1 00:00:04,551 --> 00:00:08,559 Andy and Fuko. There's something I'd like you two to investigate. 2 00:00:08,893 --> 00:00:10,897 Aye! You can count on me, please! 3 00:00:11,314 --> 00:00:14,070 I want you to check the legitimacy of a certain book. 4 00:00:14,487 --> 00:00:15,280 A book? 5 00:00:17,368 --> 00:00:20,708 There is a chance that the pages of the book in question hold... 6 00:00:20,708 --> 00:00:25,175 ...the past and future events of this world as penned by a certain Artifact. 7 00:00:25,927 --> 00:00:31,020 Since Billy has rebelled, not even I know the route from here on out. 8 00:00:31,522 --> 00:00:37,534 To clear these four Quests in this unfamiliar situation, that book will be paramount. 9 00:00:37,867 --> 00:00:40,247 The past and future put down in... 10 00:00:41,040 --> 00:00:42,209 ...a book? 11 00:00:42,418 --> 00:00:46,426 B-But, should we be handling such an important mission? 12 00:00:46,885 --> 00:00:49,516 I would prefer if you both handle it, in fact. 13 00:00:52,396 --> 00:00:54,066 Once you see it, the reason will be clear. 14 00:00:55,611 --> 00:00:56,362 This is it. 15 00:01:01,832 --> 00:01:05,130 The Union has taken a huge blow from Billy's betrayal. 16 00:01:05,130 --> 00:01:07,761 Juiz gathers the bewildered members of the Roundtable, 17 00:01:07,761 --> 00:01:11,225 and starts to speak the truth about this world and her own situation. 18 00:01:11,560 --> 00:01:15,985 By God's hands, this world endlessly repeats destruction and reconstruction. 19 00:01:15,985 --> 00:01:20,536 Juiz has been using an Artifact called Ark to experience these Loops over and over. 20 00:01:20,536 --> 00:01:26,214 One other, Victor, has also been living within multiple Loops with his Undead ability. 21 00:01:26,632 --> 00:01:32,142 Fuko sees an eternal solitude from the truth where he cannot die even at the world's end. 22 00:01:32,727 --> 00:01:37,111 Juiz declares the only ways to escape the Rules are suicide or God-slaying, 23 00:01:37,111 --> 00:01:41,411 and bows down in apology for hiding the truth and using all of her comrades. 24 00:01:41,995 --> 00:01:45,460 However, the members of the Roundtable did not want an apology from her. 25 00:01:45,837 --> 00:01:50,053 Under Juiz who wants to slay God and liberate the world from irrational rules, 26 00:01:50,053 --> 00:01:52,349 the comrades unify once again. 27 00:01:52,349 --> 00:01:58,069 And the item she pulls out as an undertaking for their comeback surprises Fuko. 28 00:02:01,827 --> 00:02:05,501 Th-That's the book I use as my life's bible... 29 00:02:05,626 --> 00:02:11,972 ...the masterpiece by Anno Un-sensei, who holds the longest-running shojo manga record! 30 00:02:13,266 --> 00:02:16,648 Known as You-Me! 31 00:02:17,191 --> 00:02:18,234 Right. 32 00:02:18,611 --> 00:02:19,696 And... 33 00:02:22,409 --> 00:02:27,629 This is from Volume 20 of You-Me, the Space Soccer Club Invasion arc. 34 00:02:27,879 --> 00:02:33,348 The Space Soccer Club is about to blow up the entire school, but the team captain's... 35 00:02:33,808 --> 00:02:35,937 Spiral Shot of Justice! 36 00:02:36,270 --> 00:02:40,028 ...destroys all the goals and restores peace. 37 00:02:40,696 --> 00:02:43,619 Doesn't this story sound familiar? 38 00:02:54,056 --> 00:02:55,768 I'll just have to... 39 00:02:55,768 --> 00:02:57,062 ...negate that justice. 