1 00:00:03,720 --> 00:00:05,980 Do you cook, Senpai? 2 00:00:05,980 --> 00:00:08,890 Oh yeah, omelets are my specialty. 3 00:00:08,890 --> 00:00:11,140 Wow, for real? 4 00:00:11,490 --> 00:00:14,750 Then cook your omelets for me! 5 00:00:14,750 --> 00:00:16,610 Huh? Why should I ?! 6 00:00:16,610 --> 00:00:17,940 Well, why not? 7 00:00:20,370 --> 00:00:22,030 Oh, I'm sorry. 8 00:00:22,030 --> 00:00:23,500 It's just that I've been through a lot... 9 00:00:23,840 --> 00:00:25,770 I'll only make something easy. 10 00:00:32,270 --> 00:00:34,440 The emergency hatch on the roof. 11 00:00:35,320 --> 00:00:37,600 The fresh scratch marks on the partition. 12 00:00:38,290 --> 00:00:39,900 And a collaborator. 13 00:00:49,210 --> 00:00:51,680 An "ordinary businessman," huh? 14 00:00:52,680 --> 00:00:54,990 Those two are really out there. 15 00:00:55,640 --> 00:00:58,990 They completely framed me. 16 00:01:01,920 --> 00:01:03,970 Kyoichi-kun? 17 00:01:03,970 --> 00:01:06,990 I've heard so much about you. 18 00:01:07,800 --> 00:01:10,160 It's not me who killed Nobuto. 19 00:01:11,860 --> 00:01:13,380 It was Tosu Tetsuo. 20 00:01:14,490 --> 00:01:18,430 I'll explain all of his schemes to you. 21 00:01:19,010 --> 00:01:23,580 I wonder what it means to love 22 00:01:24,440 --> 00:01:28,920 The definition in the dictionary doesn't click for me 23 00:01:28,920 --> 00:01:33,810 Indeed, what does love mean? 24 00:01:33,810 --> 00:01:38,760 Maybe it's this pain that words can't fully express 25 00:01:41,450 --> 00:01:45,400 Pairing up a beginning with an end 26 00:01:46,490 --> 00:01:50,300 God can be so cruel, right? 27 00:01:51,450 --> 00:01:55,590 I'm sure we are the brave ones 28 00:01:56,490 --> 00:02:00,300 Because we forge on, knowing there is an end 29 00:02:00,930 --> 00:02:05,260 No matter what I may have to sacrifice 30 00:02:05,940 --> 00:02:10,530 I will get my hands dirty again and again 31 00:02:11,020 --> 00:02:15,060 Sense of guilt can feel like regret 32 00:02:16,200 --> 00:02:20,020 I hide it as I go, but where does this road lead me to? 33 00:02:23,400 --> 00:02:25,530 Someday you will die 34 00:02:25,530 --> 00:02:28,630 Just the thought of it pains me 35 00:02:28,630 --> 00:02:31,200 Who is crushing my heart in their fist? 36 00:02:31,200 --> 00:02:33,650 You must be love 37 00:02:33,650 --> 00:02:36,260 One day the end may come 38 00:02:36,260 --> 00:02:38,590 To tear us apart 39 00:02:38,590 --> 00:02:43,800 But I will run to the ends of the world 40 00:02:43,800 --> 00:02:47,890 At a speed no one can catch up 41 00:02:52,150 --> 00:02:57,030 Those are the tricks Tosu Tetsuo used to cover up his crime. 42 00:02:57,030 --> 00:03:01,030 Episode 11 Father 43 00:02:57,820 --> 00:03:01,030 Of course, there are a lot of assumptions in this story. 44 00:03:01,880 --> 00:03:04,880 Whether you believe it or not is up to you. 45 00:03:07,220 --> 00:03:11,070 But if you take the organization's conclusion at face value, 46 00:03:11,070 --> 00:03:14,440 then the real killer will live happily ever after. 