1 00:00:07,724 --> 00:00:11,147 Not even I know the story from here on, but... 2 00:00:15,280 --> 00:00:17,243 Finally, time for payback against Autumn! 3 00:00:18,036 --> 00:00:20,207 I'm sure the two of you can do it now! 4 00:00:39,913 --> 00:00:41,374 Hey, isn't it bigger than before? 5 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:44,171 It must be changing phases. 6 00:00:51,019 --> 00:00:55,152 It must've kept eating people while we were in the book. 7 00:00:55,778 --> 00:00:57,031 We need to stop it. 8 00:00:57,031 --> 00:00:57,949 Yeah! 9 00:01:00,580 --> 00:01:02,207 But how do we do that? 10 00:01:02,207 --> 00:01:04,086 Doesn't this mean it's even stronger than before? 11 00:01:07,552 --> 00:01:10,933 Before, your attacks did nothing if it went defensive. 12 00:01:11,184 --> 00:01:12,394 That's the past! 13 00:01:12,896 --> 00:01:14,482 But I've got this now! 14 00:01:15,400 --> 00:01:18,281 Repair Boost Bloody Enchant! 15 00:01:19,993 --> 00:01:21,412 Deep-Crimson Crescent Moon! 16 00:01:22,916 --> 00:01:26,089 You did it! That worked! You really do have this! 17 00:01:29,387 --> 00:01:30,598 It's regenerating? 18 00:01:31,224 --> 00:01:32,560 I see. 19 00:01:32,936 --> 00:01:35,692 In that case, it's Unrepair's time to shine- 20 00:01:38,196 --> 00:01:40,242 Not even a scratch, huh? 21 00:01:40,242 --> 00:01:40,993 Rip! 22 00:01:41,578 --> 00:01:42,872 What are you just standing around for? 23 00:01:50,053 --> 00:01:53,059 Hey, your attack did nothing! 24 00:01:53,393 --> 00:01:56,190 What would you expect from a kid? 25 00:02:00,825 --> 00:02:01,952 Now then... 26 00:02:05,835 --> 00:02:08,674 Powering up Andy and Fuko... 27 00:02:13,642 --> 00:02:16,189 Reconciliation with Victor... 28 00:02:19,445 --> 00:02:23,119 Prevention of Unseen's attempt at assassinating Fuko! 29 00:02:23,537 --> 00:02:25,583 That just leaves one thing! 30 00:02:28,923 --> 00:02:30,258 Everyone, listen up! 31 00:02:33,223 --> 00:02:38,441 I'm about to draw the strongest Artifact we'll be using to capture Autumn! 32 00:02:38,692 --> 00:02:40,905 Can all of you buy me time until I'm finished? 33 00:02:43,368 --> 00:02:44,579 If this succeeds... 34 00:02:45,205 --> 00:02:48,127 ...I guarantee that you'll be able to catch Autumn! 35 00:02:49,213 --> 00:02:50,675 Sounds fishy. 36 00:02:51,050 --> 00:02:54,139 Sick! It's all up to you, Anno! 37 00:02:54,473 --> 00:02:56,603 Yeah! Leave it to me! 38 00:02:57,020 --> 00:02:59,066 Latla, is that a lie? 39 00:02:59,066 --> 00:03:01,613 Yes. A downright lie, at that. 40 00:03:01,613 --> 00:03:05,495 Big Sissy's fortune-telling is never right, so it's gotta be true, agoo! 41 00:03:05,495 --> 00:03:06,915 Shut up, Bunny. 42 00:03:07,165 --> 00:03:10,631 In that case, we'll take the profit after letting them duke it out. 43 00:03:11,675 --> 00:03:14,054 Sigh. That's pathetic. 