1 00:00:25,943 --> 00:00:27,028 Yeah! 2 00:00:52,553 --> 00:00:53,888 - Wow. 3 00:00:53,888 --> 00:00:57,433 Looks like that's the last jellyfruit. 4 00:01:12,990 --> 00:01:17,745 So those are the rare and delicious jellyfruit I've heard so much about, eh? 5 00:01:17,745 --> 00:01:20,039 It'd be a shame if someone stole 'em all. 6 00:01:20,039 --> 00:01:22,125 Someone like us. 7 00:01:22,125 --> 00:01:23,668 - Hey! 8 00:01:23,668 --> 00:01:26,754 That fruit is for everyone to share at the Jellyfruit Festival tonight. 9 00:01:27,839 --> 00:01:30,049 Why share when you can sell? 10 00:01:30,049 --> 00:01:33,469 I bet plenty of pirates would pay a ton of credits for these. 11 00:01:39,433 --> 00:01:42,103 That pirate took all the fruit, Grandma. 12 00:01:42,103 --> 00:01:44,522 Oh, honey, I know. 13 00:01:44,522 --> 00:01:46,190 And without the jellyfruit, 14 00:01:46,190 --> 00:01:49,527 Kublop Springs can't have their festival tonight. 15 00:01:52,738 --> 00:01:55,575 ♪ Juicy and jiggly Soft and sweet ♪ 16 00:01:56,159 --> 00:01:58,995 ♪ Crazily colorful And fun to eat ♪ 17 00:01:58,995 --> 00:02:00,621 Whoops! 18 00:02:00,621 --> 00:02:02,373 Sorry, RJ. 19 00:02:06,460 --> 00:02:09,964 I can't get these decorations to stick to anything but me. 20 00:02:15,553 --> 00:02:18,848 Thanks for helping us decorate for the Jellyfruit Festival tonight. 21 00:02:18,848 --> 00:02:21,976 - Always happy to help, Hap. - It's my favorite day of the year. 22 00:02:21,976 --> 00:02:23,936 The Jellyfruit Festival is all about 23 00:02:23,936 --> 00:02:27,190 sharing the love of delicious jellyfruit with everyone. 24 00:02:27,190 --> 00:02:28,566 I can't wait. 25 00:02:28,566 --> 00:02:31,194 It's just like the jelly jingle says. 26 00:02:31,194 --> 00:02:32,570 ♪ Juicy and jiggly ♪ 27 00:02:32,570 --> 00:02:33,988 ♪ Soft and sweet ♪ 28 00:02:33,988 --> 00:02:35,198 ♪ Crazily colorful ♪ 29 00:02:35,198 --> 00:02:36,657 ♪ And fun to eat ♪ 30 00:02:39,702 --> 00:02:41,204 Hey, Weebo. 31 00:02:41,204 --> 00:02:43,456 How's tonight's jellyfruit shipment coming? 32 00:02:43,456 --> 00:02:46,500 It ain't coming, Hap. It's going. 33 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:48,669 A group of pirates just left with it. 34 00:02:48,669 --> 00:02:49,629 - Pirates? - What? 35 00:02:50,546 --> 00:02:52,298 They stole all the fruit. 36 00:02:52,298 --> 00:02:53,883 No! 37 00:02:55,551 --> 00:02:59,972 We can't have a Jellyfruit Festival without any jellyfruit. 38 00:02:59,972 --> 00:03:03,684 That fruit was for everyone to share at the festival, not for pirates. 39 00:03:04,769 --> 00:03:05,895 Hmm. 40 00:03:05,895 --> 00:03:07,980 What did those pirates look like? 41 00:03:07,980 --> 00:03:12,151 They had a huge ship that kinda looked like a bird. 42 00:03:12,151 --> 00:03:14,695 And there was a short fella in a helmet. 43 00:03:14,695 --> 00:03:16,614 Taborr. 44 00:03:17,698 --> 00:03:20,576 Don't worry, Weebo. My Jedi friends and I will track them down 45 00:03:20,576 --> 00:03:22,787 - and get that jellyfruit back. 46 00:03:22,787 --> 00:03:25,873 - Y-You don't even know where they went. 47 00:03:25,873 --> 00:03:28,542 Well, the helmet guy did say 48 00:03:28,542 --> 00:03:31,545 he was gonna sell the jellyfruit to some other pirates. 