1 00:00:30,895 --> 00:00:32,314 We can do it... 2 00:00:33,316 --> 00:00:34,360 ...Victor. 3 00:00:38,034 --> 00:00:42,334 A fierce battle between Unrepair Negator Rip and Andy's group takes place on the open seas. 4 00:00:42,627 --> 00:00:46,175 The countless blades coming from Rip's Artifact, Blade Runner, 5 00:00:46,175 --> 00:00:48,138 causes much trouble for Andy and the gang. 6 00:00:48,221 --> 00:00:53,899 But with the combination of four Negator abilities- Unmove, Untouchable, Undead, and Unluck- 7 00:00:53,899 --> 00:00:56,029 they manage to defeat Rip. 8 00:00:56,864 --> 00:00:59,661 A giant UMA appears at Latla's call. 9 00:00:59,661 --> 00:01:04,462 Latla escapes inside it along with Rip, leaving with the words, "Rip will definitely not die." 10 00:01:04,546 --> 00:01:08,053 The pair disappears into the ocean along with the other Negator Hunters. 11 00:01:08,178 --> 00:01:12,645 With Rip defeated, the effects of Unrepair's power are released, and Fuko's life is spared. 12 00:01:13,438 --> 00:01:17,614 Now that the battle's over, Chikara feels dumbfounded as the tension washes away 13 00:01:17,614 --> 00:01:20,243 when Fuko asks him if he wants to join the Union. 14 00:01:20,703 --> 00:01:24,043 Chikara is still confused at how the situation changed at breakneck speed, 15 00:01:24,043 --> 00:01:26,130 so Andy decides to give him a one-week grace period to decide. 16 00:01:26,840 --> 00:01:29,428 Everyday life, or days of battle? 17 00:01:29,846 --> 00:01:33,436 Chikara's decisions at the crossroads as a Negator is... 18 00:01:45,962 --> 00:01:48,592 Do you think Chikara will come? 19 00:01:49,594 --> 00:01:50,972 Who knows? 20 00:01:51,932 --> 00:01:56,608 We told 'im to show up at the school gates at five once he's made up his mind. 21 00:01:57,025 --> 00:01:57,902 Yeah. 22 00:01:58,696 --> 00:02:01,827 Ten minutes left. If he doesn't come, we're outta here. 23 00:02:02,537 --> 00:02:03,288 Yeah. 24 00:02:07,087 --> 00:02:11,555 If his resolve ain't up to snuff, he's better off not joining. He'll just wind up dead. 25 00:02:12,306 --> 00:02:16,147 You're right. Everyone's only got one life to live. 26 00:02:18,359 --> 00:02:21,575 And if you end up dying, there's no coming back. 27 00:02:25,040 --> 00:02:27,504 Actually, that's not as true as you think. 28 00:02:27,837 --> 00:02:28,631 Ah! 29 00:02:29,048 --> 00:02:33,974 Latla said you guys weren't here, so I figured you would be. 30 00:04:14,926 --> 00:04:16,470 Unrepair? 31 00:04:16,470 --> 00:04:20,771 You're so small... Wait, you survived! But how... 32 00:04:22,984 --> 00:04:26,867 Nope, I died all right. Shot through the heart. 33 00:04:28,494 --> 00:04:29,873 I got beat clean. 34 00:04:32,461 --> 00:04:36,093 Long story short, I ended up looking like this. 35 00:04:37,012 --> 00:04:39,976 No biggie, though. I'll apparently be back to normal soon enough. 36 00:04:40,268 --> 00:04:43,650 Then wh-why are you here? Y-You wanna go, punk? 37 00:04:44,151 --> 00:04:46,113 Nah, today I've got a gif- 38 00:04:51,499 --> 00:04:53,754 Ow! 39 00:04:53,754 --> 00:04:54,506 Hmm? 40 00:04:55,674 --> 00:04:58,054 Oh! There goes a baby tooth! 41 00:05:00,100 --> 00:05:02,020 You're right on time, bud. 42 00:05:02,479 --> 00:05:05,653 I wasn't satisfied with just drillin' a hole through your heart, ya know. 43 00:05:05,986 --> 00:05:08,534 Hm? What are... oh! 44 00:05:08,534 --> 00:05:10,621 You're mad at me for stabbing the girl, right? 