was ridiculous. 1627 01:19:23,216 --> 01:19:25,343 [DJ] Throw those dollars, guys. Come on. 1628 01:19:25,427 --> 01:19:28,346 ♪ Uh, I'm Hella Mike! That's what I like! ♪ 1629 01:19:28,430 --> 01:19:30,766 ♪ I'm Hella Mike! That's what I like, uh ♪ 1630 01:19:32,058 --> 01:19:33,101 I don't know. 1631 01:19:34,644 --> 01:19:36,813 I have faced a lot of stuff in my life. 1632 01:19:38,064 --> 01:19:41,777 The fear of losing my family is worse than anything I've ever faced before. 1633 01:19:45,447 --> 01:19:48,700 My brain just keeps playing out this scenario about what could happen. 1634 01:19:49,284 --> 01:19:51,453 You know, seeing my kid every other weekend. 1635 01:19:52,454 --> 01:19:55,040 My wife's gonna be married to some fucking orthopedist. 1636 01:19:55,540 --> 01:19:57,042 Levelheaded cocksucker. 1637 01:19:57,834 --> 01:19:59,836 [hip-hop music continues] 1638 01:20:01,880 --> 01:20:04,800 Yeah, I don't know. Maybe Leah's right. 1639 01:20:06,051 --> 01:20:07,886 Maybe I'm not cut out for this shit. 1640 01:20:08,762 --> 01:20:10,680 I mean, I love being a dad and everything. 1641 01:20:12,516 --> 01:20:14,309 Holy shit, that's her. Shut the fuck up! 1642 01:20:15,644 --> 01:20:19,064 Leah, hey, hi! Listen, I am so sorry for everything that I said. 1643 01:20:20,232 --> 01:20:21,232 What? 1644 01:20:23,235 --> 01:20:24,486 Wait, who is this? 1645 01:20:24,569 --> 01:20:26,780 - Ha! Uh! Ooh! Uh! Uh! - [girls exclaim] 1646 01:20:26,863 --> 01:20:29,741 Mike! Mike! Mike! Britney called. 1647 01:20:31,535 --> 01:20:32,619 Leah's in labor. 1648 01:20:33,537 --> 01:20:35,455 Thank God! Man, you scared the shit out of me. 1649 01:20:35,539 --> 01:20:36,665 [laughs] 1650 01:20:36,748 --> 01:20:38,625 - Congratulations! - Thank you. 1651 01:20:38,708 --> 01:20:43,171 Ladies, my man Jack here is about to become a father again. 1652 01:20:43,255 --> 01:20:44,256 [gasps] 1653 01:20:44,339 --> 01:20:46,758 - That's so amazing! - Oh, thank you. 1654 01:20:47,634 --> 01:20:49,386 You're gonna be such a great dad. 1655 01:20:49,469 --> 01:20:50,971 I appreciate that. 1656 01:20:51,054 --> 01:20:53,254 - I'm so happy for you, man. - [Jack] Oh, thanks, buddy. 1657 01:20:53,306 --> 01:20:55,475 She's a couple of weeks early, so I'm freaking out. 1658 01:20:55,559 --> 01:20:58,520 - Let's get the fuck out of here. - You go ahead. I'm good. 1659 01:20:58,603 --> 01:21:00,313 The fuck are you talking about? 1660 01:21:02,065 --> 01:21:03,191 I'm not going back. 1661 01:21:04,609 --> 01:21:07,070 This is me now. Hella Mike! 1662 01:21:07,153 --> 01:21:09,781 - Whoo! - Hella Mike? Who the fuck is Hella Mike? 1663 01:21:09,865 --> 01:21:12,200 - [laughing] - Hella Mike? Mike, you're hella hammered. 1664 01:21:12,284 --> 01:21:13,493 Uh! Uh! 1665 01:21:13,577 --> 01:21:16,496 Mike, there's a situation back home that you can and will deal with 1666 01:21:16,580 --> 01:21:18,081 because you're a fucking man. 1667 01:21:18,164 --> 01:21:19,484 Look at me. You're a fucking man. 1668 01:21:20,750 --> 01:21:21,835 Mike, come on. 1669 01:21:26,548 --> 01:21:28,049 You're absolutely right, Jack. 1670 01:21:28,842 --> 01:21:31,094 [sighs] I love you, man. 1671 01:21:31,928 --> 01:21:33,221 I love you too, man. 1672 01:21:33,305 --> 01:21:34,431 [both] Aw! 1673 01:21:34,514 --> 01:21:36,516 [hip-hop music continues] 1674 01:21:37,142 --> 01:21:38,018 [Aspen] Hey, man. 1675 01:21:38,101 --> 01:21:42,314 Uh, that's your third gimlet in, like, five minutes. Are you okay? 1676 01:21:42,856 --> 01:21:46,026 "Hey, man." Let me tell you something. 