1 00:00:06,680 --> 00:00:08,141 2020 2 00:00:08,141 --> 00:00:09,645 DECEMBER 5TH 3 00:00:09,645 --> 00:00:12,107 CANADA-STANLEY PARK 4 00:00:21,167 --> 00:00:21,961 Andy! 5 00:00:22,336 --> 00:00:23,421 No problem. 6 00:00:25,259 --> 00:00:27,263 Under will be taking Autumn! 7 00:00:40,122 --> 00:00:43,086 I'm betting on the charged unluck! Get away, Fuko! 8 00:00:44,923 --> 00:00:45,967 On it! 9 00:01:15,108 --> 00:01:17,029 The future I know... 10 00:01:19,701 --> 00:01:22,957 Hello, Anno-sensei? It's me, Tahioka. 11 00:01:24,001 --> 00:01:28,134 I know you prefer to stay silent, so I'll cut to the point. 12 00:01:28,134 --> 00:01:33,228 The first matter is that the manuscripts you have stored here might have been replaced... 13 00:01:33,646 --> 00:01:37,696 The other is that we need you to judge this month's contest. 14 00:01:37,987 --> 00:01:39,407 U-Um... 15 00:01:39,658 --> 00:01:43,833 For the first matter, I'll give you a report after we've done some more investigating. 16 00:01:43,833 --> 00:01:45,670 As for the second, are you available to judge? 17 00:01:45,670 --> 00:01:48,216 Um... would it be possible to speak with them? 18 00:01:48,509 --> 00:01:49,427 Huh? 19 00:01:51,932 --> 00:01:54,270 I can't do such a thing- 20 00:01:54,270 --> 00:01:55,731 Huh? 21 00:01:56,775 --> 00:01:57,944 Huh? 22 00:02:02,119 --> 00:02:03,037 Huh? 23 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:06,753 Thank you very much. 24 00:02:08,465 --> 00:02:10,720 Hello, Anno-sensei. 25 00:02:11,680 --> 00:02:14,853 Nice to meet you. My name is Fuko Izumo. 26 00:02:15,353 --> 00:02:20,865 Would you mind reading my manga? I would appreciate it very much if you did. 27 00:02:21,491 --> 00:02:25,332 If it's too far for your convenience, I don't mind coming to you. 28 00:02:27,545 --> 00:02:30,510 You're wasting your breath. Anno-sensei doesn't speak to others. 29 00:02:31,177 --> 00:02:33,223 I've never even seen them before! 30 00:02:33,473 --> 00:02:34,809 Is it any good? 31 00:02:35,477 --> 00:02:37,857 If it's an interesting read, then I'll meet with you. 32 00:02:38,483 --> 00:02:42,700 In five hours, come to the bench at Stanley Park in Canada. 33 00:02:43,368 --> 00:02:44,996 Both of you together. 34 00:02:55,560 --> 00:02:59,609 "To You, From Me" is the manga that served as a crutch for Fuko to live her life. 35 00:02:59,609 --> 00:03:03,576 Juiz speaks of how the story drawn within is a prophecy for this world, 36 00:03:03,576 --> 00:03:07,165 and directs Fuko and Andy to investigate about the author, Anno Un. 37 00:03:07,584 --> 00:03:13,094 By Andy's proposal, Fuko ends up having to draw a manga as a means to contact the author. 38 00:03:13,094 --> 00:03:16,475 She is at wit's end as she has never drawn a manga before, 39 00:03:16,475 --> 00:03:20,568 but Andy persuades Fuko that she only has to think about things that would throb her heart to death. 40 00:03:21,027 --> 00:03:26,412 With a fresh start, Fuko starts facing her own emotions. This was for the mission, 41 00:03:26,412 --> 00:03:30,921 but also from a will to become able to call in bigger strokes of unluck for Andy. 42 00:03:31,422 --> 00:03:35,514 With assistance from other members, Fuko pours her feelings into her manuscript. 43 00:03:36,015 --> 00:03:38,979 The completed title is "Undead + Unluck." 44 00:03:38,979 --> 00:03:41,526 With that in hand, the pair heads to a publisher, 45 00:03:41,526 --> 00:03:45,951 and succeeds in an exchange of words with the author Anno Un as planned. 46 00:03:46,410 --> 00:03:49,249 And now, Fuko and Andy head over to Canada. 47 00:03:49,249 --> 00:03:52,507 That's right. The exact location where I am now. 48 00:03:52,590 --> 00:03:54,594 ANNO UN 49 00:04:06,952 --> 00:04:09,916 I'm sure they said both of us, together. 