1 00:00:19,853 --> 00:00:21,563 Miss Miyo, isn't it? 2 00:00:21,646 --> 00:00:22,856 How do you do, my dear? 3 00:00:27,277 --> 00:00:29,571 I-I'm sorry for inconveniencing you! 4 00:00:29,654 --> 00:00:32,115 Come now. It's what any proper person would do. 5 00:00:32,198 --> 00:00:34,784 That was… I didn't mean to trouble you. 6 00:00:34,868 --> 00:00:36,745 I'm so terribly sorry, sir. 7 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:38,329 There's no need to apologize. 8 00:00:38,830 --> 00:00:42,083 Main thing is that I'm glad to see you're not hurt. 9 00:00:42,167 --> 00:00:45,295 Thank you. But it was all due to my carelessness. 10 00:00:45,378 --> 00:00:49,174 Thank you so very much, sir. I'm glad you were kind enough to step in. 11 00:00:49,257 --> 00:00:51,718 Hey, Miyo, let's get out of the sun for a while. 12 00:00:51,801 --> 00:00:52,635 Right. 13 00:00:53,470 --> 00:00:55,221 Please take good care of yourself. 14 00:00:55,305 --> 00:00:56,723 Now, I'll leave you to your day. 15 00:01:01,436 --> 00:01:04,397 Miss Miyo, are you sure that you're feeling alright? 16 00:01:05,523 --> 00:01:07,776 Yes. I'm sorry if I worried you. 17 00:01:07,859 --> 00:01:10,403 You have to take better care of yourself, Miyo. 18 00:01:10,987 --> 00:01:12,030 Right. 19 00:01:12,113 --> 00:01:14,199 Yes, Miyo, you need to be careful. 20 00:01:15,283 --> 00:01:16,451 You have… 21 00:01:17,035 --> 00:01:19,204 no idea just how special you are. 22 00:01:26,836 --> 00:01:32,634 MY HAPPY MARRIAGE 23 00:02:51,087 --> 00:02:56,009 EPISODE 9 DROWNING IN DREAMS 24 00:02:56,885 --> 00:02:58,011 Miyo! 25 00:03:00,930 --> 00:03:01,764 Shh! 26 00:03:07,353 --> 00:03:09,147 Why would she push herself that hard? 27 00:03:12,609 --> 00:03:14,569 So there were remnants of a gift-user 28 00:03:14,652 --> 00:03:16,529 and they were only there during her nightmares? 29 00:03:16,613 --> 00:03:19,616 How feasible does it sound to use a supernatural ability 30 00:03:19,699 --> 00:03:21,034 from a remote location? 31 00:03:21,618 --> 00:03:23,912 Only an Usuba could do something like that. 32 00:03:24,454 --> 00:03:27,081 But there should've been a crack in the barrier if that had happened. 33 00:03:27,665 --> 00:03:29,918 It's unlikely to have been outside interference. 34 00:03:30,752 --> 00:03:32,003 This is speculation 35 00:03:32,086 --> 00:03:34,297 but the mounting evidence supports my theory. 36 00:03:34,797 --> 00:03:36,799 I think it's connected to her Usuba heritage. 37 00:03:36,883 --> 00:03:39,802 Miyo is an Usuba? Is that true? 38 00:03:39,886 --> 00:03:43,431 There's a strong case for it, with a handful of clues to go off of. 39 00:03:43,932 --> 00:03:47,101 A wedding for a Sumi Usuba marrying into the Saimori house. 40 00:03:47,602 --> 00:03:49,229 I suppose it just feels strange. 41 00:03:49,312 --> 00:03:51,814 I never would've thought she could be one of the Usuba. 42 00:03:52,607 --> 00:03:55,360 Although Miyo wasn't born with the gift, 43 00:03:55,443 --> 00:03:59,572 hypothetically, if the Usuba family blood is in her veins, 44 00:03:59,656 --> 00:04:02,951 there's a chance her body could be having some kind of adverse reaction to it. 45 00:04:04,744 --> 00:04:05,995 That doesn't make sense. 46 00:04:06,496 --> 00:04:08,248 Why would it be a problem now? 47 00:04:08,331 --> 00:04:09,457 I wish I knew. 48 00:04:09,540 --> 00:04:12,543 By the way, it was the only other possibility I could think of. 49 00:04:12,627 --> 00:04:15,546 Does she know anything about the Usuba family gifts? 50 00:04:17,757 --> 00:04:21,135 Miyo lost her mother. She was too young to ask questions. 51 00:04:21,219 --> 00:04:23,888 I doubt she's even aware of her Usuba family. 