1677 01:21:47,152 --> 01:21:48,945 Don't ever count another man's drinks. 1678 01:21:51,698 --> 01:21:52,949 And one more thing. 1679 01:21:55,076 --> 01:21:56,745 Don't ever get fucking married. 1680 01:21:59,539 --> 01:22:00,707 [chuckles] 1681 01:22:01,833 --> 01:22:02,833 [gulps] 1682 01:22:03,668 --> 01:22:05,337 - [choking] - [Aspen] Connor? 1683 01:22:05,420 --> 01:22:07,088 Connor, what the fuck? Are you okay? 1684 01:22:07,172 --> 01:22:08,423 [choking] 1685 01:22:08,506 --> 01:22:11,217 Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do I do? What the fuck? Oh fuck! 1686 01:22:11,301 --> 01:22:12,301 [Connor grunts] 1687 01:22:12,928 --> 01:22:14,471 [indistinct DJ announcement] 1688 01:22:14,554 --> 01:22:15,388 [Aspen] Shit! 1689 01:22:15,472 --> 01:22:18,350 - Hey! I told you to fucking relax! - [Aspen] Wait! 1690 01:22:18,433 --> 01:22:19,935 - Oh shit! - [man] What the fuck, man? 1691 01:22:20,518 --> 01:22:21,937 [Aspen] He's choking! He's choking! 1692 01:22:22,020 --> 01:22:23,664 - [Mike] Oh shit! - [Jack] Whoa, whoa, whoa! 1693 01:22:23,688 --> 01:22:25,398 - Relax! Relax! - [Mike] He's with us. 1694 01:22:25,482 --> 01:22:27,150 - [Mike] Shit! - [Jack grunts] 1695 01:22:27,233 --> 01:22:28,860 I'm not with them! I'm not with them! 1696 01:22:28,944 --> 01:22:30,195 [both grunt] 1697 01:22:30,278 --> 01:22:31,905 [DJ] Whoa! Barbara! 1698 01:22:31,988 --> 01:22:33,865 [groaning, choking] 1699 01:22:33,949 --> 01:22:35,869 - [Jack, muffled] My wife is in labor! - [growls] 1700 01:22:35,909 --> 01:22:37,077 Get off! 1701 01:22:37,661 --> 01:22:40,830 - Hey, congrats on becoming a father. - [muffled] Where the fuck are you going? 1702 01:22:41,331 --> 01:22:43,249 [screaming] 1703 01:22:43,917 --> 01:22:45,669 [DJ] Ladies are still dancing. 1704 01:22:45,752 --> 01:22:46,836 [Jack] Connor! 1705 01:22:46,920 --> 01:22:48,505 [DJ] Don't mind that skirmish. 1706 01:22:48,588 --> 01:22:51,758 I'm not with them! I'm not with them! Tell them I'm not with you guys! 1707 01:22:52,384 --> 01:22:54,552 - You okay, buddy? - [gasps, grunts] 1708 01:22:55,845 --> 01:22:57,740 - [Jack] You all right, buddy? - [gasps] I'm back! 1709 01:22:57,764 --> 01:23:00,141 - [grunts] - [Jack] Connor! Oh shit! 1710 01:23:00,225 --> 01:23:02,602 [both groaning] 1711 01:23:02,686 --> 01:23:04,229 [Aspen] Hey! Hey! 1712 01:23:04,312 --> 01:23:07,774 Yeah, that's right! TikTok LIVE, motherfuckers! 1713 01:23:07,857 --> 01:23:12,737 Documenting your use of excessive force on these poor, defenseless dads. 1714 01:23:12,821 --> 01:23:14,197 Get that fucking camera! 1715 01:23:14,280 --> 01:23:16,700 Guys, guys, run! Run! 1716 01:23:16,783 --> 01:23:20,745 Fuck! Shit! Oh God! I am an innocent bystander here! 1717 01:23:20,829 --> 01:23:22,205 [Connor] We gotta go, Mike! 1718 01:23:22,288 --> 01:23:23,289 [panting] 1719 01:23:23,373 --> 01:23:25,750 Oh no! Please let me go! Don't touch me! I gotta pee! 1720 01:23:25,834 --> 01:23:28,712 [DJ] That's Arabella on stage two. 1721 01:23:30,672 --> 01:23:32,382 [music fades] 1722 01:23:35,468 --> 01:23:38,388 Guys, I'm too hammered. Can either one of you drive? 