44 00:03:14,054 --> 00:03:15,473 Pathetic, agoo! 45 00:03:15,766 --> 00:03:18,438 I mean, what'd you expect from a kid? 46 00:03:24,909 --> 00:03:28,041 I really had a strange life. 47 00:03:29,961 --> 00:03:32,675 Lonely... and sad... 48 00:03:38,144 --> 00:03:39,564 ANNO UN JERSEY / HAIRTIE 49 00:03:45,450 --> 00:03:46,787 And in the end... 50 00:03:48,289 --> 00:03:52,047 I couldn't get the message to Mom. 51 00:03:56,682 --> 00:03:59,061 But, Mom, can you see? 52 00:03:59,813 --> 00:04:01,525 That guy is Andy. 53 00:04:02,192 --> 00:04:07,411 He's Undead and may look scary, but he's capable of anything if it's for Fuko. 54 00:04:08,371 --> 00:04:09,289 That's Fuko. 55 00:04:10,083 --> 00:04:12,462 She's had a hard life due to her Unluck ability. 56 00:04:13,131 --> 00:04:16,930 But ever since she met Andy, she's been fighting with courage. 57 00:04:18,182 --> 00:04:21,732 And the small one there is Rip. 58 00:04:22,775 --> 00:04:25,488 He's the person I wanted to tell you about. 59 00:04:30,248 --> 00:04:31,710 I killed her. 60 00:04:32,085 --> 00:04:35,676 No... I killed my little sister. 61 00:04:40,143 --> 00:04:41,688 If I hadn't told that fortune, then- 62 00:04:41,688 --> 00:04:43,776 No, I did the operation! 63 00:04:43,776 --> 00:04:46,698 If I hadn't cut her, then Leila would be... 64 00:04:47,909 --> 00:04:55,131 He's really kind and cool, but he's suppressed it ever since losing someone dear to him. 65 00:04:57,302 --> 00:05:00,016 He's even cooler as an adult. 66 00:05:00,350 --> 00:05:03,524 I mean, you always liked handsome characters, Mom. 67 00:05:04,274 --> 00:05:04,984 Just hold on... 68 00:05:05,903 --> 00:05:07,447 I'll show you right now! 69 00:05:12,082 --> 00:05:15,088 Age Rip 15 years! 70 00:05:30,243 --> 00:05:33,249 My body's back to normal? But this is... 71 00:05:34,209 --> 00:05:38,552 This is the Artifact that Feng used to heal me. The time-control Artifact! 72 00:05:38,886 --> 00:05:41,933 That's what he drew and used? 73 00:05:42,602 --> 00:05:43,436 You dumbass! 74 00:05:44,479 --> 00:05:47,862 What are you thinking? When you use that... 75 00:05:47,862 --> 00:05:51,870 ...it makes you age ten times the length of time you manipulated! 76 00:05:57,380 --> 00:06:00,303 How many years did you use? Hand the Artifact over! 77 00:06:00,303 --> 00:06:02,516 If I use it back on you, we'll still make it in time! 78 00:06:05,731 --> 00:06:11,701 Don't worry... I'm just going back... to being alone again. 79 00:06:13,580 --> 00:06:20,051 In order to capture Autumn, Rip... your power is necessary. 80 00:06:22,222 --> 00:06:26,146 I'm glad I managed... to meet and talk to you. 81 00:06:27,482 --> 00:06:30,071 The rest is up to you now... 82 00:06:31,073 --> 00:06:34,664 ...my cast... of cool heroes. 83 00:06:43,431 --> 00:06:44,182 Huh? 84 00:07:12,615 --> 00:07:13,867 It's her fault! 85 00:07:15,119 --> 00:07:17,792 My child got hurt because he played with that girl! 86 00:07:18,167 --> 00:07:19,670 What are you going to do about this? 87 00:07:19,670 --> 00:07:21,256 It was an accident, Mom. 88 00:07:21,591 --> 00:07:25,599 I've said this numerous times, but Fuko hasn't done anything. 89 00:07:25,599 --> 00:07:27,812 The other young'uns said so themselves, didn't they? 90 00:07:27,812 --> 00:07:31,528 That girl is always at the scene of every incident that happens at their school! 91 00:07:31,528 --> 00:07:33,824 She must've pulled some prank! 