47 00:03:16,710 --> 00:03:19,800 If they couldn't find the real killer by today, 48 00:03:19,800 --> 00:03:22,760 the organization was going to set someone up to be the killer 49 00:03:22,760 --> 00:03:25,070 and hand them over to you. 50 00:03:26,710 --> 00:03:28,040 And this morning, 51 00:03:29,370 --> 00:03:30,730 when they found out that your son 52 00:03:30,730 --> 00:03:34,360 was responsible for the armored car robbery, 53 00:03:34,360 --> 00:03:37,710 they lost interest in finding him. 54 00:03:38,800 --> 00:03:42,820 They only pretended to find him to use you. 55 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:46,240 They were trying to cheat you. 56 00:03:48,580 --> 00:03:51,120 Thank you, Kyoichi-kun. 57 00:03:52,330 --> 00:03:53,250 Matori-san 58 00:03:52,330 --> 00:03:53,250 Connecting 59 00:03:52,330 --> 00:03:53,250 End Call 60 00:03:52,700 --> 00:03:55,330 I'll take care of the rest. 61 00:03:53,250 --> 00:03:58,340 Matori-san 62 00:03:53,250 --> 00:03:58,340 Connecting 63 00:03:53,250 --> 00:03:58,340 End Call 64 00:03:55,330 --> 00:03:58,340 Whether it's you or Tosu Tetsuo... 65 00:03:58,800 --> 00:04:02,360 There will be no limit to the time I'll spend hunting down whoever killed Nobuto. 66 00:04:02,360 --> 00:04:03,850 Suit yourself! 67 00:04:08,630 --> 00:04:10,350 Take that. 68 00:04:16,290 --> 00:04:19,390 I guess I lost... 69 00:04:52,660 --> 00:04:54,520 Oh, Kubo-kun? 70 00:04:54,520 --> 00:04:58,520 I heard it from Kyoichi-kun. 71 00:04:59,410 --> 00:05:04,670 I wish you had told me about him much sooner. 72 00:05:06,290 --> 00:05:10,250 And there's something I want you to buy. 73 00:05:21,470 --> 00:05:23,050 Wow, it's seven o'clock already. 74 00:05:23,050 --> 00:05:25,050 Kasen-san 75 00:05:23,050 --> 00:05:25,050 What time are you coming home? 76 00:05:23,550 --> 00:05:25,050 What time are you coming home? 77 00:05:25,710 --> 00:05:28,390 Right, I have to go home. 78 00:05:41,970 --> 00:05:44,160 I'll open it in just a second. 79 00:05:46,130 --> 00:05:48,070 Like Kubo-san said... 80 00:05:48,070 --> 00:05:49,680 Are you done yet? 81 00:05:49,680 --> 00:05:51,680 I-I'll be done soon. 82 00:05:53,410 --> 00:05:55,080 He's so grumpy! 83 00:05:55,850 --> 00:05:57,850 This is a huge responsibility! 84 00:06:04,310 --> 00:06:06,390 See? It's open. 85 00:06:06,390 --> 00:06:07,670 You can leave. 86 00:06:07,670 --> 00:06:08,590 What? 87 00:06:09,230 --> 00:06:12,030 But we have to lock it when we leave... 88 00:06:12,030 --> 00:06:13,050 It's fine. 89 00:06:15,100 --> 00:06:17,850 I'll help you. 90 00:06:19,440 --> 00:06:22,610 Just leave me alone! 91 00:06:23,140 --> 00:06:24,340 Sorry, sir! 92 00:06:28,110 --> 00:06:31,870 I'll be waiting for you downstairs in the car... 93 00:06:32,470 --> 00:06:35,020 Oh, I'm not rushing you or anything. 94 00:06:35,020 --> 00:06:36,620 Please take your time. 95 00:06:37,250 --> 00:06:39,610 Just go already. 96 00:06:39,610 --> 00:06:41,870 Sorry, sir! Excuse me! 97 00:06:43,880 --> 00:06:46,380 He's such a pain! 98 00:07:04,710 --> 00:07:05,990 Nobuto's father?! 99 00:07:05,990 --> 00:07:07,220 Why is he here? 100 00:07:08,280 --> 00:07:09,970 He's holding something? 101 00:07:13,130 --> 00:07:14,660 An ALS light?! 102 00:07:15,070 --> 00:07:17,780 Why?! Did he figure it out?! 103 00:07:20,040 --> 00:07:23,040 Wait. Think. 104 00:07:23,400 --> 00:07:24,620 What do I do? 105 00:07:25,150 --> 00:07:26,550 What do I do? 106 00:07:27,830 --> 00:07:29,550 What do I do?! 107 00:07:41,320 --> 00:07:47,470 When I first entered that room, I didn't get to check the toilet and the bathroom... 108 00:07:49,130 --> 00:07:52,320 because there was a man named Suzuki there. 109 00:07:52,900 --> 00:07:58,230 But that was the man who killed Nobuto, Tosu Tetsuo. 110 00:07:59,310 --> 00:08:03,030 He probably hid the body in... 111 00:08:10,290 --> 00:08:12,090 There's nothing here! 112 00:08:12,840 --> 00:08:17,100 Obviously no blood, but there's no sweat or keratin either. 