1 00:00:07,599 --> 00:00:14,487 - Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you - Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you 2 00:00:14,487 --> 00:00:19,372 - Happy birthday dear Tatiana - Happy birthday dear Tatiana 3 00:00:19,706 --> 00:00:24,716 - Happy birthday to you - Happy birthday to you 4 00:01:07,636 --> 00:01:09,388 Boom! 5 00:01:11,434 --> 00:01:14,941 The Negator who Fuko and company were trying to contact, Unrepair, 6 00:01:14,941 --> 00:01:17,404 was a member of those called the Negator Hunters. 7 00:01:17,989 --> 00:01:22,081 Their objective was the capture or murder of Chikara, 8 00:01:22,331 --> 00:01:25,087 the Negator captive on the ship as an auction item. 9 00:01:25,212 --> 00:01:29,638 Andy and Fuko stand before Unrepair, who was about to fulfill that objective. 10 00:01:30,180 --> 00:01:33,813 Among the struggle with Unrepair and his incompatible train of thought, 11 00:01:33,813 --> 00:01:38,029 Fuko suffers a wound from Unrepair's attack that sees one brief window of opportunity. 12 00:01:38,781 --> 00:01:42,079 Wounds inflicted by Unrepair will never heal until he dies. 13 00:01:42,329 --> 00:01:46,379 Chikara, seeing that Fuko is facing death because she shielded him, 14 00:01:46,379 --> 00:01:48,968 remembers his mother's words in her final moments, 15 00:01:48,968 --> 00:01:51,222 and bites down his fear to resolve himself. 16 00:01:52,057 --> 00:01:54,813 Unmove's Negator ability is to stop the movement of anything he sees. 17 00:01:55,188 --> 00:02:00,783 Andy acknowledges and smiles at the bravery of the boy who wanted to save Fuko with his ability. 18 00:02:01,743 --> 00:02:07,087 Meanwhile, the battle of another girl who cares for Fuko is about to begin. 19 00:02:09,467 --> 00:02:10,177 Boom! 20 00:02:11,262 --> 00:02:12,264 Creed! Feng! 21 00:02:12,515 --> 00:02:14,393 Not a problem! 22 00:02:15,312 --> 00:02:17,232 Gah! What now? 23 00:02:17,232 --> 00:02:18,109 Tatiana! 24 00:02:18,652 --> 00:02:24,079 Sorry I'm late, Fuko! I'll deal with these two! 25 00:02:26,000 --> 00:02:28,547 You two handle the other two! 26 00:04:11,168 --> 00:04:13,924 20 mm rounds ain't makin' a dent, eh? 27 00:04:15,218 --> 00:04:17,347 That's one hell of a power suit y'got there. 28 00:04:19,059 --> 00:04:21,188 Boom! 29 00:04:31,125 --> 00:04:33,254 That appeared out of thin air! 30 00:04:33,254 --> 00:04:35,801 Could it be his ability? What is he negating? 31 00:04:38,347 --> 00:04:39,349 Yī. 32 00:04:41,688 --> 00:04:45,696 No way! They cracked the black metal armor that Mr. Nico made? 33 00:04:46,280 --> 00:04:49,369 Is this their Negator ability? How powerful. 34 00:04:54,338 --> 00:04:55,925 Tatiana! Can you hear me? 35 00:04:56,258 --> 00:04:57,177 What do you want, Zombie? 36 00:04:57,845 --> 00:04:59,808 All right. Listen calmly. 37 00:04:59,808 --> 00:05:00,768 Wha? 38 00:05:02,479 --> 00:05:06,153 Fuko is injured! Unrepair got her! 39 00:05:07,322 --> 00:05:08,659 That means... 40 00:05:09,076 --> 00:05:13,376 A wound inflicted by Unrepair won't heal itself until he dies. 41 00:05:14,044 --> 00:05:16,508 If what he said is true... 42 00:05:16,675 --> 00:05:18,846 We only have one hour at most! 43 00:05:19,221 --> 00:05:21,810 We're gonna kill 'im before then! 44 00:05:24,022 --> 00:05:28,030 Oh? What's the matter? Rip get one of your li'l buddies? 45 00:05:28,030 --> 00:05:29,909 My condolences. 46 00:05:31,453 --> 00:05:33,416 AUGUST 6TH 47 00:05:33,416 --> 00:05:35,378 UNION - ROUNDTABLE ROOM 48 00:05:38,719 --> 00:05:40,430 Cool it, Tatiana. 49 00:05:40,556 --> 00:05:42,894 He killed Ms. Gena! 50 00:05:43,227 --> 00:05:46,985 Yeah, I know. But fighting among members is strictly forbidden. 