1 00:01:23,793 --> 00:01:24,961 Don't go. 2 00:02:11,680 --> 00:02:14,519 I never properly told you. 3 00:02:15,855 --> 00:02:17,692 I already know. 4 00:02:59,879 --> 00:03:01,883 AUGUST 1, 2020 5 00:03:01,907 --> 00:03:03,911 SHINJUKU 6 00:03:04,328 --> 00:03:07,919 Ah... with that, it ends. 7 00:03:07,919 --> 00:03:11,635 Too bad my youth wasn't more like that... 8 00:03:12,094 --> 00:03:15,893 Okay! Now that I've seen my favorite manga to the end... 9 00:03:16,227 --> 00:03:17,396 It's about time... 10 00:03:18,858 --> 00:03:20,653 ...I end myself! 11 00:03:27,626 --> 00:03:28,460 Hey. 12 00:03:31,174 --> 00:03:32,552 That's dangerous. 13 00:03:35,558 --> 00:03:40,442 I just... wanted a shot at a passionate romance like the one in this manga! 14 00:03:42,906 --> 00:03:46,162 But thanks to this body, that'll never happen... 15 00:03:48,041 --> 00:03:49,335 That's why I've got to die. 16 00:03:49,544 --> 00:03:50,755 Don't mess with me. 17 00:03:55,807 --> 00:03:57,101 Listen! 18 00:03:57,769 --> 00:04:00,107 If you touch my body... 19 00:04:00,148 --> 00:04:03,488 You'll, uh... contract an incurable disease... 20 00:04:03,656 --> 00:04:04,700 ...and die! 21 00:04:06,327 --> 00:04:07,162 I mean it! 22 00:04:08,708 --> 00:04:10,920 I've got nothing good to live for with a body like this. 23 00:04:12,256 --> 00:04:13,091 That's why I've got to die. 24 00:04:14,970 --> 00:04:15,387 "Blsh"? 25 00:04:17,015 --> 00:04:17,767 Huh? 26 00:04:22,109 --> 00:04:23,236 How did this happen? 27 00:04:23,863 --> 00:04:25,616 Huh? Did I do that? 28 00:04:27,996 --> 00:04:32,964 A deadly disease transmitted by touch? Never heard of it! 29 00:04:33,006 --> 00:04:34,509 Sick! 30 00:04:35,218 --> 00:04:38,934 Suicides nowadays have been gettin' kinda stale, y'know! 31 00:04:40,353 --> 00:04:43,026 Well? My hand was all over ya. 32 00:04:46,282 --> 00:04:51,000 What's gonna happen? Where's it gonna hurt? The outside? Maybe from within? 33 00:04:52,002 --> 00:04:52,796 It's coming. 34 00:04:53,088 --> 00:04:53,631 Wuzzat? 35 00:04:54,048 --> 00:04:55,050 My unluck! 36 00:04:56,344 --> 00:04:57,012 Huh? 37 00:05:06,113 --> 00:05:07,407 I'm so... sorry. 38 00:05:09,286 --> 00:05:10,790 I've done it again. 39 00:05:11,667 --> 00:05:14,171 I've dragged another person into this. 40 00:05:14,798 --> 00:05:17,637 And it's all because I took too long to do it. 41 00:05:23,566 --> 00:05:24,275 Hey. 42 00:05:30,078 --> 00:05:32,207 Now I get it! 43 00:05:32,457 --> 00:05:35,380 That "disease" stuff is just a front to protect others! 44 00:05:35,673 --> 00:05:38,721 What? The head of that guy from earlier? 45 00:05:41,142 --> 00:05:42,185 Sick! 46 00:05:46,402 --> 00:05:49,784 This means you're... on this side. 47 00:05:50,536 --> 00:05:53,249 H-His body... is repairing itself? 48 00:06:03,938 --> 00:06:06,610 Looks like today's my lucky day. 49 00:06:10,408 --> 00:06:12,496 No! 50 00:06:12,914 --> 00:06:14,751 It's a zombie! 51 00:06:17,172 --> 00:06:19,511 Z-Zombie! 52 00:06:22,391 --> 00:06:26,775 Why you... don't you dare... 53 00:06:26,900 --> 00:06:28,486 ...lump me in with those rotting meat sacks! 54 00:06:29,948 --> 00:06:32,369 I'm... undead! 