52 00:04:24,555 --> 00:04:25,598 Even so… 53 00:04:26,224 --> 00:04:27,350 Even so? 54 00:04:28,309 --> 00:04:29,727 Even if I asked directly, 55 00:04:29,811 --> 00:04:31,604 she may not want to talk about it. 56 00:04:32,146 --> 00:04:33,773 She's been guarding her emotions. 57 00:04:33,856 --> 00:04:35,858 Trying to hide her feelings more than normal. 58 00:04:37,360 --> 00:04:40,113 I'm sure she just doesn't want us to worry about her. 59 00:04:40,196 --> 00:04:42,490 But I still wish she'd give us the option to. 60 00:05:00,717 --> 00:05:01,634 Huh? 61 00:05:01,718 --> 00:05:04,345 What? Hey, what's wrong? 62 00:05:04,429 --> 00:05:05,805 You catch sight of a bear in there? 63 00:05:06,723 --> 00:05:08,266 Hm? 64 00:05:17,984 --> 00:05:19,777 Uh… Argh! 65 00:05:25,408 --> 00:05:26,784 A civilian attack. 66 00:05:26,868 --> 00:05:28,536 We think it was a Grave Grotesquerie. 67 00:05:29,120 --> 00:05:30,246 Go on, Godo. 68 00:05:30,747 --> 00:05:32,623 It was in the woods near the Forbidden Land. 69 00:05:32,707 --> 00:05:34,375 They found a man in a rough way. 70 00:05:34,876 --> 00:05:37,712 Currently, he's unconscious in a comatose state. 71 00:05:37,795 --> 00:05:39,547 Based on symptoms he's showing, 72 00:05:39,630 --> 00:05:42,300 and the Grave's condition, it looks like Grotesqueries. 73 00:05:42,925 --> 00:05:45,678 They've already reached the populated area this early? 74 00:05:45,762 --> 00:05:47,972 Our predictions for their movement were way off. 75 00:05:48,681 --> 00:05:51,309 The Ministry of the Imperial House can't manage this. 76 00:05:51,893 --> 00:05:54,645 It's only a matter of time before they infiltrate the capital. 77 00:06:03,154 --> 00:06:04,489 I hate this… 78 00:06:04,572 --> 00:06:06,908 Why won't these nightmares ever stop? 79 00:06:06,991 --> 00:06:09,660 They keep playing over and over. 80 00:06:16,667 --> 00:06:19,087 I'm far from refined like Miss Hazuki. 81 00:06:19,170 --> 00:06:22,090 I feel like I'm sliding backward. 82 00:06:22,840 --> 00:06:26,594 She significantly decreased my study hours since I collapsed. 83 00:06:27,303 --> 00:06:30,306 I'm wasting the perfect opportunity to learn from her. 84 00:06:32,600 --> 00:06:34,852 I'm sorry, I'll be working tonight too. 85 00:06:35,436 --> 00:06:37,605 Alright, I'll prepare you a lunch, 86 00:06:37,688 --> 00:06:39,107 then I can deliver it to you. 87 00:06:39,190 --> 00:06:42,693 No, it's all right. You should take it easy and rest. 88 00:06:45,154 --> 00:06:45,988 Miyo. 89 00:06:46,072 --> 00:06:46,989 Uh, yes. 90 00:06:47,490 --> 00:06:50,618 How are you feeling? Are you sure you're doing okay? 91 00:06:51,327 --> 00:06:52,745 I'm perfectly fine. 92 00:06:52,829 --> 00:06:56,249 Please don't feel the need to worry about me. It's all right. 93 00:06:56,749 --> 00:06:57,875 All right then. 94 00:06:59,377 --> 00:07:02,797 Uh, sorry, Godo just called for me. I have to go. 95 00:07:03,506 --> 00:07:06,217 Okay. I hope everything at work goes well. 96 00:07:13,266 --> 00:07:16,644 Based on what we've seen, it looks like they're heading straight for the capital, 97 00:07:16,727 --> 00:07:18,438 and they'll descend like a plague. 98 00:07:18,521 --> 00:07:20,690 Have we heard anything from the Ministry yet? 99 00:07:22,150 --> 00:07:23,943 We're still trying to get them to act. 100 00:07:24,026 --> 00:07:26,779 But they're slow to decide and aren't measuring up to the task. 101 00:07:27,363 --> 00:07:29,782 Then we'll establish a perimeter around the capital. 102 00:07:30,283 --> 00:07:32,160 Request urgent permission to take action. 