51 00:05:46,985 --> 00:05:47,778 But! 52 00:05:47,862 --> 00:05:49,949 I see at least one of 'em's got a quick temper. 53 00:05:49,949 --> 00:05:50,743 Huh? 54 00:05:54,249 --> 00:05:55,376 Stop this. 55 00:05:55,586 --> 00:05:57,715 Huh? Is it hot in here... 56 00:05:57,924 --> 00:06:01,430 I'm sorry, Boss! Please, I don't want to kill Mr. Billy! 57 00:06:01,723 --> 00:06:04,186 You win. I give up. 58 00:06:04,353 --> 00:06:05,773 How very noble. 59 00:06:12,452 --> 00:06:14,749 I need to see you out back... Zombie! 60 00:06:15,166 --> 00:06:16,043 Wuzzat? 61 00:06:17,087 --> 00:06:21,053 I'm Undead, ball brat. 62 00:06:21,596 --> 00:06:22,890 They're having a fight. 63 00:06:24,811 --> 00:06:26,313 Wish they'd take it someplace else, then. 64 00:06:26,564 --> 00:06:28,860 I wonder which one will win? 65 00:06:32,618 --> 00:06:33,662 Hey, stay back. 66 00:06:33,662 --> 00:06:34,706 S-Sure. 67 00:06:40,843 --> 00:06:42,972 NICO'S COMBAT TEST SITE 68 00:06:43,305 --> 00:06:44,726 I'm letting you know now. 69 00:06:44,726 --> 00:06:48,984 The others may have accepted you, but I still don't recognize you as one of us. 70 00:06:49,819 --> 00:06:52,825 This is revenge... for Ms. Gena! 71 00:07:02,553 --> 00:07:06,644 You were clueless about her feelings, and trampled them! 72 00:07:13,617 --> 00:07:15,286 40 years... 73 00:07:18,042 --> 00:07:21,633 You were oblivious to the feelings she carried within while she waited! 74 00:07:22,593 --> 00:07:23,595 I knew. 75 00:07:25,056 --> 00:07:31,694 I knew Gena was in love with me. But I killed her anyway. That's a fact. 76 00:07:32,362 --> 00:07:33,657 I won't deny it. 77 00:07:34,742 --> 00:07:36,036 Andy... 78 00:07:43,342 --> 00:07:47,643 That's all the more reason... that I can't forgive you! 79 00:07:58,957 --> 00:08:00,251 Nailed it! 80 00:08:14,655 --> 00:08:16,701 I thought I told ya to stay back! 81 00:08:16,701 --> 00:08:17,870 I-I'm sorry! 82 00:08:22,796 --> 00:08:24,800 He protected Unluck... 83 00:08:25,510 --> 00:08:32,232 Or rather, if Undead hadn't protected her... I would've... 84 00:08:33,735 --> 00:08:36,824 Tatiana. You need to calm down. 85 00:08:37,408 --> 00:08:41,918 The next quest will reveal if those two are cut out to be in the organization. 86 00:08:42,252 --> 00:08:45,884 And I'm sure Gena wouldn't want you fighting each other, anyway. 87 00:08:46,844 --> 00:08:47,805 But... 88 00:08:47,972 --> 00:08:49,558 Gotcha! 89 00:08:50,811 --> 00:08:52,815 Now then, where should I strike first? 90 00:08:54,944 --> 00:08:56,446 Aah! 91 00:09:05,549 --> 00:09:08,429 What? I haven't even done anything yet. 92 00:09:08,429 --> 00:09:10,517 Oh, yes you did! You're the worst, you know! 93 00:09:14,274 --> 00:09:19,702 Three minutes until compulsory release of UT Area. Evacuation of one km radius is advised. 94 00:09:19,785 --> 00:09:24,754 Undead! Take Unluck and get out of here! Or else that girl is dead! 95 00:09:24,962 --> 00:09:25,630 Huh? 96 00:09:25,881 --> 00:09:31,266 That armor isn't meant to protect her body! It acts as a restraint to contain her ability! 97 00:09:31,266 --> 00:09:33,813 Once released, it's capable of wiping out an entire town! 98 00:09:33,938 --> 00:09:35,817 Grab the PCs and run for it! 99 00:09:35,817 --> 00:09:36,736 Are you serious? 100 00:09:37,070 --> 00:09:38,155 This is an emergency announcement! 101 00:09:38,531 --> 00:09:42,497 Initiating emergency relocation of UMA and Artifact Storage to Level Four! 102 00:09:59,489 --> 00:10:02,370 If you're on floors five or below, get to a higher level on the double... 103 00:10:02,370 --> 00:10:04,249 ...unless you want to end up as mincemeat! 104 00:10:04,583 --> 00:10:06,963 You dimwits better protect every piece of data with your lives! 