1 00:00:12,441 --> 00:00:14,571 1970 2 00:00:14,571 --> 00:00:17,827 UNION ISOLATION FACILITY, ROOM 1859 3 00:02:22,952 --> 00:02:24,706 2020 4 00:02:24,706 --> 00:02:26,459 AUGUST 4TH 5 00:02:26,459 --> 00:02:28,213 LATE NIGHT 6 00:02:51,217 --> 00:02:54,641 Whaddaya think? This yacht handles like a dream, right? 7 00:02:56,895 --> 00:03:01,822 This baby’s souped up, so we’ll reach Vladivostok in no ti- 8 00:03:02,322 --> 00:03:03,742 What the heck are you doing? 9 00:03:04,034 --> 00:03:06,582 Didn’t you hear what that guy said? 10 00:03:06,748 --> 00:03:10,506 Of course, there will be people hunting you along the way. 11 00:03:10,506 --> 00:03:13,177 Here’s hoping you both make it over there in one piece. 12 00:03:13,721 --> 00:03:16,309 About how they’ll be hunting us the entire way there... 13 00:03:17,812 --> 00:03:19,106 So what? 14 00:03:19,440 --> 00:03:22,362 This is my boat! Come out and enjoy the ride! 15 00:03:22,362 --> 00:03:24,534 No! I’m scared! 16 00:03:24,534 --> 00:03:27,372 We could be attacked at any moment! 17 00:03:27,582 --> 00:03:31,590 Quit bein’ a buzzkill. Even if that does happen, a little partying on deck ain’t gonna kill y- 18 00:03:31,590 --> 00:03:32,257 Huh? 19 00:03:33,677 --> 00:03:34,929 See, I told you! 20 00:03:34,929 --> 00:03:37,309 Tch! Couldn’t even get one drink in, huh? 21 00:03:39,564 --> 00:03:40,900 But man, they’re such lousy shots! 22 00:03:45,951 --> 00:03:47,914 If they keep this up, it’ll be smooth sailing to Russia! 23 00:03:48,164 --> 00:03:51,922 Are you kidding me? This boat’s sure to get blasted to pieces! 24 00:03:51,922 --> 00:03:54,594 If that happens, we can blow outta here with your unluck! 25 00:03:54,594 --> 00:03:57,767 My unluck doesn’t conveniently work like that! 26 00:03:57,767 --> 00:03:59,228 It’s all about how you use it! 27 00:04:01,023 --> 00:04:04,154 My Undead ability isn’t just about death prevention! 28 00:04:06,283 --> 00:04:09,666 If I cut a part of my body nearly off and make it grow back in place... 29 00:04:09,958 --> 00:04:11,168 ...it becomes a weapon! 30 00:04:12,755 --> 00:04:14,425 Parts Bullet Fist! 31 00:04:19,519 --> 00:04:20,980 Y-You did it! 32 00:04:21,230 --> 00:04:23,276 Does this mean we’re in the Union? 33 00:04:23,276 --> 00:04:27,618 Say what? Weren’t you listenin’ to what that brat was sayin’? 34 00:04:28,077 --> 00:04:31,333 We’ve gotta kill the person with the Emblem on ‘em. 35 00:04:31,835 --> 00:04:32,754 Emblem? 36 00:04:35,509 --> 00:04:39,308 Those two goons from the other day had gold marks on ‘em. 37 00:04:39,934 --> 00:04:44,109 I’m guessing that’s the Emblem the ten members wear. 38 00:04:44,109 --> 00:04:47,282 And I’ve got a clue as to who’s got them. 39 00:04:47,282 --> 00:04:49,411 Three people off the top of my head, in fact. 40 00:04:49,411 --> 00:04:52,710 First is the maker of this indestructible katana that I swiped. 41 00:04:52,710 --> 00:04:54,379 They call ‘im “Unbreakable.” 42 00:04:54,756 --> 00:05:00,601 Second is the engineer-like guy who experimented on me 50 years ago. 43 00:05:00,601 --> 00:05:04,818 And third was the person who nabbed me 50 years ago. 44 00:05:04,818 --> 00:05:07,657 A lady who can create invisible barriers. 