40 00:03:06,205 --> 00:03:07,709 The aliens from the other day! 41 00:03:09,754 --> 00:03:10,631 In addition... 42 00:03:12,384 --> 00:03:18,814 The Rotten High School Melee arc in volumes 11 to 18 can look like a prediction of the Spoil battle. 43 00:03:20,901 --> 00:03:22,362 We need to investigate. 44 00:03:25,620 --> 00:03:26,495 Question, Boss! 45 00:03:26,913 --> 00:03:28,499 Yes, Top? 46 00:03:28,499 --> 00:03:33,051 Are you being for real? Uh, also, what's this You-Me thing? 47 00:03:33,259 --> 00:03:35,096 Are you saying you don't know, Top? 48 00:03:35,096 --> 00:03:37,935 You-Me is only the gold standard of long-running sci-fi shojo manga! 49 00:03:38,102 --> 00:03:40,858 It's got battles, too, so even you can read it, Top. 50 00:03:41,233 --> 00:03:42,612 There's 101 volumes in all! 51 00:03:42,612 --> 00:03:44,073 101? 52 00:03:45,576 --> 00:03:49,291 But no one knows anything beyond the manga. 53 00:03:49,751 --> 00:03:52,464 There's no info about the author at all. 54 00:03:52,464 --> 00:03:53,634 That is correct. 55 00:03:53,967 --> 00:04:00,105 If You-Me was drawn with the Artifact G-Liner as I predict... 56 00:04:00,438 --> 00:04:05,574 the objects drawn themselves are not affected by the addition of new Rules. 57 00:04:05,825 --> 00:04:09,164 In other words, the raw manuscript doesn't fall under the language unification, 58 00:04:09,164 --> 00:04:10,668 and will still be in Japanese. 59 00:04:11,168 --> 00:04:12,045 Right. 60 00:04:13,089 --> 00:04:14,383 The raw manuscript... 61 00:04:16,220 --> 00:04:17,724 Andy, Fuko. 62 00:04:18,433 --> 00:04:20,563 There are two things I want you to look into. 63 00:04:20,813 --> 00:04:26,449 I want the status of the raw manuscript and intel on the author, Anno Un. 64 00:04:27,242 --> 00:04:28,829 I'll leave the means up to you. 65 00:04:29,329 --> 00:04:32,503 If those two are anywhere, it would be at the publisher. 66 00:04:32,503 --> 00:04:35,341 But I doubt they'll show it to us just like that. 67 00:04:35,341 --> 00:04:36,678 Which means... 68 00:04:40,018 --> 00:04:41,605 So amazing... 69 00:04:43,525 --> 00:04:46,363 ...all we gotta do is whip up a killer manga and bring it to 'em, right? 70 00:04:46,698 --> 00:04:48,994 - What? - What? 71 00:06:20,426 --> 00:06:22,138 2020 72 00:06:22,138 --> 00:06:24,184 DECEMBER 3RD 73 00:06:24,184 --> 00:06:29,194 UNDEAD + UNLUCK 74 00:06:50,069 --> 00:06:51,906 Pappy said you can use this room! 75 00:06:57,042 --> 00:06:58,503 Thanks. 76 00:06:58,503 --> 00:07:02,218 While I'm puttin' ya out, ya mind preparin' the stuff on this list? 77 00:07:02,720 --> 00:07:03,680 Aye, aye! 78 00:07:14,744 --> 00:07:18,000 Urgh... urrrgh... 79 00:07:20,296 --> 00:07:21,758 What're ya stressing about? 80 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:25,348 This is impossible! Why am I the one making it? 81 00:07:25,599 --> 00:07:28,855 I'm just a blissful connoisseur of fiction! 82 00:07:28,855 --> 00:07:31,235 There's a huge difference between being a reader and a writer! 83 00:07:31,694 --> 00:07:33,280 I'll handle wrappin' it up. 84 00:07:33,489 --> 00:07:34,241 Huh? 85 00:07:35,326 --> 00:07:37,080 Okay, Unigle. 86 00:07:41,463 --> 00:07:44,929 Your basic manga pipeline looks somethin' like this. 87 00:07:45,848 --> 00:07:47,768 Andy, you've made a manga before? 