105 00:10:07,380 --> 00:10:09,844 Don't worry, I got you, my pwecious li'l PC! 106 00:10:09,844 --> 00:10:11,138 Cripes, you're fast! 107 00:10:11,263 --> 00:10:13,560 Top! Collect the stragglers! 108 00:10:13,685 --> 00:10:15,312 Already on it! 109 00:10:15,981 --> 00:10:17,150 Tatiana... 110 00:10:19,320 --> 00:10:22,536 Wah! I'm scared! 111 00:10:22,619 --> 00:10:23,746 Hey, Tatiana! 112 00:10:26,001 --> 00:10:29,550 It's okay! Just calm down. I'm sorry you had to see something weird! 113 00:10:29,842 --> 00:10:32,765 Hey, just what're you calling weird? 114 00:10:34,602 --> 00:10:37,273 What's with you two clinging to my camera? 115 00:10:37,273 --> 00:10:39,820 What are you doing? You heard what Mr. Nico said, right? 116 00:10:39,820 --> 00:10:41,031 I've lost control! 117 00:10:41,031 --> 00:10:43,536 Three minutes until compulsory release of UT Area. 118 00:10:43,536 --> 00:10:48,755 That armor isn't meant to protect her body! It acts as a restraint to contain her ability! 119 00:10:48,755 --> 00:10:51,134 Once released, it's capable of wiping out an entire town! 120 00:10:51,384 --> 00:10:54,349 Undead! Take Unluck and get out of here! 121 00:10:54,683 --> 00:10:56,687 Unless you want to end up as mincemeat! 122 00:10:57,021 --> 00:10:58,398 Hurry and run! 123 00:10:59,902 --> 00:11:00,570 No! 124 00:11:01,906 --> 00:11:03,242 Besides, it was me! 125 00:11:03,408 --> 00:11:04,118 Huh? 126 00:11:06,373 --> 00:11:11,926 I'm the one who killed Ms. Gena! My Unluck killed her! 127 00:11:12,553 --> 00:11:16,184 Andy was fighting to protect me! 128 00:11:17,646 --> 00:11:23,825 So... the one you should hold a grudge against... is me! 129 00:11:27,415 --> 00:11:29,252 I'm sorry, Tatiana. 130 00:11:29,837 --> 00:11:35,807 I'll do my best with Andy in the Union... and make up for the loss of Ms. Gena! 131 00:11:37,435 --> 00:11:43,740 So please, tell me more! About you, and about Ms. Gena! 132 00:11:48,917 --> 00:11:50,461 I want us to be friends! 133 00:11:59,647 --> 00:12:01,066 It's stopped. 134 00:12:07,453 --> 00:12:09,917 AUGUST 22ND 135 00:12:12,714 --> 00:12:19,728 Pan pa-pan pan pa-pan, so I'm pan-panda, not bread... 136 00:12:22,316 --> 00:12:25,824 Um, excuse me... mind if I come in? 137 00:12:31,711 --> 00:12:34,758 Oh, wow! So many cute ones! 138 00:12:34,758 --> 00:12:36,762 I know. And none of them are for you. 139 00:12:36,762 --> 00:12:39,977 Oh, I would never take one! These little guys are special to you, aren't they? 140 00:12:41,731 --> 00:12:46,699 Listen. I'm sorry about the other day. I thought we could maybe shake and patch things up. 141 00:12:47,826 --> 00:12:51,166 I can't. As you can plainly see, I am- 142 00:12:51,416 --> 00:12:52,502 It's fine. 143 00:12:55,299 --> 00:12:57,846 I want to shake your current hand, Tatiana... 144 00:12:57,846 --> 00:13:00,894 ...and I want you to shake mine as it is now. 145 00:13:02,021 --> 00:13:07,281 Someday, when we're free of our Negator powers and have normal bodies... 146 00:13:08,868 --> 00:13:11,122 ...let's go out together hand in hand, okay? 147 00:13:15,590 --> 00:13:16,424 Okay. 148 00:13:25,150 --> 00:13:26,069 Thanks. 149 00:13:27,154 --> 00:13:29,283 I didn't do squat. 150 00:13:31,539 --> 00:13:32,331 You good? 151 00:13:33,835 --> 00:13:37,341 Oh, wait. I just realized if I release my power, we'll die. 152 00:13:37,676 --> 00:13:40,557 I'm sorry, I ended up being useless after all. 153 00:13:41,057 --> 00:13:42,519 Huh? Whoa, what the-? 154 00:13:46,735 --> 00:13:48,238 Tatiana. 155 00:13:48,238 --> 00:13:50,577 Killing Unrepair is the highest priority now! 156 00:13:50,869 --> 00:13:53,331 Sorry, but it doesn't look like I can come back you up. 157 00:13:53,708 --> 00:13:54,960 No need. 158 00:13:56,379 --> 00:13:57,591 Zombie... 