1 00:01:30,110 --> 00:01:35,030 {\an1}Episode 5: Kirishima's Day Off 2 00:01:33,030 --> 00:01:35,030 {\an8}Let's see... 3 00:01:36,040 --> 00:01:37,490 So that's Mi-chan? 4 00:01:37,490 --> 00:01:40,490 No, that's Rabi-kun. 5 00:01:40,490 --> 00:01:43,050 You always get them wrong. 6 00:01:43,940 --> 00:01:47,830 My apologies. I'm terrible at remembering names. 7 00:01:54,990 --> 00:01:56,670 Those guys are... 8 00:01:57,220 --> 00:01:59,450 Kirishima, who's this? 9 00:01:59,450 --> 00:02:00,720 Um... 10 00:02:00,720 --> 00:02:01,860 Rabi-kun. 11 00:02:01,860 --> 00:02:03,810 No! That's Mi-chan! 12 00:02:05,820 --> 00:02:06,730 That's... 13 00:02:07,510 --> 00:02:09,090 The dude from the Sakuragi Family. 14 00:02:10,380 --> 00:02:12,220 Oh, that's Kirishima. 15 00:02:12,220 --> 00:02:16,460 He got put in charge of babysitting some brat? Sad. 16 00:02:26,080 --> 00:02:28,490 {\an8}What's going on over on that turf? 17 00:02:26,080 --> 00:02:30,580 Let me throw the party next month. You definitely won't regret it. 18 00:02:33,280 --> 00:02:35,450 Man, I'm beat... 19 00:02:35,450 --> 00:02:38,810 God, these shitty old farts never stop talking. 20 00:02:40,940 --> 00:02:45,240 I heard you were taking care of Sakuragi-san's daughter. 21 00:02:45,240 --> 00:02:48,740 The Demon of the Sakuragi Family babysitting, eh? That's surprising. 22 00:02:48,740 --> 00:02:51,760 If you ever get bored of babysitting, come to my family. 23 00:02:51,760 --> 00:02:53,750 We'll welcome you with open arms. 24 00:02:54,640 --> 00:02:56,410 What a pain in the ass. 25 00:02:56,910 --> 00:02:59,720 Don't make me keep repeating myself, damn it. 26 00:02:59,720 --> 00:03:01,390 Hey, Kirishima. 27 00:03:02,750 --> 00:03:05,530 Havin' fun taking care of the little miss? 28 00:03:05,890 --> 00:03:07,950 Who the hell are you? 29 00:03:07,950 --> 00:03:10,290 Guess I hadn't introduced myself yet. 30 00:03:10,290 --> 00:03:12,330 I'm Yanagi from the Kusagami Family— 31 00:03:12,900 --> 00:03:15,350 Ah, hello? Little lady? 32 00:03:15,350 --> 00:03:17,120 Why, you little... 33 00:03:15,760 --> 00:03:18,090 {\an8}Yes, I think we'll be done soon. 34 00:03:18,830 --> 00:03:21,320 If there's something you want, I'll pick it up on my way back. 35 00:03:21,980 --> 00:03:26,350 Check out that shit-eating grin. "Demon of the Sakuragi Family," my ass. 36 00:03:24,010 --> 00:03:25,900 {\an8}Yes. See you soon. 37 00:03:26,990 --> 00:03:29,680 Are you that scared of your boss? 38 00:03:30,290 --> 00:03:35,390 I guess it's true that you turned tame after getting stuck taking care of that kid. 39 00:03:35,390 --> 00:03:37,570 Man, you sure love the sound of your own voice. 40 00:03:38,770 --> 00:03:42,450 What the hell? His mood suddenly changed. 41 00:03:44,300 --> 00:03:47,130 I'm not babysitting. 42 00:03:47,130 --> 00:03:48,160 I'm working. 43 00:03:49,140 --> 00:03:51,110 Better watch your mouth. 44 00:03:51,410 --> 00:03:54,520 I'm not kind enough to take care of your corpse. 45 00:03:54,520 --> 00:03:56,090 You get me? Yeah? 46 00:04:01,050 --> 00:04:05,030 If that was the old Kirishima, you'd be dead right now, Yanagi. 47 00:04:05,030 --> 00:04:05,760 What?! 48 00:04:06,510 --> 00:04:11,060 Can't tell you how many times I was happy our families were affiliated... 49 00:04:11,060 --> 00:04:13,190 He's definitely calmed down a bit, 50 00:04:13,190 --> 00:04:17,270 but you still don't wanna press your luck with him, Yanagi. 