1 00:00:11,053 --> 00:00:13,264 [exclaiming, grunting] 2 00:00:14,724 --> 00:00:15,975 Skadoosh. 3 00:00:19,145 --> 00:00:20,813 [Rukhmini] Which way are we going? 4 00:00:20,897 --> 00:00:22,607 [Akna] Go towards the light. 5 00:00:23,316 --> 00:00:25,318 [Rukhmini] Not crazy about that expression. 6 00:00:27,361 --> 00:00:30,740 That sword was a Storm Wheel this whole time and you didn't know? 7 00:00:30,823 --> 00:00:34,368 That boat ride to England could have been so much faster. 8 00:00:34,452 --> 00:00:35,453 [sighs] 9 00:00:36,370 --> 00:00:38,664 Hey, bud. You okay? 10 00:00:38,748 --> 00:00:39,582 [sighs] 11 00:00:40,249 --> 00:00:41,876 Yes, why wouldn't I be? 12 00:00:41,959 --> 00:00:42,960 Oh, I don't know, 13 00:00:43,044 --> 00:00:46,756 maybe 'cause you just found out your brother's been trapped in a sword? 14 00:00:46,839 --> 00:00:49,383 Hey. We'll get him back. Don't worry. 15 00:00:50,134 --> 00:00:52,595 I just-- I can't think about that right now. 16 00:00:52,678 --> 00:00:54,639 Well, that's all I can think about. 17 00:00:54,722 --> 00:00:56,808 [grunts, exclaims] 18 00:00:57,725 --> 00:00:59,602 What an adventure we're on, eh? 19 00:00:59,685 --> 00:01:01,270 Getting back Alfie. 20 00:01:01,354 --> 00:01:04,816 Oh, I can hardly wait to get started. [chuckles] 21 00:01:04,899 --> 00:01:07,235 What if part of her plan to turn you over to Drake 22 00:01:07,318 --> 00:01:10,029 is telling you about the plan to turn you over to Drake? 23 00:01:11,197 --> 00:01:12,448 Can we trust her? 24 00:01:13,825 --> 00:01:15,785 I think it's our only option. 25 00:01:17,537 --> 00:01:18,996 The new moon is here. 26 00:01:20,248 --> 00:01:23,960 Which means your father should arrive with the rest of the weapons any minute now. 27 00:01:24,043 --> 00:01:27,588 And Sir Drake is planning to meet me at the house in a few hours to… 28 00:01:27,672 --> 00:01:29,841 -Throw your daughter in jail? -[groans] 29 00:01:31,801 --> 00:01:32,885 We need to split up. 30 00:01:32,969 --> 00:01:35,429 Po, Akna, Rukhmini, meet Ping at the docks 31 00:01:35,513 --> 00:01:36,973 and bring the weapons back. 32 00:01:37,056 --> 00:01:38,724 -This should get you there. -Ooh! 33 00:01:38,808 --> 00:01:41,227 "Top Ten Unmissable London Highlights?" 34 00:01:41,310 --> 00:01:44,689 [sighs] Mother, you and I will head home, 35 00:01:44,772 --> 00:01:47,942 wait for Sir Drake, and retrieve Alfie's sword. 36 00:01:48,025 --> 00:01:49,026 You and me? 37 00:01:49,110 --> 00:01:51,112 If it made sense any other way… 38 00:01:51,988 --> 00:01:53,156 [sighs] 39 00:01:54,115 --> 00:01:54,949 [exclaims] 40 00:01:55,032 --> 00:01:56,159 You got this? 41 00:01:56,242 --> 00:01:58,536 Go to the docks, get the weapons, meet back here. 42 00:01:58,619 --> 00:02:00,413 Easy peasy friendship squeezy. 43 00:02:00,496 --> 00:02:02,874 Favorite part of these adventures, right here. 44 00:02:04,417 --> 00:02:05,251 Good luck. 45 00:02:08,504 --> 00:02:10,673 [groaning] 46 00:02:11,465 --> 00:02:13,217 Come on, baby. [groans] 47 00:02:14,177 --> 00:02:16,345 Hey, Benny's show is on this map. 48 00:02:16,429 --> 00:02:17,889 Must be out of date. 49 00:02:19,390 --> 00:02:21,601 Okay, actually the whole top ten is Benny. 