1 00:00:01,861 --> 00:00:04,046 - [narrator] for years, "variety" and lifetime 2 00:00:04,273 --> 00:00:06,048 Have teamed up to honor the charitable work 3 00:00:06,275 --> 00:00:08,958 Of hollywood's iconic, trailblazing women. 4 00:00:09,053 --> 00:00:10,443 - I came to every town 5 00:00:10,537 --> 00:00:12,629 Because I just couldn't bear it anymore. 6 00:00:12,781 --> 00:00:16,132 - Education is a basic human right. 7 00:00:16,285 --> 00:00:17,708 - My objective here is to attempt 8 00:00:17,728 --> 00:00:20,287 To inspire young women to find their voice. 9 00:00:20,380 --> 00:00:22,380 - It's so important for us to be here, 10 00:00:22,399 --> 00:00:25,734 To shed light on our dark moments, 11 00:00:25,961 --> 00:00:28,128 And light on the charities that we love so much. 12 00:00:28,146 --> 00:00:29,963 (energetic music) 13 00:00:30,056 --> 00:00:31,147 - [narrator] throughout this hour, 14 00:00:31,300 --> 00:00:32,966 Past power of women honorees 15 00:00:32,984 --> 00:00:35,393 Spotlight the women who inspire them. 16 00:00:35,487 --> 00:00:38,563 - They are so strong, so tough. 17 00:00:38,657 --> 00:00:40,082 - [narrator] the women being recognized 18 00:00:40,233 --> 00:00:42,976 Are changing their communities, from sparking movements... 19 00:00:42,994 --> 00:00:44,311 - Volunteers like myself, 20 00:00:44,404 --> 00:00:47,647 Wake up every day and work to end gun violence. 21 00:00:47,666 --> 00:00:49,649 - [narrator] to helping the most vulnerable. 22 00:00:49,668 --> 00:00:51,985 - The most important thing is just to create 23 00:00:52,003 --> 00:00:55,488 New normality for the children and for the parents. 24 00:00:55,582 --> 00:00:56,673 - [narrator] from turning their pain 25 00:00:56,825 --> 00:00:58,583 Into a dedication to help others. 26 00:00:58,677 --> 00:01:00,827 - I'm sharing my pain with you, 27 00:01:00,920 --> 00:01:04,088 Because I believe that pain has purpose. 28 00:01:04,182 --> 00:01:06,274 That purpose is to help others. 29 00:01:06,501 --> 00:01:08,926 - [narrator] and using their strengths to lift others up. 30 00:01:08,946 --> 00:01:11,521 - We don't want anyone to say anymore that, 31 00:01:11,615 --> 00:01:13,097 "I was the only one." 32 00:01:13,117 --> 00:01:14,616 - [narrator] they are their friends. 33 00:01:14,767 --> 00:01:17,010 - I've never met anyone who cared more about her community. 34 00:01:17,103 --> 00:01:18,345 - [narrator] their loved ones. 35 00:01:18,438 --> 00:01:21,197 - This honor also belongs to my sister, angela, 36 00:01:21,291 --> 00:01:23,125 The ultimate champion for access 37 00:01:23,352 --> 00:01:25,961 And equal opportunity for children. 38 00:01:26,112 --> 00:01:27,370 - [narrator] their heroes. 39 00:01:27,522 --> 00:01:29,798 - You, you saved my life. 40 00:01:30,025 --> 00:01:32,359 - I would love to challenge you to go out there 41 00:01:32,452 --> 00:01:34,636 And have those difficult conversations 42 00:01:34,863 --> 00:01:37,455 With love and empathy, so that we can rewrite 43 00:01:37,474 --> 00:01:41,143 Our own stories and the stories of women. 44 00:01:41,370 --> 00:01:42,385 - [narrator] this is 45 00:01:42,537 --> 00:01:44,204 Variety's power of women: 46 00:01:44,222 --> 00:01:45,438 The changemakers. 47 00:01:46,966 --> 00:01:49,225 (upbeat music) 48 00:01:49,319 --> 00:01:52,545 First, actress and model, priyanka chopra jonas, 49 00:01:52,639 --> 00:01:55,565 Honors yuliia hudz and viktoriia gnap, 50 00:01:55,659 --> 00:01:57,567 Two women working with unicef 51 00:01:57,719 --> 00:02:00,478 To educate ukrainian refugees in poland. 52 00:02:00,497 --> 00:02:02,956 (lively music) 53 00:02:04,226 --> 00:02:05,917 - Is that a puppet? 54 00:02:07,153 --> 00:02:08,819 My name is priyanka chopra jonas, 55 00:02:08,839 --> 00:02:11,673 And I'm a unicef goodwill ambassador. 56 00:02:13,068 --> 00:02:13,991 My relationship with unicef 57 00:02:14,085 --> 00:02:16,252 Goes back almost a decade and a half. 58 00:02:16,405 --> 00:02:19,406 I started as a volunteer with unicef india. 59 00:02:19,424 --> 00:02:22,258 I've always just really been a fan of the organization 60 00:02:22,352 --> 00:02:25,687 For the fact that they are just always around. 61 00:02:25,914 --> 00:02:28,248 And their only intention is the benefit 62 00:02:28,341 --> 00:02:29,674 Of the children of the world. 63 00:02:29,693 --> 00:02:32,268 Aligning with unicef really gave me the opportunity 64 00:02:32,421 --> 00:02:34,921 To feel like I had purpose. 65 00:02:35,014 --> 00:02:36,940 It's the greatest job I've ever had. 66 00:02:37,034 --> 00:02:38,516 - And as the war here grinds on, 67 00:02:38,535 --> 00:02:40,202 An unprecedented number of ukrainians 68 00:02:40,353 --> 00:02:42,262 Have now fled the country. 69 00:02:42,280 --> 00:02:45,040 - [reporter] 2 million refugees have escaped ukraine, 70 00:02:45,191 --> 00:02:47,283 Half of them are children. 71 00:02:47,377 --> 00:02:51,271 - About 70% of the people that fled from ukraine 72 00:02:51,289 --> 00:02:54,365 Came into poland, and poland and the polish government 73 00:02:54,384 --> 00:02:59,112 Has been extremely welcoming to ukrainian refugees. 74 00:02:59,205 --> 00:03:02,782 - An estimated 600,000 children are in poland, 75 00:03:02,875 --> 00:03:06,286 And 2/3 of them are of school-age. 76 00:03:06,379 --> 00:03:07,971 - [priyanka] hundreds and hundreds of schools 77 00:03:08,123 --> 00:03:10,548 Have been bombed, destroyed. 78 00:03:10,642 --> 00:03:14,236 Many children, teachers, have lost lives. 79 00:03:14,463 --> 00:03:17,297 And kids not being able to get access to education, 80 00:03:17,315 --> 00:03:20,891 Especially when they come from active, armed conflict, 81 00:03:20,986 --> 00:03:25,413 Is just a very disorienting feeling. 82 00:03:25,565 --> 00:03:27,540 (mellow piano) 83 00:03:28,585 --> 00:03:30,418 - [child] yay, yay, yay! 84 00:03:30,645 --> 00:03:32,754 (priyanka laughing) 85 00:03:32,905 --> 00:03:35,406 - [viktoriia] the most important thing in this situation 86 00:03:35,425 --> 00:03:38,260 Is just to create new normality for the children, 87 00:03:38,487 --> 00:03:39,744 And for the parents. 88 00:03:39,838 --> 00:03:42,913 New stability, something which is regular 89 00:03:43,008 --> 00:03:44,432 And normal for them. 90 00:03:44,659 --> 00:03:49,437 And actually education is one of the things which is stable, 91 00:03:49,664 --> 00:03:53,275 And which brings children the feeling of stability. 92 00:03:53,502 --> 00:03:55,092 (calm music) 93 00:03:55,186 --> 00:03:58,113 - Hello, viktoriia, nice to meet you. 94 00:03:58,340 --> 00:04:00,673 We would like to welcome you with the ukrainian tradition 95 00:04:00,692 --> 00:04:02,284 With the bread. 96 00:04:02,435 --> 00:04:04,101 - [children] good morning. 97 00:04:04,121 --> 00:04:05,936 - Good morning, dear guests, we all say hi to you. 98 00:04:06,031 --> 00:04:07,196 We're from ukraine, 99 00:04:07,349 --> 00:04:09,124 It's the land of golden fruits and blue sky. 100 00:04:09,351 --> 00:04:11,293 We're really grateful for all the love and people 101 00:04:11,520 --> 00:04:14,203 Who gladly help us and give us chance to be here, 102 00:04:14,356 --> 00:04:16,022 And bringing joy to us. 103 00:04:16,041 --> 00:04:19,042 Our dear foundation, unbreakable ukraine, 104 00:04:19,194 --> 00:04:21,452 Led by viktoriia and unicef. 105 00:04:21,546 --> 00:04:23,863 (group greeting in ukranian) 106 00:04:23,882 --> 00:04:25,140 - [viktoriia] my name is viktoriia gnap, 107 00:04:25,367 --> 00:04:28,310 I am a co-founder of the foundation, unbreakable ukraine, 108 00:04:28,537 --> 00:04:30,870 And I'm also the president of the foundation. 109 00:04:30,889 --> 00:04:32,872 - Viktoriia created unbreakable ukraine, 110 00:04:32,891 --> 00:04:36,967 Which is a summer camp that gives kids a safe space 111 00:04:37,062 --> 00:04:38,227 To be able to meet their peers, 112 00:04:38,380 --> 00:04:40,880 And even formal education when school starts. 113 00:04:40,973 --> 00:04:42,824 But specifically for ukrainian children 114 00:04:43,051 --> 00:04:45,660 By ukrainian teachers in ukrainian. 115 00:04:46,721 --> 00:04:48,830 These are beautiful. 