49 00:03:31,545 --> 00:03:33,464 Sell them to other pirates? 50 00:03:33,464 --> 00:03:35,216 I know where Taborr might be. 51 00:03:35,216 --> 00:03:39,345 Hap, keep decorating, 'cause we're gonna get that jellyfruit. 52 00:03:39,971 --> 00:03:41,722 To the Firehawk! 53 00:03:47,270 --> 00:03:48,271 Planet Yarrum. 54 00:03:48,271 --> 00:03:51,399 That's where we faced Taborr before at that pirate hideout. 55 00:03:51,399 --> 00:03:53,150 That's right. At Yarrum Tower. 56 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:55,736 Lots of pirates from all over the sector hang out there. 57 00:03:55,736 --> 00:03:58,489 It's gotta be where Taborr's selling all the jellyfruit. 58 00:03:58,489 --> 00:04:01,075 We'll just go down there and take it all back. 59 00:04:01,075 --> 00:04:03,452 - Easy. 60 00:04:05,705 --> 00:04:07,999 I'm not sure it'll be that easy. 61 00:04:07,999 --> 00:04:10,501 RJ, please take over flying the Firehawk for me. 62 00:04:11,585 --> 00:04:14,839 Jedi don't usually visit Yarrum Tower. 63 00:04:14,839 --> 00:04:17,550 If someone sees you dressed like that, they'll warn Taborr, 64 00:04:17,550 --> 00:04:20,803 and he could escape with the jellyfruit before we can even get close. 65 00:04:20,803 --> 00:04:22,596 Good point. So what do we do? 66 00:04:22,596 --> 00:04:25,641 - You need to look like pirates. 67 00:04:25,641 --> 00:04:27,435 I've got an idea. 68 00:04:29,895 --> 00:04:31,647 - Uh... 69 00:04:31,647 --> 00:04:33,149 Hmm. 70 00:04:33,149 --> 00:04:34,567 You all look... 71 00:04:35,151 --> 00:04:37,028 - Well, I-I mean, 72 00:04:37,028 --> 00:04:38,946 you definitely don't look like Jedi. 73 00:04:38,946 --> 00:04:40,573 That's good, right? 74 00:04:42,325 --> 00:04:47,705 Uh, if this is gonna work, you-- you really gotta act like pirates. 75 00:04:47,705 --> 00:04:50,708 Show me your tough pirate faces! 76 00:04:50,708 --> 00:04:53,836 I am a grumpy, tough pirate. 77 00:04:58,674 --> 00:05:01,510 - Aw, you're so cute, Nubs. 78 00:05:01,510 --> 00:05:03,471 - I mean, aw... 79 00:05:03,471 --> 00:05:06,057 ...you're a not-cute pirate. 80 00:05:06,057 --> 00:05:07,516 How are we doing, Nash? 81 00:05:09,518 --> 00:05:10,519 Well... 82 00:05:12,021 --> 00:05:13,397 It'll have to do. 83 00:05:13,397 --> 00:05:15,316 Now let's hurry and get that fruit back. 84 00:05:15,316 --> 00:05:17,902 Those thieving pirates don't deserve one delicious bite. 85 00:05:17,902 --> 00:05:19,862 RJ, can you keep an eye on the ship? 86 00:05:19,862 --> 00:05:23,157 I don't want any pirates messing with the Firehawk, okay? 87 00:05:33,918 --> 00:05:35,294 Whoa. 88 00:05:35,294 --> 00:05:38,381 Here we are. Yarrum Tower marketplace. 89 00:05:38,381 --> 00:05:40,049 Remember, act tough. 90 00:05:41,509 --> 00:05:44,095 - Hey! You four, where are you headed? 91 00:05:44,678 --> 00:05:46,138 Who wants to know? 92 00:05:46,138 --> 00:05:48,307 Remember, tough like a pirate. 93 00:05:51,018 --> 00:05:52,686 Uh, you kids okay? 94 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:55,189 We're not kids. We're pirates! 