50 00:02:21,684 --> 00:02:25,313 Starting to think maybe he made these. You know what I mean? 51 00:02:31,777 --> 00:02:34,780 [dramatic music plays] 52 00:02:43,372 --> 00:02:47,960 -[atmospheric music plays] -[clattering] 53 00:02:58,262 --> 00:02:59,263 Thank you. 54 00:03:03,601 --> 00:03:04,602 [sighs] 55 00:03:06,604 --> 00:03:09,398 [grunting] 56 00:03:15,655 --> 00:03:18,532 I-I must admit I'm impressed, Luthera. 57 00:03:18,616 --> 00:03:21,202 You really are quite good at all this. 58 00:03:21,285 --> 00:03:22,119 Thank you. 59 00:03:26,332 --> 00:03:27,667 Though it seems a bit pointed 60 00:03:27,750 --> 00:03:30,878 that another one of your plans may end with destroying our home. 61 00:03:30,962 --> 00:03:34,674 Nice to see you're more concerned with your things than your daughter. 62 00:03:35,174 --> 00:03:37,468 I was trying to make a joke. 63 00:03:37,551 --> 00:03:40,304 Well, you're bad at it. We need to focus. 64 00:03:41,222 --> 00:03:44,141 -Luthera, I-- -We have a lot of work to do. 65 00:03:44,225 --> 00:03:47,228 [dramatic music plays] 66 00:03:51,023 --> 00:03:56,112 [Po] Okay, so according to this map, the docks should be… here. 67 00:03:57,071 --> 00:03:57,905 Or not. 68 00:03:57,989 --> 00:04:00,783 I knew it. We're lost. 69 00:04:00,866 --> 00:04:03,077 Are you sure you know how to read that? 70 00:04:03,160 --> 00:04:06,205 [scoffs] Like I don't know how to read a map. 71 00:04:11,585 --> 00:04:13,754 [groans] 72 00:04:13,838 --> 00:04:15,339 I can't see a thing. 73 00:04:16,048 --> 00:04:18,592 -Look out. Get out of the way. -Where did you come from? 74 00:04:19,468 --> 00:04:21,637 [groans] I'm sick of London. 75 00:04:21,721 --> 00:04:23,848 All gray and foggy. 76 00:04:23,931 --> 00:04:27,435 When we're done here, I'm gonna drink smoothies on the beach 77 00:04:27,518 --> 00:04:29,312 and lay in the sun until I die. 78 00:04:29,395 --> 00:04:31,605 Oh, that sounds nice. 79 00:04:32,356 --> 00:04:33,941 So you want to see me dead? 80 00:04:34,025 --> 00:04:35,026 Huh? 81 00:04:35,109 --> 00:04:38,154 Uh, not the dead part. The sun part. [laughs] 82 00:04:38,237 --> 00:04:41,198 [laughing] I… I mean, it just seemed appropriate to agree. 83 00:04:41,282 --> 00:04:42,908 -You guys! Guys, guys. -[exclaiming] 84 00:04:42,992 --> 00:04:46,454 We can't think about what's next until we think about what's, uh, now next. 85 00:04:46,537 --> 00:04:49,206 What's coming up next sooner rather than aft-- Whatever! 86 00:04:49,290 --> 00:04:51,709 You know what I mean. [groans] 87 00:04:51,792 --> 00:04:53,794 Uh, do you know what you mean? 88 00:04:54,378 --> 00:04:58,007 I'm just freaking out. I just feel off, like the vibes aren't there, you know? 89 00:04:58,883 --> 00:05:01,469 Usually, I get a feeling in my gut and I just go with it. 90 00:05:01,552 --> 00:05:04,430 My gut promised Blade I'd back her up, bring her brother back. 91 00:05:04,513 --> 00:05:07,266 But now my gut's saying we shouldn't mess with the weapons 92 00:05:07,350 --> 00:05:08,684 and all the spirits inside. 