116 00:04:49,057 --> 00:04:51,482 - We are grateful to be in partnership with unicef, 117 00:04:51,576 --> 00:04:54,485 And due to our fruitful partnership, 118 00:04:54,579 --> 00:04:58,673 We're able to provide children with their formal classes. 119 00:04:58,900 --> 00:05:01,250 We're also able to organize summer activities 120 00:05:01,345 --> 00:05:03,160 For over 3,000 children. 121 00:05:03,180 --> 00:05:06,330 Such type of activity is so much in demand 122 00:05:06,350 --> 00:05:09,517 Among ukrainian people, ukrainian mothers, 123 00:05:09,744 --> 00:05:14,356 Because they need to start their life from scratch. 124 00:05:14,583 --> 00:05:16,858 (calm music) 125 00:05:18,195 --> 00:05:19,694 - [priyanka] hi, yuliia, so nice to meet you. 126 00:05:19,921 --> 00:05:21,604 - Hi, priyanka. - Thank you so much. 127 00:05:21,756 --> 00:05:23,940 - Oh my god, thank you for coming 128 00:05:24,092 --> 00:05:26,259 And also bringing your attention. 129 00:05:26,277 --> 00:05:27,443 You know, people like you 130 00:05:27,596 --> 00:05:29,612 Need to see what we are doing here. 131 00:05:29,706 --> 00:05:32,932 My name is yuliia hudz, and I'm from ukraine. 132 00:05:32,951 --> 00:05:37,695 And here I'm working to provide education refugee response. 133 00:05:37,714 --> 00:05:39,939 We established an educational hub, 134 00:05:39,958 --> 00:05:42,442 Which will contribute to access to education 135 00:05:42,460 --> 00:05:45,870 For those children who still continue their education, 136 00:05:45,964 --> 00:05:48,038 As per ukrainian curriculum. 137 00:05:48,058 --> 00:05:50,133 Just to regain the sense of normalcy 138 00:05:50,227 --> 00:05:53,970 After the ugliness that they have experienced. 139 00:05:54,064 --> 00:05:57,715 Educating the youth is the biggest investment we can have. 140 00:05:57,734 --> 00:06:00,126 Children can come, they can learn, 141 00:06:00,145 --> 00:06:03,296 But also we have early childhood development centers 142 00:06:03,389 --> 00:06:06,633 Where mothers can bring their children. 143 00:06:06,726 --> 00:06:08,910 And while they're playing, you know, 144 00:06:09,137 --> 00:06:12,080 And being engaged in any developmental exercises, 145 00:06:12,231 --> 00:06:14,231 Mothers can do their work. 146 00:06:14,251 --> 00:06:18,311 Mm. Okay. Mmhmm. 147 00:06:18,404 --> 00:06:19,254 O. 148 00:06:19,481 --> 00:06:22,907 - O. - O. Mmhmm. 149 00:06:23,001 --> 00:06:24,926 Earlier this year, myself and my son, 150 00:06:25,153 --> 00:06:29,672 We had to flee my country and left my family behind 151 00:06:29,766 --> 00:06:32,325 Just to escape from war. 152 00:06:32,418 --> 00:06:35,495 It became, you know, simply unbearable. 153 00:06:35,588 --> 00:06:37,755 You wake up because of shelling. 154 00:06:37,849 --> 00:06:41,684 You know, you go out and you hear those horrible sounds. 155 00:06:41,778 --> 00:06:43,945 A lot of women are in the same position, I mean, 156 00:06:44,172 --> 00:06:48,098 Most of them, they need to think of their children. 157 00:06:48,118 --> 00:06:52,695 - Have you been able to find adjustment in poland? 158 00:06:52,847 --> 00:06:55,582 (woman speaking ukranian) 159 00:07:02,466 --> 00:07:04,040 - [priyanka] was it difficult when you first came? 160 00:07:04,192 --> 00:07:05,633 (woman speaking ukranian) 161 00:07:29,475 --> 00:07:31,884 - [priyanka] I'm so sorry. 162 00:07:31,903 --> 00:07:33,161 (woman speaking ukranian) 163 00:07:35,890 --> 00:07:39,058 - [priyanka] I know, it's gotta be so scary. 164 00:07:39,151 --> 00:07:41,503 Surviving war is most unnatural, 165 00:07:41,730 --> 00:07:43,896 Especially when it comes to children, 166 00:07:43,915 --> 00:07:46,249 It affects them for the rest of their lives. 167 00:07:46,401 --> 00:07:49,418 Hearing sounds of shelling, guns, 168 00:07:49,571 --> 00:07:51,738 Is not what children should hear. 169 00:07:51,756 --> 00:07:55,908 This is the sound of what children should sound like. 170 00:07:55,927 --> 00:07:57,668 (energetic music) 171 00:07:57,687 --> 00:08:01,523 Jump, jump, jump, woo! (priyanka laughing) 172 00:08:01,750 --> 00:08:04,600 Yuliia, viktoriia, the women on the front lines 173 00:08:04,694 --> 00:08:08,112 Here in poland, they are 174 00:08:09,424 --> 00:08:11,682 So strong, so tough. 175 00:08:11,701 --> 00:08:14,944 They've been through emotionally, physically so much, 176 00:08:15,038 --> 00:08:18,281 But at the same time, they're highly nurturing, 177 00:08:18,433 --> 00:08:21,209 They're loving, they are hopeful. 178 00:08:21,436 --> 00:08:23,878 (applauding) 179 00:08:24,105 --> 00:08:27,215 The strength of women goes beyond survival. 180 00:08:27,442 --> 00:08:28,866 They look at the kids and then they understand 181 00:08:28,960 --> 00:08:32,278 That that's our future, and that's the future of the world. 182 00:08:32,297 --> 00:08:35,948 It's the sacrifice that women with a smile on their face do 183 00:08:36,042 --> 00:08:39,018 That I think makes them most powerful. 184 00:08:42,807 --> 00:08:44,381 (energetic music) 185 00:08:44,401 --> 00:08:46,383 - [narrator] oscar-winning actress, julianne moore 186 00:08:46,477 --> 00:08:48,311 Honors gun-safety activists, 187 00:08:48,463 --> 00:08:50,980 Shannon watts and melody geddis mcfadden, 188 00:08:51,074 --> 00:08:52,740 Of moms demand action. 189 00:08:54,135 --> 00:08:56,152 - I've had the opportunity to March, 190 00:08:56,246 --> 00:08:59,581 And I've met many people who are survivors of gun violence. 191 00:08:59,808 --> 00:09:02,158 These are people who've experienced major trauma. 192 00:09:02,252 --> 00:09:03,476 The idea of that, 193 00:09:03,494 --> 00:09:05,161 Of your family being imperiled in that way, 194 00:09:05,255 --> 00:09:06,921 I think is really galvanizing. 195 00:09:07,148 --> 00:09:09,332 And this is an issue that affects everybody. 196 00:09:09,426 --> 00:09:11,484 Some statistics that people are unfamiliar with 197 00:09:11,502 --> 00:09:15,504 Is that 6 out of 10 gun deaths are suicides. 198 00:09:15,599 --> 00:09:18,324 I think people are reluctant to talk about that stuff. 199 00:09:18,343 --> 00:09:20,417 And I think it's also the issue of domestic violence. 200 00:09:20,511 --> 00:09:22,662 When there is a weapon present, 201 00:09:22,755 --> 00:09:24,606 Women are five times more likely 202 00:09:24,833 --> 00:09:28,000 To be killed in a domestic violence scenario. 203 00:09:28,019 --> 00:09:29,611 I think it's really important for gun owners, 204 00:09:29,838 --> 00:09:33,764 For non-gun owners, for everybody in our country, 205 00:09:33,783 --> 00:09:35,691 To talk about what's going to keep us safe? 206 00:09:35,844 --> 00:09:37,768 What will keep our children safe? 207 00:09:37,787 --> 00:09:40,270 (upbeat music) 208 00:09:40,365 --> 00:09:42,014 - Us cleaning the community, 209 00:09:42,033 --> 00:09:44,684 Us painting a wall, and acknowledging people 210 00:09:44,777 --> 00:09:46,794 Who have passed away from senseless gun violence 211 00:09:47,021 --> 00:09:48,855 Is a victory, y'all. 212 00:09:48,873 --> 00:09:50,690 - Thank you everyone for coming today. 213 00:09:50,783 --> 00:09:53,042 Thank you to all the people here 214 00:09:53,136 --> 00:09:57,530 Who care about saving lives and stopping gun violence. 215 00:09:57,548 --> 00:09:59,031 My name is shannon watts, 216 00:09:59,125 --> 00:10:00,883 I'm the founder of moms demand action. 217 00:10:00,977 --> 00:10:02,143 Volunteers like myself 218 00:10:02,370 --> 00:10:06,814 Wake up every day and work to end gun violence. 219 00:10:07,041 --> 00:10:11,468 - Shannon started moms demand as a facebook page, 220 00:10:11,488 --> 00:10:13,971 The day of the sandy hook massacre. 221 00:10:13,990 --> 00:10:16,807 And from there, it has grown to be 222 00:10:16,901 --> 00:10:19,385 One of the largest grassroots movements in america, 223 00:10:19,478 --> 00:10:22,146 And has affected so much change. 224 00:10:22,165 --> 00:10:26,726 She is consistent in her messaging, she is fearless. 225 00:10:26,819 --> 00:10:30,246 She has inspired millions to follow her. 226 00:10:30,340 --> 00:10:33,991 - No one person, no one organization, can do this alone. 