51 00:04:17,940 --> 00:04:20,930 That's exactly why he underestimates you! 52 00:04:20,930 --> 00:04:23,030 Don't go startin' shit with him. 53 00:04:26,030 --> 00:04:28,200 Thank you very much! 54 00:04:28,200 --> 00:04:31,050 Sorry for all the trouble. 55 00:04:31,050 --> 00:04:32,100 No trouble at all. 56 00:04:32,650 --> 00:04:35,610 You always take very good care of us, Sakuragi-san. 57 00:04:37,250 --> 00:04:41,750 The Sakuragi Family has control of a huge restaurant like this, too? 58 00:04:41,750 --> 00:04:43,790 This sucks. 59 00:04:51,410 --> 00:04:55,840 If he's not gonna make a move, I guess I'll have to do it myself. 60 00:04:57,400 --> 00:04:58,560 Little lady! 61 00:04:59,690 --> 00:05:02,720 Could you call Kirishima-san? 62 00:05:02,720 --> 00:05:06,190 Kirishima's off today, so he went out somewhere. 63 00:05:06,750 --> 00:05:09,270 Dinner will be ready in no time! 64 00:05:12,300 --> 00:05:16,810 That's right... I have something I have to do. 65 00:05:16,810 --> 00:05:19,920 I absolutely need to get closer with the little lady! 66 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:24,450 {\an8}Sugihara 67 00:05:20,190 --> 00:05:24,950 I've always been right by Kirishima-san, so she knows I exist, 68 00:05:23,990 --> 00:05:28,930 {\an8}Sugihara 69 00:05:24,950 --> 00:05:28,950 but I don't think we've ever actually gotten closer than that. 70 00:05:29,380 --> 00:05:34,340 At this rate, she's only gonna know me as the dude who's always with Kirishima! 71 00:05:34,340 --> 00:05:37,390 {\an8}I don't want that! That sucks! 72 00:05:35,930 --> 00:05:37,390 {\an8}*Believe it or not, he's a yakuza member 73 00:05:37,780 --> 00:05:41,880 But with Kirishima-san gone, now's my chance! 74 00:05:41,880 --> 00:05:43,360 Right? 75 00:05:43,860 --> 00:05:46,820 {\an8}Can I sit next to you while we eat today?! 76 00:05:46,110 --> 00:05:47,360 {\an8}*Believe it or not, he's a yakuza member 77 00:05:48,690 --> 00:05:49,600 Sure... 78 00:05:49,600 --> 00:05:51,120 Thanks! 79 00:05:58,870 --> 00:06:01,660 It's so insanely quiet. 80 00:06:01,660 --> 00:06:04,420 Then again, I guess the little lady never says much anyway, 81 00:06:04,420 --> 00:06:06,630 so I gotta initiate the conversation! 82 00:06:06,630 --> 00:06:07,870 Little lady! 83 00:06:07,870 --> 00:06:11,290 Has anything fun happened at school recently? 84 00:06:11,290 --> 00:06:12,510 Hmm... 85 00:06:12,510 --> 00:06:13,740 Not really. 86 00:06:13,740 --> 00:06:16,270 M-Maybe you played with some friends? 87 00:06:16,940 --> 00:06:19,160 I don't have that many friends. 88 00:06:19,160 --> 00:06:21,400 Oh, God! I stepped on a landmine! 89 00:06:21,870 --> 00:06:24,900 What would Kirishima-san do in this case? 90 00:06:24,900 --> 00:06:27,580 No, I can't rely on Kirishima-san! 91 00:06:27,580 --> 00:06:28,860 Little lady! 92 00:06:28,860 --> 00:06:31,780 After we're done eating, why don't we go to my room? 93 00:06:33,370 --> 00:06:34,770 {\an8}Horror 94 00:06:33,370 --> 00:06:35,650 {\an8}Japanese Movies 95 00:06:33,560 --> 00:06:36,790 {\an8}Foreign Films 96 00:06:34,350 --> 00:06:36,790 {\an8}Anime 97 00:06:35,290 --> 00:06:36,790 So many. 98 00:06:36,790 --> 00:06:38,830 Are these all movies? 