159 00:13:57,591 --> 00:13:58,885 Get to the top deck. 160 00:13:59,636 --> 00:14:00,387 Huh? 161 00:14:01,097 --> 00:14:02,099 Just do it! 162 00:14:04,646 --> 00:14:10,575 In spite of my body, she treated me normally without laughing or pitying me. 163 00:14:11,702 --> 00:14:14,625 She's the first female friend I've ever made. 164 00:14:15,668 --> 00:14:20,845 I won't forgive you... hurting someone so special to me. 165 00:14:21,095 --> 00:14:23,559 I'll pulverize every last one of you! 166 00:14:24,268 --> 00:14:26,982 UT Area voluntary release! 167 00:14:29,236 --> 00:14:31,909 Just hold on, Fuko! I'm coming to save you! 168 00:14:52,491 --> 00:14:56,625 Hey, are we really leaving already? Without taking anything? 169 00:14:58,003 --> 00:14:59,255 Oh, I swiped some stuff. 170 00:15:00,090 --> 00:15:02,512 I pretty much snagged whatever seemed fit for you guys. 171 00:15:05,100 --> 00:15:06,979 You've got some sticky fingers. 172 00:15:07,396 --> 00:15:08,691 I'll divvy it up later. 173 00:15:10,444 --> 00:15:12,866 Anyway, what are we doing about Creed and Feng? 174 00:15:13,324 --> 00:15:14,076 Hm? 175 00:15:19,671 --> 00:15:22,927 Whuzzat? Exposin' your center on your own? 176 00:15:23,428 --> 00:15:26,059 Then I won't be shy about pumpin' ya full of lead! 177 00:15:30,108 --> 00:15:33,783 A few shots slipped through the cracks! This li'l game's all ours! 178 00:15:33,783 --> 00:15:34,826 IT'S NO USE Méiyou yòng. 179 00:15:34,826 --> 00:15:35,828 Huh? 180 00:15:40,128 --> 00:15:42,424 Got another barrier inside that thing, eh? 181 00:15:42,424 --> 00:15:43,594 In that case... 182 00:15:45,932 --> 00:15:46,600 Feng. 183 00:15:50,148 --> 00:15:52,987 Sneaky techniques aren't usually my style, but oh, well. 184 00:15:56,829 --> 00:15:59,584 Poison gas. Kills anyone who inhales it in three minutes. 185 00:15:59,584 --> 00:16:02,131 If solids don't work, let's see if gas does the trick. 186 00:16:02,632 --> 00:16:06,347 Now then... have fun choking to death in that ball of yours. 187 00:16:14,573 --> 00:16:19,415 Tatiana is a Self-Targeting Compulsory Activation type of Negator. 188 00:16:20,292 --> 00:16:27,431 She was born in Russia to a very normal family, but her life took a turn on her fifth birthday. 189 00:16:28,474 --> 00:16:30,938 Happy birthday, Tatiana. 190 00:16:31,607 --> 00:16:36,032 Wow, strawberry cake! My favorite! 191 00:16:36,867 --> 00:16:38,453 That was the day... 192 00:16:40,875 --> 00:16:42,629 ...the ability transferred to her. 193 00:16:51,980 --> 00:16:56,698 Blood of her parents crushed to death and the remains of their home were scattered everywhere. 194 00:16:57,449 --> 00:17:01,165 The police rushed to the scene after receiving reports from residents in the vicinity. 195 00:17:01,165 --> 00:17:03,378 Dazed and confused, Tatiana went on the run, when... 196 00:17:17,030 --> 00:17:18,826 ...the mafia captured her. 197 00:17:21,748 --> 00:17:25,005 Now, for the main auction item of the night! 198 00:17:25,005 --> 00:17:30,181 A little Negator girl from Russia who negates the touch of any and all things! 199 00:17:32,394 --> 00:17:35,818 Her feed must go through a specially designed tube, but... 200 00:17:36,068 --> 00:17:41,705 ...since she repels all impurities, she is the perfect ornamental piece! 201 00:17:42,080 --> 00:17:44,669 Now then, the bidding will start at 100 million! 202 00:17:45,003 --> 00:17:46,213 150 million! 203 00:17:46,422 --> 00:17:47,215 160! 204 00:17:47,717 --> 00:17:48,510 200 million! 205 00:17:50,556 --> 00:17:53,604 Okay, that's 200 million! Do I hear higher? 