55 00:06:35,751 --> 00:06:39,300 Hate to cut to the chase, but I've got a few questions for ya. 56 00:06:39,634 --> 00:06:43,349 Pretty sure I heard you say back there your "unluck" was coming, right? 57 00:06:47,734 --> 00:06:50,990 Can't stick around here any longer. Gotta move. 58 00:06:50,990 --> 00:06:51,992 Y'better hold on. 59 00:06:52,325 --> 00:06:52,994 Huh? 60 00:06:57,085 --> 00:06:58,630 Stop! 61 00:06:58,881 --> 00:07:01,720 Scary! So scary! No! 62 00:07:05,811 --> 00:07:09,318 How didja like leaping from building to building like that, eh? 63 00:07:09,443 --> 00:07:14,621 Just so y'know, I regenerated my torn-off legs at high speeds and used the momentum to... 64 00:07:15,539 --> 00:07:17,668 Whatever he is, I need to get out of here! 65 00:07:22,135 --> 00:07:23,972 Where do you think you're going? 66 00:07:23,972 --> 00:07:26,937 I've still got questions. You're not going anywhere. 67 00:07:27,187 --> 00:07:29,483 You're touching my leg! 68 00:07:29,483 --> 00:07:32,990 You'll trigger my unluck again! Let go of me! 69 00:07:33,867 --> 00:07:37,207 I should be A-OK if I only touch your clothes, yeah? 70 00:07:37,415 --> 00:07:40,631 Wh-Whatever, just let me go! 71 00:07:41,132 --> 00:07:43,595 Sure, I don't mind, but it's a long way down. 72 00:07:46,601 --> 00:07:47,687 When did we get here? 73 00:07:47,937 --> 00:07:52,195 Explain this so-called unluck, and I'll help you. Deal? 74 00:07:54,158 --> 00:07:58,332 F-Forget it! I was planning on dying today anyway! 75 00:07:58,332 --> 00:08:01,130 Your threats don't scare me one bit! 76 00:08:06,473 --> 00:08:07,392 Hold on! 77 00:08:08,060 --> 00:08:10,398 Fall... I'm gonna fall! 78 00:08:10,733 --> 00:08:13,112 Okay, I really am scared! 79 00:08:13,487 --> 00:08:17,955 I'll talk! I'll talk, I said! 80 00:08:26,806 --> 00:08:27,349 Now spill it. 81 00:08:34,822 --> 00:08:36,576 It started ten years ago. 82 00:08:42,087 --> 00:08:44,676 I was only eight years old. 83 00:08:44,759 --> 00:08:46,930 My parents were heading overseas on business and I was seeing them off. 2010 84 00:08:46,930 --> 00:08:48,934 My parents were heading overseas on business and I was seeing them off. TOKYO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 85 00:08:50,688 --> 00:08:56,407 They said they'd be gone for a week. So they hugged me a whole bunch before they left. 86 00:09:06,845 --> 00:09:08,682 About half an hour later... 87 00:09:12,480 --> 00:09:14,359 Their plane encountered unexpected engine trouble. 88 00:09:15,236 --> 00:09:17,825 All 270 people aboard, including my parents... 89 00:09:18,869 --> 00:09:19,912 ...died. 90 00:09:23,419 --> 00:09:26,509 It was then I learned, although the degree of it varies... 91 00:09:26,509 --> 00:09:30,559 ...that people who touch me end up getting hurt. 92 00:09:32,103 --> 00:09:36,403 That's how I figured out I caused what happened to Mom and Dad. 93 00:09:37,155 --> 00:09:38,909 And since then, I've been covering my bare skin to- 94 00:09:39,994 --> 00:09:42,499 So you're saying the biggest strokes of unluck... 95 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:44,921 ...hit when you get hugged, right? 96 00:09:45,881 --> 00:09:48,386 Hold on! What are you- Were you even listening? 