99 00:06:36,790 --> 00:06:46,800 {\an8}Action 100 00:06:36,790 --> 00:06:46,800 {\an8}Sci-Fi 101 00:06:36,790 --> 00:06:46,800 {\an8}Fantasy 102 00:06:36,790 --> 00:06:46,800 {\an8}Foreign Films 103 00:06:36,790 --> 00:06:46,800 {\an8}Anime 104 00:06:36,790 --> 00:06:46,800 {\an8}Horror 105 00:06:38,830 --> 00:06:42,060 Yes! You can pick whichever one you'd like! 106 00:06:43,540 --> 00:06:47,440 I watch all kinds of movies. I even have some that are for kids. 107 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:50,180 I'm sure the little lady will enjoy this. 108 00:06:50,180 --> 00:06:51,720 This one, then. 109 00:06:51,050 --> 00:06:52,180 {\an8}Mi-chan and the Magical House 110 00:06:52,460 --> 00:06:55,350 Oh, the Mi-chan series! 111 00:06:55,350 --> 00:07:00,520 {\an8}Kind Bunny Girl Mi-chan 112 00:06:55,350 --> 00:07:00,520 The kind bunny girl Mi-chan powers up with the power of carrots. 113 00:07:00,940 --> 00:07:05,270 {\an8}This is a fantasy anime that kids and adults can both enjoy! 114 00:07:01,480 --> 00:07:05,520 {\an8}The Movie 115 00:07:01,480 --> 00:07:05,520 {\an8}Mi-chan and the Magical House 116 00:07:05,520 --> 00:07:09,320 {\an8}Three Hours Later 117 00:07:06,530 --> 00:07:09,320 {\an8}The End 118 00:07:09,650 --> 00:07:11,000 Are you okay? 119 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:14,070 I forgot that this thing was a tearjerker. 120 00:07:14,770 --> 00:07:16,720 Rather than enjoying it with her, 121 00:07:16,720 --> 00:07:19,580 I got sucked in more than she did and started bawling. 122 00:07:20,030 --> 00:07:21,560 God, I'm lame... 123 00:07:21,560 --> 00:07:23,440 Here's some tissues. 124 00:07:24,080 --> 00:07:26,150 Thanks, little lady. 125 00:07:27,880 --> 00:07:29,810 I'm always like this. 126 00:07:29,810 --> 00:07:33,660 Whenever I watch movies with Kirishima-san, he tells me to shut up and hits me. 127 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:36,050 You watch movies with Kirishima? 128 00:07:36,050 --> 00:07:40,000 Yes. Oh, but Kirishima-san gets bored easily, 129 00:07:40,000 --> 00:07:43,620 so he won't watch anything unless it's a one-and-done, like a movie. 130 00:07:44,790 --> 00:07:46,100 Huh... 131 00:07:46,100 --> 00:07:47,380 Huh? 132 00:07:47,380 --> 00:07:49,620 We started talking about Kirishima-san, 133 00:07:49,620 --> 00:07:51,820 and now she looks like she's having fun... 134 00:07:53,610 --> 00:07:56,410 Is this the difference in how close the little lady sees herself 135 00:07:56,410 --> 00:07:58,450 with Kirishima-san and me?! 136 00:08:01,870 --> 00:08:05,290 I see... Well, of course. 137 00:08:05,290 --> 00:08:08,380 It's not like I can get as close as Kirishima-san did 138 00:08:08,380 --> 00:08:11,420 after all this time in just a few hours. 139 00:08:11,960 --> 00:08:15,970 In that case, there's only one thing I can do! 140 00:08:16,440 --> 00:08:17,650 Little lady! 141 00:08:17,650 --> 00:08:18,470 Hmm? 142 00:08:19,530 --> 00:08:24,140 You're in luck! I'll tell you everything I know about Kirishima-san! 143 00:08:26,540 --> 00:08:29,040 What does Kirishima like? 144 00:08:29,040 --> 00:08:31,030 Huh? Well... 145 00:08:33,780 --> 00:08:36,280 {\an8}Kirishima Outing Permit 146 00:08:36,740 --> 00:08:41,370 Not like I actually have anything to do, or anywhere specific to go... 147 00:08:42,200 --> 00:08:45,250 Toru-chan! 148 00:08:45,610 --> 00:08:49,080 I didn't think we'd run into each other in a place like this! 149 00:08:49,080 --> 00:08:52,710 Ah, and here comes a nuisance. 150 00:08:53,120 --> 00:08:54,090 Eek! 151 00:08:55,480 --> 00:08:58,430 It's hard to believe, but Kirishima-san likes chocolate. 