45 00:05:07,949 --> 00:05:09,619 Invisible barriers? 46 00:05:10,120 --> 00:05:13,669 Back then, she packed my head into her invisible barrier. 47 00:05:13,669 --> 00:05:17,092 I’m talkin’ real sturdy walls. I was in a tight spot, literally. 48 00:05:17,760 --> 00:05:19,848 I may be Undead, but I’m not Unbeatable. 49 00:05:20,223 --> 00:05:23,564 It’s gonna be a bad matchup if we’re up against that last lady. 50 00:05:25,734 --> 00:05:29,742 I see... so even Zombie has people he’s weak against. 51 00:05:30,368 --> 00:05:32,957 If we end up facing that woman, then... 52 00:05:33,249 --> 00:05:35,378 But I don’t give a crap ‘bout any of that! 53 00:05:35,378 --> 00:05:39,219 No matter who gets in our way, we’re gonna get ourselves to that lake... 54 00:05:39,386 --> 00:05:40,681 ...and kill the mark! 55 00:05:41,348 --> 00:05:44,898 Nothing’s gonna keep us from our goal! 56 00:05:44,898 --> 00:05:48,739 Besides, we’ll be able to make do with your unluck in a clutch. 57 00:05:48,864 --> 00:05:49,364 Wha- 58 00:05:49,448 --> 00:05:51,745 I told you that you can’t rely on my unluck! 59 00:05:51,828 --> 00:05:53,414 That makes it even better. 60 00:05:54,876 --> 00:05:59,051 Guess I’ll have to take the time to get a feel for your rules before things get hairy. 61 00:05:59,343 --> 00:06:03,727 A feel? No way! You’re gonna go all perv on me! 62 00:06:03,727 --> 00:06:04,436 Sure will. 63 00:06:04,478 --> 00:06:05,648 So honest! 64 00:06:05,940 --> 00:06:09,739 I’m telling you now- do that and your likability won’t change a bit! 65 00:06:09,739 --> 00:06:11,952 Oh, I’m sure it will. you’re a pushover, after all. 66 00:06:12,118 --> 00:06:13,371 It will not! 67 00:06:14,289 --> 00:06:15,208 Tee hee! 68 00:06:15,208 --> 00:06:17,838 Right. You just don’t change. 69 00:06:17,838 --> 00:06:19,383 After all, you are... 70 00:06:19,717 --> 00:06:22,848 ...the only man in this world... that I was able to love! 71 00:06:28,442 --> 00:06:29,236 - Huh? - Huh? 72 00:06:31,490 --> 00:06:35,373 I know you’ll be fine, given how you never change. 73 00:06:35,624 --> 00:06:37,920 You’ll make your way back to me! 74 00:06:41,886 --> 00:06:45,894 NO.003 HOW TO USE MY UNLUCK 75 00:06:45,894 --> 00:06:48,859 AUGUST 5TH 76 00:06:49,652 --> 00:06:53,618 That was insane. The hell attacked us? 77 00:06:57,167 --> 00:07:00,591 That’s an awful long trail of air bubbles. 78 00:07:02,803 --> 00:07:05,349 Tch... little brat’s out cold, huh? 79 00:07:05,934 --> 00:07:12,238 If she’s asphyxiating or in cardiac arrest, each minute docks her survival rate by ten percent. 80 00:07:12,573 --> 00:07:13,950 Gotta book it! 81 00:07:14,744 --> 00:07:18,375 Her legs are caught under the wreckage, huh? In that case... 82 00:07:21,966 --> 00:07:25,849 I’ll wedge my arm stumps in here and grow ‘em back all at once! 83 00:07:29,022 --> 00:07:31,736 Great. Now to get topside and... mm? 84 00:07:39,459 --> 00:07:41,965 Good. Cough up all that junk. 85 00:07:43,134 --> 00:07:45,806 Relax, deep breaths. 