93 00:05:08,768 --> 00:05:12,772 So now my gut's tearing itself apart, like it's about to explode guts everywhere. 94 00:05:12,855 --> 00:05:15,691 [rumbling] 95 00:05:17,026 --> 00:05:18,903 Or maybe I just need to burp? 96 00:05:18,986 --> 00:05:21,864 [strains] 97 00:05:21,947 --> 00:05:24,408 Nah, it's the gut fight thing. 98 00:05:26,285 --> 00:05:28,079 [Mr. Ping] Po! 99 00:05:30,664 --> 00:05:31,499 Po! 100 00:05:37,338 --> 00:05:40,341 -Where are you, Po? -[dramatic music plays] 101 00:05:42,134 --> 00:05:43,761 Po! 102 00:05:48,140 --> 00:05:50,643 [atmospheric music plays] 103 00:06:09,829 --> 00:06:11,539 I can't believe your brother… 104 00:06:12,540 --> 00:06:14,500 Will be sitting here with us. 105 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:16,961 The whole family back together. 106 00:06:21,590 --> 00:06:25,344 Look, I-I wanted to say this before, but… 107 00:06:26,637 --> 00:06:27,721 I'm sorry. 108 00:06:28,973 --> 00:06:29,807 [gasps] 109 00:06:32,726 --> 00:06:35,729 I was only doing what I thought needed to be done, 110 00:06:36,939 --> 00:06:38,440 to keep you safe. 111 00:06:39,233 --> 00:06:43,487 But after our little trip below the catacombs, I-I see how wrong I was. 112 00:06:43,571 --> 00:06:45,990 [soft music plays] 113 00:06:46,073 --> 00:06:47,908 Huh? [gasps] 114 00:06:50,035 --> 00:06:54,915 Going forward, I want you to know, you have my full support. 115 00:07:00,880 --> 00:07:04,216 -[knocking] -[gasps] That'll be Drake. Are you ready? 116 00:07:05,426 --> 00:07:06,385 Are you? 117 00:07:07,761 --> 00:07:08,888 Heavens, no. 118 00:07:10,055 --> 00:07:13,058 [intriguing music plays] 119 00:07:15,686 --> 00:07:17,563 [sighs] This is hopeless. 120 00:07:19,648 --> 00:07:23,194 Maybe we should ask around, see if anyone friendly knows where the docks are. 121 00:07:23,277 --> 00:07:25,905 [Rukhmini] Friendly might be hard to find. 122 00:07:25,988 --> 00:07:26,906 Hm. 123 00:07:31,327 --> 00:07:32,786 [rumbling] 124 00:07:32,870 --> 00:07:35,206 You guys, my gut. It's getting a weird vibe. 125 00:07:35,289 --> 00:07:36,916 -[rumbling] -[groans] 126 00:07:36,999 --> 00:07:38,292 [exclaims, yells] 127 00:07:38,375 --> 00:07:40,127 Huh? What's their deal? 128 00:07:40,836 --> 00:07:44,340 -Uh, a thousand shillings. -[scoffs] 129 00:07:44,423 --> 00:07:47,843 [Rukhmini] There's a bounty on us? Fabulous. 130 00:07:49,428 --> 00:07:50,888 No one gets my eyes right. 131 00:07:50,971 --> 00:07:54,183 -It's so annoying. -[groans] Just our luck. 132 00:07:54,266 --> 00:07:57,937 All right, no worries. Fog's coming in, just gotta lay low. 133 00:07:58,604 --> 00:08:00,689 I don't wanna be a downer or anything, but, 134 00:08:00,773 --> 00:08:05,236 maybe we're overlooking the fact that there aren't a lot of pandas in England? 135 00:08:05,319 --> 00:08:06,612 [gasping] 136 00:08:06,695 --> 00:08:07,863 [gasps] 137 00:08:08,489 --> 00:08:10,991 Hey, Po! Good to see you. 138 00:08:11,075 --> 00:08:13,160 You're wanted for a thousand shillings. 