1 00:00:01,125 --> 00:00:03,958 Waking up from another dream, I open my wet eyelids 2 00:00:03,958 --> 00:00:07,333 I curse my helplessness from those far days which dreadfully remain 3 00:00:07,500 --> 00:00:10,333 Will this despair that burns my body feed me someday? 4 00:00:10,333 --> 00:00:12,958 I keep burning myself from it as I crave adoration 5 00:00:12,958 --> 00:00:16,083 Your eyes with glittering stars in them 6 00:00:16,083 --> 00:00:19,000 All dried up, poor thing, a lack of love? 7 00:00:19,166 --> 00:00:22,166 A dazzling light that saves all from loneliness 8 00:00:22,166 --> 00:00:26,083 Is this shadow that falls only on me because of you? 9 00:00:26,208 --> 00:00:28,458 You have given me a fatal flaw 10 00:00:28,458 --> 00:00:30,916 Selfish giant star, ruined lives 11 00:00:31,291 --> 00:00:34,791 Please, let me hear your voice 12 00:00:34,791 --> 00:00:37,458 Even these tangled and twisted wounds 13 00:00:37,458 --> 00:00:43,583 You're the only one who gave them to me 14 00:00:43,708 --> 00:00:47,000 Please, keep your eyes on me 15 00:00:47,208 --> 00:00:50,708 I'll weaponize even the pain carved by fate 16 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:55,208 So that it can light the regrets from sometime 17 00:00:56,291 --> 00:00:59,208 Without you, I cannot live anymore 18 00:00:59,208 --> 00:01:02,375 I would sacrifice anything for you 19 00:01:02,375 --> 00:01:05,416 I can't get enough of your love 20 00:01:05,416 --> 00:01:08,333 What should I use to fill in what's missing? 21 00:01:08,500 --> 00:01:11,416 Fatal, fatal, fatal love 22 00:01:11,625 --> 00:01:14,625 Fatal, fatal, fatal I 23 00:01:14,625 --> 00:01:17,583 Fatal, fatal, fatal sorrow 24 00:01:17,791 --> 00:01:21,250 Keep your eyes on me, my dearest fatale! 25 00:01:25,625 --> 00:01:27,833 My dearest fatale 26 00:02:15,250 --> 00:02:16,541 Wow! 27 00:02:16,875 --> 00:02:19,000 Himura-san's a genius! 28 00:02:19,250 --> 00:02:22,416 The demo vocal's already solid - 29 00:02:19,251 --> 00:02:22,416 this is commercial quality! 30 00:02:23,875 --> 00:02:30,125 Thinking about you two sullying this song 31 00:02:23,876 --> 00:02:30,125 with your singing fills me with guilt. 32 00:02:30,416 --> 00:02:32,166 There you go being harsh again. 33 00:02:32,666 --> 00:02:34,208 It'll be alright. 34 00:02:34,208 --> 00:02:38,000 We'll heavily tune the original recording 35 00:02:34,209 --> 00:02:38,000 with Cubase and Pro Tools, 36 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:40,833 and even off-key singing will turn into something 37 00:02:38,001 --> 00:02:40,833 reasonably enjoyable to listen to. 38 00:02:41,333 --> 00:02:42,958 You don't feel sad saying that? 39 00:02:44,333 --> 00:02:46,375 Oh, so your new song's done. 40 00:02:46,666 --> 00:02:50,916 Uh-huh. It's the new B Komachi's first original song! 41 00:02:51,125 --> 00:02:56,458 And it's an excellent one! Finding a way to make it 42 00:02:51,126 --> 00:02:56,458 go viral will be a good showcase for my skills! 43 00:02:56,958 --> 00:02:58,916 Oh, it turned out nicely, huh? 44 00:02:59,375 --> 00:03:03,625 Well, we discussed just filming 45 00:02:59,376 --> 00:03:03,625 a music video for STAR ☆ T, 46 00:03:03,625 --> 00:03:07,125 {\an8}Anemone Monemone 47 00:03:03,626 --> 00:03:07,125 {\an8}Instagrammer & 48 00:03:03,627 --> 00:03:07,125 video creator 49 00:03:03,628 --> 00:03:06,000 but wanna film one for this song down here, too? 50 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:08,750 What?! Isn't that impossible with our schedule? 51 00:03:07,125 --> 00:03:11,375 MEM-cho 52 00:03:09,000 --> 00:03:12,666 We should be able to get through STAR ☆ T 53 00:03:09,001 --> 00:03:12,666 with one day of filming in the studio. 54 00:03:13,083 --> 00:03:14,375 As far as storyboards, 55 00:03:14,375 --> 00:03:20,083 I get ideas for the kinda stuff I wanna shoot 56 00:03:14,376 --> 00:03:20,083 when I take walks by the local river and such. 57 00:03:20,375 --> 00:03:25,041 So, if you don't mind going with the sort of video 58 00:03:20,376 --> 00:03:25,041 I wanna make, we won't need much prep. 59 00:03:25,166 --> 00:03:26,083 How about it? 60 00:03:26,916 --> 00:03:31,583 Well... I guess I'll put my trust in you. 61 00:03:31,583 --> 00:03:34,958 This is why it pays to have friends 62 00:03:31,584 --> 00:03:34,958 who're brilliant creators! 