92 00:07:39,292 --> 00:07:41,506 You haven't done anythin' wrong, Fuko. 93 00:07:42,883 --> 00:07:43,677 Yeah. 94 00:07:46,473 --> 00:07:48,937 Grandpa, what's this? 95 00:07:48,937 --> 00:07:52,193 Oh? That was your mom's favorite manga. 96 00:07:52,193 --> 00:07:55,617 When a new volume comes out, I buy it and put it as an offering. 97 00:07:56,410 --> 00:07:59,584 Manga? Can I read it? 98 00:07:59,667 --> 00:08:04,969 Aye, go right ahead. I'm sure that'd make your mom happy. 99 00:08:09,227 --> 00:08:12,442 Oh, wow... Look at all the pretty pictures. 100 00:08:14,947 --> 00:08:16,618 My parents died. 101 00:08:18,997 --> 00:08:20,499 My grandpa died. 102 00:08:23,214 --> 00:08:26,303 Even then, one thing kept me from ending it all... 103 00:08:27,598 --> 00:08:31,355 Well, I can't die until this ends, now can I? 104 00:08:34,695 --> 00:08:36,031 Sensei... 105 00:08:54,569 --> 00:08:57,908 It's regenerating too fast, how should I attack? 106 00:08:58,242 --> 00:08:59,119 Undead. 107 00:08:59,411 --> 00:09:00,371 Wuzzat? 108 00:09:00,622 --> 00:09:06,551 Who was that man? Why did he disappear? And why did he turn me back to normal? 109 00:09:08,805 --> 00:09:13,230 I've told you before. I don't plan on getting all buddy-buddy with you guys! 110 00:09:13,982 --> 00:09:17,196 Did you think I'd help you because I'm in your debt? 111 00:09:17,906 --> 00:09:20,662 That I'd have a change of heart if you appealed to my emotions? 112 00:09:21,121 --> 00:09:23,543 Well... I refuse. 113 00:09:24,837 --> 00:09:27,760 Sensei called us heroes. 114 00:09:28,260 --> 00:09:30,473 Sensei did so much for all of us. 115 00:09:31,517 --> 00:09:33,688 He used You-Me to guide us... 116 00:09:34,732 --> 00:09:38,907 He gave us the chance to go to Andy's past to become stronger. 117 00:09:39,909 --> 00:09:41,662 And last, but not least... 118 00:09:42,790 --> 00:09:44,459 He reverted you. 119 00:09:47,841 --> 00:09:51,557 All of these things are necessary to beat Autumn. 120 00:09:55,607 --> 00:09:59,030 Hey, Rip's body's back t'normal, but he don't look too happy, agoo... 121 00:09:59,030 --> 00:10:00,449 What's da matter? 122 00:10:00,449 --> 00:10:04,499 Well... Rip wants to be a villain. 123 00:10:06,336 --> 00:10:09,677 Otherwise, he'll never reach his destination. 124 00:10:12,683 --> 00:10:19,572 Being a hero means giving up on her. 125 00:10:20,030 --> 00:10:20,657 Rip! 126 00:10:22,201 --> 00:10:24,330 I'll cut up this lug with my katana. 127 00:10:24,330 --> 00:10:27,086 Then you attack the same spot and make it unrepairable. 128 00:10:27,086 --> 00:10:27,838 Huh? 129 00:10:28,088 --> 00:10:30,301 Latla, you defend the front. 130 00:10:31,762 --> 00:10:34,560 We need you to slip past its barrage fire. 131 00:10:34,810 --> 00:10:37,524 Wait a second! Don't just casually call me out by name! 132 00:10:37,691 --> 00:10:42,701 Bunny, you're a Restrainer Type, right? You're on core retrieval duty. 133 00:10:43,118 --> 00:10:44,580 Yessir, agoo! 134 00:10:44,663 --> 00:10:45,790 Bunny! 135 00:10:46,124 --> 00:10:49,673 Hey! Who said you could call all the shots? We're- 136 00:10:49,673 --> 00:10:50,967 We're... 137 00:10:51,511 --> 00:10:54,182 ...able to win. Without a doubt! 