86 00:07:51,860 --> 00:07:55,283 Huh? Wasn’t I pinned under the boat? 87 00:07:55,449 --> 00:08:01,086 I’ll explain later. We’re about to get caught. Put your hands up. 88 00:08:01,086 --> 00:08:01,754 Huh? 89 00:08:04,467 --> 00:08:06,096 A-An enemy- 90 00:08:06,096 --> 00:08:09,477 Undead! Do you intend to surrender? 91 00:08:09,477 --> 00:08:10,188 You betcha! 92 00:08:10,396 --> 00:08:11,983 Huh? Really? 93 00:08:11,983 --> 00:08:14,029 No, dummy. I’m buying time! 94 00:08:14,530 --> 00:08:15,991 For my little experiment. 95 00:08:17,160 --> 00:08:23,130 This’ll likely help us figure out... whether your unluck can be controlled or not! 96 00:08:25,343 --> 00:08:26,971 Of course it can’t be controlled! 97 00:08:26,971 --> 00:08:28,265 That’s why I have issues in the first place! 98 00:08:28,265 --> 00:08:31,814 You can’t control it at will. But I’ve got a hypothesis goin’. 99 00:08:31,814 --> 00:08:32,566 Huh? 100 00:08:32,900 --> 00:08:37,033 All your previous strokes of unluck were phenomena that utilized things around you. 101 00:08:37,408 --> 00:08:41,709 But what about the lightning bolt from the haircut or the meteorite from the peck on the cheek? 102 00:08:43,755 --> 00:08:45,383 Um, they used things from far away? 103 00:08:45,509 --> 00:08:46,761 Yes! 104 00:08:46,761 --> 00:08:49,224 You forcibly pulled in things from far away! 105 00:08:49,600 --> 00:08:52,021 Why did those two things happen, you ask? 106 00:08:52,021 --> 00:08:56,573 That’s because the haircut and the kiss are things you have great personal value for... 107 00:08:56,573 --> 00:09:01,290 ...and materials needed for strokes of unluck proportionate to those values weren’t nearby! 108 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:06,216 Oh, God, this is so embarrassing- it’s like he’s breaking down my views on romance. 109 00:09:06,258 --> 00:09:07,176 So y’see... 110 00:09:07,636 --> 00:09:12,145 For this one, I found a source that’ll produce a stroke of unluck proportionate to the value. 111 00:09:14,107 --> 00:09:18,533 And if my hunch is right, it’s going to be one doozy of a... 112 00:09:18,742 --> 00:09:20,369 Huh? “For this one”? 113 00:09:22,625 --> 00:09:25,254 But you haven’t... wait! 114 00:09:26,633 --> 00:09:29,597 Huh? Why is my bra pushed up? 115 00:09:29,597 --> 00:09:31,016 CPR. 116 00:09:33,103 --> 00:09:37,988 Your pushed-up melons were in the way. I moved them off to the side. 117 00:09:39,658 --> 00:09:41,453 He saw them and touched them? 118 00:09:41,621 --> 00:09:43,833 And... that’s all you did, right? 119 00:09:44,167 --> 00:09:48,300 Hm? Heck no. You still weren’t coming to, so... 120 00:09:48,384 --> 00:09:49,260 I did it. 121 00:09:49,469 --> 00:09:49,970 Wha...? 122 00:09:51,682 --> 00:09:53,143 Mouth to mouth. 123 00:09:53,435 --> 00:09:55,231 N... N... 124 00:09:56,191 --> 00:10:00,116 No! 125 00:10:02,955 --> 00:10:04,374 Bingo! 126 00:10:04,374 --> 00:10:06,963 And now it’s time for my special move! 127 00:10:06,963 --> 00:10:08,717 Repair Boost! 128 00:10:10,595 --> 00:10:12,181 Crimson Crescent Moon! 129 00:10:15,229 --> 00:10:18,862 It’s a quick-draw slash that’s boosted by my arm’s repair powers. 130 00:10:18,862 --> 00:10:21,491 A Japanese sword master taught me that ages ago. 131 00:10:21,491 --> 00:10:23,120 I made sure not to cut up the cockpit. 