1 00:00:47,293 --> 00:00:50,459 The Blue Angel Creed! 2 00:00:50,459 --> 00:00:52,251 As a Blue Angel, 3 00:00:52,251 --> 00:00:57,251 I will dedicate all my efforts to pride, professionalism and perfection. 4 00:00:57,251 --> 00:01:02,126 I will strive to honor the crest I earned and the flag I wear, 5 00:01:02,126 --> 00:01:05,501 but I will never forget from where I came. 6 00:01:05,501 --> 00:01:08,751 Once a Blue Angel, always a Blue Angel. 7 00:01:49,418 --> 00:01:52,043 First day that I drove up to the hangar 8 00:01:52,043 --> 00:01:54,293 {\an8}in El Centro and, 9 00:01:54,293 --> 00:01:55,918 {\an8}you know, saw my name on a parking sign, 10 00:01:55,918 --> 00:01:58,751 {\an8}saw my name on the door, saw my name on the side of a jet already, 11 00:01:58,751 --> 00:02:01,626 {\an8}and it was like, "Man, this is... this is real." 12 00:02:10,168 --> 00:02:12,001 I have the blessing, the privilege, 13 00:02:12,001 --> 00:02:13,293 the honor to be 14 00:02:13,293 --> 00:02:17,084 boss of the Blue Angels right now, and I've been so for a couple years. 15 00:02:18,334 --> 00:02:20,751 But this is my last year. 16 00:02:22,293 --> 00:02:24,293 Had a chance to be part of seven deployments, 17 00:02:24,293 --> 00:02:27,084 served in a lot of different conflicts around the world throughout the years. 18 00:02:27,084 --> 00:02:30,584 And... and naval aviation was a home and was something that 19 00:02:30,584 --> 00:02:31,959 I feel like I was meant to do. 20 00:02:36,084 --> 00:02:38,918 It was something that I wanted to do since I was a kid. 21 00:02:38,918 --> 00:02:42,251 Something that I never thought was actually gonna happen. 22 00:02:44,376 --> 00:02:47,084 Every year, about a third of the entire squadron 23 00:02:47,084 --> 00:02:48,876 rotates back to the fleet. 24 00:02:48,876 --> 00:02:51,959 The challenge for every boss is to get the newbies, 25 00:02:51,959 --> 00:02:55,001 their replacements, up to speed for the coming season 26 00:02:55,001 --> 00:02:57,751 and integrated into the Blue Angel way of life. 27 00:02:59,626 --> 00:03:01,668 All these thoughts were going through my mind, like, 28 00:03:01,668 --> 00:03:04,501 "Oh, man, you know, it's just... I don't... 29 00:03:04,501 --> 00:03:07,251 I don't know what I'm doing. Do I even belong here?" 30 00:03:08,668 --> 00:03:11,584 But this is it. This is who I am for the next two years, 31 00:03:11,584 --> 00:03:14,584 and this is my job for the next two years. 32 00:03:14,584 --> 00:03:16,959 I am now a Blue Angel. 33 00:04:54,251 --> 00:04:56,168 All right, welcome back, everybody. Evan. 34 00:04:56,168 --> 00:04:57,709 Yes, Boss, we'll debrief our practice over El Centro. 35 00:04:57,709 --> 00:04:59,084 - Fired up, ready to go. - All right. 36 00:04:59,084 --> 00:05:02,168 I'll take a safety for rolling up to low brake cross at 450. 37 00:05:03,918 --> 00:05:05,626 Pay Doc ten dollars for a zipper and a collar. 38 00:05:05,626 --> 00:05:06,876 I'll fix it all. I'm glad to be here. 39 00:05:06,876 --> 00:05:08,334 - Cheese. Yes, sir, Boss. 40 00:05:08,334 --> 00:05:13,043 I'll have it for safety, though, but underline deep sag on the fan rollout. 41 00:05:13,043 --> 00:05:16,251 Naval aviation is something I fully dedicate myself, 42 00:05:16,251 --> 00:05:17,918 and I can look back in 20 years 43 00:05:17,918 --> 00:05:21,834 and say I gave every fiber of my being to getting better at it. 44 00:05:21,834 --> 00:05:23,501 But you come to the Blue Angels, 45 00:05:23,501 --> 00:05:25,543 and that really happens in that first season 46 00:05:25,543 --> 00:05:28,334 where you're trying to figure this thing out. 47 00:05:28,334 --> 00:05:30,001 That can be scary. 48 00:05:30,001 --> 00:05:31,751 I'll fix it all. I'm glad to be here, Boss. 49 00:05:31,751 --> 00:05:32,918 - All right, Whiskers. Yes, sir, Boss, 50 00:05:32,918 --> 00:05:34,918 I'll take safeties for being 296 knots out of the PUB. 51 00:05:34,918 --> 00:05:37,084 Pay Doc five dollars for pregame jitters. 52 00:05:37,084 --> 00:05:38,751 I'll fix it all. I'm glad to be here, Boss. 53 00:05:38,751 --> 00:05:40,126 - Day taps, Boss. Good jet. 54 00:05:40,126 --> 00:05:42,918 Good jet. 55 00:05:42,918 --> 00:05:44,751 All right, roll it! 56 00:05:44,751 --> 00:05:47,876 There's a crucible you have to go through together. 57 00:05:54,251 --> 00:05:58,543 It has to be six pilots totally synced up, flying as one. 58 00:05:58,543 --> 00:06:00,543 - Go! Let's go! 59 00:06:00,543 --> 00:06:03,043 You are clear to taxi via runway two-four-A. 60 00:06:05,918 --> 00:06:07,918 How's it going? 61 00:06:11,126 --> 00:06:15,126 And it can be frustrating at times to train brand-new guys from the fleet. 62 00:06:19,418 --> 00:06:22,876 One of the first things we go out and do is just do basic turns. 63 00:06:22,876 --> 00:06:24,959 We turn left, we turn right. 64 00:06:24,959 --> 00:06:27,209 Three, two, nine, seven, four... 65 00:06:28,918 --> 00:06:31,251 And just do that over and over again, 66 00:06:31,251 --> 00:06:35,209 because if you don't have the right foundation, it's just not gonna work. 67 00:06:45,334 --> 00:06:46,626 Rip it. 68 00:06:51,209 --> 00:06:52,959 As the boss, you're the flight leader. 69 00:06:52,959 --> 00:06:54,126 You're the conductor. 70 00:06:54,126 --> 00:06:55,543 You're the lead goose in the formation, right? 71 00:06:59,001 --> 00:07:00,584 Ready? Hit it. 72 00:07:03,168 --> 00:07:05,668 These jets are max performing. 73 00:07:08,626 --> 00:07:13,459 At low altitudes, at high air speeds, in close proximity to other aircraft. 74 00:07:13,459 --> 00:07:16,209 I have to be steady at the helm, as they say. 75 00:07:16,209 --> 00:07:18,834 Ease in the power. 76 00:07:22,668 --> 00:07:25,543 Chomps flies in the four position. 77 00:07:25,543 --> 00:07:30,209 He's back there watching and making sure that we're good. 78 00:07:30,209 --> 00:07:33,001 The number four pilot for the Blue Angels. 79 00:07:33,001 --> 00:07:35,209 {\an8}It's the best seat in the house. 80 00:07:36,209 --> 00:07:38,084 {\an8}You can see everything. You can see what Boss is doing. 81 00:07:38,084 --> 00:07:40,001 You can see what all the wingmen are doing. 82 00:07:42,668 --> 00:07:44,668 And you're kind of the airborne safety observer 83 00:07:44,668 --> 00:07:47,001 because you have that best seat in the house. 84 00:07:48,959 --> 00:07:50,334 Yes. 85 00:07:50,334 --> 00:07:52,168 {\an8}As the flight surgeon on the team, 86 00:07:52,168 --> 00:07:55,876 {\an8}you're also the lead ground safety officer. 87 00:07:55,876 --> 00:07:57,751 - Okay, rolling. - Okay, rolling. 88 00:07:57,751 --> 00:08:03,334 I study the demo inside and out for every position. 89 00:08:04,418 --> 00:08:08,918 I know where they should be at all times: their altitude, their air speeds. 90 00:08:11,168 --> 00:08:15,293 With two brand-new pilots on the team this year, 91 00:08:15,293 --> 00:08:18,918 I am constantly watching them. 92 00:08:23,293 --> 00:08:25,876 Chewy, you kind of start a little flat, and you're trying to hold it in there, 93 00:08:25,876 --> 00:08:27,668 and Jamammy actually goes deep. 94 00:08:27,668 --> 00:08:29,626 Is that kind of what you're seeing? 95 00:08:29,626 --> 00:08:32,584 Cheese and I are 100% the newbies. 96 00:08:32,584 --> 00:08:34,293 Steep learning curve, for sure. 97 00:08:34,293 --> 00:08:36,293 Just feel deflated 98 00:08:36,293 --> 00:08:37,709 and like you're the worst pilot ever. 99 00:08:37,709 --> 00:08:39,084 How did I get here? 100 00:08:39,084 --> 00:08:40,751 It just rippled through the formation. 101 00:08:40,751 --> 00:08:43,751 So, like, Jamammy was first, I was second, then Cheese was third, 102 00:08:43,751 --> 00:08:47,293 and just, like, the whole formation shifted, then had to shift back into set. 103 00:08:48,459 --> 00:08:52,043 So, this year, we've had a new two pilot, a new three pilot, 104 00:08:52,043 --> 00:08:53,834 I'm filling a new role as the slot pilot, 105 00:08:53,834 --> 00:08:56,501 a new six pilot in the demo, 106 00:08:56,501 --> 00:08:59,918 and then our number five pilot, he was out half the year last year, 107 00:08:59,918 --> 00:09:01,834 not flying in the demo, so we're getting him 108 00:09:01,834 --> 00:09:03,918 learning how to fly in formation again. 109 00:09:05,543 --> 00:09:10,126 We're bringing five new people into this formation and making one demo. 110 00:09:15,834 --> 00:09:17,376 Good work. See you in a little bit. 111 00:09:17,376 --> 00:09:19,751 - Yeah. - Whoo! 112 00:09:23,418 --> 00:09:26,251 It's one team, six jets. 113 00:09:26,251 --> 00:09:28,876 {\an8}We all do something a little bit different. 114 00:09:28,876 --> 00:09:30,751 {\an8}We'll start the show with four jets, 115 00:09:30,751 --> 00:09:32,918 {\an8}the Diamond takeoff maneuver. 116 00:09:35,584 --> 00:09:38,918 {\an8}And then you'll have the two solo individual takeoff maneuvers. 117 00:09:49,626 --> 00:09:54,209 Generally, our maneuvers alternate between Diamond and solos. 118 00:09:55,709 --> 00:09:59,501 And by the end of the show, we'll get the Delta together, all six jets. 119 00:10:01,459 --> 00:10:05,376 {\an8}The Delta Formation is the signature formation of the Blue Angels. 120 00:10:09,501 --> 00:10:11,376 Early on in winter training, both Chomps and I 121 00:10:11,376 --> 00:10:15,001 are heads on a swivel, making sure our new guys are learning that 122 00:10:15,001 --> 00:10:17,293 we've got enough space to get out of the way. 123 00:10:20,418 --> 00:10:22,168 Cheese is a guy who's an aggressive guy. 124 00:10:22,168 --> 00:10:24,418 If you're riding a horse, you got to pull back on the reins. 125 00:10:24,418 --> 00:10:27,209 He's a little more pull-back-on-the-reins type of guy. 126 00:10:29,709 --> 00:10:31,626 We had to use a term called "knock it off" a couple times, 127 00:10:31,626 --> 00:10:33,626 meaning we're stopping right now. 128 00:10:33,626 --> 00:10:35,918 Cheese was bringing in a whole bag of knots. 129 00:10:35,918 --> 00:10:38,334 Coming in way too hot. 130 00:10:38,334 --> 00:10:40,959 I'm looking over my shoulder going, "This ain't gonna work." 131 00:10:44,501 --> 00:10:46,876 Three spot's incredibly challenging. 132 00:10:46,876 --> 00:10:50,043 A big departure from what you do in terms of fleet flying. 133 00:10:50,043 --> 00:10:53,334 You're also on kind of the more difficult side of the formation. 134 00:10:53,334 --> 00:10:56,334 We're all very used to looking left when we fly, 135 00:10:56,334 --> 00:10:58,834 which is what Cheese gets to do in the two spot. 136 00:10:58,834 --> 00:11:01,459 On the left side, in that three spot, you're looking right the whole time. 137 00:11:01,459 --> 00:11:04,293 All your controls are right in front of you or to the left. 138 00:11:05,376 --> 00:11:08,376 And it's just sort of an unnatural position to be in. 139 00:11:12,001 --> 00:11:16,501 The very first time the Diamond was practicing the Vertical Break... 140 00:11:19,209 --> 00:11:21,376 ...Jamammy went the wrong way. 141 00:11:30,959 --> 00:11:33,793 You think to yourself, okay, as a safety officer, 142 00:11:33,793 --> 00:11:35,501 is he safe? Number one. 143 00:11:35,501 --> 00:11:39,418 Two, do I speak up and get in his cockpit, or do I stay silent right now 144 00:11:39,418 --> 00:11:41,626 and watch what he does to recover? 145 00:11:46,918 --> 00:11:49,751 You have to make that decision, and I decided: 146 00:11:49,751 --> 00:11:51,709 Remain quiet. This is his first time. 147 00:11:51,709 --> 00:11:53,168 He looks safe. 148 00:11:53,168 --> 00:11:55,543 He may be going the wrong direction. [laughs] 149 00:11:55,543 --> 00:11:58,626 It's not funny, but it doesn't look like he's gonna hit anybody else. 150 00:12:00,293 --> 00:12:02,293 Kind of scared us. 151 00:12:02,293 --> 00:12:05,834 It was like, how is he gonna respond to this, right? 152 00:12:05,834 --> 00:12:09,584 Did he rattle himself to the point where he's not able to compartmentalize, 153 00:12:09,584 --> 00:12:11,084 put that one in the past? 154 00:12:16,126 --> 00:12:18,959 Two flat on the in. Little mismatch, break the seal. 155 00:12:18,959 --> 00:12:22,251 Apex ten left, two wide and five tight in the up. 156 00:12:22,251 --> 00:12:24,251 Vertical up was three left. 157 00:12:24,251 --> 00:12:28,001 It's an incredible amount of stress going in on the newbies. 158 00:12:29,001 --> 00:12:31,834 You're constantly being told what you did wrong. 159 00:12:31,834 --> 00:12:34,043 So, Cheese, we actually overbanked, it looked like. 160 00:12:34,043 --> 00:12:35,418 Did you feel good about that one today? 161 00:12:35,418 --> 00:12:36,751 Cheese, see how tight you look there? 162 00:12:36,751 --> 00:12:38,709 - And, Cheese, you just drifted forward again. Yep. 163 00:12:38,709 --> 00:12:40,751 All of us are way fast, and we're all idle/boards 164 00:12:40,751 --> 00:12:43,668 trying to control everything in close here. 165 00:12:43,668 --> 00:12:47,418 Everyone comes into this team a relatively accomplished pilot, thinking, 166 00:12:47,418 --> 00:12:49,293 "I feel comfortable flying an F-18, 167 00:12:49,293 --> 00:12:52,084 I feel... I feel pretty good about my abilities as a pilot," 168 00:12:52,084 --> 00:12:55,376 but this place is the... it's the great equalizer. 