1 00:00:09,103 --> 00:00:10,000 Come on! 2 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:11,724 It's picture time! 3 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:15,275 ♪ In the Loud house ♪ 4 00:00:15,275 --> 00:00:16,620 ♪ Really loud house ♪ 5 00:00:19,965 --> 00:00:21,206 It's finally here. 6 00:00:21,206 --> 00:00:22,586 Clyde, come check this out. 7 00:00:22,586 --> 00:00:25,275 "Blood Bath and Beyond: Deathfest 7" 8 00:00:25,275 --> 00:00:27,379 in stores now. 9 00:00:27,379 --> 00:00:29,206 Rated L for "lethal." 10 00:00:30,827 --> 00:00:33,206 I wish we were old enough to buy that game. 11 00:00:33,206 --> 00:00:35,827 Why do 18-year-olds get to have all the fun? 12 00:00:35,827 --> 00:00:37,724 Video games, tattoos... 13 00:00:37,724 --> 00:00:40,793 Voting for your favorite local politician. 14 00:00:42,689 --> 00:00:44,068 What? 15 00:00:44,068 --> 00:00:45,758 Be the change you want to see in the world. 16 00:00:45,758 --> 00:00:48,758 Hey, let's call Flip and see if he'll buy it for us. 17 00:00:50,137 --> 00:00:51,448 I don't know, Lincoln. 18 00:00:51,448 --> 00:00:53,827 It's rated L for "let's maybe not do this." 19 00:00:53,827 --> 00:00:56,586 And besides, that game would definitely give me nightmares. 20 00:00:56,586 --> 00:00:58,793 Come on, Clyde. 21 00:00:58,793 --> 00:01:01,172 We've been talking about "Deathfest 7" for weeks! 22 00:01:01,172 --> 00:01:02,482 We're in middle school now. 23 00:01:02,482 --> 00:01:04,482 We can't keep playing "Kitten Emergency." 24 00:01:04,482 --> 00:01:05,896 We love "Kitten Emergency." 25 00:01:05,896 --> 00:01:07,965 We got the highest score in Michigan that one summer. 26 00:01:07,965 --> 00:01:09,551 The mayor wrote us a letter, 27 00:01:09,551 --> 00:01:11,620 and they even put our picture up at the kitten shelter. 28 00:01:11,620 --> 00:01:13,793 Clyde, we were in the third grade. 29 00:01:13,793 --> 00:01:16,793 You got to stop living in the past. 30 00:01:16,793 --> 00:01:18,310 Lincoln, the mayor! 31 00:01:18,310 --> 00:01:20,241 Ugh, can we please just drop this? 32 00:01:20,241 --> 00:01:22,931 Okay, look, I'm just saying, 33 00:01:22,931 --> 00:01:25,241 what other third grader do you know 34 00:01:25,241 --> 00:01:27,724 that has a picture with the mayor? 35 00:01:27,724 --> 00:01:29,379 Do we know any older cool guys 36 00:01:29,379 --> 00:01:31,172 that would buy "Deathfest 7" for us? 37 00:01:31,172 --> 00:01:32,758 Do we know any cool guys? 38 00:01:54,896 --> 00:01:56,241 Sup, little bro-deo? 39 00:01:56,241 --> 00:01:58,827 Ready to go have some burgs? - You know, big bro. 40 00:02:00,586 --> 00:02:03,379 Oh, and look what else I got you. 41 00:02:07,206 --> 00:02:08,793 "Blood Bath and Beyond 7"? 42 00:02:08,793 --> 00:02:11,896 But Mom said I was too young to play this. 43 00:02:11,896 --> 00:02:14,931 Yeah, that's why it's rated L for "Lorraine sucks." 44 00:02:16,655 --> 00:02:18,965 Lorraine's Mom's name, dude. - Oh, yeah. 45 00:02:26,965 --> 00:02:30,931 "Blood Bath and Beyond: Deathfest 7" 46 00:02:30,931 --> 00:02:32,517 in stores now. 47 00:02:32,517 --> 00:02:34,620 Get it today. 48 00:02:37,344 --> 00:02:39,068 Sup, little dude? 49 00:02:39,068 --> 00:02:43,413 Saw you at school and thought you might want one of these. 50 00:02:44,689 --> 00:02:48,068 "Deathfest 7"? No way. 51 00:02:48,068 --> 00:02:50,482 Yes way. 52 00:02:50,482 --> 00:02:52,206 Why did you do this for me? 53 00:02:52,206 --> 00:02:54,275 It's just what big bros do. 54 00:02:58,551 --> 00:03:00,344 Excuse me, brother. 