1 00:00:02,462 --> 00:00:05,858 {\an7}[narrator] Sixteen celebrities \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hhave enlisted \h\hin real military training. 2 00:00:05,858 --> 00:00:09,561 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hTen days to prove \h\h\h\h\h\hthey can endure physically and emotionally. 3 00:00:09,561 --> 00:00:12,033 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hNo prizes, no special treatment. 4 00:00:12,033 --> 00:00:16,297 {\an7}This is Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test. 5 00:00:17,858 --> 00:00:20,825 {\an7}\h[Rudy] Deep inside, everyone wants to know, 6 00:00:20,825 --> 00:00:23,627 {\an7}do they have the courage \h\h\h\h\h\hto be a hero? 7 00:00:24,165 --> 00:00:27,363 {\an7}\h\h\h-[screaming] -Down! Heads down! 8 00:00:27,363 --> 00:00:30,957 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] The course has been running for 24 hours. 9 00:00:30,957 --> 00:00:33,825 {\an7}For the next 10 days, we freakin’ own you. 10 00:00:33,825 --> 00:00:35,000 {\an7}You belong to us. 11 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:36,726 {\an7}[Billy] Get moving! 12 00:00:36,726 --> 00:00:39,561 {\an7}[narrator] Two recruits \hhave been withdrawn. 13 00:00:39,561 --> 00:00:40,957 {\an7}[screaming] 14 00:00:45,264 --> 00:00:47,066 {\an7}[narrator] Now 14 remain. 15 00:00:47,066 --> 00:00:49,858 {\an7}\h\h\hOh, my knee! My knee’s dislocated! It’s dislocated! 16 00:00:49,858 --> 00:00:51,858 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] But who will survive the day? 17 00:00:51,858 --> 00:00:53,759 {\an7}You better do it. Figure a way out. 18 00:00:53,759 --> 00:00:56,396 {\an7}I don’t think I’m breakable, \h\h\hto be honest with you. 19 00:00:56,396 --> 00:00:58,693 {\an7}-[Remi] You wanna quit? \h\h\h\h-No, staff. 20 00:00:58,693 --> 00:01:01,000 {\an7}I wanna be broken. I wanna be tested. 21 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:07,066 {\an7}I want that fear to hit my body and make my knees bend. 22 00:01:23,198 --> 00:01:25,759 {\an7}[Dwight makes popping sounds] 23 00:01:25,759 --> 00:01:27,858 {\an7}Are you getting ready \h\h\hfor action? 24 00:01:27,858 --> 00:01:29,462 {\an7}-[farts] -[laughs] 25 00:01:29,462 --> 00:01:32,066 {\an7}-That answers my question. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Yeah. 26 00:01:32,066 --> 00:01:32,924 {\an7}[chuckles] 27 00:01:32,924 --> 00:01:36,660 {\an7}[narrator] It’s the recruits’ \h\h\hfirst morning in camp. 28 00:01:36,660 --> 00:01:38,429 {\an7}Can you get through the day? 29 00:01:38,429 --> 00:01:42,627 {\an7}[narrator] And Number 2, actress Jamie Lynn Spears, 30 00:01:42,627 --> 00:01:45,693 {\an7}has had a sleepless night. 31 00:01:47,363 --> 00:01:49,924 {\an7}I’m right there with you. 32 00:01:51,528 --> 00:01:53,726 {\an7}[Nastia] You’re not, though. 33 00:01:56,099 --> 00:01:57,528 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[Mike] Your kids are gonna be fine. 34 00:01:57,528 --> 00:01:59,660 {\an7}-This is good for them. \h-I’m telling ya. 35 00:01:59,660 --> 00:02:02,825 {\an7}This is so good for them. Right? 36 00:02:07,033 --> 00:02:08,429 {\an7}The thought of being away \h\h\h\h\h\h\hfrom my kids, 37 00:02:08,429 --> 00:02:10,660 {\an7}I think it probably goes back \h\h\h\hto a lot of things. 38 00:02:10,660 --> 00:02:14,033 {\an7}I was 16 and pregnant and I was on the cover of a magazine 39 00:02:14,033 --> 00:02:16,099 {\an7}being called a slut and a whore. 40 00:02:16,099 --> 00:02:18,726 {\an7}It’s my own battle within \h\h\hto be a good mom, 41 00:02:18,726 --> 00:02:22,033 {\an7}\hand I do think that stems from being told I wouldn’t be. 42 00:02:22,033 --> 00:02:23,957 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hLet me tell you what’s gonna happen, right? 43 00:02:23,957 --> 00:02:25,594 {\an7}\hYou miss your kids, you’re gonna hurry home, 44 00:02:25,594 --> 00:02:28,726 {\an7}and after two days, it’s just \hgonna be back to normal, 45 00:02:28,726 --> 00:02:30,891 {\an7}and you’re gonna be like, "Maybe I should have stuck it out." 46 00:02:30,891 --> 00:02:34,957 {\an7}\h\h\hAnd then I also think this is something that is \h\h\hfor me, for myself. 47 00:02:34,957 --> 00:02:36,792 {\an7}I never do things like that. 48 00:02:43,231 --> 00:02:44,693 {\an7}When you said "Stand up," 49 00:02:44,693 --> 00:02:48,693 {\an7}\hhe stood up, but his body just gave in, just creeped in. 50 00:02:48,693 --> 00:02:50,693 {\an7}[narrator] This morning \hthe DS are discussing 51 00:02:50,693 --> 00:02:54,693 {\an7}the recruits’ performance on last night’s beasting. 52 00:02:54,693 --> 00:02:55,924 {\an7}I think Number 1, you know, 53 00:02:55,924 --> 00:02:58,198 {\an7}\hshe doesn’t seem like she has a lot of punch. 54 00:02:58,198 --> 00:03:00,066 {\an7}[Foxy] She was probably \hthe most pathetic 55 00:03:00,066 --> 00:03:01,561 {\an7}getting herself out of there, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hjust like... 56 00:03:01,561 --> 00:03:05,462 {\an7}\hAnd she genuinely looked like she thought she was gonna die. 57 00:03:05,462 --> 00:03:08,825 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hShe should have gone on a baking show or something. 58 00:03:08,825 --> 00:03:10,594 {\an7}She’s gonna bake on this. 59 00:03:10,594 --> 00:03:14,726 {\an7}-[Rudy] All right, Number 7. \h\h\h-Gray individual. 60 00:03:14,726 --> 00:03:16,660 {\an7}-I didn’t even notice him. \h\h\h\h-Exactly, exactly. 61 00:03:16,660 --> 00:03:19,891 {\an7}[Billy] He’s very humble. \h\h\hHe’s very respectful. 62 00:03:19,891 --> 00:03:23,561 {\an7}[Foxy] What about Number 12? Has anyone picked up on him? 63 00:03:23,561 --> 00:03:25,462 {\an7}[Rudy] Looks like just a suit guy to me. 64 00:03:25,462 --> 00:03:30,165 {\an7}\h\h\hHe looks petrified, just his facial expressions. 65 00:03:31,132 --> 00:03:34,363 {\an7}13, huge guy, big attitude. 66 00:03:34,363 --> 00:03:37,198 {\an7}[Remi] Physically, I think he’ll be at the top of the pack. 67 00:03:37,198 --> 00:03:40,330 {\an7}I don’t know how he’ll be \h\h\hmentally just yet. 68 00:03:40,330 --> 00:03:41,627 {\an7}But we’ll see how it plays out. 69 00:03:41,627 --> 00:03:45,231 {\an7}\h\h\h[narrator] The DS have taken stock of the recruits. 70 00:03:45,231 --> 00:03:49,066 {\an7}All right, ruck up, recruits! \hGet on the parade square! 71 00:03:49,066 --> 00:03:50,264 {\an7}Let’s go! 72 00:03:52,561 --> 00:03:53,297 {\an7}[Mel B] Let’s go. 73 00:03:53,297 --> 00:03:56,594 {\an7}[narrator] Now a chance \h\hfor the celebrities 74 00:03:56,594 --> 00:03:59,198 {\an7}to evaluate themselves. 75 00:04:01,594 --> 00:04:04,561 {\an7}All right, recruits, listen up! 76 00:04:04,792 --> 00:04:09,924 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hI know you all been in some pain. It’s good for you. 77 00:04:09,924 --> 00:04:10,825 {\an7}These men on the platform, 78 00:04:10,825 --> 00:04:13,297 {\an7}\hwe’ve all been pushed way beyond our limits. 79 00:04:13,297 --> 00:04:15,924 {\an7}That’s what we want to elicit from you all 80 00:04:15,924 --> 00:04:17,495 {\an7}through this hard training. 81 00:04:17,495 --> 00:04:18,825 {\an7}All right. Billy? 82 00:04:18,825 --> 00:04:20,858 {\an7}[Billy] You need to know \h\h\h\h\h\hwho you are. 83 00:04:20,858 --> 00:04:23,132 {\an7}You need to be brutally honest \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hwith yourself. 84 00:04:23,132 --> 00:04:24,726 {\an7}What we don’t like is people who think 85 00:04:24,726 --> 00:04:28,660 {\an7}they’re something they’re not, \h’cause it’ll get you killed. 86 00:04:28,660 --> 00:04:32,066 {\an7}\h\hI want whoever thinks they’re the strongest... 87 00:04:32,957 --> 00:04:34,957 {\an7}down to the weakest. 88 00:04:34,957 --> 00:04:36,561 {\an7}Do that now. 89 00:04:37,033 --> 00:04:39,858 {\an7}\h\hIf you think you should be somewhere else, chat about it. 90 00:04:39,858 --> 00:04:41,825 {\an7}[Mel B] I need to go down a bit. 91 00:04:44,099 --> 00:04:46,033 {\an7}\h\h\h’cause it tells us a little bit about them. 92 00:04:46,033 --> 00:04:49,000 {\an7}Carli, aren’t you the fastest? 