169 00:12:58,001 --> 00:12:59,793 Time away from family is... 170 00:12:59,793 --> 00:13:02,959 is the most difficult part of being on this team. 171 00:13:02,959 --> 00:13:06,334 Work in El Centro for three months in a cocoon. 172 00:13:06,334 --> 00:13:08,834 Which we need to be-- you need that kind of safe place 173 00:13:08,834 --> 00:13:12,209 to get it to a point where we can take it on the road. 174 00:13:13,376 --> 00:13:15,793 But it's just such a grind. 175 00:13:15,793 --> 00:13:18,334 It's monotonous. It's Groundhog Day. 176 00:13:18,334 --> 00:13:21,626 You're waking up in the desert every day in the dark, 177 00:13:21,626 --> 00:13:24,251 going to work in the dark. 178 00:13:25,334 --> 00:13:28,084 Flying two or three times every day. 179 00:13:30,001 --> 00:13:32,001 Going home in the dark, 180 00:13:32,001 --> 00:13:35,126 and then you're studying for your flight the next day. 181 00:13:37,251 --> 00:13:39,793 I'm not the most academically sound person, 182 00:13:39,793 --> 00:13:41,876 and it's a struggle. 183 00:13:43,251 --> 00:13:46,084 So, flying two to three times a day, that's what you need. 184 00:13:46,084 --> 00:13:48,418 I absolutely needed it. 185 00:13:50,668 --> 00:13:52,543 This is how I typically do it. 186 00:13:52,543 --> 00:13:54,209 Bring it inboard a little bit, 187 00:13:54,209 --> 00:13:56,709 and I'll extend a little bit here, and then that'll make 188 00:13:56,709 --> 00:13:58,709 the arc feel more normal as we come in here. 189 00:13:58,709 --> 00:14:00,334 - Yes, sir, Boss. - Questions? 190 00:14:00,334 --> 00:14:01,668 - None. - All right, fired up, ready to go. 191 00:14:01,668 --> 00:14:03,584 Fired up, ready to go, Boss. 192 00:14:05,501 --> 00:14:10,126 We're all responsible for our lives with... in no uncertain terms. 193 00:14:10,126 --> 00:14:12,668 Everybody's lives are in each other's hands, 194 00:14:12,668 --> 00:14:16,584 that they're not going to do something that we don't expect. 195 00:14:19,543 --> 00:14:21,626 It's an unforgiving business. 196 00:14:21,626 --> 00:14:23,709 Rip it. 197 00:14:32,376 --> 00:14:33,876 Great job today. 198 00:14:33,876 --> 00:14:36,084 Thanks, Boss. It was amazing. See you back at the ranch. 199 00:14:36,084 --> 00:14:37,376 You got it, Mo. 200 00:14:41,543 --> 00:14:44,043 You walk down the halls in El Centro, and you see 201 00:14:44,043 --> 00:14:47,209 all the faces that have made up the past of this organization. 202 00:14:47,209 --> 00:14:49,418 Legendary figures who you hear about, 203 00:14:49,418 --> 00:14:51,293 you hear whispers about throughout the fleet. 204 00:14:52,501 --> 00:14:54,334 Boss Wooldridge-- he's one of the first people 205 00:14:54,334 --> 00:14:56,001 I met after I made the team. 206 00:14:57,418 --> 00:14:59,418 He's a legend. 207 00:14:59,418 --> 00:15:01,334 One of the unique things about him is 208 00:15:01,334 --> 00:15:02,584 he got called back 209 00:15:02,584 --> 00:15:04,918 to be the boss of the Blue Angels three total times. 210 00:15:04,918 --> 00:15:06,918 He's the only guy that's done it three times. 211 00:15:09,126 --> 00:15:10,418 He has spent so much time. 212 00:15:10,418 --> 00:15:14,251 {\an8}He's intimately familiar with what goes on. 213 00:15:14,251 --> 00:15:17,001 When I came to the Blue Angels, I was amazed 214 00:15:17,001 --> 00:15:20,918 at how close the formations were and-and the maneuvers. 215 00:15:22,376 --> 00:15:25,293 How can you do that? 216 00:15:25,293 --> 00:15:27,626 But as Vince Lombardi said, 217 00:15:27,626 --> 00:15:31,668 we're gonna go out there today, and we're gonna "chase perfection." 218 00:15:31,668 --> 00:15:34,251 We'll never get perfection, but along the way, 219 00:15:34,251 --> 00:15:36,834 we're going to realize excellence. 220 00:15:36,834 --> 00:15:39,876 ...accelerate to 300 miles per hour. 221 00:15:39,876 --> 00:15:41,751 The markers toward getting to excellence 222 00:15:41,751 --> 00:15:43,959 is when you're able to, as a formation, 223 00:15:43,959 --> 00:15:45,959 feel like you can move it in closer. 224 00:15:48,043 --> 00:15:50,876 We define our season by what we call our sets, 225 00:15:50,876 --> 00:15:53,126 which is how close we fly together. 226 00:15:55,334 --> 00:15:58,084 At the beginning of the season, we'll start in our furthest-out set, 227 00:15:58,084 --> 00:15:59,751 which we call the Fleet Parade. 228 00:15:59,751 --> 00:16:02,501 As close as you would ever fly in the Navy. 229 00:16:02,501 --> 00:16:04,626 {\an8}And then as we start to progress, 230 00:16:04,626 --> 00:16:08,501 {\an8}we'll start to bring those sets in a little bit tighter to Blue Gold. 231 00:16:08,501 --> 00:16:10,209 When we say Blue Gold set, 232 00:16:10,209 --> 00:16:12,668 {\an8}it's where the line of the blue paint 233 00:16:12,668 --> 00:16:15,418 {\an8}and the gold paint actually meet. 234 00:16:15,418 --> 00:16:20,084 {\an8}That's where Jamammy's gonna put in his head, is underneath that. 235 00:16:20,084 --> 00:16:22,584 {\an8}And that's about 18 inches apart. 236 00:16:22,584 --> 00:16:24,543 If you raise your hands above your head, 237 00:16:24,543 --> 00:16:27,168 it'd be from the top of your fingertips to your top of your head 238 00:16:27,168 --> 00:16:29,626 is 18 inches away from each other. 239 00:16:29,626 --> 00:16:31,001 22-ton jets, 240 00:16:31,001 --> 00:16:33,293 400 miles an hour. 241 00:16:35,709 --> 00:16:38,376 The next step would be our closest set, which is Yankee, 242 00:16:38,376 --> 00:16:40,376 meaning that he's going to put his aircraft 243 00:16:40,376 --> 00:16:42,876 underneath the "Y" on my left wing. 244 00:16:42,876 --> 00:16:46,334 {\an8}So, Jamammy, he's actually gonna slide up underneath like that. 245 00:16:47,418 --> 00:16:50,876 {\an8}That creates that parallax that we're all in that perfect Diamond Formation 246 00:16:50,876 --> 00:16:54,293 {\an8}and almost have our wingtips overlapping. 247 00:16:59,126 --> 00:17:02,251 As the new number two, I set the formation. 248 00:17:03,293 --> 00:17:07,418 I need to be perfect in every way because everybody looks at me 249 00:17:07,418 --> 00:17:09,043 to set the distance. 250 00:17:10,418 --> 00:17:12,126 If I'm off by a letter, 251 00:17:12,126 --> 00:17:14,334 Jamammy then looks at that and he sets it off of me, 252 00:17:14,334 --> 00:17:16,918 and then Chomps sets that distance off of both of us. 253 00:17:16,918 --> 00:17:20,418 So, if there's any mismatch down the line, 254 00:17:20,418 --> 00:17:22,626 essentially, it's probably caused by me. 255 00:17:30,626 --> 00:17:34,126 People just don't realize how physically demanding the flight is. 256 00:17:38,084 --> 00:17:39,584 I mean, the demo is 257 00:17:39,584 --> 00:17:43,001 45 minutes of, as Blue Angel eight calls it, pure violence. 258 00:17:48,334 --> 00:17:51,543 We had, first of all, a 45-pound spring 259 00:17:51,543 --> 00:17:53,543 pulling the stick away from us. 260 00:17:53,543 --> 00:17:57,043 You couldn't get a good feel for it unless it was pulling away from you 261 00:17:57,043 --> 00:17:59,126 at about 45 pounds. 262 00:18:01,959 --> 00:18:05,834 It is a full-body workout when these aviators fly, 263 00:18:05,834 --> 00:18:08,126 from their feet to their hands to their head. 264 00:18:10,126 --> 00:18:12,376 They use their entire body 265 00:18:12,376 --> 00:18:14,751 to combat g-forces. 266 00:18:19,209 --> 00:18:21,751 When you're pulling g's in the aircraft, all your blood 267 00:18:21,751 --> 00:18:24,959 {\an8}is rushing down to your legs, to your lower extremities. 268 00:18:24,959 --> 00:18:27,459 {\an8}And once that blood leaves your head, 269 00:18:27,459 --> 00:18:30,293 you're then at risk of loss of consciousness. 270 00:18:33,084 --> 00:18:35,126 First sign is you're gonna lose your vision 271 00:18:35,126 --> 00:18:38,959 and start graying out-- tunnel vision. 272 00:18:38,959 --> 00:18:44,043 In order to combat that, we're gonna push that blood back up with our muscles. 273 00:18:44,043 --> 00:18:47,376 Squeezing the legs, the butt, the abs. 274 00:18:47,376 --> 00:18:51,001 And if it's a real heavy g pull, then making sure I lock down 275 00:18:51,001 --> 00:18:52,584 a three-quarter-lung-capacity breath. 276 00:19:06,334 --> 00:19:10,751 As a pilot, you understand the risk. 277 00:19:10,751 --> 00:19:13,293 You do a job where, at practice, in training, 278 00:19:13,293 --> 00:19:15,418 you can end it all in an accident. 279 00:19:18,293 --> 00:19:20,501 So it's just... it's a mix of emotions. 280 00:19:28,043 --> 00:19:30,043 What we do is very dangerous. 281 00:19:30,043 --> 00:19:34,084 First couple times you take off, you got to push the "I believe" button. 282 00:19:34,084 --> 00:19:36,376 {\an8}But one of the things we learn in flight school 283 00:19:36,376 --> 00:19:38,459 {\an8}very early on is it's a team sport. 284 00:19:38,459 --> 00:19:40,584 {\an8}We're all the same, cut from the same cloth. 285 00:19:42,751 --> 00:19:47,168 The risk is never any lower when we go out and practice 286 00:19:47,168 --> 00:19:50,168 as it is when we're doing the actual show, so we take 287 00:19:50,168 --> 00:19:51,876 a fine-tooth comb to everything. 288 00:20:07,376 --> 00:20:08,918 It looked like we were good, and-- 289 00:20:08,918 --> 00:20:10,876 We were good until a half mile. 290 00:20:10,876 --> 00:20:13,168 That's gonna be your focus for tomorrow, is that arc. 291 00:20:13,168 --> 00:20:15,209 So let's take a hammer down to that one tomorrow. 292 00:20:15,209 --> 00:20:16,751 Really try to fine-tune that. 293 00:20:18,543 --> 00:20:21,209 During the debrief, we dissect everything. 294 00:20:21,209 --> 00:20:23,501 There's definitely times at the end of days 295 00:20:23,501 --> 00:20:25,918 where you're frustrated 'cause you can't get a maneuver right. 296 00:20:25,918 --> 00:20:29,376 And not only do you know that you did it incorrectly in the air, 297 00:20:29,376 --> 00:20:32,793 but now you get to watch it frame by frame on a TV screen, 298 00:20:32,793 --> 00:20:34,876 like, zoomed in with an HD camera, 299 00:20:34,876 --> 00:20:37,751 so you can really see how bad you were, you know. 300 00:20:37,751 --> 00:20:41,251 But that's-that's part of it. That's how we... that's how we get better. 301 00:20:41,251 --> 00:20:44,876 Every single person does that, including Boss. 302 00:20:44,876 --> 00:20:47,459 That's, like... that's a tendency for me, probably a tendency for somebody else, 303 00:20:47,459 --> 00:20:49,001 is you're trying to get down this much... 304 00:20:49,001 --> 00:20:51,501 You should be your own worst critic. 305 00:20:51,501 --> 00:20:52,959 That's a commitment we have. 306 00:20:52,959 --> 00:20:55,043 It's easy to say, tough to do. 307 00:20:55,043 --> 00:20:56,834 Be a better version of yourself. Be a better teammate. 308 00:20:56,834 --> 00:20:58,459 Help the team get better every day. 309 00:21:00,876 --> 00:21:03,959 - Let's go, let's go, let's go. 310 00:21:03,959 --> 00:21:06,709 -"Diamond" on three. One, two, three. Diamond! 311 00:21:08,709 --> 00:21:11,084 Failing together. 312 00:21:11,084 --> 00:21:13,001 The "failing together" mindset 313 00:21:13,001 --> 00:21:14,501 really gets people close. 314 00:21:17,209 --> 00:21:19,918 Everything is trust, 315 00:21:19,918 --> 00:21:22,918 and so far, over El Centro, that's where we really build that trust. 316 00:21:27,501 --> 00:21:30,043 What you're seeing now in this final week is this teamwork, 317 00:21:30,043 --> 00:21:31,709 this focus point, this foundation 318 00:21:31,709 --> 00:21:35,126 to try to reach for that perfection every single day. 319 00:21:35,126 --> 00:21:37,209 But the closer you get to that pinnacle, 320 00:21:37,209 --> 00:21:39,209 the further away you realize you actually are. 321 00:21:39,209 --> 00:21:42,668 ♪ Well, it seems so real ♪ 322 00:21:42,668 --> 00:21:45,376 ♪ I can see it ♪ 323 00:21:45,376 --> 00:21:48,251 ♪ And it seems so real ♪ 324 00:21:48,251 --> 00:21:50,959 ♪ I can feel it ♪ 325 00:21:50,959 --> 00:21:53,959 ♪ And it seems so real ♪ 326 00:21:53,959 --> 00:21:56,918 ♪ I can taste it ♪ 327 00:21:56,918 --> 00:21:59,709 ♪ And it seems so real ♪ 328 00:21:59,709 --> 00:22:02,501 ♪ I can hear it ♪ 329 00:22:02,501 --> 00:22:07,751 ♪ So why ♪ 330 00:22:07,751 --> 00:22:10,668 ♪ Can't I touch it? ♪ 331 00:22:14,293 --> 00:22:18,584 ♪ So why ♪ 332 00:22:18,584 --> 00:22:21,584 ♪ Can't I touch it? ♪ 333 00:22:49,251 --> 00:22:52,334 All right. It's Friday, March 11, 2022 334 00:22:52,334 --> 00:22:54,418 over Naval Air Facility El Centro, California, 335 00:22:54,418 --> 00:22:57,626 where the winds are three-three-zero at nine, ten miles vis, sky clear. 336 00:22:57,626 --> 00:23:01,668 Forecast for the winds: three-four-zero at six, unlimited vis, sky clear. 337 00:23:01,668 --> 00:23:04,209 When we're cleared for takeoff, we'll put four on the runway with a wind check. 338 00:23:04,209 --> 00:23:08,001 Check your parking brake off. Diamond Half Squirrel Cage. 339 00:23:08,001 --> 00:23:09,876 Left turnout followed by the solo section... 