113 00:08:17,600 --> 00:08:20,600 No, it's too clean. 114 00:08:20,950 --> 00:08:23,750 I know Kasen did some deep cleaning. 115 00:08:25,460 --> 00:08:30,770 Even if it wasn't perfect, there shouldn't be any conclusive evidence. 116 00:08:36,060 --> 00:08:38,120 Now he's at the toilet door... 117 00:08:41,090 --> 00:08:42,600 There it is. 118 00:08:42,600 --> 00:08:45,620 But this is the home of a young woman. 119 00:08:46,180 --> 00:08:49,130 This isn't necessarily Nobuto's blood. 120 00:08:52,370 --> 00:08:55,840 There's nothing that lets me confirm it either way. 121 00:08:55,840 --> 00:08:59,640 Kyoichi-kun. Your deduction was not— 122 00:09:37,260 --> 00:09:40,430 I see. I see how it is. 123 00:09:42,050 --> 00:09:45,140 He died here. 124 00:09:47,610 --> 00:09:50,490 No time for planning anymore! 125 00:09:52,990 --> 00:09:56,700 I have to stop him, no matter what! 126 00:10:01,110 --> 00:10:02,780 Nobuto... 127 00:10:06,040 --> 00:10:07,240 Nobuto! 128 00:10:09,130 --> 00:10:12,710 Nobuto! 129 00:10:16,570 --> 00:10:19,250 Nobuto! It's me, your dad! 130 00:10:19,250 --> 00:10:20,940 Nobuto! 131 00:10:20,940 --> 00:10:24,720 I miss you, Nobuto! 132 00:10:25,530 --> 00:10:28,230 Nobuto! 133 00:10:50,940 --> 00:10:52,250 Are you here? 134 00:10:54,610 --> 00:10:57,030 Hey, are you here? 135 00:11:20,740 --> 00:11:22,000 Everything... 136 00:11:23,740 --> 00:11:25,710 was my doing. 137 00:11:30,500 --> 00:11:33,740 It's been painful... 138 00:11:33,740 --> 00:11:37,500 I told myself that there would come a day when this pain would end 139 00:11:37,500 --> 00:11:43,020 and crawled my way to this point. 140 00:11:43,020 --> 00:11:46,150 But I never expected this conclusion. 141 00:11:47,070 --> 00:11:49,360 There are two options. 142 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:52,310 One is to silence him. 143 00:11:52,310 --> 00:11:55,580 Buy him out or threaten him. Or... 144 00:11:56,020 --> 00:11:58,250 No. No more. 145 00:11:58,250 --> 00:11:59,870 I've had enough. 146 00:12:00,270 --> 00:12:02,030 So I'll choose the other option. 147 00:12:02,570 --> 00:12:04,480 I did it. 148 00:12:05,050 --> 00:12:07,270 I'll end it myself. 149 00:12:08,940 --> 00:12:11,040 I'll turn myself in now. 150 00:12:12,990 --> 00:12:15,040 I'm so hungry! 151 00:12:15,700 --> 00:12:18,040 Let's eat already. 152 00:12:18,040 --> 00:12:20,340 Hang on just a little longer. 153 00:12:20,930 --> 00:12:23,050 But it's gonna get cold! 154 00:12:23,370 --> 00:12:26,050 What is Dad doing? 155 00:12:26,720 --> 00:12:28,050 I know... 156 00:12:31,510 --> 00:12:33,050 Turn yourself in? 157 00:12:33,430 --> 00:12:34,490 Yes. 158 00:12:35,490 --> 00:12:37,060 Turn yourself in. 159 00:12:39,670 --> 00:12:41,320 Don't move! 160 00:12:41,320 --> 00:12:44,580 The moment you do, I'll shoot. 161 00:12:48,880 --> 00:12:52,330 Stay sitting like that, and put your hands behind your head. 162 00:12:56,010 --> 00:12:57,640 He's got a gun? 163 00:12:57,640 --> 00:13:00,840 If so, he'd show it to scare me. 164 00:13:00,840 --> 00:13:03,840 Which means he's bluffing. 165 00:13:04,350 --> 00:13:05,840 Don't move. 166 00:13:07,230 --> 00:13:09,760 I don't mean to resist, but... 167 00:13:12,580 --> 00:13:14,350 I can't tell what he's thinking. 168 00:13:14,970 --> 00:13:18,250 I can only sense something terrifying through the air. 169 00:13:19,310 --> 00:13:21,190 What happened here? 170 00:13:22,610 --> 00:13:25,330 Someone from the organization did it. 171 00:13:25,330 --> 00:13:27,110 A man named Kyoichi. 