45 00:05:11,205 --> 00:05:13,251 Listen. My bad, my bad! 46 00:05:14,671 --> 00:05:17,969 Then again, didn't she jump in harm's way herself? 47 00:05:19,346 --> 00:05:20,641 Is that my fault? 48 00:05:22,477 --> 00:05:23,772 Hey, your wound doing all right? 49 00:05:24,022 --> 00:05:26,695 Huh? Uh, yeah. Mr. Ni- 50 00:05:29,534 --> 00:05:32,999 Er... I mean, a doctor patched me up. 51 00:05:33,249 --> 00:05:36,422 Gotcha! Good to hear! Sorry about that! 52 00:05:37,048 --> 00:05:39,512 Okay, see? We've made up now! 53 00:05:44,689 --> 00:05:47,235 I'm only here to give you a gift today! 54 00:05:48,614 --> 00:05:49,699 A gift? 55 00:05:50,491 --> 00:05:51,452 Yeah, this! 56 00:05:52,580 --> 00:05:53,414 A handgun? 57 00:05:54,124 --> 00:05:58,382 I thought I'd give you guys the lowdown... on what it is we're trying to do. 58 00:05:59,426 --> 00:06:02,474 Never handled an Artifact before, right? 59 00:06:39,799 --> 00:06:41,845 Gaaah! 60 00:06:41,845 --> 00:06:42,555 What? 61 00:06:45,978 --> 00:06:46,938 Fuko! 62 00:06:49,610 --> 00:06:52,282 Andy... what is this? 63 00:07:06,978 --> 00:07:11,821 What the hell is this? I've touched other Artifacts in the past, but... 64 00:07:11,821 --> 00:07:16,831 It depends on the item. Different Artifacts funnel different images into your mind. 65 00:07:17,625 --> 00:07:19,921 And the image that particular one produces is pretty rare. 66 00:07:20,338 --> 00:07:23,762 What was that thing- that big, dark figure? 67 00:07:24,012 --> 00:07:28,229 That's who you're after, right? The God you're all so set on killing. 68 00:07:28,814 --> 00:07:31,068 No one's beating that thing, don't you think? 69 00:07:31,068 --> 00:07:36,328 That's why we're going to rule the world until they come to destroy it. 70 00:07:37,163 --> 00:07:41,380 Even though the end is nigh, eh? That's gonna be one short rule, bud. 71 00:07:42,800 --> 00:07:44,094 What are you talking about? 72 00:07:44,679 --> 00:07:48,603 We can go to the next step. Unlike any of you. 73 00:07:49,020 --> 00:07:50,064 What? 74 00:07:50,231 --> 00:07:52,068 Calling all off-mission members! 75 00:07:53,279 --> 00:07:58,164 Roundtable members are currently battling Negator Hunters in Egypt and China. 76 00:07:58,164 --> 00:08:01,211 EGYPT We need anyone in the vicinity to provide backup! 77 00:08:01,420 --> 00:08:03,508 Come on! We don't need any backup! 78 00:08:24,299 --> 00:08:28,975 This world turns because we live upon it as vessels. 79 00:08:29,810 --> 00:08:31,689 So, why are we the only ones who fight? 80 00:08:32,398 --> 00:08:34,654 Why are we the only ones who suffer? 81 00:08:35,363 --> 00:08:39,204 It should be the other way around, right? Otherwise, it'd be unfair. 82 00:08:40,666 --> 00:08:47,262 We're called Under. In three months, the world will flip around and become fair. 83 00:08:57,533 --> 00:09:00,162 Well, whaddaya think after seeing that? 84 00:09:01,791 --> 00:09:04,547 Not so hot now, are ya? Think y'can beat that thing? 85 00:09:05,590 --> 00:09:09,139 Join us, and I'll personally put in a good word for you two. 86 00:09:09,347 --> 00:09:11,101 Hah! As if, idiot. 87 00:09:11,728 --> 00:09:13,857 If it exists, that means we can kill it. 88 00:09:15,318 --> 00:09:17,573 You really are a riot. 89 00:09:18,282 --> 00:09:20,996 Then give it your best shot... Union. 90 00:09:31,141 --> 00:09:32,728 And there ya have it. 91 00:09:35,066 --> 00:09:37,320 Let's team up and kill God! 92 00:09:37,613 --> 00:09:38,280 Oh! 93 00:09:38,948 --> 00:09:40,284 Chikara! 