1 00:00:12,190 --> 00:00:16,160 The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting 2 00:01:30,060 --> 00:01:34,400 {\an1}Episode 9: The Kirishima [ ] Plan 3 00:01:30,730 --> 00:01:32,440 {\an8}Antsy Antsy 4 00:01:31,440 --> 00:01:32,440 {\an8}Antsy, antsy... 5 00:01:32,860 --> 00:01:34,820 {\an8}Antsy Antsy 6 00:01:33,160 --> 00:01:34,430 {\an8}Antsy, antsy... 7 00:01:34,430 --> 00:01:35,880 Antsy, antsy... 8 00:01:34,820 --> 00:01:36,950 {\an8}Antsy 9 00:01:34,820 --> 00:01:36,950 {\an8}Antsy 10 00:01:35,880 --> 00:01:36,950 Antsy, antsy... 11 00:01:36,950 --> 00:01:38,190 Antsy, antsy... 12 00:01:36,950 --> 00:01:39,160 {\an8}Antsy Antsy 13 00:01:38,190 --> 00:01:39,160 Antsy, antsy... 14 00:01:41,160 --> 00:01:42,790 {\an8}Antsy Antsy 15 00:01:43,180 --> 00:01:43,950 Huh? 16 00:01:44,350 --> 00:01:45,800 Antsy, antsy... 17 00:01:48,340 --> 00:01:52,460 Hmm... The little lady seems antsy... 18 00:01:53,450 --> 00:01:55,380 Yae-chan's acting strange? 19 00:01:55,380 --> 00:01:59,290 Yes. She's seemed pretty restless the past few days. 20 00:01:59,290 --> 00:02:01,840 I haven't really noticed anything. 21 00:02:02,540 --> 00:02:05,470 It's like she's expecting something. 22 00:02:05,820 --> 00:02:10,630 Oh, also, she seems to be really curious about my schedule today. 23 00:02:10,630 --> 00:02:12,810 Are you working outside today? 24 00:02:10,730 --> 00:02:17,530 {\an8}Are you working outside today? 25 00:02:12,730 --> 00:02:17,530 {\an8}You'll be home tonight, right? 26 00:02:12,810 --> 00:02:14,890 You'll be home tonight, right? 27 00:02:15,800 --> 00:02:17,530 What? That's so cute. 28 00:02:18,220 --> 00:02:22,100 Yae-chan wants to know all about you. 29 00:02:22,100 --> 00:02:24,660 She's clearly warming up to you. That's great. 30 00:02:24,660 --> 00:02:27,200 Uh-huh... Is that how this works? 31 00:02:27,200 --> 00:02:30,620 Yeah. I wouldn't worry about it too much. 32 00:02:31,120 --> 00:02:33,130 Impressive as always, Kirishima-san. 33 00:02:33,130 --> 00:02:35,630 He noticed the slightest change in the little lady. 34 00:02:36,450 --> 00:02:38,840 What are we going to do, Sugihara-san? 35 00:02:38,840 --> 00:02:43,210 At this rate, it's just a matter of time until Kirishima-san finds out about the plan. 36 00:02:43,640 --> 00:02:45,060 You dumbass! 37 00:02:45,060 --> 00:02:50,150 Our job is to protect this plan from Kirishima-san's inhuman intuition! 38 00:02:50,150 --> 00:02:53,690 Hey, not so loud, Sugihara-san! We're supposed to be hiding! 39 00:02:55,250 --> 00:02:57,560 Protect what from whom? 40 00:02:57,560 --> 00:02:59,310 Yikes! Gulp! 41 00:02:59,310 --> 00:03:01,450 What the hell are you guys whispering about? 42 00:03:07,340 --> 00:03:08,210 All right! Good! 43 00:03:08,210 --> 00:03:09,910 Great job, Kanehira! Run away! 44 00:03:10,510 --> 00:03:13,540 What happened? I heard a loud noise... 45 00:03:14,710 --> 00:03:18,260 {\an8}Pissed... 46 00:03:15,210 --> 00:03:18,990 No idea, but they're definitely mocking me. 47 00:03:18,990 --> 00:03:20,800 Huh? What do you mean? 48 00:03:20,800 --> 00:03:23,930 Don't worry. I'll sort this out myself. 49 00:03:24,800 --> 00:03:27,680 {\an8}Antsy Antsy 50 00:03:26,870 --> 00:03:27,680 Okay. 51 00:03:28,050 --> 00:03:30,500 Did something good happen, little lady? 52 00:03:30,750 --> 00:03:32,320 Wh-Why do you ask? 53 00:03:32,770 --> 00:03:35,270 You seem really antsy today. 