172 00:13:27,580 --> 00:13:29,950 Ah, Kyoichi-kun. 173 00:13:29,950 --> 00:13:33,120 I-I will turn myself in! 174 00:13:33,120 --> 00:13:36,620 If you could call the police from here... 175 00:13:37,110 --> 00:13:40,630 Why would I call the police? 176 00:13:40,630 --> 00:13:44,640 I'm going to kill you. You and your family. 177 00:13:45,940 --> 00:13:48,760 What? What's that face for? 178 00:13:48,760 --> 00:13:51,860 M-My wife and my daughter have nothing to do with this! 179 00:13:51,860 --> 00:13:54,770 I did everything by myself! 180 00:13:55,240 --> 00:13:56,770 So? 181 00:13:56,770 --> 00:14:00,610 S-So please, spare my family. 182 00:14:00,610 --> 00:14:02,120 Not my family! 183 00:14:02,120 --> 00:14:05,780 My family was murdered. 184 00:14:06,280 --> 00:14:08,760 My only family. 185 00:14:08,760 --> 00:14:10,650 Do you remember? 186 00:14:12,090 --> 00:14:14,840 I told you, didn't I? 187 00:14:15,460 --> 00:14:17,380 I'd kill them. 188 00:14:18,370 --> 00:14:21,920 I'd kill whoever did it, along with their family. 189 00:14:22,350 --> 00:14:25,280 I wish I could go back to that night. 190 00:14:25,280 --> 00:14:28,680 I would have killed you on the spot. 191 00:14:28,680 --> 00:14:32,330 I-If you're going to kill someone, please just kill me! 192 00:14:32,330 --> 00:14:34,220 You can kill me! 193 00:14:34,220 --> 00:14:36,180 Or I'll kill myself! I'll do anything! 194 00:14:36,180 --> 00:14:38,310 I told you not to move! 195 00:14:38,660 --> 00:14:40,970 I won't let you kill yourself! 196 00:14:40,970 --> 00:14:45,320 First, I'll torture your family to death in front of you. 197 00:14:45,730 --> 00:14:50,820 Strip them naked and let the guys from the organization have their way with them. 198 00:14:51,280 --> 00:14:57,580 One is a middle-aged woman, but our guys are beasts. 199 00:14:57,580 --> 00:14:59,550 They'll rape them all night. 200 00:14:59,550 --> 00:15:02,080 And you're going to watch. 201 00:15:02,080 --> 00:15:08,780 I'll stick fishhooks through your eyelids so you can't close them. I'll make you watch it all. 202 00:15:08,780 --> 00:15:13,030 After raping them, we'll crucify them and skin them alive. 203 00:15:13,030 --> 00:15:14,590 Burn their hands and feet. 204 00:15:14,590 --> 00:15:16,100 Cut off their ears. 205 00:15:16,100 --> 00:15:18,840 Hammer in nails all over their bodies. 206 00:15:18,840 --> 00:15:21,120 And eviscerate them. 207 00:15:21,120 --> 00:15:25,860 Finally, we'll cut off their heads and place them in front of you. 208 00:15:26,340 --> 00:15:29,360 I'll let you say goodbye. 209 00:15:29,820 --> 00:15:33,230 Then it's your turn. 210 00:15:36,090 --> 00:15:38,120 This man would do that. 211 00:15:38,940 --> 00:15:40,620 He'd really do it! 212 00:15:41,250 --> 00:15:42,620 He can't! 213 00:15:42,620 --> 00:15:44,440 Definitely not! 214 00:15:45,670 --> 00:15:47,640 Am I going to do it again? 215 00:15:48,170 --> 00:15:50,990 I decided that I was going to end it. 216 00:15:51,820 --> 00:15:55,640 Or... am I going to lose it all over again? 217 00:15:58,140 --> 00:16:00,640 Died on February 13th, 1988 218 00:16:05,800 --> 00:16:07,480 The happiness I acquired... 219 00:16:08,450 --> 00:16:09,700 No! 220 00:16:31,100 --> 00:16:33,510 He's taking his time... 221 00:17:09,510 --> 00:17:12,130 Let me... go... 222 00:17:17,680 --> 00:17:18,730 Hello? 