63 00:03:35,291 --> 00:03:37,875 I'll discuss it with our president! 64 00:03:48,833 --> 00:03:49,916 I'll be tagging along. 65 00:03:52,000 --> 00:03:54,375 Why's an outsider coming with us? 66 00:03:55,083 --> 00:03:58,125 Aren't you the one who suggested 67 00:03:55,084 --> 00:03:58,125 making an R&R trip out of it? 68 00:03:58,125 --> 00:04:00,666 Oh, jeez! Okay, I did, but...! 69 00:04:00,666 --> 00:04:03,958 Akane-chan in the flesh! I watched Love Now, you know! 70 00:04:03,958 --> 00:04:06,916 You're beautiful! And cute! 71 00:04:07,458 --> 00:04:11,791 Oh, please... You're way, way cuter 72 00:04:07,459 --> 00:04:11,791 than I am, Ruby-san. 73 00:04:14,666 --> 00:04:19,875 Why's someone so pretty with my brother... 74 00:04:14,667 --> 00:04:19,875 What does he have on you? 75 00:04:19,875 --> 00:04:22,541 Just what kind of person do you think I am? 76 00:04:23,166 --> 00:04:26,541 My brother may be unworthy, 77 00:04:23,167 --> 00:04:26,541 but treat him well for years to come. 78 00:04:26,750 --> 00:04:28,500 No, not for that long. 79 00:04:29,125 --> 00:04:32,458 And also, uh... Akane-san... 80 00:04:33,541 --> 00:04:35,416 can I call you "Big Sis"?! 81 00:04:35,416 --> 00:04:36,500 What?! 82 00:04:36,833 --> 00:04:41,375 I've always wanted a big sister! 83 00:04:36,834 --> 00:04:41,375 You'll be mine anyway eventually, right?! 84 00:04:41,375 --> 00:04:43,083 You two'll get married, won't you?! 85 00:04:43,083 --> 00:04:44,333 Um, well... 86 00:04:46,791 --> 00:04:52,041 What did I do to be treated like this? 87 00:04:46,792 --> 00:04:52,041 And I'd been looking forward to this trip... 88 00:04:52,041 --> 00:04:57,291 Which one should I be rooting for?! 89 00:05:14,250 --> 00:05:14,833 Welcome to 90 00:05:14,251 --> 00:05:14,833 Takachiho, 91 00:05:14,252 --> 00:05:14,833 the town of 92 00:05:14,253 --> 00:05:14,833 mythology, 93 00:05:14,254 --> 00:05:14,833 gorges, and 94 00:05:14,255 --> 00:05:14,833 tranquility 95 00:05:17,750 --> 00:05:21,625 {\an8}Welcome to 96 00:05:17,751 --> 00:05:21,625 {\an8}Takachiho, 97 00:05:17,752 --> 00:05:21,625 the town of 98 00:05:17,753 --> 00:05:21,625 mythology, 99 00:05:17,754 --> 00:05:21,625 gorges, and 100 00:05:17,755 --> 00:05:21,625 tranquility 101 00:05:31,916 --> 00:05:33,625 What kind of fate is this? 102 00:05:34,833 --> 00:05:37,291 To think I find myself back in this place... 103 00:05:38,083 --> 00:05:39,583 {\an8}Takachiho 104 00:05:38,084 --> 00:05:39,583 {\an8}Gamadase 105 00:05:38,085 --> 00:05:39,583 {\an8}Market 106 00:05:39,708 --> 00:05:43,708 Welcome to Takachiho! I'm the video director, Anemone. 107 00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:45,250 Anemone! 108 00:05:45,458 --> 00:05:47,125 It's been a minute, MEM-cho! 109 00:05:47,458 --> 00:05:50,916 I'm Saitou from Strawberry Productions. 110 00:05:47,459 --> 00:05:50,916 We look forward to working with you. 111 00:05:51,250 --> 00:05:56,500 As do I. Thanks for making time in your schedule 112 00:05:51,251 --> 00:05:56,500 to come out to the countryside. 113 00:05:53,333 --> 00:05:54,875 {\an8}Takachiho 114 00:05:53,334 --> 00:05:54,875 {\an8}Yokagura - 115 00:05:53,335 --> 00:05:54,875 {\an8}Dance of 116 00:05:53,336 --> 00:05:54,875 Tajikarao 117 00:05:58,500 --> 00:06:00,250 Interesting townscape, isn't it? 118 00:06:00,625 --> 00:06:02,000 Uh, yes it is! 119 00:06:02,500 --> 00:06:04,125 Why'd you base your company here? 120 00:06:04,125 --> 00:06:05,208 Hmm... 121 00:06:05,208 --> 00:06:12,708 Though it was in part because I originally focused on 122 00:06:05,209 --> 00:06:12,708 3D and effects, the biggest reason is that I love nature. 123 00:06:12,875 --> 00:06:17,083 This is where I was born and raised... and where I died. 124 00:06:13,208 --> 00:06:17,083 The air certainly is fresh. Surrounded by mountains... 125 00:06:18,041 --> 00:06:21,291 and with lots of large shrines, it's kind of a power spot. 126 00:06:21,291 --> 00:06:25,041 It's also famous for the goddess of 127 00:06:21,292 --> 00:06:25,041 performing arts being enshrined here. 128 00:06:25,041 --> 00:06:26,250 That so? 129 00:06:26,500 --> 00:06:30,958 What's her name again? 130 00:06:26,501 --> 00:06:30,958 She comes up in Japanese mythology... 