152 00:08:58,430 --> 00:08:59,680 I know that. 153 00:08:59,680 --> 00:09:02,980 Huh? How did you know that? 154 00:09:03,480 --> 00:09:05,550 Oh, there you are. 155 00:09:05,550 --> 00:09:07,420 Oh, Kanami-san. 156 00:09:07,420 --> 00:09:09,600 Yae-chan, want to go shopping? 157 00:09:09,600 --> 00:09:10,230 Yeah! 158 00:09:11,980 --> 00:09:15,990 Aw, let's talk about Kirishima-san some more! 159 00:09:16,570 --> 00:09:19,200 Ugh, you're so mean. 160 00:09:21,080 --> 00:09:24,910 {\an1}Kirishima's Classmate Rei Hojo (28) 161 00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:24,910 {\an8}How can you hit a precious friend you haven't seen in forever? 162 00:09:24,910 --> 00:09:28,770 Of course I'm gonna freak out when some built guy suddenly grabs me from behind. 163 00:09:28,770 --> 00:09:31,240 It's called a loving hug! 164 00:09:31,240 --> 00:09:32,340 It's creepy. 165 00:09:32,720 --> 00:09:35,840 So, what brings you here? 166 00:09:35,840 --> 00:09:37,520 I'm on a little business trip. 167 00:09:37,930 --> 00:09:39,790 But I was surprised. 168 00:09:39,790 --> 00:09:43,240 I heard your family was around here, 169 00:09:43,240 --> 00:09:46,390 but I didn't think I'd find you so easily. 170 00:09:46,980 --> 00:09:48,640 Have you been well? 171 00:09:48,640 --> 00:09:49,680 I guess. 172 00:09:50,410 --> 00:09:52,890 And I bet you're still a man-eater who goes through men like tissues. 173 00:09:52,890 --> 00:09:56,540 Oh, stop! Don't make me sound like some kind of beast! 174 00:09:56,540 --> 00:09:58,160 So you don't deny it? 175 00:09:58,660 --> 00:10:02,070 Come to think of it, you've changed. 176 00:10:02,070 --> 00:10:06,870 When I first met you, you always looked like you hated anything and everything. 177 00:10:07,460 --> 00:10:10,000 You seem like you've totally chilled out now. 178 00:10:10,500 --> 00:10:13,490 Must mean you're really comfortable where you are. 179 00:10:15,220 --> 00:10:16,900 Where I am right now... 180 00:10:23,660 --> 00:10:25,050 Yeah. 181 00:10:25,050 --> 00:10:28,550 Honestly, I'm lucky enough to be in a place where I really don't deserve to be. 182 00:10:29,600 --> 00:10:30,830 Toru... 183 00:10:31,230 --> 00:10:34,730 You finally found some humanity! 184 00:10:34,730 --> 00:10:36,230 No touchy. 185 00:10:36,540 --> 00:10:40,070 Hey! You've got some nerve to feed me this disgusting crap! 186 00:10:40,070 --> 00:10:41,740 You mockin' me or what?! 187 00:10:42,090 --> 00:10:43,580 Well?! 188 00:10:43,950 --> 00:10:47,950 I'm terribly sorry. It'll be on the house. 189 00:10:47,950 --> 00:10:50,420 You bet your ass it will be— 190 00:10:53,130 --> 00:10:56,170 That's enough, Sanagi. 191 00:10:57,410 --> 00:10:58,800 Kirishima! 192 00:10:59,390 --> 00:11:02,880 It's Yanagi, you asshole! Remember my name already! 193 00:11:02,880 --> 00:11:05,220 Oh, my bad. 194 00:11:06,390 --> 00:11:09,230 No point in trying to act tough in front of civilians. 195 00:11:09,230 --> 00:11:10,720 Get lost. 196 00:11:13,570 --> 00:11:15,010 Don't ever come back. 197 00:11:15,690 --> 00:11:17,860 Th-Thank you very much. 198 00:11:18,270 --> 00:11:20,780 Sorry for the trouble. 199 00:11:20,780 --> 00:11:23,830 Not at all, and I'll make sure to comp your order. 200 00:11:24,280 --> 00:11:25,480 Thanks, man. 201 00:11:25,480 --> 00:11:26,800 S-Sir, your change! 