93 00:04:49,198 --> 00:04:53,462 {\an7}[Foxy] It shows us ego, it shows us a lack of confidence, 94 00:04:53,462 --> 00:04:57,231 {\an7}\h\h\hand it shows us people that don’t really understand 95 00:04:57,231 --> 00:04:58,099 {\an7}their true potential. 96 00:04:58,099 --> 00:05:00,330 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hDo you think you’re better than me? 97 00:05:00,330 --> 00:05:01,957 {\an7}OK. 98 00:05:01,957 --> 00:05:02,792 {\an7}Where you think you are 99 00:05:02,792 --> 00:05:06,099 {\an7}\h\his always different to where you actually are. 100 00:05:06,099 --> 00:05:07,924 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hAsk yourself, ask the person next to you, 101 00:05:07,924 --> 00:05:12,099 {\an7}\h\hdo you think you’re better than me, am I better than you? 102 00:05:15,462 --> 00:05:18,330 {\an7}[narrator] Rankings agreed, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNumber 13, 103 00:05:18,330 --> 00:05:20,099 {\an7}NBA All-Star Dwight Howard, 104 00:05:20,099 --> 00:05:23,792 {\an7}\h\hassuming the position as the strongest recruit. 105 00:05:23,792 --> 00:05:26,957 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hIn the NBA I wanted to be the best. 106 00:05:26,957 --> 00:05:27,594 {\an7}Right now, to this day, 107 00:05:27,594 --> 00:05:30,627 {\an7}I know I’m one of the greatest \h\h\h\h\hplayers to ever play. 108 00:05:30,627 --> 00:05:32,264 {\an7}That’s not me being cocky, 109 00:05:34,891 --> 00:05:38,660 {\an7}\hwho have been able to compete with what I’ve been able to do. 110 00:05:38,660 --> 00:05:42,957 {\an7}[narrator] At the end the line, self-elected weakest recruit, 111 00:05:42,957 --> 00:05:46,891 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNumber 1, actress Beverley Mitchell. 112 00:05:46,891 --> 00:05:50,165 {\an7}[Beverley] Growing up as a child actor has a lot of challenges. 113 00:05:50,165 --> 00:05:55,429 {\an7}\h\h\h\hHollywood is absolutely cutthroat. 114 00:05:55,429 --> 00:05:58,099 {\an7}It gets very frustrating \h\h\h\h\hwhen you watch 115 00:05:58,099 --> 00:06:00,297 {\an7}all of your peers continue to rise, 116 00:06:00,297 --> 00:06:02,660 {\an7}\h\h\h\hand continue to get opportunities, 117 00:06:02,660 --> 00:06:05,660 {\an7}and you feel left behind. 118 00:06:06,660 --> 00:06:11,495 {\an7}\h\hWhat you do from here on is work on those weaknesses. 119 00:06:11,495 --> 00:06:13,858 {\an7}I wanna move up two places. 120 00:06:13,858 --> 00:06:16,561 {\an7}\hSo get these up and keep ’em up. 121 00:06:16,561 --> 00:06:18,759 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h-Got it? -[recruits] Yes, staff. 122 00:06:18,759 --> 00:06:21,627 {\an7}Back to your accommodations. 123 00:06:21,627 --> 00:06:24,198 {\an7}Sharp. Let’s go. 124 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:35,660 {\an7}You got this, mama. 125 00:06:36,330 --> 00:06:42,231 {\an7}You’re the smallest one here, OK? And you’re killing it. 126 00:06:43,198 --> 00:06:44,627 {\an7}Everybody’s got their strength. 127 00:06:44,627 --> 00:06:48,429 {\an7}\hThe reason I wanted to do this and take part in this experience 128 00:06:48,429 --> 00:06:51,891 {\an7}is because I don’t know \hwhat I’m capable of. 129 00:06:51,891 --> 00:06:55,099 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hAnd the reason why is because I have never put myself 130 00:06:55,099 --> 00:06:57,792 {\an7}in a position to try. 131 00:06:58,825 --> 00:07:01,033 {\an7}Number 1 was at the end. Yeah, she’s just given up on herself. 132 00:07:01,033 --> 00:07:04,462 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hShe was emotional. \h\h\h\h\h\h\hShe was crying when she was standing there. 133 00:07:04,462 --> 00:07:07,924 {\an7}\h\h\h\hWe’ll find who’s the strongest to weakest at some point, won’t we? 134 00:07:07,924 --> 00:07:09,132 {\an7}Yeah, we will. 135 00:07:09,132 --> 00:07:12,495 {\an7}[Beverley] I have no idea \h\h\hwhat’s coming for me. 136 00:07:22,033 --> 00:07:24,462 {\an7}[Kenya] Who was at the front \h\h\h\h\hof the line today? 137 00:07:24,462 --> 00:07:25,924 {\an7}Who thought they were the best? 138 00:07:25,924 --> 00:07:28,099 {\an7}-That was Dwight, right? \h\h\h\h\h-Yeah, Dwight. 139 00:07:28,099 --> 00:07:32,561 {\an7}\hI jumped in third ’cause I just think I’m really [bleep] strong. 140 00:07:32,957 --> 00:07:35,528 {\an7}[Tyler] Cream rises to the top. There’s no doubt about it. 141 00:07:35,528 --> 00:07:39,000 {\an7}If you can’t take the heat, you gotta get out of the kitchen. 142 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:44,231 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] The recruits are taken deep into the Wadi Rum Desert... 143 00:07:44,825 --> 00:07:45,825 {\an7}[Mel B] That’s it. 144 00:07:45,825 --> 00:07:48,627 {\an7}...where they will learn \h\hhow to maneuver 145 00:07:48,627 --> 00:07:51,528 {\an7}like special forces operators. 146 00:07:51,759 --> 00:07:54,627 {\an7}[Remi] Nobody should be walking. Hurry up! 147 00:07:54,627 --> 00:07:57,099 {\an7}\h\hIn special operations, we have to be able to work 148 00:07:57,099 --> 00:08:01,264 {\an7}in the most extreme terrains, \h\h\h\hdeserts, mountains. 149 00:08:01,264 --> 00:08:04,429 {\an7}-Close the gaps! \h-Come on, guys! 150 00:08:04,429 --> 00:08:05,957 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hI don’t care if you have to fake it, 151 00:08:05,957 --> 00:08:09,429 {\an7}\h\h\hbut you better swing those arms and those legs. 152 00:08:09,429 --> 00:08:11,231 {\an7}We have to be ready \h\h\h\hfor anything. 153 00:08:11,231 --> 00:08:13,627 {\an7}[Rudy] Keep pushing! 154 00:08:13,627 --> 00:08:17,495 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hAll right, everyone drop your rucks. 155 00:08:20,132 --> 00:08:25,198 {\an7}We as DS, we not only want you \h\h\h\h\h\hto face your fear. 156 00:08:25,198 --> 00:08:26,561 {\an7}We want you to conquer your fear 157 00:08:26,561 --> 00:08:29,891 {\an7}so you leave here a different person. 158 00:08:29,891 --> 00:08:31,264 {\an7}Turn around and pay attention. 159 00:08:31,264 --> 00:08:37,198 {\an7}[narrator] The task is to cross a 300-foot-wide canyon. 160 00:08:40,231 --> 00:08:42,165 {\an7}[Tyler] Oh, my God. 161 00:08:46,165 --> 00:08:48,033 {\an7}[Foxy] The ravine crossing \h\h\h\his a way of getting 162 00:08:48,033 --> 00:08:50,957 {\an7}from one side of a valley \h\hto the other quickly 163 00:08:50,957 --> 00:08:53,924 {\an7}without having to drop \hinto the low ground. 164 00:08:53,924 --> 00:08:58,825 {\an7}[Remi] Watch his technique. \h\h\h\hSlow but smooth. 165 00:09:00,231 --> 00:09:04,132 {\an7}\h\h\h\hYou have to sidestep across two pieces of rope 166 00:09:04,132 --> 00:09:07,528 {\an7}suspended in the air \h\h\hover 100 feet. 167 00:09:07,528 --> 00:09:10,924 {\an7}[Remi] He’s calm, he’s cool, collected. 168 00:09:10,924 --> 00:09:12,528 {\an7}[Carli] I may pee my pants \h\h\h\h\h\h\hwhen I do it. 169 00:09:12,528 --> 00:09:15,693 {\an7}\h[Foxy] You might think you’re strong, but that’s not enough. 170 00:09:15,693 --> 00:09:18,396 {\an7}The lactic acid buildup \hjust creates pain 171 00:09:18,396 --> 00:09:20,561 {\an7}in all the muscle groups \h\hthat you’re working. 172 00:09:20,561 --> 00:09:22,264 {\an7}\hAnd you’re trying cling onto the rope 173 00:09:22,264 --> 00:09:24,495 {\an7}\h\h\h\hthat’s getting further away from you. 174 00:09:24,495 --> 00:09:27,033 {\an7}\h\h\hIt’s all about the mental strength. 175 00:09:30,363 --> 00:09:32,825 {\an7}[Remi] All right, eyes on me. 176 00:09:32,825 --> 00:09:35,924 {\an7}All of you have what it takes \h\h\hphysically to do this, 177 00:09:35,924 --> 00:09:38,825 {\an7}otherwise we wouldn’t \h\h\hmake you do it. 178 00:09:38,825 --> 00:09:42,792 {\an7}The question is do you have \h\h\hwhat it takes mentally? 179 00:09:42,792 --> 00:09:48,330 {\an7}\hAre you strong up here? Or are you weak up here? 180 00:09:48,330 --> 00:09:50,792 {\an7}Either way, we will find out. 181 00:09:50,792 --> 00:09:54,594 {\an7}\h-You understand? -[recruits] Yes, staff. 182 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:56,000 {\an7}All right. 183 00:09:56,000 --> 00:09:58,726 {\an7}[mutters] 184 00:10:00,264 --> 00:10:04,000 {\an7}-Did you take a look? -It’s crazy, right? 