88 00:07:48,227 --> 00:07:53,445 Not from scratch, no. But I dabbled a little when Tezuka was hypin' up the manga industry. 89 00:07:53,613 --> 00:07:54,657 Tezu- 90 00:07:54,657 --> 00:07:57,580 SELF-CENSORED 91 00:08:02,548 --> 00:08:06,054 Composition, background art- I got all that covered. 92 00:08:06,556 --> 00:08:08,768 But the base for it all. 93 00:08:10,354 --> 00:08:15,239 Now that's a spot where the passion from your soul weighs in. Nobody can help you there. 94 00:08:17,578 --> 00:08:20,792 But you're the one with the most shojo manga know-how. 95 00:08:21,418 --> 00:08:26,971 So, ya just gotta dream up a boyfriend and situations with him that'd make your heart throb to death! 96 00:08:29,184 --> 00:08:31,355 Can y'manage that, Fuko? 97 00:08:34,737 --> 00:08:35,864 Yeah! 98 00:08:40,916 --> 00:08:43,755 Well, you sure are takin' this in stride. 99 00:08:43,755 --> 00:08:46,218 I was expectin' ya to get far more embarrassed than that. 100 00:08:46,218 --> 00:08:51,144 I can't afford to do that! I don't want my shyness to cause any hangups. 101 00:08:51,688 --> 00:08:52,523 And besides... 102 00:08:53,733 --> 00:08:56,781 If You-Me really is a book of prophecies... 103 00:08:57,031 --> 00:09:00,371 ...then its pages just might hold the key to stopping Mr. Billy and his group. 104 00:09:01,624 --> 00:09:03,335 Doing it for Tatiana, huh? 105 00:09:03,335 --> 00:09:08,095 Of course that's one reason, but if I can do a good job on this manga... 106 00:09:08,680 --> 00:09:12,437 ...I think I'll be able to understand my own feelings better. 107 00:09:13,397 --> 00:09:15,902 And if I can do that, then... 108 00:09:17,280 --> 00:09:20,871 ...I'll be able to summon even stronger strokes of unluck! 109 00:09:24,795 --> 00:09:27,718 Right. That should be quite the treat. 110 00:09:42,246 --> 00:09:42,998 Well? 111 00:09:43,290 --> 00:09:47,173 I-I actually don't want you reading it too carefully in detail. 112 00:09:51,473 --> 00:09:53,812 Sick. Wicked sick, in fact! 113 00:09:58,237 --> 00:10:00,408 Gonna compose the storyboard now! 114 00:10:00,408 --> 00:10:04,040 I'll have it done in an hour. Everyone get ready to draw! 115 00:10:04,165 --> 00:10:05,251 Everyone? 116 00:10:05,794 --> 00:10:07,255 Shk-ping! 117 00:10:07,255 --> 00:10:09,718 Um, we're here. Per your request. 118 00:10:10,177 --> 00:10:11,764 It's Mui! And Mico! 119 00:10:12,056 --> 00:10:14,729 Um, if there's anything I can do to help- 120 00:10:14,770 --> 00:10:18,193 Go pump some iron. Your power's too dangerous. 121 00:10:18,360 --> 00:10:19,572 Roger... 122 00:10:22,160 --> 00:10:24,164 Pan-Panda! 123 00:10:24,665 --> 00:10:27,336 But a manga takes a lot of time to make! 124 00:10:27,462 --> 00:10:28,923 Not an issue. 125 00:10:29,424 --> 00:10:31,136 Mico! Get the gear I asked for. 126 00:10:31,136 --> 00:10:31,971 Aye, aye, sir! 127 00:10:33,348 --> 00:10:34,518 Gatch-ching! 128 00:10:35,770 --> 00:10:38,192 Whoa! They're moving on their own! 129 00:10:38,651 --> 00:10:44,204 With these brain wave-operated robot arms, we'll finish up six times as fast. 130 00:10:44,204 --> 00:10:45,456 Brute force? 131 00:10:49,965 --> 00:10:52,805 But I can't control them at all! 132 00:10:52,805 --> 00:10:55,392 Yeah, I know. That's why I'm givin' ya an hour. 133 00:10:56,311 --> 00:10:56,979 Get used to 'em. 134 00:10:57,063 --> 00:10:58,608 You can't be serious! 