97 00:09:48,386 --> 00:09:51,225 Oh, I was listenin'. Now I'm testing it out. 98 00:09:51,225 --> 00:09:54,272 Let go of me! And why are you copping a feel? 99 00:09:54,314 --> 00:09:56,485 ‘Cuz... it needs direct contact, right? 100 00:09:56,485 --> 00:09:58,280 That's no excuse! 101 00:10:06,673 --> 00:10:08,760 Need to run while I still can! 102 00:10:10,848 --> 00:10:12,350 You lying little brat! 103 00:10:12,350 --> 00:10:14,146 This ain't gonna cut it at all! 104 00:10:16,526 --> 00:10:17,653 Huh? 105 00:10:17,653 --> 00:10:20,032 No! 106 00:10:21,160 --> 00:10:21,745 Hmm? 107 00:10:22,287 --> 00:10:23,372 Really? Seriously? 108 00:10:23,874 --> 00:10:27,422 My entire life is over... because I slipped on a banana peel? 109 00:10:28,007 --> 00:10:30,052 I never got to experience anything! 110 00:10:30,470 --> 00:10:32,474 Fashion! Love! 111 00:10:32,474 --> 00:10:36,023 I didn't even get to do anything girly... not a single thing! 112 00:10:46,544 --> 00:10:48,715 No...! Not like this! 113 00:10:50,134 --> 00:10:52,430 I'm not ready! Not yet! 114 00:11:06,584 --> 00:11:08,045 You dummy. 115 00:11:08,588 --> 00:11:10,299 No way I'm lettin' you die. 116 00:11:11,218 --> 00:11:13,305 - Not now that I've finally found it. - Huh? 117 00:11:13,557 --> 00:11:16,813 The power... that'll give me a real death! 118 00:11:16,813 --> 00:11:18,942 There's a rule you tried to hide from me back there. 119 00:11:19,735 --> 00:11:23,994 If I figure it out, then I can make an even bigger stroke of unluck happen, yeah? 120 00:11:26,331 --> 00:11:28,962 And maybe the greatest stroke of unluck you've got... 121 00:11:28,962 --> 00:11:33,178 ...can finally snuff out my ridiculously long life! 122 00:11:33,763 --> 00:11:35,809 Now this party's gettin' started! 123 00:11:35,809 --> 00:11:40,151 Time to head back to my hideout and figure out this unluck ability! 124 00:11:40,527 --> 00:11:44,242 Yes. He appears to be en route to his hideout with the new breed. 125 00:11:46,914 --> 00:11:47,958 Roger that. 126 00:11:48,459 --> 00:11:51,298 We will apprehend her after confirming her ability. 127 00:12:00,945 --> 00:12:05,203 How long I touch you correlates to the size of your unluck! 128 00:12:05,871 --> 00:12:07,708 Next up: surface area! 129 00:12:08,710 --> 00:12:12,342 Take off your clothes! I'm gonna try clinging to as wide an area of your body as I... 130 00:12:12,467 --> 00:12:13,302 ...can. 131 00:12:16,893 --> 00:12:18,522 Where do you think you're going? 132 00:12:18,605 --> 00:12:20,233 There's no way I'm stripping for you! 133 00:12:20,400 --> 00:12:22,989 Please, just give this up already! 134 00:12:23,072 --> 00:12:26,830 This is all because you're hidin' the rules in the first place! 135 00:12:26,830 --> 00:12:30,002 How is this my fault? I just didn't want to tell you! 136 00:12:30,002 --> 00:12:31,631 C'mon, it's fine! No big deal! 137 00:12:31,798 --> 00:12:33,467 It's a big deal to my heart! 138 00:12:52,798 --> 00:12:53,592 Helluva mane. 139 00:12:58,810 --> 00:13:00,689 He's seen it all! 140 00:13:00,689 --> 00:13:04,781 I can't help it! No one's able to cut it for me! 141 00:13:05,198 --> 00:13:09,247 Any hairstylist would just end up dead! 142 00:13:19,309 --> 00:13:21,230 Wh-What are you doing? 143 00:13:21,230 --> 00:13:25,029 Don't move. As long as I'm touching you, no unluck'll come my way. 144 00:13:25,029 --> 00:13:26,448 I'll wrap this up in the meantime. 