1 00:00:08,070 --> 00:00:11,350 An item that can cure all diseases, huh? 2 00:00:17,960 --> 00:00:22,610 With it, maybe I could cure Mom's Eternal Sleep Disease. 3 00:00:23,310 --> 00:00:27,340 The Elixir of Life has three ingredients... 4 00:00:27,340 --> 00:00:31,890 I don't have any of them, but it's obvious where they are. 5 00:00:32,830 --> 00:00:37,510 That said, it'd be suicide to enter that castle without getting stronger. 6 00:00:38,100 --> 00:00:39,960 I need to level up more... 7 00:00:41,360 --> 00:00:45,480 I need to get stronger. 8 00:02:16,720 --> 00:02:19,330 You accept, then?! 9 00:02:19,330 --> 00:02:21,350 Things have changed on my end. 10 00:02:21,350 --> 00:02:25,540 I'm willing to join you on the nineteen C-Rank raids you mentioned. 11 00:02:25,850 --> 00:02:26,910 Yes! 12 00:02:26,910 --> 00:02:28,770 Under one condition, though. 13 00:02:28,770 --> 00:02:31,590 Sure! Whatever you want! 14 00:02:32,780 --> 00:02:35,430 You and I will be going in alone. 15 00:02:37,820 --> 00:02:42,470 As in... You and I would be the only ones clearing the C-Rank dungeon, Boss? 16 00:02:43,050 --> 00:02:44,600 That's right. 17 00:02:45,790 --> 00:02:51,440 But C-Rank gates require a minimum of eight team members to enter. 18 00:02:52,100 --> 00:02:54,150 So we hire people to meet the quota. 19 00:02:54,600 --> 00:02:57,620 The same way Hwang Dongsuk did. 20 00:02:59,370 --> 00:03:02,580 I-Isn't that... kind of risky? 21 00:03:03,070 --> 00:03:04,620 Think about it this way... 22 00:03:05,250 --> 00:03:10,000 If it's just the two of us, we can clear these nineteen raids with no casualties. 23 00:03:10,610 --> 00:03:13,540 A strike team capable of handling nineteen operations with zero injuries— 24 00:03:14,330 --> 00:03:18,430 wouldn't that be the perfect thing to impress your dad with? 25 00:03:18,870 --> 00:03:20,430 I get you. 26 00:03:24,240 --> 00:03:25,940 Let's do it, Boss! 27 00:03:25,940 --> 00:03:29,080 I'll arrange the extra members and the gates! 28 00:04:07,500 --> 00:04:10,060 And how can I help you? 29 00:04:11,220 --> 00:04:14,980 Impressive. But I'd expect nothing less from an S-Rank hunter. 30 00:04:15,580 --> 00:04:18,980 I was waiting for the right moment to approach you... 31 00:04:18,980 --> 00:04:20,950 I hope you'll excuse the interruption to your training. 32 00:04:20,950 --> 00:04:23,430 Here is my card. 33 00:04:33,090 --> 00:04:35,800 It's been over a decade since the gates appeared, 34 00:04:36,470 --> 00:04:39,300 and the world's changed at a dizzying pace since then. 35 00:04:40,090 --> 00:04:44,470 Infrastructure, the economy, the media, even politics... 36 00:04:44,470 --> 00:04:48,020 The dungeons have changed all those things. 37 00:04:48,700 --> 00:04:51,940 In particular, our infrastructure, the foundation of everyone's lives, 38 00:04:51,940 --> 00:04:55,400 can no longer operate without the resources from dungeons. 39 00:04:55,400 --> 00:04:58,822 And hunters are the only ones capable of 40 00:04:58,834 --> 00:05:02,870 retrieving these vital resources for our world. 41 00:05:03,270 --> 00:05:06,550 Those hunters are in turn overseen by 42 00:05:06,550 --> 00:05:10,290 the Hunter's Association, a public institution. 43 00:05:12,170 --> 00:05:15,750 The Association takes awakened hunters, grades them for rank, 44 00:05:15,750 --> 00:05:18,120 registers them, and handles oversight. 45 00:05:18,630 --> 00:05:21,250 They manage the gates that don't go to auction, 46 00:05:21,250 --> 00:05:23,970 as well as deal with dungeon breaks. 47 00:05:24,630 --> 00:05:28,730 But the Association is nothing more than a function of the state. 