131 00:06:30,958 --> 00:06:32,625 Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto. 132 00:06:33,250 --> 00:06:35,750 She's a goddess deified at Aratate Shrine, right? 133 00:06:35,750 --> 00:06:37,625 Oh, so you know of her! 134 00:06:37,625 --> 00:06:39,791 She's the goddess of song and entertainment. 135 00:06:39,791 --> 00:06:43,291 So people in show biz are always coming down 136 00:06:39,792 --> 00:06:43,291 from Tokyo to worship her. 137 00:06:43,625 --> 00:06:48,291 It's an auspicious place, so I have surprisingly 138 00:06:43,626 --> 00:06:48,291 little trouble with work or business deals. 139 00:06:48,458 --> 00:06:54,375 Oh, let's go visit the shrine! I'd heard of it before, 140 00:06:48,459 --> 00:06:54,375 but I've never been myself! 141 00:06:54,375 --> 00:06:55,541 Uh-huh! 142 00:06:55,875 --> 00:06:57,375 But, before that... 143 00:06:58,166 --> 00:07:02,416 we'll be filming two music videos, 144 00:06:58,167 --> 00:07:02,416 which means we've got a packed schedule. 145 00:07:02,750 --> 00:07:12,208 Takachiho 146 00:07:02,751 --> 00:07:12,208 Gamadase 147 00:07:02,752 --> 00:07:12,208 Market 148 00:07:02,833 --> 00:07:06,250 Let's get you changed on the double 149 00:07:02,834 --> 00:07:06,250 and head to the studio! 150 00:07:03,625 --> 00:07:06,083 Er, wait... Ugh! 151 00:07:06,500 --> 00:07:07,750 Okay! 152 00:07:07,750 --> 00:07:09,208 Give it your best. 153 00:07:10,583 --> 00:07:12,208 They're rushing around, huh? 154 00:07:12,625 --> 00:07:18,625 So, what should we do? I hear that 155 00:07:12,626 --> 00:07:18,625 the Ama-no-Iwato of Japanese mythology is nearby. 156 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:20,916 That cave that Amaterasu cooped herself up in, 157 00:07:20,916 --> 00:07:24,541 only to be lured out by the other gods 158 00:07:20,917 --> 00:07:24,541 when they threw a party outside. 159 00:07:25,125 --> 00:07:27,125 Gods, huh? 160 00:07:27,625 --> 00:07:29,833 You a fan of the occult, Aqua-kun? 161 00:07:30,583 --> 00:07:33,083 You could say that. Er, well... 162 00:07:33,333 --> 00:07:35,541 I think there are elements of truth to it. 163 00:07:35,541 --> 00:07:38,250 That stuff's intriguing, isn't it? 164 00:07:39,041 --> 00:07:40,666 There's somewhere I wanna go. 165 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:44,083 Okay, I'm cool with going where you wanna go. 166 00:07:44,250 --> 00:07:45,125 Where to? 167 00:07:45,541 --> 00:07:46,375 The hospital. 168 00:07:46,375 --> 00:07:47,083 Huh? 169 00:07:48,791 --> 00:07:51,541 Do you have a stomachache? Want some medicine? 170 00:07:51,541 --> 00:07:52,916 It's not like that. 171 00:07:55,541 --> 00:07:58,250 The hospital where Ruby and I were born is down here. 172 00:08:00,833 --> 00:08:01,791 {\an8}Takachiho 173 00:08:00,834 --> 00:08:01,791 {\an8}Gamadase 174 00:08:00,835 --> 00:08:01,791 {\an8}Market 175 00:08:04,458 --> 00:08:08,416 So, are your grandparents from 176 00:08:04,459 --> 00:08:08,416 around here or something? 177 00:08:08,875 --> 00:08:10,708 Like, your mom went home to give birth? 178 00:08:10,708 --> 00:08:12,416 Well, that's more or less right. 179 00:08:13,416 --> 00:08:16,875 It seems MEM didn't know 180 00:08:13,417 --> 00:08:16,875 this was our birthplace, though. 181 00:08:17,333 --> 00:08:19,208 Talk about a coincidence. 182 00:08:19,208 --> 00:08:20,750 It surprised me, too. 183 00:08:22,916 --> 00:08:26,375 There's something I want to check 184 00:08:22,917 --> 00:08:26,375 real quick - I'll be right back. 185 00:08:27,583 --> 00:08:32,583 Excuse me, I believe there was doctor here 186 00:08:27,584 --> 00:08:32,583 by the name of Gorou Amamiya... 187 00:08:32,958 --> 00:08:35,083 Amamiya, you say? 188 00:08:39,791 --> 00:08:42,833 We suddenly became unable 189 00:08:39,792 --> 00:08:42,833 to get a hold of Mr. Amamiya. 190 00:08:43,375 --> 00:08:45,625 Apparently, he was treated as having resigned. 191 00:08:46,375 --> 00:08:47,375 Oh, I see. 192 00:08:48,291 --> 00:08:49,791 It's been 15 years since then... 193 00:08:50,625 --> 00:08:55,833 Naturally, there had been staff reshuffling, 194 00:08:50,626 --> 00:08:55,833 and none of the colleagues I was close to were there. 195 00:08:57,375 --> 00:08:59,041 What were you checking? 196 00:08:59,708 --> 00:09:01,583 Someone I know used to work here. 197 00:09:21,541 --> 00:09:23,250 Huh? Where're you going? 