132 00:10:23,412 --> 00:10:24,540 This puppy’s ours. 133 00:10:26,586 --> 00:10:28,798 Your arm... it’s... 134 00:10:28,798 --> 00:10:33,516 I use it as a sheath. Quit your nitpickin’ or we’ll be here all day. 135 00:10:33,516 --> 00:10:34,184 Oh? 136 00:10:53,723 --> 00:10:54,850 How was that? 137 00:10:54,850 --> 00:10:56,521 Seems all we gotta do is find a seed of unluck, 138 00:10:56,521 --> 00:10:59,735 and get a grasp of the contact level suitable for triggering it. Then... 139 00:10:59,985 --> 00:11:05,830 Your unluck won’t be accidents, but the best trump cards to turn things around! 140 00:11:08,711 --> 00:11:12,218 Now we’ve got ourselves a new means of travel. Nice going! 141 00:11:12,218 --> 00:11:17,521 N-No, I’m sure this is a fluke, too! I’m telling you, relying on me is a bad- 142 00:11:17,521 --> 00:11:21,278 Oh, shaddup already. Everything went fine, so just roll with it! 143 00:11:23,825 --> 00:11:26,539 All right, let’s book it to Baikal! 144 00:11:26,539 --> 00:11:28,000 Vodka, here I come! 145 00:11:28,000 --> 00:11:29,878 You changed the point of the trip! 146 00:11:49,292 --> 00:11:52,883 Self-destructing in ten, nine, eight... 147 00:11:53,258 --> 00:11:54,344 - seven, six… - Bad new! 148 00:11:55,095 --> 00:11:57,726 ...five, four, three... 149 00:12:02,026 --> 00:12:03,905 Why’d the plane just explode like that? 150 00:12:03,905 --> 00:12:05,825 They figured out we swiped their ride. 151 00:12:05,825 --> 00:12:08,330 This isn’t the time to smile, okay? We’re falling! 152 00:12:08,790 --> 00:12:12,506 No biggie! I’ve got another technique up my sleeve from my mercenary days! 153 00:12:12,506 --> 00:12:13,966 We’re gonna stick a five-point landing! 154 00:12:14,133 --> 00:12:15,553 Five-point landing? 155 00:12:15,845 --> 00:12:17,390 First, the balls of your feet! 156 00:12:18,977 --> 00:12:20,312 Next, the sides of your calves! 157 00:12:21,816 --> 00:12:22,526 Then, your butt! 158 00:12:24,237 --> 00:12:25,239 Back! 159 00:12:26,575 --> 00:12:28,245 So many gross sounds! 160 00:12:28,245 --> 00:12:29,957 Suck it! 161 00:12:31,001 --> 00:12:32,169 Success. 162 00:12:32,169 --> 00:12:34,090 I could’ve sworn you said, “Suck it,” at the end. 163 00:12:34,465 --> 00:12:35,426 No, I said, “Success.” 164 00:12:36,010 --> 00:12:37,806 Anyway, we landed. 165 00:12:37,806 --> 00:12:38,473 Huh? 166 00:12:38,473 --> 00:12:43,316 Be sure to watch your head. Our mark might be around. 167 00:12:44,820 --> 00:12:46,489 Wow! 168 00:12:47,909 --> 00:12:53,671 Welcome to Lake Baikal-the world’s deepest, clearest, and oldest freshwater lake. 169 00:12:53,671 --> 00:12:56,217 Apparently, folks from the organization are gonna be here investigating a UMA. 170 00:12:56,510 --> 00:13:00,225 Well, I guess this is a likely spot for a UMA to hide out, truth be told. 171 00:13:00,476 --> 00:13:03,356 I-It’s huge and so pretty! 172 00:13:03,356 --> 00:13:05,987 I guess there really is more to the world than just Japan! 173 00:13:05,987 --> 00:13:06,906 Wuzzat? 174 00:13:06,906 --> 00:13:08,200 This your first time overseas? 175 00:13:08,200 --> 00:13:10,538 Uh-huh! I’ve always been a bit of a shut-in! 176 00:13:13,043 --> 00:13:15,464 In that case, you should go do some sightseein’. 