135 00:10:59,067 --> 00:11:02,240 APOLOGIES FOR THE INCONVENIENCE 136 00:11:11,174 --> 00:11:13,345 Imagine looking down at yourself from above. 137 00:11:14,765 --> 00:11:18,146 Once you get the hang of it, the rest is a piece of cake. 138 00:11:18,480 --> 00:11:20,109 Oh, Tatiana! 139 00:11:20,401 --> 00:11:22,990 Time for training, Fuko! 140 00:11:35,682 --> 00:11:36,976 Fuko. 141 00:11:37,644 --> 00:11:42,194 Tatiana, thank you for giving me the drill! 142 00:11:42,194 --> 00:11:44,783 Of course I did. We're friends. 143 00:11:45,451 --> 00:11:47,748 Thanks to you, I can move these around now! 144 00:11:48,040 --> 00:11:52,633 Mm... I want to help out with this manga, too. 145 00:11:52,883 --> 00:11:55,346 You'll have less space to work with, but... 146 00:11:55,513 --> 00:11:58,143 You're more than welcome aboard! Let's work together! 147 00:11:58,770 --> 00:12:00,022 The storyboard's done! 148 00:12:00,230 --> 00:12:01,024 That was fast! 149 00:12:01,984 --> 00:12:03,863 Pan-Panda! 150 00:13:22,604 --> 00:13:25,610 THE SWORD AND ZEN AS ONE 151 00:13:33,166 --> 00:13:34,168 I'll assist. 152 00:13:34,753 --> 00:13:35,880 Appreciate it. 153 00:13:40,807 --> 00:13:45,567 When you said it was a book of prophecies, I went back and re-read You-Me again... 154 00:13:46,025 --> 00:13:52,162 But there was nothing in it that suggested Mr. Billy's betrayal or our current set of quests. 155 00:13:52,956 --> 00:13:56,589 Instead there were these awkward gaps. 156 00:13:57,172 --> 00:14:01,932 The closer I got to the climax, the more apparent the plot holes became. 157 00:14:02,474 --> 00:14:07,611 Even back when I was reading each chapter as it came out, I'd often wonder if I somehow skipped a part. 158 00:14:10,032 --> 00:14:13,915 In other words... you believe the author intentionally left parts out? 159 00:14:14,165 --> 00:14:14,875 That's my guess. 160 00:14:17,046 --> 00:14:19,801 We need to confirm that aspect of this as well. 161 00:14:20,637 --> 00:14:22,933 Which frame do you want me to help next- 162 00:14:23,475 --> 00:14:24,226 Hmm? 163 00:14:26,899 --> 00:14:29,780 Pan-Panda! 164 00:14:29,780 --> 00:14:31,992 HERE LIES CHIKARA 165 00:15:38,793 --> 00:15:40,253 DECEMBER 5TH 166 00:15:40,253 --> 00:15:42,007 TOKYO-JINBOCHO 167 00:15:47,769 --> 00:15:49,731 You really going in there alone? 168 00:15:49,731 --> 00:15:50,900 Y-Yeah. 169 00:15:50,900 --> 00:15:52,862 I think it'd be better if I went in with you- 170 00:15:52,862 --> 00:15:54,323 No, you see, um... 171 00:15:54,616 --> 00:15:57,789 Let's just say, you don't look the part of a shojo manga artist. 172 00:15:57,789 --> 00:15:58,498 Huh? 173 00:15:58,749 --> 00:16:01,505 And you know, our goal here is to win credibility, so yeah. 174 00:16:06,389 --> 00:16:08,894 I'm really sorry! Just wait out here for me! 175 00:16:20,292 --> 00:16:22,797 Whoa... wow... 176 00:16:24,466 --> 00:16:28,684 Hello there. Sorry for the wait. You're a first-timer, right? 177 00:16:29,101 --> 00:16:30,061 Oh, yes. 178 00:16:30,395 --> 00:16:32,901 All right. Then let's see what you've got! 179 00:16:35,280 --> 00:16:37,785 "Undead Plus Unluck", huh? 180 00:16:37,785 --> 00:16:40,123 Oh, the "plus" is silent! 181 00:16:40,123 --> 00:16:41,543 Aah, okay. 182 00:16:51,354 --> 00:16:52,941 How long did this take you? 183 00:16:53,191 --> 00:16:55,320 Huh? Well, let's see... 184 00:16:56,280 --> 00:17:00,038 I don't know the standard, and I can't say it only took a day, either. 