48 00:05:28,730 --> 00:05:34,380 The vast majority of those vital resources from dungeons are collected by 49 00:05:34,800 --> 00:05:38,110 the guilds: the businesses who hire out hunters as a service. 50 00:05:38,770 --> 00:05:43,820 The guilds have become extremely wealthy from the dungeon resources they collect. 51 00:05:44,460 --> 00:05:49,250 Among them, the Hunters Guild, the White Tiger Guild, the Reaper Guild, 52 00:05:49,250 --> 00:05:54,060 the Fame Guild, and the Knights Guild are the largest five guilds in the country. 53 00:05:54,730 --> 00:05:58,350 They have a functional monopoly on dungeon-related profits. 54 00:05:59,610 --> 00:06:03,550 And I see no reason to sit back and simply let that continue. 55 00:06:03,920 --> 00:06:07,420 Especially considering how important these resources are to everyday life. 56 00:06:07,420 --> 00:06:11,390 Leaving their collection to a group of mercenaries is out of the question. 57 00:06:11,920 --> 00:06:14,660 We've contributed so much to this country. It's 58 00:06:14,672 --> 00:06:17,190 our responsibility to handle this, as well. 59 00:06:19,070 --> 00:06:22,990 And the establishment of this guild is crucial to our accomplishing that. 60 00:06:24,100 --> 00:06:25,660 Y-Yes, sir. 61 00:06:28,190 --> 00:06:31,580 Even if that's true, there's a lot of risk involved 62 00:06:31,580 --> 00:06:35,420 in recruiting an S-Rank hunter to act as my brother's business partner... 63 00:06:35,420 --> 00:06:38,630 Which isn't the case for me. 64 00:06:53,400 --> 00:06:56,690 Looks like anything extra I do isn't counted anymore. 65 00:06:57,550 --> 00:07:02,690 It seems that cursed random loot box that was offered in the secret quest 66 00:07:02,690 --> 00:07:05,470 is out of my reach now. 67 00:07:06,160 --> 00:07:10,780 I had hoped for an item as valuable as the key to the Demon's Castle... 68 00:07:11,170 --> 00:07:14,550 Wait. There's still the chance that the regular random loot box 69 00:07:14,550 --> 00:07:19,000 could have a key to something like the instance dungeon from before... 70 00:07:27,250 --> 00:07:28,770 Or not. 71 00:07:32,440 --> 00:07:34,620 With my stats as high as they are now, 72 00:07:34,620 --> 00:07:37,350 three points aren't enough to make a real change anymore. 73 00:07:38,030 --> 00:07:40,740 I'd like to level up more efficiently, 74 00:07:40,740 --> 00:07:43,820 but I have to wait on Jinho for the C-Rank dungeons. 75 00:07:45,650 --> 00:07:50,090 Wait, the penalty zone! Maybe if I fight that centipede... 76 00:07:50,540 --> 00:07:55,950 No. I might have an easier time running now, but beating it...? 77 00:07:55,950 --> 00:07:58,770 And there's no guarantee I'd get any experience points. 78 00:08:02,040 --> 00:08:04,560 They need hunters for a D-Rank gate? 79 00:08:04,910 --> 00:08:08,170 The Hunter's Association is forming a strike team... 80 00:08:08,540 --> 00:08:11,680 which means I wouldn't be able to fight on my own. 81 00:08:11,970 --> 00:08:13,250 Should I say no? 82 00:08:15,820 --> 00:08:17,600 But I guess it's better than nothing. 83 00:08:22,210 --> 00:08:23,810 This is frustrating. 84 00:08:34,770 --> 00:08:37,210 I didn't stand a chance against you, Master. 85 00:08:38,810 --> 00:08:41,250 I'm just not ready to be beaten yet. That's all. 86 00:08:41,710 --> 00:08:46,540 It's a shame, though. I wish I could've fought you at your best... 87 00:08:46,540 --> 00:08:50,780 Still worried about that? It's been months since I lost my arm. 88 00:08:54,060 --> 00:08:56,110 An emergency summons? 89 00:08:56,450 --> 00:09:00,010 Low-ranked hunters get a lot of calls for what amounts to running errands. 90 00:09:00,010 --> 00:09:02,770 You seriously won't consider retiring, Master? 91 00:09:02,770 --> 00:09:04,250 Retirement? 