54 00:03:35,270 --> 00:03:37,450 Kirishima-san! You need to come with me, now! 55 00:03:37,450 --> 00:03:38,740 We were watching a horror movie, 56 00:03:38,740 --> 00:03:41,240 and it was so scary that Kanehira lost the ability to talk! 57 00:03:41,240 --> 00:03:46,580 {\an8}Oh, God, this is awful! What should we do?! 58 00:03:42,740 --> 00:03:43,740 Huh? 59 00:03:44,240 --> 00:03:46,580 Uh, he doesn't really talk to begin with. 60 00:03:44,240 --> 00:03:46,580 {\an8}Kanehira 61 00:03:46,580 --> 00:03:48,330 Just come quick, okay?! 62 00:03:48,830 --> 00:03:51,060 The hell? You're so annoying. 63 00:03:56,500 --> 00:04:00,480 So... you can't talk now, Kanehira? 64 00:04:02,200 --> 00:04:03,680 Right. So the same as usual. 65 00:04:04,270 --> 00:04:08,360 No, really. It was even worse earlier. Right, Takeuchi? 66 00:04:08,360 --> 00:04:09,370 Right... 67 00:04:10,500 --> 00:04:12,660 You guys are hiding something, aren't you? 68 00:04:12,660 --> 00:04:14,230 N-Not at all! 69 00:04:14,230 --> 00:04:18,430 We just thought it'd be nice to bond over a movie every once in a while! 70 00:04:18,430 --> 00:04:19,880 Hey, Kanehira. 71 00:04:20,640 --> 00:04:23,860 In as few words as possible, tell me what's good about this movie. 72 00:04:24,380 --> 00:04:26,200 You guys want to bond, right? 73 00:04:26,710 --> 00:04:29,490 Then we should bond, too. 74 00:04:29,490 --> 00:04:30,140 Yeah? 75 00:04:30,590 --> 00:04:35,840 I mean, you could just talk about what you're hiding instead of the movie. 76 00:04:35,840 --> 00:04:38,200 Um, so the best part about this movie is... 77 00:04:38,200 --> 00:04:39,730 I didn't ask you! 78 00:04:39,730 --> 00:04:40,710 Right... 79 00:04:42,110 --> 00:04:43,740 This is stupid. 80 00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:45,800 Where are you going?! 81 00:04:45,800 --> 00:04:47,540 What does it matter? 82 00:04:49,600 --> 00:04:51,330 Where are you going? 83 00:04:52,020 --> 00:04:55,520 Honestly, anywhere other than the reception room... 84 00:04:57,990 --> 00:05:00,050 I guess I'll head to the reception room, then. 85 00:05:00,050 --> 00:05:01,400 No! You can't! 86 00:05:01,400 --> 00:05:03,410 What do you mean, I can't? 87 00:05:03,410 --> 00:05:05,240 Right, you absolutely can. 88 00:05:05,240 --> 00:05:08,820 Crap... I don't think we're gonna be able to buy any more time. 89 00:05:10,080 --> 00:05:13,220 I'll open it! I'll open it for you! 90 00:05:15,490 --> 00:05:16,290 Little lady? 91 00:05:17,100 --> 00:05:18,660 What in the world is going— 92 00:05:19,360 --> 00:05:20,780 Boss? 93 00:05:20,780 --> 00:05:23,260 I thought I heard some yelling. 94 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:25,080 Come with me. 95 00:05:25,080 --> 00:05:26,680 Y-Yes, sir... 96 00:05:29,830 --> 00:05:31,010 Explain. 97 00:05:32,010 --> 00:05:35,600 The little lady's been restless the past few days. 98 00:05:35,600 --> 00:05:38,780 I mentioned it to Kanami-san, 99 00:05:39,300 --> 00:05:40,980 but she told me not to worry about it. 100 00:05:41,450 --> 00:05:42,590 I see. 101 00:05:42,900 --> 00:05:46,950 And then Sugihara and the others started getting really antsy. 102 00:05:46,950 --> 00:05:51,880 I got annoyed at them for trying to keep me away from the little lady. 103 00:05:52,580 --> 00:05:55,620 And that's why you were trying to get answers from Kanehira? 104 00:05:55,620 --> 00:05:56,930 Right. 105 00:05:56,930 --> 00:06:01,170 To be honest, I do feel a bit bad for being so harsh with Kanehira 106 00:06:01,170 --> 00:06:02,890 over something so silly. 