185 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:06,561 {\an7}[Dwight] And I do not like \h\hheights and tightropes. 186 00:10:06,561 --> 00:10:09,660 {\an7}-And we about to try it. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-[bleep] 187 00:10:09,660 --> 00:10:12,660 {\an7}All right, Number 13, \h\h\h\hgo to chief. 188 00:10:12,660 --> 00:10:17,132 {\an7}\h\h[narrator] First, the DS send Dwight Howard, 189 00:10:17,330 --> 00:10:22,561 {\an7}\hthe man who ranks himself strongest of all the recruits. 190 00:10:24,792 --> 00:10:26,825 {\an7}For me, it’s like, man, all the things 191 00:10:26,825 --> 00:10:28,759 {\an7}that I didn’t get \h\ha chance to try 192 00:10:28,759 --> 00:10:31,759 {\an7}as I was a younger person \h\h\h\h\h\hin the NBA, 193 00:10:31,759 --> 00:10:34,726 {\an7}or even as a kid, \hI wanna try ’em now. 194 00:10:34,726 --> 00:10:38,495 {\an7}Just to really test the limits \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hof who I am. 195 00:10:38,495 --> 00:10:42,033 {\an7}[Billy] Get on your feet. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hGet up! 196 00:10:44,858 --> 00:10:46,891 {\an7}Oh, [bleep] me. 197 00:10:47,330 --> 00:10:51,528 {\an7}Oh, my God. I don’t think \h\h\hI ever been that high. 198 00:10:52,198 --> 00:10:55,198 {\an7}\h[Billy] The key is to keep your legs straight and shuffle. 199 00:10:55,198 --> 00:10:58,363 {\an7}Just keep moving. Momentum’s important. 200 00:10:58,825 --> 00:11:02,165 {\an7}If you fall, you’ll stop \hwhen you hit the bottom 201 00:11:02,165 --> 00:11:03,660 {\an7}and we’ll come and collect you. 202 00:11:03,660 --> 00:11:04,693 {\an7}That’s not funny, man. 203 00:11:04,693 --> 00:11:06,132 {\an7}What I want you to do, 204 00:11:10,726 --> 00:11:14,396 {\an7}Come on. Right, down. Up you go. 205 00:11:14,396 --> 00:11:16,726 {\an7}Let’s go. 206 00:11:17,594 --> 00:11:19,000 {\an7}OK. 207 00:11:20,033 --> 00:11:22,231 {\an7}Stand up. 208 00:11:22,231 --> 00:11:24,066 {\an7}Let’s go! 209 00:11:24,066 --> 00:11:27,957 {\an7}Foot on the rope. Let’s go. \h\h\h\hRight now. Come on. 210 00:11:27,957 --> 00:11:29,528 {\an7}Time is of the essence. \h\h\h\hHere we go. 211 00:11:29,528 --> 00:11:34,627 {\an7}Right, shuffle your left foot. Ah, ah, ah. Shuffle. Let’s go. 212 00:11:34,627 --> 00:11:36,792 {\an7}God, he’s really shaking. Look. 213 00:11:36,792 --> 00:11:40,957 {\an7}Come on, come on, come on, come on. 214 00:11:40,957 --> 00:11:43,495 {\an7}\h\h\h\hWe haven’t got all day. You’re holding everybody back. 215 00:11:43,495 --> 00:11:45,000 {\an7}\h\h\h\hYou’ve just seen a perfect demonstration. 216 00:11:45,000 --> 00:11:49,693 {\an7}-You’re not going anywhere. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h-I can’t do it. 217 00:11:50,231 --> 00:11:52,198 {\an7}This is it! Let’s go! 218 00:11:52,198 --> 00:11:55,000 {\an7}Everything you’ve got, now! 219 00:12:01,165 --> 00:12:04,264 {\an7}[Billy] Let’s go! Foot on the rope. 220 00:12:04,264 --> 00:12:06,429 {\an7}Right now. Come on. 221 00:12:06,429 --> 00:12:10,759 {\an7}\h[narrator] 200 feet up, Number 13, Dwight Howard, 222 00:12:10,759 --> 00:12:15,000 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\his struggling to take his first step. 223 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:16,759 {\an7}Come on. 224 00:12:18,231 --> 00:12:20,231 {\an7}Look at me. Calm down. 225 00:12:20,231 --> 00:12:23,198 {\an7}Relax. Take a breath. 226 00:12:23,594 --> 00:12:25,066 {\an7}Let’s go! 227 00:12:25,066 --> 00:12:26,693 {\an7}[grunts] 228 00:12:27,066 --> 00:12:30,957 {\an7}Here we go. It’ll be awkward \hto start with. Keep going. 229 00:12:39,396 --> 00:12:42,891 {\an7}Left arm, left foot. Keep going. 230 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:47,924 {\an7}Let’s go! 231 00:12:47,924 --> 00:12:52,033 {\an7}Slide those arms along as well \h\h\h\hso you don’t burn out. 232 00:12:52,297 --> 00:12:55,528 {\an7}\h-[Dwight] It’s stuck. -[Billy] Stop moaning! 233 00:12:55,528 --> 00:12:57,495 {\an7}[Remi] Keep moving! 234 00:12:57,825 --> 00:13:00,330 {\an7}[Billy] Forget the lactic acid \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hin your arms. 235 00:13:00,330 --> 00:13:02,429 {\an7}Fight your way through it. 236 00:13:02,429 --> 00:13:04,561 {\an7}Let’s go! Big effort now! 237 00:13:04,561 --> 00:13:07,429 {\an7}Slide your arms, slide your feet. 238 00:13:08,660 --> 00:13:11,825 {\an7}\hCome on. I’m not talking for the sake of it. Do it. 239 00:13:11,825 --> 00:13:14,891 {\an7}Don’t stop. Keep the momentum. 240 00:13:14,891 --> 00:13:18,792 {\an7}-My arm feels like it’s... \h\h-It’s easy to quit. 241 00:13:19,132 --> 00:13:21,561 {\an7}Do not give up! 242 00:13:21,561 --> 00:13:24,198 {\an7}Let’s find that grit. Come on. 243 00:13:24,198 --> 00:13:25,759 {\an7}[grunts] 244 00:13:25,759 --> 00:13:29,396 {\an7}-Come on! No, no, no, no! \h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Stand up! No! 245 00:13:29,396 --> 00:13:31,495 {\an7}Look out! 246 00:13:31,495 --> 00:13:33,957 {\an7}[yells] 247 00:13:34,792 --> 00:13:39,297 {\an7}Fail! Catastrophic fail. 248 00:13:39,462 --> 00:13:40,693 {\an7}A dope on a rope 249 00:13:40,693 --> 00:13:43,099 {\an7}when you could have been \h\ha king with a swing. 250 00:13:43,099 --> 00:13:45,594 {\an7}\h\h\h-[whimpers] -[Foxy] Pathetic. 251 00:13:47,033 --> 00:13:51,363 {\an7}Failing is not really something that I’m used to. 252 00:13:53,231 --> 00:13:55,495 {\an7}It tends to put me \h\hin my own head 253 00:13:55,495 --> 00:13:59,066 {\an7}\h\h\hand make me overthink situations. 254 00:13:59,528 --> 00:14:02,066 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h-How was it? -Wait till you up there. 255 00:14:02,066 --> 00:14:04,825 {\an7}-Just don’t look down. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h-[bleep] 256 00:14:04,825 --> 00:14:07,495 {\an7}That was tough, though. 257 00:14:09,033 --> 00:14:09,726 {\an7}[Billy] Let’s go! 258 00:14:09,726 --> 00:14:14,429 {\an7}\h[narrator] The 300-foot-wide ravine has defeated number 13, 259 00:14:14,429 --> 00:14:17,330 {\an7}NBA All-Star Dwight Howard. 260 00:14:17,330 --> 00:14:18,957 {\an7}[Billy] Do not give up! 261 00:14:18,957 --> 00:14:22,165 {\an7}Now the next recruits \h\h\hface the wire. 262 00:14:22,165 --> 00:14:24,462 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h[Billy] We do these obstacle crossings 263 00:14:24,462 --> 00:14:25,429 {\an7}because it’s been done, 264 00:14:25,429 --> 00:14:28,693 {\an7}\h\h\h\htried and tested in real war and conflict. 265 00:14:28,693 --> 00:14:32,429 {\an7}\h-Let’s go! -I cannot... 266 00:14:32,429 --> 00:14:34,759 {\an7}Do not talk yourself out of it. 267 00:14:36,693 --> 00:14:37,891 {\an7}No, do not quit. 268 00:14:37,891 --> 00:14:41,924 {\an7}\h-[yells] -You buffoon! 269 00:14:41,924 --> 00:14:46,726 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-[grunts] -[Rudy] Stay in the fight, 4! 270 00:14:49,198 --> 00:14:50,594 {\an7}Fail. 271 00:14:53,495 --> 00:14:56,462 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-[yells] -[Billy] Muppet. 272 00:14:56,462 --> 00:14:59,132 {\an7}[grunts] Please. 273 00:14:59,132 --> 00:15:01,561 {\an7}\h-[grunts] -[Billy] Fail. 274 00:15:01,561 --> 00:15:04,165 {\an7}\hYou are literally putting your whole life 275 00:15:04,165 --> 00:15:07,000 {\an7}between two pieces of rope. 276 00:15:08,495 --> 00:15:10,792 {\an7}[grunts] 277 00:15:11,792 --> 00:15:14,363 {\an7}[Remi] Number 12! 278 00:15:14,363 --> 00:15:19,264 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] \hHaving watched his fellow recruits fail the crossing, 279 00:15:19,264 --> 00:15:22,198 {\an7}up next, chef Tyler Florence. 280 00:15:22,198 --> 00:15:24,429 {\an7}You look like you wanna quit. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hWhat’s wrong? 281 00:15:24,429 --> 00:15:29,165 {\an7}I’m having real reservations \h\h\habout doing this. 282 00:15:29,165 --> 00:15:32,462 {\an7}You guys can do this \hphysically, right? 283 00:15:32,462 --> 00:15:37,462 {\an7}\hBut what it’s gonna take is tapping into that gear. 284 00:15:37,627 --> 00:15:39,726 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hHere’s the deal. Today is my wife’s birthday. 