139 00:08:13,244 --> 00:08:16,497 -Not bad, mate. -[croaks] Oi! That is a lot of money. 140 00:08:17,289 --> 00:08:18,624 Uh… 141 00:08:18,707 --> 00:08:20,584 -Is that Po? -It's the panda! 142 00:08:20,668 --> 00:08:22,503 -Is that him? The bounty! -Is that him? 143 00:08:23,337 --> 00:08:24,922 That's them all right. 144 00:08:25,005 --> 00:08:26,298 Let's get 'em. 145 00:08:26,382 --> 00:08:28,926 -[townspeople cheer] -[whirring, creaking] 146 00:08:29,718 --> 00:08:32,012 -[townspeople gasp] -What's that? 147 00:08:32,638 --> 00:08:34,932 Oh. Or flying ships. 148 00:08:35,432 --> 00:08:36,267 Wait, what? 149 00:08:36,350 --> 00:08:38,227 [dramatic music plays] 150 00:08:38,310 --> 00:08:41,397 [Mr. Ping] Where are you, Po? 151 00:08:43,274 --> 00:08:44,525 Po? 152 00:08:45,359 --> 00:08:48,862 Po! Oh, it's so foggy here. 153 00:08:48,946 --> 00:08:51,699 Dad! Dad! 154 00:08:54,910 --> 00:08:57,329 -That's the panda's dad! -Wait, they're together? 155 00:08:57,413 --> 00:09:00,165 That's how they plan to get away. We have to get them now! 156 00:09:00,874 --> 00:09:03,502 -Dad! -What's your gut telling you now? 157 00:09:03,586 --> 00:09:04,712 -[rumbling] -[gasps] 158 00:09:04,795 --> 00:09:06,797 [ominous music plays] 159 00:09:13,345 --> 00:09:14,305 Uh… 160 00:09:14,847 --> 00:09:16,056 Run for it! 161 00:09:16,140 --> 00:09:18,726 Dad! Hey, Dad! [grunts] 162 00:09:19,268 --> 00:09:20,686 -Dad! -Uh… 163 00:09:21,353 --> 00:09:24,148 -[chuckles] Wait up! -[townspeople yell] 164 00:09:27,568 --> 00:09:29,653 [knocking] 165 00:09:32,781 --> 00:09:34,992 -[owl hoots] -[suspenseful music plays] 166 00:09:38,787 --> 00:09:41,790 There's no need for the cavalry, she's just upstairs. 167 00:09:41,874 --> 00:09:44,209 I'm not taking any chances. 168 00:09:44,793 --> 00:09:46,837 She doesn't know we're coming? 169 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:48,422 Not a clue. 170 00:09:51,216 --> 00:09:53,135 -Uh, Sir Drake? -[snarls] 171 00:09:53,218 --> 00:09:54,428 Uh… 172 00:09:54,511 --> 00:09:57,139 You know, after our Alfie passed, 173 00:09:57,222 --> 00:10:00,934 it was a very difficult time for our family. 174 00:10:01,018 --> 00:10:03,604 But I've been so glad to see 175 00:10:03,687 --> 00:10:07,858 that you've become such a strong and yet fair Master of War. 176 00:10:08,484 --> 00:10:11,320 [Lucinda] So, please, just… 177 00:10:11,820 --> 00:10:13,280 Please don't hurt her. 178 00:10:13,864 --> 00:10:15,532 Of course not, ma'am. 179 00:10:15,616 --> 00:10:18,827 -[creaking] -[ominous music plays] 180 00:10:20,037 --> 00:10:21,372 Is something the matter? 181 00:10:22,081 --> 00:10:24,625 If there's one thing I've learned about your daughter, 182 00:10:24,708 --> 00:10:28,379 it's that one should always use caution in her presence. 