50 00:04:10,458 --> 00:04:11,586 I see. 51 00:04:12,003 --> 00:04:18,559 I assume they mean the two of us. In other words, they know about us. 52 00:04:20,730 --> 00:04:25,321 Not only that. It takes roughly nine hours to fly to Canada on a passenger airplane. 53 00:04:25,447 --> 00:04:29,789 They got the lowdown that Union tech can get us there in three hours. 54 00:04:30,415 --> 00:04:32,754 They ain't normal any way y'slice it. 55 00:04:38,431 --> 00:04:43,357 I wonder if we'll really be able to meet them. 56 00:04:46,363 --> 00:04:51,541 Anno Un. Age unknown. Sex unknown. 57 00:04:51,541 --> 00:04:55,048 They say no one knows what they look or even sound like. 58 00:04:55,841 --> 00:04:59,014 Twenty years ago, they submitted the first chapter of You-Me. 59 00:04:59,808 --> 00:05:03,649 It was published as a one-time special, but was so popular it immediately won a serial slot. 60 00:05:04,191 --> 00:05:08,491 They only converse with editorial via silent phone calls and letters, right? 61 00:05:08,491 --> 00:05:10,120 For all of these past 20 years. 62 00:05:10,871 --> 00:05:13,167 Something's clearly strange 'bout that. 63 00:05:13,752 --> 00:05:19,597 Not even the Union's been able to track down the mysterious masked manga maker. 64 00:05:20,181 --> 00:05:21,685 Color me interested! 65 00:05:22,269 --> 00:05:24,148 We're gonna nab 'em at all costs! 66 00:05:24,691 --> 00:05:25,568 Yeah! 67 00:07:17,833 --> 00:07:19,169 It's autumn. 68 00:07:23,177 --> 00:07:25,181 DECEMBER 5TH 69 00:07:29,649 --> 00:07:32,153 STANLEY PARK, CANADA 70 00:07:36,411 --> 00:07:38,917 5:00 A.M. (22:00 JAPAN TIME) 71 00:07:50,439 --> 00:07:52,068 Not here yet, huh? 72 00:07:53,697 --> 00:07:54,364 Want some? 73 00:07:54,364 --> 00:07:55,032 Hmm? 74 00:07:55,366 --> 00:07:57,203 What is that? It looks so good! 75 00:07:57,453 --> 00:08:01,963 A good ol' Canadian delicacy called poutine. If you're hungry, help yourself. 76 00:08:02,213 --> 00:08:03,090 Okay. 77 00:08:08,100 --> 00:08:09,645 It's sho good! 78 00:08:10,689 --> 00:08:13,194 Now then... should be any minute now. 79 00:08:13,194 --> 00:08:17,285 You know the plan. If they get hostile with us, it's go time. 80 00:08:17,745 --> 00:08:21,961 And by hostile I mean them pullin' out weapons, or gettin' too close for comfort. 81 00:08:23,380 --> 00:08:25,259 So if they do, shoot them? 82 00:08:25,510 --> 00:08:27,598 Yeah. Go for the leg first. 83 00:08:29,017 --> 00:08:31,146 I don't wanna have it come to that, but... 84 00:08:31,856 --> 00:08:37,993 ...if we're dealing with a Negator or Artifact-wielder, if we're one step behind, we're dead. 85 00:08:38,494 --> 00:08:40,958 They seem to know 'bout us, too. 86 00:08:43,755 --> 00:08:46,385 "Undead + Unluck", huh? 87 00:08:46,678 --> 00:08:48,305 Yeah! It's got my interest! 88 00:08:48,765 --> 00:08:51,688 But the setup needs work. 89 00:08:51,688 --> 00:08:53,817 This won't get past the series approval meeting, you know? 90 00:08:54,401 --> 00:08:57,031 They got that close without me noticing 'em? 91 00:08:58,242 --> 00:08:59,745 Anno Un, I presume? 92 00:09:00,204 --> 00:09:02,333 Yup. That's just my pen name, though. 93 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:06,801 And I know what you two want to know. 94 00:09:06,801 --> 00:09:11,811 What's the reason behind Billy's betrayal? How to defeat the four UMAs? 95 00:09:12,186 --> 00:09:15,902 Andy's mysterious past. And lastly... 96 00:09:16,445 --> 00:09:18,867 ...how to defeat God. Sound about right? 