227 00:10:34,010 --> 00:10:37,161 We have to work together and partner with communities 228 00:10:37,180 --> 00:10:40,014 All over the country who are on the frontline 229 00:10:40,241 --> 00:10:43,333 Of stopping gun violence where they live. 230 00:10:43,353 --> 00:10:45,578 Gun violence is so pernicious. 231 00:10:45,671 --> 00:10:47,522 Gun violence is now the leading cause of death 232 00:10:47,673 --> 00:10:49,765 Among children and teens in america. 233 00:10:49,918 --> 00:10:52,026 Over 70 women are shot and killed 234 00:10:52,253 --> 00:10:54,028 By a current, or former, intimate partner 235 00:10:54,255 --> 00:10:55,604 Every single month. 236 00:10:55,757 --> 00:10:58,199 And gun violence disproportionately impacts 237 00:10:58,426 --> 00:11:00,201 Black and brown people in this country. 238 00:11:00,428 --> 00:11:02,704 In fact, black people are 10 times as likely 239 00:11:02,855 --> 00:11:06,265 To be impacted by gun homicide than white people. 240 00:11:06,358 --> 00:11:08,209 And so this is clearly a crisis. 241 00:11:08,436 --> 00:11:11,103 (gentle piano music) 242 00:11:11,122 --> 00:11:13,197 - Thank you so much for having us today, 243 00:11:13,216 --> 00:11:16,792 We know that your grandson, chris, 244 00:11:16,945 --> 00:11:19,369 Has been taken in senseless gun violence. 245 00:11:19,389 --> 00:11:21,389 My name is melody geddis mcfadden. 246 00:11:21,616 --> 00:11:24,726 With moms demand action, I'm a faith outreach lead. 247 00:11:24,953 --> 00:11:27,453 I'd like you to tell us a little bit about chris. 248 00:11:27,472 --> 00:11:30,398 - [angela] chris was just a roundabout person. 249 00:11:30,625 --> 00:11:33,809 He enjoyed joking and making pranks on people. 250 00:11:33,962 --> 00:11:37,071 And he was the joy of the family. 251 00:11:37,223 --> 00:11:39,407 One night, his mom called, she said, "is chris there?" 252 00:11:39,634 --> 00:11:42,577 I said, "no, he's not," I said, "why you asking?" 253 00:11:42,804 --> 00:11:44,746 She said, "because they said there's two people 254 00:11:44,973 --> 00:11:47,139 Done got killed down there on the south side." 255 00:11:47,158 --> 00:11:50,234 I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach, 256 00:11:50,253 --> 00:11:52,661 Just a feeling, a bad feeling. 257 00:11:52,814 --> 00:11:54,255 And I finally got in my car 258 00:11:54,482 --> 00:11:56,424 And was able to drive around there. 259 00:11:56,651 --> 00:11:58,259 When I got down there and they told me he was dead, 260 00:11:58,410 --> 00:12:02,004 I just (snaps) passed out screaming and hollering, 261 00:12:02,098 --> 00:12:03,431 And I just passed out. 262 00:12:03,658 --> 00:12:07,994 Chris, I would give my life for him, and he knew that. 263 00:12:08,012 --> 00:12:10,513 - [melody] but what you did is you gave him a home. 264 00:12:10,607 --> 00:12:11,939 - [angela] yes, I did. 265 00:12:12,091 --> 00:12:13,666 - [melody] you gave him guidance, you gave him love. 266 00:12:13,684 --> 00:12:16,185 - [angela] it's just a mixed bag of feelings. 267 00:12:16,279 --> 00:12:20,172 I'm angry, I'm frustrated, I'm disgusted, I'm just mad. 268 00:12:20,266 --> 00:12:22,858 - And I understand that tragedy. 269 00:12:23,011 --> 00:12:25,286 I'm a survivor, I've had loved ones taken 270 00:12:25,437 --> 00:12:27,371 In senseless gun violence. 271 00:12:29,183 --> 00:12:33,202 When I was 17 years old, my mother, patricia ann geddis, 272 00:12:33,354 --> 00:12:36,355 Was living with a man that was severely abusive. 273 00:12:36,374 --> 00:12:38,707 The abuser shot her in the head 274 00:12:38,802 --> 00:12:41,210 In front of my little sisters. 275 00:12:41,304 --> 00:12:45,714 When he did that, it changed our lives forever. 276 00:12:45,809 --> 00:12:49,718 I had to find a way to then help raise three little girls, 277 00:12:49,871 --> 00:12:52,462 And I wasn't fully grown up myself. 278 00:12:52,557 --> 00:12:54,874 Eight years ago, my niece, sandy, 279 00:12:54,967 --> 00:12:57,801 Was 22 when she went to myrtle beach. 280 00:12:57,895 --> 00:13:01,730 And while they were there, fights broke out on the beach. 281 00:13:01,825 --> 00:13:03,473 When they were trying to run, 282 00:13:03,568 --> 00:13:05,901 Random bullets were flying. 283 00:13:06,054 --> 00:13:08,312 And sandy patrice geddis barnwell 284 00:13:08,406 --> 00:13:11,907 Was shot one time and she died. 285 00:13:12,001 --> 00:13:17,922 Sandy and my mother were both shot in the head and killed. 286 00:13:19,400 --> 00:13:23,235 Working with moms demand action has been a privilege. 287 00:13:23,329 --> 00:13:27,181 People now know sandy patrice's name, 288 00:13:27,333 --> 00:13:32,078 And patricia ann's name; that to me is a blessing. 289 00:13:32,096 --> 00:13:36,248 It's given me a chance to help others in their memory. 290 00:13:36,267 --> 00:13:39,026 One of the things gets very important to me, 291 00:13:39,253 --> 00:13:42,512 Because I'm a gun owner and I'm a responsible gun owner, 292 00:13:42,532 --> 00:13:44,440 Is safe storage. 293 00:13:44,592 --> 00:13:47,593 It's simple to store your weapon safely. 294 00:13:47,686 --> 00:13:50,020 I don't have a problem being a gun owner 295 00:13:50,039 --> 00:13:54,542 And asking people to be safe. 296 00:13:54,693 --> 00:13:58,771 I have a gun safe, it has multiple ways to get into it, 297 00:13:58,789 --> 00:14:00,548 It's very simple. 298 00:14:00,775 --> 00:14:03,200 You can either use the combination, 299 00:14:03,219 --> 00:14:07,346 You can use the key, or you can use your thumbprint. 300 00:14:10,118 --> 00:14:11,634 If I needed to get in it quickly... 301 00:14:11,728 --> 00:14:14,211 (beep) 302 00:14:14,305 --> 00:14:17,064 How much time did that take? A second. 303 00:14:17,291 --> 00:14:21,218 And it's safely stored. We can do that. 304 00:14:21,237 --> 00:14:25,055 I just want you to not let children, or criminals, 305 00:14:25,074 --> 00:14:28,817 Or those that are a danger to themselves or others 306 00:14:28,912 --> 00:14:30,819 Have access to it. 307 00:14:30,914 --> 00:14:34,582 And if you do that, and you bought your weapon legally 308 00:14:34,809 --> 00:14:38,586 With a background check, please have your weapon, 309 00:14:38,813 --> 00:14:40,829 'cause I have mine. 310 00:14:40,982 --> 00:14:42,648 - Melody's someone I admire 311 00:14:42,667 --> 00:14:44,759 So very much for the work that she does. 312 00:14:44,986 --> 00:14:47,094 It's incredibly moving when you realize 313 00:14:47,321 --> 00:14:50,097 How painful it is to go forward with these issues 314 00:14:50,324 --> 00:14:52,099 When you've had this kind of trauma in your family. 315 00:14:52,251 --> 00:14:55,252 She does this work on behalf of others 316 00:14:55,271 --> 00:14:57,754 So they don't have to suffer the same kind of losses. 317 00:14:57,774 --> 00:14:59,999 - I'm sharing my pain with you 318 00:15:00,092 --> 00:15:03,260 Because I believe that pain has purpose. 319 00:15:03,279 --> 00:15:06,672 That purpose is to help others understand, 320 00:15:06,691 --> 00:15:11,026 That even though that happened to me and my family, 321 00:15:11,179 --> 00:15:13,103 We can still get through. 322 00:15:13,197 --> 00:15:15,197 It's hard out here, 323 00:15:15,349 --> 00:15:19,443 But it's a little easier when we're doing this together. 324 00:15:19,462 --> 00:15:20,777 - [angela] yes, ma'am. 325 00:15:20,871 --> 00:15:23,780 - It just makes me happy when I see those red shirts, 326 00:15:23,874 --> 00:15:25,874 And I know that those folks are coming 327 00:15:25,969 --> 00:15:28,360 Because they don't quit. 328 00:15:28,379 --> 00:15:33,099 They're not gonna go away until senseless gun violence ends. 329 00:15:38,297 --> 00:15:39,629 (calm guitar music) 330 00:15:39,649 --> 00:15:40,873 - [narrator] american ballet theatre principal dancer, 331 00:15:40,891 --> 00:15:43,876 Misty copeland, introduces bianca johnson, 332 00:15:43,969 --> 00:15:46,303 A choreographer and teaching artist, 333 00:15:46,397 --> 00:15:50,549 Dedicated to bringing ballet to a new generation of dancers. 334 00:15:50,642 --> 00:15:52,159 - My name is misty copeland, 335 00:15:52,386 --> 00:15:53,736 I'm the first african american woman 336 00:15:53,888 --> 00:15:57,223 To reach principal ballerina for american ballet theatre 337 00:15:57,241 --> 00:15:59,500 In their 75-year history. 