183 00:10:28,462 --> 00:10:30,839 [suspenseful music plays] 184 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:43,143 Wait. Stop! It's a trap! 185 00:10:43,894 --> 00:10:45,104 [screams] 186 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:47,940 [groaning] 187 00:10:48,941 --> 00:10:49,983 -You… -[gasps] 188 00:10:50,067 --> 00:10:51,485 You tricked me! 189 00:10:52,069 --> 00:10:53,445 Where is she? 190 00:10:53,946 --> 00:10:55,030 [yells] 191 00:10:56,448 --> 00:10:57,574 [dramatic music plays] 192 00:10:57,658 --> 00:10:59,284 -Sorry. -What? 193 00:10:59,368 --> 00:11:00,953 [yells] After them! 194 00:11:03,831 --> 00:11:05,416 [groaning] 195 00:11:06,709 --> 00:11:09,837 Oh, my! [chuckling] That worked. 196 00:11:09,920 --> 00:11:11,755 You're quite the actress. 197 00:11:14,466 --> 00:11:17,386 -[suspenseful music plays] -[Po] Dad! 198 00:11:18,887 --> 00:11:20,472 -Dad! -[Mr. Ping] Po? 199 00:11:20,556 --> 00:11:22,683 -Dad, stop! -[Mr. Ping] Po! 200 00:11:26,478 --> 00:11:30,023 [splutters] There you are. We've been looking all over. 201 00:11:30,107 --> 00:11:31,525 You used the weapons? 202 00:11:31,608 --> 00:11:34,653 Uh… No. 203 00:11:35,154 --> 00:11:38,157 Let's deal with that when we're not being chased by an angry mob. 204 00:11:40,242 --> 00:11:42,411 -Come on, get 'em! -Let's get 'em! 205 00:11:42,494 --> 00:11:44,830 [gasps] Oh, my! 206 00:11:45,372 --> 00:11:47,124 Here! Take the rope! 207 00:11:47,833 --> 00:11:50,252 Get on with it! Let's go! 208 00:11:50,335 --> 00:11:52,588 [townspeople clamoring] 209 00:11:52,671 --> 00:11:54,840 -Get them! -Uh, are we really doing this? 210 00:11:54,923 --> 00:11:56,341 Don't overthink it, Basil. 211 00:11:56,425 --> 00:11:59,636 If we catch those imbeciles, we're gonna be rich! 212 00:12:00,262 --> 00:12:02,764 -Don't let them get away! -Let's go! 213 00:12:02,848 --> 00:12:04,516 -Come on then! -Let's go! 214 00:12:04,600 --> 00:12:06,477 Oi! Get 'em! 215 00:12:06,560 --> 00:12:08,770 Don't let them get away! 216 00:12:09,271 --> 00:12:10,564 [grunting] 217 00:12:12,733 --> 00:12:14,943 [wailing] 218 00:12:15,027 --> 00:12:16,445 [whinnies] 219 00:12:19,114 --> 00:12:19,948 [exclaims] 220 00:12:26,747 --> 00:12:28,540 Ow, ow, ow. 221 00:12:29,458 --> 00:12:32,085 [grunting] 222 00:12:32,169 --> 00:12:33,837 [groaning] 223 00:12:35,964 --> 00:12:37,799 Ha! Benny?! 224 00:12:37,883 --> 00:12:40,719 Sorry, pal. You know I'm strapped for cash. 225 00:12:40,802 --> 00:12:43,305 A thousand shillings ain't nothing to laugh at. [laughs] 226 00:12:43,388 --> 00:12:44,223 Ow! 227 00:12:44,806 --> 00:12:47,059 [grunting] 228 00:12:48,977 --> 00:12:50,187 [crunching] 229 00:12:50,771 --> 00:12:53,482 [gasping] I regret nothing. 230 00:12:53,565 --> 00:12:54,775 Your maps are useless. 231 00:12:54,858 --> 00:12:56,860 I know! 232 00:12:57,444 --> 00:12:58,820 [grunting] 233 00:12:58,904 --> 00:12:59,738 [exclaims] 234 00:12:59,821 --> 00:13:00,864 [groans] 235 00:13:00,948 --> 00:13:03,534 [suspenseful music plays] 236 00:13:03,617 --> 00:13:05,702 Po! Hurry up! 237 00:13:08,080 --> 00:13:09,373 [grunting] 238 00:13:09,456 --> 00:13:11,291 -[grunting] -[crashing] 239 00:13:16,547 --> 00:13:18,674 [groaning] 240 00:13:20,008 --> 00:13:23,178 [laughs] I see why you like this. 241 00:13:23,679 --> 00:13:26,223 -[dramatic music plays] -Get them! 242 00:13:27,140 --> 00:13:29,309 [straining, grunting] 243 00:13:30,018 --> 00:13:31,311 Cut the ropes! 