97 00:09:21,163 --> 00:09:24,545 Yeah, I know it all. But there's a price to pay. 98 00:09:24,795 --> 00:09:25,630 Watch out! 99 00:09:25,630 --> 00:09:27,300 Spider... UMAs? 100 00:09:27,676 --> 00:09:30,264 Autumn spawned those things. Their Juniors. 101 00:09:30,974 --> 00:09:33,688 After all, this is already part of their territory. 102 00:09:35,901 --> 00:09:40,619 The two of you are about to battle Autumn and learn about yourselves. 103 00:09:40,994 --> 00:09:46,506 Once you both come to know each other better... you'll get several times stronger. 104 00:09:47,256 --> 00:09:51,557 Those are all the hints you get. Grab the reward by your own hands. 105 00:09:52,100 --> 00:09:54,396 I'm sure the two of you can do it! 106 00:09:54,939 --> 00:09:59,030 Now... let the UMA Autumn arc... begin! 107 00:10:02,161 --> 00:10:03,748 Show me the ultimate ending... 108 00:10:04,792 --> 00:10:07,463 ...that I won't see coming! 109 00:10:11,639 --> 00:10:16,398 I knew that'd happen. It's fine, don't worry. 110 00:10:16,691 --> 00:10:19,572 Look! Your manuscript is safe and sound! 111 00:10:19,572 --> 00:10:23,370 So anyway, anyway! Before you go off to fight Autumn, let's chat about this here! 112 00:10:23,454 --> 00:10:26,627 There's so much stuff I want to praise and so much stuff to criticize! 113 00:10:26,669 --> 00:10:29,800 Composition and characters are pretty good, but line work and figure drawing is terrible. 114 00:10:29,800 --> 00:10:30,844 The art style is too old school... 115 00:10:30,927 --> 00:10:32,054 Still a fan? 116 00:10:32,138 --> 00:10:33,390 Barely. 117 00:10:37,691 --> 00:10:41,824 You'll battle Autumn, learn about yourselves, and get even stronger! 118 00:10:44,997 --> 00:10:47,544 And I want to help you do just that. 119 00:10:48,295 --> 00:10:49,464 Spill it. 120 00:10:50,007 --> 00:10:52,470 Do you know the future? 121 00:10:56,186 --> 00:11:00,361 And if you do, why did you hide it? What's your goal? 122 00:11:03,910 --> 00:11:05,622 - Right. Here's your manuscript back. - Whoa! When did you- 123 00:11:05,705 --> 00:11:07,709 It was a fun read! 124 00:11:07,709 --> 00:11:09,922 Oh, but maybe I should hold onto it? 125 00:11:10,381 --> 00:11:12,176 Teleportation? 126 00:11:12,176 --> 00:11:15,559 A Self-Targeter? A Voluntary-Type Negator Ability? 127 00:11:15,976 --> 00:11:18,397 Could possibly be an artifact, too. 128 00:11:18,940 --> 00:11:20,610 What a pain. 129 00:11:20,986 --> 00:11:25,119 "Battle with Autumn"? Do you mean Autumn is here? 130 00:11:25,537 --> 00:11:28,166 Yup. Should be any moment now. 131 00:11:29,294 --> 00:11:30,129 Someone's there! 132 00:11:30,755 --> 00:11:32,341 Hey, wait! Hold on, Fuko! 133 00:11:32,634 --> 00:11:34,513 Neither of you currently stand a chance! 134 00:11:35,347 --> 00:11:38,437 If you can't fully utilize your powers, you can't defeat Autumn! 135 00:11:38,771 --> 00:11:39,982 This isn't about winning or losing! 136 00:11:40,609 --> 00:11:43,990 Once a UMA transforms a human, there's no changing back! 137 00:11:44,282 --> 00:11:45,744 Teacher! 138 00:11:46,119 --> 00:11:48,373 I knew you were still safe, Teacher! 139 00:11:51,087 --> 00:11:54,052 Your arm's hurt. I'll bandage it for you! 140 00:11:57,559 --> 00:11:58,435 Huh? 141 00:11:59,228 --> 00:12:01,901 T-Thank... 142 00:12:03,445 --> 00:12:04,698 No way. 143 00:12:34,424 --> 00:12:35,467 I understand. 144 00:12:45,320 --> 00:12:46,574 Teacher? 145 00:12:46,866 --> 00:12:47,951 What's wrong? 146 00:12:50,289 --> 00:12:51,416 Teacher! 147 00:12:52,627 --> 00:12:55,340 Teacher! 148 00:13:05,612 --> 00:13:07,866 I need to save more people, even if just one! 149 00:13:08,116 --> 00:13:14,003 Oh, my. What a pure and selfless line! So befitting of our protagonist! 150 00:13:16,509 --> 00:13:20,975 I admit, this is the sort of spirit you need right now to make progress. 