107 00:06:03,740 --> 00:06:05,470 Right. 108 00:06:05,470 --> 00:06:06,470 Kirishima, 109 00:06:07,280 --> 00:06:09,920 I put you in charge of taking care of Yaeka. 110 00:06:10,720 --> 00:06:13,160 If they messed up, it'd be one thing, 111 00:06:13,160 --> 00:06:16,930 but getting emotional and taking out your anger on your subordinates is unacceptable. 112 00:06:17,460 --> 00:06:21,230 Especially if you're going to do that in front of Yaeka. 113 00:06:22,030 --> 00:06:25,690 Right. I did get too heated. 114 00:06:26,120 --> 00:06:27,130 I'm sorry. 115 00:06:28,380 --> 00:06:29,950 Well, I'm gonna head back. 116 00:06:29,950 --> 00:06:31,320 H-Hold on! 117 00:06:31,320 --> 00:06:32,640 S-Sir? 118 00:06:33,660 --> 00:06:35,490 I'm not done talking. 119 00:06:35,490 --> 00:06:37,270 Sure, what is it? 120 00:06:38,050 --> 00:06:39,370 You see... 121 00:06:40,420 --> 00:06:41,540 Yes? 122 00:06:41,870 --> 00:06:45,340 There's something I've been meaning to say to you for a while now... 123 00:06:46,220 --> 00:06:47,260 And that is? 124 00:06:48,490 --> 00:06:49,680 You don't know? 125 00:06:49,680 --> 00:06:50,860 No... 126 00:06:52,720 --> 00:06:55,850 So... there's this late-night TV show... 127 00:06:56,910 --> 00:06:57,770 Sir? 128 00:06:58,200 --> 00:07:03,350 It's an anime about a yakuza member becoming the babysitter of the boss's only daughter... 129 00:07:04,020 --> 00:07:05,150 Anime, you say? 130 00:07:05,710 --> 00:07:07,190 You've never seen anime? 131 00:07:07,610 --> 00:07:09,570 No, I can't say I know much about it. 132 00:07:10,210 --> 00:07:12,070 You should watch some. 133 00:07:13,640 --> 00:07:18,490 Er, you can tell me all about that another time, sir. 134 00:07:19,150 --> 00:07:20,720 If you'll excuse me... 135 00:07:22,620 --> 00:07:23,330 Huh? 136 00:07:23,330 --> 00:07:24,530 Kirishima. 137 00:07:24,530 --> 00:07:25,580 Yes? 138 00:07:25,580 --> 00:07:27,420 Stay put! 139 00:07:27,420 --> 00:07:28,330 Huh? 140 00:07:32,190 --> 00:07:33,970 Now, little lady! 141 00:07:38,340 --> 00:07:40,850 Happy birthday! 142 00:07:41,100 --> 00:07:43,150 Happy birthday! 143 00:07:42,160 --> 00:07:43,150 Huh? 144 00:07:45,050 --> 00:07:46,120 Come on! 145 00:07:50,830 --> 00:07:52,320 This is... 146 00:07:52,820 --> 00:07:55,200 Your birthday party, Toru-kun. 147 00:07:55,700 --> 00:07:58,580 Yae-chan planned all of this for you! 148 00:07:58,580 --> 00:08:03,320 You always notice immediately if something's off, so it wasn't easy. 149 00:08:03,320 --> 00:08:06,460 And yet, you're so oblivious about yourself. 150 00:08:06,910 --> 00:08:10,960 Kirishima, you celebrated my birthday, 151 00:08:11,660 --> 00:08:14,890 so I wanted to celebrate yours, too. 152 00:08:15,810 --> 00:08:17,150 Birthday... 153 00:08:17,660 --> 00:08:19,880 Oh, right. It's my... 154 00:08:24,910 --> 00:08:26,270 Happy birthday. 155 00:08:28,270 --> 00:08:30,980 Kirishima, what's wrong? 156 00:08:32,650 --> 00:08:34,880 Nothing... I... 157 00:08:35,180 --> 00:08:37,720 I'm very happy. Truly. 158 00:08:38,370 --> 00:08:42,370 Kirishima, happy birthday! 159 00:08:51,550 --> 00:08:53,270 Cheers! 160 00:08:51,550 --> 00:08:53,880 {\an8}Eatery Kurosaki 161 00:08:53,880 --> 00:08:56,220 {\an8}Closed for a Private Event 162 00:08:54,810 --> 00:08:59,540 Man, we just barely avoided pissing Kirishima-san off. 163 00:08:59,540 --> 00:09:04,640 Yeah, he freaked me out. I was about to spill all the beans. 