1723 01:23:42,976 --> 01:23:43,976 Oh fuck. 1724 01:23:46,021 --> 01:23:47,105 [car horn honking] 1725 01:23:47,772 --> 01:23:50,191 [car horn blaring] 1726 01:23:51,067 --> 01:23:54,362 - [Jack] All right. - One of you guys better be Connor! 1727 01:23:54,863 --> 01:23:56,698 - You Richie? - How'd you know my name? 1728 01:23:56,781 --> 01:23:59,576 - Oh, they say it on the phone. - [Connor] The picture's different. 1729 01:23:59,659 --> 01:24:02,078 Do you mind if we move those golf clubs out of the back seat? 1730 01:24:02,162 --> 01:24:03,246 Yeah, I mind. 1731 01:24:04,330 --> 01:24:05,330 Why? 1732 01:24:05,665 --> 01:24:09,502 Because they're a full set of Lee Trevino. 1733 01:24:09,586 --> 01:24:11,046 Wooden heads. 1734 01:24:11,129 --> 01:24:15,717 So you're gonna shut the fuck up, sit up here in the front seat, 1735 01:24:15,800 --> 01:24:18,303 and stop being such a fucking Mary. 1736 01:24:18,386 --> 01:24:19,554 [Mike] Are you fucking happy? 1737 01:24:19,637 --> 01:24:21,765 [Connor] That's good enough for me. Let's go. 1738 01:24:25,894 --> 01:24:28,855 Jesus! Now, let me see where you guys are sending us. 1739 01:24:29,397 --> 01:24:33,568 Um... Oh, for Chrissake! Memorial Hospital? 1740 01:24:33,651 --> 01:24:36,488 That's downtown LA. It's 100 miles, bud. 1741 01:24:36,571 --> 01:24:39,008 Yeah. Yeah, my wife's in labor. She's having a baby. Let's go! 1742 01:24:39,032 --> 01:24:40,450 Wait a second. How old are you? 1743 01:24:41,034 --> 01:24:42,118 Fifty-one. 1744 01:24:42,202 --> 01:24:44,370 You still can fire a shot. 1745 01:24:44,871 --> 01:24:47,332 =That's very cool. I like that. - [Jack] Thank you. 1746 01:24:47,916 --> 01:24:49,626 Dude, what rideshare did you call? 1747 01:24:49,709 --> 01:24:52,504 - I could call another driver. - I speak English. 1748 01:24:53,755 --> 01:24:56,716 ♪ Splish splash, I was takin' a bath ♪ 1749 01:24:56,800 --> 01:24:58,885 ♪ 'Long about a Saturday night ♪ 1750 01:25:00,512 --> 01:25:03,098 ♪ Rub dub, just relaxing in the tub ♪ 1751 01:25:03,598 --> 01:25:05,600 ♪ Thinkin' everything was all right ♪ 1752 01:25:06,518 --> 01:25:09,854 ♪ Then, I stepped out the tub Put my feet on the floor ♪ 1753 01:25:10,480 --> 01:25:13,316 ♪ Wrapped my towel around me I opened the door ♪ 1754 01:25:13,399 --> 01:25:16,986 ♪ And then a splish splash I jumped back in the bath ♪ 1755 01:25:17,070 --> 01:25:20,198 ♪ How was I to know There was a party going on? ♪ 1756 01:25:20,949 --> 01:25:25,995 ♪ Bing bang, I saw the whole gang Dancing on my living room rug ♪ 1757 01:25:27,413 --> 01:25:29,666 ♪ Flip flop, they was doing the bop... ♪ 1758 01:25:29,749 --> 01:25:32,043 Goddamn it, you fucking whore! 1759 01:25:32,127 --> 01:25:33,253 [car horn honking] 1760 01:25:34,254 --> 01:25:37,090 [Richie] Ugh! What a fucking sewer. 