138 00:10:57,438 --> 00:10:58,190 Agoo? 139 00:10:58,482 --> 00:10:59,944 What is that? 140 00:11:06,039 --> 00:11:07,834 Autumn's spiderlings! 141 00:11:08,126 --> 00:11:10,005 They're going into the main body... 142 00:11:25,077 --> 00:11:26,831 This is its Phase 2, huh? 143 00:11:26,831 --> 00:11:29,962 No way... You mean it wasn't already at max strength? 144 00:11:30,296 --> 00:11:35,557 Oh my, all of you look like you'd make quite lovely books. 145 00:11:36,016 --> 00:11:37,519 Especially you. 146 00:11:38,103 --> 00:11:40,525 You'll make a good bookmark! 147 00:11:42,153 --> 00:11:43,615 Andy! Below! 148 00:11:46,829 --> 00:11:47,623 Andy! 149 00:11:52,507 --> 00:11:53,885 What's got into you? 150 00:11:54,260 --> 00:11:58,603 Rip, you've been helping me... for as far back as I can remember. 151 00:11:59,228 --> 00:12:01,609 Rip... you're like... 152 00:12:01,692 --> 00:12:03,153 ...some kind of hero, huh? 153 00:12:10,042 --> 00:12:11,796 Oh my, it won't heal... 154 00:12:12,839 --> 00:12:13,841 Mr. Rip! 155 00:12:18,726 --> 00:12:19,687 Latla? 156 00:12:20,563 --> 00:12:21,481 Yeah? 157 00:12:22,651 --> 00:12:24,530 Can we beat this thing? 158 00:12:24,780 --> 00:12:27,744 We'll lose. Without a doubt. 159 00:12:32,211 --> 00:12:38,014 This is the tale of a single boy who guided a cast of heroes. 160 00:12:39,350 --> 00:12:41,146 Just this once. 161 00:12:42,356 --> 00:12:43,735 We'll see. 162 00:12:45,572 --> 00:12:49,913 This story started when a little boy who loves manga... 163 00:12:49,913 --> 00:12:54,422 ...picked up a mysterious pen that showed him the past and future. 164 00:12:58,305 --> 00:13:03,440 The boy tried to tell his mother of his visions of the past and future... 165 00:13:03,775 --> 00:13:06,237 ...but failed despite his best efforts. 166 00:13:09,452 --> 00:13:14,378 That was because he became the Negator "Unknown." 167 00:13:16,884 --> 00:13:20,057 Nobody noticed him, he was all alone. 168 00:13:20,725 --> 00:13:27,029 But he never gave up on life partly because of his mother's desire for him to stay alive. 169 00:13:29,117 --> 00:13:37,466 And because of what he saw that day- His heroes fighting while facing their bitter pasts. 170 00:13:39,470 --> 00:13:41,642 One day, the boy realized... 171 00:13:42,393 --> 00:13:48,029 ...that what he drew as the author "Anno Un" could be shared with the world. 172 00:13:49,616 --> 00:13:53,123 And it wasn't long before he realized something else. 173 00:13:54,000 --> 00:13:55,168 Fuko, lay it on me. 174 00:13:55,168 --> 00:13:56,547 Huh? Is that necessary? 175 00:13:56,547 --> 00:13:58,759 Yeah, for some luck. 176 00:13:59,218 --> 00:14:01,222 The heroes he saw that day... 177 00:14:01,724 --> 00:14:04,020 ...actually existed in real life! 178 00:14:04,897 --> 00:14:07,318 This fact alarmed the boy. 179 00:14:07,652 --> 00:14:09,573 Latla, take care of Fuko! 180 00:14:09,907 --> 00:14:11,284 Please and thank you! 181 00:14:11,619 --> 00:14:13,204 Well, you have some nerve! 182 00:14:15,083 --> 00:14:17,463 Because in his vision of the future... 