340 00:23:09,876 --> 00:23:13,751 During the briefs, we will follow around our ground track 341 00:23:13,751 --> 00:23:16,126 with our pens as Boss is talking through the sequence. 342 00:23:16,126 --> 00:23:19,376 Whiskers will be in from behind the crowd to Sneak to Vertical Rolls, 343 00:23:19,376 --> 00:23:22,543 and the five ship will be in from the right for the Line Abreast Loop. 344 00:23:22,543 --> 00:23:25,209 Once we get to a certain maneuver, 345 00:23:25,209 --> 00:23:26,626 we will chair-fly. 346 00:23:26,626 --> 00:23:28,168 Around the crowd for the Delta Roll. 347 00:23:28,168 --> 00:23:29,334 - Ball, say five. Cheese. 348 00:23:29,334 --> 00:23:30,418 Jamammy. Chomps. 349 00:23:30,418 --> 00:23:31,501 Chewy. Whiskers. 350 00:23:31,501 --> 00:23:33,584 After you do it so much, 351 00:23:33,584 --> 00:23:36,668 you know exactly where you're going, what you're doing, how it's gonna feel, 352 00:23:36,668 --> 00:23:39,418 and you can actually, like, visualize yourself doing it, 353 00:23:39,418 --> 00:23:44,459 getting a-a practice in on that maneuver before you go out and do it. 354 00:23:44,459 --> 00:23:46,959 Airspeed call. Come left. 355 00:23:46,959 --> 00:23:48,209 Got six, Boss. 356 00:23:48,209 --> 00:23:50,209 Boss. 357 00:23:50,209 --> 00:23:51,709 Come in for left. 358 00:23:53,709 --> 00:23:55,334 We're left turn for the Delta Roll. 359 00:23:55,334 --> 00:23:58,709 A little more pull. 360 00:23:58,709 --> 00:24:01,543 Horizon seven-five, easing power idle. 361 00:24:01,543 --> 00:24:03,334 Ready? Roll hat. 362 00:24:04,543 --> 00:24:06,209 - We're left turn for the Fleur De Lis. Cheese. 363 00:24:06,209 --> 00:24:07,293 Jamammy. Chomps. 364 00:24:07,293 --> 00:24:08,668 Chewy. Whiskers. 365 00:24:12,376 --> 00:24:14,584 Distractions, we talked about it, are gonna be here. 366 00:24:14,584 --> 00:24:15,959 It's game-on time. 367 00:24:15,959 --> 00:24:18,751 And just keep in mind you're gonna have jitters. 368 00:24:18,751 --> 00:24:21,876 You're gonna go out there, and even though it's at El Centro, 369 00:24:21,876 --> 00:24:24,376 there's-there's gonna be a few thousand people there 370 00:24:24,376 --> 00:24:27,668 that'll be saying something that's gonna be looking to distract you. 371 00:24:27,668 --> 00:24:29,876 Think about that tonight, and think about when you get in there, 372 00:24:29,876 --> 00:24:32,751 just like we talked about, everything from the walk down, 373 00:24:32,751 --> 00:24:36,168 start talking the cadence, thinking about it, hop in the jet, 374 00:24:36,168 --> 00:24:39,001 do everything and don't get distracted by looking around. 375 00:24:39,001 --> 00:24:40,709 Stay focused inside the canopy. 376 00:24:40,709 --> 00:24:43,584 And then once we're on the runway, it's same as it ever was. 377 00:24:43,584 --> 00:24:45,001 So, with that, I'm glad to be here. 378 00:24:45,001 --> 00:24:46,668 Rip it! 379 00:25:16,293 --> 00:25:18,293 We're going to try to do what we can to make the demo 380 00:25:18,293 --> 00:25:22,751 as tight, as low, as entertaining as possible. 381 00:25:22,751 --> 00:25:24,459 But that's not my line. 382 00:25:24,459 --> 00:25:27,376 You know, this... this-this tiger that I'm chasing. 383 00:25:28,543 --> 00:25:30,293 The most important thing is 384 00:25:30,293 --> 00:25:32,043 six jets up, six jets down. 385 00:25:44,001 --> 00:25:46,001 First day of the show season, 386 00:25:46,001 --> 00:25:49,168 and I can't tell you what it's gonna feel like. 387 00:25:49,168 --> 00:25:51,626 I have no idea what to expect. 388 00:25:51,626 --> 00:25:53,126 You know, it's another one of those things. 389 00:25:53,126 --> 00:25:56,543 Like, man, am I... am I ready to do this? 390 00:26:31,668 --> 00:26:34,584 Ladies and gentlemen, your United States Navy 391 00:26:34,584 --> 00:26:37,418 takes pleasure in performing for you this, 392 00:26:37,418 --> 00:26:39,459 our first flight demonstration of the season. 393 00:26:41,876 --> 00:26:44,834 Now, to the left, Captain Kesselring calls: 394 00:26:44,834 --> 00:26:47,043 "Smoke on. Off brakes now. 395 00:26:47,043 --> 00:26:48,376 Burners ready now." 396 00:26:48,376 --> 00:26:50,084 And the Blue Angel Diamond is rolling. 397 00:26:51,084 --> 00:26:53,584 Burners ready now. 398 00:27:19,501 --> 00:27:21,834 The Diamond is approaching for a maneuver that is likely 399 00:27:21,834 --> 00:27:25,501 familiar to those of you who have seen the Blue Angels perform in the past. 400 00:27:25,501 --> 00:27:29,001 From the right, at 400 miles per hour, the Diamond Roll. 401 00:27:31,876 --> 00:27:36,918 All four aircraft flying as one in this graceful 360-degree rolling maneuver. 402 00:27:49,293 --> 00:27:51,334 The two solo pilots will next demonstrate 403 00:27:51,334 --> 00:27:55,293 the inverted flight capability of the F-18. 404 00:27:55,293 --> 00:27:57,876 Approaching inverted from the left and right, Lieutenant Commander Rickoff 405 00:27:57,876 --> 00:28:02,001 and Lieutenant Commander Bratton will roll their aircraft 360 degrees. 406 00:28:02,001 --> 00:28:03,501 Bratty, hit it. 407 00:28:09,459 --> 00:28:14,126 Ladies and gentlemen, the Opposing Inverted to Inverted Roll. 408 00:28:16,959 --> 00:28:20,001 As the four Diamond pilots approach, you should notice 409 00:28:20,001 --> 00:28:23,626 the flight leader and slot pilot are both in the inverted position. 410 00:28:23,626 --> 00:28:25,501 The Blue Angel Double Farvel. 411 00:28:25,501 --> 00:28:26,876 Ready? Hit it. 412 00:28:40,626 --> 00:28:42,084 Rip it. 413 00:28:43,168 --> 00:28:45,668 Pull. Pull it. 414 00:28:52,584 --> 00:28:55,084 The 2022 team takes a great deal of pride 415 00:28:55,084 --> 00:28:57,668 in saluting Navy and Marine Corps aviators, 416 00:28:57,668 --> 00:29:01,251 maintenance crews and support personnel everywhere. 417 00:29:01,251 --> 00:29:04,584 From the left, your Blue Angels. 418 00:29:19,376 --> 00:29:22,418 It has been an honor and our pleasure to perform for you 419 00:29:22,418 --> 00:29:25,626 our first flight demonstration of the season. 420 00:29:29,168 --> 00:29:31,543 The Blue Angels aren't about just jet performance. 421 00:29:31,543 --> 00:29:35,084 Anybody can go out there and learn to do a lot of twirls and loops and rolls, 422 00:29:35,084 --> 00:29:36,584 but to do it together, 423 00:29:36,584 --> 00:29:39,918 to make six jets fly as one, that's the magic. 424 00:29:39,918 --> 00:29:41,334 That's the Blue Angel magic. 425 00:29:41,334 --> 00:29:42,668 Ladies and gentlemen, 426 00:29:42,668 --> 00:29:45,709 representing your United States Navy and Marine Corps, 427 00:29:45,709 --> 00:29:48,209 the Blue Angels 2022. 428 00:29:51,001 --> 00:29:54,251 It was a little bumpy road, but I made it. 429 00:29:54,251 --> 00:29:56,918 Once we finished crowd-lining, you know, Chomps came up and said, 430 00:29:56,918 --> 00:29:59,876 "Hey, guys, congrats. You're... you're demo pilots now." 431 00:30:00,876 --> 00:30:02,876 So it was pretty incredible. 432 00:30:05,793 --> 00:30:07,626 You finish that show in El Centro, 433 00:30:07,626 --> 00:30:10,501 that drop of salute happens, you head back to your room, 434 00:30:10,501 --> 00:30:12,209 and you start packing it up. 435 00:30:12,209 --> 00:30:14,626 Then you see Fat Albert getting loaded up with all of our gear, 436 00:30:14,626 --> 00:30:17,168 all of our personnel, and you realize that, 437 00:30:17,168 --> 00:30:21,209 "Hey, I've got an eight-month season staring me in the face right now." 438 00:30:22,876 --> 00:30:24,709 So it's daunting, to say the least. 439 00:30:24,709 --> 00:30:28,334 Not just that first week but every week after that. 440 00:30:28,334 --> 00:30:31,751 Bert's rolling, and so are we, to a... to a town near you. 441 00:30:33,668 --> 00:30:37,126 Fat Albert is our C-130J Super Hercules asset, 442 00:30:37,126 --> 00:30:39,376 affectionately known as Bert. 443 00:30:39,376 --> 00:30:42,043 Those are our Marines, an all-Marine crew. 444 00:30:42,043 --> 00:30:44,126 They also provide logistics support. 445 00:30:45,834 --> 00:30:48,668 {\an8}Fat Albert is key in essentially supporting the team 446 00:30:48,668 --> 00:30:50,584 {\an8}to and from every single air show site. 447 00:30:51,668 --> 00:30:55,793 It's about 30,000 pounds of cargo, 45 personnel. 448 00:30:57,084 --> 00:31:00,043 - Okay, you got all the newbies? - Maybe. 449 00:31:00,043 --> 00:31:01,376 - Yeah. 450 00:31:01,376 --> 00:31:03,876 We have six pallets worth of gear. 451 00:31:03,876 --> 00:31:06,334 {\an8}All of our friends are sitting on the red seats or blue seats 452 00:31:06,334 --> 00:31:10,584 {\an8}on the sides, crammed in tight, almost knee to pallet. 453 00:31:10,584 --> 00:31:13,668 - And about this close to your buddy. 454 00:31:20,834 --> 00:31:23,084 We've just done that first air show. 455 00:31:23,084 --> 00:31:25,293 Now we're off to New Orleans. 456 00:31:25,293 --> 00:31:27,543 We're gonna roll into town like a... 457 00:31:27,543 --> 00:31:28,751 like a circus, I guess. 458 00:31:32,251 --> 00:31:34,459 The U.S. Navy Blue Angels returned to town this weekend. 459 00:31:34,459 --> 00:31:35,876 The Blue Angels came into town, 460 00:31:35,876 --> 00:31:38,209 {\an8}landing at the Naval Air Station in Belle Chasse. 461 00:31:42,918 --> 00:31:44,876 Right when we get there with Fat Albert, 462 00:31:44,876 --> 00:31:47,376 you know, we kind of, like, set the tone. 463 00:31:48,959 --> 00:31:53,376 When that crew entrance door opens, everything is set up perfectly 464 00:31:53,376 --> 00:31:55,168 so that we're able to put on a great show. 465 00:31:56,751 --> 00:31:59,918 It's definitely similar to being on a sports team. 466 00:32:01,168 --> 00:32:03,001 The schedule is relentless. 467 00:32:04,293 --> 00:32:07,126 You are constantly on the road. You're constantly traveling. 468 00:32:08,251 --> 00:32:10,876 Exact mesh of a sports team 469 00:32:10,876 --> 00:32:13,834 with the schedule of a touring rock and roll band. 470 00:32:18,793 --> 00:32:21,376 {\an8}I always say it's like planning 30 weddings. 471 00:32:21,376 --> 00:32:24,918 {\an8}Thirty weddings and 30 places you've never been to 472 00:32:24,918 --> 00:32:26,709 {\an8}with 30 families you've just met. 473 00:32:44,751 --> 00:32:46,918 Great job today. 474 00:32:49,584 --> 00:32:51,418 Pitch-Up Break. Cheese, upper deck. 475 00:32:51,418 --> 00:32:52,584 And down. 476 00:33:25,043 --> 00:33:27,251 Coming back home at the end of those three months 477 00:33:27,251 --> 00:33:29,501 and-and seeing our families on the flight line 478 00:33:29,501 --> 00:33:32,001 for the first time was incredible. 479 00:33:38,793 --> 00:33:41,084 It's so special to have this home base. 480 00:33:43,084 --> 00:33:45,751 This place that just loves us so much. 481 00:33:47,793 --> 00:33:49,209 Our families are here. 482 00:33:49,209 --> 00:33:51,668 Our families live here all the time. 483 00:33:59,668 --> 00:34:05,293 For me, when I found out I made the team, that was on July 11th. 484 00:34:05,293 --> 00:34:06,584 One month later, Jo was born. 485 00:34:06,584 --> 00:34:09,709 And a month after that, I left to go join the team. 486 00:34:09,709 --> 00:34:13,501 So, the fact that they take care of our families so well, I think, 487 00:34:13,501 --> 00:34:16,751 is what really, uh, endears this place to us. 488 00:35:15,168 --> 00:35:17,918 I never had any thought that I would be on the team. 489 00:35:17,918 --> 00:35:20,376 You know, joining a team where I'm gonna be gone for, 490 00:35:20,376 --> 00:35:22,584 you know, nearly 300 days a year, 491 00:35:22,584 --> 00:35:25,668 uh, with a brand-new little daughter and having some tough conversations 492 00:35:25,668 --> 00:35:28,084 with my wife about: "Do we want to do this?" 493 00:35:28,084 --> 00:35:30,126 And for me, it was... it was: 494 00:35:30,126 --> 00:35:33,293 This is a way I can, you know, in a sense, kind of give back. 495 00:35:36,751 --> 00:35:38,876 June 20, 1986. 496 00:35:38,876 --> 00:35:41,793 I'm, like, this nine-year-old boy up in Fargo, North Dakota. 497 00:35:43,501 --> 00:35:47,584 My dream when I saw the Blue Angels was to go serve my country. 498 00:35:50,418 --> 00:35:52,709 You know, I grew up playing sports-- basketball-- 499 00:35:52,709 --> 00:35:54,876 and finishing up college and, you know, thinking like, 500 00:35:54,876 --> 00:35:57,584 "Boy, I'd love to fly for the Navy, but I'm just... you know, I'm too big. 501 00:35:57,584 --> 00:35:59,376 I can't fit in the cockpit." 502 00:35:59,376 --> 00:36:02,876 And sure enough, it turns out I fit and they-they would have me, 503 00:36:02,876 --> 00:36:05,876 and kind of the rest is history, as far as joining the Navy. 504 00:36:10,251 --> 00:36:11,876 I'm currently a major in the Marine Corps, 505 00:36:11,876 --> 00:36:14,334 managing aircraft maintenance. 506 00:36:15,418 --> 00:36:17,834 Brian told me, you know, "One of the bucket things in my career 507 00:36:17,834 --> 00:36:19,626 is to maybe apply for the Blue Angels. 508 00:36:19,626 --> 00:36:21,709 It's one in a million. One in a million, though. 