151 00:13:23,146 --> 00:13:27,531 But, unless you stop for training on occasion... 152 00:13:27,531 --> 00:13:29,450 ...you'll hit walls you won't be able to overcome. 153 00:13:31,037 --> 00:13:32,206 Is that... 154 00:13:32,206 --> 00:13:37,926 Yup. That's Autumn. A UMA that feeds on human biography. 155 00:13:42,476 --> 00:13:44,313 The guy that just screamed... 156 00:13:44,565 --> 00:13:45,650 There they are! 157 00:13:46,067 --> 00:13:47,319 Please hel- 158 00:14:18,633 --> 00:14:19,676 Oh, no. 159 00:14:20,218 --> 00:14:22,641 It turns people into books and reads them? 160 00:14:23,183 --> 00:14:24,853 Boring. 161 00:14:29,821 --> 00:14:34,246 Give me. Give me. Give me a story that's truly interesting. 162 00:14:41,679 --> 00:14:46,020 Tell me. Tell me. Tell me a story no one knows. 163 00:14:48,316 --> 00:14:49,945 Show me. Show me. 164 00:14:52,659 --> 00:14:55,999 Show me a story that's yours alone! 165 00:14:56,165 --> 00:14:58,003 Here it comes! Grab hold, Fuko! 166 00:14:58,003 --> 00:14:58,713 On it! 167 00:15:01,175 --> 00:15:03,514 Okay, same strategy as with Burn! 168 00:15:04,390 --> 00:15:09,316 I charge up on unluck and enter its body... deal damage and nab the sucker! 169 00:15:18,711 --> 00:15:21,466 It locked down its body? Every hole is closed off! 170 00:15:21,466 --> 00:15:22,342 In that case... 171 00:15:24,514 --> 00:15:25,975 I just gotta pry it open! 172 00:15:27,687 --> 00:15:29,900 That won't work. You lack ideas. 173 00:15:31,194 --> 00:15:33,364 Crimson Bullet! 174 00:15:37,582 --> 00:15:39,418 Not even a scratch! 175 00:15:39,418 --> 00:15:40,337 Andy! 176 00:15:43,134 --> 00:15:44,846 Your leg is turning into books! 177 00:15:44,846 --> 00:15:46,683 No problem, I'll just cut it off! 178 00:15:50,398 --> 00:15:52,737 I just told you that's not going to work. 179 00:15:58,289 --> 00:16:00,753 You both are too caught up in the Rules. 180 00:16:01,462 --> 00:16:06,264 You assume things work in a certain way so much, you ended up establishing more Rules on your own. 181 00:16:08,101 --> 00:16:11,023 I know it's in a Negator's nature to do so, but... 182 00:16:20,585 --> 00:16:22,087 ...if you ask me... 183 00:16:22,505 --> 00:16:27,097 Why would a Negator bind themselves up by Rules? 184 00:16:27,807 --> 00:16:33,318 No matter when, all you need to grow is proper effort and a flash of inspiration! 185 00:16:33,736 --> 00:16:35,615 Volcano Bullet! 186 00:16:36,157 --> 00:16:37,911 VOLCANO BULLET 187 00:16:46,219 --> 00:16:48,389 What was that? Did Sensei do that? 188 00:16:48,891 --> 00:16:49,935 Hop on! 189 00:17:15,861 --> 00:17:18,909 That didn't even faze it! Retreat, retreat! 190 00:17:31,852 --> 00:17:36,152 Phew, that was a close one. Boy, it sure feels like an adventure! 191 00:17:36,653 --> 00:17:38,574 Hey. That arm of yours comin' back? 192 00:17:40,410 --> 00:17:45,755 Nope. Not at all. I can only materialize one drawing at a time, after all. 193 00:17:46,506 --> 00:17:48,051 Why would you do this? 194 00:17:48,384 --> 00:17:50,765 Because neither of you would've listened otherwise. 195 00:17:52,685 --> 00:17:56,233 Besides, I'm fine. I don't need my left hand to draw manga! 196 00:17:56,484 --> 00:18:00,450 Anyway, now that you two are indebted to me, let's kick off your training arc! 197 00:18:04,083 --> 00:18:06,713 Oopsie! Forgot I don't have my left hand! 198 00:18:15,230 --> 00:18:19,614 Welcome to my humble abode. It's pretty beat-up, but it's nice and quiet. 199 00:18:19,989 --> 00:18:22,119 Let's head inside and chat. 200 00:18:28,172 --> 00:18:29,718 And this is my work room! 201 00:18:32,264 --> 00:18:38,401 Oh, right! A report! A report to your boss... about me and Autumn. 