177 00:13:15,464 --> 00:13:16,174 Huh? 178 00:13:16,174 --> 00:13:20,517 Don’t worry. The Union won’t make a move with all these tourists around. 179 00:13:20,517 --> 00:13:23,188 Operating in secret is more their style. 180 00:13:24,942 --> 00:13:27,488 I’m gonna go track down my old war buds. 181 00:13:27,488 --> 00:13:29,325 They’ll be sure to back us up when we need it. 182 00:13:29,325 --> 00:13:31,580 We’ll each have to fly solo for a bit. 183 00:13:32,373 --> 00:13:34,795 U-Um, wait a second! 184 00:13:35,713 --> 00:13:36,381 What’s up? 185 00:13:37,801 --> 00:13:40,305 About us joining the ten... 186 00:13:41,976 --> 00:13:44,731 Who do you think we’ll have to take on this time? 187 00:13:44,731 --> 00:13:48,531 I mean... what if they’re reasonable? 188 00:13:48,573 --> 00:13:49,867 They’re dead meat. 189 00:13:50,117 --> 00:13:54,710 Courtesy of me, so I can get in. The plan stays the same. 190 00:13:57,716 --> 00:14:00,722 By the way, are there any foods you’re not keen on? 191 00:14:00,722 --> 00:14:01,849 Wasabi... 192 00:14:01,849 --> 00:14:04,312 All right, no problem, then. It’s settled! 193 00:14:05,857 --> 00:14:10,324 The buddy I’m about to bring over runs a killer restaurant! 194 00:14:12,662 --> 00:14:16,002 You gotta get a taste of their borscht or else this trip’s a wash! 195 00:14:16,002 --> 00:14:19,091 I’ll go make some party reservations while I’m at it! 196 00:14:20,260 --> 00:14:22,014 You’re on your own till then, kid. 197 00:14:24,143 --> 00:14:26,607 You came all the way out to Russia. 198 00:14:26,607 --> 00:14:28,443 Don’t waste it by being your usual timid self. 199 00:14:28,778 --> 00:14:30,030 Have a good time! 200 00:14:34,748 --> 00:14:39,090 It’s only been four days since I met Zombie, and now I’m in Russia? 201 00:14:42,096 --> 00:14:43,766 That’s easier said than... 202 00:14:43,933 --> 00:14:44,726 WHAT’S THIS? Смотри! 203 00:14:44,810 --> 00:14:45,477 ARE YOU ALONE? ты что, один? 204 00:14:45,561 --> 00:14:47,439 MAYBE YOU CAN HAVE TEA WITH US? может, выпьешь с нами чаю? 205 00:14:48,526 --> 00:14:50,445 This is bonkers! 206 00:14:50,571 --> 00:14:51,907 How could he be so inconsiderate? 207 00:14:52,575 --> 00:14:56,165 I can’t have fun around people with this body! 208 00:14:59,255 --> 00:15:04,348 Then again, if I hadn’t crossed paths with him, I’d be dead by now. 209 00:15:05,893 --> 00:15:07,312 Hmm... 210 00:15:07,312 --> 00:15:07,981 Huh? 211 00:15:16,456 --> 00:15:17,124 Oh-ho? 212 00:15:17,124 --> 00:15:18,376 Gah, busted! 213 00:15:19,963 --> 00:15:23,053 Oh, a Japanese girl? Are you a yamato nadeshiko? Or a schoolgirl? 214 00:15:23,053 --> 00:15:24,346 I-I’m Japanese. 215 00:15:24,346 --> 00:15:26,810 Wow! The real deal! 216 00:15:28,354 --> 00:15:31,235 Check out my clothes! Pretty Japanese schoolgirl-ish, right? 217 00:15:31,235 --> 00:15:34,826 I love Japanese schoolgirl uniforms! 218 00:15:35,118 --> 00:15:39,460 Um, sorry. I never went to high school, so I wouldn’t know. 219 00:15:39,669 --> 00:15:43,594 Aww! But it seems like so much fun. Such a waste! 220 00:15:43,844 --> 00:15:45,556 Ha, ha... 221 00:15:49,355 --> 00:15:52,194 Oh, wow, it’s so pretty! Are these watercolors? 