202 00:11:27,160 --> 00:11:33,110 Wow... The old Toru wouldn't have hesitated to destroy this shop. 203 00:11:40,120 --> 00:11:44,250 Say, let's go out for drinks. 204 00:11:44,250 --> 00:11:47,060 I'd love to hear all about whoever made you change. 205 00:11:47,650 --> 00:11:51,370 No. My drinks will taste like crap around you. 206 00:11:51,370 --> 00:11:54,360 Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! 207 00:11:54,990 --> 00:11:56,610 I'm kidding. 208 00:11:57,320 --> 00:11:59,520 I already have plans that take priority. 209 00:12:00,520 --> 00:12:01,720 Maybe next time. 210 00:12:07,460 --> 00:12:10,000 Look at you, making me jealous. 211 00:12:10,680 --> 00:12:14,740 But I've never seen him with such a nice look on his face. 212 00:12:12,500 --> 00:12:16,000 {\an8}Come back tonight though, okay? from Yaeka 213 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:21,010 {\an8}Wants to be friends. 214 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:21,010 {\an8}The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting 215 00:12:21,010 --> 00:12:23,760 {\an8}Steadfast Sponge Cake Mix 216 00:12:21,010 --> 00:12:23,760 {\an8}Steadfast Pound Cake Mix 217 00:12:21,900 --> 00:12:25,450 Maybe I'll make a cake for you today, Yae-chan. 218 00:12:25,450 --> 00:12:27,160 I wanna make one, too. 219 00:12:27,160 --> 00:12:29,560 Aw, you're going to help me out? 220 00:12:29,920 --> 00:12:32,640 I wanna make a chocolate cake. 221 00:12:32,640 --> 00:12:35,490 Then I guess we'll have to buy a lot of chocolate. 222 00:12:36,650 --> 00:12:39,150 {\an8}Commercial Use Chocolate Chips 223 00:12:37,700 --> 00:12:38,480 Yeah. 224 00:12:39,470 --> 00:12:41,940 Damn it! This is pissing me off. 225 00:12:41,940 --> 00:12:46,530 Still, it really wasn't a good idea to cause trouble back there. 226 00:12:46,530 --> 00:12:50,040 I just kindly gave him a warning that his food tastes like shit! 227 00:12:52,860 --> 00:12:54,410 That little brat... 228 00:12:55,120 --> 00:12:56,480 Drive closer to them. 229 00:12:56,480 --> 00:12:57,360 What?! 230 00:12:57,360 --> 00:12:59,570 Whoa, we're definitely gonna get in trouble 231 00:12:59,570 --> 00:13:02,080 if we try to do anything to another boss's daughter. 232 00:13:02,080 --> 00:13:05,800 It could even lead to a shootout between the families! 233 00:13:06,270 --> 00:13:08,330 I'm just kidding, jeez. 234 00:13:08,330 --> 00:13:10,270 Of course... 235 00:13:10,270 --> 00:13:13,000 Man, you're no fun. 236 00:13:15,820 --> 00:13:17,850 We're gonna make a little pit stop. 237 00:13:18,690 --> 00:13:20,070 We're back! 238 00:13:20,070 --> 00:13:21,070 Oh? 239 00:13:21,070 --> 00:13:22,550 You're home? 240 00:13:22,550 --> 00:13:24,320 Welcome home, little lady. 241 00:13:24,590 --> 00:13:26,440 Thanks for inviting me over. 242 00:13:27,570 --> 00:13:30,530 She's the one who found Ohagi-chan, right? 243 00:13:30,530 --> 00:13:32,490 We ran into her on the way home. 244 00:13:32,490 --> 00:13:33,530 I see... 245 00:13:34,850 --> 00:13:37,290 Ohagi, we're home. 246 00:13:37,290 --> 00:13:39,630 I see you gave it a tasty-sounding name. 247 00:13:39,630 --> 00:13:41,130 Drool... 248 00:13:41,590 --> 00:13:43,500 Is everything about food to you? 249 00:13:43,500 --> 00:13:46,360 I'm glad to see you again, Toru-kun-san. 250 00:13:46,360 --> 00:13:48,220 Enough with the weird names. 251 00:13:48,220 --> 00:13:52,180 Oh, but we're gonna enjoy some girls-only time now, so you're not invited. 