285 00:15:39,726 --> 00:15:42,693 {\an7}\h\h\hI made a promise to her that I wouldn’t hurt myself. 286 00:15:42,693 --> 00:15:47,726 {\an7}You realize you’re gonna be the first one to quit if you leave? 287 00:15:57,429 --> 00:15:59,330 {\an7}Ah, there we go. Bye-bye. 288 00:15:59,330 --> 00:16:03,462 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[Mel B] He jumped out of a helicopter \h\h\hbut he didn’t do that? 289 00:16:03,462 --> 00:16:06,825 {\an7}[narrator] Tyler Florence \h\h\h\his the first recruit 290 00:16:06,825 --> 00:16:09,693 {\an7}to voluntarily withdraw. 291 00:16:13,792 --> 00:16:16,396 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[Billy] Bring on the next victim. 292 00:16:18,330 --> 00:16:21,132 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] Next to cross the ravine, 293 00:16:21,132 --> 00:16:23,363 {\an7}actress Beverley Mitchell. 294 00:16:23,363 --> 00:16:26,561 {\an7}[Billy] Number 1. Number 1. 295 00:16:28,297 --> 00:16:30,000 {\an7}[Beverley] Oh, God, OK. 296 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:32,660 {\an7}Being on this course \h\h\hwith Olympians, 297 00:16:32,660 --> 00:16:35,561 {\an7}\hpeople at the top of their athletic game, 298 00:16:35,561 --> 00:16:38,594 {\an7}is incredibly uncomfortable. 299 00:16:39,165 --> 00:16:40,066 {\an7}Oh, God. 300 00:16:40,066 --> 00:16:41,033 {\an7}Participating in something 301 00:16:41,033 --> 00:16:46,363 {\an7}where I have absolutely no clue what’s coming for me 302 00:16:46,363 --> 00:16:48,561 {\an7}is a huge leap of faith. 303 00:16:48,561 --> 00:16:52,858 {\an7}\h\h\h[Billy] Stop shaking. Take a breath. You scared of heights? 304 00:16:52,858 --> 00:16:55,924 {\an7}I don’t know. We’ll see. 305 00:17:04,165 --> 00:17:08,165 {\an7}Start to build the momentum. \h\h\h\h\hGet the technique. 306 00:17:08,165 --> 00:17:10,825 {\an7}Work through the wobble. 307 00:17:14,396 --> 00:17:16,264 {\an7}\h\h\hSlide together. Say it in your head. 308 00:17:16,264 --> 00:17:19,297 {\an7}[both] Slide together, \h\h\h\hslide together. 309 00:17:19,297 --> 00:17:21,165 {\an7}[Billy] This is where the work kicks in. 310 00:17:21,165 --> 00:17:24,165 {\an7}[Beverley] Slide together. 311 00:17:24,165 --> 00:17:26,528 {\an7}-Slide together. \h-Keep it going. 312 00:17:26,528 --> 00:17:29,066 {\an7}Come on, keep moving, Number 1! 313 00:17:30,891 --> 00:17:34,726 {\an7}[narrator] Another few steps \h\h\hand Beverley Mitchell, 314 00:17:34,726 --> 00:17:36,660 {\an7}who ranked herself the weakest, 315 00:17:36,660 --> 00:17:40,924 {\an7}\hcould make it further than any other recruit. 316 00:17:40,924 --> 00:17:44,099 {\an7}[Billy] Do not let me down, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNumber 1. 317 00:17:44,099 --> 00:17:47,264 {\an7}Find that energy! \h\hFind that grit! 318 00:17:48,627 --> 00:17:51,099 {\an7}She is fighting it. 319 00:17:51,396 --> 00:17:54,231 {\an7}-[Billy] Come on! \h\h\h\h\h-[grunts] 320 00:18:01,132 --> 00:18:02,858 {\an7}[grunts] 321 00:18:02,858 --> 00:18:05,627 {\an7}[Billy] Grit now! Grit! 322 00:18:05,627 --> 00:18:08,165 {\an7}[narrator] Nearly 200 feet \h\h\h\h\h\hup in the air, 323 00:18:08,165 --> 00:18:12,033 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNumber 1, actress Beverley Mitchell. 324 00:18:12,033 --> 00:18:12,858 {\an7}[grunts] 325 00:18:12,858 --> 00:18:18,099 {\an7}At the midway point, she’s gone further than any other recruit. 326 00:18:18,099 --> 00:18:21,462 {\an7}-[Billy] Come on. \h-She is fighting it. 327 00:18:21,462 --> 00:18:23,957 {\an7}[Billy[ Do not let me down, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNumber 1. 328 00:18:23,957 --> 00:18:27,792 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-[grunts] -Come on, Number 1. 329 00:18:27,792 --> 00:18:30,231 {\an7}[Billy] Last effort now. 330 00:18:30,462 --> 00:18:32,297 {\an7}Stay in it. 331 00:18:32,297 --> 00:18:34,099 {\an7}[grunts] 332 00:18:36,594 --> 00:18:39,924 {\an7}[screams] Oh! Ah! 333 00:18:40,957 --> 00:18:46,033 {\an7}\h\h\h\hYou almost did it, but almost ain’t good enough. 334 00:18:47,561 --> 00:18:50,660 {\an7}-I wanted it so bad. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Hey. 335 00:18:50,660 --> 00:18:53,429 {\an7}I was so close. 336 00:18:56,396 --> 00:18:57,759 {\an7}You did it. That was so awesome. 337 00:18:57,759 --> 00:19:01,132 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYou should be really proud of yourself. 338 00:19:01,891 --> 00:19:04,198 {\an7}[yawns] 339 00:19:04,198 --> 00:19:08,396 {\an7}\h\h\h\hWhat are you doing, taking a nap? On your feet! 340 00:19:13,561 --> 00:19:17,462 {\an7}13, push-up position. 341 00:19:18,330 --> 00:19:19,099 {\an7}[Dwight grunts] One, two... 342 00:19:19,099 --> 00:19:23,198 {\an7}\h[Remi] Just because it may be over for you, watch and learn. 343 00:19:23,198 --> 00:19:24,693 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h[Dwight] Five, six, seven... 344 00:19:24,693 --> 00:19:30,000 {\an7}\hYour place of relaxation has now become your place of pain. 345 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:33,198 {\an7}[Dwight] Over the years, handling criticism for me 346 00:19:33,198 --> 00:19:33,924 {\an7}has been difficult. 347 00:19:33,924 --> 00:19:37,561 {\an7}\h\hI’m one of the most probably polarized players 348 00:19:37,561 --> 00:19:38,726 {\an7}in the NBA there’s ever been. 349 00:19:38,726 --> 00:19:42,495 {\an7}You’re going to get criticized \h\hon everything that you do. 350 00:19:42,495 --> 00:19:46,429 {\an7}\h[Remi] You better utilize that mental toughness, son. 351 00:19:46,429 --> 00:19:47,000 {\an7}[grunts] 352 00:19:47,000 --> 00:19:50,429 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-I apologize, staff. -Military bearing, right? 353 00:19:50,429 --> 00:19:52,858 {\an7}Everything that you do \h\h\hhas to have 354 00:19:52,858 --> 00:19:57,066 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hsome type of military bearing involved, OK? 355 00:20:00,396 --> 00:20:02,627 {\an7}Don’t give up now. 356 00:20:02,627 --> 00:20:07,792 {\an7}[narrator] So far, no recruit \hhas completed the crossing. 357 00:20:07,792 --> 00:20:10,495 {\an7}Battling the ravine, Number 15, 358 00:20:10,495 --> 00:20:13,726 {\an7}Olympic gymnast Nastia Liukin. 359 00:20:13,726 --> 00:20:15,594 {\an7}\h\h\h\h[Billy] Do not let yourself down now. 360 00:20:15,594 --> 00:20:18,891 {\an7}[Nastia] Oh, my God, my arms are on fire. 361 00:20:20,594 --> 00:20:23,594 {\an7}-Stand up, stand up! \h\h-Lock your legs! 362 00:20:23,594 --> 00:20:26,132 {\an7}No, no, no. 363 00:20:26,429 --> 00:20:29,957 {\an7}[Billy] Five meters, no more! 364 00:20:30,297 --> 00:20:32,099 {\an7}[Nastia] Yes, yes, yes. 365 00:20:32,099 --> 00:20:34,759 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-I got it. -[Foxy] There we go. 366 00:20:34,759 --> 00:20:36,924 {\an7}[Billy] She did it. Well done. 367 00:20:36,924 --> 00:20:42,033 {\an7}That was an absolute emotional \h\h\hroller coaster of chaos. 368 00:20:42,033 --> 00:20:45,792 {\an7}\hYou made that look so much harder than it needed to be. 369 00:20:45,792 --> 00:20:47,594 {\an7}[Billy] Good technique, \h\h\h\hNumber 10. 370 00:20:47,594 --> 00:20:50,924 {\an7}\h[narrator] Following on from Nastia’s success... 371 00:20:50,924 --> 00:20:52,858 {\an7}That’s it, 16! 372 00:20:52,858 --> 00:20:56,528 {\an7}Slide... together... slide... 373 00:20:56,528 --> 00:20:58,891 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] NFL player Danny Amendola 374 00:20:58,891 --> 00:21:02,528 {\an7}and Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy... 375 00:21:02,528 --> 00:21:04,132 {\an7}[Foxy] All the way in. 376 00:21:07,924 --> 00:21:10,429 {\an7}[Billy] Well done. 377 00:21:11,330 --> 00:21:12,132 {\an7}OK, listen in. 378 00:21:12,132 --> 00:21:16,033 {\an7}\hWhat is happening right now, you’re only meeting us halfway. 