1 00:00:13,333 --> 00:00:14,875 I'm so bored. 2 00:00:15,458 --> 00:00:20,166 Alto's stuck in his test… 3 00:00:15,459 --> 00:00:20,166 wonder if I can buy something sweet around here. 4 00:00:20,416 --> 00:00:24,583 Man, sounds like this year's practical 5 00:00:20,417 --> 00:00:24,583 was really tough for everyone. 6 00:00:24,750 --> 00:00:26,583 Oh, absolutely. 7 00:00:26,708 --> 00:00:30,208 That means the written must be tougher this year, too. 8 00:00:30,333 --> 00:00:33,458 At least it will mean the mages that pass 9 00:00:30,334 --> 00:00:33,458 will be far more skilled. 10 00:00:36,458 --> 00:00:40,833 Eh, I don't think that'll be a problem for my Master. 11 00:00:41,250 --> 00:00:46,916 Honestly, he's more than just studious. He's obsessed. 12 00:00:44,625 --> 00:00:46,583 Studying 13 00:00:44,626 --> 00:00:46,583 Practice 14 00:00:46,583 --> 00:00:47,458 All-nighters 15 00:00:46,584 --> 00:00:47,458 Studying 16 00:00:46,585 --> 00:00:47,458 Practice 17 00:00:47,583 --> 00:00:50,125 Why does he push himself so hard? 18 00:00:50,500 --> 00:00:53,625 I want to be stronger. Strong enough to protect Vermeil! 19 00:00:56,791 --> 00:01:00,625 Ugh! I just want the test to be over with! 20 00:01:06,916 --> 00:01:07,750 All right. 21 00:01:08,125 --> 00:01:11,666 After skimming the test, it doesn't look like 22 00:01:08,126 --> 00:01:11,666 I'll get stuck on any questions. 23 00:01:11,916 --> 00:01:17,125 The calculations for Question 4 will take time, though, 24 00:01:11,917 --> 00:01:17,125 so I'll skip it for now… 25 00:01:21,416 --> 00:01:22,791 He's sleeping?! 26 00:01:23,291 --> 00:01:27,250 Th-the test just started! Is this guy right in the head? 27 00:01:27,458 --> 00:01:31,958 Gah! I don't have time to worry 28 00:01:27,459 --> 00:01:31,958 about someone else! I have to focus! 29 00:01:33,041 --> 00:01:36,541 I'm going to pass this exam 30 00:01:33,042 --> 00:01:36,541 and get promoted to Bronze Square! 31 00:02:05,125 --> 00:02:08,083 Black or white? Tangled up, they turn gray 32 00:02:08,208 --> 00:02:11,375 Everything always seems so ambiguous 33 00:02:11,458 --> 00:02:17,291 I walk by your side as you smile, helpless 34 00:02:17,708 --> 00:02:20,666 Admiration clear as day 35 00:02:20,833 --> 00:02:23,958 Shining out across the endless distance 36 00:02:23,958 --> 00:02:29,708 Cast a spell on this pitiful situation with an Abracada-Boo 37 00:02:29,708 --> 00:02:35,958 There's a loneliness hidden beneath the darkness in your eyes 38 00:02:36,041 --> 00:02:42,708 I wish I could embrace it with a gentle song 39 00:02:43,833 --> 00:02:47,250 Even the whole world starts to shout it's all a lie, 40 00:02:47,250 --> 00:02:50,166 As long as you are as you are 41 00:02:50,166 --> 00:02:56,375 I'll sweep through with a glimmering wind and scream out the truth 42 00:02:56,500 --> 00:02:59,958 Even if the whole world yells out that it's a sin, 43 00:02:59,958 --> 00:03:02,750 Even if I'm all on my own 44 00:03:02,750 --> 00:03:05,833 I want to keep learning to understand you 45 00:03:05,833 --> 00:03:11,333 I'm on your side, I'll protect you 46 00:03:16,000 --> 00:03:20,291 QUESTIONS 47 00:03:18,791 --> 00:03:21,458 I got this feeling on the practical, too, 48 00:03:21,750 --> 00:03:24,750 but the questions seem harder than previous years. 