145 00:13:26,448 --> 00:13:28,912 But once you let go, all the unluck will hit at once and... 146 00:13:28,912 --> 00:13:30,916 Who are you worrying about? 147 00:13:31,375 --> 00:13:33,379 I'm undead, you know. 148 00:13:36,051 --> 00:13:37,888 Were you a stylist before? 149 00:13:38,222 --> 00:13:39,767 Ages ago. 150 00:13:43,567 --> 00:13:44,735 You're all set. 151 00:13:44,902 --> 00:13:47,156 Pretty good for my first time in a while, eh? 152 00:13:47,156 --> 00:13:49,662 Really? For real? 153 00:13:49,662 --> 00:13:52,835 Quit being all shy and take a look in the mirror. 154 00:13:59,306 --> 00:14:00,057 See? 155 00:14:03,397 --> 00:14:06,738 Oh, um... thank you. 156 00:14:07,907 --> 00:14:11,330 All righty! I was holdin' on to you for 15 minutes! 157 00:14:11,330 --> 00:14:13,627 This one's bound to be a whopper, right? 158 00:14:15,338 --> 00:14:16,340 How should I know? 159 00:14:22,393 --> 00:14:27,529 Much obliged... "Unluck", Miss Fuko Izumo. 160 00:14:27,529 --> 00:14:30,869 Thanks to you... he let down his guard. 161 00:14:31,411 --> 00:14:32,455 Who are you people? 162 00:14:33,290 --> 00:14:34,250 Hold that thought. 163 00:14:35,461 --> 00:14:38,467 We'll contain Undead in this special capsule first, as per protocol. 164 00:14:40,429 --> 00:14:42,851 Now he won't be able to regenerate. 165 00:14:42,851 --> 00:14:43,979 Why would you do- 166 00:14:46,400 --> 00:14:47,778 Aren't you guys on my side? 167 00:14:47,778 --> 00:14:50,116 Your side? Us? 168 00:14:50,116 --> 00:14:52,078 Surely you must be joking. 169 00:14:53,205 --> 00:14:57,213 Our job is to police any unselected Negators, such as yourselves... 170 00:14:57,213 --> 00:15:00,554 ...or any UMAs that throw the world into chaos. 171 00:15:00,762 --> 00:15:02,265 What's he talking about? 172 00:15:04,603 --> 00:15:06,733 Still, your ability is quite incredible. 173 00:15:07,108 --> 00:15:10,448 You negate the luck of whoever touches you, and kill them. 174 00:15:10,448 --> 00:15:13,245 An ability perfectly suited for murder. 175 00:15:13,663 --> 00:15:17,629 However, touching you through cloth keeps one perfectly safe. 176 00:15:17,629 --> 00:15:20,384 Your weakness is that once its conditions are known, it's easy to counter it. 177 00:15:22,639 --> 00:15:25,144 You want to do something with my power? 178 00:15:26,856 --> 00:15:29,570 Well, given that we can utilize it... 179 00:15:29,820 --> 00:15:32,743 What use is there besides killing? 180 00:15:34,663 --> 00:15:37,711 I'm certain Undead captured you for that very reason. 181 00:15:37,920 --> 00:15:38,671 Huh? 182 00:15:38,838 --> 00:15:42,721 After all, you'd be quite the ferocious weapon if you bent to his will. 183 00:15:42,721 --> 00:15:44,432 Y-You're wrong! 184 00:15:45,184 --> 00:15:48,691 We may have just met today, but he... 185 00:15:48,691 --> 00:15:52,406 ...only used my unluck on himself so that only he could die. 186 00:15:52,699 --> 00:15:54,244 Don't think that he's anything like you! 187 00:15:54,244 --> 00:15:56,791 Compared to you guys, that zombie- 188 00:15:57,668 --> 00:16:00,047 I'd advise you to watch your mouth. 189 00:16:00,381 --> 00:16:03,721 I don't mind disposing of you, instead of capturing. 