379 00:21:16,033 --> 00:21:18,660 {\an7}Look at the size of him. Look at the size of her. 380 00:21:18,660 --> 00:21:20,561 {\an7}You can look at me with hate. \h\h\h\h\h\h\hI love it. 381 00:21:20,561 --> 00:21:23,198 {\an7}\hDon’t shake your head. I’ll pull it off and hit you with it. 382 00:21:23,198 --> 00:21:25,792 {\an7}Do you understand me? Stand still. Shut up. 383 00:21:25,792 --> 00:21:28,561 {\an7}It’s about what’s in there. It’s about grit and determination. 384 00:21:28,561 --> 00:21:31,759 {\an7}\h\h\hYes, it’s hard, and it will be hard. 385 00:21:31,759 --> 00:21:34,297 {\an7}\hSo break that barrier, every single one of you. 386 00:21:34,297 --> 00:21:36,396 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h-Got it? -[recruits] Yes, staff. 387 00:21:36,396 --> 00:21:38,396 {\an7}[Billy] Get your Bergens on. 388 00:21:39,363 --> 00:21:40,693 {\an7}-Stop shaking your head. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h-I wasn’t. 389 00:21:40,693 --> 00:21:43,231 {\an7}I’m telling you for a reason. \h\h\hYou was. I’m not blind. 390 00:21:43,231 --> 00:21:44,726 {\an7}-It’s hot. I can’t see. \h\h\h\h-We’re all hot. 391 00:21:44,726 --> 00:21:47,660 {\an7}So I’m trying to look at you \hin your eye when you talk. 392 00:21:47,660 --> 00:21:51,099 {\an7}-[Billy] Stop moaning. \h\h\h\h\h-Yes, staff. 393 00:21:52,198 --> 00:21:55,528 {\an7}[Rudy] Fall into your vehicles. Let’s go! 394 00:21:55,858 --> 00:21:59,429 {\an7}-He said I had a attitude. \h\h-Wait, blue eyes? 395 00:21:59,429 --> 00:22:03,495 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hYeah. And I’m like, bruh, I don’t have no attitude. 396 00:22:03,495 --> 00:22:06,231 {\an7}People confuse me being laid-back, 397 00:22:06,231 --> 00:22:09,099 {\an7}people confuse me being nonchalant 398 00:22:09,099 --> 00:22:11,693 {\an7}and all those different things \h\h\h\has me not caring, 399 00:22:11,693 --> 00:22:15,462 {\an7}\hor me not taking what I do serious. 400 00:22:22,660 --> 00:22:25,000 {\an7}[Jamie] Some of the bathrooms \h\h\hare pretty disgusting. 401 00:22:25,000 --> 00:22:28,198 {\an7}\h\h\h-[Carli] I know. -[Jamie] I’m gonna vomit. 402 00:22:29,891 --> 00:22:31,165 {\an7}[laughs] 403 00:22:31,165 --> 00:22:34,528 {\an7}-Is yours bad? \h-[laughs] 404 00:22:34,957 --> 00:22:37,462 {\an7}Just don’t look down. 405 00:22:38,264 --> 00:22:40,000 {\an7}[Remi] How did Dwight Howard \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hgo from being 406 00:22:40,000 --> 00:22:41,957 {\an7}the NBA’s big man \h\h\h\hof the future 407 00:22:41,957 --> 00:22:44,858 {\an7}to most universally disliked player? 408 00:22:44,858 --> 00:22:49,759 {\an7}[narrator] The DS have concerns over number 13’s attitude. 409 00:22:49,759 --> 00:22:52,264 {\an7}Dwight Howard’s fall from grace. 410 00:22:53,396 --> 00:22:56,099 {\an7}Where you at, 13? Let’s go! 411 00:22:56,099 --> 00:23:03,198 {\an7}So NBA All-Star Dwight Howard is taken in for questioning. 412 00:23:04,924 --> 00:23:06,726 {\an7}[door bangs] 413 00:23:15,099 --> 00:23:17,627 {\an7}[door closes] 414 00:23:20,363 --> 00:23:24,330 {\an7}So how you think you’re doing \h\h\h\hon the course so far? 415 00:23:24,330 --> 00:23:27,099 {\an7}-Good, actually. \h\h\h\h\h-Good? 416 00:23:27,594 --> 00:23:28,957 {\an7}Cool. 417 00:23:30,330 --> 00:23:32,726 {\an7}Your face didn’t tell me that. 418 00:23:33,528 --> 00:23:36,033 {\an7}\h[Remi] So we’re bringing you in here for an obvious reason. 419 00:23:36,033 --> 00:23:40,726 {\an7}-Can you suspect what that is? \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-I don’t know. 420 00:23:41,264 --> 00:23:46,792 {\an7}This morning I wasn’t impressed. You seem to have an attitude. 421 00:23:46,792 --> 00:23:49,033 {\an7}You’re a little bit strutty. 422 00:23:49,462 --> 00:23:51,264 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[Dwight] I didn’t have a attitude. 423 00:23:51,264 --> 00:23:53,627 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI’m telling you, I can read you like a book. 424 00:23:53,627 --> 00:23:57,660 {\an7}I’ve done this all my life. \h\h\h\hThis is what I do. 425 00:23:58,759 --> 00:24:01,198 {\an7}\h\h\h\hWell, can you just give me further 426 00:24:01,198 --> 00:24:02,132 {\an7}so I can really understand? 427 00:24:02,132 --> 00:24:05,099 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI tell you, I feel when the going gets tough, 428 00:24:05,099 --> 00:24:10,165 {\an7}you put up these quirky, smiley, disrespectful attitudes. 429 00:24:10,165 --> 00:24:13,462 {\an7}When you get in a situation \hthat’s somewhat foreign, 430 00:24:13,462 --> 00:24:16,330 {\an7}or where there’s a lot of competition, 431 00:24:16,330 --> 00:24:19,792 {\an7}it’s hard for you \hto get to that 100%. 432 00:24:22,099 --> 00:24:23,231 {\an7}Uh, well, in my field, 433 00:24:23,231 --> 00:24:26,132 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hI don’t think that I’ve ever had that issue. 434 00:24:26,132 --> 00:24:29,495 {\an7}I mean, I’ve been playing \h\h\h\h\h\h\hfor 18 years. 435 00:24:29,495 --> 00:24:31,594 {\an7}I’ve been committed \h\h\h\hfrom day one. 436 00:24:31,594 --> 00:24:32,792 {\an7}If I say I’m in it, I’m in it. 437 00:24:32,792 --> 00:24:35,759 {\an7}-I do everything the same way. \h-Do your team players all go, 438 00:24:35,759 --> 00:24:39,660 {\an7}\h"That man has just given 100% right there"? They do? 439 00:24:39,660 --> 00:24:43,000 {\an7}Do your fans say, "He gives us 100%"? 440 00:24:43,000 --> 00:24:43,858 {\an7}They do? All right. 441 00:24:43,858 --> 00:24:46,891 {\an7}Just before you came in, right, I was looking at all this. 442 00:24:46,891 --> 00:24:48,231 {\an7}I don’t know a lot about you, 443 00:24:48,231 --> 00:24:51,165 {\an7}\h\h\hI’m looking at all this about you. 444 00:24:56,528 --> 00:24:58,627 {\an7}A lot of people don’t like you. 445 00:25:05,924 --> 00:25:12,198 {\an7}I be who I am, but the world that I live in, in the NBA, 446 00:25:12,198 --> 00:25:15,264 {\an7}\hI’ve been shunned upon for having too much fun, 447 00:25:15,264 --> 00:25:19,495 {\an7}for smiling too much, but that’s just me. 448 00:25:19,495 --> 00:25:20,330 {\an7}When I had the most fun, 449 00:25:20,330 --> 00:25:24,594 {\an7}\h\hthat’s when I was able to crush everything I did. 450 00:25:27,165 --> 00:25:30,198 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hWe feel like you can go farther. 451 00:25:30,198 --> 00:25:32,957 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hWe feel like you have more to give. 452 00:25:32,957 --> 00:25:37,198 {\an7}\h\h\h\hWe want top performance in everything across the board. 453 00:25:37,198 --> 00:25:39,759 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hIn our world, it’s all about motivation. 454 00:25:39,759 --> 00:25:43,792 {\an7}He knows I will drag my arse \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h110% for him. 455 00:25:43,792 --> 00:25:48,792 {\an7}He’ll do the same for me. I ain’t sure you’ll do that. 456 00:25:49,693 --> 00:25:53,000 {\an7}\hThere’s a question we’re gonna ask at the end of this, we will, 457 00:25:53,000 --> 00:25:58,066 {\an7}is would be have Number 13 \hstood to the side of us? 458 00:25:58,066 --> 00:26:01,759 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Got you. -And one last thing I’ll add. 459 00:26:02,660 --> 00:26:07,033 {\an7}Put some pep in your step. Act like you wanna be here. 460 00:26:07,033 --> 00:26:11,561 {\an7}Show that commitment. Give 100%. 461 00:26:12,396 --> 00:26:15,198 {\an7}So it’s over to you. 462 00:26:15,198 --> 00:26:17,396 {\an7}I got you. 463 00:26:18,792 --> 00:26:21,231 {\an7}[Billy] Guard! 464 00:26:21,231 --> 00:26:23,792 {\an7}[door opens] 465 00:26:39,297 --> 00:26:42,099 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[Dwight] \h\hThere’s been times where it’s like I wanna say something 466 00:26:42,099 --> 00:26:45,066 {\an7}to every critic and person who’s said something to me. 467 00:26:45,066 --> 00:26:50,066 {\an7}But then what I’ve figured out \his you have to really listen, 468 00:26:50,066 --> 00:26:52,066 {\an7}\hyou have to evolve and you have to change. 469 00:26:52,066 --> 00:26:53,924 {\an7}That’s what life is like. 470 00:26:53,924 --> 00:26:59,297 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hI’m all in. If I didn’t take this serious, \h\h\h\hI wouldn’t be here. 471 00:27:12,000 --> 00:27:15,594 {\an7}\h\h\hYou just feel like it’s a bit soul crushing. 