55 00:03:00,344 --> 00:03:01,689 I couldn't help noticing 56 00:03:01,689 --> 00:03:03,758 you seem to be in a bit of a trance. 57 00:03:03,758 --> 00:03:06,724 A penny for your thoughts? - Sure. 58 00:03:06,724 --> 00:03:08,862 I guess I was thinking it would be nice 59 00:03:08,862 --> 00:03:10,310 to have a cool guy to hang out with. 60 00:03:10,310 --> 00:03:12,241 Interesting. 61 00:03:12,241 --> 00:03:14,448 It seems to me you already have that position filled 62 00:03:14,448 --> 00:03:16,931 with your best friend, Clyde. 63 00:03:21,034 --> 00:03:24,448 Okay, I know you weren't a huge fan of "Kitten Emergency," 64 00:03:24,448 --> 00:03:29,310 so I got us the video game that we've both been waiting for. 65 00:03:29,310 --> 00:03:30,379 No way. 66 00:03:30,379 --> 00:03:32,000 Yes way. 67 00:03:33,482 --> 00:03:35,793 "Fishing Fanatics 5." 68 00:03:35,793 --> 00:03:37,448 Voted the number one fishing game 69 00:03:37,448 --> 00:03:39,068 in "That's Fishy Magazine." 70 00:03:40,896 --> 00:03:42,413 Clyde. 71 00:03:42,413 --> 00:03:44,379 Read my lips: 72 00:03:44,379 --> 00:03:46,827 no fish, no kittens. 73 00:03:48,275 --> 00:03:49,862 Clyde's great, 74 00:03:49,862 --> 00:03:53,793 but I'm more thinking along the lines of a cool older brother. 75 00:03:54,931 --> 00:03:57,758 Anyways, I guess it doesn't matter. 76 00:04:02,689 --> 00:04:03,620 Interesting. 77 00:04:06,137 --> 00:04:07,517 I agree, Todd. 78 00:04:07,517 --> 00:04:09,482 That's a very interesting hypothesis. 79 00:04:09,482 --> 00:04:11,413 Good job. 80 00:04:11,413 --> 00:04:14,241 Aah! 81 00:04:14,241 --> 00:04:16,965 Aah, my ding-dang neck! 82 00:04:16,965 --> 00:04:18,931 If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: 83 00:04:18,931 --> 00:04:22,724 never mop and bake at the same time. 84 00:04:22,724 --> 00:04:24,413 Once a year, without fail, 85 00:04:24,413 --> 00:04:26,758 my dad wrenches his neck pretty bad. 86 00:04:26,758 --> 00:04:31,068 ♪ Highway to the Danger Zone ♪ 87 00:04:31,068 --> 00:04:34,482 - Aah! Aah! - ♪ Gonna take it right into ♪ 88 00:04:34,482 --> 00:04:37,896 ♪ The Danger Zone ♪ 89 00:04:37,896 --> 00:04:42,448 ♪ Highway to the Danger Zone ♪ 90 00:04:42,448 --> 00:04:45,206 Aah... 91 00:04:45,206 --> 00:04:47,413 But luckily, he has a very elaborate routine 92 00:04:47,413 --> 00:04:49,034 to nurse himself back to health. 93 00:04:49,034 --> 00:04:52,758 Ah, I forgot my cucumber slices. 94 00:04:54,586 --> 00:04:56,965 Hey, hey, hey. Did you clog the toilet? 95 00:04:56,965 --> 00:04:59,172 Mm, not yet. 96 00:04:59,172 --> 00:05:01,586 No, no, no, no, no, no-- 97 00:05:01,586 --> 00:05:04,000 Listen, you--aah! 98 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:07,448 Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. 99 00:05:11,758 --> 00:05:14,275 Aah! 100 00:05:16,172 --> 00:05:18,413 That took seven hours to come out. 101 00:05:18,413 --> 00:05:21,275 I'd wait seven hours to go in. 102 00:05:25,344 --> 00:05:26,655 Aah! 103 00:05:30,379 --> 00:05:32,448 What? Rudy has to go too. 104 00:05:37,206 --> 00:05:39,482 Here's Lincoln, as you requested. 105 00:05:39,482 --> 00:05:42,137 I found him out in the bushes. 106 00:05:42,137 --> 00:05:44,000 It's not my fault! 107 00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:47,000 Lana's rooster had to use the bathroom. 