190 00:16:03,972 --> 00:16:08,355 Th-The zombie... didn't have any gloves on. 191 00:16:08,355 --> 00:16:10,819 He touched me... without an ounce of fear... 192 00:16:12,823 --> 00:16:14,535 I'm so sorry, zombie... 193 00:16:14,535 --> 00:16:19,670 This is because you cut my hair. But I'm so grateful you did. 194 00:16:19,670 --> 00:16:22,466 Thank you so much, Zombie. 195 00:16:30,859 --> 00:16:33,322 A lightning bolt? Is this part of her unluck as well? 196 00:16:33,322 --> 00:16:36,328 No... the activation requirements haven't been met. 197 00:16:36,746 --> 00:16:39,375 Perhaps... it was a stroke of his own unluck. 198 00:16:39,668 --> 00:16:40,587 He's wrong. 199 00:16:40,962 --> 00:16:42,215 That was no fluke. 200 00:16:43,258 --> 00:16:44,093 Zombie! 201 00:16:49,980 --> 00:16:51,567 Intel says guns are ineffective. 202 00:16:51,567 --> 00:16:53,487 Attack him all at once and cut him down. 203 00:16:53,487 --> 00:16:56,201 He may be undead, but he's an amateur when it comes to combat! 204 00:16:56,577 --> 00:16:57,746 Roger that, sir! 205 00:16:57,996 --> 00:17:01,587 Amateur, eh? Maybe now... 206 00:17:02,923 --> 00:17:04,425 But the past is a different story! 207 00:17:04,843 --> 00:17:07,014 Usually, I don't have enough space for it all. 208 00:17:07,014 --> 00:17:09,143 So I put a cork in my brain... 209 00:17:09,143 --> 00:17:11,899 ...to keep 100 years' worth of memories bottled up! 210 00:17:21,585 --> 00:17:23,213 Otherwise... 211 00:17:25,510 --> 00:17:27,848 I'd go off the rails! 212 00:17:32,774 --> 00:17:37,199 Now I get it. Getting my noggin sliced off wasn't your unluck's doing. 213 00:17:38,452 --> 00:17:41,667 The unluck for the haircut was that lightning bolt. 214 00:17:45,382 --> 00:17:48,848 Guess I need to test for time-lag gimmicks. 215 00:17:49,223 --> 00:17:50,476 Zombie... 216 00:17:50,769 --> 00:17:57,406 So you're not simply an undead... but skills you cultivated through your long life are also your weapons? 217 00:17:57,406 --> 00:18:01,039 More or less. I've been alive a hell of a lot longer than any of you. 218 00:18:01,039 --> 00:18:01,707 Indeed. 219 00:18:03,335 --> 00:18:06,424 In response, I will have to implement a rather underhanded measure. 220 00:18:07,594 --> 00:18:10,474 Hand over your head-without regenerating. 221 00:18:10,474 --> 00:18:13,438 Fail to comply and I'll cut her head off instead. 222 00:18:13,438 --> 00:18:15,317 You'll what? That's meaningless! 223 00:18:15,317 --> 00:18:16,695 Oh, I believe there is meaning. 224 00:18:18,908 --> 00:18:21,664 He seems to have quite a lot of stock in you, after all. 225 00:18:22,164 --> 00:18:24,837 What? You're not gonna fight? 226 00:18:24,837 --> 00:18:27,509 Man, just when I thought it'd be fun to take you on. 227 00:18:30,139 --> 00:18:31,182 What are you doing? 228 00:18:31,349 --> 00:18:35,065 "What"? I'm cuttin' off my head to save your neck. 229 00:18:35,065 --> 00:18:39,031 I-I can see that, but then you'll end up captured, too! 230 00:18:39,031 --> 00:18:39,950 Guess I will, eh? 231 00:18:39,950 --> 00:18:41,537 Then stop! Don't do it! 232 00:18:42,037 --> 00:18:47,799 I can't take it anymore... People around me getting hurt... dying... 