509 00:36:21,709 --> 00:36:23,126 We're never gonna get it." 510 00:36:23,126 --> 00:36:28,668 And we were both in quite a bit of shock when we found out that that was happening. 511 00:36:28,668 --> 00:36:31,459 We're just super fortunate to have been stationed together. 512 00:36:32,834 --> 00:36:34,876 For the next duty station, he's got his orders. 513 00:36:34,876 --> 00:36:37,709 I do not have my orders yet, so I'm still kind of knocking on wood, 514 00:36:37,709 --> 00:36:40,793 hoping everything kind of comes in alignment for it. 515 00:36:40,793 --> 00:36:42,418 But again, it's not... 516 00:36:42,418 --> 00:36:44,626 Don't stress about something you don't have the control over. 517 00:36:46,626 --> 00:36:49,709 It's definitely a bit of a jigsaw, as far as trying to, you know, 518 00:36:49,709 --> 00:36:52,168 plan a family in the military. 519 00:36:52,168 --> 00:36:53,918 It's doable. I mean, we've got two. 520 00:36:53,918 --> 00:36:55,834 It's definitely doable, so... 521 00:36:55,834 --> 00:36:59,543 it'll be just one of those things that you... that you work through. 522 00:36:59,543 --> 00:37:01,084 Yeah, there you are. 523 00:37:01,084 --> 00:37:02,501 All right, Remy. 524 00:37:06,001 --> 00:37:08,834 There's not much flying tours left for a guy like me. 525 00:37:08,834 --> 00:37:11,584 The mission was really what... what I went back to. 526 00:37:13,501 --> 00:37:17,793 People's dreams, uh, dreams they never thought they could possibly achieve, 527 00:37:17,793 --> 00:37:21,584 can come true, and that's the mentality we want in the Blue Angels. 528 00:37:27,126 --> 00:37:28,918 What I never realized-- 529 00:37:28,918 --> 00:37:32,293 and I've been on great teams before-- what I didn't realize is how attached 530 00:37:32,293 --> 00:37:33,584 I'd be to this team. 531 00:37:33,584 --> 00:37:35,918 Bye-bye, Remy. 532 00:37:47,793 --> 00:37:49,918 There isn't a family like a Blue Angel family. 533 00:37:49,918 --> 00:37:51,251 And I'll miss that. 534 00:37:51,251 --> 00:37:54,334 I'll miss that and... and all that goes along with it. 535 00:37:56,126 --> 00:37:58,543 Everything here is about being a member of the team. 536 00:38:00,626 --> 00:38:05,043 It takes all 141 personnel on our command doing their job, 537 00:38:05,043 --> 00:38:07,334 putting forth that maximum effort. 538 00:38:09,501 --> 00:38:10,959 It's constant. 539 00:38:10,959 --> 00:38:13,918 It's 18 hours a day with the same people every day. 540 00:38:13,918 --> 00:38:16,126 So every single person in here-- every pilot, 541 00:38:16,126 --> 00:38:18,459 every officer, every teammate, every enlisted maintainer-- 542 00:38:18,459 --> 00:38:20,959 whatever position we have on this team is family. 543 00:38:20,959 --> 00:38:23,334 ♪ Through the hard times and the good... 544 00:38:23,334 --> 00:38:25,793 What's up? Mic check. Hey! 545 00:38:25,793 --> 00:38:27,584 Like I said, give it 100%. 546 00:38:27,584 --> 00:38:30,209 This is the time that I need y'all. I'm glad to be here. 547 00:38:30,209 --> 00:38:32,209 Whoo! 548 00:38:41,168 --> 00:38:43,418 ♪ I have to praise you ♪ 549 00:38:45,418 --> 00:38:46,626 ♪ I have to praise you... 550 00:38:46,626 --> 00:38:49,543 Chief Mass Communication Specialist Paul Archer. 551 00:38:50,626 --> 00:38:53,126 My name is Oyindamola Michael. 552 00:38:53,126 --> 00:38:55,001 I am the number six crew chief. 553 00:38:55,001 --> 00:38:57,251 My name is Lieutenant Griffin Stangel. 554 00:38:57,251 --> 00:38:58,876 Uh, call sign "Push Pop." 555 00:38:58,876 --> 00:39:01,501 Lieutenant Brian Abe. Uh, I go by Mo here. 556 00:39:01,501 --> 00:39:03,543 Lieutenant Paul Kruger, call sign "Suppo." 557 00:39:03,543 --> 00:39:05,126 I'm Lieutenant Henry Cedeño 558 00:39:05,126 --> 00:39:06,709 from Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico. 559 00:39:06,709 --> 00:39:09,001 ♪ I have to praise you... 560 00:39:12,209 --> 00:39:14,501 So, my role on the team as Blue Angel number seven 561 00:39:14,501 --> 00:39:16,001 is I'm the narrator. 562 00:39:16,001 --> 00:39:17,501 ♪ I have to praise you... 563 00:39:17,501 --> 00:39:20,126 My goal is to interact with a crowd of tens of thousands, 564 00:39:20,126 --> 00:39:22,293 sometimes hundreds of thousands of people. 565 00:39:24,959 --> 00:39:27,293 I'm a mass communication specialist. 566 00:39:27,293 --> 00:39:28,584 We're aerial photographers, right? 567 00:39:28,584 --> 00:39:30,126 We get to go up and fly in the jet 568 00:39:30,126 --> 00:39:32,834 and take all the pretty Blue Angel photos. 569 00:39:37,543 --> 00:39:39,918 I've got a female front man right now. 570 00:39:39,918 --> 00:39:41,918 That's only happened, I think, maybe once before. 571 00:39:41,918 --> 00:39:43,293 You know, running the entire crew. 572 00:39:43,293 --> 00:39:45,584 What's up, guys? Hey! 573 00:39:45,584 --> 00:39:47,834 All right, all hands tomorrow is gonna be 0800. 574 00:39:47,834 --> 00:39:50,043 I got a lot of information to put out, so pay attention. 575 00:39:50,043 --> 00:39:51,209 I need two volunteers. 576 00:39:51,209 --> 00:39:52,918 From '99 to 2000, 577 00:39:52,918 --> 00:39:55,251 Karen Marini was the last female front man. 578 00:39:55,251 --> 00:39:56,668 They called her Frontchik. 579 00:39:56,668 --> 00:39:58,043 Now I go by Front Ma'am. 580 00:39:58,043 --> 00:40:00,668 And then my bravo is a front man. 581 00:40:00,668 --> 00:40:03,876 Hot seat, Front Ma'am. Flight walk complete. We have ATAF... 582 00:40:03,876 --> 00:40:07,084 Essentially, I'm walking every single jet on the line, 583 00:40:07,084 --> 00:40:09,668 along with our crew chiefs. 584 00:40:09,668 --> 00:40:13,709 We have 12 crew chiefs, and it's two crew chiefs per pilot. 585 00:40:16,126 --> 00:40:20,334 I'm the number one crew chief, Boss Kesselring's crew chief. 586 00:40:20,334 --> 00:40:22,084 We go in the cockpit, just check everything 587 00:40:22,084 --> 00:40:24,043 that the pilot would check before they take off. 588 00:40:24,043 --> 00:40:27,584 Flight controls, you know, the displays, everything. 589 00:40:27,584 --> 00:40:30,501 And then I'm just double-verifying, triple-verifying 590 00:40:30,501 --> 00:40:33,209 everything's good for that pilot to get in the cockpit and go out and fly. 591 00:40:34,459 --> 00:40:37,376 As a pilot, I never pre-flighted an airplane. 592 00:40:37,376 --> 00:40:40,959 I had so much trust in my crew chief. 593 00:40:40,959 --> 00:40:44,876 All I do is get in my aircraft and strap in. 594 00:40:44,876 --> 00:40:47,376 He'd tell me it's good to go, and it's good to go. 595 00:40:47,376 --> 00:40:51,043 When the jet's good to go, we do a signature handshake. 596 00:40:51,043 --> 00:40:53,876 - We do it and go, "Whoo!" Whoo! 597 00:40:53,876 --> 00:40:56,376 ♪ Praise you like I should ♪ 598 00:40:56,376 --> 00:40:59,043 ♪ I have to praise you ♪ 599 00:40:59,043 --> 00:41:00,751 Uh, prepare to take off. 600 00:41:07,584 --> 00:41:10,209 When I was four years old, my dad took me to an air show 601 00:41:10,209 --> 00:41:12,126 in Fort Worth, Texas, 602 00:41:12,126 --> 00:41:15,126 and I got to watch the Blue Angels fly for the very first time. 603 00:41:15,126 --> 00:41:17,084 I thought that they were awesome. 604 00:41:17,084 --> 00:41:18,918 To the point where I, like, ran away from my parents 605 00:41:18,918 --> 00:41:20,834 to go try to find the jets, wherever they were parked. 606 00:41:20,834 --> 00:41:22,376 And they had to come up over the loudspeaker: 607 00:41:22,376 --> 00:41:23,959 "If you've lost a little four-year-old son, 608 00:41:23,959 --> 00:41:25,751 can you come to the announcer booth 609 00:41:25,751 --> 00:41:28,459 and we'll give your son back to you" type of thing. 610 00:41:28,459 --> 00:41:32,251 I found 'em. I fell in love with aviation at four years old. 611 00:41:36,334 --> 00:41:38,626 I wanted to do something like that. 612 00:41:38,626 --> 00:41:41,043 Right when Cheese's jet kind of drifted deep, 613 00:41:41,043 --> 00:41:44,751 your jet looked like it just twitched and kind of almost did the same thing. 614 00:41:44,751 --> 00:41:46,751 So we just need to focus on that set down the line, especially... 615 00:41:46,751 --> 00:41:48,459 Chomps is a big softie. 616 00:41:48,459 --> 00:41:50,668 He just understands the stakes at play. 617 00:41:50,668 --> 00:41:53,543 I mean, he's the guy that has the best vantage point 618 00:41:53,543 --> 00:41:57,209 of the entire formation every second, every day. 619 00:41:58,793 --> 00:42:03,668 That's a heavy weight, and Boss kind of owns that as the commanding officer. 620 00:42:03,668 --> 00:42:05,459 But there are things I just can't see. 621 00:42:06,543 --> 00:42:08,293 And back there, we had some depth... 622 00:42:08,293 --> 00:42:12,293 Chomps is, uh, our lone Marine Corps pilot. 623 00:42:12,293 --> 00:42:14,209 We make fun of him, call him General Zastoupil, 624 00:42:14,209 --> 00:42:16,709 because he kind of gives off that persona 625 00:42:16,709 --> 00:42:19,168 when he... when he goes and talks to people. 626 00:42:19,168 --> 00:42:21,084 All right, so big take away is now gonna be reducing 627 00:42:21,084 --> 00:42:23,584 the overreaction for the flat there. 628 00:42:24,459 --> 00:42:25,709 Yeah, I was trying not to hit him. 629 00:42:25,709 --> 00:42:29,834 I know, but that's a huge, huge dump on the nose. 630 00:42:29,834 --> 00:42:33,126 That's correct. It's also the closest I've ever been to a jet. 631 00:42:33,126 --> 00:42:35,709 So... - I can freeze it and hold it, but... 632 00:42:37,334 --> 00:42:39,001 There's gotta be some sort of compromise. 633 00:42:39,001 --> 00:42:42,126 Like you just have to keep driving more to just kinda get away, 634 00:42:42,126 --> 00:42:45,209 but not that huge just dumping of the nose away from the formation. 635 00:42:45,209 --> 00:42:46,876 Looked pretty gross up there. 636 00:42:46,876 --> 00:42:49,251 Uh, Delta Roll will be a focus into tomorrow as well. 637 00:42:49,251 --> 00:42:51,084 Bearing lines, matching of the rate. 638 00:42:52,626 --> 00:42:55,501 There's one Marine option in the Blue Angels 639 00:42:55,501 --> 00:42:57,668 at any given time, so we can only have one 640 00:42:57,668 --> 00:43:01,084 jet demonstration pilot on any particular year. 641 00:43:01,084 --> 00:43:02,543 So this year is my final year. 642 00:43:04,334 --> 00:43:07,918 My job is to try to bring everyone together on the same page 643 00:43:07,918 --> 00:43:10,793 so there's never any, like, lingering questions between the elements. 644 00:43:10,793 --> 00:43:13,334 And so that's why it kind of rests on the number four spot, 645 00:43:13,334 --> 00:43:16,251 always a second-year guy, to do the debrief. 646 00:43:21,418 --> 00:43:23,501 We're gonna be on the road quite a bit coming up. 647 00:43:23,501 --> 00:43:26,793 Quite a... quite a bit. And it's a lot of time away from family. 648 00:43:26,793 --> 00:43:31,376 That's something that we also don't get that much of, is time with our families. 649 00:43:32,501 --> 00:43:36,209 So, when we come here, we try to spend as much time as we can. 650 00:43:36,209 --> 00:43:38,293 And when I walked out of the house this morning, 651 00:43:38,293 --> 00:43:40,376 I had one daughter attached to my left leg, saying, 652 00:43:40,376 --> 00:43:42,626 "Daddy, don't go. Just stay here this weekend." 653 00:43:44,334 --> 00:43:48,126 And my little son is just literally, like, rock climbing up my right leg 654 00:43:48,126 --> 00:43:50,709 as I'm walking to the truck this morning. 655 00:44:10,668 --> 00:44:13,543 It is so cool to see the reactions of the public. 656 00:44:13,543 --> 00:44:18,001 They think, you know, oh, you're a rock star with this high-paced lifestyle. 657 00:44:18,001 --> 00:44:20,709 Yeah? Uh, a lot of practice. 658 00:44:20,709 --> 00:44:23,584 And then in the evenings, we attend commits 659 00:44:23,584 --> 00:44:26,168 where we'll go to a local outreach event. 660 00:44:26,168 --> 00:44:29,084 - The pilots will go to schools. 661 00:44:29,084 --> 00:44:33,834 So, our mission is to showcase the teamwork and professionalism 662 00:44:33,834 --> 00:44:35,918 of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. 663 00:44:35,918 --> 00:44:39,918 I was with Boss at the Blue Angel Foundation. 664 00:44:39,918 --> 00:44:42,168 {\an8}- Thanks so much for coming out today. - Awesome to meet you. 665 00:44:42,168 --> 00:44:43,501 The Blue Angel Foundation 666 00:44:43,501 --> 00:44:46,876 {\an8}is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization 667 00:44:46,876 --> 00:44:50,126 {\an8}to help wounded veterans, 668 00:44:50,126 --> 00:44:53,209 {\an8}and Freedom Station is part of that. 669 00:44:53,209 --> 00:44:57,084 It was truly special to spend some time with those wounded warriors. 670 00:44:58,459 --> 00:45:01,668 {\an8}We also get to go to the hospitals. 671 00:45:01,668 --> 00:45:04,834 I'm Monica. I am the doctor for the Blue Angels. 672 00:45:04,834 --> 00:45:07,209 We get to interact with each child 673 00:45:07,209 --> 00:45:09,459 and just spend a little time with them. 674 00:45:13,793 --> 00:45:15,918 All right! 