103 00:07:32,243 --> 00:07:35,163 You're gonna sweep it in one fell swoop, aren't ya? 104 00:07:35,246 --> 00:07:38,249 I'll go reach out to the Ministry as soon as we're done here. 105 00:07:38,332 --> 00:07:40,668 For now, prepare for deployment, Commander. 106 00:07:40,751 --> 00:07:41,669 Yes, sir. 107 00:07:42,211 --> 00:07:45,089 The imperial capital will be under our unit's protection. 108 00:07:46,466 --> 00:07:47,675 Wow! 109 00:07:47,758 --> 00:07:49,010 Looks delicious! 110 00:07:49,093 --> 00:07:52,680 I had every intention of coming in and making the food for us today, 111 00:07:52,763 --> 00:07:53,890 but I went to the kitchen, 112 00:07:53,973 --> 00:07:56,893 and everything was already prepared, ready and hot. 113 00:07:56,976 --> 00:07:59,645 That's a lot of work when you aren't fully recovered. 114 00:07:59,729 --> 00:08:02,440 It's fine. I'm feeling much better now, so… 115 00:08:02,523 --> 00:08:04,692 please don't worry about that and enjoy. 116 00:08:06,819 --> 00:08:08,070 Thank you for the food. 117 00:08:11,949 --> 00:08:13,826 Mm! It's so good! 118 00:08:13,910 --> 00:08:16,078 Cooking is one of Miss Miyo's many skills! 119 00:08:16,162 --> 00:08:18,623 She's so very talented with all that she does. 120 00:08:18,706 --> 00:08:20,124 You really are, Miyo. 121 00:08:20,208 --> 00:08:23,127 I couldn't make a tasty dish like this to save my life. 122 00:08:23,211 --> 00:08:25,338 What? I'm sure that's not true. 123 00:08:26,088 --> 00:08:28,925 I mean it. I'm actually a terrible cook. 124 00:08:29,008 --> 00:08:29,842 What? 125 00:08:30,843 --> 00:08:34,847 Even at girls' school, my grades in cooking class were awful. 126 00:08:34,931 --> 00:08:37,058 I would burn whatever I grilled, 127 00:08:37,141 --> 00:08:39,644 and things were too salty, too spicy… 128 00:08:39,727 --> 00:08:40,686 Even holding a knife. 129 00:08:40,770 --> 00:08:43,606 My only skill was cutting my finger and not noticing what I'd done. 130 00:08:44,273 --> 00:08:45,650 Oh, well… 131 00:08:45,733 --> 00:08:48,361 And that made for such a challenge whenever you got married. 132 00:08:48,945 --> 00:08:51,447 Hey, I told you not to drag up the past. 133 00:08:51,531 --> 00:08:53,616 I honestly regret how all of that turned out. 134 00:08:53,699 --> 00:08:54,992 You do? 135 00:08:55,076 --> 00:08:56,118 That's right. 136 00:08:56,202 --> 00:08:59,205 It is by far the biggest regret that I have in life. 137 00:08:59,288 --> 00:09:01,082 I regret the way my marriage ended. 138 00:09:03,167 --> 00:09:06,254 I got married pretty quickly, at only 17. 139 00:09:06,337 --> 00:09:08,923 Since I was born as the daughter of the Kudos, 140 00:09:09,006 --> 00:09:11,133 I was prepared for a political marriage. 141 00:09:11,842 --> 00:09:14,512 But my husband was a kind and good man. 142 00:09:15,096 --> 00:09:16,472 I was truly happy. 143 00:09:17,348 --> 00:09:18,474 However, 144 00:09:18,558 --> 00:09:20,810 I didn't get along with his family very well. 145 00:09:21,352 --> 00:09:25,481 Basic chores were not my strong suit, and I was immature at the time. 146 00:09:25,565 --> 00:09:28,484 I was pretty far off from their version of an ideal wife. 147 00:09:29,610 --> 00:09:31,237 My husband would normally comfort me. 148 00:09:31,779 --> 00:09:32,822 But there was one time 149 00:09:32,905 --> 00:09:35,283 where we both got emotional while talking things out. 150 00:09:36,075 --> 00:09:39,036 After a big fight, we decided to divorce. 151 00:09:41,622 --> 00:09:45,126 But after that, I went to my parents' house and cooled down, 152 00:09:45,209 --> 00:09:47,044 and I got hit with a wave of regret. 153 00:09:47,878 --> 00:09:49,338 I couldn't just go back. 154 00:09:49,922 --> 00:09:51,757 There were a lot of things to consider. 