108 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:48,620 Thank you, Todd. 109 00:05:48,620 --> 00:05:50,241 The reason I summoned you here today 110 00:05:50,241 --> 00:05:53,413 is because I think I have the solution to your bro pro. 111 00:05:53,413 --> 00:05:56,068 "Bro pro" stands for brother problem, mi hermano. 112 00:05:56,068 --> 00:05:58,517 "Mi hermano" means my brother in Spanish. 113 00:05:58,517 --> 00:06:00,379 "Spanish" is-- - I got it. 114 00:06:00,379 --> 00:06:02,206 Just tell me why I'm here. 115 00:06:04,137 --> 00:06:06,413 I give you... 116 00:06:06,413 --> 00:06:09,620 the Ro-Bro 5000. 117 00:06:09,620 --> 00:06:11,275 It's your very own older brother. 118 00:06:11,275 --> 00:06:14,724 I watched numerous movies and TV shows from the 1980s 119 00:06:14,724 --> 00:06:16,413 and programmed him with all the features 120 00:06:16,413 --> 00:06:17,827 of an ideal older brother. 121 00:06:17,827 --> 00:06:21,724 Needless to say, he's brimming with bro-tential. 122 00:06:21,724 --> 00:06:23,103 Thanks, Lisa. 123 00:06:23,103 --> 00:06:25,655 So I can just sit here and hang out with him? 124 00:06:25,655 --> 00:06:27,724 You can do better than that. 125 00:06:39,517 --> 00:06:40,655 I don't know what to say. 126 00:06:40,655 --> 00:06:42,413 Go say hi to your new brother. 127 00:06:55,793 --> 00:06:57,000 What is up, bro? 128 00:06:57,000 --> 00:06:59,000 How you living? What is good? 129 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:02,413 Whoa. Everything is good now. 130 00:07:02,413 --> 00:07:03,827 Is this really happening? 131 00:07:03,827 --> 00:07:06,517 Word to your mother. Ha! Let's bounce. 132 00:07:06,517 --> 00:07:10,206 Hope you don't mind going fast and looking awesome. 133 00:07:10,206 --> 00:07:11,965 Do you like math? 134 00:07:11,965 --> 00:07:15,965 Because us plus this car equals party time. 135 00:07:15,965 --> 00:07:18,965 Time to make these tires chirp. 136 00:07:18,965 --> 00:07:20,793 Pop on this fresh lid. 137 00:07:20,793 --> 00:07:22,689 The Loud brothers are on the loose. 138 00:07:22,689 --> 00:07:25,482 Yeah, we are. 139 00:07:25,482 --> 00:07:27,172 Bro style. 140 00:07:27,172 --> 00:07:28,965 Oh! 141 00:07:28,965 --> 00:07:30,275 Tight. 142 00:07:30,275 --> 00:07:31,758 We are going to hit every hot spot 143 00:07:31,758 --> 00:07:34,103 in Royal Woods, bro. 144 00:07:34,103 --> 00:07:37,482 Actually, Ro-Bro, I need to be back in 20 minutes 145 00:07:37,482 --> 00:07:38,655 to do my homework. 146 00:07:38,655 --> 00:07:40,275 Is that a dare? 147 00:07:51,241 --> 00:07:52,620 19 minutes flat. 148 00:07:52,620 --> 00:07:55,206 Told you we could have gotten those nose rings. 149 00:07:55,206 --> 00:07:58,379 Someone's taking a drive to Tummy Ache Town. 150 00:07:58,379 --> 00:08:01,310 I don't know if this is me or the cotton candy talking, 151 00:08:01,310 --> 00:08:04,965 but you may be the coolest guy I've ever met. 152 00:08:04,965 --> 00:08:06,896 No lies detected. 153 00:08:06,896 --> 00:08:08,137 You got it. 154 00:08:08,137 --> 00:08:09,758 If the bar ain't bending, 155 00:08:09,758 --> 00:08:11,379 you're just pretending. 156 00:08:11,379 --> 00:08:13,586 Whoo! 157 00:08:13,586 --> 00:08:15,206 Down to toss the disk? 158 00:08:15,206 --> 00:08:17,896 You know it! 159 00:08:17,896 --> 00:08:21,413 Oh, my homework. 160 00:08:21,413 --> 00:08:22,827 Calculating answers. 161 00:08:22,827 --> 00:08:24,206 Neil Armstrong. Alexander Graham Bell. 162 00:08:24,206 --> 00:08:26,206 Taylor Swift, but Beyoncé was robbed. 163 00:08:26,206 --> 00:08:27,655 Awesome! 