675 00:45:18,668 --> 00:45:24,043 The first time you put this suit on, you feel kind of like an imposter. 676 00:45:24,043 --> 00:45:27,043 And I remember that every time I wear the uniform. 677 00:45:28,251 --> 00:45:30,043 I think a good feeling to have is 678 00:45:30,043 --> 00:45:32,668 you should never feel too comfortable in this suit. 679 00:45:34,709 --> 00:45:37,126 You're representing a whole bunch of folks. 680 00:45:37,126 --> 00:45:39,168 You're not just representing yourself. 681 00:45:45,793 --> 00:45:50,209 For me, that's... that's looking at the 28 faces on the wall every day. 682 00:45:53,293 --> 00:45:56,751 The 28 men that we've lost in this job. 683 00:45:59,876 --> 00:46:01,501 Breaking news tonight: 684 00:46:01,501 --> 00:46:04,334 {\an8}A Blue Angels jet went down in Smyrna, Tennessee, 685 00:46:04,334 --> 00:46:06,001 {\an8}which is just outside of Nashville. 686 00:46:06,001 --> 00:46:08,793 We were right there when it happened. 687 00:46:08,793 --> 00:46:11,168 Several of the guys, you know, saw it happening in real time. 688 00:46:13,959 --> 00:46:16,793 Captain Jeff Kuss was killed when he went down in Smyrna 689 00:46:16,793 --> 00:46:20,126 {\an8}practicing at the Great American Air Show. 690 00:46:21,293 --> 00:46:26,126 He was just one of the most upbeat and professional guys you've ever met. 691 00:46:27,251 --> 00:46:31,168 I mean, you get into this mindset on this team 692 00:46:31,168 --> 00:46:33,959 that every day is gonna be the exact same. 693 00:46:33,959 --> 00:46:36,876 Right? We get into the routine, and the routine is kind of set. 694 00:46:38,251 --> 00:46:40,168 {\an8}And then, when a massive event like that happens, 695 00:46:40,168 --> 00:46:43,959 {\an8}everybody's just like, "What are we gonna do right now?" 696 00:46:49,751 --> 00:46:52,334 It's a different type of flying. 697 00:46:52,334 --> 00:46:54,751 Those maneuvers are low and fast to the ground. 698 00:46:54,751 --> 00:46:57,543 Right? There's very little room for mistakes. 699 00:47:04,251 --> 00:47:06,834 We owe it to them to think about their memory. 700 00:47:08,459 --> 00:47:10,876 And I ask myself every day, "Who am I?" 701 00:47:20,418 --> 00:47:23,209 Who am I, right, to sit here? 702 00:47:25,043 --> 00:47:27,459 Tough to have an ego when you look at those guys up there 703 00:47:27,459 --> 00:47:28,959 and go, "Okay, who am I?" 704 00:47:33,709 --> 00:47:35,918 It's a humbling experience. It's still humbling. 705 00:47:43,543 --> 00:47:48,209 I'm in my last year, and I'm turning it over. 706 00:47:48,209 --> 00:47:52,001 It's a unique process, picking my replacement. 707 00:48:05,084 --> 00:48:08,084 There's only a handful of people who ever experience this. 708 00:48:11,001 --> 00:48:13,751 The boss application-- there is no other time that you can apply 709 00:48:13,751 --> 00:48:15,293 for the Blue Angels, right? 710 00:48:15,293 --> 00:48:17,626 So it's a very final thing. 711 00:48:18,626 --> 00:48:22,168 They've flown down here from all corners of the world. 712 00:48:23,251 --> 00:48:25,043 And this is some life-changing news. 713 00:48:25,043 --> 00:48:26,501 Maybe a lifelong dream. 714 00:48:30,668 --> 00:48:32,918 For me, back in the '90s, 715 00:48:32,918 --> 00:48:36,418 I was just an average squadron commanding officer. 716 00:48:36,418 --> 00:48:38,709 You know, they would never pick me. 717 00:48:38,709 --> 00:48:40,918 Why even try? 718 00:48:40,918 --> 00:48:43,334 So I was relaxed and honest. 719 00:48:43,334 --> 00:48:45,793 You know, "I'm just gonna be me." 720 00:48:45,793 --> 00:48:49,709 And I was shocked when they pulled me out, 721 00:48:49,709 --> 00:48:52,376 outside the room, said, "You're the guy." 722 00:48:52,376 --> 00:48:54,584 Oh, boy. Whew. 723 00:49:06,001 --> 00:49:08,834 And that was a life changer. I was real surprised. 724 00:49:13,459 --> 00:49:17,209 It's a tough decision. I mean, these folks are all Olympians. 725 00:49:18,293 --> 00:49:21,084 These folks work their entire life. 726 00:49:21,084 --> 00:49:24,751 You've heard of the gold medalist, maybe the silver or even the bronze, 727 00:49:24,751 --> 00:49:29,126 but someone comes in fourth and no one knows their name. 728 00:49:32,709 --> 00:49:35,793 First off, thank you, everyone. Very, very well done. 729 00:49:35,793 --> 00:49:37,376 - Please hold your heads high. 730 00:49:37,376 --> 00:49:39,084 - Very well done. Very well done. Thank you. 731 00:49:39,084 --> 00:49:40,376 Very well done. 732 00:49:40,376 --> 00:49:41,918 - Okay. We'll come on out here. 733 00:49:41,918 --> 00:49:43,168 Awesome. 734 00:49:44,876 --> 00:49:46,376 All right. 735 00:49:47,668 --> 00:49:49,626 You won't start getting your PAO training right away, 736 00:49:49,626 --> 00:49:52,084 but you'll be expected to say a few things, uh, to the press. 737 00:49:52,084 --> 00:49:55,043 Right, your-your most important thing to do right now is 738 00:49:55,043 --> 00:49:56,376 - you're gonna call your wife. - Mm-hmm. 739 00:49:56,376 --> 00:49:57,959 Give her a call-- make it a quick one-- 740 00:49:57,959 --> 00:49:59,751 - and call your... call your mom and dad. - Yeah. Yeah. 741 00:49:59,751 --> 00:50:02,209 Okay, then let me know. Just give them a couple of minutes... 742 00:50:02,209 --> 00:50:04,251 That was, uh, extremely emotional, for sure. 743 00:50:04,251 --> 00:50:06,876 Uh, surprising to start, and then a... and then a... 744 00:50:06,876 --> 00:50:08,709 just a flood of different emotions. 745 00:50:09,959 --> 00:50:12,751 My name's Commander Alex Armatas. Call sign is "Scribe." 746 00:50:12,751 --> 00:50:16,584 I grew up in Central New York, and, uh, very young I knew I wanted to fly. 747 00:50:16,584 --> 00:50:18,001 Press conference one. 748 00:50:18,001 --> 00:50:19,959 I've been in the Navy for quite a while now. 749 00:50:19,959 --> 00:50:22,084 A little over 20 years. 750 00:50:23,084 --> 00:50:24,959 I kind of prepared myself to not be the one, 751 00:50:24,959 --> 00:50:27,251 so now I'm very quickly having to come to terms 752 00:50:27,251 --> 00:50:29,918 with the fact that this will be, uh... this will be my role next, and, uh... 753 00:50:29,918 --> 00:50:31,584 and I need to get ready for that, so... 754 00:50:31,584 --> 00:50:34,001 So, what do you think? Shock? Shock and awe? 755 00:50:34,001 --> 00:50:36,126 - Yeah, big-time. - Yeah. Yeah, me, too. 756 00:50:36,126 --> 00:50:37,918 I think, uh... 757 00:50:37,918 --> 00:50:40,709 - Job's gonna be different than you think. Yeah? 758 00:50:40,709 --> 00:50:43,543 It's gonna be challenging in aspects you don't know. 759 00:50:43,543 --> 00:50:45,084 - I wouldn't trade it for the world. - Yeah. 760 00:50:45,084 --> 00:50:46,834 It's been fantastic. 761 00:50:50,251 --> 00:50:51,751 I appreciate it. Thank you. 762 00:50:55,001 --> 00:50:56,418 Uh, good afternoon, everyone. 763 00:50:56,418 --> 00:50:58,084 As mentioned, my name's Commander Alex Armatas. 764 00:50:58,084 --> 00:50:59,959 Uh, it is an absolute honor to be here. 765 00:50:59,959 --> 00:51:03,209 It's, uh, very humbling, very emotional, as Captain Kesselring mentioned. 766 00:51:03,209 --> 00:51:04,793 Admiral, thank you as well, sir. 767 00:51:04,793 --> 00:51:06,543 Uh, and, uh, just... 768 00:51:06,543 --> 00:51:08,209 Even though he's a very skilled leader 769 00:51:08,209 --> 00:51:09,668 and very skilled aviator, 770 00:51:09,668 --> 00:51:12,543 he's gonna go through that same crucible, that same learning curve. 771 00:51:12,543 --> 00:51:15,501 As I look back, oh, boy. 772 00:51:15,501 --> 00:51:17,459 There's just... he doesn't know what he doesn't know yet. 773 00:51:18,543 --> 00:51:20,376 - Does this get easier with time? This-- - Yeah. 774 00:51:20,376 --> 00:51:21,626 Does it get easier? I hope so. 775 00:51:21,626 --> 00:51:23,334 - How you doing? Outstanding job. Yeah. - Thanks, Admiral. I appreciate it. 776 00:51:23,334 --> 00:51:25,043 - Outstanding. - Yeah, this is, uh... 777 00:51:25,043 --> 00:51:27,376 I hope it gets easier the more you do it. 778 00:51:29,418 --> 00:51:33,709 The Blue Angels were the brainchild of Admiral Chester Nimitz. 779 00:51:33,709 --> 00:51:35,626 {\an8}In 1946, 780 00:51:35,626 --> 00:51:38,001 Admiral Nimitz said, "We've got to make sure 781 00:51:38,001 --> 00:51:40,876 the American public doesn't forget about Navy planes." 782 00:51:44,543 --> 00:51:49,043 {\an8}He pulled a fellow that had five aerial victories during the war, 783 00:51:49,043 --> 00:51:52,626 {\an8}a young 26-year-old lieutenant commander named Butch Voris. 784 00:51:53,709 --> 00:51:58,043 And so, Butch grabbed about four of his best friends, they... 785 00:51:58,043 --> 00:52:02,043 created a team, created a few maneuvers 786 00:52:02,043 --> 00:52:04,668 and took it right to the American public. 787 00:52:20,293 --> 00:52:22,168 The Blue Angels fly 788 00:52:22,168 --> 00:52:26,668 the McDonnell Douglas A-4F Skyhawk II, a single-seat light attack jet, 789 00:52:26,668 --> 00:52:30,918 versions of which have been operational in the fleet since 1956. 790 00:52:45,543 --> 00:52:49,418 Over the years, the team has gone through many different airplanes-- 791 00:52:49,418 --> 00:52:53,709 propeller-driven airplanes, and then into the jet era. 792 00:52:56,459 --> 00:52:57,501 Ready? 793 00:52:57,501 --> 00:52:59,459 Hit it. 794 00:52:59,459 --> 00:53:00,793 Take it in! 795 00:53:00,793 --> 00:53:02,418 We didn't see it as a risk. 796 00:53:02,418 --> 00:53:05,751 We saw taking this job as a Blue Angel as a privilege. 797 00:53:37,751 --> 00:53:41,709 It's so highly sought-after to be part of the Blue Angels. 798 00:53:42,793 --> 00:53:47,501 And it's a... it's a very distinct privilege 799 00:53:47,501 --> 00:53:49,668 to be selected to the Blues. 800 00:53:51,293 --> 00:53:53,751 And we got to pick our own. How about that? 801 00:53:53,751 --> 00:53:56,834 Nobody from above was saying, "You're gonna take this person, 802 00:53:56,834 --> 00:54:00,126 teach him how to fly, teach him how to be a Blue Angel." 803 00:54:00,126 --> 00:54:03,418 Which was really unusual in the military. 804 00:54:11,043 --> 00:54:12,251 All right. 805 00:54:12,251 --> 00:54:15,418 This day is gonna be very busy, very tight on timelines. 806 00:54:15,418 --> 00:54:18,084 If you're next, be on deck outside the room. 807 00:54:18,084 --> 00:54:20,584 Everybody else can relax in here, do your thing. 808 00:54:20,584 --> 00:54:21,751 Thanks. 809 00:54:21,751 --> 00:54:23,918 There's the robust interview process. 810 00:54:23,918 --> 00:54:27,584 We get medical. We take a look at the backgrounds and all that. 811 00:54:27,584 --> 00:54:30,043 But really, what it comes down to is three things: 812 00:54:30,043 --> 00:54:31,876 talent, passion and personality. 813 00:54:31,876 --> 00:54:34,126 Questions for me? Awesome. 814 00:54:34,126 --> 00:54:36,709 - You stand right here. - Oh. 815 00:54:36,709 --> 00:54:40,959 My first introduction to aviation was when my dad took 816 00:54:40,959 --> 00:54:42,876 my family to Tuskegee, 817 00:54:42,876 --> 00:54:47,918 where we got to ride in a small, single-engine aircraft. 818 00:54:47,918 --> 00:54:51,959 Up until that point, I wanted to be a train conductor and a police officer. 819 00:54:51,959 --> 00:54:54,168 But after that flight, I wanted to be a pilot. 820 00:54:57,918 --> 00:54:59,793 The interview matters. 821 00:54:59,793 --> 00:55:03,334 We are picking the best-fit person for this job. 822 00:55:03,334 --> 00:55:05,126 And by "best-fit," I mean, 823 00:55:05,126 --> 00:55:06,293 that's hugely important. 824 00:55:06,293 --> 00:55:08,209 We're spending a lot of time with each other. 825 00:55:08,209 --> 00:55:12,293 We know each other so well. 826 00:55:12,293 --> 00:55:14,501 They're certainly a bit on the nervous side. 827 00:55:14,501 --> 00:55:15,709 Got the nerves going. 828 00:55:15,709 --> 00:55:18,334 You see their excitement. You see the desire. 829 00:55:18,334 --> 00:55:20,668 They're so close they can darn near taste it. 830 00:55:30,043 --> 00:55:32,043 We try to learn everything about that individual 831 00:55:32,043 --> 00:55:34,126 before they get here so that when they do get here 832 00:55:34,126 --> 00:55:36,126 we know exactly what their personality is going to be 833 00:55:36,126 --> 00:55:38,751 and where they're going to fit in in their part of this team. 834 00:55:43,584 --> 00:55:45,418 We'll start during the interview process, 835 00:55:45,418 --> 00:55:49,959 you know, dig a little deeper, but it literally is 836 00:55:49,959 --> 00:55:52,543 a unanimous decision amongst 17 people in the room 837 00:55:52,543 --> 00:55:57,376 that requires hours of deliberation and discussion to reach that consensus. 838 00:55:58,834 --> 00:56:00,501 Obviously, you're gonna pick the people 839 00:56:00,501 --> 00:56:02,376 you think will be the absolute best. 840 00:56:02,376 --> 00:56:04,334 Sometimes that takes five minutes. 