252 00:13:52,180 --> 00:13:54,020 God, she's annoying... 253 00:13:54,680 --> 00:13:58,520 {\an8}Daikiyo Hanako Soft Flour 254 00:13:54,680 --> 00:13:58,520 {\an8}Delicious Pancake Mix 255 00:13:55,020 --> 00:13:58,520 Do you two always make cakes? 256 00:13:58,520 --> 00:13:59,880 Sometimes. 257 00:13:59,880 --> 00:14:02,600 This is actually Yae-chan's first time. Right? 258 00:14:02,600 --> 00:14:03,400 Yeah. 259 00:14:03,400 --> 00:14:06,260 Is there someone you want to make one for? 260 00:14:07,200 --> 00:14:09,360 It must be your dad, right? 261 00:14:09,360 --> 00:14:11,200 I wanna give some to Kirishima. 262 00:14:11,650 --> 00:14:13,450 So cute. 263 00:14:14,120 --> 00:14:16,840 This is real nice. 264 00:14:16,840 --> 00:14:17,810 Huh? 265 00:14:17,810 --> 00:14:20,860 I haven't had a crush on anyone yet, 266 00:14:20,860 --> 00:14:25,800 so I envy the excitement and anticipation the little lady is feeling. 267 00:14:26,300 --> 00:14:28,550 Excitement and anticipation... 268 00:14:28,550 --> 00:14:30,010 {\an8}Grrrrruuuumble 269 00:14:30,010 --> 00:14:36,020 {\an8}Grrrrruuuumble 270 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:34,000 Well, I'm just here to eat, so it doesn't really matter. 271 00:14:34,000 --> 00:14:36,020 Her stomach's been growling this whole time. 272 00:14:36,940 --> 00:14:38,270 What's for dinner tonight? 273 00:14:38,270 --> 00:14:39,940 Oh, I'm sorry. 274 00:14:40,440 --> 00:14:45,400 I'm making a cake with Yae-chan, so could you order out for dinner tonight? 275 00:14:46,680 --> 00:14:47,900 All right. 276 00:14:48,540 --> 00:14:49,740 Kirishima! 277 00:14:50,410 --> 00:14:53,810 So yeah, we're eating out tonight. 278 00:14:53,810 --> 00:14:56,510 Sure. Is Kazama-tei all right? 279 00:14:56,510 --> 00:14:58,200 Yes, if you would. 280 00:15:00,330 --> 00:15:04,140 Hello, this is Sakuragi. Thanks for always taking care of us. 281 00:15:04,140 --> 00:15:06,130 Sorry, but can we make a reservation for tonight? 282 00:15:06,430 --> 00:15:11,100 I'm terribly sorry, but we'll have to decline for today. 283 00:15:11,100 --> 00:15:12,760 Oh, I see... 284 00:15:12,760 --> 00:15:14,460 Hey, hurry the hell up! 285 00:15:14,460 --> 00:15:15,730 Oh, I'm sorry. 286 00:15:15,730 --> 00:15:16,650 Please excuse me. 287 00:15:20,090 --> 00:15:21,950 Yes, may I help you? 288 00:15:21,950 --> 00:15:25,150 This ain't nearly enough food. Keep it coming. 289 00:15:25,150 --> 00:15:27,730 But you still have some food left... 290 00:15:27,730 --> 00:15:31,700 Shut up! We're partyin' tonight! 291 00:15:31,700 --> 00:15:36,030 We're celebrating the fact that we're gonna be takin' care of your place, startin' today. 292 00:15:36,030 --> 00:15:39,120 You're not gonna ask us to pay, are ya? 293 00:15:39,790 --> 00:15:43,000 I see. I guess we'll have to go somewhere else. 294 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:46,290 I'm sorry, but something concerns me about this. 295 00:15:47,110 --> 00:15:48,000 What is it? 296 00:15:48,350 --> 00:15:50,970 Well, something seemed off on the phone. 297 00:15:50,970 --> 00:15:52,430 It's finished! 298 00:15:52,770 --> 00:15:55,370 I can tell it's delicious just by the smell. 299 00:15:55,370 --> 00:15:57,970 I'll pack some up for you to take home. 300 00:15:58,450 --> 00:15:59,980 Here you go. 301 00:15:59,980 --> 00:16:01,840 Thanks. 