183 00:14:18,423 --> 00:14:23,183 ...Fuko was killed by Unseen, and this world met its end. 184 00:14:26,105 --> 00:14:27,651 He had to change the future. 185 00:14:28,485 --> 00:14:32,493 The boy's mind was set. These heroes instilled in him the courage he needed... 186 00:14:32,493 --> 00:14:35,332 ...he would risk life and limb in order to repay them. 187 00:14:38,714 --> 00:14:42,931 With a manga of future information sprinkled in, he notified them of his existence. 188 00:14:43,683 --> 00:14:46,479 He extracted the manifestation ability the pen held. 189 00:14:46,814 --> 00:14:48,859 And in order to meet Andy and Fuko... 190 00:14:49,276 --> 00:14:53,284 ...he created another version of himself, one named "Anno Un." 191 00:14:53,869 --> 00:14:59,338 As a result, the assassination was foiled. Andy and Fuko became stronger. 192 00:14:59,965 --> 00:15:04,808 Rip returned to normal. And preparations were set to defeat Autumn. 193 00:15:06,310 --> 00:15:08,023 Deep-Crimson Waxing Moon! 194 00:15:09,400 --> 00:15:11,029 Full Moonsault! 195 00:15:13,199 --> 00:15:16,665 The wound won't close. Damn you, vessel of Repair... 196 00:15:16,999 --> 00:15:18,251 Latla, now! 197 00:15:18,418 --> 00:15:19,546 We're busting through! 198 00:15:19,546 --> 00:15:20,422 - Got it! - Agoo! 199 00:15:20,715 --> 00:15:23,596 Perhaps it was a price to pay for changing the future... 200 00:15:24,263 --> 00:15:27,311 ...but the pen ultimately crumbled to pieces. 201 00:15:29,566 --> 00:15:33,239 He would never be able to draw another double again. 202 00:15:33,908 --> 00:15:36,454 What now? We can't see it, agoo! 203 00:15:36,872 --> 00:15:40,378 The boy had gone back to being alone once more. 204 00:15:40,963 --> 00:15:41,632 Don't worry! 205 00:15:42,174 --> 00:15:45,097 However... the boy had no regrets. 206 00:15:45,430 --> 00:15:48,938 Anno, I'm borrowin' your move. 207 00:15:48,938 --> 00:15:52,612 For everything was already told. 208 00:15:53,404 --> 00:15:57,412 Volcano... Unluck Bullet! 209 00:16:02,047 --> 00:16:03,676 What? A finger? 210 00:16:04,218 --> 00:16:07,015 Andy's finger definitely hit its mark! 211 00:16:07,015 --> 00:16:08,978 And that finger is in store for a stroke of unluck! 212 00:16:09,521 --> 00:16:10,690 So just have faith! 213 00:16:12,067 --> 00:16:15,867 Because we have all that unluck Sensei gathered for us on our side! 214 00:16:24,008 --> 00:16:25,678 We did it, Andy! 215 00:16:25,678 --> 00:16:27,306 I grabbed it, agoo! 216 00:16:35,030 --> 00:16:41,752 The boy could never see anyone again. Was he dead? 217 00:16:42,962 --> 00:16:44,925 No, he was not. 218 00:16:46,177 --> 00:16:51,897 Even if no one could actually see him, so long as people remembered him... 219 00:16:52,565 --> 00:16:54,861 Anno, we won. 220 00:16:55,403 --> 00:16:57,951 ...he would be right there. 221 00:16:58,661 --> 00:17:00,915 That was the belief Andy chose to hold. 222 00:17:02,669 --> 00:17:08,388 This is the tale of one hero who guided a cast of heroes. 223 00:17:15,485 --> 00:17:16,697 The title of that tale being... 224 00:17:17,740 --> 00:17:19,368 "To You, From Me." 225 00:18:51,887 --> 00:18:53,347 Andy! Over there! 