841 00:56:04,334 --> 00:56:06,834 Sometimes that takes four hours. You never know. 842 00:56:08,459 --> 00:56:10,459 These are all very personal conversations 843 00:56:10,459 --> 00:56:13,376 with personal details about this individual's life 844 00:56:13,376 --> 00:56:16,126 that the general public doesn't need to ever know. 845 00:56:16,126 --> 00:56:18,251 And it's certain things that we'll talk about in there, 846 00:56:18,251 --> 00:56:21,418 and at the end of the night, we all slap the table and say, 847 00:56:21,418 --> 00:56:23,626 "What happened here stays here." 848 00:56:23,626 --> 00:56:25,876 And then it's never to be talked about again. 849 00:56:26,876 --> 00:56:29,543 'Cause at the end of the day, guess what-- those are your new people. 850 00:56:33,918 --> 00:56:35,834 There has to be a unanimous decision. 851 00:56:35,834 --> 00:56:38,543 But if we don't pick the right people to carry on that legacy, 852 00:56:38,543 --> 00:56:40,251 then what we've done is just a failure. 853 00:56:42,209 --> 00:56:44,959 If you're a finalist, you're kind of waiting on pins and needles. 854 00:56:46,043 --> 00:56:48,126 Saturday after the Pensacola Beach Air Show, 855 00:56:48,126 --> 00:56:49,793 you call in, they tell you whether or not, 856 00:56:49,793 --> 00:56:52,168 you know, either "Welcome to the team," or, you know, 857 00:56:52,168 --> 00:56:53,668 "Hey, sorry. Try again next year." 858 00:56:56,459 --> 00:56:58,751 For me, took me three tries. 859 00:56:58,751 --> 00:57:00,959 I got... you know, I got lucky along the way. 860 00:57:00,959 --> 00:57:04,418 Did a couple deployments, and then I ended up here on the team. 861 00:57:07,251 --> 00:57:10,834 That was... that was a huge, huge success... [chuckles] 862 00:57:10,834 --> 00:57:11,918 ...in my book. 863 00:57:13,001 --> 00:57:14,418 Let's go. 864 00:57:17,168 --> 00:57:19,168 You know, we owe it to all those folks, 865 00:57:19,168 --> 00:57:23,834 the majority of folks who have rushed the team that didn't make it. 866 00:57:23,834 --> 00:57:26,126 Some miss out by just one vote. 867 00:57:27,543 --> 00:57:32,834 We are four months, 16 shows away from the end of the season, 868 00:57:32,834 --> 00:57:35,001 so make sure you appreciate it while you're here. 869 00:58:01,751 --> 00:58:04,959 This city definitely has a special place for us. 870 00:58:06,751 --> 00:58:12,293 These people who have been coming to these shows, you know, since the '60s, 871 00:58:12,293 --> 00:58:15,834 they still welcome us as if we're family. 872 00:58:27,501 --> 00:58:29,543 We're moments in time on this team. 873 00:58:30,834 --> 00:58:33,376 I've been watching the Blue Angels since 1982. 874 00:58:33,376 --> 00:58:34,959 It's my 40th summer. 875 00:58:34,959 --> 00:58:36,834 I've been around them my entire life. 876 00:58:36,834 --> 00:58:38,376 Twenty-plus. 877 00:58:38,376 --> 00:58:42,251 The adrenaline, the rush, and honestly, like, seeing it in person 878 00:58:42,251 --> 00:58:44,293 just makes it that much more real. 879 00:58:48,334 --> 00:58:51,168 Okay, winds are two-zero-zero-eight. We own the airspace. 880 00:58:51,168 --> 00:58:53,709 - Have a good one. 881 00:58:53,709 --> 00:58:55,251 We're cleared for takeoff. 882 00:59:27,626 --> 00:59:30,251 In relatively slow speed flight, they will give you 883 00:59:30,251 --> 00:59:33,126 an opportunity to get a close look at the precision flying 884 00:59:33,126 --> 00:59:36,126 that produces the 18-inch wingtip-to-canopy separation 885 00:59:36,126 --> 00:59:38,168 between these four aircraft. 886 00:59:38,168 --> 00:59:41,209 From the right, the Blue Angel Diamond. 887 00:59:45,626 --> 00:59:48,001 Looking at it, the start of the season, 888 00:59:48,001 --> 00:59:51,084 you know, I'd think, "Man, there's no way I'm gonna get this close to a jet." 889 00:59:53,168 --> 00:59:55,543 Especially for the Diamond 360, which is what we consider 890 00:59:55,543 --> 00:59:57,459 one of our hardest maneuvers. 891 00:59:57,459 --> 00:59:59,584 They're at 360. 892 01:00:05,001 --> 01:00:07,709 We just bumped it into Blue Gold set. 893 01:00:08,793 --> 01:00:12,793 Scott-- Jamammy-- he's currently up under, you know, Boss's wing. 894 01:00:13,793 --> 01:00:16,459 Now, me on the other side, because of parallax, 895 01:00:16,459 --> 01:00:18,168 I'm not actually sliding myself up underneath. 896 01:00:18,168 --> 01:00:21,626 {\an8}What I'm actually doing is I'm sliding outboard and forward. 897 01:00:24,251 --> 01:00:26,001 You have Frank underneath my wing 898 01:00:26,001 --> 01:00:28,501 doing almost the exact same thing that Scott is doing, 899 01:00:28,501 --> 01:00:30,709 just a little bit more aft. 900 01:00:31,709 --> 01:00:33,334 It's kind of getting not so much comfortable, 901 01:00:33,334 --> 01:00:35,709 but it's getting familiar, uh, to the point where it's like, 902 01:00:35,709 --> 01:00:37,251 "Man, we're actually really doing this." 903 01:00:37,251 --> 01:00:39,793 You know, this is... this is the aspect of the Blue Angels 904 01:00:39,793 --> 01:00:43,209 that no other demonstration team really reaches. 905 01:00:50,876 --> 01:00:53,251 But the Yankee set at the start of the season 906 01:00:53,251 --> 01:00:55,668 is something you really want to get 907 01:00:55,668 --> 01:00:59,543 and you don't completely know if maybe you'll actually get there, but... 908 01:00:59,543 --> 01:01:01,376 There's teams that have done this in the past, 909 01:01:01,376 --> 01:01:02,959 and then there's teams that haven't. 910 01:01:04,668 --> 01:01:08,084 Now that we're starting to get in that regime of flight, 911 01:01:08,084 --> 01:01:10,168 will we get there? 912 01:01:10,168 --> 01:01:11,626 Hopefully, yes. 913 01:02:04,834 --> 01:02:07,668 Of course, the crowd favorite is the Sneak. 914 01:02:15,751 --> 01:02:17,584 The Diamond will execute their maneuver, 915 01:02:17,584 --> 01:02:20,126 showcasing the precision flying, uh, that is required 916 01:02:20,126 --> 01:02:22,168 of all Navy and Marine Corps pilots. 917 01:02:22,168 --> 01:02:26,126 And then as we're setting up for our next maneuver, we get the solos in there, 918 01:02:26,126 --> 01:02:29,001 who just pull on the stick a lot and provide the filler. 919 01:02:44,668 --> 01:02:45,959 The Diamond's favorite maneuvers are when 920 01:02:45,959 --> 01:02:47,293 they get to break apart from Boss, 921 01:02:47,293 --> 01:02:49,793 act like a solo, and then once that's over, 922 01:02:49,793 --> 01:02:51,876 they're back to being the Diamond. 923 01:02:51,876 --> 01:02:54,084 I mean, the Diamond, everybody knows they're-they're the better pilots here. 924 01:02:54,084 --> 01:02:55,293 Every... Literally everybody knows. 925 01:02:55,293 --> 01:02:58,376 You know that you actually have to think about those around you, 926 01:02:58,376 --> 01:02:59,834 like, be a team player. 927 01:02:59,834 --> 01:03:01,126 They just don't get that yet. 928 01:03:01,126 --> 01:03:03,168 So, maybe one day, they'll understand that, but... 929 01:03:03,168 --> 01:03:04,334 Fun and excitement. 930 01:03:04,334 --> 01:03:06,918 Definitely, the solos use a lot more than Diamond. 931 01:03:06,918 --> 01:03:08,876 They're all flying off of Boss, so... 932 01:03:08,876 --> 01:03:11,584 Healthy competition-- that's exactly what it is. 933 01:03:28,084 --> 01:03:31,043 After I left Pensacola for finalist week, 934 01:03:31,043 --> 01:03:32,918 it was just me and my husband at the house. 935 01:03:32,918 --> 01:03:35,084 We were kind of waiting and anticipating this phone call. 936 01:03:36,251 --> 01:03:39,168 I was the very first person to call in, uh, so I called in 937 01:03:39,168 --> 01:03:41,793 and, uh, they kind of joked around with me and they said, 938 01:03:41,793 --> 01:03:44,459 "Hey, you have the wrong number. Try calling this number back." 939 01:03:44,459 --> 01:03:47,376 So I am in panic mode immediately. 940 01:03:47,376 --> 01:03:49,626 We tend to mess with them a little bit... 941 01:03:49,626 --> 01:03:51,459 when they, uh... when they call in for the selectees, so... 942 01:03:52,626 --> 01:03:54,959 We have a five-minute window to call in, 943 01:03:54,959 --> 01:03:56,543 so I'm-I'm going through my messages, 944 01:03:56,543 --> 01:03:59,084 making sure I have the right... the right number. 945 01:03:59,084 --> 01:04:01,168 I call back. They're like, "Still the wrong number." 946 01:04:01,168 --> 01:04:05,209 We're listening in as Cody has got some rock music playing in the background. 947 01:04:05,209 --> 01:04:06,959 I get a call from Boss. 948 01:04:06,959 --> 01:04:10,084 - He's like... - Amanda, weren't you supposed to call in a couple minutes ago? 949 01:04:10,084 --> 01:04:12,543 I-I was like, "I have done something terribly wrong. 950 01:04:12,543 --> 01:04:14,334 I'm in trouble." 951 01:04:14,334 --> 01:04:16,626 He's like, "Hey, next year, when you... when you're on the team, 952 01:04:16,626 --> 01:04:18,501 maybe we'll get your timeline a little bit better." 953 01:04:18,501 --> 01:04:20,626 And then everybody said, "Welcome to the team." 954 01:04:20,626 --> 01:04:23,001 But they had me super frazzled. 955 01:04:23,001 --> 01:04:25,543 A history-making day for the legendary Blue Angels. 956 01:04:25,543 --> 01:04:28,501 {\an8}The Navy's elite flight squadron has selected its first 957 01:04:28,501 --> 01:04:31,334 {\an8}female fighter jet demonstration pilot, 958 01:04:31,334 --> 01:04:34,293 {\an8}Lieutenant Amanda Lee from Minnesota. 959 01:04:34,293 --> 01:04:37,668 {\an8}She is soon going to be flying high with the Blue Angels. 960 01:04:37,668 --> 01:04:41,459 {\an8}She will need to complete an intensive five-month training program 961 01:04:41,459 --> 01:04:44,543 {\an8}with other new members of the team beginning in September. 962 01:04:46,876 --> 01:04:49,751 I enlisted in the Navy in 2007. 963 01:04:49,751 --> 01:04:52,709 I ended up enlisting as an aviation electronics technician, 964 01:04:52,709 --> 01:04:54,626 and I started working on the F-18. 965 01:04:55,709 --> 01:04:58,668 I get to my first squadron, and my division chief said, 966 01:04:58,668 --> 01:05:01,834 "You don't belong here. I don't feel like you're challenged enough." 967 01:05:01,834 --> 01:05:03,751 And the only thing I knew in the Navy 968 01:05:03,751 --> 01:05:05,918 was aviation, so I was like, "Let's try to fly." 969 01:05:05,918 --> 01:05:09,043 Once you wear this crest, it's a life-changing journey 970 01:05:09,043 --> 01:05:12,751 and you have an opportunity to represent those over 800,000 active duty reserve 971 01:05:12,751 --> 01:05:15,084 and civilian support personnel by wearing it. 972 01:05:15,084 --> 01:05:19,084 Having the whole team there greeting you, really excited for you, 973 01:05:19,084 --> 01:05:21,001 it was absolutely an unforgettable day. 974 01:05:21,001 --> 01:05:24,376 So remember today is the day that you became a Blue Angel. 975 01:05:24,376 --> 01:05:26,251 Look around at your teammates. 976 01:05:26,251 --> 01:05:28,793 Commit this special bond to memory. 977 01:05:28,793 --> 01:05:31,501 Once a Blue Angel, always a Blue Angel. 978 01:05:35,251 --> 01:05:37,043 Welcome to the team. 979 01:05:42,251 --> 01:05:45,793 I think the media likes to make a big deal out of firsts, 980 01:05:45,793 --> 01:05:49,209 but, you know, I always feel we give short shrift 981 01:05:49,209 --> 01:05:52,001 to why they actually made it, right? 982 01:05:53,834 --> 01:05:57,959 We have a fantastic officer and a fantastic pilot. 983 01:05:59,043 --> 01:06:01,251 The end of the day, when you're flying 12 inches apart, 984 01:06:01,251 --> 01:06:02,751 what really matters 985 01:06:02,751 --> 01:06:04,001 is that you can trust 'em. 986 01:06:27,584 --> 01:06:29,876 I think the progression with the team is going really well, 987 01:06:29,876 --> 01:06:32,918 and I'm really, really excited to see when we can bring this in 988 01:06:32,918 --> 01:06:34,918 and how tight we can actually get that formation. 989 01:06:46,959 --> 01:06:50,126 In terms of being a newbie on the Blue Angels, 990 01:06:50,126 --> 01:06:52,126 it feels like an eternity. 991 01:06:52,126 --> 01:06:56,084 We are entering a phase of the season where a new team is selected 992 01:06:56,084 --> 01:06:58,834 and it's the official "you are no longer a newbie on the team." 993 01:07:02,043 --> 01:07:04,709 You finally kind of know what you're doing. 994 01:07:35,626 --> 01:07:37,501 Rip it. 995 01:07:39,959 --> 01:07:42,918 It's kind of fun watching the folks who just learned. 996 01:07:44,001 --> 01:07:49,376 It's cool seeing Cheese go from not knowing anything but fleet flying 997 01:07:49,376 --> 01:07:54,668 to feeling 110% confident. 998 01:07:54,668 --> 01:07:57,501 But he has another enormous role that he's got to learn. 999 01:07:58,584 --> 01:08:00,251 Cheese next year in the two jet 1000 01:08:00,251 --> 01:08:02,084 is gonna have the incredible responsibility 1001 01:08:02,084 --> 01:08:04,043 of training a new boss. 1002 01:08:14,584 --> 01:08:16,709 Good morning, Mike. How are you? 1003 01:08:16,709 --> 01:08:18,084 Thanks. Good. And yourself? - Hi. 1004 01:08:18,084 --> 01:08:19,668 - Doc, nice to see you again. - Good to be back. 1005 01:08:19,668 --> 01:08:21,001 - Hi. Mike. - Alex Armatas. 