338 00:15:59,651 --> 00:16:01,076 The dance world was not something 339 00:16:01,170 --> 00:16:03,487 That was introduced to me as a young girl. 340 00:16:03,581 --> 00:16:06,823 I'd never seen a ballet, I'd never heard classical music. 341 00:16:06,917 --> 00:16:09,918 A ballet teacher saw me at my local boys & girls club, 342 00:16:10,013 --> 00:16:13,497 And saw potential in me beyond what I looked like, 343 00:16:13,591 --> 00:16:15,332 Beyond the color of my skin. 344 00:16:15,426 --> 00:16:17,935 (calm guitar music) 345 00:16:21,858 --> 00:16:23,932 You don't see yourself reflected on the stage, 346 00:16:24,085 --> 00:16:25,526 Or behind the scenes. 347 00:16:25,753 --> 00:16:27,436 So it doesn't seem like something tangible, 348 00:16:27,530 --> 00:16:29,179 And something that you can really be a part of 349 00:16:29,273 --> 00:16:30,439 And succeed in. 350 00:16:30,591 --> 00:16:33,701 So that has become a part of my life's work. 351 00:16:33,928 --> 00:16:37,020 The misty copeland foundation aims to bring 352 00:16:37,040 --> 00:16:40,616 Greater diversity, equity, and inclusion to dance, 353 00:16:40,768 --> 00:16:43,044 But especially ballet. 354 00:16:43,271 --> 00:16:45,695 The be bold program is the first program 355 00:16:45,715 --> 00:16:47,439 Under the misty copeland foundation. 356 00:16:47,458 --> 00:16:50,609 It is an after-school dance program 357 00:16:50,628 --> 00:16:54,221 That gives a community an opportunity 358 00:16:54,448 --> 00:16:57,707 To share in the beauty and joy of ballet. 359 00:16:57,802 --> 00:17:00,728 (energetic music) 360 00:17:04,550 --> 00:17:06,809 It's really important for me that we are giving 361 00:17:06,961 --> 00:17:09,128 Opportunity to women. 362 00:17:09,146 --> 00:17:12,239 We are setting an example for the young boys and young girls 363 00:17:12,466 --> 00:17:13,741 Who will be a part of the program, 364 00:17:13,968 --> 00:17:18,061 To look at women in a leadership position. 365 00:17:18,155 --> 00:17:19,914 Hi! (laughing) 366 00:17:20,141 --> 00:17:24,493 Bianca johnson is a master teaching artist 367 00:17:24,645 --> 00:17:26,328 For the national dance institute, 368 00:17:26,480 --> 00:17:29,573 And she has been one of my right-hand women 369 00:17:29,667 --> 00:17:31,317 In creating the curriculum. 370 00:17:31,335 --> 00:17:34,261 Well, thank you again so much, both of you, for coming. 371 00:17:34,488 --> 00:17:39,508 - We are gonna work on how to make ballet 372 00:17:39,602 --> 00:17:42,603 Fun, and accessible, and exciting for 8 to 10 year olds. 373 00:17:42,754 --> 00:17:44,663 Yes, they're gonna learn fundamentals of ballet, 374 00:17:44,682 --> 00:17:48,684 But they're also gonna learn that they belong in this space. 375 00:17:48,836 --> 00:17:52,262 Lily and malik will be joining us in the teacher training 376 00:17:52,281 --> 00:17:55,116 And we are gonna be working together with them today 377 00:17:55,267 --> 00:17:57,509 Just to work through some of the be bold curriculum 378 00:17:57,603 --> 00:17:59,361 Movement, and the things that eventually 379 00:17:59,455 --> 00:18:01,771 They're gonna be teaching the young dancers. 380 00:18:01,866 --> 00:18:05,200 I think it's really important for them to see themselves 381 00:18:05,353 --> 00:18:07,035 Represented in you. 382 00:18:07,130 --> 00:18:09,204 In my own experience, I was really the only 383 00:18:09,298 --> 00:18:13,617 Person of color in my, in my school, really. 384 00:18:13,636 --> 00:18:15,711 - It'll be the little things like how I wear my hair. 385 00:18:15,805 --> 00:18:17,546 - [bianca] absolutely. - You know, like I wore, 386 00:18:17,640 --> 00:18:19,381 Like, an afro before, and, like, kids are coming in, like, 387 00:18:19,475 --> 00:18:21,700 "oh my god, you know, like, I love your hair. 388 00:18:21,793 --> 00:18:23,644 You know, you look like me." 389 00:18:23,795 --> 00:18:25,646 - It wasn't until high school, in my high school, 390 00:18:25,873 --> 00:18:28,315 That I had a dance teacher of color. 391 00:18:28,542 --> 00:18:32,153 From then, I started to really, I guess, 392 00:18:32,380 --> 00:18:36,048 Get into myself as a person of color. 393 00:18:36,141 --> 00:18:38,066 So doing that here, and then going out 394 00:18:38,161 --> 00:18:40,661 And teaching that to so many other students, 395 00:18:40,888 --> 00:18:43,497 Will be such a blessing, honestly. 396 00:18:45,668 --> 00:18:48,151 - We don't want anyone to say anymore that, 397 00:18:48,245 --> 00:18:50,078 "I was the only one," that, 398 00:18:50,231 --> 00:18:52,915 "I was the only black person in my class, 399 00:18:53,009 --> 00:18:55,067 That I was the only asian person in my class." 400 00:18:55,085 --> 00:18:57,011 And there's actually a huge community, 401 00:18:57,238 --> 00:18:58,512 And we're gonna show you who those people are, 402 00:18:58,739 --> 00:19:01,407 And let those people inspire you. 403 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:02,832 - [misty] I've found my voice, 404 00:19:02,852 --> 00:19:04,351 And it was all because of dance. 405 00:19:04,578 --> 00:19:06,762 It was all because of the opportunity 406 00:19:06,914 --> 00:19:08,263 And the access to it, 407 00:19:08,357 --> 00:19:11,859 Which a lot of black and brown people don't have. 408 00:19:12,086 --> 00:19:14,528 I want to take all of my experiences 409 00:19:14,755 --> 00:19:19,200 And contribute in a positive way to my community, 410 00:19:19,427 --> 00:19:22,352 As a black person, and to the ballet community, 411 00:19:22,446 --> 00:19:26,874 To bring more diversity, and equity, and inclusion to it. 412 00:19:27,101 --> 00:19:28,542 - [bianca] you can achieve anything, 413 00:19:28,694 --> 00:19:30,118 You just have to work really hard, 414 00:19:30,271 --> 00:19:32,120 And really safely, and in a healthy way. 415 00:19:32,273 --> 00:19:33,455 And I think that that's something 416 00:19:33,607 --> 00:19:34,698 That dance really teaches you. 417 00:19:34,792 --> 00:19:36,199 And I think the be bold program 418 00:19:36,219 --> 00:19:39,628 Is gonna help young dancers do that. 419 00:19:39,780 --> 00:19:42,130 (upbeat dance music) 420 00:19:42,225 --> 00:19:44,132 - [narrator] tony-winning actress, idina menzel 421 00:19:44,285 --> 00:19:47,394 Spotlights ayodele casel, and torya beard, 422 00:19:47,621 --> 00:19:51,065 Who help young creatives discover their voice. 423 00:19:52,902 --> 00:19:55,461 - When I was a little girl, I was very fortunate, 424 00:19:55,554 --> 00:19:57,312 And I went away to sleepaway camp. 425 00:19:57,406 --> 00:20:01,575 And I sang, and I danced, and I escaped from my life 426 00:20:01,802 --> 00:20:04,995 Where I felt sometimes bullied and misunderstood. 427 00:20:06,807 --> 00:20:07,990 So I really feel like young people, 428 00:20:08,084 --> 00:20:11,493 Especially today, really need that kind of outlet. 429 00:20:11,587 --> 00:20:15,589 And I wanted to find a place as sort of a sanctuary. 430 00:20:15,741 --> 00:20:17,332 - [woman] welcome to a broaderway, 431 00:20:17,485 --> 00:20:19,651 Where all the future leaders come to stay. 432 00:20:19,745 --> 00:20:21,745 Once a year for about two weeks, 433 00:20:21,764 --> 00:20:23,322 The campers have a ton of fun, 434 00:20:23,415 --> 00:20:25,766 And are always smiling with glee. 435 00:20:25,993 --> 00:20:28,418 - I am the founder of an organization 436 00:20:28,512 --> 00:20:29,828 Called a broaderway. 437 00:20:29,921 --> 00:20:33,832 A broaderway started out as a 10-day sleepaway camp. 438 00:20:33,925 --> 00:20:36,110 It has grown in the last 12 years 439 00:20:36,337 --> 00:20:41,173 To be a year-round program, full of camp, 440 00:20:41,191 --> 00:20:44,860 And then an internship program, a leaders-in-training program. 441 00:20:44,954 --> 00:20:46,028 - [ayodele] I'm gonna go forth and conquer. 442 00:20:46,122 --> 00:20:47,012 - [torya] okay. 443 00:20:47,031 --> 00:20:49,957 - Torya beard and ayodele casel, 444 00:20:50,108 --> 00:20:52,701 They pretty much run a broaderway. 445 00:20:52,853 --> 00:20:55,020 They came one day to teach some classes, 446 00:20:55,039 --> 00:20:56,688 And they've never left. 447 00:20:56,782 --> 00:20:58,132 That kind of passion and commitment 448 00:20:58,359 --> 00:21:00,025 Is something that you can't replicate. 