198 00:09:23,625 --> 00:09:26,708 To look for something. Go ahead and wait inside. 199 00:09:26,708 --> 00:09:28,208 No, I'm coming too. 200 00:09:30,833 --> 00:09:34,250 You must've been naughty when you were little. 201 00:09:34,750 --> 00:09:39,791 Heading into the fields and running around the 202 00:09:34,751 --> 00:09:39,791 mountains is one thing, but an animal trial like this... 203 00:09:39,791 --> 00:09:41,333 Should be around here. 204 00:09:46,833 --> 00:09:49,291 Akane, hypothetically speaking, 205 00:09:49,958 --> 00:09:55,666 do you think the corpse of a pet that got lost here 206 00:09:49,959 --> 00:09:55,666 around 15 years ago could be found? 207 00:09:56,416 --> 00:10:00,833 Hmm, if it had been buried, 208 00:09:56,417 --> 00:10:00,833 bones could probably be found, 209 00:10:01,208 --> 00:10:06,250 but if it was exposed to the elements, wild animals 210 00:10:01,209 --> 00:10:06,250 would likely have devoured and scattered the remains, 211 00:10:06,250 --> 00:10:07,666 so it'd be tough. 212 00:10:07,666 --> 00:10:08,750 Thought so. 213 00:10:10,416 --> 00:10:14,500 Aqua-kun came way out here 214 00:10:10,417 --> 00:10:14,500 looking for his old pet dog... 215 00:10:15,000 --> 00:10:16,958 He's got a cute side. 216 00:10:17,583 --> 00:10:21,666 If the body was buried, I'm at a loss... 217 00:10:17,584 --> 00:10:21,666 but there's no reason to go out of our way to find it. 218 00:10:22,583 --> 00:10:26,583 Nothing good comes of opening 219 00:10:22,584 --> 00:10:26,583 someone's grave, I suppose. 220 00:10:29,416 --> 00:10:31,291 Sorry for dragging you all over. 221 00:10:31,291 --> 00:10:37,875 Nah, I'm the one who said let's go wherever 222 00:10:31,292 --> 00:10:37,875 you want. Besides, I'm just tagging along. 223 00:10:38,708 --> 00:10:39,958 This is the last spot. 224 00:10:44,625 --> 00:10:45,500 What is this place? 225 00:10:45,958 --> 00:10:48,416 The house of someone I know. 226 00:10:48,958 --> 00:10:52,125 That said, the former residents are all deceased, 227 00:10:48,959 --> 00:10:52,125 and no one lives here now. 228 00:10:50,041 --> 00:10:51,958 Amamiya 229 00:10:53,250 --> 00:10:57,208 Must be someone important to you 230 00:10:53,251 --> 00:10:57,208 if you've come all the way out here. 231 00:10:57,583 --> 00:10:58,958 Who were they? 232 00:10:59,958 --> 00:11:01,291 Gorou Amamiya. 233 00:11:01,875 --> 00:11:04,250 He never had a mother. 234 00:11:05,041 --> 00:11:06,916 Obstetric hemorrhage... 235 00:11:07,541 --> 00:11:13,041 She hid her pregnancy from her parents and gave birth 236 00:11:07,542 --> 00:11:13,041 on her own at home, but she lost too much blood. 237 00:11:13,833 --> 00:11:15,708 By the time the ambulance arrived, it was too late. 238 00:11:16,791 --> 00:11:20,458 With the boy's father being unknown, 239 00:11:16,792 --> 00:11:20,458 he was placed in the care of his grandparents. 240 00:11:21,250 --> 00:11:23,166 It seems it was a rather strained situation. 241 00:11:23,958 --> 00:11:28,541 His relationship with his grandma wasn't bad, 242 00:11:23,959 --> 00:11:28,541 but it was a different story with his grandpa. 243 00:11:29,375 --> 00:11:35,250 He never managed to get over his guilt at 244 00:11:29,376 --> 00:11:35,250 having been born at the expense of his mother's life. 245 00:11:35,958 --> 00:11:37,916 Even when he decided to go to medical school... 246 00:11:38,333 --> 00:11:40,000 So you're going to be an obstetrician! 247 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:45,541 Must be because of what happened with your mom... 248 00:11:40,001 --> 00:11:45,541 You truly are a sweet boy. 249 00:11:45,833 --> 00:11:48,166 The truth is he wanted to be a surgeon. 250 00:11:48,833 --> 00:11:53,583 He thought the doctor in his favorite 251 00:11:48,834 --> 00:11:53,583 book was cool. He admired him. 252 00:11:54,375 --> 00:11:58,333 In the end, he was a guy whose only redeeming quality 253 00:11:54,376 --> 00:11:58,333 was adapting his life to fit in with others. 254 00:11:59,375 --> 00:12:01,625 Even after becoming a doctor, he was powerless... 255 00:12:02,666 --> 00:12:04,708 How does such a thing happen?! 256 00:12:05,125 --> 00:12:09,833 Sarina could pass away soon, 257 00:12:05,126 --> 00:12:09,833 and her parents still don't show up! 258 00:12:10,208 --> 00:12:14,625 Both of them work in the city center, 259 00:12:10,209 --> 00:12:14,625 so they're unable to get here quickly. 