92 00:09:08,890 --> 00:09:14,330 You've got a point. An old man with one arm missing might not be of much help at all. 93 00:09:14,330 --> 00:09:16,290 That's not what I meant, sir! 94 00:09:16,290 --> 00:09:20,180 Still, I may have lost an arm, but I survived. 95 00:09:20,180 --> 00:09:22,580 My best years are already behind me, 96 00:09:22,580 --> 00:09:26,120 but I'd like to spend what I have left contributing to society. 97 00:09:34,530 --> 00:09:36,640 Looks like I've got my next raid. 98 00:09:37,650 --> 00:09:39,100 Say, honey... 99 00:09:39,810 --> 00:09:43,220 Isn't it about time you considered something other than hunting? 100 00:09:43,220 --> 00:09:45,230 We're talking about this again? 101 00:09:45,230 --> 00:09:49,420 But it's so dangerous. All those people died in the raid from before, 102 00:09:49,420 --> 00:09:52,930 and you only barely survived, right? 103 00:09:53,310 --> 00:09:55,410 Well, yeah... 104 00:09:56,350 --> 00:09:58,200 Daddy! Up! 105 00:10:00,240 --> 00:10:03,240 The thing is, Eunji is starting preschool next year, 106 00:10:03,240 --> 00:10:04,780 and Eunha will be in middle school. 107 00:10:04,780 --> 00:10:06,230 We need the money, don't we? 108 00:10:06,230 --> 00:10:07,750 That might be true, but... 109 00:10:07,750 --> 00:10:13,720 It'll be fine. The Association doesn't send low-ranked hunters into dangerous dungeons. 110 00:10:14,860 --> 00:10:17,680 The other time was just an exception. 111 00:10:17,680 --> 00:10:21,410 You're right. I'm sorry for making such a fuss. 112 00:10:21,410 --> 00:10:22,770 Don't worry about it. 113 00:10:23,400 --> 00:10:24,980 Be careful, okay? 114 00:10:25,600 --> 00:10:27,890 You bet! I love you. 115 00:10:27,890 --> 00:10:29,010 Daddy? 116 00:10:29,010 --> 00:10:30,730 Yeah? What's up? 117 00:10:30,730 --> 00:10:32,910 Daddy, are you strong? 118 00:10:32,910 --> 00:10:34,770 You bet I am! 119 00:10:34,770 --> 00:10:38,280 I can beat scary monsters, y'know! 120 00:10:38,280 --> 00:10:42,660 Wow! You really are strong! 121 00:10:43,400 --> 00:10:45,480 You've got some damn nerve. 122 00:10:48,130 --> 00:10:50,130 What are you talking about? 123 00:10:50,130 --> 00:10:53,780 I can't believe you stuck me with that interview. It was a waste of time. 124 00:10:53,780 --> 00:10:57,070 I managed to catch it. You made a good impression. 125 00:10:57,070 --> 00:10:59,720 I found your answers to be quite profound. 126 00:10:59,720 --> 00:11:01,600 I'm not here for a bunch of empty flattery! 127 00:11:01,600 --> 00:11:05,310 And I'm pretty sure the interview was meant to be for you in the first place! 128 00:11:05,310 --> 00:11:07,990 Well, considering the offer made to Chairman Go 129 00:11:07,990 --> 00:11:14,270 was for a talented hunter of great character who is dedicated to the job... 130 00:11:14,270 --> 00:11:17,460 I mean, does that really sound like me? 131 00:11:17,930 --> 00:11:20,240 Well, at least you realize how sketchy you are. 132 00:11:21,490 --> 00:11:25,210 Whatever! So, what's this about, anyway? 133 00:11:25,210 --> 00:11:29,580 There's no way you asked me to come over just so I could chew you out. 134 00:11:29,580 --> 00:11:34,630 There was something I thought you should know... 135 00:11:35,630 --> 00:11:39,000 Yoojin Construction are getting ready to launch their own guild. 136 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:42,010 I know. They've been trying to make moves in secret. 137 00:11:42,440 --> 00:11:45,130 There's been rumors about headhunting at my guild. 138 00:11:45,130 --> 00:11:49,690 I suppose if you already know, then I wasted your time. 139 00:11:49,690 --> 00:11:53,200 And I already know that you knew I knew. 140 00:11:53,200 --> 00:11:55,080 Can we please cut the crap? 141 00:11:56,440 --> 00:12:00,070 I'll ask you one more time. What's this really about? 