244 00:13:32,646 --> 00:13:34,231 [yelling] 245 00:13:38,819 --> 00:13:42,072 [grunting, snarling] 246 00:13:42,698 --> 00:13:44,241 [exclaiming, groaning] 247 00:13:44,324 --> 00:13:47,452 [laughs] It's so exhilarating. 248 00:13:47,536 --> 00:13:48,370 Come on! 249 00:13:51,665 --> 00:13:53,667 -[ominous music plays] -[groaning] 250 00:13:54,960 --> 00:13:56,128 -[door closing] -[gasps] 251 00:13:57,713 --> 00:13:59,631 [tense music plays] 252 00:13:59,715 --> 00:14:03,385 -[splutters] Hey, son. -You promised not to use the weapons. 253 00:14:03,468 --> 00:14:05,512 And I promised to trust her! 254 00:14:10,058 --> 00:14:12,394 [yelling] 255 00:14:12,477 --> 00:14:13,312 Dad! 256 00:14:13,895 --> 00:14:15,230 Trust us, Po. 257 00:14:15,314 --> 00:14:17,858 -[whinnying] -[grunts] 258 00:14:17,941 --> 00:14:21,236 [groaning, panting] 259 00:14:23,822 --> 00:14:24,656 [yelps] 260 00:14:24,740 --> 00:14:27,075 [groaning] 261 00:14:31,663 --> 00:14:34,333 -[sighs] You're incredible. -[emotional music plays] 262 00:14:34,416 --> 00:14:36,209 You're formidable. 263 00:14:36,293 --> 00:14:38,670 [Forouzan] Oh, you're my shmoopie. 264 00:14:38,754 --> 00:14:40,505 [Mr. Ping] Oh, my Foufou. 265 00:14:41,089 --> 00:14:43,175 No, you're my shmoopie. 266 00:14:43,258 --> 00:14:46,345 Oh, you're my Foufou. 267 00:14:46,845 --> 00:14:47,930 [Forouzan] Shmoopie. 268 00:14:48,013 --> 00:14:49,765 -You're my shmoopie. -[groans] 269 00:14:49,848 --> 00:14:53,310 -Should we be watching this? -Probably not, but whatever. 270 00:14:53,393 --> 00:14:55,562 [laughing] 271 00:14:55,646 --> 00:14:57,397 [Rukhmini clears throat] 272 00:14:58,523 --> 00:15:00,943 [chuckles] Nice work, everyone! 273 00:15:02,194 --> 00:15:07,032 -Shall we meet up with Blade? -Oh yeah, cool. Yeah. Let's do that. 274 00:15:07,115 --> 00:15:10,035 [dramatic music plays] 275 00:15:13,664 --> 00:15:15,624 [strains] Hurry! 276 00:15:16,416 --> 00:15:17,584 Climb down the bricks, 277 00:15:17,668 --> 00:15:18,961 just like we planned. 278 00:15:19,044 --> 00:15:20,253 We don't have much time. 279 00:15:20,337 --> 00:15:21,421 [distant clamoring] 280 00:15:21,505 --> 00:15:24,800 Surround the house! They must not escape. 281 00:15:25,509 --> 00:15:26,510 Oh, my! 282 00:15:31,139 --> 00:15:31,974 Here! 283 00:15:33,725 --> 00:15:36,812 -[bricks crash] -[knights groan, yell] 284 00:15:36,895 --> 00:15:38,271 Drop it, Mother! 285 00:15:38,855 --> 00:15:41,108 -[knight] They're on the roof! -For Alfie. 286 00:15:42,109 --> 00:15:42,985 -[crash] -[yelp] 287 00:15:43,068 --> 00:15:44,152 -[door opens] -[gasps] 288 00:15:45,028 --> 00:15:48,031 [dramatic music plays] 289 00:15:57,791 --> 00:15:59,626 [rumbling] 290 00:16:01,294 --> 00:16:03,338 -Foufou. -Oh, shmoopie. 291 00:16:03,422 --> 00:16:06,133 I think I'm going to hurl. [groans] 292 00:16:06,216 --> 00:16:07,801 [Po] Blade's not back yet. 293 00:16:08,802 --> 00:16:10,762 Something feels weird. 294 00:16:10,846 --> 00:16:12,973 Maybe my gut's wrong about bringing Alfie back, 295 00:16:13,056 --> 00:16:15,892 but right now, it's gurgling that Blade's in trouble. 