1761 01:25:37,173 --> 01:25:39,634 That's why I left this goddamn city. 1762 01:25:39,717 --> 01:25:44,347 Every blond-headed dipshit with a dream has to come all the way down here, 1763 01:25:44,430 --> 01:25:49,978 suck dick to host a fucking game show. [laughing] 1764 01:25:50,603 --> 01:25:52,522 Richie, I'm gonna miss the birth of my kid. 1765 01:25:52,605 --> 01:25:53,940 Oh, who gives a shit, bud? 1766 01:25:54,774 --> 01:25:57,360 You know where I was when my rotten kid was born? 1767 01:25:57,443 --> 01:25:59,112 I was down the street in a bar. 1768 01:25:59,779 --> 01:26:03,366 Having a beer, eating fried clams, 'cause that's the way it went then. 1769 01:26:03,449 --> 01:26:05,034 - [car horn honking] - [man] Let's go! 1770 01:26:05,118 --> 01:26:08,121 Richie, can we make a fucking U-turn or something here? 1771 01:26:08,204 --> 01:26:11,791 I've been trying to make U-turns since I was 36 years old, bud. 1772 01:26:11,875 --> 01:26:12,917 Can't be done! 1773 01:26:14,002 --> 01:26:16,921 I'll tell you, the biggest mistake I ever made in my life was... 1774 01:26:17,005 --> 01:26:20,425 - [thud] - You fudge-packing asshole! 1775 01:26:20,508 --> 01:26:24,804 Oh fuck, it's a parade! Please go right ahead! 1776 01:26:26,514 --> 01:26:32,979 When is the last time you ever saw one of those bastards obey a stop sign? 1777 01:26:33,062 --> 01:26:34,898 [pensive music playing] 1778 01:26:43,406 --> 01:26:44,741 Where are you going? Wait. 1779 01:26:44,824 --> 01:26:46,826 - Hey, Jack! What are you do... - Jack. Jack. 1780 01:26:46,910 --> 01:26:50,330 - Fuck. Zero stars, Richie. Zero stars! - [car horn honking] 1781 01:26:51,331 --> 01:26:53,416 Go dodge a draft, asshole! 1782 01:26:55,376 --> 01:26:57,921 Oh, that's a good idea. That's a good idea, Jack. 1783 01:26:58,004 --> 01:26:59,881 - What do I do? - Just take the picture. 1784 01:26:59,964 --> 01:27:01,804 - I took the picture. Am I good? - You're good. 1785 01:27:01,883 --> 01:27:03,283 What are they? How do I work these? 1786 01:27:03,343 --> 01:27:06,596 [Connor] It's like a fucking skateboard. Just push it. Go! It's electric! 1787 01:27:07,180 --> 01:27:08,389 - Get on. - It's not going! 1788 01:27:08,473 --> 01:27:09,390 [Connor] Hit the thing! 1789 01:27:09,474 --> 01:27:10,892 - What thing? - Hit the thing! 1790 01:27:10,975 --> 01:27:12,393 I got it! I got it! I got it! 1791 01:27:12,477 --> 01:27:13,770 Come on. Let's go! 1792 01:27:13,853 --> 01:27:15,664 - You know I got a flip phone? - What the fuck? 1793 01:27:15,688 --> 01:27:17,690 What? I don't want motherfuckers tracking me! 1794 01:27:17,774 --> 01:27:21,236 Man, nobody gives a shit where you are. Get on! Come on! Come on! 1795 01:27:22,403 --> 01:27:23,696 Oh shit! 1796 01:27:24,239 --> 01:27:25,156 Easy! 1797 01:27:25,240 --> 01:27:26,574 - All right! - [Connor] Christ! 1798 01:27:26,658 --> 01:27:30,245 Whoo! These things are awesome. These fucking things are awesome! 1799 01:27:30,328 --> 01:27:32,372 [upbeat instrumental music playing] 1800 01:27:32,455 --> 01:27:33,331 [car horn honks] 1801 01:27:33,414 --> 01:27:34,666 Share the road! 1802 01:27:35,208 --> 01:27:37,043 - We're gonna lead! [laughs] - Whoa! Whoa! 1803 01:27:37,126 --> 01:27:38,503 Whoo! 1804 01:27:38,586 --> 01:27:39,712 Whoo! 1805 01:27:39,796 --> 01:27:41,798 [upbeat instrumental music continues] 1806 01:27:50,682 --> 01:27:51,683 Go, go, go! 1807 01:27:55,937 --> 01:27:57,522 Maternity? Maternity? 