142 00:12:03,710 --> 00:12:08,330 You haven't called much lately. Is everything goin' okay? 143 00:12:08,860 --> 00:12:09,650 Yeah. 144 00:12:09,650 --> 00:12:11,300 How 'bout work? 145 00:12:11,730 --> 00:12:14,170 Well... fine. 146 00:12:14,170 --> 00:12:19,680 You've always been such a scaredy-cat. Are you really handlin' being a hunter? 147 00:12:19,680 --> 00:12:24,620 You're B-Rank, right? I'm sure most folks would be pretty strong in that case, 148 00:12:24,620 --> 00:12:27,680 but wouldn't you just be gettin' in the way? 149 00:12:28,020 --> 00:12:30,390 You should come back home an' help out with the business. 150 00:12:30,390 --> 00:12:31,810 Your Pa's worried— 151 00:12:31,810 --> 00:12:33,690 Quit trying to run my life! 152 00:12:34,500 --> 00:12:37,170 I can make my own decisions! So just drop it! 153 00:12:37,170 --> 00:12:38,150 What are you— 154 00:12:46,050 --> 00:12:47,660 I'm just in the way...? 155 00:12:49,610 --> 00:12:50,620 But... 156 00:12:54,400 --> 00:12:57,450 I wanna try a little more. 157 00:13:29,380 --> 00:13:30,580 Excuse me. 158 00:13:32,410 --> 00:13:35,210 How can I help you, Hunter Cha Hae-in? 159 00:13:35,620 --> 00:13:40,370 While I was training, I was approached by a scout from Yoojin Construction. 160 00:13:40,370 --> 00:13:41,680 I thought you should know. 161 00:13:43,640 --> 00:13:50,060 They're apparently launching a new guild and wanted me to join them as guild master. 162 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:55,960 And I assume, since you're telling me this, that you turned them down? 163 00:13:55,960 --> 00:13:58,790 Right. I refused the offer. 164 00:13:59,250 --> 00:14:02,100 That's a relief. Thank you for telling me. 165 00:14:02,100 --> 00:14:04,530 It's nothing. I was wondering... 166 00:14:04,530 --> 00:14:08,710 I saw President Baek on my way in. 167 00:14:08,710 --> 00:14:11,000 What were you talking about? 168 00:14:19,380 --> 00:14:23,560 What do you think about Jeju Island? 169 00:14:24,090 --> 00:14:27,940 Jeju Island? Why do you ask? 170 00:14:27,940 --> 00:14:32,540 Since the failed raid, the island has been sealed off, 171 00:14:32,540 --> 00:14:35,910 with only occasional reconnaissance done from the shore. 172 00:14:35,910 --> 00:14:39,570 And the public receives a single annual update about any changes. 173 00:14:40,210 --> 00:14:44,680 People are trying to forget about the island— and the terror it represents. 174 00:14:45,040 --> 00:14:47,490 Yeah, but can you blame them? 175 00:14:47,490 --> 00:14:52,470 Except, no matter how commonplace gates may have become, 176 00:14:52,470 --> 00:14:55,480 or how much I get fawned over as the "ultimate weapon" of humanity, 177 00:14:55,480 --> 00:14:59,590 I can never forget about that island, or what happened there. 178 00:15:00,500 --> 00:15:04,840 I intend on clearing that island in the near future. 179 00:15:05,490 --> 00:15:09,840 And to do that, I need you and the others on the same page. 180 00:15:09,840 --> 00:15:15,360 We must gain strength, gather allies, and sway public opinion. 181 00:15:15,360 --> 00:15:18,360 That's why you arranged for the interview and are training new hunters. 182 00:15:25,970 --> 00:15:31,780 Isn't there something you left behind on that island, as well? 183 00:15:38,790 --> 00:15:42,060 Eunseok... Byung-gu... 184 00:15:46,600 --> 00:15:49,480 Please. I'm begging you... 185 00:15:50,970 --> 00:15:52,850 They have to die. 186 00:15:55,650 --> 00:15:57,140 I'm heading out. 187 00:15:57,140 --> 00:15:59,440 It's a holiday, but you've got work again? 