164 00:08:27,655 --> 00:08:29,862 Welcome to Harvard. 165 00:08:29,862 --> 00:08:31,172 Go long, bro. 166 00:08:36,586 --> 00:08:38,689 My yard, my property! 167 00:08:38,689 --> 00:08:40,413 - I'll get it. - Don't bother. 168 00:08:40,413 --> 00:08:42,413 Once stuff goes into Mr. Grouse's yard, 169 00:08:42,413 --> 00:08:44,896 it stays there forever. 170 00:08:44,896 --> 00:08:48,758 He's big and mean, and we'll never get it back. 171 00:08:48,758 --> 00:08:51,896 Have you met me? I am Ro-Bro. 172 00:08:51,896 --> 00:08:53,275 Step aside. 173 00:08:54,758 --> 00:08:56,103 Crash! 174 00:08:56,103 --> 00:08:58,344 Oh, no! 175 00:08:58,344 --> 00:09:01,241 Oh, you Louds! 176 00:09:01,241 --> 00:09:03,310 - Here! Here! Here! Here! - Holy mackerel! 177 00:09:03,310 --> 00:09:05,103 - Here! Here! Here! Here! - Why, you rascal-y robot! 178 00:09:05,103 --> 00:09:07,724 Now you've got no balls! Ha ha! 179 00:09:07,724 --> 00:09:09,758 I'm calling the cops! 180 00:09:09,758 --> 00:09:12,655 Chill out, Karen. 181 00:09:12,655 --> 00:09:15,310 Lily, we found your car! 182 00:09:15,310 --> 00:09:18,241 I can't believe Mrs. Salter gave me a B. 183 00:09:18,241 --> 00:09:20,758 I mean, look at the schnoz on Lincoln! 184 00:09:20,758 --> 00:09:23,344 Thing took me a week! 185 00:09:23,344 --> 00:09:25,931 Well, anyway, who's picking us up? 186 00:09:25,931 --> 00:09:27,551 Leni or your mom? 187 00:09:27,551 --> 00:09:29,655 Neither. 188 00:09:48,413 --> 00:09:51,068 Somebody's new in town. 189 00:09:51,068 --> 00:09:53,482 Doesn't anybody else notice that's a robot? 190 00:09:53,482 --> 00:09:56,379 That's not a robot. That's my big brother. 191 00:09:58,793 --> 00:10:01,172 What's up, broseph? 192 00:10:01,172 --> 00:10:03,862 Thanks for picking me up. Today is the best day ever. 193 00:10:03,862 --> 00:10:05,689 It's about to get even better. 194 00:10:09,034 --> 00:10:11,275 "Blood Bath and Beyond: Deathfest 7"? 195 00:10:11,275 --> 00:10:12,793 Thanks! 196 00:10:14,379 --> 00:10:16,689 Hi. I'm Clyde. 197 00:10:16,689 --> 00:10:19,965 Hope you have room for George, Thomas, Teddy, and Abe. 198 00:10:26,448 --> 00:10:29,896 Just pop the trunk. I'll throw them in the back. 199 00:10:29,896 --> 00:10:32,137 That's a great idea. 200 00:10:34,620 --> 00:10:36,448 Not! 201 00:10:40,103 --> 00:10:42,931 Let's mash some buttons. 202 00:10:50,586 --> 00:10:52,758 Dare I get another candle? 203 00:10:52,758 --> 00:10:54,068 I dare. 204 00:10:56,862 --> 00:10:58,586 Thanks, Dad. 205 00:11:00,724 --> 00:11:02,551 Hey! 206 00:11:02,551 --> 00:11:04,517 Hey, I was using the bathroom. 207 00:11:07,551 --> 00:11:09,965 was. 208 00:11:09,965 --> 00:11:12,379 Sorry, Dad, big pageant tomorrow. 209 00:11:12,379 --> 00:11:15,068 Got to take care of the moneymaker. 210 00:11:15,068 --> 00:11:17,310 Okay. 211 00:11:17,310 --> 00:11:18,965 How much time are you gonna need? 212 00:11:18,965 --> 00:11:22,172 Well, I have to exfoliate, tone, moisturize, 213 00:11:22,172 --> 00:11:24,172 peel, lather, rinse, repeat, and re-foliate. 214 00:11:24,172 --> 00:11:27,931 This magic doesn't happen by accident. 215 00:11:27,931 --> 00:11:29,827 Fine, I'll wait. 216 00:11:32,896 --> 00:11:34,551 Good luck with the pageant. 217 00:11:36,793 --> 00:11:38,034 Love ya! 218 00:11:38,034 --> 00:11:40,551 - Yes! - Nice maneuver! 219 00:11:40,551 --> 00:11:43,172 You're the man, L-Train! 220 00:11:43,172 --> 00:11:46,965 L-Train? I'm not hating that nickname. 