472 00:27:15,594 --> 00:27:16,726 {\an7}\h\h\h-Yeah. -I’m trying. 473 00:27:16,726 --> 00:27:20,066 {\an7}I guess that’s where I struggle, ’cause I already have, like, 474 00:27:20,066 --> 00:27:22,033 {\an7}issues of not feeling, \h\h\h\h\hlike, enough. 475 00:27:22,033 --> 00:27:24,099 {\an7}\h\h\hEverybody’s on their own journey. 476 00:27:24,099 --> 00:27:24,693 {\an7}100%. 477 00:27:24,693 --> 00:27:27,165 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hAnd I think we’re on similar journeys. 478 00:27:27,165 --> 00:27:31,957 {\an7}I just need to have one moment, like one win. 479 00:27:31,957 --> 00:27:36,462 {\an7}\h\h\h[Rudy] All right, ruck up, recruits! Let’s go! 480 00:27:36,627 --> 00:27:37,726 {\an7}[Danny] Gonna start moving out. 481 00:27:37,726 --> 00:27:41,099 {\an7}[Rudy] Get there, get there. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hLet’s go. 482 00:27:45,066 --> 00:27:48,165 {\an7}The purpose of the tasks is to challenge recruits 483 00:27:48,165 --> 00:27:50,693 {\an7}at such a level, \hthey may break. 484 00:27:50,693 --> 00:27:52,396 {\an7}\h\h[Foxy] Come on, let’s catch it up! 485 00:27:52,396 --> 00:27:57,792 {\an7}You can turn a breaking point \h\h\hinto a breakthrough... 486 00:27:57,792 --> 00:27:58,693 {\an7}[yelps] 487 00:27:58,693 --> 00:28:00,066 {\an7}...with the right attitude. 488 00:28:00,066 --> 00:28:03,165 {\an7}[Foxy] Move your spindly \h\h\h\h\hlittle carcass. 489 00:28:03,165 --> 00:28:06,693 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-OK. -[Foxy] Let’s go! Come on! 490 00:28:06,693 --> 00:28:08,924 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] The final task of this phase 491 00:28:08,924 --> 00:28:12,462 {\an7}will test the recruits’ control of aggression. 492 00:28:12,462 --> 00:28:15,561 {\an7}[Billy] Take your Bergens off \hand drop ’em behind you. 493 00:28:15,561 --> 00:28:16,363 {\an7}Pin your ears back. 494 00:28:16,363 --> 00:28:19,792 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hOK, the roles of a special forces operator 495 00:28:19,792 --> 00:28:21,066 {\an7}are wide and varied. 496 00:28:21,066 --> 00:28:26,099 {\an7}Probably the worst-case scenario we find ourself in is conflict. 497 00:28:26,099 --> 00:28:30,561 {\an7}\hAnd the way we get through conflict is through aggression. 498 00:28:30,561 --> 00:28:35,528 {\an7}So what we’re gonna do is meet fire with fire. 499 00:28:35,528 --> 00:28:37,429 {\an7}[recruits] Yes, staff. 500 00:28:40,429 --> 00:28:42,264 {\an7}[Jamie] What do y’all think \h\h\h\hwe’re all doing? 501 00:28:42,264 --> 00:28:45,825 {\an7}I don’t want to hit someone, and I don’t want to be hit. 502 00:28:45,825 --> 00:28:49,528 {\an7}I don’t wanna be tossed around. I can’t fight someone. 503 00:28:49,528 --> 00:28:53,891 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] The recruits are about to face \h\h\htheir first combat task. 504 00:28:53,891 --> 00:28:59,891 {\an7}They must fight the red man, chief instructor Rudy Reyes. 505 00:28:59,891 --> 00:29:03,957 {\an7}On command, they must turn on aggression... 506 00:29:03,957 --> 00:29:06,726 {\an7}[Remi] Take some deep breaths. 507 00:29:06,726 --> 00:29:08,891 {\an7}...and then turn it off again. 508 00:29:08,891 --> 00:29:15,627 {\an7}\h\hFirst to brave the red man is Number 9, Spice Girl Mel B. 509 00:29:15,627 --> 00:29:18,264 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYou need to apply aggression violently 510 00:29:18,264 --> 00:29:20,297 {\an7}until I, who is in control, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hsay stop. 511 00:29:20,297 --> 00:29:24,363 {\an7}When you hear stop, get rid \hof that feeling of anger, 512 00:29:24,363 --> 00:29:26,627 {\an7}stand up and chill out, \h\h\h\hall right? 513 00:29:26,627 --> 00:29:30,693 {\an7}I just want you to get in there, get the job done, 514 00:29:30,693 --> 00:29:33,726 {\an7}and show me how scary \h\h\hyou really are. 515 00:29:34,924 --> 00:29:37,594 {\an7}\h\h\h[Mel B] I was in this abusive relationship 516 00:29:37,594 --> 00:29:40,429 {\an7}that I couldn’t get out of. 517 00:29:41,561 --> 00:29:43,000 {\an7}You just feel helpless. 518 00:29:43,000 --> 00:29:46,330 {\an7}\h\h\hOn a daily basis you’re being yelled at 519 00:29:46,330 --> 00:29:48,627 {\an7}and called horrible names. 520 00:29:48,627 --> 00:29:50,660 {\an7}Come here. Here, here, here. 521 00:29:50,660 --> 00:29:53,165 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hI would hope, and I say the word "hope," 522 00:29:53,165 --> 00:29:56,528 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hthat being put in these situations’ll repair 523 00:29:56,528 --> 00:29:59,660 {\an7}some of the damage that has been done. 524 00:29:59,660 --> 00:30:01,660 {\an7}Go on, get in there, \h\h\h\hget in there. 525 00:30:01,660 --> 00:30:03,297 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hCome on, show me some aggression. 526 00:30:03,297 --> 00:30:08,528 {\an7}Looking good. Now, control. \h\h\h\hLet’s get in there! 527 00:30:09,297 --> 00:30:13,198 {\an7}\hGo for it. Come on. Keep going, keep going! 528 00:30:17,132 --> 00:30:19,825 {\an7}Stop! Right, stand up. 529 00:30:22,528 --> 00:30:26,231 {\an7}Come here. How was that? 530 00:30:28,627 --> 00:30:30,297 {\an7}-How was it? -I feel sick. 531 00:30:30,297 --> 00:30:32,693 {\an7}\h-You feel sick? -But it is good. 532 00:30:32,693 --> 00:30:33,924 {\an7}It is good. It is good. 533 00:30:33,924 --> 00:30:37,330 {\an7}This is the whole purpose \h\h\h\h\h\h\hof this task, 534 00:30:37,330 --> 00:30:40,363 {\an7}is for you to expend energy and aggression 535 00:30:40,363 --> 00:30:42,825 {\an7}on someone that is willing \h\hto take it, all right? 536 00:30:42,825 --> 00:30:49,066 {\an7}It’s an ongoing healing road that I will always be on, 537 00:30:49,066 --> 00:30:50,363 {\an7}always. 538 00:31:01,363 --> 00:31:03,726 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hCome on, just calm down and focus. 539 00:31:03,726 --> 00:31:05,693 {\an7}I’m calm. 540 00:31:05,693 --> 00:31:09,099 {\an7}-[Mike] You’re gonna be fine. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Oh, my God. 541 00:31:09,495 --> 00:31:10,759 {\an7}You gotta put yourself \h\h\h\h\hin that spot. 542 00:31:10,759 --> 00:31:14,495 {\an7}If it’s for your life, \hyou’ll fight, right? 543 00:31:14,495 --> 00:31:15,924 {\an7}I’m telling you, you can do it. 544 00:31:15,924 --> 00:31:22,000 {\an7}\h\h\h\hDon’t let this thing be the thing that sends you home. 545 00:31:22,198 --> 00:31:23,957 {\an7}[Billy] Number 13! 546 00:31:25,165 --> 00:31:30,924 {\an7}[narrator] Next into the ring, \h\h\hNumber 13, Dwight Howard. 547 00:31:30,924 --> 00:31:32,099 {\an7}\h\h\h\hNow, I’m aware you’re a big bloke, OK? 548 00:31:32,099 --> 00:31:36,858 {\an7}Up to this point, his attitude \hhas put him on the DS radar. 549 00:31:36,858 --> 00:31:39,891 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hSo concentrate on controlling that aggression 550 00:31:39,891 --> 00:31:41,858 {\an7}when you do engage it, \hnot going overboard. 551 00:31:41,858 --> 00:31:45,924 {\an7}Listen to what I say. Control your aggression, all right? 552 00:31:45,924 --> 00:31:48,099 {\an7}\h\h\h-Good? -Yes, staff. 553 00:31:48,099 --> 00:31:50,759 {\an7}Let’s go. Go, go, go! 554 00:31:52,924 --> 00:31:54,594 {\an7}[red man yells] 555 00:31:54,594 --> 00:32:00,198 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hDestabilize, control. Destabilize, control, control. 556 00:32:02,000 --> 00:32:04,462 {\an7}Stop! 557 00:32:04,825 --> 00:32:06,660 {\an7}All right, up. 558 00:32:07,099 --> 00:32:09,660 {\an7}-Calm down. You good? \h\h\h\h-Yes, staff. 559 00:32:09,660 --> 00:32:14,462 {\an7}OK, good effort. You did what you needed to do, all right? 560 00:32:14,462 --> 00:32:18,330 {\an7}Now it’s about turning it off, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hcalming down, 561 00:32:18,330 --> 00:32:21,231 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hand getting on with the rest of the tasks, OK? 562 00:32:21,528 --> 00:32:23,561 {\an7}[Billy] Number 15, come on down. 563 00:32:23,561 --> 00:32:26,066 {\an7}\h\h\h-[Foxy] Come on. -[Billy] Get up there. 