95 00:05:55,189 --> 00:06:00,403 And if you don't stop bothering us, you and I are gonna have a problem. 96 00:06:01,612 --> 00:06:03,155 Whatever you say. 97 00:06:03,656 --> 00:06:06,033 They don't pay me enough credits for this. 98 00:06:06,033 --> 00:06:07,326 Yeah. We did it. 99 00:06:07,326 --> 00:06:08,828 Tough faces. 100 00:06:12,623 --> 00:06:14,625 This place is kinda neat. 101 00:06:15,167 --> 00:06:17,420 - Tough faces, remember? 102 00:06:17,420 --> 00:06:18,504 Sorry! 103 00:06:18,504 --> 00:06:20,256 I mean... 104 00:06:20,256 --> 00:06:21,549 ...sorry. 105 00:06:21,549 --> 00:06:23,008 - Sorry. 106 00:06:24,301 --> 00:06:25,469 Hey! 107 00:06:25,469 --> 00:06:27,513 - What's the big idea? 108 00:06:34,645 --> 00:06:38,482 Uh, Nash, maybe now is not the time for tough faces? 109 00:06:42,945 --> 00:06:44,363 Ahoy there, little pirate. 110 00:06:44,363 --> 00:06:45,739 Are you okay? 111 00:06:45,739 --> 00:06:48,200 Yes. Uh, fine. 112 00:06:48,200 --> 00:06:50,077 Th-Thank you. 113 00:06:50,077 --> 00:06:52,163 Well, that must've hurt. 114 00:06:52,163 --> 00:06:53,414 Sorry about that. 115 00:06:53,414 --> 00:06:57,042 Uh, excuse me, but where'd you get that jellyfruit... [clears throat] ...sir? 116 00:06:57,042 --> 00:07:00,254 Jellyfruit? Is that what it's called? 117 00:07:00,254 --> 00:07:01,881 Thing's delicious. 118 00:07:01,881 --> 00:07:05,551 Kid over there boosted a whole crate, and now he's selling 'em. 119 00:07:05,551 --> 00:07:06,886 Hey, everyone. 120 00:07:06,886 --> 00:07:09,722 Get ya fruit. All natural from planet Tenoo. 121 00:07:09,722 --> 00:07:12,099 Super rare and super delicious. 122 00:07:12,099 --> 00:07:14,018 Taborr's gang. 123 00:07:14,018 --> 00:07:16,103 Those thieving pirates. 124 00:07:16,103 --> 00:07:19,690 Stealing jellyfruit? You're supposed to share it. 125 00:07:20,774 --> 00:07:24,361 If we sneak up, we could grab the hover-cart and take back the jellyfruit. 126 00:07:24,361 --> 00:07:25,446 Come on! 127 00:07:25,446 --> 00:07:27,490 Thank you. Uh... 128 00:07:27,490 --> 00:07:28,991 Thank you. 129 00:07:30,075 --> 00:07:32,786 Step on up and try our super rare fruit. 130 00:07:32,786 --> 00:07:35,873 Priced so low, it's a steal. 131 00:07:36,749 --> 00:07:37,958 Hey! Hey, you! 132 00:07:38,626 --> 00:07:40,127 Uh, who? I mean... 133 00:07:40,127 --> 00:07:41,420 Who, me? 134 00:07:41,420 --> 00:07:43,005 Yeah, you. 135 00:07:44,673 --> 00:07:46,800 - Nice helmet. - Whew. 136 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:48,135 Here's a free sample. 137 00:07:48,135 --> 00:07:50,554 If you want more after that, you'll have to pay. 138 00:07:52,389 --> 00:07:54,099 Huh? 139 00:07:57,061 --> 00:07:58,604 Wait a minute. 140 00:07:58,604 --> 00:08:00,439 Kai Brightstar? 141 00:08:00,439 --> 00:08:02,900 The Jedi are here? 142 00:08:07,321 --> 00:08:09,740 Blaster bolts! How did they find us? 143 00:08:13,994 --> 00:08:17,164 You pirates don't deserve any of that jellyfruit! 144 00:08:17,164 --> 00:08:19,124 Give it back, Taborr. 145 00:08:19,124 --> 00:08:20,709 You wish. 146 00:08:20,709 --> 00:08:23,587 Pord, EB-3, back to the ship. 147 00:08:24,255 --> 00:08:25,631 After that jellyfruit! 