206 00:18:08,424 --> 00:18:13,309 Every time I come to one of these places... I start thinking being blind isn't so bad after all. 207 00:18:13,686 --> 00:18:15,146 You! What in the hell- 208 00:18:20,198 --> 00:18:21,743 You Tatiana? 209 00:18:25,960 --> 00:18:27,129 Kill me. 210 00:18:29,216 --> 00:18:34,435 Put your gun in my mouth and fire. That'll be enough to kill me. 211 00:18:35,813 --> 00:18:39,194 Nothing good comes from living in this body. 212 00:18:39,821 --> 00:18:44,246 I can't dress up. I can't hold a plushie. 213 00:18:44,246 --> 00:18:46,751 I can't even eat my favorite cake. 214 00:18:47,795 --> 00:18:49,006 But most importantly... 215 00:18:51,427 --> 00:18:56,813 I want to hurry to Mommy and Daddy, and tell them I'm sorry. 216 00:18:59,234 --> 00:19:02,825 All right. Then open wide. 217 00:19:04,328 --> 00:19:05,246 Okay... 218 00:19:11,008 --> 00:19:14,139 Ta-da! Supervised creation by yours truly, a real sweets lover... 219 00:19:14,139 --> 00:19:15,935 The Long Cake Bar! 220 00:19:22,364 --> 00:19:26,455 Your ability produces an untouchable barrier from the surface of your hair and skin. 221 00:19:26,455 --> 00:19:31,215 But opening your mouth creates a hole in the barrier, right? I read about it in the dossier! 222 00:19:33,010 --> 00:19:40,149 I heard you're usually fed liquid food through a tube. So I tried making these. So, how are they? 223 00:19:43,197 --> 00:19:43,907 Hey. 224 00:19:44,241 --> 00:19:44,993 Hm? 225 00:19:46,370 --> 00:19:49,669 What other flavors are there? 226 00:19:51,798 --> 00:19:55,138 For now, this is maximum compression. 227 00:19:55,138 --> 00:19:57,350 Gotcha. Thanks for this. 228 00:19:57,977 --> 00:19:59,814 Thank you, Mr. Nico. 229 00:20:00,023 --> 00:20:02,695 Save the thanks. Just give me data. 230 00:20:03,195 --> 00:20:08,749 With the help of Nico's restraints, Tatiana contained her barrier which grew bigger each year. 231 00:20:09,082 --> 00:20:13,967 She became able to control manipulators with her brain waves just as she would actual limbs. 232 00:20:14,636 --> 00:20:20,146 However, you're suppressing a lot of force. Unleashing it will cause a huge recoil. 233 00:20:20,480 --> 00:20:25,699 It can become a weapon or a disaster, so be careful. 234 00:20:25,699 --> 00:20:26,367 Yeah. 235 00:20:26,993 --> 00:20:30,375 Mr. Billy, what does he mean by "weapon"? 236 00:20:33,422 --> 00:20:36,721 Your power doesn't just cause people harm at random. 237 00:20:37,556 --> 00:20:41,438 There's gonna come a day when you use it to protect someone important. 238 00:20:43,735 --> 00:20:48,578 When that time eventually comes, let it loose of your own free will. 239 00:20:50,582 --> 00:20:52,586 Tatiana, I made it to the top deck! 240 00:20:57,513 --> 00:21:00,686 I'd rather destroy everything than let him get away! 241 00:21:00,936 --> 00:21:01,646 Wazzat? 242 00:21:02,022 --> 00:21:05,361 No more of this to someone special to me. 243 00:21:06,280 --> 00:21:09,787 I won't let you touch her... not a single finger! 244 00:21:39,221 --> 00:21:41,266 Zombie! Do you see Unrepair? 245 00:21:41,433 --> 00:21:46,276 Oh, yeah! I spotted him all right! And I have your ability to thank for that! 246 00:21:55,921 --> 00:21:59,971 Let us... handle the rest! 247 00:22:04,020 --> 00:22:09,030 TO BE CONTINUED 248 00:23:39,044 --> 00:23:39,587 PREVIEW 249 00:23:40,046 --> 00:23:42,926 Trust from the unlucky girl and the boy's resolve 250 00:23:42,926 --> 00:23:47,393 guides the awakening of the steel girl and draws forth the determination of the undead man. 251 00:23:47,519 --> 00:23:51,736 Next episode of Undead Unluck, Episode 14-Crimson Bullet. 252 00:23:51,778 --> 00:23:53,990 In search of the greatest death ever.