1006 01:08:21,001 --> 01:08:26,668 We are in San Antonio, Texas, at the Wyle KBR centrifuge center. 1007 01:08:26,668 --> 01:08:28,251 You guys ready for this? 1008 01:08:29,418 --> 01:08:32,918 This is the first day for the incoming pilots 1009 01:08:32,918 --> 01:08:35,751 to be on the job as Blue Angels. 1010 01:08:37,209 --> 01:08:41,168 This is a g tolerance improvement training program, 1011 01:08:41,168 --> 01:08:44,293 and it is a very demanding and rigorous program. 1012 01:08:44,293 --> 01:08:48,418 People who've been flying F-18s for 20 years go to the centrifuge 1013 01:08:48,418 --> 01:08:50,043 if they get selected. 1014 01:08:50,043 --> 01:08:54,168 And it can be challenging at times and sometimes have to learn new techniques 1015 01:08:54,168 --> 01:08:56,168 to make sure they can perform at the highest levels 1016 01:08:56,168 --> 01:08:58,334 before they can be on the team. 1017 01:08:59,834 --> 01:09:01,543 When you increase g-forces, 1018 01:09:01,543 --> 01:09:05,543 gravity is gonna pull the blood in your head down to your feet, 1019 01:09:05,543 --> 01:09:07,501 so you're gonna pass out. 1020 01:09:07,501 --> 01:09:09,168 Go ahead and put your g-suits on. 1021 01:09:09,168 --> 01:09:11,293 I want to check them just to make sure. 1022 01:09:11,293 --> 01:09:14,918 The first day, incoming aviators wear their g-suits, 1023 01:09:14,918 --> 01:09:16,459 which they're used to wearing out in the fleet. 1024 01:09:16,459 --> 01:09:19,209 Go ahead and climb on in and sit down as best 1025 01:09:19,209 --> 01:09:21,293 or as easy as possible. 1026 01:09:21,293 --> 01:09:25,126 A g-suit is something that we strap on, and they will inflate 1027 01:09:25,126 --> 01:09:27,668 and deflate, depending on the amount of g's you're pulling, 1028 01:09:27,668 --> 01:09:30,501 to help you sustain g's so you don't have to strain as hard. 1029 01:09:30,501 --> 01:09:32,251 Harness. 1030 01:09:32,251 --> 01:09:34,209 Harness locked. Zippers are up. 1031 01:09:34,209 --> 01:09:37,959 G-suit pressure one-five-five. 1032 01:09:37,959 --> 01:09:39,418 There it is. 1033 01:09:48,293 --> 01:09:50,293 Okay, we're just gonna get you up to idle speed. 1034 01:09:50,293 --> 01:09:52,834 In three, two, one. Engage. 1035 01:09:58,376 --> 01:10:01,459 All right, should feel like you're going straight up in a rocket right now. 1036 01:10:01,459 --> 01:10:02,834 Yeah. 1037 01:10:02,834 --> 01:10:04,459 Pull back. 1038 01:10:06,001 --> 01:10:08,001 Up top. Breathe. 1039 01:10:08,001 --> 01:10:09,751 {\an8}Bring those knees in. Dig with those heels. 1040 01:10:09,751 --> 01:10:11,709 {\an8}Breathe. Drop the shoulders. 1041 01:10:11,709 --> 01:10:13,584 {\an8}Plank the abs. Down to five and a half. 1042 01:10:13,584 --> 01:10:15,001 {\an8}Keep it going. 1043 01:10:15,001 --> 01:10:17,209 Squeeze that butt. Get those abs tight. 1044 01:10:17,209 --> 01:10:18,334 {\an8}Keep them tight. 1045 01:10:18,334 --> 01:10:19,959 {\an8}You're letting these g's control you. 1046 01:10:19,959 --> 01:10:21,959 {\an8}Come on. I want you to control them. 1047 01:10:25,168 --> 01:10:26,501 {\an8}You're on top. Breathe. 1048 01:10:26,501 --> 01:10:28,418 {\an8}Squeeze the knees. Squeeze that butt. 1049 01:10:28,418 --> 01:10:30,876 {\an8}Breathe. Keep those abs tight. Keep them tight. 1050 01:10:30,876 --> 01:10:33,126 Work. Bring those knees in. Squeeze that butt! 1051 01:10:33,126 --> 01:10:34,584 {\an8}Come on, breathe. 1052 01:10:34,584 --> 01:10:36,334 Come on, dig the heels. You got this. 1053 01:10:36,334 --> 01:10:38,751 {\an8}Keep squeezing. Come on. 1054 01:10:38,751 --> 01:10:41,376 {\an8}Squeeze the knees. Nicely done. 1055 01:10:41,376 --> 01:10:43,084 I got to tell you, Alex, that may be 1056 01:10:43,084 --> 01:10:46,543 the best I've ever seen anybody do on their first ride. 1057 01:10:46,543 --> 01:10:48,876 I'm sure. I'm not just blowing smoke, man. 1058 01:10:48,876 --> 01:10:51,251 I don't say that to people. That was awesome. 1059 01:10:54,334 --> 01:10:56,793 Today, there are no g-suits. 1060 01:10:57,959 --> 01:11:00,293 And the reason we require that is because 1061 01:11:00,293 --> 01:11:03,501 we do not fly with g-suits in the Blue Angels. 1062 01:11:05,418 --> 01:11:07,501 Welcome back. - Yeah. 1063 01:11:07,501 --> 01:11:09,084 The g-suit fills up with air, 1064 01:11:09,084 --> 01:11:12,293 so the way we fulcrum with our-our arm on our leg, 1065 01:11:12,293 --> 01:11:15,293 if that were to inflate, it would move our arm 1066 01:11:15,293 --> 01:11:17,793 and inherently just move the aircraft, so we don't do that. 1067 01:11:17,793 --> 01:11:21,293 Okay, we're gonna start the profile now. 1068 01:11:21,293 --> 01:11:24,543 We have five profiles that every Blue Angel aviator 1069 01:11:24,543 --> 01:11:27,834 will go through in the centrifuge which represent 1070 01:11:27,834 --> 01:11:29,793 what they experience when flying in the jet. 1071 01:11:38,043 --> 01:11:41,209 And those are the high-g profiles, and one of which is 1072 01:11:41,209 --> 01:11:44,209 the PUB, the Pitch-Up Break, which is our very last maneuver, 1073 01:11:44,209 --> 01:11:47,209 {\an8}where the pilots will pull seven and a half g's 1074 01:11:47,209 --> 01:11:49,459 {\an8}to break around the airfield before landing. 1075 01:11:51,084 --> 01:11:54,834 But it's critical that they stay awake during that maneuver. 1076 01:11:56,751 --> 01:11:59,251 So we've taken that demonstration profile 1077 01:11:59,251 --> 01:12:01,668 and simulated it in the centrifuge 1078 01:12:01,668 --> 01:12:04,126 so that we can train to it before getting into the jet. 1079 01:12:04,126 --> 01:12:05,459 All right, I have controls. 1080 01:12:05,459 --> 01:12:07,168 Going to seven g's, five seconds. 1081 01:12:11,293 --> 01:12:13,418 Okay, legs tight. Breath. 1082 01:12:14,459 --> 01:12:15,626 {\an8}On top. Breathe. 1083 01:12:15,626 --> 01:12:17,793 {\an8}Dig with the heels. Plank the abs. 1084 01:12:17,793 --> 01:12:20,293 {\an8}Breathe. We're-we're down to five and a half. Keep it going. 1085 01:12:20,293 --> 01:12:23,126 {\an8}Stay with the strain. Come on. 1086 01:12:23,126 --> 01:12:25,668 {\an8}-Stay with it. Stay with it. Stay with it. 1087 01:12:29,626 --> 01:12:32,501 It gets people when it drops off like that. 1088 01:12:33,584 --> 01:12:36,501 It's the weirdest thing to have a g-induced loss of consciousness. 1089 01:12:36,501 --> 01:12:39,293 You don't even know where you are or what you are. 1090 01:12:39,293 --> 01:12:44,251 I mean, it's just like your whole conscious self is gone. 1091 01:12:44,251 --> 01:12:46,584 Alex, you okay? 1092 01:12:46,584 --> 01:12:48,584 - Yeah. - All right. 1093 01:12:48,584 --> 01:12:53,043 I called Boss about this and said, "Hey, Boss, the new boss just passed out." 1094 01:12:53,043 --> 01:12:54,501 And he said, "Good. 1095 01:12:54,501 --> 01:12:57,626 Good, because that's a wake-up call that he needs." 1096 01:12:57,626 --> 01:13:01,001 You know, "Let's get to work. This is not gonna be easy." 1097 01:13:04,626 --> 01:13:07,251 You're on top. Breathe. 1098 01:13:07,251 --> 01:13:09,918 {\an8}Come on, dig the heels. You got this. Keep squeezing. 1099 01:13:09,918 --> 01:13:11,751 {\an8}Breathe. Squeeze those knees. Get that butt tight. 1100 01:13:11,751 --> 01:13:13,293 {\an8}Yes. Abs tight. Hold them tight. 1101 01:13:13,293 --> 01:13:14,584 {\an8}Come on, legs. 1102 01:13:14,584 --> 01:13:17,293 {\an8}One, two. Breathe. You got this. And you're coming down. 1103 01:13:17,293 --> 01:13:18,626 {\an8}You're coming all the way home. 1104 01:13:18,626 --> 01:13:20,418 {\an8}Keep the strain. Legs, butt, heels. 1105 01:13:20,418 --> 01:13:22,126 {\an8}Oh, you're coming down. 1106 01:13:24,918 --> 01:13:26,668 Yep, there we go. 1107 01:13:29,834 --> 01:13:31,251 I got you, Amanda. 1108 01:13:31,251 --> 01:13:33,751 Go ahead and put your head back. Amanda? 1109 01:13:33,751 --> 01:13:36,709 I had never g-LOC'd before. 1110 01:13:36,709 --> 01:13:39,751 And whatever your mind goes through at that point, you know, 1111 01:13:39,751 --> 01:13:41,709 who knows, but I was in outer space. 1112 01:13:41,709 --> 01:13:44,668 Take a breath. 1113 01:13:44,668 --> 01:13:50,084 It's, like, a... an eye-opener for how inherently dangerous this job is. 1114 01:13:50,084 --> 01:13:52,376 We're just getting everything back to normal. 1115 01:13:52,376 --> 01:13:54,001 Okay. - Head back in the headrest. 1116 01:13:54,001 --> 01:13:55,084 There you go. 1117 01:13:55,084 --> 01:13:56,709 There was certainly a point today where I was... 1118 01:13:56,709 --> 01:13:59,168 I was frustrated, and it was a... it was a difficult profile, 1119 01:13:59,168 --> 01:14:02,668 and I just kind of sat down and... and just-just wanted to... 1120 01:14:02,668 --> 01:14:05,001 just wanted to relax and do nothing for a few minutes. 1121 01:14:05,001 --> 01:14:06,626 But like most things in this business, 1122 01:14:06,626 --> 01:14:08,668 you-you get over it and you... and you move on. 1123 01:14:08,668 --> 01:14:11,293 {\an8}Breath up. 1124 01:14:11,293 --> 01:14:13,376 {\an8}On top. Breathe. Drop those shoulders. 1125 01:14:13,376 --> 01:14:15,459 {\an8}Bring the knees in. Squeeze the butt. Breathe. 1126 01:14:15,459 --> 01:14:19,043 A lot of today is building confidence, 1127 01:14:19,043 --> 01:14:23,209 {\an8}knowing that you can physically do this. 1128 01:14:23,209 --> 01:14:26,168 Breathe. Good. Terminate, terminate, terminate. 1129 01:14:27,459 --> 01:14:29,626 Got to get your mind right, your body right. 1130 01:14:29,626 --> 01:14:33,418 But without that mind being 100% invested that you can do this, 1131 01:14:33,418 --> 01:14:34,793 {\an8}you're not gonna be able to do it. 1132 01:14:34,793 --> 01:14:37,126 You're on top. Breathe here. Squeeze those knees together. 1133 01:14:37,126 --> 01:14:39,876 {\an8}Squeeze that butt. Keep it tight. Breathe. Good. 1134 01:14:39,876 --> 01:14:42,751 {\an8}Breathe. Squeeze those knees. Get that butt tight. Breathe. Good. 1135 01:14:42,751 --> 01:14:45,084 {\an8}Come on, now. There you go. Looking good. You got it. 1136 01:14:45,084 --> 01:14:48,293 {\an8}One, two, and you're coming down all the way home. 1137 01:14:48,293 --> 01:14:50,001 {\an8} 1138 01:14:51,626 --> 01:14:53,584 Nicely done. 1139 01:14:57,501 --> 01:14:59,126 All right. Hey! 1140 01:14:59,126 --> 01:15:00,376 Nice job. 1141 01:15:00,376 --> 01:15:04,543 That's what this whole training is about-- to let them know 1142 01:15:04,543 --> 01:15:07,501 we are in the big leagues now and it's time to step it up. 1143 01:15:07,501 --> 01:15:09,209 Nice job, man. 1144 01:15:09,209 --> 01:15:10,876 We've got a lot to learn. 1145 01:15:10,876 --> 01:15:14,626 Starting next month, we'll start traveling with the team, and pretty much 1146 01:15:14,626 --> 01:15:17,918 from the moment we start traveling until the change of command in November, 1147 01:15:17,918 --> 01:15:21,501 we are joined at the hip with whoever we're replacing. 1148 01:15:21,501 --> 01:15:23,876 We'll all be doing that all the way through the fall. 1149 01:15:23,876 --> 01:15:25,126 - Hey, Boss. - New boss! 1150 01:15:25,126 --> 01:15:26,834 - Hey. - All right, cheers. 1151 01:15:39,043 --> 01:15:41,418 Right now, it's the khaki newbie phase, as we refer to it. 1152 01:15:41,418 --> 01:15:43,501 It's a good chance for all of us to kind of feel 1153 01:15:43,501 --> 01:15:45,959 what it's like to be on the road. 1154 01:15:45,959 --> 01:15:49,126 The best way to describe it is "surreal." 1155 01:15:53,793 --> 01:15:55,751 First jumper. 1156 01:15:55,751 --> 01:15:58,043 First jumper. Two jumps away. 1157 01:15:59,126 --> 01:16:01,418 Not until you live it, boy, do you understand 1158 01:16:01,418 --> 01:16:03,043 what it's like to be a Blue Angel. 1159 01:16:05,543 --> 01:16:08,376 It's actually a bit comical at the start because you have a bunch 1160 01:16:08,376 --> 01:16:10,626 of highly trained, skilled folks who... 1161 01:16:10,626 --> 01:16:12,418 don't really know what to do anymore. 1162 01:16:12,418 --> 01:16:15,876 You can... But you can stand just-- yeah, either way. 1163 01:16:15,876 --> 01:16:17,876 You can dance around. Thanks. 1164 01:16:17,876 --> 01:16:22,126 Being a newbie, there's a very delicate balance. 1165 01:16:22,126 --> 01:16:24,626 You're basically there to be a sponge. 1166 01:16:24,626 --> 01:16:26,251 That's crowd right. Intro to crowd. 1167 01:16:26,251 --> 01:16:29,209 We account for every single minute of the day. 1168 01:16:29,209 --> 01:16:31,293 {\an8}By the time you get back to the hotel, 1169 01:16:31,293 --> 01:16:34,418 {\an8}boy, you can't even remember what you ate for lunch or if you even ate lunch. 1170 01:16:36,293 --> 01:16:38,959 I wanted to start off with the narrator spot, 1171 01:16:38,959 --> 01:16:41,043 and then when I found out that I was gonna be 1172 01:16:41,043 --> 01:16:43,376 in the Diamond, it's just one of those things where you're like, 1173 01:16:43,376 --> 01:16:44,793 "I'm just happy to be here." 1174 01:16:44,793 --> 01:16:46,834 Um, as we say, "I'm glad to be here." 1175 01:16:46,834 --> 01:16:49,001 Set your flaps. 