223 00:17:20,640 --> 00:17:21,640 Kubo 224 00:17:20,640 --> 00:17:21,640 Connecting 225 00:17:21,050 --> 00:17:22,160 Matori-san? 226 00:17:21,640 --> 00:17:22,640 Kubo 227 00:17:21,640 --> 00:17:22,640 Connecting 228 00:17:43,120 --> 00:17:45,230 Kubo-kun! 229 00:18:01,510 --> 00:18:03,050 What the...? 230 00:18:06,320 --> 00:18:07,420 Are they fighting? 231 00:18:10,600 --> 00:18:12,690 Wait, huh?! 232 00:18:12,690 --> 00:18:14,490 Call the police! 233 00:18:20,820 --> 00:18:24,700 Connecting 234 00:18:20,820 --> 00:18:24,700 Matori-san 235 00:18:21,310 --> 00:18:26,090 The number you are trying to reach is outside of the coverage— 236 00:18:29,710 --> 00:18:31,500 This is Doi. 237 00:18:31,500 --> 00:18:35,530 You bastard. You're not pissing Matori-san off, are you? 238 00:18:35,530 --> 00:18:38,990 Huh?! No! I don't... think so. 239 00:18:38,990 --> 00:18:41,250 What's he doing right now? 240 00:18:41,250 --> 00:18:43,720 He told me to leave him alone, so... 241 00:18:44,120 --> 00:18:45,280 He's in the room. 242 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:48,230 I'm waiting in the car. 243 00:18:49,180 --> 00:18:51,840 I just got a call from Matori-san. 244 00:18:52,560 --> 00:18:54,410 But he hung up right away. 245 00:18:54,410 --> 00:18:56,330 And he's not picking up. 246 00:18:56,790 --> 00:18:59,240 Should I go check on him? 247 00:18:59,240 --> 00:19:01,300 He said to leave him alone? 248 00:19:01,300 --> 00:19:02,850 What was his tone when he said that? 249 00:19:02,850 --> 00:19:05,670 He sounded grumpy for sure. 250 00:19:05,670 --> 00:19:09,240 I was told to go home, but I'm waiting just in case. 251 00:19:10,360 --> 00:19:12,750 So it would be a bad move to meddle. 252 00:19:12,750 --> 00:19:15,640 But he must be in there. 253 00:19:16,030 --> 00:19:18,760 So he's okay, then? 254 00:19:18,760 --> 00:19:21,310 I... think so. 255 00:20:08,580 --> 00:20:09,660 Damn you. 256 00:20:13,340 --> 00:20:15,520 Damn you! 257 00:20:22,750 --> 00:20:24,950 Atone for your sins! 258 00:20:25,270 --> 00:20:29,950 You tried to kill my daughter first! 259 00:20:29,950 --> 00:20:32,460 Who cares?! 260 00:20:43,910 --> 00:20:47,470 Just like my daughter is a nobody to you, 261 00:20:48,000 --> 00:20:51,370 I couldn't care less about your son. 262 00:20:51,870 --> 00:20:53,390 He's a complete stranger! 263 00:20:54,070 --> 00:21:01,400 All I wanted was to protect my family with peace and love! 264 00:21:02,300 --> 00:21:06,040 I didn't wish for anything more! 265 00:21:06,040 --> 00:21:08,900 Please! I need you to understand that! 266 00:21:10,210 --> 00:21:13,410 Father to father who loves his family... 267 00:21:17,990 --> 00:21:20,330 Feigning a petite bourgeois identity... 268 00:21:20,990 --> 00:21:25,150 You say you'll turn yourself in, but you resist so desperately. 269 00:21:25,150 --> 00:21:27,130 You're so greedy. 270 00:21:27,800 --> 00:21:29,480 No matter how much you struggle, 271 00:21:29,480 --> 00:21:34,890 you'll be the man who killed Nobuto for the rest of your life. 272 00:21:36,360 --> 00:21:37,940 I know. 273 00:21:37,940 --> 00:21:40,500 It is difficult to let it end. 274 00:21:42,570 --> 00:21:47,950 Humans are animals that continue living without meaning to. 275 00:21:48,470 --> 00:21:50,510 But it's okay. 276 00:21:50,510 --> 00:21:53,950 Even if you die, nothing will change. 277 00:21:54,860 --> 00:21:57,960 The world will go on without you. 278 00:21:59,040 --> 00:22:04,380 Be at ease and fade away, Tosu Tetsuo. 279 00:23:10,110 --> 00:23:13,740 I'm scared because I'm weak 280 00:23:35,010 --> 00:23:40,160 Next Time Episode 12 The Current Happiness