222 00:15:52,194 --> 00:15:55,200 Oh, how did you know? Do you paint, too? 223 00:15:55,200 --> 00:16:00,920 Well, you see, I don’t get out often-if at all. So I’ve dabbled in art here and there. 224 00:16:01,337 --> 00:16:03,383 Not that I’m any good at it, though. 225 00:16:05,303 --> 00:16:06,932 Whoa! Where’d this come from? 226 00:16:06,932 --> 00:16:08,561 Then let’s paint together! 227 00:16:08,561 --> 00:16:09,228 Huh? 228 00:16:09,688 --> 00:16:12,192 Um, I’m actually waiting for someone. 229 00:16:12,442 --> 00:16:14,238 Huh? Who is it? Your boyfriend? 230 00:16:14,238 --> 00:16:17,537 That’s perfect, then! Why not surprise him with a painting? It’d be totes emosh! 231 00:16:17,829 --> 00:16:18,914 Have a good time! 232 00:16:49,893 --> 00:16:51,521 So hey, Lil’ Lucky? 233 00:16:51,521 --> 00:16:52,356 Huh? 234 00:16:52,941 --> 00:16:57,282 Which do you like more? Stuff that changes... or stuff that stays the same? 235 00:16:58,076 --> 00:17:00,748 Huh? Wait, did you just call me “Li’l Lucky”? 236 00:17:00,915 --> 00:17:01,875 Hee, hee! 237 00:17:01,875 --> 00:17:05,549 You’ve got “Good Luck” written on your cap, so you’re Li’l Lucky! 238 00:17:08,179 --> 00:17:11,102 Personally, I like stuff that doesn’t change... 239 00:17:11,394 --> 00:17:14,734 ...not tied down or swayed by anyone. 240 00:17:15,235 --> 00:17:17,865 Isn’t it amazing for something to stay exactly the same? 241 00:17:21,707 --> 00:17:24,754 That’s why I love art. 242 00:17:25,589 --> 00:17:28,011 Because you can capture the ever-changing world... 243 00:17:28,011 --> 00:17:30,265 ...as a never-changing drawing just like we’re doing now. 244 00:17:32,895 --> 00:17:35,025 So, Li’l Lucky, which do you like? 245 00:17:35,025 --> 00:17:38,907 Uh... that’s a tough question. I guess I’m... 246 00:17:42,456 --> 00:17:45,253 Would you mind if I thought about it for a bit? 247 00:17:45,921 --> 00:17:48,927 Sure! Let’s take our time and have fun! 248 00:18:00,158 --> 00:18:01,243 I’m done! 249 00:18:01,369 --> 00:18:03,414 Really? Lemme see, lemme see! 250 00:18:03,456 --> 00:18:05,961 Huh? U-Um... 251 00:18:05,961 --> 00:18:07,799 You won’t laugh, will you? 252 00:18:08,216 --> 00:18:10,095 I ended up adding a lot of stuff to it. 253 00:18:10,095 --> 00:18:12,474 Oh, that’s no big deal! Art is all about freedom! 254 00:18:14,061 --> 00:18:19,071 U-Um, I wouldn’t get too close to me if I were you. 255 00:18:21,827 --> 00:18:23,622 Art has no right or wrong ans- 256 00:18:28,005 --> 00:18:29,509 Um, so... 257 00:18:32,180 --> 00:18:34,727 What are those sparkles around the moon? 258 00:18:34,727 --> 00:18:37,357 Oh... they’re, um, well, uh... 259 00:18:38,610 --> 00:18:42,451 There’s nothing up in space except for the moon and the sun, right? 260 00:18:43,035 --> 00:18:44,706 I learned that in school! 261 00:18:45,165 --> 00:18:48,004 Uh, yeah. Nothing at all. 262 00:18:48,463 --> 00:18:52,889 Well, the moon looked awfully lonely up there, so I gave it some friends. 263 00:18:54,183 --> 00:18:57,355 How thoughtful of you, Li’l Lucky. 