185 00:17:00,330 --> 00:17:02,585 A-About a week. 186 00:17:02,752 --> 00:17:05,006 A week? You drew this in a week? 187 00:17:05,340 --> 00:17:06,718 Yes! 188 00:17:07,052 --> 00:17:11,812 OFF TODAY-PLEASE DON'T LOOK FOR ME I only said that to make a good impression! Manga artists of the world, forgive me! 189 00:17:12,855 --> 00:17:17,364 The composition is awfully refined... All this at just 18, huh? 190 00:17:17,364 --> 00:17:19,285 That's the part Andy handled! 191 00:17:19,828 --> 00:17:22,457 The character art is also pretty good. 192 00:17:22,750 --> 00:17:23,919 Whuh? 193 00:17:24,336 --> 00:17:28,887 Of course, unlike your composition, your line work and designs don't cut it at all. 194 00:17:28,887 --> 00:17:30,558 Your art style is too old school. 195 00:17:30,850 --> 00:17:33,606 And it seems to lack design sense. 196 00:17:33,606 --> 00:17:34,774 NO TASTE IN DESIGN! 197 00:17:35,818 --> 00:17:39,951 But it has charm. I can, well... feel it. 198 00:17:40,201 --> 00:17:40,911 Huh? 199 00:17:41,329 --> 00:17:44,753 I can feel you really love the hero of this story. 200 00:17:45,003 --> 00:17:46,590 Did you base him on someone? 201 00:17:47,592 --> 00:17:50,890 Hah, of course you wouldn't have a zombie boyfriend! 202 00:17:51,558 --> 00:17:56,860 Right... if someone like that existed, I'd wind up falling for them. 203 00:17:59,448 --> 00:18:03,874 So do you want to submit this to the contest? I think it'll place great. 204 00:18:03,874 --> 00:18:05,836 Oh! Yes, please do! 205 00:18:06,713 --> 00:18:11,890 Um... actually, I have a request, if you don't mind. 206 00:18:17,192 --> 00:18:18,904 Now it makes sense. 207 00:18:19,363 --> 00:18:22,620 Once you said you're a You-Me fan, it all clicked. 208 00:18:22,620 --> 00:18:26,377 That manga is a unique one, too, with its heavy use of sci-fi elements. 209 00:18:27,964 --> 00:18:31,429 Normally this isn't allowed, but it's a special treat. 210 00:18:31,722 --> 00:18:34,476 Th-Then, you're really showing me the raw manuscripts? 211 00:18:34,644 --> 00:18:39,571 Sure! Nowadays, we're all about digital manuscripts. So chances like this are pretty rare. 212 00:18:41,115 --> 00:18:43,662 You ought to see the power an analog manuscript holds. 213 00:18:44,329 --> 00:18:45,875 Now, let's see... 214 00:18:49,006 --> 00:18:49,716 Huh? 215 00:18:50,425 --> 00:18:52,930 Well, that's odd. What's this writing? 216 00:18:52,930 --> 00:18:54,893 TO YOU, FROM ME 217 00:18:55,477 --> 00:18:56,938 Andy! It's in Japanese! 218 00:18:57,189 --> 00:18:58,107 Yeah. 219 00:18:58,107 --> 00:18:59,151 That seals it. 220 00:18:59,611 --> 00:19:02,909 You-Me is definitely a book of prophecy, Fuko. 221 00:19:05,163 --> 00:19:08,712 Um... You-Me has some rejected storylines, right? 222 00:19:09,672 --> 00:19:10,883 How do you know that? 223 00:19:11,217 --> 00:19:13,722 Huh? Oh, well, y'see... 224 00:19:14,139 --> 00:19:18,481 Anno-sensei has always excelled at story structure! 225 00:19:18,481 --> 00:19:23,115 So some awkward progression in the later parts of the story stood out-I mean... 226 00:19:23,491 --> 00:19:26,831 Don't get me wrong, it stayed great till the end, but... 227 00:19:28,042 --> 00:19:32,467 That's right! So you could tell! We shelved three arcs! 228 00:19:32,677 --> 00:19:33,679 Three? 