155 00:09:51,841 --> 00:09:54,885 In the end, I felt as though I had lost so much. 156 00:09:54,969 --> 00:09:58,306 And maybe… I haven't tried as hard as I should have. 157 00:09:59,890 --> 00:10:02,435 So that's what you regret the most in your life? 158 00:10:03,227 --> 00:10:04,312 Hey, Miyo. 159 00:10:04,395 --> 00:10:05,313 Uh, yes. 160 00:10:05,396 --> 00:10:06,647 I admire you. 161 00:10:06,731 --> 00:10:08,608 You see the things that you're not good at, 162 00:10:08,691 --> 00:10:11,235 and you don't run away or make excuses for them. 163 00:10:11,319 --> 00:10:12,945 You stand up and face them. 164 00:10:13,029 --> 00:10:14,196 Huh? 165 00:10:14,280 --> 00:10:16,115 Thank… thank you. 166 00:10:16,824 --> 00:10:20,536 So I hope from now on that you can prioritize how you feel. 167 00:10:21,037 --> 00:10:23,873 If you take that time, then you can avoid having regrets 168 00:10:23,956 --> 00:10:24,957 -like mine. -Huh. 169 00:10:25,041 --> 00:10:27,501 Think about what it is you want for yourself. 170 00:10:27,585 --> 00:10:29,211 What's your version of an ideal life? 171 00:10:29,295 --> 00:10:31,922 Oh, I'm not really sure how to answer that. 172 00:10:33,507 --> 00:10:34,800 I think I want… 173 00:10:35,551 --> 00:10:38,471 to become a wife that would be a good fit for Lord Kudo, 174 00:10:39,138 --> 00:10:42,975 to be like Miss Hazuki by becoming a refined lady. 175 00:10:44,101 --> 00:10:45,645 I wish I was someone like that. 176 00:10:45,728 --> 00:10:46,979 Miyo? 177 00:10:48,147 --> 00:10:49,231 Are you all right? 178 00:10:49,315 --> 00:10:51,484 Yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking… 179 00:10:52,818 --> 00:10:54,570 It had never crossed my mind. 180 00:10:54,654 --> 00:10:57,740 I've never tried to picture what an ideal life could be. 181 00:10:58,324 --> 00:11:01,035 However, there is one thing that I'm certain of. 182 00:11:01,118 --> 00:11:02,119 And what is that? 183 00:11:02,703 --> 00:11:04,455 This is the place I want to be. 184 00:11:04,538 --> 00:11:06,248 Right by Lord Kudo's side. 185 00:11:08,417 --> 00:11:11,170 I love the way you talk about him when he's not here. 186 00:11:11,253 --> 00:11:13,214 That is one lucky man! 187 00:11:17,510 --> 00:11:18,719 It was rough. 188 00:11:18,803 --> 00:11:20,638 Took more leg work than you could imagine. 189 00:11:20,721 --> 00:11:22,223 Found every Sumi in the capital. 190 00:11:22,807 --> 00:11:25,726 Well, if Sumi Usuba is one of them, then it's well worth it. 191 00:11:25,810 --> 00:11:29,271 Listen, it's great that we got it narrowed down to women named Sumi, 192 00:11:29,355 --> 00:11:31,357 but there's no way of telling which one is the right one. 193 00:11:31,941 --> 00:11:33,067 She's our only lead. 194 00:11:33,150 --> 00:11:35,820 The only hope we have of reaching out to the Usuba family. 195 00:11:36,445 --> 00:11:38,364 Any information is better than none. 196 00:11:38,906 --> 00:11:40,449 Please continue investigating. 197 00:11:46,914 --> 00:11:48,749 Would it be all right if I join you? 198 00:11:51,335 --> 00:11:52,420 Yes. 199 00:11:57,216 --> 00:11:58,300 -Miyo. -Huh? 200 00:11:58,384 --> 00:11:59,385 It's been… 201 00:11:59,468 --> 00:12:01,429 I wanted to say I'm sorry 202 00:12:01,512 --> 00:12:04,640 that work's been so busy that we haven't had time to talk. 203 00:12:05,266 --> 00:12:09,145 Oh, no. Your work is very important. I don't mind at all. 204 00:12:09,729 --> 00:12:10,563 Miyo, 205 00:12:11,397 --> 00:12:13,649 are you sure that there's nothing bothering you? 206 00:12:13,733 --> 00:12:15,651 No. I'm fine. 207 00:12:16,569 --> 00:12:17,528 Is that so… 208 00:12:19,739 --> 00:12:22,491 Uh, what is… What's Miss Hazuki like? 209 00:12:22,575 --> 00:12:24,660 Do her mannerisms change when she talks to you? 210 00:12:25,870 --> 00:12:30,249 Oh, I suppose you and I haven't really talked about many personal things. 