49 00:03:24,750 --> 00:03:25,916 Sure, I can handle them, but… 50 00:03:26,083 --> 00:03:29,750 This one's asking to calculate the interference 51 00:03:26,084 --> 00:03:29,750 and resonance for more than two formulae. 52 00:03:30,083 --> 00:03:34,166 Shouldn't a question like this 53 00:03:30,084 --> 00:03:34,166 be on the Silver Square exam? 54 00:03:34,500 --> 00:03:38,166 The Ministry of Magic might've gone a little too far 55 00:03:34,501 --> 00:03:38,166 when they made these questions… 56 00:03:41,833 --> 00:03:42,916 Good nap! 57 00:03:42,916 --> 00:03:45,000 H-he was asleep this whole time?! 58 00:03:45,500 --> 00:03:49,458 Unfortunately, he doesn't have enough time now 59 00:03:45,501 --> 00:03:49,458 to get through every question… 60 00:03:51,875 --> 00:03:56,625 All right, let's look at this Bronze Square exam. 61 00:04:04,458 --> 00:04:05,958 All done! 62 00:04:06,833 --> 00:04:07,541 Huh? 63 00:04:07,958 --> 00:04:11,166 He's done?! Who is this guy?! 64 00:04:11,458 --> 00:04:14,625 How 'bout you? You finished? Super easy, right? 65 00:04:14,625 --> 00:04:16,583 Wh-why's he talking to me?! 66 00:04:16,666 --> 00:04:19,333 Whoa, you're actually explaining your answer?! 67 00:04:19,333 --> 00:04:21,416 You don't need to do that! Just write the answer! 68 00:04:21,416 --> 00:04:24,083 Stop, stop, stop, we're in the middle of the test! 69 00:04:24,333 --> 00:04:26,541 You two! Stop talking over there! 70 00:04:26,541 --> 00:04:27,916 I-I-I'm sorry! 71 00:04:31,416 --> 00:04:33,666 What the hell? Way to be rude. 72 00:04:33,666 --> 00:04:35,958 Whoa, whoa, can you please stop? 73 00:04:36,541 --> 00:04:41,500 Why should I? Not like anyone's 74 00:04:36,542 --> 00:04:41,500 gonna finish the test today, anywho. 75 00:04:42,583 --> 00:04:44,125 What's that supposed to mean? 76 00:04:44,375 --> 00:04:47,291 Pardon the interruption, sir, but it's urgent! 77 00:04:47,291 --> 00:04:48,958 It better be urgent, they're still taking the test. 78 00:04:48,958 --> 00:04:50,458 To hell with the exam! 79 00:04:50,583 --> 00:04:53,875 A student was found dead in the restroom! 80 00:04:55,333 --> 00:04:56,166 What?! 81 00:04:56,541 --> 00:04:59,166 That can't be right, 82 00:04:56,542 --> 00:04:59,166 we have every student accounted for… 83 00:05:01,291 --> 00:05:04,916 Boy, you guys figured that out faster than I thought. 84 00:05:05,375 --> 00:05:06,083 Huh? 85 00:05:25,000 --> 00:05:25,958 No… 86 00:05:28,125 --> 00:05:28,958 Alto! 87 00:05:34,750 --> 00:05:39,625 Y'know, it was kinda fun taking the test. 88 00:05:34,751 --> 00:05:39,625 Reminded me of the good old days. 89 00:05:40,166 --> 00:05:41,541 But whatever. 90 00:05:42,041 --> 00:05:43,708 Wh-who are you? 91 00:05:44,083 --> 00:05:48,333 Me? Quickest explanation, I'm your enemy... 92 00:05:49,583 --> 00:05:51,750 ...little Demon Master. 93 00:05:52,375 --> 00:05:54,458 Wait, is he... 94 00:05:54,958 --> 00:05:56,708 You there! Stop right there! 95 00:06:00,125 --> 00:06:04,291 I am First Lieutenant Mackenzer, 96 00:06:00,126 --> 00:06:04,291 and by the authority of the Royal Militia, 97 00:06:04,291 --> 00:06:07,041 I hereby place you under arrest 98 00:06:04,292 --> 00:06:07,041 for murder and destruction of property! 99 00:06:07,458 --> 00:06:08,958 Raise your hands and come quietly! 