1808 01:27:58,273 --> 01:27:59,273 Thank you. 1809 01:28:02,235 --> 01:28:03,235 Jack? 1810 01:28:04,988 --> 01:28:06,197 That's a good move. 1811 01:28:06,281 --> 01:28:08,116 [music fades] 1812 01:28:10,743 --> 01:28:11,743 I missed it? 1813 01:28:16,624 --> 01:28:19,419 I fucking missed it. I missed it. 1814 01:28:20,295 --> 01:28:22,088 Daddy! 1815 01:28:24,882 --> 01:28:26,050 Hey, buddy, how are you? 1816 01:28:26,134 --> 01:28:28,553 Daddy, I have a baby sister. 1817 01:28:29,429 --> 01:28:30,429 Yes, you do. 1818 01:28:30,972 --> 01:28:32,307 - [sobs] - Are you crying? 1819 01:28:35,643 --> 01:28:37,145 [sobs] A little bit. 1820 01:28:37,770 --> 01:28:38,770 A little bit. 1821 01:28:39,522 --> 01:28:40,522 Why? 1822 01:28:40,565 --> 01:28:44,694 [sniffles] 'Cause I messed up, buddy. I messed up. I messed up. 1823 01:28:46,779 --> 01:28:48,906 It's okay. Rub some dirt on it. 1824 01:28:50,074 --> 01:28:51,117 [chuckles] 1825 01:28:51,200 --> 01:28:54,579 Yeah, rub some dirt on it, right? [sniffles] You're the best, buddy. 1826 01:28:55,330 --> 01:28:56,956 No, you're the best. 1827 01:28:57,040 --> 01:28:59,709 [tender music playing] 1828 01:29:01,294 --> 01:29:05,214 Jack, you wanna pull yourself together and come meet your daughter? 1829 01:29:05,798 --> 01:29:06,798 Yeah. 1830 01:29:13,222 --> 01:29:15,141 - Hey, I got you these. - [baby cries] 1831 01:29:18,478 --> 01:29:19,520 She's beautiful. 1832 01:29:20,688 --> 01:29:21,773 Here. Here, princess. 1833 01:29:21,856 --> 01:29:24,901 Just a second. No skin-to-skin with the glitter. 1834 01:29:25,485 --> 01:29:26,819 Oh. Yeah, right. 1835 01:29:27,737 --> 01:29:29,577 Listen, Leah, I know you're super pissed at me. 1836 01:29:29,614 --> 01:29:31,616 - And you have every right to be. - [tape tearing] 1837 01:29:32,533 --> 01:29:34,702 Okay, but I want you to know I love you to death. 1838 01:29:36,662 --> 01:29:40,792 And I'm so sorry I let things get the way they did between us. 1839 01:29:41,417 --> 01:29:42,251 [sniffles] 1840 01:29:42,335 --> 01:29:46,005 I know I have a lot of work to do, but I want you to know 1841 01:29:46,589 --> 01:29:48,633 I'm not gonna spread my anger onto these kids, 1842 01:29:48,716 --> 01:29:50,676 and you're not gonna have to deal with it anymore. 1843 01:29:50,760 --> 01:29:53,137 [tender music continues] 1844 01:29:53,221 --> 01:29:55,098 I'm going to get help, all right? 1845 01:29:57,183 --> 01:29:59,060 I'm seeking help from a professional. 1846 01:30:00,770 --> 01:30:04,273 And you came to this realization at a strip club? 1847 01:30:06,651 --> 01:30:07,651 Yeah. 1848 01:30:08,736 --> 01:30:09,737 Yes, I did. 1849 01:30:12,490 --> 01:30:14,659 Probably another reason I need to go to therapy. 1850 01:30:15,243 --> 01:30:16,494 - [sniffles] - [nurse] Hmm. 1851 01:30:25,586 --> 01:30:27,906 For what it's worth, I got my first appointment on Tuesday. 1852 01:30:32,844 --> 01:30:35,388 You're really lucky we make beautiful babies. 1853 01:30:35,471 --> 01:30:36,514 [chuckles] 1854 01:30:37,223 --> 01:30:38,850 Yeah. Can I see her? 1855 01:30:39,517 --> 01:30:40,601 - Yeah. - Okay. 1856 01:30:43,688 --> 01:30:46,482 - Meet your daddy. - Hey, princess. Hey. 1857 01:30:47,108 --> 01:30:48,276 [baby coos] 1858 01:30:50,319 --> 01:30:53,030 Am I gonna have to move the Kleenex to your side of the bed? 1859 01:30:53,114 --> 01:30:55,074 [chuckles] Yeah, probably. 