211 00:12:30,332 --> 00:12:32,418 Would it be all right if I asked you about it? 212 00:12:33,419 --> 00:12:36,422 My sister and I, our relationship has never been bad. 213 00:12:37,006 --> 00:12:39,842 Well, you're already aware of how loud she is, 214 00:12:39,925 --> 00:12:42,178 which gets on my nerves every now and then. 215 00:12:42,261 --> 00:12:44,472 It's less about "like" or "dislike". 216 00:12:44,555 --> 00:12:47,516 Those kind of feelings don't really apply to our relationship. 217 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:48,434 Huh. 218 00:12:49,393 --> 00:12:51,604 We grew up in the same environment together, 219 00:12:51,687 --> 00:12:53,731 so we always know what the other is thinking. 220 00:12:54,231 --> 00:12:55,775 We don't speak with restraint. 221 00:12:56,442 --> 00:12:58,694 Our personalities may not align, 222 00:12:58,778 --> 00:13:01,447 but I think as she is, she's a good person. 223 00:13:02,865 --> 00:13:04,450 Does any of that answer your question? 224 00:13:05,117 --> 00:13:06,035 It does. 225 00:13:07,578 --> 00:13:10,331 What a wonderful person to have grown up with! 226 00:13:11,123 --> 00:13:13,626 I haven't had someone like that in my life. 227 00:13:14,168 --> 00:13:15,461 Miyo… 228 00:13:15,544 --> 00:13:17,213 …why don't you sit a little closer? 229 00:13:18,130 --> 00:13:19,465 What? Sit? Okay. 230 00:13:27,306 --> 00:13:29,475 If you're feeling lonely, then tell me. 231 00:13:29,558 --> 00:13:31,227 If you're in pain, then say that it hurts. 232 00:13:31,310 --> 00:13:32,186 Huh… 233 00:13:32,269 --> 00:13:34,230 I can't know what you're feeling if you don't say. 234 00:13:34,313 --> 00:13:35,523 I… 235 00:13:35,606 --> 00:13:37,233 I'm not feeling lonely though. 236 00:13:37,817 --> 00:13:39,735 You aren't? Because I feel lonely. 237 00:13:45,199 --> 00:13:47,034 You're saying that you aren't lonely? 238 00:13:47,117 --> 00:13:47,952 I… 239 00:13:50,120 --> 00:13:51,247 really am. 240 00:13:53,123 --> 00:13:54,875 Why didn't you say that from the start? 241 00:13:55,584 --> 00:13:56,544 I… 242 00:13:58,462 --> 00:14:00,881 It's okay to tell me how you really feel, 243 00:14:00,965 --> 00:14:02,633 know that I'm going to be there for you. 244 00:14:02,716 --> 00:14:04,176 Don't think that it's selfish. 245 00:14:04,260 --> 00:14:06,595 You can tell me anything. I'll listen to all of it. 246 00:14:07,221 --> 00:14:08,138 Thank you. 247 00:14:08,222 --> 00:14:10,516 Don't feel guilty for seeking comfort. 248 00:14:10,599 --> 00:14:12,268 We're family now, are we not? 249 00:14:12,351 --> 00:14:15,145 Part of that is supporting each other through thick and thin. 250 00:14:18,691 --> 00:14:20,651 Lord Kudo is very kind. 251 00:14:20,734 --> 00:14:21,694 But still… 252 00:14:22,486 --> 00:14:25,114 If I really want to become Mrs. Kudo, 253 00:14:25,197 --> 00:14:28,325 I can't use him as a crutch. I must be strong. 254 00:14:29,118 --> 00:14:30,661 These are my problems. 255 00:14:30,744 --> 00:14:32,496 If I can't handle them on my own, 256 00:14:32,580 --> 00:14:34,957 how could I ever support a whole family? 