449 00:21:00,118 --> 00:21:02,803 - We are at camp a broaderway, 2022. 450 00:21:03,955 --> 00:21:05,288 Hey everybody, good morning. 451 00:21:05,308 --> 00:21:06,882 I wanna tell everyone the schedule. 452 00:21:07,034 --> 00:21:09,034 For the first and second years 453 00:21:09,127 --> 00:21:10,869 Will be a little bit different today. 454 00:21:10,888 --> 00:21:12,721 - [ayodele] tomorrow is the show up. 455 00:21:12,873 --> 00:21:15,707 - I'm the executive director at a broaderway foundation. 456 00:21:15,801 --> 00:21:16,966 I'm involved in everything: 457 00:21:17,061 --> 00:21:22,806 Marketing, fundraising, curriculum, recruitment. 458 00:21:22,825 --> 00:21:24,733 I see myself as, like, a master strategist. 459 00:21:24,827 --> 00:21:26,885 - [ayodele] yes, you are. - And a cheerleader. 460 00:21:26,904 --> 00:21:27,811 - [ayodele] yes, you are. 461 00:21:27,905 --> 00:21:29,163 - Sometimes you have to go low. 462 00:21:29,390 --> 00:21:30,814 Sometimes you have to go high, right? 463 00:21:30,908 --> 00:21:32,499 Think about the dynamics, 464 00:21:32,651 --> 00:21:35,085 That's what's gonna keep it interesting over time. 465 00:21:37,006 --> 00:21:38,005 Yeah. 466 00:21:40,234 --> 00:21:41,583 - I am the co-director of graduate programs 467 00:21:41,677 --> 00:21:42,509 Here at a broaderway. 468 00:21:42,661 --> 00:21:44,570 I work with 14 to 16 year olds, 469 00:21:44,588 --> 00:21:47,514 Getting them into shape for the world out there. 470 00:21:47,741 --> 00:21:50,184 Okay, you ready? D-dun, d-dun, dun dun. 471 00:21:50,335 --> 00:21:53,520 Welcome, the lits, 2022, 472 00:21:53,747 --> 00:21:56,081 With their personal mission statements. 473 00:21:56,100 --> 00:21:58,341 - I believe that we should never stop learning, 474 00:21:58,361 --> 00:22:01,010 And rediscovering the beauty this world offers us. 475 00:22:01,030 --> 00:22:03,255 - I fight for children who just want to go outside 476 00:22:03,273 --> 00:22:04,756 To be with their friends. 477 00:22:04,850 --> 00:22:06,425 - [group] only our voices together 478 00:22:06,443 --> 00:22:07,943 Can break these barriers. 479 00:22:08,037 --> 00:22:09,444 - [torya] and I feel like it's very powerful 480 00:22:09,597 --> 00:22:10,596 When everybody speaks together. 481 00:22:10,689 --> 00:22:11,780 - [ayodele] yeah, these are your words, 482 00:22:11,874 --> 00:22:13,599 So these are things that are in your heart, 483 00:22:13,692 --> 00:22:15,376 Your mind, that you believe. 484 00:22:15,527 --> 00:22:17,786 I always say their identity is their superpower. 485 00:22:17,880 --> 00:22:19,621 I think it's important for you to define who you are, 486 00:22:19,773 --> 00:22:23,275 Because you know, other people will try to do that for you. 487 00:22:23,293 --> 00:22:26,628 - It's about literally becoming authors of their own lives. 488 00:22:26,722 --> 00:22:30,632 It's about them understanding that they have the power 489 00:22:30,726 --> 00:22:34,878 Inside of themselves to write their own story. 490 00:22:34,897 --> 00:22:36,897 - [torya] what kind of feeling do you want to emote- 491 00:22:37,048 --> 00:22:38,974 - Oh, that's good question. - With the ad lib? 492 00:22:39,126 --> 00:22:44,571 - I'm so sick of writing about you. 493 00:22:46,133 --> 00:22:49,910 And now you're just a stranger that I once knew. 494 00:22:51,229 --> 00:22:53,062 - You feel happy with it? - [girl] yeah. 495 00:22:53,157 --> 00:22:54,139 - Yeah? - [girl] yeah. 496 00:22:54,232 --> 00:22:55,474 - I think one of the greatest impacts 497 00:22:55,567 --> 00:22:57,418 Of this program is confidence. 498 00:22:57,569 --> 00:23:00,145 They really understand what self-advocacy means, 499 00:23:00,164 --> 00:23:04,149 What standing in the center of your power means. 500 00:23:04,168 --> 00:23:06,409 And I know that based on the work that they do with us here, 501 00:23:06,429 --> 00:23:08,429 They were going into their schools, 502 00:23:08,580 --> 00:23:12,157 And really advocating for their student bodies. 503 00:23:12,176 --> 00:23:16,103 - [torya] over time, we are making a change in our society. 504 00:23:16,330 --> 00:23:18,680 I feel, deeply, the honor, really, 505 00:23:18,774 --> 00:23:20,941 Of being able to do something with my life, 506 00:23:21,092 --> 00:23:22,592 With this time on earth, 507 00:23:22,611 --> 00:23:27,448 That is going to have impact and is going to far outlive me. 508 00:23:31,862 --> 00:23:33,028 (upbeat music) 509 00:23:33,180 --> 00:23:34,288 - [narrator] actress, laverne cox highlights 510 00:23:34,515 --> 00:23:35,956 The inspiring work of high school social worker, 511 00:23:36,183 --> 00:23:39,126 Shay huffman, who turned her pain into service. 512 00:23:40,463 --> 00:23:42,629 - Over a decade ago, I had written a piece 513 00:23:42,781 --> 00:23:44,690 For "huffington post," and I had expressed in the piece 514 00:23:44,783 --> 00:23:47,301 That I had been threatened by someone. 515 00:23:47,528 --> 00:23:49,361 I was contacted by the anti-violence project 516 00:23:49,379 --> 00:23:50,954 Of new york city. 517 00:23:51,048 --> 00:23:53,198 The anti-violence project works to end 518 00:23:53,291 --> 00:23:55,792 Violence against lgbtq+ communities, 519 00:23:55,886 --> 00:23:58,704 And people affected by hiv. 520 00:23:58,722 --> 00:24:01,223 I went into their offices and they were like, 521 00:24:01,317 --> 00:24:03,208 "are you okay? What can we do 522 00:24:03,301 --> 00:24:05,727 To make sure that you stay safe?" 523 00:24:05,821 --> 00:24:07,821 And after that first meeting, 524 00:24:07,973 --> 00:24:11,566 I was so moved by just their care, 525 00:24:11,719 --> 00:24:13,810 I started working with them. 526 00:24:13,829 --> 00:24:16,830 (phone vibrates) 527 00:24:16,982 --> 00:24:19,833 - New york city anti-violence project, shay speaking. 528 00:24:20,060 --> 00:24:21,835 My name is shay huffman, I am a social worker, 529 00:24:22,062 --> 00:24:25,321 And I am a survivor of intimate partner violence. 530 00:24:25,415 --> 00:24:27,065 Is this the first time you're calling, 531 00:24:27,158 --> 00:24:30,235 Or have you spoken with someone at avp before? 532 00:24:30,328 --> 00:24:32,679 - Shay huffman inspires me so much, 533 00:24:32,906 --> 00:24:36,016 Because shay was experiencing domestic violence, 534 00:24:36,167 --> 00:24:38,910 Reached out and found avp. 535 00:24:39,004 --> 00:24:41,930 And found a supportive environment 536 00:24:42,024 --> 00:24:43,673 Where she could heal, 537 00:24:43,692 --> 00:24:46,175 And then became an advocate for other people 538 00:24:46,270 --> 00:24:48,862 Who were experiencing violence. 539 00:24:49,014 --> 00:24:51,256 - 10 years ago, I didn't see myself in this position. 540 00:24:51,275 --> 00:24:53,275 I didn't even know if I would be surviving. 541 00:24:53,369 --> 00:24:57,279 I found myself in a marriage that was abusive, 542 00:24:57,373 --> 00:25:00,432 Knew I was in trouble and had to find a way out. 543 00:25:00,450 --> 00:25:04,102 I found avp on the internet, I called them, 544 00:25:04,195 --> 00:25:07,214 That was the beginning of my survival. 545 00:25:07,441 --> 00:25:10,776 And could you tell me what happened? And take your time. 546 00:25:10,794 --> 00:25:15,797 Avp has a 24/7, 365-day-a-year hotline, 547 00:25:15,949 --> 00:25:17,874 In english and spanish. 548 00:25:17,893 --> 00:25:21,119 So there is never a time when a person in need calls, 549 00:25:21,212 --> 00:25:22,729 And that call is not answered. 550 00:25:22,881 --> 00:25:25,457 That in-and-of itself is life saving. 551 00:25:25,475 --> 00:25:27,067 And if you would leave now, 552 00:25:27,218 --> 00:25:29,218 Would you have a safe place to go? 553 00:25:29,313 --> 00:25:31,313 It's just giving that person on the other end of the line 554 00:25:31,465 --> 00:25:34,575 The hope, there is life, there is survival. 