226 00:18:53,932 --> 00:18:55,644 Autumn is disappearing. 227 00:18:55,644 --> 00:19:00,905 Yeah. Cuz it lost its core. The six of us won. 228 00:19:05,413 --> 00:19:06,583 Yeah, guess we did. 229 00:19:07,042 --> 00:19:10,048 Latla, collect the Soul Caliber. 230 00:19:10,716 --> 00:19:11,718 Mr. Rip! 231 00:19:11,718 --> 00:19:14,389 What? We're taking the Artifact. 232 00:19:16,520 --> 00:19:19,567 Thank you very much for working together with us! 233 00:19:20,485 --> 00:19:23,366 I doubt the two of us could've done it alone. 234 00:19:23,366 --> 00:19:27,499 Even when it looked like Andy and I were in serious trouble, you came to our rescue! 235 00:19:29,504 --> 00:19:33,386 We were perfectly in sync, too. That proves we should be working together in- 236 00:19:33,512 --> 00:19:34,931 Unluck. 237 00:19:34,931 --> 00:19:38,605 We can't work together. I want Ark. 238 00:19:39,439 --> 00:19:44,157 Helping you would mean joining Union, right? What happens if I do? 239 00:19:44,617 --> 00:19:50,671 Unjustice would uncover my plot. Besides, your boss Juiz hides and keeps Ark all for herself. 240 00:19:51,338 --> 00:19:56,725 The fact that none of the other Union members knew about Ark is proof enough. 241 00:19:57,434 --> 00:20:01,191 I have no choice but to steal it... from under her, by force. 242 00:20:03,822 --> 00:20:05,868 This person must be very important to you. 243 00:20:07,705 --> 00:20:10,586 Yeah... They're my everything. 244 00:20:12,673 --> 00:20:14,051 Big Sissy? 245 00:20:18,184 --> 00:20:20,689 I'm sowwy for stealing your gun, agoo. 246 00:20:21,440 --> 00:20:24,363 No, I'm sorry for hitting you, agoo. 247 00:20:24,697 --> 00:20:26,075 Oh, um... 248 00:20:26,701 --> 00:20:29,206 Are you sure about letting us have Autumn? 249 00:20:29,206 --> 00:20:30,416 Won't you get in trouble? 250 00:20:30,793 --> 00:20:35,761 I'll probably get an earful for letting Sean get killed, but whatever. 251 00:20:36,513 --> 00:20:39,142 After all, I ended up owing you guys. 252 00:20:39,769 --> 00:20:40,604 Take this. 253 00:20:40,938 --> 00:20:42,692 I gathered what I could. 254 00:20:43,192 --> 00:20:44,821 This is Sensei's... 255 00:20:45,154 --> 00:20:46,281 Undead. 256 00:20:47,075 --> 00:20:50,248 What exactly was he? 257 00:20:50,791 --> 00:20:54,674 I'm guessin' a Negator... Unknown. 258 00:20:54,966 --> 00:20:57,888 A Self-Targeting Compulsory Type, at that. 259 00:20:59,433 --> 00:21:00,561 I see. 260 00:21:01,771 --> 00:21:04,527 Hope you meet them again. 261 00:21:04,527 --> 00:21:05,612 Yeah. 262 00:21:05,904 --> 00:21:08,994 Bye-bye and agoo, Puuko! 263 00:21:09,369 --> 00:21:11,541 Bye-bye and agoo! 264 00:21:13,210 --> 00:21:15,423 Bye... by- 265 00:21:17,302 --> 00:21:19,599 Hah! It got you, too, huh? 266 00:21:19,891 --> 00:21:24,609 Guessin' your body can't keep up with all that growin' within the book. 267 00:21:31,790 --> 00:21:35,506 You did good stickin' it out for all that time. 268 00:21:38,135 --> 00:21:43,395 No biggie. It was only about ten years. 269 00:21:46,360 --> 00:21:47,362 AUTUMN ARC 270 00:21:47,445 --> 00:21:50,828 END 271 00:22:02,475 --> 00:22:04,020 Have any black tea?