164 00:09:04,640 --> 00:09:08,980 It's been a long time since you were all here, so I went all-out! 165 00:09:09,300 --> 00:09:12,460 Of course, this is to celebrate Toru-kun's birthday, too. 166 00:09:12,860 --> 00:09:14,210 Thank you. 167 00:09:14,820 --> 00:09:17,570 I have some sake for you. Would you like some? 168 00:09:17,570 --> 00:09:19,490 Yeah, thanks. 169 00:09:19,490 --> 00:09:21,440 You want your usual, Toru-kun? 170 00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:22,270 Yes. 171 00:09:22,270 --> 00:09:23,250 Usual? 172 00:09:23,250 --> 00:09:25,880 Toru-kun used to come by with Aoi-kun, 173 00:09:25,880 --> 00:09:28,000 and he's always ordered the same thing. 174 00:09:28,580 --> 00:09:31,000 Here you go. Agedashi tofu. 175 00:09:31,540 --> 00:09:33,300 Agedashi tofu? 176 00:09:33,990 --> 00:09:36,680 Toru-kun would always forget what it was called, 177 00:09:36,680 --> 00:09:38,900 so he'd just ask for his usual. 178 00:09:38,900 --> 00:09:40,300 Right. 179 00:09:40,830 --> 00:09:41,950 Is it yummy? 180 00:09:41,950 --> 00:09:44,930 You can have one of mine, little lady. 181 00:09:44,930 --> 00:09:45,850 Okay. 182 00:09:45,850 --> 00:09:48,330 Be careful. It's hot. 183 00:09:51,730 --> 00:09:54,390 Oh? Do you like it, too, Yae-chan? 184 00:09:54,390 --> 00:09:56,610 Yeah, it's really good. 185 00:09:56,610 --> 00:09:58,020 Great. 186 00:09:58,540 --> 00:10:02,120 I know. I'll show you something that should bring back memories for you. 187 00:10:04,620 --> 00:10:06,790 Do you remember this? 188 00:10:07,310 --> 00:10:08,750 Meme-chan! 189 00:10:08,750 --> 00:10:12,130 Meme-chan? Another new character? 190 00:10:12,130 --> 00:10:14,130 Daddy gave it to me. 191 00:10:14,130 --> 00:10:17,350 I told him you saw it at a toy store and wanted it, 192 00:10:17,350 --> 00:10:21,320 and he bought it the next day. Meme-chan the sheep. 193 00:10:21,750 --> 00:10:23,140 Huh... 194 00:10:23,450 --> 00:10:27,340 He sure knows how to take initiative when it comes to his daughter. 195 00:10:28,440 --> 00:10:29,810 What is it, Kirishima? 196 00:10:29,810 --> 00:10:34,230 Er, nothing. Do you remember Meme-chan, sir? 197 00:10:34,230 --> 00:10:37,280 What are you talking about? Remember? 198 00:10:37,280 --> 00:10:39,830 You're the one who went out and bought it. 199 00:10:39,830 --> 00:10:40,830 Huh? 200 00:10:41,920 --> 00:10:46,280 Sorry, I sorta forgot what it's called as I wandered around the store, 201 00:10:46,670 --> 00:10:48,330 but you wanted some sheep, right? 202 00:10:48,330 --> 00:10:50,670 {\an8}Tender Lamb 203 00:10:48,330 --> 00:10:50,670 {\an8}Sliced Lamb Roast 204 00:10:51,180 --> 00:10:53,740 Did you forget that you brought home lamb meat 205 00:10:53,740 --> 00:10:56,310 and I smacked you on the head? 206 00:10:56,310 --> 00:10:59,040 I thought Aoi was going to die laughing. 207 00:10:59,640 --> 00:11:00,960 Lamb meat... 208 00:10:59,700 --> 00:11:01,700 {\an8}Lamb meat... 209 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:02,880 What? Really? 210 00:11:02,880 --> 00:11:06,610 Oh, right. I remember having to go back out to buy the right thing. 211 00:11:06,610 --> 00:11:10,110 You never listened to what anyone was saying, even back then. 212 00:11:10,110 --> 00:11:12,690 Man... my past self was so hopeless. 213 00:11:13,370 --> 00:11:17,730 Yae-chan was just so happy when she got Meme-chan. 214 00:11:18,260 --> 00:11:22,030 Whenever I was working, she'd talk to Meme-chan so seriously, 215 00:11:22,380 --> 00:11:26,540 as if it was her only friend. 