302 00:16:02,420 --> 00:16:05,810 I'm the happiest when I'm eating something delicious. 303 00:16:06,260 --> 00:16:10,370 Hopefully you can find someone someday to share that happiness with. 304 00:16:11,090 --> 00:16:12,820 Yeah... 305 00:16:13,530 --> 00:16:14,710 Toru-kun. 306 00:16:15,710 --> 00:16:17,220 Is everyone at the office? 307 00:16:17,220 --> 00:16:18,600 Yes. 308 00:16:19,470 --> 00:16:20,830 Kirishima? 309 00:16:23,930 --> 00:16:27,760 I'm sorry, little lady. I have something I need to take care of real quick. 310 00:16:28,470 --> 00:16:30,120 I'll be back soon, though. 311 00:16:35,870 --> 00:16:39,430 Hmph. You could've spared a little time. 312 00:16:41,780 --> 00:16:44,100 That geezer's a total pushover! 313 00:16:44,660 --> 00:16:47,560 We just hit him a few times, and he obeys our every word. 314 00:16:47,560 --> 00:16:51,700 And now, this place is gonna be the Kusagami Family's little piggy bank. 315 00:16:51,700 --> 00:16:55,010 Are you sure about this, bro? This is Sakuragi's turf. 316 00:16:55,010 --> 00:17:00,310 You heard the guy. The Sakuragi Family wasn't taking payment from here. 317 00:17:00,310 --> 00:17:04,570 If that's true, there's no problem with us taking care of 'em. 318 00:17:04,570 --> 00:17:06,090 Yes, but... 319 00:17:06,090 --> 00:17:08,560 He's not gonna show up! 320 00:17:08,560 --> 00:17:11,140 I'm sure he's just playin' house with that brat, 321 00:17:11,140 --> 00:17:13,760 and their bedtime's comin' up soon! 322 00:17:13,760 --> 00:17:15,360 Right... 323 00:17:15,360 --> 00:17:17,840 "The Demon of the Sakuragi Family," my ass. 324 00:17:17,840 --> 00:17:22,350 Everyone's too chickenshit over a guy playin' babysitter. 325 00:17:22,350 --> 00:17:23,640 He's just a— 326 00:17:23,640 --> 00:17:25,960 I've brought you more alcohol. 327 00:17:26,770 --> 00:17:28,740 Yeah, about damn time! 328 00:17:29,910 --> 00:17:32,250 K-Kirishima! 329 00:17:32,250 --> 00:17:33,370 Heya. 330 00:17:33,920 --> 00:17:38,200 Havin' fun talking shit about me, Unagi? 331 00:17:38,200 --> 00:17:39,460 It's Yanagi, damn you! 332 00:17:39,460 --> 00:17:41,620 I thought you were babysittin— 333 00:17:44,670 --> 00:17:47,620 Hey, you've got the nerve to try to collect from a place on our turf, 334 00:17:47,620 --> 00:17:49,790 and you didn't even know the rules? 335 00:17:50,530 --> 00:17:52,880 Who the hell cares about rules?! 336 00:17:56,630 --> 00:17:58,380 Shit... he's crazy! 337 00:17:58,890 --> 00:18:02,260 Anyone who can't follow the rules is gonna be punished. 338 00:18:02,260 --> 00:18:05,660 Shut up! Who the hell do you think I am— 339 00:18:13,020 --> 00:18:16,790 By the way, our little lady is very good about following the rules. 340 00:18:17,540 --> 00:18:20,170 You could probably learn a thing or two from her. 341 00:18:20,170 --> 00:18:22,090 Wh-What the hell are you talking about?! 342 00:18:22,090 --> 00:18:27,050 You're a slow one, aren't ya? I'm telling you it's your bedtime. 343 00:18:27,790 --> 00:18:28,780 Huh? 344 00:18:29,980 --> 00:18:34,420 Go on, drink up. You'll sleep better this way. 345 00:18:35,670 --> 00:18:37,590 Don't worry. After I put you to bed, 346 00:18:37,590 --> 00:18:40,940 I'll give you a proper burial with a gravestone and everything, Yahagi. 347 00:18:40,940 --> 00:18:42,250 I-It's Yanagi! 348 00:18:42,250 --> 00:18:43,930 B-Bro... 349 00:18:58,400 --> 00:19:00,990 It's been a while, Kirishima-kun. 350 00:19:01,930 --> 00:19:04,740 Keep your distance, Mashiro. 