555 00:25:34,802 --> 00:25:37,469 And not only just survival, but one can thrive, 556 00:25:37,562 --> 00:25:39,913 Which has been the experience with me. 557 00:25:40,140 --> 00:25:43,491 - To have just one person who understands you, 558 00:25:43,644 --> 00:25:48,255 Who believes you, and believes in you, can change your life. 559 00:25:48,406 --> 00:25:50,257 (doorbell rings) 560 00:25:51,485 --> 00:25:52,342 - Hi. 561 00:25:53,320 --> 00:25:54,386 How are you? 562 00:25:56,673 --> 00:25:59,825 - Avp set me up with a counselor, ms. Victoria cruz. 563 00:25:59,918 --> 00:26:03,161 That was my return ticket back to life. 564 00:26:03,254 --> 00:26:06,331 You, you saved my life, you don't know. 565 00:26:06,350 --> 00:26:07,423 She gave me hope, 566 00:26:07,517 --> 00:26:10,168 She gave me everything to hold on to. 567 00:26:10,187 --> 00:26:13,096 - Do you remember what I first told you when I saw you? 568 00:26:13,190 --> 00:26:14,781 - So much of it was a blur. 569 00:26:15,008 --> 00:26:18,118 - "I'm here to help you, but you need to help me, 570 00:26:18,269 --> 00:26:20,770 So you have that power that was taken away from you. 571 00:26:20,864 --> 00:26:22,864 And I'm not here to judge you." 572 00:26:22,958 --> 00:26:24,516 - And that's what I held onto, 573 00:26:24,534 --> 00:26:26,351 I remember that part about not being judged, 574 00:26:26,444 --> 00:26:27,702 And that meant everything to me. 575 00:26:27,796 --> 00:26:32,023 - It's a very brave thing to go and tell some stranger 576 00:26:32,117 --> 00:26:36,285 The most intimate part of life for you. 577 00:26:36,305 --> 00:26:38,046 - [shay] and the light is brighter than it ever was. 578 00:26:38,140 --> 00:26:40,382 - [victoria] yes. - Than I ever hoped it would be. 579 00:26:40,476 --> 00:26:44,386 - You took a chance and you asked for the help you needed, 580 00:26:44,480 --> 00:26:48,965 Which developed yourself into the person you are now 581 00:26:49,059 --> 00:26:51,068 And giving back to society. 582 00:26:52,488 --> 00:26:54,379 - When I say that "avp saves lives," 583 00:26:54,472 --> 00:26:56,231 That is not an understatement. 584 00:26:56,383 --> 00:26:58,474 They became the bridge to where I am now. 585 00:26:58,494 --> 00:27:01,144 Through avp, I got the gift of finding my passion, 586 00:27:01,163 --> 00:27:02,829 Which is social work. 587 00:27:04,558 --> 00:27:06,408 We're at bronx leadership academy high school. 588 00:27:06,502 --> 00:27:10,562 We are in the southeast bronx, new york city. 589 00:27:10,580 --> 00:27:15,342 I have been here serving our community since November, 2019. 590 00:27:15,569 --> 00:27:18,737 We serve a community that is the most marginalized. 591 00:27:18,830 --> 00:27:21,072 They have faced tremendous challenges, 592 00:27:21,166 --> 00:27:24,426 Both from systemic racism and poverty. 593 00:27:24,578 --> 00:27:27,095 I have seen students walk in here 594 00:27:27,189 --> 00:27:29,005 In tears starting counseling, 595 00:27:29,099 --> 00:27:31,266 And to see them develop skills, 596 00:27:31,418 --> 00:27:33,268 And to see them build resilience, 597 00:27:33,420 --> 00:27:36,938 And to see them smile; that's everything. 598 00:27:37,090 --> 00:27:39,090 - Shay went to the anti-violence project 599 00:27:39,109 --> 00:27:42,761 As a survivor of intimate partner violence. 600 00:27:42,779 --> 00:27:49,025 And emerged empowered, and more healed, and as an advocate. 601 00:27:49,044 --> 00:27:51,360 - [shay] it's been an incredible journey, and boy, 602 00:27:51,455 --> 00:27:53,438 What a gift I've gotten in the process. 603 00:27:53,531 --> 00:27:55,382 The experience with being in a violent 604 00:27:55,609 --> 00:27:57,275 Intimate partner relationship was the darkest, 605 00:27:57,294 --> 00:27:59,277 Most challenging time of my life. 606 00:27:59,296 --> 00:28:01,129 But then you meet other people who are going through 607 00:28:01,223 --> 00:28:04,540 Some of the same issues, and you realize you're not alone. 608 00:28:04,634 --> 00:28:08,395 - She's a blueprint for how all of us can take our pain 609 00:28:08,546 --> 00:28:12,315 And turn that into power and service for others. 610 00:28:18,131 --> 00:28:19,239 (upbeat dance music) 611 00:28:19,390 --> 00:28:20,799 - [narrator] global pop superstar, katy perry 612 00:28:20,817 --> 00:28:23,468 Co-founded the firework foundation with her sister, 613 00:28:23,487 --> 00:28:26,304 Angela lerche, to help build self-esteem in children 614 00:28:26,323 --> 00:28:27,472 Through the arts. 615 00:28:27,491 --> 00:28:29,398 They introduced us to brooklyn molden, 616 00:28:29,418 --> 00:28:31,752 A former camper who is now helping others. 617 00:28:33,071 --> 00:28:35,163 - I am katy perry. 618 00:28:35,315 --> 00:28:36,831 - And I'm angela lerche. 619 00:28:36,984 --> 00:28:40,001 - And we are the founders of firework foundation. 620 00:28:40,095 --> 00:28:42,245 You can see our similarities. 621 00:28:42,264 --> 00:28:43,597 We both have our camp braids. 622 00:28:44,933 --> 00:28:46,249 We went to camp when we were younger, 623 00:28:46,268 --> 00:28:47,993 And that was the first time, I think, 624 00:28:48,011 --> 00:28:49,919 We felt like we were our own person 625 00:28:49,938 --> 00:28:51,772 And found the things that we love, 626 00:28:51,923 --> 00:28:53,256 The passions that we love. 627 00:28:53,275 --> 00:28:54,775 I developed and found my spark 628 00:28:54,926 --> 00:28:58,094 And led me on this incredible journey. 629 00:28:58,113 --> 00:29:00,614 - We started the firework foundation 630 00:29:00,765 --> 00:29:03,116 To empower children from underserved communities 631 00:29:03,343 --> 00:29:05,452 By igniting their light through the arts. 632 00:29:05,679 --> 00:29:09,030 It was kind of like a dream passion conversation 633 00:29:09,124 --> 00:29:11,199 That we'd been having for years. 634 00:29:11,351 --> 00:29:13,126 - We've always been really close, 635 00:29:13,278 --> 00:29:15,520 And we have the same values and the same goals. 636 00:29:15,613 --> 00:29:18,298 She's always kinda been the mom in our family 637 00:29:18,449 --> 00:29:21,951 In a lot of ways, really raising me and my brother. 638 00:29:21,970 --> 00:29:24,805 And so, I think that we always wanted 639 00:29:24,956 --> 00:29:26,807 To pay it forward together 640 00:29:26,958 --> 00:29:30,626 And do good in our community and start locally. 641 00:29:30,646 --> 00:29:31,719 I've been all over the world. 642 00:29:31,872 --> 00:29:33,054 I've seen all the highs and lows, 643 00:29:33,206 --> 00:29:37,208 And we know that the greatest impact we can have 644 00:29:37,227 --> 00:29:41,470 Is starting a, with ourselves, b, our family, 645 00:29:41,565 --> 00:29:45,216 And then c, in our local communities. 646 00:29:45,310 --> 00:29:47,569 We go away to catalina island with 647 00:29:47,721 --> 00:29:50,405 About 75 to 100 middle schoolers. 648 00:29:50,499 --> 00:29:52,999 Most of these kids have never 649 00:29:53,151 --> 00:29:55,001 Either spent a weekend away from their parents 650 00:29:55,153 --> 00:29:56,911 Or been in nature. 651 00:29:57,064 --> 00:29:58,079 - They don't know what to expect. 652 00:29:58,231 --> 00:29:59,247 A lot of 'em are like, 653 00:29:59,399 --> 00:30:00,340 "I don't know if I'm gonna make friends, 654 00:30:00,491 --> 00:30:01,490 If I'm gonna know anyone." 655 00:30:01,510 --> 00:30:03,084 (cheers) 656 00:30:03,236 --> 00:30:06,237 The minute they get off the boat, we're there greeting them. 657 00:30:06,256 --> 00:30:08,682 We do like this tunnel of love as they walk in, 658 00:30:08,833 --> 00:30:11,000 Which is so fun, and just kind of high fivin' 'em. 659 00:30:11,019 --> 00:30:12,501 We have music playing. 660 00:30:12,521 --> 00:30:16,414 - Then we just like go into all kinds of fun activities. 661 00:30:16,433 --> 00:30:17,765 - Yeah. 662 00:30:17,860 --> 00:30:18,358 - [activities leader] firework on three, one two three! 663 00:30:18,509 --> 00:30:20,009 - [all] firework! 664 00:30:20,028 --> 00:30:23,012 - The whole weekend is about young people finding their spark 665 00:30:23,031 --> 00:30:24,422 And building their confidence. 666 00:30:24,441 --> 00:30:27,016 We help develop three different programs for camp, 667 00:30:27,110 --> 00:30:30,111 Design, dance, and songwriting. 