216 00:11:26,920 --> 00:11:28,160 Huh... 217 00:11:28,160 --> 00:11:30,540 I guess it was actually useful. 218 00:11:31,250 --> 00:11:36,290 I'd always mark the days that you'd be coming over. 219 00:11:37,830 --> 00:11:41,240 Look. This is the day you get to see your daddy. 220 00:11:42,180 --> 00:11:44,440 Yae-chan would always get so excited 221 00:11:44,440 --> 00:11:46,810 when the circled days were getting closer. 222 00:11:46,810 --> 00:11:49,770 Ah, I see. 223 00:11:49,770 --> 00:11:53,070 There were days when the boss was randomly in a super good mood. 224 00:11:53,070 --> 00:11:56,140 Looking back, those must've been the days he got to see the little lady. 225 00:11:56,140 --> 00:11:58,740 He... seems to be in a good mood. 226 00:11:58,740 --> 00:12:00,240 I see. 227 00:12:00,240 --> 00:12:03,920 That was the boss's way to show that he was super excited. 228 00:12:03,860 --> 00:12:05,260 {\an8}Smack 229 00:12:04,670 --> 00:12:05,990 Can it. 230 00:12:07,470 --> 00:12:10,510 Here. Let me pour some for you. 231 00:12:10,510 --> 00:12:11,330 Thanks. 232 00:12:17,000 --> 00:12:19,920 It's been a while since you last poured me a drink. 233 00:12:19,920 --> 00:12:24,030 It has. It really takes me back. 234 00:12:26,600 --> 00:12:27,510 What is it? 235 00:12:27,510 --> 00:12:33,450 Do you remember when I poured your drink the first time you came here? 236 00:12:35,260 --> 00:12:40,950 I was so nervous over my sister bringing a guy over, 237 00:12:36,310 --> 00:12:45,110 {\an8}So this is my sister's... 238 00:12:40,820 --> 00:12:45,110 {\an8}splash 239 00:12:40,950 --> 00:12:44,360 and I kept pouring even when your cup was overflowing. 240 00:12:41,570 --> 00:12:45,110 {\an8}Oh, dear. 241 00:12:45,110 --> 00:12:48,620 Wow, that happens to you, too, Kanami-san? 242 00:12:51,040 --> 00:12:53,980 The first time I came to the shop... 243 00:12:54,410 --> 00:12:59,710 {\an8}Inoue 244 00:12:55,060 --> 00:12:59,710 You're such a quick learner, Miyuki-chan. 245 00:12:59,710 --> 00:13:03,900 Oh, no. You're just an excellent teacher, ma'am. 246 00:13:04,340 --> 00:13:06,900 What a great gal. 247 00:13:06,900 --> 00:13:10,160 She's still a student, but she lost her parents, 248 00:13:10,160 --> 00:13:12,570 so she's been coming here from the next town over to work. 249 00:13:12,570 --> 00:13:13,770 Oh, my... really? 250 00:13:14,980 --> 00:13:18,080 That must be very hard. 251 00:13:18,560 --> 00:13:19,520 {\an8}Beam 252 00:13:19,520 --> 00:13:22,820 I get to look at all these pretty flowers while I'm working. 253 00:13:22,820 --> 00:13:25,450 Working at a florist shop is amazing. 254 00:13:25,790 --> 00:13:28,870 Okay, now I just need to move this... 255 00:13:28,870 --> 00:13:30,220 Upsy-daisy. 256 00:13:31,740 --> 00:13:33,130 Oh! I'm sorr— 257 00:13:34,740 --> 00:13:36,980 I'm so sorry! 258 00:13:36,980 --> 00:13:39,290 Is your face okay? 259 00:13:40,150 --> 00:13:42,680 Yeah, I'm fine. 260 00:13:44,260 --> 00:13:49,010 {\an8}The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting 261 00:13:49,310 --> 00:13:51,890 Oh, if it isn't Kazuhiko-kun! 262 00:13:52,340 --> 00:13:54,450 More flowers for arranging today? 263 00:13:54,450 --> 00:13:55,240 Yes. 264 00:13:55,770 --> 00:13:57,320 Let me introduce you two. 265 00:13:57,320 --> 00:14:01,400 This is Miyuki-chan, my new part-timer who started last week. 266 00:14:01,400 --> 00:14:04,480 Kazuhiko-kun is a regular at our shop. 267 00:14:04,480 --> 00:14:09,430 He used to be such a cute little boy, but he's grown up to be so handsome. 