148 00:08:27,716 --> 00:08:30,469 I won't let some pirates take our jellyfruit! 149 00:09:04,295 --> 00:09:06,922 Keep going. 150 00:09:06,922 --> 00:09:08,465 I'll-I'll catch up. 151 00:09:08,465 --> 00:09:10,134 Uh... 152 00:09:12,386 --> 00:09:14,888 Aw, too fast for you, Jedi? 153 00:09:16,724 --> 00:09:18,434 Oops! 154 00:09:20,769 --> 00:09:22,104 No! 155 00:09:22,980 --> 00:09:24,982 - Jump! 156 00:09:26,650 --> 00:09:29,570 - The jellyfruit's gonna fall! No! 157 00:09:46,629 --> 00:09:49,131 We got the jellyfruit back! 158 00:09:50,841 --> 00:09:53,510 Hey, Nash. Quick, call RJ to pick us up. 159 00:09:54,428 --> 00:09:55,429 RJ, come in! 160 00:09:55,429 --> 00:09:57,848 It's always the Jedi. 161 00:09:57,848 --> 00:10:01,226 That's what you get for stealing from a little old farmer, Taborr. 162 00:10:01,226 --> 00:10:03,062 He stole from an old farmer? 163 00:10:04,605 --> 00:10:06,523 Yeah, and her grandkid. 164 00:10:06,523 --> 00:10:09,151 That's not very impressive at all. 165 00:10:09,151 --> 00:10:11,445 Some pirate he is. 166 00:10:14,406 --> 00:10:17,451 I am a pirate, and I am impressive! 167 00:10:18,494 --> 00:10:20,329 Come on! 168 00:10:25,584 --> 00:10:26,710 All right, Nash. 169 00:10:26,710 --> 00:10:28,671 Let's get those jellyfruit back to-- 170 00:10:33,384 --> 00:10:35,552 Can't believe I'm about to do this. 171 00:10:35,552 --> 00:10:37,471 - Hey, Taborr! - What? 172 00:10:37,471 --> 00:10:39,598 I love the Jellyfruit Festival. 173 00:10:39,598 --> 00:10:42,101 I was looking forward to sharing it with my friends, 174 00:10:42,101 --> 00:10:46,105 but I forgot that this festival is not just about sharing with friends. 175 00:10:46,105 --> 00:10:49,191 It's about sharing with everyone, even pirates. 176 00:10:49,775 --> 00:10:52,027 Uh, thanks? 177 00:10:56,323 --> 00:10:57,950 - Share? 178 00:10:57,950 --> 00:10:59,785 No way. This is mine. 179 00:10:59,785 --> 00:11:01,453 Now, come on. Let's get outta here. 180 00:11:04,039 --> 00:11:06,709 Time to get this jellyfruit back to the festival. 181 00:11:14,675 --> 00:11:16,635 Thanks for inviting us, Nash. 182 00:11:16,635 --> 00:11:20,013 You got it, mister, pirate, sir. 183 00:11:21,890 --> 00:11:23,183 Would you look at that? 184 00:11:23,183 --> 00:11:26,395 You kids saved the Jellyfruit Festival. 185 00:11:26,395 --> 00:11:27,479 Thank you! 186 00:11:27,479 --> 00:11:30,482 To the Jellyfruit Festival heroes! 187 00:11:30,482 --> 00:11:32,943 To our heroes! 188 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:35,446 Mmm. 189 00:11:35,446 --> 00:11:38,532 This is amazing! 190 00:11:38,532 --> 00:11:40,743 Mmm. So good. 191 00:11:41,410 --> 00:11:43,746 I told you jellyfruit is the best. 192 00:11:43,746 --> 00:11:45,998 Just like the jelly jingle says. 193 00:11:45,998 --> 00:11:47,291 ♪ Juicy and jiggly ♪ 194 00:11:47,291 --> 00:11:48,625 ♪ Soft and sweet ♪ 195 00:11:48,625 --> 00:11:50,085 ♪ Crazily colorful ♪ 196 00:11:51,587 --> 00:11:53,672 - You bet they're fun to eat. 197 00:11:53,672 --> 00:11:55,674 Now, who wants seconds? 