188 00:16:00,450 --> 00:16:02,370 You keep busy lately. 189 00:16:03,610 --> 00:16:04,650 I guess. 190 00:16:04,650 --> 00:16:06,020 Hard to believe you're the same guy 191 00:16:06,020 --> 00:16:09,690 who had to take time off to recover from his injuries after every gate. 192 00:16:09,690 --> 00:16:11,450 All the training pay off? 193 00:16:11,450 --> 00:16:16,190 Probably. In any case, I'm able to make a steady living now. 194 00:16:16,190 --> 00:16:17,620 That's a good thing, right? 195 00:16:17,620 --> 00:16:19,690 I guess it is. 196 00:16:19,690 --> 00:16:22,150 Wait, Jinwoo! What about your stuff? 197 00:16:22,150 --> 00:16:24,540 It'll be fine. I'm heading out. 198 00:16:24,540 --> 00:16:25,980 Wait, hang on... 199 00:16:29,050 --> 00:16:31,760 It's not like you're making a quick trip to the store. 200 00:16:34,930 --> 00:16:38,410 I didn't awaken to a physical power, which means my sword 201 00:16:38,410 --> 00:16:40,300 is useless against magic beasts. 202 00:16:41,040 --> 00:16:45,590 The martial arts I've spent decades on are useless inside of a dungeon. 203 00:16:45,590 --> 00:16:48,426 A swordsman like myself gaining magic-focused 204 00:16:48,438 --> 00:16:50,590 powers is quite the twist of fate. 205 00:16:50,590 --> 00:16:53,350 But I'm sure there's a reason for it. 206 00:16:56,760 --> 00:16:58,280 Are you...? 207 00:16:58,280 --> 00:16:59,750 Mr. Song? 208 00:16:59,750 --> 00:17:03,350 I wasn't sure it was you, but it is! Sung! 209 00:17:03,350 --> 00:17:04,840 It's been a while. 210 00:17:04,840 --> 00:17:07,340 I never thought I'd run into you in a place like this! 211 00:17:07,340 --> 00:17:11,900 I must say, where'd that gentle-looking boy go? 212 00:17:11,900 --> 00:17:14,900 How have you changed so much in just a few months? 213 00:17:15,730 --> 00:17:17,060 Plus... 214 00:17:17,060 --> 00:17:19,520 Didn't you lose a leg? 215 00:17:19,520 --> 00:17:23,850 When I woke up in the hospital, it was back. 216 00:17:23,850 --> 00:17:25,270 I see! 217 00:17:25,270 --> 00:17:30,030 There must've been a high-ranked healer among the hunters who came to collect you! 218 00:17:30,850 --> 00:17:35,080 Whatever the case, it's a relief seeing a young man like yourself has fully healed. 219 00:17:35,080 --> 00:17:36,770 That's nice of you to say. 220 00:17:37,170 --> 00:17:39,140 But, Mr. Song, your arm... 221 00:17:39,140 --> 00:17:43,740 Too much time had passed since my injury, I'm afraid. 222 00:17:43,740 --> 00:17:45,530 I don't mind, though. 223 00:17:45,530 --> 00:17:49,710 You know, someone from the Association had told me you were alive. 224 00:17:49,710 --> 00:17:51,820 It's so good to see you! 225 00:17:51,820 --> 00:17:54,260 What are you doing here, anyway, Mr. Song? 226 00:17:54,260 --> 00:17:57,460 Answering a summons from the Association. It's supposed to be urgent. 227 00:17:57,460 --> 00:17:58,970 You, too? 228 00:18:12,690 --> 00:18:14,570 What a coincidence. 229 00:18:15,130 --> 00:18:17,560 This is quite the reunion. 230 00:18:20,020 --> 00:18:21,410 Jinwoo? 231 00:18:21,760 --> 00:18:23,030 Joohee... 232 00:18:24,160 --> 00:18:27,430 Along with... Mr. Kim and Mr. Kang. 233 00:18:28,860 --> 00:18:30,090 It's only natural. 234 00:18:30,500 --> 00:18:34,930 We sacrificed Sung in order to escape on that day. 235 00:18:35,540 --> 00:18:41,100 And I can't blame Kim for being too ashamed to face me, after what he did. 236 00:18:41,400 --> 00:18:46,240 That said... five survivors from that tragedy have been reunited. 237 00:18:46,240 --> 00:18:47,310 In that case... 238 00:18:47,660 --> 00:18:50,780 It really is you, isn't it, Jinwoo? 239 00:18:50,780 --> 00:18:52,950 You look like a whole different person! 