229 00:19:34,054 --> 00:19:35,724 The Kohei's Betrayal arc. 230 00:19:36,308 --> 00:19:37,770 UNBREAKABLE The Four Kings of the Four Season's arc. 231 00:19:38,187 --> 00:19:40,275 And the Ando's Past arc. 232 00:19:41,528 --> 00:19:44,283 Both of you, get in contact with Anno Un immediately! 233 00:19:44,617 --> 00:19:49,711 They intentionally left out details about the future! I want those details and why they were withheld! 234 00:19:50,169 --> 00:19:53,969 Under most likely hasn't caught on to this intel. 235 00:19:54,303 --> 00:19:56,933 We'll seize it for ourselves and gain the upperhand! 236 00:19:57,392 --> 00:20:03,404 I can dispatch other members if necessary! I'll leave it to Andy to decide if he wants more members! 237 00:20:07,580 --> 00:20:12,047 B-But we don't even know where Anno-sensei is. 238 00:20:12,047 --> 00:20:15,219 Hello, Anno-sensei? It's me, Tahioka. 239 00:20:16,221 --> 00:20:20,438 I know you prefer to stay silent, so I'll cut to the point. 240 00:20:20,438 --> 00:20:25,532 The first matter is that the manuscripts you have stored here might have been replaced. 241 00:20:26,033 --> 00:20:29,999 The other is that we need you to judge this month's contest. 242 00:20:30,249 --> 00:20:31,711 U-Um... 243 00:20:32,003 --> 00:20:36,220 For the first matter, I'll give you a report after we've done some more investigating. 244 00:20:36,220 --> 00:20:38,015 As for the second, are you available to judge? 245 00:20:38,015 --> 00:20:40,562 Um... would it be possible to speak with them? 246 00:20:40,896 --> 00:20:41,731 Huh? 247 00:20:44,361 --> 00:20:46,240 I can't do such a thing- 248 00:20:46,616 --> 00:20:48,119 Huh? 249 00:20:49,121 --> 00:20:50,289 Huh? 250 00:20:54,297 --> 00:20:55,341 Huh? 251 00:20:57,888 --> 00:20:59,433 Thank you very much. 252 00:21:00,769 --> 00:21:03,065 Hello, Anno-sensei. 253 00:21:03,984 --> 00:21:07,198 Nice to meet you. My name is Fuko Izumo. 254 00:21:07,742 --> 00:21:13,252 Would you mind reading my manga? I would appreciate it very much if you did. 255 00:21:13,879 --> 00:21:17,720 If it's too far for your convenience, I don't mind coming to you. 256 00:21:19,932 --> 00:21:22,897 You're wasting your breath. Anno-sensei doesn't speak to others. 257 00:21:23,565 --> 00:21:25,611 I've never even seen them before. 258 00:21:25,861 --> 00:21:26,780 Is it any good? 259 00:21:29,827 --> 00:21:32,207 If it's an interesting read, then I'll meet with you. 260 00:21:32,833 --> 00:21:37,008 In five hours, come to the bench at Stanley Park in Canada. 261 00:21:37,635 --> 00:21:39,346 Both of you together. 262 00:21:43,563 --> 00:21:46,653 Th-That's the first time I've heard their voice. 263 00:21:55,796 --> 00:22:00,012 MEMORIES OF FUKO IZUMO INSIDE OF SHUEISHA HEADQUARTERS, 264 00:22:00,012 --> 00:22:02,016 17:00 265 00:22:02,016 --> 00:22:04,020 ERASED. 266 00:22:04,020 --> 00:22:09,030 TO BE CONTINUED 267 00:23:39,044 --> 00:23:39,670 PREVIEW 268 00:23:39,879 --> 00:23:43,636 An autumn forest where red leaves fall... that is the crossroads of fate. 269 00:23:44,095 --> 00:23:47,561 The unlucky girl and the undead man finally reach this location. 270 00:23:47,561 --> 00:23:51,611 ANNO UN Next episode of Undead Unluck, Episode 20-Anno Un. 271 00:23:51,694 --> 00:23:53,656 In search of the greatest death ever.