198 00:11:57,342 --> 00:11:59,344 I do! I do! 199 00:12:02,598 --> 00:12:04,516 Good afternoon, creature lovers. 200 00:12:04,516 --> 00:12:07,519 Broadcasting across the galaxy, it's me, Aree, 201 00:12:07,519 --> 00:12:10,105 from the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts. 202 00:12:10,105 --> 00:12:14,276 And, as always, I'm here to learn about creatures across the galaxy. 203 00:12:14,276 --> 00:12:17,029 Today, we're joined by some special Jedi friends, 204 00:12:17,029 --> 00:12:18,989 - Kai, Lys and Nubs. 205 00:12:18,989 --> 00:12:20,240 - Hi. - Hello! 206 00:12:22,409 --> 00:12:26,622 We're on the planet Yamradi, home to the critters known as Chylaroo. 207 00:12:27,956 --> 00:12:31,710 Not much is known about Chylaroo, so there's a lot to learn indeed. 208 00:12:31,710 --> 00:12:33,086 I think we got it, Cam. 209 00:12:34,838 --> 00:12:36,882 Thanks for letting us be in your recording, 210 00:12:36,882 --> 00:12:39,510 and for letting us come with you to Yamradi. 211 00:12:39,510 --> 00:12:41,970 Lys is a little excited. 212 00:12:41,970 --> 00:12:44,181 I couldn't wait to meet you both. 213 00:12:44,181 --> 00:12:46,350 I love the Galactic Creature Guide. 214 00:12:46,350 --> 00:12:49,770 The section on the Gedonian Ground Weevil is my favorite. 215 00:12:49,770 --> 00:12:52,272 Or the exogorth. Wait, no. Charhounds. 216 00:12:52,272 --> 00:12:54,608 Really? [chuckles] That's wonderful. 217 00:12:54,608 --> 00:12:56,318 Cam and I are quite proud of it. 218 00:12:56,318 --> 00:12:59,530 And with any luck, we'll learn lots of new facts about the Chylaroo 219 00:12:59,530 --> 00:13:01,406 to enter into the Creature Guide today. 220 00:13:01,406 --> 00:13:03,200 So official! 221 00:13:03,200 --> 00:13:05,911 Who's ready to gather some creature knowledge? 222 00:13:05,911 --> 00:13:06,995 - Yeah! 223 00:13:06,995 --> 00:13:08,288 I was born ready. 224 00:13:08,288 --> 00:13:09,915 Then off we go. 225 00:13:16,380 --> 00:13:18,674 - Whoa. 226 00:13:25,264 --> 00:13:26,598 This is so much fun. 227 00:13:26,598 --> 00:13:28,725 When do you think we'll find the Chylaroo? 228 00:13:30,769 --> 00:13:32,187 - Could that be... 229 00:13:32,187 --> 00:13:33,522 I think it's a... 230 00:13:34,940 --> 00:13:36,441 Chylaroo! 231 00:13:37,526 --> 00:13:38,735 We found them. 232 00:13:38,735 --> 00:13:40,612 Careful, let's not scare-- 233 00:13:40,612 --> 00:13:42,447 - Huh? 234 00:13:42,447 --> 00:13:44,783 I think they wanna say hello. 235 00:13:44,783 --> 00:13:46,410 Huh. Amazing. 236 00:13:46,410 --> 00:13:48,871 How'd she get them to come over to her so easily? 237 00:13:48,871 --> 00:13:50,414 That's our Lys. 238 00:13:50,414 --> 00:13:52,249 She's great with creatures. 239 00:13:55,752 --> 00:13:58,755 I've never been this close to a Chylaroo before. 240 00:13:58,755 --> 00:14:00,048 This is perfect. 241 00:14:02,968 --> 00:14:05,220 It has a frill. Oh! Fascinating. 242 00:14:05,220 --> 00:14:07,973 And the frill seems to puff up when you pet it. 243 00:14:09,308 --> 00:14:12,686 It does look like the coosta mice we've seen in the Temple garden. 