221 00:11:46,965 --> 00:11:50,241 This game's everything I dreamed of and more. 222 00:11:50,241 --> 00:11:52,931 I'm gonna get real for a second, Ro-Bro. 223 00:11:52,931 --> 00:11:54,241 I look up to you. 224 00:11:54,241 --> 00:11:56,068 You're cool and thoughtful. 225 00:11:56,068 --> 00:11:59,034 And the world needs more Ro-Bros. 226 00:11:59,034 --> 00:12:01,586 Compliment registered. 227 00:12:01,586 --> 00:12:05,241 Now rip off that alien's arms and use them like chopsticks. 228 00:12:07,206 --> 00:12:09,931 Okay. Sorry I'm late, guys. 229 00:12:09,931 --> 00:12:11,827 Oh, hey, Mr. Ro-Bro. 230 00:12:11,827 --> 00:12:14,034 Mr. Ro-Bro is my dad. 231 00:12:14,034 --> 00:12:15,724 Uh, you must have hit the accelerator 232 00:12:15,724 --> 00:12:18,586 instead of the truck opener. 233 00:12:18,586 --> 00:12:20,482 Totally understandable. 234 00:12:20,482 --> 00:12:22,655 Chug a Flippee and grab some couch, C-Train. 235 00:12:22,655 --> 00:12:24,310 That sounds totes amazing. 236 00:12:24,310 --> 00:12:26,275 I'm actually a little dusty, so I was hoping 237 00:12:26,275 --> 00:12:29,448 I could grab some rinse-age, AKA take a quick bath. 238 00:12:29,448 --> 00:12:33,000 Not today, C-Train. Daddy's got dibs. 239 00:12:34,310 --> 00:12:35,586 I'm headed to the top of that building. 240 00:12:35,586 --> 00:12:37,827 Cover me, bro. - You got it, bro. 241 00:12:37,827 --> 00:12:40,344 Leeroy Jenkins! 242 00:12:40,344 --> 00:12:42,206 You got to get in on this, C-Train. 243 00:12:44,896 --> 00:12:46,586 Here we go. This is it. 244 00:12:46,586 --> 00:12:48,482 - Let's go! - Get him! Ha ha ha! 245 00:12:48,482 --> 00:12:50,344 - Set up the tarp! - Yes! 246 00:12:50,344 --> 00:12:52,379 Clyde, use the tree trunk to sweep his legs! 247 00:12:52,379 --> 00:12:54,034 Make him eat bark, bro. 248 00:12:54,034 --> 00:12:56,000 Then press X to cover him with leaves. 249 00:12:56,000 --> 00:12:58,241 I don't know. He looks hurt. 250 00:12:58,241 --> 00:13:00,448 Which buttons do I press to call the paramedics? 251 00:13:00,448 --> 00:13:03,206 Come on, dude. 252 00:13:03,206 --> 00:13:05,241 My nerd alert is going off. 253 00:13:05,241 --> 00:13:07,827 I thought you said this guy was cool. 254 00:13:07,827 --> 00:13:09,103 He is. 255 00:13:09,103 --> 00:13:11,172 Come on, Clyde! Press X! 256 00:13:11,172 --> 00:13:13,137 Press-- 257 00:13:13,137 --> 00:13:14,689 I'll do it. 258 00:13:14,689 --> 00:13:15,896 Yes! 259 00:13:15,896 --> 00:13:17,413 Ha ha! 260 00:13:17,413 --> 00:13:19,862 The Loud brothers are killing it. 261 00:13:19,862 --> 00:13:24,206 I guess I'll show myself out. 262 00:13:24,206 --> 00:13:25,827 - Oh, yes! - Reload! 263 00:13:25,827 --> 00:13:27,896 I think those martians want to party. 264 00:13:27,896 --> 00:13:29,310 Ha ha ha! 265 00:13:29,310 --> 00:13:32,068 - Oh, huge mutant. - Oh, oh! Nice one! 266 00:13:32,068 --> 00:13:33,344 - Yes! - Come on! 267 00:13:33,344 --> 00:13:36,103 C-Train leaving the station. 268 00:13:45,068 --> 00:13:47,413 Hey, where'd Clyde go? 269 00:13:47,413 --> 00:13:50,344 - We are so good at this game. - Yeah. 270 00:13:50,344 --> 00:13:52,931 Stay focused. We are almost to the hot tub. 271 00:14:18,206 --> 00:14:20,379 L-Train to C-Train, what's your location? 272 00:14:20,379 --> 00:14:22,655 - Hi, Lincoln. - You were supposed to be 273 00:14:22,655 --> 00:14:24,482 flushing out mutants in Sector 6. 274 00:14:24,482 --> 00:14:26,551 I just wanted to see if you guys wanted some lemon squares. 