564 00:32:26,066 --> 00:32:27,759 {\an7}You’re like a rock lizard. 565 00:32:27,759 --> 00:32:29,231 {\an7}I just wanna see some aggression. 566 00:32:29,231 --> 00:32:31,660 {\an7}I understand, and I respect \hthat, and I respect you. 567 00:32:31,660 --> 00:32:34,000 {\an7}-But I don’t wanna hit anyone. \h\h-I don’t want any respect. 568 00:32:34,000 --> 00:32:36,165 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI wanna see some grit and determination, all right? 569 00:32:36,165 --> 00:32:38,594 {\an7}Stay on my left shoulder. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hLet’s go. 570 00:32:38,594 --> 00:32:43,033 {\an7}\h\h\hGo on, full in! Show me some aggression, Number 15. 571 00:32:43,033 --> 00:32:45,363 {\an7}15, start throwing punches. 572 00:32:45,363 --> 00:32:47,297 {\an7}15, show me some aggression. 573 00:32:47,297 --> 00:32:50,099 {\an7}-15, get up! \h-[sobbing] 574 00:32:50,099 --> 00:32:53,198 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Hey. -That was too much for me. 575 00:32:53,198 --> 00:32:55,462 {\an7}Weak as anything. It looked pathetic. 576 00:32:55,462 --> 00:32:57,693 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Yes, staff. -Right, go over to the DS. 577 00:32:57,693 --> 00:33:00,429 {\an7}As quickly as you can. 578 00:33:00,759 --> 00:33:04,528 {\an7}Go to the right of Number 13. 579 00:33:16,693 --> 00:33:22,330 {\an7}I need you to apply controlled \haggression until I say stop. 580 00:33:22,330 --> 00:33:23,528 {\an7}-Do you understand? \h\h\h\h\h-Yes, staff. 581 00:33:23,528 --> 00:33:27,495 {\an7}With me, with me. With me. Keep coming, keep coming. 582 00:33:27,495 --> 00:33:31,462 {\an7}-Engage him. Come on! Let’s go! -[red man yells] 583 00:33:31,726 --> 00:33:34,396 {\an7}Destabilize, control, \h\h\h\hdestabilize. 584 00:33:34,396 --> 00:33:38,627 {\an7}Go on. There we go. Go on. \h\h\hPut him on the floor. 585 00:33:43,660 --> 00:33:45,165 {\an7}\h\h-Get in there. -What do you mean? 586 00:33:45,165 --> 00:33:46,198 {\an7}-Like hitting? -Yeah, hit him. 587 00:33:46,198 --> 00:33:49,495 {\an7}I’ve never been in a fistfight. I can’t see myself doing this. 588 00:33:49,495 --> 00:33:52,099 {\an7}But that’s why I’m here, \hto push past that 589 00:33:52,099 --> 00:33:54,759 {\an7}and see where I can go. 590 00:33:55,726 --> 00:33:57,561 {\an7}[Foxy] Number 7, get up. 591 00:33:57,561 --> 00:33:58,858 {\an7}I’m a man of peace, 592 00:34:02,891 --> 00:34:04,627 {\an7}by doing what you have to do. 593 00:34:04,627 --> 00:34:06,363 {\an7}[yelling] 594 00:34:06,363 --> 00:34:09,033 {\an7}I just believe in being able \h\h\hto defend yourself. 595 00:34:09,033 --> 00:34:13,429 {\an7}I mean, I’m from Detroit. You gotta know how to fight. 596 00:34:13,429 --> 00:34:14,792 {\an7}No, not there! 597 00:34:14,792 --> 00:34:16,759 {\an7}Leave the head. 598 00:34:18,495 --> 00:34:19,495 {\an7}Right, stop! 599 00:34:19,495 --> 00:34:22,363 {\an7}Stop! Stop! 600 00:34:22,363 --> 00:34:23,792 {\an7}Stop! 601 00:34:24,528 --> 00:34:30,297 {\an7}\h\h\h\hCalm down. Remove the wide-eyed stare of death. 602 00:34:30,297 --> 00:34:31,858 {\an7}When I said stop, you needed to stop. 603 00:34:31,858 --> 00:34:34,627 {\an7}You still laid in a couple of blows. 604 00:34:34,627 --> 00:34:36,528 {\an7}Strong effort. 605 00:34:36,528 --> 00:34:38,726 {\an7}It was a terrible effort. 606 00:34:38,726 --> 00:34:40,693 {\an7}Hey, look at me. 607 00:34:40,693 --> 00:34:42,330 {\an7}-[grunts] -All good? 608 00:34:42,330 --> 00:34:45,792 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Yes, sir. -That’s it, done now. It’s done. 609 00:34:45,792 --> 00:34:49,462 {\an7}\h[narrator] Number 7, singer Montell Jordan, 610 00:34:49,462 --> 00:34:52,825 {\an7}is feeling the impact \h\hof the fistfight. 611 00:34:52,825 --> 00:34:53,858 {\an7}[Montell] That was crazy. 612 00:34:53,858 --> 00:34:56,561 {\an7}There’s adrenaline right now \h\h\h\h\h\h\hstill flowing, 613 00:34:56,561 --> 00:34:59,495 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hso I don’t know how bad it is right now. 614 00:34:59,495 --> 00:35:01,165 {\an7}May have sprained, or... 615 00:35:02,396 --> 00:35:07,000 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hstill move it, but... but he got me, pulled me down. 616 00:35:08,363 --> 00:35:10,726 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h[narrator] And now there’s one more recruit left 617 00:35:10,726 --> 00:35:12,429 {\an7}to enter the fray. 618 00:35:12,429 --> 00:35:13,759 {\an7}[Billy] Number 1, come on. 619 00:35:13,759 --> 00:35:17,759 {\an7}\hActress Beverley Mitchell must drum up the confidence 620 00:35:17,759 --> 00:35:19,198 {\an7}to take on the red man. 621 00:35:19,198 --> 00:35:22,231 {\an7}You just gotta dig deep, \h\h\h\hfind some oomph, 622 00:35:22,231 --> 00:35:25,330 {\an7}and get in there and do something. 623 00:35:25,330 --> 00:35:28,924 {\an7}I realize that I’ve lost 624 00:35:28,924 --> 00:35:31,033 {\an7}a little bit of myself, 625 00:35:31,033 --> 00:35:34,033 {\an7}and not even that I lost it, it’s that I don’t even know 626 00:35:34,033 --> 00:35:36,660 {\an7}that I’ve ever really \h\h\htapped into it. 627 00:35:36,660 --> 00:35:38,363 {\an7}Come on, on me, on me, on me. \h\h\h\hRight, let’s go! 628 00:35:38,363 --> 00:35:43,099 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI’ve never really taken a moment to be, like, 629 00:35:43,099 --> 00:35:44,495 {\an7}who the hell is Bev? 630 00:35:44,495 --> 00:35:46,858 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-[yells] -Number, 1, take him down. 631 00:35:46,858 --> 00:35:51,165 {\an7}Come on, Number 1, let’s go! \h\h\hTake him to the floor. 632 00:35:51,165 --> 00:35:53,165 {\an7}I wanna see some aggression. 633 00:35:53,561 --> 00:35:57,594 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hLet’s go. There we go. Come on, keep going, keep going. 634 00:35:57,594 --> 00:35:59,462 {\an7}All right, stop! 635 00:36:03,330 --> 00:36:04,858 {\an7}Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 636 00:36:04,858 --> 00:36:06,066 {\an7}[Beverley] It wasn’t enough. 637 00:36:06,066 --> 00:36:08,363 {\an7}\h\h\h\hIt’s difficult, ’cause he’s obviously bigger than you, 638 00:36:08,363 --> 00:36:11,396 {\an7}\h\h\h\hbut we’ll tell you if you’re not good enough. 639 00:36:11,396 --> 00:36:14,066 {\an7}-It hurts. It’s clicking. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Is it? 640 00:36:14,066 --> 00:36:15,264 {\an7}OK, just relax both legs. 641 00:36:15,264 --> 00:36:16,825 {\an7}I’m just gonna do \ha little quick test. 642 00:36:16,825 --> 00:36:21,396 {\an7}[narrator] All 13 recruits \hhave completed the task. 643 00:36:21,396 --> 00:36:25,924 {\an7}The intensity of the fight \h\h\h\hhas left its mark. 644 00:36:25,924 --> 00:36:28,891 {\an7}Yeah, yeah, that’s very sore. 645 00:36:28,891 --> 00:36:30,957 {\an7}I can’t close my fist. 646 00:36:30,957 --> 00:36:34,000 {\an7}I gotta be able to grab stuff. 647 00:36:56,726 --> 00:37:01,594 {\an7}It’s like 108 in here, \h\h\h\h\h110 in here. 648 00:37:01,957 --> 00:37:03,330 {\an7}Hoo! 649 00:37:04,330 --> 00:37:08,330 {\an7}[narrator] Of the 13 recruits \h\hthat completed the task, 650 00:37:08,330 --> 00:37:10,759 {\an7}one has not made it back. 651 00:37:10,759 --> 00:37:13,891 {\an7}\h\h\h[Rudy] Number 7, he’s medically withdrawn. 652 00:37:13,891 --> 00:37:14,792 {\an7}We’re just warming up. 653 00:37:14,792 --> 00:37:18,627 {\an7}\hMontell Jordan has been withdrawn from the course 654 00:37:18,627 --> 00:37:21,099 {\an7}with a suspected broken thumb. 655 00:37:21,099 --> 00:37:22,759 {\an7}[Billy] Sad to see him go. 656 00:37:22,759 --> 00:37:23,825 {\an7}[Rudy] Number 9. 657 00:37:23,825 --> 00:37:27,627 {\an7}\h\h\h\h[Remi] I was impressed with how she kept it together, 658 00:37:27,627 --> 00:37:28,594 {\an7}given her history. 659 00:37:28,594 --> 00:37:30,330 {\an7}Big kudos to her for that. 660 00:37:30,330 --> 00:37:35,000 {\an7}\h\h\h\hAll right, Number 13. Red man, he did pretty good. 661 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:37,066 {\an7}\h\h\h\hHe fought hard but controlled himself. 