244 00:14:14,062 --> 00:14:16,690 Good question, Nubs. I wonder if it likes to... 245 00:14:34,917 --> 00:14:37,210 Mmm. 246 00:14:37,210 --> 00:14:38,712 Hmm? 247 00:14:40,339 --> 00:14:41,340 Is that... 248 00:14:44,885 --> 00:14:46,637 Cam! 249 00:14:46,637 --> 00:14:48,555 We gotta get him back. Hurry! 250 00:14:50,349 --> 00:14:51,767 Drop that droid! 251 00:14:52,517 --> 00:14:53,518 Cam! 252 00:14:57,272 --> 00:14:59,066 Come back here with our friend! 253 00:15:01,485 --> 00:15:02,569 I'm okay. 254 00:15:02,569 --> 00:15:03,987 There! 255 00:15:13,538 --> 00:15:16,041 Where'd they go? 256 00:15:17,501 --> 00:15:20,295 We've lost sight of Cam and the thing that grabbed him. 257 00:15:20,295 --> 00:15:22,214 Didn't even see which way they went. 258 00:15:22,214 --> 00:15:23,590 What was that? 259 00:15:23,590 --> 00:15:25,342 Never seen anything like it before. 260 00:15:25,342 --> 00:15:27,427 You mean it's a new creature? 261 00:15:27,427 --> 00:15:28,762 Exciting! 262 00:15:28,762 --> 00:15:30,389 - Oh, uh, I mean, 263 00:15:30,389 --> 00:15:32,057 not exciting that Cam was taken. 264 00:15:32,057 --> 00:15:34,643 Small and friendly creatures are one thing, 265 00:15:34,643 --> 00:15:38,939 but whatever that was is big and scary, and it has my friend. 266 00:15:38,939 --> 00:15:40,565 What if it's going to eat him? 267 00:15:40,565 --> 00:15:41,650 Eat him? 268 00:15:41,650 --> 00:15:44,069 I don't know any creature that eats droids. 269 00:15:44,069 --> 00:15:45,445 I'm sure he's safe. 270 00:15:45,445 --> 00:15:47,948 We'll get Cam back. We promise. 271 00:15:49,533 --> 00:15:50,617 Oh. 272 00:15:56,748 --> 00:16:00,335 Hmm. This feather looks like it came from the creature. 273 00:16:00,335 --> 00:16:02,796 - I know where we can start looking. 274 00:16:06,508 --> 00:16:09,928 You really think that creature might be up here in the trees? 275 00:16:09,928 --> 00:16:13,515 Well, birds make nests in trees. 276 00:16:13,515 --> 00:16:16,601 And that creature sort of looked like a bird to me. 277 00:16:16,601 --> 00:16:19,688 Maybe that means it has a nest up here somewhere. 278 00:16:21,898 --> 00:16:23,650 D-Don't worry about me. 279 00:16:23,650 --> 00:16:25,277 I got it. 280 00:16:37,581 --> 00:16:38,707 Nubs! 281 00:16:49,342 --> 00:16:50,969 Nubs! Are you okay? 282 00:16:50,969 --> 00:16:52,471 - Okay! 283 00:16:52,471 --> 00:16:53,972 Whoa! 284 00:16:54,514 --> 00:16:55,891 Huh? 285 00:16:55,891 --> 00:16:57,392 Oh, we're all down here now? 286 00:16:57,392 --> 00:16:58,477 I don't understand. 287 00:16:58,477 --> 00:17:00,687 The creature must have been here. 288 00:17:00,687 --> 00:17:03,190 But we didn't see any nests up in-- 289 00:17:04,274 --> 00:17:05,650 Another feather! 290 00:17:05,650 --> 00:17:06,735 Lys? 291 00:17:10,530 --> 00:17:14,409 Huh. It looks like the creature might have gone into this burrow. 292 00:17:15,494 --> 00:17:20,040 A burrow is a hole in the ground where creatures can live, including some birds. 293 00:17:20,040 --> 00:17:21,708 Maybe this creature lives in there. 294 00:17:21,708 --> 00:17:23,168 It's worth checking out. 295 00:17:23,168 --> 00:17:25,670 We were wrong about it making its home in the trees. 