275 00:14:26,551 --> 00:14:28,827 Now I'm not supposed to snack between meals, 276 00:14:28,827 --> 00:14:31,275 but... 277 00:14:31,275 --> 00:14:33,103 we like to live on the edge. 278 00:14:33,103 --> 00:14:34,517 We do not have time for that. 279 00:14:34,517 --> 00:14:36,689 His lemon squares are delicious. 280 00:14:36,689 --> 00:14:37,965 Is this guy for real? 281 00:14:37,965 --> 00:14:40,586 I need soldiers, not bakers. 282 00:14:43,413 --> 00:14:45,137 Aah! Help! 283 00:14:46,793 --> 00:14:49,758 That's why we wear the helmets, boys. 284 00:14:49,758 --> 00:14:51,724 Leave the nerd. Grab the lemon squares. 285 00:14:51,724 --> 00:14:54,241 I think, together, we can lift the rubble. 286 00:14:54,241 --> 00:14:56,310 Why? Is there a lemon square under it? 287 00:14:56,310 --> 00:14:58,655 No, to get my best friend, Clyde, out. 288 00:14:58,655 --> 00:15:00,482 Forget him. He's dead weight, bro. 289 00:15:00,482 --> 00:15:02,241 Let's roll. - No! No! 290 00:15:02,241 --> 00:15:04,068 - Come on. - Don't leave me here! 291 00:15:04,068 --> 00:15:06,413 I forgot my juice boxes! 292 00:15:06,413 --> 00:15:07,482 Lincoln! 293 00:15:07,482 --> 00:15:08,827 Clyde! 294 00:15:08,827 --> 00:15:10,137 Lincoln! 295 00:15:10,137 --> 00:15:12,862 Clyde! 296 00:15:21,827 --> 00:15:24,206 Ro-Bro? Ro-Bro? 297 00:15:26,344 --> 00:15:28,068 This better be important. 298 00:15:28,068 --> 00:15:31,965 Ro-Bro was having a dream about Robot Weather Lady. 299 00:15:31,965 --> 00:15:35,379 Ro-Bro, I think we've been being mean to Clyde. 300 00:15:35,379 --> 00:15:37,172 - Who? - C-Train. 301 00:15:37,172 --> 00:15:38,896 Forget that guy. 302 00:15:38,896 --> 00:15:41,551 He is not a bro like us. 303 00:15:41,551 --> 00:15:43,379 He may not be a bro like you, 304 00:15:43,379 --> 00:15:46,034 but he's the coolest guy I've ever known. 305 00:15:46,034 --> 00:15:47,724 I agree with half of that. 306 00:15:47,724 --> 00:15:51,655 Listen, Ro-Bro, me and Clyde are like this. 307 00:15:51,655 --> 00:15:54,586 And if you think he's not cool, then you think I'm not cool. 308 00:15:54,586 --> 00:15:57,275 I think you're both not cool. 309 00:15:57,275 --> 00:15:59,827 Well, I think we owe him an apology. 310 00:15:59,827 --> 00:16:02,655 I think I owe you a wet willy. 311 00:16:02,655 --> 00:16:05,103 What? How is that even-- 312 00:16:07,896 --> 00:16:09,275 You know what, Ro-Bro? 313 00:16:09,275 --> 00:16:11,103 I don't want you to be my big brother anymore. 314 00:16:11,103 --> 00:16:14,551 Too bad. Ro-Bro is not going anywhere. 315 00:16:14,551 --> 00:16:18,620 My battery has a half-life of 5,000 years! 316 00:16:18,620 --> 00:16:20,586 Well, you're not in charge. 317 00:16:20,586 --> 00:16:21,965 I'm in charge. 318 00:16:21,965 --> 00:16:24,241 Then why are you hitting yourself? 319 00:16:26,655 --> 00:16:28,068 Stop hitting yourself! 320 00:16:28,068 --> 00:16:29,517 Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! 321 00:16:29,517 --> 00:16:31,586 Look, it's the Robot Weather Lady! 322 00:16:31,586 --> 00:16:34,448 Weather Lady, receive my affection. 323 00:16:35,896 --> 00:16:37,724 What is my forecast? 324 00:16:37,724 --> 00:16:40,793 It's Lynn time. 325 00:16:40,793 --> 00:16:43,103 No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. 326 00:16:43,103 --> 00:16:44,586 Lincoln! Lincoln, no! 327 00:16:44,586 --> 00:16:46,206 Lincoln! Lincoln! - Sorry, Dad. 328 00:16:46,206 --> 00:16:47,275 Aah! 329 00:16:47,275 --> 00:16:49,206 Please get out of the bathroom! 