240 00:18:52,950 --> 00:18:54,990 Yeah. It's been a while. 241 00:18:54,990 --> 00:18:58,120 You're so much taller, and your leg is healed... 242 00:18:58,550 --> 00:19:00,790 I guess you were fine after I visited you, after all. 243 00:19:00,790 --> 00:19:02,380 You visited me? 244 00:19:07,480 --> 00:19:12,090 Nice! We got a fine little lady in this group. 245 00:19:14,190 --> 00:19:18,090 What's up, baby? You and this guy an item? 246 00:19:18,720 --> 00:19:20,210 You should play with us— 247 00:19:20,210 --> 00:19:21,570 Shut your mouths. 248 00:19:24,170 --> 00:19:26,020 This outing isn't for recreation. 249 00:19:29,030 --> 00:19:33,690 I'll now brief our regular hunters, if you'd come this way. 250 00:19:34,430 --> 00:19:35,650 What's going on here...? 251 00:19:35,650 --> 00:19:40,130 These men are the prisoner substitute hunters who will be joining you today. 252 00:19:40,130 --> 00:19:44,370 Substitute hunters?! We're supposed to fight alongside criminals?! 253 00:19:44,370 --> 00:19:47,920 They are hunter convicts, but they're here to reduce their sentences 254 00:19:47,920 --> 00:19:49,980 and are unlikely to cause trouble. 255 00:19:49,980 --> 00:19:54,510 We're short-staffed due to a exodus of local hunters. I hope you'll understand. 256 00:19:54,870 --> 00:19:56,670 What a mess... 257 00:19:57,130 --> 00:19:59,033 You'll be accompanied by an overseer from 258 00:19:59,045 --> 00:20:01,100 the Hunter's Association, Kang Taeshik, too. 259 00:20:01,100 --> 00:20:04,050 He's B-Rank, so even in the worst-case scenario, 260 00:20:04,050 --> 00:20:08,370 he should be able to handle three C-Rank criminals with ease. 261 00:20:08,370 --> 00:20:10,100 Please, rest assured. 262 00:20:10,450 --> 00:20:14,600 I don't know if this is a good idea. You should sit the raid out, Joohee. 263 00:20:14,600 --> 00:20:15,820 What about you, Jinwoo? 264 00:20:16,570 --> 00:20:17,780 I'm going. 265 00:20:21,230 --> 00:20:23,370 Then I am, too. 266 00:20:24,800 --> 00:20:26,080 I understand. 267 00:20:26,730 --> 00:20:30,670 Damn, it's good to be free. 268 00:20:30,940 --> 00:20:34,630 We're not slaves here, man. Is this kinda thing allowed? 269 00:20:34,630 --> 00:20:37,170 Shut up. You're convicts. 270 00:20:37,730 --> 00:20:41,430 You know what happens if you act up, right? 271 00:20:44,310 --> 00:20:48,650 I'm Kang Taeshik, an inspector with the Hunter's Association Surveillance Team. 272 00:20:49,610 --> 00:20:53,920 I'll be responsible for them, so you can relax. 273 00:20:54,710 --> 00:20:57,930 Who's going to take point on the raid today? 274 00:20:58,880 --> 00:21:02,460 Sung... Do you mind if I lead? 275 00:21:02,460 --> 00:21:03,740 No, go ahead. 276 00:21:05,680 --> 00:21:08,050 Thank you for giving me this chance. 277 00:21:08,050 --> 00:21:09,160 M-Mr. Song? 278 00:21:09,590 --> 00:21:13,030 On that day, seven people died because of me. 279 00:21:13,410 --> 00:21:16,510 The magnitude of my failure to protect everyone can not be understated. 280 00:21:16,510 --> 00:21:20,100 But... six of us did survive, because of you. 281 00:21:20,100 --> 00:21:22,840 So let me say this, as a representative of the others: 282 00:21:23,480 --> 00:21:25,680 I am so grateful to you. 283 00:21:26,340 --> 00:21:28,920 You don't have to bow, Mr. Song. 284 00:21:31,200 --> 00:21:34,720 Is it all right with you, as well, Kim? 285 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:38,610 Go ahead. 286 00:21:45,280 --> 00:21:49,800 Well, with that being the case, I will take point in the dungeon. 287 00:21:49,800 --> 00:21:52,670 Understood. Let's get underway, then. 288 00:22:00,360 --> 00:22:02,130 Off we go, now... 289 00:22:03,530 --> 00:22:05,010 Into the dungeon.