264 00:18:57,815 --> 00:19:00,195 You’re right, the night sky can get pretty lonely, after all. 265 00:19:00,195 --> 00:19:01,948 Yes, it can. 266 00:19:03,367 --> 00:19:07,334 Oh! By the way... about your question, about whether I like change or not... 267 00:19:08,504 --> 00:19:09,589 I’ve got an answer. 268 00:19:09,839 --> 00:19:10,799 Ooh! 269 00:19:11,551 --> 00:19:17,229 For the longest time, I couldn’t change, and it was so hard on me that I wanted to die. 270 00:19:18,064 --> 00:19:21,278 But four days ago, I met this really odd guy... 271 00:19:21,403 --> 00:19:25,621 and it’s been crazy ever since! He groped me all over and locked me up on the day we met! 272 00:19:25,621 --> 00:19:28,209 There’ve been explosions left and right, and next thing I know, I’m here in Russia! 273 00:19:28,334 --> 00:19:31,550 And he never once took my ten years as a shut-in into consideration! 274 00:19:35,558 --> 00:19:39,106 But... through all of that, he helped me change. 275 00:19:41,235 --> 00:19:44,909 That’s why I think I was able to draw with you today. 276 00:19:45,201 --> 00:19:47,080 It was so much fun. 277 00:19:47,455 --> 00:19:52,215 I appreciate having someone who changes me... and changing. 278 00:19:52,800 --> 00:19:55,263 What lovely words. 279 00:19:56,432 --> 00:19:58,019 So young... 280 00:19:58,604 --> 00:19:59,856 So green... 281 00:20:00,566 --> 00:20:02,360 ...and naive. 282 00:20:03,237 --> 00:20:04,824 Despite being all those things... 283 00:20:08,039 --> 00:20:12,506 Despite being all those things, your words still resonate with me. 284 00:20:14,886 --> 00:20:17,390 Perhaps age has finally caught up to me. 285 00:20:32,462 --> 00:20:35,301 The lake... is floating? 286 00:20:39,393 --> 00:20:41,271 Oh, Andy! What is that? 287 00:20:42,148 --> 00:20:44,277 The lake just suddenly rose up! 288 00:20:45,154 --> 00:20:47,117 Crimson Crescent Moon! 289 00:20:47,367 --> 00:20:49,831 You haven’t changed at all, Deady Dearest. 290 00:20:51,500 --> 00:20:54,966 You’re going overboard with the makeup now, Gena! 291 00:20:54,966 --> 00:20:56,886 Especially them crow’s feet! 292 00:21:00,686 --> 00:21:04,109 TA-DA Hey, will ya look at that! A perfect five-point landing! 293 00:21:04,109 --> 00:21:08,744 Now’s no time to gloat! Can she be the most troublesome- 294 00:21:08,744 --> 00:21:11,916 Yup, the chick who nabbed my ass fifty years ago. 295 00:21:13,503 --> 00:21:17,970 Send my beret. I’ll play with them until the scan is done. 296 00:21:38,804 --> 00:21:41,058 The Boss briefed me. 297 00:21:41,726 --> 00:21:45,066 You want to kill me and join the organization, right? 298 00:21:47,028 --> 00:21:50,076 Well then, it looks like you’ll have to change me first. 299 00:21:50,243 --> 00:21:52,038 Deady Dearest... 300 00:21:53,040 --> 00:21:54,292 ...and Li’l Lucky! 301 00:22:04,020 --> 00:22:09,030 TO BE CONTINUED 302 00:23:39,044 --> 00:23:39,795 PREVIEW 303 00:23:39,795 --> 00:23:43,928 Is being unchanging a salvation? Is change a sin? 304 00:23:43,928 --> 00:23:46,559 The girl’s bewilderment sinks below the lake’s waters. 305 00:23:46,809 --> 00:23:51,318 Next episode of Undead Unluck, Episode 4- Do You Love the Change in Me? ‎ 306 00:23:51,736 --> 00:23:53,656 In search of the greatest death ever.