296 00:16:15,976 --> 00:16:18,854 -[rumbling] -Are you sure it's not a burp? 297 00:16:18,937 --> 00:16:20,939 [rumbling] 298 00:16:23,984 --> 00:16:25,444 [belches] 299 00:16:26,653 --> 00:16:29,072 Nah, it's just Blade. 300 00:16:29,156 --> 00:16:31,658 [dramatic music plays] 301 00:16:37,748 --> 00:16:41,460 Lady Lucinda, I expected more from you. 302 00:16:41,543 --> 00:16:43,462 [grunting] 303 00:16:44,129 --> 00:16:46,214 I will give you one last chance. 304 00:16:46,298 --> 00:16:52,137 Turn your daughter and yourself in, and I will let you both live. 305 00:16:52,637 --> 00:16:53,472 [yells] 306 00:16:54,097 --> 00:16:55,682 [roars] 307 00:16:57,684 --> 00:17:00,729 -[gasps] -So? What will it be? 308 00:17:01,813 --> 00:17:03,940 [dramatic music plays] 309 00:17:04,024 --> 00:17:05,275 [grunting] 310 00:17:05,358 --> 00:17:06,818 -[roars] -[grunts] 311 00:17:09,404 --> 00:17:10,989 [laughs] 312 00:17:11,073 --> 00:17:15,077 I am so sick of you Landreths, thinking the rules don't apply. 313 00:17:15,160 --> 00:17:17,537 Thinking you're above it all. Above me. 314 00:17:17,621 --> 00:17:19,623 [Drake] So, then? What? 315 00:17:20,207 --> 00:17:23,835 What will it be? Do you want to die up here? 316 00:17:24,669 --> 00:17:26,421 Maybe I do. 317 00:17:28,465 --> 00:17:29,382 [yells] 318 00:17:29,466 --> 00:17:31,176 -What? -Luthera! 319 00:17:32,177 --> 00:17:33,095 [gasps] 320 00:17:34,137 --> 00:17:35,013 [exclaims] 321 00:17:36,348 --> 00:17:38,225 [Drake] This is all your fault. 322 00:17:38,308 --> 00:17:40,811 The Queen shall hear about all of this. 323 00:17:40,894 --> 00:17:41,853 [gasps] 324 00:17:41,937 --> 00:17:45,023 [dramatic music plays] 325 00:17:45,107 --> 00:17:46,316 Hey there! 326 00:17:47,609 --> 00:17:49,277 -[gasps] -[yells] 327 00:17:50,362 --> 00:17:51,279 [groans] 328 00:17:51,363 --> 00:17:53,365 [stirring music plays] 329 00:17:58,745 --> 00:18:00,580 [grunts] Get back here! 330 00:18:01,164 --> 00:18:03,375 [Drake] How dare you! No. 331 00:18:03,458 --> 00:18:06,419 No. No! 332 00:18:07,838 --> 00:18:09,840 [atmospheric music plays] 333 00:18:21,810 --> 00:18:22,936 [Po exclaims] 334 00:18:23,019 --> 00:18:26,648 [Forouzan] A promise is a promise, but I can't stay. 335 00:18:27,149 --> 00:18:29,442 You can have my last lifeboat. 336 00:18:31,236 --> 00:18:33,113 Good luck, everyone. 337 00:18:36,741 --> 00:18:38,076 [grunting] 338 00:18:40,579 --> 00:18:43,415 I'm really gonna miss having a flying ship. 339 00:18:43,498 --> 00:18:47,210 [straining] So heavy. 340 00:18:50,172 --> 00:18:51,173 You know what? 341 00:18:57,637 --> 00:18:58,847 Ah! 342 00:19:01,057 --> 00:19:03,852 Ooh, lightweight and fashionable. 343 00:19:05,312 --> 00:19:08,231 You were right. Blade needed our help. 344 00:19:08,773 --> 00:19:10,400 So how's your gut feeling now? 345 00:19:12,152 --> 00:19:12,986 I don't know. 346 00:19:13,069 --> 00:19:17,282 Like I ate someone else's hot and sour noodles, burning up and filled with guilt. 