202 00:18:39,194 --> 00:18:41,157 They made an Emblem. 203 00:18:41,992 --> 00:18:49,047 So... can I train these two for the sake of capturing Autumn, and for my sake, Juiz? 204 00:18:49,423 --> 00:18:50,091 Absolutely not. 205 00:18:50,425 --> 00:18:51,051 Wha? 206 00:18:51,385 --> 00:18:56,061 Anno Un, I take it? I still don't trust you. 207 00:18:56,605 --> 00:19:01,865 What we want is information about the future. Not some chaos-inducing coach. 208 00:19:02,449 --> 00:19:05,831 My strategy guide only lists the bad ending. 209 00:19:06,457 --> 00:19:11,258 Besides, these two were virtually powerless against Autumn. 210 00:19:11,802 --> 00:19:16,728 I'm sure you have an inkling already? That unless you take a gamble, there is no future. 211 00:19:17,270 --> 00:19:21,153 These members can make it happen. Which is why I'm proceeding with caution. 212 00:19:21,487 --> 00:19:25,161 That's backwards. If you have a good hand, you should go all-in. 213 00:19:25,161 --> 00:19:28,042 What's there to fear when you have a Royal Straight Flush? 214 00:19:29,002 --> 00:19:33,469 I'd hate for you to waste a cast this good on a trite ending. 215 00:19:34,137 --> 00:19:36,977 And I'm sure you feel the same way, Juiz? 216 00:19:40,316 --> 00:19:41,485 Excuse me. 217 00:19:41,485 --> 00:19:42,279 Hm? 218 00:19:42,613 --> 00:19:47,497 - Ms. Juiz, I trust Sensei! - Why are you screaming into my Emblem? 219 00:19:47,497 --> 00:19:50,253 - You've got one of your own! - Oh, right! I almost forgot! 220 00:19:50,253 --> 00:19:54,261 - Gah! Now I can't hear out of my left ear! - I'm sorry! 221 00:19:56,641 --> 00:20:00,983 Well... Sensei risked their life to save us! 222 00:20:01,358 --> 00:20:04,197 I think it's safe to trust such an action! 223 00:20:04,489 --> 00:20:05,910 And I'm askin' ya, too! 224 00:20:06,452 --> 00:20:08,665 This person claims to know about my past. 225 00:20:09,166 --> 00:20:11,880 And there goes my right ear! 226 00:20:13,675 --> 00:20:18,392 The power gap between me and Victor has always bugged me. 227 00:20:18,852 --> 00:20:23,444 I think the key to closing that gap is in my past that even I'm unaware of. 228 00:20:25,198 --> 00:20:30,584 I don't know what their training entails. But if it gets me closer to that key, I wanna try it. 229 00:20:33,047 --> 00:20:34,801 It's so hot. 230 00:20:34,884 --> 00:20:37,598 All right. Then promise me. 231 00:20:38,517 --> 00:20:39,727 That you'll come back safe... 232 00:20:40,813 --> 00:20:42,692 ...and capture Autumn. 233 00:20:44,486 --> 00:20:46,281 Okay, that means... 234 00:20:47,492 --> 00:20:48,954 The deal is sealed! 235 00:20:49,914 --> 00:20:51,584 Is that Autumn's claw? 236 00:20:52,252 --> 00:20:54,549 Autumn turns people into books. 237 00:20:55,007 --> 00:20:59,266 Which means... with this, you and Fuko here can contact your past. 238 00:20:59,642 --> 00:21:04,986 It's just like you figured! The key to powering up is in your past, Andy! 239 00:21:07,908 --> 00:21:08,785 Any objections? 240 00:21:09,035 --> 00:21:11,248 Nope. Hurry up and hit me. 241 00:21:17,385 --> 00:21:19,724 Aah... Andy is... 242 00:21:20,517 --> 00:21:21,936 ...turning into books? 243 00:21:26,111 --> 00:21:27,030 Wha- 244 00:21:43,437 --> 00:21:44,899 Oh... 245 00:21:49,449 --> 00:21:53,959 TO BE CONTINUED 246 00:23:24,055 --> 00:23:24,974 PREVIEW 247 00:23:25,057 --> 00:23:28,898 The life of the man who can't die takes shape before the unlucky girl. 248 00:23:28,982 --> 00:23:33,115 That is where the man's "death" lies, and the girl must know what that is. 249 00:23:33,198 --> 00:23:36,956 Next episode of Undead Unluck, Episode 21-Memento Mori. 250 00:23:37,040 --> 00:23:39,002 In search of the greatest death ever.