296 00:17:25,670 --> 00:17:28,673 Maybe we really don't know much about this creature. 297 00:17:28,673 --> 00:17:30,717 Except that it's a droid-eater. 298 00:17:30,717 --> 00:17:32,761 I'm sure Cam is fine, Aree. 299 00:17:32,761 --> 00:17:34,971 Maybe the creature took him for another reason. 300 00:17:34,971 --> 00:17:36,056 We don't know. 301 00:17:36,056 --> 00:17:38,975 But what I do know is that we need to learn more about it. 302 00:17:38,975 --> 00:17:42,270 That's what being a Galactic Creature Enthusiast is all about. 303 00:17:42,270 --> 00:17:44,606 I-- I guess you're right. 304 00:17:44,606 --> 00:17:47,859 Come on. Let's check out this burrow and see what we can learn. 305 00:17:55,826 --> 00:17:56,743 Look. 306 00:17:58,370 --> 00:18:00,497 - We found a nest. 307 00:18:00,497 --> 00:18:02,332 Uh... - And that's Cam. 308 00:18:02,332 --> 00:18:03,917 I'm coming for you, buddy! 309 00:18:03,917 --> 00:18:05,127 Aree, wait! 310 00:18:06,837 --> 00:18:09,256 Cam? It's me. Aree. 311 00:18:11,466 --> 00:18:13,218 - Cam! 312 00:18:14,136 --> 00:18:15,387 - He's okay. - Cam! 313 00:18:20,058 --> 00:18:22,519 Uh, aren't you a big bird? 314 00:18:22,519 --> 00:18:24,271 - Run! 315 00:18:25,438 --> 00:18:26,690 - Whoa! 316 00:18:33,738 --> 00:18:36,825 No! 317 00:18:36,825 --> 00:18:38,201 Let go! 318 00:18:38,201 --> 00:18:39,411 - Aree! Cam! 319 00:18:39,411 --> 00:18:41,872 - Don't let it eat me! 320 00:18:45,041 --> 00:18:46,126 Aree! 321 00:18:51,381 --> 00:18:52,382 Aree! 322 00:18:55,594 --> 00:18:58,847 I don't know how to get back in there with that creature guarding the nest. 323 00:19:01,725 --> 00:19:03,727 I can't believe it. 324 00:19:03,727 --> 00:19:06,229 First it took Cam, then Aree. 325 00:19:07,272 --> 00:19:09,357 Maybe it really is a droid-eater. 326 00:19:10,317 --> 00:19:11,985 No, of course it's not. 327 00:19:11,985 --> 00:19:15,655 If it were a droid-eater, it would've eaten Cam a long time ago. 328 00:19:16,364 --> 00:19:18,283 So, what's it up to? 329 00:19:18,283 --> 00:19:20,285 Why did it take the droids? 330 00:19:24,956 --> 00:19:26,791 - It's okay, Nubs. 331 00:19:26,791 --> 00:19:30,128 I know that look. That's Lys's thinking face. 332 00:19:30,128 --> 00:19:32,547 Even though we don't know much about the creature, 333 00:19:32,547 --> 00:19:34,591 we can still rescue Aree and Cam. 334 00:19:34,591 --> 00:19:37,135 We just have to think about what we know so far. 335 00:19:38,887 --> 00:19:40,931 Many bird-like creatures eat berries, 336 00:19:40,931 --> 00:19:43,767 and the berries on this planet are super shiny. 337 00:19:43,767 --> 00:19:45,936 Just like Cam. 338 00:19:45,936 --> 00:19:47,187 Oh! 339 00:19:47,187 --> 00:19:51,191 Cam must've looked like its food, which means it's not a droid-eater. 340 00:19:51,191 --> 00:19:54,486 It was just confused, and hungry. 341 00:19:54,486 --> 00:19:55,570 - Okay. 342 00:19:55,570 --> 00:19:57,822 So how do we get Cam and Aree back? 343 00:19:57,822 --> 00:19:59,407 I've got an idea. 344 00:19:59,407 --> 00:20:01,076 But we're gonna need more berries. 345 00:20:03,286 --> 00:20:06,206 Well, I can honestly say I've never worn berries before. 