268 00:14:09,430 --> 00:14:11,680 Ma'am, we don't need to talk about me. 269 00:14:11,680 --> 00:14:13,810 Oh, no need to be shy! 270 00:14:13,810 --> 00:14:16,380 I'll go wrap your flowers up. Just wait right there. 271 00:14:19,410 --> 00:14:20,210 Can I help you? 272 00:14:20,210 --> 00:14:23,990 No, it's just... You do flower arrangements? 273 00:14:23,990 --> 00:14:24,960 I dabble in it. 274 00:14:24,960 --> 00:14:25,990 That's lovely! 275 00:14:26,290 --> 00:14:30,920 My mother used to do it, and I tried learning, too, 276 00:14:30,920 --> 00:14:32,970 but I just wasn't very good at it. 277 00:14:32,970 --> 00:14:34,650 So I quit. 278 00:14:36,260 --> 00:14:39,270 Did you get any enjoyment from the flowers as you were arranging them? 279 00:14:39,270 --> 00:14:40,870 Yes, of course. 280 00:14:40,870 --> 00:14:42,010 In that case... 281 00:14:42,010 --> 00:14:43,990 It's not a matter of being good or bad at it. 282 00:14:44,420 --> 00:14:48,890 Even if you do it well, there's no point if you're not enjoying it. 283 00:14:49,460 --> 00:14:50,950 Here you go. 284 00:14:50,950 --> 00:14:53,010 Your lisianthus flowers. 285 00:14:53,010 --> 00:14:54,450 I see... 286 00:14:53,330 --> 00:14:54,450 Thank you. 287 00:14:55,600 --> 00:14:56,440 See ya. 288 00:14:56,750 --> 00:14:58,510 Thank you very much! 289 00:14:58,510 --> 00:15:00,170 Thank you. 290 00:15:02,720 --> 00:15:05,520 He was very beautiful. 291 00:15:06,380 --> 00:15:08,760 {\an8}Inoue 292 00:15:06,380 --> 00:15:08,760 {\an8}A Few Days Later 293 00:15:07,290 --> 00:15:08,760 Please teach me! 294 00:15:08,760 --> 00:15:10,680 The secret to flower arranging? 295 00:15:10,680 --> 00:15:16,060 I thought it'd be best to ask someone who deals with flowers every day. 296 00:15:16,680 --> 00:15:20,900 I'm just doing it as a hobby, not every day... 297 00:15:20,900 --> 00:15:24,710 But you understand how amazing flower arranging is! 298 00:15:25,070 --> 00:15:28,690 I want to know how you do it. 299 00:15:28,690 --> 00:15:30,070 Please! 300 00:15:31,630 --> 00:15:33,540 If you don't mind my methods... 301 00:15:33,900 --> 00:15:35,700 Thank you! 302 00:15:35,700 --> 00:15:37,930 Do you have time tomorrow? 303 00:15:37,930 --> 00:15:42,000 I'd feel bad making you fit it into my work schedule. 304 00:15:42,000 --> 00:15:44,680 Above all, I want to talk with you as long as I can. 305 00:15:45,300 --> 00:15:47,130 That's fine with me. 306 00:15:47,130 --> 00:15:49,140 It's settled, then! 307 00:15:50,130 --> 00:15:52,650 Here's my contact information. 308 00:15:53,550 --> 00:15:55,970 I'll be looking forward to tomorrow. 309 00:15:56,810 --> 00:15:57,810 Right... 310 00:16:01,870 --> 00:16:05,650 Miyuki-chan, you're more forward than I thought. 311 00:16:05,650 --> 00:16:06,640 Huh? 312 00:16:06,640 --> 00:16:11,150 Don't play dumb with me. I saw you ask Kazuhiko-kun out on a date. 313 00:16:11,150 --> 00:16:16,600 Oh, that's not it at all. He's just going to teach me about flowers. 314 00:16:16,320 --> 00:16:17,910 {\an8}Jeez. 315 00:16:16,600 --> 00:16:17,230 Jeez. 316 00:16:17,230 --> 00:16:21,410 No need to be embarrassed! I'll be rooting for you. 317 00:16:21,410 --> 00:16:24,440 Rooting for me? A date? 318 00:16:22,710 --> 00:16:25,040 {\an8}Date 319 00:16:27,250 --> 00:16:30,420 {\an8}Date 320 00:16:27,450 --> 00:16:28,770 A date?! 321 00:16:28,770 --> 00:16:30,420 What's the matter, Onee-chan? 322 00:16:30,420 --> 00:16:35,260 {\an8}Fuyutsuki Café 323 00:16:30,420 --> 00:16:35,260 {\an8}Fuyutsuki Café 324 00:16:31,230 --> 00:16:35,260 Thank you so much for making time for me today. 