257 00:14:35,040 --> 00:14:36,667 Is anyone home? 258 00:14:36,750 --> 00:14:37,918 Yes. 259 00:14:40,546 --> 00:14:42,047 Sorry for making you wait. 260 00:14:42,131 --> 00:14:43,549 How can I help you… 261 00:14:44,174 --> 00:14:45,050 Ah! 262 00:14:45,676 --> 00:14:46,802 You were the man who… 263 00:14:46,886 --> 00:14:48,888 Hello. It's lovely to see you. 264 00:14:48,971 --> 00:14:50,806 I wasn't sure how things had gone. 265 00:14:50,890 --> 00:14:53,058 Hopefully, you've recovered since that day. 266 00:14:53,142 --> 00:14:55,102 Oh, yes. I feel much better now. 267 00:14:55,644 --> 00:14:58,314 That must've been a shock. Thank you so much for being there for me. 268 00:14:58,397 --> 00:15:01,442 Oh, come now. No need to thank me for any of that. 269 00:15:01,525 --> 00:15:04,069 Regardless, I was here to see a Mr. Kudo. 270 00:15:04,153 --> 00:15:06,655 Oh, no. He's actually at the office. 271 00:15:07,239 --> 00:15:09,158 Huh? That's strange. 272 00:15:09,241 --> 00:15:11,160 I was told that he was off duty today. 273 00:15:11,243 --> 00:15:13,037 He's very busy at work. 274 00:15:13,120 --> 00:15:16,081 He told me that he was called in at the last minute and had to go. 275 00:15:16,707 --> 00:15:18,417 Is that so? That's unfortunate. 276 00:15:18,500 --> 00:15:20,586 I apologize I didn't call in advance. 277 00:15:21,170 --> 00:15:23,714 Arata Tsuruki is my name. Pleasure! 278 00:15:24,298 --> 00:15:26,342 Oh, right. I'm Miyo Saimori. 279 00:15:26,425 --> 00:15:29,094 Yes, I know. I'm quite well aware of who you are. 280 00:15:29,178 --> 00:15:30,095 Me? 281 00:15:30,179 --> 00:15:32,056 It was the talk of the social scene. 282 00:15:32,139 --> 00:15:34,350 A rumor that had everyone's ear. 283 00:15:34,433 --> 00:15:38,437 The infamous Mr. Kudo has finally found himself a suitable fiancée. 284 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:39,355 Oh… 285 00:15:40,689 --> 00:15:42,650 Although, I suppose the rumors 286 00:15:42,733 --> 00:15:45,361 of his "frozen tundra" personality were right. 287 00:15:46,111 --> 00:15:47,863 Why would you say that? 288 00:15:47,947 --> 00:15:48,948 Miss Miyo, 289 00:15:49,031 --> 00:15:52,451 I'm afraid that you appear to be absolutely exhausted. 290 00:15:52,534 --> 00:15:53,369 Hm? 291 00:15:53,452 --> 00:15:57,790 Yes, I noticed it in town. This is the result of neglect, isn't it? 292 00:15:57,873 --> 00:15:58,874 Now, 293 00:15:58,958 --> 00:16:02,461 it is unacceptable to force you to work to the point of fatigue. 294 00:16:03,462 --> 00:16:06,382 I… None of what happened is Lord Kudo's fault! 295 00:16:06,465 --> 00:16:09,051 Having you push yourself until you collapse. 296 00:16:09,134 --> 00:16:10,886 There's something wrong with that man! 297 00:16:11,804 --> 00:16:14,890 If he understood your true worth, he wouldn't do this to you. 298 00:16:14,974 --> 00:16:18,268 Absurd! As if you aren't a lady already, 299 00:16:18,352 --> 00:16:20,354 expecting you to learn the proper ways to behave, 300 00:16:20,437 --> 00:16:21,772 yet offering nothing! 301 00:16:21,855 --> 00:16:23,273 How do you know about that? 302 00:16:23,357 --> 00:16:24,858 Why would this be so important 303 00:16:24,942 --> 00:16:27,111 that he'd force a person into this educational gauntlet? 304 00:16:27,194 --> 00:16:28,529 Please don't say such things! 305 00:16:28,612 --> 00:16:31,490 I was the one who wanted to learn all of these at once. 306 00:16:31,573 --> 00:16:34,451 Lord Kudo is only cooperating after I begged him to. 307 00:16:34,535 --> 00:16:37,162 Please don't say such awful things! 308 00:16:37,746 --> 00:16:38,747 Are you all right? 309 00:16:39,540 --> 00:16:41,917 Yes. Yes, it was nothing. 310 00:16:42,001 --> 00:16:44,837 I apologize. What I've said to you is out of line. 311 00:16:44,920 --> 00:16:46,380 I shall take my leave now. 312 00:16:47,006 --> 00:16:49,883 I should as well. I'm terribly sorry. 313 00:16:49,967 --> 00:16:52,428 My attitude has been extremely rude today. 