351 00:19:05,120 --> 00:19:10,440 {\an8}Man, you really hate me. I guess you still don't like my cologne. 352 00:19:06,790 --> 00:19:10,000 {\an1}Momoyama Family 1st Lieutenant Mashiro Yuri 353 00:19:10,440 --> 00:19:11,620 Gross... 354 00:19:18,050 --> 00:19:19,610 Kirishima-san! 355 00:19:19,610 --> 00:19:21,050 Sugihara, you take care of this. 356 00:19:24,630 --> 00:19:26,970 Let's eat! 357 00:19:26,970 --> 00:19:28,350 Thanks, Kanami-san! 358 00:19:28,350 --> 00:19:29,600 {\an8}Man, this looks great! 359 00:19:28,350 --> 00:19:31,140 Oh? Where's Sugihara-kun? 360 00:19:31,140 --> 00:19:34,790 He got a phone call and left. 361 00:19:34,790 --> 00:19:35,870 I see... 362 00:19:36,600 --> 00:19:38,030 I'm back. 363 00:19:41,680 --> 00:19:44,870 I'm sorry I'm late, little lady. 364 00:19:46,340 --> 00:19:47,370 Here. 365 00:19:47,830 --> 00:19:50,480 Oh? You made this? 366 00:19:51,210 --> 00:19:53,630 I made chocolate cake. 367 00:19:55,690 --> 00:19:58,480 Huh? Are we missing someone? 368 00:19:59,490 --> 00:20:01,340 Well, I guess I'll dig in. 369 00:20:05,650 --> 00:20:07,030 It's great. 370 00:20:08,190 --> 00:20:10,800 It's got a lot of chocolate chips in it. 371 00:20:11,490 --> 00:20:13,290 They give it a nice crunch. 372 00:20:13,290 --> 00:20:17,300 I put extra chocolate chips in yours, Kirishima. 373 00:20:17,300 --> 00:20:18,440 Did you, now? 374 00:20:18,440 --> 00:20:21,130 Because you love chocolate. 375 00:20:21,130 --> 00:20:24,160 Shh. It's a secret, though. 376 00:20:25,160 --> 00:20:27,660 You got it. Shh. 377 00:20:28,210 --> 00:20:29,490 Thank you very much. 378 00:20:35,780 --> 00:20:39,340 They shine so much. They almost blind me. 379 00:20:40,140 --> 00:20:42,920 I don't think I'll ever be like that. 380 00:20:43,340 --> 00:20:46,590 Well, I'm hungry, so I should go home and eat my cake... 381 00:20:51,610 --> 00:20:53,140 Oh, I'm sorr— 382 00:20:59,160 --> 00:21:02,360 Um... Thank you very much. 383 00:21:02,880 --> 00:21:04,280 This is for you, too. 384 00:21:05,550 --> 00:21:06,530 What's this? 385 00:21:06,530 --> 00:21:10,830 {\an8}Super Vanilla 386 00:21:06,530 --> 00:21:12,230 Sugihara told me that you like the lids from ice cream cups. 387 00:21:12,230 --> 00:21:13,650 I see. 388 00:21:13,200 --> 00:21:17,080 {\an8}Super Vanilla 389 00:21:13,650 --> 00:21:17,080 That's what Sugihara said, huh? I'll have to thank him later. 390 00:21:19,660 --> 00:21:22,090 Damn that Kirishima-san... 391 00:21:22,090 --> 00:21:25,050 Ordering me out of the blue to start digging holes... 392 00:21:26,510 --> 00:21:29,440 This is harder than it looks... 393 00:21:28,470 --> 00:21:31,060 {\an8}Unagi 394 00:21:28,470 --> 00:21:31,060 {\an8}Dunno 395 00:21:35,120 --> 00:21:37,880 Man, I really wanted some cake. 396 00:23:08,990 --> 00:23:11,410 {\an8}Unagi 397 00:23:08,990 --> 00:23:11,410 {\an8}Dunno 398 00:23:14,400 --> 00:23:16,450 H-Help us... 399 00:23:16,450 --> 00:23:20,960 {\an8}Unagi 400 00:23:16,450 --> 00:23:20,960 {\an8}Dunno 401 00:23:17,560 --> 00:23:20,960 Wow, you're still alive. 402 00:23:21,250 --> 00:23:25,800 Man... Kirishima-kun's really mellowed out. 403 00:23:26,370 --> 00:23:30,340 Y'know, you only matter when they call you a demon. 404 00:23:35,010 --> 00:23:40,020 {\an8}The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting 405 00:23:35,220 --> 00:23:40,020 Next Time: First Friend