1176 01:16:49,001 --> 01:16:51,126 "Glad to be here." 1177 01:16:51,126 --> 01:16:56,084 The perfect expression of the gratitude we have from the top down, the bottom up. 1178 01:16:59,918 --> 01:17:03,626 Whoever is around you, and-and you say, "I'm just glad to be here." 1179 01:17:04,626 --> 01:17:06,751 It's a reset. 1180 01:17:06,751 --> 01:17:09,793 It lets people know that no matter what kind of day you had, 1181 01:17:09,793 --> 01:17:12,501 you're glad you are with the people you're with, 1182 01:17:12,501 --> 01:17:16,001 because they'll understand and they'll trust you 1183 01:17:16,001 --> 01:17:18,418 because you won't hold anything back. 1184 01:17:18,418 --> 01:17:20,084 And when you have that kind of effort, 1185 01:17:20,084 --> 01:17:22,501 it raises the outcomes for each and every person. 1186 01:17:24,501 --> 01:17:27,168 "Glad to be here." 1187 01:17:27,168 --> 01:17:28,751 That was foundational. 1188 01:17:30,209 --> 01:17:31,293 All right! 1189 01:17:36,584 --> 01:17:40,084 Th-There's a kind of a saying from deploying sailors 1190 01:17:40,084 --> 01:17:43,376 where the days are long but the weeks are short. 1191 01:17:44,918 --> 01:17:47,709 Kind of living in the moment. You're tired a lot of times. 1192 01:17:48,918 --> 01:17:52,001 All of a sudden, you wake up and it's, you know, September, 1193 01:17:52,001 --> 01:17:53,543 and then it's end of season week. 1194 01:17:55,793 --> 01:17:57,459 Rip it. 1195 01:18:17,543 --> 01:18:20,626 You spend the entire 365 previous days 1196 01:18:20,626 --> 01:18:23,293 with your team, getting better and better and better, and then... 1197 01:18:23,293 --> 01:18:24,376 Let's get rolling. 1198 01:18:24,376 --> 01:18:25,876 Here it is. 1199 01:18:25,876 --> 01:18:28,043 I'll never do this again. 1200 01:18:28,043 --> 01:18:31,584 My replacement has been picked, and this is our last ride. 1201 01:18:31,584 --> 01:18:33,709 It's definitely an emotional moment, you know? 1202 01:18:33,709 --> 01:18:35,293 Yeah. 1203 01:18:46,751 --> 01:18:50,001 For the Diamond 360, we've talked at length over the last... 1204 01:18:50,001 --> 01:18:53,209 I-I would say each one of us has had hours conversations 1205 01:18:53,209 --> 01:18:57,668 with each other about the Diamond 360, kind of preparing our fulcrum... 1206 01:18:57,668 --> 01:19:00,334 Our goal at the beginning of the season is 1207 01:19:00,334 --> 01:19:02,084 the tireless pursuit of perfection. 1208 01:19:02,084 --> 01:19:05,793 And I think a lot of it comes down to just not being satisfied, 1209 01:19:05,793 --> 01:19:07,834 knowing that there's a next level. 1210 01:19:15,584 --> 01:19:17,334 There's tension in it. There's, one, 1211 01:19:17,334 --> 01:19:20,084 you got to be safe, you got to be professional. 1212 01:19:22,084 --> 01:19:24,084 But there's another side to that: 1213 01:19:24,084 --> 01:19:28,043 "Gosh, man, I want to make sure that we get to the tightest sets." 1214 01:19:31,043 --> 01:19:33,626 The Blue Angel hallmark of precision. 1215 01:19:35,084 --> 01:19:38,126 That tension, it's good, but you got to keep it in check. 1216 01:19:38,126 --> 01:19:40,001 All right, for the Diamond Roll. 1217 01:19:40,001 --> 01:19:42,001 Hold to deep. Hold to deep... 1218 01:19:42,001 --> 01:19:45,793 The way I chose to lead was 1219 01:19:45,793 --> 01:19:47,418 I wanted Chomps to be empowered. 1220 01:19:49,459 --> 01:19:52,376 'Cause I have that much trust in-in Frank. 1221 01:19:56,459 --> 01:19:59,168 During that final week, Frank came into my office and said, 1222 01:19:59,168 --> 01:20:01,043 "We can do it." 1223 01:20:02,126 --> 01:20:04,543 The Diamond 360 and Yankee set. 1224 01:20:09,626 --> 01:20:12,834 From the right, the Blue Angel Diamond. 1225 01:20:48,168 --> 01:20:51,126 To be able to do that safely... 1226 01:20:52,626 --> 01:20:57,834 ...flying just inches apart, that's-that's a grand slam. 1227 01:20:57,834 --> 01:20:59,918 That's the Blue Angel magic. 1228 01:21:11,376 --> 01:21:14,251 Departing team members, last three ranks, anyone want to talk? 1229 01:21:14,251 --> 01:21:16,418 - Destiny, you crying yet? I'm not crying. 1230 01:21:16,418 --> 01:21:18,168 - You good? Come on, Kev. 1231 01:21:18,168 --> 01:21:20,001 Come on, Kev! This is it. 1232 01:21:20,001 --> 01:21:23,084 - Come on, Kev. 1233 01:21:23,084 --> 01:21:25,668 - Come on, Kev! 1234 01:21:31,709 --> 01:21:33,834 ♪ Put your hands in the air if you heard me ♪ 1235 01:21:33,834 --> 01:21:35,709 - ♪ Wash your hands, wash your feet ♪ 1236 01:21:35,709 --> 01:21:37,168 ♪ Brush your teeth, wash your back... 1237 01:21:40,668 --> 01:21:43,501 ♪ Put your arms in the air if you heard me ♪ 1238 01:21:43,501 --> 01:21:46,168 ♪ Wash your hands, wash your feet, wash your back, wash your back... 1239 01:21:47,876 --> 01:21:49,959 Good afternoon, Bert. 1240 01:21:55,793 --> 01:21:58,043 I've never been in a command like this before, 1241 01:21:58,043 --> 01:22:02,293 and, uh, you guys treat me like family, and I really appreciate that. 1242 01:22:02,293 --> 01:22:04,251 Thank you so much. I will miss it. 1243 01:22:04,251 --> 01:22:06,918 - I will miss it. 1244 01:22:09,251 --> 01:22:14,501 ♪ When there's nowhere else to run ♪ 1245 01:22:14,501 --> 01:22:19,084 ♪ Is there room for one more son... 1246 01:22:19,084 --> 01:22:21,334 You know, to everyone leaving, you will be missed. 1247 01:22:21,334 --> 01:22:23,001 We'll talk about it more tonight. 1248 01:22:23,001 --> 01:22:25,959 For the newbies in the back, soak it in. 1249 01:22:25,959 --> 01:22:27,793 Talk to these people before they leave today. 1250 01:22:27,793 --> 01:22:29,209 Whoo! 1251 01:22:29,209 --> 01:22:30,668 ♪ Hold on ♪ 1252 01:22:32,834 --> 01:22:34,668 ♪ If you can, hold on ♪ 1253 01:22:34,668 --> 01:22:36,543 - All right! 1254 01:22:36,543 --> 01:22:38,209 - ♪ Hold on ♪ - Hit it. 1255 01:22:38,209 --> 01:22:41,418 - One more time. - Three, four, five. 1256 01:22:55,876 --> 01:22:57,543 Expo is clear to taxi. 1257 01:22:57,543 --> 01:22:59,584 Line up on runway two-five-right. 1258 01:23:01,584 --> 01:23:02,584 Now. 1259 01:23:02,584 --> 01:23:05,793 ♪ I wanna stand up, I wanna let go ♪ 1260 01:23:05,793 --> 01:23:08,043 - ♪ You know, you know ♪ 1261 01:23:08,043 --> 01:23:11,043 ♪ No, you don't, you don't ♪ 1262 01:23:11,043 --> 01:23:14,918 ♪ I wanna shine on in the hearts of man ♪ 1263 01:23:14,918 --> 01:23:18,251 ♪ I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand ♪ 1264 01:23:18,251 --> 01:23:20,668 - ♪ Another head aches ♪ 1265 01:23:20,668 --> 01:23:23,459 ♪ Another heart breaks ♪ 1266 01:23:23,459 --> 01:23:26,126 ♪ I'm so much older than I can take ♪ 1267 01:23:26,126 --> 01:23:31,209 ♪ And my affection, well, it comes and goes ♪ 1268 01:23:31,209 --> 01:23:34,709 ♪ I need direction to perfection, no, no, no, no ♪ 1269 01:23:34,709 --> 01:23:37,126 ♪ Help me out, yeah ♪ 1270 01:23:37,126 --> 01:23:41,293 ♪ You know you gotta help me out, yeah ♪ 1271 01:23:41,293 --> 01:23:44,834 ♪ Oh, don't you put me on the back burner ♪ 1272 01:23:44,834 --> 01:23:49,168 ♪ You know you gotta help me out, yeah ♪ 1273 01:23:49,168 --> 01:23:51,918 ♪ You're gonna bring yourself down ♪ 1274 01:23:51,918 --> 01:23:53,334 ♪ Yeah ♪ 1275 01:23:53,334 --> 01:23:57,459 ♪ You're gonna bring yourself down, yeah ♪ 1276 01:23:57,459 --> 01:24:00,584 ♪ You're gonna bring yourself down ♪ 1277 01:24:00,584 --> 01:24:03,084 I don't think you remember shows or weekends. 1278 01:24:05,584 --> 01:24:09,584 The level of perfection that we seek, I see it in moments. 1279 01:24:11,251 --> 01:24:14,376 Every once in a while, you're in a roll or a rollout, 1280 01:24:14,376 --> 01:24:16,793 the jets just kind of freeze, 1281 01:24:16,793 --> 01:24:19,543 and the world around you seems to kind of spin, so... 1282 01:24:19,543 --> 01:24:21,668 And those are kind of the moments that I'll remember 1283 01:24:21,668 --> 01:24:23,584 that kind of stick with me. 1284 01:24:23,584 --> 01:24:26,709 The four Diamond pilots are rolling out in trail formation 1285 01:24:26,709 --> 01:24:29,251 for a dynamic separation maneuver. 1286 01:24:29,251 --> 01:24:31,584 The Blue Angel Vertical Break. 1287 01:24:31,584 --> 01:24:32,918 Rip it. 1288 01:24:32,918 --> 01:24:35,793 ♪ I got soul, but I'm not a soldier ♪ 1289 01:24:35,793 --> 01:24:42,709 ♪ I got soul, but I'm not a soldier ♪ 1290 01:24:48,584 --> 01:24:50,584 ♪ Yeah ♪ 1291 01:24:50,584 --> 01:24:54,501 ♪ You know you gotta help me out, yeah ♪ 1292 01:24:54,501 --> 01:24:58,501 ♪ Oh, don't you put me on the back burner ♪ 1293 01:24:58,501 --> 01:25:02,668 ♪ You know you gotta help me out, yeah ♪ 1294 01:25:02,668 --> 01:25:04,751 ♪ You're gonna bring yourself down ♪ 1295 01:25:04,751 --> 01:25:08,918 ♪ Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down ♪ 1296 01:25:08,918 --> 01:25:10,626 ♪ Yeah ♪ 1297 01:25:10,626 --> 01:25:14,584 ♪ Oh, don't you put me on the back burner ♪ 1298 01:25:14,584 --> 01:25:17,793 ♪ You're gonna bring yourself down ♪ 1299 01:25:17,793 --> 01:25:19,918 ♪ Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down... 1300 01:25:19,918 --> 01:25:24,876 I walked away thinking, "This is exactly what we worked for all year," 1301 01:25:24,876 --> 01:25:26,918 and it was incredible to see. 1302 01:25:26,918 --> 01:25:28,876 ♪ Last call for sin ♪ 1303 01:25:28,876 --> 01:25:30,793 - ♪ While everyone's lost ♪ 1304 01:25:30,793 --> 01:25:32,709 ♪ The battle is won... 1305 01:25:32,709 --> 01:25:34,668 Great job. Great tour. 1306 01:25:34,668 --> 01:25:36,918 Ah, good deal, Boss. Welcome back. 1307 01:25:36,918 --> 01:25:38,501 Great. 1308 01:25:38,501 --> 01:25:42,751 No kidding-- during the show, the parking spots are all changed over, 1309 01:25:42,751 --> 01:25:44,251 and that is how the Blue Angels do it. 1310 01:25:44,251 --> 01:25:45,584 ♪ Things that I've done ♪ 1311 01:25:45,584 --> 01:25:47,543 ♪ Time, truth and hearts ♪ 1312 01:25:49,293 --> 01:25:52,543 All the old guys' names have been scraped off. 1313 01:25:52,543 --> 01:25:54,334 ♪ If you can, hold on ♪ 1314 01:25:54,334 --> 01:25:56,793 You know, when you walk out of this hangar that final time, that's it. 1315 01:25:56,793 --> 01:25:58,751 - ♪ If you can, hold on ♪ 1316 01:25:58,751 --> 01:26:00,168 There's no coming back. 1317 01:26:10,376 --> 01:26:13,251 Just started prepping my cadence for that final walk back, 1318 01:26:13,251 --> 01:26:15,168 when it's that final drop of salute. 1319 01:26:15,168 --> 01:26:17,459 That's right, and left. 1320 01:26:17,459 --> 01:26:19,543 Left, left. 1321 01:26:19,543 --> 01:26:21,834 How long I might wait for that final drop of salute. 1322 01:26:21,834 --> 01:26:24,584 Left, left. 1323 01:26:24,584 --> 01:26:26,293 Left, right, left. 1324 01:26:26,293 --> 01:26:28,001 - Right, right. - Hut! 1325 01:26:28,001 --> 01:26:31,376 We drop salute, and we know that the next day, 1326 01:26:31,376 --> 01:26:34,668 personnel are gonna go all across the world 1327 01:26:34,668 --> 01:26:37,418 to the next tour of duty. 1328 01:26:38,834 --> 01:26:42,751 That's the last moment that our family's gonna be together. 1329 01:26:42,751 --> 01:26:44,251 You know? 1330 01:26:44,251 --> 01:26:46,543 Uh... yeah. 1331 01:26:49,209 --> 01:26:50,959 And salute. 1332 01:26:53,376 --> 01:26:54,876 Ready? Two. 1333 01:27:22,293 --> 01:27:24,584 The flying is cool, but it's not the same 1334 01:27:24,584 --> 01:27:28,251 as being around Jamammy or Cheese or Chewy or Whiskers or Boss 1335 01:27:28,251 --> 01:27:31,293 or any of the supply officers to maintainers downstairs. 1336 01:27:31,293 --> 01:27:33,834 It's that one-on-one connection you have with your crew chiefs-- 1337 01:27:33,834 --> 01:27:36,168 Joe and Alan for me-- so that's gonna truly, 1338 01:27:36,168 --> 01:27:38,293 truly be the thing that I'm gonna miss the most. 1339 01:27:58,793 --> 01:28:01,084 It's all the parts. It's not just five people. 1340 01:28:01,084 --> 01:28:04,251 It's 141 personnel that put this thing together. 1341 01:28:04,251 --> 01:28:06,501 Ready? One, two and three. 1342 01:28:06,501 --> 01:28:08,584 - All right! 1343 01:28:11,459 --> 01:28:13,918 The people change. The suits stay the same. 1344 01:28:13,918 --> 01:28:16,584 What this team means stays the same. 1345 01:28:16,584 --> 01:28:19,668 And what this team means to the country has stayed the same 1346 01:28:19,668 --> 01:28:21,793 and has lasted the test of time. 1347 01:28:24,001 --> 01:28:27,459 And then-- poof, you know?-- it's gone. 1348 01:28:32,251 --> 01:28:35,209 I pinch myself I get a chance to be part of it. 1349 01:28:55,084 --> 01:28:58,376 The Blue Angel Creed! 1350 01:28:58,376 --> 01:29:00,001 As a Blue Angel, 1351 01:29:00,001 --> 01:29:05,043 I will dedicate all my efforts to pride, professionalism and perfection. 1352 01:29:05,043 --> 01:29:08,001 I will strive to honor the crest I earned, 1353 01:29:08,001 --> 01:29:10,209 and I will never forget from where I came. 1354 01:29:10,209 --> 01:29:13,043 Once a Blue Angel, always a Blue Angel. 1355 01:32:27,043 --> 01:32:29,126 Great job. Great tour.