100 00:06:14,916 --> 00:06:16,500 Pipe down, would you? 101 00:06:17,000 --> 00:06:19,666 I'm in the middle of something here. 102 00:06:20,166 --> 00:06:22,083 All right, whatcha gonna do? 103 00:06:22,375 --> 00:06:27,208 I knew it! He's the one who helped Professor Obsidian… 104 00:06:28,291 --> 00:06:29,583 Watch out, MacKenzer! 105 00:06:38,625 --> 00:06:39,458 Alto! 106 00:06:40,250 --> 00:06:41,166 Vermeil! 107 00:06:41,416 --> 00:06:43,166 He's dangerous! Cover me! 108 00:06:44,500 --> 00:06:45,833 O-on it! 109 00:06:51,625 --> 00:06:53,583 He blocked Vermeil's attack?! 110 00:06:55,583 --> 00:06:57,750 Nice! This is fun! 111 00:06:57,875 --> 00:06:59,416 You hang in there, MacKenzer! 112 00:06:59,833 --> 00:07:03,083 C-Colonel… I'm all right! 113 00:07:03,291 --> 00:07:09,458 Not bad, old man. 114 00:07:03,292 --> 00:07:09,458 Most people can't kick through my rook's armor. 115 00:07:09,958 --> 00:07:13,625 I know you. You're Iolite of Heaven's Will! 116 00:07:14,083 --> 00:07:14,791 Huh? 117 00:07:15,500 --> 00:07:18,583 H-Heaven's Will? So he's... 118 00:07:18,791 --> 00:07:19,583 That's right. 119 00:07:20,041 --> 00:07:27,166 That's Iolite of Heaven's Will, the youngest mage 120 00:07:20,042 --> 00:07:27,166 to be promoted to Platinum Square! 121 00:07:27,625 --> 00:07:30,458 He's a prodigy that outclasses 122 00:07:27,626 --> 00:07:30,458 every other mage out there! 123 00:07:33,708 --> 00:07:39,583 Though I believe there was one person 124 00:07:33,709 --> 00:07:39,583 who got a perfect score on every exam. 125 00:07:39,916 --> 00:07:48,083 Bronze, Silver, Gold, every exam, every question correct. 126 00:07:50,125 --> 00:07:52,666 No way… that's him? 127 00:07:53,166 --> 00:07:58,583 Some've said his ability to create life 128 00:07:53,167 --> 00:07:58,583 was stolen from God himself. 129 00:07:58,958 --> 00:08:01,583 Why is a prodigy like you doing something like this? 130 00:08:02,166 --> 00:08:04,583 Stop it, you're making me blush! 131 00:08:05,041 --> 00:08:09,000 You're Colonel Pharanx of the Royal Mage Corps, yeah? 132 00:08:09,416 --> 00:08:11,708 The expert in battle magic. 133 00:08:11,875 --> 00:08:15,833 And that lady over there is glaring holes into me. 134 00:08:20,041 --> 00:08:21,750 Wow, am I the baddie? 135 00:08:21,916 --> 00:08:22,958 Alto! 136 00:08:23,416 --> 00:08:25,875 Let go of me! Alto's still in there! 137 00:08:25,875 --> 00:08:27,916 Hey! Come on, get out of here, hurry! 138 00:08:27,916 --> 00:08:29,833 No! Alto! 139 00:08:30,208 --> 00:08:31,250 Lilia! 140 00:08:31,625 --> 00:08:37,916 You certainly let everyone escape rather easily. 141 00:08:31,626 --> 00:08:37,916 You sure you don't need hostages? 142 00:08:38,041 --> 00:08:42,458 Hostages? C'mon, I wouldn't stoop to that level. 143 00:09:02,708 --> 00:09:07,083 Oh yeah, there's one thing I wanted to ask you. 144 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:12,166 You don't actually think you can stop me, do you? 145 00:09:18,250 --> 00:09:20,541 Let me in! Alto's still in there! 146 00:09:20,541 --> 00:09:24,458 Are you insane?! Let us handle this! You three evacuate! 147 00:09:24,458 --> 00:09:28,333 I don't care! Alto is still inside the building! 148 00:09:28,541 --> 00:09:30,125 Could we just take a look inside? 