1860 01:30:56,534 --> 01:30:57,534 Huh? 1861 01:30:57,577 --> 01:30:58,953 Look at those eyes. 1862 01:31:04,000 --> 01:31:06,085 Hey. Oh my God. 1863 01:31:08,212 --> 01:31:10,548 She's beautiful. Look at you. 1864 01:31:11,299 --> 01:31:12,967 What are we gonna call her? 1865 01:31:13,050 --> 01:31:15,303 - I was thinking... - [Cara] Where's your fucking ring? 1866 01:31:15,386 --> 01:31:19,265 Oh yeah. It's probably somewhere, like, in my lower intestine. 1867 01:31:19,348 --> 01:31:21,476 Your wedding ring is inside your body right now? 1868 01:31:21,559 --> 01:31:23,394 - It's metal. It'll pass. - [Connor] Yeah. 1869 01:31:23,478 --> 01:31:25,396 What the fuck, Connor? 1870 01:31:25,480 --> 01:31:29,108 Okay, okay, okay. Let's take that outside. 1871 01:31:29,192 --> 01:31:33,696 In fact, anyone who is not an immediate member of the family, out. 1872 01:31:34,864 --> 01:31:35,864 [Mike] Here we go. 1873 01:31:37,325 --> 01:31:38,951 You guys made a beautiful baby. 1874 01:31:39,535 --> 01:31:40,703 Thank you, Mike. 1875 01:31:40,786 --> 01:31:41,913 So... 1876 01:31:43,831 --> 01:31:46,751 Is there anything you wanna tell me about your little trip? 1877 01:31:48,336 --> 01:31:49,754 Nope. [inhales deeply] 1878 01:31:49,837 --> 01:31:51,214 I'm good. [exhales] 1879 01:31:52,340 --> 01:31:53,716 No more Hella Mike. 1880 01:31:55,927 --> 01:31:56,969 Who's Hella Mike? 1881 01:31:57,845 --> 01:31:59,138 I don't really know. 1882 01:32:00,515 --> 01:32:04,727 But I do know that he made some decisions over the last 17 hours, 1883 01:32:04,810 --> 01:32:07,063 and I don't like how things turned out. 1884 01:32:07,813 --> 01:32:09,899 But just know that I love you and... 1885 01:32:10,691 --> 01:32:14,445 I mean, you know, there's a lot of crazy shit going on in the news. 1886 01:32:15,196 --> 01:32:19,408 And it's not just the booze talking, but I just fucking... 1887 01:32:21,619 --> 01:32:22,954 [Mike sighs] 1888 01:32:24,830 --> 01:32:25,830 Britney, 1889 01:32:26,457 --> 01:32:29,043 would you do me the honor of becoming my bride? 1890 01:32:30,503 --> 01:32:33,506 Michael Jahim Richards. 1891 01:32:33,589 --> 01:32:36,926 I am not answering that question in the middle of a hospital! 1892 01:32:37,635 --> 01:32:39,345 - [Mike] My bad. - Get up! Jesus! 1893 01:32:39,428 --> 01:32:43,099 Get up! Come on! Take a shower! Buy a ring! Show some effort! 1894 01:32:43,182 --> 01:32:45,393 At least take me to Tony Roma's or something. 1895 01:32:47,645 --> 01:32:49,063 How about Ruth's Chris? 1896 01:32:51,190 --> 01:32:53,442 I mean, I do love Ruth's Chris. 1897 01:32:59,198 --> 01:33:02,952 - I'm just so sick of your fucking excuses. - What? It's not an excuse, Cara. 1898 01:33:03,035 --> 01:33:06,956 I'm in actual fucking pain, which is something you can't relate to 1899 01:33:07,039 --> 01:33:10,334 because you block it out with your cold, reptilian mindset. 1900 01:33:12,795 --> 01:33:14,130 You think I'm cold? 1901 01:33:14,630 --> 01:33:16,340 Babe, when you open your legs, 1902 01:33:16,424 --> 01:33:18,759 I can actually hear the East German National Anthem. 1903 01:33:18,843 --> 01:33:20,845 Ah! [chuckles] 1904 01:33:21,345 --> 01:33:23,222 Finally, a little fucking emotion! 1905 01:33:26,434 --> 01:33:29,186 Are you trying to tell me you don't wanna be with me anymore? 