260 00:12:14,625 --> 00:12:16,625 Can they really call themselves parents?! 261 00:12:16,958 --> 00:12:18,083 A mother's someone who...! 262 00:12:18,916 --> 00:12:23,041 That's a mere illusion. Such parents 263 00:12:18,917 --> 00:12:23,041 are out there - they're a dime a dozen. 264 00:12:24,208 --> 00:12:26,416 Sarina-chan took a real liking to you. 265 00:12:26,833 --> 00:12:30,291 General Obstetrics & Gynecology Resident 266 00:12:26,834 --> 00:12:30,291 Gorou Amamiya 267 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:29,375 You should be by her side in her last moments. 268 00:12:43,875 --> 00:12:45,000 Sensei... 269 00:12:46,958 --> 00:13:02,458 Ai's fan for 270 00:12:46,959 --> 00:13:02,458 all eternity!!! 271 00:12:47,416 --> 00:12:49,958 Please... take this. 272 00:12:51,583 --> 00:12:58,583 When I was well, just once I was able 273 00:12:51,584 --> 00:12:58,583 to go to a B Komachi concert... 274 00:12:59,583 --> 00:13:02,458 I got this out of a capsule toy machine there. 275 00:13:03,583 --> 00:13:07,291 Think of it as me and cherish it. 276 00:13:08,166 --> 00:13:11,083 You've got it. I'll always treasure it. 277 00:13:11,875 --> 00:13:12,916 Always, you hear? 278 00:13:16,250 --> 00:13:19,750 Sensei, I love you. 279 00:13:21,833 --> 00:13:25,125 Even if I were to be reborn... 280 00:13:26,125 --> 00:13:27,208 Surely... 281 00:13:32,416 --> 00:13:34,750 God is surely kind, right? 282 00:13:35,541 --> 00:13:38,916 God guided both the two of you who, 283 00:13:35,542 --> 00:13:38,916 in the true sense, never really had a mom... 284 00:13:39,666 --> 00:13:43,333 as well as a mother who gave birth to soulless children. 285 00:13:44,750 --> 00:13:49,000 Perhaps there's a deeper meaning to it, though. 286 00:13:52,166 --> 00:13:54,958 Oh? You're even gonna film this kind of stuff? 287 00:13:55,333 --> 00:14:01,000 Yep. With idol music videos, it's common to shoot 288 00:13:55,334 --> 00:14:01,000 both a dance part and a drama part, right? 289 00:14:01,375 --> 00:14:04,166 We'll devote most of the runtime to the dance footage, 290 00:14:04,166 --> 00:14:08,625 but we need to insert some shots that 291 00:14:04,167 --> 00:14:08,625 capture the cuteness of each of you girls. 292 00:14:09,708 --> 00:14:10,708 Kana-chan, you too! 293 00:14:11,000 --> 00:14:13,750 Picture the camera as your crush and turn around. 294 00:14:20,000 --> 00:14:22,250 Oh my... That's a great face. 295 00:14:22,583 --> 00:14:24,333 There must be someone you like, huh? 296 00:14:25,333 --> 00:14:27,958 What're they like? What do you like about 'em? 297 00:14:26,833 --> 00:14:30,583 With music videos, it's the norm to only decide 298 00:14:26,834 --> 00:14:30,583 on the concept and rough course of events 299 00:14:27,958 --> 00:14:29,583 Um, well, I... 300 00:14:29,583 --> 00:14:32,333 Good stuff. Let's get footage of that. 301 00:14:30,583 --> 00:14:34,166 and then make the call on what 302 00:14:30,584 --> 00:14:34,166 to film once you're on location. 303 00:14:34,583 --> 00:14:40,583 Finding a way to draw out a subject's cuteness 304 00:14:34,584 --> 00:14:40,583 calls for the talents of a pin-up girl cameraman. 305 00:14:40,958 --> 00:14:41,875 I see... 306 00:14:41,125 --> 00:14:42,875 Okay, good work, Kana-chan! 307 00:14:42,875 --> 00:14:44,583 They've got a pretty big staff, huh? 308 00:14:44,583 --> 00:14:45,375 Sure do. 309 00:14:45,875 --> 00:14:51,000 The cameraman and assistants, lighting, 310 00:14:45,876 --> 00:14:51,000 art and wardrobe, makeup, and so on. 311 00:14:51,000 --> 00:14:55,958 Including the production manager and director, 312 00:14:51,001 --> 00:14:55,958 you're looking at 10 or even 20 people. 313 00:14:56,666 --> 00:14:59,583 The project as a whole is probably 314 00:14:56,667 --> 00:14:59,583 costing over five million yen. 315 00:14:59,583 --> 00:15:00,791 Oh my! 316 00:15:01,166 --> 00:15:07,250 Though you could say idols are exploited, 317 00:15:01,167 --> 00:15:07,250 the aspects of it that cost money cost a whole lot of it. 318 00:15:07,250 --> 00:15:12,541 You should be grateful to our president for spending 319 00:15:07,251 --> 00:15:12,541 so much on a group that doesn't bring in profits. 