233 00:18:48,509 --> 00:18:51,515 Even if it's you, who can't die... 234 00:18:52,266 --> 00:18:55,439 So, please, just forget about me! Don't worry... 235 00:18:55,690 --> 00:18:56,483 Wuzzat? 236 00:18:56,609 --> 00:18:58,236 Listen to what I'm saying! 237 00:18:58,696 --> 00:19:00,115 Enough. 238 00:19:00,115 --> 00:19:03,038 I don't give a crap about your opinions. 239 00:19:03,790 --> 00:19:09,300 I had fun today. If I ever see ya again down the road, let's party up! 240 00:19:10,135 --> 00:19:11,764 The truth is, I do know... 241 00:19:14,268 --> 00:19:16,941 ...the way to trigger the biggest stroke of unluck. 242 00:19:20,197 --> 00:19:22,284 This might not go well, but... 243 00:19:32,388 --> 00:19:34,350 What... did you just do? 244 00:19:34,685 --> 00:19:38,400 Nothing special. Just thought it was nice. 245 00:19:38,901 --> 00:19:41,574 To be able to cast all worries aside and touch someone! 246 00:19:41,949 --> 00:19:44,287 Here it comes! My unluck! 247 00:19:44,538 --> 00:19:45,623 What are you babbling- 248 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:48,336 Now I get it. 249 00:19:49,046 --> 00:19:49,965 Run for it! 250 00:19:50,090 --> 00:19:50,925 Okay! 251 00:19:52,846 --> 00:19:54,641 Sorry, bud. 252 00:19:54,933 --> 00:19:56,604 We got you beat. 253 00:19:56,687 --> 00:19:57,438 When you ran into me... 254 00:19:58,566 --> 00:20:02,323 ...and her, your luck ran out! 255 00:20:04,118 --> 00:20:06,540 Sick! Wicked sick! 256 00:20:24,745 --> 00:20:25,872 Zombie... 257 00:20:32,928 --> 00:20:34,347 Hot damn. 258 00:20:37,813 --> 00:20:41,027 I've never taken a meteorite to the face till just now. 259 00:20:41,277 --> 00:20:42,488 Zombie! 260 00:20:42,698 --> 00:20:45,452 I ain't no zombie. I'm undead. 261 00:20:46,496 --> 00:20:50,337 Good assist back there. That was some nice unluck. 262 00:20:52,299 --> 00:20:54,053 Well, I'm not sure I'd call it nice. 263 00:21:01,569 --> 00:21:05,577 TO BE CONTINUED 264 00:21:05,910 --> 00:21:11,756 U-Um, I'm Fuko Izumo! What's your name? 265 00:21:12,006 --> 00:21:15,179 Don't remember. Undead's good enough, ain't it? 266 00:21:15,179 --> 00:21:19,688 Not at all! I guess... I'll have to name you, then! 267 00:21:23,529 --> 00:21:26,577 Andy! Because you're "ahn-dead"! 268 00:21:28,581 --> 00:21:29,792 Whatever floats your boat. 269 00:21:31,211 --> 00:21:32,046 Yup! 270 00:21:33,758 --> 00:21:36,221 Still, a kiss did all this, huh? 271 00:21:36,555 --> 00:21:37,473 Uh-huh. 272 00:21:39,352 --> 00:21:41,565 Guess next we gotta have ***. 273 00:21:46,826 --> 00:21:48,453 What're you runnin' for? 274 00:21:50,875 --> 00:21:53,213 "Undead" Andy. 275 00:21:55,718 --> 00:21:58,181 "Unluck" Fuko Izumo. 276 00:21:58,724 --> 00:22:00,394 C'mon, I know you're curious, too! 277 00:22:00,895 --> 00:22:05,947 This is the story of their quest for the greatest death ever. 278 00:22:12,878 --> 00:22:17,888 UNDEAD AND UNLUCK 279 00:23:35,960 --> 00:23:37,379 PREVIEW 280 00:23:37,463 --> 00:23:40,762 A girl seemingly finds her place in her world. 281 00:23:40,762 --> 00:23:43,642 However, the next shadow pushes her repose further away. 282 00:23:44,435 --> 00:23:48,401 Next episode of Undead Unluck, Episode 2-Union. 283 00:23:48,652 --> 00:23:50,865 In search of the greatest death ever.