94 00:09:41,078 --> 00:09:43,833 Erm, I'm sorry. 95 00:09:43,833 --> 00:09:46,129 You didn't mention that part before. 96 00:09:46,380 --> 00:09:47,758 You decided to come-oh... 97 00:09:48,760 --> 00:09:51,682 S-S-S-Sorry! Never mind! 98 00:09:51,849 --> 00:09:52,768 Chikara? 99 00:10:01,243 --> 00:10:02,788 Wait... where's Mr. Andy? 100 00:10:05,251 --> 00:10:08,591 I know what your skill is. No way I'd fall for that. 101 00:10:09,092 --> 00:10:10,887 I'm sorry! Please forgive me! 102 00:10:11,430 --> 00:10:13,350 Let's have a li'l talk. 103 00:10:13,350 --> 00:10:15,730 Yes, sir... don't kill me. 104 00:10:16,440 --> 00:10:19,279 Fuko! We're takin' this somewhere else. 105 00:10:19,279 --> 00:10:19,947 Hmm? 106 00:10:23,370 --> 00:10:27,003 Chikara, are there still folks in your classroom? 107 00:10:27,003 --> 00:10:29,884 No, there's nobody left inside. 108 00:10:29,884 --> 00:10:30,844 Gotcha. 109 00:10:31,470 --> 00:10:35,812 Fuko! Chikara said he left somethin' back in class! Let's head on in! 110 00:10:36,104 --> 00:10:37,649 Really? Is that okay? 111 00:10:38,568 --> 00:10:43,912 Course not. Throw on your blazer so no one finds out we're outsiders. 112 00:10:58,900 --> 00:11:01,321 What floor? What grade are you, Chikara? 113 00:11:01,822 --> 00:11:04,537 The fourth floor. Oh, and, um, I'm a third-year. 114 00:11:04,870 --> 00:11:08,418 Whaa? You're preparing for college, then! That's amazing! 115 00:11:08,418 --> 00:11:10,924 Amazing, amazing, a-mazing! 116 00:11:10,924 --> 00:11:13,638 - Amazing, amazing, amazing! - Uh, it is...? W-Well, thanks. 117 00:11:13,721 --> 00:11:16,602 A-mazing, amazing, amazing! 118 00:11:16,936 --> 00:11:17,980 Wow! 119 00:11:22,238 --> 00:11:24,618 A real classroom! It's so big! 120 00:11:26,539 --> 00:11:30,630 Whoa! Right where the protagonist looks outside lost in thought! 121 00:11:32,091 --> 00:11:34,178 Back of the class, near the window! 122 00:11:37,978 --> 00:11:39,355 Um... Mr. Andy? 123 00:11:39,857 --> 00:11:40,567 What's up? 124 00:11:40,984 --> 00:11:44,032 Oh! Serious talk time. Sorry about that. 125 00:11:44,700 --> 00:11:48,750 You talked about the world ending. But when is that exactly? 126 00:11:49,585 --> 00:11:54,553 If the quests proceed as normal, and we keep up a losing streak, then April. 127 00:11:54,553 --> 00:11:59,730 And if the next penalty we get hit with is the world-ender... then it'll be January. 128 00:12:01,692 --> 00:12:03,070 Huh? Wait, really? 129 00:12:05,659 --> 00:12:09,833 I have two things that I need to do. 130 00:12:11,044 --> 00:12:12,338 One is to live... 131 00:12:13,382 --> 00:12:14,551 ...and the other is to atone. 132 00:12:20,062 --> 00:12:22,149 Can I tell a really bleak story? 133 00:12:22,149 --> 00:12:23,820 Huh? Sure. 134 00:12:33,213 --> 00:12:36,512 I've... killed my parents. 135 00:12:54,130 --> 00:12:56,635 It was back when I was a first-year in middle school. 136 00:12:58,556 --> 00:13:01,311 We were on our way home from a shopping trip. 137 00:13:02,313 --> 00:13:05,737 I offered to carry the bags since they were heavy... 138 00:13:07,406 --> 00:13:10,245 ...and made my way across the crosswalk, ahead of them. 139 00:13:11,331 --> 00:13:12,542 Come on, hurry! 140 00:13:18,596 --> 00:13:21,309 Hm? What's wrong with you two? 141 00:13:22,687 --> 00:13:24,440 I didn't realize it at the time. 142 00:13:24,983 --> 00:13:28,658 That it was my fault my mom and dad couldn't move. 143 00:13:29,325 --> 00:13:35,087 Then, before I knew it, a truck barreled toward them from just out of view, its driver asleep. 