325 00:16:35,260 --> 00:16:38,650 I just invited you out of the blue yesterday... 326 00:16:38,650 --> 00:16:42,000 It's fine. I was bored anyway. 327 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:44,600 I see. That's good to hear. 328 00:16:46,520 --> 00:16:48,820 {\an8}Only for a limited time 329 00:16:49,460 --> 00:16:51,030 Order whatever you'd like. 330 00:16:51,820 --> 00:16:55,350 Oh, no! I'm the one who invited you, so I'll pay! 331 00:16:55,350 --> 00:16:56,390 It's fine. 332 00:16:56,390 --> 00:16:59,370 Don't worry. I actually have money from work... 333 00:16:59,370 --> 00:17:02,530 Everyone knows the man pays in these situations. 334 00:17:02,530 --> 00:17:04,330 Huh? I didn't know that. 335 00:17:04,890 --> 00:17:07,980 You didn't... Well, whatever. 336 00:17:07,980 --> 00:17:09,490 Can I take your order? 337 00:17:09,490 --> 00:17:11,430 I'd like a caffè latte. 338 00:17:11,430 --> 00:17:13,010 One black coffee and one caffè latte. 339 00:17:13,010 --> 00:17:16,380 {\an8}Only for a limited time 340 00:17:13,010 --> 00:17:16,380 {\an8}Strawberry Parfait 341 00:17:13,460 --> 00:17:16,380 Also, will this strawberry parfait work for you? 342 00:17:16,380 --> 00:17:18,240 Huh? But... 343 00:17:18,240 --> 00:17:19,510 You don't have to hold back. 344 00:17:21,000 --> 00:17:23,520 Er, in that case... Thank you very much. 345 00:17:24,880 --> 00:17:29,370 The way he talks is stern, but he's really nice. 346 00:17:30,280 --> 00:17:33,960 Also, was I that obvious? 347 00:17:46,070 --> 00:17:47,900 Thank you for waiting. 348 00:17:52,610 --> 00:17:55,340 Um, may I eat this? 349 00:17:55,340 --> 00:17:56,340 Yes. 350 00:18:02,000 --> 00:18:03,220 I'm so happy. 351 00:18:04,270 --> 00:18:06,640 The last time I got to eat a parfait at a café 352 00:18:06,640 --> 00:18:09,760 was when my parents were still alive. 353 00:18:09,760 --> 00:18:13,990 It's sweet, nostalgic... and very delicious. 354 00:18:15,050 --> 00:18:16,280 Still alive... 355 00:18:16,280 --> 00:18:20,930 But I feel bad eating this without my little sister... 356 00:18:20,930 --> 00:18:22,500 You have a little sister? 357 00:18:22,500 --> 00:18:26,870 Yes! She's still in middle school, but she's much more responsible than I am. 358 00:18:26,870 --> 00:18:29,120 Does your sister like sweets? 359 00:18:26,870 --> 00:18:29,140 {\an8}Take some home today 360 00:18:26,870 --> 00:18:29,140 {\an8}Muffins Plain | Chocolate Berry & Cream Cheese 350 yen each 361 00:18:29,120 --> 00:18:30,130 She does, yeah. 362 00:18:31,090 --> 00:18:35,880 This café sells baked goods for takeout, so why not take some home? 363 00:18:36,620 --> 00:18:39,830 Then you might not feel so guilty. 364 00:18:41,560 --> 00:18:43,260 Thank you very much! 365 00:18:45,760 --> 00:18:49,120 I'm so sorry... You even walked me home. 366 00:18:49,460 --> 00:18:52,110 I just felt like doing it. Don't worry about it. 367 00:18:52,570 --> 00:18:55,000 Today was a lot of fun. 368 00:18:55,000 --> 00:18:58,440 I've never been on such a lovely date before... 369 00:18:59,520 --> 00:19:01,420 Oh, no! I'm sorry! I didn't mean that! 370 00:19:01,420 --> 00:19:04,250 The owner and Kanami kept calling it a date, so I just... 371 00:19:04,250 --> 00:19:06,950 I just wanted to learn about flowers... 