668 00:30:30,205 --> 00:30:31,763 - We know that not every kid's 669 00:30:31,781 --> 00:30:34,099 Gonna maybe connect with every form of art, 670 00:30:34,117 --> 00:30:36,451 So it's just giving 'em the different opportunities 671 00:30:36,603 --> 00:30:39,546 To see what sparks something inside of them 672 00:30:39,697 --> 00:30:41,106 On top of being challenged 673 00:30:41,124 --> 00:30:43,458 With something like the ropes course. 674 00:30:43,552 --> 00:30:45,793 - I'll do it, if you'll do it. 675 00:30:45,946 --> 00:30:46,961 - I know you'll do it. 676 00:30:47,114 --> 00:30:48,388 - Well, you'll go first. 677 00:30:48,539 --> 00:30:51,466 - (laughs) absolutely not. 678 00:30:51,618 --> 00:30:54,394 (participants cheer) 679 00:30:55,731 --> 00:30:57,564 - You can do it, you can do it. 680 00:30:57,715 --> 00:30:59,140 - 99% of the time, 681 00:30:59,292 --> 00:31:01,459 When they come down from that ropes course, they're like, 682 00:31:01,478 --> 00:31:04,295 "oh my gosh, I can't believe I did that, thank you so much." 683 00:31:04,314 --> 00:31:05,813 And they're just, 684 00:31:05,966 --> 00:31:09,058 They found a new inner strength and an empowerment in them. 685 00:31:09,152 --> 00:31:12,303 - My favorite thing I did today 686 00:31:12,322 --> 00:31:15,248 Was facing my fear of heights on that swing. 687 00:31:15,400 --> 00:31:18,585 Greatest thing I've ever done in my entire life. 688 00:31:18,812 --> 00:31:21,713 (participants cheer) 689 00:31:24,317 --> 00:31:27,576 - Camp helped me express my feelings through words, 690 00:31:27,671 --> 00:31:29,596 And I feel like that's really hard, 691 00:31:29,823 --> 00:31:32,081 But I feel like it's a skill I really mastered. 692 00:31:32,100 --> 00:31:33,841 So it makes me really excited 693 00:31:33,994 --> 00:31:35,268 To apply that to real life. 694 00:31:35,420 --> 00:31:36,828 I'm super excited. 695 00:31:36,846 --> 00:31:38,012 I would describe camp firework, 696 00:31:38,165 --> 00:31:43,001 As a very cultivating, nurturing experience. 697 00:31:43,019 --> 00:31:46,929 The first time I went, I really found myself, you know? 698 00:31:46,949 --> 00:31:49,616 And so leaving and covid hit, 699 00:31:49,767 --> 00:31:52,527 It was just like very sad, 700 00:31:52,679 --> 00:31:54,579 And I lost myself in a way. 701 00:31:55,682 --> 00:31:58,959 And so, coming back, 702 00:31:59,186 --> 00:32:01,586 And being better is so important to me, 703 00:32:02,947 --> 00:32:05,523 Because it's like at camp, 704 00:32:05,542 --> 00:32:08,969 You're able to just let go and just be you. 705 00:32:11,214 --> 00:32:12,973 - Brooklyn is a camper, 706 00:32:13,200 --> 00:32:15,958 Who came with us our first time in 2019. 707 00:32:16,052 --> 00:32:18,144 Slowly, over the weekend, 708 00:32:18,296 --> 00:32:21,539 You started to see more and more of this girl, 709 00:32:21,632 --> 00:32:23,725 Who was just standing out and becoming. 710 00:32:23,819 --> 00:32:25,134 - Blossoming, feeling. 711 00:32:25,153 --> 00:32:27,879 - She was blossoming, and you could tell there was. 712 00:32:27,897 --> 00:32:28,989 - Feeling safe, 713 00:32:29,140 --> 00:32:32,050 It was a safe place for her to be herself. 714 00:32:32,068 --> 00:32:34,494 - You have angela, who's like this mother of the camp, 715 00:32:34,645 --> 00:32:38,223 Very mom-like, very natural, very down to earth. 716 00:32:38,316 --> 00:32:40,333 And then we have katy, who's kind of a goofball, 717 00:32:40,560 --> 00:32:42,076 An amazing goofball. 718 00:32:42,229 --> 00:32:43,728 She's really funny. 719 00:32:43,747 --> 00:32:45,463 They balance each other out really well. 720 00:32:46,900 --> 00:32:49,676 - Brooklyn just has been a true example 721 00:32:49,903 --> 00:32:52,754 Of a camp firework camper since day one, 722 00:32:52,906 --> 00:32:53,905 And you could tell there was 723 00:32:53,923 --> 00:32:56,332 Like some leadership qualities in her. 724 00:32:56,351 --> 00:32:58,760 - An lit is a leader in training, 725 00:32:58,912 --> 00:33:02,188 Which is like a camper stepping up from being a camper. 726 00:33:02,415 --> 00:33:03,931 I'm digging the bridge that I have 727 00:33:04,026 --> 00:33:07,527 Between a camper and counselor 728 00:33:07,678 --> 00:33:09,011 Because it literally is a different perspective 729 00:33:09,031 --> 00:33:10,755 That I can have. 730 00:33:10,848 --> 00:33:13,349 I wanna enjoy seeing the wonder on campers' faces, 731 00:33:13,368 --> 00:33:15,593 You know, seeing them be happy. 732 00:33:15,686 --> 00:33:18,538 It just creates this, like, nice little cycle 733 00:33:18,765 --> 00:33:22,617 Of becoming someone that gets to nurture 734 00:33:22,769 --> 00:33:24,952 That experience that I had. 735 00:33:25,047 --> 00:33:28,456 - Camp is not a place, it's a state of being, right, 736 00:33:28,550 --> 00:33:29,774 So it's something, 737 00:33:29,793 --> 00:33:30,884 You can take camp with you anywhere you go. 738 00:33:31,035 --> 00:33:33,035 It's not just being here for the weekend, 739 00:33:33,055 --> 00:33:35,797 Like, we want you to take this home with you. 740 00:33:35,949 --> 00:33:37,206 - Stepping into this environment, 741 00:33:37,225 --> 00:33:40,118 Where they're like be you, have fun, 742 00:33:40,136 --> 00:33:42,120 And anything is possible. 743 00:33:42,138 --> 00:33:45,623 It's like every dream that I had rushed at me, 744 00:33:45,642 --> 00:33:47,067 And it's like, it's real. 745 00:33:51,406 --> 00:33:52,647 (upbeat music) (press shouting) 746 00:33:52,799 --> 00:33:53,815 - [narrator] oscar winning actress, halle berry 747 00:33:53,909 --> 00:33:56,225 Celebrates her long-time friend, karen earl, 748 00:33:56,244 --> 00:33:59,746 The executive director of the jenesse center for women. 749 00:33:59,897 --> 00:34:02,398 - I am a survivor of domestic violence. 750 00:34:02,417 --> 00:34:04,584 My mother was abused. 751 00:34:04,811 --> 00:34:07,069 And then when I was about 20 years old, 752 00:34:07,089 --> 00:34:10,757 I lost my hearing in one ear from an abusive boyfriend. 753 00:34:13,261 --> 00:34:15,820 (somber music) 754 00:34:15,913 --> 00:34:17,764 So many people are ignorant 755 00:34:17,915 --> 00:34:20,249 To what domestic violence really is. 756 00:34:20,268 --> 00:34:23,603 And so many people think, well, they should just leave. 757 00:34:23,754 --> 00:34:26,848 They don't really understand what women, 758 00:34:27,000 --> 00:34:29,016 And what our communities are suffering from. 759 00:34:29,111 --> 00:34:31,352 (bright music) 760 00:34:31,504 --> 00:34:33,262 And I've worked with the jenesse center now 761 00:34:33,281 --> 00:34:34,447 For over 20 years. 762 00:34:34,599 --> 00:34:37,099 It's a place of safety where women can come, 763 00:34:37,119 --> 00:34:39,844 And not only feel safe, but they can bring their children, 764 00:34:39,863 --> 00:34:42,438 And they can flourish here. 765 00:34:42,457 --> 00:34:48,186 - I worked for a corporation, and one day, I just left. 766 00:34:48,279 --> 00:34:51,372 I started volunteering in the community. 767 00:34:51,466 --> 00:34:52,373 (gentle music) 768 00:34:52,467 --> 00:34:53,967 - My love, karen. 769 00:34:54,118 --> 00:34:56,711 She's one of my longest standing friendships. 770 00:34:56,863 --> 00:34:59,213 And I told her when I came here, I will never leave here. 771 00:34:59,366 --> 00:35:01,123 I have never met anyone who worked harder. 772 00:35:01,217 --> 00:35:03,534 I have never met anyone who cared more about her community, 773 00:35:03,553 --> 00:35:05,386 Who cared more about women, 774 00:35:05,538 --> 00:35:09,374 And who would put herself on the line to fight for women. 775 00:35:09,467 --> 00:35:11,634 - I started to do my research, 776 00:35:11,728 --> 00:35:15,304 And seeing the impact on what domestic violence really was. 777 00:35:15,323 --> 00:35:19,567 And, you know, figuring out that my mother was a survivor, 778 00:35:19,719 --> 00:35:23,496 And understanding how it impacted my family. 779 00:35:23,648 --> 00:35:26,741 And like, it just became my life's work. 780 00:35:26,835 --> 00:35:28,835 (bright music) 781 00:35:28,986 --> 00:35:33,247 We are with a client from beginning, emergency, 782 00:35:33,400 --> 00:35:37,660 Transitional, permanent housing, employment, 783 00:35:37,679 --> 00:35:41,239 School supplies, work outfits. 784 00:35:41,257 --> 00:35:42,740 - Oh my god. 785 00:35:42,833 --> 00:35:46,577 Karen, this style center, this is one of my favorite parts. 