346 00:20:15,048 --> 00:20:18,134 All you have to do is get the creature to chase you away. 347 00:20:18,134 --> 00:20:20,804 Then I'll go in there and rescue Aree and Cam. 348 00:20:24,683 --> 00:20:26,768 I need to get back to my friends. 349 00:20:30,814 --> 00:20:32,274 Okay, Nubs. 350 00:20:32,274 --> 00:20:33,358 Here we go. 351 00:20:33,358 --> 00:20:37,279 Yoo-hoo! Over here! 352 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:49,541 Uh, run, Nubs! 353 00:20:52,127 --> 00:20:54,045 Your turn, Lys! Go! 354 00:20:59,634 --> 00:21:02,012 It seems the creature is native to this planet... 355 00:21:02,012 --> 00:21:04,222 - Psst. Aree, Cam? - ...and has not traveled very far 356 00:21:04,222 --> 00:21:06,433 - outside of its natural habitat. - Are you there? 357 00:21:09,561 --> 00:21:11,187 Well, well, creature lovers. 358 00:21:11,187 --> 00:21:13,064 - Look who decided to join us. 359 00:21:13,064 --> 00:21:15,734 Aree? Cam? You're okay! 360 00:21:15,734 --> 00:21:17,027 Of course we are. 361 00:21:17,027 --> 00:21:19,696 Aren't you going to say hello to our new friends? 362 00:21:20,822 --> 00:21:22,574 Babies. 363 00:21:22,574 --> 00:21:24,784 Aw, they're so cute. 364 00:21:24,784 --> 00:21:27,245 Cute and, uh, not droid-eaters at all. 365 00:21:27,245 --> 00:21:29,956 I guess that creature was just looking for food 366 00:21:29,956 --> 00:21:31,541 to bring back to feed its babies. 367 00:21:35,211 --> 00:21:37,797 Yep, and Cam looks a lot like a berry. 368 00:21:39,924 --> 00:21:41,551 Hi. 369 00:21:42,844 --> 00:21:44,304 - It got us. 370 00:21:48,391 --> 00:21:50,226 What? 371 00:21:50,226 --> 00:21:52,228 It tickles. 372 00:22:02,739 --> 00:22:05,075 Aw. 373 00:22:09,954 --> 00:22:11,790 Thanks for your help today, Jedi. 374 00:22:12,332 --> 00:22:13,875 - Especially you, Lys. 375 00:22:13,875 --> 00:22:17,712 I know I didn't exactly keep calm, and I got a little, um... 376 00:22:17,712 --> 00:22:18,713 Terrified? 377 00:22:18,713 --> 00:22:21,591 - Terrified when Cam went missing. 378 00:22:21,591 --> 00:22:25,178 But my job as a member of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts is 379 00:22:25,178 --> 00:22:27,347 to learn about all kinds of creatures. 380 00:22:28,223 --> 00:22:29,641 - And thanks to you... 381 00:22:29,641 --> 00:22:33,561 ...we've discovered a whole new creature to add into the Galactic Creature Guide. 382 00:22:36,648 --> 00:22:39,025 Lys, because of your help today, 383 00:22:39,025 --> 00:22:43,321 I'd like you to officially name this newly discovered creature. 384 00:22:43,321 --> 00:22:44,697 Really? 385 00:22:44,697 --> 00:22:47,200 Wow! What are you gonna call it, Lys? 386 00:22:47,200 --> 00:22:51,538 Well, it liked berries, and it lived in a burrow. 387 00:22:52,080 --> 00:22:54,499 I'll call it a burrowberry bird. 388 00:22:55,583 --> 00:22:56,793 You heard it here first. 389 00:22:56,793 --> 00:22:58,962 This is our new burrowberry bird friend, 390 00:22:58,962 --> 00:23:01,631 and some little burrowberry bird babies too. 391 00:23:08,555 --> 00:23:10,807 - Oh, so cute. 392 00:23:10,807 --> 00:23:12,892 Until next time, creature lovers!