347 00:19:19,201 --> 00:19:22,078 -[soft music plays] -[Akna] Just go talk to her. 348 00:19:26,833 --> 00:19:31,880 [exhales] So, look, uh… I gotta talk to you about this Alfie thing. My gut-- 349 00:19:31,963 --> 00:19:34,216 I don't think we should bring Alfie back. 350 00:19:34,299 --> 00:19:36,509 [spluttering] What's that? 351 00:19:36,593 --> 00:19:38,637 It's not safe. 352 00:19:38,720 --> 00:19:43,099 We don't know what we might unleash. Could be an army, or worse. 353 00:19:43,183 --> 00:19:47,771 Mastodon deserves to be at peace, and as much as I want him back, 354 00:19:48,521 --> 00:19:50,982 Alfie deserves peace as well. 355 00:19:52,442 --> 00:19:53,652 Friendship squeezy. 356 00:19:53,735 --> 00:19:57,656 [grunts] And now I have to tell my mother and ruin everything. 357 00:19:58,281 --> 00:19:59,491 Ready to head out? 358 00:20:01,785 --> 00:20:04,371 I guess this is goodbye. 359 00:20:05,622 --> 00:20:08,375 You really have changed, Reaper. 360 00:20:09,626 --> 00:20:11,044 I like it. 361 00:20:12,462 --> 00:20:14,673 [soft music plays] 362 00:20:18,593 --> 00:20:19,803 [rumbling] 363 00:20:20,929 --> 00:20:23,431 [sighs, inhales deeply] 364 00:20:23,515 --> 00:20:26,476 Oh, man. I hear you, gut. 365 00:20:32,190 --> 00:20:33,108 [yelps] 366 00:20:34,526 --> 00:20:35,944 You love her, don't you? 367 00:20:42,284 --> 00:20:45,203 [splutters] What? 368 00:20:45,704 --> 00:20:47,372 No way. [honks] 369 00:20:47,455 --> 00:20:50,875 Maybe a little, but I had my chance. 370 00:20:52,252 --> 00:20:53,295 I think… 371 00:20:53,795 --> 00:20:55,463 I think you should stay. 372 00:20:55,547 --> 00:21:01,553 [spluttering] Stay? What? I can't do that. 373 00:21:01,636 --> 00:21:03,680 We're almost done with our mission. 374 00:21:03,763 --> 00:21:05,807 A mission you took on because of me. 375 00:21:05,890 --> 00:21:08,893 Everything you've done and sacrificed has been for me. 376 00:21:10,061 --> 00:21:12,230 You're the best dad in the world. 377 00:21:12,731 --> 00:21:15,358 Now it's time for me to do something for you. 378 00:21:16,067 --> 00:21:17,944 So let us take it from here. 379 00:21:18,445 --> 00:21:20,071 We got this, Dad. 380 00:21:20,155 --> 00:21:22,115 [soft music plays] 381 00:21:25,952 --> 00:21:28,330 How did you grow up so fast? 382 00:21:34,586 --> 00:21:38,089 Forouzan, I-I-I'm staying! 383 00:21:38,173 --> 00:21:42,844 If that's what you really want, then sure. 384 00:21:44,429 --> 00:21:46,806 [Mr. Ping] Now, you take care of him. 385 00:21:46,890 --> 00:21:49,684 [emotional music plays] 386 00:21:49,768 --> 00:21:51,811 That's your job now. 387 00:21:57,984 --> 00:22:02,822 Uh, oh, can we swing by China first? I need to pack a few things. [chuckles] 388 00:22:02,906 --> 00:22:07,202 -Can't retire without my lucky ladle. -[Forouzan] I gave you that ladle. 389 00:22:07,285 --> 00:22:11,122 [Mr. Ping splutters] Well, of course. Why do you think it's lucky? 390 00:22:16,002 --> 00:22:17,462 See you, Dad! 391 00:22:20,590 --> 00:22:21,883 All right, everyone. 392 00:22:22,425 --> 00:22:24,469 Let's finally finish this. 393 00:22:24,552 --> 00:22:27,555 [stirring music plays] 394 00:22:42,403 --> 00:22:45,949 [rhythmic music plays]