149 00:09:32,500 --> 00:09:34,958 We're going to assist the Colonel. Follow me! 150 00:09:35,083 --> 00:09:35,875 Alto! 151 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:37,208 Hey, you! 152 00:09:37,208 --> 00:09:39,250 Dammit! Let's go! 153 00:09:40,333 --> 00:09:41,166 Lilia… 154 00:09:41,166 --> 00:09:42,250 All right, let's go, too! 155 00:09:42,250 --> 00:09:43,083 Right! 156 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:45,958 O-okay, let's go, too! 157 00:09:45,958 --> 00:09:46,583 Right! 158 00:09:49,125 --> 00:09:50,041 Lilia?! 159 00:09:50,125 --> 00:09:51,708 Cheryl? Why'd you come, too? 160 00:09:53,625 --> 00:09:54,541 You guys?! 161 00:09:59,333 --> 00:10:01,666 This is transference magic… 162 00:10:02,583 --> 00:10:05,000 And on such a huge scale… 163 00:10:31,750 --> 00:10:32,875 Vermeil! 164 00:11:13,333 --> 00:11:16,875 Man, I'm invincible! 165 00:11:17,833 --> 00:11:20,000 I-impossible. 166 00:11:20,666 --> 00:11:22,250 He's too powerful. 167 00:11:22,833 --> 00:11:25,958 Figured not even demons could handle me. 168 00:11:26,291 --> 00:11:30,625 Kohakumiya and the gang should've been able 169 00:11:26,292 --> 00:11:30,625 to take you out on their own… 170 00:11:35,500 --> 00:11:39,125 Really? What're you doing? 171 00:11:39,958 --> 00:11:43,458 Let go of Vermeil! 172 00:11:45,791 --> 00:11:46,791 Alto! 173 00:11:55,916 --> 00:11:59,041 That's the same thing I saw during the practical exam! 174 00:11:59,916 --> 00:12:03,875 Golden light… the mana of a demon. 175 00:12:04,583 --> 00:12:09,166 Makes sense, seeing as you and her have… 176 00:12:18,666 --> 00:12:19,500 Really?! 177 00:12:28,041 --> 00:12:29,750 Silver mana?! 178 00:12:30,791 --> 00:12:33,750 Is this Alto's… 179 00:12:35,416 --> 00:12:40,125 I promised her! I promised I'd protect her! 180 00:12:48,208 --> 00:12:50,750 Wait, you're actually serious! 181 00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:06,125 No way! 182 00:13:07,958 --> 00:13:11,541 I'm going... to protect her! 183 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:24,166 Alto! 184 00:13:33,875 --> 00:13:39,375 I'm impressed. You got me to pull out my knights. 185 00:13:44,916 --> 00:13:48,000 Huh. All right. 186 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:52,875 Has no one seriously figured you out yet? 187 00:13:53,291 --> 00:13:55,958 Sheesh, everyone's so dumb. 188 00:13:58,958 --> 00:14:03,083 What are you going to do with Vermeil...? 189 00:14:04,208 --> 00:14:04,916 Huh? 190 00:14:05,666 --> 00:14:10,291 Oh, right. I haven't told you what my plan is. 191 00:14:10,916 --> 00:14:14,916 It's simple. Same thing every cliché bad guy wants to do. 192 00:14:16,458 --> 00:14:19,708 We're gonna destroy the world. 193 00:14:22,333 --> 00:14:27,875 To do that, though, we're gonna need her 194 00:14:22,334 --> 00:14:27,875 and the other demons' powers. 195 00:14:28,666 --> 00:14:36,083 C'mon, don't be so upset. 196 00:14:28,667 --> 00:14:36,083 Demons aren't all that good to begin with. 197 00:14:40,958 --> 00:14:44,708 Iolite! 198 00:14:44,708 --> 00:14:45,750 Calm down. 199 00:14:50,750 --> 00:14:53,791 Things are just getting fun. 200 00:14:53,791 --> 00:14:56,208 You wouldn't want to die before you get to watch. 201 00:15:03,166 --> 00:15:06,833 Wow. Does that mean you're getting "serious"? 