1906 01:33:30,104 --> 01:33:31,814 No. No, babe. 1907 01:33:32,648 --> 01:33:36,360 I'm just telling you that I don't wanna live my life this way anymore. 1908 01:33:36,902 --> 01:33:39,030 I would like to be less afraid of you. 1909 01:33:40,239 --> 01:33:43,409 You know, and maybe not have every minute of my life scheduled. 1910 01:33:44,076 --> 01:33:47,246 I would also like to eat carbohydrates every once in a while. 1911 01:33:47,330 --> 01:33:48,497 And speakin' of, 1912 01:33:49,123 --> 01:33:51,751 would an occasional blow job fuckin' kill you? 1913 01:33:52,418 --> 01:33:53,418 No cap. 1914 01:33:57,673 --> 01:33:58,883 [gasps] 1915 01:33:59,842 --> 01:34:01,135 Did you fuckin' see that? 1916 01:34:01,969 --> 01:34:04,013 No cap! No cap! That means... 1917 01:34:04,639 --> 01:34:05,723 that means that's true! 1918 01:34:05,806 --> 01:34:07,099 Okay. Okay, Connor. 1919 01:34:07,183 --> 01:34:09,685 - No cap! No cap! - [celebratory music playing] 1920 01:34:10,561 --> 01:34:12,313 For the record, it mean "no lie." 1921 01:34:12,396 --> 01:34:13,481 That's what I meant! 1922 01:34:14,523 --> 01:34:15,983 That's what I meant! 1923 01:34:16,609 --> 01:34:17,526 [music stops] 1924 01:34:17,610 --> 01:34:18,444 Oh fuck. 1925 01:34:18,527 --> 01:34:20,529 [instrumental rock music playing] 1926 01:34:22,406 --> 01:34:26,118 [Jack] This is the best part of my day, every day. Still. 1927 01:34:26,827 --> 01:34:28,162 And things are better now. 1928 01:34:28,245 --> 01:34:30,539 We sent Nate to the local public school 1929 01:34:30,623 --> 01:34:34,293 and threw a ripper down at the VFW that raised a shitload of money for it. 1930 01:34:34,377 --> 01:34:35,503 [cheering] 1931 01:34:35,586 --> 01:34:38,506 [Jack] I'm sure some of the programs aren't at the private school level, 1932 01:34:38,589 --> 01:34:40,341 but they still play tackle football, 1933 01:34:40,424 --> 01:34:43,344 and you can pick your kids up whenever the fuck you get there. 1934 01:34:44,553 --> 01:34:46,931 We never did get our two hours with Doctor Lois. 1935 01:34:47,473 --> 01:34:50,184 Turns out she was embezzling all that money we raised for the school 1936 01:34:50,267 --> 01:34:51,852 to keep her creditors at bay. 1937 01:34:52,436 --> 01:34:54,438 {\an8}But at the end of the day, she's a white woman, 1938 01:34:54,522 --> 01:34:55,940 {\an8}so she's not going to jail. 1939 01:34:56,440 --> 01:34:57,900 {\an8}She'll probably get a book deal. 1940 01:34:58,401 --> 01:35:02,071 {\an8}Meanwhile, that crazy Ed Cameron finally figured himself out. 1941 01:35:02,154 --> 01:35:03,406 {\an8}He came out of the closet 1942 01:35:03,489 --> 01:35:06,325 {\an8}and ended up marrying the cute old guy from Judas Priest. 1943 01:35:07,785 --> 01:35:10,371 {\an8}Mike sued the owners of Trifecta for age discrimination, 1944 01:35:10,454 --> 01:35:12,248 {\an8}and we got some of our equity back. 1945 01:35:13,499 --> 01:35:15,167 Connor blew his share on a neck lift. 1946 01:35:15,918 --> 01:35:16,836 Nice! 1947 01:35:16,919 --> 01:35:20,005 [Jack] Life is good. And I've been in therapy, doin' the work. 1948 01:35:21,048 --> 01:35:23,384 Leah says she's seen a noticeable change. 