320 00:15:12,791 --> 00:15:14,916 I love you, Miyako-san! 321 00:15:16,291 --> 00:15:22,750 Well, I hear some underground idols will get a music 322 00:15:16,292 --> 00:15:22,750 video filmed and made for around 500,000 yen, though. 323 00:15:23,041 --> 00:15:25,000 I bet some do... 324 00:15:31,166 --> 00:15:31,791 Hey. 325 00:15:32,250 --> 00:15:33,250 Welcome back. 326 00:15:33,666 --> 00:15:35,000 Filming going okay? 327 00:15:35,291 --> 00:15:40,875 Ruby and Kana-chan are mostly done filming their drama 328 00:15:35,292 --> 00:15:40,875 parts, and now we're gonna shoot the dance part. 329 00:15:38,791 --> 00:15:42,291 Alright, good work! Go and take a break. 330 00:15:41,416 --> 00:15:43,958 Hm? You haven't filmed yet, MEM? 331 00:15:42,500 --> 00:15:43,291 Okay! 332 00:15:44,125 --> 00:15:45,875 Yeah, I can wait till later. 333 00:15:46,250 --> 00:15:47,166 Why's that? 334 00:15:48,458 --> 00:15:52,958 Because minors are banned from working past 10 p.m.! 335 00:15:53,458 --> 00:15:58,250 And I, far from being a minor, can film late into the night! 336 00:15:58,250 --> 00:15:59,458 Sorry for asking. 337 00:16:02,500 --> 00:16:04,916 Seems you did a fair bit of sightseeing. 338 00:16:07,541 --> 00:16:11,375 Pretty nice costume, isn't it? 339 00:16:07,542 --> 00:16:11,375 We all discussed the design before deciding on it. 340 00:16:11,375 --> 00:16:14,750 It screams idol, and Ruby surely likes- 341 00:16:15,750 --> 00:16:17,083 It's all wrong. 342 00:16:17,708 --> 00:16:22,125 Oh, right. Akane is opposed to Arima's idol work. 343 00:16:22,375 --> 00:16:23,875 I just hope they don't fight. 344 00:16:24,041 --> 00:16:25,583 Come here a second. 345 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:28,041 What is it? 346 00:16:31,125 --> 00:16:33,708 What're you thinking putting on your ribbon so sloppily? 347 00:16:33,708 --> 00:16:38,166 You might want to show off with a slim waist, but 348 00:16:33,709 --> 00:16:38,166 tightening your belt too much causes wrinkles. 349 00:16:38,458 --> 00:16:40,125 You've got some dust here, too. 350 00:16:40,541 --> 00:16:43,666 It'll cause trouble for the wardrobe staff, 351 00:16:40,542 --> 00:16:43,666 so don't walk around so much. 352 00:16:46,208 --> 00:16:47,625 So is this okay, then? 353 00:16:48,916 --> 00:16:51,958 I suppose... it gets a passing mark. 354 00:16:52,416 --> 00:16:55,541 Kana-chan, Kana-chan, Kana Arima! 355 00:16:55,541 --> 00:16:58,500 Nothing's more of a pain than a former fan turned hater. 356 00:16:59,208 --> 00:17:00,708 What do you think, Aqua? 357 00:17:01,791 --> 00:17:03,458 Am I cute? 358 00:17:04,833 --> 00:17:07,583 Well, I'd say you get a passing mark. 359 00:17:08,125 --> 00:17:10,375 Just be honest and praise me, you guys! 360 00:17:16,250 --> 00:17:19,416 Kana-chan really is an idol, huh? 361 00:17:19,625 --> 00:17:20,833 Yeah, I guess so. 362 00:17:21,833 --> 00:17:25,041 I figured out why Kana-chan's acting improved. 363 00:17:25,291 --> 00:17:28,041 She's constantly screaming, "Look at me." 364 00:17:28,666 --> 00:17:32,041 And if someone's yelling out, you end up looking at them. 365 00:17:33,500 --> 00:17:39,708 I can't really say since I'm not familiar with idols, 366 00:17:33,501 --> 00:17:39,708 but do you think Kana-chan will become successful? 367 00:17:41,208 --> 00:17:42,333 She will. 368 00:17:42,625 --> 00:17:43,833 I see... 369 00:17:44,458 --> 00:17:47,208 You can't be going on any more dates with her, then. 370 00:17:48,208 --> 00:17:53,666 She bragged about it, you know. 371 00:17:48,209 --> 00:17:53,666 She said she went to a Brazilian BBQ place with you. 372 00:17:54,625 --> 00:17:59,833 It's not an issue now since she's now well-known, 373 00:17:54,626 --> 00:17:59,833 but she's going to attract more and more attention. 374 00:18:00,125 --> 00:18:04,041 And then, she absolutely can't be 375 00:18:00,126 --> 00:18:04,041 seen dining with a guy in public. 376 00:18:04,458 --> 00:18:07,500 At the very least, I hope you'd reserve a private room. 377 00:18:08,625 --> 00:18:12,750 For idols, a single storm of criticism 378 00:18:08,626 --> 00:18:12,750 can be a fatal wound. 379 00:18:15,291 --> 00:18:20,625 Actors are a bit more lax about this stuff, 380 00:18:15,292 --> 00:18:20,625 so the guy should be watching out for her. 381 00:18:22,458 --> 00:18:25,208 Good point. I showed a lack of awareness. 382 00:18:27,000 --> 00:18:28,000 That's right... 