144 00:13:37,676 --> 00:13:40,180 Right when I tried to run towards them... 145 00:13:51,202 --> 00:13:52,664 My dad died instantly. 146 00:13:53,456 --> 00:14:00,137 My mom suffered serious injuries. She tried her very best, but passed a week later. 147 00:14:01,849 --> 00:14:08,361 My mom's final words were, "Be someone who can take action for others." 148 00:14:12,036 --> 00:14:18,048 It was a while after that when I realized my ability caused that accident. 149 00:14:21,220 --> 00:14:27,274 I thought about ending my life multiple times. But every time I did, I saw my parents' faces. 150 00:14:34,038 --> 00:14:38,254 It made me wonder what they would want me to do now. 151 00:14:38,881 --> 00:14:43,181 They'd likely tell me it was okay to die if things were too hard for me. 152 00:14:45,728 --> 00:14:50,863 But there's no way they'd want that! It's your own child! 153 00:14:52,826 --> 00:14:56,165 Of course they'd want me to live! 154 00:14:59,422 --> 00:15:04,432 That's why... I need to keep on living. 155 00:15:04,725 --> 00:15:08,691 I don't have to impress anybody. If I just keep on surviving... 156 00:15:09,568 --> 00:15:12,322 ...that maybe, in some small way... it'd help make me a better son. 157 00:15:14,118 --> 00:15:16,957 I kept telling myself that. That's how I've been living. 158 00:15:21,675 --> 00:15:27,645 But then the mafia caught me, and threw me in a cage. 159 00:15:27,771 --> 00:15:29,106 Just when I was about to be killed... 160 00:15:33,156 --> 00:15:34,701 I met the two of you. 161 00:15:36,412 --> 00:15:43,343 Not only did you save me, you also taught me that my ability can help others. 162 00:15:49,940 --> 00:15:51,902 I've been searching all this time. 163 00:15:53,488 --> 00:15:57,204 A way, outside of simply living, to make my amends. 164 00:16:00,670 --> 00:16:04,636 I know that I freaked out earlier, but I won't run away anymore. 165 00:16:06,890 --> 00:16:09,436 So, please allow me... to be part of the team! 166 00:16:10,606 --> 00:16:11,274 Hmm? 167 00:16:11,482 --> 00:16:16,660 Hey, Chikara! Club's wrapped up! Let's head home! 168 00:16:17,494 --> 00:16:19,081 - Hmm? - Hmm? 169 00:16:21,210 --> 00:16:22,004 Hmm? 170 00:16:22,755 --> 00:16:25,928 Uh, so, who's the old dude repeating the same grade for the tenth time? 171 00:16:27,014 --> 00:16:28,266 Come on, Ryo! 172 00:16:29,936 --> 00:16:32,316 Looks like you really did go too far! 173 00:16:34,779 --> 00:16:38,954 And who is she? That's not our school's blazer. You in trouble with them? 174 00:16:38,954 --> 00:16:41,960 Uh, no, no. You've got it all wrong. 175 00:16:41,960 --> 00:16:43,338 There's something totally off about this. 176 00:16:43,338 --> 00:16:45,801 It might look that way, but... 177 00:16:45,801 --> 00:16:48,557 - Also, the look of their eyes- - Oh, no, wait, no... 178 00:16:53,483 --> 00:16:55,655 How long ya gonna keep laughing? 179 00:16:55,655 --> 00:17:01,374 No, no, no, no! I can't take it anymore! 180 00:17:16,571 --> 00:17:18,659 By the way, I got some big news. 181 00:17:18,659 --> 00:17:19,744 Huh? What's that? 182 00:17:20,203 --> 00:17:22,625 I'm headed to Antai University on a basketball scholarship! 183 00:17:22,834 --> 00:17:24,671 Wow, seriously? That's great! 184 00:17:24,671 --> 00:17:28,887 You betcha! Now I don't have to hear my mom's bellyaching! 185 00:17:28,887 --> 00:17:30,975 Dang, Ryo. You really are something! 