202 00:15:07,291 --> 00:15:10,458 I'm going to take you out, here and now! 203 00:15:24,083 --> 00:15:25,125 What the...? 204 00:15:27,625 --> 00:15:29,125 C'mon, now. 205 00:15:29,125 --> 00:15:33,125 If you're gonna get serious, 206 00:15:29,126 --> 00:15:33,125 then you'd better give it everything you've got. 207 00:15:41,500 --> 00:15:45,666 All right, let's have a little fun with- 208 00:15:50,875 --> 00:15:53,750 Stay away from Vermeil...! 209 00:15:55,583 --> 00:15:59,666 Sheesh, don't be such a party pooper. 210 00:16:00,750 --> 00:16:07,625 Don't worry. I'll make good use of her, all right? 211 00:16:08,875 --> 00:16:17,458 Yeah right... I'm not letting a creep like you have her! 212 00:16:18,750 --> 00:16:22,500 I'm... Vermeil's master! 213 00:16:23,500 --> 00:16:29,666 You don't have to do this. I was gonna let you go. 214 00:16:23,501 --> 00:16:29,666 Why're you being so annoying? 215 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:39,250 If you're gonna be mad, get mad at the guy 216 00:16:35,001 --> 00:16:39,250 who fell in love with his familiar. 217 00:16:43,833 --> 00:16:46,625 Vermeil, I… 218 00:17:02,708 --> 00:17:03,958 What? 219 00:17:14,291 --> 00:17:17,625 The book that Vermeil was sealed in?! 220 00:17:35,583 --> 00:17:38,625 Hello. We meet again. 221 00:17:40,083 --> 00:17:43,458 I saw her in my dream… 222 00:17:44,625 --> 00:17:46,083 Who are you? 223 00:17:47,208 --> 00:17:52,291 Me? I am the Mage of Beginnings. 224 00:17:52,625 --> 00:17:57,166 I was the first to reach that which you call 225 00:17:52,626 --> 00:17:57,166 the "Depths" of magical knowledge. 226 00:17:58,083 --> 00:18:04,291 And I was the mage who sealed Vermeil in this book. 227 00:18:05,625 --> 00:18:10,083 What's an ancient mage like you 228 00:18:05,626 --> 00:18:10,083 popping out of that book for at a time like this? 229 00:18:10,625 --> 00:18:14,541 Doesn't seem like you're actually "alive," either. 230 00:18:16,208 --> 00:18:20,041 The apparition before you now is not truly me. 231 00:18:20,666 --> 00:18:23,916 Perhaps you would call it a lingering memory? 232 00:18:24,708 --> 00:18:27,041 The day Vermeil was sealed in this book, 233 00:18:27,041 --> 00:18:31,583 I buried a part of myself within it 234 00:18:27,042 --> 00:18:31,583 to prepare for the day that would one day come. 235 00:18:34,750 --> 00:18:37,666 So you're the one who sealed her away! 236 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:41,291 Oh, do not be so quick to blame. 237 00:18:41,916 --> 00:18:45,333 She told me to seal her away. 238 00:18:45,916 --> 00:18:48,250 I merely provided her with assistance. 239 00:18:48,666 --> 00:18:49,458 Huh? 240 00:18:50,333 --> 00:18:53,333 You may have an inkling 241 00:18:50,334 --> 00:18:53,333 as to why she made that request. 242 00:18:55,500 --> 00:18:58,958 Because I did LOTS of naughty things. 243 00:19:01,583 --> 00:19:04,958 Vermeil asked to be sealed away? 244 00:19:16,208 --> 00:19:21,458 Now, the only thing imprisoning her are memories. 245 00:19:22,041 --> 00:19:22,916 Her memories? 246 00:19:23,541 --> 00:19:25,291 Trauma, if you will. 247 00:19:25,958 --> 00:19:30,625 Emotion and memory sometimes become chains 248 00:19:25,959 --> 00:19:30,625 stronger than magic itself. 249 00:19:31,875 --> 00:19:37,250 A question. Are you prepared to accept her for all she is? 250 00:19:38,250 --> 00:19:41,916 Will you embrace the woman 251 00:19:38,251 --> 00:19:41,916 known as the strongest scourge? 