330 00:16:49,206 --> 00:16:51,620 I can't. My robot brother turned evil. 331 00:16:51,620 --> 00:16:54,310 And if I don't stop him now, my relationship with Clyde is over 332 00:16:54,310 --> 00:16:56,068 and our entire family may be doomed 333 00:16:56,068 --> 00:16:59,379 to a lifetime of eternally hitting ourselves. 334 00:16:59,379 --> 00:17:01,965 Fine. I'll give you five minutes. 335 00:17:01,965 --> 00:17:02,931 Ooh! 336 00:17:02,931 --> 00:17:04,344 Wait, that did it! 337 00:17:04,344 --> 00:17:07,068 It feels great! Thanks, buddy! 338 00:17:07,068 --> 00:17:09,000 L-Train to C-Train, come in. 339 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:11,448 L-Train to C-Train, come in! 340 00:17:11,448 --> 00:17:13,034 I'm not interested in talking 341 00:17:13,034 --> 00:17:14,172 to anyone named L-Train. 342 00:17:15,965 --> 00:17:17,551 Clyde, I know you're mad at me, 343 00:17:17,551 --> 00:17:19,793 but now is no time to hold grudges. 344 00:17:19,793 --> 00:17:21,068 Ro-Bro turned mean, 345 00:17:21,068 --> 00:17:23,344 and he's making me repeatedly hit myself. 346 00:17:25,413 --> 00:17:27,000 Well, I don't care. 347 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:29,310 Seriously? 348 00:17:31,827 --> 00:17:37,137 Hello? 349 00:17:37,137 --> 00:17:41,034 Look, Clyde, you have every right to be mad at me, 350 00:17:41,034 --> 00:17:42,172 but there's only two guys 351 00:17:42,172 --> 00:17:44,689 that can take this robotic punk down, 352 00:17:44,689 --> 00:17:46,931 and their name is Clincoln McCloud. 353 00:17:51,620 --> 00:17:55,068 You had me at "Hello? Hello? Hello?" 354 00:17:55,068 --> 00:17:56,655 I brought lemon squares. 355 00:18:11,275 --> 00:18:13,448 I'll confront Ro-Bro face-to-face. 356 00:18:13,448 --> 00:18:15,344 You circle around while I have his attention. 357 00:18:15,344 --> 00:18:16,586 Then I'll attack his legs 358 00:18:16,586 --> 00:18:18,034 while you do as much damage as possible 359 00:18:18,034 --> 00:18:20,482 with the biggest, bluntest instrument you can find. 360 00:18:20,482 --> 00:18:22,172 How about your dad's chili cook-off trophy? 361 00:18:22,172 --> 00:18:23,448 Perfect. 362 00:18:23,448 --> 00:18:24,689 You know, that chili was next level. 363 00:18:24,689 --> 00:18:26,827 I think the key was the brown sugar. 364 00:18:26,827 --> 00:18:29,241 - It was good chili. - Yeah. 365 00:18:30,620 --> 00:18:33,310 Now let's go kick some robot butt. 366 00:18:43,206 --> 00:18:44,206 Looking for this? 367 00:18:44,206 --> 00:18:45,827 Chili out. 368 00:18:48,551 --> 00:18:51,034 You guys are next. 369 00:18:51,034 --> 00:18:53,172 Let's go reevaluate. 370 00:18:53,172 --> 00:18:54,379 Go! 371 00:18:59,931 --> 00:19:03,137 Plan B, we throw ourselves at his feet and beg for mercy. 372 00:19:03,137 --> 00:19:04,448 That's my go-to move. 373 00:19:04,448 --> 00:19:07,137 No, Clyde, we can't give up. 374 00:19:07,137 --> 00:19:08,413 Sure, he's bigger than us-- 375 00:19:08,413 --> 00:19:09,862 - And stronger than us. - True. 376 00:19:09,862 --> 00:19:11,448 - And smarter than us. - Yeah. 377 00:19:11,448 --> 00:19:13,827 - Oh, and also cooler than us. - Clyde! 378 00:19:13,827 --> 00:19:16,517 We've been in tighter situations than this. 379 00:19:16,517 --> 00:19:18,827 As long as we have the element of surprise on our side, 380 00:19:18,827 --> 00:19:20,103 he can't win. 381 00:19:23,965 --> 00:19:25,413 Surprise. 382 00:19:25,413 --> 00:19:27,586 It's go-time, nerds. 