1949 01:35:23,884 --> 01:35:26,387 I don't let things get to me the way they used to. 1950 01:35:26,470 --> 01:35:27,722 [man] Excuse me. Sir. 1951 01:35:28,723 --> 01:35:30,099 You really think that's smart? 1952 01:35:30,182 --> 01:35:32,935 Throwin' a ball around like that with a baby strapped to your chest? 1953 01:35:39,483 --> 01:35:41,193 You know what? I didn't even think of that. 1954 01:35:41,277 --> 01:35:43,320 Thank you for that information. I appreciate it. 1955 01:35:44,071 --> 01:35:45,781 Yeah, absolutely. 1956 01:35:48,993 --> 01:35:50,161 [Jack] Have a nice day. 1957 01:35:51,996 --> 01:35:53,038 Fuckin' asshole. 1958 01:35:53,789 --> 01:35:56,208 ["Apeman" by The Kinks playing] 1959 01:36:01,964 --> 01:36:03,591 ♪ I think I'm sophisticated... ♪ 1960 01:36:03,674 --> 01:36:05,760 [Jack] Come on, buddy. Nice throw. 1961 01:36:05,843 --> 01:36:07,845 - [loud thud] - [music stops] 1962 01:36:09,513 --> 01:36:11,891 Holy shit. You all right, buddy? 1963 01:36:12,475 --> 01:36:14,310 ["Apeman" resumes playing] 1964 01:36:15,060 --> 01:36:16,187 [Jack] Just walk it off. 1965 01:36:22,193 --> 01:36:23,861 ♪ I think I'm sophisticated ♪ 1966 01:36:23,944 --> 01:36:26,864 ♪ 'Cause I'm living my life Like a good homosapien... ♪ 1967 01:36:26,947 --> 01:36:30,326 [Jack] All right, let's try to get ten in a row here. That was crazy, huh? 1968 01:36:30,409 --> 01:36:31,869 ♪ Everybody's multiplying ♪ 1969 01:36:31,952 --> 01:36:34,205 ♪ And they're walking round Like flies, man... ♪ 1970 01:36:36,165 --> 01:36:38,501 [Jack] Nice throw! Nice throw! There you go. 1971 01:36:38,584 --> 01:36:40,878 ♪ Sitting in their cages In the zoo, man... ♪ 1972 01:36:40,961 --> 01:36:42,546 [Jack] Another nice throw. Right here. 1973 01:36:43,422 --> 01:36:45,174 Gets the ball over to first base! 1974 01:36:45,257 --> 01:36:47,134 ♪ I am an apeman ♪ 1975 01:36:47,718 --> 01:36:50,888 ♪ I think I'm so educated And I'm so civilized ♪ 1976 01:36:50,971 --> 01:36:53,140 ♪ 'Cause I'm a strict vegetarian ♪ 1977 01:36:54,141 --> 01:36:57,353 ♪ But with the over-population And inflation and starvation ♪ 1978 01:36:57,436 --> 01:36:59,772 ♪ And the crazy politicians ♪ 1979 01:37:00,815 --> 01:37:03,984 ♪ I don't feel safe in this world No more ♪ 1980 01:37:04,068 --> 01:37:07,071 ♪ I don't want to die in a nuclear war ♪ 1981 01:37:07,154 --> 01:37:10,282 ♪ I want to sail away to a distant shore ♪ 1982 01:37:10,366 --> 01:37:12,409 ♪ And make like an apeman ♪ 1983 01:37:13,661 --> 01:37:17,873 ♪ I'm an apeman, I'm an ape apeman No, I'm an apeman ♪ 1984 01:37:19,625 --> 01:37:22,670 ♪ I'm a King Kong man, I'm a voodoo man ♪ 1985 01:37:22,753 --> 01:37:24,338 ♪ No, I'm an apeman ♪ 1986 01:37:26,048 --> 01:37:29,426 ♪ 'Cause compared to the sun That sits in the sky ♪ 1987 01:37:29,510 --> 01:37:32,555 ♪ Compared to the clouds as they roll by ♪ 1988 01:37:32,638 --> 01:37:36,016 ♪ Compared to the bugs And the spiders and flies ♪ 1989 01:37:36,100 --> 01:37:38,018 ♪ I am an apeman ♪ 1990 01:37:43,732 --> 01:37:45,651 [music fades] 1991 01:37:47,236 --> 01:37:48,988 [Bill Burr] Oh, Jesus. 1992 01:37:50,656 --> 01:37:52,616 [instrumental rock music playing] 1993 01:40:10,504 --> 01:40:12,506 [instrumental rock music fades] 1994 01:40:13,966 --> 01:40:15,968 [instrumental ethereal music playing] 1995 01:42:04,993 --> 01:42:06,745 [instrumental ethereal music fades]