314 00:16:52,511 --> 00:16:54,930 I should have been forthright from the start. Well… 315 00:16:56,015 --> 00:16:57,349 I have an offer for you. 316 00:16:57,433 --> 00:17:00,019 A unique role that only you could ever fill. 317 00:17:02,187 --> 00:17:04,440 Please feel free to reach out at any time 318 00:17:05,774 --> 00:17:07,026 if the interest strikes you. 319 00:17:07,109 --> 00:17:07,943 SPECIAL ADVISOR ARATA TSURUKI 320 00:17:12,031 --> 00:17:13,532 Have a good day! 321 00:17:16,118 --> 00:17:19,371 A role that only I could ever fill? 322 00:17:20,831 --> 00:17:22,541 He's late, isn't he? 323 00:17:22,624 --> 00:17:24,168 Whether he's Ministry staff or not, 324 00:17:24,251 --> 00:17:26,712 it's disrespectful to have you waiting on him like this. 325 00:17:26,795 --> 00:17:28,172 It's not a problem. 326 00:17:28,255 --> 00:17:31,592 We can proceed with our preparations for the operation regardless. 327 00:17:32,468 --> 00:17:34,053 You're looking pretty tired there. 328 00:17:34,136 --> 00:17:35,679 Don't concern yourself. 329 00:17:35,763 --> 00:17:37,848 After things are handled here, I plan to go home. 330 00:17:37,931 --> 00:17:39,308 Glad to hear it! 331 00:17:39,391 --> 00:17:42,227 Poor Miss Miyo. You should go home for her sake. 332 00:17:42,811 --> 00:17:43,854 Right. 333 00:17:46,315 --> 00:17:47,858 Permission was granted. 334 00:17:47,941 --> 00:17:50,527 Authority will now be transferred to Commander Kudo, 335 00:17:50,611 --> 00:17:52,488 and you are free to act as you see fit. 336 00:17:52,571 --> 00:17:55,866 Thank you. We will start the large-scale sweep operation. 337 00:17:55,949 --> 00:17:57,743 We need to get this under control quickly 338 00:17:57,826 --> 00:17:59,870 or further damage could strike the capital. 339 00:18:00,454 --> 00:18:02,122 Thank you again for your help. 340 00:18:07,461 --> 00:18:11,256 Goodness! I can't say how sorry I am for being late today. 341 00:18:11,340 --> 00:18:13,133 The impression was that you were off duty. 342 00:18:13,217 --> 00:18:16,386 I mistakenly ended up at your home while trying to find you. 343 00:18:18,680 --> 00:18:22,142 I even had the pleasure of getting to meet your fiancée, Miss Miyo. 344 00:18:23,727 --> 00:18:26,522 What a thoughtful and well-mannered greeting I received. 345 00:18:26,605 --> 00:18:29,399 She seems to be brimming with affection for you. 346 00:18:29,483 --> 00:18:33,737 Though, I find myself with less admiration for how you treat her. 347 00:18:33,821 --> 00:18:35,364 She's a wonderful woman. 348 00:18:35,447 --> 00:18:36,281 What? 349 00:18:36,365 --> 00:18:39,201 I notice that she's starting to look frail. 350 00:18:39,284 --> 00:18:41,787 Her health wastes away a little more each day, doesn't it? 351 00:18:43,372 --> 00:18:45,999 She and I have crossed paths on a previous occasion. 352 00:18:46,083 --> 00:18:48,418 She nearly collapsed on the street when she was in town, 353 00:18:48,502 --> 00:18:49,920 and thankfully, I was nearby. 354 00:18:50,003 --> 00:18:51,046 What did you say? 355 00:18:51,130 --> 00:18:53,423 You don't know a single thing about her, do you? 356 00:18:53,507 --> 00:18:56,718 Is Miss Miyo so inconsequential that she's invisible? 357 00:18:56,802 --> 00:18:58,887 Actually, you don't even care, do you? 358 00:18:58,971 --> 00:19:01,348 The fact that you weren't there for her when she needed you 359 00:19:01,431 --> 00:19:03,684 is more than enough proof of that. 360 00:19:04,268 --> 00:19:06,812 Right. You don't like small talk, do you? 361 00:19:07,396 --> 00:19:08,856 If you face any difficulties, 362 00:19:08,939 --> 00:19:11,567 please feel free to contact me at a moment's notice. 