186 00:17:35,108 --> 00:17:37,070 You really are amazing, Ryo. 187 00:17:37,070 --> 00:17:40,076 Well, yeah. I guess I am something, huh? 188 00:17:40,745 --> 00:17:41,622 Chikara. 189 00:17:41,622 --> 00:17:42,289 - Huh? - Hmm? 190 00:17:42,874 --> 00:17:44,753 It's time. Let's go. 191 00:17:45,588 --> 00:17:46,715 Oh. Right. 192 00:18:04,793 --> 00:18:07,005 Hey, Chikara. What are you do- 193 00:18:09,594 --> 00:18:12,182 Hey, Ryo. Thank you for everything. 194 00:18:13,059 --> 00:18:15,773 School was so much fun thanks to you. 195 00:18:16,190 --> 00:18:18,737 What...? My body won't move. 196 00:18:19,781 --> 00:18:25,250 If... if we manage to kill God... let's graduate together! 197 00:18:28,423 --> 00:18:31,137 Whoa! I can move! Dammit... 198 00:18:31,555 --> 00:18:32,222 Chikara! 199 00:18:33,892 --> 00:18:35,103 Hey, Chikara! 200 00:18:37,232 --> 00:18:39,027 Hold on! What's going on? 201 00:18:53,974 --> 00:18:56,605 I knew it! They were trouble! 202 00:19:02,533 --> 00:19:05,246 I'd like the memory thing done. 203 00:19:05,831 --> 00:19:07,042 You sure? 204 00:19:07,042 --> 00:19:10,841 Yes. It makes things safer for everyone, right? 205 00:19:11,091 --> 00:19:11,760 Yeah. 206 00:19:15,266 --> 00:19:16,185 Then I'd like it done. 207 00:19:18,607 --> 00:19:20,068 Hit it, Nico. 208 00:19:20,193 --> 00:19:21,530 Roger that. 209 00:19:26,080 --> 00:19:27,332 Hey, you jerks! Wait! 210 00:19:27,625 --> 00:19:29,211 Where do you think you're taking Chikara? 211 00:19:29,587 --> 00:19:30,881 Hang tight, I'm coming to save... 212 00:19:31,883 --> 00:19:32,593 ...you? 213 00:19:36,016 --> 00:19:37,728 Huh? Oh. 214 00:19:38,145 --> 00:19:41,528 Crap, I left my bag back in class! 215 00:19:41,528 --> 00:19:43,447 What a pain! 216 00:19:45,703 --> 00:19:50,253 Hmm... but why am I all out of breath? 217 00:20:00,398 --> 00:20:01,108 Get us outta here. 218 00:20:11,838 --> 00:20:12,673 Andy. 219 00:20:13,717 --> 00:20:14,384 Yeah? 220 00:20:14,969 --> 00:20:17,975 I want to beat God. 221 00:20:18,810 --> 00:20:24,947 So that Chikara can go to school again. So that the world doesn't come to an end. 222 00:20:27,160 --> 00:20:28,162 That's why... 223 00:20:29,247 --> 00:20:34,592 Will you teach me... how to fight? 224 00:20:40,061 --> 00:20:40,979 Sure. 225 00:20:48,452 --> 00:20:49,956 September 16. 226 00:20:51,125 --> 00:20:56,135 Andy and Fuko succeeded in persuading the 11th Negator to join the Union. 227 00:21:01,270 --> 00:21:08,618 As a result, a level eight information blackout was conducted on anyone with memories of Chikara Shigeno. 228 00:21:10,748 --> 00:21:11,750 Addendum: 229 00:21:12,960 --> 00:21:20,684 A special training regimen was put underway per Fuko Izumo and Chikara Shigeno's requests. 230 00:21:23,481 --> 00:21:24,274 And so... 231 00:21:24,274 --> 00:21:25,736 2020 232 00:21:25,736 --> 00:21:27,238 DECEMBER 1ST 233 00:21:27,238 --> 00:21:28,742 UNION FACILITY, ROUNDTABLE ROOM 234 00:21:45,483 --> 00:21:46,820 We're all assembled, yes? 235 00:21:47,822 --> 00:21:49,784 You may proceed, Apocalypse. 236 00:21:50,326 --> 00:21:53,040 Quests, open! 237 00:22:04,020 --> 00:22:09,030 TO BE CONTINUED 238 00:23:39,044 --> 00:23:39,795 PREVIEW 239 00:23:40,046 --> 00:23:43,762 Are untouchable warmths of the world all illusions? 240 00:23:43,845 --> 00:23:47,561 Within a darkness that never will connect, it finally arises. 241 00:23:47,686 --> 00:23:51,359 Next episode of Undead Unluck, Episode 16-Revolution. 242 00:23:51,611 --> 00:23:53,489 In search of the greatest death ever.