383 00:18:29,625 --> 00:18:30,875 Arima's an idol. 384 00:18:31,625 --> 00:18:35,416 If there were a hint of a man around, 385 00:18:31,626 --> 00:18:35,416 it would hardly ever lead to anything good. 386 00:18:35,541 --> 00:18:39,875 {\an8}Hot romance exposed?! 387 00:18:35,542 --> 00:18:39,875 Her love 388 00:18:35,543 --> 00:18:39,875 interest 389 00:18:35,544 --> 00:18:39,875 is from 390 00:18:35,545 --> 00:18:39,875 the same 391 00:18:35,546 --> 00:18:39,875 agency 392 00:18:36,416 --> 00:18:40,291 She might be photographed by weekly magazines 393 00:18:36,417 --> 00:18:40,291 or have gossip leaked by those close to her. 394 00:18:40,750 --> 00:18:42,041 In the worst case... 395 00:18:43,375 --> 00:18:44,625 she could end up like Ai. 396 00:18:52,083 --> 00:18:55,083 Okay, time for the minors to head back to the inn. 397 00:18:55,458 --> 00:18:59,791 You're an adult, MEM, so stay behind. 398 00:18:55,459 --> 00:18:59,791 I mean, you're 18, right? 399 00:18:59,791 --> 00:19:03,208 Yes! I'm past my 18th birthday! 400 00:19:03,208 --> 00:19:06,958 I'd love to room with "Big Sis" Akane tonight! 401 00:19:06,958 --> 00:19:08,875 Oh? Fine by me. 402 00:19:09,125 --> 00:19:12,666 I'm gonna observe a bit more, 403 00:19:09,126 --> 00:19:12,666 so look after Ruby for me. 404 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:13,875 Got it. 405 00:19:14,666 --> 00:19:17,083 Aqua-kun really cares for his sister. 406 00:19:18,000 --> 00:19:20,583 Sleepover.~ Sleepover.~ 407 00:19:20,875 --> 00:19:22,125 Oh, a crow. 408 00:19:22,333 --> 00:19:23,416 How cute. 409 00:19:23,416 --> 00:19:24,666 That's dangerous. 410 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:30,083 You know how the kanji for night blindness is "bird-eye"? 411 00:19:25,001 --> 00:19:30,083 At night, birds can't see at all. 412 00:19:30,083 --> 00:19:33,416 No, that's not right! You're thinking of chickens. 413 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:39,875 You stinkin' crow! I'll gonna grill and skewer you! 414 00:19:39,875 --> 00:19:41,416 I was trying to warn you... 415 00:19:41,666 --> 00:19:43,166 Hold it! 416 00:19:44,958 --> 00:19:47,666 Dammit. That bird's provoking me. 417 00:19:47,666 --> 00:19:49,541 I'll catch the darn thing! 418 00:19:49,916 --> 00:19:54,041 Why don't we just apologize to the innkeeper? 419 00:19:49,917 --> 00:19:54,041 We'll get lost out here. 420 00:19:54,041 --> 00:19:57,333 It'll be alright! I'm somewhat familiar with the area. 421 00:19:57,958 --> 00:19:59,083 Really? 422 00:20:00,041 --> 00:20:04,750 Uh, no, it's just I was born around here! 423 00:20:00,042 --> 00:20:04,750 We often passed by in the car, so... 424 00:20:05,750 --> 00:20:08,083 Yeah, Aqua-kun told me. 425 00:20:08,291 --> 00:20:09,833 H-he did? 426 00:20:10,208 --> 00:20:12,625 You were born at the hospital on the hill, right? 427 00:20:12,875 --> 00:20:13,625 Yeah. 428 00:20:13,958 --> 00:20:17,125 He said he has a personal attachment to the place. 429 00:20:18,041 --> 00:20:23,750 I see... That place is important to me, too. 430 00:20:27,291 --> 00:20:30,458 Oh, I know! Why don't you join 431 00:20:27,292 --> 00:20:30,458 B Komachi too, Akane-chan? 432 00:20:30,458 --> 00:20:32,416 No, I don't know about that... 433 00:20:32,791 --> 00:20:39,375 I'm quite hopeless outside of my specialty, which 434 00:20:32,792 --> 00:20:39,375 even made things tough on that reality dating show... 435 00:20:41,041 --> 00:20:43,875 On the other hand, are you not interested in acting? 436 00:20:45,291 --> 00:20:47,708 Actually... I am a bit. 437 00:20:47,958 --> 00:20:50,875 Is that right?! I'd be happy to teach you if you like! 438 00:20:50,875 --> 00:20:52,541 Oh, that's great! 439 00:20:53,541 --> 00:20:57,666 But, I'm thinking that's for after 440 00:20:53,542 --> 00:20:57,666 I give my all to being an idol. 441 00:20:59,250 --> 00:21:03,500 Someday, I'll have a concert in the Dome! 442 00:20:59,251 --> 00:21:03,500 And become an idol who's a household name! 443 00:21:04,333 --> 00:21:05,291 And then... 444 00:21:08,250 --> 00:21:11,875 You've worked hard. 445 00:21:08,251 --> 00:21:11,875 I've been cheering for you all this time. 446 00:21:12,208 --> 00:21:14,250 Ai's fan for 447 00:21:12,209 --> 00:21:14,250 all eternity!!! 448 00:21:12,333 --> 00:21:13,500 Sensei... 