786 00:35:46,671 --> 00:35:48,262 Women are coming here getting ready 787 00:35:48,415 --> 00:35:49,505 For job interviews. 788 00:35:49,524 --> 00:35:51,416 Getting ready to learn how to go on a date 789 00:35:51,434 --> 00:35:52,600 When that starts happening again. 790 00:35:52,752 --> 00:35:54,769 This style center is not at all superficial. 791 00:35:54,863 --> 00:35:59,090 - We wanted to make sure that it was beyond a closet. 792 00:35:59,108 --> 00:36:01,850 Even the detail of jewelry. 793 00:36:01,870 --> 00:36:02,851 Everybody needs some jewelry. 794 00:36:02,946 --> 00:36:04,370 - Everybody needs some jewelry. 795 00:36:04,597 --> 00:36:05,596 - Something. 796 00:36:05,615 --> 00:36:07,782 Necklaces and bracelets can be used 797 00:36:07,934 --> 00:36:10,117 As conversation pieces during their interviews. 798 00:36:10,212 --> 00:36:11,436 (bright music) 799 00:36:11,454 --> 00:36:13,529 - And looking through the eyes of clients 800 00:36:13,548 --> 00:36:18,125 To see a client get her makeup, and hair, and outfit done. 801 00:36:18,278 --> 00:36:20,220 And she going in there looking in the mirror, 802 00:36:20,447 --> 00:36:23,014 One in particular said, "what did you do?" 803 00:36:24,226 --> 00:36:25,616 And she's crying. 804 00:36:25,635 --> 00:36:27,118 And then to see the kids, you know, 805 00:36:27,211 --> 00:36:29,787 Seeing their mother transformed. 806 00:36:29,880 --> 00:36:32,214 It is like beautiful, it's life work. 807 00:36:32,234 --> 00:36:35,068 And it keeps us doing this work. 808 00:36:35,219 --> 00:36:38,220 - And I think as a survivor coming into a shelter, 809 00:36:38,314 --> 00:36:40,389 First of all, look nothing like what I'm sure they think 810 00:36:40,483 --> 00:36:41,799 A shelter life would look like. 811 00:36:41,818 --> 00:36:43,134 I don't think people think that they're gonna get 812 00:36:43,227 --> 00:36:46,061 Clothes like this at a shelter, you know, for free. 813 00:36:46,081 --> 00:36:48,063 I think it's really important that they walk in here, 814 00:36:48,083 --> 00:36:50,733 And they experience how this place makes them feel. 815 00:36:50,827 --> 00:36:53,235 They walk in, and I think they think, "wow, this is for me." 816 00:36:53,255 --> 00:36:56,330 They're feeling valued just by walking in this space. 817 00:36:56,483 --> 00:36:57,590 - Yeah. 818 00:36:57,742 --> 00:37:01,076 - What this space means to me is finally getting 819 00:37:01,096 --> 00:37:03,821 To find yourself, who you were 820 00:37:03,914 --> 00:37:06,674 Before all of the trauma happened. 821 00:37:06,768 --> 00:37:10,436 I was in a unhealthy relationship when I did arrive 822 00:37:10,663 --> 00:37:12,680 At the facility where people were housed. 823 00:37:12,774 --> 00:37:17,668 My first impression was, wow, this is actually a home. 824 00:37:17,687 --> 00:37:19,003 They've put clothes on my back, 825 00:37:19,096 --> 00:37:20,429 Food in me and my daughter's mouth. 826 00:37:20,448 --> 00:37:22,340 They helped me to get back into the employment world. 827 00:37:22,433 --> 00:37:24,358 They've empowered me as a person. 828 00:37:24,511 --> 00:37:26,786 And they're just always there, even for me today, 829 00:37:27,013 --> 00:37:28,696 After they've moved me into my own place. 830 00:37:28,790 --> 00:37:30,123 (gentle music) 831 00:37:30,274 --> 00:37:33,108 - I do believe that when the shelter 832 00:37:33,128 --> 00:37:35,295 Was founded 42 plus years ago, 833 00:37:35,446 --> 00:37:37,688 Some of the things that we do now, 834 00:37:37,707 --> 00:37:39,615 They didn't even imagine it. 835 00:37:39,634 --> 00:37:45,287 We had to decide, we are going to embrace the word, "yes". 836 00:37:45,307 --> 00:37:48,883 And whatever women and children need, 837 00:37:48,977 --> 00:37:52,312 We are going to partner with them to provide. 838 00:37:52,539 --> 00:37:54,480 - They come in broken, they leave here confident. 839 00:37:54,707 --> 00:37:56,707 They leave here ready to face the world. 840 00:37:56,726 --> 00:37:58,318 Ready to be better mothers. 841 00:37:58,545 --> 00:38:01,546 Ready to be better partners in relationship. 842 00:38:01,639 --> 00:38:03,381 Better ready to hold down a job, 843 00:38:03,399 --> 00:38:05,491 And be self-sufficient and independent. 844 00:38:05,643 --> 00:38:10,221 - The women who come here as clients inspire me 845 00:38:10,314 --> 00:38:14,725 With their drive and determination, 846 00:38:14,744 --> 00:38:18,245 And what all they go through to ensure 847 00:38:18,398 --> 00:38:23,250 That the trauma in their lives is temporary, 848 00:38:23,345 --> 00:38:26,921 And that they're gonna ensure that their lives, 849 00:38:27,073 --> 00:38:31,017 And the lives of their children are better. 850 00:38:33,188 --> 00:38:36,356 (bright music) 851 00:38:36,507 --> 00:38:40,008 - The strength of women goes beyond survival, 852 00:38:40,103 --> 00:38:42,086 Beyond being strong. 853 00:38:42,179 --> 00:38:44,939 Women are natural nurturers. 854 00:38:45,091 --> 00:38:47,608 - There's no better person to empower a woman 855 00:38:47,760 --> 00:38:48,868 Than another woman. 856 00:38:49,019 --> 00:38:51,612 - When a group of women stand by one another, 857 00:38:51,706 --> 00:38:55,282 And work together, and believe in what they're doing, 858 00:38:55,435 --> 00:38:58,044 And hold each other up, lift each other up, 859 00:38:58,195 --> 00:39:00,271 They demonstrate great resilience, 860 00:39:00,364 --> 00:39:04,291 And an ability to survive in this world. 861 00:39:04,386 --> 00:39:07,628 - When we empower women, we change communities. 862 00:39:07,780 --> 00:39:10,056 This is just a fact. 863 00:39:10,207 --> 00:39:12,950 - The way women lead is different. 864 00:39:12,969 --> 00:39:14,135 When you're in a community, 865 00:39:14,287 --> 00:39:16,896 Or in a working environment with all women, 866 00:39:17,047 --> 00:39:18,714 We can tap into our strength more, 867 00:39:18,733 --> 00:39:21,383 Because we are not shying away from our vulnerability. 868 00:39:21,403 --> 00:39:22,793 - And we lead with mutuality. 869 00:39:22,812 --> 00:39:24,645 We hold them accountable, they hold us accountable. 870 00:39:24,739 --> 00:39:25,813 (uplifting music) 871 00:39:25,965 --> 00:39:28,908 - Women in particular are so organized, 872 00:39:29,135 --> 00:39:32,394 And so able to multitask, and so focused. 873 00:39:32,414 --> 00:39:35,473 When you put that all together, they're unstoppable. 874 00:39:35,566 --> 00:39:36,916 - It's really important for me 875 00:39:37,143 --> 00:39:39,735 That we are giving opportunity to women. 876 00:39:39,829 --> 00:39:41,646 We are setting an example 877 00:39:41,739 --> 00:39:43,405 For the young boys and young girls. 878 00:39:43,499 --> 00:39:44,573 - Yes, it's overwhelming. 879 00:39:44,592 --> 00:39:47,576 Sometimes I'm very tired and exhausted, 880 00:39:47,595 --> 00:39:51,264 But then what makes me keep moving is going on sites, 881 00:39:51,415 --> 00:39:53,433 And seeing what we did for children. 882 00:39:53,660 --> 00:39:56,994 - Trying to save the world is hard work, 883 00:39:57,013 --> 00:40:00,422 And many days you might wanna give up. 884 00:40:00,442 --> 00:40:02,349 - Sometimes you do feel like it's one step forward, 885 00:40:02,444 --> 00:40:05,928 Two steps back, but I do know that my life is better, 886 00:40:05,947 --> 00:40:07,447 And I have more opportunities 887 00:40:07,674 --> 00:40:09,949 Than my mother did and my grandmother did. 888 00:40:10,100 --> 00:40:13,769 - We're not gonna stop, because moms don't quit. 889 00:40:13,863 --> 00:40:15,270 They don't go away. 890 00:40:15,364 --> 00:40:18,458 - Someone once said to me, you might not see the change. 891 00:40:18,685 --> 00:40:21,443 You might not even hear about the change. 892 00:40:21,463 --> 00:40:25,798 But rest assured that whatever words you impart to this, 893 00:40:26,025 --> 00:40:29,043 Any one person, or whatever work you do, 894 00:40:29,195 --> 00:40:30,528 They'll remember it. 895 00:40:30,546 --> 00:40:32,805 And you may not see it, but they'll carry it forward. 896 00:40:32,957 --> 00:40:34,548 - I am proud to be one of these women. 897 00:40:34,642 --> 00:40:36,309 (bright music)