363 00:19:13,735 --> 00:19:15,195 I would be happy to help you 364 00:19:15,279 --> 00:19:17,406 if there's anything that I could assist you with. 365 00:19:19,408 --> 00:19:20,826 This is strange, boss. 366 00:19:20,909 --> 00:19:23,704 Out of all the Sumis I've come across thus far, 367 00:19:23,787 --> 00:19:25,998 there's only one who doesn't have a birth certificate, 368 00:19:26,081 --> 00:19:28,000 and they're not registered to a household. 369 00:19:29,418 --> 00:19:31,587 The name is "Sumi Tsuruki." 370 00:19:36,425 --> 00:19:37,259 SPECIAL ADVISOR ARATA TSURUKI 371 00:19:37,342 --> 00:19:38,177 Tsuruki… 372 00:19:49,313 --> 00:19:50,147 Miyo! 373 00:19:54,776 --> 00:19:55,611 Miyo! 374 00:19:59,573 --> 00:20:00,407 Ugh… 375 00:20:01,909 --> 00:20:02,743 Miyo? 376 00:20:10,709 --> 00:20:13,378 I told her to rest, but she's… 377 00:20:14,796 --> 00:20:15,631 Miyo. 378 00:20:17,216 --> 00:20:19,384 Uh… Oh, you're home already. 379 00:20:22,054 --> 00:20:23,805 Uh, welcome back home. 380 00:20:23,889 --> 00:20:25,641 Sorry that I wasn't at the door. 381 00:20:25,724 --> 00:20:27,601 I-I should have greeted you. 382 00:20:29,686 --> 00:20:30,771 Lord Kudo? 383 00:20:30,854 --> 00:20:32,314 Miyo! Miyo, why? 384 00:20:32,397 --> 00:20:33,398 Why what? 385 00:20:33,482 --> 00:20:34,942 Why did you get so thin? 386 00:20:35,484 --> 00:20:37,152 Why did you not tell me that you collapsed? 387 00:20:37,945 --> 00:20:39,404 But, but I was okay. 388 00:20:39,488 --> 00:20:41,615 Do you think I don't know about the nightmares? 389 00:20:41,698 --> 00:20:44,159 Hearing you suffer through them every night? 390 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:46,828 How many times have I told you? 391 00:20:46,912 --> 00:20:48,956 Just talk to me, you can lean on me. 392 00:20:49,581 --> 00:20:52,417 Even after all this time, you won't. 393 00:20:53,502 --> 00:20:55,420 Am I really so untrustworthy that you can't? 394 00:20:55,504 --> 00:20:57,172 No! That's not it! 395 00:20:57,256 --> 00:21:00,717 I didn't want to bother you if it was something I could handle alone. 396 00:21:00,801 --> 00:21:02,761 You've spent all this extra time working. 397 00:21:02,844 --> 00:21:04,346 I didn't want to trouble you. 398 00:21:04,429 --> 00:21:07,933 It seemed like you were already so busy and tired, I just couldn't do it. 399 00:21:08,016 --> 00:21:10,185 How am I the one who seems too tired 400 00:21:10,269 --> 00:21:11,937 when you can't even tell when I get home? 401 00:21:13,021 --> 00:21:16,275 If this is how it was going to end up, I never should've even given you 402 00:21:16,358 --> 00:21:18,318 the opportunity to study in the first place. 403 00:21:21,071 --> 00:21:24,324 Lord Kudo, that was cruel! 404 00:21:26,994 --> 00:21:28,954 That wasn't… I didn't mean… 405 00:21:29,746 --> 00:21:31,748 I never meant to talk to her like this. 406 00:21:32,374 --> 00:21:33,208 I just… 407 00:21:33,292 --> 00:21:35,460 I just wanted to be here with… 408 00:21:36,169 --> 00:21:37,838 Miyo! 409 00:21:41,883 --> 00:21:44,344 I did the worst thing I ever could've done to her. 410 00:21:45,429 --> 00:21:46,263 With this, 411 00:21:46,763 --> 00:21:49,599 that was the same kind of treatment as the Saimoris. 412 00:21:50,559 --> 00:21:54,229 I'm awful! That man was completely right. 413 00:21:55,814 --> 00:21:56,732 Ugh. 414 00:21:59,359 --> 00:22:00,986 SPECIAL ADVISOR ARATA TSURUKI 415 00:22:10,329 --> 00:22:12,205 Tsuruki is going to tell me everything. 416 00:22:13,081 --> 00:22:15,625 That's it. I have to end this. 417 00:22:15,709 --> 00:22:17,961 I'll do whatever it takes to end her suffering!