372 00:19:06,950 --> 00:19:08,620 Wait... Huh? 373 00:19:08,620 --> 00:19:12,220 Oh, no! I meant to ask you about flowers today, 374 00:19:12,220 --> 00:19:15,420 but totally forgot and just had fun instead. 375 00:19:15,420 --> 00:19:16,910 I'm so sorry! 376 00:19:18,860 --> 00:19:23,600 I had a feeling, but I guess you really did forget. 377 00:19:25,190 --> 00:19:26,930 Today was fun. 378 00:19:27,470 --> 00:19:28,930 He smiled. 379 00:19:29,680 --> 00:19:34,730 I'm always in town, so let me know if you ever need anything. 380 00:19:35,840 --> 00:19:38,110 I'll talk to you about flowers anytime. 381 00:19:37,400 --> 00:19:39,740 {\an8}Sakuragi Family First Lieutenant Sakuragi Kazuhiko 382 00:19:43,150 --> 00:19:47,040 Can we... go to the café again sometime? 383 00:19:47,920 --> 00:19:49,790 The strawberry parfait was delicious, 384 00:19:50,540 --> 00:19:53,620 and I wanted to talk to you more. 385 00:19:55,630 --> 00:19:58,370 Oh, and if we could talk about flowers, too... 386 00:20:00,060 --> 00:20:03,760 Sure. I'll take you anytime. 387 00:20:06,220 --> 00:20:07,760 Yum! 388 00:20:07,760 --> 00:20:09,890 {\an8}Fuyutsuki Café 389 00:20:08,160 --> 00:20:11,160 You should have some, Onee-chan, before they're all gone. 390 00:20:11,160 --> 00:20:13,100 I already ate, so I'm fine. 391 00:20:13,830 --> 00:20:18,400 It's almost a waste to eat them. Today's a great day! 392 00:20:19,360 --> 00:20:20,550 It really is. 393 00:20:21,440 --> 00:20:23,150 Would you like some more? 394 00:20:24,640 --> 00:20:25,780 Sure. 395 00:20:27,230 --> 00:20:28,660 You know... 396 00:20:28,660 --> 00:20:32,040 Seeing the three of you eating here together... 397 00:20:32,910 --> 00:20:34,580 is making me a little emotional. 398 00:20:37,370 --> 00:20:39,810 You'd come here with my sister, 399 00:20:40,270 --> 00:20:43,130 Aoi-kun would drag Toru-kun here, 400 00:20:43,990 --> 00:20:46,550 and Yae-chan lived here. 401 00:20:47,660 --> 00:20:51,320 Ever since my sister's accident, we've all technically been together, 402 00:20:51,320 --> 00:20:55,810 but it somehow felt like we got torn apart, so I was lonely. 403 00:20:56,470 --> 00:20:57,680 Kanami-san... 404 00:20:58,330 --> 00:21:04,650 That's why I was really happy when Yae-chan went to see my sister in the hospital. 405 00:21:04,650 --> 00:21:05,410 Huh? 406 00:21:06,640 --> 00:21:10,080 When Yae-chan came to see my sister... 407 00:21:10,790 --> 00:21:14,100 It was coincidental, but then I got to see Aoi-kun, 408 00:21:14,100 --> 00:21:16,420 and it felt like our hearts were together again. 409 00:21:17,180 --> 00:21:22,170 And now you three are sitting here together and eating. 410 00:21:22,910 --> 00:21:25,470 That just makes me so happy. 411 00:21:26,070 --> 00:21:28,970 This is all thanks to you, Yae-chan. 412 00:21:30,090 --> 00:21:31,580 Kanami-chan, 413 00:21:31,580 --> 00:21:34,770 the rolled omelets are really yummy today. 414 00:21:34,770 --> 00:21:39,270 I'm glad to hear it! But I didn't make them any differently than usual. 415 00:21:40,030 --> 00:21:44,620 I used to eat your rolled omelets here all the time, 416 00:21:45,030 --> 00:21:47,840 and those were really yummy. 417 00:21:48,830 --> 00:21:52,000 But Kirishima and Daddy are here today, 418 00:21:52,000 --> 00:21:53,500 so it tastes even better. 419 00:21:56,710 --> 00:22:00,390 Yeah... All of us being together is the best. 420 00:23:34,970 --> 00:23:40,280 {\an8}The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting 421 00:23:35,010 --> 00:23:40,470 Next Time: A Bad Person