252 00:19:42,916 --> 00:19:43,833 I will. 253 00:19:44,833 --> 00:19:50,333 I have strong feelings for Vermeil, 254 00:19:44,834 --> 00:19:50,333 though I'm not entirely sure what they all mean… 255 00:19:51,833 --> 00:19:56,583 Still, no matter what might happen, 256 00:19:57,250 --> 00:20:01,583 I'm always going to stand by Vermeil! 257 00:20:03,125 --> 00:20:07,416 I see. Then I can entrust you with this burden. 258 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:09,958 If you are ready, then proceed. 259 00:20:10,500 --> 00:20:14,416 Don't worry. I will lead you to her. 260 00:20:18,416 --> 00:20:19,250 A key? 261 00:20:19,916 --> 00:20:26,875 Hold on. I've got no idea what's going on, 262 00:20:19,917 --> 00:20:26,875 but are you really gonna leave me out of it? 263 00:20:28,166 --> 00:20:30,791 Don't fret. This will be over quickly. 264 00:20:34,750 --> 00:20:36,583 I don't think so! 265 00:20:37,125 --> 00:20:39,708 After all, time does not exist... 266 00:20:44,375 --> 00:20:46,125 ...in the world of the mind. 267 00:21:00,458 --> 00:21:01,500 Where am I? 268 00:21:02,500 --> 00:21:09,541 We are inside her mind, 269 00:21:02,501 --> 00:21:09,541 within the world of memories she wishes to forget. 270 00:21:09,750 --> 00:21:12,208 Wait, what about Iolite?! 271 00:21:13,750 --> 00:21:18,541 Worry not. The world of memory 272 00:21:13,751 --> 00:21:18,541 is detached from time and space. 273 00:21:18,833 --> 00:21:22,916 The time that passes here 274 00:21:18,834 --> 00:21:22,916 means nothing to the physical world. 275 00:21:23,791 --> 00:21:26,000 But do be careful. 276 00:21:26,541 --> 00:21:34,250 If you cannot save her, then your mind 277 00:21:26,542 --> 00:21:34,250 will be trappeed in this world forevermore. 278 00:21:35,208 --> 00:21:42,125 This took place 550 years ago, 279 00:21:35,209 --> 00:21:42,125 when Ortigia was still just the name of a continent. 280 00:21:42,625 --> 00:21:48,541 550 years ago? That's before 281 00:21:42,626 --> 00:21:48,541 the Kingdom of Ortigia was founded. 282 00:21:49,083 --> 00:21:52,250 Vermeil was alive back then? 283 00:21:53,125 --> 00:21:54,708 Sister! 284 00:21:59,375 --> 00:22:01,166 Look, there she is. 285 00:22:02,708 --> 00:22:03,750 Is that… 286 00:22:05,166 --> 00:22:09,416 Look! I made a flower crown! 287 00:22:12,791 --> 00:22:14,083 Vermeil! 288 00:22:20,166 --> 00:22:27,125 Does it get easier with time for the immortal? 289 00:22:30,541 --> 00:22:37,833 If I was born normal, if I become normal, can I stay close? 290 00:22:38,416 --> 00:22:43,250 With the children, we link our arms 291 00:22:44,458 --> 00:22:48,458 Make a circle and sing a song 292 00:22:48,791 --> 00:22:55,208 Knowing there was no chair for me all along 293 00:22:55,416 --> 00:23:00,500 You locked me into the dark, I'm your preserved flower 294 00:23:00,500 --> 00:23:04,166 The world is too slow to understand 295 00:23:04,166 --> 00:23:07,750 Not all blossoms spark, And spikes may be sharp 296 00:23:07,875 --> 00:23:12,291 They only want to see the beautiful parts 297 00:23:12,291 --> 00:23:15,666 Sitting in a shower of scarlet rain 298 00:23:15,666 --> 00:23:20,000 It all used to be ours, I'm counting the hours 299 00:23:20,000 --> 00:23:23,458 Hours that stood between us like a river 300 00:23:23,458 --> 00:23:25,458 Once I crawled through the water 301 00:23:25,458 --> 00:23:31,000 All I ever knew have become distant past