662 00:37:37,066 --> 00:37:41,231 {\an7}\hHe took the message that me and Billy passed onto him. 663 00:37:41,231 --> 00:37:43,429 {\an7}You know, he took it well. 664 00:37:44,330 --> 00:37:45,033 {\an7}[Rudy] Number 1? 665 00:37:45,033 --> 00:37:48,429 {\an7}\h\h\h[Foxy] When it came to the strongest to weakest, 666 00:37:48,429 --> 00:37:49,396 {\an7}she put herself as the weakest. 667 00:37:49,396 --> 00:37:52,297 {\an7}\h\h\hShe wasn’t willing to put herself out there. 668 00:37:52,297 --> 00:37:54,396 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI think she lacks self-esteem and confidence. 669 00:37:54,396 --> 00:37:57,957 {\an7}\h\h\hI’m a bit unsure. Let’s dig into her a bit. 670 00:38:01,462 --> 00:38:03,297 {\an7}Number 1! 671 00:38:05,594 --> 00:38:08,264 {\an7}Hands on the wall. 672 00:38:10,198 --> 00:38:12,726 {\an7}[door opens] 673 00:38:19,231 --> 00:38:21,561 {\an7}[sighs] 674 00:38:22,165 --> 00:38:24,693 {\an7}[door closes] 675 00:38:30,264 --> 00:38:33,924 {\an7}-[Billy] How you feeling? \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Um... 676 00:38:34,330 --> 00:38:37,000 {\an7}Struggling. Sorry. 677 00:38:41,132 --> 00:38:46,627 {\an7}Don’t cry. You ain’t gonna get no sympathy from me anyway. 678 00:38:46,627 --> 00:38:48,165 {\an7}I... I know. 679 00:38:48,165 --> 00:38:52,726 {\an7}\hThis morning, I asked for the strongest to the weakest. 680 00:38:52,726 --> 00:38:54,924 {\an7}-Where were you? \h\h-The weakest. 681 00:38:54,924 --> 00:38:58,957 {\an7}\h\h\h\hDid you put yourself at the back this morning? 682 00:38:58,957 --> 00:39:04,429 {\an7}\h\hI did, because I felt that’s where the team felt I should be. 683 00:39:04,429 --> 00:39:07,528 {\an7}Where do you think \h\hyou should be? 684 00:39:08,330 --> 00:39:10,099 {\an7}[sniffs] 685 00:39:10,528 --> 00:39:13,957 {\an7}Where do you honestly think \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hyou should be? 686 00:39:16,132 --> 00:39:18,693 {\an7}Not quite at the end. 687 00:39:18,693 --> 00:39:22,000 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hThat was your opportunity to... 688 00:39:22,000 --> 00:39:23,792 {\an7}stick up for yourself \h\h\h\ha little bit. 689 00:39:23,792 --> 00:39:26,957 {\an7}Where does that self-doubt \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hcome from? 690 00:39:28,759 --> 00:39:32,264 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hAll my life I’ve never been good enough. 691 00:39:32,528 --> 00:39:35,099 {\an7}I’ve just always felt that, 692 00:39:35,099 --> 00:39:38,561 {\an7}from grade school to my career. 693 00:39:38,561 --> 00:39:39,462 {\an7}I’ve kind of built a shell, 694 00:39:39,462 --> 00:39:43,660 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\halways saying that I’m OK with where I am 695 00:39:43,660 --> 00:39:45,957 {\an7}or how far I’ve gotten. 696 00:39:46,627 --> 00:39:49,891 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Why? -I don’t know why. 697 00:39:53,363 --> 00:39:57,198 {\an7}Because I feel like 698 00:39:57,198 --> 00:40:00,627 {\an7}I don’t want to try 699 00:40:00,627 --> 00:40:03,693 {\an7}because I don’t wanna fail. 700 00:40:04,198 --> 00:40:06,924 {\an7}I’m almost afraid to succeed. 701 00:40:06,924 --> 00:40:11,726 {\an7}\hDon’t be afraid of failure. We’ve failed. We’ve tripped up. 702 00:40:11,726 --> 00:40:13,858 {\an7}We’ve had to pick ourselves \h\h\h\hback up and go again. 703 00:40:13,858 --> 00:40:14,759 {\an7}That’s where you get \h\h\hyour strength, 704 00:40:14,759 --> 00:40:18,231 {\an7}\h\hand the only way you’re ever gonna succeed is to fail anyway. 705 00:40:18,231 --> 00:40:20,066 {\an7}True. 706 00:40:20,066 --> 00:40:22,792 {\an7}[Foxy] When it gets uncomfortable or hard, 707 00:40:22,792 --> 00:40:26,396 {\an7}\h\h\htry not to feel sorry for yourself. 708 00:40:28,792 --> 00:40:30,264 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-Guard! -Thank you. 709 00:40:30,264 --> 00:40:32,891 {\an7}[door opens] 710 00:40:47,264 --> 00:40:49,132 {\an7}Nervous wreck. 711 00:40:49,132 --> 00:40:56,033 {\an7}The ultimate goal with this is to stop saying that I can’t 712 00:40:56,033 --> 00:40:59,759 {\an7}and start saying that I will. 713 00:41:03,264 --> 00:41:08,858 {\an7}\hYou better get your ass off the couch and just at least try. 714 00:41:16,066 --> 00:41:21,330 {\an7}Recruits! On the parade square! Let’s go! 715 00:41:28,231 --> 00:41:33,000 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hThis morning I asked you to place yourselves 716 00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:35,000 {\an7}in the strongest to the weakest. 717 00:41:35,000 --> 00:41:39,792 {\an7}What I want you to do right now is exactly that. 718 00:41:39,792 --> 00:41:41,726 {\an7}Think about how today’s gone 719 00:41:41,726 --> 00:41:46,693 {\an7}\hand place yourself now where you think you sit. 720 00:41:46,693 --> 00:41:52,759 {\an7}[narrator] 48 hours ago, 16 recruits began selection. 721 00:41:52,759 --> 00:41:56,297 {\an7}Now only 12 remain. 722 00:41:58,594 --> 00:42:04,198 {\an7}\h\hThose still standing are reconsidering their position. 723 00:42:07,429 --> 00:42:09,330 {\an7}Number 13, Dwight Howard, 724 00:42:09,330 --> 00:42:14,132 {\an7}no longer considers himself \h\hthe strongest recruit. 725 00:42:14,924 --> 00:42:17,495 {\an7}[Billy] Look around. 726 00:42:17,495 --> 00:42:20,297 {\an7}Number 1, Beverley Mitchell, 727 00:42:20,297 --> 00:42:23,726 {\an7}\h\h\h\hmoves herself further up the ranks. 728 00:42:25,099 --> 00:42:28,561 {\an7}I’m gonna leave you with what you see. 729 00:42:28,858 --> 00:42:31,165 {\an7}Tomorrow’s a new day with new challenges. 730 00:42:31,165 --> 00:42:36,627 {\an7}So, tonight, get some good sleep and let’s get the job done. 731 00:42:36,627 --> 00:42:41,759 {\an7}[Billy] When I say go, make like a wizard and disappear. 732 00:42:41,759 --> 00:42:43,891 {\an7}Go! 733 00:42:47,825 --> 00:42:52,264 {\an7}\h\h\h[Dwight] No way. That is pure dog food. 734 00:42:52,693 --> 00:42:53,396 {\an7}I might throw up. 735 00:42:53,396 --> 00:42:57,429 {\an7}\h\hI feel like this is a challenge all in itself, \hand I just can’t do it. 736 00:42:57,429 --> 00:42:58,924 {\an7}This might make me tap. 737 00:42:58,924 --> 00:43:00,792 {\an7}[laughs] 738 00:43:00,792 --> 00:43:02,132 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-Staff. -I can’t... 739 00:43:02,132 --> 00:43:04,462 {\an7}-I can’t eat this food no more. -I can’t eat the food. 740 00:43:04,462 --> 00:43:07,132 {\an7}Staff, here’s my number. 741 00:43:08,561 --> 00:43:12,165 {\an7}When you’re on the battlefield, you have to be so aware 742 00:43:12,165 --> 00:43:13,231 {\an7}of your strengths \h\hand weaknesses. 743 00:43:13,231 --> 00:43:17,495 {\an7}Some people are too scared to look at their own weaknesses, 744 00:43:17,495 --> 00:43:19,429 {\an7}and they hide it with ego. 745 00:43:19,429 --> 00:43:23,033 {\an7}\h\hOther people’s weakness is actually their strength, 746 00:43:23,033 --> 00:43:24,462 {\an7}because they’ve always \h\h\h\h\hbeen put down 747 00:43:24,462 --> 00:43:26,858 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hand told they’re not good enough. 748 00:43:26,858 --> 00:43:31,924 {\an7}Only the people that can bounce back will pass this course. 749 00:43:33,957 --> 00:43:34,726 {\an7}[narrator] Next time... 750 00:43:34,726 --> 00:43:39,363 {\an7}You must keep your focus \hin the middle of chaos. 751 00:43:39,363 --> 00:43:44,396 {\an7}[Foxy] If they don’t react \hproperly, they could die. 752 00:43:44,396 --> 00:43:46,297 {\an7}Take a breath through your nose or through your mouth? 753 00:43:46,297 --> 00:43:48,660 {\an7}Take it through your arse. \h\h\h\h\h\h\hI don’t care. 754 00:43:48,660 --> 00:43:49,528 {\an7}[Rudy] Swim! Let’s go! 755 00:43:49,528 --> 00:43:51,957 {\an7}Individuals fail. Teams survive. 756 00:43:51,957 --> 00:43:56,066 {\an7}\h\h\h\hMuppet! What the [bleep] was he jumping off the side for? 757 00:43:56,066 --> 00:43:57,297 {\an7}Get it on your back now! 758 00:43:57,297 --> 00:44:02,000 {\an7}\h\hThis is a lesson. Start motivating yourself.