449 00:21:15,833 --> 00:21:21,041 Hey, how big of an age gap would you be okay with? 450 00:21:21,041 --> 00:21:21,875 What?! 451 00:21:22,250 --> 00:21:27,125 It's a person's mental age that's important, 452 00:21:22,251 --> 00:21:27,125 so a gap of 10 or so years would be fine... 453 00:21:27,375 --> 00:21:30,000 Anyway, what gives? Why the girl talk all of a sudden? 454 00:21:31,625 --> 00:21:35,083 You must like someone who's 455 00:21:31,626 --> 00:21:35,083 nowhere close to your age, huh? 456 00:21:35,083 --> 00:21:35,791 Yep. 457 00:21:36,125 --> 00:21:37,333 What're they like? 458 00:21:37,708 --> 00:21:39,375 He's super kind! 459 00:21:40,083 --> 00:21:43,333 When I was all on my own, he stayed by my side, 460 00:21:43,708 --> 00:21:45,625 and always encouraged me. 461 00:21:46,291 --> 00:21:50,416 If it weren't for Sensei, 462 00:21:46,292 --> 00:21:50,416 I wouldn't have had such a will to live. 463 00:21:51,375 --> 00:21:54,041 I never would've thought of becoming an idol... 464 00:21:55,125 --> 00:21:57,041 He's the one who gave me a reason to live. 465 00:21:58,875 --> 00:22:02,958 I get it... It's nice to have someone you love, huh? 466 00:22:04,083 --> 00:22:06,583 A bit of an age gap doesn't matter! 467 00:22:06,791 --> 00:22:10,041 Yeah, right?! A little gap is no issue! 468 00:22:10,041 --> 00:22:14,000 Really go after him! I'll help out if you like! 469 00:22:14,458 --> 00:22:17,958 I don't know where he is right now, though. 470 00:22:18,250 --> 00:22:19,083 You don't? 471 00:22:19,291 --> 00:22:23,583 Apparently, he suddenly vanished 472 00:22:19,292 --> 00:22:23,583 from his workplace and went missing. 473 00:22:25,166 --> 00:22:28,833 In all likelihood, he just fled some 474 00:22:25,167 --> 00:22:28,833 from some lady troubles, though! 475 00:22:28,833 --> 00:22:31,583 Huh? You're okay with a guy like that? 476 00:22:31,583 --> 00:22:38,125 He was such a tease! No matter how many times I said, 477 00:22:31,584 --> 00:22:38,125 "I love you! Let's get married!" he was evasive! 478 00:22:41,333 --> 00:22:43,666 Even so, that's fine. 479 00:22:44,708 --> 00:22:46,958 I love you, Sensei! Marry me! 480 00:22:47,750 --> 00:22:52,541 A shame, isn't it? But I'll seriously 481 00:22:47,751 --> 00:22:52,541 consider it once you turn 16. 482 00:22:51,416 --> 00:22:52,958 Ai's fan for 483 00:22:51,417 --> 00:22:52,958 all eternity!!! 484 00:22:56,375 --> 00:22:58,458 Sensei, I... 485 00:22:59,208 --> 00:23:00,958 have turned 16. 486 00:23:02,750 --> 00:23:05,541 I want to see you again. 487 00:23:13,958 --> 00:23:16,375 There's a space behind this little shrine. 488 00:23:16,375 --> 00:23:19,750 Must have your nest back there! I've cornered you now! 489 00:23:20,000 --> 00:23:22,375 What? You're going inside? 490 00:23:30,875 --> 00:23:33,208 Head back out, Ruby-chan. 491 00:23:34,625 --> 00:23:36,791 There's a dead body... in here. 492 00:23:40,125 --> 00:23:42,875 A white coat... Were they a doctor? 493 00:23:43,958 --> 00:23:46,833 No... It can't be... 494 00:23:47,583 --> 00:23:50,416 After all, Sensei is... 495 00:23:49,291 --> 00:23:51,791 Ai's fan for 496 00:23:49,292 --> 00:23:51,791 all eternity!!! 497 00:23:55,791 --> 00:24:00,541 {\an8}Episode 23 498 00:23:55,792 --> 00:24:00,541 Reunion 499 00:24:10,875 --> 00:24:13,250 Always been trapped into my life 500 00:24:13,250 --> 00:24:16,583 No matter how I try, I cannot get it right 501 00:24:20,708 --> 00:24:23,375 Back in my mind again and now it feels like 502 00:24:23,375 --> 00:24:28,291 Nobody sees me like I do 503 00:24:29,583 --> 00:24:32,000 Trying to find a way to get a hold on 504 00:24:32,000 --> 00:24:36,625 To everything that's dear to me but then I don't know 505 00:24:36,625 --> 00:24:39,041 Why I leave every time 506 00:24:39,458 --> 00:24:43,750 But I'm crying 507 00:24:43,750 --> 00:24:49,083 In the light of the stage I see, I realize 508 00:24:49,375 --> 00:24:54,750 Whatever comes my way 509 00:24:54,750 --> 00:25:00,916 Be it pain, be it rain, let me be 510 00:25:01,333 --> 00:25:03,541 Lying 511 00:25:03,541 --> 00:25:09,041 In the moment behind a veil I hide away 512 00:25:09,041 --> 00:25:14,708 All of my words unsaid 513 00:25:14,708 --> 00:25:18,000 They are scars in their own way 514 00:25:22,291 --> 00:25:26,458 (And all this time 515 00:25:26,458 --> 00:25:28,541 It never leaves my mind)