383 00:19:30,137 --> 00:19:31,241 Sorry, Ro-Bro. 384 00:19:31,241 --> 00:19:32,620 My best friend is afraid of the dark. 385 00:19:32,620 --> 00:19:35,172 Come catch these hands, you... 386 00:19:35,172 --> 00:19:38,068 glorified vacuum cleaner! 387 00:19:39,655 --> 00:19:43,034 Ooh. Aah... - Your pain is my gain. 388 00:19:43,034 --> 00:19:44,482 You're up, buddy. 389 00:19:44,482 --> 00:19:45,896 I'm gonna hit you so hard, 390 00:19:45,896 --> 00:19:48,241 your robot kids will be born dizzy! 391 00:19:48,241 --> 00:19:49,448 Aah! 392 00:19:49,448 --> 00:19:51,448 I've got abs of steel. 393 00:19:53,931 --> 00:19:55,241 You call that a wedgie? 394 00:19:55,241 --> 00:19:57,000 It normally goes over his head! 395 00:19:57,000 --> 00:19:58,137 Clyde! 396 00:19:58,137 --> 00:19:59,137 Wedgie time! 397 00:20:00,551 --> 00:20:02,965 No, no! Let me go! 398 00:20:02,965 --> 00:20:05,103 Ow. 399 00:20:05,103 --> 00:20:06,793 How is it hanging, bro? 400 00:20:08,310 --> 00:20:10,413 Wait a minute. 401 00:20:10,413 --> 00:20:12,103 Lincoln, don't you see what's happening? 402 00:20:12,103 --> 00:20:14,827 Not seeing much of anything right now, Clyde. 403 00:20:14,827 --> 00:20:18,482 You can't out-bro this guy. I mean, he feeds off it. 404 00:20:18,482 --> 00:20:20,413 If we have to kill him, 405 00:20:20,413 --> 00:20:23,448 we have to kill him with kindness. 406 00:20:23,448 --> 00:20:27,000 Ro-Bro, we know you're really not this mean. 407 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:29,310 We know deep down that you have feelings. 408 00:20:29,310 --> 00:20:31,551 Ro-Bro feels nothing. 409 00:20:31,551 --> 00:20:33,034 We don't hate you. 410 00:20:33,034 --> 00:20:35,793 We know there must be some reason you act like this. 411 00:20:35,793 --> 00:20:38,517 How is you relationship with your father? 412 00:20:38,517 --> 00:20:41,344 Ro-Bro's father worked at mill. 413 00:20:41,344 --> 00:20:42,862 Never had time for Ro-Bro. 414 00:20:43,931 --> 00:20:46,586 That's not your fault, Ro-Bro. 415 00:20:46,586 --> 00:20:48,655 We have time for you. 416 00:20:48,655 --> 00:20:50,896 And we're not going anywhere. 417 00:20:50,896 --> 00:20:52,965 Eh, nerds. 418 00:20:52,965 --> 00:20:54,241 Bench press. 419 00:20:54,241 --> 00:20:55,620 Muscle car. 420 00:20:55,620 --> 00:20:58,689 Ro-Bro losing bro energy. 421 00:20:58,689 --> 00:21:01,379 Your dad may not have loved you, 422 00:21:01,379 --> 00:21:02,517 but I do. 423 00:21:05,344 --> 00:21:08,034 Ro-Bro feels cold. 424 00:21:11,275 --> 00:21:12,655 Experiment concluded. 425 00:21:14,724 --> 00:21:16,827 Our hypothesis was confirmed. 426 00:21:16,827 --> 00:21:19,448 True friendship is a bond that cannot be broken. 427 00:21:19,448 --> 00:21:21,172 You did it, Lincoln! 428 00:21:21,172 --> 00:21:24,379 No, Clyde. We did it. 429 00:21:24,379 --> 00:21:26,517 It can go through rocky times. 430 00:21:31,103 --> 00:21:32,689 It can be threatened by things that appear 431 00:21:32,689 --> 00:21:34,172 to be more fun and cooler... 432 00:21:34,172 --> 00:21:36,034 Oh! 433 00:21:39,482 --> 00:21:40,965 And more powerful. 434 00:21:45,034 --> 00:21:46,862 But in the end... 435 00:21:46,862 --> 00:21:49,310 I'm sorry I treated you so poorly. 436 00:21:49,310 --> 00:21:51,310 I was so excited to have a cool brother 437 00:21:51,310 --> 00:21:54,482 that I forgot I had one all along, 438 00:21:54,482 --> 00:21:56,517 and his name is Clyde McBride, 439 00:21:56,517 --> 00:21:59,034 my brother from two other fathers. 440 00:22:01,103 --> 00:22:04,172 True friendship lasts forever.